irclog2html for #kde on 20060805

00:02.14*** join/#kde _drbob (
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00:03.19thermomanpinotree: 2-people im-like but a gui app
00:03.27thermomanit's for non-technicans :)
00:04.11pinotreeah, then no idea
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00:43.29lunitikIf someone states a nickname that is on your ignore list... that should also be ignored imo...
00:44.03Renzewhat if it's an op asking "do you want <blank> kicked?" :)
00:44.30lunitikRenze: If they're on my ignore list, I'm a bad person to give advise on that subject  ;)
00:45.33*** part/#kde schrankwand (
00:46.08lunitikstupid bot  :(
00:49.18*** join/#kde simon_ (
00:49.37*** join/#kde rob (i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob)
01:03.14*** join/#kde supernix (
01:03.25supernixHiya gang
01:03.40supernixDoes anyone know the best way to deal with spam on mail
01:04.07Tomasuk3b seems to be erroring out with some error about O_EXCL, it didnt have this problem a week ago, and the parts of the machine that would matter havent changed.
01:04.29*** join/#kde smithjd (
01:06.18XVampireXsupernix: don't look in spam folder
01:06.51XVampireXsupernix: otherwise setup some anti-spam things that go through your email before fetching them from an email client
01:06.56XVampireXI forgot their names
01:09.21*** join/#kde genioreal (
01:09.57genioreali got a messege that says KLauncher could not be reached via DCOP how can i solve it?
01:12.07*** part/#kde genioreal (
01:14.32supernixOk thanks XVampireX but what do you setup ?
01:14.34supernixI have bogofilter
01:14.46supernixBut what about spamassasin is it still a good thing to use ?
01:15.14XVampireXYeah, heard it's good that's what I was talking about
01:15.34supernixI can't recall how you use it since it has been so long
01:15.47supernixDo you just install spamassassin ?
01:16.22*** join/#kde pinky (
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01:16.35XVampireXI don't install you asked me I answered you, I even told you I don't use it
01:16.56supernixwhat do you use XVampireX ?
01:18.09supernixhmm not sure how you manage your spam levels without just avoiding email
01:18.44*** join/#kde [CAVE] (
01:23.52XVampireXgmail is your friend
01:25.22Ash-FoxCan't use gmail on your own domains.
01:26.27*** join/#kde excitatory (
01:31.21supernixgmail is webmail
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01:36.24*** join/#kde iostream (
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01:36.31iostreamhi =)
01:36.33*** part/#kde [CAVEMAN] (
01:38.31iostreamis it possible to configure konqi to show full paths in the window title and in back/forward ?
01:40.50*** part/#kde nich (n=nich@unaffiliated/nich)
01:48.08*** join/#kde falcidi (
01:50.32*** join/#kde Admiral_Chicago (
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01:50.49Admiral_ChicagoI updated to 3.5.4 and now my fonts are looking strange
01:51.29iostreamAdmiral_Chicago, go to control center, disable antialiasin, apply, enable antialiasing, apply, restart kde
01:52.02Admiral_Chicagoi'm on kubuntu dapper btw
01:52.06*** join/#kde spiderworm (n=spiderwo@blender/support/spiderworm)
01:52.17spiderwormis it simple to make a screensaver for kde?
01:52.33Admiral_Chicagospiderworm, I tried once, but couldn't find a walk through
01:52.46*** join/#kde _matt (
01:53.06Admiral_Chicagookay let me restart KDE
01:53.08spiderwormor is there some way to take a blender game, for example, and play it as a screensaver?
01:54.16*** join/#kde Admiral_Chicago (
01:54.24Admiral_Chicagoiostream, that worked
01:54.32iostreamAdmiral_Chicago, np =)
01:55.24*** join/#kde Ardonik (
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02:00.02excitatorywell, this is a kubuntu question.. but i think the answer lies more in kde.. and unfortunately everyone is an idiot in #kubuntu right now.  So please excuse this question..
02:00.45excitatoryso, you know how kubuntu has customized konqueror profiles?  well, they were missing a feature i desired, and so i followed this: ( ) which restores the original profiles back..which then fixed my problem, but now i have real trouble: any time a kio-slave, kicker quick browser icon, or anything that wants to open a new konqueror window tries to do this, nothing happens.  a window does not open.  i
02:00.45excitatoryanually, but software does not seem to be able to.  Any help would be appreciated.
02:01.06*** join/#kde braKs (
02:02.07Renzenever used kubuntu, not familiar with their breakage, can't help you
02:06.50iostream*g* can I configure kwin to always open a window on the desktop the cursor is on ?
02:07.09*** join/#kde Ausmosis (
02:09.06excitatoryRenze: well, ok, but do you have any leads on what might cause this?  or perhaps, could you lend a direction to start looking into, docs to read, things i could test and/or troubleshoot?
02:09.24excitatoryhonestly, i'm lost.  idk why nothing will open.
02:09.35*** join/#kde braKs (
02:09.49iostreamexcitatory, messed up|missing .desktop files most likely
02:11.23Renzeexcitatory: sorry... no idea. never experienced such a problem, or even heard of such a problem occurring
02:12.21excitatoryiostream: hrm.. any further suggestions?
02:14.55iostreamexcitatory, reinstall kde packages, try overwriting _your users_ default konqueror.rc instead of the system wide ,..
02:15.22excitatoryiostream: ok, thank you :D
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02:17.59iostreamLowtec - In Fail We Trust#
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03:04.44*** join/#kde hardbop200 (
03:05.04*** join/#kde Renze (
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03:06.02hardbop200gah! I just installed kde 3.5 on debian testing, and the fonts look *horrible*...are there any known issues/fixes I should look for? (using nvidia driver, things looked fine in flux)
03:06.31hardbop200by "horrible" I mean fuzzy, not crisp
03:07.18Renzehardbop200: try different antialiasing settings in control centre -> appearance & themes -> fonts
03:07.50hardbop200Renze: I'll do that now...anything I should look for in particular?
03:08.01Renzeit's personal preference
03:08.14Renzeand it depends on the type of display you have
03:08.36hardbop200I see subpixel hinting, but I don't know what that is.  can I hurt my monitor my changing those settings?
03:08.41hardbop200(playing with them)
03:08.51Renzesubpixel hinting is only useful on an LCD display
03:08.59Renzeno, you can't harm your monitor
03:09.00hardbop200which is what I have :)
03:09.10iostreamhardbop200, the config file gets borked between kde 3.5.3 and 3.5.4 .... just disable antialisasing, enable it again and restart kde ...
03:09.24Renzetry one of the RGB schemes... it depends on the orientation of the colours on your screen
03:09.33hardbop200iostream: will do
03:09.36Renzeiostream: not on all distros
03:09.43hardbop200Renze: thanks for the tips
03:09.48Renzeiostream: there were no problems for me on gentoo
03:10.13iostreamrellis, well, so far slackware, kubuntu, debian and redhat
03:10.36hardbop200all - thank you for the tips, I appreciate it :) off to restart kde and see what happens, I'll report back
03:10.41*** join/#kde jackpo_ (
03:11.00Renzeiostream: yep... all of them binary distros :D
03:13.03strawdoes anyone else get some weird behavior when viewing the screenshots at ?
03:13.13strawwith konq, that is
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03:14.09iostreamstraw, nothing weird as far as i can tell ..
03:14.37strawseems like if the preview window is just the right size, it "wiggles"
03:15.08iostreamstraw, you mean the scrollbar ?
03:15.41QMarioWhich channel on Freenode has the most flame wars?
03:15.44iostreamstraw, I can remember that one ... but I haven't hit it for a while ... maybe it's gone in 3.5.4
03:15.58strawhm, hope so
03:16.40TomasuI'm getting some strange errors from k3b:
03:16.40TomasuExecuting 'builtin_dd if=/dev/fd/0 of=/dev/hdc obs=32k seek=0'
03:16.40Tomasu:-( unable to O_EXCL /dev/hdc: someone was in time to remount?
03:19.48*** join/#kde mhall (
03:20.44mhallHello I am having a VERY FRUSTRATING problem with KDE freezing up at the second step in its splashscreen and I've tried it all: deleting every single configuration file as well as totally torching KDE. I have version 3.5.4. What else can I try to figure out why in the hell this keeps happening? It's very frustrating.
03:20.47*** join/#kde vinboy (
03:21.26iostreammhall, sounds like your using having an nvidia card with proprietary driver running ?
03:21.51iostreammhall, either that or the permissions for your sockets were borked ...
03:22.41mhalliostream: yeah i blew away /tmp
03:22.52mhalliostream: and .mcop, .qt, .kde*
03:22.53*** join/#kde pyrolappy (
03:23.56iostreamnow thats something new .... rm -rf complaining that the directory is not empty ='( *cries out loud in disgust*
03:24.28iostreammhall, you 'blew away' /tmp or just it's contents ?
03:26.00mhalliostream: the shit inside
03:26.10mhalliostream: unalias rm on your box?
03:27.34iostreammhall,rm isn't aliased here ...
03:27.54iostreammhall, what does the X log say ?
03:28.02*** part/#kde tipote (
03:28.03iostreamwhat does the tty output say ?
03:28.35Tomasuanyone have any idea what might be wrong with my version (latest I believe) of k3b? It was working last week just fine the last time I used it.
03:28.48iostreammhall, eventually you have missed /tmp/:ICE-unix, /tmp/.*
03:29.08iostream* .ICE-unix
03:30.33mhalliostream: i just went after the dotfiles
03:30.48mhalliostream: and i'm blowing away KDE _and_ Qt instead of just KDE
03:31.07iostreammhall, you seem to like loosing data ?
03:31.48mhalliostream: dude you have no idea how much data-related bullshit i've suffered lately
03:32.05mhalliostream: btw i appreciate the nickname esp. since my irc client appends <> to it
03:32.17mhalliostream: makes me want to change nicks to my favorite function: printf
03:32.30iostreammhall, tell me, I've lost a 500GB drive lately that was pretty much filled =P
03:32.36Tomasuvsnprinf is better
03:32.47mhallTomasu: not if you use awk
03:33.06TomasuI try not to. I like to not be crazy ;)
03:33.29mhalli'm pretty much of a h4x0r with awk
03:33.43mhalli can do nearly anything with it and i always save myself hours in my job
03:33.53mhalli can do in 30-35 hrs what takes most people over 40
03:34.04mhallperl is very ugly imho compared to awk
03:34.10iostreammhall, lol
03:34.19Tomasuum, perl is based on awk :o to some degree
03:34.29mhallwhen i'd need perl at that point i generally switch to C, C++, Java
03:34.32Tomasuits just more powerful and more flexible
03:34.40mhallTomasu: yes i think it's more of a culture problem
03:34.43Tomasuum, you have got to be kidding
03:34.59mhallTomasu: people who use perl have got a certain culture which results imho in bad code
03:35.09Tomasuits just people being lazy
03:35.24Tomasuperl alows  youto make messy code. thats all there is to it.
03:35.42Renzethat's why I like python
03:35.43Tomasuits your own damn fault if you can't read or understand it later.
03:35.49Tomasuthats why I _hate_ python ;)
03:35.50iostreammhall, *g* that could also be said about ppl who use bash, awk, ....
03:36.18iostreamoh oh ... I smell a flamewar coming up ...
03:36.27Tomasupython is the gnome of scripting languages ;)
03:36.31*** join/#kde hardbop200 (
03:36.35RenzeI also prefer vim to emacs :D
03:36.47TomasuI aslo prefer anything to vim or emacs ;)
03:36.53iostreamlol ... python looked like basic too me thats why I never touched it =P
03:37.22iostreamand I prefer jed to emacs or vim =P
03:37.25RenzeI never did like perl though
03:37.36TomasuPerl was the first language I learned. :)
03:37.44Renzeand one day I'll take a look at ruby
03:38.00hardbop200Renze: no love on the font problem :)
03:38.01RenzeBASIC was the first language I learned... back on the old 8-bit computers
03:38.04iostreamBASIC and ASM *ducks* I neede a long time to recover from BASIC ...
03:38.11Tomasuruby is like a bastard cross of perl and python, the speed of python and a unreadable mix of python and perl.
03:38.21hardbop200what's funny is that, here in xchat, they look great, but in konsole very fuzzy
03:38.33TomasuRenze: I dont count Basic ;)
03:38.49TomasuI did play with basic back in the day on some Apple IIes
03:38.55RenzeTomasu: I do, because that's all that was available to me for a very long time
03:39.19TomasuI didnt start getting into computers till I was about 16. so eh ;)
03:39.25Renze13 for me
03:39.29Renzeback in 1983
03:39.34iostream11 ... =P
03:40.02Tomasuyeah, we had a comuter back then, I just wasnt aloud to touch it.
03:40.05Renzeiostream: the schools I went to when I was 11 didn't have computers
03:40.09TomasuI think it was an IBM 8086
03:40.25*** join/#kde Kadran (n=mohammed@
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03:40.50Tomasufirst school I went to that had computers was in Sherwood Park. nice place. full of rich people ;)
03:41.03Tomasuthen no computers till jr highschool
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03:50.35asdxphp was my first language i think, or bash
03:50.37asdxcan't remember
03:51.01asdxi think it was php
03:51.11Renzeah, a young person
03:51.51*** join/#kde swede_ (
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03:55.32asdxare kde developers already working on things like plasma, etc, and all the things that will intergrate on kde 4 or they are still porting kde 3 to qt 4?
03:55.57Renzeprobably a little of both
03:56.06asdxi see
03:56.58asdxplasma is the new desktop shell right?
03:59.04qupadacheck out the 'roadmap' page at
03:59.30*** join/#kde michael___ (
03:59.45*** part/#kde Archon (
04:00.36Renzelets hope it's done before Duke Nukem Forever is released :D
04:02.13iostreamRenze, it will be there before Vista ... thats my bet =P
04:03.38*** part/#kde spiderworm (n=spiderwo@blender/support/spiderworm)
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04:13.31mobtekso about 6 years?
04:14.35qupada"when it's finished"
04:15.05qupadatranslation: some time between now and never
04:15.33*** part/#kde joachim (n=joachim@
04:18.22Renzequpada: "how long is a piece of string" :D
04:19.08*** join/#kde Egyptian[Home] (n=Egyptian@
04:19.14Egyptian[Home]morning all
04:19.25qupadai have some string in my top desk drawer, i can measure it for you
04:19.49Egyptian[Home]is there a kdebluetooth version for the x86_64? what i mean is .. is it 64bit friendly?
04:20.04qupadaEgyptian[Home]: works fine
04:20.12qupadai have it here
04:21.55Renzequpada: ah, but would your measurement be true for all pieces of string? :)
04:22.35qupadaRenze: with a suitable uncertainty
04:22.44qupadasay 2 +/- 4000 metres
04:22.50Renzea bloody large uncertainty :D
04:23.24Renzequpada: the correct answer is "long enough, if you're lucky" :)
04:23.29qupadaand it also leaves the possibility of finding the elusive -3998m long piece of string
04:24.01Renzeor "double the length from the middle to either end"
04:24.32*** join/#kde asdx_ (n=diego@
04:24.48Renzebut it is a good simile for the software development life cycle :D
04:25.11Egyptian[Home]qupada ..thanks
04:25.14*** part/#kde Egyptian[Home] (n=Egyptian@
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04:26.46henriquevany idea to set up these hotkeys on multimedia keyboards?
04:31.21henriquev let me see...\
04:31.23*** join/#kde fir3st0rm (
04:35.59fir3st0rmi'm unable to start kde apps and kbuildsycoca also refuses to start(no error messages). i already tried to rename .qt .kde
04:36.33fir3st0rmlogging in as root,  everything works
04:37.54fir3st0rmi was able to fix it with a reboot
04:38.12*** join/#kde xororand (n=xororand@unaffiliated/xororand)
04:38.51fir3st0rmany ideas how i can get my kde apps running again without rebooting? :/
04:39.50ArdonikJsut restart X, I guess
04:40.07Ardonikleft ctrl + left alt + backspace is the three-fingered salute (save your work first)
04:40.12ArdonikStart a new X session.
04:40.29Ardonik"xinit /path/to/startkde -- :1" should be sufficient
04:41.52fir3st0rmno way to get it working without restarting X?
04:42.02fir3st0rmi'm using a window manager btw
04:42.29ArdonikWell, like I said, start another X and see if the KDE session works right in it
04:42.54ArdonikYou can fire up as many X sessions as you want (one per virtual terminal, and an infinite number more if you use Xnest or VNCServer)
04:43.54*** join/#kde xororand (n=xororand@unaffiliated/xororand)
04:45.48fir3st0rmi don't use Xnest or vncserver ;)
04:47.16*** join/#kde qupada (
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04:48.44fir3i restarted X but my kde apps are still not working :/
04:50.47ArdonikWhat error messages are printed to ~/.xsession-errors?
04:51.02Ardonik(Or the Xorg log files, or wherever your X stuff is logged?)
04:53.04*** join/#kde fir3st0rm (
04:58.45ArdonikWhere does ~/.e come from, E17?
04:59.50ArdonikWhat happens when you change your window manager back to kwin?
05:00.21fir3st0rmkwin is not installed
05:00.34fir3st0rmshould i install kwin?
05:01.47ArdonikKDE comes with kwin--that's its native Windows manager
05:01.54Ardoniker, window manager
05:02.09fir3st0rmi don't have the whole kde package installed
05:03.31fir3st0rmok i installed kwin
05:06.02fir3seems like kwin isn't enough to start kde :/
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05:12.54fir3any ideas?
05:13.57*** join/#kde `File_Reaper (
05:14.29`File_Reaperhello, for KDE, can you make all the apps stick to individual and seperate taskbars like in GNOME?
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05:16.03fir3hum..i can start kde apps again
05:16.39fir3dunno exactly what fixed it. i removed some dirs in /tmp and killed/restarted dcop
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05:17.48`File_Reapernvm got it
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05:32.28marcusUKile seems not to build with unsermake.
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05:37.42marcusUBuilds fine with unsermake disabled.
05:38.06*** part/#kde Renze (
05:40.03_positivovctem mariodoo
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05:42.13_positivoolá mulher ai
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05:45.56androidehello, k3b support ogg files to get them into a Audio CD?
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05:48.04*** join/#kde Renze (
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05:54.06lindenleCan someone help me make korganizer use my webdav server
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06:21.09roxy_I am trying to use gpg with kmail . I followed: and everything is working properly but 1 thing. When I send a mail it ask for my passphrase saying the gpg-agent is not running but it is running. What can I do ?
06:24.17*** join/#kde hlieberman (n=hlieberm@about/copyleft/founder/hlieberman)
06:25.03hliebermanEr.... it seems Kmail has a bit of a bug. It never gives up trying to login to an IMAP account. It says, wrong password. Prompts me for the password (the account is disabled). No matter what I do, it continuily bounces back and forth between the prompt and the error until I kill it.
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07:02.44Sho_doo be doo be doo
07:03.09roxy_Sho_: will /exec be available in konversation ?
07:04.35Sho_roxy_: Konversation has had /exec since at least two years ago when I started using it
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07:06.28roxy_Sho_: I am not using it properly then, what is wrong with: /exec -o uname
07:06.52Sho_roxy_: What's -o supposed to do?
07:07.15roxy_Sho_: "/exec uname" gives the same error
07:07.32Sho_roxy_: You're probably looking for /exec cmd uname or its alias /cmd uname
07:07.51roxy_Sho_: thanks
07:08.37Sho_roxy_: /exec by itself tries to execute the command in one of Konversation's scripts directories (i.e. $KDEDIRS/share/apps/konversation/scripts and ~/.kde/share/apps/konversation/scripts)
07:08.54Sho_roxy_: For example /media is really an alias to /exec media
07:10.28roxy_Sho_: nice.
07:10.42Renzethe -o is legacy from when home computers couldn't multitask, so the command output could be local or sent to IRC with -o
07:11.16roxy_Renze: I was waiting  for you :-)
07:11.29roxy_Renze: did you see my Kmail question ?
07:11.39Renzelemme scroll up
07:12.16Renzesorry, can't help with that one... I have rarely used mail encryption (I have nothing to hide) :D
07:13.26roxy_Renze: "when home computers couldn't multitask" what years was that ?
07:13.40Renzethe dark years.... very very dark...
07:13.56RenzeI started in 1983
07:14.37roxy_Renze: what was your first linux kernel ?
07:15.06Renzeon DeadRat 4.2
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07:16.19Sho_My first Linux was Corel Linux in '99 or so, which I used for about a whole hour
07:16.22roxy_my first computer was redhat 7.3, not that old
07:16.27Sho_Featuring KDE, naturally
07:16.27RenzeI was an Amiga groupie for a while before I went Linux
07:16.37Renzemy first KDE was 1.1
07:16.50Sho_Not sure what Corel shipped, some 2.x I assume
07:17.10RenzeI just remember Corel Linux sucked :D
07:17.16Sho_Yeah, it did
07:17.27Sho_Hm, no, KDE 2.0 was released in 2000, so it must have been 1.1 on Corel
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07:18.17Renzeuh oh
07:19.00AegeanLinuxRenze: I've quit the stupid anticts and acting like a .... fifteen year old :D
07:19.01Renzehola ĂŚgean
07:19.10AegeanLinuxlol @ Renze
07:19.19Renzereally? let me be the judge of that
07:19.29AegeanLinuxlove the ae. That must have taken a while.
07:19.35AegeanLinux(how did you do that (?))
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07:19.36Renzeno, ĂŚ is easy
07:19.43AegeanLinuxLOL! I see
07:19.43Renzeas is Æ
07:20.07RenzeI press my compose key, followed by a e
07:20.26AegeanLinuxcompose key ?
07:20.38AegeanLinuxRenze: what keyboard do you have
07:21.04RenzeLogitech iTouch Internet Navigator - and no, it doesn't have a compose key :D
07:21.25RenzeI set my right alt key to be compose
07:21.30AegeanLinuxRenze: I might be getting an Logitec G-15 Keyboard for my 16th Birthday! (This is the keyboard I despretly want becuase of it's pipe programable LCD Screen :D)
07:22.12Renzemeh, pointless features :D
07:22.36AegeanLinuxLCD screen is pointless?
07:22.42AegeanLinuxDang, I can put things like CPU tempurature there, bandwidth used ....
07:22.53AegeanLinuxit costs $130.
07:22.57RenzeI had one attached to my serial port for a while... got bored with it
07:23.18Renzeusing lcdproc
07:23.23AegeanLinuxBut that wasn't on your keyboard
07:23.34AegeanLinuxRenze: if you don't want it you can send it to me :D
07:23.47AegeanLinuxI can find 1,000,000 uses for it (litrally :D)
07:23.55Renzeit was a borrowed lcd... I gave it back to my flatmate
07:25.22Renzethey're not cheap, but...
07:26.19AegeanLinuxwhat would #kde do without Renze :D
07:26.28Renzeprobably have a party :D
07:26.45*** join/#kde _RADIOhead (n=slack@
07:26.45Tm_TSho_: code it ;)
07:27.22Sho_Tm_T: I'm about to ... throw a KLed on it and be done with it ;)
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07:41.00islamguidedotcomchecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!
07:41.07islamguidedotcomwhat packages am i missing?
07:41.19Sho_X? ;)
07:43.20Tm_Tislamguidedotcom: deb-based distro?
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07:46.20stonedislamguidedotcom, salaam u alaikum
07:46.22benJImanislamguidedotcom: x devel package probably
07:48.50bioticproanyone using 3.5.4 yet?
07:51.36Worfis that going to be a usage statistic? :)
07:51.46Sho_Only one really annoying bug so far.
07:52.37WorfSho_: interesting... didn't notice a difference... propably because i use a different font :)
07:53.02Worftrying different font
07:53.08Renzethe brighter colours version of bold still works
07:53.19Sho_Worf: Doesn't appear to be font-specific
07:53.29Renzebut the bolder font is definitely dead
07:53.43Worfok, how does one test that?
07:54.03Worfi mean... what command should print out in bold?
07:54.05Sho_Worf: How about you read the bug? ;-)
07:54.14Renzeecho -e "^[[1mBold^[[0m"
07:54.14Renzewhere ^[ is done with ctrl+v esc
07:54.16Worfah - ok - foun it
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07:57.13Worfmust be a gerneral problem, cause my xterm also doesn't display that as bold ...
07:57.16Worfi mean
07:57.20Worfa common problem
07:57.47Renzeit works in xterm here
07:58.20Worfhowever, it's got more intense colors, so i'm fine with it
07:59.10Worfand to be honest: i cannot remember having seen bold letters in a xterm or konsole ever
07:59.26Sho_Well hopefully it will be fixed soon so I can resume making, err, bold statements ... in my term.
07:59.43Worfhehe, yeah
08:00.19Sho_Worf: Various command line utilities I use use bold to visually distinguish different parts of their output
08:00.48WorfOur continuing mission: To seek out knowledge of C, explore
08:01.27WorfSho_: well, i see that in brighter colors then
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08:07.49islamguidedotcomstoned, was
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08:08.13islamguidedotcomstoned, السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
08:08.22stonedI can't type arabic
08:08.26stonedbut it shows up fine
08:08.35islamguidedotcomTm_T, im on FC5
08:08.35stonedthanks to utf
08:08.52stoneddo you have to have an arabic keyboard to type arabic?
08:09.12Tm_Tislamguidedotcom: yrrrh, anyway, install x-includes
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08:09.47islamguidedotcomstoned, not sure but mine's just copy and paste
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08:10.52Worfwhat the .... it shows up fine here too ( i think ), but when i try to select it, it um... jumps around...
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08:12.01Worfseems to be some direction reversing feature :D
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08:26.44tstaerkwhen do I use .bashrc and when .bash_profile ?
08:28.17Sho_tstaerk: see the text on login vs. non-login shells in "man bash"
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08:31.19lunitiktstaerk: bashrc is for configuration ... bash_profile is for environment afaik
08:31.43lunitiktstaerk: although, I don't think it really matters for most people
08:31.48stonedالسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
08:32.00lunitikstoned: don't do that again, tyia  :P
08:32.23stoneddon't tell me what to do
08:32.24lunitikstoned: looks ugly  :(
08:32.26*** join/#kde war95 (
08:32.29stonedyou're ugly!
08:32.37lunitikstoned: I'll tell you whatever I want damnit  *madface*
08:32.57stonedI'll cut you
08:33.18lunitikIf you get close... maybe...
08:33.33stonedmaybe if you used unicode it might show up
08:33.37stonedand not look ugly
08:33.40stonedits a beautiful script
08:33.45lunitikstoned: it shows up... its still ugly
08:33.51stonedyou're ugly!
08:34.47stonedI want a Hawain punch fountain in my room
08:34.57stonedlike a regular water fountain
08:35.03stonedbut it gives out hawain punch
08:35.21RenzeI want one of those... but bourbon
08:35.23lunitikstoned: its possible... expensive, but possible  ;)
08:35.34AegeanLinuxRenze: Did you get the new QtCurve ?
08:35.44AegeanLinuxIt so sexy now.
08:35.56AegeanLinuxWith the buttons how it has the color highlight around them
08:36.07stonedI beleive that if software turns you on, then you have problems...
08:36.19AegeanLinuxThat is one thing I always wished of QtCurve ...
08:36.54AegeanLinuxstoned: Shakira turns me on, I think QtCurve is sexy, like I used to think Britany Spears was hot when I was 13 ;)
08:37.08stonedspears is from my city
08:37.21stonedI drove by her high school all the tme
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08:37.38stonedugly cunt with big tits don't have a good singer
08:37.38AegeanLinuxstoned: Did you think she was hot too  ;-)
08:38.07stonedshakira is alright
08:38.08AegeanLinuxShakira is a good singer
08:38.13lunitikstoned: you hate women imo... if you don't think Shakira is hot, you're gay
08:38.17stonedI dunno man, I can't get into that kinda stupid msuic
08:38.32stonedyeah, shes alright, just not ALL that
08:38.34AegeanLinuxShakira, stupid music (?)
08:38.51AegeanLinuxMy only 2 albums that I have gone to a shop and bought are hers
08:39.01stonedfuck pop music
08:39.19stonedif you like it, more power to you, to me though, its pointless and fuckin useless
08:39.23stonedSho_, word
08:39.42Sho_Remember, this one here is for distro and Gnome vs. KDE flamewars.
08:39.46Sho_#amarok is for music flame wars.
08:40.03*** join/#kde bioticpro (
08:40.06RenzeSho_: where do I go for vim versus emacs? :D
08:40.10stonedwell fuck gnome too
08:40.13Sho_Renze: #kate of course
08:40.14stonedgnome pisses me off
08:40.18AegeanLinuxlol @ Sho_ and Renze
08:40.22RenzeSho_: ah, of course :)
08:40.33stonedhave you looked at the fucking dialog box of open/save etc.
08:40.39stonedits horriblely designed
08:40.49Sho_When you're right you're right :)
08:41.09AegeanLinuxI know, stoned, I think that Gnome devs get high each night and pluck these things from Microsoft.
08:41.14RenzeI keep pressing the wrong buttons in Gimp dialogs
08:41.21stonedhey man, dont diss the weed
08:41.26stoneddon't blame it on the weed
08:41.32stonedI get high and I think gnome still sucks as does MS
08:41.39Renzehow about the peyote?
08:41.39AegeanLinuxI didn't say it was the weeds fault ;)
08:41.49AegeanLinuxI just said that that is what they do :D
08:42.02stonedwell then being intoxicated on weed should not even have a bearing on it
08:42.05AegeanLinuxI don't care if they use the wacky tabacii.
08:42.19Renzethey smoke Miguel's armpit hair
08:42.34AegeanLinuxWho's Miguel Most inteligent one ?
08:42.37shiningwhy do ppl hate gnome here?
08:42.47stonedI just have given a reason man
08:42.51stonedI can think of plenty
08:42.53AegeanLinuxshining: because its __to hard__ to compile
08:42.55RenzeMiguel De Icaza... big man of Gnome
08:42.56lunitikAegeanLinux: the guy that started Gnome, and Mono
08:43.25stonedSho_, hows konv. coming along man
08:43.29RenzeSho_: wtf?!?
08:43.32shiningstoned: I always see this one reason, and it isn't enough for me
08:43.35lunitikSho_: ahh... didn't know that... damnit, he should have stayed a KDE devel  :(
08:43.41Sho_Renze: many Gnome guys were ;)
08:43.44shiningAegeanLinux: hard to compile?
08:43.49lunitikSho_: then KDE would be the default desktop everywhere  ^_^
08:43.57stonedshining, I've got many reasons, kde is JUST MORE usable than gnome ime
08:43.57AegeanLinuxyeah, KDE to compile needs QT and 5 other deps
08:43.57Renzeay, no es bueno...
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08:44.19AegeanLinuxGnome needs ~ 30 before it starts to work like kdebase and kdelibs :D
08:44.29shiningstoned: fine, it isn't a reason for bashing gnome full time though
08:44.37stonedyes it is
08:44.40qupadaAegeanLinux: "work" in inverted commas
08:44.46stonedand when did one need a reason to do anything?
08:44.48Sho_Well, Gnome is off-topic here.
08:44.51stonedever heard of pointless shit?
08:44.53Sho_Let's leave it at that.
08:44.54stonedfuck gnome.
08:44.56lunitikshining: you're sticking up for Gnome in #kde? thats gonna be a losing battle... just to let you know
08:45.10AegeanLinuxqupada: so true ...
08:45.38stonedI cheated on my drug test, I'm so happy
08:45.40stonedI think I passed!
08:45.50AegeanLinux[18:40] <Sho_> Remember, this one here is for distro and Gnome vs. KDE flamewars.
08:45.51stonedI'm 90% sure that the urine I used to smuggle in was clena
08:46.01Renzestoned: no, the friend who donated the piss passed :D
08:46.02Sho_AegeanLinux: That was a joke, obviously .. ;)
08:46.04stonedSho_ doesn't know what he's talking about...
08:46.08shininglunitik: it's awfully boring, that's all
08:46.15shininggnome sucks, gnome sucks, gnome sucks
08:46.20shiningkde rules, kde rules, kde rules
08:47.00lunitikshining: thank you for agreeing  :P
08:47.18lunitikshining: you need to take that back
08:47.27stonedI change topic
08:47.29stonedNP:  Spawn Of Possession -|- The Cabinet -|- " Church of deviance " -|- (Technical Death Metal) -|- (rating:  0/56)
08:47.33stonedoh wait
08:47.37stonedwrong song
08:48.04EnverexManaged to get the panel to let me configure it finally
08:48.08EnverexOne last problem though
08:48.22EnverexAll my fonts in GTK apps look really rough
08:48.22stonedNP:  Gorgasm -|- Masticate To Dominate -|- " Charred Vaginal Effluence " -|- (Brutal Death Metal) -|- (rating:  0/0)
08:48.26stonedhere we go
08:48.30stonedtalk about imagery
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08:48.32stonedand language
08:48.34stonedchange the topic
08:48.40stonedfor the record
08:48.43stonedgnome still sucks
08:48.47Sho_Enverex: You might want to emerge "gtk-engines-qt", that adds a KControl module for GTK theme and font configuration
08:48.57EnverexSho_, It's installed
08:49.05EnverexSho_, and it's set to use my QT settings
08:49.19lunitikSho_: afaik, thats having issues at the moment  :(
08:49.21EnverexSho_, Everything like the buttons are such are fine, it's just the icons
08:49.32EnverexLooks awful =/
08:49.36Sho_Enverex: hm :/
08:49.59Sho_Enverex: I'm not sure how/if an existing Gnome install and its settings might interfere or collide with gtk-engines-qt
08:50.08lunitikEnverex: gtk-engines-gtk-qt doesn't do anything with icons... I wish it did too...
08:50.13stonedI am not completely satisfied with the results of gtk2-engines-gtk-qt
08:50.17Enverex(and considering GIMP, Audacious, X-Chat and Firefox are all GTK it means I am stuck with everything looking crap
08:50.25stonedreason being, it isn't as smooth
08:50.30stonedugly toolbar redering
08:50.41Enverexlunitik, erm, I meant text
08:50.42stonedhowever if you use another gtk2 engine, it looks good
08:50.49Sho_Enverex: Shameless plug, but maybe you want to give Konversation a try to replace X-Chat ;-)
08:51.02lunitikEnverex: here... seems fine with fonts... although they're all bold or something  :/
08:51.16lunitikSho_: shameless, psh
08:51.17stonedEnverex, audacity is gtk based, not gtk2
08:51.28EnverexNo, it's GTK2, XMMS is GTK1
08:51.37Enverexand I said Audacious
08:51.41Enverexnot Audacity
08:51.44stonedmy bad
08:51.46stonedI am high
08:51.50Sho_(And Amarok to replace Audacious ...)
08:51.53stonedgive me a break
08:51.53lunitikstoned: you pass your test?
08:51.55Enverexand yes, Audacity looks like shit everywhere
08:51.59stonedlunitik, hold on
08:52.03Enverexand no I'm not using Amarok
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08:52.22EnverexWM/DE shouldn't influence my application choices
08:52.32qupadaaudacity 1.3 betas look slightly less shite
08:52.33EnverexIf it does I'm going to go back to Gnome because I'm not up for it
08:52.34lunitikEnverex: Amarok is the best music player for linux, full stop... and I'm not just saying that because I love KDE  ;)
08:52.45Sho_Enverex: I agree, but OTOH you might find the suggestes apps better anyway ;)
08:52.47qupadalunitik: i'll take my mpd any day
08:53.18Sho_Granted, X-Chat does a few things Konversation doesn't, but Audacious is simply a piece of crap
08:53.36lunitikMusic players aren't supposed to blurt things out over a daemon  :/
08:53.38stonedI have not heard that term since I left kindergarten
08:53.41stonedor KG
08:53.49stonedperiod vs. fullstop
08:53.55EnverexSho_, How exactly is it a piece of crap?
08:53.58qupadalunitik: you know it has password protection for that
08:54.06EnverexSho_, Does Amarok support UADE?
08:54.10qupadalunitik: you can set it so people can't even see what's playing without the password
08:54.12shiningmpd is great
08:54.13lunitikstoned: don't make fun of me damnit... I can barely see the screen right  :(
08:54.32EnverexSho_, Does amarok play S3M, MOD, MED, XT, IT, DW, DL, etc files?
08:54.36lunitikqupada: I don't care... the fact that it farts things out over the network by default is just bad  :/
08:55.25lunitikqupada: if I want the world to listen to my playlist, I'll install flumotion :/
08:55.41qupadayou know you can also choose to only bind it to, so removing any access anyone not on your pc has
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08:55.57lunitikqupada: like I said... by default...
08:56.04qupadayeah, but who uses the default config
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08:56.51stonedlunitik, hip hop?
08:56.54stonedNP:  The Mitchell Brothers -|- Breath of Fresh Attire -|- " Fuck Me? Fuck You! " -|- (Hip-Hop) -|- (rating:  10/0)
08:57.04stonedyou know them? ever heard them?
08:57.09stonedthey are related to kde
08:57.19stoneda guy in one of thier music videos was wearing a kde shirt
08:57.21lunitikstoned: anything with a beat really... I mostly listen to hip hop when I'm by myself though, yes
08:57.36stonedlunitik, icp is also good, and fuck what you have to say about it
08:57.39stonedword ;)
08:57.47Sho_Enverex: Amarok supports a number of engines, such as xine, Helix or GStreamer, i.e. the question is whether one of those supports these formats
08:57.50qupadaEnverex: i do too.  i have one, but that was mostly for bash script coding practice
08:57.58EnverexSho_, No, they don't
08:58.11lunitikstoned: we've had this discussion... ICP are talentless bums
08:58.15EnverexSho_, So Amarok can't even play the formats I want, so it's no use to me at all
08:58.18xushimorning all
08:58.41stonedread what I said again :)
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08:59.00EnverexSo no-one knows how to make the fonts in GTK programs not look awful?
08:59.09stonedEnverex, whas the problem?
08:59.16xushijust enable AA :)
08:59.24stonedEnverex, how do the fonts look messedup
08:59.30lunitikEnverex: Amarok can play anything that gstreamer/xine/etc can play... if xine doesn't support something, its not worth listening to...
08:59.48aegeanlinuxEnverex: Use QtCurve
08:59.48Sho_Enverex: I can see that, I suppose :).
08:59.54Enverexlunitik, I'm sorry but I don't remember when Xine dictated what people should be listening to
09:00.02EnverexExactly what I said, the fonts in GTK apps look very rough (worse than if they just weren't anti-aliased)
09:00.14qupadaEnverex: xine-lib has IUSE="modplug" on gentoo, so i think it's safe to say it can play some of the formats you want
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09:00.49Enverexqupada, It will play about 10% and probably abour 4% of them wrongly, so not really
09:00.49^Spinneranyone noticed that with the kdesktop backfound set to 'centered maxpect' doesn't actually maintain the image ration correctly?
09:00.49aegeanlinuxRenze: can me and you have a conversation ?
09:00.50Renzewhat about?
09:00.54^Spinnerratio even <sigh>
09:00.56aegeanlinuxbash scripting
09:01.13RenzeI prefer zsh, actually
09:01.13xushiguys, seriously, can anyone help me with this kde-i18n problem? it's been ~5 months with no replies..
09:01.16lunitikaegeanlinux: #bash have intelligent people
09:01.17qupadaEnverex: well they're trying... i only use xine for dvds so i've never really tested it
09:01.58qupadaxushi: can i have the question in a form that doesn't involve me clicking that link?
09:02.10Sho_Enverex: FWIW, I have no problems with the fonts in GTK+ apps on my Gentoo boxes ... and gtk-engines-qt doesn't do much more than write a font line into ~/.gtkrc-2.0, fonts-wise
09:02.11RenzeEnverex: for the record, my xine plays mod/xm/s3m/etc fine
09:02.33EnverexSo... in coming here for help, all that has happened is that I've been told that part of my music collection isn't worth listening to and that I should change all the other apps I use. Ok, to  be honest I'm not really loving KDE at the moment
09:02.34stoned <--- check this
09:02.38qupadaRenze: i think the dilemma is if they actually sound like the author intended
09:02.40lunitikxushi: afaik ... scim is the latest craze for that... install skim for a kde way to configure it
09:02.40xushiqupada: its long, but in short, i can't for the life of me write file/folder names in arabic/chinese/etc... instead, it displays them as ?????? questionmarks
09:02.41stonedEnverex, look at the screenshot
09:02.56Renzequpada: they sound good enough for me
09:03.13Sho_xushi: That has nothing to do with kde-i18n, but with the encoding of the file system, NLS support in your kernel, fonts, and so on
09:03.15xushilunitik: why do i need scim for that? i don't really undrestand. All i need is to read, not to write, same way i read in konqueror's web browser, it should also do it for folder names
09:03.16RenzeI think Enverex is just being a jerk because he's not getting exactly what he wants
09:03.24Enverexstoned, What am I supposed to be looking at?
09:03.42xushiSho_: i've enabled the languages in my kernel, along with NLS in my USE flag
09:03.52lunitikstoned: how did you get that arabic thinger into konversation? explain the process to xushi tyia  :P
09:04.02^Spinnerxushi - what do you have set under NLS in your kernel settings?
09:04.25stonedالسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
09:04.28xushi^Spinner: i'll fetch it in a sec. lunitik come again ?
09:04.33EnverexRenze, "exactly what I want"? All I want is for GTK apps to not look like crap and I'm not getting anything
09:04.36aegeanlinuxlunitik: I want to keep Renze busy :P
09:04.45Enverexstoned, ... ok... so... what? Do you know how to fix it?
09:04.49stonedEnverex, switch/switch2
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09:04.55RenzeEnverex: I was referring to the "Amarok is crap because it won't play mods" thing
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09:05.08stonedin debian its called gtk2-theme-switch
09:05.23stonedswitch lets you mess with gtk+ apps and switch 2 for gtk2
09:05.38^Spinnerstoned: what that arabic or something?
09:05.45stonedit is arabic
09:05.49shiningEnverex: do you have a screenshot?
09:05.51^Spinnerstoned: I didn't even know I had that set on my system heh
09:05.56Enverexshining, hold on
09:06.00stonedUnicode is the shiznit
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09:06.37xushi^Spinner: i have codepage 437, 862, 864, simplified chinese charset, traditional chinese charset, japanese char, hebrew char, ascii, nls 8859-1/6/15/utf, all as built in to the kernel
09:06.42Renzelunitik: install the intlfonts package for your distro
09:06.44^Spinnerlooks chinese maybe??
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09:07.08^Spinnerclose (geographically) ;-)
09:07.10stonedchinese is way more intense
09:07.20EnverexSho_, Yes Sho, as I've stated probably around 4 times now I already have that installed and set
09:07.41Sho_Enverex: I was merely providing a reference shot to show that the font rendering in my KDE and GTK apps is identical
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09:07.57xushi^Spinner: so, am i missing anything ? =]
09:07.59stonedEnverex, switch/switch2 will apply your settings without you having to restart the gtk application, unlike the qt contro lmodule
09:08.09stonedEnverex, btw
09:08.17^Spinnerxushi: doesn't look like it - but have you tried recompiling with _everything_ built in?
09:08.32^Spinnerif it still doesn't work, then you know it's not an NLS/kernel issue
09:08.53^Spinnerand definately rules out those suggestinog from ppl like me etc. ;-)
09:08.59stonedEnverex, I find that if you install the 40-60 mb total XFCE4 and not use it, just intall it, or if not the whole thing then at least  xfce-mcs-manager, xfce-mcs-plugins gtk2-engines-xfce
09:09.03xushi^Spinner: well, i don't see how that'll make a difference, since the ones i didn't compile in are the languages i don't need, (turkish, baltic rim, etc...)
09:09.25stonedwhen you have those, xfce mcs will enable anti aliasing, and almost perfect control of your gtk themeing needs
09:09.31xushii'll try creating a folder with arabic from Eterm and see if that works
09:09.33^Spinnerxushi: yeah - like I said, I don't think it is a prob - but then there's always Murphey ;-)
09:09.37stonedits much better than trying to fuck with gtk theme switchig modules
09:09.42stonedgive it a shot
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09:10.18xushiargh, gives me questions
09:10.35Enverexstoned, Not really in the mood for compiling another 60MB of source right now
09:10.45stonedEnverex, well then stop bitching
09:11.11xushii mean in kfmclient, when it asks me for the folder name and i enter it, it displays correctly. when i press OK, it still shows it for 0.1 seconds, then quickly changes it to ??? questionmarks
09:11.22^Spinnerxushi: well, at least we know for sure now that tis' not a kernel config issues
09:11.40xushisec, mailman..
09:11.55stonedEnverex, like I said, if you compile just the 3 packages I mentioned
09:11.58stonedyou'll be alright
09:12.02stonedand whatever else they depend on
09:12.51lunitikEnverex: I don't understand... everything you seem to use is GTK... but you're using KDE? there are better choices if you don't like the kde apps  :/
09:13.12lunitikEnverex: XFce is a personal favorate when I feel like venturing into the GTK world
09:13.20Sho_Enverex: Looks like it simply doesn't have anti-aliasing enabled. Please check KControl -> Apperance -> Fonts and specifically the "Exclude range" settings hiding behind the "Configure" button in that page.
09:13.20Enverexlunitik, I pick the programs because I LIKE those programs. I'm not using KDEs shitty homemade alternatives
09:13.36shiningEnverex: it looks fine :)
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09:13.55lunitikEnverex: Kopete, Konversation, Amarok, Digikam ... shitty alternatives?
09:14.12shiningstop it, this is pointless
09:14.34Enverexlunitik, I used Amarok in Gnome, it has its uses, but not for what I normally want
09:14.34lunitikshining: no one is making you read it  :/
09:14.39aegeanlinuxSho_: My most wanted Konversation feature, a Kicker aplet that loads up when your name is said
09:14.56EnverexSho_, nope, that's disabled
09:15.18Sho_aegeanlinux: There's a tray icon for that, or the OSD. I see no point in adding a kicker applet. :)
09:15.19lunitikaegeanlinux: you can make the system tray entry flash when your name is said... not what you want?
09:15.38aegeanlinuxSho_: Tray icon? really ?
09:15.42aegeanlinuxSho_: where?
09:15.44xushiwee, my gf just got a provisional driving license, and she doesn't even know wtf a pedal, break, or a wheel is =D
09:15.59Sho_Enverex: Try opening your ~/.gtkrc-2.0 in a text editor, perhaps there's a "don't use anti-aliasing" directive in there for god knows what reason.
09:16.03Enverexxushi, Hence why you don't need to know how to drive to get a provisional
09:16.26fir3st0rmhow can i access to a shared samba printer?
09:16.33EnverexSho_, nope
09:16.35xushiEnverex: still sounds weird to me
09:16.38Sho_aegeanlinux: Configure Konversation -> Behavior -> General -> Enable Tray Icon
09:16.41lunitikaegeanlinux: Settings > Configure Konversation > Behavior > General
09:16.49lunitikSho_: damnit, you beat me   :(
09:16.50tstaerkfir3st0rm, look at localhost:631 for printer configuration
09:17.06fir3st0rmtstaerk: nothing there
09:17.08Sho_Enverex: You could try wiping your ~/.fonts.conf (or rather, move it away) and then creating the font settings anew.
09:17.15lunitikfir3st0rm: then install CUPS
09:17.16tstaerkfir3st0rm, start your cups
09:17.25aegeanlinuxSho_: Poke me / Ping me please
09:17.30fir3st0rmno, the printer is connected to another pc
09:17.37Sho_Enverex: Note that these settings don't apply at runtime; you will need to restart the respective applications to see changes.
09:17.42fir3st0rmi want to setup this machine as client
09:17.43lunitikfir3st0rm: you still use CUPS for that
09:17.46tstaerkfir3st0rm, and on this pc, is there a cups server?
09:17.51EnverexSho_, Just checked it, there's nothing wrong with that
09:17.55fir3st0rmno, it's a windows pc
09:18.04Sho_aegeanlinux: blubb
09:18.23tstaerkfir3st0rm, ok, so you need cups on your pc to control the windows pc with printer, as lunitik said.
09:18.42lunitikfir3st0rm: if you care to find another way to do that... knock your self out, normal people use CUPS for printing
09:19.08aegeanlinuxthanks Sho_, your my favorite KDE dev ever!
09:19.18fir3st0rmany idea what package i need on debian?
09:19.19lunitiktstaerk: CUPS here doesn't control anything... it just spews jobs to the box that is sharing the printer
09:19.31lunitikfir3st0rm: cupsys at least
09:19.49lunitikfir3st0rm: apt-cache show cupsys ... recommends a bunch of driver packages
09:19.50Sho_Enverex: Well, all KControl does is (a) write ~/.fonts.conf, (b) set the respective X resources to affect the running session, (c) the gtk-engines-qt module writes a line about the font to be used to ~/.gtkrc-2.0. I have no idea why GTK+ would chose to ignore some of those settings. Here it doesn't. v2.8.20-r1, FWIW.
09:20.17lunitikfir3st0rm: google knows which of those driver packages you need
09:20.24aptrumour has it, printing is, or see
09:21.16tstaerkfir3st0rm, start your cups and point your browser to localhost:631... and you shall see
09:21.47lunitiktstaerk: you're assuming cups is installed by default, its not
09:22.04tstaerklunitik, then he shall install it - yast2 -i cups
09:22.09tstaerkor apt-get install cups
09:22.12fir3st0rmok it's there
09:22.26lunitiktstaerk: yast is suse... debian isn't suse
09:22.27tstaerkfir3st0rm, you see the page (631)
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09:22.35lunitiktstaerk: and the package isn't cups
09:22.46tstaerklunitik, ok
09:23.02p1mrxis it possible to restart KDE (so the 3.5.4 upgrade kicks in) without having to close my other programs?
09:23.05tstaerkcups-server again ?
09:23.17aegeanlinuxp1mrx: killall kicker
09:23.31aegeanlinuxp1mrx: kicker&
09:23.32lunitikfir3st0rm: that interface is pretty easy... just follow "Add Printer" through... then kdeprint should recognize your printer...
09:23.34Sho_p1mrx: First of, don't do what aegeanlinux suggested
09:23.35aegeanlinuxkillall kwin
09:23.39aegeanlinuxkwin &
09:23.54lunitikfir3st0rm: make sure you configure via samba (do you have smbclient installed? you'll need it)
09:23.57p1mrxI've sorta tried that before, but then closing the console kills the desktop environment
09:24.00fir3st0rmadd printer doesn't show any printers :/
09:24.01Sho_p1mrx: Second, no, for certain core pieces you will need to restart the session
09:24.19aegeanlinuxthats what the & <--- at the ends for ;)
09:24.21fir3st0rmyep smbclient is installed
09:24.24lunitikfir3st0rm: you need to install driver packages
09:24.30fir3st0rmwhich ones?
09:24.40p1mrxok, I'll just restart X.  I just thought I'd ask cause it would mean not closing my IRC client :-p
09:24.45lunitikfir3st0rm: no idea... whichever has your printers drivers   :/
09:25.07lunitikfir3st0rm: like I said... google knows the answer to that
09:25.29fir3st0rmwhy do i need printer drivers when the printer is connected to another computer?
09:25.44lunitikfir3st0rm: because Windows drivers are useless to you?
09:25.54Sho_aegeanlinux: And for the record, a proper way to restart kicker is "dcop kicker kicker restart", and a proper way to replace a running kwin is "kwin --replace"
09:26.13aegeanlinuxSho_: Sorry.
09:26.15lunitikfir3st0rm: in a purely windows setup, adding a printer would push the drivers automagically to the client machines
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09:26.26fir3st0rmlunitik: oh, ok
09:26.35fir3st0rm*installs gutenprint*
09:27.58fir3st0rmi still can't see the printer :/
09:28.32lunitikfir3st0rm: its not that complicated... you should be able to figure it out based on what you've been told  :/
09:29.36lunitikfir3st0rm: you need to find the right package that has your printers drivers... could be the printers drivers aren't even in the debian archive... in which case... see what has to say about it
09:29.38alsurenfir3st0rm: I read somewhere that ubuntu has some odd policy about "no open ports" that might get in the way of network printing
09:29.52lunitikalsuren: he's not using Ubuntu
09:30.28lunitikAt least he better not be, else I just wasted like half an hour  :/
09:30.37Enverexstoned, switch worked for changing the theme but didn't help the fonts
09:30.58alsurenI just glanced at the channel and thought "have I read something about that somewhere...."
09:31.07*** part/#kde p1mrx (n=meh@2001:0:53aa:64c:0:59d8:b77d:7ad6)
09:31.07lunitikfir3st0rm: what branch of Debian are you using?
09:31.32lunitikalsuren: yeah... Ubuntu Dapper shipped with a horribly crippled CUPS...
09:31.54stonedEnverex, you can change the font too, there is littel button you have to click next to theme drop down
09:32.05Enverexstoned, yeah, but it doesn't alias it, heh
09:32.47Sho_Enverex: Have you tried enabling and disabling anti-aliasing in KControl?
09:32.56Sho_Enverex, err, disabling and re-enabling, I mean
09:34.09Enverexhaha, that worked Sho_ , thanks
09:34.20alsurendon't knock ubuntu. I did an ubuntu installfest a couple of months ago, and people seem very happy with it
09:34.22EnverexStupid simple ideas that no-one thinks of >.<
09:34.39alsuren*kubuntu, but same difference :P
09:34.57Sho_Enverex: Curious ... guess something botched the X resources in memory. Anyway, good it's fixed.
09:35.24EnverexSho_, This machine has been restarted before now and it still did it... so it must have been something that just didn't get set
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09:35.39Sho_Enverex: Perhaps it was ~/.fonts.conf after all
09:35.44lunitikalsuren: I have been using Debian for 5 years... I know what I'm doing on a Debian system, and I can see how badly Ubuntu fucks things up... normal users can't see such things...
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09:36.04EnverexSho_, Nope, that's still exactly the same
09:36.18Sho_Enverex: Let's hope it still works on next login, then ;)
09:36.37EnverexSho_, should do, I think it's just set something in a GTK file somewhere that didn't get set before
09:36.41Sho_In fact it's the Linux desktop distro I recommend to friends ATM
09:36.52Sho_Enverex: yeah, could be
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09:37.00aegeanlinuxSho_: that and OpenSuSE
09:37.03lunitikalsuren: not to mention, Riddell isn't a DD because he's too incompetent at building packages... and he's the Ubuntu KDE maintainer, being paid for that...
09:37.21Sho_aegeanlinux: OpenSuSE fragged my partition table, killed my OS X and failed install with a strange error
09:37.26blurpyhi, i know "dcop ksmserver ksmserver logout 0 2 0" shuts down the computer, but i can't find any documentation about what those 3 integers mean. is dcop calls documentet somewhere?
09:37.33Sho_aegeanlinux: Kubuntu installed perfectly and set up multiboot correctly in the same setup
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09:37.57Enverexbrb, antialiasing :P
09:37.57Sho_blurpy: Hold on, one sec
09:37.57aegeanlinux:D kk.
09:38.15lunitikSho_: debian-installer does os detection... nothing to do with ubuntu
09:38.25blurpySho_: ok
09:38.51Sho_blurpy: <- look at the three Shutdown* enums in the member list there if you scroll down
09:39.12lunitikSho_: I'm not sure how much their live cd installer doohickey takes from debian-installer though... perhaps it uses the same mechanism, idk
09:39.40lunitikSho_: last I heard it "utilizes as much code from debian-installer as possible"
09:39.41blurpySho_: thank you :)
09:39.41zimm2ok got translucency working on debian testing (kde 3.5.3) (nvidia card) anyone have a fix for explanation for why konqueror windows seem to gradually "lose" their opacity and fade out during a session ?
09:40.07Sho_lunitik: No idea ... what I do know however is that stable has too old software for a desktop and I have no desire to be along for the ride in testing, so I appreciate the work Kubuntu does ;)
09:40.56smilerAnyone have any idea of why I need to do the K-meny -> "Logout..." -> "End current session" procedure twice when I want to log out?
09:41.10lunitikSho_: testing has security updates etc... and only gets things uploaded to it after passing certain requirements in sid (ie, no serious bug reports for at least 2 weeks last I heard)
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09:42.27robMepis (based on Kubuntu) is much nicer
09:42.37robprobably also more stable, somehow
09:42.46rob(works for me anyway)
09:43.07*** join/#kde Enverex (
09:44.06Sho_lunitik: Still, Kubuntu has been a positive experience for me. The default installation selection makes sense, everything on the laptop worked out of the box, including model-specific things like special keys, suspend works, wifi, the whole enchilada. I'm aware Kubuntu wouldn't be possible without the work going into Debian, but still I have no incentive to install Debian over Kubuntu on the box.
09:44.23lunitikSho_: *ubuntu takes things from sid... and tries to stabilize it... etch gets sid packages that are bug free for a set amount of time
09:44.31EnverexSame with my laptop, was nice to have everything "Just work"
09:45.21Sho_lunitik: That may be so, but still I haven't had a problem with Kubuntu yet. Except for their changes to Konqueror's menus that I manually reverted, I'm very happy.
09:45.25lunitikSho_: so really, bug fixes that *ubuntu actually give back go into etch...
09:46.14Sho_(And if it weren't a dog-slow G4 800, it would run Gentoo anyhow ;-)
09:46.31EnverexDamn, these KDE themes don't have as many mime type icons as the Gnome ones. Does anyone know of any good premade ones? (mime type icons for things like roms, audio types, etc?)
09:46.42lunitikSho_: To clone a Debian machine using aptitude (or install your favorite packages) use aptitude search -F '%100p' '~i!~M' > package_list; on the reference machine; xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < package_list; aptitude upgrade; on the other machine.
09:46.59Sho_Enverex: I think I've seen a few topic-centered mime type collections on
09:47.08PhilRodSho_: :-O you know what those dcop ints are! We should put that in the FAQ or something
09:47.19lunitikSho_: doing that, and taking away kubuntu* would result in exactly the same system, without fighting to get things how you want...
09:47.26Sho_PhilRod: I know my KApplication class reference! ;-)
09:48.03Sho_lunitik: Except for the menu changes, I didn't have to fight anything ;-)
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09:48.26EnverexSho_, where are KDE icon themes kept and do I have to assign the icons manually or will the icons assign to the mimetype when I drop them in the theme folder?
09:48.46lunitikSho_: one of these days, you'll take the plunge and install Debian for real
09:49.26lunitikSho_: seriously, Riddell was rejected as a DD because he's incompetent ... and thats the person that builds your debian packages
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09:49.47Sho_Enverex: /usr/share/icons on Gentoo (I believe Gnome uses the same nowadays?)  ... and yes it should work fairly automatically provided the mimetypes themselves are installed
09:50.19lunitikSho_: the whole reason Kubuntu exists is because Debian rejected him, and Ubuntu made it easier for him to package things
09:50.47EnverexSho_, erm, the KDE theme isn't in /usr/share/icons (the gnome ones are though)
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09:51.22Sho_Enverex: Err, sorry, additional themes would be, the default ones are in /usr/kde/3.5/share/icons on Gentoo
09:51.41PhilRodspeaking of kubuntu, does kdesu work on it (using sudo)?
09:51.42Sho_Enverex: Gentoo uses /usr/kde/<version> as prefix for core KDE packages so multiple major versions can be installed in parallel
09:51.55Sho_lunitik: You'll never turn me into a Debianite ... I find the system much too ugly for that ;)
09:51.56lunitikPhilRod: yes
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09:53.37lunitikSho_: you're using a debian-based system... why don't you want the same thing, built by competent people? I don't understand
09:53.42lunitikSho_: its your choice of course
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09:53.58Kalidarnwhen is the first tech release of KDE 4.0 due?
09:54.03Sho_lunitik: Because Kubuntu works very well for me, as I've now stated several times
09:54.06Kalidarni thoughgt it was like august or something
09:54.15aegeanlinuxKalidarn: One day ...
09:54.23Sho_Kalidarn: Unknown at this point
09:54.26lunitikKalidarn: tentatively ... October...
09:54.29aegeanlinuxKalidarn: the "technical" releases are called "SVN" ;)
09:54.30Kalidarnah okay
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09:54.47PhilRodKalidarn: but the technical release will probably be no more than updated kdelibs
09:55.52aegeanlinuxPhilRod: I think it will be more then kdelibs, because doesn't the new kdelibs get rid of functions and other stuff?
09:56.35Sho_aegeanlinux: Obviously KDE 3 applications will not work with any preview (or final) release of kde 4.0 kdelibs
09:56.48PhilRodaegeanlinux: I'm not sure (been a bit out of the loop recently), but as I understand it, the idea was just to give an idea of what kdelibs would look like in kde 4
09:56.59Sho_aegeanlinux: But the audience of the tech preview release are application developers, who only need the libs for a preview
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09:57.35EnverexHow can a theme be called Crystal SVG when 90% of the icons are PNG... it's just stupid
09:58.09aegeanlinuxSo it is basicly then a port of KDE3 lib-style to KDE4 lib-style ;)
09:58.22aegeanlinuxas in the function names and all that stuff .
09:58.31Sho_aegeanlinux: Huh?
09:58.35aegeanlinuxso you can port your apps to KDE4 :D
09:58.41Sho_aegeanlinux: yes
09:58.54Sho_Enverex: Ask Everaldo ... I think because the previous version was done in Adobe Illustrator and .ai instead of .svg
09:59.08aegeanlinuxKK, I thought technical release as in "A beta-ish release"
09:59.08smilerAnyone have any idea of why I need to do the K-meny -> "Logout..." -> "End current session" procedure twice when I want to log out?
10:00.15tstaerksmiler, tried a different user ?
10:00.43smilertstaerk: negative, but its a brand new install
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10:01.09tstaerkso, one user needs to click logout twice, another once.
10:01.20PhilRodaegeanlinux: no, definitely won't be a beta (or even alpha) release. Not all apps are even ported to Qt4, let alone having any new features or architectural changes
10:01.39aegeanlinuxPhilRod: KK.
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10:03.16BabaLiHi wich player can read rtsp:// stream ?
10:03.29tstaerksmiler, move your ~/.kde to ~/.kde-backup and see what happens
10:03.43BabaLiSho_, with xine or mplayer ?
10:04.02BabaLiSho_, ok
10:04.52Enverexlunitik, use totem
10:04.54BabaLii am looking for a good gstreamer vs xine vs mplayer vs vlc :-)
10:05.13lunitik~punish Enverex
10:05.17aptACTION forces Enverex to install and use Windows
10:05.30EnverexAlready have Windows installed
10:05.31lunitik!lart Enverex
10:05.40lunitik~lart Enverex
10:06.17fir3st0rmlunitik: re, sry for disappearing ;)
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10:06.44fir3st0rmlunitik: i already downloaded the gutenprint driver, these ones include support for my printer
10:06.50lunitikEnverex: seriously though, totem is probably the worst video player I've ever tried to use
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10:07.06lunitikfir3st0rm: ok... you get it working yet?
10:07.29fir3st0rmnope :/
10:07.39fir3st0rmmaybe i have to set some network settings?
10:07.47EnverexHmm, this sucks, KDE doesn't follow the XOrg mime association rules and ignores the ones I've set myself in the machinewide mime database :(
10:07.58fir3st0rmlunitik: brb ;)
10:08.09lunitikfir3st0rm: you added it as a samba share etc?
10:08.40Sho_Enverex: KDE 3.x uses its own MIME database. However we co-wrote the shared MIME spec and KDE 4 will use it.
10:08.58lunitikEnverex: I applaud you for giving KDE a shot... but you seem to complain about everything... :(
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10:09.31EnverexSho_, But I don't have KDE4 now do I, heh. If I go adding all my stuff to KDE3's database and setting that all up i'll be repeating effort that will be redundant when KDE4 comes out anyway =/
10:09.39lunitikEnverex: (not that some things aren't valid, but you should really try to get into the spirit of it or something  ;P)
10:09.55Enverexlunitik, I complain about everything, it's just I complain less about the better things
10:10.23Sho_Enverex: Yeah, it's non-ideal, but switching in 3.x wasn't possible for compatibility reasons
10:12.38lunitikElse, that would be annoying for everyone   :(
10:14.14Enverexhmm, it's just I've set up mimetypes in my own XML complete with mimemagic features too and... bleh
10:14.30MetaMorfoziSouh 3.5.4, good morning
10:14.41EnverexThat and the fact I can't find a good decent and complete icon theme for KDE is annoying the crap out of me
10:14.47pinotreeEnverex: (don't ask me where) there are some scripts that convert a fdo xml mime to a .desktop kde3's one
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10:18.40Enverexhmm, I think I'll switch back to Gnome till KDE4 comes out, too many things seem.... wrong in KDE3
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10:19.01pinotreeooh come on, don't be so tragic
10:19.26tstaerkEnverex, what ? I mean, there is
10:19.38Renzelet him go... we're better off without him
10:19.46Tm_TRenze: untrue
10:19.51tstaerkno, I want to know what we can improve
10:19.57Tm_Tall valid arguments need to be heard
10:20.00EnverexI don't mean bugs broken, I mean just... feels wrongm i.e. irritating wrong
10:20.01Tm_Ttstaerk: yes
10:20.11tstaerkEnverex, what ?
10:20.20RenzeEnverex: kinda like how gnome feels to me?
10:20.23Tm_TEnverex: wishes in for that
10:20.49Sho_Renze: Tipp: Just because you feel someone is behaving antagonistic, it doesn't mean you must, too
10:20.59MetaMorfoziSis there anyway to control kioserver? (To manage the ftp connections taht it opened and etc?)
10:21.01EnverexOk hold on, I've been trying to get everything set up so I've kinda just been forgetting the things as I went along when the next thing came up so I'll start making a list
10:21.26Tm_TEnverex: sounds good
10:21.37MetaMorfoziSnot make a list, ask how can you solve a problem
10:21.44tstaerkEnverex, you can make this list on, then, others can add things
10:21.55Tm_Tand comment
10:21.59tstaerkEnverex, or you can make that list in, where it is processed
10:22.29Sho_(one issue per entry, though)
10:22.45Renzemaybe if he didn't whine quite so much...
10:22.59tstaerkRenze, or if you fix his bugs
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10:23.15Renzehe said they weren't bugs... it just feels wrong
10:23.24EnverexRenze, actually one or two are
10:23.44tstaerkRenze, if it feels wrong, we should make it feel right
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10:24.08Renzetstaerk: it feels right to me... if we make it feel right for him it won't feel right for me any more
10:24.30tstaerkRenze, you do not know what wishes he is talking about, do you ?
10:24.37EnverexRenze, not if you make it an option, heh
10:24.40Renzeno, I tend to tune out whiners
10:25.06Sho_Renze: KDE prides itself on its customizability, last time I checked ;)
10:25.31RenzeSho_: yes, and it is plenty customizable... that's why I like it
10:26.27Sho_Renze: So I see no conflict of interest in making it customizable to the point that Enverex likes it ;)
10:26.34Renzebut as somebody famous once said: "You can't please all of the people all of the time"
10:27.20EnverexThere are niggling things like Gnome feels more polished but can't really figure out why, but there is also the reason that I dislike Gnome being that they've removed most of the options now where as KDE still has a million and one options in Control Center which is the main reason I like KDE.
10:27.40Renzegnome feels more polished? I feel exactly the reverse
10:28.02EnverexRenze, When was the last time you used Gnome?
10:28.07aegeanlinuxEnverex: Install the latest QtCurve, and trust me, KDE will be the one more polished ;)
10:28.15Renzeabout two years ago
10:28.21EnverexRenze, ...
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10:28.57Renzeeven recent screenshots make me cringe
10:29.27benJImanqtcurve is great
10:29.36Renzeyup, I use qtcurve
10:29.40tstaerkregarding the options-discussion:
10:29.57aegeanlinuxI fell that KDE has _alot_ more professional and has alot more power
10:30.25tstaerkstates that Linux guys tend to ask for an option "do not destroy all my data"
10:30.26Renzeand more integration
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10:30.42tstaerkinstead of telling "that stupid program must not destroy all my data".
10:30.48tstaerkjoel is rigth.
10:31.03tstaerkthat was wrong- he is right ;)
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10:32.19Renzequpada: still no broadband? ;)
10:33.19EnverexIs anyone here a KDE Dev?
10:33.27aegeanlinuxSho_ is :D
10:33.28tstaerkEnverex, a lot :)
10:33.31qupadaRenze: you know the deal.  from when you sign up, it takes telescum 10 days of fucking around before dsl actually gets turned on
10:33.53Renzequpada: ah yes... forgot about that. I'm glad I'm with Telstraclear and on cable :D
10:34.09qupadaRenze: yeah.  the non-bastardised service
10:34.18qupadadid you get same or next day turn on?
10:34.23Renzequpada: I try to avoid telecom at all times :)
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10:34.34Renzenext day, but that was good enough for me
10:34.50qupadathat's still impressive
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10:35.03EnverexTm_T, - That's just stuff I've remembered off the top of my head, I'll keep adding as I go along
10:35.10Renzemost of the cabling was already in place from a previous tenant in this room
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10:35.35qupadai signed up with ihug on thursday (2nd), if i don't have to wait until NEXT monday (that is the 14th) for them to get around to enabling it, i'll be suprised
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10:35.47Renzejust had to connect it in the box outside, and set the cable modem's IP to it's MAC address
10:36.55Renzethe guy was rather shocked at how easy it was to change IP/Gateway/DNS in Linux :D
10:37.07qupada'the guy' = tech support dude?
10:37.14Renzethe install dude
10:37.39Renzehe had to phone in the MAC address to activate the connection
10:37.42tstaerkEnverex, I have so many questions to your statements - please file bug reports, there I can ask back
10:37.48qupadamy dsl model takes care of all that shite.  as long as i have the user and pass right for authentication it should get itself an ip from the DSLAM and dhcp should do the rest
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10:38.14Renzequpada: what speed/cap?
10:38.16Enverextstaerk, I don't really have the time, I've got to get lunch, have a shower then go to work. I have time if you want to query me though
10:38.48qupadaRenze: 3.5Mbps/512kbps, forget which data option i chose
10:39.06Renzequpada: 4Mbps both ways / 10GB
10:40.00qupadai'm just waiting until telecom stop being pricks and get on with what they're supposed to be doing with unbundling so isps can install adsl2+ stuff at exchanges and we can get 24MBps down
10:40.15Renzethey'll stall as long as they can... just watch
10:40.44qupadai know they will
10:41.03RenzeNZ Telecom is almost as bad as Microsoft :D
10:41.09qupadai'm suprised that stupid bitch in charge didn't get the flick after their latest earnings report
10:41.43RenzeI bet she's got dirt on most of the upper management :)
10:42.37qupadayeah, if only the government could do what the EU parliament is doing to M$ and charge them $2.5 million a day until they do what they've been told to
10:42.56Renzeour government? they're far too limp.
10:43.37fir3st0rmlunitik: what should i add as a samba share?
10:44.03Enverextstaerk, *poke* heh
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10:58.11lunitikfir3st0rm: umm, the shared printer?   :/
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10:58.45fir3st0rmlunitik: how can i do this?
10:59.06lunitikfir3st0rm: its not that complicated dude... my mother could do it   :/
10:59.24lunitikfir3st0rm: play with it a bit, you'll figure it out... you learn more than way anyways
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10:59.37fir3st0rmlunitik: where can i add it?
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11:00.07lunitikfir3st0rm: please don't make me /ignore you... you need to figure out such basic things yourself...
11:00.39fir3st0rmthe shared printer is not shown in the cups webinterface :/
11:01.22tstaerkfir3st0rm, that's normal, just tell him to add a samba queue, iirc
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11:02.02fir3st0rmtstaerk: what is a samba queue?
11:02.06lunitiktstaerk: its certainly not normal if the printer is shared...
11:02.12Sho_lunitik: you're being pretty abrasive today, btw
11:02.55lunitikSho_: earlier was because I was drunk, sorry... right now, fir3st0rm is asking questions he should be able to figure out on his own... its frustrating me...
11:03.00Enverexerm, if I a 64x64 folder doesn't exist shouldn't it use the icons from 128x128? (if nothing inbetween exists)?
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11:03.23Sho_lunitik: Threatening with ignore for beginner questions in a user-support channel is not really acceptable
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11:04.26lunitikSho_: I don't want to ignore him... I want to help if he as legitimate questions... but his questions right now basically amount to "do this for me"... and I'm not in the habit of doing that...
11:04.42fir3st0rmi won't be able to figure out this on my own, i was never able to do this...i added my network to browseallow, but my printer is still not shown, i have no idea what i should do next
11:06.55Sho_fir3st0rm: unfortunately printing is generally a mystery to me as well
11:08.17lunitikfir3st0rm: you're setting up the printer as a samba share... you will need to point cups at the printer (//somecomputer/printername format) ... then it will have you set up driver... then you go back to kdeprint to tweak settings
11:08.52lunitikfir3st0rm: I figured it out in 5 mins... so its reasonable to expect you to be able to navigate the interface also imo
11:09.40lunitikfir3st0rm: you will need to configure filters more than likely to get a functional test page print out...
11:10.21lunitikfir3st0rm: (via kdeprint ... which is something I can't help with, because its different for every printer...)
11:12.22lunitikSho_: the frustrating thing is... the cups interface (localhost:631) was very intuitive to me... I don't even understand what issues fir3st0rm could be having...
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11:13.17lunitikfir3st0rm: you're 100% sure the printer is being shared? can you browse to it via smb:/ ?
11:13.54lunitik(in konqueror)
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11:14.21Sho_lunitik: Well your "you will need to point cups at the printer (//somecomputer/printername format)" assumes that he knows the computer name of the remote box, that he is familuar with a textual serialization of shares in the network, ... there's a lot of advanced computing stuff in that sentence
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11:15.37fir3st0rmlunitik: yep, it's shared
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11:15.49fir3st0rmlunitik: i can see it with smb4k
11:16.02fir3st0rmand i can print from windows machines
11:16.32lunitikfir3st0rm: ok... what is it called? and what is the name of the printer on the network?
11:16.41fir3st0rmbtw, i finally found out where i have to add the printer....
11:16.52lunitikfir3st0rm: yay!
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11:17.17lunitikfir3st0rm: you have it added successfully now?
11:17.29fir3st0rmyes, but it doesn't print yet
11:18.12lunitikfir3st0rm: cool... told you it wasn't difficult... kdeprint ... play with filters for the printer...
11:18.57fir3st0rmit's a bit tricky if you do it the first time :)
11:19.03lunitikfir3st0rm: (it _should_ show up automatically now via kdeprint if its set to CUPS)
11:19.07tstaerkfir3st0rm, which lexmark ?
11:20.12lunitikfir3st0rm: I don't recall such difficulties... I'm prone to breaking things until they work though, perhaps you take a more organized approach... which complicates things imo   :P
11:20.32lunitiktstaerk: he's not using SUSE
11:20.32tstaerkA920 == z50
11:20.33fir3st0rmlunitik: definitely!
11:20.45tstaerkshould be similar with any distro.
11:21.01tstaerkHow to do it with debian:
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11:21.26lunitiktstaerk: he has the printer set up now... he just needs to apply the correct filters for his printer, and it should print
11:21.37fir3st0rmthe printer is not shown in kdeprintfax :/
11:21.47tstaerkthe filters are in the rpm package I am showing you all the time
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11:22.01EnverexTime to go, back later to go over that stuff with you tstaerk
11:22.11lunitikfir3st0rm: ahh... KControl > Periferals > Printer
11:22.20lunitikfir3st0rm: thats for faxes... meh
11:22.30fir3st0rmexpected that :)
11:23.18lunitikfir3st0rm: make sure kdeprint (what I just pointed to in KControl) is set to use CUPS... should pick it up
11:23.38fir3st0rmok it's there
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11:23.59lunitik(cups doesn't like running without drivers etc being functional... )
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11:25.39lunitikfir3st0rm: Printer > Configure ... there should be something for Filters in there... play with that... (usually postscript is what you want)
11:26.30fir3st0rmbut i can't print yet :/
11:26.50lunitikfir3st0rm: no, because you need the correct filter for your printer...
11:26.53fir3st0rmthe test page doesn't get printed
11:27.46lunitikfir3st0rm: you should be getting things added to your print que though... they just won't work yet... (printer has no idea what to do with it, because the correct filters aren't present)
11:28.08lunitik(print que on the windows box that has the printer locally)
11:28.30lunitikpretend I said queue in each of those cases
11:28.57fir3st0rmthe print box on the windows pc stays empty
11:29.09lunitikfir3st0rm: ahhh   :(
11:29.14fir3st0rmnothing in the print queue there
11:30.00Sho_lunitik: thought about krfb? ;)
11:30.20lunitikfir3st0rm: you behind a firewall?
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11:31.03benJImanfir3st0rm: what distro are you using?
11:31.11lunitikbenJIman: Debian
11:31.18fir3st0rmlunitik: no
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11:34.01lunitikSho_: good idea... if he lets me...
11:36.01jottis a konsole dev around on irc? i have a (oneline) bug fix for utf-8 decoding and i am too lazy to open a report ...
11:36.07lunitikSho_: while you're watching... gained any better understanding of this... or you still don't understand? (wondering if I'm being kinda confusing)
11:36.58lunitikSho_: imo, you could get this set up in no time... strange you say you're not knowledgeable about printing...
11:37.10lunitikSho_: although, don't even bother trying on the Kubuntu box  ;P
11:38.38Sho_lunitik: Well, for one, I don't print
11:38.50lunitikSho_: you don't even have a printer?
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11:39.12Sho_lunitik: Second, having to point my browser to a local web interface for some strange backend daemon I don't want to have to know about to add a printer is inacceptable
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11:39.27isolationisthas anyone compiled knetwork-manager here?
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11:40.01lunitikSho_: imo, kdeprint shouldn't require that... but cups won't start unless it knows about printers... its lame  :(
11:40.14lunitikSho_: can likely do it via CLI, but I don't know how
11:40.20fir3st0rmLexmarkZ "Network host '' is busy, down, or unreachable; will retry in 30 seconds..."
11:40.20Sho_lunitik: yup ... and it's unreasonable to expect a user to know that
11:40.55Sho_lunitik: I'm confident enough in my abilities that I expect I could become CUPS-savvy if I wanted to, but I really don't feel like it ;)
11:41.17fir3st0rmany ideas what's wrong? :(
11:41.38Sho_I think I don't even have cups installed at the moment :)
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11:42.05lunitikfir3st0rm: can you ping that box?
11:43.16lunitikfir3st0rm: what dist of Debian are you using?
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11:43.52lunitikfir3st0rm: same here... grrr... so should be no different...
11:44.05lunitikfir3st0rm: imo, your network hates you  ;P
11:44.15fir3st0rmno, i hate my network
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11:46.45lunitikfir3st0rm: I've told you everything I did to get things working... so I'm out of ideas   :(
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11:47.40lunitikfir3st0rm: woohoo = its working ... or woohoo = sarcastic damnit
11:47.40fir3st0rmi've added the printer in kdeprint and sent a test page - works :D
11:47.51fir3st0rmworking \o/
11:48.36lunitikgrrr... haha... still lame that cups won't start unless you configure it via its interface...
11:49.10lunitikWould have kept bitching about "could not initialize printer" otherwise... lame... but glad its working  \o/
11:49.15fir3st0rmthe settings in cups are exactly the same oO
11:49.31lunitikfir3st0rm: yours was easier than mine... mine hated filters
11:49.33fir3st0rmexpecting the workgroup
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11:54.47deadline-guys im looking for a user auth. for a raduis server that works on my LAN, do anyone knows about a graphical package works in kde?
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11:55.25fir3st0rmlunitik: cups works :D
11:55.37lunitikfir3st0rm: yay  :)
11:56.08fir3st0rmi misconfigured some things in cups, the kde dialogs showed me the right way ;)
11:57.17lunitikfir3st0rm: you just have to set up things in the web interface so kdeprint doesn't bitch about CUPS not initializing... annoying, basically have to set things up twice...
11:58.06lunitik(although, things like would have printed after setting up the web interface)
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12:02.06fir3st0rmit's quite easy to set up, but if you do it the first time...
12:05.37AegeanLinuxis it normal for people to try and hack into an SSHD server every 24 hours ? There is this dude trying pretty hard to login with users such as ben, test, cvs, svn
12:07.02tstaerkAegeanLinux, yes
12:07.22AegeanLinuxdang, it is starting to piss me off. My auth.log file is 60MB already.
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12:08.13fir3st0rm*g* Catastrophe! - Knotify
12:08.27jottAegeanLinux: configure sshd to use another port ;)
12:09.11AegeanLinuxwell, seeing as I am going to install the newest build of Aegean on it soon. jott, I will have some fun with this dude.
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12:09.50AegeanLinuxif I make a username test and password test
12:10.00AegeanLinuxIs there a program where I can have a chat with this dude?
12:10.40jottyou could try to exploit the bot that scans for weak passwords ;)
12:10.53lunitikAegeanLinux: write user blah
12:11.16tstaerkAegeanLinux, maybe the bot scanning for weak passwords runs on a captured machine ?
12:11.17AegeanLinuxI want to change the shell to a chat program
12:11.31tstaerkAegeanLinux, screen
12:11.48AegeanLinuxcan I set that as the shell for that user though tstaerk
12:11.53Renzeaegeanlinux: I once had someone from Japan bruteforcing my ssh port for a root login, even though I had root logins disabled :)
12:12.07AegeanLinuxThats what I have now too Renze
12:12.18jottAegeanLinux: you could try "talk" ;)
12:12.33AegeanLinuxbash: talk: command not found
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12:12.48tstaerkAegeanLinux, wall
12:12.48lunitikAegeanLinux: no... no way to start screen automagically... (if you try, you end up with endless cases of screen, because every time user logs in, another screen)
12:12.56lunitikAegeanLinux: man write
12:13.24lunitikor wall...
12:14.33lunitikAegeanLinux: meh... but him in a chroot and fuck with him... you know you want to   :P
12:14.36jottor just dump out huge amount of data maybe this will crash the bot ;)
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12:15.11AegeanLinuxI know how to do it!
12:15.15tstaerkjott, and if the bot is a captured compi ?
12:15.16AegeanLinuxmake +x
12:15.23AegeanLinuxset shell to
12:15.29tstaerkAegeanLinux, cool!
12:15.40AegeanLinuxecho "FUCK YOU!\n";exit 1'
12:15.52AegeanLinuxEasy and safe :S
12:15.58tstaerkAegeanLinux, your bewilderment is too short to crash any bot
12:16.08AegeanLinuxbut if it is a bot
12:16.21AegeanLinuxit prob sends a message to another user that the computer has bad pw
12:16.30AegeanLinuxso a human _should_ read it
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12:16.37lunitikAegeanLinux: in my opinion ... it'd be more fun to throw 'exec' at the end...
12:16.47TheWoozlerebooting to do diagnostics for the next 12 hours or so, while I drive to GA and back. Baksun...
12:16.49tstaerkbut how can you crash a human by delivering too much data...
12:17.09AegeanLinuxI agree. Better to just send that message and let it be
12:17.15jotttstaerk: use some offensive text that drives him crazy ;)
12:17.26DodoAlienhi, how to edit the KDM session menu? i got a blank option on it :(
12:17.43AegeanLinuxscript kiddie ?
12:18.37lunitikDodoAlien: KControl > System Administration > Login Manager
12:18.47DodoAlienok thx :)
12:18.57eastwoodDodoAlien, /usr/share/xsessions
12:18.58lunitikDodoAlien: turn off your stupid fucking away message
12:19.21eastwoodshut that crap off
12:20.03DodoAlienops sorry :)
12:20.54illogicalbe nice to the newbies. OR ELSE!
12:21.38AegeanLinuxNothing in everything.log that says jack about sshd ...
12:21.44AegeanLinuxonly my test login ...
12:21.55AegeanLinuxwhy does nothing happen when you want it to ?
12:22.13lunitikAegeanLinux: because that'd be too convenient   :P
12:22.13illogicalAegeanLinux: what's the problem?
12:22.58AegeanLinuxillogical: someone trying to login as "test" "root" "cvs" "hal" "clamav" "clamd" "micheal" "ben" into my system
12:23.33illogicalAegeanLinux: so you want to prevent those entries from showing?
12:23.52AegeanLinuxNo, just from flodding my auth.log and everything.log
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12:24.28illogicalAegeanLinux: oh. i thought this was a KDE problem.
12:24.38AegeanLinuxIt is in some ways ....
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12:25.25illogicalkdm's rc files should be commented so if it logs stuff, most likely in can be turned off there
12:26.06AegeanLinuxargh, still no test...
12:26.14illogicalI _highly_ doubt KDM is creating these log files. since the person would have to be AT your computer to use kdm...
12:26.14AegeanLinuxwhats taking them so long (?)
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12:27.48AegeanLinuxAug  5 22:27:42 myhost sshd[3741]: Did not receive identification string from UNKNOWN (?)
12:27.53lunitikillogical: not true... kdm supports remote login (I can't remember the damn protocol name  :/)
12:27.59AegeanLinuxRenze: Whats the above line mean? ;)
12:28.19lunitikXDMRC or something?
12:28.19illogicallunitik: if the ability is turned on in X.
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12:28.54lunitikillogical: yes...
12:28.58AegeanLinuxRenze: Whats the above line mean? ;)
12:29.18illogicaland this is usually turned off by default, so again, I doubt that's the problem.
12:29.36illogicalunless AegeanLinux specifically turned it on.
12:29.47Renzesorry, was changing settings on my router, only just come back in channel - the other Renze was a ghost
12:30.05AegeanLinuxTurned what on?
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12:30.19AegeanLinuxNo, I use NX, NX does not need that ;)
12:30.20Renzeno, changing wireless settings
12:30.28AegeanLinux(NX is the reason I have SSH)
12:31.05illogicalAegeanLinux: I still don't believe KDM is creating those log file entries :-)
12:31.26AegeanLinuxillogical: KDM isn't, My system is
12:31.47AegeanLinuxI use "System" lightly ;-)
12:31.57Renzesleepy time for renzes... hasta maĂąana, y'all
12:31.59illogicalAegeanLinux: so how is this a KDM problem?
12:32.10illogicalRenze: sleep well you dirty whore.
12:32.11AegeanLinuxillogical: It's not. It is a SSHd problem
12:32.16qupadalater Renze
12:32.39illogicalAegeanLinux: lol. ok, so turn off ssh logging.
12:32.55AegeanLinuxI want it on though.
12:33.02AegeanLinux:P, picky arn't I
12:33.06illogicalThen quit bitching about it.
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12:33.37qupadawhat we have here is a classic 'cake an eat it too' situation
12:33.44qupadai suggest you eat the cake
12:34.36luksani just did a search for "3d mesh repository" on google and "KDE repository" was on the first page of result...hehe
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12:35.59unistdhey, someone known tutorial for to build themes in kde 3.x? ?
12:37.48illogicalluksan: I got a stanford page for my first hit
12:38.06illogicalI think you just did DE instead of 3d :-p
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12:43.45luksanillogical: not the first hit
12:43.49luksanillogical: but on the first page
12:44.22illogicalI should read better.
12:44.31illogicalmy bad. :-)
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12:44.58steveireIn xfce, you can switch desktops by sending the mouse off the screen to the next one. Can you do that in kde?
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12:45.21qupadasteveire: yep
12:45.23illogicalsteveire: yes
12:45.35qupadalemme remember where
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12:46.17illogicalkcontrol -> Desktop -> Window Behavior
12:46.26qupadasteveire: kcontrol > Desktop > Window Behaviour > Advanced > Active Desktop Borders
12:47.04zimm2hmm, seems the translucency issues are just with the "first" konq window opened, it fails to return to full opacity after fading out due to a move/change of focus, if another konq window is opened, it works fine .. and then continues to do so even after the first one is closed.... any idea's ? or am i just being picky considering its kinda new.. ? quite happy it works at all tbh :)
12:47.13steveirethanks. Now all I need is to find kcontrol
12:47.36qupadacontrol center on the menu
12:47.51qupadaor put 'kcontrol' at any console, or the run command dialogue
12:47.57eastwoodkcontrol command
12:47.59steveireyes. got it in konsole
12:48.03illogicalzimm2: you're not being too picky. but such is the state of transparency nowadays.
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12:48.31illogicalzimm2: when X get's better at it, then KDE will too.
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12:51.02zimm2illogical, yeh like i said im happy it works as well as it does.. but was wondering if this could somehow be a konqueror issue (cant see how.. but im no devel) as its the only app thats having issues here.. maybe todo with the ram preload stuff ..
12:53.22zimm2infact ... it is .. just told kde not to hold any instances of konqueror held in ram, and its fine now..
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13:00.06illogicalzimm2: good to know. indirectly it's a konq issue but not really. I think if you use any app that uses up a lot of memory (azureus, firefox) that this would still happen.
13:00.41illogicalbut that's jusdt me pontificating, I haven't checked and don't plan to. compositing is just too unstable for me.
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13:02.03zimm2firefox and everything else is fine ,.. its just konqueror that does it .. and even then only if kde is set to hold a preloaded instance in ram .. which if you have a cpu over 1gig is irrelevant anyway ..
13:02.37zimm2and if you are running a slower system, you probably wont be running with translucent windows anyway ..
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13:03.14qupadafunny, i have a fast machine and no desire for transparency
13:03.52benJImanzimm2: well it would probably be faster if you have any graphics card at all
13:04.01zimm2qupada, im only running it out of curiosity :)
13:04.06illogicalzimm2: I'd tell you to file a bug report on b.k.o. but with the impending arrival of a new KDE i think only really critical bugs are going to looked at for inclusion in KDE's updates to 3.5.
13:04.50qupadazimm2: yeah, everyone goes through that stage, how long it last depends on how patient you are.  mplayer didn't play co-operatively with it, so my X server used to crash fairly often, i gave up pretty fast
13:05.16benJImanit's far more stable with the recent nvidia drivers
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13:05.40benJImanvideo still doesn't get on too well with it though, no other way of causing problems now I can find though
13:05.45qupadayeah, i know.  but like xgl it doesn't do anything at all that's actually useful in day to day use of the computer
13:05.51zimm2yeh im expecting irritating issues, but none so far, and as i cant get drivers for my tv card, i use xpmce for media stuff ..
13:05.59qupadawehn it worked it was fine, i could have see-through video and everything
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13:06.34qupadabut if something happens it isn't expecting, everything shits itself and you find yourself back at a login prompt
13:06.35zimm2benJIman, newest nvidia drivers here, and so far stable
13:06.53illogicalzimm2: I'd try to get the TV card working. Mythtv is awesomeness
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13:07.17qupadazimm2: grab yourself yakuake while you're at it too
13:07.30qupadait's kcompmgr's next worst friend
13:07.36zimm2illogical, it wont work mate.. its a proprietory toshiba chip in a qosmio laptop, they wont even release the specs for it ..
13:07.45zimm2qupada, got it
13:07.59illogicalah. thought you had a _real_ tv card :-)
13:08.04qupadazimm2: ah. was about to ask you what tv tuner.  has your laptop got a dvb-t tuner built into it?
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13:08.15zimm2qupada, yup
13:08.16illogicalzimm2: someone'll probably crack it in two years :-)
13:08.22zimm2thats what im hoping
13:08.33qupadazimm2: that's kinda cool.  if only it did work
13:08.50qupadawe're finally getting free to air digital tv here in NZ around new year
13:09.07zimm2thing is ..
13:09.14zimm2it DOES work with linux
13:09.33PhilRodillogical: there're quite a few bug fixes getting into 3.5-branch, not just critical ones. I'd say file away :-)
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13:10.07zimm2cos the qosmio has an "embedded" quickstart os for watching tv/video etc which is based on "instant-on" and a linux 2.4 kernel .. but its all being kept quiet
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13:10.28illogicalhehe. yeah that's what the link i pointed to says
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13:10.52qupadazimm2: well that's not that helpful anyway then.  even if you could extract shite from the flash rom with that linux install, you'd have a nice linux 2.4 kernel module
13:11.00zimm2but just you try getting the specs for the chip ... been casually looking for 6 months now
13:11.18qupadawhat does lspci call it?
13:11.28qupada(paste it, just the one line)
13:11.32zimm202:09.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant Unknown device 5b7a
13:11.46qupadahave you tried googling with that pci id?
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13:12.07zimm2i have the "recovery" disc for the qosmio player but its all "image" files, and im no coder..
13:12.14zimm2qupada, yup, course :P
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13:12.37qupadawhat kind of images? i'm sure we can arrange something
13:13.31zimm2incidentally that lspci paste came from yakuake :)
13:13.50qupada  << zimm2
13:13.53illogicalASAOF that deserves a loll
13:14.06qupadasomeone reckons it works with ivtv
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13:14.24zimm2well, thats where i went with it, and didnt have much luck
13:15.03zimm2everything installed ok, but it wont actually talk to the chip
13:15.41qupadazimm2: i haven't used ivtv, but i imagine there might be some option you can pass to the module when you modprobe it
13:15.47zimm2and then i gave up, cos it seemed a waste of a winter in the alps to spend it in the pub installing linux apps over public wifi :)
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13:16.27zimm2qupada, you are probably right.. as i said i didnt spend too much time plahying with it
13:16.42qupada'modinfo ivtv' might find something
13:18.16qupadaby all accounts it seems to be a hybrid analogue/digital tuner too, which is a bonus
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13:18.53zimm2probably, dont have ivtv installed anymore as xpmce ate itself and the recovery disc ate linux, so fresh debian testing install atm ..
13:19.31zimm2yeh its a wicked piece of kit, was sat in a field in the middle of nowhere, picked up all 5 analogue channels , and 60 digi services  :)
13:20.04zimm2except in my house.. where it picks up nothing at all ..
13:20.25qupadainternal aerial somewhere in the edge of the screen?
13:20.46zimm2nah rf cable, and a cheap aerial from tesco's :)
13:21.01qupadaoh woohoo
13:21.55qupadai guess if it was internal it would cause havoc being in such close proximity to the wireless aerials
13:22.06zimm2id love to try the g20 qosmio, but its a bit outta my league pricewise .. 2 100gig sata drive in a notebook .. mmmmmmmmm
13:22.25qupada(not because of the signals, before anyone mentions the frequency difference, just the having another piece of wire in there)
13:23.03zimm2also, digital signals need quite efficient (correctly shaped) aerials or you dont get shit
13:23.28qupadahave you seen the crazy aerials some wireless-n gear has?
13:23.33zimm2hence it wont work in my house.. cos there are pylons out the back
13:23.48zimm2cant say i have
13:24.06qupadahang on a sec, will find one
13:25.38zimm2thats just funny
13:25.38zimm2id rather have a cable
13:25.42shiningit's weird
13:26.13zimm2and lets you put your computer almost anywhere in the building without the cost and hassle of running network cables.
13:26.24zimm2not if the building has a steel sructure it wont
13:26.36qupada802.11n is the first time wireless has a chance of actually being faster than 100Mbps ethernet, it's scary
13:27.38zimm2we had a nightmare networking a dozen chlets using wireless, each one acts as a faraday cage and absorbs all the signal.. ended up resorting to "line of sight" and cable-tying routers to chimneys .. lol
13:27.45zimm2err chalets ..
13:27.56qupadayay for cable ties
13:28.11qupadabig fuck-off 25dBi parabolic dishes are the go
13:31.20shiningwhen I increase the font size, it only increase the size of the left panel in konqueror
13:31.35shiningbut not the size of the files, which stay at 10
13:31.45qupadashining: you might need to do a logout
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13:32.05benJImanshining: settings -> configure konqueror -> appearance -> font size, for file management font
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13:33.10shiningbenJIman: why does one part change, and not the other? it's really weird
13:33.19zimm2well, whilst mplayer works , i aint getting transparent video, .. and the video itself stays on top of EVERYTHING else lol .. c'est la vie, no worries ..
13:33.32shiningnautilus does the same btw :p I don't get it
13:33.57qupadashining: log out and back in, you might find it changes after that
13:34.03shiningI just did
13:34.19shiningit's what benJIman said
13:34.44shiningit's weird that one part is affected by konqueror settings
13:34.52shiningand the other by the control center settings
13:35.31zimm2works now ..
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13:39.45zimm2just change video driver to X11 (XImage/Shm) nice transparent video ... mmm .,..
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13:40.49qupadathat's '-vo x11' on the command line, for the record
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13:41.37zimm2still, its using 100% cpu .. lol ..
13:42.01zimm2oooh, and my cpu is now 74'C :(
13:42.33qupadanow there's a suprise
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13:44.08qupadai take it you have a not particularly large heatsink
13:44.36zimm2i have a pentium M 1.73ghz in a laptop ...
13:44.47qupadaforgotten about the laptop bit already
13:44.49qupadathat could do it
13:44.51zimm2which fortunatly is safe to 98'C
13:45.01zimm2or something, according to intel
13:45.53qupadai have one of amd's hotter products of recent years, athlon64-fx53 with 89W tdp.  got a big shiny zalman cooler made of copper though, so it stays below 55C even at full load
13:46.34zimm2nice... my old slot1 athlon would hit 60'c within 2 minutes of booting... lol, and that was only 650mhz !!!
13:47.57qupadayeah, they were great, weren't they?
13:48.58zimm2hehe, well, it worked despite being seriously abused for years on end..
13:49.18zimm2although the cpu fans were so noisy i killed two hard drives kicking the box to shut it up ..
13:49.53zimm2which aint good when 2 days into a gentoo compile/install
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13:50.34zimm2actually i still use that drive in a network box, 2gig left out of 20 .. bad sectors ate the rest ..
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13:53.50gmooremy gentoo system has kde3.5.4 installed. i'm using it remotely on a windows system which has an X server running. when i type 'kdesktop' i get a nice KDE desktop with the trash can and such on it, but no menu bar (or whatever it's called, that has the K logo and clicking it brings up your applications list, etc). how do i get that menu bar to come up?
13:54.52PhilRoduse 'startkde'
13:55.16PhilRodthat's the usual way to start kde, and maks sure the session gets started properly
13:57.00gmooreahh cool, it started KPersonalizer, going through that now
13:58.12gmoorehmmm, KDE Desktop runs in a seperate window from 'kicker' and 'klipper'
13:58.20gmooreis there a way to get them to run inside the desktop?
13:58.48PhilRodcould you explain your setup a bit more?
13:58.55gmoorenevermind, i think i may have XWin set up wrong... let me play with it for a moment
13:59.30gmooreah yes. i had XWin set to multi window mode. setting it to single window fixed that.
13:59.46gmooreworks perfect now, aside from a bit of font weirdness/uglyness. pretty fast too. thanks :)
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14:06.57kbrooks|ALihi all.
14:07.14Dr_WillisHowdy all. Im using the 'special windows settings - to tell firefox to get 'full screen' ' applied initially' - but its not going fullscreen. theres still a little space (about the witth of the close button) to the right its still lacking
14:08.02kbrooks|ALiMethinks I have decent memory.
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14:09.36onesandzerosI take it that KDE4 is still a ways off... just out of curiosity, will we see a 3.5.5>
14:09.47PhilRodcorrect, and I imagine so
14:10.02onesandzerosjust wondering, thanks
14:10.02kbrooks|ALiwe better not see a 3.6!
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14:10.10PhilRodnope, definitely no 3.6
14:10.56onesandzerosso currently, the major version is 3, the minor is 5, and the 4 is called what?
14:11.11kbrooksa full rewrite
14:11.24kbrooksno API/ABI Compatibility
14:11.33PhilRodkbrooks: he means the 4 in 3.5.4 :-)
14:11.40onesandzerosyeah, sorry that wasn't clear
14:11.45kbrooks|ALionesandzeros: bugfix
14:11.45PhilRodonesandzeros: bugfix release, maintenance release, whatever
14:11.46onesandzerosor maybe it was, hehehe
14:13.04onesandzeros3.5.3 was, for me, bug-less.  I always love these .3+ (or even .2+) bugfixes, they work like gold
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14:13.45onesandzerosand then 7.0 was a nightmare, iirc
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14:16.16onesandzerosPhilRod: but you think there might be a 3.5.5?
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14:18.38shevegenShort question, if you right click on the desktop, a menu appears/pop ups. Where can you define the behaviour of this popup menu, i.e. so that it seems to appear from the "top-left" corner first (start place is => where mouse cursor is located)
14:18.54shevegenand with maybe a delay of 0.5 seconds
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14:24.16lunitikshevegen: I don't think you can set that... it tries to be smart atm...
14:25.27onesandzerosshevegen: sounds familiar, but I can't find it...
14:25.29shevegenok ignore the delay :) is it possible to manipulate that pop-up window?
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14:30.33Dr_WillisYou mean the right click - desktop root menu?
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14:31.50shevegenLemme google, maybe i find a picture. :)
14:31.58lostsongood morning all
14:33.01clintc_laptopI'd like to be able to read and delete email messages in kmail from a message window, reading is easy but I have not found a way to delete, please help
14:33.17clintc_laptopor point me to a better channel for the question
14:34.32shevegenOk, cant seem to find a suitable image. On desktop, you just right-click with mouse, then get that popup window Dr_Willis. I am trying to find out where you can configure it, i.e. its behaviour or looks and so.
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14:36.46Dr_Willisshevegen,  if you are right clicking on the desktop - i guess thats the right click menu item. :P    check the various kde tweak/hacking/settings pages.. seems about everything can be set with a config file if you want to dig into it enough.
14:37.03Dr_Willisive seen it tweaked /mentioned on some KDE-KOISK mode page
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14:39.08Dr_WillisSeen ways to lock out what users can change/do/use and so on.
14:39.16Dr_Willisamazing at how flexable kde canbe.
14:39.35Dr_WillisNot that ive ever done any of that stuff.. ive just read about it.
14:40.16kbrooks|ALiDr_Willis: gnome int, so they have to write stuff :P
14:41.01Dr_Willisyep - it pays to be flexiable  designed from the ground up.
14:41.39Dr_WillisI do find the kde printer install dialog to be way too... complex, (and it dont seem to work right for me) :P
14:42.06Dr_Willisbut  know exactly what to type in the gnome-cups-manager. :P 1 ip, and port 9100. for hpdirect.
14:42.07kbrooks|ALishevegen: hi btw
14:42.27shevegenyo kbrooks|ALi ... two kbrookses?
14:42.28Dr_Willisseems the term 'hpdirect' is called other stuff by differnet people/developers/companies.
14:43.12kbrooks|ALishevegen: this one is on AegeanLinux :p
14:43.19kbrooks|ALishevegen: and in QEMU
14:43.34shevegennever heard about AegeanLinux
14:43.36kbrooks|ALishevegen: the other one is in kubuntu :P
14:43.48shevegenconfuses me :P
14:44.02kbrooksshevegen: #aegeanlinux :-)
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14:50.37eis_osI am trying to install nvidia driver on suse 10.1 x86_64 (DVD without any updates), after the installation sysinfo:/ doesn't work anymore
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14:51.23eis_oskio_sysinfo crashes
14:51.27Ace2007Hi all
14:52.25eis_osif I remove the drivers however, kio_sysinfo still crashes
14:52.26Ace2007When i type the wrong command into ALT+FT it goes to that url instead of giving an error
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14:52.30Ace2007how do i get the error?
14:52.52Dr_WillisHmm.. sysinfo:/ dont work for me at all..
14:53.10Dr_Willissome day i need to find a list of all the sysinfo:/ fonts:// stuff.
14:53.27MetaMorfoziSwhat is the function in kcontrol -> peripherials -> digital camera?
14:53.29benJImanthere's one in kinfocenter
14:53.29MetaMorfoziSwhat it can do?
14:53.49benJImankinfocenter -> protocols Dr_Willis
14:54.18Dr_Willisyea - i was thinking theres a kioslave: or somthing also. :P let me looky :P
14:54.20benJImanMetaMorfoziS: that's for configuring the camera:/ kioslave
14:54.34MetaMorfoziSand i can use my diivam as a webcam?
14:54.41MetaMorfoziSit opened the konqueror
14:54.51eis_os"Der Prozess für das Protokoll sysinfo wurde unerwartet beendet." as I reinstalled suse 10.1 now 3 times, I am 100% sure it is after installing the driver (tried an older driver aswell, same)
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14:55.31eis_osso where how does kio_sysinfo gets it's info from?
14:56.05MetaMorfoziSbenJIman: ? what program can try it?
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14:56.35benJImanMetaMorfoziS: any kde app, but probably konquerror you'll want
14:57.02eis_os a related bug
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14:58.18MetaMorfoziSi have konica minolta dimage z6, in the kcontrol listad the dimage z5 in pictbridge mode, i have setted it inmy own
14:58.57AegeanLinuxKDE Compile error ::: error: dnssd/remoteservice.h: No such file or directory
14:59.08AegeanLinuxWhat package owns that file ?
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15:00.36Dr_WillisKicking - a lot of neat Protocols!  - this stuff should get mentioned more!
15:00.50bakihi all, i'm interested in sources of math expression evaluator applet, so can anyone please tell me what is the name of that program or where can i find it?
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15:01.05bakior at least where is kde's applet list kept?
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15:02.41bakiwhere kde keep list of applets (their names, exutables...)?
15:03.22mariuxdo you want the sources to something that is in kde already?
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15:03.55bakiapplet that is named "math expression evaluator"
15:04.07bakiwhat is its name and where can i find sources?
15:04.40mariuxeither here
15:05.00lunitikbaki: distro?
15:05.09bakislackware 10.2
15:05.21mariuxor or
15:05.39mariuxim guessing kicker and its plugins are in kdebase
15:06.00bakimariux: yes, but where to look: kdebase...
15:06.08lunitikbaki: ahh... meh... well its in 'kicker-applets' on debian... no idea about slack ... you'd just 'apt-get source kicker-applet'
15:06.12mariuxim just guessing :)
15:06.31bakiand, is there any way to find out what is the name of that applet (cause, maybe, there is a site for it)
15:07.38mariux10sec baki
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15:09.06mariuxbaki: kdeaddons-3.5.4.tar.bz2/kdeaddons-3.5.4/kicker-applets/math
15:09.49bakivau! i don
15:10.01baki't know how did you do it:) but tnx a lot!
15:10.33mariuxwell, i knew it would either be in kdebase/kicker/applets (which it wasnt) or kdeaddons/kicker-applets/
15:11.19bakitnx, tnx a lot;)
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15:58.29steveirehaha! I came back here to ask about borderless desktops again, but I figured it out
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15:59.16steveireI'll have a good look around kcontrol now
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16:03.25Bakemonocould you please advise, how can I change in Kate between the builtin terminal and the text-field? through a shortcut I mean
16:04.32steveireNo idea, sorry
16:05.18Bakemonoo.k. :)
16:06.51strawBakemono: Settings -> Configure Shortcuts...
16:07.26strawand look for 'Show Terminal'
16:08.29Bakemonogotcha, thank you :)
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16:09.23ow1Has anyone made a dbus monitor similar to growl for the mac? If not, it might be a fun project for me to look into building
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16:11.22pinotreeow1: a dbus viewer?
16:11.34steveirein kcontrol > desktop > behaviour, what does 'allow programs in desktop window' do?
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16:11.49pinotreeow1: like this?
16:16.08jottis there a thumbcreator service plugin for 3d files (like obj/3ds/...)?
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16:47.54shininglol, I exported bookmarks in html format, but it seems I can't import that in konqueror
16:47.59DrO|Ahow come sometimes the kmilo XOSD volume bar works, and sometimes it dont... the volume is regulated, but i dont get the xosd bar
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16:54.00entropycould someone please direct me to where i could find information on correcting the following. kaudiocreator does nothing when i try rip my CDs (it says it's busy, but nothing ever actually happens). in the syslog i get the following error:program kio_audiocd not setting count and/or reply_len properly
16:55.21PhilRodsee if you get the same problem ripping with audiocd:/ in konq
16:55.34PhilRod(see the user guide for details if you're not familiar with audiocd:/)
16:55.39aptThe KDE User Guide can be found at
16:57.46PhilRodkaudiocreator is using audiocd:/ under the hood (it appears), so you'll probably have the same problem
16:57.48PhilRodbut we can try debugging it if you do
16:57.58PhilRodwell, debugging/finding the misconfig/ whatever
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17:01.39entropycdparania works, but is nowhere near as user-friendly
17:01.48entropy(if that means anything)
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17:05.00PhilRodwell, it means that your CD drive isn't broken :-)
17:05.00PhilRodany luck with audiocd:/
17:05.13kbrooks|ALihi :p
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17:08.28entropyno, it does not work
17:09.12entropyit just shows tracks 01->99 in various formats, with no cddb info and if i try do anything with it, nothing happens (no errors either)
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17:10.16entropyyea, audiocd:// does not work
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17:57.30PhilRodentropy: sorry about the lag, I was AFK. are there really 99 track on the cd?
17:58.03PhilRod(I've had a bug with audiocd where it showed more tracks than there really were)
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18:04.38liedhi, where is the config from kstreamripper stored?
18:05.05entropyPhilRod: no there are not 99 tracks, only 11, it's not working at all
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18:12.40PhilRodlied: probably ~/.kde/share/config/kstreamripperrc, but I haven't used that program
18:12.44PhilRodentropy: distro?
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18:13.55liedPhilRod, no there is noch config, i have already looking there
18:13.58entropyPhilRod: i'm having serious kde issues though, since i upgraded to 3.5.2
18:14.26entropymy kdm is also still completely unusable. i've had to switch to gdm to use kde (oh the bitter irony)
18:14.51PhilRodlied: maybe ~/.kde/share/apps/kstreamripper?
18:15.24liedPhilRod, no :(
18:15.49PhilRodentropy: hrm, I wonder whether we should pursue this or whether it's worth seeing if something went wrong in your upgrade
18:16.11PhilRodlied: hrm, no idea then sorry - does it use some other app as a backend?
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18:16.56liedPhilRod, yes, streamripper. but this prog is an console based one. kstreamripper is just a interface for ripping music from the internetradios
18:17.00entropyPhilRod: don't worry for now. i'll hang on till 3.5.4 packages come allong and if i still have issues after that upgrade i'll pursue further
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18:17.05entropythanks though
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18:17.33PhilRodentropy: I guess you've already asked in #kubuntu? (Perhaps a known problem)
18:17.52PhilRodlied: hrm, odd. It should store its config *somewhere* in ~/.kde
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18:18.01entropyregarding kdm yes, regarding the kaudio, no
18:18.16liedPhilRod, i look with locate :)
18:18.29entropyand after my experience in that channel after the kdm questions i'd rather just ask here and preserve my sanity
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18:21.27PhilRodheh, that's out problem here in #kde: we're a) too good at answering people's questions, and b) too nice to shoo people away, so we get everyone's questions on everything :-)
18:25.49PhilRodentropy: if you like I can give you some help trying to find the problem with audiocd:/
18:26.11entropysure that'd be nice if you can
18:26.50PhilRodok, start konqueror from a konsole. Does it give you any debug output?
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18:27.38PhilRodbah, my code is wrong, as usual
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18:33.25PhilRodentropy: any luck with that?
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18:33.50entropysorry, i got called away from my pc, trying now
18:34.15PhilRodok, np
18:36.56entropyno messages nothing
18:37.01entropyit just does nothing
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18:38.00PhilRodbut it opens konqueror, right?
18:38.03entropymouse hovering over 'track06.wav' tells me that track06 is 61.6mb large
18:38.10entropyhowever, if i try copy it
18:38.23entropyhere's a screenshot:
18:38.30entropywith the console in the background
18:38.55entropyit does /nothing/ and just sits there continuing to do nothing, no error nothing, just sit's on 0%
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18:39.11PhilRodthis sounds a lot like the problem we had with it on freebsd
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18:39.38PhilRodyou might want to check that you have the "correct" version of cdparanoia
18:40.03PhilRodthat is, that it's the version intended (by your distro) to be used with the version of KDE that you have
18:40.59entropyok, so a regular updater like myself could get scathed by that then
18:42.25PhilRodwell, I've oversimplified
18:42.45PhilRodthere was a problem on freebsd a while back caused by a change in cdparanoia, I think
18:42.59PhilRodactaully, I may be talking rubbish. Let me review my logs
18:43.08entropyheh, ok
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18:50.40entropyi still think the fact that this appears in my syslogs:
18:50.42entropy[17277382.352000] sg_write: data in/out 12/12 bytes for SCSI command 0x43--guessing data in;
18:50.43entropy[17277382.352000]    program kio_audiocd not setting count and/or reply_len properly
18:50.46entropyis strange
18:52.49PhilRodhard to say - kio_audiocd is probably using libcdparanoia underneath, which is what's *actually* doing the cd access
18:52.52PhilRod(I think)
18:53.35sikor_sxei wonder wether it is possible to turn off the KOrganizer Notification-module in the systemtray
18:53.50entropyfair enough
18:54.04sikor_sxeKOrganizer module itsself is not loaded itsself in kontact
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18:56.40[_]illogic-alPhilRod: entropy there should be the option in the audiocd:// kcontrol module to do cddb lookups.
18:57.08[_]illogic-alI just checked and I don't have it, so it's possible that it needs some build time dependency to be present.
18:57.27entropythat's not my problem though
18:57.30[_]illogic-albut I'm just guessing
18:58.04[_]illogic-alentropy: you're cds wont show the actual titles unless cddb lookups are done
18:58.09PhilRodentropy: sorry, I can't make sense of my IRC logs about audiocd:/
18:58.24PhilRod[_]illogic-al: that's not his problem - audiocd:/ is showing completely the wrong number of tracks
18:58.25[_]illogic-alafaik audiocd:// doesn't read CD-TEXT
18:58.32entropy[_]illogic-al: no, my audiocd does not work at all
18:58.50entropyit shows the wrong amount of tracks, shows no info, and freezes if i use it
18:59.13PhilRodentropy: you said cdparanoia works, right? Do you have, er, the scsi emulation thing set up? (whatever it's called on linux)
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18:59.44entropyPhilRod: no clue, i'm new to linux, i'm more used to freebsd :(
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18:59.51PhilRodoh, heh
19:00.27PhilRodyay, burncd rocks
19:00.32entropyindeed it does
19:00.37entropyi miss it something horribly
19:00.46PhilRodwhat's the linux one called again?
19:00.57[_]illogic-algrowisofs for dvds
19:01.05[_]illogic-alcdrecord for cdrs
19:01.11PhilRodoh yes, cdrecord
19:01.11entropyPhilRod: cdrecord
19:01.29PhilRodentropy: ok, we should see if we can get some debug output out of audiocd
19:01.41PhilRodso you said running konqueror from a konsole did nothing?
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19:01.58entropyPhilRod: i assume emulation etc "works" because i've burned dvds and stuff since setting up this pc
19:02.20entropyPhilRod: yea hung and gave no indication in the console
19:04.08PhilRodcan you run any other kde apps from a konsole?
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19:04.41entropyer ... sure
19:05.08PhilRoddo they output anything to the konsole?
19:06.44entropythe same thing pretty much that konqueror did
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19:10.44PhilRodbah, scim
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19:11.04PhilRoddoes anyone know what scim is?
19:11.53PhilRodentropy: hrm, well if KDE apps aren't starting at all when run from a konsole, I suspect something fairly fundamental is broken, which should be fixed
19:12.04PhilRodI guess the audiocd problem is just another symptom
19:12.13entropyeh ?
19:12.16entropyno they are starting
19:12.22entropysorry, missunderstanding
19:12.25entropythey start fine
19:12.43entropyi just meant nothing is output to the console
19:12.49entropyi get the same error with konqueror
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19:13.38iostreamhi =)
19:14.27PhilRodoh, ok
19:14.29PhilRodhi iostream
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19:15.21iostreamI guess it's not possible to setup the taskbar to display apps only for the display it is on ?
19:15.23PhilRodentropy: OK, I suspect that the kubuntu packages are built without debug support, which means that you won't be able to get any useful debug output
19:15.44PhilRodentropy: but check kdebugdialog: are most of the entries checked or unchecked?
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19:16.50entropymostly checked
19:16.53entropymany not checked though
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19:24.51PhilRodhrm, probably no debug support
19:25.05PhilRodthat puts paid to that idea
19:25.19PhilRodI guess you've already tried with a new user? (clutching at straws here)
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19:33.24rr72how do i export my gcc version?
19:33.30PhilRodexport it to where?
19:34.10rr72EXPORT cmd
19:34.25rr72someone told me but ubotu didnt log that day
19:34.36rr72was it in here maybe?
19:34.40PhilRodperhaps you should explain more clearly what you're actually trying to do
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19:35.08rr72i just need to change my version to a little older so that NVIDIA willl find it and comple the headers
19:35.09PhilRodthough "export MYGCCVERSION=$(gcc --version)" would do something like what I think you're asking
19:35.19rr72i need older version
19:35.27rr72someone told me Renze was it u?
19:35.30PhilRodoh, that'll be distro-specific
19:35.45rr72i don't think so
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19:36.01rr72i think it was renze and he uses gentoo and i use ubuntu
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19:38.12PhilRodit's really a question for #yourdistro
19:38.42cossidhonHi there, I have some problems with konqi, could someone help?
19:39.21rr72PhilRod~ #mydistro hates me
19:39.32PhilRodcossidhon: sure
19:39.49Ardonikcossidhon: did you expect the answer to be "no?"
19:39.53cossidhonWell, the first problem is that my tools menu is emtpy
19:40.01cossidhoneh, no :-)
19:40.01PhilRodcossidhon: distro?
19:40.12cossidhonkubuntu kde 3.5.4
19:40.20PhilRodcossidhon: completely empty?
19:41.02PhilRodkubuntu does weird things to the konqueror interface - if no one here can shed some light on it, you might want to ask in #kubuntu
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19:42.13cossidhonok, second problem, when I start konqi, it always start with a website I was watching when de machine went down due to some power issue's.
19:42.24cossidhonThe page is not my default page
19:42.36cossidhonI cleared my cache
19:44.34PhilRodgo to the page you want as home, then settings->save view profile, make sure "save urls in view profile" is checked, and OK
19:45.00rr72are there logs for this channel somewhere?
19:45.54cossidhon<PhilRod> Thanx, that helped!!
19:46.02PhilRodcool :-)
19:46.11rr72Renze~ did u help me solve my siglnal 11 error for kdm?
19:46.42PhilRodcossidhon: ok, now you can do me a favour in return - please check the faq (see topic) and tell me whether "how do I set my homepage?" is in it
19:46.53cossidhonok, third problem. I've disabled the bookmark toolbar, but sometimes it get's automagically enabled again
19:47.16rr72automagically love taht word
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19:47.58PhilRodcossidhon: I'd check that the setting gets saved in the config file, although I'm not sure which config file it should be. Letme see
19:48.20rr72.kde somin
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19:51.31cossidhonin konquerorrc there is a section called [KonqMainWindow Toolbar bookmarkToolBar]. It has a field named Hidden with a value of "true"
19:53.03PhilRodhrm, the config files for konq look complicated, because they have to handle multiple profiles too
19:53.49PhilRodcossidhon: have you checked your different view profiles? (perhaps one has bookmark toolbar visible, one has it hidden, etc)
19:56.36cossidhonPhilRod: Ok, i've enable and again disabled the toolbar and saved my "Web Browser" profile again. We'll wait ans see...
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19:57.58javanreeHi all
19:58.06cossidhonMeanwhile, i'll ask the problem of the empty tools menu in #kubuntu. btw, i've tried with a new user, but stil no tools menu, so, it can't be a profile issue, right?
19:58.24rr72who helped with my signal 11 error?
19:58.29rr72is this channel logged?
19:58.39javanreeQuick question : K3B doesn't convert MP3's correctly before burning, tracks become longer with loads of blank silence... any idea where to look?
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20:03.27PhilRodcossidhon: that's correct
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20:05.24cossidhonPhilRod: so, are there any system wide settings for konqi?
20:06.11PhilRodyes, but it's a bit complicated and I don't understand it
20:06.19PhilRodwell, the second of those at least :-)
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20:29.07Dirushey is there a way to set a live program to your background?
20:29.40DirusI don't want to update an image every X minutes, but something more like an application running in the root window
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20:42.55PhilRodDirus: I think you'd have to kill kdesktop to do that
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20:47.38DirusPhilRod: ah, too bad, I do like the desktop -- if the only way is to actually have root showing, is there a way to run kdesktop without a background?
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20:49.21DirusI guess probably not or google would be able to tell me something about it
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20:49.51PhilRodyou could try futzing with the settings in control cente r-> appearance -> background, but I can't see anything obvious there
20:49.54Diruswith all this transparency stuff in X11 now maybe "show root" will be an option in the future
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20:52.11PhilRodyes, quite possibly
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21:05.21nagulatorhey guys
21:05.29nagulatorany news from the KDE4 front
21:05.40nagulatorwhen are we going to see any preview screenies
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21:08.16XVampireXnagulator: don't think any time soon but most likely on tech preview
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21:09.46PhilRodpossible tech preview (libs, no apps) in the autumn, but nothing interesting on the apps front till, probably next year
21:10.00PhilRodif you want it to come faster, I'm sure there are ways to get involved :-)
21:10.42nagulatorwell, we will see
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21:10.53nagulatorall I want for it is to put gnome to sleep once and for all
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21:19.31iaradoi como vai
21:19.50pinotreeiarad: english please
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21:25.52oneforallsny one know if this has to use arts Linux MultiMedia Studio ?
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22:03.23backtickhi all.. i couldn't find a single document on writing KDE styles?!!
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22:11.42avutonDoes anyone know how I can control the autosuspend/powersaved thing from the command line? I set it with kpowersave and I can't get a remote X atm
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22:16.43killertuxsome Fluxbox people say KDE is using _hacks_ to get Wine working with KDE(the fullscreen window managent stuff). _TRUE_ or _FALSE_ ?
22:17.48killertuxso like KDE do like now Wine is loading lets load our Wine specific hacks window managent settings to get it work better?
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22:18.31thegh0sthow can I enable antialiasing for QT?
22:18.37thegh0stim using gnome, but use some kde apps
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22:35.08smileris it possible to run two (or more) kde sessions at the same time as the same user?
22:37.36NthDegreesmiler with 2 X servers going perhaps
22:37.37Ardoniksmiler: of course.  Use VNCServer, or Xnest, or xinit from a virtual terminal, or whatever
22:37.42*** join/#kde war95 (
22:37.49ArdonikYou can fire up as many X servers as your heart desires.
22:38.00Ardonik(And your memory permits)
22:38.41NthDegreethis is a little OT but does anyone in here use virtualization software
22:40.42smilerArdonik: I get an error that kde is already running on this display even though I use :1 and my main session is on :0 :S
22:40.51NthDegreesmiler use Xnest
22:41.04*** join/#kde CMoH (n=cipi@
22:41.10NthDegreethat runs an X server in a window inside your X server
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22:41.37smilerNthDegree: I'll give that a shot
22:42.03killertuxis there hacks in KDE just for making Wine to work better YES or NO and why?
22:42.48Alkinooskillertux: no, because!
22:43.09Pinarafkillertux: give details, we can't guess anything with such questions
22:43.09NthDegreeWINE works well in KDE
22:43.22Pinarafwhat part of KDE would require hacks for wine ?
22:43.31Alkinoosvodka works better though
22:43.37pinotreeand why kde would do hacks for wine?
22:43.45hubPinaraf: adding software to the menu?
22:43.51NthDegreeas in I had the development version of WINE that came with knoppix (my 1st distro which i got on CD before i got the net)
22:43.53hubPinaraf: like CodeWeaver does
22:43.58Pinarafhub: that's not a KDE job
22:44.01PinarafWine does that too
22:44.22smilerhmm.. can I get DRI to work in that Xnest session?
22:44.39NthDegreeif the normal X server has DRI then in theory yes
22:45.29smilerit doesnt seem to happy about it
22:45.44smilerI'll try to mess around with it abit
22:46.04smileralso, I cant find a parameter to specify server layout for Xnest, is there one?
22:46.11killertuxPinaraf: so I run Starcraft Demo in Wine with KDE/Gnome and it run fine but when I run it under fluxbox screen is drawn about 10 pixels too low.
22:46.29NthDegreegoogle might be best for this, i just run it normally when i need it
22:47.17NthDegreeheh I end up using WINE for games that have linux ports anyway
22:47.22*** part/#kde kain (
22:47.31NthDegreelike UT 2003 where the latest patch has no sound
22:47.36Pinarafkillertux: the Window Manager can behave the way it want to behave
22:47.36killertuxPinaraf: so it worked in one older Fluxbox so I regression tested it and found patch that causes it bug still then they clamed KDE uses hacks to get it working on Wine and that it's Wine bug not Fluxbox.
22:47.51SmallR2002i've got a slight problem which means that i can only configure all my panels and not just one at a time :|
22:47.53Pinarafanyway, instead of trolling, look at the source
22:48.00Pinarafyou need clue, not suppositions.
22:48.09Pinarafand afaik hacks are sometimes mandatory
22:48.12Pinarafin any software
22:48.18Pinaraflook at any HTML renderer
22:48.28NthDegreePinaraf, hacks are called "patches
22:48.39NthDegreeor "bugfixes" if they are needed
22:48.48PinarafNthDegree: agree
22:49.20killertuxPinaraf: they "fixed" someting about window positions and after that it get drawn incorrectly.
22:49.46NthDegreekillertux go in #fluxbox and WINE about it there :p
22:50.01Pinarafwindow position is left to the window manager, .or it should be.
22:50.25NthDegreeusually it's left to conf files for games anyway
22:50.29NthDegreee.g. Q3A
22:50.31Pinarafonly fullscreen has to be handled differently
22:50.52SmallR2002i feel faintly ignored
22:51.14NthDegreepinaraf, my favourite idea for gaming:  1 minimalist arch or gentoo install then startx <game>
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22:51.35Pinarafmy favourite idea for gaming : launch kate, or any sourcecode editor
22:51.41PinarafThat's the best game I know
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22:56.07Pinarafkillertux: wine isn't mentionned in the KWin sourcecode
22:58.43SmallR2002ok, i'll try again, does anyone have any idea why on this pc i don't get the option of picking which pannel to configure and am forced to configure the default one?
22:59.34killertuxPinaraf: so if you start using hacks because if Wine lot of stuff will break?
22:59.53NthDegreehe/she left
23:00.41NthDegreeKDE != WINE Project
23:01.05NthDegreeKDE doesn't care if WINE stuff is buggy, same as GNOME don't care either
23:01.27*** join/#kde rivad (
23:01.55NthDegreeKDE wouldn't in ANY WAY want to patch their own software to help WINE when it is WINE's job to patch to work with KDE
23:02.22NthDegreesorry SmallR2002 :)
23:02.57SmallR2002was the wine comment to me?
23:03.07NthDegreeto killertux
23:03.22NthDegreejust sorry for the wait to be noticed :p
23:03.27SmallR2002oh, right, good :)
23:04.10SmallR2002(just to say, kde is great and this is about the first time i've had a major issue with it)
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23:04.53NthDegreehehehehe let me let you in on a little secret, until I used gentoo I didn't use KDE much because of how many distros treat it
23:05.08NthDegreee.g. fedora or RHL
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23:05.27SmallR2002i like to customize it so it's own mother wouldn't know it, but, that's why i love it because it lets me do so
23:06.19NthDegreeso what's the issue then, right clicking the panel and not getting the configuration page for the panel you are clicking?
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23:06.45SmallR2002i always get the bottom/original panel
23:06.57SmallR2002and, it doesn't have the normal drop down to offer me more
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23:07.38NthDegreewhat panel do you want to configure? which one did you add to the desktop?
23:07.50SmallR2002just a normal bog standard panel
23:08.59NthDegreeand the kde version is 3.5.4?
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23:09.37SmallR2002and i swear exactly the same thing works perfectly on another pc
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23:09.59NthDegreeand it's the same version of KDE on that PC? (just checking may be a bug)
23:10.22SmallR2002it is
23:10.46SmallR2002although, it may have been originally configured on a slightly older pc
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23:10.55SmallR2002er... pc -> version
23:11.09NthDegreehmmm no reason why it shouldn't work
23:11.40SmallR2002mmmn, that's what i said about half an hour ago before i went through every screen in the control center
23:11.51NthDegreetry making another panel and mess around a bit
23:12.08SmallR2002i currently have the original and three more
23:12.11SmallR2002none work
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23:12.22NthDegreeuhh what distro you using?
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23:12.49NthDegreewas gonna say if it's SuSE blame them :p
23:12.59SmallR2002i'll blame them anyway :P
23:13.39NthDegreewell an up to date debian :| that's something new
23:14.17SmallR2002yeah, i'm not one of the old retainers who'll keep their version for the next two decades because it _works_
23:14.45AegeanLinuxhey Renze
23:15.14NthDegreei used to use CentOS and fedora for that reason (that way I had the system that *works* and the system that has the latest stuff)
23:15.45AegeanLinuxUpdate: After the bot continously trying to get into my machine, after the user test logged in, nothing else occured. (SSH) [sorry about topic pinotree]
23:16.04NthDegreebut eventually I settled on gentoo (after being nagged by everyone to try it - even those in #ubuntu-offtopic :p)
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23:16.40misfithi... does anyone know a way to find remote files through KIO fish?
23:16.42SmallR2002gentoo is great but my stuff has to work 100% of the time
23:16.54NthDegreegentoo does :)
23:16.59SmallR2002misfit, ssh and slocate?
23:17.07SmallR2002it glitched over dbus for me
23:17.25SmallR2002one half of the system wanted one version, the other half wanted the other
23:17.34misfitssh through KIO?
23:17.36NthDegreedbus was fine for me, you need the hal USE flag
23:17.53SmallR2002and as the software versions were mostly 0.0.1 or less ahead i returned to debian
23:17.57NthDegreethen install HAL and it goes on with it
23:17.58SmallR2002oh, i had the hal flag on
23:18.09SmallR2002it worked for two months, then broke
23:18.37NthDegreeit's getting better :~)
23:19.10SmallR2002better isn't good enough :P
23:19.31SmallR2002i had a server running gentoo fail as well so i don't use any gentoo now
23:19.41SmallR2002debian gnu or freebsd for me
23:19.44*** part/#kde thegh0st (
23:20.29NthDegreedebian unstable and testing I found to be too insecure
23:20.35misfitI want to use grep without recurring to the CLI... but I guess there is no way to do that remotely, "Find Files" does not seem to work
23:20.38Hokinonnight all
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23:20.57NthDegreestable was very stable and quite well thought out and patched (secure even) but not up to date enough
23:21.34NthDegreeyes, testing is known to lag well far back with security patches compared to that of other distros
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23:21.52misfitwell, I was wrong, it does work, lol
23:22.02SmallR2002i see debian as the old faithful donkey which was around well before the upstart race horses and will be around well after
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23:22.29NthDegreeit may very well be after all look at slackware
23:22.45NthDegreethey have a system with none of these modern "patches"
23:23.07NthDegreethey either use unpatched, stable software or none at all
23:23.08SmallR2002slackware... what's my quote about it? i'll find it in a moment
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23:24.07SmallR2002down with gnome!
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23:24.32SmallR2002<SmallR2002> natural selections says eat or be eaten
23:24.32SmallR2002<SmallR2002> not sit on your ass and grow a beard
23:24.32SmallR2002Comment: in referance to slackware
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23:24.41SmallR2002there's my slackware quote :)
23:24.49NthDegreei swear gnome zealots are worse than kde ones
23:25.07SmallR2002( for those who wish to read it on a nice pretty html page :P)
23:25.37*** part/#kde remur_ (
23:25.50NthDegreegave it a +
23:26.53NthDegreeif i find a good virtualisation app i might install debian
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23:27.37SmallR2002that's my qdb btw, do feel free to add your own quotes and browse it :)
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23:28.38henriquevanyone can give me a light about how can I create a HDR image using the images I've took with my brand new digital camera? (what I need to do now is to 'merge' the pictures...)
23:31.30Ausmosishenriquev : I'm not sure if there are any HDR apps for linux. I could be wrong though. Maybe Digikam does it with plugins *shrugs*
23:31.39henriquevAusmosis: there is a lot :)
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23:32.02henriquevwell, I'm going to see if there is any plugin :)
23:32.22henriquevI known Krita deal with hdr files... Now I'm going to see if MakeHDR (mkhdr) works nice...
23:32.40henriquevIf it does I'm going to get Krita and work with it :)
23:32.44Ausmosishenriquev : Oh!... well I might have to start looking then. I just started messing with HDR images but I do it on my windows machine at the moment.
23:32.57Ausmosisthanks for the link :)
23:33.03henriquevok, just a question then...
23:33.16henriquevwhat equipament do you use to take shots?
23:33.58henriquevmy two new ones are a Canon Powershot S2 IS and the other a Powershot A430. But I'm supposed to work more with the S2 IS as the other is of my mother...
23:34.06henriquevdo you get nice results? :)
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23:34.24henriquev(if you use a camera with no RAW)
23:34.43AusmosisI currently use my Fuji S5000 and takes minimum 3 shots at various exposures.I then blend the images in Photomatix Pro
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23:35.40AusmosisAny camera can do it as long as you can manually change the exposures. If its a fully automatic camera you will not really be able to do it.
23:36.16AusmosisMakes sure you use a tripod too
23:36.30SmallR2002NthDegree, you thought of anything yet?
23:37.30Ausmosishenriquev : my results are OK... I'm still learning and just messing around at the moment. I have a mate who does great shots.
23:37.32henriquevYes, I used my tripod
23:37.34NthDegreemaybe rename your kde ~/.kde (and all associated pref files/folder in ~/) to something else and see what happens on an uncustomised config
23:37.52NthDegreemaybe it's a bug that can be resolved by recustomising it
23:38.20*** join/#kde Beta2 (
23:38.55SmallR2002quoth topic: Don't delete ~/.kde :P
23:39.28NthDegreerename it !
23:39.41NthDegreethen it can be put back incase of emergency
23:39.47henriquevAusmosis: it isn't auto... I took a lot of shots (about 10) in different expositures, but then realize that I did not see the appearture to be fixed, so I think I'm going to do the work again... :)
23:39.47SmallR2002i've got the beatles on :(
23:40.52Ausmosishenriquev : My friends site
23:41.09Ausmosisget in touch with im and he might be able to give you some great tips.
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23:43.08henriquevok :)
23:43.12henriquevAusmosis: do you use flickr?
23:44.08AusmosisI have an account but it's only new and haven't really uploaded anything yet other than a few macro shots. I'm right into macro photography.
23:44.20henriquevI use it, mine is but the newer photos are just of someone "without a camera"... (I passed about 4 months without one), now I'm going to be back with the first photo being a HDR\... :P
23:44.24Ausmosisthats a good HDR image
23:44.28henriquevI like macro
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23:45.46SmallR2002an x restart did it :|
23:46.34Ausmosishenriquev :
23:46.44Ausmosisone of my photos
23:47.09henriquevgreat :)
23:47.38AusmosisI have a few photos at
23:47.47Ausmosisno HDR yet though....
23:50.25AusmosisI took some images with my CanonA30 as well. There are some photo's there of my camera setup both Fuji and Canon with a reverse lens.
23:51.43Ausmosis   thats the canon setup
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