irclog2html for #kde on 20060308

00:01.41*** join/#kde cthulhu (
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00:06.48storytellerHello all
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00:32.36IceD^strange thing
00:32.57IceD^when I set bitmap font in konsole (like terminus) it redraws really fast
00:33.29IceD^but if I set some TTF (like bitstream-vera-sans-mono) redraw is DAMN slow
00:33.39IceD^the same in konqui
00:33.53IceD^I remember, situation was better in 3.4
00:33.56IceD^any ideas?
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00:43.12uludagorda beni duyan varmı
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00:46.25Ze_Mif using windows with a NTFS psrtition i can acess it with write perms through linux?
00:48.52HuntsManZe_M: no, Linux can't write into NTFS
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00:52.01IceD^Ze_M: actually, you can
00:52.09IceD^1. captive (ntfs.sys required)
00:52.20IceD^2. paragon ntfs driver ($$)
00:52.49IceD^but better solution (if you need to use windows for some reason) is to use ext2 as exchange partition
00:52.58IceD^there is IFS EXT2 driver for windows
00:53.25Ze_Mso far i used parangon and put an ext partition to acess windows/linux
00:53.47Ze_Mbut i thougt that ntfs now was already acessible through linux as a regular standard...
00:54.38IceD^Ze_M: ntfs should be eradicated from the face of earth
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01:02.20HuntsManZe_M: :), basically, NTFS sucks
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01:08.05HairulfrHi all - hmm, I've forgotten how you turn on transparancy and turn off the left side blue kde gfx in the K-menu, anyone plz? (embarrasing as it is...)
01:10.04qupadatransparency is in (kcontrol) appearance and themes>style>effects (software transparency) or desktop>window behaviour>translucency (hardware transparency).  k menu image is desktop>panels>menus
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01:21.22Hairulfrqupada: Thanks a lot :) I've just gotten Suse (finally) to work on my mac.
01:21.54qupadai convinced a friend of mine (after about 3 weeks of trash-talking macos) to put gentoo on his powerbook
01:24.09Hairulfrquapada: It's an old G3 500 mhz, but it actually runs faster under Linux than Osx :/
01:24.58HairulfrSO, bye bye osx... Had yellow dog and then kubuntu, but Suse does it the best so far, except for the bootloader install, which it in contrast to all other PPC  distros cant install itself
01:26.01qupadai've never installed linux on a mac myself, but i had a quick skim through the gentoo/ppc handbook and it looked pretty painless
01:27.10HairulfrYeah, Kubuntu and Yellowdog is painless as well, just pop in the cd and it runs
01:27.54qupadawhen i say painless, of course i mean as painless as gentoo can be
01:28.23HairulfrI considerede Gentoo - but gave up after looking at the manual ;)
01:28.40HairulfrYD / Kubuntu was a breeze
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01:29.26treatgentoo has a gui installer now
01:29.43qupadait's not that bad, the install process is fairly easy if you just do what the book says
01:29.45HairulfrNice - kubuntu didnt
01:29.57qupadayeah, but it's still got a big fat "BETA" label and no guarantee it will actually work
01:30.13treatits gnome though ^_^
01:30.17Q-collective2006.0 ships with the gui
01:30.23Q-collectiveno longer beta
01:30.32HairulfrGODS! Why can't I find any working repos. for Mp3!!! Nothing works :(
01:30.53qupadaQ-collective: x86 does, yes.  no other arch
01:31.13Q-collectivefair enough
01:33.04*** join/#kde nefertum (
01:35.13nefertumhi, do you know if konqueror allows to search in the web like mozilla? I mean, start searching when a key is pressed
01:37.29firephotonefertum: use the / key
01:37.49nefertumbohhh, it's great!!
01:37.53nefertumthanks firephoto
01:39.20Hairulfrfirephoto: Nice!
01:39.54firephotoheh.. f3 when you want to search more for the same typed word
01:41.20qupadawhat's the name of the app that redirects output from sound-playing apps to arts to avoid conflicts and stuff?
01:41.39qupadai haven't used arts in a long time, trying to give someone a sensible answer as to how to use it
01:41.56firephotoartsdsp -m   isn't it?
01:42.08qupadai don't know... is it?
01:42.17qupadasounds good though
01:42.23firephotoyeah.. -m helps for games.. i think heh
01:43.19fredEkpdf 3.5.1 wrongly renders all images rotated at 90 degrees. anyone else experience this?
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01:47.34Ze_MHuntsMan: why NTFS sucks?
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01:52.30Q-collectiveZe_M: it's a non-open spec filesystem for starters and it has lots of technical limitations like a high degree of fragmentation and not being able to cope with it
01:52.52Ze_MQ-collective: cope with it?
01:53.14Q-collectiveyes, the more fragmented it gets, the slower it gets
01:53.27Ze_Mntfs is faster than fat
01:53.49Q-collectiveyes, fat is even worse
01:54.16Ze_Mso what would i use for windows
01:54.36Q-collectiventfs, since it can't use anything better
01:54.51Ze_Mthats what i thought...
01:55.05Q-collectiveand you always just have the option not to waste your hardware on such crappy software..
01:55.08DietrichRStfu about NTFS
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01:55.27Ze_Mi need to install windowzzz
01:55.36Q-collectiveDietrichR: agreed, it's hardly worthy of any mention
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01:58.26HairulfrDietrichR: Lol
01:58.40Ze_Mis possible to convert ntfs into fat32?
01:59.23Ze_Mso ill will bot be able to write in ntfs throught linux
01:59.36Ze_Mnot be able*
01:59.53Q-collectiventfs write support is getting better, be it very slowly
02:01.29Ze_Mso should i use fat322... ?
02:02.17qupadaZe_M: there is a tool called captive that uses windows' own ntfs.sys and wine to do real, safe write (but slow-ish) access, but it only runs on x86
02:02.36qupadaso if you have x86, you're in luck.  if you have amd64 like me, it won't work
02:02.47Ze_Mi have both
02:02.59Ze_Mstill i can install 32bit in 64 bit
02:03.33Ze_Musing vmware for example
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02:16.12pwuertzi'm searching for a thumbnail preview for videos in konqueror... it there such an option? i cant find one...
02:17.23Ze_Mpwuertz: no
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02:18.37pwuertzk thanks
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02:22.10HiryuHow do get kmail to work properly with imap? Ever since the folder prefix option was replaced with the namespace option in 3.5, kmail has been broken with imap for me (and I've already checked the kmail faq)
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02:44.42SnoopDCC SEND "string" 0 0 0
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03:08.42aton`is there a possibility to save stuff like size of text and size of documents window in kate?
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03:18.50aton`like if i start kate i'd like to see the 20 source code files of one project loaded on the left
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04:59.09YuuKajimaanyone in here have an ATI Radeon X300 or similar card and got the OpenGL screensavers to work without lag?
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05:02.02blockdYuuKajima: this might be OT for this channel.. but are you using the OpenGL overlay? Try running glxgears then using ksnapshot on the desktop.
05:02.25blockdit might not matter though... but it might help a little
05:03.02YuuKajimablockd, not sure.  I have installed the ati drivers and set my opengl interface to ati, and tried the screensavers but they are laggy a bit, particularly the Euphoria one
05:03.09YuuKajimawhich sucks cause that's the one I like XD
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05:06.26blockddoes "fglrxinfo" say the render is an ATI card? You could also make a backup of your X config and try something like "aticonfig --ovt=opengl --ovon=0".
05:06.49blockdanyhoo, there's also an #ati channel on freenode, but I don't know how talkative it is.
05:06.57YuuKajimaalrighty, I shall right that down and try it out, I will need to reboot first
05:07.18blockdshouldn't have to reboot (just restart the X server).
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05:07.39YuuKajimablockd, if only it were possible to play Maple Story in Gentoo, then I would have no need for Windows...XD
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05:07.54kantlivelongsup all
05:08.04kantlivelongis there a way to delete away messages from kopete?
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05:11.32blockdYuuKajima: anyway, the point of ksnapshot is that if you are using a hardware overlay then instead of glxgears in the screen capture, you'll see a black window.
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05:12.15YuuKajimablockd, so seeing black gears is good or bad?
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05:13.21YuuKajimaer not black gears, seeing a black screen?
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05:14.05^_-yairgo`when i do startx i get "XIO  fatal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining."  does anyone know how to fix this
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05:16.12^_-yairgo`when i do startx i get "XIO  fatal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining."  does anyone know how to fix this     using with gentoo and kde version 3.4
05:16.41YuuKajimasorry, I dont, that's a whole new error to me
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05:21.13shiznixi'm trying to configure a usb mass storage stick to auto-mount when it's plugged in but the only options given in Peripherals > Storage media are to 'Open in a new window' or 'Do nothing'
05:21.40^_-yairgo`YuuKajima do you use gentoo?
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05:22.43YuuKajima^_-yairgo, of course
05:23.03shiznixi can add in a custom automount action, pmount-hal works on the command line, but i can't seem to find the flag to have kde pass the proper device name to pmount-hal
05:23.29shiznixeg. to 'Open in a new window' the application is 'konqueror %u'
05:23.31^_-yairgo`YuuKajima i built my kernel and emerged kde, using a kde howto off of the gentoo-wiki, what else do i have to do to get it started?
05:23.50^_-yairgo`YuuKajima ive also emerged my ati-drivers
05:24.01YuuKajima^_-yairgo`, that depends on what you want to use your system for
05:24.19^_-yairgo`YuuKajima i just want to get the graphics interface to work so i can use opengl
05:24.48YuuKajima^_-yairgo`, well, what graphic card do you have?
05:24.53shiznixto automount would be 'pmount-hal ??'
05:26.53YuuKajima^_-yairgo`, in that case, try merging the ati-drivers.  If it fails, follow the directions as there is specific options you need
05:26.55YuuKajimaafter that is done
05:27.03^_-yairgo`i have ati-drivers already
05:27.23YuuKajimaexecute: aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf   and then opengl-update ati   or eselect opengl set ati
05:28.06YuuKajimaaticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf   and then opengl-update ati   or eselect opengl set ati  <----just do that then
05:28.42^_-yairgo`i did aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf and it says Warning: could not find configuration file please copy configuration file template etx/X11
05:29.04YuuKajimadid you even configure X yet?
05:29.22^_-yairgo`apparently not, i dont know how it
05:29.40shiznixkio_media_mounthelper %u
05:29.51^_-yairgo`is that the configuring video in X11 part?
05:29.55YuuKajimait's as simple as this:
05:30.12YuuKajimaand then follow it's directions and make sure you know your graphic card and ur keyboard
05:30.19^_-yairgo`i see this now
05:30.27^_-yairgo`is there a way to find the exact specics on those?
05:30.51^_-yairgo`and mouse also, becuase i only hafve a touch pad at the moment
05:30.54YuuKajimalspci shows ur graphic card model
05:30.57YuuKajimayour mouse is probably PS/2 and set as /dev/input/mice
05:31.13YuuKajimaur mouse is prolly PS/2 and set as /dev/input/mice
05:31.22YuuKajimawhat laptop do you have?
05:31.48^_-yairgo`presario v2000
05:32.00YuuKajimawhat company makes that one again?
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05:32.22YuuKajimaso for the keyboard
05:32.22YuuKajimafind the compaq keyboard layout
05:32.25YuuKajimaand it's probably US English layout
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05:32.42YuuKajimaur ati card driver in the database will be ati radeon
05:32.57YuuKajimaur resolution depends on how big your screen is
05:33.19^_-yairgo`i dont see my keyboard layout, there isnt a US english layout
05:33.22YuuKajimayour sync range is prolly between 40 and 100
05:33.30YuuKajimawell, first select compaq's layout
05:33.36YuuKajimaand then select the US English
05:33.46^_-yairgo`yeah but there inst a compaq layout
05:33.59YuuKajimathere's nothing to do with compaq?
05:34.03^_-yairgo`nothing at all
05:34.09^_-yairgo`not even hewlett packard
05:34.14YuuKajimatry pressing enter for more
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05:34.20YuuKajimait'll scrill down the list
05:34.26^_-yairgo`ok ok
05:34.42^_-yairgo`laptop/notebook compaq(eg armade, evo) laptop keyboard
05:35.08YuuKajimathat could work, I've never used a presario before, but believe me, you'll know if it works when you boot kde XD
05:35.11^_-yairgo`ok so i got the keybaord and country and it asked for a variant name for the layout?
05:35.17xoctopusxHey all it's me again, I was wondering what extension should I save an open office writer document so i can be opened in MS Office?
05:35.21YuuKajimajust push enter for default
05:35.38^_-yairgo`yeah i did
05:35.42YuuKajimaxoctopusx, I would save it in .doc for 2000/ME/XP
05:35.45^_-yairgo`so how can i find the refresh rate lol?
05:35.47YuuKajimaokay good
05:35.50YuuKajimanow what does it want?
05:35.59xoctopusxthat simple, wow!
05:36.34xoctopusximpressive, I'm doing a resume for my mother, does it have a resume wizard like MS? I don't see one so far.
05:37.05YuuKajimaxoctopusx, I'm actually not sure.  I don't use resume builders, I just try to write my own
05:37.25xoctopusx<kind of a resume n00b
05:37.34YuuKajimawhat I do is this:
05:38.05YuuKajimaObjective, Work/Volunteer History, Qualifications, Awards and Education, and Relative Interests
05:38.06blockdYuuKajima: I assumed for some reason you were using fglrx. If it's the open source radeon driver, I don't remember if that supports an X300... anyway, that being all l I can really say right now.
05:38.24YuuKajimablockd, I am using fglrx
05:38.32xoctopusxfair enough. I have a rough draft though its written on paper.
05:39.42xoctopusxthank you ,once again you fine people have saved me a load of time researching stuff like this on google...MS doesn't have support like this,which is why linux and KDE are simply better.
05:39.46YuuKajimablockd, do you happen to know if an X300 is better than a 9600?
05:40.10YuuKajimaxoctopusx, not a problem, and yes, linux pwns windows XD
05:40.57xoctopusx:) I just love seeing that here, thanks and good night all. I'm off to write the resume of a lifetime for my mom.
05:41.04blockdYuuKajima: well fglrx will have issues with the overlay since you can only have opengl or video overlay enabled at a time without restarting the X server AFAIK.
05:41.46YuuKajimablockd, is THAT why I can't watch videos a lot of times and I get errors saying that the video device is in use?
05:42.20^_-yairgo`YuuKajima i finished the file and it still gives me the same error?
05:42.37^_-yairgo`well i got a new error above it
05:42.45YuuKajimaverify that /etc/X11/xorg.conf is existen
05:42.54^_-yairgo`it is
05:43.08YuuKajimaokay, well, what's the error?
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05:44.10^_-yairgo`when i do startX i get about 100 lines of Elf_RelocateEntry() Unsupported relocation type 4
05:44.13^_-yairgo`then one line says
05:44.21^_-yairgo`Elf_RelocateEntry() Unsupported relocation type 9
05:44.47^_-yairgo`and then below it says *** If unresolved symbols were reported above, themight not be the reason for the server aborting.
05:44.52^_-yairgo`Fatal server error:
05:44.53YuuKajimahmm, I'm no expert with that, but it looks to me like your ELF binaries are messed up somehow o_O
05:45.05^_-yairgo`Caught signal 11.  Server aborting
05:45.15YuuKajimaI'll sa this:
05:45.27YuuKajimaI find that startx is very insecure
05:45.34^_-yairgo`so i should use?
05:45.37YuuKajimabecause people forget to put startx; logout
05:45.45YuuKajimathus you leave a root shell open
05:46.00YuuKajimawhat I would do is execute: /etc/init.d/xdm start
05:46.02YuuKajimabut before that
05:46.07YuuKajimanano -w /etc/rc.conf
05:46.24YuuKajimaand besure DISPLAYMANAGER is not commented out and is set to kdm
05:46.33^_-yairgo`it said XDM has been started
05:46.51YuuKajimais it showing the console still or is it loading X?
05:47.01^_-yairgo`while im in console
05:47.09^_-yairgo`i typed /etc/init.d/xdm start
05:47.18^_-yairgo`*Warning: "xdm" has already been started
05:47.22YuuKajimaoh wow
05:47.28YuuKajimarestart instead of start
05:47.47^_-yairgo`stopped kdm and setting up kdm is what i got
05:47.52^_-yairgo`back at the lgin screen
05:47.55^_-yairgo`or console i mean
05:47.55YuuKajimagood good
05:48.08YuuKajimabut it's not actually showing kde's login screen?
05:48.11^_-yairgo`Display manager is "kdm"
05:48.34^_-yairgo`do i have to set XSESSION?
05:48.40YuuKajimano, that's for startx
05:48.48^_-yairgo`ok just making sure
05:49.15YuuKajimaI would try running xorgconfig again, cause generally that means that you selected the wrong graphics card
05:49.35^_-yairgo`well holdon
05:49.43^_-yairgo`when i restart kdm
05:49.49^_-yairgo`why does it still give me the console
05:49.53^_-yairgo`and not hte login screen? :/
05:50.13YuuKajimaprobably because it's not recognizing your graphic card properly
05:50.21YuuKajimawhat does lspci says ur graphics card is?
05:51.06^_-yairgo`VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc ATI radeon Xpress 200m 5955 (PCIE)
05:52.19^_-yairgo`thats what you wanted right?
05:52.19*** join/#kde smithjd (
05:52.25YuuKajimaso that's probably an X200 correct?
05:52.46YuuKajimaokay, what card did you select when you were in xorgconfig?
05:53.34^_-yairgo`the indentifier says "ati radeon(r) xpress 200m"
05:53.39^_-yairgo`driver "vga"
05:53.48^_-yairgo`then says #unsupported card
05:54.19YuuKajimaoh dude..
05:54.21YuuKajimano wonder...
05:54.27YuuKajimathere's ur problem :)
05:54.39^_-yairgo`thats like my monitor or something
05:54.47^_-yairgo`i think i hit enter one time too many or something
05:54.47^_-yairgo`one sec
05:55.04*** join/#kde halcyonCorsair (n=Lord-Pho@
05:55.15YuuKajimago back into xorgconfig and then say yes when it asks you to look at the card database and make sure you select ati radeon
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05:56.14^_-yairgo`if i have 128mb memory on my card
05:56.23^_-yairgo`is that 1301072K?
05:57.41^_-yairgo`ok i did that and it says to enter an identifire
05:57.56YuuKajimajust enter for default
05:57.59^_-yairgo`so i did ati express 200m
05:58.03^_-yairgo`just cause thats what it is
05:58.09YuuKajimaokay good
05:58.09^_-yairgo`now its asking color depth
05:58.12^_-yairgo`16 or 24?
05:58.15^_-yairgo`or 8
05:58.27YuuKajimaso type in 3 to set the modes for 24 bit
05:58.31^_-yairgo`and now it just says do i want to write over xorg
05:58.42YuuKajimayes you do
05:58.50^_-yairgo`but it never asked me for my card type?
05:58.54YuuKajimathen do the aticonfig command again
05:59.08YuuKajimadid it ask you to look at the card database?
05:59.33^_-yairgo`aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf correct?
05:59.33YuuKajimait should have
05:59.38YuuKajimayeah that's the one
05:59.47YuuKajimabut I would say do it again
05:59.53YuuKajimayou MUST select your card type
05:59.58YuuKajimaotherwise it won't work
06:00.00*** join/#kde andred (n=snatch@
06:00.15^_-yairgo`i dont know why its not asking me which card type
06:00.30YuuKajimaI would say to do it again but read very carefully and make sure you view the card database and select the proper driver
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06:00.58^_-yairgo`i dont want to select additional xkb options do i?
06:02.02^_-yairgo`ok so this time it asked me?
06:02.11^_-yairgo`do i want ati radeon generic
06:03.18YuuKajimaI believe that's right
06:03.58^_-yairgo`ok i got it so i should do that aticonfig command now?
06:04.41^_-yairgo`says Using /etc/X11/xorg.conf
06:04.49^_-yairgo`Uninitialised file found, configuring.
06:04.51^_-yairgo`now im back to my console
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06:05.24YuuKajimanow try /etc/init.d/xdm restart
06:06.05^_-yairgo`stopping kdm
06:06.07^_-yairgo`setting up kdm
06:06.10^_-yairgo`still at console
06:06.15YuuKajimagive it a sec
06:06.49YuuKajimastill not loading it>
06:07.05^_-yairgo`no, still sitting here at the console
06:07.21YuuKajimatha'd is so weird...
06:07.37^_-yairgo`there are [ ok ]'s by both the stopping and setting up
06:07.43YuuKajimatry startx and see what it gives you
06:07.55^_-yairgo`same thing as before
06:08.09YuuKajimatry pressing alt f7   and see what it does
06:08.33^_-yairgo`alt f1-f6 give me new consoles
06:09.10*** join/#kde andred (n=snatch@
06:09.15YuuKajimaI am sorry to say, but I am fresh out of ideas, here's what I'd do though:
06:09.32YuuKajimaperhaps copy and paste our conversation history in this chat onto
06:09.52YuuKajimaand then post that link as well as an explanation of error you have on the gentoo forums
06:10.02YuuKajimamore people visit the forums than these chats
06:10.08YuuKajimaso maybe you'll have more luck
06:10.34^_-yairgo`dude so i went into my log file
06:10.46YuuKajimaI've actually never had this many problems with an ati card before so I've reached my limit XD
06:10.55^_-yairgo`and my Elf_relocateEntry() unsupported relocation type type #
06:10.59^_-yairgo`is like 500 lines long
06:11.04^_-yairgo`with different numbers alot of the time
06:11.16YuuKajimamaybe your ELF binaries are screwed?
06:11.26^_-yairgo`how do i redo them?
06:11.45YuuKajimathat I am sorry to say I am not sure of
06:11.49YuuKajimawhat I would do though
06:11.52YuuKajimais check your kernel
06:12.01YuuKajimaand make sure you compiled support for ELF binaries
06:12.12^_-yairgo`so make menuconfig
06:12.16^_-yairgo`and find the elf binaries
06:12.36YuuKajimayeah, make sure you have those compiled, if that doesn't solve anything
06:12.46^_-yairgo`it said make: *** no rule to make target 'menuconfig' . stop.
06:12.56^_-yairgo`am i haventing so many problems now
06:13.17YuuKajimamake menuconfig first requires this command:  cd /usr/src/linux
06:13.34YuuKajimathen it works
06:13.36^_-yairgo`oh somehow i was back at ~
06:13.56^_-yairgo`i guess when i did the startx or whatever it threw me back to root
06:13.59YuuKajimamakes sense
06:14.22YuuKajimabut yeah, I must go I am sorry, but if this doesn;t work, then post this conversation log as well as your remaining errors into the gentoo forums and someone will probably be able to help
06:14.36YuuKajimanot a prob
06:15.09YuuKajimaif no one answers, or if you need any other help, be sure to let me know.  You can email me at:   and I'll respond as best as I can
06:15.30YuuKajimanot a problem, good luck and be seeing you around
06:15.43^_-yairgo`you too
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06:41.49Codename_Vhi there.  anyone know how I get to the server list thingy on konversation?
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06:45.13lachygHi, how would I go about running a konsole inside konqueror? KDE 3.5.1 on Gentoo
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06:56.41Fri13_lachyg: Set shortcut to "show konsole" on konquerors settings.
06:57.18Fri13_lachyg: there's two konsole shortcut. other is default (F4) what opens konsole as own window, other opens it in konqueror.
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06:59.34lachygFri13_: thanks
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07:10.06Fri13_Codename_V: F2 ?
07:10.38Codename_Vjeez, you'd think they'd make it a little more accessible.
07:12.03*** part/#kde lachyg (
07:12.15Fri13_Codename_V: What's wrong on F2? You can find it from "File" too.
07:12.48Codename_Vall that's under file is quit on my end
07:13.09Codename_Vcould be because I have svn going, the thing is buggy or something.  I dunno.
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07:13.12Fri13_Codename_V: you have 0.19?
07:13.24Fri13_Codename_V: then it may be that reason.
07:13.43Fri13_Codename_V: you should ask #konversation
07:13.54Codename_Vah, guess I shoulda tried there first.
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07:14.45Codename_Vwell, thanks for the help.  nite.
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07:45.37Tallia1Kubuntuhow can i get kicker look like this?
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08:35.51mikehi. i have a problem with kontact and i was wondering if someone could help me out. basically i was editing the filters and kontact crashed on me and could not start back again
08:36.22mikeit looks like the kmail settings got corrupted somehow
08:36.35mikei've tried removing the package and the settings in my ~/.kde/shared....
08:36.45mikei've tried removing the package and the settings in my ~/.kde/shared....
08:38.24mikethen i've tried reinstalling the package again but the problem did not go away
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08:57.09Bailzhello, was wondering if i could get some help installing a widget style
08:58.42deathkatanyone know what kio_http and kio_file are?
08:59.09deathkatmy computer has about 10 of each open and its killing my performance and my internet connection
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09:00.25PhilRodBailz: you should just be able to follow the instructions in the INSTALL file that comes with the style
09:00.31mikedeathkat: google?
09:00.53PhilRoddeathkat: they're the kioslaves that allow kde apps to access http sites and local files, respectively
09:01.31PhilRoddeathkat: if you think they're leaking memory or something, try restarting your kde session
09:01.38deathkati already have twice
09:01.47deathkatthey truly are killing my performance
09:01.51PhilRodBailz: do you get an error when following those steps?
09:02.00deathkator at least thats what i believe cause they seem to be taking up way to much memory
09:02.25aptfrom memory, memusage is and
09:02.46deathkatthey are taking up 280 mB from vm
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09:04.13BailzPhilRod, i'm doing ./configure and xmessage popsup saying 'KDE seems to be already running on this display'
09:04.21PhilRoddeathkat: distro and kde version?
09:04.31Sonnyhi do you know how can I set Firefox as default web browser in KDE?
09:04.46PhilRodBailz: weird, I've never seen anything like that, but I guess you need to run ./configure from the command line
09:04.49PhilRodSonny: faq
09:05.17Bailzi'm doing that, it complains in the command line AND xmessage :)
09:05.21SonnyPhilRod: excuse me?
09:05.40deathkatPhilRod:  yes, and any idea why my terminal would now be saying this as the prompt -----> deathkat@3(NXDOMAIN):~>    <------- which is different from four days ago when I last used my comp
09:06.43PhilRodSonny: the answer to your question is in the faq which is linked to in the topic
09:07.02PhilRoddeathkat: echo $PS1
09:07.23PhilRodit's the value of that environment variable that controls the prompt
09:07.49deathkatso what do I do with that command, all it did was write a little string into the terminal
09:08.57PhilRodwhat was the string?
09:09.16PhilRodman bash should tell you the format for the PS1 variable, I think
09:09.50deathkatPhilRod: $(ppwd \l)\u@\h:\w>  <--------that was the string
09:10.45PhilRod\h is the name of the host you're logged into. Either you changed the hostname of your box, or you're logged into a different one (via ssh or something)
09:13.19PhilRodBailz: try running ./configure without KDE running at all
09:13.42PhilRodBailz: and paste the whole output to a pastebin, and put the link here (see topic)
09:15.27*** join/#kde treat (
09:19.43Bailzwill do, thanks PhilRod
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09:22.18stumped42is there a simple command line statement i can use to restart the sound server
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09:25.06wunderhello!.. im wondering, if I want to setup a shared tasklist/addressbook/events, etc in KDE Pim3, which direction should I be heading? (have a dedicated server accessible to, ftp, etc.)
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09:25.40PhilRodstumped42: artsd
09:25.55Tm_Thmm, dcop might help?
09:26.08PhilRodwunder: if you want the full works, you probably want kolab
09:26.32PhilRodI think there are some simpler ways to get basic shared stuff though
09:27.18wunderok...  its not possible to just use basic filenames? not really looking for security or anything.. just the ability to store the files on my FTP, and access at work...
09:27.33wunderwith that being said, is kolab still the route to go?
09:27.39stumped42artsd is actually running but for some reason if i want to do some stuff I need to fo into KDE control panel and hit the test sound button before some apps will make a sound at all. Is that the correct way for me to do it. I should have explained in more detail first probably - sorry ;)
09:28.30PhilRodcould be a knotify problem - see the faq
09:28.47wunderok cool. thank you
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09:36.33PhilRodwunder: hrm, kolab is probably too complex to set up for very basic needs. Take a look at the available calendar methods in kontact - I think there should be something more appropriate available
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09:43.12pinotreehello =)
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09:44.05dushkinHas anyone ever succeeded in embedding emacs into konqueror (similarly to how it is done for vim)?
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09:53.33Sonnydo you know how to open another instance of "kopete"?
09:53.49IceD^Sonny: for what?
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09:54.21deathkatanyone know how to set konqueror as my default web browser?
09:55.04deathkatin kde
09:55.40deathkative been looking through multiple faq's and can't find out how
09:55.52pinotreedeathkat: kcontrol -> kde components -> component chooser -> web browser
09:56.04pinotreeSonny: you can't kopete is a single-instance app
09:57.45IceD^still fighting with fonts
09:58.03IceD^probleme here - if I set bitmap font in konsole - it draws really fast
09:58.09IceD^if ttf - damn slow
09:58.19deathkati can't find kde components
09:58.26IceD^around 1 second for redrawing whole window
09:58.40deathkatnvm i found it
09:58.49deathkatthank you pinotree
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09:59.08SonnyIceD^: Because I dotn want to mix my MSN and Yahoo contacts in the same contact list
09:59.54IceD^Sonny: heh
10:00.05SonnyDo you know how can I resize the Icons of the Panel Without resizing the Panel Bar width?
10:00.09IceD^Sonny: /j #kopete and ask them to impl this feature
10:00.37IceD^they are really nice guys
10:00.51IceD^and if you will be able to explain that this feature is neat - they will do it :)
10:00.58SonnyIceD^: i'll do it
10:01.37SonnyIceD^: What about my 2nd question?
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10:07.21deathkati never really got a definite answer earlier, but i've been getting processes named kio_http and kio_file, in extremly large amounts, about 10 a piece, and im wonderng what might be causing this because they are really hogging my memory
10:07.42IceD^deathkat: kioslaves
10:08.32deathkatIceD^:  what?
10:08.51IceD^kio_http - are started by all apps accessing http (simple explanation)
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10:09.24IceD^and they aren't eating lots of RAM
10:09.55IceD^ps, top and others shows virtaul memory
10:10.10deathkatthey are eating lots of vm, and i believe its them that are slowing down my internet connection and killing my cpu availibility
10:10.52IceD^more complete explaining
10:11.19IceD^if some app (e.g. konqueror or amarok) wants to get file by http it doesn't do this directly
10:11.40IceD^it simply asks corresponding input/output slave to do this
10:11.49IceD^in our case - kio_http
10:11.58deathkatthen it probably is not these processes that is killing my performance?
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10:12.10IceD^so apps writers don't need to reenwent wheel again and again
10:12.19IceD^deathkat: probably no
10:12.24IceD^deathkat: use top
10:12.40IceD^to find guilty process
10:13.04deathkatjust enter top in my terminal?
10:13.42deathkatalso, could you help me with something else?
10:14.12IceD^btw - kioslaves are one of the main powers of kde
10:14.13deathkatim trying to install macromedia flashplayer 7 or whatever version it is, but konqueror isnt finding it, or its just not working period
10:14.30deathkatis there a way to find the directory to which it was installed
10:14.34IceD^emerge netscape_flash nsplugins
10:14.50IceD^you need nsplugins package installed
10:15.13deathkatone sec
10:15.19IceD^after this - Settings / Configure Konqueror / Plugins
10:15.30IceD^specify directory and press scan for new plugins
10:16.49deathkathow do i find which directory its in?
10:17.09IceD^usually it's /opt/netscape
10:17.29IceD^just press scan and verify results at plugins tab
10:18.54deathkatuno momento and thank you for helping
10:20.40deathkatdo i need to install shockwave flash as well or is that part of the flash player?
10:21.01IceD^dunno about flashplayer
10:21.19IceD^iced@iced 05 - Det Som En Gang Var (1993) % emerge -pf netscape-flash
10:21.33IceD^grab this tarball
10:21.42deathkatwell it doesnt matter cause they dont make a shockwave player for linux
10:21.52deathkatbut i already have that flash plugin and it works now
10:21.56deathkatthank you for helping
10:22.21IceD^and wtf is shockwave?
10:22.30IceD^is it smth different?
10:22.39deathkatits a diffrent kind of flash i believe
10:23.24deathkatand do you have any idea why my prompt on my terminal would now read deathkat@3(NXDOMAIN):~ #        when the other day i know it didnt have 3(NXDOMAIN) anywhere in it?
10:23.56IceD^you have specified domainname somewhere
10:24.04IceD^type "hostname --fqdn"
10:24.52deathkatokay ill try that
10:25.04Sonnyhi, how can I set a fixed size of any app in the system bar?
10:25.40IceD^sona: wtf is system bar?
10:25.45deathkathostname: Unknown host
10:25.46deathkathostname: Unknown host
10:25.52deathkatafter entering hostname --fqdn it said hostname: Unknown host   and that is it
10:26.15IceD^deathkat: you have smth wrong w/ your hostname setting
10:26.23IceD^or domainname
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10:26.45deathkatany ideas on where to go from here?
10:27.06IceD^vi /etc/hosts
10:27.15IceD^under root
10:27.25IceD^if you know how to rule vi
10:28.27deathkatwhat do i do with the vi command
10:28.37IceD^iced@iced ~ % cat /etc/hosts | grep 127
10:28.37IceD^       iced.home iced localhost
10:28.42IceD^vi is the editor
10:29.03IceD^you will not be able to `just use` it
10:29.12IceD^so better use some other console editor
10:29.17IceD^nano or some other
10:29.19deathkatcan i just open that with a different editor
10:29.37deathkatim using gedit
10:29.43deathkatnow what do i do
10:30.08IceD^find line
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10:30.15IceD^and put smth like
10:30.30IceD^ deathkat.home deathkat localhost
10:30.40IceD^order is important
10:31.43deathkatcan i add that under IP-Address  Full-Qualified-Hostname  Short-Hostname and all the other ip's/hostnames
10:31.48deathkator above the other hostnames?
10:33.04deathkatso i add that whole line on the same line, or just deathkat.home on one ling
10:33.16deathkator should i do deathkat.home.sys?
10:33.56deathkatand do i need to restart for the changes to take effect or just restart my session
10:34.02IceD^ deathkat.home.sys deathkat localhost
10:34.07IceD^localhost is necessary
10:34.14deathkati did that
10:34.16deathkatand nothing changed
10:34.16IceD^just restart terminal
10:34.23IceD^hostname --fqdn
10:35.03deathkatit said unknown host again
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10:35.49IceD^which distro?
10:36.57deathkatsuse 10.0
10:37.11IceD^ask at #suse how to set hostname
10:37.19IceD^(probably you should use yast or smth)
10:37.23IceD^don't remember
10:39.14deathkatand is definitly my addy, cause the loopback interface even has it entered as that
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10:41.25deathkatany ideas?
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10:45.22deathkatim there no one is answering me
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10:48.54deathkatno one is answering me anymore
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10:53.13DeViLInSidEfrom where can i change kmenu icon?
10:54.22aptInstructions for changing the K menu icon: . Alternatively, use kbfx
10:54.24deathkatIceD^ i figured it out
10:54.28deathkatthanks for the help
10:54.30deathkatback in a bit
10:54.35pinotreeasddasdas: read what apt said
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11:16.28Sonnyhi, how can I set a fixed size of any app in the system bar?
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11:19.12mschiffanybody an idea what is going on with my KDE 3.5.1:
11:19.33mschiffkio (KSycoca): ERROR: No database available!
11:19.59pinotreetry with kbuildsycoca --noincremental
11:21.52mschiffpinotree: I did that.. same error :-(
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11:22.54mschiffthis does not exist (and it tries to opern it)
11:23.36mschiffhm mkdir'ed that and now it works.. strange..
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11:39.46deathkatwhat is the command to see the topic?
11:40.48pwuertzin an old changelog i found "a new video thumbnail generator"... but i cant find it in konqueror.... did it disappear?
11:43.53visik7do u want a frame in the thumb ?
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11:44.28pwuertzseen that in nautilus *duck*
11:44.33visik7apt-get install libarts1-xine
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11:45.09pwuertzI'm on gentoo :)
11:45.16pwuertzso i need arts for that?
11:49.17pinotreepwuertz: in konqueror -> view -> preview -> video files
11:49.47pwuertzpinotree: yes, but there is no such option
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11:50.52pwuertzat least not here
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11:50.56visik7pwuertz: no wait
11:51.06pwuertzI'm wondering from which package that feature comes from
11:51.19pwuertzI hope its not arts ^^
11:51.24visik7the package that contains /usr/lib/
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11:51.58pwuertzwhy did they use arts for reading video files ^^
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11:52.05visik7provided by kdemultimedia
11:52.47visik7btw if u use kde why don't u want arts ?
11:52.52visik7u are not forced to use it
11:52.56visik7but at least use it :)
11:54.19pwuertzwhy should i use arts?
11:54.32pwuertzI use alsa for sound output
11:55.01*** join/#kde adamt_ (
11:55.15pwuertzso there is no need for arts
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11:56.27klandoI try to use ksvn : ksvn client work, but not into konqueror (still loading the page) using ksvn+ssh:///
11:57.15klandoadditionnaly I try to modify a file using kate (file open whith ksvn+ssh) but I can not save it : I get this beatifull message :
11:57.23klandoWriting to kio_ksvn is not supported.
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11:57.45klandoI must use commandline ?
11:57.52pwuertzi think writing to kio is difficult
11:57.57pwuertzer svn
11:58.20pwuertzbecause svn would never allow random write access to data
11:58.55klandobut, I though that ksvn will handl a commit
11:58.57pwuertzas result kio_ksvn might prevent writing
11:59.14pwuertzok... maybe if you drag a whole file into kio_ksvn
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11:59.35pwuertzi dont know kio_ksvn... but thats the way I would do it ^^
11:59.45klandook, i am new to subversion
11:59.54klandoI will try
12:00.07pwuertzyou cant allow apps to write to files.... but you would handle "overwriting" or creation of files
12:00.13pwuertzyou know cvs?
12:00.19klandonot a lot :)
12:00.27klandoI know basis
12:01.11klandoif I understand well ksvn will only allow to checkout or see files
12:01.11pwuertzwell.. tell me how it goes... this kio looks interresting
12:01.15klandonot to commit
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12:01.27pwuertzoh... sad
12:01.40pwuertzbut maybe its better this way
12:01.49klandobut I am sure I have'nt seen all the things
12:02.19pwuertzcommitting changes is alot more than copy a file... you need the ability to make logfile comments....
12:02.48pwuertzso a simple write implementation would not make sense
12:02.58klando(that why I was sso happy to see a ksvn working for me :)))
12:03.23klandono I thought that ksvn will ask for the comment
12:04.35pwuertzthe kio would have to pop up a commit-dialog... maybe they dont want to do that... not yet
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12:05.22stonedhi, Im trying to replace stuff in a huge text file in Kate.  every line contains at the end of it ::variable text on each line between the two colons ::.  I can't seem to replace.  I want to replace everything on the line starting form :: and remove the rest of the line.  I tried many regex patterns but im new with it and i can't do it for some reason
12:05.30stonedcould anyone possibly help me out
12:06.05StevenRstoned: could we have some example text and example replaced-text ?
12:06.11stonedtext text text word word word :: blah blah blah blah <- I want to replace everything from :: onwards
12:06.26stonedorignal line == blah blah blah blah :: word word word
12:06.35stonednew line == blah blah blah blah
12:06.46stonedso basically no more :: ...
12:06.53pinotreethat's easy
12:07.00stonedman i can't figure it out
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12:07.07StevenRso "find the :: and delete the :: and everything after it"
12:07.08stonedand i know when you tell me im gonna feel like an idiot
12:07.21stonedno the regex syntax
12:07.29pinotreeuse this and replace that with an empty string
12:07.55stonedi was using /(::.*)/
12:08.29StevenRpinotree: what's the .* mean? is it just "some chars that aren't end of lines" ?
12:08.40pinotree. == every char
12:08.52pinotree* == is repeated 0 or more times
12:09.37StevenRpinotree: ahh, i see :)
12:09.51pinotreeiirc you can find these things in the manpage of bash
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12:10.06StevenRpinotree: except that . is every char except newlines in some situations
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12:12.45StevenRhow do I disable the popup that konqueror displays when a popup has been blocked, i.e. I want konqueror to block popups silently. it started doing this after I upgraded to 3.5.1
12:13.48visik7yes I want to know it too is stupid blocking a popup with a popup
12:14.52pinotreeStevenR: click on the small window icon in the right partt of the statusbar, you wil get a small popp with three option, one of these is the one you need
12:16.22StevenRpinotree: window icon? I dont have one on my statusbar :S
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12:18.16StevenRpinotree: nevermind, found it, had to be on a popupy page...thanks :):)
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12:19.29KiiraniThere's something that's been annoying me for some time.. All of the kde apps are stored in /usr/kde/3.4/bin, right? Well, I can't run them without using the full path to that folder.. Is there a way to change that without physically copying them or linking them individually into /usr/bin?
12:20.12pinotreeset the PATH
12:20.13pwuertzyou should add /usr/kde/3.4/bin to your bin search path
12:20.27KiiraniOk. I'll go find out where that should be, then ^_^ thanks
12:20.28pwuertzbut this should be done by your distribution
12:20.50pwuertzwhich one are you using?
12:21.07pinotree#gentoo or #gentoo-kde
12:21.07pwuertzyour not root?
12:21.12KiiraniOf course I'm root.
12:21.25KiiraniWell, not right now..
12:21.32KiiraniBut I'm the only one with the root password...
12:21.39KiiraniAnd yeah, I was headed to #gentoo next
12:21.43KiiraniThanks for the help :)
12:21.51pwuertzsee you ^^
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12:47.02DexterFwhen I drag urls to an app in kicker (here Opera) and hoover the mouse, that app will be focussed.
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12:47.47Dexter_Fdamn my friggin ISP
12:48.15Dexter_Fanyway, where can I adjust the time after which the app gets focus?
12:48.35vakai don't know
12:49.04vakait is default set to 1 sec approximately
12:49.15vakawhy you want to change it?
12:49.24Dexter_FI live fast.
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12:49.51vakabut i can't help you
12:50.52Dexter_Fvaka: you're not on irc as root ain't ya.
12:51.12FRIpolzDexter_F: Control Center ->Desktop->Window Behaviour->Focus->Delay focus
12:51.20vakai'm on root now... xD
12:52.11Dexter_FFRIpolz: thanks!
12:52.17*** part/#kde dcanton (
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12:52.58FRIpolzglad to be of assistance
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12:57.13VirtualI have a multifunction keyboard with double function F keys and I need to activate a button so I can use F keys as F1, F2 etc, if I don't activate the buttons have other functions, is there anyway to activate that on KDE startup ?
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12:59.51eljaki tried to copy the old folder in /lib/modules to a new folder under the name of my new kernel and when booting it didnt complain but still have problems with xserver starting
13:00.19Dexter_FFRIpolz: I've gto german l10n here - "Window Behaviour" is the first entry in "Desktop", right?
13:00.53Dexter_Fuh. then I'm in the wrong place
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13:00.59FRIpolzit's the second from the back
13:01.02icicleboxis there a system tray for KDE?
13:01.14FRIpolzthe icon looks like 2 stacked windows
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13:01.43FRIpolziciclebox: Could you give an example ?\
13:01.51Dexter_FFRIpolz: thats the first here. looks your distro has a differetn sort order there.
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13:02.37FRIpolzDexter_F: I think the ordering is alphabetical
13:02.45Dexter_Fthe second last tab there is "extended" or whatever it is in english, last is "transparency"
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13:03.22FRIpolzDexter_F: I'm pretty sure it's alphabetical
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13:03.55FRIpolzDexter_F: anyway, the option you're probably looking for is focus delay...
13:04.16FRIpolzI don't know how to translate that into german, though
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13:04.40The_ManUsomeone can help me to set the size of the icons in konqueror
13:04.46The_ManUthey are to huge for me
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13:05.00The_ManUbut don't know how to change
13:05.29The_ManUkde 3.5
13:07.26Dexter_F"konqueror einrichten", I guess
13:07.45FRIpolzThe_ManU: View->icon size
13:07.59FRIpolzThe_ManU: when you're in a directory
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13:08.20Dexter_Fi10n again, heh.
13:08.48The_ManUFRIpolz: thx
13:08.48The_ManUwfound it
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13:12.08Dexter_Fwhere are the files that actually hold the translation data for i18n?
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13:13.05Dexter_FI mean, there's gotta be am index or such
13:13.54DeadS0ulhmm not sure
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13:14.37DeadS0ulgot a package manager?
13:15.02linoleumhi, I am installing kmail, and, when I need to fill info about server (imap, smtp...) and I got a quesiton : use the local reception... what is it for?
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13:17.31Dexter_FDeadS0ul: yes, I ran through the entire file list already, looking for an xml or similar. nothing
13:17.39DeadS0ulyeah i jus tidd too
13:17.51DeadS0uli found a dir called locale that's proably full of translations
13:17.58DeadS0ulbut the files in it are all binary
13:18.53Dexter_Fhmmm, .mo files?
13:19.03Dexter_FI think there's an editor for those in kde
13:20.07*** part/#kde The_ManU (
13:20.40Dexter_Fwell. I can't imagine the developers punch binaries manually ;)
13:20.49Dexter_FKBabel looks promising...
13:21.55Dexter_Fhmm. no..
13:21.56DeadS0ulnaw, there's text files in sources
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13:27.42luciohow do I setup some default desktop link, wallpaper, etc. in the home of new users?
13:28.02kaiSVKhi there ... I would like to ask for help with Kontact/Korganizer
13:28.13lucioI'm setting up an installation for a dozen of kubuntu clients
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13:37.14Dexter_FDeadS0ul: sources? kde src?
13:37.39DeadS0ulyeah or the program's source
13:37.53Dexter_Fok ill check it out
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13:45.12Frogbarfwhat is the command to invoke kmail to send a message?
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13:46.24FrogbarfI just want a new message to come up that is ready to send rather than have to see the entire kmail interface
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13:48.15DeadS0ultry asking in kontact
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13:50.02Frogbarfkmail -composer
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13:50.43DeadS0ulthat 's what you need?
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14:02.46icicleboxhow do I view the system tray in KDE?
14:03.20StevenRiciclebox: add it to your panel
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14:03.34icicleboxStevenR: thanks
14:04.13icicleboxadditionally, how do I configure a program to autostart?
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14:05.04qupadaiciclebox: put a symlink/shellscript/.desktop link in ~/.kde/Autostart
14:05.38RappQuestion: I am using KDE 3.4.x at work, on a debian testing system. sometime in the past i tried out the subpixel hinting feature. i disabled it again, since i did not like it, but it stays enabled! i have tried deleting the .kde folders, and also .qt and .fonts.conf. the last two work, but then AA is completely disabled. if i enable anti aliasing again, the subpixel hinting is also on again! where could the subpixel stuff be stored?
14:06.27RappGTK2.0 apps also have the subpixel stuff enabled, so it must be something Xft specific
14:07.00icicleboxqupada: is there another way to do it? cause kmix autostarts but it's not in the Autostart directory
14:07.46smileaficiclebox: that's because of kde restoring the previous session
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14:08.35smileafand my kcontrol module for editing ~/.kde/Autostart stuff is 70% complete ;)
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14:09.10icicleboxdoes anyone use kcheckgmail here? doesn't seem to authenticate me
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14:10.12qupadasmileaf: excellent.  been looking for an easier way to add/remove stuff from it.  too many symlinks and things in there presently
14:10.18edulixhi !
14:11.16smileafqupada: hopefully I'll get it done sometime soon.
14:11.17pinotreeedulix: kate -u
14:11.24smileafbeen kinda lazy :)
14:11.26edulixlet me see
14:12.21edulixit works pinotree =)
14:12.29qupadasmileaf: sounds good anyway.  are you working on just having one shellscript in the folder, and items added to the list in kcontrol are added or removed from it?
14:13.41smileafqupada: the way it's working is when you create a new entry.. it creates a new .desktop file in that directory.
14:13.51smileafwhen you remove it on save it'll remove it.
14:14.03smileafthat's the idea anyway
14:14.23smileafI'm also trying to have it preserve the current symlinks and shellscripts
14:14.49smileafupgrading symlinks to .desktops only when neccessary.
14:14.56qupadaah cool.  i was just thinking from the point of view of people possibly being anal about which apps they want started before which other apps
14:15.24qupadaat the moment i have shellscripts for stuff that needs command line arguments and symlinks for everything else
14:16.00smileafyup.. a symlink will only be upgrade should the user edit the command to include arguments.
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14:16.32smileafI've also worked in a disable option, so you can leave something in there without having it start :)
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14:17.41qupadawhich comments out the exec= line in the .desktop file?
14:17.49smileaffalse && cmd
14:18.23qupadathat works too
14:18.26smileafif I commented out that i'd error
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14:25.07administratorhello everyone
14:29.09visik7is there a way to run commands when kmail recive email ?
14:29.59visik7or some dcop that can tell me that there are new mail ?
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14:32.46trigoanyone awaaaake?
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14:33.21edulixtrigo: well more or less :P
14:33.35trigowell thats good, i just got a quick question
14:33.55trigodo you know what the hell zack rusin is talking bout wtih his new accelerated X?
14:34.34Dexter_Fthiago: at the keys?
14:34.50trigowell on the linux tech show is what im hearing it at
14:34.51trigobut yes
14:35.32icicleboxbtw, does anyone have a nice skin to recommended?
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14:36.15edulixxgl perhaps?
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14:36.33edulixI didn't listen to the show but that's what they say in the dot
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14:36.40trigowell yes, he was talking about how xgl was crappy and talking about introducing something called
14:36.51strawiciclebox: there are hordes of them at
14:36.57trigoi was just wondering if anyone new what that was all about
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14:37.03spiritzforecast for xgl support with kde seems very bad, isn't it?
14:37.40edulixhow can I disable by default bookmarks toolbar in konqueror? everytime I launch a new one it appears there
14:38.03icicleboxheh, xp theme is one of most downloaded
14:38.08edulixI bbelive you could save diferent perspectives in konqueror, but that option is not showed in my kubuntu's konqui
14:38.25Chryseusedulix: turn it off and save your profile
14:38.35edulixChryseus =)
14:38.53edulixoh now it's there
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14:39.58visik7no dcop for count how many unreaded mail there are ?
14:40.00edulixbut I was not lying, I have two konqui windows, both browsing html web pages
14:40.17edulixbut one shows the profile's menus and the other doesn't
14:40.34edulixanyway I already saved my web navigator profile
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14:49.00pinotreehey lauri :-)
14:49.21laurihey pinotree :)
14:50.18Fri13Does anyone use Scribus?
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14:51.16pinotreeFri13: maybe in #scribus you could find someone who does it :-)
14:51.41Fri13Ok, because im searching way to use kdialog as open/save... cant stand those "windows" styles :-/
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14:54.00mikebwilliamsanyone use konstruct with slamd64?
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14:58.49DeadS0ulyay finished another comic strip
14:59.28dipnlikDeadS0ul: finished drawing or reading? :)
14:59.43dipnlikDeadS0ul: is it online?
14:59.48DeadS0ulyeah =D
14:59.52DeadS0ulit's no tmuch though
14:59.55dipnliklink link
15:00.40dipnlikDeadS0ul: loading. liked you favicon :)
15:01.14DeadS0uli need to work on my wirting..I could make that punch line so much better
15:01.44DeadS0ulbbs, I'm gonna take a quick shower
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15:05.14DeadS0ulmeh, sister is in there
15:05.37DeadS0ulanyway wahtcha think..?
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15:08.23laurithat's a very orange orange you have there DeadS0ul
15:08.24lauriI like
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15:09.33DeadS0ulhaha, thanx
15:10.48spiritzforecast for xgl support with kde seems very bad, isn't it?
15:10.48DeadS0ulhmmm can't think of what to write
15:11.38strawspiritz: and that rumor is based on..?
15:11.49Dexter_Fspiritz: what are you, a cron job?
15:11.54Dexter_Fa small talk cron job?
15:13.24spiritzDexter_F: I am myself the cron job, until I get an answer;
15:13.28DeadS0ulnot small talk
15:13.32laurispiritz: you would be better asking Zack, or just subscribing to his blog:
15:13.35spiritzstraw: actually I saw that from a message by arron
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15:14.14lauriand annoying the user support channel for an answer on a development question, not the smartest strategy ever
15:14.29spiritzstraw: Aaron Seigo
15:14.35Dexter_Fespecially not fishing for replies like that
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15:14.49Dexter_Fthis isn't #bloody-rumors
15:14.49strawspiritz: well, you're confused
15:15.15spiritzI'm talking about  that : it's the only info regarding xgl&compiz&kde I have been able to found
15:15.33strawXair/Xgl development is separate from kde altogether
15:15.48trigokde i think, is going a diffrent direction
15:16.08strawand there's no doubt KDE will support features available from both efforts
15:16.16laurior hey, this:
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15:17.03trigowell he had an interview with the linux tech show
15:17.12trigoand talked alot about xgl
15:17.16spiritzStraw : for sure, but isn't kde team who is working on kde-window-decorator and who should fix kicker problem?
15:17.19trigoabout 27 min in
15:17.39laurithe kwin developer is not the kicker developer
15:17.54trigoactually ive found if i start xgl then kde then compiz
15:18.01Firetechdoes anyone know what the Vista-lookalike windeco (for kde) is called? The one that can be seen at
15:18.01trigothen the kicker issue doesnt come up
15:18.11lauriand neither of them are working on this compiz thing, which is the thing that has the bug
15:18.25spiritztrigo : u mean  u don't have any taskbar problem?
15:18.27lauriand if you simply want exposé type window management in KDE, try Komposé
15:18.32trigoyeah thats right
15:18.45trigozack russin is apperntly working on the kde-window-deco
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15:19.11spiritztrigo : how come you don't have any taskbar problem while I won't get any icon in my task bar? :s
15:19.30trigoi dunno, if i start xgl and compiz at the same time i do get it
15:19.37trigobut if i start xgl - compiz
15:19.45trigostart kde with the reg window manager
15:19.46lauriI'm going to guess it's because you have trouble reading for comprehension, if the last ten minutes is anything to go on
15:19.52trigothen startup compiz
15:19.54trigoits fine
15:20.15spiritztrigo : thanks for the tip; I'll check it out
15:20.16strawspiritz: i'm thinking ahead to kde4. anything for kde 3.x.x would essentially be a hack in progress anyway, imho
15:20.37strawwhich is what compiz is anyway
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15:20.53trigoi dunno from that interview it sounds like they are trying to move away from xgl
15:21.03trigooh, ive heard good things about the way compiz works
15:21.07spiritzStraw : sure, but compiz is making huge progress with gnome, and I was wondering if we would be able to see such things with kde before release 4.0 which 9 months away
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15:21.23trigowell compiz doesnt care about gnome or kde
15:21.44jeeklAny gpg-wizzez here that have time to help me for a while?
15:21.48trigoits the kde-window-deco thats the issue, compiz is not specific
15:22.00laurijeekl: if you can get a word in edgeways through the offtopic jabber about some other window manager, sure
15:22.07spiritztrigo : sure but gnome-window-deco works fine, while kde-win-deco is almost non existant
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15:22.18Fri13Firetech: alphacube is windeco
15:22.39FiretechFri13: thanks
15:22.47strawspiritz: it's new, alpha work. have patience
15:23.19trigoaye its just waiting for the kde window deco to work right
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15:23.41trigobut like i said in my experince if i do it a certian way i dont have so many systray issues
15:23.46spiritzstraw : no problem with that :) I'll be patient, I just got kind of scared when I saw that aaron seigo stated that he has no plan to work on "compiz / kde" relationship.
15:23.50laurithis is my _last_ request (and it's not a request): please take the compiz talk somewhere else
15:23.56DeadS0ultrigo: you spelt, certain wrong
15:23.58strawbetter yet, submit patches
15:24.08DeadS0ultrigo: use the built in spell checker god dammit
15:24.42laurijeekl: you had a problem?
15:24.47trigoi dont have a built in speel chekcerz
15:24.50spiritzlauri : sorry to disturb u so much ; I understand how painful it must be to have such an general discution with regular kde user; I dont want to distrub #kde-devel with such a general question, that's it.
15:25.00strawspiritz: well, he's right. that's probably not the "right" solution atm and it's likely not a good use of his time
15:25.06laurispiritz: it's not general, it's very specific, and specifically off topic
15:25.19trigogpg is kde specific?
15:25.20jeekllauri: Thanks :-) I have a gpg-account I created with kgpg and now I wanted to be able to sign my emails with several different email adresses with the same key, as I have seen many on the kdemailinglists do, so I tried adding another identity to the key using kgpg. Problem is when I want to select the key to use from kmail, kmil dosen't find the key. And in kgpg, it looks like the latter email adress I added got the role of primary seleced
15:25.32laurino, but I'm going to guess it involves either kmail or kgpg
15:25.34lauriand there we go
15:26.14laurijeekl: off the top of my head, you need to add it as a sub-key, and that's buried in the docs somewhere
15:26.19jeekllauri: Sorry for posting large amounts of txt in the channel ;-)
15:26.29laurijust a minute
15:26.32spiritzstraw : that's for sure not a very good use of his time :) good point
15:26.42jeeklOkey, so how do I delete it from the key?
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15:27.14jeeklI'm stuck at a konsole with gpg --edit-key right now and can't figure out what to delkey wants as input to delete the second email adress
15:27.49lauriagain, off the top of my head (heh, I used to be really good with gpg, but it's all fallen out of my head) try the entire string, in quotes
15:28.07jeeklman gpg says that an exact value would do, but it just doesn't work (exact value: =Jeff Eklund <my@email.adress>)
15:28.20jeeklIn quotes?
15:28.31lauri"Jeff Eklund <my@email.address>"
15:28.33jeeklIt didnät say so in the man page, but I'll try it.
15:28.47lauriI seem to remember having this exact trouble once before
15:28.57lauri(and those man pages are unholy difficult, nearly to sendmail level)
15:29.26strawspiritz: with the popularity of xgl/compiz right now, there's no doubt someone will kick out some solution for kde eventually
15:30.39trigowell at the risk of being yelled at for being off topic. there is a patch floating around the ubuntu forums
15:30.44trigoto fix the sys tray
15:30.45spiritzstraw: even if kde is more populare than gnome, everything related to xgl/compiz seems to deal with gnome only; just look at the amount of tutorials for each, it's unbelievable... I wonder why.
15:30.47laurihere it is, I knew I had it bookmarked:
15:30.52trigobut you need to recompile most of kde
15:30.53jeekllauri: It dosent seem to work... "You must select at least one key."
15:31.01lauribest docs I know about gpg
15:31.13jeeklah! Great, I'll read it right away! Thanks alot
15:31.19spiritztrigo : I tried it, actually it did not work that well
15:31.33trigoah ya i was unwilling to recompile kde for that
15:31.41laurispiritz: KDE 3.x is feature frozen, and no longer being developed, KDE 4 is some months away
15:32.19laurithere's no conspiracy, and it's not even that interesting: it's just a matter of timing
15:32.19strawspiritz: the person who's done most of the work so far works for a company that feels gnome is their best choice
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15:32.20trigonot to mention the fact that the people who developed xgl use gnome for there distro
15:32.20lauriand really that _is_ the end of this topic (why don't you go make a #compiz and talk in there)
15:32.24spiritzlauri : will kde 3.5.2 and maybe .3+ only be made of small changes?
15:32.32strawthere's #xgl, yes
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15:32.42lauribug fixes and l10n updates, the same as minor releases always are
15:33.09spiritzlauri : lol as I told u #compiz is full of gnome people and actually you're the only I have been able to discuss this issue regarding kde :d
15:34.24strawspiritz: it's not really an "issue" per se. as i said, anything that does help compiz work on kde will be a hack external to KDE
15:34.48spiritzstraw : al right, thanks for the clarification :)
15:34.58lauriand it's really just about timing and where developers priorities are, no big conspiracy or anything
15:35.45strawkde4 will no doubt have full support for all this new-fangled gee-whiz stuff :)
15:36.03lauriand it'll have had time to shake out the bugs and be solid by the time KDE 4 is out
15:36.10lauri9 months is practically a century internet time
15:36.32trigothey havent made any kind of anywhere to close to a release time frame have they?
15:36.35lauriif it's anything like composite, most people will have forgotten they were so hot for it before they got it, by then
15:36.44trigojust end of 2006 ya?
15:36.48trigoor perhaps 2007
15:36.54pinotreewe don't know
15:37.03lauriwe're never that good about plans :)
15:37.06lauriit'll be done when it's done
15:37.09spiritzWith such huge changes planned for kde 4 , I'm kind of afraid that maybe kde becomes differents from what has made it so sucessful... we'll see, I hope everything is going to be fine.
15:37.18trigooh i know how that stuff goes
15:37.29laurispiritz: why? we didn't destroy it all to hell going from 1 to 2 (over a longer timeframe than this)
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15:37.35trigoi just hear the 9-10 months thrown around
15:37.54strawhard to say. the path to kde4 has many twists and turns and beasts along the way
15:39.17trigowell ill ask this again because i dont know if yall were here when i asked last, do either of you know what zack is talking about with
15:39.24visik7how can I get dcopclient dcopref ?
15:39.48trigoi dont know if thats kde specific, but he mentioned it inconjuction with kde a number of times...
15:40.35strawtrigo: probably a new lib or some such. and since glucose is sweet...
15:40.58lauriI'm not sure what you're asking visik
15:41.03lauriare you looking for kdcop maybe?
15:41.18trigoyeah i suppose, i dunno he was talking about it replacing xgl and releasing it sometime soon
15:41.32trigonot replacing i guess but, whatever
15:42.23strawtrigo: there is a branch of X in the works that'll have many of the features Xgl offers. that's what aiglx/Xair is, iirc
15:42.31visik7lauri: no
15:42.50visik7lauri: running dcopclient it ask me a dcopref
15:43.00visik7$ dcopclient
15:43.00visik7Usage: dcopclient <dcopref>
15:43.10visik7what is that dcopref
15:43.11lauriit's asking what command you want to run via dcopclient
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15:43.58visik7lauri: thanks
15:44.11lauriand this one:
15:44.19tianhi there
15:44.35tiani have a question for a amarok user are there anny arround?
15:44.45lauritian: bazillions in #amarok
15:45.01lauribut ask here anyway if you want
15:45.21tianmy question is rather stupid and simple
15:45.32DeadS0ulshoot then
15:45.46tiani want to know how can i have amarok play continuously through a playlist?
15:45.51GraveDiggerthere is no dumb question, but only dumb answers
15:46.09DeadS0ulthere should be a loop playlist option somewhere
15:46.14tianwhatever i do it stops after curent track
15:46.25visik7lauri: some ppl on  #kontact tell me the dcop command is not enought to get a signal provided by kmail KMailIface, a so called unreadCountChanged() and I need to use kdcopclient not dcop itself
15:46.29tianenabled it and still the same
15:46.35GraveDiggertian: in the bottom of its playlist window there's a repeat button
15:46.37pinotreetian: mode -> random mode
15:46.51tiani know i clciked it and it s just the same
15:46.52GraveDiggertian: set this to not to repeat the current track
15:47.00lauriheh, you've pretty much exceeded my limit of dcop fu already visik
15:47.05strawtrigo: i'm guessing, but i think it's the accelerated_indirect-0-0-1 branch
15:47.15tianit does not even repeat the curent track if i set it to do so
15:47.26visik7lauri: :(
15:47.29trigohrm, intresting
15:48.11lauriyeah, I would ask there
15:48.32strawtrigo: but, as lauri said, it's all up to who's interested in doing what and when ;)
15:48.38tianthx i m going to ask there
15:48.45tianhave a nice day/night
15:48.48DeadS0ulhey lauri, i updated the strip. read it again adn tell me if you think it's better than before?
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15:49.10trigoaye, im just wondering because in this little tech show he had an interview was talking about how he had something pretty close to release ready
15:49.20trigoi mean like an alpha type release
15:49.47strawtrigo: time will tell, i guess
15:50.33eliripshello people. i am using kde 3.3.2 and i am very happy with it, except that if i print from within kmail (print-subsystem is cups) the fontsize on the sheet is "huge". on the screen the size of the font is just perfect, but on the printout way too big (like if you would print font Arial in size ~ 14). is there a way to change this?
15:50.54laurielirips: unfortunately, I think the answer to that one is "upgrade to 3.5.1"
15:50.55strawsigh. people and their damn car alarms...
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15:51.49trigoupgrading kde is fun and exciting
15:51.56lauriwell, sometimes
15:52.02eliripslauri, mhh. i cannot do that.. is this a known "bug" of 3.3.2
15:52.07lauriI just seem to recall that being a known bug
15:52.14eliripstrigo, yes, that true :)
15:52.25lauribut 3.3.2 is very old (it's like, 5?6? releases ago)
15:52.47trigowhy cant you upgrade?
15:52.59eliripstrigo, because i'm using debian sarge
15:53.26lauri (marked fixed and closed)
15:53.28eliripsand it would be a mess to install a kde-backport, then i can as good change to debian sid
15:53.33DeadS0ulDEBIAN! WOOO
15:54.03lauricheck you are running in the correct resolution (set your screen size in your X config in millimeters, and let X figure out the DPI, instead of running at 72dpi)
15:54.31pinotreeelirips: and yes, they're for sarge
15:54.40laurichances are you have something like 16 pt text on screen, and it's printing that out, but because your screen is not running at the right dpi, it looks smaller on screen than 16 pt really is (because a pt is really 1/72nd of an inch)
15:55.09lauriand 16pt text looks huge when printed
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15:55.34eliripspinotree, i dont like backports very much.. if i don't need them absolutly..
15:55.50eliripsbefore install a kde 3.5 backport, i can also switch to kubuntu
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15:56.10lauri(run xdpyinfo | grep resolution )
15:56.21eliripslauri, i just read through the bugreport
15:56.21pinotreeyeah, but those backports makes you not reinstall another distro
15:56.43eliripspinotree, are they as stable as the kde version that is in sarge?
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15:57.12paqwhat needs to be running so that drag'n'drop works? i want to use amarok but without running kde.. it seems to work fine, except for drag'n'drop..  any ideas anyone?
15:57.13laurielirips: they are the officially supported release of KDE
15:57.27pinotreeelirips: don't know, never tried them
15:57.28lauripaq: drag and drop from what to where?
15:57.40paqlauri, just inside amarok, e.g. for re-ordering the playlist
15:57.44eliripslauri, hmhm... kde 3.5 would be nice.. ;)
15:57.47laurielirips: rather, KDE 3.5.1 is the officially supported by KDE release of KDE
15:58.21lauripaq: then nothing external should be required for that (in fact, nothing external should be required for dragging and dropping into and out of amarok either, but some legacy apps don't deal with d'n'd very nicely)
15:58.42paqlauri, hmm strange.. ok i'm building the latest version right now.. maybe the problem just goes away
15:59.21laurithat said, apparently at least one wm is known to do something really evil to amarok's in playlist d'n'd
15:59.26lauri(that being ion and it's children)
15:59.26eliripslauri, it is always the same: i just love debian (i started with debian some years ago) as once set-up you cannot destroy it, but its software just is outdated.. well, a kde backport.. i could give it a try when i have some more time
15:59.58laurielirips: understand that while we can of course support older releases, we forget _how_ to eventually
16:00.19lauriKDE is very big, and our poor little brains can only hold so many instances of "oh yeah, that's a known bug" in 'em :)
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16:00.57DeadS0ulman that is an old bug
16:00.57eliripslauri, don't get me wrong, i absolutly don't want to blame the KDE-people that kde 3.3 is in sarge, and not 3.5. i would site that's just the way debian-releases work
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16:01.30lauritrust me, we're well aware of it
16:01.34DeadS0ulelirips: I run debain unstable just to stay up to date =(
16:01.56eliripsDeadS0ul, well, I would never run unstable on a machine I use for work
16:02.02lauripaq: is it any drag and drop, to anywhere in the list, or have you been trying to drag things to the top?
16:02.03eliripsthat's almost suicide
16:02.13lauri(distro love and discussion, probably not on topic here)
16:02.21doktoreasguys anyone ever used kartouche?
16:02.25DeadS0ulelirips: i see, I don't have a problem with it so far =O
16:02.34eliripsDeadS0ul, good luck :P
16:02.44DeadS0ulthanx, I might need it hehe
16:02.51lauripaq: because there was a bug at one time where you couldn't drag anything _to the top_ of the list :)
16:03.13eliripsDeadS0ul, as long you read the anounce-mailinglist and are *very* carefully when upgrading ;)
16:03.34DeadS0uli just run apt-get upgrade eveyday =|
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16:04.47eliripsDeadS0ul, Once upon a time I had sid, and I did the same, just everyday update, upgrade, and then was out of X because of some bug.. and starting to downgrade again is a pain
16:05.30eliripswell, anyway, I have to go, thank you for your help and the great work with KDE! Guess I'll try the backports once..
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16:06.32DeadS0ulI don't think I could do that downgrade..
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16:20.17aptYou can find lots of information useful to sysadmins at and in the User Guide at
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16:24.59Dexter_Fwould anyone know what generates the file /etc/fonts/Fontmap ?
16:25.04Dexter_Fit's in no package
16:25.54GraveDiggerfontconfig does
16:26.23DeadS0ulwhy note generate with teh cyborg name generator
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16:38.51pinotreeevening sredna :-)
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16:40.20pinotree?sredna, uoy era woh
16:41.21flogistonWhere do I set up to start the inloggingmanager? I want to be able to chose user and wm.
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16:43.57ricky_dsWhen I insert an audio CD, Konqueror just takes one entry of cddb for defining the name of the files while KsCD is asking me which entry of cddb is relevant. How can I make Konqueror also ask me?
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16:58.59trigohey isnt there a way to do transpencies with like the kmenu under kde 3.4?
17:00.24*** join/#kde KronicDreamer (
17:00.43benJImantrigo: you can either use composite, or use fake transparency
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17:07.07flogistonHow do I get kdm to show when starting X?
17:07.26pinotreeah, that's not kde task
17:07.31flogistonI want to be able to use an other.
17:07.33pinotreeask in #yourdistro
17:07.46flogistonIsnt it?
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17:08.11pinotreeinit and startup services are distro's tasks
17:08.37flogistonBut what inloging managers are there to use?
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17:10.00flogistonIf I want a window where I can choose user and sessions.
17:10.19flogistonLike KDE fluxbox or something else.
17:10.20pinotreethat's the login manager
17:10.41pinotreeand it's distro's task starting a login manager
17:10.55pinotreethat's why your question doesnt fit here
17:11.01flogistonI use Kubuntu.
17:11.13pinotree--> #kubuntu then
17:11.39flogistonBut I found login settings in systemsettings.
17:12.00flogistonI'll try there then.
17:12.02pinotreesystemsettings it's a kubuntu application
17:12.11pinotreeit's not in the official kde
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17:12.30flogistonI'll try the #kubuntu channel then.
17:12.33trigoim sorry, i have one my randow question. it seems i changed my taskbars apperance and now when you have multiple windows of the same type, like 4 firefoxes. So when you click on the app instead of the selction appearing above the app the menu now appears beside it
17:12.44trigohrm thats kinda long
17:14.19pinotreetrigo: right click on the panel -> configure -> task bar -> "group similar applications" combobox
17:15.27trigowell its not that i dont want it to group similar tasks, i want it to show the popup window up instead of to the left of the task
17:16.22trigoi mean its not a big deal, just slightly annoying
17:17.31*** join/#kde Hokinon (n=Hokinon@unaffiliated/hokinon)
17:17.39trigonever mind
17:17.46trigoi just moved the panal around and it fixed it
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17:29.19Chrisiddoes anybody here used XGL+COMPIZ
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17:30.31pinotreeChrisid: wring channel for that
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17:31.08GraveDiggerpinotree: is kde capable of using the compiz window manager? or does it in any case *require* kwin?
17:31.22pinotreedon't know
17:31.50fredrikhKDE does not require kwin
17:31.51pinotreeall i know is that compiz and kwin&kdesktop fight one each other
17:32.23GraveDiggerpinotree: hmm... well, i never gave it a try
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17:32.50GraveDiggerpinotree: and somehow i guess i wont even, but await arthur and kde4 to kick butt :D :D :D
17:34.26fredrikhpinotree: you can't run more than one window manager at a time, so kwin and compiz would fight each other :)
17:34.54pinotreefredrikh: of curse -- what i've heard is about kdesktop & compiz, then
17:35.12fredrikhdon't know anything about that
17:35.26fredrikhif compiz is fully NETWM compliant it should work
17:35.31GraveDiggerwell i tried to use xgl with kde apps without any window manager at all
17:35.41GraveDiggerbut this was more than painful
17:35.52GraveDigger(on a single screen only, of course)
17:35.54pinotreethe first days of compiz, many users went here complaining  that kdesktop had issues with compiz
17:39.23laurioh man, this is gonna get old really fast
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17:39.56pinotreelauri: what?
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17:40.22tango_Is there a konqueror channel or do I just ask here?
17:40.42laurithis compiz stuff
17:40.44pinotreetango_: depends on the question...
17:40.45lauritango_: ask here
17:40.56lauriif we can't answer, we'll tell you where to go
17:41.13tango_question is about plugins: I have two flash plugins, and old one and a new one, both in the same directory. opera, mozilla and konqueror see all of them
17:41.17lauriboy, you could take that the wrong way heh
17:41.52tango_mozilla automatically uses the right one, I can tell opera to use the right one, but konqueror just pretends to act as flash isn't available
17:42.36tango_in one site, konqueror just offers me to download the .swf file, in another the site keeps redirecting to the noFlash page
17:42.39pinotreetango_: have you tried updating the plugin list in the konqueror dialog?
17:42.47tango_and I can see both
17:42.55lauriis there any reason you need to keep the old one installed?
17:43.18tango_hm not really, but the point is that konqueror acts as if flash was not available at all
17:43.26tango_btw I'm using KDE 3.5.1 on debian unstable
17:43.46tango_opera picked the wrong one, but I could tell it to use the new one
17:43.47laurifirstly, if you don't need them both for any reason, and it's causing you a problem, I would uninstall the one y ou don't use
17:44.01pinotreeyeah, lauri is right...
17:44.08tango_let's see if that's enough
17:44.51lauriand I seem to recall you can actually specify a filename in the konqueror plugins dialog, instead of letting it scan the whole directory, but I could be misremembering that
17:46.33tango_lauri, I removed it but it still just asks me if I want to open the swf file
17:46.41pinotreerefresh the cache
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17:47.03tango_aha wait
17:47.08tango_the other site is working now ...
17:47.38tango_but doesn't :P
17:47.42tango_can you test it?
17:48.08tango_click on enter
17:48.37pinotreeit seems the sites is trying to use a whole swf as page
17:49.52pinotreenot as a whole page, only just a page for one of the two frames
17:49.55tango_ok I found
17:50.01tango_I found out how to make it work
17:50.24tango_you have to disable the prompt to save the file in the File Application configuration
17:50.42tango_for application/x-shockwave-whateveritis
17:50.43pinotreeyou could set the file associations to open the swf in konqueror directly, and disabling the download confirmation
17:50.49tango_exactly :)
17:51.14tango_(btw it's a nice webcomic so feel free to peruse it ;))
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17:54.14Narada_what is the shortcut for kompose
17:54.19Narada_don't know how to start it
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17:57.44laurialt+f2, type kompose, look in your system tray, configure the keybindings that suit you
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17:58.17vieirarHi Is there awy I can set a wallpaper from my command line?
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18:11.42vieirardcop kdesktop KBackgroundIface setWallpaper  /pathtopicutre/picture.jpg   returns.... object not accessible
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18:14.22Narada_hmm it seems i can't drag and drop in kde whereas my colleagues can
18:14.30Narada_what's the difference other than distro?
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18:16.06Agathezolanyone know why after installing kamera I would have a digital camera option in control center but not be able to use 'kamera:/' from konqueror? (kde 3.4.3-r1 on gentoo)
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18:17.58cyB3r44rdhi there
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18:19.28tech9inerso simplest payroll app known to man would be?..
18:19.39tech9inerPlease fwiw
18:20.01tech9ineroi GraveDigger
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18:22.46cyB3r44rdcould someone help me wit this? i have rr4/gentoo with kde 3.5.0. i use konqueror and i often get an error complaining about the cookie service.
18:23.14cyB3r44rdactually it stops. i had the same issue on kubuntu and mandriva too.
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18:28.42Narada_where can i configure what happens when i double click the title bar
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18:30.47vanRijnNarada_, in the control center, desktop, window behavior
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18:32.09cyB3r44rdcould someone help me wit this? i have rr4/gentoo with kde 3.5.0. i use konqueror and i often get an error complaining about the cookie service.
18:32.47vanRijncyB3r44rd, get a glass of milk
18:35.01fredEcan someone tell me if their KPDF 3.5.1 crashes upon loading this pdf?
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18:36.10Narada_my FF can open it
18:36.13stupendo44where can I change the global kde shortcuts, such as CTRL+TAB?
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18:36.41kay__does anybody know how to edit the small menu that popups if you klick with the right mouse button? i'd like to add a terminal.
18:37.02Chrisidwhats the kde app that saves the text temporarily when you copy something from a doc
18:37.13stupendo44Chrisid: Klipper
18:37.21Chrisidok thanks
18:38.13*** join/#kde Libolt4 (n=libolt@
18:40.00colterI have a transparent panel that automatically hides. As soon as I trigger it, it shows a very brief period of white background, then adjusts to the real background. Are there any workarounds for this?
18:40.11Narada_hmm my windows key doesn't work in kompose
18:40.15Narada_but shortcuts are assigned to it
18:40.28cyB3r44rdno thanks for no help
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18:52.06stupendo44question: where can I change the global kde shortcuts, such as CTRL+TAB?
18:52.42StevenRyes, kcontrol --> regional --> kbd shortcuts
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18:59.22kay__does anybody know how to edit the small menu that popups if you klick with the right mouse button? i'd like to add a terminal.
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19:09.57Tomasustarted playing with the kde lirc stuff, and the "auto poulate" button seems to always be disabled.. is that normal?
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19:20.06maincan konqueror be extended, like firefox, with various addons?
19:20.20IceD^main: yes
19:20.36mainwhere is the repository or a central site for them?
19:20.37IceD^kdeaddons package
19:20.43maini didnt find anything in google:)
19:20.44mainoh, ok
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19:21.00IceD^there are no (almost no?) external extensions
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19:21.23maini need an adblock and session saver stuff
19:21.29mainbecause i actually use it as my main browser:)
19:21.30IceD^why do you need them
19:21.40IceD^there is adblock (3.5+)
19:21.47mainads are annoying, its also nice to save tabs
19:21.52IceD^and there is session saver (any version)
19:22.06mainu mean, kde session saver?
19:22.14IceD^Settings / Save View Profile
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19:23.37maincan it do it everytime i exit it, automatically?
19:23.54IceD^never need it
19:23.57TomasuI have to say, KDE's IRKick stuff is absolutely awesome.
19:24.13IceD^wtf is IRKick?
19:24.29mainwhy isnt there any external extentions, btw?
19:24.48IceD^main: because everything you need is already onboard
19:24.49TomasuIceD^: its KDE's lirc controll module.
19:25.10Tomasumakes setting up a remote a breeze :)
19:25.21IceD^99.9999% of firefox extensions are useless
19:25.44mainbut there is always that one extention you need:)
19:26.01Tomasulike that one that uses up all your ram!
19:26.07Tomasuthats a nice extension.
19:26.13mainthey dont use up that much ram
19:26.17IceD^Tomasu: ;]
19:26.20mainmy ffx is loaded with extentions :)
19:26.26mainabout 20 of them
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19:26.37TomasuI'm talking firefox's RENDERED page caching.
19:26.39IceD^actually, I'm not using even adblock in konqueror
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19:26.52mainwhy, you like obnoxious flash ads?
19:27.02TomasuI'm a fairly heavy browser user, so I'll have several windows open, with many tabs in each..
19:27.09IceD^just spent few hours and now I have local squid filtering all ads
19:27.43Tomasuff manages to use up all my ram in no time after a little browsing, whereas konqi can have 5x more tabs, and barely use more ram than if it had 5x less.
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19:28.00Tomasuhmm, I just use Konqi's bultin adblock.
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19:29.53pwuertzis there a way to get prevent konversation to quit when closing the window
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19:30.27demonehello everyone
19:30.33demoneanyone here familiar with advanced quanta usage?
19:30.38WnnRI tried going to #kmail, but the channel is empty... anyone know how to make sent mail go to an account's Sent folder, rather than the "Local Folders"'s Sent folder?  I'd rather not bcc...
19:30.51Fri13WnnR: try #Kontact
19:31.18Fri13WnnR: how about setting filter?
19:31.24demone(#quanta is empty, since its a kde app, figured id try in here )
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19:31.45tokamakkhow you guys  feel after Torvald's encouraging comments?
19:31.59Fri13tokamakk: what you mean?
19:32.02IceD^tokamakk: ?
19:32.05WnnRFri13, didn't think to check that out... it appears you can filter on sent messages... :-)  thx.
19:32.08mainmy konqueror refuses to detect mplayer plugins.
19:32.13maindoes it even support those?
19:32.19IceD^main: yes
19:32.20Chrisidmaybe hes talking about the time when torvald says kde is better than gnome
19:32.34tokamakkthat what he said about Gnome being crap and everyone use KDE instead
19:32.42tokamakkwhat's was he complaining anyways??
19:32.42Fri13Chrisid: yes, i was just thinking same.
19:33.00demoneis there a way of forcing quanta to open the same template all the time :-D  (i just created a main base template for xhtml files, that i would like quanta to launch every time its started)
19:33.01Chrisidi think about how gnome is too simplified he was complaining about
19:33.16demone( and as far as asking in #quanta, see my note above about it being deserted :-d )
19:33.18Chrisidtalking about simple stuff, i was looking at simplekde, and one or two things about it i like
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19:34.40mainIceD^: can u point me to a webpage with a good tutorial on how to make konqueror work with mplayer?
19:34.42Fri13Chrisid: Windows is like normal digital pocket camera, Gnome is like half-SLR-pocket camera and KDE is like full Digital SLR camera (what you can use full automatic too ;-)).
19:34.49maini tried adding dirs with those plugins, but that didnt help.
19:34.57mainwont detect them after a rescan
19:35.17Fri13main: what distro you have?
19:35.26IceD^main: errr
19:35.31mainsuse 10.0, the free version:)
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19:36.25ChrisidFri13: to add to that: KDE with Gentoo is like a full Digital SLR camera on steriods :P
19:36.43maindoes the konqis version matter?
19:36.48IceD^Chrisid: true
19:36.54Fri13Chrisid: Gentoo+KDE is like digital SLR + GPS  :-P
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19:37.04IceD^however I don't know why KDE+Gentoo is so fast
19:37.07tokamakkGentoo OWNS the world
19:37.19IceD^I'm building w/ -O2
19:37.30maingentoo is super fast with kde, you say ?
19:37.39mainmaybe i should migrate to gentoo then :)
19:37.43IceD^and compared to say SuSE it loads 5 times faster
19:37.49IceD^apps starts in zero time
19:38.10mainbut it doesnt use rpm distribution?
19:38.12Fri13IceD^: Apps starts on my OSS as fast in gentoo ;-)
19:38.21tokamakklol... I love to hear the Gentoo camraderie
19:38.32Fri13main: no, gentoo has it own binary package system if you dont like install from source.
19:38.40*** part/#kde Silmarys (
19:38.53mainare dependencies easy to manage? (if i install from source)
19:39.13Fri13I liked use Mandriva few years but after 9.x it started to be slow....
19:39.15IceD^main: in gentoo you ALWAYS install from sources
19:39.21*** part/#kde WnnR (
19:39.26mainalways eh
19:39.30Fri13main: read FAQ of gentoo package system... ;-)
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19:39.40mainim curious, is it difficult to migrate from one distro to another?
19:39.45mainwithout blowing up the machine?
19:39.48IceD^gentoo is ideal for developeras
19:39.50tokamakkemerge Gentoo
19:39.55IceD^and probably for power users
19:40.02Fri13main: no, its not difficult, from X distro > Gentoo is just SLOW!
19:40.10tokamakkIceD^: it looks like Gentoo will take over all freenode channels very soon
19:40.13IceD^for others there is debian
19:40.26maini dunno much about linux yet
19:40.36mainso i guess ill just use suse for now, at least im familiar with it
19:40.44IceD^main: gentoo's handbook is easy to follow
19:40.45tapikHow it is possible the distribution is slow?
19:40.52Fri13IceD^: say, how long it take to install new KDE on gentoo? ;-)
19:40.53IceD^main: you just need to be accurate
19:41.02IceD^Fri13: err - one night
19:41.08IceD^haven't measured
19:41.23IceD^I'm always starting `emerge -Du world` when I come to sleep at Sat
19:41.24tokamakkmmm... sorry to brake this news but I find Gnome faster on my crappy system than KDE that I install on other more powerful computers, all using Gentoo
19:41.33Fri13tapik: dont know, somehow mandriva was just much slower on my machine....
19:41.53IceD^tapik: I don't know as well
19:41.55maincan i shrink my ext3 ?
19:41.55Fri13tokamakk: you just have something wrong ;-)
19:42.01*** part/#kde vanRijn (
19:42.03mainso that i can install gentoo onto another partition, to try it out
19:42.04Fri13main: yes you can.
19:42.05tapikIt seems you have not compiled the sources...
19:42.06IceD^I'm not using any crazy gcc flags (just simple -O2)
19:42.12Fri13main: check gparted for easy job.
19:42.24tokamakkFri13: I'll check this again as I am working on a friends KDE installation with a p4, mine is a p3
19:42.34mainalthough recompiling everything sounds odd.
19:42.40mainthat would involve a lot of time, hehe
19:42.42IceD^tokamakk: p3 can be times faster than p4
19:42.53mainhow come?
19:42.58IceD^main: one damn night
19:42.59tapikIceD^: which crazy flags?
19:43.07IceD^tapik: gcc
19:43.15tokamakkanyone using Xorg 7?
19:43.16Fri13tokamakk: I have one KDE running fine on P3 500Mhz 128RAM , and Gnome is slow on that :-D
19:43.34tapikI know for which the flags, but which flags you have called crazy?
19:43.39IceD^main: stage1 -> working system w/ KDE --> few hours at evening + one night of compiling + few hours at morning
19:43.49Fri13next thing what i do is i add more ram so it has 512...
19:43.51tokamakkFri13: aha... well actually you are right... even Gnome ppl say that which is something they are trying to fix on 2.14 release
19:43.52mainbut if id prefer to use rpms on gentoo, would that break anything?
19:44.11mainin case id need something fast
19:44.12tapikmain: I don't think so
19:44.13Fri13tokamakk: but it dosent matter on these days wich one is faster....
19:44.27IceD^tapik: there are some `I need extra fast system` guys w/ -O666 -ffast-math -fother-stupid-flag.....
19:44.40tokamakkNOOOO... argh.. is not there yet
19:44.42Fri13main: you dont need RPM:s... gentoos own portage system use ebuilds... if you like to do fast install.
19:44.51IceD^main: common package will take ~10 mins to build
19:45.10IceD^main: there are several monsters like kde or openoffice which takes hours
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19:45.15tokamakkFri13: I think even with Gentoo you can install rpms right?
19:45.26tapikOh yes, but I'm using the full optimizations on my Open SuSE and it works well
19:45.28IceD^but you will get all thouse after first night :)
19:45.37stevenmHello. Is there a way to get kwin to start any newly created windows as raised instead of minimized?
19:45.44tokamakkmain if you wanna learn about Linux take on Gentoo installation, and go to /j #gentoo
19:45.45mainwhat do i need to backup to move to another distro?
19:45.50mainhome dir, what else?
19:45.53maintokamakk: ok:)
19:46.02IceD^tokamakk: for learning there is LFS :))
19:46.16Fri13IceD^: Im about to install gentoo to test it on this PC but that one night install is.... too long time for me :-D reason=cant get sleep before i can play with new system.
19:46.25Ze_Mwho the hell is scanning my ports???
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19:46.31IceD^Fri13: heh :)
19:46.40IceD^Fri13: start installation before going to work
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19:46.52IceD^Fri13: or use stage3
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19:46.57Fri13IceD^: Good lord full time student dont need go to work :-P
19:46.58IceD^or you can even try fantoo
19:47.23IceD^you can install fantoo in few minutes
19:47.42IceD^(russian only AFAIK)
19:47.42tokamakkor try Kororaa
19:48.09tapikOr you can run Monkey Linux from one floppy without installation LOL ;-)
19:48.22IceD^fantoo is stage4 for gentoo
19:48.26Fri13IceD^: but i think installing gentoo takes much less time than installing windows + softwares what i need.... it takes full day (over 10h) on me to install windows + SP2...
19:48.28IceD^completly working system
19:48.40Fri13+ software what i want...
19:48.46IceD^Fri13: I do have windows @home
19:48.53IceD^on separate HDD
19:49.03IceD^it took me ~1.5h to install w/ all necessary sw
19:49.04tapikIceD^: it's your problem, not us
19:49.17IceD^windows + FAR + painkiller
19:49.22IceD^that is :)
19:49.23tapikIceD^: that you have Wirdoze ;-)
19:49.23tokamakkplease don't remind me of m$$ terror
19:49.45Fri13windows + drivers + software = takes too long :D
19:49.48IceD^tokamakk: windows is good game launcher
19:49.54IceD^nothing more
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19:50.22tapikSo guys I think that it is not good to compare time of installation
19:50.22Fri13IceD^: Yes, windows is good for that + windows is best operation system to show how good other OS's are :-D
19:50.22tapikIt's necessary to compare the distro
19:50.23tokamakkmmm... how about tuxracer!!!
19:50.25tapikor th eOS
19:51.03IceD^tokamakk: linux quake4 shows 10% more FPS than windows quake4 (on the same box)
19:51.03tapikTo install whole SuSE and configure it takes me about three days
19:51.14IceD^tapik: huh?
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19:51.36tapikTo configure all programs....
19:51.55tapikSuse has five CDs
19:52.02Fri13tapik: 1 DVD ;-)
19:52.16tapikI have no DVD-rom :-(
19:52.26tapikAnd to compile it....
19:52.32tapikThe whole distro
19:52.35kirunYou're not actually required to install all the packages, just because they are there :)
19:53.02Fri13kirun: "yes we are, we are the borg"
19:53.06IceD^tapik: compile? suse?!?
19:53.08tapikNo, but usually we use most of them
19:53.09Fri13....or how it went x-)
19:53.17IceD^tapik: heh - me not
19:53.18tapikFrom srpms
19:53.21IceD^lemme count:
19:53.39tokamakkI have installed 3.5.1 on a friend
19:53.45IceD^konsole + vim + emacs + xchat + konqueror + kmail + kopete + amarok
19:53.50IceD^from user space
19:54.08tapikwihtout kernel?
19:54.10IceD^and few dozens of dev tools
19:54.22IceD^tapik: and base system of course :]
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19:54.52tapikYou know, I'm preparing SuSE for people around me
19:54.57EnsignRedshirtHello, world.
19:55.03tapikAnd they are usually don;t know what to do ;-)
19:55.29Fri13IceD^: thats one reason why i cant take gentoo... i have use to do so that when i need one software what i have not installed, it takes 10seconds to install and i'm using it happily :-P
19:55.31tapikBut if you would like to compile KDE, OOo, kernel, FireFox,...
19:55.37EnsignRedshirtAny Kile users here?  Is there any way to prevent the spell check from checking math formulas?
19:56.03tokamakktapik: compiling OOo is better than the binaries...
19:56.17IceD^tokamakk: false
19:56.31IceD^binary OOo works the same as built from sources
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19:58.27tokamakkIceD^: well I compiled OOo from source and it was flawless as when I installed the bin there a few quirks, weird behaviors
19:58.48Fri13OOo + java disabled = fast as rocket!
20:02.07feindbildOOo&&!Java==no database
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20:02.29tokamakkdo I need the -oss USE flag? I think that's for the old sound system in linux right?
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20:02.56tstaerktokamakk, are you trying to compile KDE 4?
20:03.16tokamakkI have some USE flags that show -oss may be I don't need oss USE flag
20:03.25tokamakk'cause oss is not alsa right?
20:03.33tokamakkif I have alsa I am alright right?
20:03.52tstaerkwhat are USE flags ?
20:03.59hussamdid someone say kde 4? :)
20:04.10tstaerkhussam, my soul-relative!
20:04.19lauritstaerk: gentoo stuff
20:04.26tokamakkhussam: yeah i have installed KDE 4 pre-alpha
20:04.49lauriwell, best of luck to you with that
20:04.49tokamakkif I don't need oss I recompile the packages without oss
20:04.59hussamtokamakk: screenie, please sir. :)
20:05.11IceD^there is OSS emu in alsa
20:05.20IceD^and some apps can only speak OSS
20:05.21tokamakkhussam: I can't 'cause it's top secret
20:05.34tokamakkIceD^: so I definately don't need the oss USE flag then
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20:05.43IceD^tokamakk: it'll not harm
20:05.44tokamakkI can get rid of oss on all my packages
20:05.53hussamtokamakk: ok :)
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20:06.36hussamtokamakk: you're a kde developer, right?
20:06.58tstaerkI never met a developer using gentoo
20:07.03laurime either
20:07.07tokamakkhussam: mm.. I am newbi :)
20:07.18tokamakkI don't know how to code :(
20:07.18lauritokamakk: I don't know what you're expecting from KDE 4 at this point
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20:07.32IceD^tstaerk: me
20:07.35lauribut if you are expecting anything that is actually useful to run for a user, you will be sorely disappointed
20:07.41dashinhohow can I add a System Tray to a pannel?
20:07.46IceD^tstaerk: I'm dev and I'm using gentoo
20:07.46lauriIceD^: and you are who?
20:07.52tstaerkIceD^, accepted :)
20:07.57lauridashinho: right click on it, add an applet
20:08.03lauriif it's not already there, it is by default
20:08.15tstaerkIceD^, yes, what is your svn name ?
20:08.19IceD^lauri: huh?
20:08.35IceD^I'm not KDE dev :)
20:08.39dashinholauri, i dont have system tray on my applet list
20:08.42laurias I thought :)
20:08.55lauritstaerk: we need to refine that to "I never met a KDE developer who uses gentoo"
20:09.09tstaerkack :)
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20:09.28IceD^lauri: /j #amarok
20:09.36tstaerklauri, you are Lauri Watts ?
20:09.43laurilast time I checked I was
20:09.46IceD^lots of 'rok devs uses gentoo
20:09.54dashinholauri, nvm found it.
20:10.02tokamakklauri: are you for real? KDE developers don't use Gentoo :(
20:10.10lauritokamakk: I am for real
20:10.14tokamakkI wonder what distro Linus Torval uses...
20:10.15tstaerklauri, cool - the KArm documenter
20:10.22lauriI guessed you were :)
20:10.28tokamakklauri: WHY NOT?!
20:10.31lauriman I need to get back to work
20:10.39tstaerktokamakk, at home suse, at work redhat
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20:10.46lauritokamakk: distro wars are off topic here, I'd prefer to not start one
20:10.59hussamI think Linus uses a ppc, right?
20:11.13^_-yairgo`when i run startkde it says xsetroot: unable to open display '', #impulse101
20:11.18lauriIceD^: all the ones I've met in person weren't using gentoo when I peeped at their lappies :)
20:11.24^_-yairgo`when i run startkde it says xsetroot: unable to open display '', #impulse101
20:11.27^_-yairgo`i quit life
20:11.30IceD^lauri: we are not starting any distro war :)))
20:11.32tokamakkhow about Stalwart? What distro wm,dm does he use??
20:11.40lauriwho is stalwart?
20:11.52lauri^_-yairgo`: your nick is astonishingly annoying to type
20:11.54tokamakkthe GPL keeper
20:11.57laurienough I nearly didn't bother to answer your question :)
20:12.03laurithank you :)
20:12.04tstaerk^_-yairgo`, what is your $DISPLAY ?
20:12.14yairgo`lauri sorry it was for a different server
20:12.29yairgo`where can i find it
20:12.32lauriyairgo`: chances are pretty good you have either a permission problem (careless su'ing leading to parts of your home directory being root owned and not readable by your user)
20:13.02laurior a different permission problem (careless directory creation, possibly not on your behalf, leading to vital temporary directories that X needs to work being not usable by your user)
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20:13.30laurifor the first case, check your ~/.Xauthority
20:13.38IceD^there are a lot of alive guys here
20:13.43yairgo`when i do startX it gives me a 1000 Elf_relocateEntry() unsupported relocation type ##
20:13.55IceD^so can somebody tell me why TTF fonts in KDE are __SO__ slow
20:14.05yairgo`that file is empty lauri
20:14.06laurifor the latter, check /tmp/.ICE-Unix and /tmp/.X11-Unix are both present, and chmodded 1777
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20:14.15lauriyairgo`: yes, check the permissions on it though
20:14.36lauri(and the two directories in /tmp should be root:root or root:wheel owned, as appropriate for your operating system)
20:14.57tstaerkyairgo`, owner ?
20:15.02yairgo`its my laptop yes
20:15.06lauriIceD^: they are not, it must be a gentoo thing (or you have hundreds installed, in which case it's fontconfig's fault not KDE's)
20:15.10IceD^e.g. konsole with terminus (bitmap) font redraws in 0.0
20:15.17lauriyairgo`: and you are logged in as yourself
20:15.24yairgo`logged in as root
20:15.29lauriI just re-read your question
20:15.36IceD^konsole with bitstream takes ~1 second to redraw
20:15.38lauriyou are not running startkde in a terminal yourself are you?
20:15.48lauriahh, IceD^: don't do that
20:15.50yairgo`well what am i supposed to do?
20:15.50IceD^lauri: can you point me to doc / good config / something
20:15.55lauriaa'd fonts in a terminal app are just nasty
20:16.02IceD^lauri: what?
20:16.05laurifind a nice bitmap font, I highly recommend jmk's neep
20:16.17lauritrust me on this, I have an honest face
20:16.20IceD^lauri: I need cyrillic font :)
20:16.24SirKillalotdo you know a program which can turn off my display?
20:16.34lauriyairgo`: you create a .xinitrc and put 'exec startkde' in it
20:16.37lauriand then you run startx
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20:16.53lauristartkde needs to be run _after_ X has started up - that's how you do it
20:16.53IceD^or, better, unicode
20:16.53IceD^I need to see norvegian + belarussian as well
20:17.00yairgo`already done
20:17.01tstaerkSirKillalot, to save power or to lock your screen from colleagues ?
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20:17.04lauriIceD^: norwegian is latin-1, any font will do :)
20:17.10SirKillalottstaerk, do save power
20:17.11IceD^lauri: btw - konqueror is redrawing slow as well
20:17.31lauriIceD^: I think jmk actually has cyrillic
20:17.35laurilet me look
20:18.09tstaerkSirKillalot, kcontrol -> periphals -> display -> power control
20:18.27SirKillalottstaerk, I want to turn it off by a terminal
20:18.32lauriNicest bitmap/monospaced font _ever_ :
20:18.32SirKillalotyou know how?
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20:18.53lauriyairgo`: did it work that way?
20:18.59yairgo`lauri my .xinitrc file was already set up
20:19.00IceD^lauri: lemme try
20:19.02yairgo`i just rebooted
20:19.06tstaerkSirKillalot, no, but I try now if kpowersaved has a dcop interface
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20:19.17lauriIceD^: not in cyrillic unfortunately, but let me go troll my bookmarks
20:20.16tstaerkSirKillalot, seems I was right:
20:20.29tstaerkdcop kpowersave KPowersaveIface
20:20.41tstaerkgives you something to experiment
20:20.44IceD^lauri: I can live w/ terminus
20:20.48SirKillalottstaerk, thank you
20:20.59IceD^lauri: but what about konqueror?
20:21.14IceD^when I programmed one app in QT
20:21.17lauriIceD^: honestly, I don't know, it could be any number of things
20:21.30IceD^I noticed that fonts rendering is damn slow
20:21.41SirKillalottstaerk, but i do not have kpowersave in dcop :-/
20:21.42laurithere is something odd on your config then
20:21.42SirKillalotdo you?
20:21.54IceD^fortunately it was necessary to use only proportional fonts there
20:22.04IceD^so I cached them on offscreen image
20:22.13lauriI'm a total font geek, I'd whine like a whiny thing if fonts gave me trouble
20:22.22tstaerkSirKillalot, yes. KDE 3.5
20:22.52IceD^but I rememeber that konqueror was fast
20:23.18yairgo`i really hate how much stuff i have to do to get this working
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20:23.25SirKillalottstaerk, got 3.5.1...
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20:23.45lauriyairgo`: do what? to make KDE go? it's really that simple (put the command in .xinitrc, run startx)
20:24.11lauriIceD^: you going to be around later/tomorrow?
20:24.23yairgo`i cant right now, my computer is rebooting and checking my hda4 because it has been mounted 20 times without being checked
20:24.24IceD^lauri: probably yes
20:24.25tstaerkSirKillalot, you need the package kpowersave. But do not spend your time on this
20:24.25lauriI have some stuff to take care of, I'll help you debug it later though
20:24.41tstaerkSirKillalot, I experimented around and did not manage switching the display off.
20:24.44IceD^sure :)
20:24.52lauri(is that fsck for no reason a linux thing?)
20:25.12lauriand why can't it do it after the OS has booted? silly pingvin thingy
20:25.24yairgo`lol? penguin?
20:25.48lauritstaerk: I suspect you can actually do that via kscreensaver or maybe kdesktoplock
20:25.58laurisince they're hooked into the monitor power saving routines anyway
20:26.00SirKillalottstaerk, ok thanks anyway
20:26.02laurijust a stab though
20:26.12tstaerkSirKillalot, see lauri's idea
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20:28.27lauriand, wrong channel
20:28.35lauri(although, y'all can probably answer that here just as well)
20:28.56tstaerklauri, is lauri a female name ?
20:29.03yairgo`lauri how do i run .xinitrc
20:30.27tstaerkyairgo`, by logging in graphically
20:30.38yairgo`im at console
20:30.41yairgo`just logged into root
20:30.56lauritstaerk: unless you are finnish or estonian, yes
20:31.08lauriand if you are finnish or estonian, or know a lot of finns or estonians, then no
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20:31.16lauriyou can imagine the confusion it causes for me living in Sweden
20:31.25yairgo`lauri lol
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20:31.40lauriwhen my youngest daughter started school last year, we went to the parent teacher meeting, and noticed we were the last ones there
20:32.18lauriturns out the teacher had cautiously invited all the other parents to come 15 minutes earlier, so she could warn them not to be rude/confused/shocked/whatever, I don't know, by the gay couple :)
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20:33.05lauriwe live in a little itty bitty town, such a thing would be entirely novel here... turns out all they got was a swedish dude and his perfectly female, but very foreign girlfriend
20:33.08yairgo`sooooo how do i run .xinitrc?
20:33.14lauriyairgo`: you don't, you run startx
20:33.21yairgo`but you said
20:33.23yairgo`to run it frist
20:33.27yairgo`so i just type startx
20:33.30lauriI said, put the command in .xinitrc
20:33.32yairgo`and then its good
20:33.32lauriand run startx
20:33.41yairgo`i did
20:33.50lauriand when you type startx, what happens?
20:33.50yairgo`the command was in .xinitrc already
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20:33.58yairgo`unknown host
20:34.13lauriheh, ok, so fix that
20:34.24yairgo`and a 1000 lines of Elc_RelocateEntry() Unsupported reloaction type and a number after that
20:34.40lauriyou either don't have a hostname set, or don't have it set properly, or need to put an entry in /etc/hosts for localhost
20:35.15yairgo`so just put host hostname?
20:35.17lauriso first: if you type 'hostname' what happens (ignore the rest of the errors, the rule of thumb in fixing any unixy problem is fix the _first_ error you see, and try again, error messages tend to cascade)
20:35.25laurino, just type hostname, and see what answer you get
20:35.47tstaerkand please type echo $DISPLAY
20:35.58yairgo`tstaerk blank
20:36.00lauriok, so yairlap is your hostname
20:36.19laurinow try "host yairlap"
20:36.23lauriand see what happens
20:36.39yairgo`in my /etc/hosts file correct?
20:36.49laurino, on the commandline
20:37.03lauri(we might have to edit /etc/hosts, but let's do this one step at a time first)
20:37.04yairgo`command not found
20:37.27lauri(I am completely linux challenged, forgive me :)
20:37.27tstaerkyairgo`, distro ?
20:37.28yairgo`lol -bash: host: command not found
20:37.46yairgo`im soooooooooo lost
20:37.52lauritry: nslookup yairlap
20:38.12yairgo`-bash: nslookup: command not found
20:38.13lauri(if you don't get an answer nearly immediately, hit ctrl-c and kill it, or it'll take ages to time out)
20:38.16laurioh dearie me
20:38.23yairgo`i dont get it
20:38.30lauri"echo $PATH" please
20:38.53yairgo`its kinda long wnat me to type it all out
20:39.13lauriyou can't cut and paste?
20:39.43lauriit could be you have an error in your path spec, and it's not finding things
20:39.53IceD^yairgo`: gentoo?
20:39.59tstaerkyairgo`, I am neither sure. Are you in this chat with a non-graphic irc client ?
20:40.02tstaerkIceD^, yes
20:40.07laurior it could be that gentoo's amazingly granular packaging has left you bereft of host and nslookup binaries, and you need to install them
20:40.18lauribut that'd be too weird
20:40.19IceD^yairgo`: tell me how you managed to fsck things so bad in gentoo?
20:40.21yairgo`i am on 2 computers
20:40.34yairgo`IceD^ i dont konw i followed the manula?
20:40.44lauriIceD^: can you please rule out option 2 for me, so I can concentrate on option 1 :)
20:40.48GerbilSoftyairgo`: emerge bind-tools
20:40.50IceD^yairgo`: type startkde
20:40.52GerbilSoftthat package has host, nslookup, etc
20:40.55lauriyairgo`: noooooo
20:40.59lauridon't type startkde
20:41.00yairgo`. /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/3.4.4:/opt/ati/bin:/opt/blackdown-jre-
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20:41.27lauriIceD^: that is not how you start X, and is just going to spew errors all over the place again
20:43.05yairgo`how is it possible to screw things up following a manual????????? sadface
20:43.28IceD^yairgo`: what hostname tells you?
20:43.43tstaerkIceD^, we had this already
20:43.44lauriok, what do you have in your /etc/hosts file
20:43.53IceD^you are just installed?
20:43.53lauriIceD^: scroll up :)
20:43.59yairgo`yes i am just installed
20:44.02lauriyairgo`: that's all?
20:44.10yairgo`no thats my hostname
20:44.11lauriok, do you have a static ip address, or dhcp
20:44.15yairgo`my hosts says
20:44.15IceD^tstaerk: missed this one
20:44.18lauriyairgo`: stick with one of us
20:44.25IceD^<yairgo`> tstaerk blank
20:44.26lauriIceD^: it says yairlap, we already did this bit :)
20:44.31yairgo`      localhost
20:44.34tstaerkIceD^, the hostname is yairlap
20:44.45yairgo`::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
20:44.55yairgo`fe00::0 ip6-localnet
20:45.00IceD^so hostname is blank
20:45.05yairgo`ff00:0 ip6-mcastprefix
20:45.09yairgo`there is no hostname
20:45.17yairgo`ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
20:45.25yairgo`ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
20:45.32lauristick with me yairgo`
20:45.33yairgo`ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
20:45.34yairgo`im sticking
20:45.39yairgo`thats all that is in the file
20:45.58lauriyairgo: static ip or dhcp
20:46.18lauriif you have a static ip, you need two lines:
20:46.29lauriok, dhcp, just one
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20:46.52lauri127.0.0.1 localhost yourhostname
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20:46.59lauriwhere yourhostname is yairlap
20:47.07yairgo`i dont have a domain
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20:47.10lauriand is something you make up if you must
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20:47.25yairgo`ok what if i dont have anything to make up, just leave it blank?
20:47.39lauriyairgo`: no, that's the problem, it's not there is fine
20:48.01yairgo`ok so i did localhost yairlap
20:48.05laurithat's fine
20:48.17yairgo`saved and exited
20:48.26laurinow try run startx again (and if that doesn't work, please install bind-tools so we have some networking debug foo to work with)
20:49.16yairgo`is till got 1000 Elf_RelocateEntry() Unsupported Relocation type 4
20:49.18yairgo`is till got 1000 Elf_RelocateEntry() Unsupported Relocation type 9
20:49.19yairgo`is till got 1000 Elf_RelocateEntry() Unsupported Relocation type 3
20:49.24yairgo`of those lines
20:49.31lauriok, so we fixed the network problem
20:49.37lauriand KDE X is starting
20:49.41lauriit's just broken :)
20:50.00yairgo`can i say i hate you and like you at the same time? lol
20:51.06yairgo`hey i checked the log file, and it appears that the Elf_RelocateEntry() Unsupported Relocation type 4 is the first error
20:51.38*** part/#kde EnsignRedshirt (
20:51.46tstaerkyairgo`, that sounds like a severe linker failure
20:51.55tstaerkyairgo`, how did you install KDE ?
20:52.11yairgo`woops holdon Open APM failed (/dev/apm_bios) (no such file or directory)
20:53.47IceD^yairgo`: looks like kernel misconfiguration
20:53.59IceD^yairgo`: use genkernel please
20:54.02yairgo`i did
20:54.11IceD^yairgo`: instead of manual configuration
20:54.24lauriheh, sorry, i needed to go make more coffee for this
20:54.30yairgo`lol lauri
20:54.52yairgo`did genkernal all
20:56.09tstaerkyairgo`, please try startkde - although lauri is right this might not work. I made a different experience.
20:56.30yairgo`xsetroot unable to open display ''
20:56.42yairgo`xset: unable to open display ""
20:56.43*** part/#kde HeavenWarrior (n=heaven@
20:56.46yairgo`xsetroot unable to open display ''
20:56.50tstaerkyairgo`, stop it
20:56.51yairgo`startkde starting up...
20:56.59yairgo`startkde: running kpersonalizer...
20:57.04yairgo`kwin: cannot connect to X server
20:57.06tstaerkyairgo`, try the command X
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20:57.15yairgo`just X
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20:57.20tstaerkyairgo`, exactly. X starts the X server.
20:57.20IceD^that is
20:57.25tstaerkyairgo`, just X
20:57.25IceD^gcc --verison
20:57.30yairgo`it did the same thing as startX
20:57.47tstaerkwhich was that ELF error
20:58.12laurirunnig startkde will never work, because it expects to be run in already running X session
20:58.26IceD^lauri: tstaerk: stoooop
20:58.29laurirunning X does not run .xinitrc, running startx does
20:58.31tstaerklauri, however, I once worked at me
20:58.35lauriso basically, your X server is hosed
20:58.38IceD^problem is known :)
20:58.50lauriso I now turn you over to the local gentoo expertise, IceD^
20:58.57yairgo`Elf_RelocateEntry() Unsupported Relocation type 4
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20:59.15yairgo`IceD^ i need to do gcc --version?
20:59.22lauritstaerk: I don't put it past some distro somewhere to alias it as a wrapper to startx and have that run the real startkde :)
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20:59.30IceD^yairgo`: read forum post please
20:59.38lauriprobably in an attempt to forestall user support questions about why running startkde didn't work (because it's not supposed to)
20:59.41IceD^yairgo`: and provide us with gcc --version
20:59.52tstaerklauri, so, X is fsck'ed up, not KDE, right ?
21:00.12tstaerklauri, you are right
21:00.18yairgo`gcc (GCC) 3.4.4 (Gentoo Hardened 3.4.4-r1, ssp-3.4.4-1.0, pie-8.7.8)
21:00.22lauri(well, KDE could be too, I don't know, but X definitely is)
21:00.41lauriit's not even getting that far though
21:02.19yairgo`so what do i do?
21:02.40yairgo`gcc-config i686-pc-linux-gnu-3.4.2-vanilla ?
21:02.54IceD^yairgo`: 1. read the topic
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21:03.11IceD^yairgo`: 2. rebuild X with non-hardened gcc
21:03.23IceD^not 3.4.2, but 3.4.4
21:03.49yairgo`ok IceD^ im brand new to this, so i understand what you are saying but dont know how to do it,
21:03.55tstaerkit takes hours to BUILD X, doesn't it ?
21:04.23IceD^gcc-config --help
21:04.29IceD^tstaerk: don't remember
21:04.40IceD^tstaerk: using modular X for months :))
21:05.49IceD^lauri: hey - you should send cores to devs :))
21:06.11lauriheh, skype is a stripped static binary
21:06.17lauriand I don't care about amsn :)
21:06.30lauri(but it's in all likelihood stripped anyway)
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21:07.21lauriI bet if I get her to log out and back in, and reset her .xsession-errors, she'll find another 3 gig
21:07.36tango_assuming I wanted to switch to a purely KDE environment, are there preferred replacements for X-Chat and Gaim?
21:08.13strawlauri: why not use ulimit...
21:08.19IceD^and IM logs ---> +10G
21:08.58yairgo`IceD^ this forum is saying that i need to switch to a non hardened kernel, and then unemerge X and re emerge X, how do i switch to a different non hardened kernel?
21:09.02lauristraw: I tried really hard to come up with an excuse
21:09.06lauribut really, I haven't got one :)
21:09.14IceD^tango_: kopete
21:09.15strawtango_: konversation and kopete
21:09.25laurishe has my old machine, and I wanted logs and cores and debug stuff
21:09.30IceD^tango_: and there is nothing for xchat
21:09.35lauriand I just gave it to her as is :)
21:09.39IceD^yairgo`: non-hardened GCC, not kernel
21:09.57IceD^tango_: however xchat looks neat w/ clearlooks gtk engine
21:10.05tango_yeah I'm using xchat and it looks fine
21:10.11yairgo`how do i switch to a non hardened GCC though, i did gcc-config and tried gcc-config --listprofiles but it didnt return anything
21:10.12tango_I don't really have a problem with it :)
21:10.28lauritango_: then use it
21:10.38yairgo`oh nm i did gcc-config -l and it returned some
21:10.40tango_that's what I'm doing :)
21:10.42lauribut konversation is very cute too
21:10.55laurikopete, not so much if you ask me, but I'm too old to prefer IM over IRC :)
21:11.05IceD^yairgo`: it MUST return profiles!!!!
21:11.14yairgo`no it did
21:11.16IceD^stage3, right
21:11.18yairgo`i did the wrong comand
21:11.23tango_well I do prefer IRC over IM, but I have some IM contacts too
21:11.23IceD^do emerge gcc first
21:11.38strawdoh... this is not #gentoo
21:11.40lauri(only IM'ing I do is when I haul out my 6 digit ICQ number to impress daughter's friends, and/or tell her to go bed)
21:11.55yairgo`IceD^ i switched to x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-3.4.4-vanilla
21:12.04IceD^yairgo`: now you need to switch to the first profile
21:12.17IceD^and reemerge X
21:12.19yairgo`the first profile was the one that i was on
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21:12.51lauriand since ICQ is not cool anymore, and MSN is de rigeur, even the cool short number isn't that impressive these days :)
21:12.53IceD^amd64 is funny :)
21:13.02yairgo`that one is x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-3.4.4
21:13.03IceD^yairgo`: ok - go with vanilla
21:13.12IceD^yairgo`: just reemerge X
21:13.35yairgo`reemerge command not found
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21:15.30IceD^yairgo`: reeemerge == emerge package again
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21:15.50yairgo`but emerge X doesnt work
21:16.00yairgo`i hate not knowing what im doing
21:16.27strawi don't enjoy it either...
21:17.01tosmowhy does digikam complain that it cannot reach an usb-storage device? just jusing mount works pretty fine?!
21:17.09strawoh well. carry on. iirc, #gentoo's full of freaks anyways
21:17.14IceD^emerge -p xorg-x11
21:17.31IceD^if it'll say smth like:
21:17.40IceD^[ebuild   R   ] x11-base/xorg-x11-7.0-r1
21:17.50IceD^just type emerge xorg-x11
21:17.50IceD^and pray
21:17.53yairgo`its emerging now
21:18.06yairgo`see you have to tell me xorg-x11 cause i forget that x is xorg-x11
21:18.13yairgo`i tried xorg but not xorg-x11
21:18.47tstaerkIceD^, yairgo`, I agree with straw
21:19.13yairgo`you are throwing rice at us? are we getting married or something? i dont get the joke
21:19.47tstaerkyairgo`, now that we found the culprit, maybe #gentoo would be the right channel to contiune
21:20.22yairgo`dont make fun of me, you were new once too
21:20.39yairgo`and #gentoo has given me now help, ive been stuck here for a week
21:20.55strawhey i've always been new
21:21.44strawpeople keep changing things on me ;)
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21:22.19lauriyairgo`: we are suggesting IceD^ go with you to #gentoo and help you there
21:22.48laurinot because you are new, but because this is something really gentoo specific, and obviously quite involved, and not really to do with KDE
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21:23.03IceD^lauri: actually, we have finished :)
21:23.18yairgo`well we are waiting on X's reemerge
21:23.19lauri(and if we let everyone do all their distro non-kde related support in here all the time, it becomes a zoo, and the people who come here with KDE questions, can't get heard)
21:23.22tstaerkIceD^, you mean, the compile has started ?
21:23.37lauriwell, just explaining where we're coming from
21:24.30yairgo`but i enjoy your company better, the people in #gentoo just make fun of me and tell me to go read forums
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21:25.07strawgod forbid you should have to learn about what you're trying to do
21:25.39yairgo`i have no problems learning but mainly the stuff online doesnt help because it all seems to be slightly over my head
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21:26.28tstaerkyairgo`, I just wanted to tell you I know how it is if you ask a serious question
21:26.29strawi mean why bother writing a nice post when you can explain the same thing 50,000 times on irc :P
21:26.41tstaerkand other tell you "you ought to know that"
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21:27.28yairgo`straw some of the forums are written for people who have been doing this for thier entire life, and thats all im ssaying
21:27.40tstaerkI mean, if I buy a car, I JUST WANT TO DRIVE it
21:27.49yairgo`well no
21:27.57yairgo`i just want to get it up so i can learn how to work it
21:28.06tstaerkIf I have to regulate the brakes and the steering wheel and the engine before, it is a stupid car
21:28.09yairgo`but its aggrivating trying to learn about something when its already broken
21:28.21tstaerkyairgo`, what are you doing at the moment
21:28.42yairgo`waiting for it to finish compiling, chatting with you guys and my exgirlfirned, and getting ready for class in 30 minutes
21:28.49strawtstaerk: bah. the automatic transmission is one of the worst atrocities visited upon mankind
21:29.11IceD^yairgo`: is nice
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21:29.19IceD^yairgo`: at least russian part :)
21:29.21tstaerkyairgo`, most important thing is to get away from your ex and show her she has to decide
21:30.09strawit allows idiots to drive 1+ ton hunks of steel at high speeds
21:30.18tstaerkyairgo`, tell her NOW she has to decide and never again talk with her until she comes back
21:30.28yairgo`its me that cant decide
21:30.30tstaerkI did the same with a former girlfriend. Now she is my wife.
21:30.59yairgo`i swear if gentoo made this text green while it was emerging/compiling, it would be called the matrix
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21:32.05yairgo`lol straw
21:32.34tstaerkyairgo`, you know you do not have to compile at all with other distributions ?
21:33.00strawwell that wouldn't be any fun now would it
21:33.00yairgo`you mean i can go get a redhat cd and install it like windows?
21:33.09IceD^tstaerk: yeah, yeah :)))
21:33.20tstaerkyairgo`, yes.
21:33.28strawstuff might actually work...
21:33.28yairgo`straw undestands, its no fun if i dont get to come in here and bug people that are good at this stuff
21:33.48IceD^...and it'll work like windows
21:34.27strawalright. let's not devolve into some lame distro flame war :)
21:34.41lauriyairgo`: we weren't saying you couldn't be here too :)
21:34.48strawlauri will throw us all out
21:34.53lauriyes, I will
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21:34.54yairgo`lauri you would get annoyed and tell me to go bug #gentoo :-o
21:34.55lauriI'm mean like that
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21:35.15lauriyairgo`: no, I am saying, don't have the conversation in here, once it gets into very specific-to-your-distro stuff
21:35.23yairgo`no i konw
21:35.24yairgo`i was joking
21:35.25doktoreasanyone knows something about kartouche?
21:35.50lauriand I eat my own dogfood, I send FreeBSD users to ##freebsd even if I'm going to go help them there myself, if it's anything more than a one-liner
21:35.58lauridoktoreas: I'm not even sure what it is
21:36.13laurikde app for interpreting heiroglyphics?
21:36.31tstaerkkde app for measuring the ink level in your printer ?
21:37.00straw ?
21:37.28strawhey it is heiroglyphics
21:38.01doktoreasapp for translating via web
21:38.02strawheh. what?
21:38.07laurioh that thing
21:38.33lauriis it the one the welsh team wrote, the one the gnomes wrote, the one mandrake keeps trying to give us, the one the south african team wrote, or something else?
21:38.54doktoreaswelsh team
21:39.01doktoreasalso gnoem team got one?
21:39.02lauridamn, I'm good
21:39.19lauriyes, but it's hilariously difficult to use
21:39.32doktoreasyeah, but the idea is nice
21:39.34lauri(it has _the_ most buttons on a single web page I have ever seen, which is kind of ironic)
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21:40.15lauriwell, that was a while ago I looked at it
21:40.32laurianyway, if you want to know about kartouche, I suggest writing to the welsh guys directly
21:41.15doktoreasi' have installed in local to do some tests..
21:41.19yairgo`i have to go to class, goodbye all for now
21:41.39lauridoktoreas: they are friendly and helpful, at least in all dealings I have ever had with them
21:41.41kirunwell, I was hoping for a heiroglyphics interpreter, it would be nice to understand Inland Revenue forms :)
21:41.42doktoreasbut don't understand why if someone posted a suggestion, no other one can post other...
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21:42.00lauridoktoreas: and I highly doubt any of us can answer your questions :)
21:42.12laurikirun: ooooh, score
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21:49.12Fri13What other KDE users would add this list, what normal user would like to use with KDE for normal day tasks?: Digikam, AmaroK, Koffice, Kontact, Kaffeine, Kopete, Kuickshow, K3B, KPDF......
21:49.56tstaerkkword kontact
21:50.10IceD^amarok & kpdf
21:50.11Fri13tstaerk: kword = koffice and kontact is there :-P
21:50.16Chryseusyakuake! :)
21:50.27Fri13Chryseus: normal user dont need konsole ;-)
21:50.39Chryseusyes they do.. I'm pretty normal user and I use it all the time
21:50.43Fri13kirun: Konqueror is de facto when using kde :-P
21:51.00Fri13Chryseus: normal user dont even know what is konsole ;-)
21:51.14Chryseuswhat is "normal" user?
21:51.19tstaerkFri13, d'oh
21:52.08Fri13Chryseus: someone who just use PC to read/send emails, send/archive pictures and write few memos when listening music and chatting with friends.
21:52.10RootHackhi there  how can install theme   such like 36172-karambass2.tar.gz  ???  please
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21:53.54Fri13Chryseus: So normal is human who dont need install anything and dont care what apps he/she has... everything should be set ready....
21:54.55ChryseusI don't think there is anyone that matches your description :)
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21:55.10RootHackhi there  how can install theme   such like 36172-karambass2.tar.gz  ???  please  any help
21:56.10Fri13Chryseus: I know many ;-) I only would like to know what other apps im missing what would be needed....
21:56.12ChryseusRootHack: Install superkaramba, unzip the packet and run .theme file in superkaramba
21:56.31ChryseusFri13: dunno.. ktorrent maybe?
21:57.07kirunAs it happens, my toolset includes Inkscape and Gimp ... I don't discriminate based on widgets :)
21:58.15tstaerkFri13, kivio is cool... although contained in koffice
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22:00.21RootHackChryseus: i didn't get  the sperkaramba   ???
22:00.55ChryseusIIRC karambass is superkaramba theme.. you need that installed before you can use the theme
22:01.35RootHackplease  more explain
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22:01.50ChryseusWhat distro do you use? and which version of kde?
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22:03.56RootHackredhat el 4   kde  3.3.1
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22:07.17ChryseusRootHack: Go to and see if you can find package of superkaramba that works with your distro.. I'm not sure how these new versions work on older kde :(
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22:07.57Sonnyhi, a good video player (vcd, dvd, avi, etc) for kde? xine or what?
22:08.20BHSPitMonkeyquestion: is it possible to have one of the multiple desktops be a different resolution than others?
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22:09.18_JuDgEn_how do i get su in konquerors file browser?
22:10.32BHSPitMonkey_JuDgEn_: su before starting konqueror?
22:10.57_JuDgEn_BHSPitMonkey: rofl, im so stupid that its embarassing =P
22:10.59Chryseus_JuDgEn_: alt+f2 kdesu konqueror
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22:12.37Operator23Hey, anyone know anything about K3B not detecting/burning disks only in audio mode?
22:13.55Operator23Alright, anyone know why K3B doesn't detect inserted disks?
22:14.01Operator23First, I'm not running the full KDE
22:14.21Operator23Second, it's an ATAPI drive, which I know makes it tricky, but it has worked before - it's not a piece of incapable hardware.
22:14.31Operator23Furthermore, I can burn data CDs just fine.
22:15.18_JuDgEn_how do i rescan the font cache after removeing fonts?
22:16.07Fri13Chryseus: ktorrent is good one......
22:16.24ChryseusOf course it is if I say so :P
22:16.25Fri13kget, ktorrent......
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22:18.04Operator23I know you people are out there... Nobody's had a problem with K3B detecting disks?
22:18.35Fri13Operator23: I dont have... what version of K3B you have?
22:18.35Operator23I've scrubbed the net, and the one "fix" I found involved the guy resetting his system and finding K3B magically worked.
22:19.00Operator23Just compiled from source.
22:19.02Operator23On Slack.
22:19.24Fri13oh well.. i have 12.12
22:19.32Operator23Just to test, I ran it as root - no change.
22:19.46Operator23Well, I suppose that's an option... hadn't occurred to me...
22:19.52Operator23I may head off to downgrade city.
22:20.05Operator23Fri13, do you know if you have an ATAPI CD/DVD drive?
22:20.12Fri13But im gonna update now K3B
22:20.33Fri13i have IDE (atapi) DVD-RAM
22:20.56Operator23Alright, I'll give the downgrade a shot.
22:21.13hussamI get no sound from kscd, how do I enable digital audio cd playback in kscd?
22:21.15Fri13Operator23: wait, i update 12.12 > .12.14
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22:22.32Fri13Just first yast finds source :-P
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22:24.57Fri13Just about to install it....
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22:27.34litbhow can i rebuild the kde mime assoziation database?
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22:28.07Operator23Usually mimetypes sit in your home; or is it that you want to reset it to defaults?
22:28.12litbeverytime i start konqueror i get ""
22:28.12litbMIME-Typ nicht auffindbar
22:28.29Fri13litb: do you have mandriva?
22:28.34pinotreelitb: kbuildsycoca
22:28.35solusthere's something fishy going on with my kde
22:28.47litband if i start kde, then there are 20 dialog boxes like that
22:28.48solusit takes about 5-10 minutes to start up
22:28.55litbi only changed one assoziation
22:29.03litbthen the mess began...
22:29.14solusalso, konqueror takes a minute or two, it usually pops up in a second
22:29.20Fri13litb: what did change?
22:29.21pinotreelitb: kbuildsycoca
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22:30.10litbpinotree: doesn't help
22:30.23litb.. and if i click on a link in konvi now
22:30.28litbthen konqueror crashes
22:30.32pinotreelitb: try with kbuildsycoca --noincremental
22:30.37litbas a result from that dialog
22:30.39Fri13litb: i fixed it on mandriva it so that i removed from there that octect (or i added it there).
22:30.57litbFri13: i compiled it myself
22:31.01litbit's a svn edition
22:31.08pinotreeFri13: NO don't touch that mimetype
22:31.34Fri13pinotree: No, i cant anymore because i have suse :-P but it was OK after that... problem was in mandriva....
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22:32.18Fri13pinotree: it has it double or something.... first time it did broke kde so i needed remove .kde but after that i got it fixed....
22:32.24litbpinotree: do i need to restart kde?
22:32.27litbor konqueror?
22:32.41Fri13Operator23: K3B is working right with me (.12.14 version).
22:32.43litbpinotree: doesn't help
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22:32.44pinotreelitb: try exec konqueror from a console
22:32.48litbstill that ugly error
22:33.12goodnewsKDE won't open .jar files help !
22:33.14litbthen konqueror does crash
22:33.29litbi really only connected .wdr files with wxDesigner ...
22:33.34Operator23Alright, it's a config problem for me then.
22:33.47Operator23Fri13, you do run KDE as your main WM, right?
22:33.52litband opened that files from my usb stick in system:/blahh
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22:34.06Fri13Operator23: yes
22:34.16Operator23Alright, I don't, which is possible the source of the problem.
22:36.29goodnewsanyone one know why it won't open .jar?
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22:36.55litbstill the same fucking prob
22:37.30litbit isn't just konqueror. kwrite and others print that message too
22:37.53StevenRgoodnews: "it" ?
22:37.59Fri13goodnews: have you tryed open it with ark?
22:38.03goodnewsKDE and or gnome
22:38.04pinotreegoodnews: iirc .jar files are .zip with a different extension, try open them with ark selecting the zip format
22:38.44goodnewswho said anythign abotu zip files?
22:39.06goodnewsohhh sorry
22:39.29pinotreewonder if you only ask or listen to others too...
22:40.08litbpinotree: the error is gone
22:40.18Fri13goodnews: so you must set it open .jar files with ark as zip file.
22:40.27pinotreeselect a .jar -> right click -> open with -> ark -> force zip format
22:40.31pinotreegoodnews: ^^
22:40.40pinotreelitb: ;-) i told you
22:40.41litbthere was a .desktop file octet-stream in .kde/share/mimelnk/application
22:40.45litbwhich i removed
22:40.52litbthen it worked :)
22:41.23litbapparently kde created it when i associated the .wdr file with wxDesigner
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22:42.05litbits an "Advanced Rocking Kompressor"
22:42.08Fri13litb: i think that was same thing what i did...
22:42.13pinotreeark == kde archiver utility
22:42.29lyyanyone here have xandros? i created a user using useradd and it didn't appear at the login screen. is that kde or is that xandros specific?
22:42.38Fri13litb: Advance + Rocking could be true if ark just could have real progress bar :-P
22:42.40pinotreegoodnews: do you know file-roller for gnome? ok, ark it's the same for kde
22:42.47StevenRlyy: check the login manager config in kcontrol
22:43.14Fri13goodnews: you want run it and not open?
22:43.26lyyStevenR: where's that located? sorry, so noobish
22:43.37StevenRlyy: kde control center
22:43.50EvilGurudoes konqueror support ftps?
22:43.51StevenRlyy: under system administration or something similar
22:43.58smileafyou know there is something wrong with you when your having a conversation with a bot, and it's sorta interesting... well either that or it's a darn good AI.
22:44.12StevenREvilGuru: check in kinfocenter, under protocols
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22:44.29smileafjava -jar jarfile ?
22:44.45smileafon the command line?
22:44.50goodnewscouldn't find 'java' executable
22:45.09smileafwell there you go.. find where it's installed and add in the path
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22:45.25pinotree... or rely on distro magics to package java
22:45.50goodnewswell do you mean add it with the file I'm tryin g to run?
22:46.00lyyStevenR: you're right. it's not there. how do i add it?
22:46.18goodnewsthe error is KDEinit could not find 'java'
22:46.34StevenRlyy: just add it to the list, it should be pretty self explainitory
22:46.34pinotreegoodnews: kdeinit can't run it because it's not in the PATH!
22:46.38smileafit's not a KDE issue :)
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22:50.15goodnewsthank you
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23:12.02Operator23Well, I have just re-installed K3B, along with ffmpeg, cdrdao and cdrtools, from source.
23:12.05Operator23And nothing has changed.
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23:13.55mick_linuxis there a way to copy the spam filtering rules in Thunderbird (on OSX) to KMail (Linux)?
23:14.27mick_linuxthe spamassassin stuff should be cross platform (/me thinks)
23:17.37IceD^mick_linux: yes and no
23:17.49IceD^1. copy ~/.spamassasin
23:17.59IceD^2. use kmail's wizard to setup SA rules
23:18.10IceD^3. adjust rules if you want
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23:28.42sdzWhen I use multiple tabs in Konsole, the title bar doesn't update anymore (always says "Shell - Konsole", but the taskbar entry updates as expected.  I've been changing a lot of Appearance Settings, but I'm unsure what I did exactly.  Any ideas?
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23:38.20shiznixis there a way to disable the Trashcan in KDE ?
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23:38.36shiznixie. have a file delete for real
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23:39.31pinotreeshiznix: Shift + Del
23:39.46pinotreeshiznix: or activate the enrty to delete directly
23:39.59pinotree... the menu entry in konqueror, i mean
23:40.04shiznixaha, it's the 2nd option i need
23:40.19*** join/#kde YuuKajima (
23:41.09pinotreeshiznix: kcontrol -> kde components -> file manager -> behaviour tab -> show the 'delete' entry that bypass the trashcan
23:41.39shiznixyup, just brought it up in konq settings
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23:50.18twobitspriteis there a way I can control amaroK from i.e. the KDE taskbar?
23:50.27twobitsprite(er, "panel", etc...)
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23:51.31shiznixyes, add the Media Control applet to your panel
23:51.35blackvdif i want a script to run on startup by adding it to startkde where do i have to add it to?
23:52.05shiznixor right click on the amarok systray icon
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23:52.18blackvdI remember i did this with another distro before by adding what i wanted to the top of startkde
23:52.32blackvdbut i cant it to work on this distro
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23:52.45aptTo start a program or set an environment variable at KDE login, see:
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23:52.58pinotreeblackvd: ^^
23:53.16blackvddont follow?
23:53.19yairgo`i have a (WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:5:0) found (EE) No devices detected.  then a Fatal server error: no screens found
23:53.31yairgo`when i do fglrxconfig i dont see my video card on the list though?
23:53.50pinotreeyairgo`: wrong channel - not a kde issue
23:53.57yairgo`what channel should i go to
23:54.24pinotreeblackvd: read what apt said - it contains usefult info about starting stuff with kde
23:54.35blackvdoh didnt see that
23:54.44pinotreeyairgo`: #xorg or another x support channel
23:55.05yairgo`thank you pinotree
23:55.59shiznixi'm using kio_media_mounthelper with KDE's Media manager to automount different usb memory sticks + a digital camera, which is nice as it dynamically assigns the next available /dev/sda* without the need for fstab entries
23:56.38shiznixhowever, right clicking on the mounted icon & choosing "Safely Remove" throws an error that there is no entry for the mounted device in /etc/fstab
23:57.31shiznixwould it be possible to have kio_media_mounthelper consult /etc/mtab instead of /etc/fstab ?
23:57.52blackvdnot sure how I'm suppose to set this up what i need to run is:   /sbin/iptables -I INPUT 1 -i <EXT_INT> -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN --dport <PORT> -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
23:58.13*** join/#kde exit_music (n=exit_mus@
23:58.40blackvdso azureus can connect
23:58.56pinotreeblackvd: at system start up? oh that's not kde's task, most probably you should add a script for init or initng
23:59.09*** join/#kde exit_music (n=exit_mus@
23:59.20blackvdah ok

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.