irclog2html for #kde on 20060110

00:01.26*** join/#kde Skrot (
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00:08.24*** join/#kde vicarious (
00:09.37vicariousI was wondering, would a person have to know c coding in order to add simple text to the top of window manager (Kwin)?
00:09.57joedjvicarious: no, usually you can do it from the command-line using dcop
00:11.33joedjvicarious: for example   dcop kmail 'kontact-mainwindow#1' setCaption lalala
00:11.44vicariousthank you, thinking of putting a distro online for use for free using NX. (going to try to auction off window theme for sponsorship (need bandwidth $$$)
00:11.59joedjvicarious: hrm, we might be talking about something different - i'm talking about changing a window's title
00:12.50joedjgoing to ask my question again (don't hate me) then go and get a coffee, and hopefully someone will have a solution for me :)
00:13.19joedjattempting to get a borderless window, i set konsole's window type to dock. now konsole can't get the focus at all, so i can't change it back by accessing the Alt+F3 window menu or anything. how can i use konsole again? i have about 10 konsole windows open that i was actively working in, so it would be nice to fix this without reinstalling the OS ;-)
00:13.33vicariousI need to add it to the topside graphic. Can i just GIMP the graphic file, and leave all else the same
00:13.44*** part/#kde z5 (
00:13.47joedjvicarious: yes
00:14.58vicariousjoedj I am not sure what distro you are running but in Mandrake or other RH variant I think, you can ctr+alt+F1
00:15.09joedjvicarious: kubuntu
00:15.31joedji can ctrl+alt+f1 to get back to a virtual console, but that doesn't help me make konsole work again
00:15.31vicariousI am not sure about deb var
00:15.46vicariousok, sorry, mistook your question
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00:16.22*** join/#kde mick_home (
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00:16.39mick_homehi everyone, i'd like to know how i can change the k menu icon
00:16.54mick_homei asked in #suse and the best that i got was that it was hardcoded to "kmenu.png"
00:17.21mick_homei'm using 3.4 btw
00:17.42visik7change or create a new theme
00:18.33mick_homethats what i thought
00:18.37vicariouswill Konsole undock if you kill it?
00:18.38mick_homethere is no "edit theme"?
00:19.51mick_homeI see "customize your theme" and an icon button
00:19.59mick_homebut it doesn't respond to any clicks
00:20.20*** join/#kde chmeee (
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00:21.11vicariousand allow you to restart using default theme?
00:21.36chmeeeis there a way to submit a problematic webpage to the konqueror dev team?
00:21.40vicariousjust a thought, new to kde, learning it for its kiosking features
00:21.45mick_homeXlib errors... oh god no screws up with formatting sometimes
00:22.11mick_homeyahoo has a bunch of things that mess up on non-IE browsers
00:22.22mick_homelike some ActiveX player in their music section
00:22.30mick_homeand nothing shows (in FF)
00:23.13mick_homedamn... i'm connected via vnc
00:23.28mick_homeand i get failed to get list of devices
00:23.50mick_homeXInputExtention is missing is what it is telling me
00:24.06chmeeeyeah, their audio section sucks.  But the tv section sometimes displays properly, sometimes doesn't.  I can normally 'fix' it by selecting a show, then going back to the listings
00:25.20vicariousemail the webpage adninistrator and ask them to consider Konqeror compatibilty check on their pages. remember the "optimized for IE" logos? It is the same concept, only grassroots.
00:25.31mick_homechmeee: it looks messed up on FF too
00:25.38chmeeemick_home: ah ok
00:25.42mick_homechmeee: contact the yahoo people, not konquerer
00:26.00mick_homeyou can't blame them since yahoo tends to suck
00:26.16chmeeenot blaming them at all
00:26.17mick_homethey have the smartest open source developers there... but some of their teams are just retarded
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00:26.32mick_homechmeee: you get what i'm saying
00:26.40mick_homei didn't mean "blame" perse
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00:27.26chmeeeI get what you're saying
00:28.35*** join/#kde AleXerTecH (n=AleXerTe@
00:29.27joedjvicarious: nope. it changed all my existing konsole windows, too
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00:33.15joedjfor anyone wondering, it looks like that stuff is in ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrulesrc, so if you ever get screwed like me... ;)
00:35.26*** join/#kde superdump (n=superdum@unaffiliated/superdump)
00:35.58vicariousI found this, it might help you to change your settings back to normal, and then make borderless you prob know more than me, but I just came across this to try to be helpful
00:36.15*** join/#kde Ze_M (n=kvirc@unaffiliated/zem/x-000001)
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00:36.38mick_homechmeee: ^^^
00:36.52mick_hometheir html isn't valid
00:42.18mick_homei complained - feel free to do the same
00:42.24chmeeejust did
00:42.44chmeee"We appreciate your interest in keeping Yahoo! bug free." <-- 60% BS
00:43.10*** join/#kde spiderworm (n=spiderwo@blender/support/spiderworm)
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00:59.10*** join/#kde Andares (n=Andares@unaffiliated/andares)
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00:59.26AndaresIs there a way with Khexedit that I can make it subtract 32 from every number?
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01:00.48AndaresNobody? :(
01:03.02*** join/#kde annma (
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01:07.44_poisonanybody ? I've configured my synaptics touchpad in xorg.conf. it works in xfce and fluxbox. It also works while KDE starts up ... but as soon as KDE statup is finished my cursor wont move a pixel. Running synclient -m then shows that the touchpad is working. Has anybody got an idea what part/service/deamon of KDE could interfere with the synaptics touchpad ?
01:07.51*** join/#kde frank23 (
01:09.11thiagodon't run ksynaptics
01:09.30_poisonthiago: ksynaptics ?
01:09.39_poisonI don't have that installed ...
01:09.48thiagoyou must have
01:09.58*** join/#kde chotchki (n=cah2240@unaffiliated/chotchki)
01:09.58thiagoit's the only thing that can mess up the synaptics touchpad
01:10.05frb-work-khtml-opacity doesn't seem to be doing anything in konq 3.5
01:10.07thiagoand it generally does if you don't have the exact version required
01:10.12_poisondo you mean the kcm module from kde 3.5 ?
01:10.17thiagofrb-work: did that work?
01:10.20thiago_poison: yes
01:10.33_poisonthiago: uhm .... but it's part of kde ?
01:10.43thiago_poison: yes
01:10.53*** join/#kde Ze_M (n=kvirc@unaffiliated/zem/x-000001)
01:10.53frb-workthiago: I don't know, I found it on google
01:11.05thiagofrb-work: hmm
01:11.08_poisonthiago: then how do I elimintate a kcm module ?
01:11.21thiagochecking the parser
01:11.27thiago_poison: uninstall it
01:11.46_poisonthiago: uninstall what. the kdeadmin package ?
01:12.08frb-workI have... opacity: 0.5; filter: opacity(0.5); -moz-opacity: 0.5; -khtml-opacity: 0.5;
01:12.32thiagofrb-work: it's not in the parser
01:12.36thiagofrb-work: it'll not work
01:12.43thiagofrb-work: however, "opacity" is there
01:13.10thiago_poison: uninstall the ksynaptics module
01:13.25*** part/#kde bernard_x (
01:14.14_poisonthiago: hmmm ... I thought I was sure I didn't install it ... eventually I installed it from source, didn't build a package and forgot about it. thank you very much for you help =)
01:16.04frb-workthiago: it's not working
01:16.23*** join/#kde _poison (
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01:16.59_poisonthiago: works now =D
01:18.30*** join/#kde The_Libertarian (
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01:18.59*** part/#kde StevenR (
01:19.17thiagofrb-work: maybe it's a Safari feature
01:20.19_poisonbye all :)
01:21.14p-fIs there a way to reserve a 1px border at the bottom and right edge of the screen which would be reserved and non-coverable? (this way I would always have access to the desktop for quick switching with the mousewheel and the such)
01:21.37vicariousdoes anybody know where I would find the graphics files for the window managers top bar in mandrake 10.0
01:24.36*** join/#kde NullAcht15 (
01:25.33frb-workthiago: I know -khtml-opacity is in webkit
01:29.28thiagothat's why
01:29.32thiagoit's not in Konqueror
01:31.52frb-workshould I file a bug?
01:32.26*** join/#kde mark_alec (n=mark@unaffiliated/markalec)
01:32.28*** join/#kde jcohen (
01:32.54jcohenhow does kde have multi-color mouse cursors when x11 has only room for 2 colors?
01:33.47thiagojcohen: your premise is faulty
01:33.57*** join/#kde MANOWAR^ (n=MANOWAR^
01:34.19jcohenhow so? When I use to right apps using the xlib I could only specify 2 colors. Has that changed?
01:34.35jcohenfor the x11 mouse cursor that is
01:37.13thiagothat has changed
01:37.31*** join/#kde philone (
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01:37.58*** join/#kde philone (
01:39.44philonehey, quick question, is there a way to hide a desktop so that the tab isn't visible?
01:41.00*** join/#kde mebsd (
01:41.08mebsdis there superkaramba in 3.4?
01:41.35annmayou have toinstall it, mebsd
01:41.44annmaphilone: the tab where?
01:41.54philonethe taskbar tabs
01:42.05philoneI'd like to have a window running but not have a visible tab
01:42.18mebsdluckily i have kde3.5
01:42.25mebsdso it's included
01:42.35*** join/#kde MusculosoMandao (
01:42.39annmaphilone: i don't think it's possible
01:42.49annmai don't see such an option
01:42.57philonethat'd explain why I'm not finding one
01:43.27vicariousborderless window?
01:43.32philoneno no
01:43.42philonejust remove the tab from the task bar all together
01:43.49philoneso it's only accessible via alt+tab
01:44.11philoneI was kind of hoping there was a way to make multiple desktops use their own tabs... but that doesn't seem possible
01:44.17*** join/#kde drivamgr2006 (n=dellmatr@unaffiliated/drivamgr2005)
01:44.30mebsdwhat does that mean, kde4 set to make device interaction solid
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01:44.56_imymebsd: think autoplay
01:45.13*** part/#kde MusculosoMandao (
01:45.16annmamebsd: don't worry about it yt if you don't understad it
01:46.31mebsdis it like insert a cdrom, it runs something in cd
01:46.33*** join/#kde sean_micken (
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01:46.53JohnFluxmebsd: yeah that sort of thing
01:47.16*** part/#kde jcohen (
01:47.19JohnFluxmebsd: well, more like play the dvd, play the music cd, run cd burning software for blank cd etc
01:47.32p-fand install the drm, etc.
01:49.14ijwynanyone can tell me what this message means -- I see it everytime I start konqueror from a console: "WARNING: DCOPReply<>: cast to 'QCString' error"
01:49.47JohnFluxijwyn: don't worry about it
01:49.59enoshi, i can't seem to get thumbnails for media (avi, etc) to work in konqueror since i reinstalled, they play fine and everything just no thumbnails .. any ideas?
01:50.04JohnFluxijwyn: it means that a coder made a trivial error somewhere
01:50.14ijwynok, it's just that konq has been crashing on me a lot, so I was wondering if this was related
01:50.25*** part/#kde vajra (n=vn@
01:50.54enosi have 'file' and 'media' checked in konq prefs ..
01:51.10JohnFluxenos: View->preview    they are checked there>
01:51.25*** join/#kde jorgp (
01:51.32*** part/#kde philone (
01:51.45enosthats another thing, i'm not sure it even shows an option in view>preview, do you know what it should be called?
01:52.19*** part/#kde mebsd (
01:52.22enosi have images and such, but no media or the like
01:53.00*** join/#kde |Graz-z| (
01:53.07enosonly sound is unchecked either way
01:54.10*** join/#kde pyrosim (
01:54.21JohnFluxenos: hmm
01:54.31JohnFluxenos: do you have spare disk space :)
01:54.53*** join/#kde Hobbsee_ (
01:55.08enosyeap got space
01:55.43*** part/#kde Hobbsee_ (
01:57.34*** join/#kde bobwhoops (n=eric@
01:59.31enosJohnFlux: do you know what it should be called under view>preview? i have no option there for 'media'
01:59.42*** join/#kde feindbild (
02:02.30*** join/#kde p-f_ (
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02:06.28*** join/#kde gravos (
02:08.04gravosanyone want a salad? i have 3
02:08.25annmaDCC me one please
02:09.36CVirusme too :D
02:09.52*** join/#kde Sho_ (i=sho@konversation/developer/hein)
02:11.11|Graz-z|sprite rules
02:13.35*** join/#kde MigrainBoy- (n=flowz@
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02:21.28*** join/#kde Renkai (
02:21.58*** join/#kde mboso (
02:22.50mbosoanyone know what the transparent stat info things on the desktop of the screen are called?
02:23.29*** join/#kde Columcille (
02:24.24mark_alecmboso: could be superkaramba
02:25.25mbosomark_alec: cool, thanks
02:26.13mark_alecmboso: it is included as part of kde 3.5 if you have it
02:27.42*** join/#kde hector (
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02:30.03mbosomark_alec: didn't come with my 3.5, strange. i'm installing it now.
02:30.09mbosothanks for the tip
02:31.20mbosois super karamaba a theme manager?
02:31.50mark_alecit is a desklet eyecandy system moniter thingy
02:35.49*** join/#kde HuntsMan (
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02:42.36*** join/#kde Emily (
02:44.38hagayaroudoes anyome notice that sometimes Konqueror's rendering box seems to capture all mouse actions, even though they're on the Kicker or other programs, or other parts of Konqueror?
02:44.51hagayarouit seems to think it's in fullscreen mode or something
02:44.57*** join/#kde illogic-al (n=orville@konversation/user/illogic-al)
02:45.10hagayarouand I have to press a shortcut key which calls another program into focus to fix it
02:48.23*** join/#kde Gentle__ (
02:50.18*** join/#kde Mad_Lappy (
02:50.48Mad_LappyAnyone know anything about the process in KDE that creates the ICONs for devices (ie a jumpdrive) when it is plugged in?
02:50.58Mad_LappyI have all of the sudden lost my flash drive recognition in KDE
02:52.29*** join/#kde Woosta (n=Woosta@
02:53.15WoostaI use kate, but I'd like to change the line-spacing .. does anyone know if that's actually in the kate sources, or if it's inherrited from one of the dependencies?
02:53.34*** join/#kde XVirus (n=GoD@
02:54.04hectoranybody here has xorg 7.0?
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03:05.17*** join/#kde klasiphyd (
03:06.35klasiphydthe preview option in konquer, is it possible to change where in a video file that it grabs the thumbnail from?
03:07.03klasiphydlike say, 5 secs in
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03:18.24benjamindeesyou'd probably have to hack the source to do that
03:23.24*** join/#kde CVirus (n=GoD@
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03:30.20klasiphyd.. that would be fine, just dont know what source to find such a thing
03:33.34*** join/#kde PhotoBob (
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03:46.46SMiLeafEmily: far from home?
03:47.42*** join/#kde reiser (
03:49.31reiseranybody alive?
03:49.37SMiLeafhardly :/
03:50.19*** join/#kde Vwake (n=vivek@
03:50.24reiserwhy so?
03:50.35SMiLeafhmm... I need to rebuild my lfs temp system :(
03:50.44SMiLeafreiser: no clue.. perhaps because it's late.
03:50.59reiserLate means what?
03:51.08SMiLeaflate meaning people are in bed.
03:51.11reiserDiscussing about KDE?
03:51.11EmilySMiLeaf: about 3000 miles
03:51.19SMiLeafEmily: that is quite a ways.
03:51.25reiser3000 miles to what?
03:51.33SMiLeafEmily: college?
03:51.45Emily(and lives here for wife-type-reasons)
03:51.54SMiLeafmidwest? what state?
03:52.29reiserNo, I'm not
03:52.43Emilysame region of the country, then
03:52.50reiserWho is Mr reiser supose to be?
03:52.52*** join/#kde CVirus (n=cvirus@
03:52.53EmilyI have some of your potatoes :P Oh, no, that's idaho
03:53.01Emilyreiser: as in ReiserFS
03:53.18reiserThe guy who developed Reiser FS?
03:53.21SMiLeafyes.. Iowa != Potatos
03:53.33Emilycorn, perhaps? I have much corn
03:53.35SMiLeafIowa == Corn :D
03:53.39reiserNo I'm just like reiser FS
03:54.17SMiLeafso what sort of wife-type-reasons? getting married to someone in Michigan?
03:54.44*** join/#kde CVirus (n=cvirus@
03:56.01reiserSo everybody are from US here?
03:56.18SMiLeafreiser: nope
03:56.28SMiLeaflots of europeans here.
03:56.36reiserThat's cool
03:57.01reiserWhat part of europe?
03:57.11SMiLeafwish I could go visit europe :/
03:57.20SMiLeafumm.. all parts?
03:57.45Emily(specifically Her Majesty's United Kingdom of Northern Ireland and Great Britain)
03:57.51Emilyand SMiLeaf: yep, married someone from here
03:57.56SMiLeafI'm from europe.. or .. at least my great great great...etc.. grand parents are :D
03:58.46SMiLeafEmily: awesome :)
03:59.17Emilynot far from me ;)
03:59.26SMiLeaflots of midwest people here then :D
04:00.00Emilywell, it's 4am+ for actual Europeans right now
04:00.23EmilySMiLeaf: Doubt it :)
04:00.41SMiLeafEmily: I've never met anyone online that's from iowa before :)
04:00.48reiserTrolltech.... the QT developers???
04:01.14Emilyreiser: those guys, yes. I worked in Oslo for about a year and a half before movign here, mainly on Qt/Embedded
04:02.03reiserEmbedded means something like KDE for mobil?
04:02.26thiagowasn't Embedded being developed in .AU?
04:02.27Emilyyeah, It's Qt for a raw Linux framebuffer device ('put this dot of colour here')_
04:02.46Emilymainly, yep. I spent 3 weeks workign there with Warwick. I was the Oslo embeddded huy
04:03.04*** join/#kde __flag__ (n=__flag__@
04:03.08reiserI see
04:03.18*** part/#kde __flag__ (n=__flag__@
04:03.51Emily(working with warwick in Brisbane at his house, I mean :) I miss company-sponsored air travel)
04:04.28SMiLeafthat would be fun :)
04:05.01reiserSo, what is better GNOME or KDE?
04:05.17strawsee topic
04:05.19SMiLeaflol.. you ask that in a kde channel?
04:05.27reiserWhy not?
04:05.35SMiLeafoh yes.. we can't say .. no flame wars :)
04:06.14EmilyKDE :P
04:06.28SMiLeafno way.. frame buffers are the best!
04:06.37strawSo, what is better Apples or Oranges?
04:07.04Emilydelicious tasty brains
04:07.06SMiLeafOranges.. because I can have Oranges and Orange juice.
04:07.10strawheh :)
04:07.11Novellgreen apples
04:07.27SMiLeafCameo Apples!
04:07.28reiserOf course apples
04:07.56reiserSame way u can have apples and apple juice
04:08.08Emilyandand applejack
04:08.10SMiLeafreiser: I can't have Apple Juice ;)
04:08.11Emilyand scumble
04:08.47SMiLeafdunno.. my throat just starts to get really dry.. tenses up.. soar.. think I'm alergic to something in it.
04:08.56reiserHow to point to certain nik here?
04:09.11SMiLeafnik? is this a reference? XD
04:09.47reiserWhen I wright a message.... how to point it to certain nik?
04:09.55SMiLeafreiser: like this?
04:10.01*** join/#kde drcurl (
04:10.10SMiLeafMmm.. tab completion =)
04:10.17*** join/#kde Pygoscelis (
04:10.21reiserI'm trying to klik on nik but it doesn't work
04:10.32drcurlHi, can someone tell me if there is somehting usefull in kdeaddons?
04:10.38SMiLeafstart typing it out.. and in most irc clients you can hit tab to complete the nick.
04:10.40*** join/#kde Kr0ntab (
04:10.55reiserdrcurl karamba
04:10.57Kr0ntabwhats up people?
04:11.04drcurlok thanks
04:11.07Kr0ntabgood evening.
04:11.12SMiLeafKr0ntab: the sky!
04:11.20Kr0ntabword.... same here.  ;
04:11.44SMiLeafif that ever wasn't up.. there would be a problem.
04:12.42reiserSMiLeaf: Oooo, I see, didn't think it's like in bash
04:12.56SMiLeafreiser: ya
04:13.05reiserSMiLeaf: Thank u
04:13.07SMiLeafreiser: think bash has all the goodies? :P
04:13.18*** join/#kde The_Libertarian (
04:13.19reiserI guess so
04:13.42SMiLeaftho I did just make myself a package manager in a bash script using only 56 lines :S
04:14.30*** part/#kde reiser (
04:14.32drcurlI tried Ubuntu today, it is a shame to see how gnome has become slower than kde these days...
04:14.50WoostaSoory to repeat, but there seems to be more life now: I use kate, but I'd like to change the line-spacing .. does anyone know if that's actually in the kate sources, or if it's inherrited from one of the dependencies?
04:15.20Kr0ntabI'm having an issue with GnuCash, and was hoping KDE might be able to help out the situation.  GnuCash does not remember window positioning or size (i.e. maximization, etc)... and I'm trying to figure out how to get KDE's special window settings/behaviour to maximize the GnuCash window upon opening it.   Just kind of curious if anyone's been able to work this out before.
04:15.21*** join/#kde reiser (
04:16.56reiserSMiLeaf: So what distro is most popular in europe?
04:17.06SMiLeafreiser: beats me.. I don't live in europe
04:17.18Woostamake it up then
04:17.19reiserBut u're from there
04:17.40reiserSMiLeaf: What u think about US?
04:17.51SMiLeafreiser: yes.. my great, great, great, great, great, great, grandparents are.
04:17.54Kr0ntabreiser, what distro is most popular in the USA?  oh... and by the way... do you know Bob?  :-P
04:18.03wsjuniorreiser: take a look
04:18.15reiserDesktops or production?
04:18.21SMiLeafOoo.. I wanna meet bob!
04:19.04reiserKr0ntab: Popular where, among home users or companies?
04:19.09CVirushow can I make the desktop previewer transparent ?
04:19.22Kr0ntabhehe  im just kidding man.  no sweat.
04:19.25SMiLeafCVirus: right click on it and change an option?
04:19.56CVirusSMiLeaf: stupid me :-)
04:20.01CVirusSMiLeaf: Thanks
04:20.13SMiLeafCVirus: :)
04:20.16reiserKr0ntab: No I don't know Bob
04:21.09*** part/#kde klasiphyd (
04:22.15reiserNobody can say about distro... may be someone can say about most popular beer around KDE users?
04:23.20drcurlmy favorite is Samichlous
04:23.47drcurl14 % alcool beer :|
04:24.26kendrickcafepress's website keeps crashing konq >:^(
04:24.33reiserdrcurl: Never heard about that
04:24.35kendrickit does some pop-up info window that closes itself
04:26.06Renkaiblack & tan of course
04:26.11drcurlreiser, it tastes a bit like Port Wine
04:26.29reiserI like Port Wine
04:27.29reiserdrcurl: Are u from states too?
04:28.02*** join/#kde cobelloy (n=cobelloy@
04:28.02drcurlyou would like samichlous,
04:28.13reiserdrcurl: Might be
04:28.14*** join/#kde mark_alec (n=mark@unaffiliated/markalec)
04:28.18drcurlreiser, I'm from Canada, Quebec
04:28.21cobelloyCan anyone here help me with broadband setup?
04:28.38cobelloywhat package to use?
04:28.38drcurlcobelloy, distros?
04:28.47cobelloyI have kubuntu
04:28.48reiserdrcurl: Cool
04:28.56cobelloygetting sattelite installed right now
04:29.16cobelloybut tech guy needs to know how to set an IP and a domain or something
04:29.17reisercobelloy: kubuntu.... now it's most famose around free distros
04:29.30cobelloyit is very good if you ask me
04:29.40cobelloybut need quick help with broadband
04:30.14reisercobelloy: from Mark Shuttleworth?
04:30.18cobelloyneed a gui package for connecting to broadband - any ideas?
04:30.30cobelloywho is that reiser?
04:30.37SMiLeafcobelloy: if it's over ethernet you don't need anything.
04:30.47reiserWho is me or who is Shuttleworth?
04:30.50drcurlcobelloy, if you use dhcp, should setup automatically, if not, you have to contact your net provider for these number
04:30.55cobelloybut how to set the default gateway/domain thingy
04:30.58*** join/#kde az[a]zel (n=damien@
04:31.07cobelloywho is shuttleworth (lol)
04:31.16SMiLeafcobelloy: try running dhcpcd eth0
04:31.26cobelloyfrom cmd line?
04:31.38SMiLeafyou may have to be root
04:31.48cobelloyright - just had a thought - don't think my ethernet is configured!
04:31.54SMiLeafin which case you'd do sudo su from the command line
04:32.00reisercobelloy: default gateway can be set in /etv/sysconfig/static-routes
04:32.16SMiLeafyah that works too XD
04:32.41cobelloyright - hang on...
04:33.38*** part/#kde az[a]zel (n=damien@
04:33.42cobelloysays bash:command not found
04:33.50SMiLeafmeh figures
04:33.51cobelloydhcpcd eth0
04:34.05cobelloythat mean eth0 not configured?
04:34.18cobelloynot good
04:34.23SMiLeafis it /etc/init.d/net the script?
04:34.31SMiLeafI forget what ubuntu uses.
04:34.49cobelloynot really that good at linux-ese yet
04:34.50SMiLeafcobelloy: it's the script that should be ran on boot to get your ethernet going.
04:35.04cobelloyright - don't have a clue,but
04:35.28cobelloywhen I installed - i remember it did say network was not configured - did I want to do it manually
04:35.39cobelloynow how do I do that?
04:35.51SMiLeafI've only ever used the distribution once... :S
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04:36.03SMiLeafI know they have a control center that I would think have that in there.
04:36.06cobelloynot a KDE thing - a ubuntu thing?
04:36.14SMiLeafnope.. not a kde thing at all.
04:36.19*** join/#kde Breetai (
04:36.27SMiLeafnot even close to be honest :)
04:36.29cobelloyKDE control centre no use then?
04:36.42SMiLeafyou'll have to find the ubuntu control center.
04:36.56cobelloymmmm - don't think there is one - hang on
04:37.04SMiLeafif I remember right they practically replaced the kde one with it :/
04:38.18SMiLeafif anything you'll probably get better help in #kubuntu or #ubuntu
04:38.25cobelloyunder network settings it has eth 0 grayed out
04:38.43cobelloyoh - I didn't know about those - hang on...
04:38.46SMiLeafcuz I don't really have a clue how to configure that under ubuntu :(
04:39.20SMiLeafI know I just run /etc/init.d/net.eth0 start as root in gentoo and I'm good to go :D
04:39.31cobelloyrighto - lots of people there, will try them - THANKS !! :) :)
04:39.38SMiLeafnp :D
04:39.42SMiLeafgood luck!
04:40.43BreetaiHi all, I am running kde 3.5 in fc4. I am also running a few windowmaker docapps how do I change which corner the apps dock in????
04:43.25CVirusmy Ugly desktop
04:44.34*** join/#kde simmerz (
04:44.43SMiLeafhehe.. that background's fun :)
04:44.49SMiLeafgot it downloaded
04:45.47CVirusSMiLeaf: Good night then
04:53.57*** join/#kde B13ll0 (i=1000@
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04:58.29gravosdamn your desktop is ugly
04:58.45gravossecond ones better
04:59.51CVirusgravos: is it really ugly ?
05:00.38gravosi think it's distracting to have a big complicated image on the desktop
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05:02.10WoostaI agree, but to each his own. The pic is great, but it make it difficult to see what's going on :)
05:02.45CVirushow about my old gnome desktop
05:03.19WoostaLove that .. looks great
05:03.33B13ll0hi there..  I have installed KDE 3.5.. had a problem with SysTray.. I can't move it to the corner of the screen..
05:03.42johnny69God evening Kde channel critters.
05:03.43WoostaBut I think there's a rather large bug in your Gnome .. looks like a cockroach
05:03.49johnny69errr, good rather
05:04.02xoctopusxhow would I be able to play a MUD game with KDE?
05:04.10B13ll0looks like a stupid question.. but I really can't find how to do it :(
05:04.12CVirusWoosta: LOOL
05:05.06gravosxoctopusx, use Konsole
05:05.31gravosand telnet to the mud server
05:06.02xoctopusxI'm also a bit new to the whole MUD thing...I guess I have to enter an addess or something like that am I correct?
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05:07.02xoctopusxalso are their MUD clients for KDE, any good ones or is the Konsole all I need?
05:07.34gravosprobably, but use konsole first
05:07.51gravosno use downloading a special client if you decide you don't like mudding
05:08.07xoctopusxI'll try that...he he , your right.
05:08.52xoctopusxthanks, I swear I love coming here and asking questions...and getting answers from people who actually know what they are talking about. Its very refreshing.
05:09.09gravosit's a nice place to hang out ;)
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05:10.07xoctopusxyeah, I agree.
05:10.27johnny69You mean you haven't been told t RTFM  yet?
05:11.15xoctopusxsighs, nah not yet, luckily for me, you folks here are pretty nice...
05:12.08*** join/#kde mdo_ (
05:12.12xoctopusxalso everything isn't covered, like my MUD question.
05:13.04xoctopusxit would be different if I came in here asking how to network XP and SUSE with SAMBA :)
05:13.40xoctopusxthen I'd expect a RTFM repsonse...
05:15.28johnny69xoctopusx:   Good luck getting it to work,  even if you DO rtfm   :)
05:15.29*** join/#kde dominatus (
05:15.53dominatushello! is there anyway for me to keep engage the dock launcher always in the back while using kwin?
05:15.58xoctopusxyeah thanks...
05:16.00dominatusif I make a rule for it, it doesnt work
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05:17.30nichoshi all, using kde 3.5.0 on debian. I have a dual monitor set up, how can i get my icons to go to a different monitor?
05:17.56sean_mickenrunning kde3.4... i use bitstream vera sans size 8, but for some reason, the fonts are smaller in a kopete conversation.. they're right in the typing box.. but in the actual convo box they're smaller than the rest of the system... anyone know why>?
05:18.38WoostaYup, your screen rez is probably wrong at a guess .. and the developers have put one bit of text in pixel size and the other in point size
05:19.00WoostaSo the pixel size is showing up right but the point size isn't
05:19.39sean_mickenres is 1280x1024... 96dpi
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05:19.49sean_mickenhow do i fix it then
05:20.09Woostares also depends on your monitor size
05:20.22dominatusis there anyway to open up the window operations window (to advanced, opacoty, to desktop) on a window without a border
05:20.31sean_mickenWoosta: well, would it be that if all the other fonts look rgiht?
05:20.53WoostaAre you using a 17" monitor?
05:21.05sean_mickenWoosta: 19
05:21.14WoostaThose numbers are for 17"
05:21.20WoostaThere's a utility to measure it somewhere
05:21.51WoostaBut it should be about 86dpi from my calculations
05:21.59Woosta(It might not even be that though .. :))
05:22.14sean_mickenWoosta: whats the calculation you used?
05:22.52Woostasqrt(W^2 + H^2) / 19
05:23.06sean_mickenand should it be 86x86 then?
05:23.13WoostaLooks like it
05:23.23WoostaSee if that fixes it anyway .. or at least if it changes it
05:23.38sean_mickenwell, i did modify the DPI.. the default wasn't giving me good looking fonts, 96x96 is better
05:23.43WoostaI know when I go to 800x600 without changing the res, everything buggers up like that
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05:26.01ejofeein kde / kcontrol / appearance and themes / [desktop's] background: when i press the "get new wallpapers" [from the internet], a window *immediately* pops up on which is written "empty page" (so it won't download any wallpaper). can anybody please help me?
05:26.39sean_mickenWoosta: have you messed with fonts in X much?
05:26.55WoostaNot too much in X
05:28.28*** join/#kde Rehto (
05:29.14sean_mickenWoosta: ahh... im trying to get my fonts looking nice on an LCD.
05:29.36sean_mickenafter rebooting into linux when being in windows... man.. the fonts are pretty shitty :P
05:29.40*** join/#kde jassy (n=jassy@
05:31.43dominatuscan any help?
05:35.53*** join/#kde slawek (
05:36.11nichosis there a way in kmail to remove messages from the server after x days?
05:40.58strawnichos: yes, in the settings for the account
05:42.42*** join/#kde Konqi_ (
05:43.13nichosstraw i see "leave fetched mesages on server" but dont see anything to delete after so many days
05:43.22nichosthis is for a POP account
05:43.57strawnichos: what release of KDE?
05:44.50nichosim using kontact, if that matters, on debian
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05:46.32marccollinsomebody used krpmbuilder?
05:47.17strawnichos: i've got "Leave fetched messages on the server", then "Leave fetched messages on the server for # of days"
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05:47.33nichosi might be blind, let me see
05:50.18nichosi mean, is it there and im just not seing it?
05:50.59strawstart kmail itself and look
05:52.11nichosnope, same window
05:52.26nichosare you using the same version?
05:53.28*** join/#kde The_Ball (n=alex@
05:53.30strawkmail 1.9.1
05:53.47nichosoh, hmm, 1.8.3
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05:56.26nichosyep, thats what i need
05:56.34nichoscant believe they didnt put it in sooner;(
05:56.45nichosand now my apt is broken
05:56.50nichosmight be time for bed;)
05:58.00nichoswell straw i appreciate the help
05:58.12strawok, no problem :)
05:59.05*** part/#kde nichos (
06:05.00*** join/#kde igotyofire (
06:05.17igotyofiremy keyboard stopped working in kde, thats why im in flux box now
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06:09.00igotyofirei dont know how to dertimine the issue tho
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06:13.33igotyofire  i see to be having this same problem
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06:33.10igotyofireanyone know why my keyboard is not working inside of kde?
06:34.56benJImanigotyofire: define "not working", perhaps you've told kde to use another keyboard layout, or activated an accessability feature like sticky/slowkeys ?
06:35.57igotyofireit does not input anything at all
06:36.02Darkintentanyone know where I can find a dependency break down of KDE that is not distro specific?  I am not interested in the library break down for what is needed to build KDE I want to know how the KDE packages relate to each other
06:36.16igotyofirecapslock wont even work, cant type into anything, but the mouse works fine
06:36.28Darkintentigotyofire: it works in other wm's?
06:36.41igotyofireyes im in fluxbox now, but not by choice
06:37.15Darkintenthmm my guess would be that you borked your keyboard layout settings for kde
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06:38.15Darkintentthat is the only thing that makes sense since it works in another wm
06:38.21DarkintentDhraakellian: ?
06:38.34DhraakellianDarkintent: long way of saying "Mischan!"
06:38.59*** join/#kde peppelorum (n=peppe@pdpc/supporter/student/peppelorum)
06:39.19Darkintentanyone have any clue about that dependency break down?
06:39.41strawigotyofire: try renaming ~/.kde/share/config/kxkbrc to kxkbrc.bak
06:40.05strawigotyofire: then log in to kde again
06:40.16igotyofireand see if it works?
06:41.34DarkintentI had to chase down dependencies on my laptop in order to figure out how to make video thumbnails work in konqueror and I found that I had to compile arts support into kdebase and kdemultimedia at the very least and it would have been nice if there was a place I could go to to see the interdependencies of kde without it being filtered through a distro
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06:42.48strawDarkintent: there's info of that nature somewhere on, iirc. not that i recall where...
06:42.52igotyofirei dont know to rename in linux tho, im a noob
06:43.15strawigotyofire: cd ~/.kde/share/config/
06:43.33strawigotyofire: mv kxkbrc kxkbrc.bak
06:44.09DarkintentI know there is a break down of non kde specific libraries and what kde packages make use of them but that isn't exactly what I need I'll keep searching the site though
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06:44.16igotyofiredo i need to be root?
06:44.26grandmaanyone know how to enable video thumbnail/previews for konqueror?
06:45.42strawgrandma: build kdemultimedia with the xine-lib dev packages available
06:45.58grandmastraw ah ok
06:46.23grandmastraw thanks
06:46.34Darkintentyou have to enable arts as well
06:46.49igotyofiremv kxkbrc kxkbrc.bak
06:47.04DarkintentI just had this issue myself xinelib apparently is not enough
06:47.23strawhm, it should be
06:47.36Darkintentits not apparently
06:47.50Darkintentnot on ubuntu or on gentoo
06:47.53igotyofire[root@localhost config]# mv kxkbrc kxkbrc.bak
06:47.53igotyofiremv: cannot stat `kxkbrc': No such file or directory
06:48.13strawarts would have little to do with video previews, i'd think
06:48.37strawigotyofire: hmm, it's not there?
06:49.30lilothere'll be a small server restart in a few moments; affected users, about 1,300
06:49.33igotyofirei guess now
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06:50.03strawDarkintent: btw, we all get to chase down deps. i don't know that there's a complete list around
06:50.12igotyofirebtw straw i think preview is related to ram or memory
06:50.29igotyofirewhen i turn off video preview more images in same folder begin to preview
06:50.46strawthat's odd
06:51.04igotyofirei think so too, thats how my konqueror is behaving
06:52.59Darkintentturning it off shouldnt make more previews show up
06:53.14strawthat's what i was thinking :)
06:53.15igotyofireit does in my home folder
06:53.38strawyou mean other formats?
06:53.47Darkintentthat is very interesting
06:53.59igotyofirei turn off video preview, and some jpg previews load up
06:54.17igotyofirerightnow pictures are set to preview but not every file previews only some
06:54.20Darkintentwell yea that makes sense now
06:54.38Darkintentthat happens sometimes im not sure why myself
06:54.43igotyofirei would like everything to preview
06:54.49igotyofireonly some files will tho
06:54.56Darkintentbut jpeg previews are seperate from videos
06:55.15igotyofirepng gets the same behavior from the videos
06:55.23strawwell, thumbnails get generated and stored in ~/.thumbnails over here
06:55.23Darkintentit might be because the preview generator cant read the file
06:55.57strawthumbnail == preview
06:56.58strawyeah, if thumbnail generation encounters something it can't deal with it stops
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06:57.40strawin fact, last i looked it spins uselessly. i forgot about that
06:58.39Darkintentdoes the konstruct build script just build packages as upstream has them put together or is it possible to tell it to only build Kate for example?
06:59.16strawit just builds a relese
06:59.40DarkintentI see
06:59.52*** join/#kde mythril (
07:00.00strawthough you probably could do that with some effort
07:00.16mythrilis there anyway to disable the renaming of files that are uploaded to include .part at the end?
07:00.48strawDarkintent: kate's in kdebase, so you could just build arts/kdelibs/kdebase
07:01.04mythrilI mean it makes sense when downloading, but when uploading sometimes I have only write access and not rename access
07:01.27DarkintentI see
07:01.37mythriland blah.odt.part is not something windows users should have to put up with
07:01.58mythriloops, I forgot to mention I am using konqueror
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07:09.54Darkintentis kcontrol a hard or soft dependency of konqueror?
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07:15.47Kr0ntabheya folks.  Kubuntu 5.10, KDE 3.4.  Anything special about getting quicktime content working from konqueror as plugin?  I of course have firefox working with mplayerplug-in just fine... w32codecs... etc... etc.  Just trying to get konqueror's plugins to work right.  Kaffeine and associated plugin is installed but at this point Im not sure if the two would be conflicting (mplayer+kaffein).e
07:16.02*** join/#kde iblechbot (n=iblechbo@
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07:18.01strawKr0ntab: it should be just a matter of fooling with the File Associations in Control Center
07:18.53strawmplayer and kaffeine should coexist just fime
07:19.04Kr0ntabhmmm ok....
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07:20.55Darkintentis kcontrol a hard or soft dependency of konqueror?
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07:21.33strawnot sure what you mean, Darkintent
07:22.04Darkintentin other words do you need kcontrol to build konqueror
07:22.27strawboth originate in kdebase
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07:23.35strawread up on the DO_NOT_COMPILE env var
07:25.41strawthough i'd advise against it, unless you're pressed for device space
07:26.41Darkintentwhy is it dangerous in any way?
07:27.35strawnot dangerous, just need to know what you're doing. i haven't much experience with it
07:28.21strawi've only used it to get a build to continue if somethings broken or i can't meet a dep
07:30.12Darkintentsadly its not exactly possible I dont think to get Konqueror to function correctly as a web browser without kcontrol the mouse gesture thing is in kcontrol
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07:30.25Darkintentyou cant seem to set those things from konqueror
07:31.40Darkintentseems like a case of "you can do it but..."
07:33.07Kr0ntabstraw: it's kind of strange.... I'm getting this error when checking out an embedded quicktime clip... from
07:33.51Kr0ntabaccording to file association... the plugin is already associated with qt, mov.   hmmm....
07:34.32Kr0ntabnot sure if this is a xine thing....    do you have kaffeine using zine or gstreamer as it's engine?
07:34.59strawxine, i get the same error
07:35.14Darkintentis there a way to manually set the colour scheme for kde apps without calling kcontrol?
07:35.24Kr0ntabwell doesnt that suck
07:35.37DarkintentI would agree
07:36.02Darkintentthen again I run 64bit so I can barely get things like qu8ick time going at all
07:36.15benJImanworks for me
07:36.19benJImanwhat distro?
07:36.34Darkintentyou mean me?
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07:37.55Darkintentbut its my arch that is the problem unless you managed to get things like quick time to work while running 64bit browsers like konqueror or Firefox
07:38.02strawi can play it fine with kaffeine if i get it with wget
07:38.29DarkintentI usually keep mplayer-bin around for this sort of thing
07:38.56Kr0ntablemme try that too
07:39.10Darkintentalthough I have started using firefox-bin because after a 12hour build I was too lazy to sit through a 40min firefox build
07:39.48strawheh. i wouldn't have the patience for gentoo :)
07:40.14DarkintentI accidentally did emerge kde instead of kdebase which was part of the problem
07:40.46Darkintentits going to be annoying at best to go backwards and get the "split" builds
07:41.01Darkintentthen again using those causes "issues"
07:41.09strawi'd advise against the split builds
07:41.40Darkintentand then you end up with 80% of kde installed again anyway just to get the apps you wanna use working correctly
07:41.43strawseems they're confusing unless you're very familiar with kde
07:42.06Kr0ntabwow... i cant even play it straight from kaffeine...
07:42.57Darkintentits not so much that
07:43.28Darkintentits just that the split builds have a way of excluding things for fully functioning split builds of the programs
07:43.46Darkintentand some distros do thier split stuff wierd
07:44.02Darkintentlike ubuntu doesnt have the profile selection menu
07:44.31Darkintentand when you load the file management profile the google bar is still visible
07:45.13strawhm, konq+kaffeine can't play anything for me
07:46.02strawbah, i've gotta sleep. later folks
07:46.02Kr0ntabmplayer works fine, too....
07:46.08Kr0ntabhehe laters bud
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07:53.57ejofeein kde / kcontrol / appearance and themes / [desktop's] background: when i press the "get new wallpapers" [from the internet], a window *immediately* pops up on which is written "empty page" (so it won't download any wallpaper). can anybody please help me?
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08:09.47senseiHello, using Suse 10 KDE 3.4.2.. I'm looking for a piece of software which allows me to use the hotkeys on my multimedia keyboard
08:10.12senseiI've tried 'initial', but that keeps leaving defunct processes of every command it issues
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08:19.58benJImansensei: kcontrol -> regional & accessability -> input actions , you will first need to select the appropriate keyboard layout in kcontrol -> regional & accessabliity -> keyboard layout
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08:22.04raboofhm. can korganizer only show i ical file at a time?
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08:24.34senseibenJIman, appropriate layout?
08:24.53benJImansensei: eg microsoft natural, or whatever keyboard you have
08:24.56senseiWhat do you mean by that? Language wise the keyboard is fine, just that I have like volumeup buttons etc.
08:25.30benJImanyou can select the model too
08:25.38benJImanwhat keyboard do you have?
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08:27.00senseiMicrosoft Natural MultiMedia Keyboard 1.0A
08:27.19benJImanthen select that
08:27.39benJImanit's labeled wireless for some reason, it's the same layout though
08:27.54benJImanI am using it on an ms natural ergonomic 4000
08:28.02benJImanthen you can assign any actions in the input actions module
08:28.36senseiI can't see anything like that here.. KHotkeys is there tho
08:29.15benJImanuse that then, it's usually labeled input actions
08:29.19benJImanbut it's khotkeys
08:29.24senseioki :)
08:29.42benJImananyways I have an exam
08:29.55senseiOk, thanks a lot, and good luck
08:30.24senseiVolume up working now \o/ :P
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09:00.20gravosKonversation Termination
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09:03.41mobtekhmmm kget in 3.5.0 is broken with dropping more than a couple of links on it
09:03.44mobtekjust dies
09:03.48mobtekbugs time
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09:04.23startu_netcharming new years wish:
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09:12.58Darkintentanyone here have a problem with konqueror and specifically not being able to sign in?
09:14.22PhilRodperhaps you disabled cookies?
09:15.24Darkintentit shouldnt be
09:15.29Darkintentbut I'll check
09:16.40DarkintentI see an x next to cookies in html settings
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09:16.58odatKDE is the linux version of MS
09:17.18Tm_Todat: actually no
09:17.23PhilRod1/10, more trolling practice needed
09:17.25oGALAXYoMS is a company dude.
09:17.37oGALAXYoKDE is a desktop environment for open source not linux in particular
09:17.38Tm_Tbtw, if that's all you have to say, you're already done, so you can go now
09:18.01odatkde says use all of our special programs and if you want to develop commercial stuff you better pay
09:18.12oGALAXYoregardless of that Windows has 95% of the marketshare still. and windows vista will be another major bump.
09:18.12Tm_Tkde doesn't say so
09:18.19oGALAXYoodat: you are a fucking idiot.
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09:18.29Tm_ToGALAXYo: <3
09:18.42odattell me thats not true and your the idiot
09:18.56DarkintentPhilRod: any idea what might be making konqueror behave in this strange way its never done this before
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09:19.03oGALAXYoodat: i tell you its true that you are one.
09:19.17PhilRodok guys, let's not feed the troll
09:19.19Tm_TPhilRod: hullo
09:19.34oGALAXYoodat: ok, now show us where its written that KDE requires you to pay when developing a commercial app
09:19.37Tm_TPhilRod: troll? I dont see any trolls nor fairies
09:19.40oGALAXYoodat: show me and i apologize to you.
09:19.54odatoGALAXYo, its on the kde website
09:19.58oGALAXYoodat: link
09:20.18PhilRodDarkintent: cookies are the only thing I can think of
09:20.20PhilRodhi Tm_T :-)
09:20.29iKernelkde is usefull for people who have alot of ram and a dammned good graphics card.
09:21.06Tm_TiKernel: also it's good in my pentium 200 with 64M ram and s3virge ;)
09:21.24*** part/#kde iKernel (n=kernel@unaffiliated/ikernel)
09:21.38DarkintentI think odat is thinking more of the way qt itself is liscensed that has nothing to do with developing for kde itself
09:21.45Darkintentas far as I know
09:21.59oGALAXYoKDE is a very good desktop environment for open source architectures based on the POSIX philosophy.. a lot of really skilled people work day and night to provide trolling retards as well as normal good human beings a usable and good desktop experience. sadly there are still sick people who do not contribute anything else than pure blatantly sick trolling.
09:22.04Tm_TDarkintent: and understand qt license totally wrong
09:22.37odatDarkintent, correct which without QT kde doesn't exist
09:22.54Darkintentbut that has no bearing on kde
09:23.02oGALAXYoand whoever said KDE is like MS dont get a thing. KDE is a desktop environment while MS is a company (microsoft). it would have been a difference if said Windows compared to KDE but even then it's no way compareable since Microsoft Windows provide an OS + Desktop experience that has to work on many more types of hardware combinations, cards etc.
09:23.16PhilRododat: if you don't like the licence, don't use it. End of story. Please try to create trouble elsewhere
09:23.40odatoGALAXYo,             heres your link
09:23.49oGALAXYoi also think that stuff like active directory, microsoft management console, as well as stuff like distributed file system and other stuff are quite cool on MS windows, needless to say all the great games written primarily for windows microsoft products in mind.
09:24.10*** part/#kde bni (
09:24.11oGALAXYoodat: thats no official kde site.
09:24.20oGALAXYoodat: show me the same on * page
09:25.17Darkintenthe didnt read that thing correctly
09:25.20oGALAXYo<odat> kde says use all of our special programs and if you want to develop commercial stuff you better pay
09:25.35oGALAXYoand where the fucking world is there KDE ? i never saw someone from kde saying this.
09:25.37*** part/#kde whitefang (
09:26.01oGALAXYoodat: and what alternatives would you suggest.. now tell us another desktop with similar capabilities like KDE.
09:26.34oGALAXYoDarkintent: of course he didnt read. as many idiots dont read when they troll. they speak out of their arse or repeat the nonsense spread by others.
09:26.38oGALAXYoits sickening.
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09:28.46odatso i'm lying?
09:28.54odatthat is not the truth about qt?
09:29.08oGALAXYoyou said KDE ...
09:29.18oGALAXYo<odat> kde says use all of our special programs and if you want to develop commercial stuff you better pay
09:29.34oGALAXYoand i asked you to show where its written.
09:30.03Darkintentqt is not the same as kde
09:30.12Darkintentkde is built with qt however
09:30.19oGALAXYoodat: yes, since you cant prove it.. and even after being requested to show us the proof.. yes you are lying.
09:30.43DarkintentI could make a pure qt app that doesnt use any kde libraries
09:30.54oGALAXYothats hardly a kde problem.
09:31.10Darkintenthell I could make an entire desktop out of qt and never deal with kde at all
09:31.24odatoGALAXYo, funny i gave you a link and i'm also on trolltech's website glaring in front of me is buy qt now   hmmmm wondering why they have that ???? :)
09:31.43oGALAXYoodat: kde has no relationship with trolltech and the licensing modell trolltech provides for Qt.
09:31.50Darkintentodat you seem to be missing the point
09:31.58oGALAXYoodat: so thats no KDE problem, and still KDE doesnt force anyone to pay money for writing commercial KDE apps.
09:32.20oGALAXYoodat: your problem is with trolltech (a company in norway) not with kde.
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09:32.36Darkintentin theory couldnt you write a kde app that doesnt use qt at all?
09:32.52oGALAXYoyou probably can
09:32.53odati didn't say they have to pay kde they have to pay trolltech for use of qt
09:32.56oGALAXYowrite apps using python
09:33.06odatand kde is built on qt
09:33.08oGALAXYoodat: kde doesnt pay trolltech
09:33.11odathence the problem
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09:33.23oGALAXYoodat: which part of 'kde dont pay trolltech' you dont get ?
09:33.27pholiehello, i'm a bit lost in websvn :-/  could you point me where do i find i18n files for kopete?
09:33.41oGALAXYopholie: its in kde-i18n package
09:33.45PhilRodpholie: you want the .po files?
09:33.57pholiePhilRod: yep,
09:33.59odatthe developer that makes commercial software for kde that uses QT has to pay trolltech what part of that don't you understand
09:34.04odatkde is built on qt
09:34.08odatunderstand that?
09:34.09oGALAXYoodat: thats not true
09:34.09pholiewant to check what status it is now
09:34.16odatyes yes yes it is
09:34.34oGALAXYoodat: if you have issues with trolltechs licensing model then why dont you go to the trolltech irc channel or their page and complain ?
09:34.42oGALAXYoodat: why do you need to do this here ?
09:34.49odatso understand what desktop your using and what your really supporting by using kde
09:35.03PhilRodpholie: trunk/l10n/<lang>
09:35.05oGALAXYoodat: ok any alternatives you can suggest ?
09:35.13DarkintentoGALAXYo: wouldnt it be easier to just ignore him
09:35.20oGALAXYoDarkintent: no
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09:35.26PhilRododat: for such a poor, clichéd troll, you've got a very good rise. Congratulations
09:35.29oGALAXYoDarkintent: clueless idiots need to be enlightened :)
09:35.40PhilRodoGALAXYo: please continue this discussion somewhere else
09:35.41odatof course gtk no stipulations at all no 2 kinds of liscenses no hidden oops i gotcha stuff
09:35.59pholiePhilRod: ok, thank you much
09:36.10oGALAXYoodat: you have no clue about GTK+. there is far more commercial stuff behind it than anything else.
09:36.20oGALAXYoPhilRod: please tell odat to stop
09:36.39bssteph"it takes two to tango"
09:36.58*** part/#kde Hobbsee (
09:37.02DarkintentoGALAXYo: do you have any clue why knqueror would simply refuse to let me login to
09:37.08odatoGALAXYo, you don't have to pay to develop commercial software when using gtk   thats what i know thats why there has been a giant push for gnome and gtk even from your beloved
09:37.11oGALAXYoDarkintent: sorry no.
09:37.15odatwhy is that?
09:37.27oGALAXYoodat: you dont need to pay trolltech to develop commercial software either.. using qt.
09:37.41odatoGALAXYo, yes you do learn how to read
09:37.47oGALAXYoodat: you dont
09:37.48Darkintentits really wierd I sign in and all but im just not logged in it makes no sense
09:38.00PhilRodDarkintent: does it work in ff?
09:38.07Tm_TPhilRod: ff?
09:38.16pholieodat: i'm sure it is explained in trolltech faq for people like u
09:38.22Tm_TPhilRod: you mean fx ;)
09:38.40*** mode/#kde [+o PhilRod] by ChanServ
09:39.01odatoGALAXYo, yes i'm telling you   you don't have to pay trolltech to use QT to develop free / open source software but you do if you develop commercial software using QT
09:39.05*** mode/#kde [+b %odat!*@*] by PhilRod
09:39.08oGALAXYoodat: look, i happen to be a former gnome developer for over 6 years as well as a former gnome foundation member.. so please dont come with GTK+ soo cool blah blah.. i happen and still do know a shitload more about it than you (that includes, the toolkit itself, how broken the entire gnome architecture is, how rude the community is (developers)) as well as how much comemrcialism and marketing is pumped in the ass of GNOME.
09:39.47oGALAXYoPhilRod: sorry :)
09:39.53Tm_Todat: thing is, you can do open source commercial products
09:40.02oGALAXYoTm_T: indeed :)
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09:40.29oGALAXYokompany does open source commerical apps and they are quite successful
09:40.37Tm_Todat: check cedega for example, they release sources AND commercial product
09:40.46oGALAXYoTm_T: not to mention all the other companies who happily use Qt even in close source environments.
09:41.09Tm_ToGALAXYo: will you marry me?
09:41.15oGALAXYothere are probably 10 - 20 times more companies using Qt directly from trolltech + paying license AND support than who use GTK+
09:41.20oGALAXYoTm_T: yes
09:41.36pholiehey but opera uses qt too and it's not open source
09:41.55Tm_Tpholie: so they pay for license
09:42.03pholieah,sure :)
09:42.12DarkintentI thought it was funny looking at code for a dialouge box for gtk and then it shows the ruby code it was so much nicer looking
09:42.23oGALAXYopholie: nasa, mercedes, usa army, trolltech, adobe, and many more use Qt in their products.. the money they pay is peanuts compared to the ROI and the support they get.
09:42.43oGALAXYooh wait exclude trolltech there :)
09:43.03bsstephyeah, trolltech does all their work in motif ;)
09:43.21oGALAXYomotif aint that bad either.
09:43.22*** part/#kde odat (
09:43.28oGALAXYoah he finally left
09:43.30oGALAXYowhat a moron
09:43.39bsstephoh, nothing against motif
09:43.44DarkintentI dont think either toolkit is bad if it is used correctly gimp is an example of a gtk app that alot of people like although it seems to not be as good as photoshop for alot of people
09:43.54DarkintentI personally just dont like the qt look
09:44.14Tm_TDarkintent: so you haven't found widget style of yours
09:44.17oGALAXYoDarkintent: its hard to satisfy everyone...
09:44.28Darkintentthat is true
09:44.40oGALAXYoDarkintent: i personally use the plastic theme for kde..
09:44.46oGALAXYoits quite awesome.. for my personal taste.
09:44.49Darkintentbut something doesnt feel right about the look
09:44.51Darkintentme too
09:45.01Darkintentits the only thing I can look like
09:45.15DarkintentI just like the way gtk apps tend to look
09:45.33gravosgtx is better
09:45.33DarkintentI dont understand why they lack so many features though
09:45.39oGALAXYoDarkintent: look at that screenshot and the dozens of different toolbar types there is for GTK+
09:45.54oGALAXYoDarkintent: GTK+ looks quite disharmonic.
09:46.28oGALAXYoone toolbar showing icons only, one text below icons, one has draghandles, some apps have toolbar editors others not etc..
09:46.40oGALAXYokde doesnt have that that issue due to clean OOP approach.
09:46.48oGALAXYoevery toolbar is the SAME
09:46.57oGALAXYoonly showing other symbols and accelerators in it.
09:47.04oGALAXYothats why kde is so powerful.
09:47.26pholiei hate gk's combobox. it's shame for them :-D
09:47.32oGALAXYoi only wish that even normal people would understand these basic concepts.. even by looking at simple pictures they should get an idea.
09:47.49oGALAXYogtkcombobox makes use of the gtktree model..
09:47.51oGALAXYothe new one.
09:48.12oGALAXYoyou need to setup a tree model (listview or tree) and then attach it to the combobox.
09:48.20Tm_ToGALAXYo: haha, nice variety in that shot
09:48.29pholieoGALAXYo: that's odd...
09:48.50Darkintentwhat did you say was the name of the toolkit in that screenshot you linked to me?
09:49.01oGALAXYoDarkintent: GTK+
09:49.24oGALAXYowell to say the truth its a mixture of GTKui, BonoboUI and libGNOME UI
09:49.34oGALAXYoall core components of gnome that results in such a mess
09:49.46pholie   <-- this looks shitty
09:50.02gravosthat's stupid
09:50.10gravossee it on macs all the time though
09:50.14oGALAXYopholie: right but thats a bit different thing..
09:50.28oGALAXYogravos: thats a bad excuse ..
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09:50.59DarkintentI honestly dont have a problem with the differing button styles
09:51.12bsstephare my eyes playing tricks on me or has keramik been updated recently
09:51.19oGALAXYoso macos has it and microsoft windows has it.. so its a good justification for gnome to have it as well. while they cry loudest for their beloved HIG and their consistency, cleaness and good look.
09:51.23bsstephit seems less jump-out-of-the-screen-like
09:51.30oGALAXYobssteph: yes it has been.
09:51.52bsstephoGALAXYo: cool. looking at the preview it seems i could maybe manage it for a while ;)
09:52.02bsstephback in the days when it was default it was the first thing i changed on a new user
09:52.11gravosi wasnt making an excuse
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09:52.39Darkintentquite frankly I think all kde buttons look like crap gtk ones are not all that much better though
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09:52.52Darkintentmy main thing has to do with the colours
09:53.20Darkintentits wierd its like kde's colours are "flat"
09:53.30Darkintentits hard for me to explain
09:53.58oGALAXYoDarkintent: thats really just an impression.. it depends on the default look chosen by Qt or KDE..
09:54.09oGALAXYoand the engine
09:55.07DarkintentI think the efl looks nice though almost nicer than gtk
09:55.28Darkintentseems to make kde apps more tolerable for me
09:55.45oGALAXYoDarkintent: well its hard to satisfy everyones needs.. but i also think that people need to get a common sense of what its good and what not.. of course GNOME has some advantages in looks.. but KDE has some major going with consistency, functions, working desktop and stuff that works.
09:56.06oGALAXYoDarkintent: at work or when i do some serious work, i dont look on how the buttons look. i look at where to get the apps to get my work done.
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09:56.38DarkintentI think that is because of the people make the applications more than anything
09:56.47Darkintentyea I get you i'm like that too
09:56.58gravosit's sticky really. that's all you can do.
09:57.32Darkintentbut when im not trying to learn ruby I find kde apps pissing me off more than the gtk ones its a preference thing
09:57.54gravoswhy ruby is?
09:58.08Darkintentoo scripting language
09:58.26oGALAXYoDarkintent: well yeah.. i think the gtk/gnome vs. qt/kde thing is keeping us busy for another couple of years.. but then kde 4 will change a lot hopefully.
09:59.09DarkintentI wish it was possible to depolarize the whole thing really
09:59.14lornegravos: have you heard of ruby on rails?
10:00.28Darkintentthat is part of what I was trying to get at yesterday I dont think there should be two camps of apps doing the same stuff over and over etc
10:00.47Darkintentits like the distro wars on a smaller scale
10:00.59oGALAXYoDarkintent: i blame most of the recent problems towards the gnome folks.. who have shown total inability to work together with kde correctly.. (specialy their initial founder) who initially worked on KDE and then disagreed like a whining whimp and started gnome.
10:01.14Darkintentin the end the end users are the people who loose
10:01.32oGALAXYoi doubt this..
10:01.40oGALAXYotoday kde is 2/3 used in the open source world.
10:01.47oGALAXYoand its getting more and more dominance.
10:02.11*** join/#kde Shadowcat (
10:02.14oGALAXYonow that MONO made it into redhat kde will see another major bump forward with new users or switched users.
10:02.32Darkintentso now we have a hemogeny a virtual one anyway at this rate
10:02.36Shadowcat¨what's mono?
10:02.45Tm_ToGALAXYo: hehe
10:03.11oGALAXYothe GNOME camp is quite splitted. a bunch of java nerds and a bunch of mono people and then a lot of them who hoped that redhat would pull a plug into novells ass.. but now that they took MONO inside redhat its clear that the road for mono is open for primary GNOME use.. and that will piss another shitload of people off.
10:03.18oGALAXYowith other words.. welcome new KDE people...
10:03.39oGALAXYoShadowcat: well MONO is a .NET implementation from microsoft.
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10:05.13oGALAXYoand its full of questionable license issues too and infrigments.
10:05.28oGALAXYoi bet its a more dangerous pot to set my ass on than using Qt :)
10:05.57oGALAXYoi only wait watching MS snipping with its fingers and see a big *plooop* and novell disappearing from this planet.
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10:07.30omnikromestupid internet
10:10.50Darkintentone thing I never got was why things like kio were not put into something that operates independant of a DE like how udev is in that its not a part of any one de or wm
10:13.07pholiemedia:// is not that bad but gtk apps don't support it
10:13.11doktoreashi guys!
10:13.20Darkintentyou know I hate that
10:13.31doktoreasany idea why i can't hear audio from flash file inside konqui?
10:13.57Darkintentoh one question do you all have probles using media:// when using the file selection box of things like kaffeine
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10:14.12DarkintentI always get an error saying you can only select local files
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10:14.32Darkintentbut all of my drives are local so I dont get what the problem is
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10:15.32pholieDarkintent: i don't use kaffeine but in general, i don't see this kind off error
10:15.49Darkintentits so wierd man
10:17.18Darkintentyea if I try to select a file using the media protocol its a problem but it seems ok from konqueror
10:23.07Darkintentdoes this look like a mere sorting operation to any of you?
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10:28.35oGALAXYohmm that odat guy keeps querying me.
10:28.37oGALAXYospamming me all the time.
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10:29.56Darkintentlol I posted on the rox mailing list about the file grouping you see in that link
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10:31.04Darkintentand the only person to reply so far firstly misses the fact that IE is able to group files by mime type, and of course sort them and says rox already has this...and now supposedly no one will want to implement this feature
10:31.19DarkintentI hope the konqueror devs response is not the same
10:31.38*** part/#kde juanzhewudi (n=juanzhew@
10:31.56Darkintentbeing able to see all my wallpapers of given dimensions automagically grouped under the same heading is just wonderful
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10:49.42pholieomg, really offtopic but USA laws are stupid:
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10:51.49DarkintentI know I live here
10:54.30oGALAXYoDarkintent: what area of usa are you from ?
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10:54.55Darkintenteast coast
10:55.11oGALAXYoahh.. close to NY ?
10:55.22oGALAXYoline 17k ?
10:55.26oGALAXYoor hows it called ?
10:55.33Darkintentwell not really actually
10:55.56DarkintentI live on the east coast but at the southern end
10:56.01oGALAXYoahh ok
10:56.12oGALAXYoso more towards florida
10:57.55oGALAXYocharleston jacksonville ?
10:58.17DarkintentI live closer to miami
10:58.37Darkintentits not so southern thankfully
10:58.45oGALAXYowell i am a bit irritated since you said YEA when i asked if its close to NY :)
10:58.51oGALAXYowell thats a slight long distance :)
10:59.33oGALAXYoi wonder if there's someone close to NY inside this channel.
11:00.00Darkintentlooking for a date or something lol
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11:00.27oGALAXYoDarkintent: no just curious... someone from GNOME lives close at the 17k NY ... in the area of montgomery...
11:00.35oGALAXYowhich then reminds me of orange county
11:00.38oGALAXYoand then american choppers :)
11:02.13DarkintentI cant believe the rox people wouldnt want to group files by type like IE does its something no other file manager I have seen does which totally sucks
11:03.15Darkintenthmm definetly need to play prince of persia today I have been neglecting it
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11:11.00sfshi there
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11:11.49sfsi'm seeing a whole lot of flickering when kicker updates stuff in the taskbar... anyone know if this is a "feature", or known bug ? :)
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11:12.11sfsi'm on fedora core 4
11:12.24oGALAXYowhat kde version
11:12.28oGALAXYowhat xfree/xorg version
11:12.35oGALAXYowhat graphic card and driver
11:12.39oGALAXYowhat kernel version
11:13.23sfsradeon (opensource driver - no3d - radeon x300), kernel 2.6.15-1_1883_FC4, xorg-x11-6.8.2-37.FC4.49.2, kde 3.5
11:13.57oGALAXYohmm strange
11:14.00sfskde is 3.5.0-0.1
11:14.04oGALAXYoenable backingstore in xorg
11:14.23sfsarrh :) maybe that would help :)
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11:18.29sfsoGALAXYo: got any other ideas ? - this didnt change anything
11:18.42oGALAXYohmm dunno really..
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11:19.22oGALAXYobut its probably something between your card and your open source driver.
11:19.25sfsi just recently had a gentoo installation with same version of kde and xorg, and there was no issues
11:19.48oGALAXYothats why i am a bit irritated..
11:20.24sfsoGALAXYo: oww.. you're suffering from some "switching" issues ?
11:21.10oGALAXYoeverything works normal here.
11:22.00pholiesfs: i see it to
11:22.19sfspholie: oh? what gfx card,driver, kernel, kde ?
11:22.55pholieit was a bug perviously that when you using btransparent kicker, the background wasn't updated when something tray changed
11:23.08pholienow background is ok but it flickers sometimes
11:23.20oGALAXYook thats a different thing if it triggers some 'effects'
11:23.36pholiesfs: nvidia gf4, kde 3.5...
11:23.37oGALAXYoi use KDE as is... only alter a few things... but no transparency here.
11:24.11sfspholie: whenever i hover the mouse over tasks in the taskbar it flickers
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11:24.41pholieimo kicker needs a complete rewrite
11:24.42oGALAXYosfs: sounds really strange.
11:25.11PhilRodpholie: that's what it's getting for KDE 4. See
11:25.39PhilRod rather
11:26.29sfsoGALAXYo: but I cant seem to figure out what the huge difference is between my previous Xorg and the new one....
11:29.51sfshmm maybe its related to me using 100dpi in xorg instead of 75dpi earlier ?
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11:33.04pholiePhilRod: are there any mockups? the forum doesn;t seem to work
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11:33.29PhilRodpholie: I don't know. Perhaps the development list archives have some
11:34.01KimmoKMEvery time I start contact, KOrganizer Reminder Daemon starts up also.
11:34.07KimmoKMIs there any way to not make it start?
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12:14.42VwakeKDE 4 gonna be against Qt4 ?
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12:17.58S4nD3rI created a bookmark in epiphany, and I dont know how to export this one to firefox... is it possible :???
12:18.22oGALAXYoS4nD3r: epiphany nor firefox are related to kde.
12:18.48oGALAXYoyou can export konqueror xbel bookmarks fo firefox or mozilla or opera
12:18.56oGALAXYobut that probably doesnt solve your question
12:19.05oGALAXYoyou need to ask in a gnome channel on another network.
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12:22.06CurtmanHopefully this isn't too OT, but in K3B when I left click anything it gets added to my project.  Can I make it behave normally and just select the file, and not add them until I drag them to the bottom?
12:22.32_imyCurtman: globably turn off single-click
12:22.50CurtmanJohnFlux, Yes, how would I do that please.
12:23.03JohnFluxCurtman: in the kcontrol
12:23.15JohnFluxsearch for single click there
12:23.19CurtmanJohnFlux, Okay thanks.
12:23.26JohnFluxchange to double click
12:23.55PhilRodit's under peripherals->mouse
12:24.23CurtmanGot it, thanks guys..
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12:41.25DeadS0uloh yeah! =D
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12:44.10dec0ding again, can u help me find the theme this guy is using, and if possible someone to recognize the font?
12:46.16DeadS0ulit looks similar to plastic =|
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12:46.47rabbit7hey there i have a problem with kde
12:46.54DeadS0ulfont seems like arial
12:47.23rabbit7i set klipper to synchronize contents of clipboard and the selection
12:47.40rabbit7and now if i try to copy&paste something the whole system slows down
12:47.52rabbit7the app. which i tried to paste in freezes for like a minute or so
12:48.20rabbit7if i then again choose seperate clipboard and selection everything is fine again
12:48.40rabbit7can anyone gimmy a hint where the problem could be ?
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12:52.27rabbit7anyone ? klipperproblem ??
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12:54.50dec0dingrabbit7: what system, what kde version?
12:54.53rabbit7i am using the latest kde build 3.5
12:55.04rabbit7i had the problem since 3.4 though
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12:55.24rabbit7xorg v.6.8.2-r5
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12:56.18rabbit7dec0ding: gentoo  2.6.12 kernel
12:56.35rabbit7any clue ?
12:56.51dec0dingnope but if u had the problem before I'd suggest u examine the system
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12:57.47rabbit7so you dont  think this problem might be kde related ?
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13:01.15JohnFluxHow do I type japanese in kde>?
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13:02.36rabbit7dec0ding: i just deleted both config file and dir in .kde/ things seem to perform better now..
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13:03.34srednaJohnFlux: There is support for some of the input aid too, and specialized apps to support that on
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13:05.20JohnFluxsredna: nothing built into kde?
13:05.58srednaJohnFlux: I'm really not the right person to ask. I know that there is support for xim in katepart for example
13:06.05srednaBut not how to use it
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13:08.19dfdis it normal in kde 3.5 that the hidden bar appear only moving the mouse in the bottom-left corner?
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13:09.06Novellthat's a bit stupid default setting, yes
13:09.45SMiLeafdfd: there is an option to change that... in 3.5 that option was made independent of another option..
13:09.58Novelldfd: right click on the panel -> Configure Panel -> Hiding -> uncheck Raise when the pointer touches the screen's:
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13:12.39dfdhowever I like it.. the problem was that the first time I thought I broke something in the upgrade :-)
13:13.02dfdI had to move the pointer a lot to understand why sometimes it appeared and sometimes not :>
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13:24.26dec0ding Rofl
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13:31.13geek_anybody familiar with kdevelop?
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13:31.46oGALAXYogeek_: yeah most people in #kdevelop surely are :)
13:31.48geek_i have  avery long time kdevelop start up time .. any clues on that?
13:32.03ZombieGreetings. How do  I tell Konqueror's Samba client to  use Kerberos authentication rather than User name and password?
13:32.04geek_#kdevelop is quiet :D
13:32.20oGALAXYogeek_: what kde version, what distro ?
13:32.27geek_kde 3.5 fc4
13:32.39geek_it wasn't like this before
13:32.49oGALAXYogeek_: define 'long' ... how long ?
13:32.50DeadS0ul`Zombie: whoa, damn how'd you do that?
13:32.57geek_long like hours
13:33.23oGALAXYogeek_: if it takes hours to load then you can be sure that its definately not KDE's fault :)
13:33.39ZombieDeadS0ul`: Extremely diifficult
13:33.52DeadS0ul`Zombie: I bet, I tried doing something like that before
13:34.02geek_oGALAXYo: kdevelop's fault then :p
13:34.07oGALAXYogeek_: no..
13:34.18oGALAXYogeek_: but look whether you have DMA and 32bit enabled for your harddisk.
13:34.24DeadS0ul`well I tried SSL + LDAP + Kerberos authentication
13:34.29ZombieI use Samba as my Homogeneous network file system for Linux.
13:34.49DeadS0ul`same here
13:34.49ZombieWhere did you fail?
13:34.55DeadS0ul`so I cna use it on both windows and linux
13:34.55geek_FYI, it was normal before .. unutil a crash around yesterday
13:35.12DeadS0ul`...I don't recall, I don' tthink I got any of it working cos I didn't understand what I as doing, just following a how to
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13:36.11oGALAXYogeek_: ahh.. ok lets try this then.... a) as root enter 'ldconfig' ... b) logout of X and kde.. inside console only (no X running).. delete all tmp stuff in /tmp and delete the temp stuff in the home .kde dir (not your settings only the links refering to /tmp).. delete the .mcop dir in the homedir as well
13:36.25ZombieI  haven't involved SSL yet or
13:36.25oGALAXYogeek_: c) then enter 'ldconfig' as root again and start kde again.
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13:36.42oGALAXYogeek_: d) make sure there's enough space on your harddisk as well...
13:36.48ZombieI also use Kerberos  for  SSH Support.
13:37.47geek_oGALAXYo: i'll try ..
13:37.49ZombieSo I can safely and passwordlessly secure shell from  machine to  machine/
13:39.01ZombieHow do I make Konqueror use Kerberos?
13:39.35oGALAXYoZombie: what distro ?
13:39.43ZombieMandriva 2006
13:40.07oGALAXYoZombie: i think you should forward your request to the mandriva people then, they know best howto solve your problem with kerberos.
13:40.28ZombieKerberized Samba works at the command line.
13:40.32ZombieI just go:
13:40.46oGALAXYothats nice
13:40.55oGALAXYobut you still should forward your problem to the mandriva people.
13:40.58Zombiesmbclient -k //kefka/zombie
13:41.05oGALAXYothey might provide help, support and fixed tarballs for you.
13:41.31ZombieAll I need to  kn now  is how to  pass that  -k parameter to Konqueor.
13:41.44oGALAXYohmm tried asking that in #konqueror ?
13:42.18ZombieNo.... But its like, it prompts me for a User  name and password, and its not supposed tp./
13:42.23ZombieNo.... But its like, it prompts me for a User  name and password, and its not supposed to.
13:43.01oGALAXYoZombie: i dont know an answer to your problem, i hoped you figured out by now thats why i redirected you to mandriva people or the #konqueror channel. no need to dig any further in your question here :)
13:43.15DeadS0ul`so it basically uses certs ?
13:43.19oGALAXYoand it doesnt look like others know a solution for oyur problem.
13:44.47ZombieIts supposed to give me Yes.
13:45.01*** part/#kde dfd (n=Guybrush@
13:46.04DeadS0ul`the control center's settings only seem to allow username and password authentication and not kerberos =|
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13:48.32ZombieI was thinking maybe an Alias might work.
13:50.51DeadS0ul`strange though
13:51.07DeadS0ul`I was under the impression that keberos required a password for login
13:51.11DeadS0ul`didn't think it was all certs
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13:52.14DeadS0ul`bbs, dinner
13:52.37ZombieIt does.
13:52.47ZombieAt  least initially.
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13:57.10Samus_Arandoes anyone know why my taskbar disappears every time I load KDE ?  it used to be auto-hidden on the left
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13:57.36Samus_AranI can't find any way to get it back
13:57.52PhilRodfirst, check it's still running: "ps auxww | grep kicker"
13:58.18Samus_Arankicker [kdeinit]
13:58.49oGALAXYoSamus_Aran: what kde version ?
13:58.56Samus_Aranit's running apparently, just not "there"
13:59.51PhilRodmust be autohidden. Try the bottom corners of the screen to make it reappear
14:01.17Samus_Aranmy spouse apparently managed to put it underneath another panel
14:02.27oGALAXYoSamus_Aran: an alternative would be logging out of kde and deleting the 'kickerrc' file in .kde/share/config or something.
14:02.36oGALAXYoSamus_Aran: it should 'return your panel to default'
14:02.53oGALAXYoSamus_Aran: alternatively in control-center's panel section press 'default' button and then apply.
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14:15.16*** mode/#kde [-o PhilRod] by PhilRod
14:18.05oGALAXYoSamus_Aran: and ?
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14:32.37fantihey! i'm looking for an application which shows the translation (english-german) of a word which was marked with cursor?
14:33.11PhilRodyou could twiddle klipper to do it
14:33.23PhilRodwell, if you knew an English-German translation site (leo)
14:33.43oGALAXYofangel: im konqueror url teil einfach 'leo:<wort>' eingeben.
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14:35.08oGALAXYofanti: war an dich gerichtet sorry :)
14:36.35fantioGALAXYo: das ist mir zu umstaendlich. und ich hatte mal ein programm, dass die uebersetzung direkt als "tooltip" am cursor angezeigt hatte.
14:36.51oGALAXYofür kde ?
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14:36.56fantioGALAXYo: ja
14:36.58GatoradeIs there an english version of this channel?
14:37.11oGALAXYoGatorade: you are inside it.
14:37.16Gatoradeoh lol
14:37.35oGALAXYoGatorade: that was the german edition of english :)
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14:43.55ZombieKDE is really blowing a hole  in my SSO
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14:46.47fantiuhm i'm looking for something like ktranslator which works with my kde 3.4.3 (debian/unstable) ?
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14:47.36ZombieKDE is  blowing holes in my SSO Project.
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14:48.13oGALAXYoZombie: which means ?
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14:49.59ZombieBecausee I can't get KDE to  pass the ticket./
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14:51.49PhilRodZombie: it looks like using kerberos migt be a compile-time setting
14:52.23ZombieYou misunderstand.
14:52.55PhilRodprobably :-) I don't know anything about samba or kerberos
14:53.08fangeloGALAXYo: ehhhh, why do you write it to me?
14:53.53ZombieIts nothing  to  do with the compiling of KDE.
14:53.57ZombieIts passing configs.
14:54.27*** join/#kde asheron_ (n=stephan@
14:54.39PhilRodbut it looks in that file like you can only have kerberos auth if it was compiled in, and you might (or might not)  have it compiled in
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14:57.16oGALAXYofangel: broken nick complete
14:58.56Samus_AranoGALAXYo: the problem was solved, they had hidden it behind another panel (which doesn't seem like it should even be possible, but it is)
14:59.16DeadS0ul`Zombie: any luck with keberos and konq?
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14:59.34ZombieI think so.
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14:59.58oGALAXYoSamus_Aran: oh great..
15:00.49Samus_Aranthey don't remember moving it, heh.  I now have their panels in "locked" state, so that should prevent further such incidents, heh
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15:04.01DeadS0ul`Zombie: I guess the setting is under local network  browsing, but it doesn't have any settings for keberos
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15:09.08DeadS0ul`hmm great, ftp:// is being a shit to me
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15:10.18DeadS0ul`brb, restarting X
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15:13.42DeadS0ulgod dammit
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15:18.19ZombieIt works.
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15:21.54DeadS0ulZombie:  you got it wokring?
15:22.11ZombieI'm I think so.
15:22.29ZombieI htink it auto-aquires the ticket=
15:22.30DeadS0ulhow so?
15:22.36ArthurBHi, does anyone know of an app that allow editing CD, DVD  case, cover etc for printing?
15:22.42Zombiesmb4k still  doesnm't work
15:23.56oGALAXYoArthurB: glabels
15:24.08ArthurBno klabels?
15:24.13oGALAXYosorry. sadly not.
15:24.18oGALAXYotry kbarcode
15:24.24oGALAXYobut its not half as good as glabels.
15:24.26ArthurBI thought k3b did it
15:24.37oGALAXYodunno i dont use k3b
15:25.06ArthurBkoffice could also do it with the proper template
15:27.24srednaArthurB: I use scribus for that. There are templates for most of it at the scribus website
15:29.58ArthurBok thanks
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15:32.20mariuxhow come the calc button in kalzium doesnt do anything?
15:32.36mariuxi inputed this: "aH2O + bCO2 -> cH2CO3" (found it in 'help')
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15:34.53ArthurBhum what template do you have to pick with glabels for dvd cases ?
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15:35.24mariuxglabels doesnt sound like a kde program
15:36.25PhilRodmariux: there's some bug report about it that explains what it does. I think you just put "aH2O+bCO2"
15:36.46mariuxahh thanks, ill try that
15:37.03ArthurBI know but it was suggested earlier in the thread
15:37.17ArthurBso I hopped the person who suggested it would know
15:37.30ArthurBand there is no klabels to my knowledge :)
15:37.39oGALAXYoArthurB: i made a custom CD template with 122 x 122 mm and centered on a sheet of paper...
15:38.01oGALAXYoArthurB: you can do one with DVD's too but there's already a huge database with dozens of CD and dvd templates.
15:38.24ArthurBur where ? what ?
15:38.51oGALAXYoinside glabels
15:38.54oGALAXYoyou press NEW
15:39.02oGALAXYoand select the right thing from...
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15:40.30oGALAXYoIRC as well as computers and germany is sickening me.
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15:43.30ZombieWhy so?
15:43.57oGALAXYoburnout, pissed off about germany...
15:44.03oGALAXYobecause i say so.
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15:45.41DeadS0ultry hong kong and it's windows dominated companies >|
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15:46.18oGALAXYothey eat dogs and cats..
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15:46.33DeadS0ulchicken feet pigeons
15:46.41DeadS0uland pigeons evne
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15:55.47frb-workcan I use grep on an arbitrary kio ?
15:56.12frb-workI'd like to recursively search all the files in an smb share
15:56.36PhilRoddont' think so
15:56.39PhilRodat least, not easily
15:57.56PhilRodyou could do it with kio-fuse, or perhaps with some clever application of kfmclient
15:58.32PhilRod(you could "kfmclient download" each file you want, then grep it, script-o-matically)
15:58.50spiderwormhi all, kontact used to work for me but now it crashes as soon as i open it... which files in my home directory do i delete to reset
15:59.27DeadS0ulhmm i named a field in mysql as 'date' ..that's not good
16:00.04PhilRodspiderworm: don't delete anything in ~/.kde, just rename it :-)
16:00.48PhilRodbut the file you want is probably  ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc . I've had some success with renaming that file, starting kontact, closing kontact, then putting the file back and starting kontact again
16:01.08spiderwormok i'll give it a run, thanks
16:01.32mariuxthe scrolling in konqueror and now kopete just randomly breaks, should i file a bug?
16:01.46mariuxwhen i change to that view and scroll up or down its just black
16:02.00mariuxonly the view i first saw is visible (and normal)
16:02.09srednafrb-work: Install kio_locate
16:02.20frb-worksredna: that will search the contents?
16:02.23PhilRodsredna: does that grep in files?
16:02.29srednaAh, no. Sorry
16:02.49PhilRodfrb-work: for the particular case, you just wnat to use smbmount to mount the drive, then you get grep, etc for free
16:03.06frb-workI was hoping to avoid that
16:03.07srednaKfind has a text option, but it's probably not fast at all
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16:05.27PhilRodfrb-work: I imagine it would be the cleanest option
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16:13.35Synt4x_3rr0rim having trouble with KDE. My menu is all messed up. Installed Freerock Gnome so I understand that it adds a few programs and stuff.
16:14.06Synt4x_3rr0rbut it also removed my home button in the Panel and I cant find the control center in the K-menu anymore
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16:18.35DeadS0ulI'm off
16:18.36DeadS0ulcya guys later
16:19.06Synt4x_3rr0r*bye :P
16:19.36DeadS0ulSynt4x_3rr0r:  use settings:/
16:19.55DeadS0ulthat'll get you into kcontrol
16:20.03DeadS0ultype it into konqui
16:20.22spiderwormwell i have kontact working again, but mail is acting strangely... messages are constantly being removed from my inbox and then put back in
16:20.49spiderwormdoes it have something to do with anti-spam tools?
16:20.51Synt4x_3rr0rDeadS0ul: where should i type it in?
16:21.02DeadS0ulkonqueror's address bar
16:21.07Synt4x_3rr0rwont work
16:21.13DeadS0ulwhat version are you using?
16:21.16*** join/#kde zeballin3 (
16:21.18Synt4x_3rr0rof KDE?
16:21.53DeadS0uldo you know how to use the kmenu editor?
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16:22.13Synt4x_3rr0ryes. but when i try to add or remove something there it wont work either
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16:22.46Synt4x_3rr0rthe only thing it saves is if i add costum icons to the different "sections"
16:22.53zeballin3Help. Just installed Kanotix with kde 3.4.x. Korganizer won't 'stick' in the system tray after restarting. I've checked the right-click boxes on the icon to start the daemon. But on restart on this laptop it is not there. Knote works correclty.
16:23.09DeadS0ulyou do hit save right?
16:23.16Synt4x_3rr0rofcource :P
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16:23.52DeadS0ulnot sure whats' wrong then =(
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16:24.01Synt4x_3rr0rit's very weird thats for sure
16:24.08DeadS0ultrue that
16:24.24Synt4x_3rr0rdamnit, why did i have to install gnome. :(
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16:24.47srednazeballin3: Does the korganizer reminder daemon show in the tray if you start it?
16:25.01zeballin3sredna: yes... blue calander with bell.
16:25.02srednaIf you start korganizer, I mean
16:25.03DeadS0ulI have gnome programs installed but I never had that troule
16:25.23zeballin3sredna: yes, it shows up fine.
16:25.24DeadS0ulanyway I really gotta get to bed, g'nite guys
16:25.35srednazeballin3: Do you have an ~/.xsession-errors file?
16:25.37Synt4x_3rr0rwhere do you live? :D
16:26.11zeballin3sredna: let me look. (I've been using kde a long time... not a newbie... but strange things happen. Hold a sec.)
16:26.50srednazeballin3: It's the kde error file, and if you have it look for related lines in the start of it
16:26.59sredna(the service should start with your session)
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16:29.32shadrachhow do i get my extra button keyboard working in KDE?
16:30.50zeballin3sredna: Here is the file:   what are we looking for?
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16:33.04srednazeballin3: If that is the entire file, nothing of that
16:33.59zeballin3sredna: that's whole file. started up machine this morning.
16:34.16ejofee_in kde / kcontrol / appearance and themes / [desktop's] background: when i press the "get new wallpapers" [from the internet], a window *immediately* pops up on which is written "empty page" (so it won't download any wallpaper). can anybody please help me?
16:35.05zeballin3sredna: I've tried everything I can think of to get this puppy to 'stick'. The knote icon sticks there. It works on my debian tower... not on wife's lap top... same ver of kde.
16:36.30_egonejofee_: Looks like that is set to hit, which, according to topic, is down at the moment
16:36.53zeballin3sredna: I've made sure "restore prev. session" on kde session mgr. I also tried 'restore manual saved session' No help. (how do you manually save a session?)
16:37.01srednazeballin3: The icon represents a kded daemon module that is used to notify you about events, not korganizer directly
16:37.28srednaOr maybe the daemon is running on its own, let me check
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16:37.50shadrachhow do i get my extra button keyboard working in KDE?
16:38.00srednaC-esc is supposed to bring on the process list
16:38.17zeballin3sredna: I agree.... but it should start up on boot and display in tray... as it alwas has done for me.... until now.
16:38.53srednaThe changing shortcuts is a bad idea
16:39.00sredna~lart KDE
16:39.09zeballin3sredna: ctl-esc works for me!
16:39.31srednaMaybe ksirc is the devil here, it uses c-esc for close channel
16:39.58*** join/#kde linX (
16:40.15zeballin3sredna: I'm using Konversation.
16:41.35zeballin3When does the kded daemon start... via kernel or after login (via kdm/kde)?
16:41.53oGALAXYoafter login
16:42.02oGALAXYoyou can turn kded off from control-center i think.
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16:42.21srednaMy scheme is odd, it uses a key I dont have
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16:45.07zeballin3I don't think kded has much to do with starting the deamon. It looks like it is used to start Sycoca (
16:45.41SkrotKDE Daemon - triggers Sycoca database updates when needed
16:45.45SkrotSays so in kded --help
16:46.15*** join/#kde Sho_ (i=sho@konversation/developer/hein)
16:47.01srednaWell, kded is hosting a bunch of modules
16:47.08zeballin3What is relation between korganizer and Sycoca??
16:47.16srednaAfaik the korganizer thing is such a module
16:49.21srednaThe fact that the korganizer thingy have no item in the process list supports my pov
16:50.00zeballin3sredna: does kde have 'modules' .... like kernel modules?
16:50.10srednaLike kded modules ;)
16:50.46srednaThere is also kalarmd - it could be a module in that one too
16:51.10srednaTry if kalarmd is running maybe
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16:54.30zeballin3No kalarmd running on my machine or wife's.
16:55.34srednaHm, it actually has a process -- korgac
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16:56.12srednaI have this file: /opt/kde3.5/share/autostart/korgac.desktop
16:56.20srednaDo you have the equivalent?
16:56.53zeballin3korgac process is running.
16:57.03zeballin3let me look for file
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16:58.23zeballin3debian does not put kde in opt. Let me look for autostart
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16:59.24zeballin3I've got: /usr/share/autostart/korgac.desktop
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16:59.39srednaYes, that
16:59.48srednaI wonder why it does not work then
17:00.28srednaThough that file has a condition that does not appear to be met on my system, so maybe in my case it's restarted by the session manager
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17:01.11zeballin3I looked in the file. mostly text with some gibberish chars.
17:01.17srednazeballin3: If you rightclick the icon, once started, the menu have a checkbox 'start reminder daemon at login'
17:01.33srednaMake sure that is checked
17:01.33zeballin3sredna: did that long time ago. both are checked.
17:01.44zeballin3First thing I looked at.
17:02.05zeballin3(I'm an old kde guy!!... that's why this has be baffled.)
17:02.39zeballin3There is also a check box on menu editor that says "put in system tray" but that did not work either. (probably not implemented.)
17:03.57srednazeballin3: Try add 'Autostart=true' to the General group of ~/.kde/share/cofig/korgacrc
17:04.25srednazeballin3: Iiutc that will explicitly enable autostarting the process
17:04.48zeballin3ok, back in a few secs.
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17:13.03johnfIs dcop being replaced with dbus???  from a newbie!
17:17.16zeballin3sredna: autostart was already in korgacrc on laptop. Not in my machine. I took it out of lap. no change. I put it back. Good try though!
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17:19.04srednazeballin3: I'm out of ideas for now
17:19.33anymocould anyone tell me how to change icon size in kmenu?
17:21.54anymowhen I login as root somehow I get small icons... and as regular user I have some big icons....
17:22.14anymoI haven't found any icon size option for kmenu anywhere
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17:26.17zeballin3sredna: you and me both!!
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17:45.11eduedixhow can i make konversation warn me when i receive new message ? i meant like red alarm in xchat
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17:49.47mariux which fontrendering do you think is the best?
17:51.34mariuxlinux wins :P
17:51.47mariuxfirst is cleartype windows and second is normal windows
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17:54.37EvilGuruwhy do people always forget the closing '/'
17:54.51strawoh. oops :)
17:55.26mariuxstraw that was wrong you have to repair you last post
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17:56.08EvilGuruisn't perl great?
17:56.09oGALAXYo<oGALAXYo> "Novell Open-Sources Major Linux Security Program"
17:56.10oGALAXYo<oGALAXYo> now its not secure anymore :)
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17:57.17MegaByteI'm using KDE 3.5 and kmenuedit doesn't work
17:57.23MegaBytethe changes aren't applied
17:57.34MegaByteI've installed it on Slackware linux 10.2
17:58.16mariuxMegaByte: you have to hit "save"
17:58.32MegaBytemariux, I did...
17:58.39MegaBytemariux, yet nothing
17:58.42strawthen run kbuildsycoca
17:58.48mariuxsure you didnt miss the button? :)
17:59.08MegaBytewhat does kbuildsycoca do?
17:59.16mariuxbut yes, run kbuildsycoca
17:59.18carstenit builds the sycoca :)
17:59.30strawkbuildsycoca --help
17:59.40MegaByteIt worked
17:59.48MegaBytewhat did it do?
17:59.50mariuxyou shouldnt have to do it manually though
17:59.59strawmagical spells
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18:01.44MegaBytethey're all back again
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18:03.36MegaByteall the default configuration is back again
18:03.42MegaBytewhy is this happening?
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18:11.42*** topic/#kde is Latest releases: stable: 3.5. See | kde-look and kde-apps are down | KDE FAQ: | Please don't flood the channel, use a paste service: | Please state your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | $OS vs $OS flamewars tiring, don't even *start* you will be banned. That goes for KDE vs Gnome too.
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18:13.01srednaAuch, crash
18:16.05carstensredna: if you give me the BR-number I will add that to the changelog
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18:17.04Chamwork`hey guys, I'm having an issue with Kontact and Imap, not sure if it's a problem with the latest kmail, or because I just installed SP2 on exchange 2003.  But kmail/kontact sigterm when trying to access mail through imap
18:17.07srednacarsten: Let me see if I can find it
18:17.15*** part/#kde revelation (
18:18.39carstensredna: if you find any oter fixed bug I will all add them to the changelog
18:18.50carstenI hope we can make the changelog for 3.5.1 as complete as possilbe
18:19.01srednacarsten: I fixed a bunch of bugs during the last weeks
18:19.44carstenwell, if they have bugnumbers give them to me :-)
18:20.12Chamwork`does my issue sound familiar?
18:20.41carstensredna: hey, I saw a kate-bug today which is in the kdesktop-section
18:20.44carstengimme a minute
18:21.15Chamwork`system-supplied DSO at 0xffffe000' has disappeared; keeping its symbols. <-- get this in the backtrace
18:21.40oGALAXYowould be funnier
18:22.08srednaDistinguesed service order?
18:22.15mariuxoGALAXYo: but what is the longest work you can write on a calculator (by turning it on its head) ? :)
18:22.33srednacarsten: Let me look
18:22.35carstensredna: I think you should make it a katebug
18:22.55Chamwork`what can I do?  I can't read my
18:22.58strawapt is on the crack
18:23.00Chamwork`it just opens and closes
18:24.10srednaHm, should use ajax to change the component menu for bugs when changing the product
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18:25.36carstensredna: fixed here:
18:25.43Chamwork`dang...can i change the settings for kmail so it doesn't connect to imap by default?
18:26.02carstensredna: so I already added 3 bugs you did in Kate :-)
18:26.06srednacarsten: I can compile a list for you if you have a bit of patience
18:26.14mariux3.5.1 is getting close?
18:26.16carstensredna: sure, won't to it today anyway
18:26.25carstenmariux: fix is in 2 weeks I think
18:26.31srednacarsten: Realname?
18:26.36carstenCarsten Niehaus
18:26.40carstenI am the Kalzium-guy
18:26.51mariuxcarsten: great, my calc button doesnt work :)
18:27.07carstenor even better, report a bug :-)
18:27.19srednacarsten: Ty, I'll find your mail then
18:27.25mariuxthere may already be a bug filed
18:27.44carstenmariux: I fixed several calc-bugs in Kalzium last week
18:27.50carstenbut that is ofcourse 3.5.1-only
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18:28.29carstenmariux: look here for the fixed bugs (section kdeedu)
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18:30.01mariux that is it
18:30.48carstenmariux: yeah, that was a nice one :) I needed to introduce a new string for that *shame on me*
18:31.05mariuxhehe :)
18:31.32carstenNow kalzium is officially bugfree
18:31.46carstenI know of one more bug (a crash) but I cannot fix it. I think it is a bug somewhere in kdelib
18:32.16carsten        <--- that one
18:35.47srednacarsten: I commented on
18:35.51srednaAnd took it over
18:36.08*** part/#kde eduedix (n=eduedix@
18:36.11srednaThanks for bringing it to my attention
18:37.00carstenyeah, had done it early if you had a more verbose name :)
18:37.04carstenirc-nickname that is
18:37.11carstendidn't know you are you :)
18:37.16carstenDid we meet in malaga?
18:37.34srednaNo, I was not there
18:37.36mariuxkalzium is great btw, just started with chemistry today :)
18:37.49srednacarsten: And my nick is just my first name reversed ;)
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18:38.09carstenmariux: thanks :) the kde4 one will rock :) Animated 3d pictures of crystalstructus, statistical games and so on
18:38.30carstensredna: ah, didn't see it :) Call me netsrac then :)
18:38.33mariuxcarsten: but then i guess you know quite some chemistry. Why would S want to be in the H2SO4 binding?
18:38.49mariuxS is even further away from getting a full shell, isnt it?
18:39.10srednaCarsten taht rof kcin ruoy egnahc ot deen duoy os ,noitelpmocotua kcin esu i
18:39.41carstenmariux: S can have 5 bonds
18:39.47carstenS has a pretty special chemistry
18:39.54carstencan't compare it with O
18:40.01mariuxahh ok
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18:40.26mariuxbecause i just saw that it needed two extra electrons, but actually gets 6 from that binding
18:40.45carstenthat is because it forms d-orbits
18:40.48carsteno can't do that
18:40.58mariuxok, thanks :)
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18:45.40sean_mickenis there a kde dev channel?
18:46.06HuntsMansean_micken: #kde-devel
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18:46.30sean_mickenHuntsMan: thank you.
18:46.56vitaminanyone knows how do I stop kdesktop from using /dev/snd? (I've disabled sounds in Sys Notifications) but "lsof | grep /dev/snd still shows kdedesktop using it!
18:47.32freevirI've problem to access photos on my digital camera; it's a sony dsc-p10 and requires PTP mode (I turned this in Setup menu on...), in normal mode everything is fine - the camera is regarded as a usb stick; but when in PTP Mode I get a new icon on the desktop "Camera", what's actually a link to media:/camera, there is the name of my camera - I click it and gets in "camera:/", again the name of the camera - If I click nothing happens; digikam
18:47.32freevircan't autodetect my camera, so I choosed it - but a connection cant be established - any hints?
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18:49.56srednafreevir: Try asking in #digikam
18:51.30freevirsredna, ah thx ;)
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19:19.47vitaminSo does anyone knows why kdesktop needs /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p? When I told it "Disable sounds!". Or use "KDE sound system"?
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19:31.21SimAtWorkthat link is crashing konqueror
19:31.23SimAtWorkwell kontact anyhow
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19:36.27AuthorityI keep getting pop-ups to enable "Mouse Keys".  I keep selecting "Deactivate all AccessX features" but it still pops up over and over again.  How can I disable all accessibility features once and for all?
19:37.22SimAtWorkand the bug wizzard isn't working.
19:37.27SimAtWorkAuthority: use kcontrol
19:38.02srednaAuthority: In the accessability control panel you can deactivate activation gestures
19:38.28SimAtWorki wish you could get to kcontrol sub components with links
19:38.29SimAtWorkthat'd be sweet
19:38.37SimAtWorklike kcontrol:/accessibility
19:38.45SimAtWorkthen we could paste links to it for people to follow
19:38.56SimAtWorkand even include it in documentation
19:39.24Authoritysredna:  All the activation gestures are already disabled
19:39.33Authorityand have been
19:40.17srednaSimAtWork: Try settings:/
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19:41.22SimAtWorksredna: it's bringing up gnome stuff though
19:41.38srednaSimAtWork: In konqueror?
19:42.06SimAtWorkthe keyboard brings up the gnome keyboard config
19:42.07SimAtWorkthe mouse works proper
19:42.08srednaSimAtWork: Not here
19:42.17srednaWhich is not suprosing, as I have 0 gnome installed
19:42.25SimAtWorki have both
19:42.28SimAtWorkbut that is weird
19:42.53srednaWhat do you type?
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19:43.18SimAtWorkthen click on keyboard
19:43.34SimAtWorksettings:/Peripherals/Keyboard  that does it to
19:43.39srednaAnd that leads to some gnome thing?
19:45.18srednaHm, on my system, if I type 'settings:/Periphals/Mouse' it asks to what to do with it and claims that it is a plain text file
19:45.19SimAtWorkdoes that url i posted crash konqueror for you guys too?
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19:45.37SimAtWorksredna: that happened when i did keyboard and i said open and then it did the right thing
19:45.41oGALAXYoSimAtWork: can you tell me what fontconfig version you have installed ?
19:45.42SimAtWorksredna: i think it needs work :)
19:45.45srednaClicking the icon brings up the kcm moule
19:45.53SimAtWorkoGALAXYo: i can if you tell mehow to find out, i hae no idea.
19:45.54oGALAXYoSimAtWork: that crashes appear due to fontconfig problems..
19:46.33srednaIt definately needs work
19:46.38oGALAXYoSimAtWork: there are a) some recent fixes for crashes in konqueror (for complex pages + video) and b) fontconfig issues with older 2.3.2 fontconfig versions that lead to konqueror crashes.. (generally kde)..
19:46.46oGALAXYothey get triggered and crash
19:46.54SimAtWorksredna: click "open with (whatever it suggests)
19:46.56SimAtWorkfor me it's kwrite
19:46.57srednaAnd if there is a clash with the gnome thingy, we need cooperation through fd.o
19:46.57SimAtWorkand then it works
19:47.24srednaSimAtWork: :o
19:47.27SimAtWorki am using fontconfig 2.2.3
19:47.29srednaHow embarrassing...
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19:51.55SimAtWorkoGALAXYo: so you think i should use 2.3.2 ?
19:52.41SimAtWorksredna: you spelled peripherals wrong
19:53.00srednaThat is unfixable
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19:54.09srednaWhat a stupid word
19:54.22SimAtWorkhow come when you add a bug it becomes "new" when i add it it becomes "UNVERIFIED" or something.
19:54.39SimAtWorkit is a stupid word, way too many leetters.
19:54.51srednaSimAtWork: Because of my karma
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19:56.21SimAtWorkhow do you view your karma
19:56.27SimAtWorkand what sort of things affect your karma?
19:56.39srednaSimAtWork: It's a pink light that surrounds your body
19:56.51srednaIt's affected by inner peace
19:57.07SimAtWorkbeing a boy i think i'd rather have a light blue light.
19:57.15srednaOf course having a cvs account helps too
19:57.23srednaSvn account, even, these days
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19:57.36zeballin3sredna: I'm back with korganizer system tray thing.  The icon is really a daemon for a program called korgac. If you start this at a command like (NO root needed) up pos the icon in the tray. Thus it is NOT getting started at session start.
19:58.38srednazeballin3: Uhm, I believe it's beeing started by the session manager in my case, but let me see if there is a korgacrc in my session
19:58.50zeballin3On my tower machine korgac is NOT in autostart folder. So WHAT config file determines what daemons are started?
19:59.22zeballin3How does session mgr know what to start?
19:59.35zeballin3Must be a config file for that??
20:01.08srednazeballin3: It uses ksmserverrc
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20:01.39srednaNo korgac in there
20:02.04LordvedaI need to ask about attitude of KDE and nvidia xorg driver
20:02.39annmaLordveda: in what regard?
20:02.52Lordvedawhen I use nvidia driver with xorg 6.8 and login a KDE session I find the fonts to be very small
20:03.09annmacheck your dpi
20:03.23annmaand also use kcontrol
20:03.29srednaBuilding kde is broken
20:03.29annmachange your settings
20:03.30benJImanxdpyinfo | grep resolution
20:03.32Lordvedathis is not the case with the non-nvidia driver
20:03.44annmaLordveda: and should it be kde fault?
20:04.08Lordvedaannma: I am not saying it is KDE's fault
20:04.16zeballin3sredna: no korgac in my config either. Then the problem could be with the session manager not saving. I tried doing a manual save /restore but that didn't work either.
20:04.22annmaso wat exactly are you saying Lordveda
20:04.24LordvedaI am wondering what is that attitude origin might be caused
20:04.44zeballin3I suppose I could put korgac in autostart.
20:04.47annmaLordveda: as we said do xdpyinfo | grep resolution and paste here
20:05.18annmathen you'll do that without your driver
20:05.29srednazeballin3: Please try
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20:05.40srednazeballin3: It's a bit of a mystery :)
20:05.43LordvedaI  am not using the nvidia driver right now
20:05.57LordvedaI will make xorg to use it
20:06.30annmapaste te info
20:06.34annmathe info
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20:06.52KnowerrorsI have a problem with my monitor, if its turned off while booting, then turned back on, the resolution and refresh rate are terrible and can't be changed, is there a way to fix this besides always having monitor on?
20:07.30Lordvedaresolution:    90x96 dots per inch
20:08.14Lordvedathat is what is said
20:08.28strawLordveda: what driver release?
20:08.56Lordvedanow I am using the nv driver of xorg 6.8
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20:09.43LordvedaX.Org version: 6.8.2
20:09.52annmaso with the driver what does it say?
20:11.37LordvedaI am going to change to the nvidia driver and c what is going to be said
20:11.37Lordvedafirst where can the dpi be changed?
20:11.38LordvedaI mean where in kontrol?
20:11.42benJImanit is controlled by your X dimension settings, or you can force it to something
20:12.15annmait's a xorg setting, Lordveda
20:12.23annmayou can set a new one with startx
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20:12.31annmaot change the X settings
20:12.46benJIman:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X -dpi 100 -nolisten tcp -br vt7  - in the X servers file will force it to 100dpi
20:12.48Lordvedaannma: I didn't mess with X settings much
20:13.03benJImanLordveda: perhaps you let the nvidia installer run it's X config utility
20:13.20LordvedabenJIman: no
20:13.36LordvedaI made the configuration through the X program itself
20:13.50Lordvedaand made the required change for the xorg.conf file
20:15.50Lordvedawhich part of xorg.conf could be changed to use the proper dpi to be 100?
20:16.13LordvedaI am going to restart X to use nvidia and then re-enter the channel
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20:18.37Lordvedathat is the dpi that is used with nvidia driver
20:19.10Lordvedaany way to change that dumm dpi?
20:19.30oGALAXYoLordveda: here
20:19.38oGALAXYoLordveda: that helps you setting up proper DPI
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20:24.15LordvedaThis bug didn't provide an answer to the bug, the question is how to correct that condition?
20:24.44annmaDPI is not a KDE matter unfortunately
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20:26.09Lordvedahow to solve that problem through xorg?
20:26.55annmaLordveda: #xorg?
20:27.05Lordvedaannma: ok
20:27.10LordvedaI will try xorg
20:29.24strawLordveda: what nvidia driver release? (not nv)
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20:31.14strawLordveda: open /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx-1.0.8178/html/appendix-y.html in konqueror
20:31.41Lordvedastraw: do u mean that this problem is mentioned overthere?
20:31.57strawLordveda: yes
20:32.53strawOption "UseEdidDpi" "False"
20:33.02strawOption "DPI" "96x96"
20:33.15strawin your xorg.conf
20:34.42Lordvedastraw: you are cool
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20:34.56strawheh, thanks
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20:35.20Lordvedaany information what is that EDID thing?
20:36.16LordvedaHow to know whether my display device provides an EDID or not?
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20:38.12strawLordveda: there's a tool called read-edid
20:38.31strawLordveda: or you can check your X log
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20:39.32omiHello, is it possible to have profiles for KDE based on which computer I'll logged in from
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20:40.30SimAtWorkomi: kind of
20:40.44SimAtWorkomi: how are you logging in from different computers?
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20:42.02omilets say I'm using a desktop, and everything is rendered locally
20:42.10omithen I log out and need to use an xterm in another place
20:42.20omixterms get stuff fromthe network
20:42.33omiand I want to send as little trafic as possible
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20:43.05SimAtWorkomi: export KDEHOME=~/.kderemote2
20:43.08SimAtWorkthat's how i do it
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20:43.30SimAtWorkwith nx i have a script that does that and then executes: startkde
20:43.34mac_how can I change what happens when net CD/USB stick is inserted?  Currently I get *two* windows that pop up, showing the contents on the media...
20:43.39SimAtWorkbtw, ifyou are doing remote stuff takea  look at nx
20:43.54mac_it used to be only one, and another popup which asked what to do when KDE detects new media insertion...
20:47.35*** join/#kde Lordveda (n=habdin@
20:48.01Lordvedastraw: are there known dpi to be used to get proper sized fonts?
20:48.21Lordvedathe dpi has increased but not to the desired size
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20:48.47Lordvedadimensions:    1280x1024 pixels (542x406 millimeters)
20:48.50annmadpi should be 75x75 or 100x100
20:48.57annma^^ standards
20:48.59omiSimAtWork, then I would have to resync some changes made and that is what I do not want to do
20:49.01strawLordveda: 75x75 and 96x96 are fairly standard
20:49.12strawor 100x100
20:49.16omiI just would like certain set of (selectable) features to be stored differently
20:49.23Lordvedastraw: I have set it to 96x96
20:49.31Lordvedabut still get small font sizes
20:49.40SimAtWorkomi: well then you need to create links and a diff tree and change the linking based on what you are doing.
20:49.41omiif such system doesn't exist where could I ask for it
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20:49.51SimAtWorkomi: i don't think it's a very good idea nor do i think it will work out very well.
20:49.51annmain KControl, what font do you use and what size?
20:50.08ninniuzhi I have a problem with KNode
20:50.14strawLordveda: did you add the options i gave to your xorg.conf?
20:50.33ninniuzI just installed it through a deb package but I cannot edit any configuration nor add any account
20:51.06Lordvedastraw: yes
20:51.43strawLordveda: hm, whups. try  Option "DPI" "96 x 96"  as opposed to  Option "DPI" "96x96"  :/
20:51.45annmaLordveda: so in KControl, what font and what size?
20:51.50omiSimAtWork, how's so? If the situation on day1 requires that I have bookmarks the same, but different fonts/backgrounds depending on the host; but tomorrow something else would need to be changed, I do not want to keep messing with symlinks. it becomes an unmanageable system
20:51.59omiespecially if that needs to be done for many users
20:52.05strawLordveda: the spaces must be necessary
20:52.23SimAtWorkomi: you are proposing an unmanagable system
20:52.31omiuhm, how?
20:52.35Lordvedaannma: bitsream sans and font size 12
20:52.36SimAtWorkomi: so that applications can have multiple possible config files, how areyou supposed to choose among them?
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20:52.48omidepending on the host
20:52.53omi(as I have said before)
20:52.54annmaLordveda: what screen resolution?
20:53.06omiand most applications will not need to use the profile system
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20:53.53Lordveda1280x1024 @85Hz
20:53.55zeballin3sredna: putting a link to /usr/bin/korgac in the kde autostart worked. But it's a hack... and I like to know REASONS. Obviously the session manager is not doing a good job of saving the session so that it can restore it..
20:54.27Lordvedastraw: so I should add spacing in 96x96?
20:54.38strawLordveda: yes
20:54.44omiSimAtWork, let's say the variables that config file stores for some aplication needs to access a variable that IS SET to be profile dependant, then profile system is consulted for that variable
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20:54.51Lordvedalet me try and c
20:54.57omiotherwise that app has no business with profile system
20:55.17SimAtWorkomi: how do you decide which to use?
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20:55.38goyirahello all
20:55.41Lordvedabrb restarting X
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20:56.58Lordvedastraw: nothing changed
20:57.16LordvedaI have added the lines to the device section of the xorg.conf file
20:57.22Lordvedais that the correct location?
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20:58.01Lordvedathe xdpyinfo gives out the following information:
20:58.08SimAtWorkgoyira: try running it from konsole and see if it gives more verbose errors
20:58.13Lordvedadimensions:    1280x1024 pixels (542x406 millimeters)
20:59.16goyiraI did, it only gives a "KCrash: Application 'kword' crashing..."
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21:00.21goyirathe first time i tried to run it was from a terminal and it showed some  kbuildsycoca warnings related to the mime-types
21:00.22SimAtWorkgoyira: no console output?
21:00.28srednazeballin3: I doubt it's the session manager, since it's not in my session either. And it allways starts here
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21:00.42SimAtWorkgoyira: did it say to re-run kbuildsyca perhaps?
21:00.55*** part/#kde unlearn (n=unlearn@
21:02.11goyirano, it only said that it found dsome mymetypes problems... it is good to say that i used to run gnome/gtk applications from fluxbox, and that i did not installed the hole kde, only some apps and its dependences
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21:02.48goyiraand, btw, I'm using gentoo linux, and activated the kde and qt use variables when I started to install kde apps
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21:03.32SimAtWorkall i can tell you is i am runing gentoo in the kde environment and kword works fine for me
21:04.40gravossame for me, on two machines
21:04.41goyiramaybe i need to recompile everything with the kde and qt use flags (but if so, why all other apps works fine?) or install the whole environment
21:05.03gravosinstall the whole environment would be the first thing i would try if it is feasable in your situation
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21:06.52goyirammm I would like not to install the hole environment because of resources problem...
21:07.01goyirawell thanks anyway :)
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21:10.41_roothi! i want to enable DMA on CDROM/DVD... Can i?
21:10.50SgepCan I delete kwin's stored information for particular programs?
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21:11.32SimAtWorki wish mac stuck with the PPC processors :(
21:12.03_roottorvalds hate gnome?
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21:13.02Lordvedastraw: I am very thankful to you to guide me to the proper part to be read to correct my problem
21:13.18Taintedhero_root, come back when your not logged in as root
21:13.19Lordvedaannma: that is addressed to you too
21:13.21Taintedheronever mind.
21:13.36SgepWas _root actually logged on as root?
21:14.31Taintedheroim assuming.
21:14.50Taintedheroseeing how it auto names your profile based on who you are looged in as.
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21:35.51omiSimAtWork, 1. profile is preselected for you based on host , 2. if you have permission to do so, you can select a different profile
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21:37.05SimAtWorkbutyou're talking about creating sub profiles
21:37.13SimAtWorkand what goes into the sub profile is highly arbritrary.
21:38.51omithere's a llist
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21:41.58hagabakadamn, why is Gaim so much better than Kopete :p
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21:42.21carstenwell, it isn't
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21:42.53apollo2011hello everyone
21:43.00treatwhat's up?
21:43.02hagabakait supports many things the official clients do and Kopete doesn't
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21:44.39SimAtWorkhagabaka: like what?
21:44.48SimAtWorki like gaim's buddy pounce
21:44.54SimAtWorkbut that's the only feature i found that kopete doesn't have
21:44.56hagabakaadding myself to my contact list
21:45.11hagabakaand the direct connect doesn't work conveniently...
21:45.39hagabakaalso haven't been able to respond to an invitation to chat on AIM
21:46.17apollo2011What is the deal with the panel System Menu?  If I open my Home Dir from that menu, it loads the path as "system:/home/".  When I try to open say, an Document, it complains the path is invald, because Konqueror is passing the path as "system:/home/Document.odt" rather than "/home/<user>/Document.odt"  Is there a way to get around this? Right now I have to click the Home button in Konqueror after loading the Konqueror window in "system:/ho
21:46.24hagabakait's particularly annoying that Kopete pops up an error saying I can't add myself on my own list every time it connects
21:47.24benJImanhagabaka: you add yourself to your own list in another client?
21:47.34benJImanjabber and msn you can have yourself on your own list
21:47.40hagabakaAIM too
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21:49.14hagabakaapollo2011: I'm able to open URL's like system:/home/file.txt, manually by opening it from the system menu, then clicking the file
21:49.57hagabakanot sure why it odesn't work for you, but you could add a button to the panel to point to your home directory too
21:50.18SimAtWorkwhy do you want yourself on your own list?
21:50.38hagabakai could see my status and away message, etc. more conveniently
21:50.43hagabakanot very useful I know
21:50.51apollo2011hagabaka: hmm, looks like the KDE apps don't mind it but stuff like OOo don't work
21:51.16apollo2011I opened an image ok, but a .odt simply loads OOo and then no window appears with the document loaded
21:51.18hagabakabut I already did add myself on the server contact lists, and Kopete keeps complaining about it
21:51.34hagabakaoh, I guess I could remove it on other clients...
21:53.25gmartynapollo2011: just got here, but are you trying to run OOo over ssh?
21:53.25SimAtWorkor you could report the bug
21:53.35SimAtWorki doubt many people add themselves to their own lists.
21:53.38hagabakahmm, gone
21:53.47SimAtWorkso it's probably not reported all that often (if at all)
21:53.50hagabakayeah, i'll do
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21:55.40SimAtWorkyay annma!
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22:01.24hagabaka"Resolution: LATER" "...won't be happening until KDE 4"
22:01.41hagabakaStatus:  RESOLVED
22:01.50hagabakakind of contradictory...
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22:08.41dec0dingyou remember about my drag&drop problem with KMenu items
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22:10.03annmadid you solve it?
22:10.57dec0dingit wasn't problem actually
22:10.59dec0dingit is kde feature
22:11.08dec0dingwhen u have locked panels
22:11.13dec0dingu can't drag&drop items
22:11.44annmalocked panels
22:11.50annmai did not think about that
22:11.54annmagood to know
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22:19.22Oleg_I have a question. For the 1st time ever, I saved some files to a 4.7GB DVD-R disc. The files took 4.0GB of space. The program asked me if I wanted to add more files later for a 2nd session.
22:19.28Oleg_So my question is:
22:20.16Oleg_if DVD-R discs are one-time recordable only, how is it possible we can save more files to them for a 2nd session?
22:21.39zeballin3Hi folks. I asked this earlier this AM and no one could figure it out. If you have a moment could you read this link and maybe respond if you have a clue:
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22:22.39zeballin3ooops... while this IS a KDE question... I meant to post it in the #kanotix group. Sorry.
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22:26.40langenbergIs it possible to let Konsole have real transparancy? Normally I just see a shade of the wallpaper, but I'm wondering if it can work with the composite extension (since I just got that up and running).
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22:28.12gmartynxcompmgr will do it..
22:29.25langenbergbut with the use of Konsole or xterm?
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22:31.26benjamindeesI seem to have lost the menu icon for kmplayer by editing some file associations in konqueror.  Anyone know how I can get it back?
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22:32.26benjamindeesdebsums says the package(s) are still installed correctly
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22:33.32benjamindeesI'll try logging out...
22:33.39GatoradeOdd, one Dvd iso I downloaded contained more games then the one I just installed
22:34.22GatoradeI should talk in suse about that actually
22:34.23CuteAlienhi! Is there a way to open documents in kate (from console) in the same instance (like it did in kde 3.4)?
22:34.41*** join/#kde benjamindees (
22:34.44benjamindeesno luck :(
22:34.50GatoradeAnyone have a link to a good KDE Tutorial?
22:35.38*** join/#kde nefertum (
22:35.39gmartynmight be a dcop command
22:35.41GatoradeActually I need to make Firefox my default browser when I open up Konversation anyone know how to do that?
22:36.25*** join/#kde cryos (n=cryos@gentoo/developer/cryos)
22:36.31amigravekonqueror crashes when unchecking "Keep unread" checkbox on, does someone else have the problem ?
22:37.07*** join/#kde aton` (n=aton@unaffiliated/aton)
22:37.33Oleg_people, hello?
22:37.36aton`hi! when i click on devices in konqueror it tells me that "devices: protocol not supported"... how can i fix this?
22:37.43Oleg_anybody knows the answer to my question?
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22:38.21kjetilhoOleg_: multi-session just means you can write to the remaining 0.7 GB
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22:39.15benjamindeesokay I think what I did was I removed totem, which removed some mime types, but that doesn't really explain the missing menu icon...
22:39.23Oleg_kjetilho: so DVD-R discs are not really one-time recordable?
22:39.44kjetilhoonly in a specific spot.  this is the same as CD-R.
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22:40.29zakhow are u
22:40.33zakdo u remeeber me :)
22:40.53*** part/#kde Gatorade (
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22:41.19Oleg_kjetilho: so if I have remaining space on CD-Rs and DVD-Rs, I'll always be able to add more files to such discs?
22:41.34*** part/#kde CuteAlien (
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22:43.13StAnLeY^so, is there a bug already about konqueror 3.5 often crashing ?
22:43.15Oleg_I didn't know that!
22:44.22kjetilhoOleg_: no, the disc must be prepared for multi-session.  it will depend on your burning software if it is enabled
22:44.53*** join/#kde dec0ding (n=gemidjy@
22:46.23Oleg_so, such discs are one-time recordable when we talk about the whole amount of space such discs provide
22:47.12Oleg_I thought it meant we could record on such discs one time only no matter how much free space is left on the disc after recording
22:48.29benjamindeesmultisession lets you add to space that hasn't yet been written to
22:50.28Oleg_this is awesome
22:51.35*** join/#kde unlearn (n=unlearn@
22:53.25benjamindeesso,  if I edit a .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications, how do I reload that?
22:53.25Oleg_can we ever erase data from such discs? for example, if the whole space is not filled?
22:54.29benjamindeesyou can't technically erase data, but you may be able to make it disappear or get overwritten
22:55.27Oleg_overwritten? so why such discs are called dvd-r and cd-r, but not dvd-rw and cd-rw?
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22:56.21Oleg_we are able to overwrite old data on dvd-rs with new data?
22:56.22benjamindeesoverwritten as in "lost forever"
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22:57.14Oleg_but it's not possible to overwrite such discs with new data?
22:57.19Oleg_sorry if I ask dumb things
22:57.26Oleg_but I am new to this thing
22:58.00striderOleg_: you cannot overwrite even on RW discs.
22:58.42benjamindeesit's an optical disk, either it's black or white
22:58.58benjamindeesyou can overwrite white with black, but not vice-versa
22:59.01*** part/#kde aton` (n=aton@unaffiliated/aton)
22:59.34Oleg_I don't get it.
22:59.36litbdoes anyone know a good sidebar for the desktop?
22:59.43litblike the longhorn sidebar?
22:59.52litb(doesn't need to look like it)
22:59.55Oleg_I replaced old data with new data on one of my CD-RW discs
23:00.42litbi tried to insttall ie with wine and then "Desktop Sidebar", but wine fails to do that :(
23:00.51litbso a native bar would be fine
23:01.05*** join/#kde benjamindees (
23:01.26striderOleg_: yes, but to do that you had to erase (Format) the disc first. You cannot just overwrite
23:01.37benjamindeesthink of it this way:  it's a white board, you have a black marker
23:01.56benjamindeesyou can write until the whole thing is black, but you can't erase
23:02.09benjamindeescd-rw/dvd-rw adds an eraser
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23:03.28sorush20guys I have bug here could someone take a look
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23:04.48sorush20its not in kde4 its in 3.5
23:05.13Oleg_so, we are able to erase data from CD-RWs and put new data on them, but can't do it with CD-Rs, as far as I understand it
23:05.23WoostaHomeI use kate (IDE/text editor), but I'd like to change the line-spacing .. does anyone know if that's actually in the kate sources, or if it's inherrited from one of the dependencies?
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23:06.52striderOleg_: yes
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23:07.22striderOleg_: cd RW is just a cd-r which can be used many times
23:07.45Oleg_I see
23:07.46Kovecsescd rw are pretty cool
23:07.51Oleg_thanks for explanations
23:08.10benjamindeesyou can still "erase" data from a cd-r, by just overwriting it, but you can't replace it with useful data
23:08.45stridernp, infact just do a google search for multisession etc for a bit more detail ;)
23:11.35*** join/#kde decOding (n=gemidjy@
23:12.17litbi did accidently overwrite a file in a multisession cdrw
23:12.46litbit took me a drive to dd to restore the original file :)
23:13.35litbin fact i exctracted the first session with dd and mounted it using -oloop
23:14.08benjamindeesyeah you really just wrote a different file someplace else with the same name
23:15.05litband then, some time later, i read on man mount, that i can mount a specific session by giving mount a appropriate option :)
23:15.27litband save the time i waste by using dd
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23:16.40strideryeah just use session=
23:16.55Kovecseswell im on gentoo at the moment
23:17.02Kovecseswoops wrong channel
23:17.11stridermount has a lot of options for diff FS
23:17.23igotyofirejust curious if anyone here has ever used xpde?
23:17.34litbyes, i
23:17.46litb0.5 i think
23:17.48igotyofiredo you like?
23:18.01striderhow was it ;)
23:18.07litbnot really amazing
23:18.18litbit doesn't implement much of the xp UI
23:18.51igotyofirewent back to kde?
23:18.53litbbut haven't looked at it a long time, things could have been changed
23:19.01Kovecsesigotyofire: why would you use something that was trying to be like windows... arnt we trying to steer away from that
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23:19.14igotyofirelol yes
23:19.30igotyofirejust kde is the only enviroment which ive used that im comfortable with
23:19.30litbi didn't thought of replacing kde by it. really not
23:19.43igotyofirebut kde stopped recognizing my keyboard so now im using fluxbox
23:20.13Kovecsesigotyofire: distro?
23:20.20igotyofiremandriva 2006
23:20.39igotyofirenot using 3.5, dont want to upgrade, atleast not at the momment
23:20.41litbkde sometimes doesn't react on any keys
23:21.02*** part/#kde Hobbsee_ (
23:21.04igotyofireyes litb, even my caps lock key wont light the LED on the keyboard during KDE
23:21.11litbi then go to kcontrol->mouse, change anything and press apply. then the keyboard releases
23:21.24litb't have a clue about the reason
23:21.40igotyofirewhich version do you experience that in i have 3.4.2
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23:22.22litbit took me some time to discover this emercency ;)
23:22.43igotyofireu fixed it?
23:22.43Kovecsesmandriva blows
23:23.25litbwell, you have to press apply on the mouse settings
23:23.29igotyofirelol ur opinion
23:23.38igotyofireon mouse settings or keyboard settings?
23:23.48igotyofireok ill try it out later
23:23.54litbseems to be strange
23:24.54*** join/#kde sonyman (
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23:25.22litbhmm, i think we could need EjectPressed support by mediamanager
23:25.25sonymanWhat does "theme not usable with authentication method username+password classic" mean when attempting to use KDM with certain themes? Debian Etch, KDE 3.4.3
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23:25.39litbhal emits that event
23:25.46Kovecsesmandriva discraces
23:25.56litbjust has to be handled by media:/
23:26.06igotyofirelol someones got some  hate
23:26.29Kovecseswell it takes kde and turns it into this .. utter pile of crap
23:27.09Kovecsesmaybe its because they are french
23:27.38benjamindeesI seem to recall American distros getting the same criticism...
23:27.53*** join/#kde rutski89 (
23:27.55litbwell, KDE took Qt and let it serve this .... powerful thing called Desktop Environment
23:28.12litbi think about switching to kubuntu
23:28.30Kovecseswait until the next release of kubuntu
23:28.46Kovecseswhen ubuntu fully supports kde
23:28.53litbapt-get and .deb convinced me
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23:29.04igotyofireif ur talking about kat which is distrubuted with mandriva
23:29.08Kovecsesapt-get is nice
23:29.08igotyofirei took that out along time ago
23:29.20igotyofireurpmi is nice,heh
23:29.48Kovecsesbut ubuntu is nice
23:30.01Kovecsesthe next release of kubuntu will be rock solid
23:30.21litbwill it be fully based on udev?
23:30.31Kovecseslitb: what?
23:30.41strideryes, hotplug is no more
23:30.50Kovecsesthats all in the kernel
23:31.03strider2.6.15 and later
23:31.05litbcool, i hate hotplug and its shellscripts
23:31.18litbwhat is in the kernel?
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23:31.41litbwhy it should in the kernel?
23:31.56litbdon't get it...
23:32.11Kovecsesbecuase udev is part of the linux kernel
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23:32.34litbin the official kernel tree?
23:32.46aibhow can I avoid this error in the "Find in Files" function of Kate?  `grep: ./trunk/src/css/.#css_qttype.cpp: No such file or directory` -all == #css_qttype.cpp -> me@dream.6639:1130609775
23:32.53Kovecsesyou bet
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23:33.02Kovecsesunless you are using older kernels
23:33.16litbi use a patched 2.6.14->2.6.15 kernel
23:33.47Kovecsesthen its part of your kernel.... have you ever compiled a kernel?
23:33.57Oleg_why does Windows XP say when I try to erase a file from a DVD-R disc, "You can't erase the file because the file is read-only. You can still copy new files to the disc which will replace files already on the disc"
23:33.59*** part/#kde Samus_Aran (n=ILL@
23:34.05litbKovecses: yes, too many times
23:34.15aibit's a DVD-R, now RW
23:34.16litbat least 50x
23:34.20Kovecseslitb: then you of all people should know about udev
23:34.24Oleg_I can copy new files to it?!
23:34.36litbKovecses: yes, i know about it
23:34.36aibyeah, -R is write-once
23:34.47Kovecsesthere is a whole section in menuconfig
23:34.50benjamindeesOleg_, windows is retarded
23:35.00aibit has nothing to do with windows.
23:35.32litbbut "johannes@HOST1:/usr/src/linux-2.6.15> find . -name *udev*"
23:35.48litbreturns no udev tree
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23:36.02Kovecseslitb: wierd
23:36.04Oleg_but Windows implies that we can replace old files on a DVD-R disc with new files
23:36.30deeverhow can i use a XMLHttpRequest from within kjscmd?
23:36.35igotyofireinstalling xfce as we speak
23:36.41benjamindeesOleg_, you can write a new file with the same name, which will replace the old
23:36.45sonymanDoes anyone know the answer to my question?
23:36.49litbit just prints that: ./Documentation/aoe/
23:37.30litbit seems that you have to install udev separately and the kernel only contains some rules for it
23:37.41benjamindeesOleg_, there's really no "wow" about it...
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23:38.01benjamindeesOleg_, windows is just too stupid to show you both of them
23:38.50Kovecseskde runs on window
23:39.08igotyofirelol i love how everyone hates on windows
23:39.22Kovecseswell in a kde chatroom its expected
23:39.28igotyofirewhen i bet they are dual booting with windows ,lol hypcrites
23:39.47Kovecsesi use vmware
23:39.51benjamindeesI haven't booted windows in five years
23:40.14Kovecsesi have windows in vmware for my girlfreind
23:40.23igotyofireno vmware, no wine, then probably wood,heh
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23:40.27Oleg_hmm... so we can replace files with the same name on dvd-r discs, but can
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23:40.32litbKovecses: i guess the kernel will include a rule for every file in the near future
23:40.33Oleg_'t burn an image
23:40.38*** part/#kde deever (
23:40.39litb*every driver
23:40.50igotyofireok i may or may not be back gonna swtich managers
23:41.05litbthat would kinda cool, then i don't have to write them myself
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23:45.27Oleg_so we can replace files with the same name only, and the files will be usable?
23:46.09litbOleg_: yes
23:46.21litbbut the files won't be really replaced.
23:46.32benjamindeesyou understand it doesn't really "replace" them, there still are two files...
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23:46.39igotyofirewow this is really nice
23:46.43litbbecuase their names equal, the user sees only the more recent file
23:47.15litbor, to be corrent, the latest burned file
23:47.54*** part/#kde Kovecses (
23:48.50*** part/#kde litb (
23:49.58DirkGentlyis there an alternative to nntp:// This appears to be dead
23:53.30*** part/#kde Andares (n=Andares@unaffiliated/andares)
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23:57.27Oleg_but if the whole dvd-r disc is filled, we cannot put files with the same name on it?
23:58.26Oleg_oh, I see
23:58.33Oleg_it's the same as multi-session
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23:59.36ninnghizidhaHello! I'm looking for a way to disable the "folder-preview" in a specific folder.
23:59.43ninnghizidhais this possible?

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