irclog2html for #kde on 20051118

00:02.27*** join/#kde kantlivelong (
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00:11.49*** join/#kde annma (n=annma@kde/developer/annma)
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00:12.50TiamFor using the KDE widgits in pyqt, is there another module you need to import aside from qt?
00:13.25*** join/#kde Pitchin_uk (
00:13.44*** join/#kde angasule (n=hoopy@
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00:14.35annmamaybe kdebindings if you want bindings
00:15.00angasulewhen I run k3b, I get a message saying "Could not find mime type application/octet-stream" 3 or 4 times, after I OK them, it crashes, what did I break? I've been googling for a while, but it seems to be a generic error message (qt 3.3.4, kde 3.3.2, gentoo)
00:15.07*** join/#kde dwango (
00:15.16harry_this may not be the correct channel, please redirect if if that is the case..........
00:15.49annmaangasule: it worked before then?
00:15.51harry_using kspread,... is it possible to populate an existing worksheet with .csv?
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00:16.02annmaharry_: I expect so
00:16.25angasuleannma: it used to work, yes
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00:16.59annmaangasule: hmm, when you start it or whne you try to burn something?
00:17.18angasuleannma: I'm thinking I removed a dependency by accident or something happened when updating
00:17.29angasuleannma: when starting, I only see the splash screen
00:17.33annmaask in your dstro channel then
00:17.44annmawhat distro is it?
00:17.55angasuleannma: I did, they sent me here, it's gentoo
00:18.13angasuleannma: if you could at least hint me why k3b would say that, it'd help a lot
00:18.16annmadamn them! they should not do that
00:18.28annmaangasule: I compile kde from source
00:18.36annmaI never had such problem
00:18.43annmarecompile k3b
00:18.45angasuleannma: technically, so do I :)
00:18.48angasuleannma: I did
00:18.49annmalook at configure output
00:19.07annmatechnically you don't know what you do if you think you removed a dependency
00:19.16annmapost the config.log
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00:19.31angasuleannma: late night cleaning before a trip... I should know better
00:19.37angasuleok, will do
00:19.51*** part/#kde kantlivelong (
00:19.58annmawell so you did reinstall after that?
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00:21.03angasulenot a full reinstall, I just uninstalled some packages,  that partition was getting full, I'm recompiling
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00:21.28annmadid you recompile k3b?
00:21.42annmawhich is the one you complain about
00:21.55annmaif you do, it'll tell you if you miss dependencies
00:22.42annmaharry_: yes, import csv works
00:23.05harry_thank you, very much
00:23.42*** join/#kde marcus (
00:24.42angasuleannma: hmm, from within my user session, I can open a console, su, and run k3b
00:25.27annmarun k3bsetup then
00:26.26angasuleI did, no good
00:26.40angasuleas in, it didn't solve it, even though it ran ok
00:28.49annmarm your k3brc in $KDEHOME/share/config
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00:31.50angasuleannma: didn't work
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00:32.06annmarecmpile it
00:32.15annmaas user not as root
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00:48.24kantlivelongis there a nice way to get rss feess on the kde desktop?
00:48.58angasulekantlivelong: superkaramba?
00:49.27kantlivelongangasule: will it be like part of the desktop
00:50.54angasulekantlivelong: icons can't go below the rss feeds (at least, I don't think so), but otherwise, yes
00:53.09*** join/#kde Gonzo (
00:54.29kantlivelongis there an rss plugin for kopete?
00:56.19*** join/#kde The_Ball (
00:56.41frbkantlivelong: why not use akkregator ?
00:56.43*** part/#kde dalin_ (
00:56.43angasulekantlivelong: can you read german?
00:56.53kantlivelongangasule: not really no
00:57.19kantlivelongangasule: but if theres a plugin im sure i can try it
00:57.45angasuleumh, ok I googled for rss plugin kopete and the first link was german, and seems to mention an rss plugin for kopete, but I don't speak german :)
00:58.22kantlivelongangasule: pass the link pls :-)
00:59.20kantlivelongangasule: just a Q also.. whenever i click links, it opens a download dialog
00:59.44kantlivelongangasule: i use opera, is there a way to get the url to go just to opera?
01:00.04angasulekantlivelong: what does, kopete? I don't use kopete, so I wouldn't know, but I'm guessing somewhere in the options or preferences that can be set
01:00.22kantlivelongangasule: not from what i see...
01:06.00*** part/#kde kantlivelong (
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01:06.26angasulekantlivelong: I checked, and I couldn't find the option to do that, but I don't know much about kopete anyway
01:06.27nefertumwich is the way to start some apps in the kde init?
01:06.29aptfrom memory, /.kde/autostart is empty.
01:06.29nefertumaha, thanks benJIman
01:06.30nefertumI must put in it a symbolik link?
01:06.32*** join/#kde |WoLf| (
01:07.15nefertumyeah, i can see it now
01:07.28nefertumso i must put some links to the binaries?
01:07.47nefertumor scripts perhaps
01:09.43thiagotry starting from the shell whatever you put in the Autostart
01:09.46thiagonote the capital A
01:09.46*** join/#kde nefertum (
01:10.10nefertumit works, putting a script in it
01:10.25nefertumi supose that making the symbolik links it will work
01:11.19*** join/#kde |Evo| (
01:25.22*** join/#kde Gentle (
01:32.53*** join/#kde Evo (
01:40.07*** join/#kde Gentle (
01:42.32strawi wonder what's up with svg previews in a directory ->
01:49.34*** join/#kde Oleg_ (n=Oleg@
01:53.16Oleg_how's life?
01:55.22*** join/#kde parph (
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01:57.11CapNemohi folks
02:01.49*** join/#kde rutski89 (
02:02.22Oleg_let's see
02:02.32Oleg_so amarok requires gstreamer?
02:02.55CapNemosomeone knows how to disable the double click in kde 3.5 ?
02:03.08CapNemoto click once in the file manager i mean
02:06.04*** join/#kde Knowerrors (
02:06.49KnowerrorsHi all, is there a way to edit right click menu's in KDE and customize them, possible with icons?  Using some kde improvement program
02:07.53KnowerrorsWhat Id like is universal right click menu entries that show up for (all) programs, that give me command shortcuts at the cursor
02:11.43*** join/#kde etzerd (
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02:12.53etzerdI have suse 10 do I have to upgrade to KDE 3.4.3?
02:13.10*** join/#kde knoppix (
02:13.35benJImanetzerd: add the supplementary kde source to yast and tell it to upgrade
02:13.53benJImanalthough I think the supplementary source may have changed to 3.5 now it has hit RC
02:15.07kantlivelonganyone here w/ a ati 7500?
02:16.25KnowerrorsIs there a add on to easily edit/create service menu customization
02:33.23*** join/#kde Otter (
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02:34.31KnowerrorsAnyone know how to easily edit context/service menu's?
02:35.41*** part/#kde Otter (
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02:43.42*** join/#kde thaldyron (n=thaldyro@
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02:46.20parphHi I'm having a problem with kdeinit it no longer works. I installed kde 3.5 accidentally and after I could only start kde by typing startx. I reverted to an older kde and still I can't log in graphically
02:50.32*** join/#kde tdb30_ (
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02:51.35tdb30_Is it possible to control kde using voice?
02:55.11*** join/#kde oGALAXYo_ (
02:56.14g3nocidegoogle KVoiceControl
02:57.20g3nocideor cvoicecontrol
02:57.23g3nocidei think the latter is a fork of the former
02:57.32tdb30_which is better ;)
02:58.04g3nocidei dunno, i just checked google when you asked and returned the two 'best' answers
02:58.12g3nocideif you can read, you can find that out for yourself
02:59.02tdb30_Thanks for the help.  I would have never found that.
02:59.23tdb30_I've been searching but never came across either of those.
03:02.05*** join/#kde elijahlofgren (n=elijahlo@
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03:19.15nemo_homeThought it was curious that Konqueror has the same problems - border-collapse must be a tricky attribute
03:19.47*** join/#kde syahira2 (n=syahira2@
03:19.52nemo_home(Both Mozilla and Konqueror are in trouble if you try to assign :hover to a td)
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03:21.18Oleg_I see that C also has the // comments
03:21.34Oleg_and no wonder
03:22.28angasuleOleg_: it was added in C99, I think
03:22.37*** join/#kde mgorbach228 (
03:22.56angasulemuch more comfortable
03:28.11*** part/#kde BHSPitMonkey (
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03:44.55phoenix302Gten morgen an alle
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03:58.57*** join/#kde wig (
03:59.19wigHi, I have a very slow system (383mRAM and 667mhz) I'm looking for a way to make KDE a little bit faster than it is. HOw could I accomplish this?
04:01.24greppernot so bad - KDE runs fine on my 667MHz system
04:01.29*** join/#kde jassy (n=jassy@
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04:01.31grepperyou could turn off eye candy
04:01.37wiggrepper, where do i go to turn that off?
04:01.51wigbtw, love your name.
04:01.57greppereasy way - you could rerun kpersonalizer
04:02.06grepperelse kcontrol
04:02.35dmitrihow do I switch to verbose booting?
04:03.33angasulekio (KSycoca): WARNING: Found version 75, expecting version 79 or higher.  <-- I get this when starting k3b, does it mean anything to anyone...?
04:04.17*** join/#kde Forexs (
04:04.26Forexs'elo. whats a good ftp client?
04:05.07grepperangasule: did you just upgrade KDE ?
04:08.30angasulegrepper: hmm, possibly
04:09.08angasulegrepper: yes, definitely, at least parts of it
04:10.09Forexsnoone knows?
04:11.02angasuleForexs: umh, what do you need to do with it? I use ftp
04:11.21ForexsI want something with a nice gui
04:11.30Forexssince I've recently switched to kde
04:12.00Theory_I use konqueror
04:12.02hydrogencan handle it
04:12.15Forexshey Theory_ :)
04:12.18Forexsokay thanks.
04:12.19Theory_hello :-)
04:13.48*** join/#kde grepper (
04:16.06*** join/#kde Jaywalker (
04:16.20Jaywalkercan someone tell me how to install kde window decorations?
04:18.14grepperwhat did you download ?
04:18.40Jaywalkeri didn't download one... i'm making one
04:19.06Jaywalkeri found a folder in my mercury with gtk and kde themes
04:19.18Jaywalkergtk does the scroll bars, etc... kde has all the window themes
04:19.22Jaywalkerso i'm gonna make one out of that
04:19.46*** join/#kde georges (
04:22.43Jaywalkerany idea?
04:26.32*** join/#kde Oleg_ (n=Oleg@
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04:28.18Jaywalkerkde.themerc is a file i have
04:28.39Jaywalkerdo i install that with something?
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04:30.46*** join/#kde SuperDuperShant (
04:30.55SuperDuperShantdoes kde have an on screen keyboard?
04:35.22Gentle_does anybody know if having qt 4 installed will break qt3?
04:39.45oGALAXYo_SuperDuperShant: have you looked at ?
04:39.50Oleg_kdevelop is as good as Visual NET?
04:40.23Gentle_Visual # is good?
04:40.32JaywalkerVC++.... by micro$oft...
04:40.46Jaywalkerhehe, anything is better than those
04:41.15Forexsshould I use arts or xine with kde?
04:41.44Forexser, amaroK I mean :)
04:42.07Forexsany reason?
04:42.19oGALAXYo_why do you ask ?
04:42.35*** part/#kde SuperDuperShant (
04:42.45ForexsI noticed the option to switch and I want to know which is the best?
04:42.51Forexswhy do you say xine?
04:43.17Oleg_code::blocks is better or worse than kdevelop?
04:43.27oGALAXYo_arts is a broken obstacle following KDE for many years now.. people and developers want to get rid of it.
04:43.43oGALAXYo_gstreamer is an option for amarok but is known to cause a lot of problems - not to mention the brokeness of gstreamer.
04:43.54oGALAXYo_so what remains is xine which is the most promising working engine so far.
04:44.07oGALAXYo_its also recommended by the amarok developers
04:44.16oGALAXYo_Forexs: but you can ask again in #amarok if you want
04:44.29oGALAXYo_there's a special channel for that
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05:03.05phenexcan any one help me find out how to add extra panels to kde? i want to make one panel at the top for the taskbar and another one at the bottom for k menu, shortcuts, quick lunch, the clock etc...
05:03.19phenexit's kde 3.4.3...
05:03.21*** join/#kde prurigro (
05:04.26aseigophenex: right click on the panel
05:04.28prurigrohey, using kde split ebuilds- just got manditory things for konqueror kate and gwenview- I'm missing whatever library kde normally grabs to load images, anyone know what it is (its not a USE variable issue, I have gif loaded in qt/kde and the library works)
05:04.35aseigophenex: add to panel -> panels -> child panel
05:04.41*** join/#kde asusanator (
05:04.58aseigoprurigro: what kind of images? jpeg? png?
05:05.04prurigroall of em
05:05.22Jaywalkerstill no one knows what to do??/
05:05.31prurigroaseigo: svg works in thumbnail but doesn't get loaded, the rest aren't available
05:05.48*** join/#kde tilrman (
05:07.32aseigoprurigro: so you need to install those libs. libjpeg, libpng, etc...
05:07.38Jaywalkerperhaps i should restate my question:
05:07.50Jaywalkeranyone know how to add a Window Decoration theme to KDE on SuSE 9.1?
05:08.20prurigroaseigo: its a kde specific thing- everything else loads all those image types properly, and I have the libraries installed
05:08.27*** join/#kde jayparadise (
05:08.28aseigoJaywalker: from source, or?
05:08.43prurigroaseigo: I'm thinking kdegraphics-meta, but I'd wanna know somewhat for sure first since theres a lot of depencies
05:09.05aseigoprurigro: so when you click on png file in konqueror, what does it do exactly?
05:09.19aseigo(it should view it in the browser)
05:09.30Jaywalkerwell, i have images and a file named...kde.themerc
05:09.31aseigoand for that matter .. do toolbar icons show up?
05:09.43prurigroaseigo: along with not having a preview it asks what application I wanna open it with
05:09.49aseigoJaywalker: themerc's haven't been in use for 3 releases now
05:09.52prurigroand in gwenview it just doesn't list them as supported files
05:10.05prurigrosame with kuickview which I previously emerged
05:10.10Jaywalkerbah, well, perhaps i should go back
05:10.17Jaywalkeris there a way to use my images i have?
05:10.21Jaywalkerand install by that?
05:11.03aseigoprurigro: that says to me that Qt wasn't built with support for those image formats. so .. do toolbar and menu icons show up?
05:11.33prurigroaseigo: yup, the toolbar shows up, everything works other than image loading
05:11.51prurigro[ebuild   R   ] x11-libs/qt-3.3.4-r8  +cups -debug -doc -examples (-firebird) +gif -immqt -immqt-bc +ipv6 -mysql -nas -odbc +opengl -postgres -sqlite -xinerama
05:12.10aseigoJaywalker: as a window decoration? hrm. i 'm not sure if that's supported anymore... *shrug* sorry
05:12.30Jaywalkerwhy would KDE do such a thing?!
05:12.40aseigoprurigro: ok. if the icons are showing up, Qt can handle png's.
05:12.42Jaywalkermy loyalty is almost... yes.. it's draining...
05:13.03prurigroaseigo: yea, thats why I think theres something specific to load the images.. maybe kdegraphics?
05:13.05Jaywalkeri can't live on half-efforted crappy themes, i need a more.... hackerish theme
05:13.33aseigoprurigro: i have no idea how gentoo splits up their builds, but qimageio is part of qt itself
05:13.42cpwwe don't splitup qt
05:13.47cpwwe splitup kde only
05:14.35prurigroaseigo: ahhh, true- damn gentoo and their tempting split ebuilds- you dont think its a 64 bit issue
05:14.48aseigoprurigro: no, that all works on 64 bit systems
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05:15.21cpwlet me check the qt-3.3.4-r8 ebuild and see how it's interacting with the source
05:16.55cpwand -system-libpng fwiw
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05:17.40prurigrocpw: oh word, this should mean that its working then eh?
05:17.55cpwwell, it is using system libpng
05:18.25cpwtime to check library links
05:19.29cpwprurigro: do `ldd /usr/qt/3/lib/ | grep png`
05:19.39cpwprurigro: then check that the libpng file it links to exists
05:20.39prurigroldd: warning: you do not have execution permission for `/usr/qt/3/lib/'
05:21.09cpwso the link isn't broken
05:21.26cpwyah, then it should be working
05:23.07prurigrocpw: do you think its a kde lib thats sposed to render these things thats missing? like kde is designed to be a whole unit and maybe assums I have something I dont you know?
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05:24.21cpwif I understand what aseigo is saying, kde wraps around the qt library to render the image
05:24.35cpwaseigo: feel free to apply the cluebat if I'm talking nonsense :P
05:24.43aseigono, you're correct.
05:24.52phenexhow can i set  a origram i installed (yakuake) to start up on kde start?
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05:25.10aseigophenex: just have it running when you log out
05:25.24aseigophenex: the session management will take care of restarting it for you
05:25.33phenexit was running last time i loged out...
05:25.50cpwaseigo: eh?  I thought there was some .kde/ directory you could toss a wrapper startup script to and it would start with kde
05:25.55aseigophenex: did your other apps start up as well?
05:25.59darkstegoq, how do I change disk labels so they will show the names in kde/devices?
05:26.00*** part/#kde tilrman (
05:26.18phenexaseigo: they did... xchat and firefox...
05:26.22aseigocpw: yes, but you don't have to. and with apps that allow starting multiple copies of themselves, you'll get multiple copies of it with session management
05:26.31prurigrocpw: so theres no like intermediate library then? I wonder whats wrong, but it sounds like it should be working-- well thanks for the help, I'll try kdegraphics and if it works I'll come back and tell ya for future reference ;)
05:26.45cpwaseigo: ah, I see
05:26.54cpwprurigro: roger that
05:27.12aseigophenex: hum. ok, that's odd. because as i noted i'm running yakuake (what an odd name =) as well and it works with session mngmnt just fine (starts every time i log in)
05:27.26prurigroaseigo: thanks to you too btw, I'll be back
05:28.19phenexaseigo: ok... ill try again... do you happen to know how to make yakuake partly transperent?
05:30.03aseigophenex:  you need composite and an kcompmgr running to do that. i don't recommend it though as it's only decently swift on nvidia systems and even then if you start an opengl using app x will crash
05:30.07Oleg_aseigo: you're up late
05:30.17aseigoOleg_: it's only 22:29
05:30.21Oleg_it's 0:29 a.m. in my place
05:30.49cpw22:29.. that's 1 hour ahead of me
05:31.20aseigocpw: west coast, then i take it?
05:31.30aseigoTheory_: but the time is thinking of you =)
05:31.35aseigocpw: whereabouts?
05:31.54cpwStockton, somewhere in the midst of San Fransisco and Sacremento
05:32.18cpwabout 3 hours from reno, about 2 hours from Fresno, about 6 hours from LA
05:32.38aseigoi was in s.f. for a few days
05:32.48cpwoh, and 1 hour from sac
05:32.54cpwSF is pretty close to me
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05:33.09cpw45 minutes to the commuter train, about 45 more to get there
05:33.23cpwthen I walk all over the place because I tend to do that and I get good exercise out of it
05:33.41cpwnot to mention the lack of dealing with Need For Speed 2(tm) type taxi drivers :/
05:34.40prurigrocpw: I have an error now if you can get anything from it from kviewshell- before I load everything "No MultiPage supporting mimetype application/x-crossover-gif found" any ideas before I run back to installing the rest of kdegraphics>?
05:35.11cpwprurigro: never seen that berore, couldn't tell you
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05:41.47adrian_hHello...How can I go about scripting KDE? I want to write a macro that does several relatively complex things across several KDE applications.
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06:01.34Oleg_what the hell?
06:01.44Oleg_amarok can be built with gtk 2.x?
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06:21.40marcusUIs there a mirror of I can't keep to get any response trying to download from there.
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06:26.22gcosmin_hi some one online?
06:27.04gcosmin_marcusU: how can i remove one user
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06:27.41gcosmin_marcusU: pls can u tell me
06:28.41marcusUuserdel maybe.
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06:31.05gcosmin_marcusU: di u use gentoo?
06:31.24marcusUIf you're looking for gentoo help, maybe try #gentoo
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06:51.12stjepanwhy are there "More applications" menus in KDE? Can't it be all in one?
06:51.46marcusUYou can edit the menus if you want.
06:51.53oGALAXYothats not mc donalds or burgerking :)
06:52.10marcusUI agree, though. I don't like the things that have been done with the menus over the past few years.
06:53.09Theory_hopefully if we make the right offerings to the God plasma over the next year things will be sorted out for kde4 :-)
06:53.23*** part/#kde nikotto (n=niko@
06:53.50marcusUUnfortunately, the developers don't do very well at inviting user feedback on this. And their discussions take place on mailing lists where only developers are given posting access.
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06:54.32marcusU(i.e. the discussions are on kde-core-devel and such, and the mailing list subscription info basicly says that you need to be a developer to get the ability to write to the list.)
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07:15.57stjepanis there any good app which will check my mail and go in systray?
07:16.02stjepan(except kcheckgmail)
07:17.38Gentlekmail hates my imapd-ssl :/
07:17.38marcusUI don't understand this. When I reply to a message, sometimes it gets sent to me instead of to the person I'm replying to.
07:17.45Theory_everybody do the kmail dance :-p
07:18.18marcusUMy message "to" field says I'm replying to someone.
07:18.56marcusUBut after I hit "send" it ends not getting sent to the person. Instead, it goes into my local mailbox.
07:19.28marcusUI don't know how to debug this.
07:19.40HnZeKtOaseigo: and i'm just wake up
07:20.05marcusUIf I start a fresh message, it works okay.
07:20.10marcusUBut reply seems to be broken.
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07:27.38marcusUWait, I think it's not that the message is failing to be sent. Instead, it's archiving the message into the account from which I'm replying instead of in sent-mail.
07:28.08Theory_do you have "keep replies in folder" checked for the folder the mail you are replying to is in?
07:28.43*** part/#kde Etriaph (
07:29.38marcusUOkay. I see now. That's very confusing.
07:29.59stjepanok, tnx guys
07:30.35marcusUOverriding a setting like that from a completely different configuration point is a bad idea. There should at least be some kind of warning/info.
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07:34.11marcusUTheory_: Thanks for letting me know why it was doing that.
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07:37.25BHSPitMonkeyhello hello
07:37.43BHSPitMonkeywhere would i get help for kdenlive?
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07:45.32lunahodhi, I have installed ver 0.5 on KDE 3.5 rc1 and in the search menu there is only one option "Case sensitive" search, others are disabled. Are they placeholders or I have messed up something?
07:45.50lunahodquestion on excellent kpdf app
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08:11.34DreggaAnyone know how to set Kate to be the default text editor in KDE?
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08:12.16mark_alecDregga: you should be able to set it in the control center
08:15.24WireDDDwhy isn't kate the default text editor?
08:15.49PhilRodDregga: for each file type that you want to open in kate, go to settings->configure konqueror (in konqueror) -> file associations and choose the file type, set kate as the first option
08:16.23WireDDDhow can I get gaim to use my kde theme?
08:16.42WireDDDor look the same at least?
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08:33.07BeFalouI've set an application to start with KDM, but if that application is running when a user closes session then next time it'll be started twice, kdm's and user's saved session, how can I avoid that?
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08:36.19angasuleBeFalou: how about getting kdm to run a script that checks if the app is running, and if not, to start it?
08:37.13BeFalouthat won't work because the application is not running in KDM, it'll start after login
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08:37.59aseigoBeFalou: what do you mean "with KDM"?
08:38.33BeFalouI mean here: /etc/kde3/kdm/Xsetup
08:38.47aseigoBeFalou: if you are using the autostart folder (which you should for something like that) then use a small wrapper script around the actual app that checks to see if it is already running
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08:39.54BeFalouthe application is xvkbd, which displays an on screen keyboard, needed to login with my tabletpc
08:39.54aseigo(pidof and bash is your friend here =)
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08:41.13aseigoso it's running at the same time as kdm. and when kdm logs you in it doesn't go away? interesting. in any case, yes, put a wrapper script for xvkbd named xvkbd somewhere in PATH where it will get executed first
08:41.19aseigoand then in it do something like
08:42.08aseigoif [ ! `pidof xvkbd` ] then; /actual/path/to/xvkbd; fi;
08:42.36aseigo(well, #!/bin/sh first of course =)
08:43.00BeFalouI've seen in Control Panel an option which tells kde not to start some apps, do you know if there's a global setting for that?
08:43.03KwarqBeFalou, kde ( was last seen parting #kde 2 weeks 2 days 21 hours 51 minutes ago (01.11. 05:53), after spending 5 minutes there.
08:44.37BeFalouthanks aseigo, that seems to be the best way
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08:50.51mike-mcould someone tell me if there are shortcuts from the keyboard to move and resize a window ?
08:51.17mike-msomething like alt-shift-left/right
08:51.27mike-mnot alt-f3
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08:52.21stepzlook at the keyboard shortcuts applet under control center
08:52.28aseigomike-m: have you looked in the keyboard shorcutes panel?
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08:52.32aseigostepz: beat me!
08:52.36mike-mok, I open it
08:52.37man_in_shackanyone here use guidedog?
08:52.43aseigoman_in_shack: i have, yes
08:53.10man_in_shacki'm trying to set up a box to be a router
08:53.12man_in_shackbetween subnets
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08:53.35mike-mgot it, thank you
08:53.50man_in_shackaseigo, think you can help me?
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08:54.58aseigoman_in_shack: so you have 2 or 3 nics, one subnet on each nic with the public network possibly on the third, and you want the machines to be able to see each other?
08:55.10man_in_shack2 nics
08:55.16man_in_shackin one box
08:55.36man_in_shackone nic goes out to the main lan goes out to the internet
08:55.42man_in_shackother goes to my own lan
08:56.10man_in_shackso i want to plug stuff into the second nic and be able to have it access the net
08:56.58Theory_man_in_shack: personally I use a tool called firehol to generate firewall rules, one of the examples it comes with will do what you want
08:57.32aseigoman_in_shack: the standard guarddog settup does that =)
08:57.34man_in_shackwhat interface does firehol have?
08:57.35aseigoman_in_shack: just turn it on
08:57.49man_in_shackaseigo, "enable routing" in guidedog?
08:58.17aseigono, what you want is guarddog, not guidedog
08:58.25aseigoguide does NAT rules and the list
08:58.30aseigoguarddog is the firewalling utility
08:58.40aseigosame author, he just splite the functionality over two apps
08:58.58aseigothe idea seems to have been to keep the interface of each comprehensive but still not insanely complex
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08:59.32man_in_shackso how do i handle the nat rules?
08:59.37aseigoso fire up guarddog and click the Enable guarddog checkbox, hit the apply button and you're done
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09:00.14man_in_shackmy guarddog has been customised
09:00.19man_in_shackand i don't see an "enable" button
09:00.42aseigoman_in_shack: so that people on the internet can access your machines internally? or so that things like ftp or games and what not work properly?
09:01.20aseigoman_in_shack: ah, sorry. make sure the Disable Firewall checkbox is turned off and hit Apply
09:01.40man_in_shackyes well ...
09:03.15*** join/#kde Faizi (n=faizi@
09:03.19aseigoman_in_shack: worst case scenario, you  may need to change what the LAN interface IP addrs are on the first tab
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09:05.58man_in_shacki can ping both nics in the router
09:06.03man_in_shackfrom the second subnet
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09:07.13Tm_Thmm, Kopete is sooo ugly and unconfigurable ;(
09:08.42man_in_shacki can't ping the rest of the first subnet
09:08.49man_in_shackwhich has the modem on it
09:08.51aseigoTm_T: hrm?
09:09.09Tm_Taseigo: Kopete using xhtml+css engine
09:09.15BeFalouaseigo: cool
09:09.23aseigoTm_T: ah.. yeah, i caught that on the kopete mailing list
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09:09.49aseigoTm_T: i still think kopete should drop the whole html area thing and code a proper widget that's performant and has nice effects...
09:09.53man_in_shackaseigo, how about you tell me how to set it up without assuming i'm using guarddog for the first time?
09:10.00aseigoTm_T: use svg's if high themability is still the desire
09:10.11*** join/#kde wireddd (
09:10.20wiredddis kde-look down?
09:10.30aseigoman_in_shack: you ensure that the zones on the first tab are correct (e.g. LAN has the right subnet address) then ensure Disable Firewall isn't checked and click apply
09:10.37aseigowireddd: seems to be that way, yes
09:10.39Tm_TI afraid that won't be as powerful as this is
09:10.48aseigoTm_T: qt >=4.1 comes with a rather nice svg engine
09:11.11man_in_shackaseigo, all that's right
09:11.15Tm_Taseigo: aah! we were talking about if we can do this differently in KDE4
09:11.21aseigoTm_T: nor as slow. how powerful does it need to be, and fast does it need to be
09:11.28aseigoTm_T: yes.
09:11.46aseigoTm_T: obviously it's not going to change in the 3.x branch. that'd be silly =)
09:12.12man_in_shackaseigo, box on subnet B can ping both ips of router box
09:12.19BeFalouaseigo: the script is working and is the first on my PATH (/usr/bin/xvkbd) but the thing kde saved session remembers is xvkbd "real" path...
09:12.21man_in_shackaseigo, but cannot ping other boxes on subnet A
09:12.47Tm_Taseigo: yu, many things can change in trunk, but I think that xhtml+css engine is so much faster than old one so no need to go back to it
09:13.19aseigoman_in_shack: i thought you said you had one subnet on one nic, and the public internet on the other?
09:13.44man_in_shacksubnet A has a modem/router on it
09:13.53aseigoTm_T: is it faster for really long conversations? the issue with the current html+css is that it bogs down after a while
09:14.03Tm_Taseigo: talking about chat window:
09:14.18man_in_shacksubnet B is plugged into the linux box sitting right infront of me
09:14.28man_in_shackwhich is on both subnet B and subnet A
09:14.36Tm_Taseigo: err? I had over thousand lines yesterday and it was still fast
09:14.36man_in_shackget it?
09:15.07aseigoTm_T: try one of the nicer non-fugly styles and watch is bog
09:15.08aseigoer, it bog
09:15.30*** join/#kde pinotree (n=pino@kde/developer/pino)
09:15.39Tm_Thave to try
09:16.34pinotreehello =)
09:18.33aseigoBeFalou: try changing the $PATH var in the script so you can execute it just as xvkbd.
09:18.41aseigoBeFalou: e.g.:
09:19.05aseigoif [ ! `pidof xvkbd` ] then; PATH=/wherever/xvkbd/is xvkbd; fi;
09:20.31cpwaseigo: evil :P
09:20.35aseigoman_in_shack: i'm going to pass on that one. i'm really not in the mood to help with network topology and routing questions. kde q's sure, but it's 02:19 and i prefer not to mess with network issues
09:20.42aseigocpw: heh. that's my middle name.
09:20.57man_in_shackwell thanks for trying anyway
09:21.04Tm_Tsir aaron evil seigo
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09:21.23cpw(A)ll (S)alvageable (E)vil (I)n (G)ood (O)rder?
09:21.40aseigoaseigo is salvable evil in good order
09:21.53aseigoaseigo is sweet evil in godly order
09:22.01aseigothere. that's horrific enough.
09:22.11cpwsounds like a rock band
09:22.29cpwI broke konqueror today
09:22.30aseigocpw: yes. and our music is written by daemons. ;)
09:23.09cpwI attempted to transfer a file from an ftp server to an ssh server through fish://
09:23.16cpwit didn't like that and killed poor konqueror
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09:40.35BeFalouaseigo: it's working :) instead of cahcnging PATH I did a cd /path/to. Thanks for your help
09:40.48aseigoBeFalou: np.
09:43.31cpwI use sed too much
09:43.34cpwnot that it's obvious
09:44.16Tm_Thow one can use sed too much?
09:44.41cpwDon't ask :P
09:45.15Tm_Tonly if all your irc messages are sent using sed, then I might consider that opportunity
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09:47.09vitalitesed notation is an efficient way of correcting irc typos
09:47.52cpwI remember some people that used to do this:
09:48.07Tm_Tthere's multiple ways
09:48.47Tm_Thumm, maybe I will use sed to send irc messages... have to try ->
09:49.05cpw*typo \(^_^)/ oO( Typo! ) s/bad/typo/ s:bad:typo: $message =~ s/bad/typo/;
09:49.24Worfi have quite some stability issues (app freezes, ... ) when searching for files propably caused by fam/gamin... does one know about that problems? workarounds? ..?
09:50.15cpw$fixed = str_replace("bad", "typo", $bad_string);
09:50.42cpwok.. yah, I think I'll stop :/
09:51.06DreggaHey, when I start up KDE all my desktop icons are in the wrong order or shuffled off to the right. How can I stop that?
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09:53.22aseigoDregga: upgrade to 3.5 when it comes out =)
09:54.02cpwOn my ppc box I don't have a desktop at all if that's a consultation
09:54.15cpwthen again, I don't have a working kernel either :P
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09:57.26ChryseusWonder if I should try RC1.. :/
09:58.03SkrottoChryseus: 3.5 will probably be out in the end of the month
09:58.40ChryseusThat's why I was wondering :p
09:58.46Tm_TChryseus: no totta mooses
09:58.52WorfChryseus: rc1 is working very well here
09:58.55DreggaAren't they converting KDE to use Qt4?
09:59.05aseigowell, it's still nice to get people testing it so we can route out any showstoppers
09:59.07aseigoDregga: yes, but that's kde4
09:59.10cpwthat's KDE4 type stuff
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09:59.18DreggaRight, I see, so that's in the works already?
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10:00.41WorfDregga: now we talk about kde 3.5 - for the next 6 months i don't eaven ponder about kde3
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10:01.14Worferr - 4
10:01.31aseigoDregga: yes, we're working on kde4 in tandem to the 3.5 release
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10:01.48aseigoanyone here into graphics?
10:02.22stepzin what way into graphics?
10:02.47stepzI like to look at nice graphics :)
10:02.57Tm_TI like to do nice graphics :p
10:02.58Worfi have gimp installed - does that hel? :)
10:03.27stepzI have photoshop installed
10:03.30fangelyes... that does open the gateway to hell..
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10:10.23Worfi'd like to know details about how kde is using fam/gamin... anybody around i could talk to about that?
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10:17.38aseigoWorf: what sort of details?
10:18.17Worfaseigo: well,... what happens when you search for a file from within konqueror. what fam/gamin stuff is called in that case?
10:19.05Worfaseigo: especially: what is being monitored by who and why
10:19.23aseigoWorf: when you search? nothing. fam and gamin are file modification notifiers.
10:20.11aseigoWorf: when you open a folder or otherwise cause a listing of contents somewhere then a kdirwatch is started, which is an abstraction on top of the various change notification systems out there
10:20.13Worfaseigo: well, but something must go wrong then, because i had serious issues last night when playing music on a party
10:20.24aseigoWorf: kdirlister works with kdirwatch to keep the listing up to date
10:20.43aseigoWorf: what sort of serious issues? and what were you doing exactly?
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10:21.33Worfaseigo: one example ( my problem yesterday ): playing music with amarok. searching for a file in a big local folder.... ( not using collection, but file search )
10:21.48Worfeffect: the whole app got frozen.
10:22.00_yolandahello...ive never used this before im new to linux
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10:22.07aseigo"whole app" == amarok?
10:22.12Worfaseigo: yep
10:22.51aseigoso... you were searching from within amarok, or from within konqueror?
10:22.59Worfaseigo: i'm looking for a backtrace, but can't find it right now. i remember that it had lots of kdelibs and gamin functions
10:23.09_yolandai like that name worf i have data on my desktop wallpaper
10:23.12Worfaseigo: i then did try from within konqueror and could reproduce the same
10:23.58aseigoWorf: sounds like something is broken with fam on your system. which doesn't surprise me. i've heard of lots of people having issues with fam.
10:24.13aseigoWorf: if there's any good news, it's that fam's days are numbered (inotify is the path forward)
10:24.27nazgooli remember when i pressed a key (e.g. shift or ctrl) for a couple secs, a window would pop up and suggest to activate some smart feature that would allow me to better use my keyboard when i keep these keys pressed for a sec or so. what's that called?
10:24.33aseigoWorf: until then, dunno what to suggest. how big was the local folder, and how were you searching (using the find file utility in konq?)
10:24.44aseigonazgool: accessibility =)
10:24.51nazgoolaseigo: ok thx
10:24.55aseigonazgool: dead keys, etc
10:25.11Worfaseigo: that was some "look for something in that folder with 10GB of ogg and mp3"
10:25.34Worfoh - * means bold in irc...
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10:27.06nazgoolaseigo: thx
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10:28.03Worfaseigo: is actually a difference if one uses fam or gamin?
10:29.01aseigogamin is a subset API of fam
10:29.50Worfaseigo: so you get a subset of the problems? :)
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10:29.57aseigolol. sth like that ;)
10:30.31nightswimon konqueror 3.4.3 on ubuntu, can I tell it to open files/folders on double click instead of a single one? :)
10:30.51gravixit's in the Mouse panel of the Control Center
10:31.03gravixkinda confused why it's there and not in desktop settings or something
10:31.07nightswimhmm ok
10:31.18Worfaseigo: ok... i think i try to find out how to disable gamin for now. and if that isn't possible i guess i remove it and rebuild whatever is using it... :-/
10:32.37nightswimgravix: aah indeed, I am using konqueror under gnome, starting kcontrol and changing it worked fine, thanks
10:33.13aseigodoublecick is evil. or d.i.e. ;)
10:33.22gravixyep np :)
10:33.37gravixi couldn't use a gui file manager without double-click. years and years of muscle memory
10:34.40nightswimhmm, I wish I installed it earlier
10:34.48nightswimkonqueror seems to be a lot better than nautilus
10:34.53ChryseusI should be doing documentation but I'm not.. Oh why is this so boring?
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10:40.53Oleg_read a little about structs
10:41.08Oleg_some of it I understood, some didn't
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10:48.37pinotreehello KD-Misafir222
10:49.50gravixwell guys, at least it's friday
10:50.18gravixi will be free from the clutches of the man once again
10:51.09KD-Misafir222good days
10:51.16Oleg_aseigo: u're still awake?
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11:07.41tchinoi cannot do settings with admin-rights
11:10.15doleybtchino: try to rephrase that in the form of a question.
11:15.39qdotok.. my lil question - any timeframe on kde-4 alpha's (CVSs ?)
11:16.38tchinodoleyb: when i go in the control-manager under kde, and want to add more users at login-manager, the system ask my admin-passwort
11:17.05tchinoi type in and get after that the same screen with inactivate options, what is wrong?
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11:20.35doleybtchino: try Alt-F2, "kdesu kcontrol"
11:23.28tchinothank you
11:26.39*** join/#kde agenteo (
11:27.44agenteohi, anybody know a doc that explains how to add system-wide desktop themes? I've used the control center to add new themes but that work just for current user...
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11:38.22mart_kagenteo: I don't know much about themes, but I guess you must copy some files to `kde-config --prefix`/share/apps/kstyle/
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11:39.20Ahrihi, i remember hearing somewhere that there was a virtual disc image mounter for kde (like daemon tools) - but i can't remember what it's called
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11:43.23agenteomart_k, thanks I've found out its usr/kde/3.4/share/apps/kthememanager
11:43.33agenteomart_k, but still kiosk is unable to see the new theme
11:44.14agenteomart_k, the theme is system-wide right now, but mu target was to let kiosk saw the new theme
11:45.13agenteoI must go away
11:46.58mart_kagenteo: Ok, I can't find out which sources kiosk uses now.
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12:02.40gravixis there a kde frontend to SMART tools or anything of that sort? (something that will monitor drive temp is really what i'm looking for)
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12:05.44RichiHis there a kciker applet that will tell me about network and disk i/o, too?
12:06.24pinotreeRichiH, gravix: have you tried ksim?
12:06.39*** part/#kde Tm_K (
12:07.10gravixpinotree: installing now.
12:07.54RichiHpinotree: i _have_ gkrellm ;)
12:08.08RichiHi want it in the kicker to free up screen space
12:08.21pinotreeRichiH: in fact i use it, but you asked for a kicker applet ;)
12:08.35pinotreewell, ksim really is a panel itself...
12:08.43RichiHalso, the cow theme is not on the ksim page
12:08.53RichiHthe cow theme is the best of all ;)
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12:09.10berkesmorning all
12:09.17RichiHpinotree: the format does not look as if it would fit into a kicker, though
12:09.27berkesIm haing serious trouble with my spellchecking,
12:09.38pinotreeRichiH: ksim ca use gkrellm themes
12:09.56RichiHpinotree: yes, i know. that's why i said the cow theme was missing :)
12:10.00berkesfor one, i have only english (uk) and Dutch (standard) installed, yet my dropdown lists like 100 entries
12:10.37berkesmost of the entries are double, or say "unknown"
12:10.58berkesany hints what files I should remove and or re-install?
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12:12.56gravixman, the Ksim site is having major php problems
12:13.36berkesI am using aspell, btw
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12:17.00Ahrihi, i remember hearing somewhere that there was a virtual disc image mounter for kde (like daemon tools) - but i can't remember what it's called
12:17.48gravixAhri: why not use mount?
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12:18.22Ahriwhy not use vim instead of kwrite? because i want a gui
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12:19.17pinotreeAhri: maybe kdiskfree (kdf)
12:19.26hydrogenkate :)
12:19.54pajarosi there any way to make new desktop icons appear in a certain region of the desktop?
12:20.08Ahripinotree: hmm does that mount images too?
12:20.23pajarocause it is annoying that new stuff that i download from the internet mixes with the i cons i already have
12:20.28Ahriit looks like it just shows disk space free
12:20.55pinotreeAhri: no, images no
12:21.08pajaroi have my static icons on left side, and  i would new icons to appear on the right side
12:22.46KatagiaHi. I have windows program I want to run with wine. This program requires a variable parameter to run. Is there an small kde programm I can start which reads the parameter from user input and starts the program?
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12:24.44PhasipHow do i rezise the window where i browse for files? I think this is kde stuff, like the open in k3b
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12:34.16GuerillaTactiksHello, I have a problem with KDE and X ... My monitor has problems displaying 1024*768 @ 87Hz, but its fine at 85Hz. The problem is in the display panel there is an option for 87Hz.. and I want to remove it, the reason is that a game I'm playing, in which I wan to set my res. to 1024*768 but what it does is it automatically makes the refresh to 87Hz as that is the max in the panel in KDE... which makes my scree
12:34.27GuerillaTactiksn flicker. If that 87Hz was removed my game would change to 1024*768 but at 85Hz instead
12:35.06Theory_do you have your refresh frequencies set correctly?
12:35.17Faiziyou have to edit your X configuration for the correct horizontal and vertical refresh frequencies
12:35.19GuerillaTactiksI think so
12:35.39GuerillaTactiksI have read the monitor manual and set them from that
12:36.22GuerillaTactikswell the first one is 30-96
12:36.29GuerillaTactiksThat was typo
12:37.46GuerillaTactiksThis means in my game (NWN) I cannot go past 800*600
12:37.58Faizithen just set the resolution by editing the X config file
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12:38.15GuerillaTactiksWhat resolution?
12:38.42GuerillaTactiksI mean't actually I can go past to 1024*768 but it flickers so its unusable
12:38.48Faizi1024*768 ?
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12:39.49GuerillaTactiksThat is in the config, but It automatically gets those frequencies, 87Hz does not even work with my monitor but its still in the panel combobox
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12:41.38anabainkbabel question: <p> tags in .po files are the text tags used to display info through the "What is this?" feature?
12:41.41GuerillaTactiksAny other ideas?
12:42.06pinotreeanabain: not only that
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12:42.30anabainwhat else, then, pinotree?
12:42.40pinotreefor example, rich texts in gui
12:43.15GuerillaTactiksI even tried setting the horizontal freq in the X config to 30-85 (real is 30-96) so that it might not go past 85Hz then in the combobox, but it still did
12:43.43Theory_do you have an nvidia card?
12:43.55Theory_are you using their drivers?
12:44.08pinotreeanabain: kcontrol->system administration->login manager->convenience tab
12:44.13Theory_you might want to tell it to ignore the freq information from the monitor then
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12:44.17pinotreeanabain: there you shuld see a red text
12:44.28pinotreeno, bad example
12:44.31GuerillaTactiksHow do I do that?
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12:44.45Theory_GuerillaTactiks: it's in the readme that comes with the nvidia drivers
12:45.20GuerillaTactiksI installed them through synaptic
12:45.21pinotreeanabain: kcontrol->regional&accessibility->input actions
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12:45.33pinotreein the info tab, you can see the bold "NOTE:"
12:46.28anabainpinotree, the point is that in catalan phrases like "You can see here" "With this option" are superfluous and a bit annoying when answering the "What's this?" question, and I was wondering if they were used somewhere else
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12:47.10Theory_try /usr/share/doc/ then
12:47.11pinotreeanabain: well, you should really talk with the i18n-ca translators
12:47.25GuerillaTactiksOkay found the readme on their website
12:47.38pinotreenot all the options have those starting forms
12:47.48pinotreeanabain: are you a catalan translator?
12:47.59anabaina new one, but yes
12:48.36pinotreenothing so important...
12:48.49anabainexcuse my english... :)
12:49.01pinotreenp :)
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12:53.53munzirhi gurus! what's the standard way of translating man pages?
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12:55.24nikohow can i hide joins and parts in KSirc (1.3.12)
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12:56.35randomblastAnyone know anything about the message on I get no reply in #kdevelop
12:59.11GuerillaTactiksTheory_ : Did you mean the "noEDID" option?
12:59.33GuerillaTactiksOkay I've put it in, just doing to restart X
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13:01.24GuerillaTactiksTheory_ : Hmm, no luck. Still the same.. displays option for 87Hz
13:02.57nikowhat is the best kde irc-client? Kopete, KSirc, Others?
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13:05.00mart_kniko: I would suggest to try some of them to see which one you like most. The best irc-client is a personal choise.
13:06.01nikomart_k: kopete i didn't like. now i'm on ksirc which is better - and now i wanted to ask which one others use...
13:06.55mart_kniko: I use kvirc.
13:07.30nikomart_k: thanks, i will try that...
13:07.51mart_kniko: Another one that you can try is konversation.
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13:08.49nikomart_k: ok i will try these two, much thanks
13:09.01mart_kniko: np
13:09.56Aji-Dahakais there an easy/reliable way to get a window to get focus when it unhides?
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13:25.51phenexhow can i make the desktop preview and pager on the kde panel show a preview of the desktop?
13:27.53Roeydoes anyone have problems running goole maps in konqueror
13:28.01Roeyit refuses to display directions for me
13:28.09Roeyit says "you must have java enabled, then click here"
13:28.15Roeybut I *do* have java enabled.
13:28.23doleybRoey: yes, that problem is old, you might be able to change the ident string
13:28.28Roeyand I also put the browser ident to explorer 6 on xp
13:28.30doleybbut konq is not on google's supported list, for a reason
13:28.42Roeywhat reason?
13:28.42doleybtry some Mac idents?  maybe, people have had luck with those.
13:28.48RoeyI think Opera would work
13:29.26Roeywhat the heck is the difference between browsers that they can't display a page int he same way?? I mean, I thought HTML and CSS and all that other junk was considered "standard"
13:30.12doleybfile a bug
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13:31.50Aji-Dahakais anyone here experiencing troubles with shaded windows ?
13:32.19NanobotRoey: It's probably due to the fact that Google Maps uses some nonstandard methods
13:32.22Aji-Dahakawhen I hover over the window, it's set to display ... sometimes it does, sometimes not ...
13:32.36Aji-Dahakathe shadow (when enabled) always grows appropriately
13:32.38Nanobot <- web browser standards support
13:33.27NanobotNo browser supports all of the standards (because the specifications are so huge and complex), and most support some stuff that isn't standard that some websites use. That's why you get incompatibility
13:33.50NanobotInternet Explorer probably supports more nonstandard stuff than standard stuff
13:34.39Nanobot(Konqueror isn't yet listed on that site, BTW, but it will be coming in the nearish future
13:35.15Aji-Dahakagood, good
13:35.23Aji-Dahakaw3c has really taken a shining to khtml
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13:40.28RoeyNanobot:  the "most support some stuff that isn't standard" is mostly MS and FrontPage, yes?
13:41.22NanobotLike I said, Internet Explorer probably supports more nonstandard stuff than standard stuff.
13:41.36NanobotThey thought it would be great to just support random unnecessary stuff
13:42.06NanobotThat mentality has changed now, and the IE development team is focusing more on standards (as far as Microsoft will allow them)
13:42.30RoeyNanobot:  heh
13:43.48RoeyNanobot:  I'll be clear in stating that I believe that MS will use whatever means it can to either extend existing standards or push their own standards in an effort to lock users and developers to their platform.
13:44.30NanobotI think Microsoft has finally realized that it's web developers who are mainly driving the migration from Internet Explorer, and so right now they want to appeal to them
13:44.39NanobotIn particular, the standards advocates
13:44.43Roeylegal means (massachusetes) aside
13:45.08RoeyNanobot:  but see,
13:45.21RoeyNanobot:  MS tried to control developers by controlling their tool:  FrontPage.
13:45.53Roeyif FrontPage makes incompatible code, then developers by default crank out web pages that only IE can properly render.
13:45.59NanobotI've talked with Chris Wilson, the head of the IE development team, and a couple other IE developers. They *really* want to make their browser standards compliant. It's just an issue of whether or not Microsoft will give them the resources necessary to do that.
13:46.00Roeyso has MS made changes to frontpage at all?
13:46.18Roeyresources in terms of what, money?
13:46.26NanobotI'm not sure, but I heard rumors that they're abandoning frontpage for a new system they're making
13:46.47NanobotFrontPage was bought from another company anyway. It wasn't originally developed by Microsoft.
13:47.00NanobotResources largely in terms of time
13:47.00Roeyin my mind there's a suit thinking to him or herself that they can't let existing standards erode marketshare
13:47.12RoeyNanobot:  I know that FrontPage was.
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13:49.12Roeyevery time I go to a site like (which actually has tools to show you what's going on under the hood of W2k-based systems)
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13:49.57RoeyI get this nagging feeling that MS gives you just enough to get comfortable, but keep you locked in
13:50.03Roeyand this is me as an administrator.
13:50.53NanobotOh, no matter what they do with future IE versions, I'll still be trying to get people to switch away
13:51.06The_BallRoey, it's not that M$ doesn't want you to be comfortable they just don't want to spend money making you confortable
13:51.21The_Ballrather that you spend money to be confertable
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13:52.10Roeyso that's why they sell their sdk.
13:52.42NanobotThey depend on developers to develop stuff for their products so that they can secure their large market shares
13:52.54NanobotSo they have to appeal to developers somewhat
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13:53.01AlcapondHi . how do I change the color of the desktop icon-fonts (kubuntu / kde 3.4.3)? Thx
13:53.05Murrlingood morning
13:53.10NanobotApparently, they were shocked when they learned that web developers hated IE
13:55.14NanobotThat's how they acted anyway. If they'd been reading any kind of web browser discussion on the Web, they should have known that for a long time
13:55.38NanobotI like to refer to this article, from 2003:
13:55.51NanobotSince then, they've still done absolutely nothing to improve standards support
13:55.54RoeyNanobot:  ah, I found words to describe my feelings towards Microsoft's software:  I feel like a fish chasing some bait, where the bait is constantly being moved ahead, just out of reach.
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13:57.06NanobotAnd the bait is leading toward polluted waters
13:58.05Murrlinwhat would be the file that holds the list of windowmanagers, shown in the Session menu of the graphical login?
13:58.12Roey(that, or the bait has a nice shiny hook in it, or that I must expend more and more resources (energy, or money, etc.) to keep chasing the bait.
13:59.55phenexhow can i make the desktop preview and pager on the kde panel show a preview of the desktop?
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14:01.05pinotreephenex: set it to show window thumbnails  and icons
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14:05.53pinotreephenex: right click on the pager applet to configure it, if you don't find how to configure
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14:14.05phenexpinotree: i have no such configurations there...
14:14.30pinotreephenex: don't you have a popup menu if you right-click on the pager applet?
14:15.37phenexpinotree:  i do, but have nothing about tumbntails and icons...
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14:21.45phenexpinotree: oh... there is the problem... it shows a kind of panel applet, not the pager itself...
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14:22.06pinotreestart the pager and configure it, then
14:22.20pinotreethat's quite easy :)
14:22.27phenexit is configured... the applet still shows no tumbntails...
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14:37.38GuerillaTactiksHello, My monitor flickers at 1024*768 @ 87Hz, but not at 85Hz, anyone know how I can remove the 87Hz from the list?
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14:39.23GuerillaTactiksIve tried many things but nothing seems to work
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14:54.23darkstegohow do I change the HDD labels that appear in KDE 3.4 devices
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15:35.05pinotreehello =)
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15:54.44DeadS0ul`who ktorrent is awesome
15:54.59frbyep. simple, to the point
15:55.26frbunlike those other p2p clients that think they are web browsers, media player, and download managers all in one, with a side order of instant messenger and email client
15:56.11DeadS0ul`yeah those are annoying
15:56.16DeadS0ul`wait..e-mail client
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15:58.17Chryseusemerge: (17 of 17) kde-base/kde-base-3.5.0_rc1 Compile... *yawn
15:58.25Chryseusfinish already :(
15:58.38GraveDiggerthats why i left gentoo
15:58.52GraveDiggeri like stuff like this a bit ... faster ... to be done
15:58.56ChryseusI'm on suse :P
15:59.07GraveDiggeremerge on suse?
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15:59.42darth_cbi am running slackware 10.2 and kde 3.4.2. i am using the Add Printer Wizard to configure a samba shared Brother HL1440 printer, how do i install the driver for it?
15:59.48strawhello annma
16:00.10pinotreehiha annma :-)
16:00.18annmahi straw :)
16:00.22ChryseusGraveDigger: just chrooted to gentoo so I can compile things and have working desktop at the same time :)
16:00.27annmadarth_cb: what doe sthe printer wizard say?
16:00.28GraveDiggerdarth_cb: afaik the hl1440 uses the 1250' ppds, so what you need is already included into cups
16:00.32GraveDiggerat least is should
16:00.32annmahi pinotree
16:00.37Vincent_kis there a way to get rid of the grey background on gaim/xchat systrayicons in kde
16:01.03Vincent_ki'm using transparent kicker and it look's awful
16:01.11GraveDiggerdarth_cb: make sure you have those pps already installed, otherwise consult your package manager's documentation about how to get them installed
16:01.30darth_cbGraveDigger, it isnt though, i have a choice of six brands and brother isnt one
16:02.04GraveDiggerthe default set of pps with cups are far away from what cups really have
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16:02.19GraveDiggerthey are seperated in many packages on the most distribution
16:02.33strawVincent_k: i really doubt it. complain to to the gaim/xchat authors :/
16:02.55Vincent_kwell it is gtk apps :)
16:03.19strawVincent_k: or better, switch to kopete/konversation ;)
16:03.35Vincent_kkonv well but kopete no
16:03.44GraveDiggerwhat is that wrong about kopete?
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16:03.50annmaVincent_k: you are in #kde here,not #gtk
16:03.50Vincent_ki have to live with it then :D
16:03.52Gentlekonversation wasn't entirely beautiful at all :/
16:03.56pinotreekopete is still not good for irc
16:04.09annmakopete is not meant for irc at all
16:04.13GraveDiggertrue, but konversation is
16:04.25Vincent_kannma yes im aware of that
16:04.30strawusing an im client for irc is just weird...
16:04.44GraveDiggerlike using irc clients for icq or whatnot
16:04.49Vincent_kbut I thought maybe someone else, besides me runs gaim and or xchat in kde
16:05.07Chryseusirssi <3
16:05.14GentleVincent_k, personally I disabled XChat's tray icon completely
16:05.20GraveDiggerthat's no trouble with window managers at all!!
16:05.24DeadS0ul`I like conversation and kopete =D
16:05.26Vincent_kI'll do that
16:05.46Chryseusirssi + bitlbee = all you need
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16:06.10frbkonversation looks like a kde xchat
16:06.20Gentlefrb, not at all
16:06.23GraveDiggerfrb: guess what its meant to be
16:06.37GraveDigger(partitally at least)
16:06.37strawfrb: i believe that's the plan
16:06.56Vincent_kit's kinda wierd thoug... gaim uses the same icon for systray as in kmenu
16:07.05Vincent_kand there it's transparent
16:07.07frbI wish I could disable separate server tabs in konv, but hey, I'm happy to have a kde irc client that works
16:07.20GentleKonversation neither has as much builtin features as XChat, nor does it allow proper scripting
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16:07.38Vincent_keven my shortcut in kicker are good
16:07.40GraveDiggerGentle: and konv is far younger and less developed than xchat
16:07.43Vincent_ksame icon
16:07.44GraveDiggerjust give it more time
16:07.53frbI never used scripts in xchat either
16:08.10GentleGraveDigger, I don't say it's generally bad, it's just currently at a non-usable state
16:08.11frbbut the ugliness of gtk on a kde desktop is enough for me to not use it
16:08.17Vincent_kreason for me to use xchat is that i used it in win for a long time
16:08.26frbnon-usable state?
16:08.39Vincent_ksame with gaim
16:08.55Gentlefrb, try scripting event-based with it
16:08.59GraveDiggerGentle: errm... it IS usable ... it just depends on WHAT you want to "use" with it
16:09.02annmatry something new! be innovative!
16:09.24frbGentle: I have no reason to have an event based script
16:09.38frbthis is irc, not a application framework
16:09.52Gentleheh, "I don't need what I don't have" is such a general opinion
16:09.53ChryseusAnyone know if it's possible to get your computer go into locked state when your cellphone gets out of bluetooth range?
16:10.11frbChryseus: I would say yes
16:10.22ChryseusThat would be so handy
16:10.36GraveDiggerif one thinks about irc as "internet relay >> CHAT <<", then konversation is all one needs - cauz one may CHAT with it...
16:10.42frbChryseus: although I've no clue about it, I'm guessing that the bluetooth framework has trigger events for load and unload like other removable devices
16:10.49GraveDiggerscripting and shit goes far beyond this
16:11.02GentleGraveDigger, if you want to see it like that, Telnet will suffice, you can chat with it
16:11.20frbI can't chat with telnet
16:11.29GraveDiggeroh, you CAN
16:11.31Gentlefrb, it's your inability, not telnet's
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16:11.40frbno no, if I leave the keyboard it died
16:11.43GraveDiggerall you need is telnet and a proper knowledge of the IRC protocoll
16:11.45frbserver pings suck
16:11.54strawjeez... i didn't mean to cause a commotion ;)
16:11.56Gentlefrb, you can chat, who told you you can leave your keyboard?
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16:12.44GraveDiggerc ya
16:13.42Chryseusit's ready! yay!
16:13.49Gentle_poison, it was you guys telling me "I don't need scripting as long as I don't have it" >.<
16:14.31Gentlestill, xchat looks just as ugly *compiles konversation now* ;)
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16:15.29Sho_And no, Konversation is not meant to be an XChat clone (XChat itself is an Amirc clone)
16:15.42Gentlestill, does Konversation handle Nickserv authentication by itself?
16:15.44frbI'm telling you I never used scripting even in xchat when I was a gnome hacker
16:15.47frbGentle: yes
16:15.56Sho_Gentle: yes
16:16.42Gentleok then, that would be the most basic feature I think of as vital, then I could maybe get used to it ;)
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16:21.00Sho_As for scripting, it's a long-term goal
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16:22.15_poisonhey ... are there any plans for inotify support in KDE ?
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16:23.20annmakde4 is for more than 1 year, _poison
16:23.20dBerainotify is a kernel behaviour, kde is a desktop environment - its not good to make the latter dependent totally on the former
16:26.32_poisondBera: dBera it can be determibned at runtime if the kernel has inotify support ... and there are #ifdefs ... so it would not be totally dependant ...
16:26.59Chryseushmm.. anyone having speed problems with rc1?
16:27.23dBeranow its my turn to ask a question :)
16:28.14dBeraamarok is starting *another* artsd instance ... ! is this normal (so i have 2 artsd instances running) / i should ask this question in another channel ?
16:28.21_poisonhmmm ... is there any sane reason why ark copys the file to be extracted to /tmp before unpacking ?
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16:28.38_poisondBera: #amarok
16:28.41dBeraamarok-1.3.6 (kde 3.4.2)
16:28.49dBerain freenode ?
16:29.04_poisondBera: but if you'd ask me, I'd say drop arts, use xine ...
16:29.13_poisondBera: yes, freenode
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16:30.07dBera_poison: i am looking forward to dropping arts since ages ... i'd switch to gstreamer - but how can i ask gstreamer to use alsa:dmix
16:30.37dBera_poison: kde will definitely use arts for notification ... that will block the device - so i think i need to somehow use dmix
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16:32.17_poisondBera: I know how to configure dmix for the xine engine .... set engine to xine, use output plugin alsa, set stereo/mono device to plug:dmix ...
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16:32.31_poisonthat should work ...
16:32.34annmadBera: I use arts for notifications and for amarok
16:33.00_poisonI can't remember if arts hogging dmix prevents that from working ...
16:35.34_poisonarts sounds a bit better than xine ... at least I think so ... too bad it likes crashing so much
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16:36.09bubshaithey all
16:36.15dBerafor me arts crashes if i leave it idle for 7-8 hours :) so funny
16:37.08_poisondBera: ^^ then it got better ...
16:37.35annmathat's trendy to smash arts
16:37.40dBerawish me luck .. installing gstreamer
16:37.44annmabut so far nobody came with better
16:37.48_poisonannma: yepp
16:37.50bubshaitgstreamer is fine
16:38.01annmagstreamer is a monster
16:38.15_poisonhmmm .... gstreamer crashed even more often than arts for me =/
16:38.15annmait's not what we need for the whole kde to depend on
16:38.45annmabubshait: we need a smaller sound engine than gstreamer with less dependencies
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16:38.58annmaso far, nobody did better than arts
16:39.06bubshaitarts is a mess
16:39.17annmawhat is best then?
16:39.33annmadid you try doing something?
16:39.36bubshaitarts development is in a stand still
16:39.47annmayou just repeat what you say
16:39.50bubshaitwhich means kde will be moving to something else
16:39.51annmawhat you read
16:40.07annmabubshait: obviously you're not in kde core
16:40.08dBerakde *is* dropping arts in 4 (thats what i read)
16:40.08strawimplementing a reliable, high quality sound server seems to be a difficult task
16:40.21annmadBera: wrong at the moment, arts is in kde4
16:40.32strawarts was updated a couple of days ago...
16:40.49annmadon't repeat every stupidity you read like parrots
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16:41.05annmabesides LOTS of kde is not more maintained than arts
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16:41.25_poisonstraw: a sound server is not the problem I guess .... there is jack ... which would be perfect ... arts also is a multimedia engine ... that does the dirty work decoding you audio+ (video ?)
16:41.26dBerasucks... annma: installing xine backend
16:41.28annmastraw: yes, and was fixed regularly
16:41.50annmaarts is better maintained than some other stuff in fact
16:41.53_poisonbut  agani jack is linux only ...
16:42.17annmaproblem is that distros still do a very poor jib with sound
16:42.31strawjack isn't really a desktop sound server, is it?
16:43.11_poisonstraw: jack is a sound deamon, if you use it on the desktoop is up to you, but it's no multimedia engine ...
16:43.15Chryseushmm.. where's the adblock in konqueror?
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16:43.47strawyeah, fc doesn't ship jack so i have no experience with it
16:44.36ChryseusBut.. wasn't there supposed to be adblocking in 3.5? :(
16:44.47strawthere is
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16:46.03strawAdblock Filters in Settings -> Configure Konqueror...
16:46.10ChryseusYeah.. just found it .)
16:46.53DeadS0ul`that's better than the javascript settings I had to do in 3.4 =(
16:47.29ChryseusAll I need now is rocker gestures and I'll be using only konqueror ^_^
16:47.45strawrocker gestures?
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16:48.06frbair guitar for web navigation
16:48.25Chryseusstraw: for back you press right mouse button and then left
16:48.32Chryseusand for forward you press left and then right
16:49.02strawChryseus: you can do that in Control Center i expect
16:49.13_poisonChryseus: KHotkeys
16:51.13frbif you play highway to heaven flawlessly, you get into all music sites for free
16:51.31strawactually... i'm not sure khotkeys can capture mouse button presses
16:52.39Jhihn1is highway to heaven a combination is "highway to hell" and "stairway to heaven"?
16:52.54SkrottoI was just thinking about that, Jhihn1 :)
16:54.09annmajhihn: lol, yes however the styles get mixed a bit
16:54.57jhihnit could work
16:55.36jhihnthat was a whole fad for a while. STRONG starts then quiet sections
16:55.37annmaand she's buying a ... highway to hell!
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16:55.58strawhello oleg
16:56.29olegwhere does kde stores the autostr list?
16:57.04annmaDesktop/Autostart I think
16:57.12olegi mean that i've set the Korganizer not to start at boot, but it starts
16:57.20olegnup, it is not there
16:57.35strawoh, that's the session management
16:57.45annmayes, not the Autostart
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16:57.54olegand where is it? :)
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16:58.42strawoleg: you should just need to make sure it's not running when you log out next
16:59.07annmais AUtostart
16:59.10olegstraw: hmm... it doesnt seem to be there when i logout
16:59.22annmaand tehre's a setting in KOrganizer as well I think
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16:59.43olegannma: there is but even if i disable it, it still starts
16:59.52strawoleg: ~/.kde/share/config/session is where the session is stored
16:59.56annmawhat exactly starts oleg ?
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17:00.05annmakorganizer or the doaemon?
17:00.12olegkorganizer =)
17:01.03strawnot just the systray app, but a korganizer window opens?
17:01.31olegnot the main window
17:01.36olegin the systray
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17:02.07strawright click and quit. it should ask about starting on log in
17:02.22olegit does, i select that NO, and it still starts
17:02.45strawBAD korganizer
17:04.10strawactually, i'm wrong about ~/.kde/share/config/session is where the session is stored :-/
17:04.29strawit's ~/.kde/share/config/ksmserverrc
17:04.34olegsec =)
17:05.33olegk, gonna reboot and check out the options again
17:05.35olegcya all
17:06.18annmareboot? does he think he is in windows?
17:06.22strawreboot? doh
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17:07.51aikiecan anyone help me with some kde programming?
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17:09.28Old--manAnyone know how to change the default profile when you open konquerer to a custom profile?  (and is willing to tell me how to do it)
17:09.30PhilRodaikie: just ask
17:09.30annmaaikie: yes but ask a precise question
17:09.43annmadon't expect us to try your prog
17:09.44PhilRodalthough #kde-devel has more developers
17:10.03PhilRodOld--man: konqueror --profile filemanagement
17:10.06PhilRodfor example
17:10.23Oleg_time to drink coffee
17:10.42strawyes Oleg_ , it is
17:11.08Oleg_we have another Oleg here
17:11.12Old--manPhilRod, What I want to do is change the home icon on the toolbar so it opens with my profile instead of the default file management one.  When I change it it says "profile not found", so I think I have the wrong name or some similar problem.
17:11.27aikieI have now a working program but isn't working as it should
17:11.34Old--manOnce it's open i can change it, but I want it to open with my profile.
17:12.20aikiewhen the program starts it should show a QWidget, but it only shows it when the main exits so I can only see a blimp of it
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17:12.46strawOld--man: were there spaces in the name you chose for the profile?
17:13.11Old--manstraw, There were initially, but I renamed it without.
17:13.24annmaaikie: post the main.cpp and the qwidget class code in paste bin
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17:13.28aikieit shows and instantly disappears
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17:15.32strawOld--man: looking in ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/profiles might give a clue
17:16.00Old--manstraw, Ok, thanks for the tip  <looking>
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17:17.04aikiewhen I call the function to show the widget it looks like it is hiding untill main has ended
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17:18.13Old--manstraw, Found it and I'm making progress.  Thank you
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17:19.08_poisonaikie: s/setTopWidget/setMainWidget/ ?
17:19.13cb400fI've messed something up in my SuSE10/kde 3.4.3>3.5rc1.. when I use the Mycomputer-icon or the network folder-panel applet konqueror says media:/, smb:/, zeroconf:/ etc. are malformed urls - anybody know how to fix this?
17:19.15_poisonlucky guess
17:20.15aikiedoesn't make any difference
17:20.29dBera_poison: installed xine-engine, now where do i set output plugin of xine to alsa and device to dmix ?
17:20.52frbdBera: in the amarok prefs, there is an Engine "tab"
17:21.48dBerathere is only a drop down menu and an about. i choose xine there. no option to choose output plugin of xine. shouldnt that be in some conf file ?
17:22.33frbdBera: if you go to the Settings menu, it should have Configure Amarok...
17:22.46*** join/#kde illissius` (
17:22.52frbdBera: then in the navigation bar on the left, scroll down until you see Xine or Engine or something
17:22.54dBeraahh... trick is "click apply" it shows up :)
17:22.58frbiirc, it's the last one
17:25.53PhilRodcould someone using linux tell me the output of "grep memmem /usr/include/string.h" please? I get a build error related to it on freebsd
17:26.48bsstephPhilRod: nothing
17:27.11_poisonextern void *memmem (__const void *__haystack, size_t __haystacklen,
17:27.56*** part/#kde dBera_afk (
17:28.06bsstephmy results were obsfucated by gentoo's multilib
17:29.17PhilRodhrm, ok, so you have practically the same as me
17:29.23PhilRodnow I'm out of my depth :-)
17:29.35PhilRodI'll wait for one of the KDE freebsd guys to take a look
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17:43.04SkrottoHi, is there a way to copy text from kwrite to kword and keep the syntax-highliting kwrite made?
17:43.51pinotreeSkrotto: export to html and import it in kword?
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17:46.13annmaSkrotto: what syntax highlighting?
17:47.30wigwhere do I put color schemes in kde 3.3?
17:47.48apokryphoswig: kcontrol
17:48.08wigi mean
17:48.38annmaSkrotto: I am not aware of syntax highlithing in KWprd
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17:50.03SkrottoI seem to remember I was able to copy text with syntax highliting from kwrite to OOo
17:50.23annmaOOo does highlighting?
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17:50.33Skrottono, but it kept the colors from kwrite
17:50.48SkrottoIf I wrote more to the code it wasnt hightlighted
17:51.12*** join/#kde stjepan (
17:51.24stjepanwhere can I find some good backgrounds for kicker?
17:52.20wigwhere do i put this damn scheme? :-P
17:52.22PhilRodwig: good question. Let me have a look
17:52.25*** join/#kde Tm_T (
17:52.55annmastjepan: kicker backgrounds are just normal backgrounds
17:53.06Tm_TChryseus: diu
17:53.06annmathere are none 'speacial'
17:53.30wigPhilRod, all right
17:53.39Chryseusnyt on amarok vauhdikas ^_^
17:53.52PhilRodwig: ~/.kde/share/apps/kdisplay/color-schemes
17:53.56Tm_TChryseus: hjuva
17:54.07wigPhilRod, thanks man
17:55.46wigit says kdisplay isn't a dir o_O
17:56.22wigshould i make it?
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17:56.33stjepanannma: have you any good backgrounds?
17:57.31PhilRodwig: yup, create it
17:57.41*** join/#kde metalhedd (
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17:58.19annmastjepan: I set my kicker transparent
17:58.42stjepanannma: what desktop background are you using?
17:58.53annmastandard 3.5 one
17:59.06annmaI am not a komplicated person
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18:00.03wigi must have did something wrong
18:00.06wigdamn thing isn't showing up
18:00.20annmagrepper: lol, thnaks
18:00.25PhilRodwig: try putting it in $KDEDIR/share/apps/kdisplay/color-schemes
18:00.44PhilRodwhere you can find KDEDIR with the command "kde-config --prefix"
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18:01.29PhilRodapt: kdedir is <reply>$KDEDIR is the directory your KDE is installed into. You can find out what directory this is with the command "kde-config --prefix"
18:01.30aptPhilRod: okay
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18:05.27rellishi guys
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18:07.19apt*Don't* remove ~/.kde: as well as your personal settings, it contains your address book and may contain your email. Rename the directory and restart KDE instead
18:07.54PhilRodhi rellis
18:08.02rellishey philrod
18:08.42rellisi have a question.. has anyone an idea as to why KDE control center would lock up on attempting to edit setting for sound?
18:09.07*** part/#kde stjepan (
18:09.09relliseverytime without fail :)
18:09.14rellisi'm on slackware 10.2
18:09.16relliskde 3.4
18:10.06*** join/#kde N9NU (
18:10.28N9NUcan anyone tell me where to manually put the files for a cursor/X11 mouse theme??
18:10.39N9NUas far as directoty structure
18:11.03N9NUah ok
18:11.06*** join/#kde Faizi (n=faizi@
18:11.19N9NUthnks so much
18:11.26eisregenN9NU: /usr/X11/lib/X11/icons/ <- there if you want them globally ...
18:11.52N9NUby global, you mean for all users and all sessions?
18:11.58eisregenN9NU: yes
18:12.13Aji-Dahakaare there any good graphical svn clients for kde?
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18:12.23eisregenAji-Dahaka: kdesvn
18:12.30eisregenAji-Dahaka: apps:kdesvn
18:13.27PhilRodrellis: at what point does it lock up? clicking on 'apply'?
18:13.58Aji-Dahakaeisregen: where?  I don't see it in my installation or in ports
18:14.21eisregenAji-Dahaka: just type 'apps:kedsvn' in konqi
18:14.32eisregensorry ... apps:kdesvn
18:14.52eisregenAji-Dahaka: np ^^
18:15.25*** join/#kde rabauke (n=rabauke@u-1-060.vpn.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
18:16.24rellisphilrod: I open the KDE control center... go to the sound system.. then as soon as i do anything.. like disable the sound system.. KDE control center freezes entirely and has to be kileld
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18:18.15PhilRodrellis: does the freeze happen when you click on the checkbox or when you click on apply? (or some other time?)
18:18.44rellisone sec
18:19.06strawrellis: did you compile arts, or ist it a slackware package?
18:19.45rellisstraw: the freeze happens when i click "test sound" or "apply setting"... checking and/or uncheking checkboxes does nto cause it to freeze
18:20.03PhilRodok, then the problem is with arts
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18:20.30strawthat's not what i was asking though, rellis
18:20.33rabaukeI had a similar problem, tha changes are saved though, so I did not bother anymore.
18:20.53rellisstraw: hehe... so it's nto.. slackware package
18:20.58rabaukealso, sometimes the progress bar, which is a fake anyway, runs endlessly
18:21.00PhilRodrellis: try the following command: artsplay /path/to/some/sound/file
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18:21.19rellisphilrod.. cna it be an mp3.. or doesi t need ot be uncompressed?
18:21.28PhilRodrellis: anything you like
18:21.48PhilRodoh, and take a look on this page, just in case it helps:
18:21.51aptsomebody said artstr was
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18:23.05rellisphilrod: i'll go read that now.. it reported it can't connect to the sound server.. which is sort of assumed arts daaemon was broken or not working correctly i should say
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18:25.01PhilRodrellis: ps aux | grep artsd
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18:26.18rellisphilrod: I think I have ab etter idea on how to diagnose the problem. I don't want to waste your guys time when not needed. I'll come back when I have mroe specific information. I'm goign to tst some things.
18:26.26rellisphilrod: Than you for the help.
18:26.32rellisThank* even
18:27.36PhilRodok, yw
18:31.12*** join/#kde N9NU (
18:31.30N9NUtnx for the help with the X11 cursor theme
18:31.34N9NUworks ok now
18:33.00*** part/#kde rabauke (n=rabauke@u-1-060.vpn.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
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18:33.39marcinwer sprecht deutsch???????/
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18:33.55pinotreemarcin: english or
18:33.59marcinich suche weib??????????/
18:34.18pinotreeoGALAXYo? ^^^^
18:34.44frbmarcin: gehen sie auf
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18:35.04frbmarcin: wir sprechen heir nur Englisch
18:35.29frbI hope that made sense, I haven't used german in about 7 year
18:35.32*** join/#kde Frost^ (
18:35.33oGALAXYofrb: so why do you speak german then ? :)
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18:35.57stjepanis there any advanced configuring scrollbar?
18:36.00PhilRodevening stjepan
18:36.02stjepanI do not want arrows on scrollbar
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18:37.18PhilRodyou'd have to find a theme that allows that config. I don't know of one, but there might be one on
18:37.30marcinaber ich suche wieb,keina gay
18:38.43Oleg_what does the German word gay stand for? :)
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18:39.10pinotreeoGALAXYo: what did marcin say?
18:39.27pinotreearen't you german?
18:39.30pontoOleg_: this ist not a german word
18:39.45Oleg_ponto: was it the English word?
18:39.52pontoOleg_: i guess
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18:41.09pontoOleg_:  Loosely translated:  I search a woman,  not gay
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18:41.52bubshaithow do I change the disk labels shown by media:/ in KDE?
18:42.27oGALAXYopinotree: well i am but i didnt follow what he said and cleared all my buffers and windows of konvi when i renamed my nick... just worke up by the way and preparing dinner :)
18:44.05pontoIs KDE 3.5 beta as distributed in the suse kde apt sources stable enough to be used instead of 3.4.3
18:44.31bram85PhilRod: ping
18:44.35Oleg_ponto: and why would the subject of women come up all of a sudden very soon after he appeared here?
18:44.35*** part/#kde stjepan (
18:44.56Oleg_ponto: I thought he was looking for the proper kde channel
18:45.19PhilRodhi bram85
18:45.38bram85PhilRod: hi.. someone on #kde-devel pointed to you regarding ccache + KDE SVN
18:45.50bram85and guess what, it doesn't work here :)
18:45.57annmaponto: you should ask in #suse to get the chance to find someone who has them
18:46.13PhilRodbram85: yeah, I'm using it here. I'm using a bunch of symlinks that point to it
18:46.13*** join/#kde jecco (
18:46.21pinotreebram85: "someone"...
18:46.43bram85ok, credits to pinotree :)
18:46.52jeccoHi people
18:46.57bram85PhilRod: I'm using Gentoo, and portage is using ccache fine
18:47.14PhilRodbram85: are you trying that method, or changing $CC?
18:47.38jeccohey am I on line?
18:47.43pinotreejecco: sure
18:47.44PhilRodjecco: no
18:47.49pinotreePhilRod: :-D
18:48.06bram85PhilRod: i have a /usr/lib/ccache/bin/ with a bunch of symlinks. that path is mentioned first in my $PATH
18:48.09jeccook I go, I am doing some test with transparency windows
18:48.35jeccoI have some question but now I have to go
18:48.39bram85and the path appears in config.log
18:48.45jeccobye bye
18:49.23PhilRodbram85: I have the following in that (equivalent) dir:
18:49.26PhilRod-> /query
18:51.15Oleg_kdevelop includes only kde and qt graphical libraries?
18:51.27Oleg_it doesn't have any other graphical libraries?
18:51.28*** join/#kde rutski89 (
18:51.46pinotreekdevelop does NOT include any libary
18:52.14Oleg_pinotree: but, for example, Visual NET includes graphical libraries
18:52.30pinotreeVisual .NET != kdevelop
18:53.08Oleg_how can a fully-featured IDE not include graphic libraries?
18:53.11pinotreelibqt and kdelibs can be installed and use even without kdevelop
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18:53.27pinotreeand thei devel files too
18:54.21bayercan you guys tell me where to put the adobe ps drivers so that the "export drivers" dialog can find them?
18:54.48PhilRodOleg_: I imagine that you're misunderstanding how kdevelop works and what it does (which would explain why your question makes no sense)
18:54.49pinotreeOleg_: an ide doesn't contain any graphic libary
18:54.55pinotreeevery IDE
18:57.13Oleg_pinotree: but Visual NET includes libraries for creating graphical programs
18:57.40pinotreei think "includes" is wrong. you should say "install along itself"
19:00.06PhilRodOleg_: Qt *is* the library for creating graphical programs. KDevelop just provides tools to make developing those programs easier
19:00.58Oleg_PhilRod: but kdevelop is a full-featured IDE, right?
19:01.18pinotreebut DOES NOT include ANY libray
19:01.33PhilRodOleg_: you need to go away and read about how all this stuff works
19:02.59Oleg_PhilRod: well, I am downloading kdevelop now, and then I'll see how good it is for compiling programs quickly. I wanna learn structs today
19:03.29maeno structs
19:03.31Oleg_PhilRod: the last time I used kdevelop was like a year and half ago
19:03.34maeyou mean struts?
19:03.48Oleg_PhilRod: at that time I was confused using it
19:04.16Oleg_PhilRod: but if it's a full-featured IDE, I guess I should learn how to use it
19:04.33Oleg_mae: structs
19:04.35maeits all about vim
19:04.44PhilRodOleg_: if something else (kate, emacs, vi) works for you, then just use it
19:07.09Oleg_PhilRod: well, I became confused with kdevelop at that time and went back to kate, so I'll see what will happen now
19:07.46Oleg_"full-featured IDE", I like how it sounds
19:07.57Oleg_so I'll see
19:08.37maefull featured schizophrenik mess
19:08.40maeis more like it :)
19:09.56annmamae: be tolerant for beginners who need it
19:10.04annmamae: you develop for kde?
19:10.43maeannma: not directly, no :) I use kde though.
19:11.00annmamaybe you don't get what kdevelop can bring then
19:11.05maeI personally find that kde makes simple things complicated :P
19:11.17cpwthan.. why are you here
19:11.17maeerr kdevelop
19:11.21maenot kde
19:11.22cpwoh :P
19:11.36annmadid you develop a kde app?
19:11.44cpwI use qdesigner myself
19:11.51annmakdevelop is first about developing KDE apps
19:12.04cpwI do QT mostly, with a bit of KDE on the side
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19:12.29maeannma: if you know the ide like the back of your hand then you are fast with it, but I think it is just my personal pref because I know intuitively how to do things, and in kdevelop i have to find the button or menu item to do the same thing, and sometimes it doesnt work -- and It is harder to follow exactly what button does what.
19:12.55annmawell, it is not really about that at first for a beginner
19:13.10annmait's about getting a working kde app template at first
19:13.12maeyeah i understand.
19:13.36annmathen the menu items are quite easy to get: configure, build
19:13.51annmainstall, install as root
19:14.17maeI wish there was a middle-of-the-road ide.. with powerful keyboard commands like vi, but has high level features like tabbed file views a la TM or Kate.. but also has the flexibility to have an integrated debugging system for various languages and platforms
19:14.43annmawell I don't see the problem like that
19:14.47maebut doesn't force you to do things a certain way like eclipse
19:15.06annmaI see the big advantage of kdevelop about dealing with automake
19:15.12annmawhich is KDE build way
19:15.28annmaor qmake
19:15.31maeyeah -- if you use automake there are now a bunch of _good_ replacements
19:15.40maeIf i remember right kde was thinking of going to scons
19:15.41annmakde uses automake
19:15.50maeon the mailing list
19:15.57annmayes but that's not the point
19:15.59maeannma: yah it does right now
19:16.13annmathe poit of kdevelop is helping a newbie dealing with automake easily
19:16.19annmait's not about editing
19:16.20PhilRodIIRC, scons will be the build system for KDE 4
19:16.33annmayeah but it seems slow to progress
19:16.43N9NUthis may sound like a goofy ?, but how do i see other computers i have that have linux&kde. I have no problem seeing my windows machine via SMB4K, but cannot see the other 4 Linux machines
19:16.47annmaI am quite disappointing inthe whole thing
19:16.52pinotreeslowly but keeps going on...
19:17.07maeannma: I am not arguing against your point, I am conceding it, but then at the same time saying 'I know automake is a pain and that is whats great about kdevelop, but at the same time I think a new breed of IDE would be nice when automake isn't an issue and we are using more flexible/powerful build systems'
19:17.29annmamae: get involved in kdevelop for kde4
19:17.44annmabut don't dismiss kdevelop as it is now
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19:18.03annmait is useful and as I wrote a tutorial for it I have lots of feedback
19:18.17annmaso I am perfectly well placed to speak about it
19:18.55maeI don't think I'll ever like kdevelop, It has far too many buttons and sliders and dialogs for my taste :)
19:19.16N9NUi just want to be able to swap files across my network w/o having to setup proftp or copy them to CD to do it
19:19.21maeWhat I'm saying is i think there is a balance between 'graphical everything' and 'simple yet powerful text editing'
19:19.22pinotreemae: that will change for kde4
19:20.02maealot of the graphical wizards in kdevelop could be replaced by an intuitive and intelligent text-completion system
19:20.10PhilRodone day I think I'm going to customize all the toolbars in KDE apps to have very few icons, and post screenshots, so all those who claim not to like kde because there are "too many buttons" can see that you can just "theme" it how you like in that respect
19:20.18maeor maybe just a snippet menu on the left - i donno
19:20.38annmamae: what you like or not does not matter in fact, the fact is that kdevelop might be of great help for a user
19:20.51annmaso even if you don't use it/like it you can still recomand it
19:20.57maePhilRod: i thought of doing the same thing and calling the project knome lol
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19:21.43PhilRodmae: or *ahem* simplekde
19:21.47maeannma: yeah, again, i am not arguing this point. But i think there is a niche for people who want a more featureful 'editor' that doesn't get in their way.
19:22.13annmago in
19:22.16PhilRodmae: sounds like kate is trying to fit that sort of niche
19:22.35annmakate is pretty good, I use it for all my coding, doc writig and such
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19:23.22maePhilRod: yeah -- kate isn't bad, but it lacks the power of vi for keyboard manipulation (i know thats a moot point since vi has a steep learning curve and not many people can harness this power).. but aside from that a module for debugging in kate would be nice... and you can plugin a debugging system for various languages/platforms
19:23.36genjixHELP!!! my finger just slipped on delete and enter by accident and I just lost a folder with 2 weeks worth of work :'(
19:24.00genjixi  don't know where its located
19:24.07genjix.Desktop is empty
19:24.40genjixoh no.... please tell me where I can find the trashbin...
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19:24.56maeopen up konq
19:25.11maewait thats not right
19:25.28aptextra, extra, read all about it, /.local/share/trash is still were things are supposed to be.
19:25.39genjixwhew, i thought my home directory was my trashbin for a second there
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19:25.49olczykHi. I want to start a shell from KDE. My default shell is zsh. When it starts it looks at the ZDOTDIR variable to determine where tghe stgartup files are located ( if no ZDOTDIR it looks in a default place). How do I set ZDOTDIR?
19:26.13*** join/#kde Marrs (
19:26.17genjixmae: you are an absolute saviour!
19:26.17genjixthank you so very much.
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19:28.29annmagenjix: you can have a trash applet in kicker
19:28.40annmait's cool to have it
19:28.40doleybolczyk: how do you want to start the shell?
19:29.05olczykFrom KDE an xterm, a kconsole, or a gnome-terminal.
19:29.25*** part/#kde vondie (
19:29.31doleybWhat do you mean "From KDE"?  A button, an icon, Alt-f2?
19:29.53olczykAll of them.
19:30.47Vincent_kcan one delete the stuff in /.local.share/Trash?
19:31.05genjixannma: i don't usually use trash
19:31.20Vincent_kjust saw I have ~400mb there
19:31.25olczykBasically I'm asking how to manipulate the environment that KDE runs in and make sure that child processes inherit that environment.
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19:32.17tchinohow can I reactivate the shade of windows in kde, it take a long time, when i switch between windows
19:32.32doleybolczyk: well, the general way is to just have something in your shell's startup script.
19:32.55tchinoor is that in xorg.conf a extension
19:33.05genjixtry kdcop
19:33.18annmaVincent_k: trash:/ and empty
19:33.22annmaon right click
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19:35.12Chryseusis there other mailcheckers like korn?
19:35.31Vincent_knice ~400mb gone from /
19:35.54annmafrm your home even
19:35.57Vincent_knever thaugt about it before
19:36.04Vincent_kno from /
19:36.17Vincent_kI have been deleting stuff using root
19:36.54tchinonobody an idea
19:37.05Vincent_knever thaugt about that it gets moved to trash
19:37.30Vincent_kmy useraccount i just delete without using trash
19:37.40tchinoswitch shadow of windows in kde???
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19:39.06PhilRodolczyk: put a .sh file in ~/.kde/env that exports the vars you want
19:39.16PhilRod~/.xinitrc works too if you're using startx
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20:07.14michael357hi I have a question
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20:07.36michael357I use xandros which uses a modified version of konquerer for file managment
20:08.15michael357I'm not entirely sure why but it has developed the issue of taking 4-6 seconds after startup where it is frozen and occasionally doing the same thing
20:08.25michael357when switching areas of the filesystem
20:08.48michael357this error is not present on other users nor is it present when I run it program via other user accounts within mine
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20:09.08chr1shey everyone
20:09.10oGALAXYotry this
20:09.20oGALAXYomichael357: open a terminal (kconsole or xterm)
20:09.34chr1sI want to add some functionality to KmPlot, but do I need to manually compile kde-base and stuff?
20:09.38oGALAXYomichael357: enter 'top' and watch it, then use konqueror and switch dirs and see which process gives 100%
20:10.16chr1sand what do I set as my KDEDIR and QTDIR when I want to use my distro's kde-package? I'm using Debian
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20:11.11michael357also oddly it doesn't show up when running standard konqueror
20:12.08frbhow does one use the bot here?
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20:12.28apt$KDEDIR is the directory your KDE is installed into. You can find out what directory this is with the command "kde-config --prefix"
20:12.45chr1shm, it says /usr
20:12.52michael357is the top when the file manager opens
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20:14.37chr1sand my qtdir?
20:15.13pinotreeif you have debian/ubuntu, it's /usr/share/qt3
20:15.48chr1sthanks :)
20:15.49oGALAXYomichael357: enter 'ps -A' and see if you have something called 'gamin' or 'gammin' or 'fam' running
20:16.06*** join/#kde fordinal (
20:16.12oGALAXYomichael357: i know an issue with 5-6 seconds intervals when having gammin_server or some junk like that running.
20:16.15oGALAXYoits known to be broken
20:17.22michael357no but I do have 14 instances of kdeinit
20:18.50oGALAXYothats ok
20:19.02*** join/#kde Gentle (
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20:20.32chr1shm, when I try to compile it says  configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.3 and < 4.0) (library qt-mt) not found.
20:21.01chr1sbut I have set QTDIR to /usr/share/qt3
20:21.01oGALAXYochr1s: export QTDIR=/<path>/<to>/<your qt>
20:21.19strawchr1s: does  pkg-config --variable=prefix qt-mt  report anything useful?
20:21.32michael357although xandros file manager is based on konqueror
20:21.37michael357it doesn't use the same config file
20:21.49chr1sstraw: it doesn't report anything
20:21.58michael357clearly because it doesn't respect the others option of showing or hiding hidden files
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20:22.25michael357which I'm guessing is a setting in a file somewhere in home
20:22.39michael357do you know what konquerors config file is?
20:23.23strawchr1s: have you got the qt development packages installed?
20:23.49chr1sI don't think so, that might be the problem ;)
20:23.54*** join/#kde barismetin (n=baris@
20:24.29strawmight have something to do with it :)
20:24.41oGALAXYoi agree it has something to do with it
20:26.17chr1somg, apt-get wants to remove about 395 MB of installed packages when I try to do that.
20:26.43Luesohh noez
20:27.02*** join/#kde deego (n=user@
20:27.13chr1sall this trouble, and the only thing that I want to do is add the faculty function to KmPlot
20:27.46*** join/#kde Noldo (
20:28.19NoldoWho is the one that wants to hear me whine about klipper?
20:28.40oGALAXYoNoldo: depends for what version of kde you report it :)
20:28.44oGALAXYoNoldo: so what version ?
20:30.10Noldo3.4.2 it seems, the one in debian testing
20:30.47*** join/#kde asusanator` (
20:31.10hayzelHi. I installed and setuped my lirc remote control fine. And I try to find a way to show it up in the remotes of kde... The kde lirc icon appears fine, it flashes when I press a remote button.. but I cannot find a way to show it on the kdelirc remote list so I could add some actions... any ideas?
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20:37.05Oleg_people, kdevelop says, "checking for Berkeley DB >= 3... configure: error: no - please install Berkeley DB >= 3 and <= 4.1"
20:37.11Oleg_even though I did
20:37.22Oleg_export PATH=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.0/bin:$PATH
20:37.33pinotreedo you have the devels?
20:37.50oGALAXYoand a export path dont solve that either
20:38.16*** join/#kde Gentle (
20:38.26Oleg_so, I need to install both the database and devel package?
20:38.57NoldoOleg_: compilethings usually want the dev package even if theu don't mention it
20:39.19nefertumit's possible with konqueror kill the popups??
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20:40.37peakerArrrrrrrrg!!! Konq just asked me whether to overwrite or resume. I said resume, and it overwrote anyhow!!
20:40.43peakerLost hours and hours of download :(
20:40.58peakerTypical of Microsoft, not of KDE :(
20:40.59Oleg_I am not sure what else I need to install!
20:41.25*** join/#kde goneri (
20:42.50oGALAXYopeaker: next time activate kget inside konqueror :)
20:43.29oGALAXYoand you can hardly blame konqueror for a user mistake :)
20:43.37oGALAXYonot all servers who sent files support resume
20:43.44oGALAXYothey simply overwrite then and sent again.
20:43.49Noldowell anyhow, Remove whitespaces on action -options doesn't do what it says
20:44.25*** join/#kde Gentle (
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20:45.11peakeroGALAXYo: Its not a user mistake
20:45.26peakeroGALAXYo: If the server does not support resume, and the user selected RESUME, the program does not delete Gigabytes of user data
20:45.27oGALAXYoneither a konqueror one
20:45.37peakerIt says "Resume is not supported, cancel or overwrite"
20:45.47peakerNow I use kget, but can it be trusted?
20:45.48oGALAXYohmm yes thats a valid argument.
20:45.54oGALAXYoyes kget rocks
20:46.21PeakerI let it download kubuntu's dvd all day long, and now I restarted :(
20:46.25pinotreeand kget2 will rock more
20:49.10oGALAXYokget2 ?
20:56.21*** join/#kde tek (
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21:08.15firephotoi'm having issues with ebay and certain pages in konqueror, it looks like it's searching for the page in the local path.
21:08.30firephotoaccess("/usr/kde/3.5/bin/", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
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21:09.15firephotoand those repeat in the strace going through all the $PATH locations.
21:11.01aseigo_xnorefirephoto: what pages, and what is it (not) doing exactly?
21:11.31firephoto  that page
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21:11.39firephotoand it works sometimes, but others it times out.
21:11.57firephotowhen it times out it seems to be searching the $PATH for that page ?
21:13.03*** part/#kde sredna (n=anders@kde/developer/alund)
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21:28.34pontoIn KDE 3.5 beta  the whole windos has a blue border (the same color as the titlebar).  Is it possible to get only the title in blue and the rest in the same gray as in previous versions of kde?
21:29.39*** join/#kde edude05 (
21:29.50arthurbHi, just installed kde 3.4.3 and none of my devices show up on the desktop...
21:30.06oGALAXYoponto: all previous versions of kde had all blue.. maybe your distro uses a specific theme.
21:30.11arthurb( although yes, there are all selected )
21:31.53arthurbmy mistake some do actually
21:32.03pontooGALAXYo: all previous versions?
21:33.18arthurbforget about the all thing actually
21:34.48arthurbbut if I plug in a usb key, it gets automounted in /media/volumename while konq tries to open /media/sda1
21:35.03edude05hi everyone
21:35.26edude05I was wondering if someone could help me install 3.4.3 in debian sarge
21:36.51eisregenedude05: #debian =)
21:37.06edude05eisregen: Ok
21:37.20*** join/#kde epyon9283 (
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21:40.15Oleg_I installed Berkeley DB
21:40.26Oleg_why ./configure of kdevelop can't find it?
21:40.30zero0i installed :)
21:43.15Oleg_why kdevelop's configure can't find it?
21:45.07eisregenOleg_: wrong version ?
21:45.32Oleg_my version of DB is 4.0.14
21:45.41Oleg_and configure says:
21:45.48Oleg_checking for Berkeley DB >= 3... configure: error: no - please install Berkeley DB >= 3 and <= 4.1
21:46.50*** join/#kde sandman (
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21:47.58arthurbbut if I plug in a usb key, it gets automounted in /media/volumename while konq tries to open /media/sda1... any idea ?
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21:50.12Oleg_why can't configure find DB?
21:50.19Oleg_please help!
21:50.24oGALAXYobecause you are doing all wrong
21:50.28*** join/#kde illissius ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:50.35oGALAXYotar xfjv db-blah.tar.bz2
21:50.45strawOleg_: ./configure --help
21:50.57oGALAXYocd db-blah/build_unix
21:51.09oGALAXYo../configure --prefix=/blah --enable-compat185
21:51.17oGALAXYomake && make install && ldconfig
21:51.25strawOleg_: that should show you some environment variables you can export
21:51.37Oleg_compat185 in kdevelop or DB?
21:53.28*** join/#kde illissius- (
21:53.31Oleg_Build DB 1.85 compatibility API
21:53.52Oleg_kdevelop can't be built if I don't enable it in DB?
21:54.15strawOleg_: particularly, LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS
21:55.34strawie, export LDFLAGS=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.0/lib:$LDFLAGS
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21:55.57_roothi my friends
21:56.06_rootMy name is Neo
21:56.23strawOleg_: and export CPPFLAGS=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.0/include:$CPPFLAGS
21:56.24_rootnow wake up
21:56.55_rootI need help you!!!!
21:57.12Oleg_straw: that's what I did just now
21:57.17*** join/#kde N9NU (
21:59.03cpwwoh there
21:59.08Oleg_oh, man
21:59.13N9NUroot eh
21:59.23Oleg_kdevelop found DB, but now I have another problem:
21:59.31Oleg_You have no kdelibs documentation generated by Doxygen installed.
21:59.32*** join/#kde cr0 (
21:59.33Oleg_You should install Doxygen from, reconfigure
21:59.33Oleg_and rebuild the kdelibs sources.
21:59.50Oleg_I guess I will need to re-compile kdelibs for hours
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22:00.21N9NU3.5 RC1 is very nice
22:00.44Oleg_I want this documentation
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22:00.51Oleg_it will make things prettier
22:00.51_rootExcusme any were know about of SNMP Version Two
22:01.12pinotree_root: a) don't scream in here, please b) we're #kde, not #linux
22:01.13cr0can anyone direct me to documentation about how to enable networked sound?
22:01.20_rootIt's about mib
22:02.20*** join/#kde un1v4c (n=iGEEK@adsl-224-110.eunet.yu)
22:02.31un1v4ccan you tell me how to use KBFX themes?
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22:03.23N9NUi still havent been able to get kbfx icon in the Kcontrol--->Look N Feel section yet
22:03.45_roothi i nedd help you with SNMP version 2 and Processes in Linux with threads
22:04.17*** part/#kde un1v4c (n=iGEEK@adsl-224-110.eunet.yu)
22:04.27cpwthat sentence made no sense whatsoever
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22:05.49_rootv2ok here Iam
22:06.01_rootexcusme any know about snmpv2 and threads
22:06.05woodefecanyone aware when there'll be a final release of kde 3.5?
22:06.13_roothi rootv2
22:06.24_rootv2hi I have a problem with my MIB
22:06.38woodefec_root : r  u ircing as root?
22:07.15RinkyDinks_RJquick question regarding kioslaves & remote hosts. i want to use delete key when browsing through fish://, but del key is bound to "Move to trash". is there a way to setup a trash folder on remote host?
22:07.21_rootv2I'm working with my personal MIB but the snmp daemon doesn't  recognize that
22:08.01_rootmaybe need startup daemon AGENT
22:10.36_rootv2I have donde that
22:10.51_rootthankyou cpw
22:11.57_rootgood bye my friends
22:12.17_rootlet's get together soon
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22:15.19_NEOcan anybody help me?
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22:16.28RinkyDinks_RJ_NEO: just ask your question
22:17.26_NEOok. I'm making my MIB, but the snmp daemon does NOT recognize it
22:17.58_NEOI already configure snmpd.conf file
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22:24.34splittahow do i disable kded/kat in mdv2006 ?
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22:35.36Oleg_I have an error while compiling doxygen for kdelibs:
22:35.48Oleg_<stdout>: In function `void configYY_init_buffer(yy_buffer_state*, FILE*)':
22:35.48Oleg_<stdout>:2062: error: `isatty' undeclared (first use this function)
22:36.05*** join/#kde freqmod_ (
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22:36.14nefertumis there any way to make de kde panel tinier than 24px?
22:36.51RinkyDinks_RJmaybe find config file and edit manually ?
22:37.05RinkyDinks_RJsomething like kickerrc or similar
22:37.23nefertumi dont know...
22:37.52RinkyDinks_RJ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc check there
22:38.02nefertumaha, thanks
22:38.12olczykIs there a flash plugin for konqueror
22:40.17*** join/#kde nefertum (
22:41.23nefertumRinkyDinks_RJ: it's now tinier, but now the icons are bad displayed
22:41.40nefertumlike fat icons
22:41.44RinkyDinks_RJthe smallest icons are 16x16.
22:41.58RinkyDinks_RJhow do you expect a good graphic to be contained in that?
22:42.39nefertumi've put a size panel of 18px
22:42.52RinkyDinks_RJit may be resizing the larger icons to fit into that
22:43.22nefertumperhaps, the problem is tha in the control center, i cannot put the panel icons tinier than 32px
22:43.40nefertumit's not enable the option to be tinier
22:44.03RinkyDinks_RJyeah i seethat
22:44.08RinkyDinks_RJmight be an option somewhere
22:45.17thiagoolczyk: yes, there is one
22:45.29nefertumwhere is it?
22:45.59RinkyDinks_RJi don't see an option in kickerrc
22:46.02BlissexKonqueror can use all/most the plugins for Netscape/Mozilla, so the Flash one too.
22:47.46*** join/#kde poimen (n=poimen@
22:48.36RinkyDinks_RJhow nice, he says there is the option but stays silent after he mentions it.
22:49.47nefertumRinkyDinks_RJ:  in ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals
22:49.51nefertumthere are some section
22:50.05nefertumand there are the icons size for each one
22:50.10nefertumi will try it
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22:51.34nefertumit doesnt work
22:52.09nefertumi will check the file...
22:52.12RinkyDinks_RJpitty. what happens?
22:52.43RinkyDinks_RJscaled down icons are what you get?
22:53.03nefertummmm, shall i send you a screenshot?
22:53.21RinkyDinks_RJmight want to make a bug request
22:53.42RinkyDinks_RJjust might get into kde 4
22:53.49nefertumthey are not the same icons, they are like bigger
22:53.52*** join/#kde JensB (
22:53.54JensBHi everybody
22:54.25JensBI just discovered that I can remote control my KDE desktop with my sony ericsson k700i phone .. without configuring anything at all
22:54.28JensBvia bluetooth
22:54.47RinkyDinks_RJ... and?
22:54.56JensBI get a small popup from "kdebluetoothd" that asks me for my phone's PIN and then I can start the app on the phone that "looks like" a remote control and move the mouse around
22:55.10JensBhowever, not all keys work. I'd like to customize them. ;)
22:55.23nefertumperhaps the solution is in the .desktop file in /usr/share/icons/foo/
22:55.45RinkyDinks_RJwhat's in that file?
22:55.48JensBany ideas where those keys are configured?
22:56.19nefertumsorry, look :P
22:56.28RinkyDinks_RJi've only got crystalsvg installed. there's no index.desktop file in it
22:56.37nefertumi will try it
22:56.49RinkyDinks_RJJensB: control center
22:57.03RinkyDinks_RJJensB: what do yo mean keys dont' work?
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22:57.50RinkyDinks_RJdid it work?
22:57.56JensBRinkyDinks_RJ, well, I have a remote control tool on my phone, that seems to send keyboard commands to my PC via bluetooth (I see them when a konsole window is active).
22:57.57nefertumit works :)
22:58.05nefertumnow the only thing is the taskbar icons
22:58.16*** join/#kde Alethes (n=alethes@unaffiliated/alethes)
22:58.20nefertumi supose i have to modfiy the same file
22:58.25JensBmost of those are fine, but some aren't used and I'd like to add keyboard shortcuts for "F"(fullscreen" and "Alt-Q" (quit)
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22:59.26AssociateXHello people
22:59.35AssociateXYippy! It's Friday
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23:00.11AssociateXanyone have kde/arts with alsa using timidity to play midi files?
23:00.29RinkyDinks_RJJensB: you can configure per-application keyshortcuts in most kde apps by doing settings -> configure shortcuts. is that what your looking for?
23:01.00tekwhat are the start params for "no border" and "start on desktop x"?
23:01.05RinkyDinks_RJJens_B: global window shortcuts for kde are in control center however
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23:02.41RinkyDinks_RJwhat's latest version of koffice?
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23:06.38AssociateXanyone using timidity as a midi mapper?
23:06.54tekwhat are the start params for "no border" and "start on desktop x"?
23:07.21thiagotek: kstart --help
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23:08.26tekphew, have to emerge kstart first ;)
23:08.38DirkGentlyYou are missing
23:08.38DirkGentlyOpenGL support has been disabled.
23:08.44DirkGentlywhat am I missing?
23:08.50thiagoDirkGently: OpenGL
23:09.26DirkGentlythiago: is there an opengl-devel or something for SuSE?
23:09.50thiagoI have no idea
23:09.51*** join/#kde elcuco (
23:09.54thiagoI've never used SUSE
23:09.58thiago(now it's capital U)
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23:11.03DirkGentlylooks like a small u on the logo
23:12.00thiagono, it doesn't
23:12.59DirkGentlyit has a tail.. capital U doesn't
23:13.35thiagosee the and websites
23:14.43DirkGentlyoh all right.. the u on the console has a tail.. maybe that's not been changed yet
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23:27.51chrisagIs there a way to 'shrink' the grid (spacing) between icons
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23:31.01LokeDKHow to switch gtk2 theme?
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23:36.14thiagoLokeDK: use whatever GNOME uses for a control panel
23:37.35LokeDKyeah helped just to start gnome-theme-manager
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.