irclog2html for #kde on 20051023

00:00.22willwork4fooinfinite supply of doughnuts is far more possible
00:01.04*** join/#kde LeeJunFan (
00:01.26willwork4foojust keep making sure that my box of doughnuts never ever ever gets empty (or goes stale) by continual replenishment of new doughnuts by a special order of doughnut making bakers, right past the end of time and beyond
00:01.35*** join/#kde Firetech (
00:01.44willwork4foothere you go.
00:02.58_poisonheh .... now just define the end of tim :^)
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00:04.36willwork4foo_poison: when my watch no longer works
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00:05.38_poisonheh ... I've survived the end of time a few times already  ^^
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00:45.02illidanI have an application (gaim) installed that is grabbing me over to the desktop it's on every single time someone messages me.  Should I be working at it from the KDE or GAIM aspects?
00:45.18illidanif it's something to do with KDE, what can I do to fix it?
00:48.40*** join/#kde grepper (
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02:09.34*** join/#kde can|konvi (n=dessa@kde/jhall)
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02:16.05fremteI want a really good 3D desktop
02:20.59*** join/#kde _mkydiver (
02:30.43apokryphosgood luck
02:33.51*** join/#kde Ash-Fox (
02:34.52*** part/#kde caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
02:39.43*** join/#kde Ash-Fox (
02:49.44*** join/#kde mhall (
02:50.37mhallHello all. I am trying to write an xsession file to get some modifier key mappings I need for international character input. What is the proper command to exec at the end to get KDE running? I never needed it before since I just relied on the default invocation system, however it works.
02:54.56*** join/#kde SuperLag (i=aaron@gentoo/developer/SuperLag)
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03:00.10mhallHello all. I am trying to write an xsession file to get some modifier key mappings I need for international character input. What is the proper command to exec at the end to get KDE running? I never needed it before since I just relied on the default invocation system, however it works.
03:01.09*** join/#kde illogic-al (n=orville@konversation/user/illogic-al)
03:01.52thiagomhall: doesn't kxkb work for you?
03:02.57mhalli did not know it existed
03:03.06mhallcan you please explain the proper KDE method of configuring this
03:03.22*** join/#kde frank23 (
03:03.31thiagoKDE Control Centre, Regional & Accessibility, Keyboard Layout
03:05.14*** join/#kde dmbJYya (n=8y6ORfl@
03:05.58mhalland once i make this tweak
03:06.08mhallit becomes cached by the KDE configuration infrastructure?
03:06.11mhallthat's deluxe
03:09.37*** join/#kde bluetux_tbook (n=terry@
03:11.26fredEhey i just want to copy my theme settings to another user. how can i do that?
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03:15.04oneforallwhy when t I print and the margins are set to zero is the bottom getting cut off still . using kghost and kpdf
03:15.14oneforallkghost cuts off less than kpdf
03:16.16*** join/#kde Octane (
03:16.53_nancyI'm trying to figure out where alsa config saves its files. I'm going to use alsaconf to update my sound drivers to take advantage of my sound cards features. but when I do I lose sound altogether in kernel 2.4
03:17.01*** part/#kde _nancy (
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03:17.20_nancybloody mouse
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03:29.38oneforallyou did alsactl  store
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03:42.54oneforallhmm cups has letter legal etc and custom but I see kde doesn't have custom that could be why setting margins to 0.00 isn't working
03:46.57*** join/#kde Alethes_ (n=alethes@unaffiliated/alethes)
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03:48.11posthumanI'm having an odd problem with amarok.  It seems to be taking around 70 - 95 % of my cpu all the time (after an upgrade to kde 3.5beta 2) I believe
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04:26.42FSHSchmogot a quick question, I ran k9copy and when it was done reading the disc it crashed with a signal 11 (sigsegv) error
04:27.19FSHSchmoI can post the backtrace if ya like (Im using kde that came with mandriva 2006)
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04:50.19Octaneanyone here know how to use Moodin, the theme engine
04:50.37Octanei installed it, i just have no idea what to do now
04:57.34*** join/#kde KDE (
05:03.26*** join/#kde sparr (i=sparr@pdpc/supporter/active/sparr)
05:03.27sparrI am using KDE and kdm, is there a way I can make KDE start certain apps when I log in?
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05:07.28SadEaglesparr: for just your user, or globally?
05:07.52sparrSadEagle: for my user
05:08.47*** part/#kde Venson (
05:08.53SadEaglesparr: sec, basically,you can place .desktop files or symlinks in an autostart dir in ~/.kde, but I am not sure of the path
05:09.33SadEagle~/.kde/Autostart, it seems
05:10.21sparrthanks, ill try that
05:11.12SadEagleI sure hope I am right ;-)
05:14.29*** join/#kde Lord-Phoenix (
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05:44.12elucasSpricht hier jemand Deutsch
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05:49.37doriI'm trying to configure ACPI on my laptop, the dialog boxes for ACPI Config in control panel remain greyed out even after I've setuid the klaptop_acpi_helper binary. Anyone know how to fix it?
05:52.45*** join/#kde ritalin (
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06:00.30ritalinhow do i import bookmarks into konq?
06:01.39SadEagleritalin: via the bookmark editor
06:03.05ritalini dont see the option in the editor
06:03.55ritalindoh found it
06:07.12*** join/#kde Astinus (i=iBook@freenode/staff/gentoo.astinus)
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06:49.55fatejudgerhas anyone had a problem with the "media:/" part of Konqueror?
06:49.59fatejudgerI can't see any of my drives
06:50.04fatejudgeror devices
06:50.06fatejudgeror anything
06:50.22fatejudgerit works on my desktop, but not here on my laptop
06:53.51*** join/#kde _knoppix_ (
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07:01.41ritalinmeep meep
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07:06.18hanumaniI'm trying to play a movie in mplayer (full screen) while simulanteously showing a counter in the bottom right corner.  This counter is currently a JS/HTML creation, but could be replicated in something else.  I'm toying with translucent windows in KDE on SuSe 9.3 but can't get it working, any ideas?
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07:23.23*** join/#kde incorrect (
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07:26.32incorrecthi. are there issues with kopete and msn?
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07:31.04ritalinnot here
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07:32.51incorrectit used to work, now it just stopped
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07:37.04canllaithincorrect: what version ?
07:37.29canllaithincorrect: check to see if you have the latest stable.
07:40.22*** join/#kde Kyaneos (
07:44.06incorrecti have 10.1 and 10.3 is out
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07:47.15ritalinyou guys have any screenshots?
07:47.51srednaritalin: Of what?
07:48.05ritalinof kde!
07:48.53srednaritalin: Go to, or there are some at osnews of the kde 3.5 beta, you can find a link over at
07:49.08*** join/#kde _hunt0r (
07:49.32ritalinyeah but i wanna see your guys
07:49.57srednaI don
07:50.03*** join/#kde ponto (
07:50.09sredna' have a lot of recent shots, but I can make one for you
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07:53.55fatejudgerdoes anyone here know how to use KDE to map laptop volume keys?
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07:56.56srednafatejudger: Xmodmap + khotkeys
07:57.04ritalinRequested resource: /allmostkde35.png
07:57.13ritalinError: Not found
07:57.19srednaLet me check
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07:58.09srednaritalin: Try again, kde forgot to add the extension
07:58.17srednaHi bssteph
07:58.27*** join/#kde mixandgo (n=mixandgo@
07:58.34bsstephhey sredna, how goes it
07:59.10mixandgohi guys, any ideea how to configure my volume + and volume - buttons (on laptop) ?
07:59.16mixandgothe mute button works
07:59.30bsstephlol. popular question lately
07:59.32srednaUhm, I wrote sane udev rules for my usb devices, but I can't figure out how to make the kde media:/ tingy to show my cdroms or usb storage camera, or how to make hal mount the camera
07:59.53bsstephmixandgo: if you see them in xev, use khotkeys
08:00.28bsstephsredna: so nothing shows up in media:/ ?
08:00.29srednaHal doesn't automount my cd devices either, but I don't know if it's supposed to do so
08:00.41srednabssteph: Some of my harddisks, and my usb pen when mounted
08:00.49srednaOr rather, when plugged in
08:00.55bsstephi think you need uh.. whatsit for automounting
08:00.59bsstephjust a sec
08:01.16srednaThat part is not important, I don't mind mounting
08:01.29srednaBut I'd like for things to show up
08:01.37bsstephright, yeah
08:01.42bsstephsince that's kind of the point and all ;)
08:02.00mixandgobssteph, i get this : RROR: Communication problem with khotkeys, it probably crashed.
08:02.13bsstephi don't know why some things would show up and others not, sredna
08:02.29srednaNa, maybe I will  figure it out sometimes
08:02.51srednaI'd like to be able to autostart digikam when my camera is plugged in
08:03.30bsstephmixandgo: do you see a "khotkeys" or "input actions" in control center -> regional & accessiblity?
08:03.54bsstephsredna: well, you could easily do that once media:/ is working properly so it sees it
08:04.34sredna(if digicam have a way to specify to start downloading from the commandline, I don't know that even)
08:05.09mixandgobssteph, ok, works from cpanel, but how do I say what to do when...
08:06.20srednabssteph: What would be smart was if kde could use the detection of the dominant mime types to filter the suggestions for actions
08:07.12bsstephmixandgo: make a new action of type keyboard shortcut -> dcop call, make the keyboard shortcut the volume button, and make the dcop call kmix.Mixer0.decreaseVolume()
08:07.22bsstephrun kdcop and navigate that dcop call
08:07.44bsstephsredna: yeah, it'd be nice. maybe one day
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08:08.22srednabssteph: The alegoritm is there, for setting folder icons, so it shuldn't be a hard task
08:08.43mixandgobssteph, but when I press the side button, it does not appear as a shortcut
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08:09.05bsstephmixandgo: do you get useful stuff when you press the button in xev?
08:09.18mixandgoI get keycode 176
08:10.02bsstephmixandgo: you probably need to use Xmodmap to assign that keycode to a button
08:10.16bsstephi don't think khotkeys can use just the keycode unless it thinks it means something
08:10.43bsstephsredna: doesn't seem like it should be hard, no
08:10.50mixandgohmm.. and what do I asign it to
08:11.53bsstephmixandgo: on this keyboard it is XF86AudioLowerVolume for example
08:12.08bsstephyou might want to play with the layouts and see if there's something that already knows about it
08:12.21bsstephi -think- you can assign different layouts on the fly, but it's been a while
08:12.35*** join/#kde zorba64 (
08:13.13mixandgois there some kde util to do that ? or just edit my /usr/share/keymaps/... ?
08:13.48bsstephmixandgo: keyboard layouts in the same section of the control center
08:14.14bsstephtry changing the keyboard model and see if you see new/different events in xev
08:14.18*** join/#kde Filip^ (
08:14.32bsstephyou could probably look at the contents of /usr/share/keymaps/ (or wherever) for hints
08:16.19bsstephit's /usr/lib/X11/xkb/geometry/ that has the actual keyboard model files
08:17.46mixandgoi should be able to set XF86AudioLowerVolume for my keycode...
08:17.58mixandgobut I don't see how to do it from cpanel
08:18.16bsstephthere's nothing to do it manually afaik
08:18.16*** join/#kde davi_ (
08:18.38davi_What kde theme do you advise me to a 1024x728 portatil ?
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08:36.38we2bywhat's the application called that can read text on my screen/?
08:39.06srednaHm, the whole hal thing isn't realy working well. If I do nothing when I plug in my usb pen, and then plug it out, kde fails to remove the icon. And after that I can't get kde to react when I plug it in again
08:39.26incorrecthmm to get the latest release of kopete i have to unmask all of kde and upgrade
08:39.32*** join/#kde bugi-san (n=bugi@
08:39.35srednaIn fact, something named 'hald-prope-stor' is then going bonkers, and can't be killed.
08:39.57srednaSo the whole thing is probably 2-3 years from beeing usable
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08:57.55PhilRodhey Flendor :-)
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08:58.11FlendorHeya Phil, how are you this morning?
08:59.04PhilRodit was going so well, until mum phoned up with printer troubles...
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08:59.20PhilRod40 minutes later, I've finally managed to sort it out...
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08:59.37PhilRodgotta go, sorry - see you round
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09:37.12Drone4fouri just did a CTRL + N with KWord...did i just lose the unsaved data in my previous document?!
09:38.21lippelDrone4four: ctrl+n opens a new window here
09:38.27oGALAXYoctrl+n only opens a new window.
09:38.49ZeepHi - I have a problem
09:39.11ZeepEvery time I click a link on my desktop, amaroK opens up, altough the desktop-files seem to be correct
09:39.17Drone4fourwell apparently i have no other windows to choose from
09:39.23FlendorHi anders, you here?
09:39.33srednaHi Flendor :)
09:39.35oGALAXYoZeep: ask in #amarok
09:39.47ZeepoGALAXYo: Okay, thanks
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09:40.10srednaDrone4four: No, in case you have unsaved data kword opens a new window
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09:40.22Drone4fourbascially i CTRL + N replaced all my unsaved work with a blank page
09:40.40Drone4fouri can do this again and again by typing stuff and then doing a CTRL N
09:40.59oGALAXYowell you also open new kword instances iirc..
09:41.03srednaDrone4four: Look at your window list
09:41.07oGALAXYolook at the bottom task panel and see..
09:41.19*** part/#kde steffen (
09:41.20oGALAXYoexactly the window list or the task panel.. however you call it.
09:41.23srednaFlendor: Can I do anything for you?
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09:41.48FlendorOh, no sorry, just wanted to say hi
09:42.02Drone4foursredna, oGALAXYo, lippel i see a single KWord bar in my window list
09:42.02FlendorAnd then just dazed off for a minute :/
09:42.12oGALAXYoDrone4four: click it.
09:42.25oGALAXYoDrone4four: it should pop up a few dozen others.. if you have grouping enabled.
09:42.35srednaHi Flendor :) I'm restarting kde all the time, I'm trying to get the media:/ thing to work
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09:42.43srednaWhich is appearingly not possible
09:42.45oGALAXYoDrone4four: yeah grouping of same windows.
09:42.48srednaBut I do tey
09:43.01Drone4fouri see no such 12 windows...just the one
09:43.10FlendorOh. :/ Hope you get it right!
09:43.11srednaDrone4four: Hold down ALT and TAB and lok at the list
09:43.45Drone4fourALT TAB shows me a single option
09:43.58Drone4fourthere is no list
09:44.04srednaDAMNED GENTOO
09:44.33srednaDrone4four: What is that single option?
09:44.50Drone4four"KOFFICE Workspace [modified]"
09:45.02srednaDoes slackware handle dead damons with grace? Becase #¤&%/(¤## gentoo does NOT
09:45.04Drone4fourand then there is an icon on the left with a question mark
09:45.19Drone4fourdead damons?
09:45.31srednaDrone4four: Don't you have a 'windows' or 'documents' menu in the koffice workspace?
09:45.56srednaWell, hald is started, but not running. And now I can't start or stop or restart it
09:46.00srednaBecause GENTOO SUCKS
09:46.06FlendorOw. :/
09:46.19Drone4fouri see no windows or documents menu
09:46.25FlendorNever tried Gentoo, but Slackware was really smooth
09:46.40srednaNot that I don't suspect other distros so be equally misbehaved in this matter, mandrake is surely as stupid
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09:47.07bugi-sansredna: bad day ? ;-)
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09:47.57Drone4fouri btw cannopt reduce resize my KOffice workspace ont he left or right borders...strange
09:48.30Drone4fourreduce or resize*
09:48.50srednabugi-san: I'm just irritated because this is one more day proving that linux/kde is YEARS away from being a vital alternative for non-geek users
09:49.03srednaIt's simply not stable
09:49.32bugi-sansredna: Gentoo is not for non-geek users :-)
09:50.07bornioOMG! I`M A GEEK!
09:50.16bugi-sanand my kde is quite stable
09:50.20srednabugi-san: The distro is not the reason. I don't believe other distros are worse or better. The chances of things going wrong is too big
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09:50.34Drone4fourIMO no distro is ready yet for non-geek users....and i'd almost prefer it this way as long as i can figure out how to recover KWord just destroies everytime i open a new document
09:50.43borniosredna: obviously you did not try the latest Ubuntu :)
09:51.01Drone4fourfound it
09:51.06Drone4fourextremely strange
09:51.10srednabornio: Now you are ridicolous. LOTS of problems are reported with kubuntu
09:51.17bugi-sanDrone4four: IMO there are few distros which are ready like SUSE, Ubuntu, Mdk,
09:51.36borniosredna: That was exactly my point, dear. =]
09:52.03Drone4fouruh oh, looks like bornio is a female.... (usage of the term "dear")
09:52.03bugi-sansredna: Kubuntu /= Ubuntu, Kubuntu is really unstable
09:52.20bugi-sanBut Ubuntu works great
09:52.20bornioDrone4four: No, its being polite and kind.
09:52.22srednabugi-san: Any debian based distro faces the potential problems of things not working at all due to dependency issues
09:52.34bugi-sansredna: O_o
09:52.44bugi-sani did have big problems with apt
09:52.46Drone4fourit could also be flamboiancy...
09:52.46bugi-sani didn't
09:52.51srednabugi-san: Lots of people come in here complaining about some kde app not working, and it appears that they miss some important atom of kdelibs
09:52.56Drone4fouri'm just so happy i didn't lose this precious data
09:53.09srednaI haven't tried suse a lot
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09:53.26bugi-sansredna: thats true that some apps like to crash but all in all kde is very usable
09:53.47srednaBut I did use mandrake, its a few years ago but it was definately not even close to being ready for a wide audience
09:53.52bugi-sansredna: im suse fan, and kde in suse works good
09:54.26bugi-sansredna: mandrake has good marketing, nothing more
09:54.35srednaIme, the best KDE is the vanilla one, compiled from sources. All those distro modifications are usually not doing anytihgn good to kde
09:54.59srednaBut even the best kde is not ready for a wide audience yet
09:55.21oGALAXYosredna: why do you think that ke is not ready for the wide audience ?
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09:55.35srednaYou can't have a desktop system where the tooltips are equal to the gui labels and call it ready :o
09:55.35bugi-sansredna: so your gentoo kde should work better than my suse kde but it seems that you have more problems than me, hmm so maybe its not true ;-)
09:55.36borniosredna: I am Very impressed with KDE3.5 Beta2.
09:55.51srednaoGALAXYo: Too many problems with things not working
09:55.58Drone4fouras am i with KDE 3.5
09:56.02oGALAXYosredna: i was using gnome for many years and it sucked totally, it didnt provide good enought applications (working, not crashing or feature complete) to get anything serious done.
09:56.19oGALAXYosredna: then you should use GNOME for 1 month and you know what you have with KDE :)
09:56.25srednabornio: Like the problems with resizing kicker, or the flashing? And the startup not behaving equal any time?
09:56.38srednaoGALAXYo: I'm not talking about gnome, im talking about KDE
09:56.43borniosredna: I honestly do not know what you are talking about.
09:56.58bugi-sanoGALAXYo: oh no, not again wm wars ;-) Gnome 2.10/2.12 is a big step forward
09:57.12srednaoGALAXYo: There are LOTS of small issues all over kde that simply are not acceptable
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09:57.37oGALAXYosredna: yeah i know.. but i do compare kde with gnome and knowing both i can tell you that KDE is far ahead of everything.. and gnome claims from itself to be ready for corporate.. so i wonder why you believe kde is not ready for mainstream while a different much much inferior desktop claims to be corporate ready already.
09:57.50borniosredna: Would you like to tell us about them? Because I assure you, Windows has just as many issues which are "not acceptable".
09:57.56oGALAXYobugi-san: no. 2.10 and 2.12 are no step forward...
09:58.00bornioNot that I am comparing a WM with an OS, but still.
09:58.12oGALAXYosredna: sure, nothing is perfect..
09:58.29bugi-sanoGALAXYo: for me Gnome is usable since 2.8 version
09:58.32srednaoGALAXYo: Kde is also ahead of windows or macosx in many areas. But there are also too many little problems, and things that can potentially go wrong if you aproach things from the wrong direction
09:58.58Drone4fourmy next question about KWord is: how come when i start up a new general document, i can't type anything?  even when i click in the centre of a fresh, blank page, i can't type anything?
09:59.02oGALAXYobugi-san: GNOME doesnt offer any productive applications and no its not ready.. it has been said to be ready but it isnt..
09:59.16Drone4fourALT works, but none of the qwerty keys
09:59.18oGALAXYosredna: i agree..
09:59.31oGALAXYojesus this fucking dog outside is driving me nuts..
09:59.32srednaoGALAXYo: Like when I tried printing images with digikam, or use kword to edit documents with tables, or ... and kopete has a really strange dialog that appears ALLWAYS when I start it, tellimg me that some numbers wants to be my contacts.
09:59.36oGALAXYoits barking for 2 hours in a go now.
09:59.50Drone4fourcan we shift the discussion from GNOME back to KDE....please
09:59.58Drone4foura shutgun?
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10:00.11oGALAXYoDrone4four: for that fucking dog outside.
10:00.17srednaDrone4four: We are discussing KDE, or at least some of us
10:00.21bugi-sanoGALAXYo: well i don't agree with you but this is only my opinion ;-)
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10:00.49oGALAXYobugi-san: well i tell ya, i was a former GNOME hacker, contributed to it for over 6 years and was a former GNOME foundation member..
10:00.50bugi-sanDrone4four: im only saing that KDE and Gnome are ready for dekstop
10:00.59oGALAXYobugi-san: simply accept the fact that gnome is horrible broken and useless.
10:01.03Drone4fournow, can someone please answer my question about my keyboard not responding in KWord?
10:01.13bornio  <=- wtf?
10:01.22srednaDrone4four: Restart the app
10:01.25bugi-sanoGALAXYo: ok, i use Gnome from time to time and iam happy with it
10:01.35srednabornio: Go trolling smowehere else
10:01.47Drone4foursredna, i tried that
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10:02.27borniosredna: ?
10:02.32srednaDrone4four: I have had a lot of fights with kword, but it does respond to key presses - just not allways in the way I expect ;\
10:02.34oGALAXYobugi-san: the problem with gnome is that nothing really works, that stuff is not working reliable enough, that things are crashing, that even trivial things can not be achieved.. and there are a lot of serious tools missing for gnome to get productive work done.. for example their project manager (planner) is not half as good as 'task juggler' for kde for example.. same applies for gnome tools in any areas..
10:02.53Drone4fouroh god
10:02.53srednabornio: If you post a URL please explain why it is relevant to us :)
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10:03.20borniosredna: it claims to be a new FS...
10:03.22srednaDrone4four: Maybe the focus stealing prevention hid a modal dialog
10:03.33srednabornio: And that is relevant to KDE because?
10:03.43borniosredna: sigh...
10:03.53Drone4fourty sredna for your advice
10:03.59Drone4fouri really gtg
10:03.59oGALAXYobugi-san: so you understand why i compare GNOME with KDE and why i dont understand why sredna complains about KDE.. since its so much mature compared to gnome.. and he (or she) would know when running it... and thats why i believe everyone should be thankful for KDE to be as it is now... but i agree that there is always something you can improve.
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10:04.23bugi-sanoGALAXYo: ok, ok i can't argue with ex developer ;-) But for my daily use it is really enough. I tried Gnome in Ubuntu and Fedora 4 and it really worked good for me :-)
10:05.19oGALAXYobugi-san: these are not GNOME as found on their ftp.. these are GNOME + a shitload of extra patches + 20 redhat or ubuntu people working just on it, fixing and patching it + adding dozen of other things to it.
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10:05.26oGALAXYoa vanilla gnome is simply broken.
10:05.29srednaBtw, for the general discussion of KDE being ready for desktop or not, the focus stealing prevention hiding dialogs that are modal to the current application, or needed for them to move on such as FTP authorization dialogs when opening files over ftp, is another example. It is completely confusing even for a long time kde user such as me
10:06.24bugi-sanAll i need in wm like KDE is less bugs and more stability.
10:06.40oGALAXYobugi-san: but well these are just things that you see.. as a developer you can take my word that gnome from architecture is a broken mess.. you can polish stuff to look better but this doesnt change the ground work behind it.
10:06.56oGALAXYobugi-san: the stability issues you refering too is compile related..
10:07.25oGALAXYobugi-san: everyone knows that the C++ compile in gcc was a stepchild for many years.. now with gcc 3 and gcc 4 the things have changed drastically and the stability has been improved a lot.
10:07.48oGALAXYoif the compile generates broken code or if people add 'leet' optimization flags to it then it usually tends to generate broken and thus crashing code.
10:07.56bugi-sanoGALAXYo: so KDE 4 will be the more stable version right?
10:08.10oGALAXYoi compile my kde with -O0 -g and nothing else and i consider my kde to be stable
10:08.12oGALAXYobugi-san: no..
10:08.21oGALAXYobugi-san: i said that this is a COMPILER issue
10:08.23oGALAXYonot a KDE issue.
10:09.02oGALAXYoread the last 4-5 lines
10:09.09sredna... though I doubt it will fix the problems with flickering
10:09.12bugi-sanyes but new distros will be using gcc 4
10:09.20oGALAXYobugi-san: right.
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10:09.36bugi-sanso new kde should be more stable then on these distros
10:09.39oGALAXYobugi-san: so the distros that use gcc 4 now.. then you can expect that kde 3.4 or 3.5 should be rock stable already.
10:10.06FlendorGone; see you later..
10:10.10oGALAXYothe better the C++ support in GCC the better the stability in KDE and other C++ related programs.
10:11.28oGALAXYobugi-san: so if you do this ... a) install gcc 4.0.2, b) get KDE from SVN (3.5) and you compile it with default optimize flags (better is to not use any) then you will already get a rock stable and fast KDE.
10:12.16bugi-sanim using new suse 10 which already has gcc 4.0.2 but i dunno if kde was compiled using it
10:12.29oGALAXYomany people (and even distros) compile stuff with extra leet flags such as -O3 -s -ffomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -faddmyleetsettings here .. and dozen other flags.. some even use -march=athlon-xp and so on..
10:12.34oGALAXYothis usually leads into broken code.
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10:19.20srednaDeleting the kickerrc file took care of the flashing in some applets :)
10:19.52srednaBut now I can't get rid of the animated tooltips (maybe I overlooked the correct option, but disabling toolitps didn't work)
10:22.51srednaHm, now kicker is completely dead :o
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10:24.06leeghoofdhi, do you know a good (kde) program to create simple html websites?
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10:24.21bugi-sanleeghoofd: nvu, bluefish, oo.o
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10:26.09srednaleeghoofd: Kwrite
10:26.15sredna(or kate)
10:26.31leeghoofdthanks bugi-san, that's a lot of suggestions, the reason I asked is because I don't know how such a program is called so couldn't google :)
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10:27.22bugi-sanleeghoofd: ok np :-)
10:27.47leeghoofdsredna, I know those two programs but then I prefer vim :) I mean that I can type text but when I go to a new line I don't want to type <br> for instance
10:27.51bugi-sansredna: but it works under kde so it doesnt really matter :-P
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10:29.35leeghoofdso I thinkg I mean that I want to type a document and that the program generates html code :) I'm currently downloading nvu and will also try the other suggestion and see what program can do that :)
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10:30.36crus0rheh hi :) I'm trying to find out if Kontact supports RSS feeds, unfortunately the website is down :'(
10:30.52srednaleeghoofd: Kword
10:31.15srednacrus0r: It does, using the kaggregator part
10:31.36lippelakregator even
10:31.41leeghoofdscode, Kword can do that? isn't kword pagina based, while html documents are just one big scrolable page?
10:31.44srednalilalinux: Right :)
10:32.26srednaleeghoofd: Actually, ig your needs are modest kword can do that fine. It's not for designing webpages, but it's fine for simply formatting text
10:32.36lippelwhich reminds me that we should consider a renaming for kde4
10:33.11leeghoofdok, I will try it
10:35.24Worfleeghoofd: if you want to create serious html pages, use quanta. but that's a html editor, not some WYGIWYS thingie
10:36.25leeghoofdI want to write documentation that has to placed online, normally I do this in vim and type the <br> and <font> stuff myself but I though because what I want is very simple I could also use some kind of program to generate the html
10:37.11Worfhmm... documentation...
10:37.18oGALAXYook back from lunch
10:37.23srednaleeghoofd: In that case I believe kword is actually a nice choice, because it offers the full comfort of word processing, and the html export is working resonably well with simple documents
10:37.41srednaWorf: Docbook
10:38.19srednaAfaik, the world is yet to see a working wysiwyg docbook editor, allthough they come closer
10:38.31srednaARGH, kicker is still flashing away as I type
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10:39.22leeghoofdok, I'm trying kword html export right now :)
10:40.07Worfi think i tried kword html export once, and iirc it really generates nice html compared to some other "Word"...
10:40.38srednaWorf: :o
10:41.10_RADIOheadmorning #kde
10:41.14_RADIOheadhello sredna :)
10:41.23Worfsredna: yeah, that was actually what i was thinking - i don't know about docbook, and i wondered if there is some ... let's say "beginner-friendly" editor
10:41.31srednaMsword is probably producing the most scary html in existense, it's even worse than their wysiwig html editor, what ever the name is
10:41.40srednaHi _RADIOhead
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10:42.32leeghoofdAah I see, the html export of kword just ignores that I typed it on different (A4) pages, that's ok so I will use kword, thanks again for the help :)
10:42.47morethi guys
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10:45.00Worfargh - again somebody who asks me to install skype... time to install some open source voip software... can somebody recommend something? preferrably something that integrates well with kde?
10:46.12srednaWorf: Go to apps:voip ;)
10:46.46bugi-sanskype will be integrated with kopete in 3.5
10:46.49srednaHe, that is empty
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10:48.55leeghoofdbugi-san do you mean that the kde-3.5 beta already has skype support in kopete?
10:49.36NullAcht15huh? I thought skype was a closed protocol?
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10:54.28leeghoofdNullAcht15, it is, I think they reverse engeneerd it
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10:58.21NullAcht15leeghoofd: But wasn't Skype, somewhat like ICQ/MSN/AIM and so on, designed in a way that there can only be one server(cluster)?
10:59.18lippelthere is a skype api anyone can use. no need to reverse engineer anything afaik.
11:01.37leeghoofdlippel, I'm not sure but I think that what you say isn't true, the api you mean is a api to acces skype (not the protocol but the program) so you would still need to have the closed source program skype installed
11:03.18leeghoofdNullAcht15, yes, skype is fully controled by the skype company, In my opinion amuch better alternative is Jabber and the voice 'plugin' that google designed, I think it wont take long until kopete has support for that
11:04.21ZeepFor me, there is no choice - almost all my collegues use Skype, so I don't have much of a choice :-)
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11:05.32lippelleeghoofd: i don't see anything skype related in kopete (from SVN)
11:06.34NullAcht15(stupid network efects)
11:07.05leeghoofdlippel, I read somewhere the devs of kopete are working on it but as far as I know it isn't finsihed yet
11:07.41lippeli don't see anything skype-related in the code either.
11:07.55lippelbut well, there are many directories... ;-)
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11:08.15lippelmaybe its in branch or something
11:08.52leeghoofdlippel, the roadmap says they will have a skype plugin in the future (check and than click roadmap) I can't get a direct link :s
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11:15.01julialgun hispano hablante
11:15.32Worfhmpf - kcall looks very promising, but fails compiling here...
11:16.25julianybody know who configure pcmcia wifi comceptronic in suse
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11:19.45Worfoooh - it builds...
11:20.32Worferr - nope... it doesnt
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11:29.52fantihey! after dist-upgrading my debian/unstable, the kde fonts looks very ugly (too big!!)
11:30.05fantiwhat's wrong here?
11:31.02fanti"53 column window is too narrow" ???
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11:31.47AssociateXHello  people
11:32.15AssociateXwhat is the sound package called that contains kmix and all the other kde sound tools?
11:32.52AssociateXnot sure, but I'll look
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11:55.38ritalinthat kicker looks awesome
11:55.45ritalinthat a 3.5 feature?
11:57.08Tm_Tabout yes
11:57.17oGALAXYohmm whats so special about that ?
11:57.33Tm_Tnothing I guess
11:57.40Tm_Tjust like that one
11:58.20oGALAXYooh you dont run konversation ?
11:59.57Vincent_kanyone know why the xhat systray icon is missing in kde?
12:00.03apokryphosthat kicker looks awful :D. Too small; impractical
12:00.24oGALAXYoVincent_k: try konversation...
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12:00.32oGALAXYoVincent_k: it's kde's XChat client :)
12:00.40Vincent_kI know
12:00.41fantino idea about my fonts problem??
12:00.48cbrno, dont try konversation, it's horrible :D
12:00.53Vincent_kbut I always used xchat
12:00.55apokryphosKonversation is nice
12:01.00Gentleis konversation that Kopete plugin you see on that screenshot?
12:01.00cbri have xchat-systray working in kde
12:01.01Vincent_kit's nice
12:01.06apokryphosGentle: no
12:01.07Vincent_kbut xchat is nicer
12:01.11apokryphosGentle: it's a whole irc client in itself
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12:01.16apokryphosxchat is fugly
12:01.32apokryphosand I hate the way it handles a lot of things (many customizable, I'm sure, of course)
12:01.32cbrkonversation is
12:01.33Gentleapokryphos, yes, but, I didn't know Kopete can do IRC, and that screenshot shows Kopete doing irc
12:01.36oGALAXYoyeah in new xchat they put the close button below next to the scroll left and right button
12:01.40apokryphosGentle: it can
12:01.41NullAcht15I find your lack of taste disturbing
12:01.54apokryphosGentle: IRC is IM, technically, remember. Kopete is KDE's IM-client
12:02.12Gentleapokryphos, IRC is not IM regarding the IM specifications
12:02.16apokryphosstill, Konversation isn't my IRC client of choice. KVirc is the best :D, but it's not for everyone ;-)
12:02.19NullAcht15No, IRC and IM are something different
12:02.26apokryphosno, IRC is technically IM
12:02.28Gentleif IRC merely had PRIVMSG and no channels, it would be IM
12:02.28Vincent_kdon't like kopete
12:02.29apokryphosand one of the earliest forms
12:02.38Vincent_kgaim is my client of choise
12:02.39apokryphosno, that's a baseless assumption
12:02.42cbrbut msn has group chats too
12:02.55NullAcht15IRC: realtime many-to-many communication, IM: realtime one-to-one comm. with presence notification
12:02.57Gentlecbr, yet those group chats don't happen on the server
12:03.02cbrgaim+xchat is the perfect im combo.. although irssi is nice too
12:03.20oGALAXYoGentle: thats conversation
12:03.25oGALAXYocbr: gaim does irc too
12:03.26GentleIM = Chats occur between users, IRC = chats occur between server and users
12:03.30apokryphosNullAcht15: absolute rubbish; IRC = internet relay *chat*
12:03.33oGALAXYobut i dislike gaim.. its broken.
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12:03.42apokryphosGentle: no, MSN chat requires going through a server too
12:03.58Gentleapokryphos, only the auth part, the chat messages are sent peer to peer
12:04.00cbroGALAXYo: gaim's irc interface is not an option for me
12:04.03lippelGentle: so jabber is no IM when using MUC?
12:04.04NullAcht15apokryphos: so, is chat something different than communication?
12:04.16apokryphoschat is a form of communication
12:04.35cbrand oGALAXYo gaim is in no way broken
12:04.44oGALAXYocbr: it is.
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12:04.48Gentlelippel, IRC can NOT send messages to others without the server being involved, while Jabber can, that's the difference between IM and Chat
12:04.50cbrworks for me
12:05.04cbrGentle: so msn isnt IM?
12:05.07apokryphosGentle: precisely, it isn't; so why you're mentioning it is, suffice it to say, odd.
12:05.15oGALAXYocbr: it usually crashes here when trying to get my jabber buddy from the list..
12:05.17Gentlecbr, msn has ctc specifications
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12:05.27oGALAXYocbr: and the new gaim version dont have a 'connect' button anymore..
12:05.47oGALAXYoits annoying if you get a timeout and need to restart gaim only to connect since there is no re-connect button anymore.
12:05.52cbrjabber support is pretty horrid but works in the basics
12:05.58ritalincheck it out :P
12:05.59cbrand i dont use jabber that much anyway
12:06.01ritalin2nd day on kde
12:06.16cbroGALAXYo: which version are you talking abou?
12:06.22oGALAXYoi usually use kopete to have my jabber buddy list fixed, which gaim trashes...
12:06.28oGALAXYocbr: CVS
12:06.29apokryphosritalin: you gotta change your kicker there. Why confine it to so little space?
12:06.44cbroGALAXYo: what about the Accounts dialog?
12:06.48apokryphosthough, I can't really stand non-trans kickers anymore :D
12:06.51oGALAXYocbr: removed
12:07.07cbroGALAXYo: well you cant judge CVS code though :p
12:07.09lippelGentle: with jabber, messages are also routed through the server
12:07.14oGALAXYoi mean the accounts dialog is still there. but the 'connect' buttons are removed.
12:07.21cbroGALAXYo: by looking at CVS, i could say that kde4 sucks :p
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12:07.30Gentlelippel, they needn't, you can send directly to other clients
12:07.36oGALAXYocbr: well which CVS ? kde doesn't use CVS
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12:07.55Gentlelippel, you need the server to tell you where that other user is (ip wise), then you send directly
12:07.56oGALAXYotechnically kde doesnt use cvs :)
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12:08.19apokryphoscvs is the grandaddy; went to shiny new svn
12:08.20lippelGentle: but that's not the default behaviour
12:09.10sethSince my update in debian unstable my google search bar is gone. I can't find it in Toolbar Settings as a destination neither. Any ideas how I can get it back there?
12:09.50Gentlelippel, as far as users I know are concerned, their jabberDs only will be messaged when the user is offline, to store the message for the user. If the user is online, the messages aren't routed through server
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12:10.03fantiseth: have you got any trouble with your fonts after the update?
12:10.07Gentlemight be a question of config files, of course, yet I never seen another behaviour
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12:11.27sethfanti, not really... is that linked in any way?
12:12.39fantiseth: no, but i've got trouble with my fonts today after upgrading my debian/unstable and i was just wondering whether there are others having same problem as i have.
12:13.06oGALAXYofanti: you can solve fonts problems easily
12:13.17oGALAXYofanti: run 'fc-cache -vf' as root and then relogin into kde.
12:13.46ritalinapokryphos: Im coming from OS X
12:13.51fantioGALAXYo: i'll try.
12:13.52ritalinthe dock grew on me
12:13.53lippelGentle: at least in jive messenger, everything goes over the server
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12:14.13apokryphosritalin: that's not a dock; that's a panel.
12:14.19apokryphosritalin: plenty of docks available on
12:14.33Gentlelippel, well I could tell you of several ICQ clients that can only send to server, while the protocol says you send to the server when everything else fails
12:15.05lippelGentle: jive messenger is a server implementation, not client
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12:15.37Gentlelippel, but, to clear this up in some way, it's not exactly defined what is IM and what is Chat, it's a question of common use, IM tools are usually used to message single persons and chat programs are usually used to message channels
12:16.10Gentlebut most IM tools can do chatrooms and most chat tools allow private messages, so it's not really defined after all
12:16.44*** join/#kde fanti (
12:17.17fantioGALAXYo: does not work :( my fonts are still too big
12:17.38fantioGALAXYo: see
12:17.42oGALAXYofanti: now go into the kontrol-center and the fonts section and click on default.
12:18.35lippelGentle: actually i don't like this artificial distinction, if single person means one-to-one and chat means channel.
12:18.45fantioGALAXYo: i didn't do change any font-settings! they are "on default"
12:18.57lippelGentle: if i want to invite a third person in jabber, i need to create a channel, invite people, and switch to the channel
12:19.02oGALAXYofanti: click it anyways.
12:19.17fantioGALAXYo: nothing happens
12:19.17lippelGentle: that sucks. it would be better if IM with n persons would be possible instead of just two
12:19.31oGALAXYofanti: hmmm dunno then.
12:19.43Gentlelippel, agree, but that would be no IM but p2p chat then
12:19.45lippelGentle: instead of one-to-one and MUC separated
12:19.55oGALAXYofanti: but thats no kde issue actually..
12:19.56Gentleyet again, p2p chat is just another of these marketing words
12:20.05oGALAXYofanti: thats a font setup issue in your x server..
12:20.06lippeli like it as it is done in skype
12:20.14lippeldon't know about the protocol
12:20.16oGALAXYofanti: usually 'fc-cache -fv' as root solves this stuff..
12:20.26ritalinapokryphos: good advice, I made it smaller in size but it goes across screen
12:20.36ritalinnot as crowded
12:20.46apokryphosgood idea
12:21.05ritalinkde is so awesome
12:21.22fantioGALAXYo: i got this problem after dist-upgrading my debian/unstable today. before this upgrade, all was fine!
12:21.30apokryphosritalin: =)
12:21.41oGALAXYofanti: have you tried asking in #debian ?
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12:22.37Gentlefanti, did they ban you after one or after 2 minutes?
12:23.01fantiGentle: no :-) but i got no answer...
12:23.15Gentlethey must have been good upon today
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13:06.37BenvolioWhat can i do if kpdf does not print?
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13:18.41Furio_Ghi folks, I've added my sound mixer to the panel, but it added the large icon. My panel size is set to large because I like the large icons for my taskbar shortcuts. But for kmix i'd prefer the small icon
13:19.39Dark_Lord_XHi. I am a new Linux user. (I have Fedora Core 4). I want to know if is possible install KDE from linux haven't a graphics
13:21.13ritalin"install KDE from linux haven't a graphics"
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13:25.07Dark_Lord_Xlinux without a graphics environment
13:25.45Gentlenot entirely without, but it theoretically can work with framebuffers
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13:27.56Worfi wonder if it is really this what he wanted to know :-)
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14:08.51Arafangi1nHow do I have two panels?
14:09.41bugi-sanright click on main panel and add another one
14:09.58Arafangi1nAhh, thanks.
14:10.14Gentlebtw, can you have panels only for certain desktops?
14:10.32Arafangi1nGentle: What would be the point of that?
14:11.08GentleArafangi1n, having kopete run in a panel so windows on that desktop don't maximize over it, but still not having Kopete on all desktops
14:14.55*** join/#kde egon_spengler (n=egon@
14:16.15Arafangi1nHow do I "reload" kde, without killing my windows?
14:16.42Arafangi1nThe session is playing up in a funny way, and windows are slowly "creeping" upwards, plus I can't move them down.
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14:17.00Arafangi1nAlso seems to have switched to my "other" desktop, even though it only has one.
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14:21.35Arafangi1nAww, stuff this.
14:21.38Arafangi1n*restarts session*
14:21.43Arafangi1nemail program has disappeared, anyway.
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14:27.08incorrectim getting operation is not supported while connecting to msn with kopete
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14:27.15incorrectanyone know what causes it?
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14:34.10we2byany one knows where openoffice puts its icons when installing using rpm?
14:34.46bugi-sanin kmenu right?
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14:34.57pinucsetwe2by you must install the icons packaje
14:35.16we2byPinaraf: where do I get the icons package/?
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14:35.24we2byI have OO 2.0 allready installed
14:35.51bugi-sanhmm afaik rpm package provides icons
14:36.10we2byyea, but I dunno where they are located
14:36.49bugi-sanwe2by: the same place where other icons are?
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14:51.03meme_about kio_devices_mounthelper..
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14:51.40meme_it really should use command 'umount -l' for unmounting, rather than just 'umount'
14:52.54meme_? anybody there ?
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14:53.46Tm_Tmeme_: I think #kde-devel would be better place
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14:57.35oGALAXYoheh is such a fucking retarded place.
14:58.06oGALAXYoall the gnome morons jump in kde threads bashing and talking it to death.. but as soon as someone from kde makes a calmed neutral comment inside an gnome article its immediately modded down.
14:58.13oGALAXYowhat poor pathetic little suckers.
14:59.08oGALAXYoslashdot used to be worse.. but got better recently but topped it twice the time of slashdot.
14:59.16oGALAXYoin being a sucking place.
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15:25.27meme_There is swallow-applet to contain Window Maker applets?
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16:13.07jcurryhello :)
16:14.29ritalini know this is lame but anyone speak german?
16:14.53ritalinI need help on some homework
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16:17.38meme_anybody know how to restart panel?
16:17.48jcurrymeme_, dcop kicker kciker restart
16:17.57jcurrysorry, both are "kicker"
16:18.04jcurryexecute that in a konsole
16:19.31jhutchinsjcurry: Hey, thanks for that.  I've killed it a couple of times, never new how to restart without restarting the session.
16:19.38meme_I'll restart the whole thang...
16:20.01meme_"start menu" crashes for some reason when I click it.
16:20.14meme_maybe it's my configurations.
16:20.21jcurryjhutchins, sure :)
16:20.49jcurrymeme_ should check his ~/.xsession-errors file
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16:25.19jhutchinsLooks like I can do some cleanup based on that file too, back in a while.
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16:26.13drynishHi! :)
16:26.50drynishI've searched on the web and I don't know how KDE could detect my xinerama
16:27.15drynishIs there a way to tell him, hey use xinerama settings... (so maximize fonction would not go across the two screens)
16:29.52jcurryno clue :)
16:30.01jcurryThat xinerama stuff is black magic too me
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16:30.48kakei_hi guys how cna i change the colors of my task bar i'm using Kde 32.
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16:31.48jcurrykakei_, you should upgrade...but, you should be able to chnage your entire panel background
16:31.55jcurrykakei_, by specifying an image
16:32.08kakei_jcurry which distro do u use?
16:32.15jcurrykakei_, debian
16:32.24jcurrykakei_, sid, to be exact
16:32.26kakei_oh,ic hmm How to Specify the image
16:32.40jcurrykakei_, kcontrol > Desktop > Panels
16:32.58jcurryShould be somewhere there, i'm not too familiar with 3.2, it is ancient
16:33.11kakei_i'm not sure how to upgrade with Mandriva
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16:33.19jcurrykakei_, ask in 3mandriva
16:33.24jcurry#mandriva, sorry
16:33.33xnetis there a way to hide icons on one of my many desktops?
16:34.03jcurryxnet, per desktop? i don't think so
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16:34.33xnetdig it.
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16:35.37jcurryxnet, you should file a wishlist bug for that, it sounds easy to implement and quite useful
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16:37.39meme_soft reboot
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16:40.14jcurrymeme_, you should check ~/.xsession-errors in the future, it may be very helpful
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16:46.41meme_will kde-team be sued because konqueror bundles web-browser?
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16:48.39Tm_Tmeme_: wtf
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16:49.14meme_Well, that was case with MS, wasn't it?
16:49.15moi1392I have some problems with konstruct and kde 3.5 beta 2
16:49.30Tm_Tmeme_: not really, Konqueror IS web-browser
16:49.39*** join/#kde bugi-san (n=bugi@
16:49.51Tm_Tyou don't pay at all of using KDE
16:50.02Tm_Tyou can install any part of KDE you like, just as you like
16:50.04moi1392kde 3.5 seems to depend on hal 0.5.x, I can't compile it under debian sid because hal is 0.4.x
16:50.39StevenRmeme_: no kde will not be sued, becuase kde is not an operating system, it doesn't have a monopoly and doesn't force it on the user
16:50.46moi1392but on KDe website, required version of hal for kde 3.5 is 0.4
16:53.26meme_btw, using konqueror (3.3.2) is way fun. Compare to ms explorer or nautilus.
16:55.35jcurrymoi1392, try #kde-devel
16:55.50moi1392jcurry: ok thx :)
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17:16.10meme_is there a swallower applet?
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17:24.14Guard][anhello ppl
17:24.34Guard][andoes kde have something to detect wireless access points, connect to them etc?
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17:25.08jcurryGuard][an, nothing official, i think, but check may have something
17:25.18Guard][anok thx
17:25.19jcurrymeme_, what is a swallower applet?
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17:27.53Moryddwhen adding an application to the panel, is it possible to set it to always open on a specific desktop?
17:29.16electrikis there a way to change/remove kde keyboard shortcuts, ctrl-f4 is bound to switching to desktop4,which is fine and dandy, but i have a program that uses ctrl-f4 as a keyboard shortcut in it, that is more useful to me
17:30.44electrikMorydd, yes, try something like 'kstart --desktop 2 --activate --window "xterm"'
17:30.49srednaMorydd: You'd need to edit the button and prepend the exec command with  something like 'kstart --desktop <number> -- '
17:30.55electrikxterm being the program to open
17:31.05jcurryelectrik, kcontrol > regional and accessibility > keyboard shortcuts
17:31.34srednaelectrik: Sure, in the control center just disable/edit the shortcut for that action
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17:31.54srednaHm, I'm slow - I better go eating---
17:32.00electrikahh yes, thanks jcurry and sredna
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17:32.59REdOGwhere does kde set a "themes" colors at?
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17:33.45REdOGparticularly the background color for text input boxes
17:33.58jcurryREdOG, search in ~/.kde/share/apps or in ~/.kde/share/config
17:34.15kiwi_ukREdOG: you could use strace on the Control Panel to see what files it changes... possibly as a last resort :)
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17:34.40jcurryREdOG, or it may be defined in the style , and then you wouldn't be able to chnage it...which style are you using?
17:34.57srednaYou should use the control center to change it
17:35.23srednajcurry: Afaik that is no true - is you enable a color scheme, kde just copy the values to the config file
17:35.30REdOGjcurry: probably default... Im not running kde but alot of apps are thinking I am because e17 tells them its kde for some strange reason
17:36.00REdOGthese apps use ugly colors that I think I can change by using a .kde config that isn't ugly
17:36.01srednaAll kde applications use the kde settings
17:36.17srednaAnd there is no reason you should not run kcontrol from within e17
17:36.17REdOGopera? afaik its not a "kde" app
17:36.24srednaOr just the colors module
17:36.25REdOGI don't have kcontrol
17:36.35*** part/#kde steffen (
17:36.49srednaTry 'kcmshell colors'
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17:37.19srednaREdOG: Well, if you did not install kdebase fully, you should have your head examined
17:37.36REdOGsredna: I don't use kde at all
17:37.55jcurryREdOG, opera is not a kde app, and therefore is not affected by anything you define in kcontrol...use an opera theme
17:38.25srednaREdOG: If you run any kde apps, you need kdebase. If you have no kde apps, changing kde config files is not going to help you in any way
17:38.28jcurryREdOG, if you use kde apps, you should install all of kdebase, or Strange Things Will Happen (tm)
17:38.38REdOGjcurry: it does ive done it before
17:38.42srednaREdOG: If you mean qt apps, try qtconfig
17:39.08jcurryREdOG, opera uses qt, like kde, but opera *is not* a kde app
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17:39.32REdOGI don't have qt either I may
17:39.37REdOGopera is static
17:40.16PeakerRecently, Ctrl+C doesn't always work to copy from widgets. Right-click copy does.  Only the key shortcut fails. Any known bug about this?
17:41.40jcurryREdOG, i don't understand what you want to do...if you want to chnage opera's appearance, get an opera theme
17:42.05jcurryPeaker, is it a kde problem, or does it happen in other apps, eg, gtk apps?
17:42.19Peakerjcurry: kde problem, even within the same program
17:42.57Peaker(between konversation and itself) in this line edit it works. But in the editor that pops up when I paste multiline text, I cannot copy via ctrl+c
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17:43.09Peakerbut it happened in konqueror and other apps too
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17:43.16jcurryPeaker, no clue there...did you check your shortcuts?
17:43.24Ringwraith`lol Peaker
17:43.29Peakerjcurry: The popup menu says "ctrl+c" :P
17:43.58Guard][ani'm under gentoo and used kde split ebuilds, in control center / power control, but i don't have ACPI panel, what do i miss ?
17:46.49jcurryPeaker, strange, i have no idea...file a bug.
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17:51.12aibanyone know where I can get kdecoration.h and kdecorationfactory.h?
17:53.06mabuPeaker: ask in #gentoo
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17:54.36dinolinuxGood evening
17:54.37silent|warrioris there any apps comes with kde by default for viewing webcam
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17:55.45hyperactivecrondok in Kontact, i have gpg installed.  I can send encrypted messages but if i receive one it won't automagically ask for my passphrase and de-crypt i
17:56.08hyperactivecrondit is supposed to do it automagically, yes?
17:56.36jcurryhyperactivecrond, try #kontact
17:56.46hyperactivecrondMK jcurry thx
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17:58.58kiwi_ukIsn't KDE 3.5 meant to be able to be "arts free"
17:59.01kiwi_ukand just use ALSA
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17:59.56jcurrySonny_Wertzik, hello!
18:00.15Sonny_Wertzikjcurry, hiya
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18:00.19Sho_kiwi_uk: Looking at new options for the KDE multimedia backend is on the map for KDE 4.0; 3.5 still uses ALSA
18:01.04Sonny_Wertzikcan someone tell me if there is a way to lock or save the konqueror configuration im using now? im using konqueror as a file manager with tree view F9
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18:04.11srednaSonny_Wertzik: Save the view profile
18:04.33Sonny_Wertzikcan someone tell me if there is a way to lock or save the  konqueror configuration im using now. Im using konqueror as a file manager with the tree view F9
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18:04.43srednaSonny_Wertzik: Settings menu
18:04.55Sonny_Wertzikoops i got disconnected sorry can u repeate
18:05.32srednaSonny_Wertzik: Save the view profile
18:05.34srednaSonny_Wertzik: Settings menu
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18:06.31Sonny_Wertziksredna, is that in window specific setting?
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18:06.57srednaSonny_Wertzik: Sorry, what?
18:07.16Sonny_Wertziki dont know which settings ur talking about
18:07.37srednaSonny_Wertzik: To to the menu item 'Settings->Save view profile'
18:07.57srednaThat will save your setup with toolbars, sidebar and potentially URLs
18:09.31Sonny_Wertziksredna, tgot it thank you
18:10.08Sonny_Wertziksredna, dang kde has settings scattered all over the not used to it hehe
18:10.21srednaSonny_Wertzik: You can save the current profile, or create a new one. You can add a konqueror buton to start that particular profile, the command is 'kfmclient openProfile <name>'. The default for the file manager incarnation of konqueror is 'kfmclient openProfile fileManagement' iirc
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18:11.52Sonny_Wertziksredna, can i edit my laucher to open this new profile?
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18:12.10srednaSonny_Wertzik: Look in my last message
18:12.19srednaSonny_Wertzik: You can save the current profile, or create a new one. You can add a konqueror buton to start that particular profile, the command is 'kfmclient openProfile <name>'. The default for the file manager incarnation of konqueror is 'kfmclient openProfile fileManagement' iirc
18:12.39Sonny_Wertziksredna, ok i thought that was command line stuff
18:12.49PsychoDad"kstart --skiptaskbar --skippager" does not seem to work at all ....
18:13.00PsychoDadsame behaviour without those arguments
18:13.07srednaSonny_Wertzik: It is, the exec line in the button properties is a command
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18:15.44PsychoDadany hints on kstart? or any new alternatives to that?
18:16.11PsychoDad... or any other channel for kde related questions? :)
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18:17.04srednaPsychoDad: Ksystraycmd
18:17.31srednaThough that will add your app to the systray of course
18:18.27PsychoDadi just want some applications to vanish from the "task bar"
18:18.35Guard][anwhich is the name of the module that controls: control center / power control / acpi config
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18:19.43srednaPsychoDad: And you need to provide a window
18:20.22PsychoDadi loved kstart ... but it does not seem to work anymore
18:21.48srednaPsychoDad: Did you use --window <regexp>?
18:22.06srednaGuard][an: Try kcmshell --list for a list of available modules
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18:22.46dESAhow to view movies that is in blabla.bin format? i have a cue file to, but in win i used deamon tools what to use in mandriva?
18:23.29Guard][ansredna: my pb is that i have all the chances to miss the module, because i used gentoo kde meta ebuilds (split ebuilds)
18:23.31PsychoDaddESA: mplayer
18:23.40dESAokey thx
18:24.16srednaGuard][an: Let me check
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18:24.30srednaAnders@pluto ~ $ kcmshell --list|grep laptop
18:24.30srednaLaptop                 - Laptop Battery
18:24.33Sonny_Wertziksredna, I got it working thanks for all the help :-)
18:24.39srednaSonny_Wertzik: :)
18:25.06srednaGuard][an: Laptop is the module name
18:25.07Guard][anwell i have the laptop battery, brought by kdelaptopdaemon
18:25.18srednaHm, maybe I'm missing something
18:25.24Guard][anbut this battery control panel tells that i have to change settings in the "acpi config" panel
18:25.30srednaGrepping for 'power' does not return anything
18:25.31Guard][anwhich is missing on my configuration
18:25.50Guard][ando you hava an acpi panel in your control center ?
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18:27.03srednaGuard][an: Nope, grepping is empty, and the only one in the power control section is laptop
18:27.05Ravenskyhow do I get KDE to find connected storage devices and make a /media/ thing for them?
18:27.15Guard][anthx :)
18:27.32srednaGuard][an: And I'm sure that the kernel stuff is enabled, so I don't know where it'd come from
18:27.42srednaI can look in the sources, moment
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18:28.15sredna!lart aseigo
18:28.30StevenRsredna: ?
18:28.33srednaAnytime I press a key, kicker FLASHES
18:28.36PsychoDadsredna: --window does not work
18:28.50srednaPsychoDad: What command did you use?
18:28.52StevenRsredna: eek!
18:28.55PsychoDadah, crap ... one mom
18:29.03*** part/#kde i173s10 (
18:29.07Guard][ansredna: well on my laptop kernel stuff is enabled too
18:29.13strawergo, kicker is one flashy panel!
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18:29.44Sonny_Wertzikdoes anyone here use the new version of knoppix?
18:30.20srednaGuard][an: There is a subdirectory in kcontrol named 'energy'
18:30.57srednaGuard][an: It isn't build here, but I guess that would be it
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18:31.36Guard][ani may have to rebuild kcontrol ? USE="acpi" emerge kcontrol maybe
18:31.36srednaKicker in it's current incarnation is a bugnest
18:31.54Guard][anbattery control tells me, inside the power control tab: "you need to enable ACPI suspend/resume in the ACPI panel"
18:32.07Sonny_WertzikI like the way the icons in the main panel swell up when you hover over them in knoppix...can someone tell me how to set that?
18:32.09srednaGuard][an: emerge -pv will display the USE flags a package can use and the current value
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18:33.14ulughbeghwhat is your image resizing app
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18:33.35PsychoDadulughbegh: convert? gimp?
18:34.10PsychoDadsredna: kstart sets the arguments correctly .. but the task-bar does not obey
18:34.11Guard][anemerge -pv kcontrol does not tell about an acpi use flag
18:34.30strawkrita seems to only want to open it's own format
18:34.53srednaulughbegh: ^
18:35.10ulughbeghas frontend
18:35.15srednaPsychoDad: Time to file more kicker bugs :-)
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18:35.20ulughbeghfor everyone
18:35.28PsychoDadsredna: where? :)
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18:35.54PsychoDadyeah ... i love that on sundays
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18:36.14PsychoDaddo i have to log in ???
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18:37.10sgmihaithis is wierd.. i have set europe/bucharest time zone in kde, and i must set the clock +3 hours so it shows the right time, why ?
18:37.15Sonny_WertzikIn knoppix, the main panel icons swell up when you hover over them ...can someone tell me how to set that?
18:37.32*** part/#kde ulughbegh (n=ulughbeg@
18:37.43strawPsychoDad: of course. unless you want it full of party poker and free ipod spam
18:38.09Guard][ansredna: do you have this ACPI panel on your configuration ?
18:38.23strawSonny_Wertzik: that's gone as of 3.4.x
18:38.40Sonny_Wertzikstraw, aw no!
18:38.42PsychoDadone more account i will use once and forget afterwards
18:38.46solsTiCehi. i use dcop call on the shell to open a new tab in konqueror is it the best way ? now i want to do the same in python with dcop module (or pcop or pydcop ) and i don't know where to start ...
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18:38.57Sonny_Wertzikstraw, hehehe that figures
18:39.31strawSonny_Wertzik: bah, it was ugly and silly anyway, imho
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18:40.11Sonny_Wertzikstraw, ya maybe but i like it silly like that
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18:41.04srednaGuard][an: I think it's named 'energy'
18:41.19strawSonny_Wertzik: well, you could install kxdocker. it's a kicker replacement with funky eye candy of that nature
18:41.26meme_how in the hell I'm supposed to make archives?
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18:41.35meme_With encryption?
18:41.36strawmeme_: with ark
18:41.36srednaGuard][an: It is in the display section
18:41.51Sonny_Wertzikstraw, ok ill have a look...thanx
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18:42.28_javierhi all
18:42.36Guard][ansredna: it's supposed to be in Power control
18:42.37PhilRodmeme_: "tar czvf" and "gpg --encrypt-files"
18:42.47PhilRodhi _javier
18:42.54meme_tar tar but I don't need any encryption.
18:43.08oGALAXYoPhilRod: you can use "ccrypt" wich uses AES encryption
18:43.10_javieri cant find the volume applet for my kde.    ?!?!!?
18:43.12Guard][ansredna: from a forum, "Open KDE Control Centre and look for Power Management. On laptop I use KDE too.
18:43.13Guard][anIt's like so:
18:43.13Guard][anMenu=>Control Centre=>Power Control=>ACPI config
18:43.16oGALAXYoPhilRod: i keep encrypting all ym stuff with that.
18:43.16_javierhi PhilRod
18:43.23meme_It's supposed to be gnome where you need to use cli all the time.
18:43.38*** join/#kde pangerancinta (n=user09@
18:43.47srednameme_: In konqueror, rightclick the file and select Actions->Encrypt file
18:44.05meme_Yes, but archives WITHOUT encryption!!!
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18:44.49srednameme_: Select one or more files, rightclick and select 'Compress-><your choice here>'
18:45.15Guard][ansredna: i found something interessting:
18:45.22meme_I have only "compress and encrypt"
18:45.32Holbornhi, any chance to "auto" create the undefined mime type who finds kbuildsycoca?
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18:45.44srednaGuard][an: Install ark, it's in the kdeutils module afaik
18:45.50oGALAXYomeme_: tar cfjv foobar.tar.bz2 and then ccrypt -ev foobar.tar.bz2
18:46.01oGALAXYomeme_: i like ccrypt because it does AES encryption.
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18:46.50srednaHolborn: Please try to rephrase that
18:46.54meme_everything's working just fine and then there is this kinda quirk?
18:47.02Guard][ansredna: what is ark ?
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18:47.19srednaGuard][an: Kdes archiever
18:47.33srednaIt creats and extracts archieves of most kinds
18:47.46srednaPossibly it can encrypt them internally, I don't know
18:48.05srednaBut kde is so modular, so I'd not be suprised
18:48.18srednameme_: What?
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18:48.50meme_Quirk is that, I should be able to make archives without reverting to console.
18:49.17srednameme_: Again, install ark (kdeutils)
18:49.38meme_ok... but why "actions" shouldn't include it?
18:50.01HolbornThere is some way to create the undefined mime types reported by kbuildsycoca?
18:50.05srednameme_: The actions are installed by ark when you install that
18:50.25srednaHolborn: Install kdelibs
18:50.36meme_I've installed ark already.
18:50.38srednaIt contains all mimetypes that kde needs
18:50.48srednameme_: What OS are you running?
18:51.14meme_Linux tatu 2.6.13 #2 Wed Oct 12 18:01:11 GMT-2 2005 i686 GNU/Linux DEBIAN
18:51.36srednameme_: If you run gentoo or debian, you should ask for help in the respective OS channels, because those distros fail to do a correct installation of several parts of KDE
18:51.45Guard][ansredna: i don't need an archiver thx, it wasn't me asking:)
18:51.58srednaGuard][an: Sorry if I wrongly directed that at you :)
18:54.01srednameme_: #debian-kde
18:54.57srednameme_: Uhm, I just looked in my kdeaddons module, and there is actually somthing called konqplugins/arkplugin
18:55.09srednameme_: So that might be what installs those action menus
18:56.37Holbornsredna: yes, i have kdelibs, but seems kbuildsycoca read all of my *.desktop files and floods mu .xsession-errors with lots of undefined mimetype, I search fro some script or something to create them .. :(
18:56.56srednaHolborn: Sorry, try running 'kbuidsycoca --noincremental'
18:57.08srednaHolborn: That should regenerte the database from scratch
18:57.09*** part/#kde solsTiCe (
18:57.22meme_konq-plugins !!
18:57.25Holbornsredna: i do it .. no way .. :(
18:57.51srednaHolborn: Which mimetypes are undefined?
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18:57.58meme_sorry to annoy you... It was only surprising that you couldn't create archives without encrypting them.
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18:58.32srednaHolborn: Kde keeps the mimetypes in .desktop files in KDEDIR/share/mimelnk, where KDEDIR is the output of 'kde-config --prefix'
18:58.48srednameme_: You are wellcome, we are here to try and help :)
18:59.18meme_SIGFPE is common?
18:59.26srednaHolborn: Please check if mimetypes installed in that location causes errors, if so it is a problem with your syscoca database
18:59.34srednameme_: No, I wouldn't say so
18:59.45meme_got one.
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19:06.04Holbornsredna: sredna : most are of non kde apps :(
19:08.09srednaHolborn: If they are gtk/gnome apps, maybe you should research where gnome keeps it's mimetypes and install them
19:08.29srednaHolborn: Or add the location they are kept to the kde database
19:10.45*** join/#kde magnetic (
19:11.26Holbornsredna: no gnome in my system :) anyway kbuildsycoca reads from /usr/share/applications unad /usr/local/share applications .. maybe if I mix the /usr/share/mime in my ~./kde/share/mimelnk ?? but ...
19:11.51strawselecting a scalable icon set really makes for some odd behavior...
19:13.12PsychoDadcu sredna
19:13.17PsychoDadthanks for the help
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19:13.35srednaHolborn: 'kde-config --type mime' should tell you where kde looks for mimetypes
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19:16.18Holbornsredna: yes .. reads ... the /usr/share/mimelnk .... but seems my debia put some mime types on /usr/share/mime too... ummm ... man cp  i will try a selective copy selective :) thanks ..
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19:18.20srednaHolborn: You can add the directory making /usr/share/debian/share/mimelnk a link to it, and then add /usr/share/debian to yout KDEDIRS variable (at least I think that whould do)
19:18.56Holbornsredna: ok i will try ... thanks
19:18.56srednaHolborn: But it could be worth asking in #debian-kde if there is a known solution
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19:20.16pchanhiya. How do i get kwallet to store a password for a site? I was on it earlier today, and when it asked to save the password--i clicked never by mistake. Any ideas?
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19:25.21meme_sorry again, but how I customize "start menu"? I hit the config earlier, but don't remember how I got there.
19:26.23greppermeme_: r-click on the start icon in the panel
19:26.39meme_ok! :)
19:26.49grepperalso probably under settings in menu
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19:28.13pchanhiya. How do i get kwallet to store a password for a site? I was on it earlier today, and when it asked to save the password--i clicked never by mistake. Any ideas?
19:28.32thiagoyou've already asked that
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19:29.15sgmihaihow can you get multiple programs playiing sound at the same time ?
19:29.40thiagosgmihai: configure them all to play through arts
19:29.45sgmihaii'm lookin for the quickest sollution, nothing too fancy
19:29.52sgmihaiarts ? oh ok..
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19:30.47strawpchan: open the wallet manager and find the entry for the site
19:32.05sgmihaihmm there's no alsa entry in amarok.. for sound
19:32.07pchanstraw: Thats the problem, there is no entry, and it wont ask to create one either.
19:32.11sgmihaionly esd oss alsa file
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19:32.37jkt|evening, folks
19:33.26jkt|which place is better to ask kmail-imap specific questions? kde-pim or kmail-devel ML?
19:33.35strawpchan: you're looking under Form Data
19:33.50pchanstraw: Correct. Where else should i Look?
19:35.25srednapchan: Find the file ~/.kde/share/apps/khtml/formhistory and look for the list [NonPasswordStorableSites] at the bottom. Remove the site form that
19:36.20pchansredna: Perfect, excactly what i needed.
19:36.22pchanThanks! :)
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19:49.31meme_how I revert changes I made with kmenuedit?
19:51.01strawmeme_: that's stored under ~/.config and ~/.local
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19:53.21meme_Where should I send all my praises?  File Size View is the invention of the century!
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20:10.04*** part/#kde pakopako (
20:10.55fugitdebian sarge kde 3.4. Turning on unmounted cdrom for my dvd burning shows 3 icons. Looking on information to fix this.
20:11.23fugit^^ under show device icons
20:14.19*** join/#kde hangar79 (
20:16.05sgmihaiAn error occurred while loading
20:16.05sgmihaiCould not start process Unable to create io-slave:
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20:20.22sgmihaiwhat do i need for konquerer ?
20:20.29thiagothe ioslaves
20:20.34*** join/#kde b00zy (n=nothing@pdpc/supporter/student/b00zy)
20:20.48thiagoare you installing konqueror on your own?
20:21.38b00zyin kmail i have "Configure Notifications" -> "More Options" -> "Show a message in a pop-up window" enabled, but no pop-up is being shown.
20:21.48b00zyeven if i set it to play a sound, nothing happens
20:22.12thiagowhat action did you set that to?
20:22.29b00zynew mail arrived
20:23.09*** join/#kde Thorrn4 (
20:23.58Thorrn4hello!! I was wondering: what advantages does KDE have over gnome?
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20:31.41meme_try it out
20:32.08meme_used kde, then gnome 2.8, 2.10 and now back in kde 3.3.2
20:34.40*** join/#kde _andreas (
20:35.22oGALAXYoKDE works thats the difference :)
20:35.55*** join/#kde spiral (
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20:38.58AndurillGleich wieder da
20:39.04oGALAXYojo mach das
20:39.17AndurillBin zurück
20:41.58*** join/#kde bobibobi (n=bobibobi@
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20:45.45yhagerHey there, is this the right place for a kmail question?
20:46.38*** join/#kde vexatiOn (
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20:46.50vexatiOnis there a version of KBFX that works on mandriva ?
20:46.52yhagerThanks :). I am using ubuntu (just upgraded to breezy) and mail seems to be stuck in outbox (using IMAP to exchange)
20:47.08yhagerAny idea of where to start from?
20:49.10*** join/#kde |RMS_is_| (
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20:52.31netic_hi there, i just purchased a notebook, set it up, but i cant figure how to set up the touch pad (my first notebook), is it kde related or x related?
20:53.18netic_i mean, touchpad works, but double clicks doesnt act as i was expecting
20:58.21oGALAXYonetic_: its X related
20:58.43netic_oGALAXYo: thanks
20:59.54frbthere is ksynaptics iirc, which is touchpad configuration for kde
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21:24.24niktoiHi! Im sorry for the bad pub but is it possible to run gnome frontends from Kde when Gdm is installed?
21:24.50oGALAXYoeh ?
21:25.05oGALAXYoyou can run gnome applications inside KDE yes
21:25.11oGALAXYoand the other way around it works too
21:26.42niktoihmm its strange, when I try to run gnome-commander(corectly installed trough atpt-get) or nautilus, nothing appears
21:27.04oGALAXYowhy do you want to run gnome-commander or nautilus ?
21:27.13oGALAXYothey are both broken apps compared to konqueror.
21:30.44niktoiWoA ! three days later, it started!
21:30.47grepperniktoi: try running them from the terminal
21:30.57niktoiyea thats what im doin
21:31.28grepperjust make sure you run nautilas with the no desktop option
21:31.45grepper(if you still need to do that)
21:31.52grepperhaven't used it in a while
21:32.01oGALAXYoyou still need to
21:32.09*** join/#kde rabauke__ (n=rabauke@u-2-038.vpn.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
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21:32.49niktoihmmm the no desktop option
21:32.52niktoii try that
21:33.58oGALAXYoniktoi: if you allow... i dont recommend using nautilus. i used to be a gnome developer and know how broken the gnome-vfs module is (copying files and so on from ftp etc..)..
21:34.05oGALAXYoits still in bad shape..
21:34.11niktoiyes i would prefer konqueror
21:34.22niktoibut it makes my system crashes..
21:34.31oGALAXYowhat kde version ?
21:34.50oGALAXYoand what distro
21:35.43niktoi3.3.2 on promepis (debian testing/stable kernel 2.6.7)
21:35.58*** join/#kde Alethes (n=alethes@unaffiliated/alethes)
21:36.00oGALAXYoi see. the latest kde is 3.5 beta 2..
21:36.09oGALAXYoeven kde 3.4 is newer than what you run.
21:36.15niktoiI see
21:36.17*** join/#kde bushwakko (
21:36.29oGALAXYoyou should give kde 3.4 or 3.5 beta2 a try.. not just that its more stable. its also double as fast..
21:36.41oGALAXYowell.. at least faster and more stable due to better compiler and many bugfixes.
21:36.46niktoiok, let me upgrade that and I come back :    )
21:36.58niktoiTy for u advice!
21:37.08oGALAXYomeme_: most crashes are usually related to bad gcc C++ support
21:37.17*** join/#kde Darkintent (
21:37.26oGALAXYomost C++ related issues have been solved with gcc 3.4 and better 4.0
21:37.37oGALAXYospeed, stability, better code generation.
21:37.52oGALAXYobut it also depends that you dont use 'leet' optimize flags during compile time..
21:38.03oGALAXYobest is to compile KDE AS IS without any special flags using a NEW compiler.
21:38.10oGALAXYogcc 4.0.2 gives good results..
21:38.20*** part/#kde Darkintent (
21:40.11meme_debian using g++ 4.0? (btw, I feel g++ 4.0 is Great)
21:40.38meme_'cause compiling takes Time
21:41.18oGALAXYowell if you use precompiled headers then you can drastically improve compiling time.
21:41.32oGALAXYoi once measured the compile time for my entire KDE..
21:41.40oGALAXYoif you want i can give you the results..
21:41.49oGALAXYofor each KDE package
21:41.56meme_I just want amarok working :(
21:42.18Arafangionmeme_: Debian unstable is definetely using 4.0, afaik.
21:42.31meme_using testing now..
21:42.56meme_Where does amarok hold it's files?
21:43.11meme_even deleted ~/.kde/apps/amarok
21:43.17meme_but didn't help
21:43.44meme_I've used it earlier, and then uninstalled...
21:44.38markeywhat's up meme_?
21:44.42markeyrok trouble?
21:44.45markeyI just tuned in
21:45.07meme_the collection thingy doesn't work
21:45.18markeyok that's easy
21:45.22meme_I can choose directories, but it doesn't add them
21:45.22markeyyou're using debian right
21:45.29markeyyou see
21:45.37*** join/#kde shad0wcat (
21:45.40markeyyour sqlite version is incompatible with the rok
21:46.01markeydebian uses an external sqlite
21:46.07markeyfor foolish reasons
21:46.19meme_what is sqlite
21:46.31markeyif you upgrade to the latest rok package, all is fine
21:46.44meme_that is?
21:46.46markeyotherwise, you'll have to downgrade sqlite
21:46.57markeylatest released rok is 1.3.3
21:47.06meme_I've 1.2.4
21:47.10oGALAXYomeme_: here you see my results for KDE building times using gcc 4.0.1.
21:47.16markeyyes that's very old
21:47.41meme_oGALAXYo: what's delta t
21:47.45oGALAXYomeme_: i saved nearly 3 hrs from compiling entire kde.. and if i had used precompiled headers i would have even saved a lot more.
21:47.49oGALAXYomeme_: the time difference.
21:48.04oGALAXYomeme_: time 2 - time 1 = the delta of both times.
21:48.51strawoGALAXYo: how does one use pre-compiled headers?
21:49.09oGALAXYostraw: you enable it during qt-copy or kde modules
21:49.09*** join/#kde CydeWeys (
21:49.13oGALAXYothrough the configure scripts.
21:49.39strawoGALAXYo: does it actually work?
21:49.48CydeWeysHello everyone, I have a pretty simple queston.  I'm viewing a folder full of pictures using Konqueror but the thumbnails are too small to be of much use.  How do I configure Konqueror to make the thumbnails larger?  Thanks!
21:50.37strawCydeWeys: find the Photobook icon on the tool bar
21:50.59*** join/#kde kottlett (
21:51.23CydeWeysstraw: I've also used Photobook and its thumbnails are also too small.  Can those be made larger?
21:51.45strawCydeWeys: you can also get a tool tip preview if you enable it
21:52.50*** join/#kde niktoi (
21:53.00niktoihmmmm Im unable to upgrade kde..
21:53.03PhilOutCydeWeys: view -> icon size -> biggest you can find
21:53.13PhilOutniktoi: probably a question for #yourdistro
21:53.25CydeWeysHahaha thanks PhilOut, that did it.
21:53.33CydeWeysIt was right there in the menus staring me in the face and I didn't see it.
21:53.37niktoilast version is 3.%?!
21:53.45oGALAXYo3.5 beta 2
21:53.52niktoiok :  ) ty
21:53.59oGALAXYoor 3.4.3 or so for the last stable one..
21:54.12oGALAXYobut 3.5 beta 2 is damn stable for a soon to be release version of kde.
21:57.27*** join/#kde Zeep (n=tarin@
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22:05.05oGALAXYocynthia rothrock movie on tv..
22:05.10oGALAXYotogether with 'chung lee'
22:05.13oGALAXYoor hows he called..
22:05.30*** join/#kde _david_ (
22:06.32oGALAXYohmm doesnt look that shabby :)
22:07.51oGALAXYoBolo Yeung is his real name :)
22:07.53oGALAXYochung lee
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22:50.41jcurryhow do i make kmail attach gpg signatures instead of inlining them?
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22:53.16Ash-Foxjcurry, just so you know someone is here reading the questions... I am, unfortunately don't know the answer to your question.
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23:06.58vblantonI love kde
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23:08.02KalockHello everyone... just have a quick question
23:08.16Sho_Kalock: shoot
23:08.17Kalockack.. wrong channel... sorry
23:08.22KalockWell maybe not
23:08.36Sho_well, there should be some k3b users here :)
23:09.03KalockWhat is the diff. between a Video DVD project and a emovix dvd project?
23:09.39KalockThat is a choice on my k3b
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23:09.52Sho_Kalock: "emovix" is a system that makes bootable Linux CDs that directly boot into mplayer and play back the  video
23:10.01*** join/#kde dimm0k (n=nmok@
23:10.04KalockI am trying to burn a dvd to watch on my normal dvd player
23:10.19Sho_Kalock: Then go for the Video DVD project :)
23:11.41KalockWhat writing mode do I want?
23:11.43dimm0ktrying to add a printer in kde but it's asking me for a username and password when i attempt to make a test print...  any clues?
23:12.25*** join/#kde mdouhan (n=mdouhan@tor/session/x-365e10d86676f9c2)
23:12.52KalockI have a choide of DAO, Overwrite and incramental
23:13.15StevenRdimm0k: use your root username and password
23:13.17*** join/#kde Gumby (n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby)
23:13.20Gumbyhas anyone seen this issue before.  IWhen trying to set konqueror or kde kicker settings I get a blank page when opening up the settings.  Anyone have any idea what I might try to resolve this?  I thought it was make a .kde problem so I created a new user and tested it but it was the same with a fresh .kde.
23:13.22KwarqGumby, I found 4 matches to your query: asusanator, _, KDE, __. asusanator ( was last seen quitting #kde 2 hours 2 minutes ago (23.10. 17:13) stating ""Leaving"" after spending 53 minutes there.
23:13.48KalockKeep in mind.. I am not copying direct from a DVD but from teh audio_ts and video_ts that is on my HD
23:14.01StevenRKalock: i would say DAO
23:14.18StevenRKalock: if it's a fresh blank dvdr
23:14.33KalockIt is... DVD+R DL
23:14.44dimm0kStevenR, is it attempting to write to cupsd.conf?
23:15.11StevenRdimm0k: no, it's making a new print queue for test purposes, which needs root access
23:15.27StevenRdimm0k: if you finish the wizard it will write the config file
23:17.54KalockO.k... it's burning... just hope it plays in my home dvd player :)
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23:18.42dimm0kStevenR, ok thanks
23:19.30dimm0kStevenR, is there a way to create a print queue just for a particular user instead of system wide?
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23:19.55StevenRdimm0k: i dont think so, but you can restrict access to a print queue
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23:20.05StevenRdimm0k: so actually, yes you can :)
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23:21.19dimm0kStevenR, hehe, ok.  just remember in the last version of kde that i used, i was able to create a print queue without ever using root
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23:21.50solemnwarninghi all
23:21.55bushwakkohey, I've had some fs-crash
23:22.04bushwakkobut I recoverd most files and have a new partition
23:22.16bushwakkohowever kde won't start, whines about some stuff
23:22.39solemnwarningare there any tray icon rss apps that will check the rss feeds it is watching regurlaly?
23:23.22bushwakkostartkde: Starting up...
23:23.22bushwakkomkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root
23:23.23bushwakkoDCOP aborting call from 'anonymous-8595' to 'kded'
23:23.23bushwakkokded: ERROR: Communication problem with kded, it probably crashed.
23:23.23bushwakkostartkde: Shutting down...
23:23.25bushwakkoklauncher: Exiting on signal 1
23:23.27bushwakko/usr/kde/3.5/bin/startkde: line 373: artsshell: command not found
23:23.30bushwakkostartkde: Running shutdown scripts...
23:23.32bushwakkostartkde: Done.
23:23.35bushwakkosorry for the big paste
23:24.20*** join/#kde frank23 (
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23:26.30rct107hi... what's a good FTP client for KDE that has SFTP(ssh2) and isn't kbear?
23:27.03canllaithKonqueror :)
23:27.18KalockGata love it... I run record now on my windows box and it slows my computer way down.... I dual boot into my mandrake... on same computer... and it does not even burp with k3b dopy a copy
23:27.49chavorct107, use fish:/ you'll love it
23:28.19KalockAnyone good with sshd.config here?
23:28.25chavoyou can also use it anywhere in KDE, open/save dialogs, etc
23:29.32rct107does fish have SFTP capability?
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23:30.16Sho_rct107: fish://user:pw@host:port/path, have fun
23:30.25chavowell it uses ssh, so the server will need to be running that
23:30.32rct107yeah, it is
23:30.59schloobanyone know if it's possible to get mplayerplug-in to work with konqueror?
23:31.23chavoyou can put bookmarks in the open save dialogs and just open and save directly from the server
23:31.32chavoit's very handy
23:31.39Sho_rct107: Although that's really scp ... there is also sftp://
23:31.58Kalock I know in proftpd.conf I can set everyone as rooted in their directory... is there a way I can do it on sshd.config ?
23:32.28Sho_Kalock: google for 'ssh chroot'
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23:47.57bushwakkomaking imake with BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS= and CROSSCOMPILEFLAGS=-DCROSSCOMPILEDIR="" in config/imake
23:48.00bushwakkocc -o ccimake -DCROSSCOMPILEDIR=\"\"  -O -I../../include -I../../imports/x11/include/X11 ccimake.c
23:48.03bushwakkocc: error while loading shared libraries: cc: unsupported version 0 of Verneed record
23:48.08bushwakkowhat does this mean?
23:49.51*** join/#kde BlackBsd (
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