irclog2html for #kde on 20051001

00:00.05AuReUs_ReCtoRBig_Dick, sta se glupiras?
00:00.20Big_Dickvidi ovog
00:00.25Big_Dicksa krstarice
00:00.57grobnica_mladostkoji ti je kurac
00:01.04AuReUs_ReCtoRspeak english
00:01.19gravixtu madre!
00:01.21AuReUs_ReCtoRdon`t distibute this ppl here :))
00:01.35Big_DickMicrosoft rulz
00:01.53grobnica_mladostAuReUs_ReCtoR is our best linux friend and great exper named Vlada Rectum
00:02.15AuReUs_ReCtoRgrobnica_mladost, poslednji put ti kazem da prekines sa rectum .
00:02.34grobnica_mladostspeak on english , please
00:02.39AuReUs_ReCtoRja sam ti rek`o
00:03.18grobnica_mladostvery dangerous
00:03.59jorgp2Big_Dick: yeah, they rulez the land of crashware
00:04.26grobnica_mladostthat is interesting land jorgp2
00:04.44grobnica_mladostwhere is located that land?
00:05.02jorgp2planet uranus
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00:05.05Big_Dickis location
00:05.07grobnica_mladostnice planet
00:05.26jorgp2like u ran us off
00:05.28grobnica_mladostMicrosoft rules in MONY land I think
00:05.42grobnica_mladostMicrosoft rules in MONEY land I think
00:05.44Big_Dickeh EULA
00:06.03grobnica_mladostAnd Bill Gay is nice gay
00:06.05Big_Dickdid u ever read it
00:06.06grobnica_mladostI mean GUY
00:06.16grobnica_mladostI red EULA many times
00:06.23crispynix-v6I want to be Microsoft's bitch.  Sadly, MS already has a bunch of bitches and whores. :(
00:06.36jorgp2I can not say much, M$'s crappy locking up software keeps me in business always fixing it
00:06.38grobnica_mladostcrispynix-v6 yes, I now, but...
00:06.56grobnica_mladostbut thay have many , which earned on crashes
00:07.09grobnica_mladostbut thay have maney , which earned on crashes
00:07.25frbwhy do people repeat an entire line to fix spelling errors?
00:08.10Big_Dickjust repeat't if u made some err
00:08.14grobnica_mladostMy Fingers are allmost dead
00:08.16hydrogenespecfially when it adds more errors
00:08.18grobnica_mladostof typing
00:08.33grobnica_mladosthydrogen thay allways add error
00:08.48crispynix-v6yeah, but error tastes great, which is why they add it.
00:08.50frbI don't like that method either
00:09.01frbif people can understand what you typed, don't bother
00:09.08grobnica_mladostSo, somebody need to fix that errors
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00:09.28crispynix-v6Nono, errors are _good_. As in good tasting.  Did you know that people eat errors for fun?
00:09.46grobnica_mladostYES , that is what I am trying to say
00:13.32crispynix-v6wow, Aero-G is pretty nice. Too bad I'll probably end up using GkrellM again to save screen real estate and resources. ;)
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00:40.35luksanI'm having a lot of problems with 3.5-svn
00:40.49annmayes? explain please, one by one
00:41.21luksanthe first thing is the KMenu
00:41.35luksanfor some reason it doesn't show the majority of the icons
00:41.52annmaok, did you have another previous kde version for that user/
00:42.01frbI have a problem with 3.5b1, it works too well, I actually have to be productive
00:42.21crispynix-v6frb: I have that same problem... except for the annoying konq search box. :(
00:42.24luksanannma: yes
00:42.34annmaluksan: so maybe there's a config config
00:42.41annmaluksan: you should test on a new user
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00:42.53luksanannma: a config config?
00:42.55annmathen you can try backing up some config files
00:43.04annmaconfig conflict
00:43.25luksanannma: and another thing is the menu randomly adds and removes applications
00:43.54annmawhen you log in and out and back in?
00:44.01luksanactually, no it just happened
00:44.42luksaneverything is messed up... I installed in ~/local but the old was in /usr/kde/3.4 so that's probably part of my problem
00:44.50annmaluksan: I would set up a new user and see if it also has those problems
00:44.53*** join/#kde ObsidianX (
00:44.57ObsidianXanybody here use qdvdauthor?
00:45.02luksanevery though i only have KDEDIRS=/home/luke/kde it still detects the other
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00:45.36annmadid you use ./configure --prefix?
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00:46.13ObsidianXif anybody has used QDVDAuthor then my question is: does it segfault for you when you try and compile the DVD?
00:46.20ObsidianXit errors out on QColor
00:46.21luksanannma: of course
00:46.30luksanannma: how else would i have got it to install there?
00:46.54annmawhy would it detect the other then/
00:47.47luksanannma: not during compile
00:47.57luksanannma: i mean it is finding some of my old applications
00:48.17annmaecho $KDEDIR
00:48.20annmaecho $KDEDIRS
00:48.24annmapaste the output
00:48.36ObsidianX0xb7a62b4b in QColor::operator= () from /usr/qt/3/lib/
00:48.41luksanlike it throws ALL the games (which i haven't installed the new kdegames) in a single folder in the KMenu instead of using subfolders
00:48.42ObsidianXi get that from QDVDAuthor
00:48.50ObsidianXany suggestions?
00:49.04luksannot $KDEDIR
00:49.13annmaecho $PATH
00:49.14luksani set that myself if .xsession
00:49.29annmaObsidianX: that's a qt app
00:49.43annmaluksan: but still it should be set now?
00:50.05luksanthe old bin dir is still in PATH, but -- that is only the executable files, not the desktop files so they shouldn't be in the KMenu
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00:50.12luksanactually most everything is ok now
00:50.14ObsidianXannma: that it is
00:50.18luksanthe things in the men disappeared
00:50.31annmaluksan: kde-config --prefix and paste output
00:50.46crispynix-v6feck, need to register to /msg people now... I guess I'm gonna have to reg every last alias that I might ever use -.-
00:50.48ObsidianXi tried changing QT Themes for hte program and it still crashed on that error
00:50.57ObsidianXim recompiling QT right now
00:51.00ObsidianXseeing if that'll fix it
00:51.06ObsidianXsince its an error with libqt-mt
00:51.24kingsley__Does ~/.kde/cache-$(uname -n) need to be backed up?
00:51.45annmaluksan: well if your old KDEDIR/bin is first in PATH then KDE can get the old apps
00:52.02annmarecompile the ap as well after ObsidianX
00:52.17ObsidianXannma: i recompiled the app with different versions about 3 times, but i'll try again after qt finishes
00:52.35luksanannma: i don't think so, it needs the .desktop files not just the bins, but that is beside the point - my menu is mostly ok now
00:52.44annmaObsidianX: and if it still errors, mail the author
00:53.05ObsidianXannma: meh, was hoping i could avoid that
00:53.09annmajust talking to me set your menu right? wooow, I have a big power
00:54.07luksanannma: yeah i guess, it will probably be back to normal later
00:54.19annmanot like that
00:55.07luksanannma: the other thing is it doesn't show kwrite either in the kmenu or in file associations even though i have ~/local/bin/kwrite and ~/local/share/applications/kde/kwrite.desktop ;-(
00:55.47annmamaybe you K Menu is the thing that is messed
00:56.07annmatry adding it manually with KMenuEdit
00:56.13annmawhat happens then?
00:56.25luksanno, because file associations dont' work either
00:56.33luksanlike if i double click on a txt file
00:56.38luksanactually i think i might know what it is
00:57.04annmadid you follow a tutorial when installing KDE?
00:57.07luksanhold on i'm going to log out.... if i'm not back in 5 minutes call the police
00:57.14luksanno, i'm a pro at this
00:57.23annmalike setting the vars correctly in the correct files?
00:57.26annmaa pro
00:58.48gravixshhh, don't argue with the pro
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00:59.37annmahmm, I do it since kde2 pre so I must be a super supra pro
00:59.39|sparr|Why might printf("\a"); beep correctly from the console, but not if i run the app from an xterm?  Could this be a WM-specific issue?
00:59.59*** join/#kde Alethes (n=pennywis@unaffiliated/alethes)
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01:03.04luksanwell now we know it's not a configuration problem
01:03.50gravix|sparr|, maybe xterm doesn't do the beep command
01:04.08|sparr|gravix: i dont just mean an xterm, thats just an example.  if i run it from anything in X it doesnt work
01:04.15luksani made a new .kde
01:04.23luksanand still had the same probs
01:05.04gravix|sparr| is "anything in X" configured to beep on \a
01:06.01|sparr|gravix: good question, ive never had it NOT beep before, but i cant recall trying lately
01:06.10|sparr|i thought i had a broken app
01:06.17|sparr|so i wrote the C one liner to test
01:06.19|sparr|still no beep
01:06.22annmawhat happens if you add KWrite with KMenuEdit?
01:06.24|sparr|the KDE control center can beep
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01:06.37|sparr|i can beep at various tones and lengths there
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01:08.09luksanactually, it doesn't even let me run kmenuedit from the kmenu, but running it from the command-line...
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01:08.59ogumChanged kde-> component chooser-> browser from default (konqueror) to mozilla. Had trouble and went back to konqueror.  have access to the internet (irc, ping, etc) but no browser access. tried epiphany, etc. More. konqueror opens 59 windows!!! any help?
01:09.01annmayes so k menu is not the corect one
01:09.10luksanwhat do you mean?
01:12.30*** join/#kde factor (
01:13.13factorwhere is the kde devlopment channel
01:13.36factorthank you
01:15.58|sparr|why is kde eating the beeps produced by my apps?
01:16.19luksan|sparr|: eating?
01:16.36thiago|sparr|: it must be hungry
01:16.53thiago|sparr|: next time, feed it properly and it won't eat other apps' stuff :-)
01:16.59*** part/#kde kingsley__ (
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01:22.28ogumthiago: where should i point my browser to on kde component chooser?
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01:24.20thiagoogum: Konqueror
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01:25.55ogumthiago: but now, everytime i open konqueror, it opens 59 windows!! and no other browser works
01:26.23TuGGerHi. I'm getting an annoying error message for a missing url in Noatun that I would like to track down. I've checked in the Mandrake 9.1: KDE 3.1.0 .kde hidden files, but cannot seem to eliminate the error. I've also checked in cache:httpd to no avail. Anyone know where else I can look? (Btw, it only displays for my user, and I know it's not in the prog itself since I've re-installed LM + Kde today.)
01:27.03*** join/#kde Oadae (
01:27.47thiagoTuGGer: try moving some configuration files away in .kde/share/config and see which one causes the error to disappear
01:28.01luksanwhere is the xml file that configures KMenu folders?
01:28.20*** join/#kde Borg^Queen (n=Borg^
01:28.23ogumthiago: fixed the 59 problem (turns out to be a spelling problem). error message: could not find program Konqueror.
01:28.32TuGGerThanks thiago. Too bad it's only on login . . .
01:28.59Borg^QueenDoes anyone know if there's a ksayit package for sarge with kde 3.3?
01:29.18Borg^QueenI have the source but its giving me a lot of trouble compiling
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01:29.30thiagoluksan: I think it is somewhere in $KDEDIR/etc/xdg/menus
01:30.52luksanthiago: it is
01:33.19*** part/#kde TuGGer (
01:34.04|sparr|luksan: preventing them from reaching whatever driver makes beeps
01:34.36thiago|sparr|: what program are you using to generate beeps?
01:35.25|sparr|most simply, main(){printf("\a");}
01:35.32luksanok so for whatever reason kwrite.desktop is not being recognized at all by kde
01:36.00luksannor for that instance, is KControl.desktop
01:36.04Borg^Queenright click on it go to properties and see if the correct command is in there
01:36.21thiago|sparr|: what terminal are you running that on?
01:36.33thiagoluksan: what Categories are they on?
01:36.37|sparr|thiago: xterm, konsole, no console at all
01:36.50thiago|sparr|: doesn't konsole beep?
01:36.51|sparr|i did it from the Run Command bar applet
01:36.57|sparr|no, it doesnt beep from konsole
01:37.02thiagoor show the beep indicator in the tab?
01:37.10luksanKControl is Qt;KDE;Core;
01:37.34luksanKWrite is Qt;KDE;TextEditor;
01:37.35|sparr|if i set konsole to visual bell then the screen flashes
01:37.37|sparr|which is good
01:37.44|sparr|but if i set it to system notification or to system bell, nothing happens
01:37.51*** part/#kde Borg^Queen (n=Borg^
01:38.00thiago|sparr|: can other KDE apps play sound?
01:38.19|sparr|good question
01:38.21|sparr|whats one i can try?
01:38.42|sparr|kaboodle plays sound card audio just fine
01:40.10thiagowhat happens if you run "artsplay `kde-config --prefix`share/sounds/KDE_Beep_Beep.wav" ?
01:41.16thiagoany sound?
01:41.34|sparr|kaboodle cant play right now
01:41.37|sparr|it played last week...
01:41.45|sparr|says it cant initialize the sound output device because its busy
01:42.18*** part/#kde manchine (n=manchine@
01:42.28thiagoKDE Control Center, Sound & Multimedia, Sound Server
01:42.31thiagoclick the test button
01:44.07|sparr|erroring out
01:44.28thiagochange one of the settings (like the timeout) and hit the Apply button
01:44.34thiagodoes an error message come up?
01:45.06thiagowhat does it say?
01:45.07|sparr|it says /dev/dsp is busy
01:45.20thiagotry this, please: lsof /dev/dsp
01:45.25thiago(you may have to be root to run that)
01:45.44|sparr|TeamSpeak is using it
01:45.47|sparr|for playback and capture
01:45.51thiagokill it
01:45.58|sparr|err, no?
01:46.19|sparr|ok, its gone...
01:46.49|sparr|test sound works fine now
01:46.57thiagothere you go
01:47.44|sparr|a) beep still doesnt work
01:47.54|sparr|b) why is arts complaining about teamspeak being running?
01:48.16thiagob) you can only have one program playing sound directly to the sound card at any time
01:48.24thiagoa) try the artsplay command
01:48.31thiagoI'll BB in 15 min
01:49.16|sparr|artsplay still doesnt play anything.  and i can have 32 programs playing sound directly, the magic of having a card with a hardware mixer  :-p
01:50.08luksanarts sucks
01:50.18|sparr|i dont particularly care about arts to be honest
01:50.21|sparr|i just want the BEEP to work
01:50.29luksanyeah, what i mean is that it gets in the way
01:50.34luksanpersonally , i have it disabled
01:50.39luksanit won't work on amd64 anyway
01:51.03luksanbut i can't play kde system sounds... even though i have it configured to use an "external player", which incidently, is good enough for gaim
01:52.43|sparr|why might KDE be stopping my applications from sounding the system bell?
01:55.07luksani have no idea
01:56.32*** join/#kde floe (
02:08.50thiagosparr_: what happens if you run that from the console itself?
02:09.09sparr_the program "beep" and my own simple printf both work from a virtual terminal
02:09.18thiagoand in konsole, Settings, Configure notifications. Are sounds enabled for the bells?
02:09.24sparr_beep and the kde control center work in X, although beep has to be setuid root
02:09.31sparr_my program and another program do not work in X
02:10.11thiagohwo about that artsplay line?
02:10.56frbisn't beep a gtk2 app?
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02:11.01sparr_that plays through my speakers
02:11.06sparr_when i fix it  :-p
02:11.08crispynixfrb: yes
02:11.50thiagosparr_: sorry, the konsole config. Are sounds enabled?
02:12.01thiagoand if you click the play button, do you hear sounds?
02:12.07crispynixer, beep-media-player is
02:12.37frbit's xmms on crack, eh?
02:13.01sparr_thiago: konsole doesnt have sound stuff?
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02:13.23crispynixit's xmms hacked to use gtk2, not much else afaik
02:13.47frband xince xmms haxn't changed in about 4 yearx, it still suxq0rz
02:13.50thiagosparr_: it does
02:13.57thiagosparr_: I'm asking you to test its sound
02:13.57sparr_found it
02:14.02sparr_in the control center
02:14.10sparr_no, if i click the little play button next to the filename, nothing plays
02:14.20crispynixwell, it doesn't suck imo, but I prefer amarok for music that its engines support (i.e. pretty much everything but mods)
02:14.21thiagono, in Konsole, Settings, Configure Notifications
02:14.21sparr_however, i can hear the sound if i click Test on the sound system page
02:14.38sparr_no, it doesnt beep there either
02:15.13*** join/#kde Pupeno (
02:15.16thiagosparr_: check your ~/.kde/share/config/knotifyrc. Does it have Use Arts=false?
02:16.15thiagoUse external player?
02:17.48luksani have mine set to use ogg123, but it still doesn't work
02:20.17thiagointeresting, killing knotify made my mouse stop working
02:21.11thiagobut sound is working
02:21.17*** part/#kde h2oman (
02:21.35frbthat is funny
02:21.59thiagothe ungrab mouse shortcut killed the program
02:22.38thiagowhatever it was
02:22.44frbbetter than gimp always stealing my stylus
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06:58.08*** topic/#kde is KDE 3.5 beta1 is out: | KDE FAQ: - The answer to your question might already be here! | Please don't flood the channel, use a paste service: | Please state your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | New features in development versions:
06:58.24*** join/#kde f_akmal (
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06:59.31f_akmalhi, im using kde 3.4.2, i have problems installing koffice
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07:03.52zupolekoffice is not ready for kde 3.4.2 ATM
07:04.30stehi all. konq fails to mount entries in fstab with LABEL. Is it a known thing (I haven't found anything in b.k.o)
07:09.09ste(debian, kde 3.4.2)
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07:19.45FlendorGood morning!
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07:48.40chandoohi :)
07:48.48chandoowhat is xinerama
07:49.36markeyas usual
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07:53.12jayparadiseno offense or not to make argument, but doesn't redirecting every question to a url defeat the purupose of freenode?
07:54.24jayparadisea lot of information is easier to extract from here than google when its just small things
07:54.37chandoomarkey: thanks i got understanding now
07:55.03chandooi am using super karamba how to install weather plugin?
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07:56.54chandooi am looking where to put the weather plugin
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08:43.53Marexhi there... can somebody help me with kdevelop?
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08:54.05FlendorHello spiral.
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09:02.14chimaerais there a way to assign shortcuts/actions to mouse/buttons using kde, or do i have to use some 3rd/party/app?
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09:49.10pinotreehello =)
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10:07.35nostradam_can someone help me with kdevelop please?
10:08.24lippelnostradam_: just ask, maybe someone can
10:08.58nostradam_sorry fot flood
10:09.02nostradam_kdevelop (filecreate part): file name = test.ui
10:09.02nostradam_kdevelop (core): [void PartController::editDocumentInternal(const KURL&, int, int, bool)] file:///home/janek/Download/development/KDevelop/turorial/test/home/janek/Download/development/KDevelop/turorial/test/src/test.ui linenum -1 activate? true
10:09.02nostradam_kdevelop (core): cannot find URL: file:///home/janek/Download/development/KDevelop/turorial/test//home/janek/Download/development/KDevelop/turorial/test/home/janek/Download/development/KDevelop/turorial/test/src/test.ui
10:09.17nostradam_as you can see, the url is repeating
10:09.23nostradam_and i dont know why
10:09.42nostradam_this appeared when i launched kdevelop from konsole
10:09.58lippelhmm, seems there are relative and absolute path mixed somewhere
10:10.14lippelnostradam_: does kdevelop work nevertheless?
10:10.55nostradam_but it doesnt add that .ui file to the project
10:11.12nostradam_and it doesnt start kdevdesigner
10:11.18lippeldid you create the project completely inside of kdevelop?
10:11.31nostradam_i made new project
10:12.05nostradam_when i launch kdevdesigner on that .ui inside kdevelop manualy than it works
10:12.22nostradam_{when i click in that .ui in file tree]
10:12.50nostradam_i use kde 3.4.1 from alioth on debian stable ...
10:13.04nostradam_this may be the problem
10:13.10nostradam_but i am not sure
10:13.20lippeli think is most probably a kdevelop bug
10:13.38lippelnostradam_: grep your project dir for test.ui
10:13.41nostradam_there is another strange behavior
10:14.57nostradam_Settings -> Configure KDevelop -> Use embedded KDevelop Designer ... when i check it/uncheck it and press ok, then the path gets longer
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10:15.17nostradam_it append another /home/... at the beginning
10:16.20nostradam_lippel, ad. grepping:i was looking there, but i didnt find anything interresting ... no weird paths
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10:17.08lippelnostradam_: did you grep from project root, recursively (-r)?
10:17.39lippelnostradam_: is the absolute path used somewhere?
10:19.40lippelnostradam_: ah, so it has to do with that "use embedded kdevelop designer" option?
10:20.23nostradam_it append /home/janek/Download/development/KDevelop/turorial/test/ at the beginning when i check/uncheck it ... so it is longer every time :]
10:20.55nostradam_after checking and unchecking i`ve got this file:///home/janek/Download/development/KDevelop/turorial/test//home/janek/Download/development/KDevelop/turorial/test/home/janek/Download/development/KDevelop/turorial/test/src/test.ui
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10:22.25pinotreemorning el
10:22.25lippelnostradam_: and the broken path is still there after restart?
10:23.58lippelnostradam_: hmm, can't reproduce it here. maybe it was fixed since 3.4.1
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10:25.13nostradam_try starting new project
10:25.28nostradam_c++ -> kde -> simple kde app
10:25.42nostradam_then new file
10:25.50nostradam_configuration dialog
10:26.10nostradam_and after pressing ok the bug should appear
10:27.14lippelnostradam_: "new file" means create a new .ui file in the automake manager?
10:27.22lippelnostradam_: that's the way i tried
10:27.57nostradam_new .ui file
10:28.08nostradam_on the left side ... there is a new file button
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10:30.29nostradam_lippel, what version of kdevelop do you have?
10:30.57lippelnostradam_: 3.2.90, from SVN 3.5 branch
10:31.23lippelbut i don't see much changes in there since 3.4
10:31.44nostradam_im going to try 3291 right now
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10:35.53lippelwell, there are lots of changes. i browsed the wrong dirs apparently
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10:41.26nostradam_gotta go
10:41.37nostradam_bye a thanks
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11:11.13M23in korganiser, how do I make a recurring calendar entry skip every saturday and sunday without putting all the dates in?
11:11.24EuperiaHi.  Is this the right place to ask a question about using konqueror as a Fish/FTP client?
11:12.05*** join/#kde inc|freaky (
11:12.19inc|freakyhi all, how can I set the default eMail-application to mozilla thunderbird?
11:13.08EuperiaDoes anyone know how I can turn off the very annoying 'overwrite/Suggest new name' popup when a file already exists when fish:/ in konqueror?
11:13.13pinotreeinc|freaky: kcontrol -> kde components -> component chooser -> email client
11:14.26pinotreeM23: in the recorrence tab of an event, choose recurr every 1 week and activate the checkboxes for monday, tuesday, etc...
11:14.49M23pinotree, of course.... stupid...
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11:14.54M23pinotree, thanks
11:14.59inc|freakypinotree: thx :)
11:15.10pinotreeM23, inc|freaky: np :)
11:15.41pinotreeEuperia: don't know if you can turn it off
11:16.01M23that might be a sugestion. Exception days on daily recurring events.
11:16.32pinotreeM23: in that tab, there's below: expection days
11:16.48pinotree(if i understand correctly what you want)
11:16.48EuperiaPinotree:  I've looked everywhere and there doesn't seem to be an option for it.
11:17.16M23pinotree, yes, but it only lets you put in individual dates, not monday, tuesday, etc..
11:17.58pinotreeM23: for that, the checkboxes with the day names should do the work, no?
11:18.05M23probably pointless since you can use weekly events
11:18.21M23yeah, I'm just thinking out loud really.
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11:31.16goronIs this also the right channel for Kile?
11:40.07lippelgoron: well, there isn't one which is "more right" ;-)
11:40.43goronlippel: I solved my initial problem, but Kile crashes when I open a .bib file.
11:41.28lippelgoron: opening any bib file?
11:41.45goronlippel: Well, I haven't tried all possible bib files. :D
11:42.08goronlippel: I tried just one, which worked in the previous version. I auto upgraded.
11:42.34goronkile: DOCINFO: returning 0x8492000 references.bib
11:42.34goronkile: ==Kate::Document* Manager::createDocument()===========
11:42.34goronKCrash: Application 'kile' crashing...
11:43.29goronHmm, that's odd. Now(after a restart), it works. This feels like Windows :(
11:43.29lippelgoron: which kile version is that?
11:43.35goronlippel: 1.8
11:43.44goronlippel: 1.8.1
11:45.15lippelgoron: you had that crash several times?
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11:47.28nordomhello :)
11:47.52nordomI think there's one annoying and unresolved bug in konqueror
11:47.53goronlippel: No, only once. And I can't reproduce it.
11:48.07goronnordom: I think there are more. :P
11:49.00nordom - it's the same, reported earlier for kde 3.2.2
11:49.50goronnordom: I don't have that problem with 3.4.2, but maybe my computer is faster.
11:49.58nordomgoron: but this is one of these things that make konqueror feel slower than firefox atm ;)
11:50.23nordomgoron: I can give you access to my computer via some vnc/nx..
11:50.52goronnordom: I am writing a paper on VLSI floor planning. So I don't really have time...
11:51.18nordomgoron: oh, ok, I'm not going disturb you ;)
11:52.59lippeli guess kile users never have time :P
11:53.11lippelthey all have to finish some thesis or paper
11:53.51nordomlippel: what about lyx users? :)
11:54.25goronIf there's anything better than kile, I am open to suggestions.
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11:56.01lippelwell, i didn't want to criticize kile, i actually like it ;-)
11:56.20lippeljust latex == work to me, at least most of the time
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11:57.06lippelgoron: hmm, i just _closed_ a bib and kile crashed
11:57.14lippelusing SVN version though
11:57.58goronlippel: Well, it seems Kile can do both!
11:58.19lippels/bib/bib file
11:58.50goronlippel: Some software just really stinks. Luckily not all. E.g. kpdf is pretty nice.
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11:59.19lippelgoron: well, actually i haven't had problems with kile yet. and it was quite stable for me until now...
11:59.30goronlippel: Me too. That's why I was using it.
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12:33.17Boungahello !
12:33.25BoungaI'm using Kate but I sue gnome desktop. How can I set the default mailer program ?
12:33.47eJ-Dhello !
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12:34.27oGALAXYoBounga: preferences -> prefered applications in the top gnome panel.
12:34.43oGALAXYoBounga: though you shouldnt use gnome because its horrible broken.
12:34.51BoungaI like it
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12:35.03oGALAXYoyou like broken things ?
12:35.08BoungaWhy should I prefer KDE ?
12:35.18BoungaI don't find it's broken
12:35.23Boungawhere is it broken ?
12:35.24oGALAXYoit is broken.
12:35.42Boungahum ...
12:35.46oGALAXYothe code beneath it is broken, horrible api, horrible way of doing things and most it's all hacked together.
12:35.58oGALAXYonothing really works as it must or should or intended.
12:36.41oGALAXYooh and i say this as a former gnome developer. used to contribute to gnome for 6 years and was a former gnome foundation member, so i have a good knowledge about what i am talking.
12:36.44Boungadon't know if you're talking about that but I really prefer to write programs using gtk rather than qt
12:37.06BoungaMy preferences are already set in prefered application (gnome panel)
12:37.14BoungaI think I have to use a K tool
12:37.38oGALAXYoso, what did you develop for gnome or gtk then ?
12:37.57Boungapersonnal apps
12:38.16oGALAXYoany screenshots of your personal apps ?
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12:40.07oGALAXYoi think i understand ...
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12:40.28BoungaYou ubderstand what?
12:40.38Boungagoing to make some ss
12:40.55Boungabut why do you want ss ?
12:41.27BoungaYou think KDE is more "eyes candy" than gnome ?
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12:42.19oGALAXYoi dont 'want' anything, i just asked for one because i am not really certain that you do develop gtk+ stuff.. i ask because i see a lot of people use 'i develop gtk+ apps' as some sort of poor excuse to NOT use QT or KDE, while in reality they dont have any codign skills at all or never ever programmed a damn shit.
12:42.47BoungaSo I have to justify myself
12:42.48oGALAXYoi am wondering too because you said you don't see any issues with GNOME while its full of it and a good developer (even a partially good developer) should know this.
12:43.05BoungaI'm doing ruby/gtk (glade)
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12:43.29BoungaI'm certainly a bad dev
12:43.50Boungabut why is it important in our case ? I' talking about user experience not dev
12:44.27oGALAXYothe user experience is even more worse because its the user experience that lacks mostly here.. half of the things are working and the other half is broken or doesnt work.
12:44.43oGALAXYoif you 'seriously use gnome' then you would have noticed tons of bugs and issues.
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12:45.17Bounga... I've installe dit on my deb 2 or 3 years ago and I don't have any problem
12:45.20oGALAXYoso i do assume that you only installed gnome and use regular things such as irc, mail, browse.. and the rest is simply sitting there for eyecandy purposes.
12:45.48oGALAXYoso you use a 2-3 years old gnome... and never had any issues ? wow :)
12:46.05oGALAXYo2-3 years ago the api was a horrible mess..
12:46.14oGALAXYoit hasnt changed much though but well..
12:46.33BoungaI must be lucky
12:48.29oGALAXYoanyways it doesnt really matter and is of course none of my business. but i do assume you never did anything for gtk+ or gnome yourself and use the excuse 'i prefer to program in gtk+ because its C' as most others do. but in reality never did anything code related.. and those who say they never had any issues with gnome i dont trust either because its a god damn lie.
12:49.14canllaithwow, looks like a heated debate!
12:49.20Boungafirst of all, don't care if the lib is C or C++ or whatever written
12:49.25oGALAXYobut thats as you rightfully say not the problem, i only liked to tell you by the way that GNOME is horrible broken... and i say this because i dont want to offend you.. no just because i know gnome good enough to inform people how the reality is.
12:49.45BoungaI don't have any problem with gnoem, what's the problem with that ?
12:50.10BoungaI do write thing using gtk/glade
12:50.26Boungafinally I don't have my answer to my simple question
12:50.28oGALAXYowhy do you ask me ? find out on your own, if you really use GNOME as you said then you will notice tons of them. so many that you can file in 50k bugs on your own on the gnome bugtracker :)
12:50.33canllaithBounga: what was the question?
12:50.49canllaithAha, I see
12:50.53canllaithBounga: do you have kcontrol ?
12:51.01Boungacanllaith: How do I set the default mailer ? 'cause kate want to use kmail
12:51.03canllaithand what version of kate are you using?
12:51.04Sho_oGALAXYo: Can you explain to me why you start playing the missionary and quite frankly become quite insulting just because he asked a question about using a KDE app in Gnome?
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12:51.24oGALAXYoSho_: why do you care ?
12:51.35oGALAXYoshadowc4t: explain to me first why you start playing the judge ?
12:51.38Boungacanllaith: Yes I've got it
12:51.40oGALAXYoSho_: that is.
12:51.55BoungaI'm using Kate 2.4.1
12:51.58canllaithBounga: depending on your KDE version you may be able to set your default mailer in kcontrol -> KDE Components -> Component Chooser
12:52.36Sho_oGALAXYo: I find it detrimental to the climate and purpose of this channel
12:52.39Boungacanllaith: thank you canllaith :)
12:52.48Boungacanllaith: that was all I wanted to know ;)
12:53.00canllaithBounga: you're welcome. I hope that works - I haven't tried to use it myself though in such a way.
12:53.43oGALAXYoSho_: actually i dont think thats the case, at least not from my perspective. i only asked him why he is using gnome and told him that there are a lot of issues with it.
12:55.06Boungacanllaith: It works well
12:55.34canllaithBounga: good! I will remember that for the next person. What mailer are you using?
12:55.45canllaithok cool
12:56.04Boungabut we shouldn't talk about it
12:56.25BoungaI know someone here that is nervous when I speak about gnome related stuff
12:56.30strawthe idea that gnome might move to mono makes me snicker
12:56.33canllaithSo really don't worry about it.
12:57.21oGALAXYostraw: that too..
12:57.58strawthey do produce some nice apps, though
12:58.09oGALAXYono doubt.
12:58.42strawoGALAXYo: i remember you from #gnome on gimpnet some years ago
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12:59.21strawbut i think we've already had that conversation :)
12:59.36oGALAXYoi am still on gimpnet, its no that i dont support them, actually i do like gnome but i also like kde very much. but i think its fair to inform people about the situation of GNOME rather than have them stay fooled by crappy gnome marketing.
12:59.43oGALAXYostraw: might be :)
13:00.01canllaithPerhaps not when they're wanting to find an answer to a question :) It gets a bit lost among the gnome information then.
13:00.37oGALAXYocanllaith: right but if they dont use gnome then they dont need to ask these questions :)
13:00.42canllaithheh not true!
13:00.55canllaithI know of KDE users who don't know about the component chooser :)
13:01.43oGALAXYoi know people who never heard about active directory, mmc and the maintainance tools of windows :)
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13:02.08strawis that what that's called?
13:02.50canllaithmmc? :)
13:02.58oGALAXYoi finished a 5 days seminare about windows 2003 server... i initially thought i knew all about it but i was proven wrong :)
13:03.06strawyou don't wanna know, canllaith
13:03.07Sho_canllaith, "management console", IIRC
13:03.08canllaithSounds interesting
13:03.16Boungathnak you for your answers
13:03.32canllaithI've heard of Active Directory - usually in the context of 'something we're about to replace with samba & open ldap'
13:03.46BoungaoGALAXYo: than you for *your* point of view. Maybe I'm going to switch one day, who knows ...
13:04.04Boungahave a good day
13:04.11canllaithCya :)
13:04.23*** part/#kde Bounga (
13:04.48oGALAXYocanllaith: open 'run' application and enter 'mmc'
13:05.09canllaith*sigh* I hate it when you get used to using SVN KDE, and then have to switch back to stable version.
13:05.45strawand all the bits you like aren't there :)
13:05.49canllaithIndeed :)
13:06.00canllaithalthough 3.4 isn't too bad. I prefer 3.4 kopete to what svn trunk is like right now.
13:06.02strawi'm jonesing for 3.5...
13:06.03Hobbseecanllaith: you found it wasnt stable?
13:06.09canllaithHobbsee: It's rock solid stable.
13:06.17Hobbseethen why'd you go back?
13:06.21benJImankopete has never been rock solid
13:06.23canllaithHobbsee: I've just tried a new linux distro on my laptop is all, and it came with 3.4
13:06.31canllaithI haven't installed my 3.5 build from my desktop on it yet.'d you try?
13:06.37Hobbseelol...get to it
13:06.40canllaithStill setting up various things.
13:06.43oGALAXYostraw: you switched to kde ?
13:06.44canllaithSuse professional 9.3
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13:06.50Hobbseekopete doesnt seem to be, wish it was more rock solid
13:06.51strawcanllaith: what! no slack?
13:06.53canllaithIt's very very nice. I'm quite impressed.
13:06.58Sho_canllaith: Bad timing, with 10.0 coming out in five days :)
13:06.59Hobbseeah ok
13:07.00canllaithstraw: I'm still using slack on the two desktops here :)
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13:07.16canllaithSho_: A friend gave me cds for free, and I'm not worried about being up to date with the latest version really :)
13:07.30strawoh, right. i forgot you had several boxen
13:07.33canllaithIt has a very recent kernel, and I'll build my own 3.5 KDE and then I'm happy. I don't mind if other apps are a little older.
13:07.44Hobbseespeaking of which, does the idle in kopete actually work for anyone here?  It shows on all the other computers that i'm not idle, when kopete says that i am
13:08.26canllaithstraw: Suse has some very nice tools for powermanagement on laptops. It's set up ACPI on this thing much better than I ever managed under slack, so I might keep suse for the laptop and slack for the desktops.
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13:08.59canllaithAlthough it's already driven me nuts a few times with it's dependancy checking and all that :) Bit of learning curve.
13:09.23strawcanllaith: i've been very tempted by suse lately. i'll probably switch come opensuse 10
13:09.54strawcanllaith: deps are good in the long run
13:10.21canllaithI'd much rather manage them myself, but I feel I can get used to this for the sake of good ACPI support and having nice stable KDE packages put together by someone else for paying work.
13:10.28canllaithKeep the bleeding edge stuff away from my writing :)
13:10.29strawit is annoying until you're used to it
13:10.49canllaithEspecially when next year I'm going back to study as well. I don't want to be writing assignments on KDE4 when it's pre-alpha ;)
13:11.16Hobbseecanllaith: bah...where's your sense of adventure? :P
13:11.30canllaithI've run bleeding edge KDE for all of my machines for a year now.
13:11.32strawand .specs are actually rather easy to learn to write
13:11.39canllaithThat's plenty of adventure for me for the moment
13:11.49canllaithstraw: oh, I'm the RPM maintainer for an open source project. I'm quite familiar with RPM
13:11.50inc|freakycanllaith: how is kde3.5 beta?
13:11.52canllaithand I really don't mind it.
13:12.04canllaithinc|freaky: Beautiful. I can't wait to get it back on my laptop after my reinstall.
13:12.20inc|freakycanllaith: are there any problems?
13:12.32canllaithWell, to be honest in the applications I use
13:12.42canllaithI'm seeing less problems now than there were in the actual release of 3.4
13:13.09Hobbseehaving no problems here on kde 3.5 beta, on kubuntu
13:13.18canllaithIt's very very stable.
13:13.35Hobbseeway more stable than 3.4.2, i think
13:13.43canllaithCertainly more so than 3.4.0 was.
13:13.43PhilRodI have a couple of minor issues with it, but I'm fairly sure they're problems with my crufty setup
13:13.44Hobbseekopete still crashes occasinally though
13:14.28canllaithHey there PhilRod :)
13:15.00canllaithThat reminds me, I should compile konversation on here.
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13:15.43inc|freakyare you all using kde3.5beta?
13:15.56pinotreeQt: 3.3.5
13:15.56pinotreeKDE: 3.4.91 (beta1, >= 20050910)
13:15.56pinotreekde-config: 1.0
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13:16.29inc|freakyhm, ok
13:16.48Hobbseeinc|freaky: that means yes
13:16.52Hobbseeand yes
13:16.56oGALAXYoand yes
13:17.18inc|freakywhat are the differences is ther any changelog?
13:17.37Hobbseethere is a changelog on kde site, i think
13:17.40canllaithinc|freaky: there is some information here:
13:17.40oGALAXYoa changelog to what version ?
13:17.44Hobbseesome differences - i like the new mouseover timezones
13:17.46canllaithThere isn't really any changelog yet.
13:18.16oGALAXYoi think kde 3.5 will be the last kde i am using.
13:18.50Hobbseenice site canllaith
13:19.03canllaithThanks :)
13:19.13canllaithNot very IE compatible I'm afraid. I need to fix that.
13:19.40oGALAXYocanllaith: its not you who need to fix the site, its ms who needs to fix IE
13:20.00Hobbseelol...very true
13:20.08Hobbseei wouldnt notice - not using ie
13:20.32strawcanllaith: just redirect to "Your Browser Sucks" in 64 pt ;)
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13:21.17canllaithNo, I'd rather my family are able to view the site.
13:21.29canllaithand I can't install firefox from 5000km away :)
13:22.05Hobbseewell, there's a remote registry edit in windows xp, so you might be able to do something about it :P
13:22.06canllaithFor the moment I've settled with having the photo gallery generated by Album Shaper
13:22.24canllaithIt's a very nice Qt app that generates html that seems to work in everything.
13:22.52Hobbseehtml for albums, or html to do everything?
13:22.59canllaithFor web albums
13:23.13canllaithThat's pretty much all it does, but it does it very well.
13:23.24Hobbseeit definetly does, seeing it's output!
13:23.49canllaithIt has I think 5 themes also you can use for websites. I'm very pleased with it. I have been meaning to write a magazine article on it to get the author some publicity
13:24.06canllaithbut I just wrote digikam, and then gthumb. perhaps give the image apps a rest for a month or two ;)
13:24.41chimaerais there a way to assign shortcuts/actions to mouse-buttons using kde, or do i have to use some 3rd/party-app?
13:24.53oGALAXYocanllaith: try printing gif pictures with gthumb :)
13:25.04canllaithI don't have a printer nor any gif images I'd like to print.
13:25.10strawchimaera: no, not yet afaik
13:26.15strawi really want Back/Forward on my side mouse buttons in konq
13:26.30Sho_chimaera: I'm using a ridiculously complicated setup involving xbindkeys and xvkbd to acchieve that
13:26.39canllaithhehe that drives me crazy in mozilla. I keep hitting the button by accident ad going 'hey! where did my page go?'
13:29.02chimaeraSho_: errrr, 'ridiculously complicated' sounds nice ;)
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13:29.44Sho_chimaera: I'd love to see a sophisticated mouse setup UI myself, especially since I want per-app profiles for the buttons
13:29.46PhilRodif there's a KDE way to do it, it'll involve khotkeys
13:30.07chimaeraPhilRod: khotkeys can't do it.
13:30.13Sho_On Windows, the hardware vendors ship such apps ...
13:30.13czubinis there a shortcut which moves the window with focus to another workspace?
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13:30.29strawPhilRod: i tried. gestures are possible, buttons not it seems
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13:32.45PhilRodczubin: Alt+F3, d, <n>
13:32.56PhilRodwhere <n> is the number of the desktop you want to move it to
13:33.14PhilRodyou can probably get a shorter shortcut using the control center
13:33.23czubinPhilRod: thanks
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13:45.14bushwakkohow does the downloading of superkaramba themes work?
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13:45.50apokryphosbushwakko: in the latest 0.37 you mean?
13:45.59bushwakkothere is a downloader there
13:46.00apokryphoswith Khotnewstuff
13:46.12bushwakkobut they don't appear in the menu after I Download them
13:46.15apokryphos(same as Kopete, amaroK and backgrounds)
13:46.54apokryphosbushwakko: what packages are you using? Or you compiling?
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13:47.24annmawhat kde version?
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13:48.32annmaI dont think it has KHotNewStuff then
13:48.42apokryphos0.37 does
13:48.51annmait was outside kde for kkde3.4.
13:48.53bushwakkoI use kdehotstuff
13:48.55bushwakkoand it downloads
13:49.05annmaso what's the problem?
13:49.09bushwakkobut they don't appear in the meny
13:49.16annmawhat menu?
13:49.21bushwakkothe superkaramba list?
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13:49.32bushwakkohow do I activate them
13:49.36annmano idea
13:49.38apokryphoshm, they really should. Is it possible to just blame it on Gentoo? ;-)
13:49.49apokryphosbushwakko: did it download/install them properly?
13:49.57bushwakkoI got a green thing
13:50.26bushwakkotried another one
13:50.30bushwakkoand it worked !
13:50.37annmaso one was bad
13:50.39bushwakkothe two randomly selected ones I tried didn't!
13:50.41annmait happens
13:50.47apokryphosI don't think the khotnewstuff is perfected (weather theme didn't work for me)
13:50.51bushwakkoit was liquid weather ++
13:50.55annmareport to superkaramba guy, bushwakko
13:50.56apokryphosbushwakko: if you're using rc1 you should upgrade to rc2
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13:51.02bushwakkousing rc2
13:51.09apokryphosoh ok
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14:25.37inc|freakywhat is the page with the kicker tricks again?
14:26.34inc|freakyah yea thx :D
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14:30.16orangeyhey all!
14:30.20PhilRodhi orangey
14:30.36orangeyI'm trying to get a pocketpc synced to kontact.. any advice on where I can get a howto?
14:30.48orangeyI get the feeling I need a synce and a syncekonnector..
14:30.56orangeyPhilRod, how are you?
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14:32.23PhilRodfine thanks orangey - back off to uni tomorrow
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14:32.48PhilRodorangey: you?
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14:32.59_robanybody know why linux suse diconnects you every two mins from internet?
14:33.46orangeyPhilRod, Started uni a month ago! Do you guys only start now?
14:34.07orangey_rob, isn't that a better question for the suse channel?
14:34.23_robok #suse?
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14:34.54orangey_rob, what version are you using?
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14:35.59_robvery new to linux
14:36.01PhilRodorangey: yeah, unis here generally start around now (some have started already, but others are a bit later)
14:36.54_robthe problems i'm having is when i start mozilla or any other internet browser it just does nto work
14:37.07_roband i can check for updates or sign into msn or an ything
14:37.18_robits like internet is totally broken, any ideas?
14:37.37_robI have turned the firewall off etc but i'm still having the same kind of problems
14:38.27PhilRodcan you ping websites?
14:38.40_roberm how i command link up
14:38.44orangey_rob, yeah, then #suse is good. if you're using opensuse, then #opensuse maybe.
14:38.57orangeyPhilRod, and when do you end?
14:39.17PhilRodorangey: second week of december or so
14:39.28PhilRodbut other universities finish later - we just have shorter terms
14:39.41orangeyPhilRod, surely they run more than 3 months a year!
14:40.00PhilRodoh, you mean the year - yeah, end of June
14:40.11PhilRoddo you have terms or semesters?
14:45.17benJImanPhilRod: what university are you at?
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14:47.30PhilRodbenJIman: Oxford
14:49.27benJImanhow many hours a week though?
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14:50.39PhilRodI dunno, I've never really counted :-)
14:51.03PhilRodI'll quite often be working until when I go to bed, but I won't have been working all day before that
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14:59.47chandoohi :)
15:00.29chandooi am getting error when i drag the .htm file into firefox from konquerer error is "media is not a recognised protocol" how to prevent this error
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15:01.46thiagochavo: upgrade KDE
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15:02.53bushwakkowhen I enable transparency in kde with composite my x hangs on login
15:02.56bushwakkoI ave to reboot the computer
15:03.07thiagodon't enable composite then
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15:03.29bushwakkowell, thats the whole point with transparency that you need composite to make it work
15:03.44sarefohi, is there a way to show a folder-only tree view in a konqueror window?
15:04.12sarefoall i found was viemode->treeView, which shows the files, too.
15:04.58chavosarefo, hit F9 to open the sidebar, then you can use the tree in the sidebar
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15:06.21sarefothx chavo
15:06.43chavono problem
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15:07.39sarefochavo: are you referring to 'root folder'?
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15:07.57sarefois there a way to start the tree at the current directory? i have a rather nested structure at times ;)
15:08.04chavosarefo, yes, there's one at root and one that is only in your home directory
15:09.03sarefook, then that'll have to do it.
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15:10.18chavosarefo, just open a directory and then navigate back to where you were, the tree view will then be open where your at
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15:16.14bushwakkodo I need something special to make the transparancy work in kde?
15:16.39bushwakkothere is a transparency tab under window behaviour or something
15:16.45bushwakkobut it hangs during loading
15:16.47chavobushwakko, waht video card do you have?
15:16.57bushwakkonewest drivers
15:17.07bushwakkoa friend of mine with an amd64 got it to work yesterday
15:17.21chavowell that's the best setup at the moment, but still not perfect
15:17.27bushwakkodo I need a special version of xcompmgr or something?
15:17.37bushwakkomy x hangs at startup with it on
15:17.39bushwakkohave to reboot
15:17.42bushwakkowith the reset button
15:17.50chavobushwakko, are you using xcompmgr or the one that comes with KDE?
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15:18.26SbCl3why did k3b burn my cd and make all the files capitalized and put underscores where there were spaces?
15:19.00factorgeez sound like some kinda dos stff did it truncate your files as well?
15:19.04bushwakkochavo, I'm using the tab in kcontrol
15:19.13bushwakkochavo: thought that used xcompmgr
15:19.26sfson kde 3.4.2 using media:/, shouldn't the harddisk partitions be visible under /media ? or is that just removable stuff that goes there ?
15:19.29SbCl3factor: not sure what you mean
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15:19.36chavobushwakko, it's actually called kompmgr
15:19.48factor8 haraters 3 for extention.
15:20.00SbCl3factor: no
15:20.23bushwakkowakko@bushwakko ~ $ kompmgr
15:20.23bushwakkotrying '/home/wakko/.xcompmgrrc' as configfile
15:20.23bushwakkofinished parsing the config file
15:20.23bushwakkoNo composite extension
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15:21.39bushwakko(II) Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE
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15:22.07bushwakkowhat configfile does it use?
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15:42.47dec0dinghi, when I play avi file in kaffeine I get sound but not video (just blank screen). Any idea on what might be the problem?
15:45.16annmadoes xine work?
15:45.28annmakaffeine is only a xine wrapup
15:46.02dec0dingxine plays the file but somehow slow
15:46.14dec0dingI preffer kaffeine, which used to work
15:46.29relentlessslackeHod do I set a hot-key combination for minimize window action for the particular application?
15:46.38relentlessslackeHow * blah blah blah ))
15:50.49relentlessslackeno one knows?
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15:55.57PhilRodrelentlessslacke: "Alt+F3, N" will do it
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15:56.56dec0dingstupid KDE
15:56.58relentlessslackePhilRod ----> I need to assign a key set of my own for Konversation
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16:16.41[BAF64]how do i disable the fading in of tooltips from the taskbar in kde 3.4?
16:16.55[BAF64]i turned off fading of tooltips, but it didnt affect the hovering over icons (like konq)
16:17.26BenbreadHey, I'm using Debian Etch but Apt-get refuses to install kde (possibly broken dependancies) has anyone had any experiance with this who can help me? :)
16:18.08[BAF64]got it, it was some hidden option
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16:18.36Arccan someone help me with kate?
16:18.58ArcI had X freeze up on me on a system I can still login to, and kate is still running...
16:19.25ArcI have a document, untitled and unsaved, that I spent about two hours working on.  I need to be able to save it from the command line
16:21.27Arcmaybe through DCOP?
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16:22.25BenbreadDoes anyone know if kde 3.5b1 apt sources are available?
16:23.01pinotreeArc: try with dcop kate-numberofyourkatesession EditInterface#1 text  to get the text of your document
16:24.23Archow do I get the number of my kate session? is it the PID?
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16:25.30chavoArc, just hit dcop kate[TAB]
16:25.37pinotreeArc: write dcop in the shell and search for kate
16:25.56Arcah. there's a kate but no number after it
16:26.13Arcwhen i type "dcop kate EditInterface#1 text" it just hangs
16:27.28pinotreeare you in a tty ?
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16:28.01pinotreeok, stop that dcop and do export DISPLAY=:0
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16:28.20pinotreeand then retry
16:28.23Arcpinotree: I'm currently on a LTSP session with that system
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16:28.42ArcI did a export DISPLAY=:0 (which refers to the kate running on the locked up box) and it hangs
16:28.58Arcis there a way i can yank that kate session to a different X session?
16:29.26frbunless you were running dmx
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16:30.22Arcwell kate is probobally hung because it cant talk to it's X session
16:32.39Arcwish it were threaded
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16:33.18PhilRodperhaps kate has some autosave feature?
16:33.39strawit does, if it's checked
16:33.49Arci dont think it does if it's not been saved yet/is untitled
16:34.11Arcok what about in memory
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16:34.22Arci should be able to grab the memory of a pid that's still running
16:35.02mdouhanArc: sure but I wonder how easy though
16:35.45strawactually, it's not auto-save. it's back-up on save
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16:36.32Arcanyone know how to dump the memory of a pid?
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16:40.56PhilRodArc: perhaps you can attach gdb to it?
16:41.41PhilRodoh, and is there any chance that some other app is hogging X, which is why kate can't talk to it?
16:41.52PhilRodI mean, perhaps killing that other app will get you your X back
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16:49.44freemanenIs it possible to have a key to change volume in kde?
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16:52.40PhilRodfreemanen: yes
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16:53.06PhilRodfreemanen: run kmix and take a look whether it has a global shortcut for it
16:53.28PhilRodif not, there'll be another way to do it
16:53.35freemanenoki how?
16:54.12PhilRod and the following page might help
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16:54.54ArcPhilRod: no its a bug in the X driver
16:55.21Arcthe proprietary nvidia drivers are really buggy, this peticular one has plauged us for over three years
16:55.29Arcover about 12 version upgrades
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16:56.26PhilRodfreemanen: ok, this is easier than I thought: Alt+F2, type 'kmix', hit enter. In the kmix window, go to settings->configure global shortcuts, and you have the volume up and volume down options there
16:56.49PhilRodArc: oh, nasty
16:57.23Arci'm (re) installing gdb now
16:57.33sfsanyone know a good pop3 mail checker for kicker tray ?
16:57.44PhilRodyou can get kmail to minimize to the systray
16:57.48PhilRodor use kbiff
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17:00.54pinotreenever tried, bu i know that exists :-)
17:00.58PhilRodoh, maybe that was what I meant :-)
17:01.12PhilRodI tried one of them ages ago, but I can't really remember which one it was
17:01.30pinotreealso gkrellm animation is nice
17:01.42pinotreeyes, /me uses gkrellm
17:01.47frbgkrellm is too big
17:02.32*** join/#kde feistel (n=feistel@
17:02.46feistelis incremental streaming for DVD-R supported? I need burn a multi session DVD-R and k3b say:
17:02.57feistelYour writer (XXX) does not support Incremental Streaming with DVD-R media. Multisession will not be possible. Continue anyway?
17:03.23pinotreefeistel: how is XXX called?
17:03.30pinotreemost probably depeds on it
17:03.57feistelsony dvd "dw-q28a"
17:04.54feistelany suggest?
17:05.10feistelI can write without problem with Nero in Windows
17:05.11thiagofeistel: given the message, I'd say it is supported, but not by your recorder
17:05.21thiagoor not recognised as such
17:05.25feistelthiago, no
17:05.35feistelwith Nero I can burn without problems
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17:15.07feistelis incremental streaming for DVD-R supported? I need burn a multi session DVD-R and k3b say:
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17:22.11feistelis incremental streaming for DVD-R supported ni k3b?
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17:36.46chandooi am getting widgets, but superkaramba theme buttons are not responding,
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17:37.39elvirolohi all
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17:37.52elvirolohas anyone found a way to block google ads in konqueror ?
17:40.37Sho_elvirolo: Using adblock support in 3.5beta1 and Filterset.G, I see no google ads.
17:40.54elviroloSho_: hum...
17:41.11elviroloSho_: they still show up here (3.5beta1 too)
17:41.31Sho_elvirolo: Using Filterset.G?
17:42.12elviroloSho_: well, i use filterset.G with firefox, so i just exported the filter list and imported it in konqueror, is that the right thing to do ?
17:42.32Sho_elvirolo: Well, I did the same, so I'd say "yes" ...
17:42.59Sho_elvirolo: For example, has embedded Google ads which are properly filtered when I activate adblocking
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17:43.57Borg^QueenHey people, I'm having trouble playing flash file on Konq. I have video but no sound
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17:44.14elviroloSho_: hum, doesn't show up either
17:44.33Sho_elvirolo: tell me a page you got problems with :)
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17:44.56elviroloSho_: but if I go there : ads show up with konqueror but not firefox
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17:45.51Sho_elvirolo: Yah ... AFAIK it cannot block DIVs like Adblock Plus for Firefox, and the adds there are neither in an iframe nor an image/object, so they can't be blocked
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17:46.20elviroloah i see
17:46.44elviroloSho_: but isn't it possible to filter out any content which comes from a specific server ?
17:46.54elviroloSho_: say the content of googleads
17:47.20Sho_elvirolo: Well, only if the source of the page contains the source URLs of the content
17:47.23elviroloSho_: say the content of is put in a <div> in the search page
17:47.37Sho_elvirolo: In that case you can blog googleads*, yeah
17:47.51elviroloSho_: and is it the case ?
17:48.30PhilRodquite amusing
17:48.41PhilRodthough the interface is *horrible*
17:49.02Sho_elvirolo: no
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17:49.12elviroloSho_: ok
17:49.19elviroloSho_: thanks for your help :)
17:49.56PhilRodBorg^Queen: there's a setting in settings->configure konq where you can make plugins use artdsp
17:50.03Sho_elvirolo: You know, it depends on whether or not the content is put together on the client or the server side. Some pages use an <iframe> contrainer with an URL parameter, so the client can just chose not to get the content from that URL. If that happens on the server and Konqui gets the compiled document, however, there's nothing one can do.
17:50.09Borg^QueenHey PhilRod
17:50.22PhilRodheya borgy
17:50.32Sho_elvirolo: Except filtering elements with unique identifiers (id attributes) like Adblock Plus for Firefox can, but Konqui AFAIK can't
17:51.01Borg^QueenI see it thanks PhilRod
17:51.17elviroloSho_: i see, for ex if you have <div><? getAd($keyword) ?></div> then the url won't appear in the source
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17:51.50Sho_elvirolo: Theoretically, you could add your own CSS to set such elements to display:none; however ... this is getting quite technical and requires some website development experience, however
17:52.03elviroloSho_: ok
17:52.05Borg^QueenPhilRod:  you rock
17:52.18srednaHello *
17:52.40Borg^Queenhey sredna!
17:52.42Borg^QueenHow are you?
17:52.49srednaFine, thank you :)
17:52.54srednaAnd you?
17:53.06Borg^Queengood thanks to PhilRod I just learned something new
17:53.12srednaYay :)
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17:58.09Borg^QueenPhilRod: have to seen Neo Yuppie Sbag Xmas?
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18:03.58PhilRodBorg^Queen: huh?
18:04.46Borg^Queenits a goof on people that don't like other people's religion, like Christmas
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18:04.50Borg^Queenhello knoppix
18:05.20knoppixhow are you?
18:05.43Borg^Queengood and u?
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18:14.44Oleg_I am reading the page on how to use svn and not sure if I understand it correctly:
18:15.08Oleg_for the initial checkout I gotta type svn co svn://
18:15.30Oleg_but for the second checkout, I gotta type svn up svn://
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18:16.11lippelOleg_: no, just go to arts/ and do "svn up"
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18:16.52Groovyis there "minimize all windows" button ?
18:18.00lippelOleg_: you can do also "svn co svn://...../kde/trunk -N", cd trunk, "svn up arts", "svn up kdelibs" etc
18:18.25frbis there a cervisia like app for svn yet?
18:20.14lippelfrb:doesn't cervisia support svn these days?
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18:20.36Oleg_I don't get it
18:21.01Oleg_if I type the above commands, what version of kde will I get?
18:21.11Oleg_kde 4, kde 3.5, or something else?
18:21.23frblippel: it didn't say so at first glance
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18:22.02lippelfrb: there is also
18:22.34lippelhaven't used either of them though
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18:29.22Oleg_If I use the /trunk path, what will I get?
18:29.45Oleg_the /trunk path is for the latest snapshots?
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18:40.05egonbhi, does somone know where can i find some alternative editor colorschemes for kate/quanta?
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18:46.55nordleIs there anyway for me to view images from web pages I visited in the last week.  I've got a 500MB cache which I cleared a few weeks ago, so know If it has stored it, it will still be there, thanks.
18:47.18nordleI meant in konqueror 3.4.1
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18:49.08PhilRodnordle: it should be somewhere in ~/.kde, I imagine, thought I can't find it on my system
18:49.20lippelnordle: search .kde/cache-foo (where foo is your hostname)
18:49.38lippelcache-foo/http i think
18:50.01PhilRodoh, duh, I did see those and didn't realise they were directories :-)
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18:52.46Oleg_the /trunk path is for the latest snapshots?
18:52.56Oleg_I am confused
18:53.08Oleg_between tags, trunks, and whatever
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18:55.20lippelOleg_: well, actually, i guess trunk is not what you want
18:55.29lippelit hardly compiles, and doesn't run at all
18:55.40lippelOleg_: use branches/KDE/3.5
18:55.46Oleg_lippel: is it kde 4?
18:55.50lippelthat is what will become KDE 3.5
18:55.59lippelOleg_: trunk is KDE4
18:56.02chmeeedid some google searches, but came up pretty empty... is there a way to block images from specific sites with konqueror?
18:56.06lippelin a very early state
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18:57.04lippelchmeee: there will be adblock in kde 3.5's konq
18:57.34Oleg_well, I think it's fun to check out kde 4 even if it won't compile
18:57.36chmeeelippel: yeah, I saw that bit... can't wait for kde3.5, there are a few features I'm waiting for
18:57.39Oleg_I am gonna get kde 4
18:58.01chmeeelippel: will adblock allow context-menu image block ala mozilla?
18:58.33Oleg_maybe after a couple of updates it will compile
18:59.31lippelchmeee: hmm, can't see such an option :-/
19:00.33chmeeeit's pretty much the only thing I miss from the lizard
19:02.12lippelchmeee: ah, its there :)
19:02.20lippeli haven't had adblock enabled at all
19:02.21chmeeesweet :)
19:02.30lippelif you enable it, the context menu entry shows up
19:03.04chmeeenow just waiting for kde3.5 to finish and appear in the freebsd ports tree (cleaner that way)
19:03.24chmeeethe other big feature of 3.5 I'm waiting for is kmail's imap folder filtering
19:04.11nordlePhilRod, lippel, many thanks for the cache suggestions, I could only find stuff from today, I must have deleted it yesterday, oops.  I'll remember for next time though, thanks!
19:04.26crispynixchmeee: 3.5beta1 is out and seems pretty stable (haven't tried kmail's imap stuff tho; all of my remote accounts are pop3)
19:04.50chmeeecrispynix: yeah I know
19:05.10chmeeeguess I could install it in my home, so that it doesn't conflict with freebsd's port system
19:05.44chmeeecrispynix: I need imap4, because I access the same account from 4 different locations
19:09.56Oleg_ok, there is no kde qt-copy for qt4?
19:10.00*** join/#kde micro (
19:10.10Oleg_I gotta download qt4 from trolltech?
19:11.00lippelOleg_: there is a qt-copy
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19:12.01lippelOleg_: if you really want to try to build it, you should use branches/work/kdelibs4_snapshot instead of trunk/KDE/kdelibs
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19:18.52annmaOleg_: you're building kde4?
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19:21.10bonzai10how stable is kde 3.5 beta 1??
19:21.26thothoneganbeen really stable here
19:21.41thothonegancouple minor crashes with apps, but kde itself hasnt crashed at all
19:22.28lippelbonzai10: in my experience, konq is a bit buggy still (crashes), but apart from that, it works fine for me (using a current SVN checkout)
19:22.28annmabonzai10: it's real good
19:22.38annmano crashes here in konq
19:25.29lippelannma: try 113600
19:25.57annma;) I mean in my normal use
19:26.08annmaof course I tested soe websites that makes it crash
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19:26.38lippelannma: well, i had that crash several times
19:27.12bonzai10well it's good sign that KDE 3.5 final will be good version =)
19:27.18lippelannma: so i wonder if it crashes for you, too, if you say that konq is overall stable for you
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19:30.02bonzai10how long do you astimate KDE 3.5 final will be relased?
19:30.52PhilRoda few weeks' time, maybe a month
19:31.20pinotreeend of november
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19:32.40PhilRodah, didn't realise the release plan went that far
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19:36.45anisXHappy Ramadhan to all muslim!
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19:40.00Oleg_annma: yeah, I wanna build kde4
19:40.54Oleg_just for fun
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19:45.54Oleg_lippel: only kdelibs I should get from branches/work?
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19:46.06Oleg_lippel: everything else I should get from /trunk?
19:46.23lippelOleg_: afaik yes
19:46.43lippeli am new to the kde4 world as well though
19:47.23Oleg_so the dir /home/trunk/KDE will be created?
19:47.41Oleg_but I don't want it to be in my home directory
19:47.58Oleg_because I don't have much space on the hard drive where my /home dir is
19:48.21GarySavedI am running Fedora FC4.  Is there a paackage that I can request to get the most comman paackages needed to use KDE?
19:48.23lippelit doesn't mirror the absolute paths, dude. just do the checkout where you want it to be
19:48.35Oleg_I just wanted to say that :)
19:48.51Oleg_wanted to ask that
19:49.03RoeyGarySaved:  hi, interesting nick.
19:49.16GarySavedI got KDE-base, but is it missing alot of funnctionality,
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19:49.34GarySavedThanks, Roey
19:50.27JewtifulJoehello, what's the name of the package that adds the "download all links" button to Konqueror?
19:50.32PhilRodGarySaved: well, depends what apps you need. Something like kdebase, kdepim, kdemultimedia and kdenetwork will give you a good start. Oh, and kdegraphics
19:50.49PhilRodplus any other packages that contain particular apps taht you need
19:50.56PhilRodJewtifulJoe: probably kdeaddons
19:50.56GarySavedO.K. ... Thanks!
19:51.03JewtifulJoePhilRod:  ah that's right
19:51.23GarySavedIs there a way to get my setting from Gnome to KDE?
19:51.38PhilRoddepends what settings you mean
19:52.13GarySavedFor E-Mail, Browser links, and such.
19:52.21Oleg_why doesn't it say how I get qt4 from svn?
19:52.27Oleg_I mean the stable qt4
19:53.14Oleg_svn co svn:// ?
19:53.47Roeydoh, it's not.
19:53.51Roeyit's not kdeaddons.
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20:14.50darkstegohey all
20:14.54darkstegoI have a problem
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20:15.44annmadarkstego: explain please
20:15.46darkstegowhen I start KDE, after the login screen all I get is konsole
20:15.50darkstegono splash screen
20:15.54darkstegono kicker
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20:16.10annmadarkstego: how did you install KDE?
20:16.10darkstegoit just pops up a konsole window
20:16.21darkstegoit came with the distro
20:16.27darkstegoit was working fine
20:17.02darkstegothe only change that could have effected this was changing the splash screen
20:17.03darkstegonow I can't even get into KDE
20:17.36FlendorWhat version was the KDE? I remember breaking my KDE by installing a 3.3+ icon set when my KDE was 3.2 *blush*
20:18.43FlendorI don't think there is any stuff that *needs* 3.4 right now..
20:19.07darkstegocan I disable the splash screen I added?
20:19.18annmatry running kcontrol
20:19.21FlendorI was thinking of the same.. however, I don't have the answer. :/
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20:19.42Spamicleshow do i look in my trash bin in kde? it says trash:// open with what application
20:19.43annmadoes Alt+F2 bring you a command lien?
20:19.45microstrg alt f7
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20:19.47darkstegowill try it
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20:21.35darkstegook... machine froze up
20:22.00darkstegoone thing. kdm.log says fatal:module intel_agp is in use ???
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20:22.30microproblem with your craphic card driver
20:22.31annmadarkstego: you'dbetter ask mepis
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20:30.39yo2luxi have an Intel Pentium 3 530MHz, 512MB SDRAM. KDE3 want better hardware ?
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20:33.44annmayo2lux: should be OK
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20:34.18yo2luxannma thanks!
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21:09.28BROKEN_LADDERis there a way to get rid of my mouse arrow's drop shadow?
21:09.30BROKEN_LADDERi hate effects.
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21:26.36gac6is someone active here?
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21:27.44annmayes yes
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21:30.38gac6did you already test 3.5 beta?
21:30.48annmayes I run 3.5 today
21:31.30gac6is it already worth to change or did you install it for test reasons?
21:31.56gac6By the way you have been fast...;-)
21:32.35annmafor development reason but it's good
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21:35.36gac6Some one told me, that the development of gnome now seems to speed up more than of KDE. I'm used to KDE and never much followed the development of gnome.
21:35.58gac6Did you got the same impression?
21:36.02annmawell we are in freeze and we are building kde4
21:36.08annmaI don't know gnome at all
21:36.31annmalooking by the number of commits we are before gnome
21:37.12gac6What kind of commits your are speaking of?
21:37.13annmaI guess they don't take so many new decisions as we do right now
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21:37.37annmaall commits
21:37.51annmawhat kind of speed are you speaking of?
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21:39.13gac6I think I mean also commitments
21:39.28annmawe are about to release
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21:40.49gac6what is the date for kde4
21:41.03annmawooow, in at least 1 year
21:41.08annmakde$ is major changes
21:41.43annmachanges in code design and changes in all areas as well
21:41.59*** join/#kde moret (
21:42.06gac6In the last month I started to use more Linux - installed SuSE 9.3 and Knoppix 4.0
21:42.24gac6I like the "optical" facelift
21:42.51gac6I only know older Linux installation - with KDE 3.0 ....
21:43.21gac6For me ... there was already big changes
21:43.37*** join/#kde bluesceada (n=itsjustm@unaffiliated/bluesceada)
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21:45.42gac6I like the look and feel of 3.4
21:46.17gac6what is your rolle in the development ?
21:46.27Oleg_hey, I still dunno how to get the qt-copy of qt4
21:46.32Oleg_is it in svn?
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21:49.43PeakerAhh! someone requested my auth to add to contact list and now I get 2 dialogs of auth request, and whatever I do with 'em, kopete crashes :-(
21:49.49Peakerrelogin, happens again :(
21:50.18annmaOleg_: it's in trunk/qt-copy
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21:52.21gac6Bye, bye
21:52.34SAngeliAnybody knows how to unpack a .skz file (it is a superkaramba liquid weather ++ file)
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21:52.39Jason-BourneFat bottom girls you make the rocking world go round!!
21:53.04frbSAngeli: it's just a zip file
21:53.48SAngelifrb: so, what would the command be? I ask this because in konqueror, when I right click I do not get any arc option.
21:54.17frbSAngeli: in a konsole, make a directory, cd there, then unzip /path/to/foo.skz
21:54.30frbSAngeli: what version of karamba do you have anyway?
21:54.39SAngelilatest one
21:54.45frbwhat version is that?
21:55.19SAngeliI see. So I can use unzip. ver 0.37_rc2
21:55.39frbok, that should work
21:55.56frbI only have 0.35 (the Latest rpm for suse 9.3) and it didn't
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21:56.28SAngelifrb: it worked. tanks
21:59.30frbI kinda want karamba to act more like the dashboard
21:59.41frbI mean come on, who can really see their desktop anyway?
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22:17.23annmahow is the build going?
22:17.35Oleg_didn't start it yet
22:17.41Oleg_will start it soon
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22:18.35annmafollow the README.qt-copy for the configuwe line
22:19.08Oleg_ok, thanks
22:19.36annmajust build kdelibs and kdebase, the other modules probably will not build
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22:21.21BenbreadI'm using konstruct to build KDE but it slips up on compiling QT, i get (one line of) the following output: kernel/qt_x11_p.h:73:23: error: X11/Xatom.h: No such file or directory
22:21.32BenbreadHow can i ammend this? :)
22:21.41annmayou miss a X header
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22:22.16annmaask in your distro channel
22:22.21Benbreadthanks :)
22:22.31annmafound it: libxorg-x11-devel
22:22.37annmaMandriva is so cool
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22:22.55annmait belong to that package, Benbread
22:23.01liquidatBenbread: btw.: I would use kdesvn-build...
22:23.08Benbreadexcellent :D i tried tried xserver-devel but that didn't exist :P
22:23.26annmaI suppose you have Xorg though
22:23.44Benbreadannma: no such package (apt)
22:24.03annmaask in #debian what is the xorg devel package, Benbread
22:24.09Benbreadthanks :)
22:24.14annmathe one I pasted ws from Mandriva
22:24.27BenbreadI'm sure Debian has an RPM manager
22:24.51annmaor look at the debian website, Benbread
22:24.51Benbreadapt-get install rpm - heh :P
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22:25.15pinotreeBenbread: apt is *much* powerful than rpm
22:25.26annmabah bah
22:25.29liquidatpinotree: Are you really sure that you know what you are talking about?
22:25.37Benbreadpinotree: which is why i use it, but it's pure lazyness on my front today :P
22:25.47liquidatNo, you don't know - apt is something different than rpm...
22:25.53liquidatThere is no connection...
22:26.01Benbreadapt (dpkg) seems much smarter
22:26.20liquidatdpkg is comparable to rpm, but not apt.
22:26.31liquidatThere exists an apt implementation which is able to use rpm, too...
22:26.35Benbreaddoes apt not run dpkg?
22:26.42liquidatSo - don't try to compare cars with ferries.
22:26.55liquidatBenbread: Yes - at it can run rpm, too.
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22:27.24liquidatBut no one uses it because there are several other package managers in the rpm world, and apt never found its way.
22:27.38liquidat"no one" means: the large distributions :)
22:27.42BenbreadI think i need coffee
22:27.58BenbreadAll this Gnome is driving me crazy
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22:29.15BlissexBenbread: the big fat slow GNOMEs are persecuting you? Have you talked with yout shrink about it? :-)
22:29.35BenbreadBlissex: My fault for trying to use Testing distros :P
22:29.50frbbetter lock up you underwear
22:29.54BenbreadApparently debian don't have KDE .debs for Etch
22:30.01BlissexBenbread: have heard of ''bleeding edge'' :-)
22:30.27BlissexBenbread: 'testing' and Sid are not distros, they are random, incomplete, inconsistent collection of packages.
22:30.48BlissexBenbread: they start to look like, but are not, distros, towards the end of a Debian release cycle.
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22:31.02pinotreeliquidat: apt and deb is more used that how you could imagine
22:31.11BenbreadBlissex: Etch is Sarge + devel so it's quite stable
22:31.17frbI tried debian once
22:31.30frbI was actually a maintainer of a package for awhile
22:31.32BlissexBenbread: right now those package collections are undergoing a few complicated package transitions, and piecemeal too.
22:31.34frbit helped me get a job
22:31.45bonzai10im using Ubuntu which is debian clone
22:31.46jmgBenbred: etch was synced to sid when sarge went stable
22:31.49liquidatpinotree: Please, read what I write: I talked about the usage of apt int the *rpm world*
22:32.08jmgbonzai10: ubuntu is debian derived. they sync to sid every 6 months
22:32.18pinotreeliquidat: there was distro rpm-based with apt
22:32.25pinotreewith the rpm-version of apt
22:32.40liquidatpinotree: Yes - but without deb. And like you said: there *was*.
22:32.47BlissexConectiva used APT+RPM exclusively. Mandriva has the whole APT suite, including 'aptitude', as an option. There are vast APT repositories for SUSE...
22:32.52liquidatThere are still smaller ones, but the larger ones dropped apt4rpm.
22:33.15BenbreadAnd i was so proud of myself for getting my machine to dual boot Linux/Windows without a major explosion :P
22:33.18liquidatBlissex: RIght, the SUSE project tries to point out the advantage of apt.
22:33.38Blissexliquidat: not quite -- it is unofficial.
22:33.56Blissexliquidat: they have their own YAST2 dependency manager and YOU repositories.
22:34.16liquidatSorry, I meant SUPER , not suse. :-)
22:34.22liquidatIt was a mistake of the words :)
22:34.28bonzai10right SUSE has his own package manager
22:34.35liquidatsuse itself will stay with yast, I think.
22:34.35Blissexliquidat: note also that of all the dependency managers out there APT is the one with some annoyiing limitations.
22:35.04Blissexliquidat: but there are really numerous and large unofficial APT/SUSE repositories, and one can switch completely to APT if one wants.
22:35.19liquidatBlissex: I know.
22:35.31liquidatIt was like that with Fedora until fedora 4 - their they dropped the support.
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22:35.47liquidatapt, or at least apt4rpm has some problems with 64bit support.
22:35.55Blissexbut the APT support for SUSE was also totally unofficial...
22:36.11bonzai10i have fedora 3 on 4 CD's but it failed to install GRUB into MBR
22:36.24liquidatBlissex: Yes, but Suse is now a community project, so it can change to a dual world. If the poeple wants it.
22:36.27Blissexliquidat: not quite, it has a much bigger problem than 64 bit support, it is one of those annoying limitatioons I was hinting at.
22:36.41Blissexliquidat: the problem with APT is that...
22:36.50liquidatI know the 64 thing best - which others do you mean?
22:36.58liquidatBlissex: Yes, I am listening :)
22:37.03Blissexliquidat: there is no problem with 64 bit support...
22:37.38Blissexliquidat: the problem is that APT does not support installing two packages with the same name but different versions or architectures. And it is difficult to imagine it will.
22:38.01Blissexliquidat: this impacts severaly AMD64 installs.
22:38.14liquidatTHat's what I meant with my "64bit support" - but I wasn't able to describe it so good :)
22:38.18Blissexliquidat: because in nearly all cases people want a _mixed_ 64/32/bit install.
22:38.23liquidatYes, sure.
22:38.30liquidatI followed the discussions :)
22:39.04bonzai10we have to wait till all packages will be made on 64 bit arch =)
22:39.10Blissexliquidat: as to the different versions, Debian has long used one of the many utterly revolting workaround they use to workaround fuckups...
22:39.29bonzai10users with 64 bit processors
22:39.40Blissexliquidat: the workaround is that many Debian packages have the version number embedded in the package name.
22:40.05liquidatBlissex: Ah...intereting, I thought it was only a problem of apt4rpm.
22:40.32liquidatI thought they continued the development of apt, and it wasn't ported to apt4rpm,.
22:40.49Blissexliquidat: one could use the same revolting hack to support 32/64 bits... like having libc6-2.3.5.amd64.deb and libc6b32-2.3.5.amd64.deb
22:40.50liquidatbonzai10: You are still free to use yum :-p
22:41.24bonzai10question: can i install every 32 bit package on 64 bit cpu even graphic drivers and will it work?
22:41.41liquidatBlissex: Hm, nothing what I would like....
22:41.41Blissexliquidat: or perhaps 'libc6-2.3.5.amd64.deb' and 'compat32-libc6-2.3.5.amd64.deb' which is more like how Fedpra/RedHat handle it.
22:41.55Blissexliquidat: oh both are awesomely ugly.
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22:42.13Blissexbonzai10: not the graphics drivers or anything kernel related. But applications, yes. With the right distro.
22:42.15liquidatBlissex: I thought that yum is able to handle this!
22:42.33liquidatI mean, they officially kicked apt because yum don't need this I thought...
22:42.37Blissexliquidat: Yum can handle it, but the RedHat people don't know it :-).
22:42.44liquidatBlissex: Why?
22:42.51Blissexliquidat: historical reasons...
22:43.16Blissexliquidat: the computer world is a messy place, and distros are a leading edge aspect of our world :-)
22:43.18liquidatBlissex: So - what would you prefer? :)
22:43.22bonzai10why not drivers? ad says (i know its ad :)) it will fully support all 32 bit apps
22:43.34Blissexbonzai10: a driver is not an app...
22:43.55Blissexbonzai10: you cannot really put a 32 bit driver inside a 64 bit kernel.
22:44.13Blissexbonzai10: well, one _could_, but it would take a lot of unnecessary effort.
22:44.14BenbreadYay, found it :)
22:44.32bonzai10then games will have to be made for 64bit cpu's too
22:44.55Blissexbonzai10: some already are... I think the Unreal engine based one can already be found in 64 bit versions.
22:45.27Blissexbonzai10: and there are some fairly decent open source games too. Like FlightGear, and a few others.
22:46.05bonzai10some... unfortunetly not everybody has 64 bit cpu and 64bit apps are not developing as fast as 32 bit :(
22:46.06liquidatBlissex: Which package manager is capable to manage all these things right?
22:46.53Blissexbonzai10: but 64 bit is happening pretty fast, at least in the Linux world.
22:47.28Blissexliquidat: well, none is really that good. Note also that you are talking dependency managers (Yum, APT) not package managers (RPM, DPKG)...
22:47.38Blissexliquidat: but I think that Yum is mostly reasonable.
22:47.54bonzai10well right but it will take some time untill every app will be in 64bit
22:47.56liquidatBlissex: Ah ok, dependency managers...
22:48.24liquidatThat reminds me of a discussion we had at the german wikipedia - how to name the article about the principles of apt, yum, ...
22:48.26Blissexliquidat: I haven't tried a lot some of the alternatives like YOU from SUSE or SmartPM or the Slackware one like 'swaret'
22:48.42Blissexliquidat: hehehe.
22:49.37liquidatWell, I am only familiar with yum, apt, urpmi and you. But I never had a 64bit machine to play with so I do not know how they behave under these circumstances.
22:50.00liquidatI just followed the discussion (there were lot of them) when all the repos around fedora dropped apt support...
22:50.08*** join/#kde gnoob (
22:50.51bonzai10where can i get yum? or see screenshots?
22:51.31gnoobhey all. If I don't have a monitor on a computer but i can SSH in, is there a way i can activate KDE's VNC and then connect and have a VNC KDE session on this PC?
22:51.57thiagognoob: use NX
22:52.32gnoobbonzai10, you are looking for a screen shot of a program? Sometimes if i need a screenshot of a program i use Googles image search.
22:52.39gnoobthiago, what's NX
22:52.52thiagothe program you want
22:52.56bonzai10gnoob: i used...
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22:53.37liquidatbonzai10: yum is command line.
22:53.48liquidatAnd at this time its only fedora which uses it.
22:54.12gnoobthiago, i need a free solution.
22:54.13liquidatBut if oyu search some e-mail-lists you would find lots of discussion about why yum is better than apt or apt is better than yum
22:54.20thiagognoob: NX
22:55.07thiagohow fast is your connection to the destination box?
22:55.42BenbreadGot x11-dev :) (using apt-get as it happens ;))
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22:55.57gnoobit's on my local lan. 100 mega bits.
22:56.27thiagognoob: then use plain X
22:56.36gnoobi was thinking kde already has some desktop sharing software.
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22:56.55thothonegankremotedesktop : uses VNC / RDP though
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22:57.02Blissexbonzai10: Yum isa Python application...
22:57.08BenbreadIt's kernel compile time soon (for some reason on my other machine it doesn't like my compiled kernels (crappy hardware :P))
22:57.11gnoobthiago, ok, use X.  Could you direct me a bit more?
22:57.24thiagognoob: simply use your own X server
22:57.34thiagognoob: load X on your machine and ssh in to the destination one
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22:57.40thiagoyou'll be able to run remote programs from there
22:58.00gnoobthiago, ah, one hitch is that this machine is a windows box.  I am connecting it to a Linux Box.
22:58.10thiagognoob: the answer is still the same
22:58.16thiagognoob: fire up an X server on your windows box
22:58.19thiagoor use NX
22:58.32gnoobthiago, how will i fire up X on my windows box?
22:58.45thiagognoob: find the installed X server, run the program.
22:58.47gnoobthothonegan, i had someone try to help me a bit setting that up but i could not connect.
22:58.57thothoneganyou in a chroot?
22:59.04thothoneganoh wait
22:59.05thothoneganwrong chan
22:59.21thothoneganneed a vnc server on one side : other just connects
22:59.38thiagoor an NX server and an NX client, which work better than VNC
22:59.44thiagofor the server, you can use FreeNX
22:59.51thiagofor the client, use the one from NoMachine
22:59.54chrisagCan NX do unix-windows without an X server?
23:00.03thiagochrisag: NX Client installs an X server
23:00.10Blissexchrisag: with an easel and a brush it can :-)
23:00.26chrisagWas just curious
23:00.27gnoobthiago, i am still a bit puzzled on the x server and windows.
23:00.45chrisagbecause without emulation I was wondering if we'll ever connect windows-kde etc
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23:00.55thiagoyou need an X server on your Windows. If you install the NXClient from, you'll get it.
23:00.59thothoneganuse xming w/putty (X over SSH)
23:01.12gnoobah, ok.  So that's easy enough then.
23:01.16thiagoyou will need an NX Server on your Linux, which can be one from NoMachine or FreeNX
23:01.22gnoobI should download the NXclient.
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23:01.43BenbreadYay, soon i'll be able to see how KDE should be running (not on a Pentium 3 450mhz :P)
23:01.54chrisagdamn talk about old school :x
23:01.57thothoneganlol : sounds like what i was running it on before
23:02.01bhavaragaanyone know why kaudiocreator (3.5-beta1) no longer generates playlists? It's now very much a worthless app.
23:03.51Benbreadinteresting QT's qpngio.cpp has just generated about 50 errors
23:03.53chrisagoh cool knx does do windows!
23:04.44Benbreadbut i know why :)
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23:34.45SbCl3are there any plans to allow konqueror tabs to be rearranged?
23:34.55SbCl3(in upcoming versions of kde)
23:34.59SbCl3or can konq do that now?
23:35.08thothoneganSbCl3: its on the menus
23:35.17thothoneganwindow -> move tab (direction)
23:35.33thothoneganjust doesnt have the fancy middle mouse way :(
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23:37.12devoa friend of mine is having problems with kppp not showing an active "connect"
23:37.19devoany suggestions
23:37.26Jason-Bournewhoa people still use kppp
23:37.38devoyes, some of us.  including me.
23:37.54Jason-Bournei haven't used kppp since back in NAM(tm)
23:38.21DaSkreech(k)ubuntu needs to be friendlier to Dial up people
23:38.25DaSkreechIt's terrible now
23:38.59devowell, i got cheap and went back to dialup.  unfortunately my friend is a little old lady and she lives 1500 miles away from me.  so I'm looking for some tips before diving in over the phone.
23:39.32devoI have some ideas but if someone has had the problem before, thought that might be the better way to go.
23:40.05devoAm wondering if one of her config files got munged in particular.
23:40.51chrisagAnyone know of a onenote like program for linux?
23:40.53devoDaSkreech: I think all the distros could use work there.
23:40.55*** part/#kde Benbread (
23:41.04devoIn my experience.
23:41.55devoWell, thought I'd ask around anyhow.  Thanks!
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23:43.04BenbreadI sure hope i don't have to compile QT again
23:43.45Benbreadafter 4 failed compiles, 3 additional dependances that it kindly didn't tell me about and some serious hair pulling it's nearly done
23:44.04chrisagyou should never have to start a compile from square one.
23:44.15chrisagit *should* start from where it needs to
23:54.03BenbreadOk, now i have libjpeg-dev, lets see if it gets any further this time
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23:54.59annmaBenbread: yes, that's the joys of self-building
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23:55.10birchoffwhy is it when I drag any window in kde over another you see a window trail.... until I stop dragging the window
23:55.15birchoffis there anyway to prevent this
23:55.27annmain KControl
23:55.37annmawindow behaviour I think
23:55.53Benbreadannma: the KDE stuff is going fine, just not QT
23:55.54annmalook what it behaviour it has when you move a window
23:56.09annmaBenbread: how come?
23:56.49BenbreadBecause it gets through ./configure with no errors then starts compiling and errors at stuff (like no png libs) that it should have told me about before it started
23:57.10annmawell not really
23:57.12chrisagautotools don't pick up everything
23:57.17annmait cannot check for it all
23:57.24annmait's just impossible
23:57.25Benbreadso to make Qt happy i've also installed: libx11-devel, libpng, libpng-dev, zlib and libjpeg-dev
23:57.38annmayes and you'll probably need more
23:57.47annmait's nt really qt
23:57.54annmaas qt compiled
23:58.11Benbreadannma: i've seen other programs complain about png and jpeg libs at config time
23:58.27annmaBenbread: when installing your linux you should have used to install development packages
23:58.55annmashould have installed
23:59.02BenbreadOh i know :S

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