irclog2html for #kde on 20050921

00:00.03annmatype kde:kapplication
00:01.51annmain kde we code 3 lines for restoring session using KApplication.isRestored()
00:01.56annmain kde we code 3 lines for restoring session using KApplication::isRestored()
00:02.19*** join/#kde Adib (n=adib@
00:02.20annmabut that works for KDE apps built on kdelibs
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00:03.39Zakiannma, is it possible to use firefox inside of konqueror?
00:03.45annmaoh man
00:03.52Zakiannma, lol
00:03.53annmakonqueror IS a web browser
00:04.01annmafirefox is one as well
00:04.10annmawould you put a car inside a car?
00:04.24Zakiannma, the problem is that konqueror doesn't always work well
00:04.31annmaoh come on
00:04.44annmathen use firefox when konq doe snot work
00:05.01annmabut frankly I don't find many sites that don't work for me
00:05.12Zakiannma, i'm sorry but konqueror was better than netscape (before mozilla at that time) and i was happy with it
00:05.27Zakiannma, but now konqueror has become behind
00:05.34annmawell then don['t use itr
00:05.43annmanobody forces you to use it
00:05.54canllaithThen why did ex mozilla hacker tell apple they should use KHTML rather than geko for their browser? :)
00:05.57canllaithif konqi is so behind
00:06.07Zakiannma, well konqueror's session support in kde is excellent though
00:06.09annmawhy did Apple took khtml code?
00:06.26frb-workbecasue it was cleaner and faster than mozilla?
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00:06.27annmaZaki: I already explained you that kde progs are well fitted in kde desktop
00:06.43Zakicanllaith, very interesting, thanks for this info
00:06.58Zakiannma, yeah i understand that of course
00:07.00annmathe other apps like epiphany or firefox are not belonged to KDE
00:07.09annmathus they restore less
00:07.17annmaand are slow and mem eating
00:07.31Zakiannma, but you asked me why use konqueror
00:07.40annmakonq is not perfect nor is firefox or IE6
00:08.00annmaat least you won't get spyware in konq
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00:09.58Zakiannma, ok i'll consider using konqueror more
00:10.14annmayou are free and you have choice
00:10.23annmawhich are advantages of free software
00:10.33Zakiannma, probably the best solution is to report anything that i see not working well in konq
00:10.43annmareporting is not enough
00:10.51annmadoing test cases is the best
00:10.56Zakiannma, ok i mean that will be the first action
00:11.02Zakiannma, i may even fix it if i can
00:11.15annmaif a webpage does not work, first narrow the code that does not work to a few lines -> test case
00:11.16Zakior when i can
00:11.26Zakiannma, ok
00:11.30annmaask also here about new konq versions
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00:11.39annmalike me, I have konqueror from today
00:11.45Zakiannma, well i'm using RHEL 4
00:12.00annmaI have konqueror 3.5, Zaki
00:12.10annmathat means the next version which is not out yet
00:12.26annmaI can test to see if your bug is or not fixed
00:12.31annmaand help making a test case
00:12.32ZakiRHEL4 has currently Konq 3.3.1-5.5
00:12.51Zakiannma, yeah but stable
00:12.53annma3.5 is out in a month or so
00:13.12annmaZaki: the point here is to see wether the bug has been crushed
00:13.23canllaithZaki: one annoying situation is that many people have the belief that konqi is less capable
00:13.38annmaif you have a website now that breaks, please paste the url
00:13.39canllaithand sometimes on detecting konqi useragent, they'll serve up a broken page
00:14.00canllaithInstalling kdeaddons so you can change the useragent to firefox or IE actually works a great deal in a lot of cases.
00:14.00Zakicanllaith, oh i c
00:14.11Zakicanllaith, cool idea
00:14.33annmayes, that fixes things on some idiot pages
00:14.42canllaithEspecially banking websites, often changing to IE makes them work better :S
00:14.51annmasad but true
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00:15.55Zakicanllaith, you mean konquerror configuration-> browser identification?
00:16.50canllaithI don't have kdeaddons installed so I'm not sure. IIRC there is a menu item.
00:17.16Zakithanks alot
00:17.32Zakii'll learn more about KHTML and everything
00:17.36Zakii have to run now
00:17.39Zakisee ya +)
00:17.43canllaithCya :)
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00:42.48Oleg_the beta1 was tagged, but wasn't released?
00:45.09canllaithOleg_: What do you mean ?
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00:46.16Oleg_oh, maybe I don't know the meaning of the word tag
00:46.30Oleg_ok, the beta1 is available for downloading?
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00:46.45canllaithOleg_: yes
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00:47.53Oleg_Alpha1 works great so far
00:48.03Oleg_better than kde 3.4.0
00:48.45emRickhow can I get the mouse position from the command line?
00:54.11Oleg_trying to find my favorite Italian 80s songs on the net
00:54.54annmathe mouse position?
00:56.18emRickif the mouse is 100 pixels from the left and 300 pixels from the top, then I want to get the value (100, 300)
00:56.42emRickannma: that is, from the top-left corner of the screen
00:57.00annmain any app?
00:57.38emRickI am writing Python code so a Python module would be nice. if no, then some command-line function could be parsed by Python.
00:57.58annmamouse is X stuff
00:58.38annmaif you have said in kde code I would have said ok
00:59.42emRickah, the #python people have just given me a clue ... Python has an xlib wrapper
01:01.02emRickI'm a fishin' with several fishin' poles
01:01.17emRickjust anything to jog my brain is good
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01:17.47Hydrogenwhats the kde scanning program?
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01:21.12emRickkooka I think
01:21.23emRickHydrogen: kooka I think
01:21.31emRickHydrogen: yep, KDE Scan & OCR Program
01:24.31SpeSnewbe question: what's the trick to "synchronize" the values of a QLineEdit and a KGradientSelector without an infinite loop, etc?
01:24.50annmacoding question?
01:24.52SpeSthe values are not "exact"
01:25.06annmawhat values for example/
01:25.22SpeSthe kgradient is from 0 to 100 (percentage)
01:25.32SpeSand the qlineedit has the number of the %
01:25.50SpeSI can get that in one direction, but not both at the same time
01:25.52annmaso what is your problem?
01:26.11annmatell me more on what the widgets do
01:26.12SpeSbecause the values of the % are not exact, and I enter a loop between them both
01:26.43SpeSwell, in fact there are 2 Qlineedit
01:26.45annmathe user choose a color in KGradientSelector
01:26.52annmawhat next?
01:27.14SpeSannma I'm using the gradient just to choose/show a porcentage
01:27.35annmaso what the qlineeedit doing?
01:27.46SpeSI have: "red" number of x, "blue" number of x (so a total of 2x)
01:28.03SpeSand the Kgradient shows the % of reds/blue
01:28.18annmahow are red and blue choosen?
01:28.21SpeSyou can enter the amount of red x in one qlineedit
01:28.41SpeSI want to be able to choose them from the kgradient, or from the qlineedit
01:28.45annmaand it's not between 0 and 100?
01:28.56annmawhat is x?
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01:29.23SpeSx is anything, in my example it's "soldiers"
01:29.31SpeSjust "units"
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01:29.53annmared then
01:29.57annmathe number
01:30.15SpeSIf I enter 10 in the red qlinedit, the total is 10, so the kgradiert should go to 100% (all are red)
01:30.21annmado you want the qlineedits synch woth the kgradient selector?
01:30.42annma10 -> 100%
01:30.44SpeSthen If I enter 90 in the blue qlinedit, the total is 100, and the kgradient should go to the 10%...
01:30.59annmaok so that's only calculations
01:31.06annmawhat is the problem?
01:31.14SpeSI'm quite new with Q and K...
01:31.39SpeSI can't get them in sync
01:31.49annmayou get the qlineedit values first?
01:31.50SpeSI enter a loop
01:32.03annmatell me what action is first?
01:32.09annmawhat doe sthe user do
01:32.17SpeSI want to be able to enter the values either in the qlineedit or in the kgradient
01:32.25SpeSis that possible?
01:32.43annmaif the qlineedit have 60 and 60 for example
01:32.49annmathat cannot be oK?
01:33.15SpeSyes, the total is 120
01:33.20SpeSso the % is 50%
01:33.26SpeSthe kgradient should point 50%
01:33.44annmaok so yu can devise a math formula for that?
01:33.51SpeSI have the formula
01:34.01SpeSBut I can't make them wotk at the same time
01:34.04annmagood sothat way is OK
01:34.12annmanow the other way
01:34.13SpeStropasRoj = int( totalTropas*(porcentaje/100.0) );
01:34.48annmaso tropasRoj is kgradientSelector %
01:34.50SpeSI have the code to enter the gradient value, and change the qlineedit values
01:34.52SpeSthat works
01:35.07annmaso it all works?
01:35.13SpeSbut when I add the code to enter the values in the qlineedits and change the kgradient... :(
01:36.00annmait seems a little tricky
01:36.13annmaabout the signals
01:36.19annmafrom the QLIneEdit
01:36.25SpeSwhere can I paste some lines? (only about 20)
01:36.30annmasomething like sliders would be easier
01:36.50annmawhat signal do you use on the lineedit?
01:37.57annmanot convenient
01:38.13annmathe user will enter 10 but at 1 the signal will be emitted
01:38.21annmathen at 10
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01:38.31annmathat for each qlineeedit
01:38.35liouxanyone here knowledgeable with ktrm? for both amarok and juk?
01:38.36SpeSreturnPressed then?
01:38.58liouxI am trying to get it working against the latest libtunepimp 0.4.0-pre5. I got it to compile but I can't get any results from musicbrainz
01:39.02SpeSannma well, I don't mind if each number the kgradient changes, it may look more "dinamyc", it's ok
01:39.06annmaSpeS: I would use sliders
01:39.09liouxsample patch at
01:39.21annmawhat defaults do you start with?
01:39.48SpeSannma perhaps it's the best, I choose the kgraident because of the colors...
01:40.10annmayour widgets don't make much sense
01:40.20annmayou need to think about what the user would do
01:40.39annmalioux: ask in #amarok for a start
01:40.51lioux:) going now
01:41.04SpeSok, I'll try, thanks annma
01:41.59annmais it a config dialog, SpeS ?
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01:44.41SpeSannma no..
01:44.55annmaso it's in a window
01:44.57SpeSannma it's just some input request
01:45.08SpeSannma yes, in a Qtabwidget
01:45.13annma2 input ways for 1 request
01:45.31SpeSannma yes... it's not "necessary", but I liked the idea
01:45.34annmait's a bit like the color picker
01:45.57annmathe color chooser? where you can choose the color directly or enter the RGB values?
01:46.01SpeSof being able to enter the reds and blues with numbers, and/or redistributing them with the slider/kgradient
01:46.12annmayes, like color chooser
01:46.24SpeSyes, but instead of a color, I use it for just the number (%)
01:47.06SpeSperhaps I'm just too weird thinking these things.. xD
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01:48.23annmano, no
01:49.14annmado you have KDEGraphics package?
01:49.34SpeSI don't know..
01:49.44annmain K menu, Graphics -> More -> KColorCHooser
01:49.47SpeSI see the tab Graphics (KDE) in Kdevelop
01:49.55annmanot in kdevelop
01:49.58annmain the K menu
01:50.09*** join/#kde Zoroxeus (
01:50.21annmathe widgets are not QLineEdit but QSpinBoxes
01:50.26SpeSno, I don't see it
01:50.44annma3 spinboxes
01:50.49annmaand a color widget
01:51.06annmaeither you change a value in a spinbox and the color widget moves
01:51.16SpeSaha I see, is it like Gimp color chooser? you can enter a color in many ways, and they're linked
01:51.18annmaor you choose a color and the spinboxes change
01:51.21SpeSmust be something like that
01:51.36annmais that something like that that you want?
01:51.37SpeSthat's it
01:51.53annmaspinboxes are easier to work with
01:52.07SpeSit's like I have qlinedit for Red/Green/Blue, AND a gradient
01:52.11SpeSand they must be linked
01:52.22annmayes but QLineEdit are annoying
01:52.38annmaQSpinBoxes are easier to control in that case
01:52.50Zoroxeusanyone knows a good theme for KDE ?
01:52.50annmabut that's just an idea
01:53.10SpeSI'll try
01:53.11annmaif you want to paste the code that fails use a pastebin
01:53.23annmaI understand what you are doing
01:53.31SpeSwhere's one? If you want to see it
01:54.37annmago there, past eyour code, it'll give yu an url
01:55.30SpeSbut don't laught at it! ;)
01:55.50annmano, not at all
01:55.57annmaI was a beginner once as well
01:56.30frb-workanyway, I know I've asked before... Is there a way to share bookmarks between Fx and Konq?
01:57.03annmafrb-work: you mean use them synch?
01:57.12SpeSannma If you think something is wrong, tell me..
01:58.22annmaso what does not work?
01:58.27annmait looks fine
01:58.28SpeSthose are the two functions they call to modify each other (the qlineedit and the kgradient)
01:58.32annmathese are your 2 slorts
01:58.46SpeSannma the % is not exactly the same, so they enter a loop
01:59.09SpeSat the end I have 0 units!! because of the roundings...
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01:59.37annmawhat vars should be the same?
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02:00.10SpeSThe first one works ok without the second one
02:00.21SpeSbut then when I enter a number, the gradient doesn't move
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02:00.51annmaa number in either qlineedit?
02:01.24SpeSwithout the second slot I mean
02:01.31aseigoSpeS: the one calls the other which calls the first?
02:01.40SpeSwith all that code it just doesn't work
02:01.51SpeSaseigo right, that's it
02:01.56aseigook, here's the easy fix ;)
02:02.08SpeSaseigo I've think to calculate an abs value of the difference...
02:02.10aseigoin both slots check to see if the percent is == to the current value
02:02.15aseigoand if so, then just return
02:02.21SpeSbut I see too "artificial" (?)
02:02.31aseigovoid RisK::cambiaPorcentajeTropas(int porcentaje)
02:03.00SpeSaseigo but with the % I calculate the values aren't even the same!
02:03.03annma:) ok, I go to bed, I think you are fine SpeS :)
02:03.19SpeSso I end withn more/less units at the end of the loop...
02:03.52SpeSannma thanks :)
02:03.56annmabye all
02:03.58*** part/#kde annma (n=annma@kde/developer/annma)
02:04.35SpeSaseigo so I need a static var with the porcentaje value?
02:04.46aseigoSpeS: nah .. you can calculate it in that method... h
02:05.19SpeSaseigo but in the second slot (here, the value calculated is not the same than in the first...
02:05.29aseigoif tropasRojas->text()).toInt() == totalTropas*(porcentaje/100.0) then it's the same, right?
02:05.32SpeSwell, it *can* be different
02:05.55SpeSaha, yes
02:06.11SpeSgood, I'll try it, thanks! :)
02:06.15aseigonp =)
02:06.49SpeSBTW aseigo I'm a kind of "fan" yours... *^_^*
02:07.13aseigoheh .. thanks =) i'm just having fun, as i hope everyone else is =)
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02:07.59SpeSsure, I'll enjoy making plasmoids :)
02:11.07Roeyaseigo:  more fans ;)
02:11.17Roeyaseigo:  see? you accrue charisma..
02:12.23aseigoFilthyMonkey: it's all part of my ploy to rid the world of gummy bears
02:12.39ryanoeI got a question, what are the differences between the Intel Pentium 4 Processor 630 with HT Technology / P4HT 3GHz - OR THE - Intel Pentium D Processor 830 / P4HT 3.0 GHz?
02:13.31aseigothough that's an answer straight out of my ass
02:13.55Roeyaseigo:  we'll see Gummy Bear prospects skyrocket
02:13.57RoeyI'll be rich!
02:14.04chavoI believe the D is Dual core
02:14.13chavoso more cache is right
02:14.24chavoit's cachex2
02:14.25aseigowith extra core to boot
02:14.48canllaithKDE startup seems noticibly faster
02:15.05canllaithaseigo: am I imagining things? Or is this the case?
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02:15.31chavocanllaith, I think I'm imagining the same thing.
02:15.37ryanoeSo you want the DUAL core right?
02:15.40aseigocanllaith: could be ...
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02:18.41canllaithIt really seems snappy to startup, and I'm on a 900MHz here
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02:26.40Oleg_mplayer "Il tempo se ne va.mp3" -speed 0.84
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02:47.26bsstephis there any way to disable some websites from hijacking the scrollbar coloring in konq
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02:49.01Zoroxeusstill not sure how to install a ktheme file ? :S
02:51.43thiagobssteph: yep
02:52.01thiagobssteph: write a custom stylesheet for Konqueror with "! important" for the scrollbar colouring
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02:53.12bsstephthiago: okay cool. do the custom sheets override what the site provides or are they combined? i've never tried
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02:53.33Zoroxeusktheme file ? anyone ?
02:54.35aseigoZoroxeus: no longer supported in kde newer than 3.something .. 3.2 i think?
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02:54.42thiagobssteph: no, they don't
02:54.53thiagobssteph: unless you specify the item as "! important"
02:54.59Zoroxeuscrap !
02:55.38bsstephthiago, okay, thanks. i'll play around with it
02:55.52Zoroxeusso there are not that many theme for 3.2 ... :S
02:55.57Zoroxeuscan't find any good ones
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03:12.35frb-workwhat's the format for a fish url? fish://user@host/path?
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03:14.00aseigofrb-work: yes
03:14.17aseigoor, if it's the same user as you are currently logged in as, just fish://host/path
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03:17.11thechrisi have a computer related quesiton, on most mobo, PCI = 33Mhz 32 bits only right?
03:17.25thechrisi wouldn't be able to use a 32bit, 66Mhz SCSI card would i?
03:20.58thiagoyou probably would
03:21.00thiagoat 33 MHz
03:21.37thechrishmm.  i'm not sure the card works that way though
03:21.55thechrishow much BW is 4*33?
03:22.28thiagohit Alt+F2
03:22.37thiagothen type "4*33" and press Enter
03:22.50thiagowithout the quotes
03:24.23thechrisoh thats awsome
03:24.24thechriswell no
03:24.28thechrisit's too low
03:24.37thechrisbut the feature still is nice
03:25.34Marcum18DBloody hell.
03:26.16Marcum18DMy gaming computer always clicks off when there is just the smallest interuption in power, This PC doesen't have a problem. Has to be something to do with the larger power supply
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03:33.00fatejudgerif you run a program with a memory leak, will KDE reclaim that memory when the program terminates?
03:33.05fatejudgeror does it require a restart of the OS?
03:33.20thiagono and no
03:33.31thiagothe OS will reclaim the memory
03:33.55fatejudgeroh ok, so the Linux kernel will reclaim the memory?
03:34.17fatejudgereven if something was created in the heap and never deleted
03:34.49thiagowhen the program terminates, all the heap is freed
03:34.55fatejudgerhow is that possible?
03:35.00fatejudgerthe heap is shared between many programs
03:35.04thiagono it's not
03:35.08fatejudgerit isn't a fixed amount of memory
03:35.09fatejudgerlike the stack
03:35.09thiagothe heap is exclusive to each process
03:35.19thiagothe stack is also exclusive to each process
03:35.22fatejudgeris it like that in Windows too?
03:35.29thiagoin fact, ALL the memory is exclusive to each process
03:35.50thiagoone process cannot see any other process, even if it searched the full 4 GB of addressable space
03:35.56thiagoyes, I think so
03:36.33fatejudgerare you sure about this?
03:36.41fatejudgerwhy does Windows always need to be restarted then?
03:37.24thiagobecause it's stupid
03:37.50fatejudgerwell that isn't a very good explination
03:38.04fatejudgerI don't see why people would be concerned about memory leaks if the OS took care of it
03:38.05jmgactually it is
03:38.11jmgwindows is crap
03:38.19thiagofatejudger: the problem is when the OS leaks
03:38.34fatejudgerso Windows has a memory leakage problem?
03:38.41thiagonot that I know of
03:38.55fatejudgerwell then why is it "gay"?
03:39.09thiagoit works fine in that area for me
03:39.10frb-workis there a kde app that can do css layout for me?
03:39.18thiagomy company laptop has been running for 8 days
03:39.46fatejudgerwhen I used Windows, it would always seem to slow down after running a few programs
03:39.53fatejudgerI figured that they leaked some memory
03:39.55fatejudgerin the heap
03:39.59fatejudgerand never took care of it
03:40.28thiagokill those processes
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03:41.03thiagoanyways, that's way off-topic
03:41.28fatejudgerI don't see how Linux is better than Windows then
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03:41.39thiagothere are other reasons
03:41.49fatejudgerbesides that too
03:42.04thiagothe fact that both use exclusive memory for each process doesn't mean they are both equally the same
03:42.48thiagothe VMM is different; caching is done better IMHO in Linux; process/task scheduling, multitasking, preemption, etc.
03:43.06thiagojust to name a few
03:44.00thiagoalso the fact that it tells you it's time for bed
03:44.10thiagogood night everyone
03:44.14aseigoit does? huh. mine always says, "just a little bit longer"
03:44.20aseigothiago: g'nite dude
03:44.28thiagoaseigo: kteatimer rocks
03:44.58fatejudgerthiago: lol
03:45.17aseigothiago: heh. do you listen to the Linux User Podcast? they had a good chuckle when they found the teatimer this week ;)
03:45.48fatejudgeraseigo: they just found it?
03:45.49Zakihow to crash my konqueror for testing?
03:45.54fatejudgeraseigo: how could anyone not know about it?
03:46.04aseigofatejudger: they are relatively new users.
03:46.15aseigoZaki: crash, or just kill?
03:47.02Zakiaseigo, well i'd like to test the saved session recovery after konqueror crashes
03:47.35Dhraakellianas an incentive for me to stop trying to use the computer and go to bed
03:47.42Zakiaseigo, but i even don't know how to kill konqueror because i couldn't find the processes ID's of running konq
03:47.56aseigoZaki: just ctrl-alt-esc then click on the window
03:48.09Zakiaseigo, oh ok thanks
03:48.12Dhraakellianor do ctrl+esc
03:48.34aseigoyou ass ksysguard?
03:49.10ZakiDhraakellian, ctrl+esc while the focus on the application to be killed?
03:49.28DhraakellianZaki, it launches ksysguard (process table)
03:49.35ZakiDhraakellian, oh right
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04:05.18Ragol_I asked about these problems and decided to try to change g++ 4->3.3 and now it compiled perfectly
04:05.35Ragol_should I file a bug report or something?
04:07.06Ragoloh, ubuntu hoary and kde3.5beta1 updated from svn yesterday, that's my system
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04:28.13soulcitohow can i create a signature with kgpg?...
04:28.24soulcitoi want to create a signature i can use with my mutt....
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04:29.24soulcitohelp? :(
04:29.33NiklasH_workhi, does anyone else have problem with kopete and msn in ubuntu? it crashes when i try to connect
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04:32.18Oleg_what changed between alpha1 3.5 and beta1?
04:32.39_jasmingod morning
04:34.43ManeitOleg_: is beta1 out?
04:35.18Maneituhm.. where's the announcement? :)
04:35.31frb-workI want rpms :)
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04:38.52_jasminwhat is rpms?
04:43.02grepperwas tagged Sept 10 apparently
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04:45.44ShockValueis there a version of firefox floating around that looks ok in QT (kde) ?  currently it looks ugly and outta place :(
04:46.16frb-workthe one suse ships looks ok
04:47.21frb-workthen again, I use a simple theme, no pixmaps or hideousness here
04:48.05*** join/#kde Lord-Phoenix (
04:52.04emRickI'm looking at xlib properties like "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS" ... is this KDE stuff? if so, can I get a page (or include file) that lists these properties with their numeric values?
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04:57.24DhraakellianShockValue, try using one of the plastikfox themes
05:00.04ShockValuei just installed "black"  it matches my theme pretty OK
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05:21.00ShockValuewow, Kompose' is cool :)
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05:28.36pembo13how do I go about creating a KDevelop project template?
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05:52.04darcyanyone have trouble getting qt to use the system libs like jpeg and mng?  it compiles fine, but in runtime can't seem to find them
05:52.30darcystace shows it to _not_ be looking in /usr/local/lib which is where they are
05:52.37darcystrace that is
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06:01.39sztki just finish getting svn from kde 3.5 what should i do now?
06:02.54canllaithbuild it! :)
06:03.34sztkhow? i forgot the first command it was something like Make cvs or somethign like that
06:05.37gregdaymake -f Makefile.cvs
06:05.51gregdayyou are invoking make and telling it to use the Makefile.cvs file as the Makefile
06:06.07gregdaythat generates the configure script, which you can run next
06:06.20sztkok thxs
06:06.29canllaithThere are instructions on :)
06:09.53*** join/#kde asdx (n=asdx@
06:10.07asdxwhere can i see stuff about kde 4?
06:10.12asdxkde4 development
06:10.20sztkthe svn i get from kde 3.5 dosent bring qt on it?
06:10.20asdxand all that stuff
06:10.55sztkchecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.3 and < 4.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!
06:10.57aseigoasdx: for which purpose?
06:11.03sztki should pacman then qt
06:11.12sztkaseigo: to build kde 3.5
06:11.20asdxaseigo: i just want to know what is behind it
06:11.41aseigosztk: what version of Qt do you have installed?
06:11.47aseigoasdx: give it a couple more months
06:13.11sztkaseigo: now im installing qt-3.3.5-1 i thought de svn had it but it seems it dosent :-p
06:13.38aseigoit should.. qt-copy
06:14.13aseigonote that there's a bug in uic in 3.3.5 ... dunno if the version you are installing contains the patch, but if your build ends up bailing on .ui generated files, then you need the patch
06:14.33sztkarts  kdebase  kdelibs
06:15.05gregdaysztk:  qt-copy is up one level than those
06:15.48sztkis up one level? sorry i dont understand my english is not the best hehe
06:18.12sztkit seems that i dont got it when i did the svn for arts kdelibs and kdebase
06:19.03gregdaynevermind im thinking of kde4
06:19.16gregdaysztk:  qt-copy is not in that directory
06:19.32sztkbut with this
06:19.33sztksvn co svn://
06:19.34sztksvn co svn://
06:19.41sztkshould i have qt-copy?
06:19.46gregdaysztk:  no.
06:19.47sztkor i have to compile qt?
06:19.55gregdaysztk:  qt-copy is not in KDE/3.5/
06:20.02canllaithsztk:do you currently have any KDE 3.x installed at all?
06:20.03sztkok thxs
06:20.06canllaithif so you can use your current Qt
06:20.15sztkcanllaith: nop
06:20.34sztkTargets: qt-3.3.5-1
06:21.36gregdaysztk:  any reason you're compiling rather than using your distro's packages?
06:21.51canllaithgrab qt-copy from /home/kde/branches/qt/3.3/qt-copy
06:21.54canllaithif you want to use it
06:22.59sztkgregday: just the fun of it and trying 3.5
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06:24.02[AD]Ska[offtopic] someone needs a good opensource c++ vector graphics library ?
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06:35.34asdxwhat is plasma?
06:36.33boydA fourth state of matter, similar to an ionized gas
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06:36.53Marcum18DIt's the fluid that cells are suspended in. It's Clear and yellowish (Translucent yellow) and makes up portions of blood, Lymph, and intramuscular fluid.
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06:37.36Marcum18DAlso it's the fluid portion of milk, after the curds been taken out, It's called whey too
06:38.19aseigoboyd: plasma _is_ ionized gas
06:38.35Marcum18DWell he didn't specify, The word means alot of things.
06:38.41Marcum18DEveryone of those were correct.
06:38.48boydBut is ionized gas plasma?
06:38.54aseigoasdx: read the website (, check out the various interviews /stories that have been written on it, and/or wait a few months
06:38.58aseigoboyd: yes
06:39.02asdxI'm talking about this ->
06:39.08asdxyes, or that
06:39.39asdxcan u tell me what is supossed to be or what is supossed to do?
06:39.48asdxk. I'll read
06:39.49Marcum18DWell, Now that's a specification ;) Can't help you there. I'm only know about plasma found in blood.
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06:42.41boydI hope it's as innovative as they suggest. I don't want them to fall back on "if all else fails, copy windows", as Andy Hertzfeld calls it.
06:43.35Marcum18DWell, I think the reason alot of times things fall back to copying the standard (windows) is because change is hard to pass on.
06:44.02Marcum18DIt might be better, but if it takes relearning alot of people will pass it up. Not as much of a problem with linux at least ;)
06:44.23Marcum18DWindows will never change, because you'll never get all those people to learn anything new. Your lucky if they know how to check their email.
06:46.19boydAgreed, but that just means that if it's better, it has to be a lot better to get over the adoption hump. Everybody uses the phone cos it's way better than the telegraph, but it it was only 2% better then nobody would bother
06:47.00Marcum18DProblem with computers is, You can only make it so much more better as far as interface goes, So long as we continue to use a keyboard and mouse.
06:47.36fatejudgerwe have touch screens
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06:47.45Marcum18DYou might, I never have.
06:47.49Marcum18DAnd won't for quite some time.
06:47.56fatejudgeron Palm Pilots
06:48.01Marcum18DYou can't design for the majority using interface for the minority
06:48.01fatejudgerand handheld PCs
06:48.05Marcum18DI don't have those.
06:48.12fatejudgerthat sucks
06:48.17boydI'm not sure I agree... I think there can be some really good innovations with just K&M. Some of the s/w like Quicksilver for the mac are good examples
06:49.24Marcum18DThe problem I think boyd, Is less with the software (though some of it needs some serious work to become user friendly) but the ergonomics of a keyboard and mouse just don't apeal to me. So most work done just on the side of software, can only do so much.
06:49.59Marcum18DOf course, I do enjoy text commands myself still, So maybe i'm just hopless ;)
06:52.01Marcum18DI wish I could put linux on my good PC. I would love to run just linux. Damn windows programs.
06:53.09*** join/#kde bssteph (
06:54.03Marcum18DI mean, first off, If I could have a keyboard, that I could rapidly switch to an Arabic keyset.
06:54.20Marcum18DI'd be like a hog in a mudhole
06:56.01Marcum18DWoa, Google is making their own IM service now
06:56.19Marcum18DStarting, something I don't know
06:56.23Marcum18DWhat would you call it?
06:56.32Tm_Tit is already.. working fine in Kopete ;)
06:56.39Tm_Tgoogle talk
06:56.40Marcum18DHmm. This is the first i've read of it.
06:57.20Marcum18DWhat is it with google and staying so quiet about things. If it hadn't been for TechTV i'd never of known about Gmail, Of course, now that techtv is dead. I'm always out of the loop
06:57.56Marcum18DGranted i'm reading an article that's a whole 3 weeks old.
06:58.11Marcum18DWith computers... That's like a lifetime
06:59.14*** join/#kde punkcut (
07:00.06Marcum18DWhy am I reading a press release in spanish.
07:00.13Marcum18DI could probally find it in english..
07:01.23Marcum18DAlright, maybe my spanish is rusty, But is google claiming they are going to make Google talk communicate with ALL other IM services (MSN,Aim etc etc)
07:02.04Marcum18DOr maybe I read this wrong, they are talking about connecting via Phone with all other companies..
07:02.07Marcum18DHmm I need an english site
07:06.01*** join/#kde sharkk (
07:06.23Marcum18DNow i'm just confused, I'm going to make coffee
07:07.33*** join/#kde iblechbot (n=iblechbo@
07:12.01Marcum18DOh oh. .Maybe someone can help me out.
07:12.58*** join/#kde benJIman (n=benJIman@
07:12.58Marcum18DAlright, I had wine installed, an older version, Which is packaged with debian, And I knew how to edit the configuration for that (was easy, use the wizard you could install, or just play with the file)
07:13.34Marcum18DI upgraded it with the new version from the wine site, and now i'm stuck trying to figure out how to configure it.
07:13.47Marcum18DI can't find where the config file is
07:21.50Marcum18DGod I hate windows. It has this ability to break itself.
07:22.18Marcum18DI mean if for no other reason, Linux "pawns" because only you can break it. It won't break itself.
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07:41.39pinotreehello Marcum18D
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07:43.36Marcum18DHow goes it young grasshopper?
07:44.43bc-bdid like to implement a gnome feature into kde, when changing desktop with the keyboard display the pager, not just the name of the desktop.
07:45.24bc-bdi found the place where to put the drawing of the pager in, but i was wondering if there is some library code i can use to draw a small version of all desktops
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07:48.04Marcum18DNo idea there, sorry
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08:05.08pinotreemorning PhilRod :-)
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08:09.12PhilRodgood morning pinotree
08:09.32Marcum18DPhil, You don't run Debian do you
08:09.38*** join/#kde _RADIOhead (n=slack@
08:10.39PhilRodthe people in #debian-kde probably do though
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08:35.02Marcum18DKtron is addicting
08:35.45Marcum18Dyes phil, They probally do. But, I don't like the people that i've talked to in the channel before. They are a bit too condesending for my taste.
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08:49.30Marcum18Dhola senor
08:53.59Marcum18DWhy do people leave so quickly after saying hello
08:54.03Marcum18DHello nsk
08:55.32NSKKDE 3.4.0 Level "b", what is level b ?
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08:59.23pinotreeNSK: iirc, a suse patchlevel or something like that
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10:16.08sverihi, i have a soundcard (sb audigy) and a tv controller (bt878) in my computer, how can i tell arts or kde that the primary sound controller should be my sb audigy and not the tv controller sound card?
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10:26.14PhilRodset the device in control center -> sound & mm -> sound server
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10:31.41sverihm, the problem is that i dont have the device /dev/dsp anymore, but xmms plays with the correct sound card
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11:10.14Russeli am now compiling/installing kde3.5beta1 with konstruct: can i setup a path for kde with this tool? for example /usr/kde3.5beta/
11:10.52bram85Russel: there is some configuration file for konstruct. but I'm not familiar with this tool, but I think it was called gmake.conf or something
11:11.51*** join/#kde NSK (n=nsk@unaffiliated/nsk)
11:12.13Russelfound it... default install is in home
11:12.14NSKhow can I migrate all my KMail mailboxes and settings to another PC ?
11:13.06Russelperhaps copy ~/.kde/share/kmail
11:14.17NSKI don't have any .kde directory there
11:14.51bram85NSK: you mean on the other PC?
11:15.32NSKsorry I meant kmail directory, in share
11:15.45NSKin the source PC
11:15.59Russelgo apps down
11:16.20NSKah there
11:16.24Russeli missed this part
11:16.32NSKwhich file contains the settings ?
11:17.10NSKkmmainwin.rc ?
11:17.14RusselNSK: why not copy all and delete the mails in kmail?
11:17.56bram85NSK: ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc (settings only!)
11:18.28Russelmail includes the mails and mailboxes
11:18.37PhilRodyou probably also want ~/.kde/share/apps/kabc for your addressbook
11:18.46Russel(only on pop3 account)
11:19.03PhilRodand your mail might be stored in ~/Mail or ~/.Mail or wherever your distro likes to put it
11:19.26NSKit's suse 9.3
11:20.08Russeli have my mail in .kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/...
11:21.06PhilRodthat's kmail default, but it can also end up in other places for a variety of reasons
11:21.10*** join/#kde _whirm (
11:21.29PhilRodNSK: if you want the same setup on another PC, just copy the whole of ~/.kde
11:21.44PhilRodthat'll get you all of your KDE settings on the target machine
11:21.46*** join/#kde floe (
11:21.47NSKyes actually I want the same setup for everything
11:22.10NSKthe other PC has a different user name, will this cause any problem if I copy whole ~/.kde ?
11:22.27NSKand it has another KDE version too
11:22.47PhilRodthe different user name might be a problem. The newer(?) KDE version won't
11:22.53NSKsource PC is KDE 3.4.1, the target PC is KDE 3.4.0
11:22.57NSKit's older version
11:26.35*** join/#kde Mewshi (
11:27.01PhilRodoh, a point release is probably OK
11:27.11PhilRodyou shouldn't have any problem, I imagine
11:29.32bc-bdkoqnueror seems to generate illegal postscript when printing
11:30.28SlackUXis kde 3.5beta1 simlar to kde 3.5svn?
11:30.50bram85SlackUX: almost, yes
11:31.09SlackUXjust more bug fixes?
11:31.36SlackUXahh nice
11:31.51SlackUXreally impressed with 3.5svn
11:32.22hydrogen3.5beta has less bug fixes than 3.5 svn
11:32.25SlackUXkde's memory usuage has gone down ALOT
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11:49.15Marcum18DYou mean, Between 3.4 and 3.5 or?
11:49.33Marcum18DIn 3.5 between bug fixes and updates in the beta?
11:49.59Marcum18DBecause me (of course being used to windows massive resource eating self) always thought KDE had pretty low memory usage ;)
11:50.18SlackUX3.4 is much better
11:50.44SlackUXXP claims it's lighter
11:51.54ilyakIs 3.5 out?
11:52.06*** join/#kde NullAcht15 (
11:52.14ilyakbetas are rarely fully optimised
11:53.26Marcum18DI'm awaree, I was just wondering if he meant between 3.4 and 3.5 or just 3.5 has improved.
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12:00.25SlackUX3.4 is a big improvement over 3.3
12:00.51SlackUX3.5 has some nice features and touches
12:02.31Marcum18DI might have to upgrade to 3.4
12:02.43SlackUXyou should
12:02.52Marcum18DRunning 3.3 at the moment, 3.4 take any extra power to run at all?
12:03.04SlackUXno, less memory
12:03.11Marcum18DWell then damn, I should ;)
12:03.14SlackUXand faster
12:03.17Marcum18DSince this pile of shit is pretty slow
12:03.29SlackUXwhat spec?
12:03.45Marcum18D800 Mhz p3 512 megs ram voodoo 3 =)
12:03.56Marcum18DNot the slowest PC i'm running, But not notable for speed.
12:04.33SlackUXkde 3.4 will be better for you
12:04.54PhilRodSlackUX: if you'd like to help make 3.5 even better, we'd love to have your help
12:05.41PhilRodcoding, docs, translation, promo, artwork, web work, ...
12:05.43SlackUXPhilRod, If I could code then yes indeed
12:05.51PhilRodyou don't need to code :-)
12:05.58SlackUXI'm more a artwork guy
12:06.13PhilRodI've never written a line of code for KDE, but I've been making commits for years now
12:06.26PhilRodah, have you seen
12:06.28Marcum18DI can read write and speak Arabic.
12:06.30Marcum18DDoes that help?
12:06.58PhilRodMarcum18D: if you'd like to help with the arabic translation I can try to put you in touch with the appropriate team
12:07.11Marcum18DTheres an actual Arabic translation team, Wow.
12:07.11SlackUXbut I was using gnome until about 3 days ago and KDE go me again
12:07.22SlackUXdid some nice icon sets
12:07.23Marcum18DI mean, I could try, I don't know how fast i'd be at doing it.
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12:07.49PhilRodMarcum18D: let me see if I can find the address for the co-ordinator
12:07.59SlackUXI've been meaning to getting around to doing some kde icons sets and artwork
12:08.18Marcum18DOf course, I speak a dialect of Arabic primarilly found in Iraq, There could be 40 Arabic files in it =D
12:08.52*** join/#kde SpeS (
12:10.03PhilRodMarcum18D: has contact details
12:10.28Marcum18DHmm might have to break out my arab keyboard.
12:11.08PhilRodSlackUX: nice - I like the FF logo particularly
12:11.20SlackUXthats the latest
12:11.43Marcum18DIndeed the Firefox logo has a nice touch.
12:11.50Marcum18DOf course my pyromaniac self would like it.
12:13.19Marcum18DI really want the optimus keyboard to come out.
12:13.22PhilRodSlackUX: has a "kollaboration forum" where app authors request artwork for particular apps and stuff - you might like to take a look there
12:13.35SlackUXI will
12:13.37Marcum18DI hope it lets the keys display other languages character sets on it.
12:13.38PhilRodyou could probably find an easy way to get into it
12:13.44Marcum18DI'd buy one in a heart beat.
12:13.57*** join/#kde TomTom (
12:14.00PhilRodoh, is that the one with a mini display on each key?
12:14.08Marcum18DIt would do wonders for me.
12:14.22Marcum18DI would honestly buy 3 of them.
12:14.25SlackUXPhilRod, I'm concentrating on kde now anyway
12:14.32Marcum18DOne for work, One for home, And one to keep in my car for my laptop
12:14.38TomTomhi there... is kde zeroconf suuport only for this pseudo apple standard or also for sdp/slp and upnp(-av) ?
12:15.19SlackUXis there a order to compile kde after kdebase?
12:15.20Marcum18DI hope they offer a wired version
12:15.48PhilRodSlackUX: cool - if you ever have trouble finding out who to contact or whatever, drop by here and we can probably find the right person
12:16.01PhilRodSlackUX: any order you like, with kdeaddons last (if you're building kdeaddons)
12:16.11SlackUXI will, no worries
12:16.20PhilRodqt, arts, kdelibs, kdebase, *, kdeaddons
12:16.44SlackUXyer, I did arts, kdelibs,kdebase
12:16.45*** join/#kde _knoppix (
12:17.29SlackUXhave qt installed from slackware
12:17.38PhilRodthat's ok
12:17.46PhilRodI use system Qt with almost no problems
12:17.57_knoppixhow yaa goinh guyz.
12:18.02SlackUXyer, easier and saves time :-)
12:18.28_knoppixcan anyone tell me how to access memory stick in knoppix
12:18.32_knoppixi m new to linux
12:19.05SlackUXI assume knoppix dont have HAL!
12:19.05PhilRodplug it in and see if it gets autodetected :-)
12:19.27_knoppixi did
12:19.40_knoppixbut it didnt work
12:19.51_knoppixeven i try to edit etc/fstab
12:19.59SlackUXlooks like it's the manual way :-)
12:19.59_knoppixbut i dont knw wat i m doin wrong
12:20.14_knoppixstill itz not working
12:20.23_knoppixand itz plugged in
12:20.37SlackUX_knoppix, what does command dmesg say about it?
12:20.58_knoppixi didnt get yaa
12:21.11SlackUXtype dmesg in the console
12:21.28*** join/#kde tilix (n=tilix@
12:21.42SlackUXplug it in and then type dmesg
12:21.58PhilRod_knoppix: you can also ask in #knoppix (type "/join #knoppix")
12:22.31_knoppixitz sayz
12:22.41_knoppixscsi unknow opcode
12:23.48_knoppixSlackUX ......datz wat it sayz ..
12:23.50_knoppixnothing else
12:23.59SlackUXyer, ask in #knoppix channel
12:24.13*** join/#kde root (n=root@
12:24.17_knoppixthnx mate
12:24.46SlackUXroot, I hope you not :-)
12:25.07SlackUXrunning as root
12:25.21SlackUXoh dear
12:25.23rootnow is running as root
12:25.36rootdont worry tttoomuch
12:25.42Russel? running irc client as root?
12:25.46SlackUXthats a really bad thing to do
12:25.59aptfrom memory, root is not a Good Thing to use when using IRC. Please use a different account. You will probably not be able to speak until change your user account.
12:26.06rootjust lazy ttttolog off
12:26.27Russeland working as root? argh
12:26.41PhilRodroot: you want to enable "bounce keys" by the looks of it
12:26.51SlackUXno wonder Windows users get hacked so much :-)
12:27.28rootdont understand
12:27.45Marcum18DIndeed slackUX
12:27.48Russeland you are logged in as root graphical i think
12:27.53SlackUXroot, one command and EVERYTHING is gone
12:28.07*** join/#kde rockin_stan (
12:28.26rootnotthing yet inside the system
12:28.45Marcum18DOf course, if Windows users would use a bit more intelligence and create limited accounts to use on XP, they might have fewer problems.
12:28.52SlackUXroot, it's not the hacker you should be worries about
12:29.10Marcum18DYeah, generally you should be worried about your own screw ups =D
12:29.22Marcum18DI logged into KDE and X as root once.
12:29.23SlackUXthats my point
12:29.32Marcum18Dfiddled with something and broke it.
12:29.50Marcum18DWell Logged in as root and Started KDE and X I should say.
12:30.16SlackUXback soon
12:30.18Marcum18DIt's not a good thing to do I must say.
12:30.27Marcum18DHave you all played Age of Conquerers?
12:30.30Marcum18DLater Slacker
12:32.06rootthanks for the advice
12:32.42rootactually i was configuring something
12:39.36*** join/#kde wolffc (
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12:42.17*** join/#kde annma (n=annma@kde/developer/annma)
12:48.07annmahi adamt :)
12:49.00rootwhy is that so quiet here?
12:49.14adamtroot: you are not logged on irc as root... please don't tell me so
12:49.18adamthi annma
12:49.32rootyaaa adamt
12:49.40rootit as a roott rite
12:49.58Marcum18DWell root, I'll bet it's quite because some of us had strokes, and the rest had heart attacks.
12:50.14rootno wonder
12:50.30adamtit's stupidity to do things like irc as root =)
12:50.36annmaand the rest is hacking your machine, Ragol
12:50.53rootlet them be
12:51.07*** join/#kde b0xy (n=b0xy@
12:51.27rootjust want to see how serious it can be
12:51.37adamtokay, new to linux+
12:51.44roothope no need to do major operaation
12:52.01*** join/#kde raddy (n=notbadna@
12:52.16rootget use to window
12:52.32adamtyou know why windows-users get spyware, virus.. etc.. right?
12:52.34raddycan't i change status of a bug in
12:52.47adamtbecuase they per default is using the system as "root"
12:52.55rootbecause tooooo many window machine out there
12:52.58raddycan i reopen another one's bug?
12:53.03annmaraddy: do you have an account?
12:53.13annmaraddy: you can reopen, yes
12:53.25pinotreeannma: if he have the permissions
12:53.40annmayes, do you have a svn account, raddy ?
12:53.43adamtnow you have your answer, please log on as something else for your own safety. or don't come whining back when isp's block you because someone made your pc an email-gateway.
12:54.04rootnever  mine
12:54.08rootlet them be
12:54.19rootas i said
12:54.27rootthis system wont long
12:54.33annmaroot: do you have a kde question?
12:54.56raddyannma : i don't have svn account, but i have account
12:55.10rootwhich one better
12:55.12rootkde or gnome?
12:55.25adamtor fluxbox, wmaker, E.. etc.
12:55.27annmaroot: you choose and you ask this in #gnome
12:55.42annmano flame
12:55.43adamtyes, go to #gnome and ask what is best :P
12:55.57rootjust wondering
12:56.06raddyannma : i don't have svn account, but i have account
12:56.12rootmay be some one out here fimiliar with both
12:56.25annmano, root
12:56.42Lord-Phoenixmight i suggest that the topic be changed to reflect the release of KDE 3.5 Beta1?
12:56.55annmawe are specialized in kde as you know very well or you are a bit thick
12:56.57adamtroot: people who are in #kde are of course mostly using KDE 'cause they prefer it.
12:56.58annmaLord-Phoenix: yes
12:57.17roottought so
12:57.22rootsome ppl have both
12:57.38Lord-Phoenixanyone know what Kanzler means?
12:57.40*** mode/#kde [+o PhilRod] by ChanServ
12:57.47adamtroot: find the ones that are active in #kde _and_ #gnome then :P
12:58.03adamtLord-Phoenix: it's german for prime minister i think
12:58.08*** topic/#kde by PhilRod -> KDE 3.5 beta1 is out: | KDE FAQ: - The answer to your question might already be here! | Please don't flood the channel, use a paste service: | Please state your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | New features in development versions:
12:58.14adamtnot the excact spelling though
12:58.28*** part/#kde AnalogTek (i=[
12:58.37annmaah, PhilRod, you were quicker than me
12:58.44raddyannma : hey i want to submit a bug, but it was already submitted by some one else, and the bug was marked as resolved, but the bug still popping up
12:58.55annmaraddy: what bug then?
12:59.06annmalet me see if I can reproduce it
12:59.11Lord-Phoenixhmm, you learn something every day :)
12:59.30annmaraddy: if so I'll reopen it
12:59.32*** join/#kde AnalogTek (
12:59.50*** join/#kde tiefox (
13:00.13raddyannma : add a irc account, it host must be
13:00.29annmaraddy: hey, moment
13:00.33annmaraddy: what app????
13:00.44raddyannma : it is related to kopete
13:02.03annmaraddy: moment, asking something in another channel
13:02.49annmaso raddy
13:02.56raddyannma : then, log in to #ezflash channel from that same account,
13:03.08annmatake me through the precise steps
13:03.12annmayou are too quick!
13:03.26annmaI have kopete, what next? I never use kopete
13:03.32annmaso guide me well
13:03.45*** join/#kde Skiff (
13:03.59annmaraddy: what menu? how do I add an irc account?
13:03.59jehisn't kanzler something like chancellor?
13:04.18raddyannma : tool>accounts
13:04.32adamtjeh: yeah. german for primeminister i think
13:05.05annmaI have no tools menu for a start
13:05.11jehadamt: yup, something like that
13:05.26adamtannma: not in the main-window
13:05.35adamtbut.. lol
13:05.36raddyannma : sorry, click settings>configure kopete>account from the main kopete window
13:05.38annmaraddy: I said explain well
13:06.29raddyannma : click,new
13:06.43raddyannma : then a wizard would appear
13:07.08raddyannma : yeah, you got it
13:07.31adamtwhat then annma ?
13:07.56adamtany special usernames .. etc..?
13:08.06raddyannma : then enter something in nick name
13:08.17annmathe oblivion... where do I add that?
13:08.21annmanick is done
13:08.27raddyadamt : tell me
13:09.03annmathe oblivion... where do I add that?
13:09.05raddyannma : then click connection
13:09.35raddyannma : click edit
13:10.28raddyannma : then click new from the laft hand side
13:11.23annmanetwork is ArcNet?
13:11.37raddyannma : then in paste the above said host name in host in right hand side
13:11.56adamtcan't you paste it for us again?
13:11.57annmayes, done
13:13.15raddyclick ok and close the windows one by one and finish new irc account creation wizard
13:13.33annmajoined channel #ezflash
13:13.55annmawhere is the list of people?
13:14.20raddyannma : now be care full to note down the bug if it appear
13:14.23adamtannma: no list *do'h*
13:14.27adamtohh.. sorry
13:14.31adamtmisunderstood you =)
13:14.34*** join/#kde sysdev (n=sysdev@
13:15.13adamtmy kopete can't connect to the
13:15.19*** join/#kde WhatAHam (
13:15.29raddyannma : now right-click FAST6191 in the buddy list and click user info
13:15.41*** part/#kde sysdev (n=sysdev@
13:15.57raddyadamt : are you too folowing my guidance?
13:16.08annmaraddy: moment, I don't have any list of people
13:16.13annmahow do I get it?
13:16.16adamtyup. but now i got kopete dying
13:16.23raddyannma : what happens ?
13:16.30adamti removed the IRC-account, and *booom* dead.
13:16.47annmayou have joined #ezflash
13:16.57annmaso I am there but I don't see any other people here
13:17.03annmanor anything that is said
13:17.18annmaraddy: is the network ArcNet?
13:17.29annmayou did not precise the network in the Settings
13:17.36raddyannma : do you have chat member list?
13:17.53annmaraddy: answer my question about the network please
13:17.54AnalogTekannma:  no, the network is not ArcNet.
13:18.01annmawhat is it then?
13:18.08annmadid he say and I missed it?
13:18.29raddyannma : i told you to create a new one na?
13:18.34annmanew na?
13:18.37AnalogTekannma:  the network is pretty much irrelevant as you have the specific server name/address:
13:18.48*** join/#kde root (n=root@
13:19.00AnalogTekdoes the /server command work in kopete (I don't know cuz I use xchat)
13:19.05annmaI was not in the correct New
13:19.12AnalogTekif so, just type /server
13:19.13annmamoment, I reset it
13:19.15raddyAnalogTek : don't confuse him
13:19.23annmaraddy: I know IRC
13:19.24AnalogTekraddy:  tsk! tsk!
13:19.27*** part/#kde root (n=root@
13:19.40AnalogTekthen, when connected to the server, type /join #ezflash
13:19.43*** join/#kde mdo_ (
13:20.23*** join/#kde _root (n=root@
13:20.29annmain any case kopete is not an IRC client
13:20.52*** part/#kde _root (n=root@
13:21.03*** mode/#kde [-o PhilRod] by ChanServ
13:21.05raddyAnalogTek : ok, thats tnanks for joing me in helping him to check if that bug realy exist in kopete
13:21.38raddyannma : whats the results?
13:21.40PhilRodannma: well, it has (somewhat dubiously) IRC functionality
13:21.52annmait says it is not a network
13:22.17annmaraddy: something is not OK in your explanation
13:22.54raddyannma : hey did you entered that host name in host of new network creation dialog?
13:22.57pinotreePhilRod: iirc, there's a branch to rewrite the irc protocol of kopete
13:23.29annmaraddy: in Connection tab should oblivion be as New Network on the left list?
13:23.33Ilyais there any way to make something like MS "recent documents" in KDE?
13:23.34PhilRodpinotree: oh, cool.
13:24.00pinotreeIlya: in the k-menu? yes, there is
13:24.22raddyAnalogTek : try to share my pain, please explain him
13:24.37Ilyapinotree: i can't find it :(
13:24.55annmathis is all buggy
13:25.02annmaraddy: explain HER
13:25.07raddyAnalogTek : bye the way does supprt changing status of a bug?
13:25.18annmathe fact is that Kopete is all buggy
13:25.49annmaand unintuitive
13:25.50Ilyai deleted kopete from sources before compiling KDE :)
13:26.29raddyannma : anyhing appearing in connect tab is name
13:26.39*** join/#kde etsmart (
13:26.51Ilyacouse it doesn't support russian
13:27.13annmawhen I change something I have to quit and to restart
13:27.17*** join/#kde Ginja_Ninja (
13:27.23annmaotherwise it does not refresh the change
13:27.28annmain systray
13:27.29raddyannma : so paste the host name in host in your newly created network in irc plug in
13:27.45annmayes yes
13:28.01*** part/#kde etsmart (
13:28.29raddyannma : simply right click the new account and click offline and then click online
13:28.31annmaare you in the chan, raddy?
13:28.44raddyannma : yeah
13:28.57*** join/#kde _yasser (n=yasser@
13:29.21raddyannma : now be care full to not the bug if appear
13:29.39annmaI am there as ann
13:29.43annmado you see me/
13:29.53annmahow long and difficult
13:29.54raddyannma : now right-click FAST6191 click user info
13:30.18annmaall that for a crash!
13:30.26annmabye bye kopete
13:30.28*** join/#kde etsmart (
13:30.32annmawhat bug was it?
13:30.41annmapaste the bug number now please
13:30.44adamtkopete is fine except for a few bugs here and there.. em..
13:30.50raddyannma : yeah
13:31.14Ilyamake DO_NOT_COMPILE=kopete is the right way
13:31.24*** join/#kde nme (
13:31.29annmaraddy: paste the bug url please
13:31.40annma(and he thinks I am stupid)
13:32.18raddyannma : 64159
13:32.35adamtgreat. i'm on a mailing-list that is getting spam.
13:33.32Ilyapinotree: hey
13:33.32annmaraddy: what is this user FAST6191?
13:33.39annmadoes it happen only with that user?
13:33.43annmaor all users?
13:33.44pinotreeIlya: ok, phone finished
13:33.44raddyannma : please reopen the bug and fill out the details
13:33.52annmaraddy: please explain better
13:34.02annmasee what I asked and answer
13:34.21pinotreeIlya: kcontrol->desktop->panels->menus->optional menus
13:34.34Ilyai posted a bug for quanta few day ago and got no reply
13:34.43*** join/#kde station04 (n=station0@
13:34.54AnalogTekI knew there was a reason I don't use kopete... sigsegv
13:35.11raddyannma : hey i am not getting your replies as fast as you type, thats why the inconsistencies
13:35.11*** part/#kde station04 (n=station0@
13:35.12annmaAnalogTek: and it's so intuitive to set up
13:35.19Ilyapinotree: thanx! )
13:35.24AnalogTekannma:  heh, yeah, right!
13:35.33annmaraddy: so read above and tell me please
13:36.06raddyannma : the irc server is configured not by a proffessional
13:36.08AnalogTekraddy:  sorry; I was only ignoring you cuz I didn't know you were typin' at me while I was tryin' to set up kopete and try this.
13:36.47PhilRodIlya: wait a few more days - someone will probably add a comment
13:36.47raddyAnalogTek : oh ok
13:37.45raddyannma : that irc server may not have the user details or the irc server may not support the feature
13:38.05annmaraddy: so in that case it's not a kopete bug
13:38.21annmawell, let me test it here with KSirc
13:38.32annmadid you compare with another IRC client?
13:38.52annmaif I crash you'll know why
13:39.08AnalogTekwhat functionality do you want tested - whois?
13:39.23*** join/#kde oggb4mp3 (
13:39.41annmaAnalogTek: is whois same as user info?
13:39.53raddyannma : did you notice the  FAST6191 is not underlined when hovering you mouse cursor, it indicates something, but i don't know what is the indication
13:40.17annmaraddy: in KSirc it's all ok. One thing: is whois same as user info?
13:41.10annmawhat's sure is that in KSirc it took me 20 seconds
13:41.13AnalogTekannma:  different clients call it by different names...
13:41.18raddyannma : yeah, most probably same
13:41.28annmaok so it's perfectly OK in KSirc
13:41.34IlyaStart quanta, create new page;
13:41.36annmawhois works well on all users
13:41.46AnalogTekin XChat, I can get whois, who, userhost and dns lookup info on that nick.
13:42.12annmasame in KSirc
13:42.20annmaso it is indeed a Kopete bug
13:42.25raddyannma : so are you going to reopen that bug?
13:42.29annmaraddy: see how to test well
13:42.36AnalogTekdoes it happen with kopete in here?
13:42.40*** join/#kde crashbg (n=crash@
13:42.40annmaI open only when I tested the best I can
13:43.55raddyannma : you can reproduce that bug na? then why delaying?
13:44.16annmaI tested in another IRC client, raddy
13:44.25annmaand so did AnalogTek
13:44.49Ilyado i alone have this bug?
13:45.01PhilRodcan anyone who has TeX installed do a "locate bibtopic.sty" and tell me what distro you're running?
13:45.25raddyannma : yeah but you had test in kopete too na?
13:45.30annmaIlya: moment, I cannot check several bugs at once
13:45.46annmaraddy: testing means see how it behaves in other clients
13:46.04Ilyaannma- universal multibugcheker
13:46.25bc-bdPhilRod: debian sid, dont have it
13:46.45PhilRodbc-bd: ok, thanks
13:46.52PhilRodthat was what I was afraid of
13:46.52*** join/#kde arthurb (n=arthurb@
13:47.00AnalogTekPhilRod:  fc4 here, I have /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/bibtopic/bibtopic.sty
13:47.17PhilRodAnalogTek: can you tell me what package installed that file?
13:47.37annmaraddy: and now you'll add a comment to confirm it please
13:47.47annmaIlya: so your turn now
13:49.01*** join/#kde whirm (
13:49.36AnalogTekPhilRod:  tetex-latex-3.0-6.FC4
13:49.40*** join/#kde yasser (n=yasser@
13:49.46SpeSannma at last I got that! :) (the kgradient and the qlineedit linked)
13:50.22annmaSpeS: :))
13:50.45*** join/#kde Ci-Dev_ (
13:51.03Ilyaoh, it ,published my e-mail... fuck
13:51.23Ilyaspammers are wellcome....
13:51.50PhilRodthanks AnalogTek, bc-bd
13:52.00arthurbhum, still have that weird marquee selection bug... anyone familiar with that? The marquee draws properly only when drawn from the tl corner to the br corner
13:52.12AnalogTekPhilRod:  yw :)
13:52.19raddyannma : i added comment conforming it
13:52.50bc-bdPhilRod: np
13:52.55arthurbif I draw it from top to bottom, right to left it only shows the vertical borders, from left to right and bottom to up, only horizontal etc
13:53.09annmaraddy: not very verbose!
13:53.14raddyannma : thanks a lot for taking the pain of understanding kopete from bad tuter like me
13:53.18annmaIlya: trying your bug
13:53.33annmaraddy: I'll never use kopete as irc client, for sure
13:53.58raddyannma : ok
13:54.07annmaIlya: what is the Visual Editor?
13:54.12raddyannma : bye bye
13:54.14annmathe window witht the tags?
13:54.19annmabye raddy
13:54.19*** part/#kde raddy (n=notbadna@
13:54.46annmaIlya: ping
13:55.00Ilyaannma: hit F9
13:55.14Ilyawysiwyg editor
13:55.18helpmetry rocks!
13:55.34annmaIlya: wow
13:55.45adamthelpme: you thought some propaganda was needed?
13:55.46annmagot a crash after hitting twice F9
13:56.31helpmeadamt: just wanted to share my exp man:)
13:57.09Ilyai know
13:57.32Ilyait's not "wow", it's bug )
13:57.46annmagetting the backtrace
13:57.54annmaand adding comment
13:58.02Ilyai can't work with quanta because of it )
13:58.27*** join/#kde chavo (
13:59.29*** part/#kde helpme (n=yasser@
13:59.31annmasame backtrace it seems
13:59.39annmadone, Ilya
13:59.47annmaI put New as bug status
14:00.04annmaany other bg around?
14:00.40Ilyamm... lots of them
14:03.00Ilyabut not so easy to make it crash... for example, when i tried to add files to the project .. (about 3000 files) it crashed while trying to make a tree view )
14:03.01annmaI already issued 1 and confirmed 2 this morning
14:03.09annmaand it's only 10:00 am
14:03.42adamthmm.. konqueror with the location bar at the bottom seems interesting to say the least
14:04.04Ilya17:00...i'll go home soon )
14:04.23*** join/#kde bluesceada (n=itsjustm@unaffiliated/bluesceada)
14:04.31PhilRodadamt: heh - I can't imagine that it's useful, but definitely cute
14:04.57Russeldoes konstruct resume the compiling if it fails or will it compile everything again?
14:05.12adamti some ways. the bar isn't a part of the page, so in some ways it makes sence
14:05.29adamtsomewhat weird though, but i like to toy around
14:06.58*** join/#kde _RADIOhead (n=slack@
14:08.53*** join/#kde tucoz (
14:10.07Ilyawonna another bug?
14:10.09tucozHi, don't know if this is the right channel to ask this, but I am having issues when I run configure in baghira theme
14:10.25tucozOr, if you perhaps could point me in the right direction
14:10.57tucozI get an "checking for X...configure: error:  Can't find X includes"
14:11.34tucozrunning kde 3.4.something.
14:12.03PhilRodtucoz: install xorg-devel
14:12.09tucozPhilRod: thanks
14:12.10PhilRodor whatever your distro calls that package
14:12.21*** join/#kde kelmo (n=kelmo@madwifi/support/kelmo)
14:12.24tucozProbably the right package name , kubuntu hoary
14:12.58kelmohi, is it possible to invoke a kde service, such as kwrited, with a manual command?
14:13.11kelmoknemod is my real target
14:14.38*** join/#kde freebse (
14:14.52adamtdcop maybe?
14:15.03*** join/#kde bram85 (
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14:34.38MasterOfDisasterhi guys - The media ioslave refuses to mount entries detected by hal which are not in /etc/fstab - though pmount is installed... What could I be doing wrong?
14:35.18MasterOfDisasterkde 3.5 alpha1, hal 0.5, pmount 0.9.4, dbus 0.33.x are used...
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14:36.25annmadoes it mount in konsole?
14:36.57MasterOfDisasteryou mean, when calling pmount manually?
14:37.25*** join/#kde root (n=root@
14:37.53MasterOfDisasterwait a sec, I'm trying
14:39.16MasterOfDisastersorry, seems like PEBKAC - I didn't know pmount is for removable devices only
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14:42.43MasterOfDisasterwell, not totally. When inserting the device, it shows up in the media ioslave. When I click it, it gets mounted, but the contents are not showed (ls <mountpoint> shows them ehough).
14:43.07MasterOfDisasterWhen clicking the item again, it tries to mount it again...
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14:49.07nadaIm trying to disable kdm, so i can just login and start X from the command line
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14:49.23nadaanyone know what it takes to disable kdm?
14:49.36PhilRoddepends on your distro
14:49.43adamtuninstall it
14:50.01lilalinuxhey guys
14:50.10nadaall reasonable answers...
14:51.09PhilRodnada: what distro are you using?
14:51.11PhilRodlilalinux: ?
14:51.33*** join/#kde Frost^ (
14:51.35lilalinuxPhilRod: 3.5beta
14:51.39lilalinuxaka Kanzler
14:51.44furrieif OS = FreeBSD, edit /etc/ttys changing the line so that 'on reads off:   ttyv8   "/usr/local/bin/kdm -nodaemon"  xterm   on secure
14:52.03nadafurrie: thanks /me tries
14:53.07voltyhi, how can I eliminate the gray background of the header & footer when printing from kate?
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14:56.08pinotreevolty: in the print dialog, click on expand and go to the tab with those options
14:57.00voltythx pinotree, I feel stupid :)
14:59.00Marcum18DIn the words of the almighty Metal Gear Engrish.
14:59.02Marcum18DI feel asleep
15:01.42adamtMetal Gear Engrish?
15:03.06chrisagAnyone know if someone is making Suse 9.3 packges for 3.5 beta?
15:04.15*** join/#kde kkrizka (
15:05.06Marcum18DMetal gear being a game for the NES. Engrish being any language's poor translation to english (feel asleep rather then fell asleep)
15:05.08*** join/#kde Wa0 (n=kdedev@
15:05.40adamtohh right.
15:06.04Marcum18DYou missed the golden age.
15:06.08Marcum18DI'm out
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15:20.01MasterOfDisasterThe problem I stated above (media ioslave tries to mount already mounted volumes) occurs with volumes listed in fstab too...
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15:20.46annmadid you look if there is a bug report?
15:21.06annmais your kde 3.5 self compiled or from a distro (gentoo? or other?)
15:21.32MasterOfDisaster(1) no, will do so now (2) gentoo
15:22.07*** join/#kde gnumdk (
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15:22.19GraveDiggerhi there
15:23.02GraveDiggeris there any software that allows to redirect and stream the input of arts to a shoutcast/icecast server?
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15:25.02annmadid you look at Gentoo forums or ask in #gentoo?
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15:26.33MasterOfDisasterannma: ok, I'll go ask them - sorry bothering you...
15:26.41annmano bother
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15:26.50annmait's just sometimes related to the distro
15:27.32MasterOfDisasterok, thanks
15:28.03*** join/#kde StyXman (
15:28.06StyXmanhi all
15:28.43PhilRodhi StevenR
15:28.47PhilRoderm, hi StyXman
15:29.08StyXmanI'm having troubles with kde and xkb. it's not reponding to dead keys normally
15:29.23StyXmanbut e.g. xterm works fine
15:29.39PhilRoddid you fiddle with control center -> regional & a11y -> keyboard layout?
15:29.56StyXmanthe `only' thing I did was to update my xorg
15:30.09StyXmanPhilRod: well, i think it's more complicated than that
15:30.18StyXmana couple of notes about setup
15:30.41*** join/#kde yasser (n=yasser@
15:30.48StyXmanI had ubuntuhoary; upgraded to breezy. it's the same xorg as before, only packaged differently
15:31.11StyXmankde is from svn, and I recompiled qt-copy, kdelibs and kadebase after the upgrading
15:31.24*** part/#kde helpme (n=yasser@
15:31.31PhilRodtry fiddlign with keyboard layout - it sometimes help
15:31.43StyXmanPhilRod: I do
15:31.52StyXmanI switch keyb layouts with kxkb
15:32.04StyXmantehy switch all right
15:32.07*** join/#kde claviola (n=claviola@debian/developer/claviola)
15:32.10RagolPhilRod: my problem was solved, you can't compile it with g++ 4.0.1... after I changed g++ back to 3.3 everything went smoothly :)
15:32.21StyXmanonly dead keys dont work in e.g. konsole as they used to
15:32.40StyXmanxev and xterm see the dead keys alright
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15:32.52StyXmansterm even build the accented letter I want
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15:35.05StyXmanhmm, strange
15:35.27StyXmanthe only apps that see correctly the keys are xapps: xterm, etc
15:35.31Oleg_let's get kde 3.5 beta1
15:35.38StyXmankde doesn't, oofice neither...
15:36.02*** join/#kde chrej (
15:36.19Oleg_"Please note: Qt 3.3.5 is unsupported by this release"
15:36.25Oleg_that's funny
15:37.24annmawell, no
15:37.29annmait has probles
15:38.03annmaso that means that when you compile the beta1 you must do so with a qt <= 3.3.4
15:38.55*** part/#kde uwolfer (
15:40.00Oleg_yeah, I have only qt-3.3.3 installed
15:40.57claviolawhat problems?
15:41.12StyXmanOleg_: use qt-copy
15:41.19claviolathe use of includehints?
15:41.24annmaStyXman: NO
15:41.37StyXmanannma: no?
15:41.39annmanot qt-copy from 3.5 branch
15:41.51annmaas it is qt 3.3.5 which is not supported
15:41.59annmaclaviola: yes
15:42.05StyXmanannma: so...?
15:42.15claviolaannma: it's disabled on the debian packages, so I suppose it's okay.
15:42.18annmaso if you use that kde will not compile
15:42.22adamtso the Qt branch that goes with KDE 3.5 won't let KDE compile  - great =)
15:42.23*** join/#kde PieD (
15:42.46annmayes thanks to trolltech
15:42.48StyXmanannma: well, it does compile here...
15:43.04annmaStyXman: ah? you have the kde beta1 tarballs?
15:43.17StyXmanannma: no, svn 3.5 branch
15:43.22annmaah, yes
15:43.34annmaso please talk about what we are talking here
15:43.50annmaI committed some fixes to kdebase myself, StyXman
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15:43.52StyXmanannma: umm, yeah, sorry to confuse
15:44.12annmayes, the svn branch has fixes that the tarballs do not have
15:44.43annmaOleg_: if you want to compile kde3.5beta1 keep your qt3.3.3
15:45.28Oleg_I am downloading kdebase beta1 now
15:45.29annmaStyXman: gentoo?
15:45.49StyXmanannma: ubuntu breezy
15:45.57realhi i just compile kde 3.5 from svn, i did the las make install to kde base? is there any more next steps or its done for a startkde ?
15:45.58StyXmanI just like to have my patched kde
15:45.59*** join/#kde frerich (n=frerich@kde/raabe)
15:46.21annmareal: it's ok to be started
15:46.30annmareal: did you use a new user to compile?
15:46.38annmaoh too late
15:46.45annmahope he gets the env vars right
15:51.21frbmy kicker is acting funny, none of my applets are showing except the systray, everything else is blank/black
15:51.35annmafrb: what did you do to get that?
15:52.13frbI went home, left the machine running, came back, unlocked the scren and found amarok crashed and the panel horked
15:52.27frbthat is, went home from work, so it was around 10 hours
15:54.32*** join/#kde langenberg (
15:54.35annmaoh so some settings got messed
15:54.44annmaare your settings very important?
15:55.04annmayou can back up .kde/share/config to .kde/share/config.bak
15:55.05frbthey've been the same for about 2 months
15:55.09annmaand restart kde
15:55.09Oleg_I always see the English words I dunno. I dunno what hork is.
15:55.26annmain konq type dict:hork
15:55.30frerichOleg_: hork's are the ones who frobnicate all the time
15:55.47Oleg_oh man
15:55.51Oleg_dunno that word too
15:56.17frerichOleg_: 'to frobnicate' is pretty much the same as 'to stirnel'
15:56.25StyXmanOleg_: its in the jargon dictionary
15:56.29Oleg_oh my GOD!
15:56.51StyXmanfrerich: ah, that puts it clearer...
15:57.18frerichStyXman: I ment 'to stirnel' as in 'to stirnel vubously', of course
15:57.47frbignore him
15:57.48Oleg_oh my GOD
15:57.56frbhe's on the dr00gz man
15:58.05*** join/#kde johnny69 (
15:58.14StyXmanfrerich: easy on the caffeine
15:58.19frerichOleg_: I'm just making up words - I'm a non-native speaker myself, you don't want ot know how oftne people played that game on me ;-)
15:58.53*** join/#kde langenberg (
15:59.28Oleg_The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search box to the right.
15:59.40Oleg_it must be a small dictionary
15:59.44Oleg_or else
15:59.47frerichStyXman: I'm fine, thanks - you can tell when I'm on caffeine since I start using even more crazy words like 'colour' or 'neighbour'.
15:59.48frbI know it's on
16:00.35StyXmanfrerich: hehhe.
16:02.28annmaOleg_: maybe it's a slang word
16:02.36annmaI have a slang FR-En dict
16:03.20Oleg_No definitions found for "hork", says
16:03.23StyXmanfrobnicate: To manipulate or adjust, to tweak.
16:04.02*** join/#kde GraveDig1er (
16:04.33StyXman`Frob' connotes aimless manipulation; twiddle connotes gross manipulation, often a coarse search for a proper setting; tweak connotes fine-tuning.
16:05.56GraveDig1erannma: those gentoo folks didnt help me. do you have any idea whether, and if yes - how, arts may stream TO shoutcast servers?
16:06.11*** join/#kde Pupeno (
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16:06.45Oleg_I don't know what frob, connote, (though heard of connotations), and twiddle mean
16:06.58relentlessslackeGraveDig1er ----> try to ask here #lad
16:06.59annmaGraveDig1er: no idea, no :(
16:07.25StyXmanOleg_: to frob(nicate) is to manipulate controls
16:07.34StyXmanlike switches, knobs, etc
16:07.37Oleg_and you people know all of these words?
16:07.54*** join/#kde lippel (n=frank@kde/developer/osterfeld)
16:08.01Oleg_oh, finally! I know what manipulate and controls mean
16:08.03StyXmanOleg_: ahm, I hust dict/google them
16:08.16Oleg_dunno what it means
16:08.30StyXmanmy typo reta climbs up again.... *sigh*
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16:09.03relentlessslackeStyXman ----> let me slap ya too ))
16:09.22GraveDig1erannma: ok..
16:09.27Oleg_ok, I got up recently, so I am gonna brush my teeth
16:09.31Oleg_be back
16:09.32Oleg_and eat
16:09.33GraveDig1errelentlessslacke: ok, i'm there
16:09.51relentlessslackeGraveDig1er ----> so, ask now :)
16:10.21GraveDig1errelentlessslacke: i already did
16:10.53*** join/#kde Bicchi (
16:11.39relentlessslackeGraveDig1er ----> hey, buddy, if I knew how to help ya more than that, I wouldn't point you to that channel. I'd just tell ya what I know, but I know nothing, so I did the best think I could, just direct ya to a right place. That's it :)
16:12.18*** join/#kde bram85 (
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16:13.16GraveDig1errelentlessslacke: hey, its alright ... i just said, that i already have gone there in order to ask... already means several seconds before you said: [18:09] <relentlessslacke> GraveDig1er ----> so, ask now :)
16:13.27*** join/#kde Exis (
16:13.34relentlessslackeah.. I see, np, chap, np :)
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16:23.07Marcum18DOh no! I feel asleep!
16:23.28Marcum18DYes indeed
16:23.53Marcum18DI didn't actually fall asleep
16:24.02Marcum18DI just think that might be my new 'Hello"
16:24.05adamtEST - what would that be in GMT ?
16:24.13adamtlol ok
16:24.26Marcum18DMy watch is set to GMT
16:24.29robbishnoo, i don't know.
16:24.40robbishi just accidently pressed those buttons :P
16:24.58*** join/#kde htedrom (
16:25.29Marcum18DI take that backk
16:25.40Marcum18DI was on the wrong watch setting. I was on the stop watch =D
16:25.49Marcum18Dit's 1623 GMT
16:26.05Marcum18Dwhich makes it 1223 here
16:26.17adamthalf past six here.
16:26.18Marcum18DI was thinking to myself.. It's still light outside, it can't be 1
16:26.21*** join/#kde PieD (
16:26.24adamtusing the fuzzy clock that is
16:26.27robbishMarcum18D: ;D
16:26.45Marcum18DBut my stop watch has been on for 1 day and 14 minutes
16:27.02Marcum18D(another hint it was wrong, When I noticed it said 14, but the TV show is ending_
16:27.30Marcum18DI may not be able to tell time, But I can deduce things without even trying.
16:27.39Marcum18DSo... Hah
16:28.04Marcum18D*whistles and walks away before anyone see's him*
16:28.43Marcum18DAnyone played Age of Conquerers before?
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16:35.18claviolahas anyone gotten "cc1: error: unrecognized option `-fpie'" when trying to build 3.5beta1 with konstruct?
16:35.50GraveDiggerrelentlessslacke: hmm...nice people there...
16:36.03relentlessslackeGraveDigger ----> can't deny it
16:36.05GraveDiggerrelentlessslacke: alright, thanks for that hint!
16:36.11relentlessslackeGraveDigger ----> yw
16:36.23*** part/#kde frerich (n=frerich@kde/raabe)
16:36.49GraveDiggerrelentlessslacke: yw??
16:36.56relentlessslackeyou are welcome :)
16:36.58*** join/#kde Filip^ (
16:37.00GraveDiggeraye :)
16:37.14*** join/#kde uwolfer (
16:37.23pinotreehey uwolfer =)
16:37.46uwolferhi pino
16:37.53relentlessslackeGraveDigger ----> I noticed too that #lad is an exceptional channel with the most friendly people in there. I wish there were more channels and people like that
16:38.32StyXmanclaviola: which compiler?
16:39.19*** part/#kde johnny69 (
16:39.26GraveDiggerrelentlessslacke: well, at least FRIENDLY is pretty relative... have a look there - i got kicked
16:39.51claviolaStyXman: well, standard debian gcc
16:39.54GraveDiggerrelentlessslacke: anyways, those folks were indeed very helpful!
16:39.58claviolaI get it while trying to build arts
16:40.06claviolagcc version 3.3.6 (Debian 1:3.3.6-10)
16:40.07*** part/#kde AnalogTek (i=[
16:40.20StyXmanclaviola: gcc --version
16:40.36relentlessslackeGraveDigger ----> you've been kicked fro a reason
16:40.46*** join/#kde johnny69 (
16:40.57relentlessslackeGraveDigger ----> that guy with whom you were talkin' before got a kick out is a troll
16:40.59claviolaI'm trying to set CC and CXX to gcc-4.0, but I don't think it's respecting that
16:41.24relentlessslackeGraveDigger ----> guys just don't want anyone to support his dirty game, that's what you did
16:41.26GraveDiggerrelentlessslacke: yes, he was... but what do i care? i just had a normal conversation with him ...
16:41.30StyXmanclaviola: I think you need to specify it at configure time
16:41.33StyXmanas in
16:41.33*** join/#kde AnalogTek (
16:41.36GraveDiggerrelentlessslacke: what dirty game?
16:41.46GraveDiggerrelentlessslacke: what has he done?
16:42.07StyXmanCC=gcc-4.0 CXX=gcc-4.0 ./configure ...
16:42.21GraveDiggerrelentlessslacke: and no,i really dont want to start any stupid discussions... i just wanna understand
16:42.31relentlessslackeGraveDigger ----> well, he just sits on the channel and floods with shitty stuff, pickin' up all the newcomers and startin' sensless conversations
16:42.32claviolaStyXman: well, I was using konstruct
16:42.39StyXmanclaviola: ah, yes ...
16:42.39claviolaall I did was 'cd meta/kde && make install'
16:42.45StyXmanhmm, no idea, then
16:43.00GraveDiggerrelentlessslacke: hmm... okay
16:43.11relentlessslackeGraveDigger ----> he talks bullshit, and irritates people, that's the reason you were kicked
16:43.25relentlessslackeGraveDigger ----> just make /ignore him and it'll be OK
16:44.26GraveDiggerrelentlessslacke: oh, well... i said "fuck you" to the guy who kicked me, i was pretty angry about that... at first
16:44.37GraveDiggerrelentlessslacke: so i guess i dont need to join there anymore
16:45.04GraveDiggerrelentlessslacke: however ... besides that little "accident" .... that channel was nice! :)
16:45.12adamtwhat channel? :P
16:45.44GraveDiggeradamt: #lad
16:46.16*** join/#kde uwolfer (
16:46.27adamtthat's genious
16:46.51relentlessslackeGraveDigger ----> well, just go and appologize to that guy/girl. Say you just didn't know the actual reason. I think that's a good way :)
16:48.08GraveDiggerreezeh: maybe tomorrow... when they calmed down
16:48.44*** join/#kde Doktoreas (
16:49.14HnZeKtOadamt: LOL!
16:49.55Marcum18DWhy do I always get Kick banned when I offer pictures of myself nude.
16:50.01Marcum18DI don't understand it.
16:50.32Marcum18DThat picture is .. Awesome =D
16:50.53Marcum18DThe firewall rocks.
16:51.06frb-workbecause you're ugly
16:51.14Marcum18DFrb, You don't know that yet.
16:51.15*** join/#kde jorgp2 (
16:52.00Marcum18DSo where do you all want the Hurrican Rita to hit?
16:53.25*** join/#kde wsjunior (i=1000@unaffiliated/wsjunior)
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16:54.45peppelorumWhere does Kaddressbook store the contacts by default?
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16:55.07adamtMarcum18D: anywhere bush is
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16:55.23Marcum18DI hope it hits new orleans.
16:55.33lippelpeppelorum: .kde/share/apps/kabc/std.vcf or similar
16:55.34oneforallhey wondering how can I get it besides turning it off(artd) so that in konq when it uses the mplayer plugin it quits tring to use arts and lets the app choose?
16:55.44*** join/#kde egon_spengler (n=egon@
16:55.45Marcum18DAnd is stronger then katrina. Katrina was a sissy hurricane, It didn't get rid of all the degenerates.
16:56.06*** join/#kde mouhez (
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16:56.29oneforallyeah they might wish it its you now and misses every one else
16:56.32*** part/#kde _boud (
16:56.55Marcum18DI just don't like lazy people much. And lazy people that do nothing but whine kind of get higher on that list.
16:57.21lippelMarcum18D: hmm?
16:57.27peppelorumlippel: thanks, I thought it should have been 'kaddressbook' but no;-)
16:57.56Marcum18Dlippel: lazy people, Like people that live off welfare and then expect everything to be given to them on their schedule.
16:57.58*** join/#kde bornio (
16:58.19lippelMarcum18D: so what has this to do with hurricanes?
16:58.33*** part/#kde annma (n=annma@kde/developer/annma)
16:58.34Marcum18Dlippel: I hope it hits new orleans. And finishes off the degenerates.
16:59.04adamtwonder if bush blame al-queda for the hurricanes
16:59.09Marcum18DI lived in new orleans for a year. I'll tell you now there are more low lifes on welfare that don't do a god damn thing but waste oxygen in that city then anywhere else i've lived.
16:59.13*** join/#kde snugglemonkey (
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16:59.42Marcum18DAnd now I live near Fayettville, And that's a pretty crime riddled low life city as well.
16:59.48*** join/#kde spiral (
17:00.01*** join/#kde lippel (n=frank@kde/developer/osterfeld)
17:00.07adamtMarcum18D: move to denmark =)
17:00.16adamtwe have lots of hot chicks
17:00.21StyXmanMarcum18D: move to a desert island
17:00.24Marcum18DI'm retiring to Cuba.
17:00.29Marcum18DI don't like deserts.
17:00.34lippeluh, konvi crashed. first time ever.
17:00.40StyXmanMarcum18D: desert as in noone at sight
17:00.41*** join/#kde bonzai10 (
17:01.10Marcum18DStyXman:  Unfortunatly the amount of time i've spent in deserts, I'd rather die then spend more. =)
17:01.23Marcum18DOh yeah Rita, Cat4 now.
17:01.31Marcum18DJust curve north east
17:02.12lippelMarcum18D: so tell me where the correlation between "i am a lazy person" and "a hurricane destroys my house/kills me" is
17:02.12adamtwe do people keep moving back when hurricanes hit the US all the time =)
17:02.22Marcum18DI'm actually torn. If it hits new orleans, That might mean I'll deploy to louisianna, And that would be worse then if another 1000 welfare people die.
17:02.52Marcum18DJust going to resay what I did say lippel
17:02.54Marcum18Dlippel: I hope it hits new orleans. And finishes off the degenerates.
17:03.02Marcum18DI lived in new orleans for a year. I'll tell you now there are more low lifes on welfare that don't do a god damn thing but waste oxygen in that city then anywhere else i've lived.
17:03.42Marcum18DAnd technically, most of the houses destroyed in new orleans, The people living there didn't own, They were projects.
17:03.55Marcum18DSo it was just the "kills me" part.
17:04.01PhilRodMarcum18D: #politics
17:04.08oneforallyou know right now you are more ignorant than them . stuck up,arrogant...................................
17:04.21snugglemonkeyPhilRod: right on.
17:04.53Marcum18DOneforall, Having lived there for a year, Knowing of the corruption and the wasteful lazy majority of people, If they were all just left to darawnism, It would be far better for the world.
17:05.23adamtmother earth must hate America with all the hurricanes. look at Denmark, that last "hurricane" we had only killed af few threes. and that was like the strongest for ages =)
17:05.34Marcum18DWhere else on earth, Can a perfectly healthy male, completly capable of work, Live for free off the government, but america.
17:05.57*** part/#kde AnalogTek (
17:05.58oneforallman there is corruption every where. whats the rich peoples excuse for the same curroption they are guil;ty of
17:06.19PhilRodMarcum18D: I said, #politics
17:06.27oneforalldoes that not make them worse even bigger bums
17:07.00Marcum18DAt least they managed to pay for their own dinner.
17:07.10Marcum18DAnd the corruption in new orleans isn't the poor people on welfare.
17:07.18Marcum18DIt's the government officials.
17:07.29oneforallanyway any one know the answer to my question?
17:07.42*** join/#kde AnalogTek (i=[
17:07.53adamtoneforall: please repeat it
17:07.59oneforallwell look bnack I'm sure I aint the only one that took what you said as the welfare ppl that are corrupt
17:08.08oneforallhey wondering how can I get it besides turning it off(artd) so that in konq when it uses the mplayer plugin it quits tring to use arts and lets the app choose?
17:09.01Marcum18DCorruption "And wasteful lazy majority of people" completly different thoughts seperated by the word and, As opposed to "Corrupt wasteful lazy majority of people" People on welfare can't really be corrupt, That takes power and money.
17:09.18Marcum18DUnless you consider living off welfare your entire life as corruption (Which I do, but that's another story)
17:09.34Marcum18DNo one talks in politics
17:09.42oneforallthe plugin loads but it loads arts and then sits there
17:09.45adamtplease. you are talking with yourself, doesn't matter where you speak then
17:09.53StyXmanMarcum18D: so you brinfg the discussion here...
17:10.01Marcum18DYou bet SyXman.
17:10.11lippelMarcum18D: maybe #fascistoids
17:10.14Marcum18DAnd adamt I've recieved responses sporadicly from people here =D
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17:12.53*** kick/#kde [Marcum18D!] by PhilRod (PhilRod)
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17:13.12Marcum18DI wasn't even talking.
17:13.13PhilRodok, no more or you get a ban
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17:16.05*** join/#kde Flendor (i=Flendor@
17:16.08FlendorGood evening.
17:16.56adamtevening Flendor
17:19.30*** join/#kde dvazquez (n=dvazquez@
17:20.02oneforallhmm guess there is no way :(
17:21.05*** join/#kde IceD^ (n=iced@
17:21.27Oleg_just downloaded kdebase
17:21.37Oleg_now on to kdelibs
17:22.00adamtcan't take that long to download
17:22.34*** join/#kde anjumbutt (n=anjumbut@
17:23.20oneforalllike why does konq have to load arts when you have it turned of and mplayer is setup to use alsa and no arts  etc . too many problems with arts and the fact that it controls the sound is one I don't like. so upgrade alsa it might wotrk and good chance it won't . that the number 1 reason .
17:23.48StyXmanoneforall: did you compile kde?
17:23.58oneforallStyXman nope why ?
17:24.09oneforallyou can recompile it and turn off arts ?
17:24.48StyXmanoneforall: completely
17:24.52oneforallor compile it with out I mean
17:24.56StyXmannot even compile ot
17:25.23StyXmani-t, it. that's right.
17:25.49oneforallbut no I never compiled kde . been a thought but had no reason :)
17:26.36oneforallStyXman so if I compile it I can disable arts ?
17:27.51oneforall--without-arts :)
17:27.53StyXmanoneforall: well, you can be sure arts doesn't even get installed in your system
17:28.12StyXmanbut maybe its like banging ahead with a keyboard
17:28.20Oleg_I won't compile arts anymore; that's for sure
17:28.27Oleg_kde4 will get rid of arts?
17:28.28StyXmanI mean, like killing an ant with a bazooka
17:28.44oneforallhmm I should look but I don't think pat made arts a serperate package . never gave it much thought to lookat that
17:28.47aptarts is unmaintained, for KDE 4 (and not before) there will probably be a backend independent architecture allowing you to choose what sound engine (or none) to use via an abstracted API, if you want to know more, you should read the 5 or 6 hundred post long thread on the kde-multimedia mailing list archives
17:28.48PhilRodOleg_: ^^^
17:29.03StyXmanoneforall: which distro?
17:29.29oneforalltaking a look now
17:29.50oneforalloh eyah I think its in the multimedia package no doubl\e
17:29.56oneforallerr doubt*
17:30.11Oleg_PhilRod: oh, thanks! I will definitely read that post!
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17:31.22rrichiehi all
17:31.39StyXmanOleg_: *that* post? it's more like 600 posts :-|
17:31.50rrichiei'm trying kde 3.5b1 but the bottom bar doesn't appear anymore. Is there a shell command to make it appear?
17:32.11StyXmanrrichie: you mean, kicker?
17:32.37rrichieah ok but when i launch manually kicker it says it is already running ...
17:32.57robbishkillall -9 kicker
17:33.16StyXmanrrichie: are you using a new user/seetings or the same you had before?
17:33.17*** join/#kde gnumdk (
17:33.54oneforallhmm thanks will look later at the multimedia src and see if that the one I have to recompile
17:33.56rrichieok i killed kicker but when i relaunch it the bar appear but disappear just after (seems it is outside the screen)
17:34.01rrichiestyxman : yes
17:34.06aseigorobbish: dcopquit kicker
17:34.09oneforallI would think so unless its in the base that part
17:34.11aseigorobbish: safer
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17:34.27robbishaseigo: oh. :-)
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17:34.38rrichieStyXman : the same settings/user
17:34.44PhilRodOleg_: in fact, that thread might now be outdated - someone presented some work on the KDEMM API at akademy
17:34.51vbhanuit just freezes
17:34.53aseigorobbish: but in any case.. if you move your mouse to the bottom edge of the screen, does the panel appear?
17:34.59vbhanuwhat exactly happens is this:
17:35.07PhilRodvbhanu: create a new user, start amarok with that user. Tell us if it works
17:35.08vbhanuwhen i play the song then generally we shud get something in the current dir --the info about the song played
17:35.10robbishaseigo: i'm not the one with the problem :)
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17:35.25vbhanuam trying that right away
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17:35.45aseigorrichie: : but in any case.. if you move your mouse to the bottom edge of the screen, does the panel appear?
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17:36.02rrichieno :(
17:36.29aseigorrichie: can you your kickerrc for me?
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17:36.47rrichieaseigo : where do i paste it? in private?
17:37.01aseigorrichie: and you are sure that kicker is running, correct? not just crashed? e.g. "ps ax | grep kicker" shows it as running?
17:38.01*** join/#kde Armopu (n=armopu@
17:38.06rrichieok i resolved the problem
17:38.22rrichiekillall -9 kicker
17:38.28rrichierm kickerrc
17:38.32rrichierelaunch kicker
17:38.33Armopui have just installed kde 3.4.91 and all runs ok
17:38.53aseigorrichie: arg.
17:39.10Armopubut when i try to open kcontrol, i click kcontrol button but it doesn't open
17:39.12aseigorrichie: you do know why i asked you to paste your kickerrc, right? so that i might be able to see if there is a bug and FIZX IT
17:39.18rrichieaseigo : thank you for the help
17:39.19Armopusomebody can help me ?
17:39.25aseigorrichie: by deleting the config file, we'll never know now
17:39.32rrichiei copied it :)
17:39.57aseigorrichie: ah, good. can you please put it on for me to look at? thanks
17:39.57adamtaseigo: what is the "rc" a shortening for?
17:40.14rrichiebut i can't upload a file on pastebin ?
17:40.28adamtgood old c'n'p
17:40.35*** join/#kde spiral (
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17:41.22rrichiepasted on pastebin
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17:41.44adamtrrichie: now link to it =)
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17:41.56PhilRodArmopu: try running "kcontrol" from a konsole
17:42.22rrichiehow do i do it ?
17:42.24adamtaseigo: you ought to direct people to instead or something similar, easier for you
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17:43.37rrichieadamt :
17:44.20*** join/#kde Armi^ (
17:44.20rrichieis it ok ?
17:44.41adamtask aseigo, it was he who wanted it =)
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17:45.25rrichieaseigo ?
17:46.40*** join/#kde vbhanu (n=vbhanu@
17:46.59StyXmanrrichie: AutoHidePanel=true
17:47.00vbhanui was here just a moment ago complaining that my amarok is not working
17:47.09ArmopuPhilRod: kcontrol: /usr/lib/ version `CXXABI_1.3.1' not found (required by   /opt/kde/lib/
17:47.11StyXmanthat autohides kicker, AFAIK
17:47.12vbhanusomeone suggested me to create a new user and try it out
17:47.12*** join/#kde freqmod (
17:47.20rrichieStyXman : no because when i put my mouse cursor on bottom it didn't come back
17:47.38StyXmanrrichie: try deleting that setting
17:47.43*** join/#kde Tene (n=tene@poipu/supporter/slacker/tene)
17:47.43StyXmanjust remove the liune
17:47.52StyXmankill kicker before
17:47.57StyXmandelete the line
17:48.00vbhanui did that and i find that my amarok is working
17:48.01rrichieok i've already done it
17:48.01StyXmanstart it again
17:48.03aseigorrichie: it was set to only unhide from the bottom left corner
17:48.15TeneWould this be the appropriate place to ask questions related to kmymoney?
17:48.34vbhanui want to know whether there is a way  i can make it work with the present user
17:48.39StyXmanaseigo: that's UnhideLocation=6
17:48.47vbhanucoz all my settings for all programs will be lost otherwise
17:48.53Armopuhow can i repair this ??
17:48.53Armopukcontrol: /usr/lib/ version `CXXABI_1.3.1' not found (required by   /opt/kde/lib/
17:49.02aseigoStyXman: yes
17:49.09StyXmanvbhanu: try deleting only amarok's settings
17:49.23rrichieplease will there be the rest of kde 3.5b1 packages for ubuntu ?
17:49.26vbhanui deleted .kde dir and .kde3.4
17:49.28StyXmanArmopu: check that the lib is installed
17:49.30vbhanuto no use
17:49.32StyXmanif not, install it
17:49.34*** join/#kde coredumped (
17:49.42coredumpedhow can i get konversation from svn?
17:50.13Sho_coredumped: We've got instructions in the Wiki
17:50.31StyXmancoredumped: it's in the extragear `module'
17:50.39Sho_... we had instructions in the wiki, before someone deleted them
17:50.46Sho_damn wiki spammers
17:51.00vbhanucan someone please tell me what can i do here.....are there any places where amarok saves any settings
17:51.07ArmopuStyXman: wich lib ??????????
17:51.08*** part/#kde Tene (n=tene@poipu/supporter/slacker/tene)
17:51.13coredumpedvn co svn://
17:51.16coredumpedwill that do?
17:51.31StyXmanArmopu: /opt/kde/lib/
17:52.18StyXmanvbhanu: either share/config/amarokrc or share/apps/amarok/
17:53.07vbhanuinside .kde dir u mean? like i said i have deleted the whole .kde dir and .kde3.4 dir but sad
17:53.16vbhanuit did not help me :(
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17:53.36ArmopuStyXman: is that good ??
17:53.36Armopu[root@ordenata armopu]# ls /opt/kde/lib/ |grep
17:53.45*** part/#kde dvazquez (n=dvazquez@
17:53.55coredumpedi got installed kde 3.5 on the konversation wiki it says:
17:53.56coredumped#  svn co -N svn:// extragear-network
17:53.59coredumped# svn co svn:// extragear-network/admin
17:54.11coredumpedshould i do the both svn or only the KDE/3.5
17:54.39Sho_coredumped: you need the source dir anyway
17:54.58Sho_coredumped: just follow the instructions
17:55.06coredumpedok txhs
17:55.18vbhanuok i will delete the user and recreate it :(
17:55.19*** part/#kde vbhanu (n=vbhanu@
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17:56.12Oleg_any new features were added to beta1 after alpha1 was released?
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17:59.01StyXmanArmopu: it should
17:59.14StyXmansomehow it's not looking for it there...
18:00.26ArmopuStyXman: you know what can i do ?
18:01.00*** join/#kde sharkk (
18:01.04StyXmanArmopu: distro?>
18:01.13StyXmanor, did you compile kde?
18:01.26Armopui have instaled using pacman -U
18:01.35StyXmanbased in any other distro? I can keep track of them alll
18:02.00Armopui don't know
18:02.31adamtno, not based on any other. not the package system anyways.
18:03.13Oleg_any people in the eastern U.S. here? Do we have to move the clock one hour forward today?
18:03.46*** join/#kde _mattie (
18:04.17StyXmanArmopu: hmm, try running it from a terminal, usling LD_LIBRARY_PATH
18:04.21_mattiewow! kde!
18:04.48_mattiehaha sorry; im over enthusiastic! i only just found this thing out...be4 ive been using kopete and kmess 2 chat
18:04.54_mattienow i found this :P...
18:05.12_mattieplz tell me ur all real ppl and im not just talking 2 computers
18:06.02*** join/#kde mike-berry (n=mike-ber@adsl-83-100-201-111.karoo.KCOM.COM)
18:06.05Oleg_what will change if I compile kdelibs and kdebase with the --disable-dependecies option?
18:06.11Oleg_what will I gain or lose?
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18:06.22_mattieok i take it that u r ppl and u dont want 2 know me...
18:06.36coredumped../preferences.h:31:30: error: preferences_base.h: No such file or directory
18:06.37coredumped../preferences.h:50: error: expected class-name before '{' token
18:06.37coredumpedmake[2]: *** [addressbook_base.lo] Error 1
18:06.56StyXmanmattie_: uhm?
18:06.58coredumpedi get that error doing the make to the konversation svn, what can i do?
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18:07.29StyXmancoredumped: you might get too deep in svn
18:07.41ArmopuStyXman: how i do it ?
18:07.41mattie_oh...and be4 u say anything im a girl..
18:08.05mattie_what is this? a linux configuation room or something?
18:08.43strawit's a channel. rooms are for aol
18:08.53StyXmanArmopu: open a konsole or xterm
18:08.57mattie_i c...
18:09.08Oleg_mattie_: yeah, and we are all true gentlemen
18:09.11strawthe particular topic here is KDE
18:09.14mattie_oh ok
18:09.16Oleg_mattie_: ready to help a lady
18:09.17StyXmanArmopu: $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/kde/lib kcontrol
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18:09.31mattie_oh in that case...
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18:09.44mattie_any1 know how 2 "find" WINE after installation?
18:09.59mattie_im kinda in a mess 'cause i have it installed. shell reads it; but i cant find it
18:10.04adamtmattie_: this is called ``IRC'', for more info =)
18:10.08StyXmanmattie_: how did you installed it?
18:10.25StyXmanmattie_: but you better move into #wine or something
18:10.27adamtyou don't have to find it as long as it's in your path
18:10.31mattie_its more my brother that installed it 4 me :p
18:10.37adamtbut: whereis wine in a shell.. try that
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18:10.55relentlessslackemattie_ ---->  /which wine
18:10.59mattie_i so love linux :) its much better than XP...haha...i moved a few months back
18:11.02*** join/#kde rhelering (n=rhelerin@
18:11.02relentlessslackemattie_ ---->  $ which wine
18:11.05ArmopuStyXman: it returns the same error
18:11.05Armopukcontrol: /usr/lib/ version `CXXABI_1.3.1' not found (required by /opt/kde/lib/
18:11.20*** join/#kde andz (
18:11.27mattie_ok...whereis just came up with some stuff
18:11.33relentlessslackemattie_ ---->  $ which wine - this will tell you where your wine binary resides
18:12.43mattie_wow...its like having a living online service...
18:13.42*** join/#kde Miguelzinho (n=Miguelzi@
18:13.44relentlessslackethat's one of the paradoxes. they've got a propr. software and provide a low level support, we've gut an open-source and response is much better ))
18:13.58StyXmanArmopu: seems like a packaging problem
18:14.14mattie_still...Unix is better...although i prefer linux 2 mac
18:14.21*** join/#kde AnalogTek (i=[
18:14.24mattie_ive had bad "xp" with macs
18:16.24anjumbuttme too
18:17.23mattie_oh...the one prob ive had with suse; is that well...IRC...whats with it? i mean, i love chat rooms and stuff but is it like this, or like ICQ; and why cant i seem 2 connect 2 it?
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18:23.21Miguelzinhowhere I block popups in konqueror? coming from gnome :-)
18:24.06MiguelzinhoI only found that i can open popups in new tabs, but this not the behavior that I want
18:24.07strawMiguelzinho: that's coming with kde 3.5
18:24.22strawoh pop ups
18:24.45strawi read ads for some reason. it's in the setting
18:25.00strawsettings, even
18:25.07*** join/#kde SmallR2002[lpt-d (
18:25.25SmallR2002[lpt-djust a little _bug_ report, and fix
18:25.53Miguelzinhowhere I can find a "what is new" in kde 3.5?
18:26.30mattie_hi small
18:26.31*** join/#kde _root (
18:27.01SmallR2002[lpt-dif starting network (ifconf etc) fails on boot then kde seems to hang on "Initialising system services" then stops starting up and hangs on the background, the fix is to do ifup -a as root in a virtual terminal
18:27.21SmallR2002[lpt-dthen restart x (ctrl+alt+backspace) out of here. bye guys; im gonna leave in true girly fashion ;) bye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
18:28.23SmallR2002[lpt-da girl on a big support channel... anomoly!
18:28.38SmallR2002[lpt-d(good for you btw) off 2 kopete
18:29.02mattie_i think ill leave this window up just in case haha
18:29.09mattie_*minimises window*
18:30.31strawMiguelzinho: this should give you a good idea of what's coming in 3.5
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18:33.39SmallR2002[lpt-di dont know who that bug should go to, but now you all know and can pass on to anyone with same problem
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18:37.48*** part/#kde AnalogTek (i=[
18:38.17oneforallhmm tried chmod -x /opt/kde/bin/artsd   but the mplayer-plugin still didn't work :)
18:38.44StyXmanoneforall: did you tried kmplayer?
18:38.54StyXmanintegrates better into konqueror
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18:39.33strawhi annma
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18:42.43evilmegamanI have a question, How do I login to gnome using KDM?
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18:43.41annmaask in your distro channel
18:43.49evilmegamanThey told me to come here :P
18:43.57annmawho are they?
18:44.10annmawhat is your distro?
18:44.16Oleg_will I gain anything if I enable --without-dependencies during configuring of kdelibs?
18:44.17evilmegamanWell one guy told me to come here :P slackware is my distro
18:44.28annmaoh man
18:44.38annmaOleg_: bah, leave the options alone
18:44.43annmaOleg_: did you get arts?
18:44.53oneforallyeah but I didn't bother recompiling kmplayer had no real need for it . still don't . :)
18:45.14annmaevilmegaman: it's quite evil to use kdm to log into gnome
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18:45.23annmanot sure kdm is up to it you know
18:45.33Oleg_annma: no, I will never compile arts again
18:45.42annmaOleg_: no?
18:45.49Oleg_annma: arts couldn't let amarok work
18:45.52annmaso if you don't have arts
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18:46.00Oleg_annma:  I don't need arts
18:46.04annmause configure --without-arts or something
18:46.27evilmegamananma, you mean kdm isn't able to log in to gnome?
18:46.41annmaevilmegaman: it is probably
18:46.45annmabut why kdm?
18:46.50oneforallevilmegaman why not use gdm
18:47.02annmaevilmegaman: you installed kde packages that you won't use
18:47.03evilmegamanBecause I don't know how to use gdm instead of kdm :(
18:47.06annmatons of kde
18:47.11annmaoh man
18:47.16annmaask in #slackware
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18:47.49oneforallevilmegaman gdm is the default in rc.4
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18:48.06oneforalllgoins just basicly the same as kdm
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18:48.43oneforallevilmegaman edit the run level from 3 to 4
18:49.05evilmegaman:) thanks annma :D back to slackware now
18:49.16annmagood luck!
18:49.22oneforalljoe/vi wich ever editor  /etc/inittab
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18:52.24evilmegamanwait oneforall, That's exactly what I did :| or maybe it wasn't I will check
18:53.06oneforallmind you if you have 10.2 gnome is removed :)
18:53.26Enforcer_JBHey everybody
18:53.36annmaKDE's mascot is Konqui the dragon, because dragons' favourite food is gnomes.
18:53.36*** join/#kde caves (
18:53.49Enforcer_JBis anybody using the gtk-qt-engine with KDE 3.4.2 and having black borders in all Gtk apps?
18:53.54Enforcer_JBexcept Firefox/Mozilla
18:54.02Enforcer_JBIs there anything I can do to fix this?
18:54.07Oleg_what the hell? mplayer needs arts?
18:54.17Oleg_mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
18:54.30Enforcer_JBOleg_, if it's been compiled with arts support, yes
18:54.40oneforallmplayer doesn't need arts . it can run with art,alsa,alsa-oss,oss,esd etc
18:54.40Oleg_oh man
18:54.52*** part/#kde StyXman (
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18:55.33evilmegamanYeah I have 10.2
18:55.33evilmegamanlet's go to slackware
18:55.42oneforallwelll even if its compiled with it ti can still run with out tha error
18:55.47annmaOleg_: lol
18:55.52oneforallmplayer -ao alsa
18:56.01oneforalland put it in the config
18:56.18oneforallor me I have it global too in /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf
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18:56.36Oleg_mplayer "Il tempo se ne va.mp3" -speed 0.79 -ao alsa
18:56.36Oleg_mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
18:56.52annmaOleg_: yeah, poor you
18:56.56annmause amarok
18:56.58Oleg_and arts have been disabled for a long time
18:57.15Oleg_amarok doesn't have the speed option
18:57.28mattie_oh oh! i seem 2 have lost kaffiene
18:57.29oneforallweird mine is compiled with arts I have arts off and it never uses it . I have it use alsa
18:57.30mattie_any1 help me?
18:57.59mattie_it was when my brother was doing some kind of installation on shell 2 give me dc++, and he almost trashed my pc
18:58.02oneforallmplayer  -ao alsa  try adding it here then the file.mp3
18:58.25Oleg_doesn't work either
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18:58.49anjumbutthi, can someone tell me if they've had any experiences with simplekde ?
18:59.14Oleg_This error happened after I removed my arts directory from
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18:59.33Oleg_but in that directory, I have kdelibs also
19:00.19Oleg_but now I am compiling kdelibs-3.4.91
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19:00.35annmaOleg_: are you sure you actually know what you are doing?
19:00.48Oleg_and contains the dir for kdelibs-3.4.91
19:01.36Oleg_I am not sure if adding the old kde lib back to won't intefere with compiling and installing beta1
19:02.38anjumbutthi, can someone tell me if they've had any experiences with simplekde ?
19:02.39Oleg_will it or will it not?
19:02.55sharkkho un hd collegato con la usb da 153GB, quando prova a trasferire i dati raggiunge al massimo 1 MB/sec, ho provato a modificare l'opzione sync ma non č cambiato nulla
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19:04.17annmaanjumbutt: simplekde? what is it?
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19:05.23adamtannma: same concept as gentoo's split ebuilds almost :P
19:05.28adamtyou wont like it ;)
19:05.29annmaoh my
19:05.33annmaoh no!
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19:05.56annmaI bet they don't offer suprot
19:05.58Oleg_faints in this case means what?
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19:06.09annmaI fell
19:06.21annmayou know, what women do
19:06.31annmain films
19:06.42annmahmm, out of topic
19:06.45adamtwhen they want a hero on a white horse to walk by :P
19:07.04Oleg_yeah, it's good to be so feminine
19:07.05annmaanjumbutt: so what is your problem with this simplekde?
19:07.19Oleg_reminds of the book "Gone With the Wind"
19:07.43vbhanusomeone please explain this to me.......i have been using amarok for a great amount of time as vbhanu user and all of a sudden one fine day it starts crashing
19:07.50AnalogTekspeakin' of math... I better get back to calc & physics.
19:07.53vbhanusomeone tells me to try as someother user
19:08.01vbhanui try it and bingo it works
19:08.37vbhanuso what i do is save some data that is there in vbhanu like the dirs .gaim .mozilla .thunderbird .xinitrc .bashrc .pinerc
19:08.45annmavbhanu: so if you want to come back to your user just rm .kde/share/config/amarokrc and .kde/share/apps/amarok/*
19:08.51vbhanuthese are the things that i  saved
19:08.52annmain your home
19:09.03anjumbutti was curious, they say that it is to become an official kde project
19:09.04vbhanuand then i deleted the whole user
19:09.13annmavbhanu: see what I wrote, it'll be easier
19:09.17annmaoh my
19:09.20vbhanuannma: no no it did not help
19:09.23annmavbhanu: drastik
19:09.33vbhanui infact deleted the whole .kde dir
19:09.37vbhanubut to no help
19:09.45annmaoh my, never do that, never
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19:09.56annmaanjumbutt: I would not count on that
19:10.02vbhanunow see the magic what i did was delete the user and then recreated it
19:10.07annmaanjumbutt: I belong to kde official and never heard of it
19:10.19vbhanunow i brought back the dirs, files that i gave above
19:10.22annmaanjumbutt: it refeers to the QUality Team which is quite inexistant
19:10.27vbhanuand again amarok crashes
19:10.46vbhanubut now i am wokring as the user bhanu and amarok works like heaven
19:10.58vbhanui am about to bang my head somewhere :)
19:11.04vbhanuit is damn surprising
19:11.13anjumbuttso you're saying that its all going to trash?
19:11.16vbhanucoz i am not able to explain it
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19:11.38vbhanuseems so
19:12.09annmaanjumbutt: well, see yourself, do they announce today that 3.5beta1 is out?
19:12.16annmado they provide packages?
19:12.39annmathey had 2 weeks to do so as the code was frozen
19:12.42oneforallOleg_ hmm I just moved the lib out and yeah even with -ao alsa etc its still loks for it and crashes. Even thou it doesn't need to use it or does
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19:13.08oneforallthats weird
19:13.10vbhanuthe problem is this : i am a student so i have to access many servers everyday and everywhere my login is vbhanu so from now on whenever i do ssh i wud have to do ssh vbhanu@server which i consider a pain coz otherwise it wud be simply ssh server
19:13.13annmaas I said I never heard of it and I am on pretty much all important kde mailing lists
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19:14.16bc-bdvbhanu: afaik ssh_config might help
19:14.56anjumbuttso tell me, what is the status of kde 4?
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19:17.47annmaanjumbutt: it'll be out in something like 1 year
19:18.03aptKDE 4 is currently for developers only. See:
19:18.03annmastatus is being ported to qt4 and to several new things
19:18.14PhilRodanjumbutt: take a look at that article
19:18.15annmaPhilRod: wow
19:18.17PhilRodhi _daniel
19:18.21annmacool cool
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19:18.33rrichiewhen i click on Devices in configuration in kopete in kde3.5 it crashed saying :unable to resolve GL/GLX symbols - please check your GL library installation.
19:18.38rrichiehas anyone an idea?
19:18.59annmakopete has devices?
19:19.12annmadid you check your GL lib install?
19:19.12vbhanubc-bd:  thank you for that but if u cud go thru my problem then it is not just that the most important part is that i am surprised at the unexpected results
19:19.19rrichiefor webcam it seems
19:19.32rrichieannma : yes i can play with opengl games
19:19.44annmawhat distro is that?
19:19.50rrichieand glxinfo says direct rendering yes
19:19.52PhilRodrrichie: what distro, how did you install?
19:20.01_danieldoes anybody know when there will be suse rpms of 3.5 beta?
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19:20.12rrichieubuntu with the package from
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19:21.29anjumbuttactually, i was thinking about what kde will use from's standards and softwares
19:21.30rrichiedon't know what's wrong
19:21.30oneforallOleg_]  still here ?
19:21.40anjumbuttthings like electra
19:21.49anjumbuttthings like elektra
19:22.02annmaanjumbutt: kde already uses LOTS of freedesktop standards
19:22.06anjumbuttglitz, cairo
19:22.10anjumbuttand others
19:22.11annmaand we're goig to use more and more
19:22.32PhilRoddbus will probably be used (is that fd.o?)
19:22.37PhilRodwhat's elektra?
19:22.59annmadbus is fd.o
19:23.11annmawe also follow .desktop standards
19:23.14PhilRodwhether cairo will be used is probably down to Qt. Something in my mind suggests that Trolltech are planning to add support for it
19:23.22PhilRodthe XDG menu
19:23.25annmayes, I heard that too
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19:23.49PhilRod_daniel: not yet. Keep watching on - it'll probably appear there
19:23.51_danieli ve read that oxygen will be in 3.5?
19:24.00PhilRodI don't think so, anyway
19:24.13annmanot heard of that
19:24.24PhilRodthough I missed the talk about it at akademy, so I'm not completely sure
19:24.34annmano, it's not in
19:24.46annmait was barely started at akademy
19:24.53srednaHello *
19:25.00annmabesides it's even not sure it'll be in kde4
19:25.22PhilRodhey sredna :-)
19:25.29srednaHow are you all?
19:25.56anjumbuttPhilRod, elektra is a substitue for config files
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19:26.15anjumbuttits a freedesktop's proposed component
19:26.32PhilRodhi scode
19:26.32annmaanjumbutt: we did not choose everything yet, we are porting to qt4 and changing the build system at the moment
19:26.36PhilRodgah, tab completion
19:26.38PhilRodhi scx_
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19:27.04IceD^ doesn't show at all at konqueror
19:27.26anjumbuttcan i try porting the config system to elektra?
19:27.37PhilRodanjumbutt: I haven't heard of it, so I suppose it's not currently planned to include it, but that could change (and of course, if you'd like to, you're welcome to)
19:27.38annmaanjumbutt: wew, man
19:27.42PhilRodoh, heh, sure
19:27.51PhilRodnot an easy job, but it should be possible
19:27.52annmaanjumbutt: you could mail kde-core-devel about it maybe
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19:28.24texnofobixi'm looking forward to the Ohio Linux Fest
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19:28.35PhilRodsomething in my mind says that it's (vaguely) possible to have multiple backends for KConfig, so it might not even be horrendously difficult
19:28.38annmaIceD^: it's Dungeon Siege 2
19:28.45annmathat I see at your url
19:29.27IceD^annma: yes
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19:29.32PhilRodanjumbutt: I'd suggest the following: read up the API docs (at on KConfig - I think that's the main relevant class (annma, is that right?). See if it says anything there about backends
19:29.40annmaIceD^: I se it in konqi, kde 3.5
19:30.05PhilRodanjumbutt: also, ask in #kde-devel - someone might have better information than me, or other thoughts on the idea
19:30.06anjumbuttoh sorry, my mistake, elektra wasn't on
19:30.07IceD^kde3.5 as well here
19:30.23annmasvn today here
19:30.24IceD^I see only background picture
19:30.44IceD^I'm using a1 tarballs
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19:30.46annmame too, IceD^
19:30.53annmais there anything else?
19:31.10texnofobixi dont see it
19:31.12annmaanjumbutt: if not on freedesktop then I am not sure why we would choose it
19:31.15xbeanxHow do I get KDE to automatically mount my USB memory key?  Right now it shows up in media:/ but doesn't mount.
19:31.30annmaxbeanx: your distro should do that
19:31.35anjumbuttif you could check it out
19:31.45texnofobixxbeanx: which distro?
19:32.12anjumbutti think its really good thing
19:32.33annmaanjumbutt: if you want to work on it and proposes it for kde send a mail to kde-core-devel
19:32.43annmastate the advantages over the current system
19:33.03IceD^it showed it
19:33.08IceD^after ~4 minutes
19:33.17IceD^probably because of slow connection...
19:33.23IceD^but mozilla showed it fast
19:34.03PhilRodanjumbutt: if you can provide (the beginnings of) a working implementation, it may become "de facto" adopted. That is to say, either it will be integrated into KDE proper, or perhaps distros will ship it as a patch or plugin
19:34.28PhilRodanjumbutt: code speaks a lot louder than words in KDE
19:34.42PhilRodthat's not to say, of course, that you shouldn't announce what you're trying to do :-)
19:35.11texnofobixi hate the registry in windows
19:35.19annmayeah, me too
19:35.29adamti hate to do math late in the evening =/
19:35.39annmaI htink KDE will adopt a standard adopted by others as wel
19:35.43anjumbuttwill start working on it
19:35.43texnofobixanjumbutt: if they can pull it off and not be like Doze it might be good
19:35.48adamttexnofobix: yeah. .. me too, on wrong click and you might as well reinstall windows =)
19:35.53annmaanjumbutt: is Gnome going for elektra?
19:36.11texnofobixadamt: what time is it there?
19:36.21xbeanxannma: I'm using Mandriva..  I thought it was a KDE thing..
19:36.22PhilRodunless I misunderstand what that page says, it's nothing like the windows registry (thank goodness)
19:36.34anjumbuttcan someone tell me where to look for config file reading / writing code
19:36.40adamttexnofobix: quarter to ten
19:36.42anjumbuttdont know
19:36.47texnofobixeurope eh :P
19:36.49Sho_gnome is going with elektra? wow, that's pretty cool
19:36.51anjumbuttgnome's stuck in their gconf
19:36.58Maneitadamt: What a nice timezone ;p
19:37.10annmaSho_: !!! I asked!!! I did not say it was!!!!
19:37.15anjumbuttelektra is very light compared to gconf
19:37.19Sho_ah :)
19:37.22annmaSho_: don't misinterprete
19:37.30texnofobixanjumbutt: are you a developer for elektra?
19:37.43annma;) he looks like one
19:38.03anjumbuttnot officially
19:38.11anjumbuttseekHim, i'm this LFSer
19:38.15Sho_well, I always thought elektra was a rather nice design ... there are two things I would love to see in future Linux systems, launchd and standardized config storage
19:38.15ManeitWhats electra? :)
19:38.19adamtwont all this frontends slow down the machines in the long run?
19:38.38anjumbuttwhos grown sick of having to remove these .config fiels
19:38.50annmaanjumbutt: so what project already adopted elektra?
19:38.51texnofobixwhy not throw it all into a sql database :P
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19:39.05ManeitWhats electra? (:
19:39.18annmalinux registry
19:39.25marjomwhy if i click a html link in an app is the page downloaded instead of opened in konqi?
19:39.28Sho_I wish xorg-x11 would run with elektra, then both KDE and Gnome would have it a lot easier to chose to use it
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19:39.35Maneitannma: what would be the practical benefit?
19:39.43annmaManeit: no idea, ask anjumbutt
19:39.52annmaManeit: he is the specialist
19:39.57Maneitanjumbutt: what would be the practical benefits of using electra? :)
19:40.00anjumbuttnone that i know of at the moment
19:40.10annmaanjumbutt: that's a downside
19:40.17anjumbuttbut elektra people provided patches for X
19:40.22Sho_Maneit: The elektra page:
19:40.26anjumbuttand they worked really fine
19:40.30ManeitSho_: thanks
19:40.40texnofobixlike 300 grit paper?
19:40.45annmamake it adopted by
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19:41.40anjumbutti really like the idea that elektra gives
19:42.00bc-bdanjumbutt: does it provide an ldap or database backend?
19:42.22anjumbutta unified method for accessing configurations
19:42.22Maneitit's a great idea :>
19:42.31texnofobix"Is NOT something that accesses SQL/relational databases."
19:42.32anjumbuttthey were working on it
19:42.36bc-bdanjumbutt: yes, and does it provide the ability to store those in an ldap backend
19:42.36texnofobixit should
19:42.46bc-bdif not dont bother
19:42.52anjumbuttthat can be done
19:42.55ManeitLinux really needs to be unified in certain areas if it's going to hit mainstream desktop :>
19:42.55texnofobixi've not have much luck setting up ldap
19:42.57bc-bdkde needs an enterprise scale management system
19:43.21bc-bdthen it will kick gnome out of the game
19:43.22anjumbuttthats exactly what i feel
19:43.25bc-bdgnome tried it
19:43.28texnofobixi'm an MIS major
19:43.32bc-bdwith gconf, but they failed badly
19:43.51Maneitand what does a "enterprise scale management system" do? :)
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19:43.55texnofobixlinux needs a SMS system too?
19:44.33texnofobixbc-bd: you mean like remote configure control w/ GUI eh?
19:44.40annmaso guys, when do you start working on all that?
19:44.58annmabecause kde is done by guys like you and gals like me
19:44.58texnofobixi can't code
19:45.03annmaah ah ah
19:45.03anjumbuttwell i've got sources for kde 3.4.2
19:45.05texnofobixi went from CpE to MIS :(
19:45.06annmaI can't code
19:45.10bc-bdtexnofobix: yes
19:45.15Maneitannma: shortly after I've made the "hello world" KDE dialog compile! Can't be much harder, can it? :P
19:45.15annmathat's so lame
19:45.25bc-bdtexnofobix: although a guis is not a requirment per se
19:45.26anjumbutti'm still trying to find where to put the elektra code
19:45.26annmaManeit: :)
19:45.27texnofobixwell ican code
19:45.28PhilRodannma: you can't, but you do anyway? :-)
19:45.40annmathat's the spirit
19:45.43texnofobixi'm doing and C# for job and work
19:45.56texnofobixand php on the side
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19:46.02adamtannma: a bit like the drivers without license who eventually kill someone? :o
19:46.04annmatexnofobix: a bit of C++ outside will refresh you
19:46.10PhilRodtexnofobix: there's so much more to software than coding
19:46.19annmaadamt: lol, no, no major risk here
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19:46.26annmacommunity is watching
19:46.32texnofobixwell the stuff i'm doing now is SQL integration
19:46.36Sho_gotta love peer review
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19:46.40annmatexnofobix: well, write docs!
19:46.47PhilRodwell, existing software anyway. Take KDE: we have coders, documenters, translators, artists, user support-type people, promo people, ...
19:46.49Sho_texnofobix: Looks like C# 3.0 is gonna make that easier for you
19:46.51texnofobixi emailed them and never got a response
19:46.56texnofobixi hate MS
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19:47.12texnofobixthe only good thing of .NET is datagrids
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19:47.57texnofobixso what in the KDE development area is easy as C# and
19:48.10stwni don't know what datagrid is :-/
19:48.21annmatexnofobix: writing docs, bugs triage
19:48.24adamtPyQt or ruby-Qt? :P
19:48.36annmaand C++ itself
19:48.43texnofobixi rather use more of a OOP
19:48.47adamtC++ isn't easy :(
19:48.54annmaa breathe
19:48.55adamttexnofobix: oop?
19:49.04annmaoriented object prog
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19:49.08adamtannma: i promise to look into it soon =)
19:49.09texnofobixObject Oriented P..
19:49.24adamttexnofobix: both python and ruby are OOP
19:49.24texnofobixi've taken 2 c++ classes
19:49.43texnofobixi've seen python .. its a whole new syntax
19:49.52adamtof course
19:49.54annmayu have to want to collaborate to an open source project first
19:49.55texnofobixruby is a c type language
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19:50.11adamttexnofobix: c-type? ...
19:50.14texnofobixannma: very true if I had time
19:50.22annmawe all have time
19:50.22texnofobixc like c++, c#,php
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19:50.33Maneitc-like synthax, then?
19:50.34adamtno, ruby isn't c-type
19:50.34annmayou just have to want it
19:50.45texnofobixi have weekends only
19:51.00annmawhat do you think we have?
19:51.18annmasome are students but some are not
19:51.30texnofobix19 credit hours, 2-15 hr
19:51.35Maneitadamt: uni?
19:51.42texnofobixi'd love to contribute somethign but I havent found what
19:51.51texnofobixor anything I'm capable of :(
19:52.01adamtManeit: no, more like college
19:52.22Maneitadamt: ah.. what's it's name?
19:52.24PhilRodtexnofobix: seriously, just jump in anywhere you can find - you'll quickly find loads of things to do
19:52.41Sho_texnofobix: Google for "KDE Junior Jobs"
19:52.52annmatexnofobix: start with a few bugs or jj jobs on kde bugs
19:52.58annmaSho_: :)
19:53.00texnofobixi will do ... btw I really like this calendar thign it works great with Kontact
19:53.04PhilRodtexnofobix: find an app you like (start with a small one), and look through the bugs list for it. Can you reproduce the bugs there? Do they make sense? Do you need more info to understand them?
19:53.07annmaSho_: take five!
19:53.11adamtManeit: i'm from denmark, we don't even have college, only school, high school and uni, high school is equal to college in the states
19:53.14Sho_annma: ^5 :)
19:53.39Maneitadamt: if you remember, I'm from norway, so we probably have the same schoolsystem? :>
19:53.49texnofobixwell i guess i do contribute to kde and linux .. I invite ppl to try it
19:54.11PhilRodtexnofobix: if there's something simple, have a go at fixing it or implementing it (if it's a wishlist)
19:54.39adamtManeit: probably
19:54.40PhilRodtexnofobix: that's a perfectly valid way to help - you might like to get involved with the promo team
19:54.57texnofobixsimple perhaps as long as there are no linked lists .. those start messing with me :(
19:55.00PhilRodtexnofobix: they'd love help with promoting 3.5 (have you tried the beta?)
19:55.32texnofobixnope .. i've not tried it due to no packages for my suse box :(
19:56.02ManeitUse the source, young paddawan (sorry, had to)
19:56.10texnofobixi do with gentoo :P
19:56.27texnofobixthis is my main box though
19:56.32texnofobixi'll have to get another one :P
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19:56.50texnofobixbbl goign to a comp sci club to promote linux ;)
19:57.31GoBackThreeSpacePhilRod: it's been requested that I tell you how much I hate how you forced Marcum18D to come to #politics with his off-the-wall political opinions
19:57.46GoBackThreeSpaceI really really extremely hate how you forced Marcum18D to come to #politics with his off-the-wall political opinions
19:57.49GoBackThreeSpacethank you
19:58.13PhilRodum yeah, whatever. Run along now
19:58.13adamtGoBackThreeSpace: watch out, PhilRod is just gonna ban you for hating him :P
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20:05.34BiBehi, i'm a kde newbie, but have installed kde 3.4 installed on a gentoo based system. when i start it with gdm, it starts but i can't find any application... the start menu folder "all application" e.g. is empty. what is missing?
20:06.10*** join/#kde emRick (n=user@
20:06.41annmado you use a new user?
20:07.03BiBeit's an existing user, same as i used in gnome for month
20:07.12BiBebut it's new for KDE
20:07.29annmacan you try a new user?
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20:07.49wdayHello, quick question, is it possible to use fish://blah@blahblah:22/ in konsole?
20:07.56annmadid you install the whole packages or splitted ebuilds?
20:08.44adamtwday: try? :)
20:09.04adamtBiBe: how did you install it?
20:09.07PhilRodBiBe: rename ~/.config and ~/.local, then restart KDE. Does it work? (it might break you gnome menu, so don't delete them, just rename)
20:09.24BiBeahh, the new user... ;) how can is start the kde personalizer=?
20:09.28wdayadamt, i did that of course :-) but, it didn't work directly, so I was wondering if there was some little trick required
20:09.32PhilRodwday: no, but you could use "kfmclient copy"
20:10.01wdayPhilRod, sounds interesting, i'll check that out
20:10.07PhilRodor heck, if you're going to do that, you might as well use scp
20:10.34adamtPhilRod: not the same, you can't browse dirs the same way with scp
20:11.03BiBei canceled the personlizer when logging in 1st tim with user A, now, with user B i followed the steps, and it works. how can is start the personalizer manually?
20:11.06PhilRodoh, depends what you want to do - I assume he just wanted to copy files - wday?
20:11.14PhilRodBiBe: kpersonalizer
20:12.19wdayPhilRod, yes, but what i really wanted to do was 'find -name "*.jpg"' and copy to a directory; in essence, flattening the directory structure
20:12.34emRickis there a way to access "Run Command" through a script. maybe through dcop?
20:12.57wdayPhilRod, i just realized what a dumbass i am, all i need to do is ssh in and do 'find -name "*.jpg" -exec scp blah blah'
20:12.58adamtemRick: stupid question, why would you want to do that? :o
20:13.07wdaysorry about the language
20:13.36PhilRodemRick: dcop kdesktop default popupExecuteCommand
20:14.00emRickadamt: I want to make a process with a process ID that is independent of the invoking script.
20:14.13emRickPhilRod: thanks
20:16.12BiBehm, ok, it works fine with user B, but with user A it doesn't work after i manually started kpersonalizer and after i moved .config and .local from user A's homedir. what can i do?
20:17.11annmause B?
20:17.33adamtdelete ~/.kde from user A and start kde ?
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20:18.51PhilRoddon't delete ~/.kde
20:19.04adamtPhilRod: it's a fresh kde-install
20:19.15adamti knew you would say that =)
20:19.32BiBei've moved it, too... but it does'n help...
20:19.56BiBethere is a .kde3.4 dir
20:20.09PhilRodtry moving that out of the way too
20:20.31adamtkde3.4 should just be a symlink til .kde
20:20.35*** join/#kde CyberSpy (
20:21.03BiBewhat is in tmp/ksocket-userA ?
20:21.11annmarm it
20:23.37BiBeok, what is in ~/kde3.4/share ?
20:23.43anjumbutthere's a tip
20:23.49BiBethere is a config dir
20:24.34anjumbuttmake sure /tmp/.ICE-unix and /tmp/X11-unix directories exists and are owned by root:root
20:25.13anjumbuttwith permissions 0777
20:25.26BiBeah, deleting the config files and dirs solved the problem. thx a lot.
20:25.32Oleg_just woke up. kdelibs are still compiling
20:26.19*** part/#kde SLot (n=SLot___@
20:26.20Oleg_or being compiled
20:26.44Oleg_active or passive voice, I don't know which one is right
20:26.46GoBackThreeSpaceseveral years ago, I tried compiling Lynx on my 486/DX2 66 mHz with 4 megs of RAM
20:26.49GoBackThreeSpacetook two fucking weeks
20:26.54PhilRodOleg_: either is correct
20:27.24Oleg_oh, really? Great!
20:29.47adamtright now kmplayer integrates into konqueror, but i want kaffeine to do that again.. how do i do that?
20:30.10annmaright click on a video
20:30.27annmaand in embedded put kaffeine on top instead of kmplayer
20:30.49adamtthx, never saw that tab before
20:32.19*** join/#kde qfh (
20:32.23adamti hate KDE, it's to much logic :P
20:32.56AuReUs_ReCtoRuse mplayer :o)
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20:33.29adamtAuReUs_ReCtoR: mplayer doesn't integrate into konqueror
20:33.43adamtkmplayer does, but it's using xine too... it's kinda skitzofrenic
20:33.48AuReUs_ReCtoRu want all in one? :))
20:34.18adamtgreat, kaffeine couln't play the file
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20:37.25adamtlol, mplayer says my pc is to slow to play the file.. hmm
20:38.13annmamplayer is mean
20:38.16PhroziacI seem to have a slight memory leak on KDE. I had it logged in for 16 days, and it was getting a little slow. Is that normal, or maybe it's a sign i should log out sometimes?
20:38.51annmayou would need to look what leaks
20:38.54*** join/#kde MrGrim (
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20:40.21PhilRodPhroziac: I imagine that KDE doesn't get a lot of testing for long uptimes, so if you can (as annma says) find out what's leaking, it might make a very useful bugreport
20:40.25adamt anybody know what music the dude is testing the gear with? :o
20:41.02Phroziacok PhilRod. I'm on 3.3 though, so probably a little ancient
20:41.30*** join/#kde martina (
20:41.45Phroziacalso, "kmix" is running pretty close to the top of top, sometimes on the top. Any reason for that?
20:43.11adamtand konqueror crashed on me again.
20:44.02adamtmaybe that was a godlike sign that told me i should get finished with chemistry. still here haha
20:45.29mattie_well im outta here. good luck guys :)
20:45.35adamtwith what?
20:45.48mattie_au revour ;)
20:45.56mattie_i cant spell :(
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20:47.02T-u-N-i-Xhello... i just installed kde 3.4.2 from debian unstable repo... it starts and i configure language settings, theme etc... then the splash screen appears and it freezes...
20:47.12T-u-N-i-Xdoes anybody have an idea ?
20:47.23*** join/#kde sharkk (
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20:49.52srednaT-u-N-i-X: Check if there is a ~/.xsession-errors file, that might contain hints
20:50.08srednaIt contains the error output from kde
20:50.34T-u-N-i-Xhmmm it's overwritten by gnome ? :(
20:50.53*** join/#kde K3V (
20:51.03T-u-N-i-Xkde freezes the machine during the splash screen appears... i can do nothing
20:51.46adamtmake it start in a shell instead of gdm/kdm
20:51.50srednaTry moving the file before logging into gnome
20:51.58*** part/#kde Phroziac (n=phroziac@wikicities/Phroziac)
20:52.00srednaYou can do that from a text console
20:52.44T-u-N-i-Xhow can i start kde from the console ? startx doesn't work that time because of the defaults..
20:52.45adamtF7 is normally X if you want to return
20:53.42*** join/#kde Roey (n=Roey@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Roey)
20:59.51annmaanother gentoo problem solved
21:00.08Oleg_and now compiling kdebase
21:00.28adamtannma: which one ? ;)
21:00.47annmaon building kde a guy had a weird error
21:01.07adamtwhat was wrong? :o
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21:01.22annmasomeone in #gentoo-kde found that it was reported
21:02.06adamti emerged kiso without problems long time ago =)
21:02.25annmaduno where the problem is, I did not read it all
21:02.42annmabut as I built the same code with success it could not have been kde code
21:03.14adamtprobably an ebuild that sucked
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21:07.28annmahave to go now
21:07.30annmabye all!
21:07.32*** part/#kde annma (n=annma@kde/developer/annma)
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21:08.20rrichiere everyone
21:08.55rrichieI resolved my problems and it seems that webcam detecting in kopete from kde3.5 is buggy
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21:16.25PiRX[lv]i need prog to create image from web page (complete). Any suggestions?
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21:18.30adamtPiRX[lv]: maybe print to file (to pdf or ps) then use imagemagick to convert to jpg or something like that ?
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21:19.05PiRX[lv]adamt, will try, thanks for advice
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21:20.05pinotreeadamt: a possible explanation could be "me one" (ie: "one for me")
21:20.13T-u-N-i-Xi've got the .xsession-errors log
21:21.00*** join/#kde ciro (
21:21.12T-u-N-i-Xi can post it to anybody ?
21:21.54adamtT-u-N-i-X: paste it on
21:21.56pinotreeT-u-N-i-X: use the pastebin as explained in the topic
21:22.00*** join/#kde Quinn_Storm (n=quinn@
21:22.16adamtpinotree: well yeah, but it's not correct italian or anything :P
21:22.39pinotreeadamt: well, in that case only a space is missing ;P
21:22.53pinotreedo you speak italian?
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21:23.23adamtnot really, i'm taking italian classes at highschool on 2nd year
21:23.33*** join/#kde eisregen (
21:23.51eisregenhi =)
21:24.00adamtso.. basic stuff... my name is adam, i live here and there.. etc :P
21:24.01pinotreehello eisregen =)
21:24.40pinotreesomething more: come stai trovando il corso di italiano? =)
21:24.59adamtva bene! :P
21:25.43*** join/#kde alexissoft (
21:25.52T-u-N-i-X - here's the log file
21:25.53adamtma un puņ difficile
21:27.07PhilRodheh, it looks just like French :-)
21:27.18adamtitalian is way easier
21:27.31adamtnot all the stupid rules of pronounciation
21:27.38T-u-N-i-X - can somebody please help me ?
21:27.42pinotreeno stupid rules?
21:27.55adamta few, but nothing like french
21:28.03*** join/#kde _robin (
21:28.06PhilRodadamt: "pronounce as few letters as possible" - quite simple, I think :-D
21:28.38adamtPhilRod: yeah, but when e.g. xyz is pronounced qpt it's quite weird :P
21:29.08*** join/#kde benklop (n=benklop@
21:29.22pinotreeadamt: as you can see, in italian it's most o the time sin the way written=>pronounced in the equal way
21:29.38adamti like that
21:29.45adamtmakes it easier to learn
21:30.18pinotreesome particular rules apply to ch/gh + wovel
21:30.38adamten gn => nj etc.
21:31.18pinotreeyep, but basically it's the joined pronunciation of the two letters
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21:45.47eisregenwhat do I have to do to make konqi show online contacts in the Copy To > Contact context dialog ? =(
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21:54.35Russelhas somebody amarok an the new kdebeta running?
21:56.10Russelamarok don't want to find any soundengines...
21:56.29Russelperhaps one of his deps got wrong, trying to recompile it
21:56.46Russelperhaps one of his deps got wrong, trying to recompile it
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22:19.08scx_amaork version ?
22:19.09scx_and what distro
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22:24.24Lars_GStupid stupid stupid question, where in the control center can I set edge detection for wrapping around virtual desktops? I can't find it.
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22:29.14pinotreeLars_G: kcontrol -> desktop -> window behaviour -> advanced
22:29.47Lars_Gdoh, thanks a lot pinheiro
22:30.10pinotreeLars_G: noth the names men "pine", but i'm different from he ;)
22:30.23*** join/#kde Oadae (
22:31.01Lars_GI know, sorry, I do a 3 char autocomplete
22:31.08eckhartthat system:/home introduced in kde 3.5 just makes half of the konqueror unusable
22:31.15pinotreeLars_G: ;)
22:31.24Lars_Geckhart, ??
22:31.54*** join/#kde Mirussa (
22:32.08eckharte.g. when you look at an .ogg file located in system:/home, you can't edit meta information
22:32.17eckhartin /home/eckhart, i can do that perfectly
22:32.32Lars_Gthen use /home/eckhart instead of system:/home
22:33.06*** join/#kde Bicchi (
22:33.11eckharti have used that system menu button for quite some time
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22:35.11adamteckhart: system:/home is for looking at the users in the same group as yourself.
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22:36.25eckhartadamt: that's system:/users, if i see it correctly
22:36.36adamtohh i could mix them up
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23:15.53adamtdon't shout!!!11
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23:30.02greenmancan someone help me get arts running?
23:31.21adamtemerge -av artsd
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23:32.02greenmanI'm pretty sure I have that, lemme check
23:32.14Ayozeanybody knows if there's a birthday cake icon in any icon package?
23:32.16Ayozei need it!
23:32.46greenmanmichael@oscar ~ $ artsd
23:32.49greenmanunix_connect: can't connect to server (unix:/tmp/mcop-michael/localhost-28fa-4330ac54)
23:32.58greenmanError while initializing the sound driver:
23:32.58greenmandevice /dev/dsp can't be opened (No such device)
23:32.59greenmanmichael@oscar ~ $
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23:33.11adamtdo you have alsa installed?
23:33.37Ayozemmm /dev/dsp is the OSS device
23:33.51adamtalsa + oss emulation then ;)
23:38.27greenmanI do have alsa installed.  And I tried with and without the oss emulation and get the same error both ways...
23:38.36canllaithgreenman: check permissions on /dev/dsp (if you have one)
23:38.50canllaithsometimes the error messages are less than helpful and complain of /dev/dsp when it's really /dev/snd/* as you're using alsa
23:40.25greenmanmichael@oscar ~ $ ls -l /dev/dsp
23:40.25greenmancrw-rw----  1 root audio 14, 3 Jul 27 16:18 /dev/dsp
23:40.49greenmanmichael@oscar ~ $ ls -l /dev/snd/*
23:40.49greenmanls: /dev/snd/*: No such file or directory
23:42.02adamtare you member of the audio-group?
23:43.18greenmanmichael@oscar ~ $ groups
23:43.18greenmanwheel audio users
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23:48.07eckhartcan someone who uses kde 3.5 on a kubuntu system tell me which version of akregator he has?
23:49.00annmakubuntu has 3.5 packages already?
23:49.17eckhartyes, (k)ubuntu has
23:49.27canllaithfor the alpha ?
23:50.09eckhartthey nearly came with the announcement
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23:50.25canllaithmaybe I should start using kubuntu =p
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23:50.51eckhartmy only problem is that on my system, akregator 1.1.2 is still there
23:51.08canllaithThe version number may not have been incremented for release yet
23:51.12canllaithlets see what version mine claims to be
23:51.18annmaI can tell you waht version is akregator from svn
23:51.24canllaithas can I
23:51.34Sho_IIRC lippel did bump the version number
23:51.45eckhartas can O
23:51.46canllaithDid it get bumped in time for the alpha thought?
23:51.58eckhartin svn, i know it's 1.2
23:52.05canllaithLets have a look
23:52.19annmaeckhart: when was it upgraded?
23:52.20eckhartbut i still have 1.1.2 installed though i have 3.5
23:52.54canllaithYou have 3.5 alpha
23:52.58annmaeckhart: as canllaith said, maybe th eversion number was upgraded only recently
23:53.01canllaithwhich is not as late a version as we are running
23:53.13annmaeckhart: do you have 3.5 alpha or beta?
23:53.56canllaithIt's only hours old
23:54.14eckhartdeb hoary main
23:54.23eckhartjust got unsure ;-)
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23:55.33canllaith12 days ago the version was bumped. If those packages are even 2 weeks old (KDE svn has been identfying itself as 'beta 1' for a little while
23:55.54canllaithDo you still have an older KDE version installed?
23:56.05eckhartshould not
23:56.22eckhartotherway i throw away each debian clone
23:56.58eckhartit's not only the version number
23:57.30eckhartthe whole program is akregator 1.1.2
23:57.45eckhartcompared to the svn builds
23:57.57canllaithPerhaps there is something wrong with the packages
23:58.33eckhartperhaps it is still not packaged
23:58.41annmacan't you uninstall it and reinstall it?
23:58.59eckhartno, it's okay
23:59.09eckhartthe package version is still 3.4.2
23:59.20canllaithBetter to ask kubuntu people at any rate, we can only guess.
23:59.26Sho_beta1 was tagged less than 12 days ago
23:59.39eckhartyeah, perhaps the package is not there

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