irclog2html for #kde on 20050730

00:02.24*** join/#kde jgar (
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00:28.36EvanCarrollIs there a command line utility that will allow me to raise/minimize a window or bring it into focus?
00:28.47EvanCarrollor a perl library =D]
00:29.26thiagoEvanCarroll: dcop
00:29.31thiagobut it works only for KDE applications
00:30.18EvanCarrollman dcop doesn't list options that allow window management through command line
00:30.38thiagono, it doesn't
00:30.44thiagotype: dcop
00:30.59thiagoyou'll see a list of applications you're allowed to manage
00:31.27EvanCarrollAlright nice, but not what im looking for =[
00:31.32EvanCarrollis there any way to manage non-kde applications
00:31.39thiagofor instance, to minimise the Konqueror window (PID 4132): dcop konqueror-4132 konqueror-mainwindow\#1 minimize
00:31.42thiagoEvanCarroll: no
00:33.22madpenguin8I have this in my .bashrc, it's kinda ugly but does the trick alias lower="dcop "`echo $KONSOLE_DCOP | cut -d '(' -f2 | cut -d ',' -f1`"  konsole-mainwindow#1  lower"
00:33.36madpenguin8and also
00:33.40madpenguin8alias hide="dcop "`echo $KONSOLE_DCOP | cut -d '(' -f2 | cut -d ',' -f1`"  konsole-mainwindow#1  minimize"
00:33.43EvanCarrollthiago: Thanks for your help sounds like im SOL though
00:35.28*** join/#kde grepper (
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00:45.39hydrogenwould kde built on gcc-3.4.3 run with a system compiled on gcc-4.0.1?
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00:48.12thiagohydrogen: yes
00:48.29hydrogentheres hope for me yet
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01:00.34Blissexhydrogen: that's an amazingly ''devious'' thing to try to do.
01:03.46*** join/#kde mobtek (
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01:36.50eisregenwtf (o_O )
01:37.06eisregenm$ uses crystal icons ?
01:39.05benJImanyeah I noticed that
01:39.18benJImanthe back/forward icons particularly
01:39.26benJImanthey've been in since the original leaked builds
01:40.09eisregenbenJIman: the folder icons are 'crystal clear' icons
01:40.32benJImaneisregen: not quite, closish though
01:40.46benJImanthe back/forward icons are nearly identical to the crystal svg ones
01:41.54*** join/#kde pvh (
01:47.03eisregenbenJIman: I get it ... since kde ships with M$ like back/forward in current version they thought it would be funny to use old - style original crystal svg back/forward for their crap =P
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02:51.08nicolas22Hi... how could i used the special keys of my keyboard(like stop, play, power, etc) under linux?
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03:18.56yangerhmm, is macromedia shockwave files supported by flash? or is it it's own dependent software plugin?
03:20.55chavoit's different
03:21.09chavoand afaik isn't supported in linux
03:23.26*** join/#kde amir2099 (
03:23.29grepperShockwave Flash ?
03:24.49*** join/#kde dwango_ (
03:25.26amir2099how does apt work again
03:25.34birchoffwhy is it konqueror must use location instead of file
03:25.52chavoapt is magic
03:29.12amir2099wow. I haven't been here for ... at least 4 years.
03:29.35amir2099apt amir
03:29.35apti guess amir is amir2099's best friend and now needs help with C++. help him amir2099
03:30.17*** join/#kde straw (
03:30.17amir2099hmm.. i still need help with c++.
03:31.38amir2099anyone find kghostview annoying when you go to the next page in a document and the it shows the top of the current page of the document for a couple moments instead before refreshing? (for PDFs...)
03:32.14thiagouse kpdf for PDFs
03:33.24amir2099kghostview feels much faster though for PDFs which are mainly just scanned images...
03:34.43*** join/#kde ohad_ (
03:35.00ohad_hi, what is the problem with the pkg kdeedu-data? i can't download it using apt-get on debian
03:37.36grepperwhat version ?
03:38.39amir2099grepper, me or ohad_?
03:38.50birchoffhow do I get konqueror to open in file manager mode
03:39.42amir2099birchoff, "konqueror ~" ?
03:40.25grepperkfmclient openProfile filemanagement
03:41.02birchoffamir2099, that doesnt work
03:41.04grepperor konqueror --profile filemanagement
03:41.51amir2099i see.
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03:44.30birchoffthanks grepper that worked
03:45.02grepperbirchoff: ?
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03:47.01birchoffnow how do I get rid of that annoying button bar on the left of the tree window
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03:48.23grepperbutton bar ?
03:48.38chavoyou can delete all of the buttons
03:49.37birchoffyes the button bar
03:49.38birchoffI hate it
03:50.00birchoffI am from the school of minimal options in your ui
03:50.07birchoffif you need something you go digging for it
03:53.11*** join/#kde drac_ (
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03:53.54Oleg_wow, 3.4.2 is out!
03:53.59Oleg_it was out today?
03:54.32jqlthe dot says yesterday
03:55.21amir2099wow. I haven't used linux/freebsd/KDE for home (except an old debian server I always have running) for 4 years (last time I installed KDE, 2.1 just came out). Everything has improved SOOOO much. Unbelievable. Everything is so clean now. KDE is so clean now. thank you!
03:55.42*** part/#kde Oleg_ (
03:55.48birchoffmy sentiments exactly
03:56.23birchoffnow if I could just move this nav panel in konqueror file manager mode to where I want
03:56.46amir2099I was only slightly ticked off, because fedora is too gnome biased. But even gnome is improved.
03:57.15amir2099and since when is mandrake "mandrive" or whatever.
03:57.46jqlever since they merged with connectiva or whatever
03:57.54amir2099I am so behind.
03:58.04jqlI know what you mean
03:58.18jqlUbuntu is the "in" thing, now, I discovered
03:58.25jqlso I use that, cause I wanna be cool
03:58.40amir2099no idea what that is. last time I was here, debian was in. I'm still using that...
03:58.40jqlKubuntu, actually. default to KDE that way
03:59.04jql*ubuntu is repackaged debian, but funded by an uber-rich south-african philanthropist
03:59.13amir2099apt ubuntu
03:59.13aptfrom memory, ubuntu is caca
03:59.31jqlapt kubuntu
03:59.58amir2099i see...
04:00.33amir2099hehe, anti-aliasing fonts by default...
04:00.59amir2099i remember I had to jump through so many hoops to get anti-aliasing.
04:01.38amir2099pcmcia wireless ethernet support, plug and play.. unbelievable. USB mouse support detected during install...
04:01.52jqlthe world is changin'
04:01.52amir2099didn't have to touch the XFree86 settings.
04:01.59amir2099this is all debian's fault
04:02.02amir2099it just worked.
04:02.16amir2099I never had to do anything except apt-get update every once in a while...
04:03.16amir2099such things exist? wow.
04:03.49jqlsynaptic (gtk-based for ubuntu) and kynaptic (kde-based in kubuntu)
04:04.05amir2099I am so impressed. everything is polished, clean, stable, working, FAST.
04:04.32amir2099where's all those kdeinit processes?
04:04.58jqlsomewhere along the way, the linker/compiler folks got together and resolved the annoying runtime-linker-voodoo things
04:05.13jqloh,. kdeinit is still there
04:05.31amir2099oh i see it
04:05.34amir2099there's only one though
04:05.49jqlyeah, it spawns its children and then changes their process-names
04:05.58amir2099ah that's convenient
04:06.10jqlmakes it easier to killall kbadprogram
04:07.07amir2099yes. without your kpanel disappearing.
04:07.39amir2099I donno. everything feels faster, more responsive.
04:08.06amir2099new kdevelop is absolutely amazing..
04:08.21jqlpartly due to your upgraded X
04:09.01amir2099yeah, I noticed the processname isn't XFree86 anymore
04:09.17jqllong story. XFree forked
04:09.26hydrogenamazing what happens when you disappear for a while :)
04:09.39*** join/#kde taupter_ (
04:09.47hydrogenthere were huge improvements even from kde-3.3 to kde-3.4
04:09.52amir2099i feel like one those memory loss people
04:10.09jqlyou been in a coma under a rock on mars
04:11.11amir2099yeah pretty much. I'm not even sure why I sort of just stopped doing stuff
04:12.01amir2099I had some bad experience with Wifi and my laptop, so I just started doing cygwin -> X on windows XP -> KDE
04:12.07amir2099but then KDE was slow over network
04:12.11amir2099so I started using WMaker
04:12.32amir2099and it was downhill from there.
04:13.12amir2099ended up just using cygwin locally on a windows laptop.
04:14.23amir2099any new exciting KDE projects which need man power?
04:14.52hydrogenarn't there always?
04:14.55amir2099how much has kdelibs changed? like 1 -> 2 was pretty drastic I remember
04:15.10drac_Ack, just saying that makes me want to dust off my c++ book
04:18.44*** join/#kde Minuo2 (
04:19.31jql2 -> 3 was kinda evolutionary. the latest buzz has been KNewStuff
04:20.05*** join/#kde Washuu (
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04:21.58hydrogenHI SERVER
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04:24.51hydrogensilly server
04:26.26mobtekheh mine does automagically
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04:27.47hydrogenwell, I can't stand a long timeout :)
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04:28.27amir2099i use xchat
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04:28.59mobtekamir2099: that's disgraceful :P
04:30.45birchoffamir, nice choice in irc apps
04:33.11amir2099i swear its the only gtk app I use ;)
04:33.29birchoffwell I have been using dropline gnome for a long while
04:33.37amir2099whats that?
04:33.51birchoffa tweaked version of gnome for slackware
04:34.33birchoffbut I need a competent IDE and anjuta is really bad
04:34.49birchoffkdevelop answers all my problems so far
04:34.56birchoffat least for C/C++ dev
04:35.05amir2099kdevelop makes me want to code.
04:35.30amir2099i just start writing elaborate hello worlds when I run out of ideas.
04:35.37amir2099its really the only IDE that does that to me...
04:35.59birchoffhey anyone in here now any themes that replace the kmenu icon with something that doesnt have that damn arrow on it
04:36.44mobtekheheeh amir2099
04:37.01mobtekbirchoff: I remember anjuta
04:37.11*** join/#kde SuperLag (aaron@SuperLag.developer.gentoo)
04:37.58amir2099anyone done ruby / kde before?
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04:39.58birchoffmobtek, I tried to bite the bullet I really tried but the fact that the ide would go into convulsions the minute I tried to start debugging my app is a really bad thing
04:40.12birchoffespecially for a coder who has worked with visual studios before
04:41.29mobtekbirchoff: heheh, I dumped it when I got sick of gtk
04:41.34mobtekbirchoff: yeah hehehe
04:43.06*** join/#kde brucehou1t (
04:43.08amir2099i wonder how many EE software there are for linux... stuff like OrCad or the Xilinx and Altera digital stuff.
04:43.13birchoffI dont mind gtk especially in its C++ encarnation,gtkmm... but I do mind my ide refusing to debug my app... worse yet looking at class data when it does work is near impossible
04:43.30birchoffamir you a EE
04:43.47amir2099no not yet
04:43.54amir2099going to school
04:44.18amir2099(U Waterloo)
04:44.27*** join/#kde ananke (
04:45.46birchoffI am a CS major... recently saw the greatness that is programming FPGA's so I am looking to get my feet wet...
04:46.58birchofftoo bad there isnt like a OSS circuit board simulator or something like that
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04:47.30amir2099birchoff, have you seen ?
04:48.01amir2099(not really related)
04:48.10mobtekbirchoff: check kde-apps
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04:50.08amir2099mobtek, for design tools?
04:51.44carl_1Can I just compile Kicker from SVN to get the new full transparency?
04:51.56canllaithYou also need kdelibs from SVN
04:52.04canllaithand some other parts of kdebase
04:52.07canllaithso the short answer is 'no'
04:52.15*** join/#kde sLins (
04:52.26carl_1Is there a kde-meta of SVN branch 3.5?
04:53.28carl_1Yea, some way to compile the entire branch without going through the 15 folders
04:53.37gregday_anyone having trouble with 3.5 not running?
04:54.40canllaithChecking it out of SVN ?
04:54.43carl_1I want to compile it overnight, but not all of them at once
04:54.46canllaithgregday_: nope runs fine for me
04:55.06gregday_canllaith:  there's no 3.5/arts/  right?
04:55.14carl_1no gregday
04:55.15gregday_canllaith:  i've been using it when it was in trunk/KDE
04:55.27gregday_but since the move to 3.5 i get libc errors
04:55.56canllaithNope, no problem. You *did* do an svn switch didn't you? Or did you check the whole thing out again from branches/3.5
04:56.07canllaithEg, you didn't just svn up and get half KDE4 stuff... ;)
04:56.10gregday_rechecked :\
04:56.14canllaithrechecked is ok
04:56.24canllaithas long as you didn't pull it from trunk again with svn up
04:56.27gregday_oh no
04:56.33*** join/#kde Venson (
04:56.42gregday_i might just wipe out my 3.5 and try again
04:56.49gregday_i had to revert to 3.4.2 release for now
04:56.52gregday_and im missing some cool features :)
04:57.11carl_1sorry, got side tracked, meta being doing one make file and one make and one make install
04:57.15carl_1that makes everything
04:57.16gregday_canllaith:  as long as i know it *should* work, that gives me confidence to figure out my problem.  thanks
04:57.16amir2099didn't there used to be some kacpi program?
04:57.19amir2099something like that..
04:57.21*** join/#kde matze (
04:57.33DhraakellianI'm thinking that I'll copy my ~/.kde to ~/.kde3.4
04:58.03canllaithkacpi ? I don't think so. What program are you looking for amir2099 ? (eg, what is it to do ?)
04:58.54Vensonamir2099: klaptop?
04:58.57birchoffamir2099, there arent any free tools to test drive on opencores
04:59.28amir2099birchoff, I just heard there's a way to get xilinx on linux (using wine i think)
04:59.50amir2099Venson, canllaith, I think it was klaptop. haven't used it for a long time. thanks.
04:59.57canllaithIt's in kdeutils
05:00.33Vensonmy klaptop thingy doesn't seem to monitor my battery's getting annoying....
05:00.35birchoffamir2099, hmm interesting I will look into that thanks...
05:00.44canllaithVenson: check that apm/acpi is loaded if it's a module
05:00.48Vensonthe icon always says my battery is empty even when the battery is full
05:00.49birchoffmobtek, what did you want me to see on kde-apps
05:00.53Vensoncanllaith:'s loaded
05:01.03canllaithIt just queries the /proc filesystem
05:01.50Vensongotcha...well, i can check from the cmdline if the battery is charged....just by catting one of the proc files
05:02.02canllaithStrange, the daemon should also be able to if you can cat the proc files yourself
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05:02.21Vensoncanllaith: is acpi the module name?
05:02.36canllaithI think so
05:02.54canllaiththere might be an acpi_battery module
05:03.23*** join/#kde marcusU (~marcus@
05:03.29Vensonthere's battery, thermal and so on....those are loaded, of course.
05:03.37marcusUWhy does KDE no longer work with automake?
05:03.48canllaithonly KDE4
05:03.53canllaithWhich you should not be building anyway
05:04.01canllaithas literally nothing works
05:04.15canllaith3.5 got moved to a branch and trunk is now the qt4 stuff that's horribly broken
05:04.17marcusUcanllaith: How do I get the version of arts that goes with 3.5 (and not 4.0)
05:04.30*** part/#kde amir2099 (
05:04.31canllaithmarcusU: Moment, I'll find you where it got moved to :)
05:04.44marcusUarts used to be on a separate track from the rest of KDE.
05:04.57marcusUSo I just did an update on it, and this is the result.
05:05.13canllaithYeah, you'll need to svn switch it to the new location
05:05.21marcusUWhat's the new location?
05:05.27canllaithI'm just grabbing it for you now
05:06.41*** join/#kde ritalin (
05:06.41canllaithok so you want to use svn switch svn://
05:06.51canllaithI'm not sure if the anonsvn bit is right, or if you have an account :)
05:06.54ritalin<-----looking for a beta tester
05:06.56canllaithbut that's generally the command you need
05:07.15Dhraakellianlet's see...
05:08.16canllaithexport KDEHOME=~/.kde-3.5
05:08.31canllaithso it doesn't overwrite old KDE values
05:08.37canllaithalthough you'll have the same kmenu for both
05:08.46canllaithso you  might want to fiddle XDG variables too
05:09.00Dhraakelliancanllaith, XDG being which?
05:09.09canllaithit's the menu spec stuff
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05:09.27marcusUI hate KDG. I had to delete all the XDG crap to get KDE to have menus and KControl to have modules.
05:09.42canllaithThat's um literally everything that runs.
05:10.47canllaithNah, you can keep running kdm
05:11.02canllaithflip to tty2 or something and log in and do startx -- :2 from there
05:11.19Dhraakelliancanllaith, meh
05:11.47Dhraakelliancanllaith, either way, I think I'd be using startx for 3.5
05:12.44birchoffdoes konsole overide .bash_profile
05:13.19canllaithbut it doesn't source it unless it's run as a loginshell (konsole -ls)
05:14.48marcusUThere are so many variants on what it read when the shell starts.
05:15.25Dhraakelliancanllaith, would I have to export KDEDIR stuff too?
05:16.06carl_1lol, im trying to compile Ksmoothdock and it saying I need to install kdelibs first
05:16.13carl_1Doesnt KDE not work without KDElibs
05:16.48carl_1checking if UIC has KDE plugins available... configure: error: not found - you need to install kdelibs first.
05:16.49Vensoncarl_1: kdelibs is at the heart of kde, afaik
05:17.04carl_1Aye lol, anyone know why it would say that?
05:17.35Vensonweird. maybe it can't find the headers?
05:17.44Vensonkdelibs-devel or something...
05:17.57carl_1I found a package on linuxpackages anyway
05:17.59carl_1Ill just use it
05:18.19Vensonif you're on slackware, then you dont need the devel pkgs....there's none, actually
05:18.38Vensoni guess it couldn't find the libs though they are on your system..
05:18.40carl_1I am on slackware
05:19.06carl_1Now it doesnt work =)
05:19.15carl_1symbol lookup error: /opt/kde/lib/ undefined symbol:
05:19.49carl_1Wiiiiiiiiiierd, ill just use a differnt one
05:19.57Vensonwhat version of kde is this?
05:20.13Vensoncarl_1: where'd you get the pkgs from?
05:20.16carl_1Aha or KDE 3.2
05:20.36Dhraakellianexport KDEHOME=~/.kde3.5
05:20.41Dhraakellianexport KDEDIR=~/kde
05:20.42Dhraakellianexec ~/kde/bin/startkde
05:20.46carl_1Uhh Dhraakellian
05:20.48Vensoni usually get the kde pkgs from .....never had much troubles with that
05:20.48Dhraakelliananything else I'd need?
05:20.54carl_1oh lol
05:20.57carl_1Venson: aye
05:21.08carl_1Venson: It says for kde 3.2 though, that must be why
05:21.17Vensoncarl_1: yeah....definitely :P
05:21.42Dhraakelliancarl_1, no, I didn't type in the wrong window.
05:21.54carl_1Dhraakellian: lol =)
05:22.25Dhraakellianbut that is the reason why I use a long passphrase that looks like an innocuous sentence (fragment)
05:23.21carl_1I really need to compile jkde 3.5
05:23.39carl_1I wish there was a kde-meta so I didnt have to do it one at a time lol
05:24.22*** join/#kde Kamping_Kaiser (
05:24.54*** join/#kde forethig (
05:25.10forethiganyone know where to download dotCURVE KDE theme? the download link from is broken
05:26.10marcusUI don't know.
05:26.33birchoffok time to change this annoying launcher button
05:26.42birchoffanyone know where I can go to change this
05:26.48birchoffor anything I can install to remove it
05:26.49marcusUI used to know.
05:26.58forethigbut u forgot?
05:27.12birchoffyou know you would think that it would be a part of a theme or something
05:28.52*** join/#kde chavo (
05:30.44*** join/#kde peppelorum (peppe@peppelorum.student.supporter.pdpc)
05:31.04carl_1checking if UIC has KDE plugins available... no
05:32.21*** join/#kde sema4 (~jcook@
05:33.09*** join/#kde relentlessslacke (~Ivan@
05:33.41birchoffanyone here use amarok
05:33.50relentlessslackebirchoff> me
05:34.04relentlessslackebirchoff> all the time. in day and night :D
05:34.11relentlessslackeit's so sexy
05:34.14relentlessslackei love it
05:34.16Dhraakellianthere are lots of amarok users (and developers) in #amarok as well
05:34.34madpenguin8same here
05:34.52*** join/#kde linuxman (
05:34.53Dhraakellianmadpenguin8, well you're a dev
05:34.59DhraakellianI'd expect that much
05:35.31birchoffrelentlessslacke... what do you think about it
05:35.49relentlessslackewinamp-type player is just boredom... I started to hate it, though it was my THE ONLY favourite type of players (I mean winamp and xmms)
05:35.54birchoffI have 30G's of music and I need a competent player to bless with it
05:35.54relentlessslackebirchoff> it's great!
05:36.10relentlessslackebirchoff> it's sure bet for you then
05:36.21marcusUHow wonderful for you.
05:36.27birchoffmarcusU, do you change the buttons with a program called kbfx???
05:36.40marcusUI do not know what that is.
05:36.48relentlessslackebirchoff> go try it, you won't get dissappointed.
05:36.55Dhraakelliandamning with faint praise, I know
05:36.55birchoffkool thanks
05:37.08marcusUI just associate xmms with mp3/ogg.
05:37.20madpenguin8birchoff:  111G  100G  4.5G  96% /mnt/music
05:37.40relentlessslackeyeah, and it handles it just fine
05:37.48marcusUOh great, the size queens are out.
05:38.03madpenguin8marcusU: whatever
05:38.16Dhraakellian/dev/hdb5              39G   36G  3.0G  93% /home2/ogg <-- on my dad's HD.  my collection only takes up a portion of that
05:38.35marcusUIt's a manhood contest. Wonderful.
05:38.40relentlessslackebirchoff> it creates an sqlite db for your music files and allows rapid searches - you'll experience a new way of dealing with media on PC. "Rediscover your music" that's what developers REALLY mean
05:38.46Dhraakellianno, marcusU, you're thinking of uptime
05:38.49madpenguin8marcusU: he wanted to know if the roK can handle 30gigs of music
05:39.11Dhraakelliannothin' special there
05:39.25marcusUIf I abort a print job, I can't print anything until I reboot. That's why I rebooted most recently.
05:40.10marcusUI don't know why, but that's what happens when I abort a print job. Even going single-user and then back to normal does not restore printing.
05:41.16marcusUI just don't much like music. All my music fits into maybe 6 GB.
05:41.18relentlessslackemadpenguin8> okaaay.... wait a second... )
05:41.58*** join/#kde geek_ (~geek@
05:43.16relentlessslackemadpenguin8> that's your script that allows publishing of lyrics? fine
05:43.37madpenguin8relentlessslacke: yes
05:43.44relentlessslackemadpenguin8> hey, I know that picture!
05:44.55relentlessslackemadpenguin8> I found it (much larger) in amarok's dir yesterday
05:45.11*** join/#kde tbscope (
05:45.18madpenguin8relentlessslacke: yes, avatars can only be 50x50 max :(
05:47.19marcusUThe avatars are the bad guys.
05:47.41relentlessslackemadpenguin8> current splash screen for amarok is bad. I don't like it at all. There's no style. Just a stupid stippled background with bad-looking font effect. Argh... Don't you think so?
05:48.08relentlessslackemadpenguin8> the previous one was much better
05:48.46madpenguin8well, there is likely to be a different one for beta3
05:49.04relentlessslackeit'd better be so :)
05:49.18madpenguin8but I like this one
05:49.33marcusUSomething is wrong with the volume levels in amarok.
05:50.00madpenguin8how so
05:50.09relentlessslackemadpenguin8> hm... the style looks a bit crappy.... no way fashionable it is.
05:50.09marcusUWhen I play something in amarok, the volume levels are much lower than in xmms.
05:50.24marcusUI don't see any kind of special volume control for amarok.
05:50.49relentlessslackemarcusU> in the settings dialog there's PCM vs. Master preference option
05:50.50madpenguin8you can make it use hardware mixer
05:51.31marcusUrelentlessslacke: I don't see it.
05:52.11VensonDoes Konqueror have an upper limit on how many images it can display on a HTML page or the size of the HTML page itself?
05:52.12marcusUOkay. That's better.
05:52.21relentlessslackemarcusU> take a little bit close look then
05:52.32marcusUAmarok just seems awkward.
05:52.42marcusUI just want something simple to play music.
05:53.01relentlessslackemarcusU> nope. it's just a bit unusual to deal with this type of software
05:53.23relentlessslackemarcusU> you just need some time to educate yourself how to operate it EFFECTIVELY
05:53.24marcusUI don't care about playlists and such.
05:53.43relentlessslackemarcusU> after that, you'll never get back to xmms-type players
05:53.46marcusUI just want to look through my directories and play specific songs.
05:53.51*** join/#kde JayParadise (
05:53.55Vensonperhaps i should ask in #kde-devel.....hmm
05:53.58relentlessslackemarcusU> I didn't either, until learned amaroK :))
05:54.03marcusUrelentlessslacke: No, I like xmms. Besides, amarok does not have pretty plugins like gforce.
05:54.17relentlessslackemarcusU> it does
05:54.22*** join/#kde Blissex (
05:54.25relentlessslackemarcusU> visualisations are supported
05:54.56relentlessslackemarcusU> then just browsing files - is a weird out technique. Use Collection Manager - that's the Way
05:55.33marcusUWell, it's what I like. I can just go to the directory that has my music and play a song I want to hear.
05:55.46marcusUI don't want to create a database or do anything complicated.
05:56.23relentlessslackemarcusU> wouldn't be it easier to type in "Scre" to find rapidly a song with name "Screaming Alive", huh?
05:56.40relentlessslackemarcusU> it's save you a lot of time, finding your songs in less than just a minute
05:56.53marcusUNo, not really. I can't remember all the songs off the top of my head.
05:57.20marcusUI don't need a minute to find my song. I just look through the directory and find it in much less than a minute.
05:57.27relentlessslackemarcusU> use file browser
05:57.32marcusUrelentlessslacke: I do.
05:57.49relentlessslackenot Konqueror, but integrated one :)))
05:58.05relentlessslackewell, anyway it's up to you to decide what you like more
05:58.13relentlessslackeI used to think that way you do now
05:58.15marcusUIt's too hard to use.
05:58.29relentlessslackeFirst run of amaroK just pushed me back - too many features.
05:58.42*** join/#kde _monika (
05:58.46marcusUAnd I can't figure out its file browser.
05:58.54relentlessslackeSome time later I realized that I need all those features... that's the point
05:59.13marcusUIt's showing my current directory, but I can't figure out how to get to other directories.
05:59.42marcusUThere's no "up to another directory" symbol or anything.
05:59.55madpenguin8uhm, yes there are
06:00.04relentlessslackeBe patient, explore its features, discover its potentials and learn how to use it. That's the only way. After that amaroK will kick ass any player in the world (atm)
06:00.05madpenguin8above the filter
06:00.19marcusUrelentlessslacke: I think I'll pass. amarok is almost as bad as JunK
06:00.42relentlessslackemarcusU> no way
06:01.01marcusUWell, okay, maybe JunK is worse. I dunno. They're equally dismal.
06:01.27relentlessslackemadpenguin8> tell him its super... tell him! :)
06:01.59relentlessslackeit's just the state-of-the-art for me..
06:02.14marcusUIt's a solution in search of a problem for me.
06:02.26madpenguin8relentlessslacke: what version btw?
06:03.00relentlessslackenot an svn one
06:03.12relentlessslacke'cuz I haven't compiled svn support on my machine yet
06:03.21*** join/#kde ataxic (
06:03.53carl_1relentlessslacke: :O how do you live without svn
06:04.11carl_1And kde [i]3.4[/i]
06:04.15relentlessslackecarl_1> I manage somehow... at least these days :D
06:04.54DhraakellianI'm sure JuK is a fine music player
06:04.58marcusUUh, yeah.
06:05.02marcusUI'm sure Windows is a fine OS.
06:05.02relentlessslackecarl_1> I've got a nuisance inside my mind... you know.. I compile everything by myself (no scripts) just ./configure blah blah blah's just that it confuses the heck out of me
06:05.18Dhraakellianand amarok has what I want
06:05.19carl_1relentlessslacke: I ./configure blah blah blah alot of stuff
06:05.25relentlessslackecarl_1> it's a bit time consuming, but damn interesting for me
06:05.32DhraakellianJuK might fit other people's needs
06:05.42Dhraakellianit doesn't fit my needs/wants
06:05.54marcusUYeah. Some people might use a filleting knife as a back-scratcher.
06:06.01carl_1relentlessslacke: Yes, watching lines and lines of jibbersh scroll by for hours on end while writing your own code in a thunderstorm, nothin like it
06:06.22relentlessslackelife style.. heh ))
06:06.28*** join/#kde Flendor (Flendor@
06:06.46carl_1sure is relentlessslacke
06:06.47relentlessslackenice track
06:07.08marcusUI never heard of that.
06:07.08Dhraakelliancarl_1, that wouldn't happen to be compiling with aggressive CFLAGS, would it?
06:07.17relentlessslackeAHC - is great band
06:07.32carl_1relentlessslacke: aye Dhraakellian: this si slack not gentoo =)
06:07.43marcusUWell, GCC is just plain slow. I don't know what counts as "aggressive" these days.
06:07.56relentlessslackecarl_1> are you slacker too?
06:08.02carl_1relentlessslacke: slack4life :)
06:08.03Dhraakelliannow playing: Finn Arild/Trolltech - Qt 4 Release Single - "Qt 4 Dance"
06:08.13Dhraakellianlaaagggy system
06:08.24relentlessslackeDhraakellian> =))))
06:08.25marcusUI'm waiting for the naked version, Dhraakellian
06:08.28carl_1relentlessslacke: So uhh, yea =)
06:08.35carl_1marcusU: what do YOU use for a compiler then
06:08.47marcusUcarl_1: I use GCC, but it is quite slow.
06:09.03marcusUGCC is much slower than MS or Intel's compilers.
06:09.21marcusUAlso, GCC is much slower than it was in 2.95.x.
06:09.21carl_1marcusU: Yea but MS's is, microsoft-shiver-, and intels compiler costs money
06:09.53carl_1Kitchen? You mean the microwave?
06:09.59marcusUcarl_1: Well, MS and Intel's compilers both produce better code in general than GCC.
06:10.15DhraakellianmarcusU, I was refering to the -fOMG!!!!1IT'LLBE1*10^-1000TIMESFASTER!!!!1 stuff
06:10.20carl_1marcusU: They also both cost money and are closed source(i belive)
06:10.25Dhraakellianthe program, that is
06:10.51*** join/#kde letueur (
06:10.55marcusUcarl_1: That's fine. But GCC is pretty slow, especially when compared to some old versions of itself.
06:11.09Dhraakelliannot counting the despised and rarelybooted XP partition, I didn't pay
06:11.28Dhraakelliannot counting the despised and rarely-booted XP partition, I didn't pay a single penny for the software on my computer
06:11.41carl_1counting the dsipised and rarleybooted(eq2only) xp partition, I didnt pay for any OS, ever
06:11.45marcusUI paid for OSS. I think that's the only thing.
06:12.13marcusUALSA just does not sound decent on my sound card.
06:12.16carl_1Im paying for transgaming, I dont know why but I am
06:12.30carl_1Does anything satisfy you marcusU
06:12.32marcusUI used to try to help people, but people don't want whatever help I can give.
06:12.55marcusUcarl_1: Not really. Nothing makes me happy. Things just help me pass the time until I die.
06:13.10Dhraakellianwhatever you say, marvinU
06:13.17carl_1Remember the time when IRC was filled with bunny rabbits and happy helpful folk
06:13.26marcusUNo, I do not.
06:13.28carl_1Oh... wait a second
06:13.49carl_1That was just a dream
06:14.14marcusUAt least sometimes in my dreams I have bits of happiness. Much better than real life.
06:14.26carl_1Ooo time to check the latest bash quotes
06:14.53Dhraakelliancarl_1, IRC is where men are men, women are men (present company excepted, canllaith), teenage girls are FBI agents, and bunny rabbits and happy, helpful folk are minions of evil
06:15.04carl_1Indeed Dhraakellian
06:15.19carl_1Well accutly, helpful folk are minions of good, which isnt allowed down here in the depths of irc.
06:15.32*** join/#kde Euphi (
06:17.24canllaiththanks for the exception Dhraakellian
06:17.31*** join/#kde lippel (~frank@osterfeld.developer.kde)
06:17.33carl_1<Nirtose> heres some geek for you... You make me hotter than a overclocked, volt-modded Prescott chip with stock heatsink and fan
06:20.14carl_1Hey Dhraakellian: INSULT
06:22.11VensonFlendor: who's Prescott? :P
06:22.30Dhraakelliancarl_1, RETORT
06:22.41carl_1Dhraakellian: COUNTER-RETORT
06:23.03*** join/#kde Armi^ (
06:23.13FlendorLOL :)
06:23.24Dhraakelliancarl_1, QUESTIONING OF DE/WM PREFERENCE
06:24.15carl_1Dhraakellian: SUGGESTION TO MIGRATE TO GNOME
06:24.42Dhraakelliancarl_1, NOTATION THAT YOU CREATE A VACUUM
06:25.06canllaithahahahaha MIGRATE TO GNOME?
06:25.39Dhraakelliancarl_1, COUNTER-RIPOSTE
06:25.51carl_1Dhraakellian: COUNT-RIPOSTE
06:26.05carl_1Dhraakellian: COUNTER-COUNTER-RIPOSTE(GNOME USER!)
06:27.41Dhraakelliancarl_1, WORDS OF PRAISE FOR GAME MASTERS
06:27.43VensonDhraakellian: he said "gnome user" better step back or catch the disease
06:27.44*** join/#kde matze (
06:28.11Dhraakellian(and carl_1's last line should've been by someone else, but I'm not gonna complain too much
06:28.29Flendorcanllaith perhaps, she can be an op
06:28.34carl_1(bah, this is a one on one thing Dhraakellian !)
06:29.01Vensonbah.....i dislike games
06:29.13DhraakellianVenson, you use gnome, don't you?
06:29.20carl_1Venson is a gnome user!!!!!!!!!!!1
06:29.30VensonDhraakellian: yeah....i wouldn't touch kde with a ten foot gnome ;)
06:29.48DhraakellianVenson, neither would I.  It'd require touching the gnome
06:30.00carl_1Hey, its a gnome_user
06:30.02carl_1Lets get him!
06:30.17gnome_userI just wanted to know if there's a KDE port of gnome
06:30.31Dhraakelliangnome_user, STFU, n00b!
06:30.38gnome_userKnome, perhaps :P
06:30.57ritalinyou mean like gnome on qt?
06:31.15Dhraakellianritalin, kde-lite?
06:31.21Dhraakellianwhat was that fork-ish thing?
06:31.22gnome_userI don't know; anything that lets me see the good ol' feet under KDE :P
06:31.28Vensonit's the same people who use gnome lol
06:32.03FlendorIn fact I really like D&D Gnomes :/
06:32.07carl_1If I wanted to trust my computer to a wooden yard ordament it wouldnt be a gnome.
06:32.13carl_1Bah, Dwarf!
06:32.20DhraakellianIn fact, I really like jardinains!
06:32.27*** join/#kde absinthe (~absinthe@absinthe.developer.gentoo)
06:32.33Vensoni know what we should do.....have kde users use gnome and vice versa for a day to promote peace and solidarity ;)
06:32.40ritalinI hate when people have like AMD64 3800's Geforce 6800 and 2 gigs of RAM and run fluxbox cause it doesnt use much resources
06:32.45Vensonoh...forgot to add torture
06:32.51BlissexVenson: KDE is bloated (in some ways) but that's nothing to do with comparison with Fluxbox, which is indeed totally different
06:33.03VensonBlissex: that was my point, yeah....
06:33.12FlendorI think it would be easier to do it with Linux and Win users :P
06:33.27Dhraakellianjardinains is probably one of the very very few things that would make me boot to windows
06:33.30VensonI do think KDE was bloated a while ago...but since 3.4.x it has gotten so much better, i barely notice it
06:33.39Flendor(LOL, I wonder what I count as; a Win user or a Linux user :) )
06:33.42carl_1I have a 4GHz Pentium D, 4 gigs of ram, and dual X850XTPE's
06:33.53carl_1Other person:Really? What WM do you use?
06:33.53DhraakellianI haven't been jonesing for it for quite a while
06:34.00carl_1WM, None, that waste resources!
06:34.08greppercarl_1: that should run it ok
06:34.38carl_1Venson: No, this is an IRC help channel not a support channel!
06:34.59FlendorWait a second, isn't this an online dating channel? :P
06:35.28VensonFlendor: some have been using it for that purpose, yes
06:35.43DhraakellianHi, my name's Dhraakellian, and I'm... I'm an xchat user
06:35.56VensonFlendor: so...asl? lol
06:36.25*** join/#kde lippel (~frank@osterfeld.developer.kde)
06:36.30carl_1You... you poor soul, Ive never seen a case this bad before, come, into our circle, Its all better here
06:36.34Flendorgrepper - I don't get that joke :/
06:36.48Dhraakellianold enough/no, thank you/Earth, Sol System, Western Spiral Arm, Milkyway Galaxy, The Universe
06:36.53Flendorcarl_1 - And I guess everyone says "We love you Flendor" :P
06:37.08grepperFlendor: I dated your forehead :)
06:37.16VensonDhraakellian: geez....i'm not gonna be mailing you xmas gifts...The Universe was precise enough
06:37.22carl_1Oh, My, god
06:37.25carl_1Flendor is using mIRC
06:37.26FlendorOh, LOL :)
06:37.40Vensonyes....i even use Notepad
06:37.42FlendorYes, hence my comments about me qualifying as both a Win and Lin user
06:37.54Vensonand i download and install Gator and Save under Linux
06:37.55carl_1this... this is bad.
06:38.00Vensoni can't live without worms and viruses and spyware
06:38.01FlendorWe can fix that.
06:38.32Vensoncarl_1: now we went and hurt his FeelingsXP
06:38.54carl_1Venson: Ive heard about FeelingsXP, bad bad stuff.
06:39.17Vensonok.....back on topic now
06:39.17kendrickgoddamn i love kde
06:39.27Vensongood start, kendrick
06:39.33mobtekheh Dhraakellian
06:39.39Dhraakellianand no winex on my system to run jardinains
06:39.58Vensoneveryone coming to the KUA this weekend?
06:40.20carl_1Oh. My. God
06:40.21carl_1I just relized
06:40.26carl_1I just drank my last bawls
06:40.37*** join/#kde Flendor (1000@
06:40.42Vensondon't're bawling more already
06:40.48carl_1rofl Venson
06:40.55carl_1The window user is back!
06:41.03carl_1Everyone, Get your flaming sticks of death! Quickly!
06:41.13FlendorAh, but I use windows, windows don't use me :P
06:41.26VensonFlendor: that's what they make you believe 0.0
06:41.27FlendorHey I'm immune now - I've switched to Slack 10.1 :)
06:41.36carl_1Ahh good.
06:42.05FlendorVenson - Heh.. Just like, there are no green men on Mars, right? ;)
06:42.23FlendorGone for break-fast.. Then have to replace myt chair, I broke it yesterday (I weigh a bit more than 0.1 tonnes)
06:42.36VensonFlendor: not sure i've heard that one before
06:42.54Vensonwhy are you having breakfast, then? come back here...
06:43.34Vensonyou're sending earth out of its orbit by moving around
06:43.57carl_1thats why I've strapped myself to my chair
06:44.03carl_1Only now relizing I will die soon.
06:44.13Vensonstrap-on won't help you
06:46.13*** join/#kde RomanK (
06:46.54RomanKHi all! I somehow managed it to lose my "file, edit, etc."-bar in konqueror. There must be a way to restore it, anyone any idea how to do that?
06:47.08carl_1View -> Oh wait...
06:47.33RomanKLoL ;)
06:48.05RomanKthat's it! thx!
06:48.08kendrickdon't most apps warn you?
06:48.24kendrickmaybe only the 1st time...
06:48.36RomanKkendrick: i might've pressed ctrl+m accidently and didn't notice
06:49.12*** join/#kde matze (
06:50.59FlendorHey, I have a male dove strutting after a female one outside my window :)
06:51.22FlendorHeh, she flew away, obviously not so impressed :)
06:51.29FlendorNo, room window. Not the virus.
06:51.36carl_1Those glass things
06:51.40carl_1Sorry, I live in a basment.
06:52.06FlendorHmm.. I'm going to download 2.6.13, hear there are good Audigy drivers there.
06:52.07VensonSuddenly the male dove boot into linux and starts typing commands in the bash window.....and the female dove flies away
06:52.28Vensondamn...i really should become a writer
06:52.28carl_1Then, KDE starts and the female dove comes back!
06:52.30Dhraakelliancarl_1, as do I, but I do have a small window
06:52.42Vensoncarl_1: that's being too hopeful there
06:52.53Dhraakellianhacker doves don't get the dove chicks?
06:52.59carl_1Dhraakellian: Ahh see, Im in a 4 level house, the top of the basment is accutly about 6feet undergroun
06:53.31*** join/#kde brosio (
06:53.32FlendorOh :/
06:53.51FlendorHey, do we call female hackers (do they exist anyway?) "hackess"'es?
06:54.08carl_1Is there female hackers?
06:55.00Flendorcarl - There are myths surrounding them. (LOL, there is even a FAQ, "How can we introduce more girls to Linux", written by one of them.)
06:55.08carl_1lol awsome
06:55.20Flendorone of the advices in that FAQ is "Don't call people bitches" :)
06:55.40Flendor(BTW, don't get this wrong, I DO believe it's a nice effort. Just jokijng friendly about it.)
06:55.43crispynix-v6hackinatrix (in the vein of dominatrix ;)
06:55.47carl_1lol aye
06:55.51crispynix-v6didn't see you say that ;)
06:56.07RomanKfemale hackers? That's like male Stewardess ;)
06:56.18carl_1and female co....
06:56.21crispynix-v6hey, there are male secretaries these days ;p
06:56.22*** part/#kde Venson (
06:57.37carl_1I wonder if there is any femals in here.
06:57.59crispynix-v6yeah there's at least one, but you'll have to figure out who she/they are.
06:58.06carl_1I bet its you~!
06:58.49Dhraakelliancanllaith, what's your input on this topic?
06:59.16FlendorI bet we would have seen the input if Canny wanted to share :)
06:59.38Flendor..or get involved in this.
07:00.04FlendorOK, gone. Good day. I'll be back in an hour.
07:00.11carl_1I wonder if she is a Hackinatrix.
07:00.15carl_1Cya Flendor
07:01.08crispynix-v6canllaith only hacks documentation, I think ;_;
07:01.25carl_1So shes a Hackdocinatrix.
07:01.44crispynix-v6doesn't quite roll off the tongue
07:01.54carl_1I know
07:01.57carl_1Nothing like hackinatrix
07:04.32carl_1yea that sorta works
07:04.47Dhraakellianboth canllaith and lauri do do documentation, iirc
07:04.48crispynix-v6kinda matrixy, kinda
07:05.05Dhraakellianbut I'd only use that term if I got their clearance first
07:05.20carl_1Ill let you ask
07:05.24crispynix-v6women love writing... makes me wish that being a writer makes one a woman, but alas, that is not to be.
07:05.56crispynix-v6anyways, I'm going to go do soemthing else ;)
07:05.58carl_1Didn't you say earlier you should be a writer?
07:06.08crispynix-v6me? no
07:11.17carl_1Its safe to compile all the parts of KDE at the same time right?
07:11.27*** join/#kde ravencrow (
07:11.44carl_1./configure && make && make install for all of them
07:12.13ravencrowsimple question about kopete:  i have it load at startup...and auto connect, is there a way i can have it just start in my system tray? (minimized)
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07:12.25ravencrownot kopete
07:12.28carl_1konversation is teh best.
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07:12.48ravencrowyeah its nice
07:13.27*** join/#kde _RADIOhead (~loop@
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07:16.27crispynix-v6I struggle with math :o  great at english, lousy at math -- but not in actual performance, just interest (it bores the hell out of me)
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07:16.38carl_1Im great at math
07:16.41carl_1I hate english
07:16.50carl_1I prefer to speak in math.
07:17.02crispynix-v6that's a bit limited, no?
07:17.14*** join/#kde dec0ding (~binarian@
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07:17.55linux_learnerafter upgrading to 3.4.2 i lost my screensaver
07:18.16linux_learneri think the softlink got broken durring the install or something
07:18.19carl_1Whats the point of a screensaver anyway
07:18.27carl_1I mean, They look pretty and all but your not there to look at them
07:18.27linux_learneri just dont remember the path
07:18.37linux_learnermy wife is
07:19.05carl_1Black monitors are much more pretty
07:19.15Dhraakelliancarl_1, eye candy for drifting off to sleep
07:19.19carl_1They look alot like IRC, a giant pit of death.
07:19.22Dhraakellian(yes, I know, that's what goom is for)
07:21.40birchoffok I have become a proverbial turncoat
07:21.52birchoffoff with my gnome garb and bring forth the kde swag
07:22.14birchoffamaroK and kdevelop has converted my zealot soul
07:23.00Dhraakellianyay! for extragear and non-core apps!
07:23.00mobtekdamn 3.4.2 is still hardmasked on gentoo
07:23.15DhraakellianI have 3.4.2 installed here on kubuntu
07:23.20birchoffamarok just blew me clear cross the room with its features
07:23.21Dhraakellianbut I haven't restarted X yet
07:23.29carl_1Im still checking out 2.5
07:23.32birchoffusing the net to get suggestions and being able to then add suggestions
07:23.33mobtekweird normally gentoo is quicker than this hehe
07:23.55birchoffamarok is proof that there is a God and if not a God then some highly intelligent being
07:24.07Dhraakellianthe 3.4.2 upgrade was a single-line change in my sources.list
07:24.31Dhraakellianbirchoff, yes, he has blessed the amaroK hackers with niftiness
07:24.53birchoffAMEN!!!! AMEN!!!! brother Dhraakellian
07:25.32DhraakellianI must say though, I don't think  iever had system lag like this while compiling under gentoo
07:26.05Dhraakelliankubuntu set me up with tons of swap, and I'm actually using about a third of it
07:26.11Dhraakellianno, more than that
07:26.38linux_learnerwhere did slide show go?
07:27.29carl_1What can play .wmv?
07:27.45carl_1mk thanks
07:27.45bluelightningor mplayer
07:28.07bluelightningof course there are KDE frontends (Kaffeine and KMplayer respectively)
07:28.08*** join/#kde rickyw_ (
07:28.14Dhraakellianif you have the proper codecs installed
07:28.26bluelightningyeah, just grab the full win32codecs package
07:28.37Dhraakelliankplayer is a nice mplayer-only one
07:28.58DhraakellianI think both kaffeine and kmplayer can do either xine or mplayer
07:29.05carl_1Xine wont work
07:29.10carl_1need the codec
07:29.17carl_1where do I get it?
07:29.21*** join/#kde Tilos (
07:29.26bluelightningcarl_1: win32codecs package
07:29.43Dhraakelliancarl_1, either from your package manager or from... um...
07:29.44bluelightningcarl_1: of course xine will need to have been compiled with win32 codec support enabled
07:29.54Dhraakellianprobably mplayer's website
07:30.11relentlessslackenow I know
07:34.14Dhraakelliannow playing: Era - The Very Best of Era - "Hymne"
07:35.17*** join/#kde vIkSiT (~Viksit@viksit.user)
07:36.00relentlessslackeThis guy, carl_1, listens to my fav bands \o/ !HEY! \o/ :)
07:36.25carl_1lol relentlessslacke
07:36.28carl_1slipknot owns
07:36.41relentlessslackeyeah, great band
07:37.09relentlessslackeI've been listening to Vol.3 intensively in the winter time... just when get parted with girl-friend
07:37.40relentlessslackewonderful exprience - it just gets undeneath of your conscious and hammers it
07:38.01relentlessslackethen I got tired and turned to very sad'n'blue +)))
07:38.29relentlessslackeNow I prefer GST (Game Sound Track)
07:38.38relentlessslackeand of course Blues ))
07:38.48carl_1I just listen to a radio station
07:38.55carl_1Amarok 1.3 likes to crash when it switches tracks
07:39.12relentlessslackecarl_1> not amarok, but taglib
07:39.19relentlessslackeI had this issue too
07:39.23carl_1yea, taglib
07:39.39relentlessslackeavoid using special symbols like "#" "@", etc
07:39.40ravencroweh yeah...compiling taglib solved my problems
07:39.57carl_1Ill stick to the edge
07:40.00carl_1they play alot of good music
07:40.18relentlessslackeGimme their ip
07:40.40carl_1I just have the .pls
07:41.03carl_1this stuipid cat is meowing
07:41.06relentlessslackeor cat it
07:41.10carl_1I think im going to go let it out maybe it will stfu
07:41.25relentlessslackeyou got one? )) me too.. it's sleeping now
07:42.12relentlessslackeopps... I accidentalyy hit Enter key and aborted DCC transfer from you.. Once again, please :)
07:43.22carl_1did you get that .pls relentlessslacke
07:43.49relentlessslackeI did accidentalyy canceled your transfer... (
07:45.01relentlessslacke[10:49:44] [DCC] carl_1 offers the file "shoutcast-playlist.pls" (366 bytes) for download (
07:45.01relentlessslacke[10:50:14] [DCC] DCC download of file "/home/downloads/dcc/carl_1/shoutcast-playlist.pls" failed. reason: Connection failure: timed operation timed out
07:45.17carl_1how cna I get the IP?
07:45.45relentlessslackecat it and show what it's got inside
07:46.20relentlessslacke"that's it, baby" (c) Final Fantasy
07:47.44*** join/#kde ritalin (
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07:48.55carl_1damn mplayer takes forver to make
07:49.48relentlessslackenot longer than wine or say gimp ;)
07:49.56carl_1aye lol
07:51.11relentlessslackeI was surprised when realized that in-game music for Quake (tm) was written by Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails member)
07:51.31relentlessslackeIt's a state-of-art! So he did write music for the latest DOOM version.
07:52.14relentlessslackeJust can't help astonishing...
07:52.16*** join/#kde Venson (
07:52.25relentlessslackebut KDE is sexier then DOOM 3
07:52.31carl_1of course
07:52.33relentlessslackeyeah... that's for sure
07:54.10relentlessslackeTitle: Eric Clapton. Classic
07:54.10relentlessslackeDescription: I shot the sheriff; After midnight; Knockin' on heaven's door
07:54.10relentlessslacke=)) remove ";" symbols and you get a nice sentence of a bluesman... :D
07:54.21relentlessslackethat are  just two lines from cd e-shop
07:59.05*** join/#kde dario (
07:59.21carl_1I can belive KDE 3.5 is still checking out
07:59.27carl_1its been going for houuuuuuuuuurs
08:00.05Dhraakelliancarl_1, dial-up?
08:00.13carl_12mb ADSL
08:00.28carl_1Im thinking slow server
08:00.29Dhraakellianit's been compiling for hours here
08:00.43Dhraakellianwell, a couple hours, probably
08:00.43carl_1Are you compiling all parts at once?
08:00.59Dhraakelliankdesvn-build checks everything out and then builds
08:01.23carl_1Where did you get that?
08:01.52Dhraakelliando a search for it on
08:02.09Dhraakellianwoo! kdemultimedia is installing!
08:02.25*** join/#kde mabu (
08:03.04carl_1I cant belive I didnt knwo about that
08:03.35carl_1How do I make it not build from trunk?
08:04.27Dhraakelliankdesvn-build 0.97.2 defaults to branch/3.5
08:04.35Dhraakellianor whatever the correct nomenclature is
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08:06.35carl_1Its checking out kde nonbeta
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08:09.46brknsoulstartx (kde) stalls at 'initializing system services'
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08:13.13carl_1woot its working lol
08:13.16carl_1im going to bed, night casll
08:15.20birchoffcan you handle the color of different panels independently
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08:27.31brknsoulstartx (kde) stalls at 'initializing system services'
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08:29.41relentlessslackebrknsoul> try to reboot your machine
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08:29.49relentlessslackesometimes it helps out
08:30.00brknsoulrelentlessslacke: that's a windows solution
08:30.47*** join/#kde htedrom (
08:30.47relentlessslackebut it works. and moreover, I find it sometimes the only one way to get the result (very seldom, but I HAVE to reboot machine to get what I need)
08:31.00brknsoulthe only time one should reboot it when testing  a new kernel
08:31.02relentlessslackestubborness is good, but you may find it useless until you reboot ;)
08:31.11relentlessslackebrknsoul> I know
08:31.25brknsouli'm not stubborn, but reboot doesn't help
08:31.38brknsouli'll try it , just to humor you...
08:31.40relentlessslackehave you tried already?
08:31.45relentlessslackeokay :)
08:34.10*** part/#kde ritalin (
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08:34.35brknsoulsee, no dice
08:34.51Whisky_what path should my trash icon link to? trash:/ opens nothing :/
08:35.12brknsoulrelentlessslacke: see, no dice ;-)
08:35.49relentlessslackebrknsoul> okay it depends.. you know it
08:36.24greppermine is trash in 3.4.1
08:36.27*** join/#kde spiral (
08:36.31greppertrash:/ that is
08:36.52brknsoulrelentlessslacke: i've never ever had a problem in linux that was fixed by rebooting, kernel compilation excepted
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08:36.59Whisky_im on 3.4.1 too
08:37.11relentlessslackebrknsoul> I did
08:37.17*** join/#kde Kamping_Kaiser (
08:37.33miklosHI all!
08:37.52relentlessslackebrknsoul> and never say never :)
08:38.10brknsoulrelentlessslacke lol
08:38.15*** part/#kde brknsoul (
08:38.43grepperwell, rebooting cleans out /tmp with most distros, so if it was a problem a kde file in /tmp its possible
08:38.59relentlessslackegrepper> a wise assumption
08:39.19grepperrelentlessslacke: but there are better ways to clean out /tmp :)
08:39.26relentlessslackesure there ar
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08:53.05drzedhy there!
08:53.46drzedhow/where can i set the font size for printing e-mails?
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08:55.46drzedthe font-size is much to big at the moment, a 270 word e-mail takes more than three sheets ... :(
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08:57.20pontodrzed: what do you have as font for printing?
08:58.04drzedi guess verdana; thats what i set in kcontrol
08:58.25drzedbut there is no seperate control panel for printing fonts
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09:00.20drzedanother interesting thing is that i have the same kind of problem with konq.: the font-size is too small (letters are 1.5 mm) looks like font size:3
09:01.03pontodrzed: in the setting of kmail you can choose your font for different parts of kmail.
09:01.08pontodrzed: printing is one of them
09:01.38relentlessslackecan anyone translate (I get very curious about this type of writin'): [12:04:28] <-- barosl has left this server. ("??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?????.")
09:03.42*** join/#kde Aardwolf (
09:04.06Aardwolfhi, is it possible to put a screenshot on the clipboard with ksnapshot or another kde program?
09:04.52relentlessslackeAardwolf> try out basKet
09:05.09relentlessslackeAardwolf> it works with all kind of mime types
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09:06.03pontoAardwolf: Alt + Print  or     Ctrl + Print   give you screenshots in the clipboard of the current app or the whole desktop
09:06.26Aardwolfooh, nice
09:06.39*** part/#kde mads (
09:06.55relentlessslackeponto> cool
09:07.07relentlessslackeponto> never heard of that hot key combination
09:07.09mushuhi all
09:07.12AardwolfI didn't know this because I only tried printscreen w/o button
09:07.24pontorelentlessslacke: kde is full of surprises.
09:07.24relentlessslackeme too, actually
09:07.33relentlessslackeponto> right you are ;)
09:07.49pontohowever checking the shortcuts can reveal some nice features
09:08.30relentlessslackeI like Konqueror's Shift+Arrow[Up|Down]. And I can even adjust the scrolling speed! Woohaaa :))
09:08.41Aardwolfis there some painting program available that's like KolourPaint, but supports layers and MDI, and is not called "the gimp"? :D
09:10.18Aardwolfcool, the screenshots look quite promising
09:11.08Aardwolf*installs koffice*
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09:14.12drzedponto: k, thx
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09:26.00RaduAlexandruhow can I start the KDE control center from the console?
09:26.33pontoRaduAlexandru: kcontrol
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09:38.03kendrickthe google suggest toolbar rocks
09:38.13kendrick(now that i finally got it to compile)
09:38.32kendrick(someone needs help with autoconf, help creating a website, and help documentatifying ;) )
09:38.55*** join/#kde mart_k (
09:40.45pakoshello! first time building kde with kdesvn-build. i have created the config and started the buildscript.the script checks out everything (looks ok), but there are no Makefile.cvs files in there, so the compilation breaks. For example, the build-system.log for qt-copy says:make: Makefile.cvs: No such file or directory
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09:41.31pakoswhat did i wrong? :)
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09:42.21amorphhi guys
09:42.30amorphis there a way to right-click without using mouse
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09:44.23pontoamorph: maybe the  kontext menu key?
09:44.36amorphponto cool where would that be?
09:45.30amorphever since I installed my wacom pad on this workstation I seem to have lost my right-click, but i tried putting my mouse back and the right-click still doesnt work
09:45.39amorphso it may be a configuration issue with X perhaps
09:46.00pontoamorph: next to the right  windows key
09:46.16amorphare you pulling my chain?
09:46.24amorphi dont have windows keys
09:48.55pakosgo to control center, regional & access., keyb. shortcuts, shortcut schemes, application shortcuts and search for 'popup menu context' entry
09:49.34pakosit is per default configured for the 'menu' key, which is referred by ponto
09:50.10amorphok thanks
09:50.14amorphi will look
09:50.59pontokde also hass with  Alt+F12 a mouse emulation.   I guess there is also a click emulation in it
09:53.51amorphF10 seems to be the key but it doesnt do anything
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09:56.14amorphPop-up Menu Context = menu button
09:56.18amorphi dont even have a menu button
09:57.00amorpham i lame?
09:57.37amorphive switched my kb to non-Windows keys
09:57.49amorphand now Pop-up Menu Context should be F10
09:57.57amorphdo I need to restart kde?
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10:02.00pakosno, you don't need to restart kde, of course :) an apply should be enough
10:04.15amorphit doesnt work and i cant get a right menu click to work :(
10:05.29amorpharrrghh this is doing my head in
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10:07.24amorphPop-Menu Context does not work on my system at all
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10:11.10pontoamorph:  for a mouse emulation try:  shift + num_lock
10:11.27pontoamorph:  then you can move the mouse with   the  number keys
10:11.38pontoamorph:   you can select the mouse  button  wiht   / * -
10:11.45pontoamorph:  and you can click with  5
10:13.05amorphthat works! thats useful to know
10:13.23amorphi wonder what/where the menu button is
10:13.56amorphi tried to change the default menu button for right-click for Pop-up Context Menu but it doesnt work... im seeing alot of bug reports related to this on Google
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10:21.02amorphall of the key shortcuts work in Konquerer, however Pop-Up Menu Context does not work, no matter what combination of keys I use
10:21.58amorphI just tried to change to CTRL+M for it and did Apply Changes, but the shortcut is still bringing up menu bar in Konqueror
10:23.42benJImanpossibly the local shortcut is overriding the global one
10:23.48amorphi closed Konqueror and started again and now CTRL + M does nothing
10:24.10amorphthis seems very buggy
10:26.31amorphive solved it, sort of
10:26.55amorphnumercial key 5 = menu on kb's without menu key
10:27.18amorphits best to leave Pop-up Context Menu as default, it doesnt seem to be a good idea to try to change it and just wont work
10:27.49amorphshould i file a bug report?
10:28.24pontobetter than ignoring a problem
10:28.48amorphat the very least this could be properly documented
10:32.28amorphthis bug report interface isnt very user-friendly
10:32.51amorphwould the pop-up context menu/shortcuts config be related to kdm itself?
10:32.59amorphor some other program
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10:39.33amorphooo i feel useful now
10:39.39amorphmy first bug report
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10:43.20toonXanyone managed to install the fedora core 4 bluecurve theme on debian with kde 3.4 ?
10:43.46toonXand btw, if it's a gtk2 there , can kde use it?
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10:46.19FlendorHello; is anyone here using the latest NVidia video driver with
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11:09.05goronWhere can I add extra window managers to kdm?
11:10.02benJImanthe search list is defined in kdmrc, depends how it's been set up by your distro but usually `kde-config --prefix`/share/apps/kdm/sessions/
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11:29.35jamesotsIt all seems very quiet round here, so I'll introduce myself. I'm James Ots! And I don't think I've used IRC since I was at uni eight years ago. So please excuse me if I make mistakes.
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11:31.39benJImanjamesots: you the guy from warwick?
11:31.50jamesotsI am.
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11:33.12jamesotsHow're you liking it there? I got to see the new CS building for the first time last week. Looks pretty snazzy.
11:33.24benJImanyeah it's nice
11:33.44benJImanhow long ago were you there?
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12:20.58|Vargas|hi guys
12:22.14|Vargas|can someone help me with taglib( C bindings ) compile?
12:22.22|Vargas|i make up a little exmaple
12:22.30|Vargas|but it fails con compile
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12:25.08|Vargas| <--- errors :)
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12:42.38FlendorHello again. :/
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12:49.49yangereh, anyone know how to fix the row/column thing in k3b?
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13:16.48yangeranyone know how to burn audio cds in the new k3b?
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13:17.57mobtekfile -> New Project -> New Audio CD Project
13:19.11relentlessslackeyanger> check out for the new tutorial
13:19.16yangerodd, how come i can't make it a button?
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13:24.46yangeri got it! thanks!
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15:04.45AardwolfHey, will KDE ever support the kind of translucency as in this opengl gui? screenie:
15:06.11bozyI might just not see it, but what's different between that transparency and the transparency offered by KDE 3.4 and
15:07.00Aardwolfthe transparency of KDE 3.4 with only shows the background picture through the windows, and not other windows that are behind it
15:08.05bozySure it does, I don't have KDE 3.4 on this machine (Debian Unstable still waiting), but I can swear that 3.4 and provide "true" transparency.
15:09.25bozyIf I recall properly you can turn it on from the Control Center under Desktop.  Anyone with 3.4 want to confirm?
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15:09.38Aardwolfand you know, actually I kinda like how the transparent windows in windows vista look, I wonder if KDE will ever support something like that
15:09.51thiagowe already do, but it's experimental
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15:10.08thiagoyou need Composite on your server and kompmgr-enabled kwin
15:10.14thiagolet me repeat: it's experimental
15:11.01AardwolfI found a setting under desktop indeed, with a warning that it may cause problems including crashes
15:11.05Aardwolfbut I'm gonna try it anyway :)
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15:11.51chavoand it's something you'll turn off after about 10 minutes
15:12.17texnofobixi had shadows on that was cool sorta
15:12.22chavobecause it's just not very usefull
15:12.27Aardwolfactually I enabled it and don't really see any difference
15:13.12chavoactually it's not that bad
15:13.15AardwolfI set active window transparency to 25% and they're still opaque after I press apply
15:13.29chavoAardwolf, run kompmgr from run dialog
15:13.34Aardwolfand the "transparent" style of konsole still shows only the background through
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15:14.55Aardwolfhmm, gives some error about no composite extension, but never mind, I'll just wait till it's final, thanks :)
15:15.12chavoAardwolf, did you read waht i wrote, run kompmgr from run dialog
15:15.40chavoyou have to enable composite extension in your xorg.conf
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15:32.35bozyI was just wondering if anyone knew of a way to turn off the bitmap background in kpat, and replace it with a flat color?  I've gone into ~/.kde/share/config/kpatrc, and commented out the Back directive, but when I reloaded Kpat it displayed the default bitmap.  Obviously it's no big deal if there's no way to do it, I'm just curious.
15:35.40madpenguin8could always make an image that is the color you want :)
15:36.22bozyheh, I hadn't thought of that, thank you.
15:36.33grepperbozy: yeah, just make a 256x256 jpg or png
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15:46.09Ahmuckhas kdetoys been dropped ?
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15:58.51pinotreehello =)
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16:06.58blaster999Hi all!
16:07.45blaster999Does anyone have a problem with kde 3.4.2 when trying to open a dir containing "[" and "]" in its name?
16:08.06blaster999Never had this problem with 3.4.1
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16:08.56grepperyep, someone mentioned that
16:09.34blaster999Oh. What package is responsible for it? Kdelibs? Konqueror?
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16:10.35grepperdid you check the bug database ?
16:11.15blaster999Am just checking. The difficult thing is to find out the right search pattern
16:13.18chavoblaster999, having that problem here also
16:13.39blaster999Seems that this bug hasn't been reported.
16:13.59chavoI'm running pretty current code from svn though.
16:14.21chavoso it's not fixed yet
16:14.44blaster999It seems that this bug is only present in konqueror. Kwrite opens these dirs perfectly
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16:16.06chavosame here
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16:17.16blaster999I'm gonna downgrade kde back to 3.4.1
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16:18.44chavoI only had a couple of directories with [ or ] in the name
16:18.53chavoso i just renamed them
16:19.08grepperI suppose renaming your war3z files is not an option ?  :P
16:19.36blaster999grepper: No, I have all my music organized
16:19.54blaster999Like this: Artist/[year] Album/Music files
16:20.13blaster999Example: Deep Purple/[2004] Bananas
16:20.17*** join/#kde IvanLezhnevJr (~Ivan@
16:20.32blaster999There is just too many dirs to rename
16:22.10blaster999And a firend of mine surrounded all upper-level dirs in his ~ with "[]"'s
16:22.29blaster999He will not want to upgrade kde :)
16:23.34texnofobixwar3z are for losers
16:24.09blaster999grepper: Thanks, voting for it
16:24.15grepperblaster999: this one was reassigned to it
16:24.32grepperStatus:  RESOLVED
16:25.02grepperok, that is just cause it was marked as a dup
16:25.12grepperthe other is still marked NEW
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16:36.40blaster999Frost: hi
16:36.40Frostis there a way to save settings regarding indentation in quanta? I'd like it to keep a "Normal" indentation mode by default, but I don't know how to save the settings
16:36.42Frostany ideas?
16:36.57Frostheya blaster999
16:37.01blaster999Frost: Hmmm... Let me try
16:37.14Frostalright thanks
16:37.36rutski89would KDE SVN build with gcc4?
16:38.37blaster999Frost: Try Settings -> Configure Editor -> Indentation, change the mode and click OK. You may have to restart Quanta
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16:38.47blaster999Frost: At least works for me
16:39.34Frostoh, thanks!
16:39.53blaster999Frost: np
16:40.08Frostsomehow missed that entry
16:42.08Frostblaster999: do you know if it's possible to make quanta tidy the text?
16:42.23Frost<html><head><title>Under construction</title></head><body>I said, it's under construction!</body></html>
16:42.40Frostcan it make it look more pretty?
16:43.18blaster999Frost: Not sure
16:43.22Theorydoesn't it have tidy in the tools menu?
16:43.54FrostTheory: it has something like that in the tools menu but it's checked and I don't quite know what it does
16:44.36Frostoh Theory it's just checking if it's tidy, doesn't tidy it up itself
16:46.56Frostbut I guess that's not critical anyways
16:48.10blaster999Never thought that it should really FIX anything
16:48.25Frostyeah, not critical anyway
16:48.37grepperseems to by the debian description
16:48.55grepper* The page is reformatted, from a choice of indentation styles.
16:49.44Frostah, maybe I need to select the text
16:51.13Frostah, edit->apply source indentation
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17:21.57birchoffanyone know how to get the search bar in konqueror
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17:23.00HawkwindCan someone tell me, in konqueror I can do sftp://user@host and it works, but does krusader not have this option ?
17:24.51texnofobixbirchoff: i've noticed if you switch over to like an web address it kicks in the search bar but not in the filemanager mode
17:25.13HawkwindFigured it out.  Didn't realize LISA needed to be running
17:25.15texnofobixHawkwind: i have never tried krusader
17:25.33HawkwindHeh I haven't either.  Learning experience
17:26.03*** part/#kde Hawkwind (
17:27.25birchofftexnofobix, thats the thing the bar isnt there at all
17:27.30birchoffI am in web mode
17:28.01texnofobixi havent looked through all the options
17:28.05texnofobixmight want to check there
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17:31.16birchoffno luck no search thing in configure konqueror
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17:41.32jamesotsSo... KDE4. If I want to attempt to build it, do I just put qt4 somewhere and checkout kdebase and kdelibs from trunk?
17:43.15lippeljamesots: i think so, yes
17:43.23lippelhaven't built it myself yet, though
17:44.56freqmodjamesots: i think you have to set the $QTDIR shell variable  to where qt is installed.
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17:45.23crispynix-v6indeed. might also want to look into konstruct; perhaps it's been updated for kde4 cvs
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17:46.07jamesotsIs there any recommended way to build QT4? As my installation seems to be a bit messed up, as designer keeps segfaulting.
17:47.00Beineri./configure --dont-crash
17:47.34jamesotsBeineri: I must remember to add that option to my makefiles - would save a lot of bug hunting :)
17:47.45pinotreeconfigure: unrecognized option: '--dont-crash'
17:47.47freqmodI have experiencedqt segfaults when extended input methods is enabled in the shell variables, but the program is not turned on
17:48.02lippeldesigner crashing? i know that from qt3.x, it crashed whole X...
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17:48.54The_Lordwasn't kde 3.4 come with total transparency for konsole?
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17:49.44The_Lordwasn't kde 3.4 come with total transparency for konsole?
17:49.45texnofobixi only turn on partial
17:49.52texnofobixsome is hard  to read
17:50.15crispynix-v6total transparency? you mean composite?
17:50.24The_Lordyes, I think
17:50.33crispynix-v6kde 3.4 does support composite, but a lot of drivers have problems with it.
17:50.44The_LordI have nvidia
17:50.52crispynix-v6same, and it can be problematic
17:50.53The_LordHow do I enable it?
17:50.59BeineriThe_Lord: the code never went enabled into a release
17:51.16crispynix-v6right click a window -> config window behavior -> translucency
17:51.26birchoffanyone care to explain to me what the plasma project for kde is
17:51.35crispynix-v6don't try to start a 3D app without first killing kompmgr though
17:53.15grepper3. Unorganized material
17:55.01The_Lordcrispynix-v6: It doesn't work
17:55.35crispynix-v6The_Lord: xdpyinfo |grep -i composite
17:55.41crispynix-v6The_Lord: anything show up?
17:55.51nargOn konq, I have java installed, and I set the binary to 'java' in the config (which works from console), yet java app still dont work. Am I missing something?
17:56.32crispynix-v6try running kompmgr then use transset
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17:56.56The_LordI did kompmgr on konsole
17:57.00The_Lordand now it works
17:57.04The_Lordbut too slow
17:57.26crispynix-v6composite is a bit slow, but not that much IME.. do you have RenderAccel enabled?
17:57.50crispynix-v6what vidcard?
17:58.16The_LordGeForce 4 mx440
17:58.30crispynix-v65700 here; might be your vidcard, might not
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17:58.40The_Lordyes, I think
17:58.59The_Lordbut that doesn't solve my question either
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17:59.39The_Lordwhat I want is konsole's background transparent
17:59.59crispynix-v6oh, you don't need composite for that
18:00.13The_Lordyes, I know
18:00.18The_LordI change the schema
18:01.21The_Lordbut what that thing does is copy the background and refreshes it every time you move the window
18:01.49crispynix-v6well, I don't move konsole very much so it doesn't bother me
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18:07.07dwango_but it also looks silly if the konsole is over another window
18:08.04crispynix-v6true, although that could be a preference thing
18:08.21crispynix-v6composite with no "fake" transparency might work for that
18:08.44crispynix-v6I like fake transparency because it doesn't show windows underneath
18:08.58crispynix-v6... well, and composite is a bit weird with nvidia's driver
18:10.51dwango_i like seeing the windows underneath
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18:11.40crispynix-v6depends on the app; for xchat and konsole, i'd rather not have anything but the desktop background showing through or I might not be able to see certain colored text.
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18:49.16tecnicoAnybody using PINE with Konsole ? Do you know how to get the bold letters to show up?
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19:01.07smutzAgainQuestion: Is SVG support being built into konqueror?
19:01.24tecnicoAnyway in 3.4 to go back to the way the icons on kicker used to just zoom into the figure itself and get rid of the box with the text ?
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19:04.52Beineritecnico: no
19:04.55Luminationhey does anybody know where to get 3.4.2 debs?
19:05.07BeineriLumination: #debian-kde ;-)
19:05.23Beineriat least complain there :-)
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19:09.17LuminationI wonder if it fixes the issue with alsa and system notifications volume
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19:09.31Luminationif that even is a kde issue
19:11.11BlissexsmutzAgain: yes, and no, and yes.
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19:17.03treatwhat's up?
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19:20.27apowanyone knows how to add a plugin to konqueror?
19:20.58apowi downloaded and compiled musicman, installed it but it doesnt show up on my konq popup as it should
19:21.05apowand the docs are just poor :P
19:21.18Beineri"Settings/Configure Extensions..."? What is musicman?
19:22.16Beinerior installed to wrong/not searched prefix?
19:22.58apowhow do i check the extensions path?
19:23.42Blissexapow: which extension path? (perhaps 'kde-config' might help)
19:24.01treatcan i make krusader the default file manager?
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19:31.29Blissextreat: yes, depending on what you mean by «default file manager»
19:31.49IceD^I just got new konqui 3.4.2
19:31.56IceD^and ACID2 still doesn't look OK
19:32.15treati want it to show up when i press teh home button
19:33.47Blissextreat: look then at the Control Center, in particular the 'KDE components->File manager' and 'Regional&Accessibility:KHotKeys' and similar.
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19:35.10battlecatHi. What services are needed on a linux box running KDE with Apache and MySQL?
19:35.42Blissexbattlecat: it really depends on what you want to do?
19:38.39treati can't find 0_o "Component Chooser" would be teh logical choice but there is no filemanager option
19:39.40tecnicotnx.  Beineri.  I liked the old way much better... but anyway...
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19:45.47Blissextreat: there is one here...
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19:49.36treatmmmm i tried changing file association for inode/folder but then krusader won
19:49.39treat't start
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19:58.41miklosWho are from Europe?? or Hungary?
19:58.53miklosin hungary
19:59.17miklosNo ONE??
19:59.40pinotree<-- european
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20:06.32miklosBye pinotree and treat
20:06.35miklosi must go
20:06.39pinotreebye miklos
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20:11.32_dracmornin all
20:11.49treatwhat's down?
20:12.11_dracI messed KDE up good
20:12.36*** join/#kde NeoFax (
20:13.29_dracI was hoping on having a newley compiled KDE3.5 when I woke up, got a bunch of errors messages so I reinstalled from packages and everything is ... realllly messed up
20:14.05texnofobixtrying out KDE brb 3.4.2
20:14.57_dracI cant find QT
20:15.01_dracIts like, not here
20:15.16birchoffdoes anyone know if there is a way to set the defualt way konqueror shows files in a specific folder
20:16.27_dracno idea birchoff
20:16.51htedrombirchoff: doesn't it do it automatically?
20:17.11htedrombirchoff: mine just remembers
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20:22.13_dracOhhh kdebuild-svn gives a build %
20:22.33RaduAlexandruwhat is dat?
20:23.02_dracIt checksout and builds everything in branch 3.5
20:23.16_dracand all you have to do is type kdesvn-build
20:24.10*** join/#kde semo (~semo@
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20:26.19_dracget it at
20:26.40semoi have a problem withe a double head graphik device and the xorg.conf. i dont get the left monitor to be the first screen
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20:28.07semorevlo: here is my xorg.conf
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20:29.08_dracOverall time for arts was 8 minutes, and 47 seconds lovleyh
20:31.05braveysemo why don
20:31.10braveyt you use twinview?
20:31.37semobravey: what is twinview?
20:32.50*** part/#kde Beineri (~Beineri@binner.kde)
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20:33.26EdBis any irc chan related to konqueror ?
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20:44.39michaels233hi im new to this thing so help me out please
20:45.31_dracHey michaels233
20:45.34_dracwhats your problem?
20:46.44*** join/#kde Naruto_UzumakiMT (
20:47.18Naruto_UzumakiMTis this something like a support channel?
20:47.24semohmm maybe this was his problem
20:47.30Naruto_UzumakiMTerm, hi^^
20:48.32*** join/#kde ba (
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20:49.14Naruto_UzumakiMTis here another mandriva user? Is your KDE 3.4.2 running stable?
20:49.30Naruto_UzumakiMTfrom rpm of
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20:51.36mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: Doesn't it work? (I don't have Mandriva)
20:51.48Naruto_UzumakiMTit works, but not that good
20:52.01Naruto_UzumakiMTkicker crashes very often
20:52.28Naruto_UzumakiMTicons form desktop and menu are missing and will be back after that crash
20:52.48*** join/#kde Kyaneos (
20:53.18Naruto_UzumakiMTbut i like that version and dont want to downgrade back to 3.3....?
20:53.44mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: Doesn't KDE 3.4.1 work either?
20:53.49_dracNaruto_UzumakiMT: where did you get teh packages, or whatever your distro uses, from?
20:54.14Naruto_UzumakiMTi didnt try, no rpms and my try to compile an kde(dunno version) took looooong
20:54.29_dracyes KDE takes a few hours on a good system to compile
20:54.47Naruto_UzumakiMTand my system is not that good :P
20:55.26_dracSo, where did you get kde 3.4.2 from? ftp
20:55.57Naruto_UzumakiMTi wonder if it could be some conflicts with the old config
20:56.21baWhen I use KDM it flashes to a grey screen, then back to login. When I use GDM it works fine. Any clue where to start looking at this problem?
20:56.27_dracyes always always always uninstlal KDE before installing a new version on the same directory
20:56.51mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: The config should be migrited at the first run of the new KDE version.
20:57.26Naruto_UzumakiMTso i should logout and delete the old config and look if the new created makes it better
20:58.23_dracNaruto_UzumakiMT: Did you reinstall KDE 3.4.2 over the same directory as 3.4.1/3.4?
20:58.51Naruto_UzumakiMTerm... i used the mandriva rpms, dunno wher it is
20:58.52mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: Deleting is defenetly not neccesairy: moving is good enough, and in most cases also unnessesairy.
20:59.28Naruto_UzumakiMTi thougt that rpm system would delete it by itself it it is neccesary
20:59.29_dracI always though installing over a KDE installion is bad
20:59.39_dracIt may, im not familiar with RPM's
20:59.54*** join/#kde mads (
21:00.11Naruto_UzumakiMTdebian user?^^
21:00.35_dracslack :)
21:00.57mart_k_drac: But then the packages are bad for alle Mandriva users.
21:00.59Naruto_UzumakiMTah, ok
21:01.23_dracmart_k: Err? what
21:02.06mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: Maybe there is a bug in the package. It could be corrected over a couple of days.
21:03.02mart_k_drac: If a package doesn't work because it overrides the previous KDE installation, it does so on all Mandriva systems, and thus KDE will not work correctly on all Mandriva systems.
21:03.07Naruto_UzumakiMTuninstalling would uninstall many other programs too... -__- i will have much to do
21:03.26_dracmart_k: Ahh ok I see, I always just removepkg everything automatically as slackpkg doesnt do it =)
21:04.02mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: I'm not sure that is the problem.
21:04.57Naruto_UzumakiMThm, i should download some packages again and compare them
21:04.58mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: But I also don't know how to correct this.
21:05.59*** join/#kde hon (
21:06.49Naruto_UzumakiMTdamn, i like this 3.4.2 but it makes me mad sometimes
21:07.53_dracyaya kdelibs 3.5 is at 75%
21:07.58_draccompiled that is
21:08.57Naruto_UzumakiMTi will try what you told me, and if it fails i will make you responsible for it :P
21:09.10Naruto_UzumakiMTfor the helping
21:09.14mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: Which Mandriva version do you have?
21:09.23Naruto_UzumakiMT2005 le dvd
21:09.44mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: Is that equal to 10.2?
21:10.30mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: rpm for wrong versions can cause this kind of things, but it is the good version.
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21:10.36_dracNaruto_UzumakiMT: uninstalling and reinstalling? Im not sure if that is needed im not familiar with rpm packages =)
21:11.27Naruto_UzumakiMTi think/thougt it worked well, it started the new version automatically and it looked to be allrigth after first start
21:11.29*** join/#kde IceD^ (~iced@
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21:11.59mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: To check if the config is the problem, you can make a new (temporely) user and log in.
21:12.32IceD^so what's about ACID2?
21:12.41Naruto_UzumakiMToh, good idea
21:12.43mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: If that user doesn't have any problems, the config (in ~/.kde) is the problem.
21:13.10Naruto_UzumakiMTi always shoot my configs^^
21:13.12*** join/#kde narg (
21:15.07Naruto_UzumakiMThow to start a new session without logout like in previous kde versions?
21:15.20mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: After that, I don't know any more solutions. But maybe there are Mandriva users here at another time.
21:16.24*** join/#kde tbscope (
21:16.37mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: Log in in a text prompt, and then type: "startx -- :1 /path/to/kde/startkde" (if I remember correctly)
21:17.39mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: No, it is the other way around:
21:18.06mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: startx /path/to/kde/startkde -- :1
21:22.06IceD^K Menu / Switch User / Start New Session?
21:22.48Naruto_UzumakiMTdont have that menu entry
21:22.54Naruto_UzumakiMTthats why i asked
21:22.59mart_kIceD^: AFAIK that depends on the desktop manager.
21:23.36IceD^use kdm
21:23.36IceD^and be happy
21:23.44Naruto_UzumakiMTme too
21:24.12IceD^Naruto_UzumakiMT: hmm
21:24.23IceD^Naruto_UzumakiMT: use good distro :]
21:25.36bameh, kdm sucks
21:26.00IceD^ba: ?
21:26.03IceD^why so?
21:26.06baDoesn't work for me. :)
21:26.31IceD^I'm using it once per week for 2 seconds (needed to type password)
21:26.46Naruto_UzumakiMTomg, even an konqueror plugin works now without crashing it
21:26.52Naruto_UzumakiMTit is my config
21:27.07baIt just loops back to login for me. I can't find anything that will fix it as of yet.
21:27.32IceD^ba: use good distro as well
21:27.44baI use debian
21:28.16mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: Do you know how to 'delete' a configuration?
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21:28.23IceD^I have one debian box and it's OK there
21:28.36bathe odd thing is that gdm works fine
21:29.45Naruto_UzumakiMTerm. rm -Rf .kde
21:30.02Naruto_UzumakiMTis maybe wrong
21:30.06mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: Better move it away.
21:30.28mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: mv .kde .kde_bak
21:30.53Naruto_UzumakiMTthen it is at another place and i cant use it anyway
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21:31.55mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: If it is another problem problem after all and it crashes again, you can move back your personal settings.
21:32.30mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: If it works perfectly with a new .kde, you can delete the backup afterwards.
21:32.50Naruto_UzumakiMTi will be in a few secs
21:34.21*** join/#kde Naruto_UzumakiMT (
21:35.19Naruto_UzumakiMTall icons are still in the menu
21:35.43mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: Only a few things are stored elsewhere.
21:36.16mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: Menu items are one of them.
21:38.16carl_1yay kdelivs 99%!
21:38.19carl_1libs even
21:40.58Naruto_UzumakiMTok, i think it is the config
21:41.15mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: It still works?
21:42.24Naruto_UzumakiMTeven that photobook(if it is calle like that in english) plugin in koqueror works, in my acc. it crashed by clicking on it
21:42.48Naruto_UzumakiMTeven with the old kde
21:43.03mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: Then this is how it should work:)
21:43.38Naruto_UzumakiMTthe other way to quit programs
21:46.42Naruto_UzumakiMTcool, i just noticed 2 coredumps in my home dor
21:47.04Naruto_UzumakiMThow to shoot an configuration that bad -.-
21:47.47*** join/#kde drolyk (
21:48.25mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: There are ways to ruin a configuration (I think running KDE 3.4, and then KDE 3.3 as the same user works).
21:49.31Naruto_UzumakiMTi can do it in anyway, doesnt matter if kde or linux itself, i just shot my lilo.conf today, i shouldnt experiment with working configs
21:51.06mart_kNaruto_UzumakiMT: Good luck and enjoy your new version of kde (I'm going to bed).
21:51.19Naruto_UzumakiMTok, cya
21:51.59semowhat i must do to twinview that it change the main screen to the other moniotr
21:53.09*** join/#kde Blissex (
21:53.10benJImanset the offset to appropriate value , or use the relevant of leftof/rightof etc
21:53.27Naruto_UzumakiMTwhat graphic crad do you have?
21:53.40semothe leftof / rightof setiig is sensless
21:54.01benJImanyou can also specify the offset manually in the metamodes if you want
21:54.09semobenJIman: i changed it in the conf but nothing changed
21:54.15benJImansemo: you have to restart X
21:54.23semoNaruto_UzumakiMT: i have an GeForce FX 5700
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21:54.43benJImananyway you can specify it manually in terms of pixels in the metamodes
21:55.04semoi start kde with "startx" so i start x everztime new if i start kde
21:56.42Naruto_UzumakiMTi have gf too and dont get it how to get twinview working, but the link that benJIman(thanks) wrote will help
21:56.54Naruto_UzumakiMTso i will shut up now
21:59.09Naruto_UzumakiMTthat sux...
21:59.10benJImando you need to make -f Makefile.cvs first?
21:59.20carl_1Its a script doing it
21:59.23carl_1im checking the logs right now
21:59.37carl_1if I could remember where they are
21:59.44*** join/#kde JayParadise (
22:00.30carl_1checking for pam_start in -lpam... no
22:00.30carl_1configure: error: --with-pam was specified, but cannot compile with PAM!
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22:02.16carl_1I just rmeoved --with-pam
22:02.19carl_1hope it isnt important
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22:02.44semobenJIman: can i say this monitor will start at this pixel and that monitor will start at that?
22:03.07tbscopecarl_1, either install pam or use --without-pam when you configure
22:03.07benJImansemo: you specify the pixel offset for the second monitor from the first monitor
22:03.24carl_1tbscope: What is pam?
22:03.39tbscopesecurity modules as far as I know
22:03.49carl_1ahh, so probabbly not worth installing
22:03.58*** join/#kde Diilber1 (
22:04.23carl_1yea I just googled it
22:04.25carl_1not worth it =)
22:05.00Diilber1My question is probably stupid.. but here is my problem... I am new to linux development... .. I want to run my application on a double click of the Binary... but it will not run unless I run the ./BInary_Name command from the shell
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22:05.19carl_1guess not
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22:05.37carl_1Ahh hes back
22:05.38DiilbertAny ideas ?
22:05.49tbscopeDillber1, if you can run it from a command line, then you should be able to run it by clicking on an icon too
22:05.50pakoshmm, pam is used for overall authentication - by kdm too, i suppose. so if you build kdm without pam, you can't log in
22:05.52carl_1Set the shortcut up so target is /dir/binary
22:06.00carl_1pakos: I dont use KDM
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22:06.12pakoscarl_1: than it's ok :)
22:06.30Diilberttbscope: well it doesn't
22:06.34koala_manDiilbert: if it's a text mode app, then you won't see the text it outputs if you double click it
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22:06.41carl_1set the "command" to /home/blah/program
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22:06.50DiilbertIf I go to the command line and type the absolute path it will run
22:06.51carl_1And if its text check off run in termional
22:06.57tbscopeDiilbert, is the command executed by clicking the icon really the same as your command line command ?
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22:07.13Diilbertkoal_man:  It is an application I am working on w/ WxWidgets
22:07.28tbscopeDiilbery, did you set your environment variables correct? like PATH for example
22:07.57miklosHi all!
22:07.58pakosanyone who's got kdesvn-build working? actually i have no luck with it
22:08.08Diilberttbscope:  how do I do it
22:08.18tbscopeDiilbert, then do: export PATH=/path/to/your/prog:$PATH
22:08.19carl_1pakos: Im building KDE svn with it right now
22:08.33pakoscarl_1: with the kdesvn-build script?
22:08.34tbscopeDillbert, add that line in your ~/.bashrc file
22:08.37carl_1pakos: yes
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22:08.58pakoscarl_1: with or without unsermake?
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22:09.11carl_1pakos: I couldnt get it to work with QT so im not compiling QT just using the one I ahve
22:09.20carl_1pakos: I think without
22:09.38pakoscarl_1: i skipped qt too. but unsermake gives me python errors :-/
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22:09.59carl_1pakos: aye build it without =)
22:10.01carl_1I have to go though
22:10.02carl_1cya all
22:10.25pakoscarl_1: and if i switch it off (in the config), then it's going to use automake, and says, that i must have automake1.6 or greater. but i have..
22:10.41Diilberttbscope: It works fromt he command line, but if I double click the Binary in Konqueror, no such luck
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22:13.00miklosHi patkos!
22:13.19miklosmármint szia, magyarul :-)
22:13.34pakosmiklos: hi there :) (but there's no 't' in my name)
22:14.07miklosmivan??? a zárójelben ami van azt nemértem
22:14.39miklosfollow that sentenes please, mármint fordítsd le lécci
22:14.59semobenJIman: u are my hero
22:15.03pakosmiklos: the nick is 'pakos', not 'patkos' :-)
22:15.14miklosaha, hanem ki?
22:15.23tbscopeDiilbert, nope.
22:15.44semobenJIman: after endless tryes to get that shit work u made it :) thx
22:16.05benJImanyou're welcome
22:17.16*** join/#kde birchoff (
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22:18.19birchoffso here is the million dollar question how do I get KDE to force me to double click icons insteead of single click
22:19.06pakosbirchoff: open control center, click on the 'search' tab, and type 'doubl'
22:19.16DiilbertDiilbert: Anyone else ?
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22:19.33forlorncontrol center, periferals, mouse
22:19.54DiilbertTalking to myself again :)
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22:21.50DiilbertAny ideas where a good place to look would be for info ?
22:21.56Diilbertone sec
22:22.00birchoffthanks pakos
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22:22.28birchoffpakos, you wouldnt by anychance know how I can remove some of the buttons in the navigation panel in kdevelop
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22:23.37ectospazmI'm looking for system monitoring apps for KDE.  I'm used to using gkrellm2 in Fluxbox, I want something similar now that I'm trying out KDE...
22:24.08semobenJIman: how do i say twinview what a refresh rate i want to have at this or this resolution
22:24.08pakosbirchoff: which buttons, for example?
22:24.54benJImansemo: I think it goes by the modelines defined in the screen section, i'm not certain though
22:25.22semohmmm k i try
22:25.30thiagoectospasm: ksysguard, ksim
22:25.39*** part/#kde Madkiss (madkiss@madkiss.staff.freenode)
22:25.41benJImanyou can specify secondmonitor.... for the ranges
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22:27.52birchoffpakos, how about the file selector button
22:28.30pakosProject / Project options / Plugins
22:28.44pakosDisable what you don't need
22:29.07birchoffpakos, if your male I owe you a case of bear and your female I could just kiss you right now
22:29.49pakosbirchoff: o, i write down the beer promise :)
22:30.13birchoffKdevelop just became my ide of choice in linux
22:30.17pakosyeah, beer is better as bear :)
22:30.21birchoffI am a very very happy camper
22:30.52ectospasmthiago:  ksysguard is not what I'm looking for.  I was hoping for something that would dock to the panel, or something
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22:38.26thiagoectospasm: try the ksysguard panel applet
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22:41.06forlornthe only prob with ksysguard is that it can't be run in tray for quick access to process info via --showprocesses
22:41.38forlorneven with systraycmd it doesn't work
22:43.58Octaneanyone know how to prevent Konqueror (file management) from displaying the bookmark toolbar when opening a new tab
22:44.03Octanewhen browsing files
22:44.37Lord-PhoenixOctane: set it up how you want it, and then save over the file management profile
22:46.17OctaneLord-Phoenix: yes, my file mgt profile doesnt have the bookmark folder, however, a new tab does
22:47.47Lord-Phoenixhmm...what view profile comes up by default?
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22:48.23OctaneLord-Phoenix: i did save over my old file-management profile and now its not happening -- thanks for your help
22:48.31Octanethiago: great interview on kde, good read!
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22:48.53miklosi come back pakos!
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22:52.41thiagoOctane: thanks
22:55.10Lord-Phoenixthiago: yeah, the tabs and spaces answer was just classic
22:55.40miklospakos! Where are you? you comback: please answer my question!
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23:05.03Octanepoor miklos
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23:23.04paulohi. Does anyone know how to export geo data from kaddressbook to the kworldclock?
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23:26.15solarpluckWhat's the service that allows you to view the login screen of another computer called?
23:27.19solarpluckAh KDM!
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23:33.20birchoffis there a tutorial on how to do kdm themes/splash screens
23:34.26paulohave you looked in
23:34.47birchoffwhere on kde-look
23:35.00pauloI don't know, I was just suggesting
23:35.17birchoffthanks for the suggestion, but I dont see any on here
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23:37.59paulohave you been here?
23:38.11pauloit has parts of themes, I suppose
23:38.40*** join/#kde chase (
23:39.10blueyedHow can I debug-enable Qt and KDE? So that backtraces of crashing apps (KMail for example) don't have that many "(no debugging symbols found)" lines?
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23:41.33birchoffyeah but thats installing the themes.. I am interested in a tut on how to create a theme for KDM and KDE Splashes
23:41.49birchoffif there isnt one I guess I will just have to reverse the process
23:42.26*** join/#kde Frogbarf (
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23:43.12Frogbarfdoes anyone know why juk returns an error saying that you can only play local files when trying to play an audio cd?
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23:44.33Frogbarfwith juk
23:44.42paulobirchoff: That page wasn't just to install, it has a developer section after the installation instructions
23:45.36*** part/#kde chase (
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23:52.54matteoroxxi'm using gentoo
23:53.09|RepriSaL|nice choise ;)
23:54.20matteoroxxhave i to unmasked every package to install kde 3.4.2 ?
23:54.44*** join/#kde eisregen (
23:55.50|RepriSaL|you have to use the correct USE flag to unmask masked packages
23:55.51*** part/#kde matteoroxx (
23:56.13forlornUSE flag???
23:56.42forlornput every package you need to unmask in /etc/portage/package.keywords
23:57.41*** join/#kde benJIman (

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