irclog2html for #kde on 20050601

00:01.05*** join/#kde strychnine (
00:03.12strychnineok im quite annoyed, konqueror has 8, count them EIGHT!!! document relations toolbars open, why, why on earth do i need that many??????????????? i want it gone, and not just hidden but gone!!! the damn buttons arent even enabled!!!!!! it is more useless that anything that has ever been useless befor
00:03.54strychnineevery time i close them they just open back up when i change pages
00:03.57Tm_Twait, I'll open konqi and count
00:04.12strychnineand i set the settings to 'never' and they still show up
00:04.24Tm_Tok, what buttons you mean?
00:04.34strychnineits wors than spyware
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00:04.43strychninedocument relations
00:04.52Tm_T...can't see them
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00:05.22strychnineits on the left of the browser
00:05.24Dhraakelliannow, if the document relations toolbar was actually useful like it's Firefox counterpart (the link toolbar extension)...
00:06.34Tm_Thmm, can't see any 8 document relations toolbars
00:07.04strychnineits an error or something
00:07.12strychninei dont know
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00:07.40kendworkhey, does this cover the recent PCX/kimgio vulns?  KDE 3.4 to KDE 3.4.1 Changelog
00:07.48kendworkoops :)  URL would be useful:
00:09.52grepperstrychnine: try mv'ing/removing plugin_rellinks.desktop
00:12.15kendworkwhat was this procedure, now? :)
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00:20.30Super_Cat_Froghi - i got this error when using konstruct to compile meta/everything - /home/bob/downloads/programs/konstruct/libs/qt-x11-free/work/qt-x11-free-3.3.4/lib/ undefined
00:20.36Super_Cat_Frogreference to `XF86VidModeGetModeLine'
00:20.42Super_Cat_Frogany idea's?
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00:22.16Super_Cat_Frogdoesn't matter - i have qt already installed, i'l just skip that
00:25.34*** join/#kde Ringwraith` (
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00:31.18*** join/#kde TaQ (
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00:32.02TaQhello! I'm trying to make a presentation here on kpresenter, but seems that the object effect is tooooo slow. I ask for a text come from above and it does not come smoothly, it comes on "little jumps"
00:32.17Ringwraith`that could be an X thingy
00:32.25TaQdo you guys knows if there is some parameter to make this more visually enjoyable?
00:32.37TaQRingwraith`, some X server parameter?
00:33.15Ringwraith`it *could* possibly be that you are using a framebuffer or vesa x driver
00:34.03Ringwraith`if thats the case, switching to the driver specifically for your card should correct the smoothness
00:34.21TaQmmmm not really, I'm using a Nvidia card here with its module compiled on the kernel
00:34.22TaQnot the nvidia official module from the vendor, but the default kernel
00:34.42TaQso it's a good idea get the modules from the nvidia website and compile it?
00:37.33canllaithThe official nvidia driver is very very good
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00:39.04Ringwraith`yeah try that Taq
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00:51.42xijiokmail is giving a weird error
00:52.23xijiosays "Connection to hose is broken"
00:52.36xijiobut that host works perfectly fine in thunderbird
00:53.27xijioeven telling it to query for supported types gives that error
00:54.46*** join/#kde _blackhand (~blackhand@
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00:55.39SantaOneI just added a child panel and wanted to show all minimized windows in the new created child panel and no more in the normal panel
00:55.43SantaOnehow can I do so?
00:59.17xijiosooo back to thunderbird for me
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01:12.49xijioany idea why my mail server doesn'twork in kmail but it works perfectly fine in thunderbird
01:15.50*** join/#kde CondorDes (
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01:37.11blueyedxijio: how do you connect to your mail server? imap/pop3? Or do you have problems with sending?
01:38.19*** join/#kde aton` (~aton3@
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01:44.09LuminerdCan someone please link me to Ndiswrapper how-to page?
01:44.22*** join/#kde Alethes (pennywise@alethes.user)
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01:44.51xijioblueyed: it is imap
01:44.55xijioand it works in thunderbird
01:45.18phxguyCan anybody help me with a problem im having running Acrobat reader
01:45.26blueyedI've no problems with IMAP and K-Mail (both my own server and the one), xijio.
01:45.51blueyedno experience with that, phxguy.. but just tell about it.
01:46.17phxguywhen i type acroread command in konsole i get an error
01:46.49phxguy/usr/bin/acroread: line 12: /usr/lib/Acrobat5/bin/acroread: No such file or directory
01:47.54Alethesrun which or where acroread from a konsole
01:48.44phxguyhuh... that doesn't make anysense to me sorry
01:49.12Alethesyou've got konsole open right?
01:49.23Alethestype: whereis acroread
01:49.33Alethestell me what it returns
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01:49.54phxguyacroread: /usr/bin/acroread /usr/share/man/man1/acroread.1.gz
01:49.55phxguyo ok this is what i get
01:50.39Alethesok, next do locate -u
01:50.49Alethesit'll update your locate db, then do locate acroread
01:50.59Alethesmaybe locate acroread | more
01:51.04Alethesjust in case it returns a bunch of stuff
01:51.57phxguyok i did that
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01:52.03Alethesget a longer list?
01:52.13phxguyit was a long list
01:52.25phxguyhad to do the more option
01:52.35Alethessee anything with Acrobat4?
01:52.51Alethespreferably Acrobat5/bin/acrobat
01:53.56phxguyi have a few things
01:54.23Alethesthat's the one you already know about
01:55.06Alethesso you wanna find the path to the real executable and change the path in the shell script
01:55.30Aletheshang on to that path
01:55.32phxguytheres also /usr/lib/Acrobat5/bin/
01:55.43Alethesdon't want that one
01:55.47Alethessave the first one
01:55.56Alethesnow, open /usr/bin/acroread in your favorite text editor
01:55.58phxguyok that all
01:56.00Alethesmake sure you edit as root
01:56.44Alethesas root just do: ln -s /usr/lib/Acrobat5/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread /usr/lib/Acrobat5/bin/acroread
01:56.55Alethesmight need to add a bin dir under /usr/lib/Acrobat5
01:57.35*** join/#kde straw (
01:58.02phxguyso just creat a symbolic link?
01:58.15Alethesthen you can just leave the shell script alone
01:58.26phxguyok did that
01:58.39Alethesdoes it work now?
01:58.53phxguyno it doesn't
01:59.05phxguyacroread must be executed from the startup script.
01:59.06Alethesnew error?
01:59.21phxguyit requires the script for some dumb reason
01:59.30Alethesare you running /usr/bin/acroread now?
01:59.46LuminerdHello, I could use a little help getting ndiswrapper to work on my Dell Latitude D500...I went through the how-to, which seemed very straightforward...However I seem still to have screwed something up...Don't know what to say, other than I can't access the net
01:59.50Alethesactually, maybe you should ln it to that .sh file
02:00.08Alethesit's kind of a hit and miss thing
02:00.14Alethesas long as you don't link it to rm  :)
02:01.30phxguyumask 077
02:01.31phxguy/usr/lib/Acrobat5/bin/acroread "$@"
02:01.37phxguyit has this in there right now
02:01.51phxguyshould i replace it? or comment it out?
02:01.52Alethesin the .sh file?
02:01.59phxguyyes in the .sh file
02:02.48Alethesyou could just edit that path to point to your acroread at /usr/lib/Acrobat5/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread
02:02.57Alethesthen skip the link
02:04.47phxguyokay I saved the changes but it still says the same thing.... that it must be started fromt he script
02:05.09Alethesyou rm'd the link?
02:05.23phxguythe one we made? yes
02:05.41Alethesthat's strange
02:08.20LuminerdDang, so no one here knows ndiswrapper?
02:08.28*** join/#kde linuxuser (
02:10.06sarah03Luminerd: I would know it if I had any reason to learn it... but the only reason that I have to use it is for wireless gear, and I've got wireless gear that works fine without such hacks. :)
02:11.28phxguyAlethes: ok in the file in the acrobat5 folder there is a line that says install_dir=REPLACE_ME
02:11.40phxguyAlethes: should I change that?
02:11.42Alethesah cool
02:11.59Alethestry that first
02:12.04Alethesthen add the bin if it doesn't work
02:12.24Dhraakelliankde takes a lot less time to download when I do the wget manually from a different mirror
02:12.30*** join/#kde test (
02:12.45Dhraakellian10 hours and 20 minutes for 16/30 packages just isn't rite
02:13.00phxguyok what do you mean add the bin???
02:13.17Alethestry the path you found earlier without /bin on it first
02:13.30Alethesif that doesn't work use  /usr/lib/Acrobat5/Reader/intellinux/bin
02:14.24*** join/#kde NTolerance (
02:14.35phxguydamn it still gives me that error that it must be started byt eh startup script
02:15.01Aletheswith and without /bin?
02:15.21phxguyyes with/without /bin
02:19.49phxguywell i gotta go thanks for try Alethes
02:20.02Alethesno prob
02:21.23*** join/#kde linuxx (
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02:42.45Dhraakellianah... futuristic, not "set in the future"
02:43.10Dhraakelliansince both SG and HHGttG are present day
02:43.26*** join/#kde illissius- (
02:52.27RetroManis anyone successfully running zeroconf?
02:52.43Tm_TI think yes
02:53.46RetroManwell, Ive installed mdnsd, I recompiled my kdelibs to 3.4.1, but zeroconf:/ still gives me an unsupported protocol error
02:59.22*** join/#kde Oleg_ (~Oleg_@
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03:12.01acornRetroMan: try running kbuildsycoca?
03:13.32RetroManwhat is that?
03:14.38acornRetroMan: rebuilds configuration cache including mimetypes
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03:24.56Ripe_Do you know any howto about using ldap with Kontact?
03:25.19Ripe_to contacts and calendar...
03:25.22Ripe_and todos
03:25.26Ripe_all in LDAP's
03:25.49*** join/#kde SuperLag (
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04:01.43RoeyRipe_:  I don't
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04:12.37MrGrimI have had a revelation!
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04:13.57MrGrimme and a friend have determined it may be possible that I suffer from passive aggressiveness ...
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04:56.36dangaioHello, is there a problem with KDE 3.4 and the sound mixer? I don't get the master volume when I click on the speaker icon.
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04:57.14grepperdangaio: what do you get ?
04:57.43*** join/#kde anjumbutt (~anjumbutt@872e1fba63d01c20.session.tor)
04:58.39dangaioall I get when I click on the speaker icon (kmixer) is just a small box and the "mixer" button.  Once I click on that, it opens the mixer but no master volume.
04:59.10*** join/#kde icyfire0573 (
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05:01.06grepperdangaio: what mixers are there ?
05:01.35icyfire0573sound mixers?
05:01.39dangaioI am using only kmixer.  Or what is it that you are referring to?
05:01.41*** join/#kde Billthe4th (
05:01.51icyfire0573kmix(er) aumix
05:01.58grepperno, I mean what sliders do you get in kmix
05:02.09grepperyou said there was not "master"
05:03.25dangaioOk, I only have analog center/LFE, Analog Front, Analog Rear, Analog Side, SPDIF Center, front, rear, and nothing in the input tab.
05:04.30grepperis alsamixer or aumix any different ?
05:05.16dangaioI have tried 2 different types of sound cards and still the same.
05:06.00grepper<grepper> is alsamixer or aumix any different ?
05:10.10*** part/#kde anjumbutt (~anjumbutt@872e1fba63d01c20.session.tor)
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05:38.01maeomg, i just enabled composite.. this is bad
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06:58.28Japsugrepper: aumix is written for Open Sound System, not ALSA
06:59.09Japsugrepper: if you have ALSA OSS Emulation enabled, aumix should work for you also, but alsamixer is better, so you generally want to use alsamixer on an ALSA-enabled machine
06:59.09*** join/#kde edmetric (
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07:00.32Japsuah, reading the f* backbuffer again :E
07:00.36Japsudisregard that.
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07:13.12*** topic/#kde is KDE 3.4.1 released | KDE FAQ: - The answer to your question might already be here! | Please don't flood the channel, use a paste service: | Please state your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | New release of kopete to fix the MSN bug:
07:18.10*** join/#kde pukyxd (
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07:25.03*** join/#kde RADIOhead (~loop@
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07:28.41malvoso what's the review on 3.4.1?
07:29.10malvowoot, lots of umbrello fixes i see =)
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07:51.37RADIOheadwho have amd64 >?
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07:54.29gregday__i do
07:55.05RADIOheadgregday__, wanna ask something i have 3000+ winchester and i compiled kelibs and compile time is 56 minutes
07:55.42RADIOheadso just want ask if u try and test compile on amd 64?
07:56.55*** join/#kde thefish (~thefish@thefish.user)
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08:00.39gregday__radi0head: yeah, it doesn't take that long
08:02.27RADIOheadgregday__, how ram u have man, and what hda?> cpu?, sorry bothering you man
08:05.05*** join/#kde war- (
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08:40.13srednaHello *
08:40.22srednaWhat a quiet morning :9
08:40.26slayerbobhiya sredna
08:40.36srednaHow are you today slayerbob ?
08:40.41slayerboboh not too bad
08:40.45slayerboba little tired :P
08:40.55slayerbobfor some reason i woke at 3am this morning
08:40.59slayerboband it is now almost 9pm
08:41.01RADIOheadecho sredna :)
08:41.01srednaHe, me too, I slep til 10 today
08:41.11RADIOheadslayerbob,  :)
08:41.29slayerbobi wouldn't care except my work has really weird hours :S
08:41.40srednaThe nights are so light here, I need a thicker curtain, and even then birds seems to be very active in the hours before dawn..
08:41.41slayerboblike 8.30am - 5pm 5 days a week
08:41.52slayerbobit is the most bizarre set of working hours i have ever struck
08:41.53srednaHi RADIOhead ):
08:42.28srednaIt's long days
08:42.35RADIOheadsredna, slayerbob accidentaly u have amd 64? :)
08:42.50srednaNo, unfortunately not
08:43.32slayerbobmust buy me one for my next upgrade
08:43.47RADIOheadi got 3000+ but kdelibs got 56 minutes 2 comile man and build slackware pkgs
08:43.57slayerbobwell... after the more powerful notebook, larger hdd, dual TFTs...
08:44.28slayerbobspose i'd better get a decent video card too
08:44.34slayerbobit's like a never-ending story
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08:46.16RADIOheadgregday__, wb
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08:52.45slayerbobso how goes the application letter writing sredna ?
08:53.26srednaIt goes fine, after I accepted that it is impossible to get my kword template the last 2% perfect... :)
08:53.33srednaAnd thanks for asking :-)
08:54.02slayerbobi think i was only aiming for about 90% perfect when i was writing my applications :P
08:54.22slayerbobthere are too many different programs that they could have been viewing the results in for me to bother with more than that
08:54.57slayerbobstrange that it is so quiet tonight :S
08:56.08srednaWell, I print them
08:56.17slayerbobah i just emailed everything :P
08:56.25slayerbobprinting i would have gone for close to perfect :P
08:57.44srednaAnd at least the somewhere-near-1.4b1 version of kword that I have has weird issues - when I resize a frame or change margins in some of its cells, it may rearrange the entire document when I save it or create a template from it...
08:58.10RADIOheadkde almost compiled :)
08:58.20srednaI wish they would at least do the rearranging when I edit the document...
08:59.08slayerbobyeah it is annoying things like that that make me use oo.o instead
09:00.24srednaWell, OOo has similar issues ime
09:00.32slayerbobstrange - works just fine here :S
09:00.42slayerbobalthough it might be the particular elements that you are using
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09:10.09slayerbobhiya physos
09:10.18slayerbobthat book you recommended is really good :P
09:10.29slayerbobwell... suits me in any case :P
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09:12.30physosslayerbob: glad to hear that
09:12.35physosuh, read
09:13.12srednaWas I kicked, or ...?
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09:14.40slayerbobsredna: don't think so
09:14.44priyankwhat is the session file for kde ?
09:14.47priyankstartkde ?
09:15.10slayerbobphysos: so yeah thanks muchly - looks like soon i will know how to write qt applications :P
09:15.23srednaslayerbob: Na, it's probably the problem with ksirc (or is it kde) beeing unflexible when several apps are sending requests simultaneously
09:16.22srednapriyank: Startkde is the startup script
09:16.32priyanksredna: that will start kde ?
09:16.34priyanksredna: right ?
09:16.45srednapriyank: The session data is in ~/.kde/share/config/session
09:16.50srednapriyank: Yes, it will start kde
09:16.56srednaHence the naem :o
09:17.02priyanklol ok
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09:30.35srednaMore and more often, I am met with the information that 'Your browser does not support SessionCookies ant therefore you can not ...". I have set konqueror to automatically accept session cookies. So what is wrong with it?
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09:35.59slayerbobit is probably reading the browser version, failing to recognise it, and deducing from that that it does not accept cookies
09:37.58srednaI think ie 5+ has a specific setting, that can be queried using javascript
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09:46.45srednaIt works if I change the ua string...
09:46.49srednaStupid idiots
09:52.02slayerbobheh so what i said then ::P
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09:59.48dmoyneI have a question on CUPS / KDE / Ubuntu ; who can help ?
10:00.28Frost^dmoyne, we can try..
10:00.39Frost^but you'll need to ask it first )
10:01.32dmoyneok with KDE no way to add printers as I have an error message saying that connexiuon on server is not possible but no problems with GOME ; any ideas ?
10:02.26Frost^through KDE's control center?
10:02.43dmoyneYes of course as I am a KDE addict !
10:03.21Frost^are u sure that CUPS is the printing system used by kde?
10:04.01dmoyneYes as indicated in Printers !
10:04.47Frost^what's your machine's hostname?
10:05.01dmoyneAfter unsuccessful connexion I can add a printer but at  the end of the process it is not added in the list !
10:05.25Frost^are you sure cups is on?
10:05.56dmoyneMy machine name is azun ; strange you put this question because at boot i have one single strange error message (red asterisk) : error in name resolution !
10:06.30dmoyneyes because I can stop and restart in console !
10:06.43Frost^open a console, and type ping -c 3 localhost
10:06.45Frost^does it work?
10:07.35dmoyneI collect this :
10:07.38dmoynePING localhost.localdomain ( 56(84) bytes of data.
10:07.38dmoyne64 bytes from localhost.localdomain ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.073 ms
10:07.38dmoyne64 bytes from localhost.localdomain ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.060 ms
10:07.38dmoyne64 bytes from localhost.localdomain ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.062 ms
10:07.38dmoyne--- localhost.localdomain ping statistics ---
10:07.39dmoyne3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 1999ms
10:07.42dmoynertt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.060/0.065/0.073/0.005 ms
10:07.49Frost^ok so it works
10:07.58Frost^it's not the hostname then
10:08.21dmoyneand same with ping -c 3 azun
10:08.21Frost^hmmm, what else could it be then...
10:09.03dmoynewhat is also strange with Ubuntu is that they do not want people to use loacalhost:631
10:09.26Frost^why is that?
10:10.34dmoynewhen opening localhost:631 with konqueror I have this message : Les tâches administratives ont été désactivées pour des raisons de sécurité. Veuillez utiliser le menu Poste de travail System > Administration > Impression
10:10.47Frost^translate it for me :)
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10:11.54dmoyneok : for safety reasons tasks administration are not active ; use Gnome administration > Print !
10:12.22Frost^maybe that's why
10:12.54dmoyneOn KDE there is this information : Server azun : 631
10:13.02Frost^hmm, just a thought, since ubuntu is a gnome-centric distro, maybe they implemented all the configuration using gnome tools, and have not yet done so for kde
10:13.06Frost^so they disabled it
10:13.14dmoyneI mean in the Control Center
10:13.14Frost^of course, this is just a thought
10:14.29dmoyneThat is possible but though I like Ubuntu I have a problem with their safety choices : use of sudo for the user that installed Ubuntu and know this on port 631 !
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10:15.20Frost^maybe the folks at #kubuntu can be more helpful, I'm not a ubuntu user
10:15.38oneforallhmm there a way to restart kde with out logging out and in ? I hear flux box can
10:16.21dmoynenow if I try to click on Task administartion when opening localhost:631 they ask for user name and password what can I put in there : nothing works ?
10:17.05slayerbobroot and your root password perhaps ?
10:17.10slayerbobiirc that is what cups needs
10:17.15Frost^he's with ubuntu :)
10:17.25dmoynenope they do not work !: ; how do I set new user and password
10:17.29Frost^dmoyne, in a console do sudo passwd
10:17.38Frost^and set a root password
10:17.39slayerbobi guess the ubuntu folks did not think of that one :P
10:17.55Frost^then you can su like a normal person
10:18.02Frost^and log into cups
10:18.13Frost^thinking of it, this might cause the problem for you
10:18.31Frost^in order to add a printer you need to use administrator mode I think
10:18.40Frost^which you can't do without a root password
10:18.57dmoyneIf I do sudo passwd who's supposed to be concerned root ?
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10:19.10Frost^dmoyne, what do you mean?
10:19.39dmoyneSomebody said do sudo passwd what for ?
10:19.40Frost^you do sudo passwd, type your user's password, and in the next 2 fields you put the root password you want
10:19.54Frost^because that way you can have a root password
10:20.03Frost^and you can use root directly instead of sudo
10:20.13Frost^which is what you need for cups, for example
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10:20.37dmoyneok I go in a superuser console
10:20.59dmoynethen what ?
10:21.09Frost^did you set a root password?
10:22.03Frost^go to the cups configuration thingy, and when it asks for user and pass enter root and your root password
10:22.05dmoyneog course I have a root password but on my machine I am also sudo
10:22.19Frost^ok, so you have them both
10:22.30dmoynehow do I go to the cups configuration
10:22.46Frost^<dmoyne> now if I try to click on Task administartion when opening localhost:631 they ask for user name and password what can I put in there : nothing works ?
10:22.49Frost^do this again
10:23.44dmoynesorry you are too fast before going back to Task Administration I have to set user aun pasword ! ; how to achieve this ?
10:24.03dmoyneof course for CUPS server access
10:24.11Frost^you use root and the root password you just set
10:25.11dmoyneif I use root and root password I ma rejected
10:25.22Frost^ok, that's weird
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10:25.40Frost^I'm out of ideas, sorry
10:26.22dmoyneno problem you just do your best ! ; I think all this mess appeared when updating Ubuntu
10:26.50dmoyneBut what is strange is that I cannot set CUPS user / password
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10:28.22dmoyneThere is a cupsys user on this machine ; maybe I can set a password for it and retry but all this does not make sense
10:29.13dmoyneAre using also KDE
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10:29.42Frost^no idea about this cupsys thingy, sounds like ubuntu-specific stuff to me
10:30.32dmoyneyes maybe I have to go back to KDE gurus to understand what is going on !
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10:33.34dmoyneThanks i will further investigate
10:33.43dmoyneBye !
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10:42.46simon_cHi All, What's the easiest way to ask a user a couple of questions from a program icon ?
10:44.45srednaSit in the middle of it and ask away :o
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10:47.32simon_cI'll rephrase my question.
10:48.44simon_cI want to run a command from a desktop icon, appended with a couple of items user input. But, I'd like to ask the questions (and get the answers) via a nice pritty GUI, and not dump them to a text terminal. What's the best program to acheive that ?
10:49.43epomg, apt-get install kdesdk installs the kitchen sync!
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10:58.07Super_Cat_Froghi - can somebody tell me the dependancies of compiling kde (such as libxinerama-dev), so i can install them all now and not one at a time everytime im given an error
10:58.20*** part/#kde priyank (~priyank@priyank.user)
11:03.44Super_Cat_Frogshould  i be getting errors on qobject.h when compiling kdebase3.4.1?
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11:07.36srednaSuper_Cat_Frog: You can find detailled instructins about compiling KDE at http://developer.kde.orgh
11:07.39srednaSuper_Cat_Frog: You can find detailled instructins about compiling KDE at
11:07.49srednaSuper_Cat_Frog: And no, qobject.h should not cause errors
11:08.10srednaIf simon_c comes back, tell him about kdialog btw
11:09.50Super_Cat_Frogsredna - was that last message aimed at me?
11:10.07srednaSuper_Cat_Frog: No, that was aimed at the channel inm general
11:10.27srednaSuper_Cat_Frog: He left before I saw his reply, unfortunately
11:11.52Super_Cat_Frogsredna - do you know what qobject.h is/does?
11:12.08Super_Cat_Frog(could it be caused by missing includes?)
11:12.33srednaSuper_Cat_Frog: Qobject.h is a very central header file for the Qt library. It is required for about every class in KDE
11:12.56srednaSuper_Cat_Frog: If you haven't got it, you need to install the qt development files, often in package qt-devel
11:13.19Super_Cat_Frogok thanks
11:16.26Super_Cat_Frogsredna - ImfInputFile.h ?
11:16.53srednaUhm, I dont' know what that is exactly
11:17.06Super_Cat_Frogoh ye, i could always google...
11:17.23srednaLet me check
11:17.28srednaWhich OS are you running?
11:17.54Super_Cat_Frogdebian testing
11:17.56srednaI haven't got that file here
11:17.59Super_Cat_Frogive found it though
11:18.19Super_Cat_Frogits a doodar the decodes exr images
11:21.47Super_Cat_Frogive installed libxxf86vm-dev but im still getting errors like: /usr/lib/libGL.a(glxcmds.o)(.text+0x3234): In function `glXGetMscRateOML':
11:21.59Super_Cat_Frogany idea's? (sorry about the flooding)
11:24.34*** join/#kde CyberSpy (
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11:26.13srednaLinker errors
11:26.43srednaMake clean and make again maybe
11:27.48Super_Cat_Frogok ta
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11:39.45xstThe font size in the message- and composing window in evolution is pretty huge. In the preferences I have set "use the same font as other applications". The problem exist only in KDE. In gnome, the font size is just fine. Also the menues in firefox and the message-area in xchat has huge fonts. How can I normalize the font sizes?
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11:41.08Super_Cat_Frogive done make clean and ldconfig but im still getting (after installing libxxf86vm-dev) /usr/lib/libGL.a(glxcmds.o)(.text+0x3234): In
11:44.15_allanonanyone here used KMyMoney2?
11:44.29_allanonI don't know how to get started :]  ...and the handbook is "Under construction".
11:45.01jpetsoxst: I solved that by using the gtk-qt theme engine ( which applies KDE settings to gnome apps
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11:51.36Genia4hi, does kdelibs have a class to help draw a graph?
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11:55.56xstjpetso: Cool, that fixed something. But now the font size in the message overview and folder lists in evolution are really *small*. Apparently I cannot change the size of them through the font selection in the Kontrol center. What to do?
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11:57.39xst_Aaah, got it. I deleted the explicit font setting in switch2. Now everything works. Thanks!!!
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12:15.18Zxcvb__is koffice 1.4 rc1 available yet?
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12:17.35_allanoni seem to be running 1.3.91
12:18.24Zxcvb__the 1.4 rc1 tarball release date was the 1st
12:18.42PaloDeQuesoHow do you get the kde file sharing thing working in kubuntu, I tried to configure my shares with the samba util but it didn't work :(
12:18.57PaloDeQuesoI also asked in the kubuntu channel
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12:20.08Zxcvb___allanon: can you take a koffice 1.3.91 file and open it in OOo without using a filter now?
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12:21.39_allanonhm, I can try I guess.
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12:22.06_allanonyou mean save a file in kword, and let Oo open it?
12:22.18_allanonI would think that would be a limitation of Oo, not kword :>
12:22.40PaloDeQuesoThere are two things I have to have enabled, samba and something else?
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12:33.21sheldonhanyone know how to bind my keyboard volume keys to the PCM instead of Master mixer control?
12:33.56Zxcvb___allanon: yes, or open an OO file in kword compiled without filters
12:34.19Zxcvb___allanon: one of the goals of 1.4 was supposed to be to use the oasis format just like OO does
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12:38.31vuDoes anyone have a suggestion for how to remove the KDE panel i 3.1 completely? I don't want it to start up at all. Trying to hide it in control center doesn't do it fully
12:38.46[machine]what files govern which applications are shown in applications:/ and the panel menu?
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12:43.23moordanyone knows where i can find kde-config? i got that error when i was compiling kdeaccesibility...
12:44.02pinotreemoord: typically, in a package named kdelibs-devel or kdelibs4-dev
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12:44.23pinotreemoord: depends on your disto
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12:44.38moordi use slackware but i downloaded the source
12:45.01pinotreemoord: and compiled from sources, then?
12:45.40moordaccually i have to compile kdelibs before kdeaccesibility then :)
12:45.47pinotreeah, yes
12:45.59xstI have assigned hot keys to "move 1 desktop left/right/up/down". How can I prevent these actions to wrap around? That is, if I am at a top-most desktop and presses "one desktop up", then I am moved to the lowest desktop. I want it to stay at the top most desktop. How do I do that?
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13:06.56Super_Cat_Frogcan anybody help me with this error on kdebase? /usr/lib/libGL.a(glxcmds.o)(.text+0x3234): In function `glXGetMscRateOML':
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13:23.32acornhi #kde. I have xine-lib 1.0. what do specific submodule do I need to install to get video previews in Konqueror?
13:26.20Super_Cat_Frogacorn - konqueror as in khtml (the web browser)?
13:26.53acornSuper_Cat_Frog: as part of Konqueror's file browser
13:27.38Super_Cat_Frogacorn - you just need to associate your video files with xine and set them to open embedded by default
13:27.57Super_Cat_Frogi cant go through it step by step as ive hosed my kde installation
13:28.06Super_Cat_Froggoto konqueror > configure > file associations
13:28.13Super_Cat_Frogthen choose the video group (iirc)
13:28.27Super_Cat_Frogset them to run embedded in konqueror
13:28.32acornSuper_Cat_Frog: no I think that is a different thing. I would like to have the file browser show little picture previews for all my videos in my video directory, for example
13:28.42Super_Cat_Frogoh, thumbnails
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13:28.49acornah, yes that's the word
13:29.13Super_Cat_Frogi dont know (hosed my kde), have a look in view > type > thumbnails or something
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13:29.56dpymy homebrew scripts stopped working in kate
13:29.57acornI can preview lots of things even sound files but video files is not there for me
13:30.04dpysomehow it is looking for: Name[nl]=Voeg GPL Licentie toe <-- a script called &Voeg GPL Licentie toe
13:30.13dpyand no longer is it using this line (in the same .desktop file):
13:30.31acornI have only installed  kdelibs and kdebase though. I wonder what I need to install without installing all of the upper module
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13:30.56dpyhas the interface for scripting changed in KDE ?
13:30.58Super_Cat_Frogacorn - maybe kdemultimedia, i dont know
13:31.14dpydo I need to update my .desktop files ?
13:31.17Super_Cat_Froganybody else having problems compiling kde 3.4.1?
13:31.32PieDI've got a small problem with kdevelop :
13:31.49PieDit isn't usable any longer since I upgraded to KDE 3.4.1
13:32.04PieDI'm using kUbuntu
13:32.25lippelPieD: what means "not usable"?
13:32.26PieDit isn't usable : a lot of menu entries are missing, for instance new project ..
13:32.33PieDand more critical :
13:32.43PieDthere isn't any plugin available
13:33.01PieD=> no files browser, terminal...
13:33.07lippelPieD: any error messages on startup?
13:33.11Super_Cat_FrogpieD - try kbuildsycoca
13:33.27_allanonyour irc client also seems to be unable to have more than five words on each line. weirdest bug ever.
13:33.28Super_Cat_Frogthat has a tendancy to fix randomly broken kde stuff (amarok plugins for example0#
13:33.30PieDnothing on startup
13:33.49PieDI did kbuildsycoca => nothing better, I'm going to retry without my kdevelop configuration
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13:34.21PieDit isn't better
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13:42.03RADIOheadanyone use patch kdepim-kpilot-fix.diff or  kdepim ?
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14:04.15makinen_how do I enable konq-simplebrowser.rc profile?
14:06.25greppersettings->load view profile
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14:11.28thefishmy kasbar is cut short at the bottom, is there a waya to fix this?
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14:12.07thefish^ it seems to be compensating for the "hide panel" button on the top, as this is the size of the "cut off" at the bottom (i have it up the right side of the screen)
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14:15.22makinengrepper: I tried to load Simple Browser profile but my konqueror still looks the same
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14:17.10roberhi there
14:17.10galbotrixanyone here ?
14:17.22galbotrixhi rober
14:17.28roberwhat's up ?
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14:17.52galbotrixNothing much...just ol
14:17.54greppermakinen: well . . . I don't really know what the simple browser is supposed to look like :)
14:17.59galbotrixwht abt you ?
14:18.22roberi've a situation with kate
14:18.37galbotrixwhat is it ?
14:18.53makinengrepper: it should look like this:
14:19.18roberi run kate on the second desktop (i use two desktops), and whenever i start kde it switches to desktop 2 showing kate
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14:19.57roberno matter what desktop i log out, it always switches to desktop 2
14:20.11robereven when i have other apps on desktop 1
14:20.29roberand that bothers me
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14:22.46galbotrixso you want to  disable kate on the 2nd desktop
14:22.47greppermakinen: not sure I see the difference really
14:22.47galbotrixhave you checked your .kde file configuration...
14:22.47grepperrober: how are you starting kate on the 2nd desktop ?  Just by saving the session ?
14:23.07clemuxI have a problem with KWallet :
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14:23.54makinengrepper: in that picture the "Go" and the "Window" menus have disappeared
14:24.36grepperthey have ?
14:24.48galbotrixrober : so have you saved your configurations like that ?
14:25.20clemuxthe applications which have passwords in the wallet don't use it
14:26.06galbotrixrober : I'll recomend you to login desktop 2 then quit Kate and finally resave the changed environment before logging out
14:26.34clemuxand the applications which have not yet passwords in the wallet don't store passwords into it
14:26.44galbotrixor more so delete the chache entries in your .kde file
14:27.04clemux(sorry for my bad english, I'm french (and 13) )
14:27.06greppergalbotrix: I think he actually wants kate to load on desktop 2 on login, just not switch to desktop 2
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14:29.12clemuxcontrol access options are good
14:29.40clemuxPieD: c'est clair ce que j'ai dit là?
14:29.53PieDà peu près
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14:30.30galbotrixSo that what you wish ?
14:30.53pinotreeclemux: if you don't want to speak english, you can go to #kde-fr
14:31.13clemuxI know this channel
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14:33.21galbotrixeh..rober are you there ?
14:34.06robersorry i was talking w/ my boss
14:34.44robersure, i want kate to load on desktop 2 on login, not switch to desktop 2
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14:45.41roberyes, re
14:45.57acornwhat is re..?
14:46.14roberre is like hi again
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14:53.05PuppetMasterHola alguien me puede ayudar on algunas preguntas?
14:53.09*** join/#kde Super_Cat_Frog (
14:53.25Super_Cat_Froghi - can somebody help me with this error when trying to run kmail on kde 3.4.1 in debian sarge: kmail: relocation error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN4KPIM19KListViewSearchLine15createPopupMenuEv
14:53.55roberho do i add files to a project in kate ?
14:54.03roberis that function buggy or what ? :)
14:55.59PuppetMasternadie habla español
14:56.20roberyo PuppetMaster
14:56.21*** join/#kde lostmonk (
14:56.36lostmonki updated to 3.4.1
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14:56.40lostmonkkwin crashes
14:56.57lostmonki tried creating a brand new test user to make sure its not a conf gi issue
14:57.05lostmonkand it crashed then too
14:57.25lostmonkreinatall kde-base and see if that helps it?
15:00.42*** join/#kde _rober (
15:01.15Super_Cat_Froghi - can somebody help me with this error when trying to run kmail on kde 3.4.1 in debian sarge: kmail:                relocation error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN4KPIM19KListViewSearchLine15createPopupMenuEv
15:01.48*** join/#kde SEBest (
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15:03.16SEBesthello is there a kde dev channel?
15:03.30pinotreeSEBest: --> #kde-devel
15:03.44SEBestthx pinotree
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15:12.28ironfroggyok, i know this is probably a long shot, but has anyone here accessed MSDN through konq? I can't log in, it shows the login page and then jumps straight to a "no passport account? register now!" page
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15:18.44tekalphahi all
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15:19.38Retromanhey everyone.. does anyone else have trouble sudo kate'ing text files?
15:19.45Retromanim forced to use vi or gedit
15:19.56*** join/#kde [GALAXY] (
15:20.43Oleg_ok, this problem started only yesterday. As usually, yesterday when something was downloading, I turned off my monitor and went to sleep. when I woke up kde absolutely crashed, and couldn't do anything about it
15:20.59*** join/#kde tora88 (
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15:21.20Oleg_then I pressed on the reset button, so the comp re-booted
15:21.24*** part/#kde Reeb|zor (
15:21.25teknoprephi all
15:21.28Oleg_again, I loaded kde
15:21.37Oleg_and started downloading something
15:21.48teknoprepcan i just stick a bash script in ~/.kde/Autostart and it will run on startup of that profile in kde
15:21.56*** join/#kde boldii (
15:21.57Oleg_went to sleep, but when I woke up, the comp again totally crashed
15:22.07pinotreehey boldii
15:22.07Oleg_anybody else had this problem in kde?
15:22.15*** join/#kde kmenu1 (
15:22.26kmenu1good morning everyone :)
15:22.44kmenu1i have a question, my KMENU is "empty"... how do i "refilled it"?
15:23.00kmenu1"All applications" = No entry
15:23.53Retromanright click the K -> menu editor..?
15:23.53*** join/#kde lostmonk (
15:24.10kmenu1doesnt launch...
15:24.22kmenu1before it had application in it, that were not "seen" in Kmenu
15:24.26*** join/#kde StFS (
15:24.27kmenu1but now kmenu is empty
15:24.52kmenu1whats the commandline :P
15:25.01kmenu1so i can see if there errors
15:25.02praseodymiumdoes the KDE Project attend google's summer of code?
15:26.04kmenu1it was linked to the  other one before made by mdk
15:26.37kmenu1i mean if perl/apache/gnome is sponsered why not kde?
15:27.26kmenu1kmenuedit said is empty
15:27.41lostmonkwhere do i throw a backtrace of an issue?
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15:29.22lostmonkonce again the great sound of silence in a channel full of people
15:29.42*** part/#kde lostmonk (
15:29.52kmenu1isn't there a tool "to auto populate"
15:30.22*** part/#kde Oleg_ (~Oleg_@
15:30.32tora88kmenu1 kappfinder
15:31.25kmenu1when i it apply
15:31.32kmenu1it doesnt "add it to kmenu"
15:31.36kmenu1do i have to "reboot"?
15:32.01kmenu1also it only looks for non-kde items
15:32.06kmenu1i want to add kde items too!
15:35.07kmenu1it didn't find kdevelop and others
15:36.06*** join/#kde Dhraakellian (
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15:41.21atondoes anyone know how i can move dockapps like wmfire?
15:41.28atonit appears in the upper left corner
15:41.34atoni'd like to move it to the lower right
15:41.42ZalamanderHow can I rasie the kwalletmanager window, if kicker isn't running?
15:42.05*** join/#kde Coproscefalo (
15:42.34pinotreeZalamander: try executing kwalletmanager from knsole
15:42.45Zalamanderpinotree yes, I did that. It starts, but no window shows
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15:44.09ZalamanderNor does it show in my window list menu
15:45.06pinotreeZalamander: KMenu -> Settings -> Wallet manager ?
15:45.27Zalamandersame results
15:46.10pinotreeZalamander: try ps aux | grep wallet in a konsole and kill the running instance if found...
15:46.16Zalamanderpinotree it is
15:46.28Zalamanderoh, kill it? Hm, allright
15:47.01Zalamanderok, I tried that, and restarted it. Same results
15:47.05*** join/#kde DexterF-vm (
15:47.14pinotreeZalamander: =/
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15:47.27DexterF-vmwhere do i make kopete (3.3.2) use ctrl-return for send instead of return?
15:47.37Zalamanderhm, I restarted it without error, but now it says it's not runnign.
15:48.18pinotreeDexterF-vm: Settings -> Configure shortcuts
15:48.19Zalamanderok, now it's back in the process list, but still no window
15:48.24Zalamanderthis is baffling
15:48.33DexterF-vmpinotree: yes, but i don't see "send" anywhere
15:48.45ZalamanderI also have a KDE clock, docked, apparently, but no "kicker" in my process list
15:49.17Zalamanderah, never mind, kicker is there.
15:49.19*** join/#kde _root (~root@
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15:50.23DexterF-vmpinotree: there's "send single message" which is obviously sth else
15:50.25Zalamanderwell, I managed to get kicker restarted with default settings by moving my kickerrc file out of the way, so now I can open kwallet.
15:51.19pinotreeZalamander: in case, you can also use dcop:
15:51.20Zalamanderugh, and now show passwords gives me KMail accounts by internal account number, making it impossible for me to see which is which
15:51.27pinotreedcop kwalletmanager kwalletmanager-mainwindow#1 show
15:51.46Zalamanderah, yes, thanks
15:52.09pinotreeZalamander: dcop from console or kdcop
15:53.04ZalamanderMaybe in kmailrc these account numbers are mapped. I just erased my entire encrypted passwords file. :-(
15:54.05Zalamanderah yes, just so
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16:05.25ZalamanderOK, that was a little painful but kwallet just saved my butt
16:09.00HenkPoleyHehe, nice to hear that :-)
16:09.19HenkPoleybtw, is the dot down? ( )
16:09.38HenkPoley..meh, now it load..
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16:28.28ZeepHey guys
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16:30.23ZeepDoes anybody else have problems playing music (amaroK, Juk) with KDE 3.4.1? All system sounds etc. work fine, but amaroK and Juk won't play any music
16:30.30ZeepI'm using the arts-Engine
16:31.56grepperdoes it work with any of the other engines ?
16:32.04*** join/#kde Dubhghaill (
16:32.19ZeepYes, akode works wine
16:32.37ZeepAnd KDE System Sounds are also playing
16:32.51*** join/#kde Julianyus (
16:33.09ZeepArts Test Sound (KDE Control Panel) does also work.
16:36.09greppernot sure, I like the gstreamer engine though
16:37.03ZeepHm, okay.
16:37.23grepperyou could have a look at ~/.xsession-errors
16:38.16*** join/#kde _carl (
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16:39.37_carlBonjour!  J'aimerais savoir s'il y a quelqu'un ici qui pourrait me dire comment faire pour prendre une photo a l'aide de ma webcam.... j'utilise kubuntu et j'ai la derniere version de kde
16:40.03pinotree_carl: OR english OR #kde-fr
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16:41.17ZeepOkay, just found out: OGG does play fine
16:41.55XoritorZeep: what distro are you using?
16:42.17XoritorZeep: FC and RHEL do not support playing .mp3 or any other proprietary format
16:42.19ZeepSuSE 9.3 - but everything worked fine before updating KDE. I updated using apt
16:42.37Xoritoryou shouldnt have any issues with that then
16:42.41bsdfreakthe carl
16:42.51ZeepBut, SuSE didn't include MP3 support, like FC and RHEL
16:43.02Xoritorfor FC and RHEL you can get a kdemultimedia-extras rpm
16:43.14Xoritorgoogle for kdemultimedia-extras
16:43.27Xoritorworked like a champ for me on RHEL4
16:44.46ZeepOkay, thanks
16:44.54Xoritorno problem
16:45.12grepperZeep: do you have the "kdemultimedia" metapackage installed and correct version for your update ?
16:45.43*** join/#kde plelb (
16:46.35ZeepYep, version numbers seem to be corre
16:47.02*** join/#kde nutshell42 (
16:51.56ZeepI'll try to compile arts from source, maybe after that everything works fine
16:53.18*** join/#kde mkerrin (~michael@
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17:22.06VACQ: I am trying to write a makefile and I need to link agains the kdeui library. I'm having some trouble with this and am having a hard time finding the documentation on Can anyone help point me in the right direction?
17:23.21*** join/#kde Kyaneos (
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17:25.01*** join/#kde AaronCampbell (~AaronCamp@
17:25.23ZeepOkay, MP3 support now works. Recompiled arts from source - thank you, guys!
17:28.39*** join/#kde _rob (
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17:31.20VACIs there a better place to ask this question?
17:31.38pinotreeVAC: yes, in #kde-devel
17:31.49VACthank you
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17:46.03Tom^KDE 3.4.0, Slackware - where do I setup KDM to start up X in multiple tty's ?
17:46.30*** join/#kde _salva (hidden-use@
17:49.11Japsuoh, I accidentially upgraded my KDE to 3.4.1... lol
17:49.26Japsunot that it was necessarily a bad thing, but I didn't notice :)
17:49.32Zeepthe power of Apt?
17:49.42Japsuthe power of portage and long nights of compiling
17:50.06JapsuI saw lots of kde packages on the upgrade list, paying no attention to version numbers... thought it was yet another -rX
17:50.12*** join/#kde _bob (
17:50.50Tom^Ah, the power of 'upgradepkg'.
17:52.19Japsunext I'm trying OpenBSD... wonder if it's equally easy there :)
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17:59.59tekalphaany visual enhancements with kde 3.4.1
18:00.08alastairError: Kmail could not start process pop.  Any ideas?
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18:02.24alastairminor releases are usually only bug fixes afaik
18:02.44ZeepJep, bug fixes only
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18:05.41Retromanhow can I configure KDE wide global shortcut?
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18:11.17slayerbobhiya sredna
18:11.25slayerbobhow is you tonight ?
18:11.39srednaHi :)
18:11.47*** part/#kde Tom^ (~unix@tom-000001.user)
18:11.54srednaFine, thank you - how are you?
18:12.00slayerboboh not too bad :P
18:12.01*** join/#kde robin (
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18:12.10slayerbobactually woke up at a reasonable time today rather than 3am :P
18:13.17*** join/#kde Oleg_ (~Oleg_@
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18:13.55Oleg_thiago: will mplayer turn off the kde saver if I use the -stop-xscreensaver option?
18:13.58*** join/#kde Zeep (~michael@
18:14.02Oleg_kde screen saver
18:14.15annmasredna: I went swimming earlier
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18:15.49Oleg_will mplayer turn off the kde screensaver if I use the -stop-xscreensaver option?
18:17.07greppertry it and see ?
18:19.04Oleg_come on, people, don't you use kmplayer or kplayer?
18:19.18srednaannma: Cool, and cold?
18:19.20Oleg_you dunno if -stop-xscreensaver works?
18:19.39Oleg_or kplayer has its own option about stopping the screensaver?
18:19.57*** join/#kde Zeep (~michael@
18:20.04srednaWhere was that 'u' from!?
18:20.22annmasredna: 20C so not too cool
18:20.42greppermy processor should be so cool
18:20.52srednaannma: If it's the water, it's even hot - here the water is 13-15 deg. Celsius
18:21.07annmaoutside is 26C
18:21.15srednaThe air is about the same today..
18:21.23annmait's my swimming pool (I know, it's rich but it's Canada)
18:27.02*** join/#kde sound (
18:29.05grepperhow do I get rid of the huge "Applications" text beside the kmenu icon in 3.4.89 ?
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18:37.57annmagrepper: hmm?
18:38.07annmaI don't have that
18:38.40*** join/#kde absinthe (~absinthe@absinthe.developer.gentoo)
18:39.21grepperannma: strange
18:39.32grepperthis is from an update last night
18:39.37annmaself compiled?
18:39.42annmaoh, it's new?
18:39.50annmaI did not update yesterday
18:39.54annmanor today
18:41.41annmawow, hideous
18:42.00greppercan't find a config option for it
18:42.17*** join/#kde _bob (
18:42.32grepperI'll look later, gotta go to work
18:45.51Tm_Thaha, I accidentally killed my kicker :p
18:48.55slayerbobworks for msn protocol :P
18:49.12slayerbobat least, i assume that that is why i am in my contact list :P
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18:53.28DhraakellianYou are not allowed to add yourself to the contact list. The addition of "#########" to account "#########" will not take place.
18:54.27Dhraakellianso AIM and MSN are the only ones with which it's working for me
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18:55.40RetromanDhraakellian - that is annoying, isnt it
18:56.07DhraakellianI wouldn't do it if the statusbar icons would actually display my away message
18:56.38puslingis there a way to tell konqueror to reload 'favicon' on a webpage ?
18:56.43Retromanin trillian I had myself as, we were friends
18:57.02Dhraakellianaim just says that I'm away, ICQ gives the message, jabber gives the message, MSN tells me that I'm idle, and Yahoo tells me that I have a custom away message
18:57.36Dhraakellianin the contact list, aim gives me the right away message, and msn says that I'm idle
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19:02.34JayParadisehey anyone know how to change to gnome while in kde?
19:02.37JayParadiseor vice versa
19:03.16JayParadiseon suse i just would do switch user and it would appear at tty8
19:03.25JayParadiseon fedora that option isnt there
19:03.29Dhraakellianstartx -- :1
19:03.30annmaask fedora
19:03.46Dhraakellianwill start a new X session on tty8
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19:23.40aseigogrepper: ping
19:23.55annmahe went to work he said
19:24.11annma14:28:37] <grepper> how do I get rid of the huge "Applications" text beside the kmenu icon in 3.4.89 ?
19:24.22*** join/#kde grahl04 (
19:24.44aseigoah.. well, to repeat what i said in #kde-devel:
19:24.57grahl04hi there, openpgp in kmail stopped working for me with 3.4, anybody got an idea?
19:24.59aseigothat's what kickerSettings.kcfg is for ... and since it's installed you can use kconfigeditor even
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19:32.13Xoritoris there a way to get kmail to sort mails into folders using imap?
19:32.30Xoritoron the server
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19:32.37Xoritornot on the local machine
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19:36.15srednaGrmbl.. I need to rebuild my kernel and install cups for getting my old scanner, and my new, old printer to work :\
19:36.20srednaI really thought I did install cups
19:37.05ZalamanderXoritor I dunno, my server has its own sorting feature that I use. Never tried to sort on the server through KMail. Do you know of other mail clients that do that?
19:37.43Xoritortunderbird and evolution off the top of my head
19:37.56Zalamander(just asking)
19:38.51*** join/#kde YayaMazZ (~oKan@
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19:39.43Xoritori would rather (if i can) use kmail...
19:40.07*** join/#kde Jejem (
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19:44.38dirtbag666hi there
19:45.00*** part/#kde Diavolo (
19:45.22outofjungleHow do i make kde read in the gtk+ configuration for apps like gaim, gimp and firefox?
19:45.42dirtbag666what's the best channel for problems concering KWin...?
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19:47.13outofjunglewhen i log into kde, all i see is the default gtk+ settings in all the gtk apps. all i have to do is open the gnome-config and automagically all the saved settings are applied to the apps
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19:48.21srednaoutofjungle: Use switch and switch2 to configure gtk
19:50.04dirtbag666I'd like to use alt key (=meta key in KDE) in Inkscape, how can I deactivate its function as meta key for Inkscape only?
19:51.06outofjunglesredna: switch/switch2?
19:51.11*** join/#kde th0re (~thore@
19:51.59srednaoutofjungle: Try 'fm:switch' in konqueror or the kde prompt. They are small apps to select theme and font for gtk
19:52.10srednaAnd gtk2 respectively
19:53.49*** join/#kde madclicker (~madclicke@
19:54.49madclickeris there a way to save connection profiles for "konsole" in simular way as "gnome-terminal" does?
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19:55.48srednamadclicker: If you want to run a command other than what konsole does pr default (bash), then create a session for it
19:56.25outofjunglesredna: thanks
19:56.32srednaHm, if I hadn't installed cups while compiling kdeprint, do I need to rebuild
20:00.30aseigosredna: yes
20:00.41srednaKdelibs too?
20:00.54aseigosredna: because it won't have built the kdeprint back end for CUPS... but you need to compile only the kdeprint stuff... everything else will still be kosher
20:00.55srednaI assume kdeprint will be enough
20:01.10srednaOk, that is what I thought
20:01.13aseigomadclicker: as sredna said, yes you can. i love that feature =)
20:01.30aseigomadclicker: and you can put a button on the panel for your Konsole sessions so you can quickly open a new konsole window for a given session
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20:05.12srednaI really wish the various configure tests could be cross-cached
20:05.18srednaWoo, it takes time...
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20:16.13srednaroot: You shouldn't irc as root :)
20:16.52pinotreesredna: you made him run away ;)
20:17.05srednaMission accomplished :o
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20:17.20srednaHe can come back
20:18.09srednaSo, now it does aaaaaaaaaaaaaalllll  those tests again...
20:21.57*** part/#kde jkeel (
20:22.50srednaHm, I rebuilt + installed the printing stuff in kdelibs, and kdebase didn't rebuild anything kdelibs
20:22.56srednaBut I can't add a printer still
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20:23.02pipitasaseigo: ping
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20:23.24aseigopipitas: poing
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20:23.58ye_oldhi all
20:24.44ye_oldhow can I manage to start a command at startup of kde? let's say an Eterm Console?
20:24.53ye_old~.xinitrc or ~.xsession wont work
20:24.58ye_oldthanks for any hints
20:24.58pipitasaseigo: will query you....
20:25.02ye_oldI mean kde3.4.0
20:25.20aseigopipitas: ok.
20:25.21ye_oldand I mean, automatically :)
20:25.55aseigoye_old: go into konqueror, open the Go menu, select Autostart, right click -> Add New ->Link to application
20:26.06aseigoye_old: or you can just drag an icon from the kmenu or your desktop into it too
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20:27.57ye_oldnice :)
20:28.09srednaWhy can't I print???
20:28.19srednaOr rather, add a printer in the control center
20:28.29srednaI started cups and rebuilt kdelibs/kdeprint
20:28.30ye_oldaseigo: that is for commans, can i put there also arguments for that command?
20:28.45ye_oldsorry, redundant question
20:29.31aseigoye_old: yep.. you certainly can..
20:29.47aseigoye_old: just edit the command to have those arguments =)
20:29.51ye_oldyes yes
20:29.57ye_oldthat's why I said, redundant question :)
20:30.42ye_oldI don't know where to say that, but I'll do it here: kde3.4.0 is great! and the one thing that is missing to perfection will come soon (automounting of removable devices and configuring actions for these events)
20:30.49ye_oldcu all :)
20:31.20*** part/#kde ye_old (~padi@
20:32.22srednaGot it, it defaulted to non-cups printing system
20:34.17srednaHm, does kdeprint contain anything to confuger cups?
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20:38.00AdylasHello, I got this "Qfile::open: No file name specified" spaming in my log file .. (vc1) Hee , I got like one message per seconde. What this can be ? Thanks
20:38.09AdylasMy KDE got nothing open ..
20:38.23outofjunglesredna: switch2 works, but i'm having trouble setting up the proper font
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20:38.52srednaoutofjungle: There is a separate setting, it works fine here, and for others afaik
20:39.40madclickersredna: thanks for your help, i got it
20:39.49srednamadclicker: Cool :)
20:40.09outofjunglesredna: i did use switch2 -f"font string here", but it looks like its not taking it. the theme got set without any issues.
20:41.48madclickersredna: how could I swap the gui loader for kde
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20:42.53madclickersredna: i need to switch from gnome to kde but my on sarge
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20:44.05madclickerwindow manager?  cant remeber the name
20:45.10madclickerWhen you login to the session you have a logon screen. There is a different one for each desktop
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20:45.27_LauHi all, im having trouble with the detection of zlib while configuring kdelibs, the config.log give all kind of messages like: /usr/X11R6/include/zlib.h:187: error: syntax error before "const".
20:45.31_LauAny ideas?
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20:50.24madclickerwhat is the name for KDE display manager?
20:50.27srednamadclicker: For kde, it's nice to use KDM as the display manager
20:50.41srednamadclicker: Ask in #debian-kde for debian specific help
20:50.59pipitassredna: try to run the command "cupsdconf" (make sure you have the correct credentials to edit the "<location /admin>.....</location>" part of cupsd.conf -- add a user with "lppasswd -a username" if it is "Digest" or "BasicDigest" authentication)
20:51.16madclickerroger, thats the one I need kdm
20:51.23srednapipitas: Ty :-)
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20:54.20srednapipitas: It seems kde has a interface for configuring it actually
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21:05.17AdylasSomeone got idea about "Qfile::open: No file name specified" message ? Or juste some info about this "Qfile" ? Thanks
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21:07.53dec0dingcan u tell me how to make the items in KMenu as wide as on this screenshot: ?
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21:15.45dec0dingcan u tell me how to make the items in KMenu as wide as on this screenshot: ?
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21:20.11jesperjhow can I make konqueror always start with detaield view?
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21:22.43dec0dingFiretech: I have it installed but it shows the items as wide as in normak KMenu
21:22.56Firetechthen I don't know
21:23.43Firetechdec0ding: what KDE version?
21:23.53Firetechand QT version?
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21:25.00srednaKcontrol crashedc :o
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21:31.04morci!seen pxpert
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21:34.05ye_oldhi all, putting a command in the autostart folder of kde 3.4.0 works great, but there is one "problem", it does not seem to accept the & sign, which is meant, so the process starts in background and thus has no taskbar-entry in the kde-taskbar, but mine has, and I would like to make that one "invisible" there
21:36.06srednaye_old: For that, put a script in ~/.kde/env/, it must end with .sh. Such scripts will be sourced by the startkde script prior to starting kde, and are great for example for changing the environment for KDE
21:36.57ye_oldah, nice
21:37.15ye_oldwell it's just an eterm console that has fixed position and is transparent on the background...
21:37.28ye_oldnothing special
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21:38.42srednaye_old: There is no reason for the & then
21:39.27ye_oldi don't want it to appear in the task bar
21:39.51srednaThat is a different problem ;)
21:39.54Tm_Tye_old: just edit "special window settings"
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21:40.20Tm_Tit's the easiest way
21:40.33ye_oldTm_T in control center?
21:40.39sredna... or use kstart to start it
21:40.50Tm_Tye_old: no, it's in window menu
21:41.05srednaUsing kstart would also mean it would be handled by the session manager btw
21:41.14Tm_Talt+space -> advanced ->
21:41.38ye_oldalt+space is not doing anything
21:42.00srednaRightclick the window frame or title bar
21:42.14Tm_Tsredna: if there's any...
21:42.22ye_oldit has none :)
21:42.31ye_oldthat's the point :)
21:42.44srednaye_old: Just use kstart to start your app
21:42.53srednaTry 'kstart --help' for options
21:43.01ye_oldi put it into konqueror->go->autostart
21:43.55Tm_Tsleep ->
21:44.30ye_oldcommand is the following Eterm --borderless --scrollbar=off --buttonbar=off --trans --geometry=100x73+800+200  I can't just put that into kstart commandline :)
21:45.09ye_oldbut --skiptaskbar would be my choise
21:45.26AdylasSomeone got idea about "Qfile::open: No file name specified" message ? Or juste some info about this "Qfile" ? Thanks
21:46.06srednaye_old: You can use that with kstart
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21:46.45srednaye_old:  kstart --skiptaskbar -- <bla -bla --bla>
21:46.50ye_oldsredna: "kstart Eterm ..allthatbunchofarguments.. --skiptaskbar"
21:46.56ye_oldah ok
21:47.19ye_oldI see, end of options
21:47.22ye_oldnice way
21:47.34sredna... and very common in *nix ;)
21:48.00srednaYAY - I can print with hpijs driver :-)
21:48.04ye_oldI am using gentoo for a year now, but some things are still new :)
21:48.18ye_oldsredna: great!! i couldn't with my colorlaserjet 1500L
21:48.31ye_oldhad to use some foobar stuff driver :)
21:48.41srednaye_old: I use ~x86
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21:50.26ye_oldit was cruel thoiugh in my case:
21:50.31ye_oldtestpages worked
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21:50.34ye_oldbut no other docs :)
21:50.54ye_oldrestarting and testing
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21:52.07srednaHm, it prints a page from kword
21:52.22srednaIt's even resonably fast
21:53.09morcianyone has tried khdldump?
21:53.32srednaSupposedly it should be able to produce full-bleed on all four pages for some paper sizes
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21:53.48ye_oldok, it works
21:54.07ye_oldbut it starts also a normal Eterm console at the same time(with taskbar entry)
21:54.20ye_oldtss :)
21:55.05ye_oldok, time to go, good nite!
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22:02.54dec0dingsorry to ask again but is anyone using KDesktopMenu ?
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22:52.59douglashi !
22:53.11douglasis there a way to use kprint to configure a novell printer ?
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23:06.57enoshIs it possible to batch import pictures into kpresenter?
23:07.17enoshIf not, does anyone know of a program which supports this?
23:08.40aseigoenosh: what are you trying to accomplish?
23:09.12enoshI wish to make a slide show of images with slides that contain only text interspersed in between.
23:09.38enoshIt will contain several hundred images.
23:11.20srednaGwenview can display a slideshow with additional texts
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23:11.36enoshsredna: thanks. looking...
23:12.35srednaenosh: You add the texts as comments, and configure the slideshow to just display your text and skip the filename. It's possible, even likely, that kimdaba can do something similar
23:13.14enoshSo I would have to have fake files created in order to just have it display text?
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23:19.22srednaenosh: Yes, if you want that
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