irclog2html for #kde on 20050225

00:00.45sycoflySteamedPenguin: no desktop at all .. a very poor looking bash prompt .. thats how i managed to get KSirc up
00:01.01Theorywhat distro?
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00:01.58sycoflylauri: ..sorry i didnt see that message ..
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00:02.54sycoflyhehe .. was going to start up a terminal but this app is all im aloud
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01:27.18*** join/#kde amicrawler (
01:27.27amicrawlerhey need HELP PLEZ
01:27.54grepperamicrawler: just ask
01:28.17amicrawlermy grip i made it goto this
01:28.28amicrawlerUnable to initialize [/dev/cdrom2]
01:28.38amicrawlerhow do i get it back to cdrom
01:28.45greppergrip is not a kde app :)
01:29.02Dhraakelliankaudiocreator and k3b are
01:29.02amicrawlerdo they have a krip
01:29.03*** join/#kde oneless (~guru2@
01:29.22Dhraakellianamicrawler: kaudiocreator
01:29.41amicrawlerhow do you rip in kaudio?
01:29.46onelesserr how do i unistall a icon package that doesn't work and the unistall is greyed out
01:30.00onelessPastels -nuvol-1
01:30.05onelesskde 3.3.2
01:30.34*** join/#kde muesli (
01:30.35DhraakellianI think kde picks up on gnome icon themes for some reason
01:31.10Dhraakellianwhich is a tad confusing at times, since KDE can't use gnome's icon sets
01:31.42SteamedPenguinaudiocd:/ rocks
01:32.13SteamedPenguinkaudiocreator has a funky interface
01:32.15grepperAn error occurred while loading audiocd:/ rocks:
01:32.22SteamedPenguinthat app could use some tlc
01:33.02Dhraakellianheh    19317-magician_icons.tar.gzc   energia-3.2.tar.gz  don't want to install with the install manager
01:33.25onelesspastels-nuvola-1.tar.bz2  this did but try and apply it and nothing
01:33.49Dhraakellianwell, one thing that I don't like about kaudiocreator is the fact that you can't set bitrate and such from its settings
01:34.39Dhraakellianif it had the stuff from kcmshell audiocd in it, it might be a tad nicer
01:39.25grepperdo other people find the font selection box buggy in kword ?  Slow display, hangs sometimes . . .
01:39.46SteamedPenguingrepper: hell, I'd be happy is the table resizing worked properly
01:39.52*** join/#kde KoMpLoT (
01:40.16KoMpLoTwould like to know how can I make to view the CrossOver Windows Application menu on the K Menu
01:40.28grepperSteamedPenguin: what about the font selection box - is it just something about my system or is this a common complaint ?
01:41.13KoMpLoTi remember it was some problem related to the name the folder has, but I don't remember where kde has that folder
01:42.03onelessma installing themes and icones it an friggin pain :::(
01:47.41Vensoni think the systray clock could do a few things to make it more user friendly
01:49.56*** join/#kde Delicates (
01:50.51Delicatesis there a workaround for keyboard layout bug to get rid of "-variant intl" ?
01:51.01*** join/#kde BaDDaSS (
01:54.37*** join/#kde satHan (
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01:55.18BaDDaSSHey guys
01:55.28BaDDaSSIf a theme refuses to remove with kcontrol
01:55.33BaDDaSSWhat should I do ;s
01:57.05SadEagleDelicates: you need to edit some files in X, let me see.
01:57.29*** join/#kde m4ktub (
01:59.34m4ktubHi, I'm trying to make use KHTMLPart::selection() to get a XML (with <tag></tag>) string of the selected contents. Does anyone know if thereis some utility function thats takes a node and does this?
02:03.24*** join/#kde sarah03 (
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02:05.56sarah03I was fiddling with Qt Designer; clicked on the toolbar widget that I'd added, and Xorg crashed.
02:06.29m4ktubIMHO ... you have a problem
02:09.14sarah03Probably. Last night my system crashed hard and wouldn't come back up until I managed to run xfs_repair [which won't run on a partition that's mounted, even if it's mounted ro.]
02:11.33m4ktubHas anyone used DOM drom khtml library?
02:11.48*** part/#kde Blissex (
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02:12.21SadEagleDelicates: still trying to find it, not sure I will
02:12.30*** part/#kde satHan (
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02:16.36DelicatesSadEagle: it's just a pain having to run setkbxmap manually all the time
02:16.58SadEagleDelicates: there is some screw up in the en_US file that ships with the X server..
02:18.10SadEagleDelicates: remove "hidden"
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02:23.21SadEaglehi annma
02:23.34annmahi SadEagle
02:24.53DelicatesSadEagle: thank you very much, that fixed it :o)
02:25.39*** join/#kde inc|freaky (
02:27.01SadEagleDelicates: you're very welcome
02:27.20*** join/#kde idlemind86 (
02:27.22grepperanyone using a sharing a KDEHOME between HEAD and 3.3.x ?  Is it liable to mess anything up ?
02:27.33SadEaglem4ktub: #kde-devel, or #khtml
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02:31.18annmagrepper: might mess up some things
02:31.33grepperannma: ok, thanks
02:31.46m4ktubSadEagle: thanks, din't know that channels
02:32.31*** join/#kde puetzk (
02:33.11sarah03Hm. Is there any reason why kate doesn't save it's state when it's terminated unexpectedly?
02:33.48Alethes'cause it's unexpected?
02:34.01sarah03Alethes: pico and nano both do it.
02:34.21AlethesI'm kidding
02:35.13gregday_any souls wanna tell me how to change Xorg's install path?  
02:35.16inc|freakyhey sarah03 :) how are ya? (:
02:35.51inc|freakyhehe, i have nothing to do
02:35.53gregday_imake hates me
02:35.55inc|freakyand i dont wanna learn html
02:35.57inc|freakyand css
02:37.40sarah03HTML and CSS aren't hard to learn.
02:37.52inc|freakyi know ;)
02:40.43sarah03gregday_: xc/config/cf/host.def - #define ProjectRoot /install/path
02:42.27sarah03All I stuck in my host.def was '#define HasFreetype2 NO' because otherwise the build would explode all over the place.
02:48.05*** join/#kde MrGrim (
02:56.22*** join/#kde Texaco (
02:56.45Texacojust upgraded to 3.3.2 on freebsd via ports --- no screensavers except blank and random (that's useful) -- where did they go?
02:58.32*** join/#kde aseigo (~aseigo@aseigo.kde)
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03:04.49Texacoheh. nevermind.
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03:09.00Aletheskdialog --passivepopup "`ps -aux | head -6 | tail -5 | awk '{print $11 \"\t\t(" $3 \"%, " $2 ")\"}'`"
03:09.02Aletheshow handy :D
03:09.23AlethesI'm gonna have that show up whenever my cpu usage is higher than 50%
03:10.24*** join/#kde gregday_ (
03:11.05annmado't mention passive popups
03:11.24annmaI'm trying to add one in my code and I can't!!!!!!!
03:12.23Alethescall kdialog :D
03:13.14annmabeautiful, yes
03:13.29annmabut maybe a bit heavy for the purpose
03:13.40annmamy popup should pop at a special place
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03:36.14Alethesanybody here good with awk?
03:36.20Alethesuptime | awk '{print $10}'
03:36.26AlethesI need to lose the comma after that
03:40.24slackd00di get "0.04" comma
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03:40.41Alethesmight be fbsd's uptime
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03:41.13Alethesslack's uptime is the same way
03:41.35slackd00di use gentoo so i guess i cant help ya  =)
03:41.48AlethesI figured you'd use slack :P
03:41.56slackd00d= )
03:42.15slackd00di just switched...i have my slack box upstairs on my other box
03:42.29Alethesah ok
03:42.42gregday_is slckware just the most popular distro for kde users?
03:43.02AlethesI always used gnome with slack
03:43.06Alethesnot always
03:43.08slackd00dmost people do it seems
03:43.10Alethesused icewm a lot too
03:43.13slackd00duse gnome i mean
03:44.24onelesshey the spash screen dloads that require a plugin . What plugin do they require ?Nirvana grudge are acouple and I don't see anthing saying ?
03:45.52slackd00di mean the flexable plug-in?
03:46.44onelessany where is this ?\
03:46.53*** join/#kde inc|freaky (
03:47.01onelessdoesn't say what plugin it requirs:(
03:49.06slackd00dnot sure if thats the plug-in it needs...but thats the only one i know of
03:52.56onelessthis needs one t6oo but that page says nothing about irt
03:54.58*** join/#kde chavo (
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03:56.30onelesswhere does the plugin go ?\
03:57.30slackd00dwhy does it need a plugin?
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04:00.10onelessdonno thats all it says from splashscreen manager
04:00.23dwangoIf I have a window whose title bar touches the top of the screen, and i move the mouse cursor to the top of the screen (the window resize cursor appears), the mouse cursor jumps ~50px to the right, and it jumps back when I move the mouse away from the top of the screen. Anyone know what this is?
04:00.28onelessonly 4 I downloaded said that
04:00.45onelessgrudge,nirvana,2 otherts
04:01.32slackd00dhe just messed up in the Theme.rc
04:01.46onelessThis theme requires the plugin default which is not installed.
04:01.58slackd00dlook in the archive in the Theme.rc file and change Engine = default to Engine = Default
04:02.39onelessI notice they stay zipwed up egh
04:03.19onelessEngine = default
04:03.19slackd00djust extract the grudge dir, change the file then gzip it back up
04:03.20*** join/#kde oggb4mp3_ (
04:03.30onelessit has it
04:03.31slackd00dto  Engine = Default
04:03.39slackd00dDefault not default
04:03.45onelessoh casp
04:03.50onelesserr cap[
04:04.00*** part/#kde Venson (
04:10.01onelesserr hiow do i zip up the dir in konq
04:10.13*** part/#kde SadEagle (
04:10.48onelessright click on it and cpmpress add to archive ?
04:10.59onelessif you the dir shows empty
04:11.13onelesshave the default checked for tar.gz
04:11.35onelessif I have it show all files it fails to copmpress
04:11.46slackd00duse ark
04:12.23onelessyeah isn't right click part of ark?
04:13.17onelessright clicking on the dirt in konq
04:13.41idlemind86oneless: have you right clicked on the folder then -> actions -> then archive folder or archive/encrypt folder
04:14.23slackd00dCompress then Compress as grudge.tar.gz  but make sure you dont have a file name grudge.tar.gz already there
04:14.31onelessgot it this version of kde hs changed the top pick works now
04:14.48onelessused to have to do it add to archives which never made sence
04:16.30onelessthanks that fixed it :)
04:20.09*** join/#kde cirkit (
04:22.01slackd00doneless, it works now?
04:23.43*** join/#kde elsidox (
04:25.51idlemind86for anyone who wants an easy way to install KDE from CVS. this is prolly the best way to go. i wrote it. it's still missing a lot of things. but feel free to download/use/abuse...
04:26.42*** join/#kde Adjudicator (
04:27.01elsidoxcan someone help me chnag e my resolution to something higher than 800x600?
04:27.13elsidoxchange my*
04:27.59Adjudicatorelsidox, which distro are you running?
04:28.26elsidoxAdjudicator: debian. I was running ubuntu but i chnaged because i wanted kde.
04:29.06kendrickdpkg-reconfigure xserver[somethingsomething]
04:31.29kendrickdpkg-reconfigure xserver[somethingsomething]
04:31.51elsidoxkendrick: what distro are you running?
04:33.15kendrickfor me, it would be:  "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86"
04:33.17slackd00delsidox, ubuntu has kde
04:33.28kendrickthen go in and when it asks you for what resolutions you want, choose more than just 800x600,640x480 :)
04:34.23elsidoxkendrick: thx! it worked
04:34.37elsidoxslackd00d: i know it does. But it kept crashing for me
04:34.50slackd00dthats weird
04:35.32*** join/#kde gregday_ (
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04:42.24DB_HomeWhere are the filters + settings for kmail stored ?
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04:45.38^JM^can anyone put these phrase in other words "and four-edge full-bleed on newer PhotoSmart models "
04:47.12kendrickas in, you need to describe it differently?
04:47.17kendrickor you don't understand what it means? :)
04:47.36^JM^i dont get the meaning
04:47.53kendrickit can print all the way to the edge, on all four edges, with that particular model printer
04:48.10^JM^thanks :)
04:48.14kendrickmany printers can't print all the way to one or more edge, because of how the paper feeds
04:48.19kendrickproblem ;)
05:01.21*** join/#kde tsimshatsui (
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05:03.19criminyI am about to start using Kdevelop..but under xfce4..How, if possible, can I get qt to integrate better with xfce4?
05:03.35criminyso they aren't so odd right next to eachother
05:05.27*** join/#kde Simkin (
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05:39.43marcusUThere is some kind of weird conflict with Firefox and Klipper.
05:55.36*** join/#kde da_bon_bon (~rohandhru@
05:55.40da_bon_bonhi all
05:55.42da_bon_bonanyone tried klax ?
05:56.33mattri'm sure it will be on the list of livecds that i try as i hunt for a new distro
05:56.55da_bon_bonmattr: oh ok.
05:57.07da_bon_boni just wanted to know whether it has any show stopper bugs
05:57.13da_bon_bonis it really worth the 300 mb dnld
05:57.26mattrhmmm, showstoppers
05:57.29mattrdo you use imap with kmail?
05:57.50da_bon_boni dont use kmail
05:58.19mattrthen no, no showstoppers
05:59.04mattrdon't get me wrong, i'm not saying that imap on kmail is bad, but there is a nasty bug with imap in kmail under certain conditions
05:59.21mattrvery rare conditions
05:59.34da_bon_bonbut whats the problem with arTs ?
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06:03.16da_bon_bonwhen is kde 3.4-final due ??
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06:12.46*** topic/#kde is KDE 3.3.2 and 3.4 Beta 2 are out - | KDE FAQ: - the answer to your question might already be here! | Please don't flood the channel, use a paste service: |
06:12.49mattrdepending on the amount of release candidates we need, it could be early march, it could be late march
06:13.39da_bon_bonthen i will wait for the real thing - not livecd betas
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06:16.11JonasNZhey im having problems with kppp, i know my modem works but kppp refuses to
06:16.59JonasNZi beleive its a permissions problem but i dont know what to set
06:18.59da_bon_bonJonasNZ: afetr selecting the right port, close kpp. then re run it. will be fine
06:19.13JonasNZda_bon_bon, what do you mean port?
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06:20.43JonasNZi have selected it, the modem dials and all, just wont negotiate a connection
06:21.14rootcould some direct me in what I need to be looking at...what I am trying to do is just type in a keyword when the run command comes up in kde and have it go to a specific folder that I specify...any thoughts on how to accomplish this?
06:21.41justinmaurersorry forgot I was in as root
06:28.11Dhraakellianjust changing your nick doesn't change the fact that you're logged in as root
06:28.44*** join/#kde somekool (
06:29.18Celestarwhat picture viewer do you guy recommend?
06:29.34somekoolhi there..
06:29.58somekoolanyone has kopete problem with current CVS HEAD ? it ... euh.... does not load accounts or erase them....
06:34.54*** join/#kde Celestar (
06:39.04Celestaris "kview" still actively developed?
06:42.02greppercheck the commits on ?
06:44.06*** join/#kde apt (
06:44.07*** topic/#kde is KDE 3.3.2 and 3.4 Beta 2 are out - | KDE FAQ: - the answer to your question might already be here! | Please don't flood the channel, use a paste service: |
06:45.01Celestarok I shall thanks
06:45.03Celestarfirst: food :)
06:46.38*** join/#kde SuperLag (~aaron@SuperLag.developer.gentoo)
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06:53.41somekoolanyone has kopete problem with current CVS HEAD ? it ... euh.... does not load accounts or erase them....
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06:59.00*** join/#kde Zenethian (magi@
06:59.08ZenethianIs there a way to make KDM start two instances of the X server?
07:03.23greppertwo displays, yes
07:10.39*** join/#kde woodefec (
07:11.36woodefechello. Does anybody have an idea why k3b is reading the audio-cds 5-6 times longer than it should (like 32 minutes)?
07:11.53woodefecthats not the cause with data cds
07:13.02*** join/#kde Ci-Dev_ (
07:16.33Celestarbecause that's the maximum ripping speed of your drive?
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07:17.59marcusUwoodefec: Do you get the same results if you run command-line apps?
07:18.00woodefecCelester: no it isnt
07:18.44woodefecmarcusU : havent ran cl apps for ripping
07:19.01woodefecjust for encoding - i like lame
07:20.30woodefecand maybe anyone could have idea why the kde system sounds dont wok at all (kde 3.3.2)
07:20.55woodefeci can set them up, but playing them does nothing
07:21.11marcusUThe system sounds are just kind of funky. I had trouble getting events to trigger them for a long time.
07:21.50woodefecany hints?
07:26.58marcusUI'm not sure. k3b seems to rip at the expected speed.
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07:44.06frerichhi all
07:44.16Beinerifrerich: moin
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09:27.07Linux-AddictI really think Kde should include activeheart and akdc themes in the next release
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09:31.27canllaithgosh that thing makes a racket
09:31.58lauriheh, you sure he doesn't have the 'make a click for every keystroke' setting on in kcontrol?
09:32.07Linux-Addictmy kcontrol crashed
09:32.15canllaithNah, it's the real deal :(
09:32.15Linux-AddictI think my kde is broken
09:33.09lauriLinux-Addict: if you just felt like venting, that's fine
09:33.20lauribut if you'd like some help, you'll need to give a little more information
09:33.39*** join/#kde Frost^ (
09:33.53srednaHello canllaith, lauri
09:33.58laurihey hey sredna
09:34.08lauriI had something really urgent to tell you yesterday
09:34.08Linux-Addictthis ahppen when I open control center and click on window decoration
09:34.40anisXhelo people
09:34.41lauriLinux-Addict: did you upgrade your KDE installation?
09:34.46Linux-Addictlauri: nope
09:34.56Linux-Addictit is the kde 3.3 I got from slack 10.1 setup
09:35.12Linux-Addictthe last thing I did with kde is install akdcplus
09:35.16lauriand this just started?
09:35.21Linux-Addictand changed my window decoration to it
09:35.23lauri(and you didn't update Qt in between?
09:35.35Linux-AddictI did not update QT
09:35.43lauriand was that a binary of akdcplus?
09:35.44srednaLinux-Addict: Is the window deco a binary package?
09:35.51Linux-Addictsredna: yes, I think so
09:36.05Linux-Addictsredna: u can look it up at
09:36.08srednaLinux-Addict: Might be a binary incompatibility then
09:36.09Linux-Addictcalled akdcplus
09:36.12lauriwell, looks like it's BIC with your Qt
09:36.25Linux-Addictlauri: what can I do now?
09:36.43lauriuninstall it (you can't use it - you can if you get hold of sources and compile it yourself though)
09:36.47srednaDon't use that window decoration
09:37.24lauriand I do like the orange shade pastebin chose for that backtrace
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09:38.17Linux-Addictyea, it worked back
09:38.26Linux-Addictbut I really like that win dow decoration
09:38.47lauriyou should have no trouble compiling it, window decorations are pretty tiny
09:39.57lauriheh, I totally can't find it on kde-look
09:40.27Linux-Addictlauri: search for akdc
09:40.47lauriahh, there it is
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09:42.10lauri there's the original, with sources
09:42.59lauriso i paste the wrong one, but there's a link there to berlios anyway
09:43.11lauriwhich is down
09:43.27Linux-AddictI saw that
09:43.28lauriI'm getting a "the cosmic deities do not wish you to have this window deco" feeling here :)
09:43.33Linux-Addictbur berlios is down
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09:45.17lauriyou might try writing the author
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09:54.24Linux-Addictlauri: it is not the bin I download is bad
09:54.38Linux-Addictthe beta 3 crashes kcontrol
09:54.47Linux-Addictdoesn't matter if I compile it yself
09:54.53Linux-Addictor does it?
09:55.33lauriI don't know
09:55.42laurithat could be
09:56.30Linux-Addictlauri: I heard that it works great with the default settings
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09:56.40Linux-Addictbut I allready modified the default settings.
09:56.52Linux-Addictwhen removing the package, it does not remove the config
09:56.59Linux-Addictwhere can I find the config ?
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09:57.43tim_hhallo all
09:58.55tim_hhow can I print _only_ a selection of a document? I cant find an option in kdeprint.
10:00.52srednatim_h: Kdeprinter offers you a page selection
10:01.35srednatim_h: To print only text selected in an application window, it must be implemented on application level (for example kate provides that option)
10:01.51Linux-Addictsredna: where is the config for the window decorations?
10:02.14srednaLinux-Addict: Somewhere in ~/.kde/share/config
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10:03.17srednaLinux-Addict: Shared config is in kwinrc, while decoratinos might add their own rc file as well
10:05.23Linux-AddictI found it allready
10:05.27Linux-Addictit is working fine now
10:05.40Linux-Addictif I modify certain settings, it crashes
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10:12.45lauriaseigo: you around (or frerich, or anyone who developers kicker applets, or canllaith)
10:18.09chakiehm, i just read, and Jonathan Riddell wrote that is supposed to have some kind of css for text shadows? i can't see it with konqueror 3.3.2, or am i just blind?
10:18.47Beinerichakie: konqueror 3.3.2 doesn't support it yet, you need KDE 3.4 (RC)
10:19.20chakieBeineri: ok, thanks. i was interested in trying out that effect for my own site :)
10:19.28Beinerichakie: use firefox
10:19.58chakieBeineri: no, i use konqueror
10:20.08chakiedon't even have it installed
10:20.15Beinerimhm, Firefox doesn't show the effect I see in Konqueror :-)
10:21.20chakienor does opera. and i bet that ie doesn't do anything even close to it
10:22.52[Jango]it may seem cool, but if 99% of your viewers aren't going to see the effect, is there much point using it>?
10:23.05chakieyeah, apparently
10:23.30lauriyes, if it degrades gracefully and doesn't look bad *without* it
10:23.38srednahttp:// <- chakie
10:24.06lauriif it's an enhancement only, it's worth it (and in this specific case, I would think the stats for are very skewed towards browsers that do display it
10:24.44srednaIt's used in the hew stylesheets for help etc too, it looks very nice :)
10:24.51chakielooks nice, but i agree with jonathan that it can be annoying if overused
10:25.05lauripersonally I think the shadow should be offset to the lower left (same lightsource as the icons)
10:25.06srednaIn those cases it's allmost guaranteed to be supported of course
10:25.22laurione heading per page, and consistently on every page, is not overuse
10:25.38chakielauri: no, it's not
10:26.02Beinerisredna: it looks different here, "stronger"
10:26.24chakiecss has so much fun stuff, a shame that much of it can't be used
10:26.30srednaBeineri: My khtml is a bit old (> 1 week)
10:26.56Beinerisredna: or it does depend on font (size)
10:27.02srednaCould be
10:27.25Beinerithe inner areas of "e" are almost white here
10:27.46Linux-Addictnow I can safely kde is alot better than xp
10:27.52Linux-Addictsafely say
10:28.02chakielauri: sexy :)
10:28.30Beinerilauri: your font looks to thin imo
10:28.32lauriif I could just make the damn space in the first line of hte man output go away
10:28.38lauriBeineri: I have good eyes :)
10:29.01lauriactually, there's a space too few there (see it?) not one too many
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10:29.53laurii think not a showstopper, but if anyone is bored and wants to fix that for me, I couldn't
10:30.03tim_hsredna: Thank you, that it explains it veray well!
10:30.15srednatim_h: Ty :)
10:31.28srednalauri: You mean the title?
10:31.48laurino, the Section title
10:32.08lauriit jams up the number against the text
10:32.55srednaAh, right, there is a little bug :)
10:33.32lauriheh, yeah, it's an itty bitty one if I have to point it out to people
10:33.34lauribut it annoys me
10:33.49srednaThe section is repeated too, in parens behind the section title
10:34.08lauriyup (so if I could chop the number off the front would do)
10:34.37lauriWorf: that's a WORKSFORME here
10:34.48lauriI've never seen it (and I use knode almost constantly)
10:34.57lauriin and out of kontact
10:35.03Worflauri: sigh
10:35.19laurilooks like a SuSE specific bug indeed, has it been reported to SuSE?
10:35.36Worflauri: i suffer it for > 1 Year... and now suse users seem to have it too...
10:36.31laurithat would be insanely annoying
10:36.47Worfyou tell me...
10:37.28laurion the other hand, if a developer can't reproduce it, it's very difficult for them to debug or fix
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10:38.40Worfi know... i did try to track down myself, but it failed
10:38.41lauriI assume you have checked the obvious things (does it happen with a new user with a clean setup? what about different nntp servers (you can use for testing a known-good nntp server)? turn off expiry so it exits quicker?
10:39.44Worfyeah... eaven happens when you have no newsserver configured iirc
10:39.44lauriso if you make a new user, run knode, open the settings dialog, do nothing, close it, close the app - it still does not exit correctly?
10:39.53Worfiirc yes... let me try again...
10:40.23lauriput that in the bug report (so it's clear it's not configuration related (when a bug is very hard to reproduce, or only for a few people, it's reasonable to assume that it is probably local configuration related, so if it's not, and you can demonstrate that, it's a help to know)
10:41.23Worfyep, new user and closing doing nothing, still not proper quit
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10:44.40lauriput that in a comment then (and don't give up hope - knode has been unmaintained for a while, but has a new maintainer now)
10:45.51bkuettnerI've got a question about the kmenue buttons for lock screen and log out.
10:46.15bkuettnerIs it possible to remove them from the kmenue?
10:46.31bkuettnerhow can I do this
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10:47.23laurior maybe not, I thought they were in the panels -> menu entry
10:47.38bkuettnerkmenuedit didn't work for this, because it was only possible to remove programs not actions
10:48.18lauriapt ug
10:48.19aptextra, extra, read all about it, ug is
10:49.54*** part/#kde edulix (~edulix@
10:52.03lauriI'm sure you can, but I can't find out where (I thought it might be mentioned in the kiosk settings)
10:53.16Beinerithen you lose all possibility to lock and logout :-)
10:53.29lauriyeah, that turns it off, not just hiding it
10:53.45Beineri(except xlock and killing X-Server maybe)
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10:54.05lauri (online version of that help url)
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10:54.41sycoflyim back .. hehe
10:55.23bkuettnertaht's right. the user should not be able to log out.
10:55.35laurithen, that's what you're after, exactly
10:56.07bkuettnerright now, i'm reading in the manual
10:57.04Beinericanllaith: hi
10:57.49canllaithHey there Beineri :)
10:58.37canllaithFri Feb 25 10:58:37 UTC 2005
10:58.49Beineristill Thursday?
10:58.49canllaithdarn, forgot system time was utc :P
10:58.56canllaithFor 2 more minutes
10:58.59canllaithit is friday
10:59.04canllaithalmost saturday
10:59.11canllaithsaturday in one minute now :)
10:59.19Beineriah, sure. It's Friday here too :-)
10:59.34canllaithHow are you?
10:59.34srednaHtp claims auckland 00:03
10:59.36anisXkakak busuk..go and sleep
10:59.44canllaithanisX: am in bath, not busuk at all ;)
10:59.55anisXcanllaith: u still busuk!
11:00.05anisXar okey sista..want watch a movie
11:00.18canllaithI'm using the KDE built in NTP and it claims it just rolled over to 0000 hours
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11:01.06srednaHm, maybe the ntp servers disagree
11:01.34Beineriboth date and dow looks ugly with digital clock
11:01.42canllaithWho knows :)
11:01.44canllaithYep I agree
11:02.45canllaithI just give up. Whenever someone asks me the time or date I have to go frantically searching for kontact or my gkrellm on many workspaces
11:02.54canllaithNow I just say I don't know, and put up with the strange looks :P
11:05.27lauripfft, konvi doesn't know /system
11:05.35laurior are you back on xchat
11:05.38anisXcanllaith: help me!
11:06.04lauriin which case, you can type /system date or /exec date (or whatever variant xchat groks) and it'll tell you
11:06.11laurione spits it to the channel though, and one just echos it
11:06.41srednaHere, I use /exec -out to display the output of exec
11:06.56laurime too
11:06.57canllaithyeah, hence disabling my kicker clock
11:07.00laurielse I'd never know the time
11:07.12canllaithWho needs it when IRC is always there anyway?;)
11:07.20lauriand I can tell if it's weekday or not, because my children aren't home telling me to turn the music down
11:07.30lauriand I don't really care about the date
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11:09.16Beinericanllaith: for my time :-)
11:09.32Beinericanllaith: you know, you just have to shift it 12 hours :-)
11:10.33canllaithso convenient to know if it is a good time to ring germany without needing to go to
11:10.47canllaithbut then daylight savings will ruin it :(
11:12.34bkuettnernow i've got a solution
11:12.47bkuettnerjust a workaround but it's ok
11:13.06bkuettneri've just created another menu without the buttons
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11:28.36chewwhat is the best external "kicker" for kde?
11:28.50Worfcan one recommend a slideshow app?
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11:38.17srednaWorf: Image viewers supporting kipi has slideshows with transitions
11:38.41srednaWorf: Showimg, digikam, kimdaba for example
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12:17.21srednaPow !
12:17.30srednaDesigner doesn't like klistview :(
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12:23.53srednaPOW! - it doesn't like KURLRequester either
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14:10.51inc|freakyis there any good ftp client for kde?
14:10.54inc|freakyor, which is the best?
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14:20.01herodeswhich package is for set kde in spanins? kde-118-es could be?
14:21.44herodesthx u
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14:31.08bluesceadawhich one is more featureful kplayer or kmplayer
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14:34.54PhilRodpresumably kmplayer if it's an mplayer frontend, but I don't really know - try both players and see which one fits your needs
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14:35.32bluesceadahmh ok kplayer fits my needs so far, but maybe kmplayer got features i dont know about ..
14:35.37bluesceada..and so cant miss
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14:38.50PhilRodheh, I guess :-)
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14:44.04gnumdkIs there a dbus bindings for qt3?
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14:50.48Beinerignumdk: mhm? "D-BUS includes GLib, Qt, Python and .NET APIs to the D-BUS system" to quote from dbus homepage
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14:51.59Beinerignumdk: tried --enable-qt?
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14:58.31gnumdkBeineri: Thanx ;) i'm so stupid :)
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15:02.14anhiHi there. Whenever i tell firefox to open a link (from another app) a new tab opens instantly in an open session, but for approx. half a minute i have the launching item (the sandclock + the app name) in my taskbar + a busy-cursor with the firefox symbol. (using debian/sid, kde 3.3.2)
15:04.05laurikcontrol -> appearance and themes -> launch feedback and change the timeout
15:04.14laurior ignore it
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15:06.07herodesonce i download can i set kde in spanish??.
15:06.15herodesis is still in english
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15:06.45anhilauri: thanks, works like a charm now
15:07.41dobwanwhen I logout and log back in my desktop Icons are rearranged, How do I save the layout? (sorry for what should be an easy question but I can't find the answer, Duane)
15:07.42lauriherodes: once it's installed, kcontrol -> regional & accessibility -> country/region & Language
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15:08.53lauridobwan: are they always rearranged back to the same place? it could be that position was saved in a session
15:08.59lauriin which case, just save a new one
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15:18.45woodefechey, is it common that k3b crashes when adding wav files to an audio-cd compilation?
15:19.00woodefeci tried ver 0.11.12 and 0.11.20
15:19.12woodefecim workin with suse linux 9.1
15:19.37StarScreemwoodefec: yeh
15:19.38woodefecwhen i add only a few its allright, but at some point it crashes
15:19.48StarScreemwoodefec: i'm on slackware and it does it too
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15:19.56woodefecStarScreem : no workaround?
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15:20.11woodefecStarScreem : good to know im not the only one
15:20.17StarScreemwoodefec: add them one at a time...or use oggs :) not sure why it does it so i couldn't say
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15:20.43woodefecwhen i add one by one  - it take some time - they are 66
15:20.43StarScreemwoodefec: file a bug report
15:21.03StarScreemwoodefec: or don't use k3b, just do it with cdrecord and stuff
15:21.18StarScreemor convert them all to .wav with the cli
15:21.22StarScreemand then use k3b
15:21.25woodefecyeah, if i only was able to use cdrecord - lotta options
15:21.41woodefecbut they are .wav
15:21.41StarScreemwoodefec: thats what the man pages are for
15:21.53StarScreemwoodefec: hmm k3b is fine for me with .wav files
15:22.14woodefecso what does it crash on @ yer system?
15:22.21woodefecat oggs?
15:22.30StarScreemwoodefec: nah, only when i add .mp3 files
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15:22.38StarScreemits fine for .ogg and .wav files
15:22.45StarScreemeven flac files work fine
15:22.48laurithere's definitely been a bug report of this
15:23.02woodefecand i just wanted to nuke down the windows partition
15:23.10mobtekhmm I used k3b for mp3s the other day, worked great
15:23.22StarScreemwoodefec: what version are you using?
15:23.35woodefecwell, first i tired 0.11.20
15:23.41woodefecthan gone down to 0.11.12
15:23.48StarScreemheh why?
15:24.03woodefecto see if it maybe does it better
15:24.14woodefecnow @ 0.11.20
15:24.59woodefectheres sthing else: it tells me to use K3bsetup and i dont know where to start this k3bsetup
15:25.10dobwanlauri, how do I do that? I just looked around and can't find it, thanks
15:25.20StarScreemwoodefec: settings :)
15:25.31StarScreemright next to tools and before Help
15:25.42lauriis it any of those?
15:26.08woodefecoh no! i have 0.11.12 still - and the K3bsetup isnt in settings!
15:26.20StarScreemwoodefec: well upgrade then
15:26.43lippellauri: what are the rules regarding docs in bugfix releases? (3.4.1)
15:26.46lauridobwan: kcontrol -> kde components -> session manager (if you choose 'restore previous session' it should be asking you when you log out, if it should save a session)
15:27.01lippellauri: can we get the akregator handbook into 3.4.1?
15:27.18lauridobwan: if you set 'restore manually saved session' you get an entry in the K menu to 'save session' and that'll be what gets restored (and it won't ask you when you log out)
15:27.22laurilippel: is there one written?
15:27.40lippellauri: not yet, i plan the structure right now
15:27.52lauriwell, then it depends how fast you can write :)
15:27.54StarScreemwoodefec: if you have that many songs just use cdrecord man
15:27.59lippellauri: deadline?
15:28.00StarScreemits quicker
15:28.35StarScreemwoodefec: i'm pretty sure you can record cd's from inside amarok or juk too
15:28.36laurithere isn't one, specifically
15:28.47woodefecStarScreem : im too newb to use cdrecord just like that
15:28.54fred87in juk: "Add Playlist to k3b project"
15:28.56woodefeci dont understand this program
15:29.08lippellauri: so when should it be finished?
15:29.24lauriwell, at *least* two weeks before 3.4.1, and then we look at each one as it comes up
15:29.46laurithere's no specific deadline, because it is a freeze, and anything going in needs explicit approval
15:29.49woodefecfred87 : i dont use juk, but mayb i have it installed
15:30.01StarScreemwoodefec: what do you mean too newb?
15:30.01lauri(I can't imagine any objection to an akregator handbook, but you never know)
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15:30.29StarScreemwoodefec: all you have to do is read
15:31.25woodefecgreat! in 0.11.20 when the dialog about cdrdao comes - there's a button to start k3bsetup2
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15:31.44woodefecbut that wont solve the wav adding anyway
15:32.09woodefecshould i use the burning group?
15:32.15woodefecdefaultly its off
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15:34.56meisterdoes somebody know when the today evening party will finish at fosdem ?
15:35.34woodefecit keeps on crashing
15:35.56woodefecok thx for help - now i have one issue solved
15:36.10woodefecmeister : i dont know
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15:37.24Beinerimeister: open end? why do you ask here?
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15:38.27meisterBeineri: i found some informations about the party on a kde wiki
15:38.55dobwanlauri, I must not be following you're instructions because I don't see any of that
15:39.16Beinerimeister: better ask in #kde-fosdem
15:39.25lauridobwan: what version of KDE is this?
15:39.41dobwanlauri, 3.3 on Suse 9.2 Pro
15:40.27lauriI'm pretty sure that all this session management stuff was in 3.3
15:40.42lauriin kcontrol - pick the 'search' tab on the left, and type 'session' and see what you find
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15:42.13Beinerilauri: kcontrol search doesn't work "well" :-|
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15:43.43lauriBeineri: heh, no, but I am quite sure the session manager panel has keywords
15:43.49dobwanlauri, and everyone else sorry, I should have been more clear, I don't see anything about saving the session when I logout, currently checked is "restore previous session"
15:43.57ashus_hi. anyone an idea why the .Xdefaults settings for Xterm* ar not workung when i start kde?
15:44.08laurithat and the mouse one (I always have to look up where the mouse stuff is)
15:44.20lauridobwan: ok... maybe you have to enable the 'show shutdown options' part
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15:45.19dobwanlauri, "offer shutdown options" is checked.
15:45.41ashus_or does anyone know how to set default values for XTerm*background,XTerm*foreground within kde?
15:46.18laurisame way you set them ever, in .Xdefaults
15:46.44ashus_hhm wonder why it doesnt work then (fluxbox does..)+
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15:46.52lauriheh, sorry, didn't see the first half of the question
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15:47.12lauritry uncheck the 'apply colours to non-kde applications' in kcontrol's colours module
15:47.22*** part/#kde veton (
15:47.30ashus_ahh ok, will check this
15:48.00laurior, take the lazy way out, find the xterm.desktop file, and change the exec tab to set the colours
15:48.44ashus_yeah, the first hint did it. thx
15:50.07*** part/#kde annma (~annma@annma.developer.kde)
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15:53.10woodefecwhats juk good for?? i got a directory with WAVs but they do not appear as i add htemn to juk
15:53.44woodefecthere is just nothing
15:53.47alexisamarok [++]
15:54.18woodefecalexis: i only need yuk because of "add playlist to k3b project"
15:54.36woodefeci cant use cdrecord - no dev=0,0,0
15:54.38alexisbut amarok can burn too
15:54.47woodefecburn wavs?
15:54.51woodefecto audiocd?
15:55.00alexisright click in the playlist
15:55.47woodefecGod damn that - im cruising through dosens of apps today  - lost several hours, nbbecause that k3b buggs around - and now u tell me i need amarok
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15:57.53woodefecyeayea i know : linux have a lot of fun :P
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15:58.52fuatis anyone using successfully pinenetry-qt  for kmail?
15:59.26alexisfuat: thank you, you remind me that I have to build kmail :)
16:00.00fuatalexis: no problem ;-) but remember not to use pinentry-qt it makes a lot of trouble, I solved it by using pinentry-gtk
16:00.28woodefeccdrecord: No such device or address. Cannot open '/dev/pg0'. Cannot open SCSI driver. - allthough my cdrw is on bus 0,0,0
16:00.39mart_kfuat: yes, it works here.
16:00.51fuatmart_k: pinentry-qt ?
16:00.58woodefecDLing amarok - the final try of today
16:01.09*** join/#kde Cerulean (~Cerulean@giannaros.developer.kde)
16:01.12alexiswhat is pinentry ?
16:01.29fuatalexis: anytime you need to enter a passphrase this little dialog comes up
16:01.30mart_kfuat: yes, but that part workes out-of-the-box, as far as I can remember.
16:01.31woodefecthan i go to nero (dont beat me, i need to have stuff burned and bring to my boss!)
16:01.45fuatmart_k: you mean kmail and gpg?
16:02.43mart_kfuat: No, I had some troubbles with gpg-agent, but pinentry-qt worked fine.
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16:03.39mart_kfuat: Does is not show up, or gives it an error message?
16:03.44fuatmart_k: gpg-agent calles pinentry. I had a lot of trouble and i was asking questions here for two days. after I changed to pinentry-gtk it even stoped
16:04.09*** join/#kde PieD (
16:04.10fuatmart_k: freezing the gui. no everything is fine know. (except imap ;-)
16:04.47fuatmart_k: I've seen some mail from mailing lists where people complained about the same problem, so I was going to share this here.
16:05.49CeruleanScreen Resize and Rotate application keeps starting on KDE startup - I do nothing but kill it each time it opens. How can I stop it from starting up?
16:06.15CeruleanAnd my icons positions on my desktop are not remembered
16:06.27mart_kfuat: Ok.
16:06.35CeruleanOther than that, application settings and programs open are remembered when I start a new session
16:06.47woodefecCerulean : try to turn off that app and logout
16:06.54woodefecand than log in back
16:06.57Ceruleanwoodefec: Done it. A few times
16:07.12woodefecwhat kde ver?
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16:08.02Ceruleanwoodefec: 3.4-beta2
16:10.10srednahttp:// <- my first ruby app is basically working :-)
16:10.27*** join/#kde Frost^ (
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16:10.59srednaThat was easy, I read my first pages of the ruby book last night
16:11.38woodefecoh well, maybe the guys will fix that - im on 3.3.2-2x
16:14.21fuatmart_k: do you work with kmail and imap?
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16:15.02mart_kfuat: yes.
16:15.06Linux-Addictcan I set kmail to my system tray?
16:16.01fuatmart_k: I do get " could not start process for newimaps" failure anytime I try to access the imap folder, which is on a remote host
16:16.04srednaLinux-Addict: In the configure dialog
16:16.47laurioh, cute
16:17.44mart_kfuat: Does it works when you enter "newimaps://username@server" in konqueror?
16:17.55Linux-Addicthow do u configure the system tray?
16:17.58fuatmart_k: mom
16:18.13Linux-Addictwhen I mouse over the system tray, I see a deep
16:18.19Linux-Addictdunno what u call it in english
16:18.25RinkyDinks_RJeh, think their's a little bug in aggregator
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16:18.59fuatmart_k: no it does not work it says protocoll not supported. How can I add it? is it a separate package?
16:19.18RinkyDinks_RJlike, whenever i refresh a feed, the top article that was their previously is duped
16:19.41mart_kfuat: If you remove the "new" (thus: imaps://username@server), does that work?
16:20.09Linux-Addictdo u see what happen when I mouse over the system tray?
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16:20.42fuatmart_k: it works with imaps://user@server
16:21.15mart_kfuat: Which version of kdepim do you have, and have you installed the whole package at once?
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16:22.19fuatmart_k: I think so I'm with debian-sarge. don't know which version of kdepim but kmail is version 1.7.1 and kde 3.3.2
16:22.25Linux-Addictany idea?
16:24.28mart_kfuat: Do you have the same version of kdepim and kdepim-kio-plugins (I think you can check that with your package manager)?
16:25.05fuatmart_k: you suppose there is a missmatch of kio-plugins and the pim?
16:25.48mart_kfuat: At some point, the kioslave newimaps was replaces by imaps.
16:26.19mart_kfuat: KMail uses the old name, but only the new one (or one that is very old) exist.
16:26.22fuatand newimaps is not known for the old kioslave
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16:29.23fuatmart_k: hehe, it seems that kdepim is not installed at all.
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16:30.38mart_kfuat: But you have installed kmail (at least particullary).
16:31.33fuatmart_k: well, I did install it, but I also removed some packages like kandy and kalarm, packages which I would never use. I suppose the package-manager did remove regards to the dependencies all these files
16:33.03mart_kfuat: Maybe is a reinstall of kdepim and the kdepim-kio-plugins enough to get imaps working again.
16:33.22fuatmart_k: it works now, it was the mission plugins
16:33.28fuatmart_k: thank you so far
16:33.46mart_kfuat: np
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16:46.06jadrianis there going to be a kde 3.3.3?
16:47.04PieDwhy would there be a KDE 3.3.3 ?
16:47.06laurino, 3.4 is almost ready
16:47.06alexissofti think not
16:47.12alexissofti think no
16:47.56PieDit is, I think, useless and would be wasting time !
16:48.06jadrianPieD: well there were many security issues after 3.3.2...
16:49.32PieDjadrian: and ? KDE 3.4 is ready !
16:50.02*** join/#kde _kvijayan (
16:50.16jadrianI'm not going to install 3.4.0 in my "production" computer
16:51.38jadrianI skip just upgrade that one on either x.x.1 or x.x.2, depending on my expiriences with it in other computers
16:54.15jadrianbtw 3.4 is not really ready, the predicted date is 16 March + at least 7 days packaging, not counting delays, so it is about a month away...
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16:55.59Beinerijadrian: hu?
16:57.14Beinerijadrian: You don't understand the term "release date"?
16:57.59laurithe packaging is done *before* the release date
16:58.24lauri3.4 was branched today, and unless there are showstopper bugs, will be ready as planned
17:00.32dobwanlauri, I'm back (I know, oh no) the problem I'm having with my icon positions seems to be related to a bug, I searched for IconPositions and there is a fix on the KDE 3 4 0 release branch.
17:00.34Beinerijadrian: and what unfixed security issues are you FUDding about?
17:00.59lauridobwan: ok then, you just have to wait a few more days :)
17:01.23lauriBeineri: none that i know of that didn't have patches ship to the packagers
17:02.06dobwanlauri, ;-) actually I'll wait until Suse rolls it into their update, bla, bla, bla. none the less the problem will be solved, thanks
17:02.40lauriwell, that will probably be fairly smartly when it's released, I don't think you will have to wait long
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17:06.04Frost^I got a tiny question, in kde 3.4b2, there's a google bar in konqueror. that bar does not save the queries I use it with. is there a way to make it save them?
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17:06.48guido_wrkrelated question: How can I get rid of that Google bar?
17:07.00laurisettings -> configure extensions
17:07.37lauriFrost^: don't know, try right click on it (or just remove it and use gg: your search (and the usual location bar history will keep your searches)
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17:09.01guido_wrkI cannot find a menu entry settings->configure extensions in Konqueror
17:09.15Frost^me neither
17:09.36lauriheh, sorry, that's 3.4
17:09.42laurimaybe it's under 'tools' in 3.3
17:09.46lauriI don't remember, sorry
17:10.14Frost^lauri, plugin is not configureable
17:10.24Frost^but thanks for the gg: tip, maybe I'll use it
17:10.25laurino, but you can uncheck it to make it go away
17:10.37lauriFrost^: there's dozens of them
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17:10.50Frost^dozens of what?
17:10.51Darienhi all
17:10.55laurigg for google, ggi: for google image search, ggl: for google 'i feel lucky'
17:11.16Frost^oh :)(
17:11.21lauritake a look in konqueror's settings dialog, they're called 'web shortcuts' (I like 'imdb:some movie')
17:11.26DarienI was at a friend's place and he had an MP3 player that looked even better than itunes, and he said 'it might become the default MP3 player for KDE'
17:11.29laurior amg:some-band
17:11.33Darienanyone know what it might be?
17:11.38Frost^lauri, gotcha
17:11.41Frost^thanks a bunch
17:11.44lauriDarien: maybe amarok, and no it won't be
17:11.47CeruleanDarien: amaroK?
17:11.54DarienI think that's the one, let me check
17:12.21Darienyep, that's the one, thanks
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17:14.19Worfcan one help me with dcop? if i want to remotely log in at some box and talk to some app with dcop, what do i need to do? set some $VAR?
17:15.59elcucologin as the same user as the app...?
17:16.07Worfthat i did do
17:16.35Worfi get "ERROR: Couldn't attach to DCOP server!"
17:20.09*** join/#kde Unbeliever (
17:20.36_allanonWorf: is the dcop server running then?
17:21.15Worf_allanon: yup... hmm - maybe i shall grep the $VARS for it's pid to find out
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17:27.27lippelWorf: grep ps for "dcopserver"
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17:34.00Worflippel: ... didn't help me any further... but i suppose the .DCOP* files in the home dir are responsible for the communication with the dcop server
17:36.32lippelWorf: so dcopserver is running?
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17:37.44Worflippel: yep...
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17:51.18eille-laI never tried to install kde in /usr/local (always been in /opt/kde3.x). Is konstruct able to install kde in /usr/local and not download/install apps/libs that kde needs that are already there?
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17:59.32Beinerieille-la: prefix is configurable and you can (manually) change dependencies
17:59.34im_kais it just me or is kde-look down?
17:59.39lonewolffhi there, is it possible to manually remap the keyboard in kde?
18:00.05Beineriim_ka: kde-look too?
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18:00.18im_kaBeineri: what else?
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18:00.45Beineriim_ka: dot/wiki
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18:01.13Beineriseems like it's being flooded from a shell account provider
18:02.05lobeznoI have a problem with k3b, I cant burn a disc
18:02.11lobeznoin audio
18:02.36lobeznoerror while decoding audio tracks, and after could not unlock CD drive
18:02.48lobeznothe files are ok, normal mp3
18:02.48annmame too
18:02.53annmait's new for me
18:02.53lobeznoonly happen with this disks
18:03.00lobeznois a bug?
18:03.05annmawhat disks?
18:03.27lobeznowith this disk/album of mp3
18:03.28lobeznoI mean
18:03.32annmamine are crappy CD-W
18:03.42lobeznoI burn other albums in this CD-R without problems
18:03.48lobeznoI need to burn this
18:04.05annmaso probably your files have something
18:04.16annmadid you rip them yourself?
18:04.29lobeznobut I cant listen them without problems
18:04.31annmaconvert them to ogg
18:04.36lobeznoand If I put them to wave
18:04.40lobeznosame problem
18:04.58annmaprobably the mp3s have something
18:05.04annmamaybe mp3 pro?
18:05.08lobeznoI SAID
18:05.19lobeznoI have same problem putting them in wave format
18:05.32annmayes because the files are tainted somehow
18:05.38annmaI HEARD
18:06.03annmawhat kde version do you have?
18:06.10lobeznoI use sarge debian
18:06.20annmafor me my CD-R are so crappy Nero does not burn them
18:06.23lobeznosame version is in sid I think
18:06.30annmayes but what KDE version is it??
18:06.40annmaWindows -> Nero
18:07.00lobeznoi know nero
18:07.08annmamaybe try another cd burning tool
18:07.19annmathat's all you can do really
18:07.31lobeznois very weird
18:07.44annmaa bug report won't do unless you attach a sample of your mp3
18:08.37annmain konsole, cd in the dir where your mp3s are
18:08.42annmaand then type
18:08.52annmafile name_of_an_mp3
18:08.58lobeznoall are ok
18:09.02annmapaste the output
18:09.05lobeznobut after are in wave format
18:09.07annmapaste the output
18:09.15*** part/#kde lonewolff (lonewolff@lonewolff.user)
18:09.18lobeznoso then, what is the problem with wave format?
18:09.24annmatry that please
18:09.31annmajust to see something
18:10.30lobeznoMP3 file with ID3 version 2.3.0 tag
18:11.11annmathat's all the command says?
18:12.27annmahmm, thin thin
18:12.50annma01 - Blitzkrieg.mp3: MP3, 128 kBits, 44.1 kHz, JStereo
18:13.02annmathat's more informative about the file
18:13.12lobeznobut what about when then they are wav?
18:13.19lobeznowav are allways the same..
18:14.21annmawell, I am not sure
18:17.06lobeznois veeeeeeery weird
18:19.47annmawhat does k3b says?
18:20.56annmalobezno: what k3b version is it? k3b --version in konsole to know that
18:21.02annmaI found a bug report
18:22.06*** join/#kde MANOWAR^ (~MANOWAR@
18:22.09annma<annma> lobezno: what k3b version is it? k3b --version in konsole to know that
18:22.32lobeznoo  Instalados: 0.11.18-1
18:23.46annma <- look at that
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18:25.25FlendorHello :)
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19:07.35DarcyBI'm, having problems with kmail sig 10'ing and crashing at startup...
19:11.25arcadeDarcyB: Try doing an strace and see where it fails
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19:11.46DarcyBa back trace in gdb shows:
19:11.47DarcyB#0  0x298e6e02 in QListViewItem::listView () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
19:11.47DarcyB(gdb) bt
19:11.47DarcyB#0  0x298e6e02 in QListViewItem::listView () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
19:11.47DarcyB#1  0x298e1351 in QListViewItem::enforceSortOrder ()
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19:13.19lwithersHi, I don't suppose there are any knowledgeable kst users about?
19:13.19arcadeI was just wondering whether it tried to acDid you say sig 10?
19:13.23arcadeDoes it die on sigusr1 ?
19:15.18DarcyB(no debugging symbols found)...
19:15.18DarcyBCore was generated by `kmail'.
19:15.18DarcyBProgram terminated with signal 10, Bus error.
19:15.58arcadeokay ..
19:16.01arcadeno idea.
19:16.23arcadeI'm still wondering about 'strace', if it calls a system call and just dies there ..
19:16.58arcade(I've never been any good at gdb ;)
19:18.14DarcyBif I rm all the .index and .index.ids files in my mailboxes.. kmail will launch.. but then soem time later it will die
19:22.18DarcyBarcade: there is no strace on FreeBSD
19:22.24arcadeDarcyB: okay.
19:22.36arcadewhat about 'truss' then?
19:22.43arcadeor maybe strace is in ports.
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19:25.12DarcyBarcade:  for the session output
19:25.44oggb4mp3_How can I install an icon set system wide
19:26.01oggb4mp3_I s there something that has to be done other than coopy the set to /usr/share/icons
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19:32.51arcadeDarcyB: As you've probably seen:
19:32.52arcademunmap(0x2a1fc000,0x3a8)                         = 0 (0x0)
19:32.52arcadesigaction(SIGILL,0xbfbffb3c,0xbfbffb24)          = 0 (0x0)
19:32.52arcadesigprocmask(0x1,0x0,0x2805fedc)                  = 0 (0x0)
19:32.52arcadesigaction(SIGILL,0xbfbffb24,0x0)                 = 0 (0x0)
19:33.00*** part/#kde Cerulean|away (~Cerulean@giannaros.developer.kde)
19:33.10arcadeBut that's signal 4, not signal 10 .
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19:35.41arcadeI've got no clue why it happens.
19:36.57DarcyBlet me fo kick the box a bit.. thx
19:37.59arcadeMy _guess_ is that something is going astray due to running it a certain configuration under freebsd, which the developers haven't tested - but that may be entirely wrong
19:38.05Tonycan anyone tell me where windows-like alt-tab window switching is activated?
19:38.26arcadeTony: Isn't it the default?  (I have to admit that I don't have a clue on how windows does the alt-tabbing).
19:39.00arcade.. but my alt+tab here seems to work as it did under win95 or something - which was the last windows version i used.
19:39.02Tonyarcade: well i mean this neat little window which shows availiable windows when you hitnhold alt-tab
19:39.17arcadeTony: Never seen that, I think.
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19:39.30Tonyarcade: it probably is the default, but i do not want to reset my config
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19:42.00BlackHandone question
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19:43.01BlackHandin kde 3.2 kpilot + kmail sync incoming and outcoming mail. in 3.3 only outcoming mail.... in kde 3.4 will be outcoming only or incoming/outcoming mail again ?
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19:46.52inc|freakywhen marking a area on the desktop, how can i make that look better? ... the frame arround looks ugly with those different color dashes or points, black grey ... :((
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19:52.13BlackHandhi, in kde 3.2, kpilot + kmail sync incoming and outcoming mail. In kde 3.3 only outcoming mail.... in kde 3.4 will be outcoming only or incoming/outcoming mail again ?
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19:56.20PieDBlackHand: did you report the bug ?
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19:57.09BlackHandPieD: is a bug ? in kde 3.3 don't exist the option for incoming mail, in the docs for 3.2 appear the option, but not in the 3.3 docs
20:05.04PieDBlackHand: if something disappeared between kde 3.2 and 3.3, this is a regression
20:05.11PieDand must be reported as a bug !
20:05.45lauriit's not a bug if it's in the changelog
20:05.49lauriand I'm fairly sure that is
20:06.00lauri(it is a regression, but reporting it as a bug won't get you far :)
20:07.18FlendorHello lauri \o
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20:10.02xomphi guys & gals, can someone tell me where the "notes" are stored when you save a Kjots note?
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20:10.31PieDkjots ?
20:10.50xompyah, kjots the notes taker :)
20:11.02PieDI didn't know that apps :)
20:11.57bushwakkois there any way to get kwikdisk to automount stuff?
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20:27.32oneforallhey can you change splash screens per user?
20:27.56Vensononeforall: of course...look in the control center
20:28.35oneforallok just wonder I did it with one and went to another and that user ended up with the same one and not default
20:30.02*** join/#kde canllaith (~dessa@jhall.developer.kde)
20:30.38aseigooneforall: was that "one user" that you did it with root? or do the users share home dirs?
20:31.39canllaithheh thanks :)
20:32.09Aletheshowday canllaith :)
20:32.16canllaithHey there Alethes
20:32.25AlethesI made a nifty bash script
20:32.28canllaithdamn this irc client sucks, I'm gonna use irssi over ssh :S
20:32.38ataxiccanllaith: :)
20:32.56Aletheswhen my load avg is higher than 1, it uses a kdialog passive popup to show me the top 5 apps using the cpu
20:32.57ataxici gave up on irc clients,  irssi over ssh anywhere anytime
20:33.09canllaithhey ataxic
20:33.32canllaithman I don't even have my ssh keys on this thing :(:(
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20:33.58_allanonhaha, you haven't memorized them? noob.
20:34.10canllaithwhatever you reckon
20:34.15_allanonsorry, jk :>
20:34.25ataxici use the same password for certain boxes locally
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20:34.35oneforallaseigo ah its ok yeah but I see when I changed it back in root it works . thought it would happen the other way too :)
20:34.38ataxicwhich are not accesable form the ouside
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20:34.48can|irssiI have my ssh keys on the other machines here, I could have sworn I had them on the powerbok too
20:34.51can|irssiah well
20:34.51ataxici have those password for years
20:35.17ataxiccan|irssi: cant you just accept a new one when you login?
20:35.25can|irssi'accept a new one' ?
20:35.27ataxicas in first login acception
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20:35.34can|irssiWrong keys
20:35.39ataxici dont understand what you mean with keys
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20:36.30can|irssissh allows you to authenticate using publickey/privatekey
20:36.42Aletheskey auth is such a wonderful thing
20:36.52can|irssiwhich is especially handy for cvs/svn
20:37.01AlethesI wish I could use key auth for imap
20:37.10BHandhi, in kde 3.3.2 mail conduit in kpilot only sync outcoming (sending) mail?
20:37.12can|irssiand means passwordless logins - scp without passwords is so damn convenient
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20:38.32sarah03can|irssi: It's convenient, when you're doing the scp from machines you own to machines you own. [Ok. I suppose I could 0wn some of the machines that I might want to use scp with, but that's not what I'm talking about, even if I do have root on them.]
20:39.38can|irssiI don't see why you have to 'own' the machines
20:39.59can|irssikde, gwydiondylan,, btl etc are all set up for it
20:40.28sarah03can|irssi: I probably phrased that wrong... I don't want the ssh key allowing login to my box sitting on someone else's box.
20:40.35can|irssiSo don't
20:40.54can|irssiSet it up properly ;)
20:41.03sarah03Heh, I don't tend to use them, until it's an account that I log into that frequently.
20:41.09can|irssiwhich I don't do :P
20:41.31can|irssiI don't see any reason to use anything else but ssh keys on cvs
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20:42.00can|irssiyikes this touchpad is evil!
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20:44.37ht990332hi, is it possible to add a shortcut in the kde menu for all users?
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20:46.12ht990332hi, is it possible to add a shortcut in the kde menu for all users?
20:46.19PhilRodyes, um, let me think how
20:48.43PhilRodtry this (it might not work exactly): create a new user, add the shortcut you want to the menu. Copy the file ~newuser/.config/menus/ to somewhere readable by all users
20:49.07PhilRodoh, sorry, you should copy it to $KDEDIR/etc/xdg/menus
20:49.12PhilRodI think that would work
20:49.40ht990332thanks I'll try that now.
20:50.27PhilRodthat might duplicate some entries. If so, try editing the file - it should be fairly obvious how it works
20:53.59oneforallhow do i change the color of the panel bar ?
20:54.08ht990332I'm using FC3 with kde 3.3.2, will this still apply?    $KDEDIR/etc/  is an empty dir
20:54.56PhilRodI think so. If it doesn't, you'll need to export the envar XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=$KDEDIR/etc/xdg
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21:17.53oneforallhow do i change the color of the panel bar ?
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21:19.33PhilRodcontrol center -> desktop -> panel -> appearance?
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21:28.28PieDheluile ?
21:28.35PieDhello :p
21:28.41cvncpuPieD: hello
21:28.42PieDnobody will understand, hopefully :)
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21:42.40jepel_tailweaverhello all
21:42.56jepel_tailweaverI semi-accidentally deleted my Trash by moving it to the Trash
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21:47.26srednajepel_tailweaver: What KDE version?
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22:01.34jepel_tailweaversredna: 3.3.91
22:01.53troybi have a .theme file however it wont let me add it in the theme manager, what can i do>
22:02.03srednajepel_tailweaver: Create a 'link to location' and point it to 'trash:/'
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22:08.25DarkvaterHi. How can I change the key-shortcuts for the popup menus? in the Konqueror file browser?
22:08.43DarkvaterThey are not the same as in windows and I keep pressing 'm' to rename files and go on deleting them :(
22:09.03jepel_tailweaverDarkvater: Settings -> Configure Shortcuts
22:09.19PhilRodno, he means the accelerators
22:09.22Darkvaterno, those are only shortcuts like F2
22:09.27PhilRodDarkvater: or do you?
22:09.38DarkvaterI mean the 'Rename' and R is underscored
22:09.43Darkvaterdonnu how that's called :)
22:09.52PhilRodI don't think you can change them, for various reasons
22:09.54Darkvaterand I'd like to have 'm' underscored
22:10.29PhilRodyou'd have to recompile, I think
22:10.50PhilRodbut why go through the menu when you could just press F2 to rename?
22:11.50DarkvaterPhilRod: cause I have single-click iwth the mouse so I cannot click on the file and then press f2
22:12.15Darkvaterbut oh well I can always learn some new shortcuts :)
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22:12.42PhilRodyou can Ctrl+click
22:12.52Oleg_listen, what's wrong with kopete?
22:13.02avuDoes anyone here know about a doument describing how to add items to the context menu shown when right-clicking a file in konqueror?
22:13.08Oleg_why can't some people see the messages I send them?
22:13.11PhilRodapt: servicemenus
22:13.12apti heard servicemenus is
22:13.15PhilRodavu: ^^^ htere
22:13.26Oleg_even after I change styles
22:13.28avuphilrod: Thanks! :)
22:13.39Oleg_canllaith: u there?
22:13.57Oleg_I wanna curse kopete
22:14.27AlethesOleg_: maybe people can see you, but they're just ignoring you :)
22:14.32Oleg_sorry for cursing, but kopete is a fucking bitch now
22:14.46Darkvaterthx for the help though :)
22:14.48Oleg_Alethes: :)
22:14.50*** part/#kde Darkvater (
22:14.51sarah03Oleg_: I've been having issues with kopete lately, but I haven't thought much of it; I figured that since I was running CVS HEAD, problems were to be expected.
22:15.18Alethesit's working fine for me
22:15.46canllaithmmmm ?
22:16.01canllaithLook, at that
22:16.06Oleg_does anybody here use kopete 0.9.92?
22:16.07canllaithThat notebook on the right is tiny.
22:16.39canllaithThe scary thing is, the one on the left is not a full size notebook, it's a 13" 4lb portable
22:16.46PieDOleg_: I use kopete 0.9.92 for jabber, not for iRC
22:16.50sarah03Oleg_: 0.9.92 as in "I built kopete from tarballs marked kde3.4b2" or "I built kopete from CVS"?
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22:17.17Oleg_tarballs marked kde3.4b2
22:17.47sarah03I'm running CVS HEAD. It's got some issues, yes. Most of the issues I've run into have been Yahoo going offline without ever updating the interface to tell me so.
22:17.56canllaithoh not pleasant
22:18.17canllaithmattr is the plugin maintainer for that, and he's fantastic about responding to bugs -immediately- if you were to want to file one
22:18.41sarah03canllaith: I didn't stress about it, mostly because I figured that it was probably in a state of flux.
22:18.51sarah03It is CVS HEAD, you know. :)
22:18.54canllaithYeah :)
22:19.55Oleg_canllaith: what version of kopete do you use?
22:20.02canllaithcurrent CVS head
22:20.08canllaitheh, and a few patches I don't know if mattr has commited yet
22:20.18Alethesanybody here listen to the band, Pilate?
22:20.25AlethesI really dig'em
22:20.58jepel_tailweaverhello canllaith
22:21.20jepel_tailweaveranyone here notice that after going from 3.3.2 to 3.3.91 the Delete option in Konq disappears?
22:21.34Oleg_can anybody tell me about a really good instant messaging program for Linux? It seems like, but I may be wrong, gaim and kopete SUCK now.
22:22.02jepel_tailweavergaim and kopete both suck?
22:22.12Oleg_though kopete is just pretty on the outside.
22:22.20Oleg_yeah, they do
22:22.37PhilRodjepel_tailweaver: yep - take a look on the mailing lists for discussion of it. You can get the delete option back in one of the konq configuration dialogs
22:22.44PhilRodor rather, one of the configuration dialog pages
22:22.55jepel_tailweaverPhah, ok
22:22.59jepel_tailweaverPhilRod: ok
22:23.23PhilRodOleg_: if you have a specific problem with kopete, file a bug, like canllaith suggests
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22:23.46Vanquisherhey, whats the USE flag that suposidly speeds up kde merge times
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22:25.32AlethesUSE="+valley_of_the_dolls" might produce interesting results
22:25.51PhilRodVanquisher: you should ask in #gentoo
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22:27.38oneforallman the themes ar not easy to install :(
22:27.57oneforallicons or the styles
22:28.36oneforallspash was ok but I haqd to move them out of install to my user and put them to opt for global
22:29.15PhilRodI could see how widget styles would be tricky, since you have to compile. What was the problem with icons?
22:30.00oneforallwell I trie dto got to make sure it waatleast >3.2 ones but they all fail with the installer
22:30.06oneforallI have 3.3.2
22:31.07oneforallI was hoping to setup xp them to trick my boys but man I gaveup on that one lol
22:31.12_allanonI have 3.4 beta 2, and it makes me happy.
22:31.56_allanonjust a few days to 3.4 final now.
22:32.44oneforallyeah I gotta try that oen but right now getting this computer set up for my boys. sick of fixing windows on it
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22:36.02srednaoneforall: What do you do to install it?
22:36.35oneforallwhich / the icons ?
22:36.43srednaoneforall: Yes
22:37.12oneforallapperance themes>icons
22:37.14mobtekheh PhilRod
22:37.50oneforallplus I want global not each usaer
22:39.09srednaoneforall: If it will not accept the archieve, it's not containing the required .theme file
22:39.25srednaoneforall: I haven't had problems with the sets I have installed
22:39.55PhilRodto install an icon set globally, can't you just untar it into $KDEDIR/share/icons ?
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22:41.33oneforallok will just untar them
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22:56.16haakonn_does kde 3.3.2 beta2 have any equivalent to the old knetload (a kicker applet graphing network usage)?
22:57.12ZenethianKSysGuard has something similar
22:57.21Zenethianyou can add a second panel to it and display memory usage in a graph
22:57.49haakonn_but i want network usage, the ksysguard applet seems to only have cpu
22:58.39haakonn_it lets you delete sensors, but not add them :) ksysguard has been a usability nightmare from day one
22:59.07sarah03haakonn_: Drag sensors from the sensor browser in ksysguard to the panel.
23:00.06*** join/#kde ^JM^ (~kvirc@
23:00.17ZenethianMine has CPU, Memory, and Swap.
23:00.18Zenethianthree panels.
23:00.23Zenethianlooks nice, really.
23:00.28^JM^now kde isnt anymore compiled for/with apidocs?
23:00.32haakonn_yay, made kicker crash :)
23:00.43Zenethianwell that is always lovely.
23:01.18^JM^no one knows to answer?
23:01.27haakonn_i can reproduce this crash even, oh well
23:03.01*** join/#kde bushwakko (
23:05.28PhilRod^JM^: 'make apidox' or see them online at
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23:05.36PhilRodafaik, they were never compiled by defauly
23:06.37^JM^PhilRod: am a mandrake user, and what im trying to know is why when i compile now the new kde it gives error in the apidocs part of the spec file
23:07.09nico__-hello, I' have a little question, is there any simple way (not inluding 2>/dev/null) to remove all the debu information that is printed out when I start any kde application in command line?
23:08.25^JM^I get many error messages of the type File not found by glob: kde/HTML/en/kdelibs-%version-apidocs/kmdi/html/*.html
23:08.44^JM^PhilRod: are u understanding?
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23:08.59PhilRodnico__-: kdebugdialog
23:09.06PhilRodnico__-: you can read more about it in the user guide:
23:09.07PhilRodapt: ug
23:09.08aptwell, ug is
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23:09.11PhilRodthere ^^^
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23:09.29OneFix_WorkWhat version of KDE Toys do I need for KWeather?
23:09.29slimhi all
23:09.31PhilRod^JM^: sounds like a problem with the spec file
23:09.36nico__-PhilRod : g?nial! Thanks a lot!
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23:09.57^JM^i cant figure what
23:10.02PhilRodnico__-: ah, tu es français?
23:10.10nico__-euh.. ouais :)
23:10.39nico__-PhilRod : c'est pas trop grave j'esp?re
23:10.41PhilRod^JM^: I suppose you'd have to ask in #mandrake, or try to rouse the sleeping mandrake users here
23:11.08*** join/#kde s3m10s (
23:11.12s3m10sbuona sera.
23:11.24s3m10show do you load a kicker applet via command line?
23:11.34^JM^but mandrake still only uses kde-3.3.2, and im trying to get a step haed and compile kde-3.3.94
23:11.38PhilRodnico__-: pas du tout - je te propose #kde-fr. On essaie de creer un communauté KDE français
23:11.45s3m10sI'm trying to troubleshoot my kaquarium that won't load
23:11.47^JM^meaning last kde
23:12.22slim^JM^, cvs or beta 2?
23:12.39PhilRodnico__-: although my French isn't great, so I have to get more native speakers there :-)
23:12.46s3m10sanyone know how to load kicker applets from aterm/konsole?
23:13.05^JM^im using a snapshot, kdelibs-050224.tar.bz2
23:14.02slimwhat are you trying to do?
23:14.24s3m10sI'm trying to find out what my applet which compiled alright won't load
23:14.28s3m10sI need some feedback
23:14.38^JM^didnt u read what i said?
23:15.01s3m10sJM, I'm using beta 2 and was thinking of putting it as an archive on my ftp.
23:15.36s3m10syou guys know there is is an ooo quick start  for kde
23:15.38slimyou could always use konstruct or just compile from hand
23:15.55s3m10skonstruct is easy
23:16.05^JM^but for that the mandrake features arent integrated
23:16.26^JM^and konstruct is only for mandrake10 and im using mandrake 10.2
23:16.27slimbut konsruct compiles kde into a different directory instead of making beta 2 default
23:16.50^JM^slim: i know all that
23:17.16slimim not all that familiar with mandrake srri..i use gentoo so i just emerged beta2
23:17.19^JM^kde needs to be integrated with the mandrake system
23:17.45slimyou mean made default?
23:17.53s3m10skde is default on mandrake
23:17.56slimyea what do you mean
23:18.01^JM^of course i can compile kde.tar.gz but then features like mandrake  menus and other are gone
23:18.45_chavo^JM^,  I'm using Mandrake, but I prefer the KDE menus anyway
23:18.55^JM^_chavo: i dont
23:19.01_chavothey put all of the apps in tere
23:19.08_chavowell fix it then
23:19.43^JM^mandrake removes some menus that are needed like konquerorsu for example, and thats why i initiated a new kde rpms with a friend of myne
23:20.07^JM^and we haves a good kde, with all features and menus, mandrake developers suck
23:20.11*** join/#kde Geert (geert@geert.staff.freenode)
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23:20.23_chavooh please
23:20.28PhilRod^JM^: oh, you're using a spec file you wrote yourself?
23:20.33^JM^you can see what im talking about in
23:20.46^JM^the spec file i use is mandrake based
23:20.59^JM^but rewritten by me
23:21.07PhilRodoh, I see
23:21.30^JM^mandrake only haves kde-3.3.2
23:21.38slimisnt File Manager Superuser konquerorsu?
23:21.51^JM^when mandrake made kde-3.3.2 i already use it for about 4 months
23:21.56PhilRodslim: yup
23:22.05^JM^slim: yes
23:22.26slimim confused to as what menus your talking about then
23:22.53^JM^in mandrake u can only run konqueror as user in the menus
23:22.54PhilRod^JM^: well, I'm not familiar with .spec files, but are you running any commands other than './configure; make;make install'?
23:23.02^JM^there isnt a menu to run konqueror as root
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23:23.24slimwhy dont you just make it then
23:23.30^JM^PhilRod: if u ask that defenitly u dont know whats a spec
23:23.44^JM^slim: already answered that
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23:25.08PhilRod^JM^: heh. No, I dont :-)
23:25.55s3m10sJM if your at all interested in dl'ing my build of 3.4b2 for mandrake 10.1 , I'll try to gz it and put it on my ftp server.
23:26.41^JM^s3m10s: im usinf the snapshot kdelibs-050224.tar.bz2
23:26.56^JM^that is earlyer than urs, right?
23:27.32s3m10sb2 is from konstruct, looks like around 2/10 or so
23:28.37oneforallhmm why with a sn blaster 16   does kmix not have mute ?
23:29.44oneforallah its not muting in alsmixer either hm  
23:31.05s3m10show do I troubleshoot an applet that won't start?
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23:33.32herodeswhere i set to allow root login into kde?
23:34.39slayerbober ?
23:34.41slayerbobcan root do that ?
23:34.48slayerboband why would you want to ? :|
23:34.51s3m10syou have to edit kde/share/config/kdm/kdmrc
23:36.09PhilRods3m10s: I think there is/was an applet debugger - do a "ls $KDEDIR/bin | grep debug"
23:36.20s3m10sok. great! thanks
23:37.07s3m10sfound anotherway too! started kicker from konsole and then opened the applet
23:37.10sarah03Run appletproxy [your .desktop file] ... it'll come up by itself.
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23:38.07PhilRodoh yeah, appletproxy - that's what I was thinking of :-)
23:38.19s3m10sthank yous guys
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23:40.51skurkhmm, is there any exposélike app that can keep the current screen and show thumbnails of the applications instead of like komposé replacing the entire screen?
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23:41.12canllaithskurk: google for 'skippy'
23:41.33canllaithAlthough I think it works somewhat like kompose does, but it's prolly worth a look
23:42.02skurktried that yesterday, its pretty much the same as komposé
23:42.17canllaithI guess I just don't ever have enough windows open heh
23:42.35skurkthe kicker taskbar can not be made transparent :/
23:42.43canllaithYeah, grab taskbar v2 from
23:42.49canllaithThat one goes transparent.
23:43.06skurkit does, gonna chek it out
23:43.11_chavoyup, and it has little thumbnails on mouseover
23:43.30canllaithworks nice, although now aseigo has made ktaskbar button height configurable I'm back using the old one
23:43.33skurkconnection refused... :/
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23:44.18ZenethianHow do I un-map a KWin key?
23:44.20sarah03I'm still using mtaskbar, and probably will until I can make the default taskbar translucent, even if it's just fake translucency.
23:44.29skurkim not really a fan of exposé, just wanted to get rid of the ugly grey taskbar applet...
23:44.38Zenethiannevermind found it
23:44.42canllaithlooks pretty
23:45.02canllaithWhich I should try on the notebook although I suspect it will -crawl- on a 4MB rage
23:45.06sarah03Composite... I can start a compositing manager, at which point my desktop vanishes.
23:45.27canllaithah, that's a bugger. It took me ages to tweak things to the state that xcompmgr would run without crashing X within 3 minutes
23:45.38sarah03And very occasionally, I'll see a widget appear.
23:45.46sarah03And then it'll promptly vanish again.
23:46.11skurki want 3d accel :)
23:46.14canllaithThe kwin one seems pretty stable, although I'm sure that's a highly specific combination of X version, kernel version, vid card drivers etc I'll never be able to reproduce heh
23:46.20canllaithYou can force glx on with composite
23:46.25skurkanyone else getting connection refused to
23:46.26rich_Bcabllaith: its not so bad with dri...although the composite manager kept core dumping and the CPU usage was at 60%
23:46.40canllaithI use it full time on my desktop it works so well for me
23:46.44skurknvm, could connect now
23:46.45rich_BThat was on a 4mb rage mobility
23:46.51canllaithok then :)
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23:47.02canllaithI might try it just to compare my 4mb rage with the 4mb neomagic
23:47.07canllaithThe neomagic it runs, but it crawls
23:47.16skurkcanllaith: with ati-drivers im pretty sure things will break using composite
23:47.19rich_BIm not entirely convinced it was accelerating anything
23:47.31canllaithskurk: no idea, I don't buy non nvidia cards if I can help it
23:47.37sarah03skurk: ati-drivers deal fine with Composite.
23:47.39canllaithlaptops are a bit different.
23:47.47skurkcanllaith: i got this for free, im not stupid :)
23:48.09skurksarah03: oh, outstanding... since ati-drivers do not deal fine with anything else
23:48.21s3m10smy laptop doesn't like kompmgr
23:48.26s3m10sdespise is more like it
23:48.31skurkcanllaith: fx5200 is what i had before, you cant really compare that and 9600xt
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23:48.36sarah03[I've got a Radeon 9000 here... but I'm running X on a framebuffer because ati-drivers won't run 16bpp.]
23:48.41canllaithskurk: to be honest, I don't care.
23:48.57rich_BI dunno why trasparency should be so resource hungry really, although I have never looked at X
23:49.06canllaithWell it's not
23:49.19ZenethianI wish I could migrate all my saved passwords from Firefox to Konqueror
23:49.25canllaith... stupid ultraportable notebook keyboard
23:49.33Zenethianor at least dump them from Firefox..  :>
23:49.35canllaithwell it's not stable yet, still in testing
23:49.53skurkcanllaith: i do
23:50.00canllaithI can only assume that like everything on linux, it will continue to become more and more excellent with time
23:50.16sarah03rich_B: It's really not all that resource hungry, on the presumption that you can make use of some acceleration.
23:50.27canllaithI'm completely amazed at how the 2.6 kernel has improved. 12 months ago my toshiba laptop was hell to set up and now it's a joy.
23:50.48skurkhoooray, distcc is working :)
23:50.59skurkat least one way
23:51.47rich_Bsarah03: I guess so-I wonder if anyone will make a wrapper for win32 GL drivers-like the network card wrapper thingi for bsd
23:52.00sarah03Win32 GL drivers? Hah.
23:52.20rich_BAlthough I bet it would be much more complex than for network cards:P
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23:53.18canllaitheheh... although not blocking the vent with my leg might make it happier :\
23:53.33srednaHi canllaith
23:53.42canllaithhi sredna :)
23:53.52srednaHow have you been?
23:54.17canllaithGreat, thank you :)
23:54.42srednaGood :)
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23:59.33bushwakkoany kde snapshots that work?

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