irclog2html for #kde on 20050204

00:00.09roggaewell not on my dell laptop
00:00.12roggaerunning mandrake 10
00:00.25mobtekok kicker, K -> Help
00:00.32mobtekis that the same in mandrake?
00:00.48mobtekthe panel
00:00.53mobtekit's called kicker :)
00:01.36mobtekor just Alt-F2 and type help
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00:06.31mobtekroggae: found it?
00:08.51willwork4fooquestion regarding the ~/.kde/Autostart folder... if I want a certain command to be executed when KDE starts, how do I use this folder? do I just create a file with the command in it and put it in this folder?
00:09.02roggaethat worked
00:09.40*** part/#kde tackato (
00:11.04daummy emerge is screing up...with like finding bugs it can't find some
00:11.42daumthere a way to rebuild the entire database?
00:11.44*** part/#kde sredna (~anders@alund.developer.kde)
00:12.21mobtekdaum: ask in #gentoo
00:12.30AssociateXdaum, man emerge or portage
00:12.56AssociateX#gentoo would be a far better place to ask
00:13.09mobtekso many kde users using gentoo now
00:13.18mobtekmaking sure they get kde as it is meant to be I guess
00:13.19AssociateXlike me
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00:13.24mobtekhehe same aseigo
00:13.28mobtekAssociateX even
00:13.38daumdidn't notice that this wasn't gentoo
00:13.38dpyif I ./configure for installation in ~/.kde/  do I do ./configure --prefix ~/.kde/
00:13.45dpyor do I need something after that ?
00:13.53dpy~/.kde/usr ?
00:14.34dpyI was right
00:14.35dpyit works
00:14.43chavoroggae, what dsitro?
00:14.58chavoi mean distro?
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00:15.02mobtekroggae: mandrake yes?
00:15.32mobtekroggae: there are links on to mandrake packages iirc
00:16.09wRdi run debian unstable and compiled xorg (it is located in /usr/local/ and the usual xserver is still installed), the only thing missing is my kdm running xorg instead of xfree and the kdm documentation doesnt cover that.
00:16.34mobtekwRd: weird my kdm just uses xorg :)
00:17.11wRdif i do a startx it runs xorg ...
00:17.56arrummzenHow do I restart kde without restarting my X-server? Is there a stopkde command or an equilvent?
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00:19.03arrummzenIn that case ill just resttart kde.
00:19.08arrummzenand X
00:19.18wRdmobtek: what have you done, so that it doesnt use xfree ?
00:20.07mobteklwRd: totally uninstalled xfree
00:20.42wRdmobtek: there must be another way :)
00:22.10mobteklwhy, xorg is much nicer than xfree hehe no random system freezes for me hehe
00:25.55wRdi have compiled it myself, and i dont want to break my debian again. and i want to remove it from /usr/local/ as soon as there is a debian package and just update :)
00:27.27mattrdebian _is_ broken ;)
00:27.39TheoryI find opposite, xorg is far more unstable for me
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00:27.51mattrjust kidding about the debian thing
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00:28.23wRdthan xfree-4.3 ?
00:28.39chavoTheory, which version of xorg? I'm using 6.8.1 and it's been flawless for me.
00:28.52Theory6.8.1, composite enabled
00:29.05wRdcomposite isnt stable :)
00:29.08mobteksame chavo
00:29.08TheoryI can deterministically crash it with a few of the xmms visualisations
00:29.45chavoI don't use xmms though
00:30.38wRdi think juk is far superior to xmms ...
00:30.48chavoyes juk rules
00:31.02chavoI just fired up xmms, yuck ... gtk1
00:31.28wRdthe only drawback: it requires arts
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00:31.37chavoamarok is ok, bur I prefer the simple ui of juk
00:32.05TheoryI prefer amarok (and yes, that is how I'm viewing xmms plugins)
00:32.39TheoryI want to be able to have a visualisation as my background (using kwin to set it fullscreen, behind others) but X dies
00:36.34MrGrimTheory: crashing w/ composite enabled is pretty easy... and I imagine xmms visualization plugins would be pretty good at it
00:37.02MrGrimwRd: juk can use gstreamer as of kde 3.4 beta 1
00:37.49MrGrimI kinda hope kuickshow's issue with argb visuals is fixed by time kde 3.4 final is released
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00:37.56MrGrimbut the developers seem to be indifferent to the bug
00:38.29MrGrimkuickshow is the only reason I keep composite off
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00:49.00*** join/#kde rapsys (
00:49.11rapsysis their someone here ?
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00:50.03rapsysI am looking to make a dvd
00:50.17rapsysand add a .directory to put an icon on the cd
00:50.17arrummzenSounds fun
00:50.34rapsysbut .directory does not seems to like the relative path
00:50.38rapsysin icon
00:51.01*** join/#kde mdo (
00:51.05rapsysit need a complete path
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00:51.35rapsysand don't want to make my dvd work only if mount in /mnt/cdrom for exemple...
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00:52.32arrummzenI don't know of a universal solution to the problem/
00:53.28rapsysI need to burn it now
00:53.36arrummzenAre you using some kind of autorun system?
00:53.54rapsysI just want to have an icon on the cd
00:54.03rapsyswhen it will be mounted
00:54.11arrummzenLike an icon for a executable?
00:54.51rapsysI know I need to have a .directory for the cd
00:55.00arrummzenI don't know the answer to your question. Sorry
00:55.06rapsysin the / of the dvd
00:55.18rapsysbut .directory does not support relative link
00:55.31*** part/#kde rapsys (
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00:55.50arrummzenYou sure? It should...
00:57.41rapsysI have try with Icon=Fruit Basket/Fruit Basket.png and Icon=Fruit Basket.png
00:57.50rapsysboth don't work
00:58.31arrummzenTry Icon="./Fruit Basket.png"
00:58.45arrummzenOr Icon=./Fruit\ Basket.png
00:58.47rapsysit works
00:58.51arrummzenWhat does?
00:58.56rapsyswithout the \
00:59.15arrummzenIcon=./Furit Basket.png works?
00:59.38rapsysan it go open the png in the direcotry
01:00.09rapsysit would be great if just  Icon=Fruit Basket.png work, but ./ is a good work around
01:00.13rapsysthan'k a lot
01:00.25rapsys(would be a good idea to add this ability in k3b
01:00.48rapsysmake an icon for cd and dvd would be fun and usefull!
01:00.55Alethesdoes gimp look pretty kde-ish with qt-gtk or whatever it's called?
01:01.31rapsysAlethes are you spaking to me ?
01:01.40Alethesif you know the answer :)
01:01.50Alethesit was a general question
01:02.03rapsysI am french and I don't understand all english
01:02.25AlethesI'm english and don't know any french :)
01:02.27rapsysthis for exemple I don't understand : does gimp look pretty kde-ish with qt-gtk or whatever it's called?
01:02.48rapsysgimp is gtk, no kde related
01:03.11Alethesqt-gtk is an engine to apply the kde style to gtk apps, I believe
01:03.15Alethesso I wondered how well it worked
01:03.15chavoAlethes, I'm using gtk-qt and it works great, gtk apps look just like kde, including icons
01:03.35chavoAlethes, get the latest version though as it is much faster
01:03.40Alethesok will do
01:03.50Alethesgimp is the only gtk app I'm using, but it'd be nice for it to look the same
01:03.54rapsysI use mandrake cooker so I don't know from where is comming the galaxy skin
01:04.03*** join/#kde roggae (
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01:04.33rapsysbecause there is a galaxy skin for both gtk win manager and kwin
01:04.36Theorygimp is seggying on me atm :-s
01:06.24*** join/#kde gregday (
01:06.37gregdayholy crapnozzle, i love HEAD
01:07.39gregdayKNode is just a teeny bit away from being able to replace Pan for me
01:08.02gregdayif i could select multiple headers and "download attachment(s)" en masse, that would do it
01:08.42arrummzenIf I make a small improvment to a KDE application what is the best way to share it with the rest of the community?
01:09.18rapsyssend a patch to the main developper of the application
01:09.24rapsysa diff patch
01:10.25rapsysclean both tree and to a diff -urNp tree.orig > diff.patch
01:10.45*** join/#kde ironfroggy (
01:10.48rapsystree.orig is the tree of the original tree and is the new one
01:11.09arrummzenLets say I use an applet in kde 3.3.x and I improve it, can I make the patch and send it off or do I have to download the lastest sourcetree of CVS and implement my improvment in that then send the patch?
01:11.33*** join/#kde Renze (
01:11.41rapsysif you implement the path for both stable and cvs version is better
01:12.38rapsysremember to send the patch to the different distribution packager responsible of the applet you improve.
01:12.57arrummzenWhat do you mean?
01:12.59rapsysit willallow your work be avaible sooner for end user
01:13.07rapsyswill enable
01:13.23arrummzenShould I send it to the person whos name is in the author tab of the about box?
01:13.42rapsysin the about of the application
01:13.54rapsysnot in general kde about
01:14.07arrummzenThe applets about box right?
01:14.27arrummzenOk, thank you
01:14.46rapsysps : a small mail on the mailing list would be cool too
01:14.57arrummzenWhat mailing list?
01:15.10rapsysor kde's one
01:15.25arrummzenI don't think this applet has a dedicated mailing list...
01:15.34arrummzenIt may, ill look into it
01:16.02arrummzenThank you for your help
01:17.06*** join/#kde illogic-al (
01:17.09rapsysif it's a kcontrol aple send it to kcontrol mailing list
01:18.46rapsysarrummzen remeber to mail you distribution kde's maintainer too
01:19.06rapsysrpm -q --changelog name_of_package | more
01:19.17rapsysor something similar for other distrib
01:20.58*** part/#kde illogic-al (~illogic-a@illogic-al.user.konversation)
01:20.59arrummzenHow important is that step?
01:23.06*** join/#kde AssociateX (
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01:26.38arrummzenerr hello
01:27.34rapsysarrummzen it will make your patch avaible for end user to next generation of package with new feature instead of waiting generation +2
01:28.18*** join/#kde Sizaint (
01:28.49arrummzenWhy is that?
01:29.36rapsysbecause maintainer will have the patch now
01:29.44rapsysand they will test it now
01:30.05rapsyselse they will need to wait your patch be merged in next stable version
01:30.26rapsysand release of packages are not for each stable version
01:30.45rapsyssomme distribution wait a lot between upgrading
01:31.27rapsysifyou give your patch to maintainer their is more luck that it include it in the curent version of package
01:32.56arrummzenah, ok
01:33.23arrummzenSo then should i send it to as many maintainers as I can (for as many distros as I can)?
01:35.25mattrgenerally, you should send it to the maintainer of the source code you've changed
01:36.08mattrso, for example, if you changed a kicker applet, you should send it either to the applet's maintainer. if the applet doesn't have a specific maintainer, send it to the kicker maintainer
01:37.53*** join/#kde r00tsh3ll (~r00tsh3ll@
01:37.59arrummzenIsn't there a differnt maintainer for each distirbution?
01:38.39rapsysarrummzen their is
01:39.02rapsysbut it's better but if you have not time do just it four your distribution
01:39.37rapsysand the one you have under hand to know the maintainer's email adress...
01:39.54arrummzenSo I should send it to A: The author and B: The package maintinaer for my distribution.
01:41.29rapsysyou are not obliged for B
01:41.35rapsysbut it's better
01:41.57rapsysbut if the soft is under GPL you are obliged by license to do it for A
01:42.16rapsys(redistribution clause of modification)
01:43.18*** join/#kde Legendre (
01:43.44arrummzenSo could I get into legal trouble if I just put the patch or the modified source tree onto a indepenednt website (giving full credit to the original authors for everything but the patch)?
01:44.54LegendreI've got a problem in Kword 1.3ish.. when you start Kword, it pops a dialog asking you to chose some specific doc template, it will not let you create a simple document.
01:45.37Legendreworked fine inititally, then this 'just happened'.
01:47.34*** join/#kde sycofly (
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01:49.25rapsysarrummzen you will not have trouble if you just put the patch on a website.... But it would not be fair for software developper
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01:55.16aseigo_workdamned history buffer
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02:17.02mobtekhmm commands on connect in konvi seperated by semi-colons or comma?
02:19.24mobtekhmm lemme try :)
02:19.59*** join/#kde mobtek (
02:20.19mobteknope :P
02:28.31*** join/#kde snugglemonkey (
02:30.06snugglemonkeyI'm trying to start KDE and it starts X and I get an error of "could not start kdeinit"   Does anyone know how to fix this?
02:30.40mobteksnugglemonkey: try removing the kde-* dirs in /tmp
02:30.52mobtekbut I haven't seen that error for a long time
02:32.33snugglemonkeyI have deleted /tmp files.   There is still not working ....   lol
02:32.50*** join/#kde doctorwhite (~doctorwhi@deu-74-57.Reshall.Berkeley.EDU)
02:33.36mobteksnugglemonkey: hehe your just speshal :P
02:33.46snugglemonkeymobtek: no joke.
02:33.56snugglemonkeysimply amazing.
02:35.10mobteksnugglemonkey: are you new to kde?>
02:35.33mobtekI have a theory that the gods test all new users by giving them the weirdest errors it can throw up :)
02:35.34snugglemonkeymobtek: nope, not really...   just a little too experimental, I suppose.
02:35.41mobtekahhhh heheh
02:36.07snugglemonkeyI trhink it has to do with arts.
02:36.30greppersnugglemonkey: check ~/.xsession-errors
02:38.10*** join/#kde mobtek (
02:39.23snugglemonkeygrepper: it's a few lines... so I'll go post it at the
02:39.46NamShubsnugglemonkey: does it happen only from kdm?
02:40.33snugglemonkeyNamShub: I don't use a login manager on that machine.  
02:40.57NamShubI was just asking because I had a similar problem that was kdm-related
02:41.54snugglemonkeyThe error of .xsession-errors is posted at
02:42.35greppersnugglemonkey: how did you install ?
02:43.47snugglemonkeygrepper: the install is sort of weird.   I use the machine mostly remote via freeNX.   It hadn't been rebooted for about a month.  There are two KDE installs.  3.2 and 3.4 cvs head.  Both show the same error.
02:44.40*** join/#kde _flosch (
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02:45.01snugglemonkeygrepper: it also does not work with VNC.  
02:45.36greppersnugglemonkey: so this error was from running 3.4.x ?
02:45.41grepperie. cvs ?
02:46.24snugglemonkeygrepper: It has been running cvs head for a few weeks now...  without issue.  This is sudden.
02:46.46snugglemonkeygrepper: it went down for removal of the sound card, and after reboot, this was noticed.
02:47.09*** join/#kde ijuma82 (
02:47.11snugglemonkeygrepper: nothing looks messed up in the xorg.conf file at all.
02:47.11MANOWAR^what config file controls the global anti-aliasing?
02:54.00grepperhm, I would guess ~/.qt/qtrc
02:58.44MANOWAR^I don't see anything in there
02:59.05MANOWAR^I see that
02:59.11MANOWAR^thank you
02:59.22MANOWAR^been beating my head for the past day trying to get that working
02:59.47grepperit doesn't work from kcontrol ?
03:01.51*** part/#kde illogic-al (~illogic-a@illogic-al.user.konversation)
03:02.25grepperstrange, I don't see the option in qtconfig anymore
03:10.00*** join/#kde reubot (
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03:11.53chealerhi, is KDE 3.3 supposed to guess the right keyboard model? or is that distro-specific?...
03:12.55mobtekx specific
03:13.07*** join/#kde illogic-al (
03:14.12chealerok, thanks a lot
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03:16.36slayerbobfinally got me notebook screen working again :P
03:16.36slayerbobstupid thing :P
03:17.25slayerbobspoke too soon :(
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03:37.55mankeletorwhat's the compilation order of these packages?
03:37.57mankeletorarts-1.3.91.tar.bz2  kdebase-3.3.91.tar.bz2  kdelibs-3.3.91.tar.bz2
03:38.41grepperassuming qt is already done
03:39.28mankeletorqt is needed for that?
03:39.40grepperI just use my distro's binaries for qt
03:40.04mankeletorwhat's your distro?
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03:42.02bhearsumcan k3b do data verification?
03:42.08greppermankeletor: debian
03:42.25mankeletorgrepper: cool
03:42.56gregdayso ...systempreferences...
03:43.19grepperqt 3.3.3-8
03:43.39mankeletorgrepper: mine is slack10
03:43.58grepperI don't know what qt slack10 uses
03:44.25grepperkde-config --version should tell you , if you have kde installed already
03:45.19*** part/#kde bhearsum (~bhearsum@
03:46.31slackd00dslackware 10 uses 3.3.2
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03:48.15mankeletorgrepper: need I more packages that i show you?
03:48.56greppermankeletor: I would think 3.3.2 would be ok for HEAD
03:49.09greppernot positive though
03:49.21*** join/#kde Eagle101 (
03:49.24Eagle101help. In kde, any sound file that i play, the sound skips...i am using Alsa, and artsd is disabled...please help
03:49.45grepperif artsd is disabled, why are you asking here ?
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03:50.14Eagle101grepper: just so you can ask why
03:50.26grepperwhy, why oh why ?
03:55.07arrummzenDoes the sun rise at 2:56PM in california?
03:56.49mattrdepends on what time zone 2:56PM is in...
03:57.46arrummzenWell kweather is telling me - the sun rises at 2:58 and sets at 7:00 PM, 7:00 sounds about right, but I seem to have seen the sun before noon, around 9:00 am ...
03:59.00illogic-alis there any way that i can use cvs in windows?
03:59.09mattrillogic-al: yes, there's a window cvs client
03:59.40illogic-almattr: thanks.
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04:07.17mankeletorcan anybody understand me? (my english is not good)
04:08.16gregdayi can
04:08.28mankeletorok, which are all the packages that I need to install kde?
04:09.31snugglemonkeyarts, kdelib, kdebase (for minimum)
04:10.45nullmankeletor lookey everything there :-)
04:11.13nullheya snugglemonkey when are packages of next beta out ?
04:11.57snugglemonkeynull: I am not sure.   Beta one just came out, so I imagine it will be a bit.
04:12.23mattrwe're frozen for beta 2 right now
04:12.27snugglemonkeyI believe they have scheule up at the link you sent a few lines back.
04:12.34mattrexpect source tarballs in about 10 days
04:12.34nulleh, da kde map says beta 2 should be out soon
04:12.51snugglemonkeymattr: do you think it is ready?
04:12.58nullahh 10 days, grr right in time for my supervisor to arrive grrr...
04:13.20mattrsnugglemonkey: do i think what is ready?
04:13.52snugglemonkeyKDE 3.4 beta 2
04:13.56slackd00dfeb 2
04:14.10slackd00d4th io mean
04:14.31mattrsnugglemonkey: either way, it's going out
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04:19.15tchinooh, i caN#t remove resize my programm windows under kde, what is wrong
04:20.03illogic-aloh fark it.
04:21.02slackd00dhas oneone tried the themeable kdm in beta1...or is it even there?
04:21.05nullohh yeah general question, was do u guys do at work when really tired ? eg. coffee, nap... ??
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04:25.16slayerbobnull: fall asleep with head on keyboard
04:25.51nullhmm head hurts with Head on keyboard!!
04:26.04slayerbobnull: buy a software keyboard :)
04:26.23nullbah, i am looking for real world solutions!!!
04:26.39slayerbobput a pillow on the keyboard before falling asleep ?
04:26.58nullhmm but office no pillow
04:27.33nullkofee sont seem to help ne more
04:28.13sycoflyomg .. sound is back .. yeehaa
04:28.40sycoflyyeah baby
04:29.26mankeletorif I install the new version of kde, it eliminates the previous one?
04:30.02slackd00dmankeletor: what distro?
04:32.42slackd00dbut it will save your .kde your personal settings will stay there
04:32.42*** part/#kde snugglemonkey (
04:34.53mankeletorbut I have kslash only in this folder
04:35.34*** join/#kde tim_h_ (
04:35.44mankeletorI must to be a backup of that and done
04:37.42tchinooh, i can't remove or resize my programm windows under kde, what is wrong
04:37.59sycoflywhats the path to kde icons
04:38.46sycoflythx boss
04:39.38sycoflyversion 3.3.2
04:40.56mankeletorthat folder contains the global icons ;)
04:41.31sycoflythats where im heading
04:41.47sycoflysome one hold my hand .. i've never been there
04:45.20slackd00dwhy do you want to backup the global icon directory?
04:46.59*** join/#kde tim_h__ (
04:47.06mankeletorslackd00d: me?
04:51.22mankeletorslackd00d: I must install 3.3.91 in/op/kde or in another directory?
04:51.34mankeletorwhat do u think?
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05:01.35mankeletorwhat anybody think?
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05:19.18[sLiM]hi all
05:21.35[sLiM]how do i change the login manager setup?
05:23.30aseigo[sLiM]: go into the control center, System Admin, login manager
05:25.14[sLiM]thanks, are there themes like in gdm?
05:29.13aseigoin 3.4
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06:00.30sycoflyim about to install a packaged theme .. what would the "kde-config--prefix" be for slackware10 ??
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06:03.56Vensonsycofly: just type "kde-config --prefix" ....should tell you
06:04.10sycoflyok .. sounds good
06:05.26sycoflyanswer >> /opt/kde
06:05.30sycoflyhehe thx
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06:09.32Dhraakellianoh, hey, beta2 is due out tomorrow?
06:09.34[sLiM]is there any know repositories with kde 3.4.1?
06:10.01Dhraakellian3.3.91, maybe
06:10.13Vensonbeta1 yeah
06:10.17[sLiM]lol isnt that the same thing?
06:10.24Dhraakelliannot really
06:10.34[sLiM]Venson, where?
06:10.42[sLiM]Dhraakellian, oh i thought it was
06:10.43Dhraakellian3.4.1 = first maintainance release of the 3.4.x series
06:10.43Venson3.4.1 is a maintenence release, [sLiM]
06:10.58Dhraakellian3.4 beta1 = 3.3.91
06:11.11coolangothello, got some problem with kdm: I upgraded from kernel 2.4.21 to 2.6.10 and kdm cannot log in here is the error message: Feb  4 14:06:09 libranet kernel: atkbd.c: Spurious ACK on isa0060/serio0. Some program, like XFree86, might be trying access hardware directly.Feb  4 14:06:09 libranet kernel: atkbd.c: Spurious ACK on isa0060/serio0. Some program, like XFree86, might be trying access hardware directly.Feb  4 14:06:09 libranet input.agent[2541]:      evdev:
06:11.22coolangotany ideas?
06:11.42[sLiM]oh  ok
06:12.49*** part/#kde _jamie (~jamie@
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06:28.28*** join/#kde f00f (
06:28.30f00fhello :)
06:28.41f00fcan i make KDM execute a command when it loads?
06:28.53*** join/#kde mankeletor (
06:29.52jinf00f , i think there is a folder call autostart in /home/yourname/.kde
06:30.13jinf00f you can have a symlink there it will start when you start kde
06:30.24Lucarhow to make a basica installation of kde without extras?
06:30.50*** join/#kde kendrick (
06:31.25f00fjin, :(
06:31.45f00fit loads a keymap that i need for my keyboard with xmodmap
06:32.19f00fso i need it to be loaded before i attempt to login
06:33.12aseigonot quite..
06:33.30aseigoif you are using kde 3.3 or above you can put a script in ~/.kde/env
06:33.50aseigoany executable in that directory gets loaded after login but before the desktop starts..
06:34.06aseigoso... between kdm and the desktop
06:34.10aseigotry it out =)
06:34.21LucarI am of Brazil forgives for the English of the altavista
06:34.51*** join/#kde _jamie (~jamie@
06:34.54grepperah, aseigo
06:35.06aseigoah, grepper
06:35.14grepperaseigo: how do you use distcc or icecream with rpmbuild ?
06:35.27grepperjust edit the spec, or is there a better way
06:35.30aseigoLucar: just install arts, qt, kdelibs and kdebase
06:35.46aseigoLucar: that's the basic KDE without most of the applications and none of the extras
06:36.07aseigogrepper: hrm... does it have a hard coded path to gcc in it?
06:36.08f00faseigo, well.. kdm is open source
06:36.12greppergoogle is silent - there seem to be no suse users who do distributed rpm builds . . .
06:36.16aseigof00f: hrm?
06:36.17f00fso i could just add a system() call in main() lol
06:36.33aseigof00f: have you tried putting a script in `kde-config --localprefix`/env/?
06:36.46f00faseigo, hold up
06:36.49grepperI see the guy who did the updates uses unsermake by default, so I am half way there
06:37.32aseigogrepper: again, is the path to gcc hardcoded in there?
06:38.01Dhraakellianso 3.4 beta2 is due to be sent to packagers tomorrow/today?
06:38.08aseigogrepper: because if not, then as long as the PATH used in the environment to do the build has the distcc/icecream gcc bin in it first, it should work
06:38.11aseigoDhraakellian: yes
06:38.39Dhraakellianand what does that mean as far as non-cvs users are concerned?
06:39.56aseigo... that they'll have a slightly newer snapshot to play with?
06:40.37*** join/#kde mattr (~matt@mattr.kde)
06:41.48grepperhm, looks like I need to make a masked directory
06:41.59grepperno, doesn't seem to be hard coded
06:42.06greppermake %{?jobs:-j%jobs} compile
06:42.26grepperlooks like there is a mechanism for jobs built in there already
06:43.55greppercompiling arts fixed* the  system sound problem sort of, but now knotify crashes
06:44.02grepperso I am moving on the kdelibs
06:44.14greppers/on the / on to/
06:44.45mattrooh, that's cool. konsole in kde 3.4 beta 1 will open a new tab if you double click on the tab bar
06:45.48mattrhmm, emerge, or cvs rebuild tonight?
06:46.21grepperhm, that's how  I rename the tabs
06:46.59mattryou rename the tabs if you double-click on a tab
06:47.06mattrbut if you don't double-click on a tab, then you get a new tab
06:47.14*** join/#kde martinlohre (
06:47.58jadrianit would be nice if Konqueror had an "access keys" presence indicator
06:48.17jadrianjust like the rss one etc
06:48.24mattrahh, if a site had access keys?
06:48.42mattrhadn't thought of that before
06:48.45jadrianthat way we'd now if a site had them available or not
06:48.47mattrbedtime now though
06:49.10jadrianalso people that don't know waht access keys are could click the symbol and learn about them it
06:49.27jadrian(how to activate them)
06:50.12grepperah, tab bar
06:50.43jadrianunder which app should this wish go
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06:52.21aseigoyes, that'd be konqueror
06:52.38aseigocheck for dupes, of course =)
06:53.04mattrit's sad that debian is such a slow distribution...
06:53.31Dhraakellianmattr: what about testing or unstable?
06:53.34*** part/#kde [sLiM] (
06:53.42mattrDhraakellian: the server was on testing, and it was still slow
06:54.38mattrthe workstation is on gentoo, and the server is on archlinux
06:55.49mattranyways, need sleep
06:57.02f00fDhraakellian, youre on gentoo eh
06:57.13f00fthat means you can help me!
06:57.30Dhraakellianoh, does it?
06:58.02f00fyes.. got kdevelop?
06:58.11f00fok coolr
06:58.15f00fKDE 3.3?
06:58.17Dhraakellianhaven't really used it in ages
06:58.20Dhraakellian3.4 beta1
06:58.25f00fstill ok
06:59.04Dhraakellianwhat do you need?
06:59.26slayerbobmore vodka is what i need :)
06:59.40f00falright.. create a new Simple designer based KDE app
06:59.53Dhraakellianslayerbob: sorry, but beer for the amaroK devs is a higher priority
07:00.06f00fthen go into the designer mode (open the .ui file) and add a KURLRequester and try to build
07:00.09f00fit wont let me link
07:00.32DhraakellianI never really did any stuff with guis either
07:01.21f00ffor me it REFUSES to linrk
07:01.28f00fand i have no clue as to why
07:01.38aseigowhat's the error?
07:01.51jadrianaseigo: done, no dupes as far as I could tell:
07:03.58slayerboboh hiya aseigo
07:04.02slayerbobhow goes your day ?
07:04.04aseigoslayerbob: heya ...
07:04.07aseigolong. over.
07:04.14slayerbobbest type :)
07:04.33aseigohad fun screwing around with klink today, though
07:04.36slayerbobi thought freezes were just slushy to you :P
07:05.10aseigoi speak a good game.
07:05.28slayerbobi only just got around to installing vnc on all the machines in my internet cafe to avoid having to spend 5 hours driving there and another 5 back
07:05.29aseigobut really, i only break the rules when it benefits me. ;-)
07:05.36slayerbobafter 4 years of operation :P
07:05.47slayerbobi break the rules as a matter of principle
07:07.06*** join/#kde physos (~physos@endres.kde)
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07:09.17aseigono. they are my sites. fuck off. ;-)
07:09.35aseigo and
07:09.39slayerbobawww :(
07:09.52slayerbobno kidding :P
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07:23.25chuggahow do i get my deskoplooking like this
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07:27.03Dhraakellianlooks like fairly basic default look and feel
07:27.17chuggalook at the window
07:27.23chuggait looks no nice
07:29.14Dhraakellianit loks like plastik to me
07:29.34chuggathats what i thought
07:29.39chuggabut i've got plastik now
07:29.42chuggaand it looks crap
07:31.21Dhraakelliandifferent color scheme?
07:31.24Dhraakellianicon set?
07:33.19chuggai think i have to play witth colours
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07:47.24canllaithullo there cuteness :p
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07:47.32slayerbobullo :)
07:55.45slayerbobaseigo: sort of like a real life bash that site is :P
07:56.34aseigoon the second site... compu-whatever. .check the video section.. lots of amazing vids.. the star wars one is especially brilliant.
07:56.46slayerbobhave not got up to that one yet
07:56.53slayerbobwas interrupted by free food :P
07:58.55aseigo <--hehehe
07:59.21canllaithoh this is a laugh
07:59.55*** join/#kde chimaera (
08:01.02aseigoahahahaha... "we are extremely excited about the Windows Media Player 10 beta that comes integrated with Advanced Server 2003"
08:01.19aseigo'Windows XP features the dependable DRM features home users demand (keeps you from getting sued!)' wow
08:02.45*** part/#kde vladg (~dudu@
08:03.13aseigocanllaith: have you seen
08:03.22aseigoslayerbob too for that matter
08:03.25canllaithmmm no
08:03.30canllaithand yeah I thought you'd enjoy that :)
08:03.55*** join/#kde slackd00d (
08:04.55aseigothe satire reminded me of it
08:12.21slayerbobsorry was talking to my brother
08:12.26slayerbobmissed all the sites :(
08:12.35*** join/#kde alejandro (~alejandro@
08:12.40canllaith:) have you heard from doris on the chat ?
08:12.56aseigooh. that was probably for slayerbob.
08:13.09slayerbobwas talking to her before dinner
08:13.23canllaithcool :) Does she sound terribly grumpy with us?
08:16.09canllaithJust she seemed a big grumpy when she left lol
08:16.30slayerbobi doubt that she is even remotely grumpy with us
08:16.34slayerbobi mean... why would she be ?
08:16.41canllaithlol :P
08:17.02slayerbobisn't she on your messenger too ?
08:17.12sagge^^where can i find what dcop-oject i can use with kopete?
08:18.58slayerbob"Linux zealots will try to say that their platform isn't plagued by things like email viruses, but with Windows XP I don't gotta worry about emailing viruses to my friends and family at all. The built-in email client Outlook Express does it automatically, in the background. "
08:19.12slayerbobsorry... /me is just catching up :P
08:20.12*** join/#kde Dirus (
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08:27.58chimaerasagge^^: kdcop
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08:37.53slayerbobwb canllaith
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09:01.41[Aura]kingwanjahi there , is there a way for me to create a command in konversation ?
09:02.52[Aura]kingwanjafor example in , I want to create the command /server -m
09:07.14*** join/#kde war- (
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09:09.39mobtekFile -> Server List -> highlight the server -> edit -> and put the command in the Commands box
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09:20.11[Aura]kingwanjamobtek: i dont have a command box in edit , just channel name
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09:39.40slayerbobhiya sredna :)
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09:46.36srednaHi slayerbob
09:46.51*** join/#kde carles (carles@
09:49.19mobtek[Aura]kingwanja: konvi 0.14? if so update to the new version
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09:51.16Akbaris it possible to turn off the '<nick> has left the chat' messages in kopete?
09:52.02canllaithHey there sredna :)
09:52.12srednaHi canllaith :)
09:52.50canllaithhow are you? :)
09:53.30srednaFine thanks
09:53.51srednaI went and saw my niece in the mucisal HAIR last night
09:53.55srednaWhich was fun
09:54.10canllaithah nice :) How old is your niece?
09:55.06srednaShes at a border school this year, and they spent 5 weeks all togeather putting up the musical
09:57.05srednaHow are you in nz?
09:58.00canllaithPretty good :)
09:58.21canllaithWent to a camp today on a remote farm where the local gliding club are having their annual camp thing
09:58.42canllaithWas watching one of the guys do these low (one meter or so) fast passes (250kph) along the runway
09:58.47canllaiththen zoom back up again, turn around for another pass
09:59.15slayerbobdid you manage to find some batteries for your camera ?
09:59.52*** join/#kde OsRo (
10:00.50srednaWould you try if you got the offer (gliding)?
10:00.52canllaithalthough it was not on me when this guy was showing off
10:00.56canllaithsredna, I already have :)
10:01.01canllaithI was airsick! :'(
10:01.02srednaAh, is it fun?
10:01.08canllaithand we had to come down almost straight away because I was sick :(
10:01.09srednaOh ..
10:03.24*** join/#kde willwork4foo (
10:03.25slayerbobi am getting an error from the squid name server
10:03.29slayerbobi wonder what one it uses :S
10:03.59[Aura]kingwanjawow gliding sounds like fun
10:07.57[Aura]kingwanjacanllaith: my new piece of high tech sunny colour style ...
10:08.10canllaithgliding is heaps of fun
10:08.21canllaithbut not so much fun after a hot chocolate when I have an intolerance to milk
10:08.31canllaithslayerbob, today I have had a teeny amount of cheese and that is it, and I feel great
10:08.45canllaithyesterday almost as soon as I started chowing down on cream cheese I was sick as a dog
10:08.51canllaithSo I guess we've narrowed it down
10:09.03willwork4foolo folks
10:09.10canllaithullo there you
10:09.40[Aura]kingwanjakites are fun to fly but actually being on a kite .. omg , i want to do it
10:09.41willwork4foogreetings and stuffs. I am now furtling with KDE 3.4 beta 1, and it's more fun than being tickled with a feather.
10:09.55*** join/#kde jin (~jin@
10:10.49[Aura]kingwanjai would like to try beta 1 put with my linux skills , i cant install a damn thing
10:10.53canllaithbut I think you have already seen them all
10:11.37willwork4fooyep I have. and each one makes me jealous...
10:11.40willwork4foodamn it.
10:12.05willwork4fooand KDE is possibly the shiniest linux thingie
10:12.05canllaithwait till you see our spiffy new feature guide
10:12.18canllaithwhen it's finished.
10:12.26willwork4foothere are other shiny linux thingies. but KDE is shinier.
10:12.40*** join/#kde sarah03 (
10:13.00willwork4fooalthough I sodding wish I could get my f&*^"£$T*(*&^&"%&&("£$ing bluetooth dongle to work on this god-forsaken linux laptop </frustration>
10:13.24[Aura]kingwanjaim a good bug dectector  ()))):  ------- @..@
10:13.28canllaithI don't have bluetooth I'm afraid so I have never had to get it working.
10:13.37willwork4foo[Aura]kingwanja: ever played with bluetooth dongles?
10:13.51[Aura]kingwanjai havnt
10:14.04willwork4foothen you're less use to me than a wet fart in a thunderstorm.
10:16.04[Aura]kingwanjain fact i was at my neighbours house trying to fix their wifi laptop as it couldnt connect to the net ... -_- i couldnt connect , i tried the everything
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10:28.04slayerbobso did you solve the problem in the end [Aura]kingwanja ?
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10:32.25slayerbober yeah
10:35.30[Aura]kingwanjano i didnt , i really dont know why the internet would not work , it was connecting to the router but i just couldnt get it to happen
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10:35.50slayerbobdid you have a default route ?
10:37.31[Aura]kingwanjait was working last week when i set it up , yes everything i did was by the book
10:38.09[Aura]kingwanjaits something to do with the pc
10:38.17[Aura]kingwanjai was just watching de la hoya v gatti
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10:53.23[Aura]kingwanjawhen stuff is deleted , ive noticed it doesnt go into the waste bin , where does it go ?
10:53.32canllaithdepends how you delete it
10:53.45canllaithif you use rm, it's gone vanished poof
10:53.53canllaithif you send it to the kde trash can then it goes to the trash can
10:54.55[Aura]kingwanjai just right clicked and deleted
10:56.09[Aura]kingwanjaok but should a trash can be stuff that is deleted ie delete should be a cut and paste
10:57.41slayerbobwell when i delete something i want it gone
10:57.45slayerbobotherwise why would i delete it ?
10:57.47[Aura]kingwanjadelete = cut and paste to trash can ; empty trash can is permanent delete
10:57.54canllaiththat depends on whether you have 'delete bypassing trash' enabled
10:58.14canllaiththere is a 'delete' option that deletes it immediately
10:58.17canllaithand a move to trash button
10:58.28willwork4footis in the kontrol centre
10:58.38willwork4fooI got bluetooth working! :):):)
10:58.47willwork4fooalls I gotta do now is make kde-bluetooth work nicely
10:59.18[Aura]kingwanjabut think when you throw rubbish out it goes in the bin , sometimes the rubbish can be recycled and you want it back
10:59.38slayerbob[Aura]kingwanja: that is why there are both options
10:59.53slayerbobsome people are silly and delete things that they did not mean to
10:59.55slayerbobothers do not
11:00.05willwork4foosadly, it seems that kde-bluetooth is only available in binary for three distros - debian, suse and gentoo. and the source tarball doesn't compile.
11:00.37canllaithwhat happens when you try?
11:01.05willwork4fooit configures OK, then at some point during the make I get compile error - lemme retrace steps and get the error for ya
11:01.31[Aura]kingwanjaby habit i press delete , i dont move stuff im thinking of deleting but its a different way to do things i guess .
11:02.35canllaithpressing delete should send it to the trashcan unless you've changed the defaults
11:04.18[Aura]kingwanjai havnt
11:04.47[Aura]kingwanjai have 3.2 so i dont know what the other versions do
11:05.28willwork4foocanllaith: I get this error: connectiondlg.cpp: In member function `void ConnectionDlg::updateRssi(int,
11:05.28willwork4fooconnectiondlg.cpp:156: error: `GET_LINK_QUALITY_RP_SIZE' undeclared (first use
11:06.05slayerbob[Aura]kingwanja: when you say "press delete" do you mean "press the delete key" or "click on delete in the right-click menu" ?
11:06.51[Aura]kingwanjathe latter
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11:07.55[Aura]kingwanjai know i have bad habits , i dont know how im going to break through with the terminals :(
11:07.59slayerbobthe will always delete it
11:08.09slayerbobif you want it to go to the trash, click on "move to trash" instead
11:08.16canllaiththat delete isn't in the menu by default, at least not anymore
11:08.24ballfireaseigo: are you there?
11:08.26canllaithwhy not just remove it from the menu if you want to use the trashcan?
11:09.08[Aura]kingwanjacanllaith:  i keep things in the brand new way , i dont like taking things away .
11:10.59[Aura]kingwanjawell its ok , im aware of it now , i know that the delete is going to fry and not move
11:11.23*** join/#kde markey (~me@markey.user)
11:13.08willwork4foowould someone who is not behind corporate level security and a very paranoid web proxy give me a hand getting something off of CVS???
11:13.30willwork4foocanllaith: got a second babe? :):):)
11:14.22*** join/#kde Kiluminati (
11:17.33willwork4fooalternatively, does anyone know how to tell cvs to go through an http proxy?
11:18.34fred87willwork4foo: yah...
11:18.46willwork4foofred87: how do I do that...
11:19.08willwork4fooI'm trying to get kdeextragear and in particular kde-bluetooth from
11:19.16fred87install squid locally, set it up for transparent proxying, and relaying through your real proxy, recompile kernel with "nat of local connections", iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
11:19.38fred87hmm actually, you might need to chuck in httptunnel into the mix as well
11:19.50willwork4foosounds overcomplicated just to use CVS once
11:20.31willwork4foocan someone out there who has a website they own do me a gigantic favour?
11:20.43fred87yah, i'll make you a handy tarball...
11:20.51willwork4foothanks man
11:20.54willwork4fooyou know where to get it?
11:21.12fred87hmm actually i guess i shouldn't use my account...
11:22.21fred87which kdeextragear?
11:23.00willwork4foothe latest one
11:23.29fred87can i assume you have kde-common/admin handy?
11:24.57willwork4foohow can I check?
11:25.18canllaithyou'd know if you'd checked it out lol
11:25.37willwork4fooI've never used CVS before for KDE.
11:28.23*** join/#kde Oleg_ (~oleg@
11:29.05Oleg_whassup homies
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11:31.18willwork4foothings are deathly quiet...
11:33.22mustasjI'm very busy organizing my ogg collection , found a nice mp3toogg app :)
11:33.45willwork4foo by any chance?
11:35.05*** join/#kde _FrostByte (
11:35.05Oleg_aseigo, buddy, are you here?
11:36.11*** join/#kde willwork4foo (
11:38.29willwork4fooanyone there?
11:38.36willwork4foosuddenly everyone's gone silent...
11:42.15Oleg_I am thinking about my first love Irene Betser.
11:42.23Oleg_she was so good
11:42.45Oleg_so good
11:43.02Oleg_Irene is THE name
11:43.13Oleg_BETSER is THE last name
11:43.20willwork4fooOleg_: riiiight....
11:43.30Oleg_aren't they beautiful?
11:43.39Oleg_Her first name is beautiful
11:43.55Oleg_her last name is beautiful
11:44.27*** join/#kde Gof (~olivier@ogoffart.developer.kde)
11:46.16mobtekOleg_ needs to meet new women :)
11:46.26willwork4foomobtek: agreed
11:47.21*** join/#kde dpy (
11:47.43dpydoes anyone know how to execute commands with konsole through DCOP ?
11:47.52dpyI am missing some sort of exec command
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11:48.10NoldoOleg_: is that from a movie or something ?
11:48.44willwork4foocan someone (anyone) please do me one tiny favour and get hold of kde-common from the KDE CVS for me? I can't reach the CVS because I'm behind a dirty great big proxy at Sun
11:48.59willwork4fooplease - I kinda need it to be able to do something vaguely useful
11:49.02slayerbobsun blocks the kde cvs ?
11:49.30slayerbobare they trying to lose the desktop market or something ?
11:49.30willwork4fooslayerbob: it's not that. I'm behind an http proxy and I can't get my cvs to connect to the kde cvs
11:49.38willwork4fooslayerbob: no, it's nothing like that.
11:50.37willwork4fooslayerbob: I need kde-common so I can make kde-bluetooth work.
11:51.33willwork4fooslayerbob: any chance you could help me out there?
11:52.46slayerbobi do not have a cvs account sorry
11:53.03willwork4fooslayerbob: you don't need one. it's anonymous CVS./
11:53.26willwork4foolook at "downloads", and hit "next" twice - that takes you to the CVS thing
11:53.57willwork4fooI've got kdeextragear-3 because fred87 tarred it up for me and put it on his webserver. but he's dissappeared now and I need kde-common
11:54.20slayerbobsounds a bit too complicated for me
11:54.30dpyanyone here on the latest kde ?
11:54.41willwork4foodpy: I'm using KDE 3.4 beta 1
11:54.49willwork4foobeta 2 will be out soon
11:55.06dpywillwork4foo: kan you please type something for me in a konsole ?
11:55.26willwork4foodpy: go ahead
11:55.45dpydcop ${KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION} | grep send
11:56.00willwork4foobash-3.00$ dcop ${KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION} | grep send
11:56.03dpyis there some output ?
11:56.09dpyI don't get it
11:56.49dpyit says clearly sendSession
11:56.57dpyhow else am I going to execute some commands
11:58.08Renzerenze:~> dcop $KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION | grep send
11:58.08Renzebool sendSignal(int signal)
11:58.29willwork4foohey Renze - got a minute? can you do me a big favour?
11:58.47dpybut that's not the same
11:58.48Renzewillwork4foo: sorry, my bandwidth limit for the month is running horribly low
11:58.53willwork4fooRenze: poo.
11:58.56willwork4foothanks anyway
11:58.57dpyI need sendSession to execute something
11:59.45*** join/#kde snugglemonkey (
11:59.54Oleg_slayerbob: Andrew!
12:00.28slayerbobgosh kde-common tars up to something small
12:00.33slayerbobonly 237kB
12:00.35Oleg_Noldo: she was a real person, not in a movie
12:00.36dpydoes anybody know what's going on ?
12:00.46slayerbobdpy: with what ?
12:00.50Oleg_Noldo: I met her while in high school
12:00.50dpyis that function removed from konsole's dcop interface
12:01.02dpysendSession seems to have disappeared
12:01.18Renzedpy: kdcop is your friend
12:01.34slayerbobdid willwork leave... ?
12:01.41slayerbobtab completion is not working in any case :S
12:02.08dpyRenze: kdcop does not tell me more than dcop does
12:02.14dpyit's more point and click
12:02.34dpybesides shell is better: for object in `dcop konsole-4298` ; do dcop konsole-4298 ${object} ; done | grep send
12:02.35Renzedpy: it at least allows you to browse the available functions
12:02.38dpytry to do that in kdcop
12:03.05Oleg_slayerbob: hi
12:03.17Renzedpy: if the function isn't there, it must have been removed for some reason
12:03.29Renzedpy: are the docs you're following up-to-date?
12:03.34dpyit makes the konsole interface rather useless
12:03.45dpythey're new
12:04.01dpyold konsole doesn't set KONSOLE_DCOP_* variables
12:04.01Renzefile a bug report?
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12:06.40hellz_hunteranyone have an idea of a kde-based cd ripper?
12:07.05Renzeaudiocd:/ ioslave, kaudiocreator, k3b... to name three
12:07.07Oleg_slayerbob: are you angry at me for some reason? :)
12:07.14hellz_hunteroh k3b rips cds?
12:07.35hellz_hunterhuh, thx :)
12:10.26*** join/#kde ralf (
12:10.40dpyI have found here a 3-mar-2003 mail that uses it
12:10.52dpyand I have found a 1 feb 2005 mail that also uses sendSession
12:12.18NoldoOleg_: it just somehow sounded familiar
12:14.10sarah03dpy: Konsole's 'sendSession(QString)' and 'feedSession(QString)' functions are disabled if you don't have it starting with '--script'.
12:14.29dpysarah03: I beat you to it
12:14.36dpyjust about 10 seconds
12:14.50dpyI just started konsole --script and checked for the function
12:14.52sarah03I just found it myself.
12:14.53dpythen I looked at xchat
12:14.59dpyand so you're message
12:15.19dpyoh lol
12:15.49sarah03*shrug* 'cd ~/src/kde-src/kdebase/konsole/konsole; grep -F "sendSession(QString)" *.cpp' turned up session.cpp.
12:15.51dpyI have to fix my ksm session
12:15.53*** join/#kde Akbar (
12:18.30dpybut that's why I dont like people filing bug reports all the time
12:18.43dpyfirst investigate why you are not ....
12:21.33dpyor why you can not foo bla with <some app>
12:22.36*** join/#kde mart_k (
12:29.08dpywhat could be wrong when klipper docks into a different dock then ksysguard, kopete, ... etc..
12:29.51*** part/#kde Gof (~olivier@ogoffart.developer.kde)
12:29.51Renzedpy: you're using the klipper applet instead of the standalone app?
12:30.39Celestaris there any way to get rid of the "dragon" in the logout screen?
12:30.54slayerbobif you logout it goes away :)
12:31.14dpyRenze: Oh I did start it from commandline, becuase as applet it didn't start
12:31.25slayerbobit is the kde mascot, so more than likely yes :)
12:31.31srednaPoor katie
12:31.31Renzedpy: started it how?
12:32.58slackd00ddoesnt the kaudiocreator, or whatever its called, come with kde?
12:33.49Renzein kdemultimedia, yes
12:33.49srednaslayerbob: Yes, it is in kdemultimedia
12:33.50slackd00dthats what i thought....but for some reason its not on my computer  = \
12:33.50slayerbobnot having much luck with tab completion tonight sredna ? :P
12:33.50Oleg_slayerbob: yo, white boy, answer me.
12:33.50Oleg_slayerbob: answer me, son
12:33.51slackd00dat least not in my kmenu'
12:33.53*** join/#kde NamShub (
12:34.03srednaslayerbob: Hm, I should really go fix ksirc to read my mind :o
12:34.23dpyRenze: konsole: klipper &
12:34.44slackd00ddoes anyone know what command i enter to get to it?
12:34.53Renzedpy: and it didn't go to the systray?
12:35.09Renzeslackd00d: kaudiocreator
12:35.15slackd00dk, thank you
12:35.28Oleg_int white_boy;
12:35.35Oleg_int Andrew;
12:35.43Oleg_int Andrew_loves_canllaith;
12:35.59RenzeOleg_: do you have any idea how annoying you are?
12:36.17Oleg_Renze: I am a show off.
12:36.18slayerbobyou don't have him blocked then Renze ?
12:36.28RenzeOleg_: no, you're a prat
12:36.42Renzeslayerbob: I clean out my ignore list from time to time... he's going back on it
12:36.46*** join/#kde jc__ (
12:38.50dpyRenze: no, want to see a screenshot ?
12:38.51Oleg_ok, I am gonna talk about kde
12:39.31Renzedpy: don't bother... your system is weird :)
12:39.31*** join/#kde BBRodriguez_ (
12:39.39dpyI have now two systrays
12:39.58Renzedpy: how'd you manage that?
12:40.11dpyI don't know I just started klipper
12:40.13Renzedpy: I'm only allowed one
12:40.16dpyand it created a new systray
12:40.26Renzedpy: you have borkage, dude
12:40.37dpyI'll probably need to update some library
12:41.00*** join/#kde kolla_ (
12:41.15dpywell I don't know
12:41.21dpymaybe I like two systrays
12:41.33dpyat least I got one for free
12:41.37dpyyou only have one
12:41.39dpyin total
12:41.44RenzeI only need one :P
12:41.57dpythat's what they all say
12:42.01dpyuntil they've tried two
12:42.20dpytell any windows user about virtual desktops
12:42.23RenzeI'm not greedy... one will do :)
12:42.28dpyand he'll say: I only need one window
12:42.31dpyone desktop
12:43.12Renzemore than one systray will lead to problems later
12:44.13kolla_sigh.. why has "show above" (or whatever the english variant says) window attribute been changed to not work with panels?
12:44.29kolla_I have a window that I want to display above panels too
12:45.50slackd00dsweet k3b 0.11.20 came out
12:48.45*** join/#kde linux-addict (~noname@
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12:51.11dpyis it possible to assign shortcuts to custom scripts in kate  ?
12:51.24dpythey dont't appear in settings->shortcuts
12:51.32dpydo I need to add something to the .desktop file ?
12:58.03srednadpy: You mean scripts using the kscript feature?
12:58.22dpyKDE-Scripts is the menu option
12:58.29*** join/#kde robin (
12:58.30dpyis that the kscript feature ?
12:58.31srednaYes, those
12:58.43dpyok, then, yes
12:58.58srednaThere is no way to assign a shortcut for those
12:59.10dpywhy nottt
13:00.05srednaThe developer who created that feature did not think of that
13:00.18srednadpy: What does your script do?
13:01.14dpythen connects to dcop/konsole
13:01.21dpyand tries to build the project
13:01.40dpyit then gathers information whether it succeeded or not
13:02.06dpyand shows a list of errors, which are clickable, then the document opens, pops to front
13:02.09srednaYou could use the make plugin
13:02.16dpythen the line with the error is selected
13:02.32dpysredna: this is so much more lightweight
13:02.52dpyit's already working
13:02.56srednadpy: Could you send me a copy of it?
13:03.21dpywhen it is finished I'll put the GPL head on it and it will be published
13:03.26dpyprobably tonight
13:03.33dpybut no shortcut :(
13:03.57dpyI could workaround it I think
13:04.11dpywith kshortkeys or what is it they called the app this time
13:04.28dpybut that'll be a major workaround as it is desktop-wide
13:04.50dpyI could use hasFocus though
13:05.06dpyit's a proof of concept for dcop
13:05.19dpya small lightweight IDE attempt with DCOP
13:06.29*** join/#kde bluesceada (~itsjustme@bluesceada.user)
13:07.21cigais there an mailing application for kde other than kmail? I want to use it for imap filtering...
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13:12.16kolla_ciga: konsole and procmail? :)
13:12.22slayerbobciga: there are many linux email applications - i believe that kmail is the only official kde one though...
13:12.48slayerbobevolution is good when it works :P
13:12.55slayerbobcan be tricky to make it work though :P
13:13.33*** join/#kde estel (
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13:15.02esteli have something like a taskbar on top of my screen and want to disable that windows can overlap this bar; how can i manage this with kde?
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13:20.06dpyestel: make sure it stays on top
13:20.16*** join/#kde DexterF (
13:20.46dpyestel: there is a menubutton in kde on every window, click advanced->stays on top
13:21.01dpyor similar
13:21.42dpyother ways are: start the taskbar thing with kstart --ontop <app>
13:22.18dpyor communicate via dcop to kwin and tell it to put the taskbar window on top (this method is for advanced users only)
13:25.56estelbut this windows has no border or anything else and can not overlapped
13:26.08DexterFlil problem with kmail 1.7.2: I send a message via POP3 and it complains about failed auth. a few seconds later the mail goes out alright.
13:26.09estelso when i maximize a windows i can't see its borders as it is overlapped by my program
13:32.04srednaestel: The only way to do that currently is to make your window a kicker panel (which requires changing the code)
13:36.08willwork4foohiya folks
13:37.47grepperany idea how I could troubleshoot this problem on suse (kde 3.3.2) ?  "impossible to start aRts with realtime priority because artswrapper is missing or disabled"  - it exists, in the path, and is 4755
13:37.58willwork4foocan someone out there do me a gigantic favour? I am behind a proxy that won't let me connect to CVS repos on the web, and I need something from KDE's CVS repo
13:38.02willwork4foowould someone mind awfully checking it out anonymously, tarring it up and sending it to me? I need the kde-common tree
13:38.19willwork4foopretty please?
13:42.33srednawillwork4foo: What is it you need?
13:42.50srednaAh, kde-common
13:43.14willwork4foosredna: yah
13:43.26willwork4fooand I can't get hold of it coz I can't get into CVS from here.
13:43.37willwork4fooand I need it to make kde-bluetooth work.
13:44.16srednawillwork4foo: Email?
13:44.48willwork4foosredna: in PM now
13:45.12willwork4fooaw ok
13:46.12dpydoes anybody know if there are KDE-shell-scripting utilities ?
13:46.20dpyto write kde apps in e.g. bash
13:46.30dpykind of like kdialog but then more powerful ?
13:48.20*** join/#kde sredna (~anders@alund.developer.kde)
13:49.08srednawillwork4foo: Sent
13:49.18willwork4foothanks sredna you're a star :)
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13:59.08muhahahahim trying to set up the directory where i have qt3 installed, so the configure script can find it, so i do export QTDIR =/usr/include/qt3 but it keeps saying the libraries qt-mt are not installed (and i have installed them via apt) what am i doing wrong?
14:04.03*** join/#kde FrostByte_ (
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14:08.14mart_kmuhahahaha: You can try ./configure --with-qt-dir=/usr/include/qt3
14:08.44*** join/#kde Geert (geert@geert.staff.freenode)
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14:11.13muhahahahok mart_k  thanks i will try it now
14:14.45muhahahahit doesnt work because konstruct installs with just make install
14:16.53*** join/#kde FrostByte__ (
14:19.10mart_kmuhahahaha: Konstruct also runs ./configure, as I see in the documentation you can configure it with QTDIR (as you tried).
14:19.33mart_kmuhahahaha: Maybe it is the space between QTDIR and =.
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14:28.04Celeoutcan I write Japanese texts with kword?
14:29.35muhahahahnot working
14:29.43muhahahahi have try with all the directories
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14:36.13estelis there some tool similar to xkb to change the language of kde?
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14:47.10ExElNeT;/ i cant get rid of the media removal bug of k3b ;/
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14:57.44coachzwhere to get database drivers for kdevelop?
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15:03.33ShereKhanAnybody using kmess? I just installed it from ports on FreeBSD. It installed fine, it runs fine, and I can log on, but none of my contacts show up! Any idea why?
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15:23.28chimaerai'm trying to build kdemultimedia but it's bailing out with the following:
15:23.31chimaeralibtool: link: `kjequalizer.lo' is not a valid libtool object
15:23.31chimaeramake[5]: *** [] Error 1
15:24.33kolla_oddly enough, the menu of the flashplayer works
15:26.27chimaerakolla_: link?
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15:27.47kolla_chimaera: hm?
15:28.18chimaerakolla_: link to the flash not working for you.
15:28.27kolla_chimaera: any
15:28.37chimaeraoh, ok.
15:29.42kolla_it's been like this for quite a while, and normally it's not a problem since most flash stuff is annoying advertising anyways.. but today there was something I wante to play with :)
15:29.54PhilRodchimaera: I'd guess you have an unsuitable version of one of the auto* tools, but please put that error and a few lines preceding it up onto a pasteboard
15:31.49*** part/#kde coachz (
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15:33.07chimaeraPhilRod: pls find the complete build-log here:
15:35.43[Aura]kingwanjawhat is the difference between ext2 , ext , and reiser fs ?
15:35.53[Aura]kingwanjaext 3 *
15:36.33PhilRodchimaera: what happens if you make clean and then make again in kdemm/noatun/modules/kjofol-skin ?
15:36.39chimaeraext3 == ext3+ journaling. reiser is also a journaling-fs
15:37.15chimaeraPhilRod: good question, i'm using thes/ext3+/ext2+/
15:37.43chimaeraPhilRod: good question, i'm using the kdecvs-script.
15:37.59PhilRod[Aura]kingwanja: ...and if that means nothing to you, then it means you don't need to worry about it. Just use what's default for your distro
15:39.07PhilRodchimaera:  'cd /mnt/files/archives/sources/kdecvs/build/kdemultimedia/noatun/modules/kjofol-skin && make clean && make'
15:39.09PhilRodsame error?
15:40.11*** part/#kde tbrother (
15:40.19[Aura]kingwanjaphilrod and chimera , thanks
15:40.36chimaeraPhilRod: no targets & makefiles found
15:40.50chimaera[Aura]kingwanja: np
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15:42.24PhilRodchimaera: what about in /mnt/files/archives/sources/kdecvs/build/kdemultimedia/noatun
15:42.32PhilRod(run make there)
15:42.42chimaeraPhilRod: exactly, wrong path. it'S making now.
15:45.29*** join/#kde MANOWAR^ (~MANOWAR@
15:46.13chimaeraPhilRod: well, make finished w/o error
15:47.33chimaerastill don't get it.. mh
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15:48.19PhilRodmaybe the file got edited on disk somehow
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15:48.57PhilRodjust go up to the kdemultimedia directory, and 'make' there, then 'make install' if it completes without error
15:50.00chimaeraPhilRod: i just fired up the script using --resume <pkg>. just curious.
15:50.57chimaerastill not working. ok, manually then.
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15:52.38chimaeraPhilRod: next stop: libtool: link: `marquis.lo' is not a valid libtool object
15:52.49willwork4foolo y'all
15:57.18PhilRodchimaera: just checking - you did build kdelibs before kdemultimedia?
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15:58.43chimaeraPhilRod: ;) jepp.
15:59.11willwork4foo<-- is trying to work out how to change the MAC address of his bluetooth dongle in linux
16:00.18PhilRodifconfig, maybe
16:00.32willwork4fooPhilRod: doesn't show up in ifconfig.
16:00.44willwork4foothere's a similar one - hciconfig but I can't do it there either.
16:01.01willwork4foobesides - I'm trying to work out how to do it permanently - in a config file or something
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16:11.07dpydcop is even better than I thought
16:11.13dpyyou can access all objects
16:11.18dpythrough the qt object
16:11.30PhilRoddcop rox your sox - we really don't promote it enough, I think
16:11.31srednateatime: Got a minute?
16:11.37dpyI can even make slide green
16:12.14teatimesredna: sure. what's up?
16:13.00srednateatime: Does kdevelop use the modified on disk notification in kate? And do you know if quanta does?
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16:13.27PhilRoddpy: if you can find some neat dcop tricks, please consider writing up an article or howto about them - the more promo it gets, the better
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16:13.29teatimesredna: not sure about quanta.. KDevelop does, in a way
16:13.49willwork4foohey - anyone know how to change the mac address of a bluetooth device?
16:13.59willwork4foogoogle strangely seems to have no idea
16:14.13dpyPhilRod: am trying to construct a simple IDE by hooking up kate to konsole
16:16.26PhilRoddpy: neat - sounds interesting. Well, like I say, a writeup of how you did it (when you're done!) would be really cool
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16:26.44dpytoo bad kdialog doesn't honor --geometry
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16:34.50PhilRoddoes it obey -geometry à la X programs?
16:37.34dpycool I've just completely cleared the contents of a konqueror window
16:38.04srednaWell, depending what was in that window, that may be good or bad :p
16:38.18dpyno it's good
16:38.25dpyI was the one to call clear()
16:38.29dpyon a running konqueror app
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16:41.34Celestarany plans/roadmap when we can expect beta2? :)
16:41.55PhilRodit's been tagged, it'll be out RSN
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16:42.25PhilRodReal Soon Now
16:42.28Celestarthanks :)
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16:59.37AgenTdoes anyone know how to fix the problem with Konqueror shrinking webpages when printing? Only konq does this, no other browser. Using CUPS, but the same thing happens when I select LPR in print menu :(
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17:14.57Theoryis anoncvs working?
17:20.53srednaAgenT: That is a known issue
17:21.10srednaatomik: I guess they are working on it, but afaik it's hard to fix
17:28.05AgenTsredna: anyway to get around it (besides using a different browser)?
17:28.20srednaAgenT: Not that I know of
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17:29.28AgenTsredna: okay, thanks a lot!
17:29.39srednaAgenT: Sorry that I have no solution
17:29.47AgenTsredna: np... not your fault :)
17:29.53srednaHe, no
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17:33.54Big_Bozzanybody know how to disable such that KDESystemGuard doesn't start when you press CTRL+ESC?
17:34.05CeruleanBig_Bozz: Check KDE shortcuts?
17:34.24Big_BozzCerulean: I've checked - it is not there.
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17:35.20Big_BozzCerulean: So sorry - just found it now!! how embarassing - spent 30 mins looking for it..
17:35.24dpyit worksssssss
17:35.33CeruleanBig_Bozz: good good
17:38.25AssociateXThese are from top, do they look kde related?   ksoftirqd/0 khelper  kacpid kblockd/0  khubd kswapd0 kseriod  khpsbpkt kjournald
17:39.03PhilRodthe 'k' there is for 'kernel'
17:39.16PhilRod(so no)
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17:54.26dpyis there a way to figure out the realname of a person in a shell
17:54.36dpywithout using /etc/passwd directly
17:55.41srednaDcop to kaddressbook and ask fro the personal entry
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18:10.02rubenvHi all, does KDE have a community related stuff mailing list?
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18:24.15m1lkc0wAny FreeBSD KDE users here?
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19:00.09PhilRodm1lkc0w: #kde-freebsd
19:00.23m1lkc0wPhilRod: Thanks
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19:11.58skiyCan I change the granularity of kdesktop's icon grid ?
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19:36.22shakparlis there a way to add an appointment via cmd line to korganizer
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19:38.25snugglemonkeyJust so everyone knows.   I have plotted against Microsoft and they are soon to fold, for sure.   EVERY company I invest in goes bankrupt, so I just tossed a couple hundred in for some shares...   So, I'm certain you will soon see the empire fall.  
19:38.26jepel_tailweaverhello all, does anyone know how to use network sound with aRts? There doesn't seem to be much documentation about it, and I was unable to access the aRts website
19:38.34jepel_tailweaversnugglemonkey: nice
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19:38.41spikehi there
19:38.52spikeany suggestion for a DIA/PLANNER replacement?
19:39.03spikeI just found kivio
19:39.14spikeit sounds good for flowchart and networks layout
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19:39.28spikebut what about gantt?
19:40.48dpyanyone interested in my kate-ide DCOP attempt ???
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19:46.40dpyeverybody have fun with it
19:51.27*** join/#kde sundial (~cubical10@
19:52.10sundialwhen I installed konqueror I also got a corba server - I don't think I wanted a corba server - but I like konqueror
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19:54.47aseigosundial: what corba server?
19:54.58aseigosundial: kde doesn't use corba itself
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19:57.11sundialit appeared when i loaded kdebase
19:57.43sundialand DCOP
20:01.35aseigothat's not corba
20:02.06aseigothat's a light weight IPC mechanism, basically type safe serialization/deserialization of local data between apps
20:02.22aseigocritical to the apps working, and no significant overhead.
20:02.30sundiali thought with linux you only loaded what you wanted and it didn't do a 'microsoft sneaky install' on ya :)
20:03.37aseigodid you know that when you install konqueror it also installs icon files?
20:03.43aseigoand configuration flies?
20:03.45sundialhow;s this then : the truth : i'm running konqueror not on kde but on fluxbox
20:03.49aseigoand multiple libraries?
20:04.11aseigothat's cool.. it's one of the great things about X: you choose your desktop shell =)
20:04.13sundialno no i like konqueror - can;t I just get konqueror?
20:04.21aseigoyou did just get konqueror.
20:04.29aseigopart of konqueror is DCOP
20:04.43aseigoit isn't some extra thing, anymore than its icons, XMLUI files and is
20:04.47sundialthe corba gives a lot of error messages
20:04.51aseigoit's not corba
20:05.27aseigoand they probably aren't errors, just warnings and feedback useful for when things go wrong so people can troubleshoot
20:05.42aseigowhat you are probalby seeing is the sycoca (system config cache) being built
20:06.07aseigowhich happens when you launch the first kde app in a session... (well, built and/or loaded... it is cached)
20:06.32anis[x]aseigo: how to make the system is loaded faster after the grub ?
20:06.50anis[x]stop the several service ?
20:07.19aseigoanis[x]: there is no trivial answer to that =) people are working hard on that issue, and recently some nice automated tools emerged for it... we'll see what happens in the next couple of distro releases...
20:07.27aseigoyes, stopping services can help
20:07.58anis[x]i found that my linux is slow more than windows
20:08.04aseigoparellelizing steps also helps (that's not a configuration thing though), as does optimizing the time wasters (another developer thing)
20:08.16aseigoanis[x]: for boot or running or? what OS?
20:08.26anis[x]aseigo: fc3
20:08.37aseigoheh.. ah.. fc. wonderful land of speed. ;)
20:08.49aseigothey are working on the boot speeds as i mentioned above
20:08.59aseigoit hasn't been rolled into any release though
20:09.02anis[x]i found my linux take 1 min after the grub , but if i selected winXP after the grub , just takes 5 secs
20:09.26sundialand each time you load winxp - bill knows
20:09.43aseigoanis[x]: ah, that's not true
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20:09.59aseigoanis[x]: is your winxp desktop fully usable after 5 seconds?
20:10.03anis[x]aseigo: im not sure that is true or not..but it happened on my pc
20:10.07aseigoanis[x]: or does it simply show you some nice graphics?
20:10.11anis[x]aseigo: i swear..just 5 secs
20:10.28anis[x]i count it using my watch on my hand
20:10.28aseigounless you have some magic hardware there
20:10.49aseigoalright... 5 seconds it is. from boot to being able to launch an application
20:10.51anis[x]aseigo: maybe i off the welcome wallpaper on winXP using tweaking programs
20:11.08anis[x]aseigo: i also hide the icons on my XP
20:11.20anis[x]could that make its faster
20:11.59anis[x]aseigo: ah..i hate XP too much right now..i just boot when i need adobe or playing games..but now i start learning the gimp slowly
20:12.24sundialeven win98 did the post loading
20:12.25aseigoon linux we tend to pre-load, which results in longer perceived start up times (though the absolute times are also generally slower due to actually providing more services, but not as much as one might think)
20:12.30aseigosundial: yep
20:13.12anis[x]linux is cool =)
20:13.46anis[x]arh..i want to watch movie now..thanks a lot aseigo
20:14.14sundiallinux is probably the single biggest - working - project in human history - maybe the moon launches compare
20:17.45aseigolinux the kernel or linux the whole os?
20:18.20sundialthe whole thing
20:18.33*** join/#kde cm_patric (~bunt20@
20:18.51sundialand I got it running smoothly on a x86_64 -
20:19.18sundialexcept for this corba thing :)
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20:20.28aseigoyeah, it's pretty impressive alright... though one of its reasons for success is that it isn't a single project but thousands of discreet (and therefore somewhat manageable) ones =)
20:20.54aseigook, now you're just poking at me with "corba" ;-P
20:21.29aseigoit's very nice =)
20:21.44aseigoanyways.. time to go..
20:21.55sundialyou say i need it and should just let it be the only software throwing 'warnings' on my nice clean virtual terminal window?
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20:23.18aseigo_afkthat's what i'm saying =)
20:25.18Celestarif I maximize a window, is there any way to "disable" resizability ?
20:25.25Celestaror is that theme-dependent?
20:25.57aseigo_afkcontrol center -> desktop -> window behaviour
20:26.09aseigo_afkon the moving tab
20:26.20aseigo_afk"ALlow moving and resizing of maximized windows"
20:26.23aseigo_afkuncheck that
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21:02.04daumanyone know how to fix knotify? it seems not to be doing its job(making sounds nad wha tnot )-
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21:50.46canllaithgood morning *
21:50.59Renzemorning canllaith :)
21:51.22aseigo_worktype glob, or footnote. that is the question.
21:51.57canllaithI like the suspense
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21:53.03canllaithgood morning (select * from users where can_likes > 0)
21:53.08canllaithIs that more specific for you ? :)
21:53.49Alethesheya canllaith
21:56.09srednaLol, good morning canllaith )
21:56.31srednaAnd hello everybody
21:56.36slayerbobhiya sredna
21:56.37Renzehola anders
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21:58.46canllaithslayerbob, can I install squirrell mail on gateway? :)
21:59.01slayerbobi was hoping you would :P
21:59.30canllaithah ok I do that sometime today then :):)
21:59.33Alethescanllaith: 16x16 actions are 100% done, but I'm gonna change a few of the icons
22:00.01dpydoes anyone know how to turn this off: when ever I select something in kde it is immediately inside the copy/paste buffer
22:00.08dpyI'd like to press ctrl+c first
22:00.16Alethesthat's X
22:00.32Renzethat's the way X works
22:00.52canllaithAlethes, ooh oooh oooh upload?
22:01.00Alethescanllaith: haha ok
22:01.03canllaithEvery time I look at Kontact
22:01.08Aletheshang on, I'll tarball it
22:01.08dpyno in nedit this doesn't work
22:01.21canllaithI think 'This would look so much prettier with Alethes' icons'
22:01.26dpyif I select something in nedit it is not put in the paste buffer
22:01.40Renzedpy: that's a quirk of nedit
22:02.32dpycan I turn this behaviour off ?
22:02.52dpyor use a separate paste buffer
22:02.57Renzedpy: I have no idea if X allows you to alter the way the clipboard works... I've never wanted to change it
22:02.59dpyone for ctrl+c ctrl+v
22:03.04dpyand one for select/middle mouse button
22:03.14dpythat would be ideal
22:03.25dpyI'd like a clean separation between those two buffers
22:03.39dpythat's what nedit provided as well
22:04.42Renzedpy: I'm so used to the X clipboard paradigm, I have problems on Windows :)
22:05.05dpywindows is horrible too
22:05.14dpyin windows you ONLY have ctrl+c ctrl+v
22:05.17dpyI want both
22:05.22dpyin separate buffers
22:05.24IpSwItCh_yuk... windows :(
22:05.30Renzedpy: write the code
22:05.34aseigo_workdpy: erm. it shouldn't bein the paste buffer. that's klipper's doing
22:05.35srednadpy: Pr tradition, in X what you selecs by mouse goes into the 'selection', which can then be pasted by middleclicking
22:05.37dpythese are combination function
22:05.44dpyI don't like to select and than ctrl+v
22:06.03dpy<sredna> dpy: Pr tradition, in X what you selecs by mouse goes into the 'selection', which can then be pasted by middleclicking <- perfect tradition, let's keep it
22:06.16dpyI am just suggesting that ctrl+c ctrl+v goes into a separate buffer
22:06.24Alethescanllaith: it's uploading
22:06.26Renzedpy: write the code
22:06.30srednadpy: Klipper, kdes clipboard handler, allows you to configure if the clipboard and selection should be syncronized
22:06.32dpyit's so usefull in a replace situation
22:06.34canllaithAlethes, I could kiss you ;)
22:06.37dpylet me explain:
22:06.52AlethesI won't tell slayerbob  haha
22:06.59canllaithok, and I wont tell your wife ;)
22:07.17dpyyou want to replace some text by some other text... then you select "some other text" do ctrl+c then you select the to be replaced text and you do ctrl+v
22:07.25dpythis is only possible if you separate the buffers
22:07.27dpylike nedit does
22:07.29slayerbobAlethes: i have a very short memory anyways :P
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22:08.33dpyTHANKS sredna
22:08.35dpythat did it
22:08.38dpyit was klipper
22:08.42srednaNp :)
22:08.43dpyno code needed to be written
22:09.01srednaI've been using kde since 1996
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22:09.44ironfroggywhy does bash in konsole not let me type commands over a certain length?
22:10.02srednaI think that is system defined
22:10.19ironfroggywhere? for KDE or bash?
22:11.04ironfroggywould it be possible for Konsole to change that to match its own width?
22:12.29Alethescanllaith: it's taking _forever_
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22:13.51srednaironfroggy: The maximum command length is many thousand characters usually
22:14.09canllaithAlethes, you have decent webhosting on a decent connection?
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22:14.25srednaironfroggy: If you resized konsole, the new width will only apply to newly rendered strings
22:14.25canllaithcause if not I'd let you ftp to my webserver :))
22:14.32Alethescanllaith: yeah, but I have a modem here :/
22:14.43canllaithAlethes, awwww :( poor bub
22:14.43Alethesthe server isn't the prob
22:14.50Alethesit's my lowly 56k modem
22:14.57canllaithcan't get faster internet, or wha?
22:15.08Aletheswell, we're supposed to get wireless broadband this spring
22:15.12canllaithnice :)
22:15.48Alethes1 meg up and down :D
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22:16.39slackd00ddoes the new kdm come with kde3.4beta1?
22:16.40canllaithvery nice!
22:16.49canllaithwe only have 512k up on our 'fast' connection
22:17.00canllaithalthough slayerbob I reckon we should run a webserver on the connection at franz ;)
22:17.14slayerboba webserver ?
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22:17.23canllaithwell I guess except that it gets turned off every night
22:17.31canllaithbut 2x 512K up is just niiiice
22:17.33slayerbobwe should reinstall that machine with slack10 anyways
22:17.43slayerbobit is only 256kbps up
22:17.48canllaithok then
22:17.51canllaithso I am mistaken
22:18.09slayerbobalthough we could balance the ip with gateway and let the internet routing share the connection randomly for us :)
22:18.15canllaithare we still running rh 7.3 on it ?
22:18.16slackd00dinstall slackware-current
22:18.20slackd00dnot 10  =)
22:18.23slayerbobyeah still 7.3
22:18.24canllaithslackd00d, we do basically
22:18.40slayerbobslackd00d: by the time canllaith has finished with it it will probably be more current than that :P
22:18.48slackd00dmakes an easier upgrade once 10.1 come out
22:18.49canllaithI install slck 10 then latest stable kernel
22:18.59canllaiththen latest KDE etc etc
22:19.19canllaithwe wont upgrade when 10.1 comes out
22:19.25slackd00dcurrent comes with the lastest
22:19.29canllaiththis machine is running rh 7.3 which shows you how keen we are on upgrading
22:19.30slackd00dwhy not
22:19.37canllaithbecause it's a server
22:19.46slackd00do, makes sence i guess
22:19.51canllaithand downtime is annoying, and stability is more important than the latest stuff :)
22:20.01slayerbobhence the rh7.3
22:20.04canllaithas long as our kernel and services are all nice and secure and no known vulnerabilities that's all that matters :)
22:20.11slayerbobalthough the possibility of it being hacked worries me a little :S
22:20.13canllaithwhich reminds me, upgrading ssh time on gateway
22:20.15slackd00dya, true
22:20.26canllaithwhen I come home, next time we're in chch
22:20.51slackd00di think im gonna install 3.4beta1 too see if the new kdm is in it
22:21.01canllaithdefine 'new' slackd00d :)
22:22.20canllaithahhh yes, iirc it is
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22:34.04canllaithullo willwork4foo
22:34.28polokwhere would debian install kde-look themese, and how to I set them up?
22:35.12srednaHm, somewhere I have a casette tape with phill woods playing an extremely nice version of 'willow, weep for me'
22:36.43willwork4fooullo canllaith
22:37.15AchiestDragononly other "bug" today was installing hadifix from instructions on ktts handbook gave errors
22:37.16canllaithmmm nice :)
22:37.27canllaithI like the version that is June Christy singing
22:37.33AchiestDragonwrong room
22:37.34canllaithand I think Stan Kenton band ......
22:37.38willwork4fooI'm trying to get a VNC connection from a slack 10 client onto a solaris 9 server
22:37.54willwork4fooso far, no good. Solaris 9 VNC server won't start.
22:40.47canllaith* whisper to the night, to hide her starry light *
22:41.00Alethescanllaith: when you finally get to try this out, let me know if any of the icons look out of place or if they look amateur
22:41.30canllaithAlethes, sure thing dude :)
22:41.59canllaith* willow, weep for me... weep in sympathy.... bend your branches down, along the ground and cover me.... *
22:42.09canllaith* when the shadows fall, bend o'er willow... and weep for me... *
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22:45.11Alethescanllaith: I had a prof that played bass for stan kenton
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22:45.23Alethesback when I was a music major
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22:48.28darkcmdQT is lgpl correct?
22:49.32Alethesfor GPL or some other proprietary license for commercial apps, I think
22:49.55canllaithAlethes, seriously cool
22:50.00canllaithAlethes, what do you play? :)
22:50.12Alethesguitar -- like everybody else heh
22:50.15canllaithah heh
22:50.34darkcmdthanks :)
22:50.37*** join/#kde goo_ (goo@L8R.NET)
22:50.56canllaithand June Christy is what I want to sound like when I grow up ;) (being 10 - 20 years too young to sing jazz lol)
22:51.19AlethesI did a recital once where we did this latin jazz piece I wrote and I had a flute doubling the melody with me
22:51.22Alethessounded really cool
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22:51.31goo_hey guys, how can I disable KDE from opening a desktop on my second monitor?  It thinks I'm using Xinerama, but I'm not..
22:51.48canllaithyou rock
22:51.49Alethescanllaith: I also had a major crush on the girl playing flute
22:51.54canllaithAlethes, heh
22:51.59canllaithI take it this was before you got married
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22:52.03Alethesof course
22:52.47goo_I don't see any options in kdeinit, for example, to disable opening two screens
22:52.47AlethesI was like 20 or 21
22:52.47Alethesmaybe 19 even
22:52.47Alethesdon't remember exactly
22:52.57cigawhat is an rmb menu? I know the band, anyway.
22:53.26pontociga:  right mouse button
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22:53.39cigaponto: thanks
22:53.53slackd00dthe kdm in beta1 isnt themeable  =(
22:54.10canllaithit is it's just needing to be set in kdmrc rather than a gui tool for it
22:54.15canllaithI think that made it into beta 1.
22:54.21canllaithI think that was in alpha one actually
22:54.33slackd00do, i thought there would be a gui for it
22:54.46slackd00dthat sucks
22:55.13slackd00dcause gdmconfig is a neat tool
22:57.00slackd00dhow do you make windows transparent?
22:57.04Alethescanllaith: I think for the bluecurve look to be really successful with kde, you have to really clean up the toolbars
22:58.02canllaithwhat do you mean Alethes ?
22:58.11Aletheswell, by default, kde is very cluttered
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22:58.26Aletheswith tons of toolbar options, etc
22:58.38Alethesmost of which aren't necessary (copy/paste)
22:58.39canllaithAlethes, ah, I clean mine up
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22:59.29AlethesI'd love it if kde had two modes for configs, too
22:59.42canllaithman I can't believe the prices people pay for crap
22:59.49Alethesone that is more like gnome's, with few options and nice defaults, then another mode with all kinds of flexibility like it is now
22:59.57canllaithI was in the store yesterday, and my shit mouse that I hate is like $60 and my good mouse is like $80 :\
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23:00.30canllaithI get them in boxes of 3 for hardly anything :\
23:00.50aseigo_workdoes anyone have exactly 6 icons right now in their systray?
23:00.57slackd00dya, have you seen those gyrotronics mouse's?
23:01.08_rmorris__how do you tell the version of kde installed?
23:01.11canllaithbut I haven't cvssed up since before your most recent commits
23:01.16canllaith_rmorris__, kde-config --version
23:01.23canllaithOr, Help -> About KDE from any applications menubar
23:01.32aseigo_workactually. nmind i just remembered we have icon hiding now. hahaha..
23:01.40canllaithdid you lose an icon ?
23:02.03Alethescanllaith: using the default kweather icons clashes with bluecurve -- I'm using
23:02.11canllaithI don't use kweather so that is ok :)
23:02.22canllaithIt doesn't have my hick 2 horse town on it ;)
23:02.31Alethesyou must go outside sometimes :P
23:02.56canllaithYeah I have my own Kweather 'window'
23:03.07canllaithI stick my head out.
23:03.21canllaithIf it gets wet, it's raining. If it gets cold, it's snowing
23:03.26canllaithand if it gets burnt, it's sunny
23:03.47Alethesbtw, check out the new view icons I did for konq
23:03.55Alethesfor the different view modes
23:04.22Alethesalso for the Window menu, for splitting horizontally and vertically
23:04.28_rmorris__I am looking at the redhat 9 update site, and I see kde 3.1.x should I bother with that, or go from 3.0 to current?
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23:06.31slackd00dcanllaith: how do i make windows transparent in beta1? i looked but dont know where to search
23:06.37canllaithslackd00d, you wait until beta 2
23:06.44slackd00do really
23:06.45canllaithor use xcompmgr
23:07.00slackd00dok, i for some reason thought it was in this one
23:07.04slackd00dthanks  =)
23:08.26Alethescanllaith: did you get it yet? huh? huh? huh?
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23:08.47canllaithAlethes, uhuh and I am screenshotting for you shortly :)
23:09.02Alethesah cool
23:09.43[Aura]kingwanjacanllaith: you always seem to be in the middle of things
23:10.07m1lkc0wWhat's this "Document Relations" from kdeaddons-konq-plugins? Uh, how annoying..
23:10.22Alethesm1lkc0w: it's everybody's favorite plugin  :)
23:10.30m1lkc0wI turn it off and it keeps coming back...
23:10.37m1lkc0wSounds familiar?
23:10.44Alethesit's broken
23:11.08m1lkc0wOK. ... <help>
23:11.09Alethesyou have to delete it, but I don't know remember the file names
23:11.15Alethescanllaith told me a while back
23:11.18Alethescanllaith knows all :)
23:12.05canllaithm1lkc0w, ok then
23:12.12canllaithin $KDEDIR/lib/kde3
23:12.20canllaithyou want to remove or rename or do something nasty with a big stick
23:12.27canllaith(preferably with big, spikey nails in it)
23:12.33canllaithto librellinks.*
23:12.35[Aura]kingwanjathere is a movie called thirteen ghosts on tv which is reallt scary , so i decided to jump on here for 20 minutes
23:12.37canllaithOr, yes you can do it that way
23:12.42aseigo_workDIE DIE DIE
23:12.44canllaithbut I find it much more satisfying after a runin with librellinks
23:12.51canllaithto just SMACK IT WITH A BIG STICK GARRRRHHHH
23:12.57canllaithm1lkc0w, so there you go :)
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23:13.06aseigo_workflosch: hey =)
23:13.13cigais it possible that quanta cannot be compiled with libxml2-dev 2.6.11-5?
23:14.51floschaseigo_work: what? (:
23:15.18aseigo_worknothing, just saying hi
23:16.04canllaithok judging by my inbox
23:16.08canllaithI prolly really want to cvs up kicker today
23:16.25Alethescanllaith: I've gotta leave soon and I wanna see that screenshot :D
23:16.31canllaithAlethes, uploading now pressure of course :)
23:16.48m1lkc0wcanllaith: aseigo_work: It seems like removing /usr/local/share/apps/khtml/kpartplugins/plugin_rellinks.rc is sufficient. Correct?
23:16.51Alethesany icons look eyesores yet?
23:16.55canllaithm1lkc0w, yes
23:17.15m1lkc0wcanllaith: aseigo_work: Thanks a lot for your help.
23:17.40canllaithtaking forever
23:17.44[Aura]kingwanjaare any task bar developers here
23:17.59Alethescanllaith: today isn't a good day for uploads huh? hehe
23:18.10canllaithIt appears not
23:18.32[Aura]kingwanjasomethings bugging me
23:19.31canllaithok done
23:20.22canllaithvery sexy
23:20.24canllaithi love it
23:20.37canllaithWith that black theme I like gartoon the best I must admit but svg icon sets are too slow on my 500
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23:21.08aseigo_workcanllaith: knome? =)
23:21.27[Aura]kingwanjathat is one ugly theme
23:21.27canllaithaseigo_work, well Alethes and I just happen to like bluecurve icons :)
23:21.31AlethesI'm thinking I might play with gorilla svg and make it not have all those apes heh
23:21.51willwork4foohiya canllaith
23:22.06canllaith[Aura]kingwanja :
23:22.21canllaithI -love- that theme. I think it looks nicer with gartoon though
23:22.35Alethesaseigo_work: I'm trying to complete bluecurve for kde
23:22.58canllaithmmm no that is the wrong one
23:23.00aseigo_workAlethes: cool
23:23.29canllaithaseigo_work, 'spatialesque' ?
23:23.29canllaithah THIS is the one I meant
23:23.29Alethesgotta run for a couple of hours
23:23.36canllaithaseigo_work, try, I have a fucking 13" screen and default konqueror fills it. Totally.
23:24.33[Aura]kingwanjaits too pale , the icons are too small at the bottom , the desktop image is not clear enough . the grey colour reminds me of school socks .
23:24.42AlethesI'm gonna be making those red and green folders too, btw, canllaith
23:24.47*** part/#kde m1lkc0w (
23:24.49canllaithThe desktop image is a penguin
23:24.51willwork4foocanllaith: 13" screen? is that your itty bitty cute lappy you got there?
23:24.52canllaithhe's cute
23:24.58canllaithwillwork4foo, aye :)
23:25.02canllaithmy itty bitty baby
23:25.11willwork4fooawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, schweet widdle waptop.
23:25.15canllaiththere is a monster of an athlon with 21" tft to my left, but it doesn't fit in my lap
23:25.30willwork4fooI got a 21" monster in my lap]
23:25.34willwork4foobut we don't talk about that.
23:25.40slayerbobwe could increase the size of your lap :P
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23:25.53willwork4foonoooo, canllaith's lap is just the right size.
23:25.54canllaithpoor claire
23:26.00slayerbobclaire ?
23:26.17willwork4fooclaire = my partner
23:26.56willwork4fooawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, why is Solaris 9 being a biyatch and not letting me start a vncserver DAMMIT
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23:27.01AssociateXwhere is the kde menu stuff stored at?
23:27.03jordo23How do you force kill a KDE application?
23:27.10[Aura]kingwanjacanllaith: that second one is very nice
23:27.16ciga../../quanta/parsers/dtd/.libs/libdtdparser.a(dtdparser.o)(.text+0x664): In function `DTDParser::parse()': undefined reference to `xmlCharStrndup'  <-- this means that my libxml2 is not good, right?
23:27.17canllaithxkill or kill -9
23:27.21canllaith[Aura]kingwanja, ty :) That's my favourite
23:27.24aseigo_workjordo23: ctrl-alt-esc and click
23:27.55jordo23asiefo_work: you da man!
23:28.19jordo23aseigo_work: I can't type.
23:28.54AssociateXHello people, what a nice day... btw,where is the kde menu stuff stored at?
23:29.06[Aura]kingwanjanow i think its time for a change on the clock myself
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23:44.05[Aura]kingwanjafudd seems to be a nice font for the clock
23:44.15aseigo_workAssociateX: etc/xdg/menus
23:44.27_rmorris__sorry one more question. What's the difference between knetwork and knetwork-nowlistening
23:44.29aseigo_workthe fear, uncertainty and doubt font!
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23:45.07polokwhere would debian install themes, and how to I set them up?
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23:46.32aseigo_workpolok: depends on the type of theme
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23:46.44aseigo_workpolok: in general they'll be somewhere under `kde-config --prefix` though
23:48.29[Aura]kingwanjathat horrible digital clock look has gone forever \o/
23:49.32polokaseigo_work: thanks, but bah, kde-config --prefix is /usr
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23:49.57aseigo_workpolok: if you'd answer my first question-as-a-statement i could help further
23:50.07aseigo_workpolok: but they should just show up in the control center
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23:51.04Zxcvbis koffice 1.4 coming up next?
23:51.28aseigo_workcoming up next as in "when qt4 is ready to devel against koffice 1.4 (2?) starts"
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23:52.40AshdurbatCan you disable the panel altogether?
23:52.47Zxcvbas in the next non-bugfix version of koffice
23:53.14polokaseigo_work: baghira is the name of the theme, and I used apt-get-install kwin-theme-baghira (or something like that) to install it
23:53.16[Aura]kingwanjahey folks ive got v3.2 . In the latter versions i was wonder whether the task bar has a different panels where perhaps it iluminates when i scroll the mouse over it ?
23:53.18aseigo_workZxcvb: yes, that was the answer
23:53.29aseigo_workpolok: does it show up in the Window Decorations control center?
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23:53.46aseigo_work[Aura]kingwanja: mouse overs? no
23:54.16Zxcvbhow compatible is qt4 with qt 3.x?
23:54.17[Aura]kingwanjamaybe it could do with a bit of a feature there ?
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23:55.15[Aura]kingwanjanice name there kung :)
23:55.34KungFoothe onkey-wrench at KDE startup takes ages an when I click the K-Button in "taskbar" it takes 15 minutes to open. Once it's open, I can re-open it quickly
23:55.35chavo[Aura]kingwanja, there is  a plugin called taskbar2 that  will  do  that.  look on
23:55.39aseigo_workZxcvb: it's similar
23:55.44aseigo_workZxcvb: but a lot has changed
23:55.55[Aura]kingwanjaohh right , thanks chavo
23:55.59aseigo_workZxcvb: network, threading, widget drawing and the new MV stuff in particular
23:56.33Zxcvbaseigo_work: as in how much stuff written using qt3 will compile with qt4
23:56.40aseigo_worka lot of it
23:56.53aseigo_workthere'll still be porting work though
23:57.13Zxcvbaseigo_work: could be a problem since you can only have one qt version and lots of stuff was written using qt3
23:57.41Zxcvbaseigo_work: unless qt4 apps will recognize qt4dir and qt3 will recognize qt3dir variables
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23:57.49polokaseigo_work: yep, just not the themes control centre
23:58.10chavoZxcvb, you can use more than one version of qt at a  time
23:59.12chavom1lkc0w, yes it's very nice isn't it.
23:59.31aseigo_workpolok: yes, it isn't that sort of theme
23:59.33Zxcvbchavo: no you can't, you have to set qtdir=foo
23:59.41aseigo_workZxcvb: what makes you think you can't have mor ethan one version of qt?

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