irclog2html for #kde on 20050115

00:00.20*** join/#kde qfh (
00:02.08rrohdekwinxcompmgr3.3.2.diff.bz2   <--- heck, I wouldn't even know how to apply that!
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00:05.43*** part/#kde assassincrypt (same@
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00:12.13*** join/#kde rrohde (
00:13.18rrohdeok.. still no luck getting the clock's background to be translucent like my kicker is. .. Worked under 3.3.x
00:14.04*** join/#kde Kevin1290X_KTPX (
00:17.25*** join/#kde Karli (
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00:19.51*** part/#kde AchiestDragon (
00:20.22gregdayhas anyone explored using shared bookmarks so Firefox and Konqi are always in sync?  i use both quite often and my bookmarks change a lot...  is there any clean way to make them use the same resource?
00:21.08*** join/#kde eros (
00:21.54*** join/#kde yanger (1001@yanger.user)
00:22.18yangeris alsa intended to be buggy? anyone think it's better just to use the non-alsa sound modules?
00:23.11srednayanger: This is the KDE channel
00:23.47srednagregday: I'm not aware fo the format used by mozilla,. Konqueror uses a xbel format CML file
00:24.15yangersredna, i'm using kde!
00:24.19gregdaysredna: do you know of a proposed standard for a unified, centralized bookmarks file/db?  something along the lines of the fd.o standards?
00:24.42gregdaysredna: i can import/export with no problems, it just gets tiresome
00:24.44Renzeyanger: yes, but alsa is not part of the KDE project
00:25.16yangerbut it's an option avaliable under kde
00:25.17srednagregday: No, but I'm not much aware of fd.o stuff
00:25.28srednagregday: It would be smart though
00:25.29yangerso if anyone has a heart to listen to this poor girl's cry :)
00:25.33bdrydykI really wish there was a Ultraedit feature matching text editor for *nix. That and itunes always have me rebooting into windows.
00:25.37Renzeyanger: does that mean we have to support everything that KDE just happens to use?
00:25.44gregdayas far as i knew, XBEL was the standard format, and i'm exuberant of the fact that KDE uses it..standards are a great thing, go KDE!
00:25.57srednabdrydyk: Use kate ;^)
00:26.07gregdaybdrydyk: tried amarok?
00:26.17gregdaybdrydyk: it's not quite itunes, but it's not a bad replacement
00:26.33yangerRenze, technically, yes and no :) gosh, i just wanted to know if ANYone (not just you) had issues :P
00:26.54bdrydykgregday: yeah, its closer than anything else, but i can't sink my ipod, or use the itunes database to manage
00:26.56yangerignore me if u don't know, bakahead >:(
00:27.04gregdayyanger: for the record alsa works perfectly for me (slackware, linux-2.6.10, alsa-1.0.7) and my sound is much better after switching to it, no problems at all.
00:27.05Renzeyanger: well, even though it is horribly off-topic... no, I've never had any problems with alsa, and find it works better than the old OSS stuff
00:27.27srednaHi aseigo :)
00:27.32aseigosredna: yo yo
00:27.33bdrydyksredna: Kate doesn't have the column editing features, or nice tabs.
00:27.48aseigoyanger: hahhaa... Renze's got the market cornered on issues. i comein a close second though
00:27.55Renzeyanger: you will get more help in an appropriate IRC channel
00:27.58aseigosredna: oh yeah. that reminds me... columns
00:28.10aseigosredna: katepart had vertical selection a long time ago right?
00:28.38gregdaythe KDE4 feature plan on the dev site...  is a joke right?  it's mostly games and edu stuff there
00:28.40srednabdrydyk: I really hope I get the block selections to work corectly for next relase. As far as tabs, you probably won't get that, but there is a plugin that mimics it using a toolbar
00:29.09srednaaseigo: Still do, and if you does not have tabs or empty/short lines in the area you edit, it works nice
00:29.27bdrydyksredna: you're a developer?
00:29.30aseigogregday: all the core devel are busy with 3.4, which leaves.....
00:29.32bdrydykerr, kate developer
00:29.34srednaaseigo: Allthough you cant type into several lines at a time, which si what bdrydyk wishes iiutc
00:29.50aseigogregday: not to mention a lot of the KDE4 design discussions haven't start much. expect a lot to shake out in Malaga in the summer
00:29.54srednabdrydyk: Anders lund, if you have filed BRs about column editing, I answered
00:30.12gregdayaseigo: not complaining... i found it more amusing really :)  just wondered if there *was* anything a bit more concrete, even some proposed ideas...
00:30.35aseigogregday: nah. kde4 is going to be all about the games
00:31.18aseigosredna: how do you make a vertical selection?
00:31.47srednahttp:// <== coolness
00:31.57srednaaseigo: Hit c-s-b
00:32.27gregdayoh SUH-WEET
00:32.32srednaaseigo: In kate, the status bar will show BLK
00:32.37aseigosredna: c-s-b?
00:32.53gregdaysince ELinks can optionally use XBEL too, i just symlinked my konq bookmarks into .elinks and everything works seamlessly
00:32.58srednaaseigo: CTRL + SHIFT + B
00:33.06gregdaycool!!  now if mozilla/firefox could do this
00:33.24aseigosredna: ah... awesome.
00:33.48*** join/#kde sarah03 (
00:34.06aseigosredna: why is called "block selection" instead of "vertical selection"?
00:34.11srednaI have some code to improve it here, but calculating where to draw in emptylines/tabs is hard
00:34.42srednaaseigo: Uhm, historical reasons (as in, 'it allways has been, I don't know why')
00:34.43aseigoyeah. searching == good
00:34.51bdrydykthanks, sredna. I'm going to reboot and play around.
00:35.16aseigosredna: heheh.. i see... i've actually seen "Block selection" and it never occured to me that it was "Vertical selection". which is my bad for not reading the docs perhaps.
00:38.02sredna... and I likely have > 1000 bookmarks, so yes, I like the search bars :-)
00:39.17srednaNow, if you update kdeaddons/kate/filetemplates, you can download 4 templates from using knewstuff
00:39.32srednaRequires HEAD of cause
00:39.40srednaBut it's a breakthrough
00:39.56*** join/#kde wolffc (
00:39.57sarah03Heh. I'm a proud owner of a copy of Konqueror that doesn't use that ugly yellow color for the location bar when you hit an SSL site. :)
00:40.22srednasarah03: Did you beat it, or is it old (or new)?
00:42.37sarah03I didn't put in a UI for changing it... that's it.
00:44.35lippelimo that color change is of no use anyway. the contrast is too low.
00:44.53srednasarah03: You should send it to kfm-devel, since some people using weird color schemes (or having a <pick your self> taste) mighe want that
00:47.07AssociateXhow do I change the default download dir? I want stuff to go to the Desktop not my ~/
00:47.32sarah03sredna: People using weird color schemes, like me? :)
00:48.07srednasarah03: I have no idea what color scheme you use, and you'd find a lot of people finding my 'barbie
00:48.18srednaSchems weird
00:48.29srednaI allways hit ret insteal of '
00:50.55sarah03White-on-dark gray is mostly what my color scheme is.
00:51.19sarah03Or white-on-black, depending on what the widget in question happens to be.
00:51.20srednaI like that, I use that in ksirc, and sometimes in kate
00:52.06sarah03Konqueror has a few issues with it [sites which haven't specified their own colors come up with black text on a black background.]
00:52.13Theoryi go for white on pale yellow
00:52.46srednaYea, the fiel views lack an option to set the fg color
00:53.07sarah03Theory: Oh, so you'd like the lineedit on then. ;)
00:53.19AssociateXhow do I change the default download dir? I want stuff to go to the Desktop not my ~/
00:55.12*** join/#kde xtacocorex (
00:56.01Theorywhat happens if my default background colour for textboxes is identical to the ssl background colour?
00:56.02*** join/#kde MrGrim (
00:56.08srednaAssociateX: Go the System->Paths in the control center and change the Documents path
00:56.26srednasarah03: Lol @that screenshot
00:56.36AssociateXsredna, thanks
00:56.38sarah03sredna: Now you see why I wrote that patch? :)
00:56.41srednaIf that can't be changed, kde definatly needs more options
00:57.18sarah03It's not specifically the fact that more options are needed as it is that the code choosing the default color should be a bit smarter.
00:58.04srednaMaybe so
00:58.42*** join/#kde bdrydyk (
01:06.48TheoryI think KDE needs more options that allow you to choose how many options are displayed
01:09.36lippelhow about "meta options"?
01:11.49srednaLike 'I am a [ ] Stupid [ ] Clever [ ] Brilliant user'? ;p
01:12.06*** join/#kde df00z (
01:12.11laurigosh, haven't seen that idea in about a week
01:12.19df00zWhat is "kded"
01:12.24df00zand why is it using 92% of my CPU?
01:12.25laurithe small kde daemon
01:12.32lauribecause something is wrong
01:12.35df00zIs it doing something?
01:12.37df00zI see.
01:12.49df00zi figured itd stop eventually but its not
01:12.53laurikill it and restart it (just run it in a konsole)
01:12.55srednaKded is running other processes
01:13.01lauriif it does it again, at least you'll maybe get some output
01:13.12srednaCan't it be 'killall -HUP'd?
01:13.17lauribut it could be any of a whole lot of things that it's doing that's hanging
01:13.18df00zKWrited - Listening on Device /dev/pts/0
01:13.43df00zThe program kwrite?
01:13.47df00zor is it something else?
01:13.54lauriyou can turn that off
01:14.26lauriyou may not want to if you're on a laptop (it's listening for the system 'write' daemon to tell you stuff)
01:14.34laurilike "hey, dude, your battery is going to die in 3 minutes"
01:14.39df00zi dont need it
01:15.05df00zbash-2.05b$ kded
01:15.05df00zKWrited - Listening on Device /dev/pts/0
01:15.19lauriyes, you mentioned that..
01:15.34laurikcontrol -> kde components -> service manager
01:16.10df00zyea i dont need that
01:17.24lauriyou're not *that* small :)
01:17.35df00z"konqueror preloader module"
01:17.39df00zis it possible to run that?
01:18.45lauriyeah, but one normally does that from the konqueror control modules (I don't know if doing it in the service manager works, but that's because I've never tried it - I suppose it does or it wouldn't be there)
01:19.09df00zkeep konqueror loaded under konq's prefs
01:19.14df00zdidnt seem to speed/slow down much
01:20.54aseigolauri: heheh... well, on the 'net nobody knows your (not) a pixie!
01:22.14laurihey, now i never said you weren't a pixie
01:22.23df00zHm, what is khotkeys used for?
01:22.27df00zalt tabbing?
01:22.46lauricustom keybindings to do things
01:22.55sarah03df00z: Assigning any keystroke combination you want to do anything you want it to do?
01:23.02lauriaseigo: I found a poem the other day on a CD of mine, and thought of you
01:23.21df00zsarah03: is there a tool to set up hot keys somewhere, or do you have to edit the rc files by hand?
01:23.22lauribecause, poems by canadian punk rocker chicks naturally make me think of you, for some reason
01:23.27df00zI wonder if i can install a task manager
01:23.45lauriyou probably already have one
01:23.51df00zI do?
01:23.56df00zi just use top and ps
01:23.58laurisince whatever distribution that is, seems to have turned everything under the sun on already anyway
01:23.59df00zand kill etc
01:24.04sarah03df00z: KControl->Regional & Accessibility->KHotKeys
01:24.25df00zoh cool
01:29.58df00zis there a KTop program?
01:30.06df00zI dont see it in portage, i see a page for it
01:30.10srednadf00z: Ctrl + esc
01:30.12df00zbut it says its part of the KDE project
01:30.19df00zctrl + esc gives me a K menu
01:30.36srednaHm, then it's something else
01:30.57srednaksysguard --showprocesses
01:31.06srednaIs the command
01:31.17srednaBut there shoudl be a shortcut for it
01:31.49*** join/#kde Area51 (
01:32.03sarah03Ctl+Esc should pull up the K menu AFAIK; I think [emphasis on THINK] it's the 3-finger salute to get KSysGuard up.
01:32.23*** join/#kde t|zz (
01:32.48sarah03At least, using Windows-style keybindings, it is.
01:33.16sarah03On every other scheme, it's Ctl-Esc.
01:33.38sarah03KControl->Regional & Accessibility->Keyboard Shortcuts
01:33.43*** part/#kde Area51 (
01:33.49sarah03Find "Show Taskmanager" in the list.
01:34.23df00zi didnt even know this existed
01:36.07*** join/#kde styx (
01:36.29Alethesdf00z: trying to figure out kde configs is like playing Mist
01:36.37Alethesit's one mystery after another :)
01:36.54*** join/#kde otero (
01:37.47Alethes"Congratulations.  You now have access to KHotKeys."
01:39.34*** join/#kde orville (
01:40.52*** join/#kde gregday_ (
01:41.02*** part/#kde otero (
01:41.06srednaWell, any kde user interrested in what can be done with KDE should take some time to tour arund the control center
01:42.20orvillethe very sexy control center we might add.
01:42.35*** join/#kde Sho__ (
01:44.51*** join/#kde coderanger (
01:45.52coderangerI seem to be having issues with compiling 3.3.2 on Gentoo. It is looking for a gcc 3.3.4 library file but i have gcc3.3.5
01:46.53srednaSounds like portage has a issue
01:47.11srednaDid you ask in #gentoo?
01:47.24coderangerin the process of
01:48.12orvilletranslastion: no.
01:48.19orvilleahahah. i make funny.
01:48.23*** join/#kde MacDome (
01:50.16*** join/#kde styx (
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01:51.50*** join/#kde Alethes (pennywise@alethes.user)
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01:54.22*** join/#kde rickyw (
01:58.00*** join/#kde annma (~annma@annma.developer.kde)
01:58.16srednaWb, annma
01:58.37annmastill up?
01:58.48srednaHe, I shouldn't be, right
01:59.10srednaBut I got my knewstuff implemention to work, at least the download
01:59.52srednaSo, if you update kdeaddons/kate/filetemplates, you can download 4 templates from with it
02:00.05annmaI'll do it
02:00.37srednaNext is to enable upload somehow, but that requires some scripts at the server
02:01.02annmayou wouldbe the first to do it
02:01.11srednaI'd like to have http upload, but that probably requires changes to knewstuff
02:01.30srednaHe, there's a first for everything
02:03.01srednaI wonder if kscd would improve (ie actually do autostart and auto cddb-find) if I updated
02:04.18srednaI do a lot
02:06.48Alethesme too annma
02:06.53lauriI don't, it's too hard to kill
02:06.55AlethesI prefer to rip my cds and just listen to them all with juk
02:07.01laurii buy cd's, rip em, lose em
02:07.10laurior matt puts them in the car, and he loses them for me
02:07.16laurior the kids borrow them, and lose them for me
02:07.21annmabut you still have the mp3s
02:07.24lauriright :)
02:07.27lauriand usually the covers
02:07.31srednaYou don't use ogg?
02:07.32laurithey only lose the discs
02:07.48*** join/#kde rickyw (
02:07.56laurinah, I'm old skool
02:08.10annmasredna: ogg, yes
02:08.28lauriand arts goes months between being able to play oggs on my machine, so that'd annoy me too much
02:08.46laurivicious circle though, I don't care to investigate and fix it, since I don't have any oggs to play anyway
02:08.53lauriand I don't have any oggs to play, because it's borken :)
02:09.04AlethesI prefer mp3s 'cause all my devices use it
02:09.10Alethesportable cd player, etc
02:09.17annmaegg and chicken -> ogg and arts
02:09.28lauriyeah, and the dvd player can play mp3 cd's, but not ogg ones
02:09.36annmamy portable CD plays them as well
02:09.49lauribut... I purposely got one that did mp3 cd's
02:09.53lauribecause I only have mp3's :)
02:10.14*** join/#kde FrostByte_ (
02:10.31lauriwe got one like a year ago, it played... dvd's, vcd's if it feels like it
02:10.37annmaat least all cd players plays CDs which is not the case with DVD players
02:10.45*** join/#kde absinthe (~absinthe@absinthe.developer.gentoo)
02:10.48lauriwe got one for Sam for christmas, it plays like 43 things, 38 of which we don't have any of
02:10.56lauriand cost about a third of our one
02:11.02lauriand has a much cuter remote control
02:11.08laurishe's so lucky I actually gave the damn thing to her
02:11.20annmamy problem is the regions in DVDs and the standards in TVs
02:11.26laurioh right
02:11.33annmait sucks moving around!
02:11.44laurimy tv is dual ntsc and pal
02:11.48lauriand the dvd's are both region free
02:11.56annmaall your DVDs?
02:12.02annmayour players?
02:12.11laurinot even sure they sell regionified ones here
02:12.12annmawooo, I could not find one here
02:12.46lauriwhich is good, I cover four regions just the ones I see on the table to put away
02:13.04annmawe have 2 TVs and 2 DVD players in 2 different rooms
02:13.06lauri(ones I got in NZ, ones Matt got in the US, ones we got in the UK, ones Sam's got from Japan)
02:13.52lauria single-region player would be a bit of a pain in the butt for me
02:13.53annmaI was amazed canada did not have region free players
02:14.14lauriheh, I'm amazed everyone over there puts up with this region crap at all
02:14.18*** join/#kde creati0n (
02:14.27creati0nwhat up
02:14.45annmawe're making a revolution against regions in DVDs
02:14.56annmayou carry the flag
02:15.01lauriit's almost solely to protect the syndication market for US TV shows
02:15.05laurireally :)
02:15.06annmagregday: no
02:15.11annmait's region free
02:15.14gregdayannma: heh.  got a torrent?
02:15.21annmagregday: I have it
02:15.23lauripeople like spike-tv, they're to blame
02:15.26annmaon the PC
02:15.34annmabut PCs plays everything
02:15.39annmathanks god
02:15.43gregdayannma: isn't it great when ESR totally flips out about the communist thing?
02:15.52gregdayannma: and the camera just sits on his face for like 20 seconds
02:16.03gregdayGod I was in tears when they just sat there staring at him
02:16.08Alethesthe spokesmen of the OSS movement are not very good at speaking
02:16.26gregdayBruce Perens voice also made me feel weird inside...  he sounds just like Emo Philips
02:16.26AlethesRMS is kinda scary to watch too
02:16.27lauriyou know, I thought ESR was a bit of a twat years ago
02:16.33annmathe film looks a bit oldish
02:16.34gregdayRMS was the most rational one on there!
02:16.34lauriand used to get told off soundly for saying so
02:16.35Alethesgregday: I agree
02:16.50lauriand now all of a sudden there's entire websites devoted to pointing out what a twat he is
02:17.13AlethesESR is better than RMS but they both give me the heebee jeebees
02:17.16lauriI should be getting it in about 2010 at this rate
02:17.29annmaI'll vote for you
02:17.32lauriESR thinks he's pan reincarnated
02:17.36lauri*he really does*
02:17.47lauriRMS *is* about 300 times saner than ESR
02:17.50laurihe's *weird* but he's sane
02:17.53gregdayi just crack up now whenver i think of ESR rabidly saying how its not communism (and i agree, of course) but then he just goes silent. and you can just picture the interviewer backing up slowly and putting her hand on her pepper spray in her purse, and ESR just stares straight ahead with that lazy eye
02:17.57AlethesRMSs blog causes me to lose all respect for him
02:18.30lauriread it for yourself
02:18.31annmaI never read RMS'blog makes me twitch
02:18.53gregdayjust remember is not really the official position or views of the FSF...
02:18.53lauriI quote "The Gods taught me these things while I was being some of them. Usually I've been the Horned Lord (Pan/Cernunnos/Freyr/Krishna). Occasionally I've been the Trickster (Coyote/Mercury/Loki/Eris) or the Sage (Thoth/Merlin). Just once, by accident in a martial-arts class, I have been the Warrior (Thor/Indra/Cuchulain)."
02:19.04laurinow tell me he's saner than RMS, I dare you
02:19.08Alethesthe GPL makes me twitch, too, though
02:19.39gregdayAlethes: the GPL unnerves a lot of people ;)
02:19.59AlethesI used to believe that it was a great thing
02:20.10Alethesnow I just see RMS as a pinko :)
02:20.17gregdayAlethes: well, #BSD is /right over there/  
02:20.30laurime! bsd! yeah! we're cool!
02:20.34AlethesI already go there pretty regularly ;)
02:21.05gregdayi didnt think i could find a ruder group of elitest buttholes than mac users until i hung around the bsd channels
02:21.17lauridid I kick you out or something?
02:21.24gregdaydifference is, the bsd folks have good reason to be
02:21.29AlethesI'm surprised you didn't kick me out of #freebsd-kde lauri :P
02:21.43lauriyou didn't suggest I should take midol for my pms
02:21.57AlethesI'm a married man that knows better than to say that to a woman ;)
02:21.58lauriand you didn't mention US politics, or any kind of religion
02:22.18Alethesever see that Everybody Loves Raymond episode?
02:22.20lauriyou didn't ask me why you can't use portage on freebsd
02:22.26sarah03*blink* I missed something while hacking on khtml, didn't I?
02:22.30lauriand you didn't tell me that we should make the freebsd kernel gpl
02:22.44lauripretty much any of the above would get you entirely smacked with a really big stick
02:22.49*** join/#kde az[a]zel (
02:22.55AlethesI started writing an article called The GPL: The Gay Public License
02:22.57lauriand anything less will at worst get a rant :)
02:23.03Alethesnot Gay in the derogatory sense
02:23.15lauriit has great dress sense, and a double income no kids desirable demographic?
02:23.25laurihave you *seen* RMS?
02:23.26annmagregday: kde-bsd people are all a friendly bunch that don't pretend to be an elite
02:23.38AlethesGay as in won't allow reproduction
02:23.57gregdayannma: are there that many bsd users who use kde? most bsd'ers i know prefer one of the *boxes
02:24.16laurigregday: most bsd'ers wouldn't admit they use KDE on pain of death
02:24.29laurieven the ones who do
02:24.36Aletheslauri: really?
02:24.38lauribut trust me, it's well used
02:24.47laurisince i host the package builders in my basement, and get to see the downloads :)
02:24.52*** join/#kde straw (
02:25.14lauriand that site takes ~150 thousand hits a month
02:25.21gregdaypackages builders in your basement?  you feed them?
02:25.28annmagregday: the ones who use it never tried to 'convert' me
02:25.30laurionly if cvs is not busted
02:26.14lauriannma: naw, we don't care what you use (that's usually why bsd folks get called elitest bastards, we won't answer questions or give preferences :)
02:26.19Aletheslauri: I'm uploading my concept article, but bear in mind, it was just a random thought
02:26.47lauriif you ever want to try it, and ask for help, great, we'll help.. if not, that's fine too, please don't add linux kernel headers to your cd apps, and we'll all get along just fine :)
02:26.48annmahi sarah03
02:26.53sarah03'ello :)
02:27.05aseigovim kscd.cpp
02:27.21aseigo#include <linux/cdrom.h>
02:27.23annmavim! editor war
02:27.34lauriheh, aseigo, go take a look who has more commits in that libworkman stuff, I bet it's me not you :)
02:27.56aseigolauri: yeah, i try not to touch libwm. i try not to touch kscd either. =P
02:27.57annmaoh I thought I was ESR
02:28.12laurithe funny thing is
02:28.24lauriall the cd apps were broken here for *ages* (including all the burners)
02:28.31gregdayive never had a bsd user try to convert me, but simply sneer and insult linux and praise win2000
02:28.33lauribecause they all included that linux/cdrom.h
02:28.33aseigoQ "What would you call a man that was only willing to give his wife the pleasure of an orgasm if he could guarantee that he would have the same pleasure?"
02:28.40lauri(which we could ifdef away)
02:28.42aseigoA: 99% of the mail population
02:28.45aseigoer, male
02:29.03lauribut then they all had this huge big chunk of cut and paste code to work around an off by one TOC implementation in that header
02:29.04Alethesbtw, I wouldn't take this piece terribly seriously
02:29.10Alethesit was just a thought I wrote down
02:29.24lauriwhich we didn't have, so that made all our stuff go off by one the other way :)
02:29.29aseigo"we have situation brewing where software is only able to interface with that created by like-minded developers" <-- well, that's the been the case for a long, long time. no brewing about it, and not limited to the GPL
02:29.31sarah03Mm. BUG:68523. I win.
02:30.05gregdayi remember reading a bug report for moz awhile back that said the icon was too communist
02:30.17aseigoAlethes: what about all the GPL software out there, and how's there more now than there was 5, 10, 15 years ago?
02:30.31Alethesaseigo: yeah, I know
02:30.36laurigpl is four year old girls playing with barbie dolls "you can have mine, but I want it back if you put cooler clothes on her than she's got now"
02:30.38Alethesit's easy to refute this :)
02:30.42*** part/#kde yanger (1001@yanger.user)
02:31.27Aletheswell, it's not reproductive
02:31.30Alethesthat's all I meant
02:31.39lauriyeah,the points are salient, but it's not well named
02:32.02aseigohell, there's a GLBT's With Kids support group in Calgary, of all places
02:32.27aseigolauri: see, that assumes we live in a world where others cooperate
02:32.39gregdaythere are no screenshots of akregator...  is there anything screenshotworthy at all to it?  im just curious
02:32.41laurithey have horses
02:32.43lauriand i got invited
02:32.50lauriI really can't see a down side
02:32.56*** join/#kde Kurt2 (kmw@kurt.user)
02:33.00Kurt2I AM HERE, BITCHES!
02:33.05aseigolauri: reality is that the rest of the tech world is not nearly so sharing/inviting. i do hope one day we can move to permisive licenses such as the bsd
02:33.24aseigolauri: but the industry (indeed society) is not ready for it or capable of sustaining such an system
02:33.25gregdayKurt2: leave before you get sucked into one of our stupid arguments
02:33.36lauriaseigo: it's interestingly not entirely true
02:33.37Kurt2gregday: too late
02:33.39Aletheskurt likes the argue
02:33.41Alethesthat's why he's here
02:33.51lauriaseigo: there are several companies actively working with embedded bsd's, and supporting them
02:34.06lauriprecisely because they don't feel forced to give all their sources back
02:34.14lauri*and in some cases they're doing it anyway*
02:34.18aseigolauri: there are many companies who have worked with BSD in general and support the BSD style of devel
02:34.20lauriand/or paying for full time developers
02:34.23aseigothe minority
02:34.30aseigosee, i HATE it when people pick the exceptions to use as examples
02:34.33aseigoexceptions are meaningless
02:34.42aseigostatistical norms are what matters
02:34.44lauriwell, I don't know how you're counting
02:34.49lauriI can't count them
02:35.03lauriI can only count the ones I see speaking up and saying "here's why we're helping you out"
02:35.15aseigohow many devices have used BSD as the internal software and not given back, versus those who have
02:35.17lauriand I can't say that all the people not using bsd and choosing linux, are doing so for licensing reasons
02:35.24lauriaseigo: how would I know?
02:35.31lauriif they don't give it back, we're none the wiser :)
02:35.37aseigoif we can look at the track record of Linux, where you have to release, we can safely say the majority don't
02:35.40lauriwhy do I care? it doesn't stop me using my stuff
02:35.44aseigoit sure does
02:35.56aseigobecause without an active, sustained developer community the software bitrots
02:36.04aseigonew hardware comes out, new protocols, new demands and uses
02:36.09jepel_tailweaverthat's a funny word
02:36.12gregdayGPL doesn't require you to release at all
02:36.13aseigojepel_tailweaver: isn't it =)
02:36.23Kurt2"asshat" is funnier
02:36.25aseigogregday: if you don't distribute, yes
02:36.43lauripoint: nvidia gives freebsd drivers earlier than linux ones, and are getting actively involved in bsd (including providing kernel developer time)
02:36.47strawwow. look at all that fud
02:36.49aseigolauri: so you have to have a sustainable developer pool first
02:36.50gregdayaseigo: yeah, im sure you understand the GPL, but just clarifying it for the others
02:37.03lauripoint: 3com regularly send our developers hardware pre-sale, to make sure it's supported (and then provide the drivers on their websites)
02:37.04strawit's starting to smell in here
02:37.20aseigostraw: i'd suggest a bath =)
02:37.20lauriwhy, is your brain overheating straw?
02:37.25lauripromise do the same
02:38.19laurimaxtor gave me a bunch of Sata disks years ago, when I complained they weren't working right (and I sent them all to the guys who write the HDD code, and then they did)
02:38.41lauriI have a *ton* of free HP hardware (alphas, sparc64's, among other things) from HP nl, right here in the house
02:39.07aseigoyes, they've traditionally supported server class hardware pretty well, and even some workstation stuff
02:39.12lauriI assume they give the same support to linux developers
02:39.38aseigobut that's not the developer base
02:39.44lauriI assume nobody would know how much HP supports *us* if I didn't say so - they certainly don't ask for anything in return - I just get an email now and then with "hey, can we ship you a pallet of stuff"
02:39.58aseigothey can throw as much hardware at a project as they want, you need people to write support for it and keep that support up
02:40.17lauriheh, who do you think keeps KDE working on bsd for the 64 bit arches
02:40.20aseigo(replace "hardware" for any number of other relevant concepts)
02:40.27lauriI *am* the developer base, and that's why they are giving me hardware
02:40.37aseigowhich is awesome.
02:40.52aseigounfortunately, there is a lot of BSD devel that goes on out there that never makes it back. a lot.
02:41.07aseigoand without people like you who feed into the system, it dries up
02:41.25aseigounfortunately, i posit that right now, people like you are the (wonderful) exceptions..
02:41.32Kurt2A-Bb-A-G-F#-F#, A-G-F#-Eb-D-D, A-Bb-A-G-F#-F#, A-G-F#-Eb-D-D, D-D-Db-D, Eb-F#-G-A-G-F#, Eb-Eb-D-Eb, F#-G-A-G-F#-Eb-D
02:41.40lauriand again, I say, so? it doesn't stop me doing what i do, and it doesn't affect you doing what you do, and so why would I care if they take our gift to the community and run with it
02:42.03aseigolauri: because i care that i have the choice to use something in 10 years because it still is a viable choice
02:42.15gregdayKurt2: wtf?
02:42.18lauriif you care enough, you contribute
02:42.26lauriyou dont' wait for someone else to, or complain that they don't
02:42.40aseigolauri: when there is a BSD'd implementation, people tend to take it, improve it and move it out of the public arena
02:43.00aseigolauri: this has happened time after time and will continue to do so
02:43.07laurithey can't *move* it out of the public arena
02:43.08laurithat's the point
02:43.24aseigolauri: until there is a large enough developer pool to support that attrition of effort, it's not viable long term
02:43.25laurithey can add to it, and keep their stuff out, it doesn't stop you or me or anyone else using what's already out there though
02:43.36aseigothat assumes that the value remains constant
02:43.52annmaKurt2: what song is that?
02:43.56aseigosoftware that drives 80% of 1993's hardware is worthless to me today. well, probably more
02:44.02laurido you have the impression BSD's developer pool is shrinking?
02:44.20aseigono, and i think they owe that to licenses like the GPL
02:44.21laurido you think we have less software available than you do?
02:44.38aseigowhich has kept afloat the open source boat for a long time now
02:44.42*** join/#kde Ectropian (
02:44.43laurido you see anyone of us telling you what to release *your* software under?
02:44.57aseigoam i telling you which license to release your software under, or are you getting defensive?
02:45.02laurihonestly, nobody objects to you using the GPL, me using the GPL, anyone using it (if you have that impression also, that's incorrect)
02:45.06*** join/#kde Kurt3 (
02:45.14aseigothat's not the impression i have at all =)
02:45.32lauriwe don't put GPL software *in the kernel*
02:45.34laurithat's all
02:45.42lauriand the kernel is just an itty bitty bit of the OS
02:45.47lauri(ask rms :)
02:45.53aseigoaaah, i see
02:46.19aseigoi'm not talking about "BSD, the berkeley software distribution" as in "the OSes known are Free, Open, Net, DragonFly, etc BSD"
02:46.23aseigoi'm talking about the license itself
02:46.43aseigothe license itself is unsustainable were it the dominant license of choice
02:46.47lauriwell, I'm looking at it from a specifically FreeBSD point of view
02:46.49aseigoIMO, anyways
02:47.12*** join/#kde ods15 (
02:47.18aseigoi believe the BSDs owe a lot to the GPL-style licenses for their continued survival and success
02:47.20lauriit is the license of choice *for the kernel* and the only acceptable one there, outside of that, nobody cares what you do
02:47.48aseigowhich is why when someone compares the GPL and licenses of it's ilk to childhood selfishness, i find that a little irreverant
02:48.14lauriit *is* selfishness
02:48.17ods15what was the kde development irc channel?..
02:48.22aseigoods15: kde-devel
02:48.25lauriI happen to have a (recently 4yo) daughter
02:48.28ods15ah, thanks
02:48.37laurithe assumption that all selfishness is evil, is where we're parting ways
02:48.42aseigolauri: it's one sort of selfishness, like many other things in life.
02:48.42*** part/#kde ods15 (
02:48.43gregdaythis is #kde-wrestlemania
02:49.00lauriI mean, I'm pretty darn selfish when it comes to buying groceries, I buy stuff I like
02:49.11aseigolauri: 'gpl is four year old girls playing with barbie dolls "you can have mine, but I want it back if you put cooler clothes on her than she's got now"'
02:49.12lauriand I don't feel bad about it either
02:49.21lauriyeah, if you'd let me finish with the other half
02:49.22aseigothat just sounded rather like you were saying it's immature
02:49.56*** join/#kde derekkite (~derek@
02:50.02aseigo(not to mention it's an innacurate analogy since there's only one doll (scarcity) so taking it back means depriving the other)
02:50.03*** join/#kde SuperLag (
02:50.08aseigo(which isn't true with software, obviously =)
02:50.18laurismall girls never have only one barbie
02:50.35laurithey breed in dark corners, it's possibly what happens to odd socks and wire coathangers that go missing
02:50.47aseigowhen i was a little girl, i had a barbie arm and a barbie head. and i was HAPPY . ;-P
02:50.59lauriI have a box full of barbie bits
02:51.01lauriand half a ken
02:51.02aseigoif i had one whole barbie i would've been over the moon
02:52.06lauriwhich was kinda the rest of the analogy, the bsd license is more like the box of barbie bits, and saying "here, it's my stuff, if you can make a whole barbie out of it, that's neat, but if she's ugly, scrub my name off the back of her head"
02:52.31laurisince the other important part of the bsd license is the "don't say you wrote it if it's cool, and don't blame it on me if it's not" :)
02:53.09AlethesI just like not paying for software, mostly
02:53.19lauriwell, and now there's an honest man
02:53.26lauriI think you're probably in the majority
02:53.49AlethesI mean, why pay for crappy software when you can download it for free?
02:53.52lauriI rather like not paying MS exorbitant amounts of money for exchange and office license upgrades too
02:53.55Alethesand not have to worry about finding a crack
02:53.59gregdayI would pay lots of money for KMail and Konqueror since they both kick my ass
02:54.25AlethesI don't have a lot of money to pay for anything
02:55.33lauriI think far more people use KDE/linux/bsd anything whatever, because someone told them it's free
02:55.35AlethesI was doing pretty good when I lived in Texas, but now that I'm in Canada, it's not so easy to do
02:55.39laurinearly as many because someone told them it's cool
02:56.08lauriand of the usual license ranters, especially the slashdot crowd, about 5% of them have ever actually read the GPL
02:56.12AlethesI started using it because it was free and cool.  Now I use it, 'cause it's what I know
02:56.13lauri(end to end)
02:56.31AlethesI feel so lost in windows these days :/
02:56.38Aletheswhich is actually probably not a good thing
02:57.13EctropianQuestion: Isn't there a way in the xorg.conf to "adjust" the screen start location? .. i.e. move it half inch to the left?
02:57.15AlethesI was looking at a windows box the other day amazed that they could sell something that was so ugly
02:58.14UziMonkeyAlethes: don't you like the Fisher Price interface?
02:58.31AlethesUziMonkey: it was actually win2000
02:58.37sarah03lauri: As far as having read the GPL goes... yup, I read it. It takes less time to read and comprehend the GPL than it does to read some of the rants people have on Slashdot about the GPL. :)
02:58.41Aletheswhich reminded me of gnome with no theme
02:58.48strawlauri: well what would you expect? you've just spent the last half hour bashing the gpl
02:58.50UziMonkeywell, nothing to complain about there..  simple and functional
02:58.59sarah03Generally written by people who haven't read the GPL in the first place. :)
02:59.06laurioh for christ sake
02:59.10lauriread for comprehension people
02:59.11UziMonkeyAlethes: what
02:59.16lauriI did not bash the GPL *one second*
02:59.18UziMonkeyAlethes: what's not to like about it?
02:59.32lauriand if you thought I did, or that aaron and I were having an all out brawl, you're not paying attention
03:00.16strawassumption is the mother of all fsck ups :)
03:01.00strawit was the barbie analogy
03:01.12sarah03*shrug* I put out all of the stuff I write in my free time under the GPL, with a big fat notice: "Hey, you want to use it under something besides the GPL? Let me know, something can be worked out."
03:01.44AlethesI keep all my stuff proprietary
03:01.51UziMonkeyI use the "do whatever you want with this, but drop me an email if you're using it" license
03:02.05Alethesbut it's all stuff I do for internal projects at various corps
03:02.08laurithe half finished 3:30 am thought that I never really did finish up with the equally insulting (if you call *that* an insult, and I don't) to the bsd license analogy?
03:02.21strawit's not that i'd go on some crusade. it's just a boring, old, hackneyed argument
03:04.39*** join/#kde Kurt (~kmw@kurt.user)
03:06.44derekkiteaseigo: you ever run into these folks?  in Calgary. QT based accounting package, gpl'd.
03:07.01*** join/#kde MrGrim (
03:07.53aseigoderekkite: humorously enough i haven't
03:08.37*** part/#kde coderanger (
03:09.58*** join/#kde Alethes (pennywise@alethes.user)
03:16.12EctropianAnyone know how to physically change the screen location without messing with the monitor dials?
03:16.41gregdaymove your monitor?
03:16.41RenzeEctropian: you could use xvidtune, note down the numbers, and add a modeline to your X config
03:16.55Ectropianyeah.. Renze : that's what I was thinking..
03:17.03Ectropianjust didn't know how to get the numbers.
03:19.01AlethesRenze: quietly?  That's not nearly as fun
03:19.18RenzeI prefer not to disturb anyone :)
03:19.20MrGrimlol magnets
03:19.31*** join/#kde Kurt2 (
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03:31.10Dhraakelliangranted, anyone would still be compiling unless their distro actually packaged the beta for them
03:32.17*** join/#kde grepper (
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03:50.28Pingvenodoes anyone know if fuse_kio is usable?
03:59.30*** join/#kde Kurt2 (
04:03.19PlatynaMouse gestures. Duh, WTF is that?
04:12.47*** join/#kde virgiln (
04:16.24Dhraakellianokay.  no, they haven't
04:16.34Dirusdoes kde have color cursors?  does x even support that?
04:16.44Dhraakellianmouse cursors?
04:17.14Dirusis it accelerated with hardware overlay?
04:18.17Renzethey're called xcursors
04:18.43Renzethey've been part of X since XFree86 version 4.0, I think
04:20.30df00zheheh, i wonder if X is ever going to become totally hw accelerated
04:21.01Diruscan you change the cursor on the fly, like per window?
04:21.23RenzeDirus: no, usually a cursor theme change needs a restart of X
04:22.58Dhraakellianearlier, I noticed that my crystal cursor wasn't showing up over window decorations
04:23.07Dhraakelliana default black cursor was
04:23.52Dhraakelliankwin --replace took care of it
04:26.57*** join/#kde eRIOL (
04:26.57df00zHowd you change your cursor?
04:27.28*** join/#kde teatime (
04:28.00df00zi see it
04:29.18*** join/#kde Renze (
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04:58.25kolpKGlobal::config() and kapp->config() are supposed to return KConfig objects accessing different config files, no?
05:06.38*** join/#kde orville (
05:07.10orvillehello homies.
05:12.45orvillestop making fun of me or i'll tell my mommy
05:13.07Renzeok wilbur
05:13.14Dhraakellian!order a carnivorous smurf for Renze
05:13.21Dhraakellianorville: hmm?
05:13.34Dhraakellian"Gazebo" is a word that I often use as a greeting
05:13.37Renzeit's blue and bitey
05:13.43Dhraakellianand for many other purposes
05:13.43orvilleDhraakellian, eh? i can hardly see what you said
05:13.54DhraakellianRenze: do you read Sluggy Freelance?
05:14.04Dhraakelliannevermind, then
05:14.14Dhraakellianorville: terminal 8 works for me
05:14.37orvillemonospace 12 for moi.
05:15.15*** join/#kde Kurt2 (
05:15.40orvillebecause the people log into X with small DPIs
05:20.35Renzefree b&d?
05:20.45orvilleI think I'm gonna stick with it too.
05:21.15orville1. It's far superior to portage 2. it's stabler than linux atm.
05:21.34orvilleof course i haven't booted into kde just yet. but things're looking up :-)
05:22.42orvillespeaking of which, i wonder if i can still boot into that...?
05:22.50Dhraakellianemerge: (13 of 17) kde-base/kdeutils-3.4.0_beta1 just finished
05:25.36orvilleDhraakellian, waht's left after that?
05:26.07DhraakellianI'm currently on kdetoys
05:27.36*** join/#kde Skiver (~DebianLin@
05:28.39orville2.6.10 is nice.
05:28.56orville2.6.10-mm2 is even nicer :-)
05:29.17Renzethis is 2.6.10-gentoo
05:29.37*** join/#kde swim (
05:29.48swimcan I rip with k3b?
05:30.12Renzeyes, but audiocd:/ is easier
05:30.25orvillebut k3b is better
05:30.27swimreally? how can I do it with k3b?
05:30.50Renzethen there's kaudiocreator
05:31.31swimRenze: Im trying to rip from an external drive connected via usb... k3b sees it but kaudiocreator doesnt seem to
05:32.00orvilleswim, click on the drive in the side panel
05:32.25swimah hmm returns: Malformed URL
05:32.39orvillethe list of audio tracks should show up and there's a rip button somewhere in the window
05:32.50orvilletop leftish. i think...
05:33.22swimreturns Malformed URL, and shows No Disk in the window
05:34.23orvilleswim, in k3b?
05:35.10orvilleclick ok on the malformed url warning and then go back to the drive w/ the CD in it.
05:35.22orvillethat used to happen with older versions of k3b
05:35.33orvilleit's been fixed however.
05:35.39swimthe window still shows No Disk
05:36.16swimand this is a new version of k3b
05:36.21*** join/#kde dubd (~dubd@
05:36.26orvilleho hum
05:37.16swimhmm I right clicked the drive and selected eject and it ejected the drive...
05:37.33orvilleswim, but it can't read your audio cd?
05:37.47orvillecan it read any cd from the external drive?
05:37.54swimweird it just did !
05:37.58Skiverwhy does my kmix has no effect on the bass and treble control ?
05:38.38orvilleswim, hurray! rip while you still can!
05:38.48swimnope wont rip though
05:38.58orvilleSkiver, can you modifiy bass and treble in linux at all?
05:39.19Skiveri used to
05:39.22dubdI have a k-mail question. Hope someone can help me
05:39.24dubdI have 2 email accounts, with both i can send (smtp) and receive (pop3).. One of those two is the default for sending and receiving. But there are sometimes I want to send a message from the other account, so I change the Identity in the New Mail Form, and select de second account. But the sender address (me) is the one of the default account. I can't change it.
05:40.20orvilleswim, why wont it rip?
05:40.27orvillewhat error message do you get?
05:40.50swimorville: its returning Could not open device /dev/sr0
05:40.58*** join/#kde rickyw (
05:41.17orvilleswim, in a console do ls -l /dev/sr0
05:41.35orvilleand paste in the result
05:41.48swimbrw-rw-rw-  1 root root 11, 0 2005-01-14 22:17 /dev/sr0
05:42.19orvillethat's odd.
05:42.41orvilleswim, so now you can see the audio tracks but you get that error when you try to rip them?
05:42.49swimorville: right
05:44.17Skiverswim : have u tried burning any cd ?
05:44.25swimSkiver: yes I can burn
05:47.12dubdIs it possible to change of smtp server just by selecting different identities in kmail?
05:47.43*** join/#kde thr1ce (
05:47.43swimwait no I cant burn with the external drive!
05:48.21Skiverwhat about normal rom ?
05:49.29swimSkiver: you mean internal drive?
05:49.40Skiveride connected
05:49.41swimthat burns fine Im sure
05:51.13Skiveru are root now ?
05:52.15Skivernormal user burns cd too ?
05:52.21swimof course
05:53.56Skiverchecked your fstab ?
05:53.58*** join/#kde Renze (
05:55.37swimwhat should fstab say about the external drive?
05:55.54MrGrimdubd: I don't think say... my reasoning is the identity and network portions of the kmail config are not connected
05:56.04MrGrimthere's no way to associate an identity with a particular smtp server
05:56.13swimRenze: having problems with external drive... cant seem to burn or rip
05:56.21Skiverswim : is it difer from your ide one
05:56.30*** part/#kde thr1ce (
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05:57.13swimSkiver: there isnt anything in there about sd0 which seems to be the external drive
05:57.24Renzeswim: send me an external drive, and I'll sort it out for you
05:58.20Skiverunplug n plug the usb device, show me tail -f /var/log/messages
06:00.01dubdMrGrim: yeap, would be a nice feature...
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06:00.37MrGrimdubd: I disagree
06:00.57MrGrimdubd: they should be kept independant so any identity can use any server to send
06:02.14MrGrimdubd: if you check view|mail transport in the compose window you can easily select which server you use to send
06:02.49Skiverswim : can u try inserting another CD with content..and mount it ?
06:03.07swimSkiver: sure
06:03.33dubdMrGrim: hahah that's really nice, haven't seen it!
06:03.58swimmount: can't find /dev/sd0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
06:04.00MrGrimdubd: hope that adequetly solves your problem
06:04.06swimSkiver: sure its not in there
06:04.13dubdMrGrim: yeap, I think it will! thank you :)
06:04.17MrGrimnp :)
06:05.13dubdI love kmail again
06:05.16Skiverswim : can u try add a line in fstab ? follow exactly your ide one's options
06:05.52Skiverthe source and path must be something else of course
06:05.55Dhraakellianis there a commandline option for startkde to tell it where to look for the settings dir in ~?
06:06.27Dhraakellianmeaning that I don't want to change the symlink that currently points to ~/.kde3.3
06:07.13RenzeDhraakellian: same $KDEHOME?
06:07.47*** join/#kde kobach (
06:08.57Renzetime is a human construct to measure entropy
06:09.35DhraakellianRenze: I'm not particularly (no pun intended) interested in getting to another such discussion
06:10.01Renzeaw? :(
06:11.30*** join/#kde astro76 (~james@astro76.user)
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06:14.30MrGrimof course time exists.. it's nature just may be different than we percieve it is all
06:17.15*** join/#kde Alienz (
06:19.11Alienzwhat up fools.
06:19.14Alienzer, wrong channel
06:19.37kobachthat was semi-dumb
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06:23.54swimSkiver: ok mounts fine
06:24.06*** join/#kde rh0` (
06:25.50swimbut of course audio cds cant mount
06:28.14Alienztheres no fs on a audio cd :P
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06:28.18Alienzthats what KsCD is for lol
06:28.33swimI know
06:29.01swimIm trying to rip/burn to an external usb cd/dvd burner
06:29.29*** part/#kde kobach (
06:29.38gregdaythe hell
06:29.44gregdaygregday_ ???
06:29.46gregdaythat's not me.......
06:30.12gregdayhad a runaway BitchX
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06:40.02swimdamn trying to burn to external drive from k3b started as root still doesnt burn...
06:40.28Alienzhow i install a windeco again?
06:41.09swimusually ./configure make make install
06:42.00Alienzwhat about splash screens
06:43.58rasput|nyou know... kde isn't detecting it's own applications that have just been installed and inserting them into the menu
06:45.05Alienzrestart x
06:46.54rasput|nuhmm no? lol
06:47.27*** join/#kde bietch (~gen@
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06:53.35Alienzuhmm yes? lol
07:01.45vuudHi #KDE, I have a problem with Kontact blowing up...  If I log in as another user it is fine.  I tried cleaning out what configurations i could find, but still no dice.  Anywhere I can find a good resource on what I should wipe out?
07:01.56vuudIt takes out Xfree also
07:03.37Alienzwhats Kontact?
07:03.58vuudIts part of kdepim
07:04.00RenzeAlienz: you're kidding, right?
07:04.07AlienzRenze, nope
07:04.15RenzeAlienz: new to KDE, huh?
07:04.20AlienzRenze, nope
07:04.25Alienzbeen using it since redhat 9
07:04.27vuudRenze: thanks - I thought I was crazy for a second, even checked the channel
07:04.31RenzeAlienz: been living in a hole?
07:04.37AlienzRenze, yup
07:05.41Alienzi've got solder splatters all over my desk lol
07:05.44Alienzwhats Kontact?!
07:05.55RenzeAlienz: do you have kdepim installed?
07:06.07Alienzidk, what port would it be in
07:06.39*** join/#kde straw (
07:06.45Renzeit contains things like kmail, knode, kontact, etc...
07:06.46Alienznope, installing it now
07:06.56Alienzhmm, thats why kmail isn't in here..
07:07.15vuudWell, for sure it crashes X when I am in my logon
07:08.09AlienzRenze, im not the brightest.
07:08.12vuudCan I just blow away my entire .kde directory?  I assume I can, but what great things will I loose?
07:09.00vuudAssuming I am not using KDE, but fluxbox
07:10.55*** join/#kde canllaith (
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07:12.24orvillearse. it's two.
07:12.27orvillei need sleep
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07:14.39Alienzi guess my fsb was too high
07:14.46Alienzmy pc runing at 130 degress F
07:15.08orvilleyour front side bus was too high?
07:16.02Alienzi had it set at 169
07:16.09Alienzand my multiplier at 11.5
07:16.21Alienzand my ddr 333 at 400mhz
07:19.20*** join/#kde Dangerseeker (
07:21.53orvilleoh. you're OC'ing
07:22.08orvilleI'm UC'ing atm :-)
07:22.19Alienzunder clocking?
07:22.24orvilleyeah :-)
07:22.45Alienzi had to do that when i installed more ram cuz i was too lazy to set it all in bios
07:22.53orvillemy PC doesn't behave nicely @ normal temps
07:23.08Alienzget a new fan :)
07:23.15Alienzwater cooling!
07:23.18orville@ normal settings that is
07:23.26orvilleI've got 4 fans!
07:23.53AlienzCPU fan.
07:23.58orvilleand it still runs @ > 50 C when set to 2000+ (athlon xp)
07:24.05orvillethis was in linux though
07:24.16orvilleI'm gonna see if it still acts weird in BSD
07:24.19Alienzmines a AMD Athlon XP 2000+ and its running at a 2400+ at 1.94GHz
07:24.41Alienzmaybe replace your thermal compound and/or get a new cpu heatsink/fan
07:27.10orvillei did replace my thermal compound. last night.
07:27.53orvilleit hath been a busy w/e
07:28.20orvillelooks like somebody's still up a bit too high :-)
07:29.11*** join/#kde Alienz (
07:29.18Alienzpiece of shit.
07:29.31orvilleheh. that's what i say about mine too.
07:30.18Alienzorville, my pc is running at 1.95GHz and at 52.3C
07:31.11*** join/#kde attifinch (
07:31.45orvillemine was @ 1.67GHz and 57C
07:31.57orvillemy POS > your POS
07:32.32Alienzwhat kind of fan/heatsink? stock?
07:32.50Alienzget a Volcano 12
07:33.01Alienzand Artic Silver 5 thermal compound
07:33.15orvilleI got the artic silver
07:33.36orvillemine is old now though,, i got it back when the 2000+ was hot stuff
07:33.49Alienzi think you should change it lol
07:34.08orvilleheh. i think you're right.
07:36.54orvillewhen i get enough money to buy a new processor along ith it :-)
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07:49.04agiofwsi've compiled QT to upgrade kde|i already use kde 3.2|''m reading the post installation procedures|it says add tp path /usr/local/kde/bin|how do i do this and should i if i already use kde?
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07:56.59attifinchGoodnight guys
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08:27.48clairehmm anyone know how to enable file transfer for ICQ in kopete? It's always greyed out
08:29.02Renzeclaire: the question you should be thinking about is "does ICQ support file transfers?"
08:29.24canllaithRenze: dude, where did you go off MSN? =p
08:29.40Renzeyikes! I fell off!
08:29.40canllaiththere is photographic evidence of me in the snoopy bathing suit :( bloody dave
08:29.46claireRenze: hmm yes it does
08:29.52claireit's actually mobtek here :P
08:30.03clairecanllaith: haha PICS PLEASE! :)
08:30.08canllaithclaire: hi mobtek, getting in touch with your feminine side ? :P
08:30.12Renzecanllaith: you mean other than the photo I have?
08:30.15canllaithclaire: heh no way dude this is the worst bathing suit in the world
08:30.20canllaithRenze: DID YOU SAVE THAT?
08:30.31claireaah comeon
08:30.47canllaithhahaha my mother in law is playing my keyboard (piano style not qwerty style) _really_ badly
08:31.15canllaithclaire: heh no dude,you don't satisfy the requirements to see pics of me, let alone bathing suit ones =p
08:31.43canllaithum no
08:32.37canllaithIt's the australian national anthem
08:32.45canllaithand it's so badly done even _I_ can't tell what it is
08:33.05canllaithbeing the only aussie in the room (we have bavarians, then kiwis, then me.)
08:33.10Renze* I've got you under my skin... I've got you deep in the heart of me... *
08:34.04*** join/#kde _jamie (~jamie@
08:35.18canllaithleast they're not making me sing :)
08:35.34canllaithmmm some sinatra would prolly go down well with the oldies actually
08:36.00RenzeI only have five tracks so far
08:36.05canllaithRenze: I'll bring you a cd :)
08:36.16Renzeexcellent! :)
08:36.19canllaithwith all my favs and if you're lucky I might even sing for ya. Or if you're unlucky, depending on your point of view
08:36.50Renzeoh, definitely lucky... and depending on my state of intoxication, I might sing too :)
08:37.40Skiverhey bietch !
08:38.26Renze* Luck be a lady tonight... luck be a lady tonight... luck if you've ever been a lady to begin with, luck be a lady tonight *
08:39.22*** join/#kde jal (
08:39.23canllaithdamn fell off msn again
08:39.32Renze* Let's keep this party polite... never get out of my sight *
08:39.52clairecanllaith: man all the girls gimme their bathsuit pics
08:39.53Renzeme too... MSN must be flakey today
08:39.58canllaithclaire: I'm not all the girls :)
08:40.00claireRenze: it's down here
08:40.06clairecanllaith: and HOW! :)
08:40.20canllaithgosh... was that a compliment or an insult? I am not sure which =p
08:40.58clairehahah compliment
08:41.02claireI'm actually nice guy
08:41.09clairewhen I'm not a total bastard that is hehehe
08:41.15claireiok off to find more beer
08:41.22*** join/#kde cohmapapphome (
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08:41.31Frost^is there by any chance a kde applet which can tell me my current cpu temperature?
08:41.40canllaithFrost^: ksensors
08:42.40Frost^don't seem to have it here
08:42.47Renzeit doesn't come with KDE
08:42.50canllaithno you have to install it :)
08:42.52*** join/#kde Noldo (
08:42.54canllaithjust google, it's the first hit
08:42.55cohmapapphomeI hope this is the right place to ask: On a Mandrake box running KDE, I'm trying to set my screensaver.  Tests work fine, but when it's time for the screensaver to come up for real, I get a black screen.  The monitor is not going into power save mode, so that's not it.
08:43.02Frost^oh ok
08:43.03Frost^thanks :)
08:43.12*** join/#kde MacDome (
08:47.47canllaithok Renze prepare to be scared with lots of my family in bathers. *uploads*
08:47.57canllaith... any time now, dsl .....
08:48.04canllaithcome on..... you can do it
08:48.41*** join/#kde sredna (~anders@alund.developer.kde)
08:48.49canllaithshe lives in korea, she's not even australian.. why is she doing this to me?
08:48.51Renzehola anders
08:48.57canllaithsredna: ! Hey there :)
08:49.07srednaHi Renze, canllaith :)
08:49.18Renze* Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars... *
08:49.18*** join/#kde ideafix (
08:49.30canllaith* let me see what spring is like on... jupiter and mars.... *
08:50.17canllaithyeah there's snoopy lol
08:50.20canllaithand my other sexy korean fashions
08:50.33canllaithDianne is also wearing a korean bathing suit, can ya tell? ;)
08:51.10canllaithand damn, look how long my hair is now in that one where I am looking away talking to Andrew
08:51.39*** join/#kde soulreaper (
08:51.41Renzenot quite to the waist yet :)
08:51.42canllaith(sorry, I just so rarely see myself from the back =p)
08:52.24canllaithwho was it that had a weakness for freckles? Was it you or steven ?
08:52.34Renzeme :)
08:52.46canllaithI think it was both of you actually
08:53.03canllaithSo there you go, todays outings.
08:53.06*** join/#kde _egon (
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08:59.39df00zSup?  Hm, is there a KDE changelog anywhere?
09:00.10*** part/#kde cohmapapphome (
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09:04.32Skiversomething's wrong with msn
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09:10.23srednaSkiver: Yes, it's owned by m$  :p
09:11.03MrGrimsredna: :)
09:11.39Skiveryea, and it allows linux users to connect using ported messenger programs, but not msn messenger
09:16.47*** join/#kde Lez (~Lez@
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10:05.56canllaithheh tis dead in here slayerbob
10:06.36slayerboband here is me all insufficiently inebriated
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10:09.52srednaHi canllaith, slayerbob
10:10.08srednaBoring saturday evening?
10:10.46canllaithsredna: not here.... the germans are all dancing and singing schnappi das kleine Krokodil (sp?)
10:10.59canllaithand we're all quite tipsy....
10:11.12canllaithomg and dave almost fell down the stairs 0_0
10:16.09slayerbobhe did ?
10:16.13slayerbobdammit and i missed it :(
10:19.27canllaithlol yes he went looking for your father upstairs
10:19.33canllaithand then on the way back down again stumbled on the top step
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10:29.24srednaHi ho, funky
10:29.54funkyhi ho, lets go
10:31.10MrPingouinI'm using kde since 1 month
10:31.38MrPingouini use kontact, konqueror, what kind of cool apps haven't I tested yet ?
10:32.36srednaMrPingouin: What do you want to do today?
10:32.53MrPingouinsomething cool :)
10:33.15MrPingouini also have tested amarok
10:33.43MrPingouinhmmm, no i'm using psi :)
10:34.02srednaKopete supports jabber, including group chat and file transfers
10:34.09MrPingouinyeah i know
10:34.21MrPingouini've tested it
10:34.28srednaDo you do development work?
10:34.43MrPingouinyou mean contribute in the kde project ?
10:34.58srednaI mean web pages or code
10:35.17MrPingouinI guess you'll talk of kdevelop !
10:35.27srednaKdevelop, quanta, kate
10:35.34MrPingouinuse vim my friend.
10:35.37MrPingouinthe force uses vim.
10:35.45MrPingouinvim is strong in the force.
10:36.09srednaI am a modern person, I use GUI tools :-)
10:36.20MrPingouini'm not a dinosaur
10:36.22canllaithI do not think you want to encourate sredna to not use kate :(
10:36.43MrPingouinlol canllaith , force trick
10:36.44MrPingouinwell no
10:36.55MrPingouinI don't think I want me to encourate sredna not to use kate
10:37.19srednacanllaith: Lol, that's likely going to be hard..
10:37.23canllaithsredna: good :)
10:41.21MrPingouinha maybe the dictionnary
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10:42.47srednaHi PhilRod
10:43.02MrPingouinit's the final countdowwwn
10:43.29canllaithhiya PhilRod :)
10:43.34MrPingouina friend of mine who never succeeds in prounouncing countdown always sings the final condom
10:46.11PhilRodhey canllaith, sredna :-)
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11:09.59eckhartwhy do konqueror (and internet explorer) treat cookies different than firefox
11:11.08Jambohello everybody =)
11:11.46PhilRodmorning jal
11:11.51PhilRoderr, Jambo
11:12.07Jambohi :-)
11:12.35Jambodo I am in the right place for asking questions about eyecandy for kde (skinning icons etc)
11:12.46PhilRodyup - go ahead :-)
11:13.01PhilRodalthough the answer is usually 'look on' :-D
11:13.09Jambook....I've seen in some screenshots in kde-look
11:13.22Jambosome people have the go button
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11:13.38Jambolook like in mac or win with little icon and text on the side
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11:13.59canllaithhi lippel :)
11:14.05Jambobut I couldn't find on google any tutorial, tip on how to do that o_0
11:14.14lippelhi canllaith ;)
11:14.21PhilRodJambo: could you point us to  a screenshot that shows what you want?
11:14.23mart_keckhart: How does firefox handles them?
11:14.28atomikdoes koffice use the file format of openoffice ?
11:14.31Jamboyep let me look at the link...
11:14.35eckhartmart_k: i give you an example
11:14.57eckharti'm sorry, it's in german, but that should not matter
11:15.10eckhartgo to "Farben"
11:15.25PhilRodeckhart: in what way?
11:15.45eckhartPhilRod: it does not set a cookie inside a frame
11:16.03Jambohere is the link from Turkyx linux distro :
11:16.36*** join/#kde spartacus (
11:17.00JamboI'm trying to realize a spectacular work on customizing kde to astonish people and convert them to linux =)
11:17.31Jamboeheheh it's slooow I know but those guys did a wonderful job on kde
11:17.47PhilRodapt: kmenu
11:17.59Jamboapt : ?
11:18.07canllaithI ilke that squarer kmenu button I have to admit
11:18.09PhilRodJambo: I wrote a little FAQ about changing the KMenu button
11:18.25mart_keckhart: I don't see differents between Konqueror and Firefox.
11:18.25canllaithPhilRod, you're kidding me.. so did I
11:18.27Jambowonderfulll...could u point me to it pls Phil ?
11:18.35PhilRodcanllaith: did it get included in the proper FAQ? (I originally put it on the wiki)
11:18.37PhilRodapt: kdefaq
11:18.39aptit has been said that kdefaq is
11:18.40canllaithPhilRod, yes
11:18.49PhilRodJambo: ^^ that link
11:18.52canllaithif this is what you're talking about
11:18.59Jambooh ok =)
11:19.07*** join/#kde eros (
11:19.15eckhartmart_k: sorry, just been away
11:19.17canllaithor are you talking about the square button patch in specific?
11:19.28eckhartlook at "Farben"
11:19.43Jamboactually im looking to whataver explains how to deeply customize kde
11:19.47eckhartclick on "Schwarz"
11:19.49canllaithsquare/rectangle whatever
11:20.00eckhartthe design should change to black
11:20.02canllaithJambo, heh just go to
11:20.18mart_keckhart: done.
11:20.25canllaithand and look for screenshots that look cool to you :) then install those apps
11:20.28JamboI know...but some things cant be found the square k menu tip...
11:20.37Jamboalready installed systrayv2
11:20.41canllaithyeah I can't find that one and Renze looked for me for ages the other day
11:20.47eckhartmart_k: now click on any other link at the left
11:20.50mart_keckhart: I go eat something, brb.
11:20.53Renzethey hid it really well
11:20.59Jamboand all the v2 I could find :)
11:21.08Jambobut still looking....
11:21.08eckhartmart_k: now in konqueror the design changes back
11:21.18eckhartmart_k: in firefox it remains
11:21.37Jambothis is my latest screenshot :
11:21.53JamboAndyGio is my nic on kde-look
11:22.22PhilRodJambo: there is a section in the userguide about the KDE file structure, so you can find where icons, etc are installed
11:22.41PhilRodapt ug
11:22.42aptfrom memory, ug is
11:22.57Jambouhm problem...I know I can can change the K button icon
11:23.02PhilRodJambo: the "KDE for administrators" section in that has the information
11:23.07Jambobut....not with the rectangle with text :-(
11:23.22Jamboalready tried with no luck
11:23.24canllaiththat is because you need a patch and we don't know where it is..... and I have looked, and so has Renze
11:23.26canllaiththis came up the other day
11:23.53Jambouhm ok so I need a specific patch for it
11:24.06Jambothis is a bit of info...thanks
11:24.09canllaithyes, you can't do it without modifying the sources for the kmenu
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11:24.49volt3rhi, how can i unmask all that packets for kde 3.4.0_beta1 at once ?
11:25.02Jamboi was good at skinning windows....but kde it's need to know coding :-/
11:25.12canllaithNot for 'skinning' it no
11:25.32Jambowell to make a window deco theme...
11:25.41Jambodon't u need some knowledge of c++ ?
11:25.41canllaithYou can use the icwm theme loader
11:25.44canllaithwhich only requires pixmaps
11:26.16Jambouhm yup...but native kde > 3.2 ?
11:26.47canllaithNo, if you want to not have to code it you can use the icewm theme loader which will let you create pixmaps :)
11:27.25JamboI'll have a look at it...I'd like to port a couple of mssstyle that I like a lot
11:27.27srednaWow, the history/bookmark searching rocks
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11:27.44Jambothen with permission from author post it kde-look
11:28.17Jamboalso some peeps use Xfwm as win manger
11:28.39JamboPhil don't warry....I want it like the most nice mac shots :-D
11:28.48Jambo(no aqua pls anymore...)
11:29.00Jambodo you gfxoasis ?
11:29.05Jambodo you know...
11:29.26canllaithgfxoasis ?
11:29.31PhilRodyeah, it's probably the nicest style
11:29.40PhilRodplastik, that is
11:29.47PhilRodkeramik was yukky, IMHO
11:29.55canllaithYeah, and all the plastik variants ... and phase
11:30.01canllaithmostly plastik though :)
11:30.16Jamboplastik is great i ve to agree
11:30.22Jambobut also all the AKCD
11:30.31Jamboexcept the nvidia one...
11:30.40canllaithmm most of the ones I have seen are clones of windows ones I think are ugly anyway :\
11:31.15Jamboit depends of what u want to realize... some shots at gfxoasis are very nice
11:31.32Jambobut I need a way to port some msstyles or mac skins to kde
11:31.39Jambo(without coding :-P )
11:31.43canllaiththere is a msstyle loader in beta I believe
11:31.50Jambotried it
11:31.55Jambonot really working
11:32.04Jamboespecially with styles more complicated
11:32.34Jamboit's a pity nobody good at coding doen't write something to port msstyles
11:32.44canllaithprobably because no-one really wants them ....
11:32.50JamboI guess there are more important things to be done :-)
11:33.35Jambouhm...let me be more specific...there are many good styles out there
11:33.41Jambonot specifically win
11:33.59Jamboill have a look at icewm
11:34.08Jamboto see if some can be ported
11:34.17canllaithI don't hear at all about people wanting to use macos themes either, not specifically win.
11:34.49Jambouhm wait a sec...I'll give u a link to show what i talk about =)
11:34.58Jamboa pic is worth 1000 words..
11:35.14canllaithnow, I wonder why kopete hates me today
11:35.27Renzecvs borkage?
11:35.41canllaithmm possible I guess
11:35.48canllaithmy last update was yesterday and it's not being horrible to me until today
11:36.28Jambohere...look at visualstyeles
11:36.33Jambo(flash required)
11:36.41canllaiththen no can do :)
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11:37.24Renzeugh... flash overload...
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11:38.13Jamboyep it's designed in flash
11:38.26Renzetoo much flash
11:38.53Jamboeheh i dont think he did a non flash version :-(
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11:54.04mart_keckhart: Ok: I see the difference. I will look where it is come from.
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12:02.37eckhartmart_k: the funny thing is that is does not work when you look at
12:03.09eckhartmart_k: but it does work when you look at
12:03.35eckhartalthough the first url ist just a frameset with the second in it
12:03.55mart_keckhart: The cookie is sent through http before the webpage.
12:04.29mart_keckhart: I don't now how the specification is: should such a cookie be accepted or not.
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12:08.18mart_keckhart: I woundn't be surpriced if it was disabled for privacy reasons.
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12:09.12mart_keckhart: A cookie from another domain then the webpage is requested.
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12:12.26jitawhy do fonts look nicer in linux than freebsd
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12:16.14Alkisumm is that normal -> "30373 alex      16   0  351m 294m  40m S  0.0 29.1   2:58.06 kmail" ... or a leak?
12:20.46mart_kAlkis: if you want to check the memory usage of a KDE program, use: cat /proc/$pid/status
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12:39.08APunkerI have a problem with the terminology of: What is RMB menu?
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12:44.06mart_kAPunker: RMB is Right Mouse Button.
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13:10.11eckhartmart_k: but why?
13:10.54mart_keckhart: I don't know the internals of the cookie manager, and I also don't know the accept specification, but
13:11.25mart_keckhart: in the location bar, there is a domain, and maybe users expect only to deal with that domain.
13:11.45mart_keckhart: There is an option in konqueror to allow cookies from other domains, but it doesn't solve the problem.
13:12.20eckhartwell, i don't see the point why the cookie is from "another domain"
13:12.30mart_keckhart: That is a little bit strange, if the privacy reasons is the reason.
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13:13.17mart_keckhart: The domein is: "", the cookie is from "".
13:13.17eckhartthe cookie should be stored as a cookie from
13:13.43eckhartyes, but the page that wants to use the cookie is also from
13:13.51marmarishow to enable utf8 in kde konsole?
13:14.05srednaKonquer will never send a cookie set by one domain to a host on an other domain. That would be totally unacceptable
13:14.29eckhartsredna: the problem is that konqueror does not even send it to the same domain
13:14.48srednaeckhart: If cookies are enabled for the domain, it will
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13:15.35srednaeckhart: If the path is correct of cause, ie a cookie with '/cgi-bin' in it's path wont be sent with the request for page /foo/bar
13:15.40mart_ksredna: Konqueror will accept cookies from another domain it you setup it,
13:15.55srednamart_k: You are confusing things
13:16.47mart_ksredna: I mean the "Only allow cookies from original server" checkbox setting.
13:16.56srednamart_k: There is an option not to accept cookies from other domains, which will prevent a image from to set a cookie on a page in another domain
13:17.24marmarishow to enable utf8 in kde konsole?
13:17.31srednamart_k: A cookie will of cause not be sent to any domain but the one owning it
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13:17.55srednamart_k: Use a utf-8 font
13:18.05srednamarmaris: Use a utf-8 font
13:18.21marmarisi did but it doesn'T go
13:18.27marmarisxterm is ok
13:18.44eckhartmart_k: the problem with me is that konqueror does not even ask whether to accept the cookie
13:18.57marmarisi always become the message font "-misc-fixed-bla not found
13:19.01eckhartalthough i unchecked the option "only cookies from the same domain"
13:19.04srednamarmaris: Settings->encoding->utf-8 must of cause be enabled
13:19.25marmarisyes...and if i do that, the message above appears
13:19.52marmarisand i definately have a font with this encoding
13:19.53srednamarmaris: Try using a utf-8 font
13:20.07mart_keckhart: Yes, I saw that, that is why I don't know for sure if everything is correct.
13:20.09srednamarmaris: Set one explicitly
13:20.23marmarisdidn'T you read what i wrote? I HAVE AN UTF-( FONT
13:20.30eckhartis there a special konqueror channel
13:20.38eckhartto talk to the konqueror devs?
13:20.47srednamarmaris: I don't say install one, I said choose one, in the konsole settings.
13:21.02marmarisI did
13:21.22srednaThen it is supposed to work, with the utf-8 selection
13:21.47marmarisyes...and that doesn't
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13:23.10srednamarmaris: If you have bitstream vera, try that
13:23.17mart_keckhart: I don't know of it, and I can't find one.
13:23.22srednamarmaris: It works fine here
13:23.41sredna(just to say that it can work)
13:24.27mart_keckhart: There is a mailinglist (kfm-devel), but first check the bug system.
13:24.41eckhartjust doing that
13:25.37eckhartwhat really irritates me that internet explorer in this case works identically
13:26.03eckhartopera and mozilla use the cookie
13:27.36srednaIf a browser sends a cookie from one domain to a server in another domain, it's insecure
13:28.03srednaNo userspace settings should enable that
13:28.13eckharti'm not really familiar with cookies
13:28.23eckhartbut why should any browser do that?
13:28.34srednaWell, rule nr 1: They can't cross domain borders
13:29.16mart_ksredna: It is a frame of another domain which want to set a cookie through http.
13:29.37eckhartmart_k: no
13:29.47eckhartit's not the frame that wants to set the cookie
13:30.02eckhartit's the domain inside which wants to set it
13:30.03mart_kI mean the framepage.
13:30.08eckhartok :-)
13:30.19mart_kSo domain A have a frame of domain B,
13:30.39mart_kand that page of domain B wants to set a cookie in domain B.
13:31.50marmarisFont `-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--15-140-75-75-c-90-iso10646-1' not found
13:32.09marmarisit doesn't matter which font i choose
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13:35.10srednamart_k: That should be ok
13:35.36srednamart_k: Then domain B should be able to access its own cookie
13:35.45eckhartsredna: well, it is not
13:36.27srednaeckhart: And it you display the URL in the frame in it's own window?
13:36.37eckhartthen it works
13:37.03eckhartif you use it in a frame not even the cookie dialog appears
13:37.20eckhartlook at
13:37.33eckhartclick on "Farben"
13:37.41eckhartthen select "Schwarz"
13:37.49eckhartthe color should change to black
13:37.57eckhartand a cookie is set
13:38.13eckhartso in the future the page should remain black
13:38.16srednaIt does
13:38.33eckhartsredna: inside the frameset?
13:38.47eckhartor loaded as an extra page
13:39.07srednaIf I click 'original' it changes back
13:40.00srednaI allow session cookies automatically, I don't allow foreign cookies, and the general policy for non-session cookes are 'ask'. I was not asked, which is ok since the cookie expirs at the time it was set.
13:40.10srednaInside the frameset
13:40.23srednaeckhart: I use cvs HEAD, I should say
13:40.36mart_ksredna: If you press on "Farben" in the menu again, it should remain black.
13:40.57srednamart_k: It does not
13:41.16srednamart_k: I think that is to do with caching
13:41.18mart_ksredna: In firefox it does, there is the cookie for.
13:41.32eckhartin opera, too
13:43.34eckhartthe php command i use to set the cookie is
13:44.19eckhartsetcookie("stil", $_POST['farbe'], time()+60*60*24*365, "/");
13:44.25eckhartno, sorry
13:44.37eckhartsetcookie("stil", $_GET['farbe'], time()+60*60*24*365, "/");
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13:46.13srednaMh, I think I disabled cookies for that domain
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13:46.23srednaI'd have to enable them again to test
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13:51.12mart_ksredna/eckhart: The following information is send in the HTTP-header:
13:51.23mart_kSet-Cookie: stil=schwartz; expires=Sun, 15-Jan-2006 13:45:48 GMT; path=/\r\n
13:52.40UziMonkeymmm...  cookies
13:54.16eckhartmart_k: i think you should have copied it
13:54.31eckhartit should say "stil=schwarz" ;-)
13:55.20mart_keckhart: Well, I couldn't copy it from ethereal, so I typed it over.
13:55.51eckhartno problem
13:56.37eckhartit seems correct to me
13:56.54eckhartthe only thing i don't know whether it is right is
13:57.15eckhartbut in my opinion it should be
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13:58.06srednaThat should be correct
13:58.24mart_keckhart: That is quite a common value for path.
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13:58.36eckhartyes, i know
14:00.03mart_kIs there another way to send this type of header-fields?
14:00.15mart_kIt could be useful for making a simple test-case.
14:01.00eckharti think javascript is capable of creating cookies
14:01.08eckhartbut i don't like java ;-)
14:01.46mart_keckhart: Yes, but that is not useful for making a test case.
14:02.07eckharti know
14:02.17eckharti don't know whether it works
14:02.20mart_keckhart: btw: java not equals javascript, they are quite different.
14:02.47eckhartyes, i should have known
14:03.05eckhartwell, http-equiv should work similarly to headers
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14:09.21eckhartmart_k: in theory, you could use such a code
14:09.36eckhartbut konqueror does not handle it
14:09.45eckhart(firefox does)
14:11.57mart_keckhart: Konqueror does handles it here: it ask for a cookie, even if I load it from a frameset from a local file.
14:13.34eckhartwell, you are right
14:13.45eckharti somehow changed my cookie policy
14:14.13mart_keckhart: Maybe, it is a workaround for the problem.
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14:26.15eckhartmart_k: yes, you are right
14:26.25eckhartit really seems to be a konqueror problem
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14:26.58Dsforsakenhow do i ue themes in kde?
14:27.03eckharti created two testcases
14:27.53eckhartif you create a frameset with the first one in it, then the cookie is set
14:27.54Dsforsakenin emerged kdeartwork where r all of the themes?
14:28.00eckhartwith the second, it is not set
14:28.33MrPingouinDsforsaken: see in the kde control center i guess
14:28.34Dsforsakenin emerged kdeartwork where r all of the themes?
14:28.39Dsforsakeni did
14:28.41mart_keckhart: Yes, it looks like a good test case.
14:28.45Dsforsakenbut there r no themes
14:28.54Dsforsakenit only says install themes and i dunno where they r
14:28.56mart_keckhart: How does it work in other browsers?
14:28.56MrPingouinDsforsaken: try
14:29.10eckhartwell, in firefox both work well
14:29.12MrPingouinDsforsaken: i think it contains themes
14:29.38eckhartfor opera and internet explorer (which is no browser ;-) ) i need my brother's windows
14:30.18mart_keckhart: I think you can report a bug with this.
14:30.53mart_keckhart: If the behaviour of firefox is against the specification, the bug can always be closed as invalid.
14:31.21mart_keckhart: Don't forget to include your testcase.
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14:31.56eckhartwell, at least there is a wrong behaviour because the http-equiv metas should be treated like other headers
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14:33.20mart_keckhart: yes, that is right.
14:34.06MrPingouinDsforsaken: is it ok ?
14:35.01MrPingouinDsforsaken: i'm looking at the content of kdeartwork
14:35.09MrPingouinit conais only a lot of icons
14:35.13MrPingouinand some stuff with default themes
14:35.16MrPingouinbut no extra themes
14:35.21Dsforsakenyea it took me 45 mins to install it has to b for sumthin
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14:35.40MrPingouinyou must be fool trying to emerge kde
14:35.53MrPingouini tried it some years ago on a p2 400
14:36.10MrPingouinafter 18h of emerging, i hadn't passed the kdebase package
14:37.36OpenSorcethis is wierd: in KDE all the fonts for my GTK apps (XCHAT etc) are huge until I open Gnome Control Center then they go back to normal, but then all the fonts in my KDE apps are tiny. Any thoughts?
14:38.35MrPingouinconsult an ophthalmologist ? :)
14:38.38MrPingouinsorry, i have no clue
14:38.41OpenSorceMrGrim: LOL
14:38.48OpenSorcestupid nick complete
14:39.21MrPingouindo you have the gtk fonts settings in your kde control center ?
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14:39.43MrPingouinsorry, brb
14:39.50OpenSorceMrPingouin: I've never noticed that before, let me look
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14:40.35pontoMaybe the display resolution causes trouble?
14:40.36baojiOpenSorce: I used to have your problem. The issue is the gconfd daemon which starts when you open the gnome cc.
14:40.57baojiYou can either choose to start it everytime kde starts, and then just change your kde fonts
14:41.09baojior use the lovely and new gtk fonts settings control panel
14:41.24OpenSorcebaoji: lovely and new sounds better
14:42.24OpenSorcebaoji: where would I find this gtk fonts settings control panel?
14:44.55baojiOpenSorce: It used to be under Appearance and Themes, but I don't see it there. Maybe I need to install kde addons or something along those lines.
14:45.52OpenSorcebaoji: I have KDE 3.3.2 with kde-addons I don't have it either.....
14:46.10baojiThis is definitely something more recent than 3.3.2 though.
14:46.30baojiOpenSorce: (using beta of 3.4)
14:46.41baojiI follow cvs upgrade KDE again or run gconfd at login....
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14:47.22OpenSorceI suppose, since I login via KDM I could just drop gconfd in my .bash_profile...
14:47.36baojiOpenSorce: I guess so. You can put a link to gconfd in your .kde/Autostart and it will automatically start up.
14:48.49OpenSorcebaoji: it needs to run prior to kde start up if possible, in order to make all fonts the right size I have to reload the panel and everything (usually by changing application feedback)
14:49.14OpenSorcebaoji: thanks for your help :-)
14:49.26baojiOpenSorce: you're welcome-- I hope you get the problem sorted out.
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14:49.45OpenSorcebaoji: I'm sure I will, thanks again
15:01.04MrPingouinhey !
15:01.12MrPingouinI haven't my gtk settings in the kde control center !
15:01.35MrPingouinhow can I "activate" it ?
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15:16.20MacTallaI just installed Beta1, but now I don't see my audiocd slave.  Which package should that be located in?  Anyone know if it depends on something else in order to install?
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15:18.37MacTallafred87: thx
15:19.56fred87it might need cdparanoia libs
15:20.48MacTallafred87: thx I'll have a look at that.  Looks like possibly audiofile, as well.
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15:27.53Osatowtf does kdebase3-devel reuqire audacity ?!?!
15:29.17MacTallafred87: Looks like cdparanoia was probably it.  recompiling now.
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15:32.13Iriaddoes anyone know who the genius was that hardcoded "-nolisten" into the kdm_config file in KDE 3.3.1? I've been going mad trying to work out why I couldn't enable the listener, and I've found it's impossible!
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15:35.40eckharti hope everything is correct
15:36.33mart_keckhart: I seems correct to me.
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15:38.57SpgHi, How would I be able to tell if the bytecode interpreter is being used to display fonts? I followed all the installation steps, And the fonts still look a little off too me
15:40.14Dsforsakenim confused when installing themes...
15:40.34Dsforsakenhow do i run the script
15:41.22Spgjust go to a console and type 'sh' in that directory. Though most themes i use i install through control center
15:41.37Dsforsakenhow do u instal through ocntrol centre
15:41.57Spgwell, it depends on the theme, But with that theme it looks like you must execute that script to do it
15:42.26DsforsakenSpg: ok i use the sh thing and it says QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used 2 times and then it says theme successfull installed
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15:42.42Spgok now go to control center and select the theme
15:43.11Dsforsakentheme manage right?
15:44.17Dsforsakeni lcick install theme and where do i go with that?
15:44.43Spgno the theme is installed... Just click on Styles, Icons, Background etc and enable the bits of the theme
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15:46.57Spgno prob
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15:56.01Dsforsakenfor  theme i got 2 .h files 2 .cpp files and a .kcsrc wut do i do with em?
15:56.51DeadZedHow do I get my desktop look like OSX (aqua theme) ?
15:57.10DeadZedPretty Pliiiz
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16:02.18Dsforsakenwut do i open .theme files with?
16:02.37DeadZedDsforsaken Where do you get .theme files?
16:02.52DeadZedin KDE COntrol centre there is theme section
16:03.27DeadZedDo you know how to install aqua theme and where to get it in .theme form?
16:04.52DeadZedDsforsaken Are you f*ckin dead?
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16:11.27dedikeradnutshell42, hello! may i pm you?
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16:14.27dedikeradnutshell42, i left some memos, see you around old friend :)
16:14.28DsforsakenDeadZed: no i am not dead its called busy and impatience will only make u wait longer....
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16:19.18DeadZedDsforsaken Can you point me to the right direction with getting themes installed on KDE please. On there are only zipped packages incompatible with KDE Control Centre
16:19.21DeadZedThere should be an easy way to install new themes with everything included (deb or rpm packages)
16:23.00*** join/#kde DeadS0ul` (
16:24.44StevenRDeadZed: well that would be a distro specific thing, having to deal with the package manager
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16:25.58DeadZedStevenR Whats the easiest way to get gull aqua theme .. to make it look exactly  like OSX ??
16:26.08DeadZedget full **
16:26.29DeadZedCAn you point me in right direction please
16:26.38StevenRDeadZed: dunno, not really tried. you need baghira and one of the rade8 packages for icons
16:27.22DeadZedwhat about this sleek osx bar at the bottom .. is it some plugin or smth
16:27.57DeadZedlike this here
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16:28.26nutshell42DeadZed: there are dozens of osX like docks at - If you want it fast&easy you'll have to look whether your distribution provides packages
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16:28.55DeadZeddebs go - Mepis
16:29.14DeadZedso i need to install some docks
16:29.19DeadZed"docks" ??
16:29.50nutshell42that's what apple called its panel
16:30.03nutshell42if you don't like "dock" shoot steve jobs =)
16:30.09DeadZedI tried  aston for win and it rules !
16:33.22Spgits ok
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16:34.49MacTallaAnyone here familiar w/ KDM?  In particular how it determines which Sessions to list when logging on?
16:35.37MacTallaI just upgraded to beta1, and then it told me a certain ones where obsolete (or perhaps another word, but that general idea).  I want to make my own script, where should I put it so it will take & use it?
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16:37.50nutshell42don't know just seems to contain lots of files that look like they could be interesting =)
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16:40.47MacTallanutshell42: thx I'll have a look.  not sure what those .desktop files are
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17:35.47Beineriit's so silent here. KDE has no users anymore?
17:35.51tcd_homeHi at all
17:37.39BeineriStevenR: scary :-)
17:43.37MoobyBeineri: kde users have no questions to ask on their desktop as it "just works" :)
17:43.53BeineriMooby: or everyone is still busy compiling 3.4 beta?
17:44.07MoobyI've compiled it :)
17:44.10Moobyvery fast :)
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17:44.45Beineriwhy not? binary package installed? :-)
17:47.30StevenRBeineri: nah, gonna get it when it's actually out.
17:47.52BeineriStevenR: breaking news, 3.4 beta is out
17:48.08StevenRyes, beta is out, but not final release
17:49.06Beineriit will never become final if nobody tests it :-)
17:51.23StevenRtrue, but I dont want to compile it at the moment. I dont want to run a beta version of such a crucial piece of software. I cant afford any downtime just now.
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18:04.57hackeron_just trying out gentoo's new separate ebuilds for KDE. Could anyone tell me what KDE package supplies the 'about:blank' page in konqueror?
18:07.13PhilRodkdebase, I'd uess
18:07.37hackeron_PhilRod: no, what package from kdebase
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18:07.57PhilRodoh, I don't know anything about how gentoo have split it up, sorry
18:08.27yansanmobecause kdebase is a package...
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18:16.32BeineriKDE ships empty pages? :-)
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18:20.55yansanmomy about:blank page is at line 4251 of kdelibs/khtml/khtml_part.cpp ;-p
18:21.31neo2004hi, Im having problems with autologin into KDE on Mandrake 10.1, can anyone help? highly appreciated
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18:39.05marmarisanyone here who can help me with uft8?
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18:41.36neo2004hi, Im having problems with autologin into KDE on Mandrake 10.1, can anyone help? highly appreciated
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18:44.13EdBsince kde 3.4beta is out I want to try it but I am don't how to add a Kde3.4 session in my Kdm
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19:03.04MacTallaAnyone here upgraded to 3.4Beta1?
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19:03.50MacTallacanllaith: Does your devices:/ kioslave work?
19:04.53MacTallacanllaith: nor your audiocd:/ ?
19:05.45canllaiththat one I do not know  - I do not have a cdrom drive
19:06.05MacTallacanllaith: Ok, well at least it's not just me/my system
19:06.11MacTallacanllaith: not running Gentoo, are you?
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19:06.45MacTallacanllaith: aiight.  Then it's not gentoo's scripts, and I can expect it fixed in Beta2 :)
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19:10.24monohow do i upgrade from kde 3.2.3 to kde 3.3 on debian? just apt-get upgrade kdebase?
19:11.17Moobydebian stable has 2.x
19:12.51monoi have 3.2.3 from a debian
19:22.31hackeron_hmm, also what sub-package in kdegraphics is responsible for thumbnail generation?
19:25.45srednaNothing -- /home/anders/src/kde/build/kdebase/kioslave/thumbnail/.libs/
19:26.02srednaStupid gentoo
19:26.27srednahackeron_: It's not really kde questions, it's gentoo questions
19:26.44srednahackeron_: If they are sane, they didn't split kdebase at all
19:26.47hackeron_sredna: no, its a kde question
19:27.11laurithen the kde answer is "it's in kdebase"
19:27.34srednaTo get a basic kde installation, you need kdelibs and kdebase, as far as kde is concerned
19:27.36hackeron_lauri: where in kdebase. Kdebase has what, 30 different parts?
19:27.38lauriKDE provides the sources as a single tarball, what your specific distribution does with it after that is entirely after them
19:27.44laurino, kdebase is one thing
19:27.46srednaTo get support for kde applications, you need kdelibs.
19:27.56lauriif *your distribution* splits it, you need to ask *them* not KDE
19:28.02hackeron_lauri: kdebase is a meta package
19:28.09lauriin gentoo
19:28.13srednahackeron_: Not for kde
19:28.14laurinot as far as KDE is concerned
19:28.16hackeron_lauri: no, in kde
19:28.27hackeron_lauri: in gentoo kde is a meta package that includes kdebase
19:28.31srednahackeron_: KDEBASE IS NOT A META PACKAGE
19:28.37lauriyes, so go ask GENTOO not kde
19:28.58lauribecause we don't know what gentoo does with the single kdebase package that we provide from the sources
19:28.59*** join/#kde ciga (~ciga@
19:29.03hackeron_lauri: why? -- I'm asking a kde question. Go to CVS and look at redme. It says kdebase is a meta package and gives a list of what it holds
19:29.05srednaGentoos naming is broken, and if they split kdebase, they are not sane
19:29.12hackeron_lauri: readme*
19:29.22srednaHi ciga
19:29.24laurihackeron_: KDE's cvs?
19:29.28hackeron_lauri: yup
19:29.45laurikdebase is the second mandatory package (besides kdelibs) for the K Desktop
19:29.45lauriEnvironment. Here we have various applications and infrastructure files and
19:29.45laurilibraries. Here is an overview of the directories:
19:29.54laurino mention of meta anything
19:30.00srednaAnders@pluto ~ $ grep -i meta src/kde/kdebase/README
19:30.00srednaAnders@pluto ~ $
19:30.04lauriand it's still irrelevant
19:30.26lauriKDE tars up the *entire kdebase module* in one tarball, and that is what the packagers start with
19:31.25laurinote it mentioning being the second mandatory package (singular) after the kdelibs package (which would be the first, and is also as far as we're concerned, a single thing)
19:31.29hackeron_lauri: ok, but it lists what kdebase includes
19:31.38hackeron_lauri: now, I want to know what part does thumbnail generation
19:31.38lauriwell yes
19:31.43laurimost books have a table of contents
19:31.51laurithat doesn't make each chapter a separate book
19:31.53srednaI allready answered that, hackeron_
19:31.57srednaNothing -- /home/anders/src/kde/build/kdebase/kioslave/thumbnail/.libs/
19:32.22laurihackeron_: and we don't know? we should take a wild ass guess how precisely the distribution you use, and we don't, breaks up the package that we don't break up?
19:32.28sredna(you can conclude that the thumbnail kio slave is in kdebase/kioslave)
19:32.39laurisredna told you what directory that's in
19:32.47hackeron_sredna: so in kioslave?
19:32.55cigaI have libqt3 from sarge. I'd like to compile quanta from HEAD (kdelibs and kdebase 3.4 beta1 was fine), but it gives me an error: undefined reference to `xmlCharStrndup'. and there is a warning before this saying:  ", needed by /usr/lib/, may conflict with". qt3 was compiled with 3.3, while I wanted to compile beta1 with gcc 3.4. it is all about? cos I have libqt3 compiled with gcc 3.3 I need to compile quanta with gcc 3.3,a
19:32.58cigahi sredna
19:33.00srednaExactly :-)
19:33.17laurisredna: well, assuming there's a 'kioslave' sub package, which how we're supposed to magically know that, I don't know
19:33.24hackeron_lauri: no, forget distribution. Just imagine I compiled KDE myself with KDE's built in DO_NOT_COMPILE compile variable.
19:33.40srednalauri: I have no idea, I do run gentoo, but I compile kde on my very own
19:33.42lauriDO_NOT_COMPILE is deprecated for KDE builds
19:33.50hackeron_lauri: where does it say that?
19:33.50laurialthough it works, mostly
19:34.13laurihackeron_: you miss my point
19:34.34lauriI don't know what how and precisely *where* gentoo breaks up kdebase
19:34.49lauriif they do it by directory, then I'd guess 'kioslave'
19:34.55lauribut I have no way to know that (you didn't say so)
19:35.00hackeron_lauri: forget getnoo damn it! -- I'm using DO_NOT_COMPILE
19:35.01laurigentoo people know that
19:35.19lauriwell you can't compile kdebase without the kioslaves duh
19:35.22lauriit'd fail
19:35.31hackeron_lauri: sure you can. I've done so before.
19:35.39laurithen it'd be useless
19:35.48lauriand if you've done so before, you already know the answer
19:35.52hackeron_lauri: you can compile it without kdeinit, although it wont run :)
19:36.14laurigood for you then
19:36.20laurinow go bug someone else
19:37.11hackeron_lauri: this is a public channel. You dont want me to bug you, then dont answer :)
19:37.30hackeron_lauri: no need to spread fud though.
19:37.35lauriwhat fud?
19:38.34hackeron_lauri: 1) that gentoo split up KDE in wrong places 2) that you cant compile KDE without "insert any sub package here" and 3) that just because someone uses a specific distribution, it then must be the distro's fault.
19:38.45lauriplease, just don't talk to me (the way to compile bits of kde packages is with inst-apps, it works very nicely) and building a useless kdebase without the kioslaves is just such a stupid thing to do even if it does work (and I'm not specially convinced it would) and gentoo are respoonsible for packaging breakups on their end
19:39.02lauri1: I said "they broke it up themselves" not that they broke it up in the wrong place
19:39.07hackeron_sredna: ah, it was kioslaves from kdebase, thanks.
19:39.21lauri2: you can, and there are several mechanisms to do so, DO_NOT_COMPILE is one of them but prone to failure
19:39.38lauri3: I didn't say it's the distro's fault (because I don't think anything is wrong) .. defensive much?
19:39.56lauriI did say, KDE only provides sources, in per-module tarballs, any further breakup  *we don't know about*
19:40.09hackeron_lauri: 1) they didnt break it up themselves. You can compile and install any part of KDE separately. They are using KDE's built in features
19:40.30lauriyes, you can
19:40.36lauribut that's not how we provide the tarballls
19:40.41lauriand what you do with it, is your business, not ours
19:40.42hackeron_lauri: yes it is!
19:41.19lauriand we neither know nor care what you do with it, nor what gentoo does with it
19:41.19hackeron_lauri: gentoo use the original tarball...
19:41.30lauriand makes multiple *packages* as you said
19:41.38hackeron_lauri: I'm doing with it exactly what it says in the KDE documentation
19:41.39fred87so? they then proceed to patch it into hell, and split it into multiple packages
19:41.41lauri*gentoo* does that, not us
19:41.59lauriyou just refuse to listen don't you
19:42.01hackeron_lauri: its not multiple packages, it meta packages that just compile part of kdebase just as instructed in KDE's documentation
19:42.22fred87does the documentation say that's recommended or supported?
19:42.38hackeron_fred87: recommended? no, supported? yes.
19:42.53laurishow me where the documentation says this
19:42.56lauriso I can go change it
19:42.58hackeron_lauri: read the makefile
19:42.59fred87supported as in it says we'll help you with it rather than it works?
19:43.02lauriplease cite the line
19:43.08fred87Makefile != documentation...
19:43.23hackeron_fred87: comments in makefile != documentation?
19:43.34laurimakefiles are autogenerated
19:43.41lauriany comments in them are highly ignorable
19:43.42cigapossible to compile kdelibs + kdebase with gcc-3.4 (yes), and quanta with gcc-3.3, and use it on the same system?
19:43.43lauriso yes
19:43.55lauriciga: no, not possible
19:43.56PhilRodciga: recommended against, I think
19:44.18sarah03ciga: If you have kdelibs and kdebase installed and compiled with gcc-3.3 as well, then yes. Otherwise. no.
19:44.20cigaPhilRod: sorry?
19:44.23laurigcc is not ABI compatible for C++ across versions
19:44.46fred87hackeron_ gnu autotools create the makefiles, so no, comments in makefiles are not documentation
19:44.47hackeron_lauri: bah. Will you shut up already. Kde support compiling things manually. Thats what I did.
19:45.14*** part/#kde sarah03 (
19:45.22fred87"kde build system supports it" != "kde users/developers support it"
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19:45.52*** mode/#kde [+q hackeron!*@*] by lauri
19:45.57laurinow shut up and listen
19:46.19PhilRodhi aficionado
19:46.21aficionadoIs there a way to remove the window borders when maximized?
19:46.26lauriread thta
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19:46.57PhilRodaficionado: I don't think you can do it generally, but for individual apps, you can remove the border by starting it with kstart
19:47.03PhilRod(see 'kstart --help')
19:47.20laurithen find me please, line by line cites where KDE names anything other than the packages we provide as source tarballs as "packages"
19:47.24aficionadoI don't know I think I remember doing this in previous version of kde but I forgot where I found that option
19:47.25lauriand I will go fix them, because they are wrong
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19:48.00srednaaficionado: Some window dtyles support that
19:48.21srednaaficionado: Either implicit, or with a option its window style specific
19:48.28lauriand stop being so bloody defensive, I am not bashing gentoo by telling you they make the breakup decision, and your question is better directed to gentoo people, I tell the same to anyone from any distro asking what package anything is in, because hte most we can reliably answer is "kdebase" or "kdelibs" or tell what directory it is in within those modules
19:48.29cigasometimes configure does not find my libxml2 installation.
19:48.46aficionadosredna: I guess I need to install plastik then =D
19:48.47cigalibxml2-dev: /usr/include/libxml2/libxml/parser.h
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19:49.03aficionadoI go work on that... thanks!
19:49.23srednaaficionado: Let me know if you find some nice ones with support
19:49.26hackeron_lauri: ok, fair enough. I'm in a bad mood. Sorry for taking it out on you.
19:49.44At0mic_PCAnyone know why System Notificatons > Player Settings would be greyed out?
19:49.50At0mic_PCI need to change the player.
19:49.53aficionadosredna: the config options for individual styles would be in Control Center?
19:50.01srednaAt0mic_PC: Chose 'use a custom player'
19:50.08PhilRodaficionado: yup: appearance and themes->window decoration
19:50.10hackeron_lauri: its just there is a clear separation of "sub packages" or whatever you call them in the readme file for each package
19:50.16At0mic_PCIt is selected sredna.
19:50.19srednaaficionado: Yes, in the window decoration panel
19:50.39aficionadosredna: alright, thanks! :)
19:50.40At0mic_PCsredna: It is checked and the thing is greyed out.
19:50.50hackeron_lauri: but I suppose its unreasonable to ask specifics as I may as well ask about a specific line in the code, not a question for #kde
19:50.58srednaAt0mic_PC: Sounds strange!
19:51.25srednaAt0mic_PC:  is the sound system runing at all?
19:51.45laurithey are not sub packages, they are the directories in that cvs module
19:52.01At0mic_PCsredna: I guess, I can hear sounds but with the player it's just poping and clicking. If I try to play one of the sounds in the console I can make it work with another player.
19:52.06lauriit says specifically that in that README you're raving about
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19:52.31srednaAt0mic_PC: I don't know what to say really, I never saw that button greyed out here
19:52.33viking81ahojte :)
19:52.49At0mic_PCsredna: Is there a place I can change it with a config file?
19:53.02srednaAt0mic_PC: Possibly
19:53.10srednaRather, yes
19:53.11lauriso, cites please, where they are referred to in any way a sub packages in any form of documentation
19:54.18fred87no modules (other than possibly kdenonbeta or kdeextragear-*) should be split
19:54.29viking81somebody from slovak republic ?
19:54.34srednaAt0mic_PC: .kdecvs/share/config/knotifyrc:External player=artsplay
19:54.39srednaThank you, grep
19:54.41MoobyI have a problem with my konqueror, which extension is used which gives me 30+ the same toolbar ?
19:54.43hackeron_lauri: well, many of the "folders" there were their own separate package. Like the recently added juk or akregator. Now they are just "folders"?
19:55.15hackeron_Mooby: thats normal :)
19:55.23viking81slovakia !!!
19:55.31viking81slovak republic !!!
19:55.42lauriunless your distribution choose otherwise, which is entirely up to them, and whether we agree or not, that's their business, and it's up to them to support it
19:55.46hackeron_lauri: well, when I'm told on to uninstall mpeglib out of kdemultimedia, arent such actions supported then?
19:55.50viking81do you know where is slovak republic ?!
19:56.04At0mic_PCsredna: Thanks.
19:56.15viking81aaaaaaaaaaaaa vy svine !
19:56.21laurihackeron_: sure, in from source builds, which is all we can support - packaging issues are referred on bugs.k.o to the respective packagers
19:56.25viking81to tu naozaj nie je nikto zo slovenska ?!
19:56.27srednaviking81: You are OT
19:56.39fred87hackeron_ it's whoever posted that advice on's choice as to if they want to help you or not.
19:56.40viking81what is OT ? sredna...
19:56.55srednaviking81: But hey, I'k love to visit slovakia again
19:56.59fred87hackeron_ btw what's prob with mpeglib in kdemultimedia? cdromAccess* ?
19:57.08srednaviking81: 'out of topic'
19:57.20srednaOr 'off topic' rather
19:57.24viking81sredna :)
19:57.35viking81neviem o com tocite takze je mi to jedno :)
19:57.39hackeron_fred87: it has buffer issues when playing over network. Using arts_xine seems to work better, although far from perfect.
19:57.44viking81slovak is very nice country !
19:58.19cigahaving 81 vikings.
19:58.22lauriyou can edit the installed files in $PREFIX/lib/mcop/<name-of-plugin>.mcopclass
19:58.40laurito change the priorities (I don't recall, higher priority number is first choice, I think)
19:58.44hackeron_lauri: I wouldnt call this a packaging issue though. I could install the meta package that will give me anything, but I'm just trying to figure out what part of each kde package does what.
19:58.44laurior remove the ones you don't want to use
19:59.09viking81ciga dam ti zuvat ?
19:59.36laurihackeron_: then just consider the meta packages to be what KDE actually released
19:59.50hackeron_ah, just noticed a new feature. The close tab is now at the bottom of the dialog. Nice one :)
20:01.00aficionadohey, does KDE have any alternative ALT+TAB switchers that support the arrow keys?
20:01.19lauriyou can change the keybinding
20:01.19srednaEh, what?
20:01.48aficionadosredna: asking me?
20:02.09yansanmoaficionado: why the arrow keys support?
20:02.11laurimake it something that uses the arrow keys instead
20:02.17srednaaficionado: Yes. And I second lauri's answer -- you can set any shortcut you like for it
20:02.46laurialt-tab -> alt-right arrow, shift-alt-tab -> alt-left arrow, or something
20:02.54laurior maybe up and down makes more sense
20:03.08laurii don't know, I just hold alt, and keep hitting tab until the one I want is chosen
20:03.26srednaI'll have to say that using the arrow keys for global shortcuts is a problematic idea, since allmost any application makes use of them -- webbrowsers, editors etc all use the arrow keys heavily
20:03.30laurior use kpager, or use ctrl-tab or middle click on the desktop (heck there's a million ways to change to another window in KDE)
20:03.47aficionadothere is a program for windows xp called XPTaskSwitch or what that does is lays out the window icons in an x by y grid, and then after you press alt+tab you can also use right/up/down/left to select the one that you are looking for
20:03.55*** join/#kde robin (
20:04.10laurimaybe you'd like komposé
20:04.21srednaaficionado: A exposé clone... like komposé
20:04.22aficionadolauri: kompose is full screen, right?
20:04.30laurinot sure off the top of my head if that uses the arrows
20:04.43aficionadook, I'll go check that out... thanks
20:05.55viking81global deejays - the sound of san francisco :)
20:05.58srednaHm, actually it sounds pretty smart
20:06.38viking81royal gigolos - no milk today :)
20:06.50viking81groove coverage - runaway
20:06.58*** join/#kde AchiestDragon (
20:07.20viking81benny benassi - satisfaction
20:07.24hackeron_lauri: would just like to apologize again. Sorry I've been so aggressive and thanks for all your help.
20:07.53*** join/#kde Dangerseeker (
20:08.04viking81asi mi tu nikto nerozumie po slovensky co ?
20:08.09viking81to je super :)
20:08.10lauriyour welcome, and thank you for the unexpected apology
20:08.16viking81aspon vam tu mozem nadavat
20:08.18*** part/#kde Dangerseeker (
20:08.22viking81vy kokoti pojebany
20:08.36viking81bodaj by vas besby pes do titi pojebal vsetkych co ste tu :)))
20:08.40lauriabout once a year on irc, someone totally suprises me to death by having manners and things, I guess this year it came early :)
20:08.52viking81nikto ma tu nekickne ?
20:08.57viking81to je predaaaaaa
20:09.02*** join/#kde XEN (
20:09.05hackeron_lauri: heh :) -- I'm flattered.
20:09.18lauriviking81: stop that please, it's very annoying
20:09.24laurimost of us know the alphabet already
20:09.37viking81lauri vies co ma mozes ?
20:09.59sarah03That is tremendously annoying.
20:10.00*** mode/#kde [+o lauri] by ChanServ
20:10.13viking81a dalewj neviem
20:10.17viking81kua lauri je admin ?
20:10.17*** kick/#kde [viking81!~lauri@lauri.user] by lauri (User terminated!)
20:10.32laurimust fix my keybindings heh
20:10.52*** join/#kde viking81 (
20:10.52*** mode/#kde [-o lauri] by lauri
20:11.06viking81i´m back :)
20:11.13laurinow behave
20:11.24viking81what ?
20:11.38*** join/#kde At0mic_PC (
20:11.39Dhraakellian/ignore viking81
20:11.48viking81why ?
20:11.54Dhraakellianor not
20:12.02At0mic_PCsredna: That worked for me thanks.
20:12.02Dhraakelliannevermind... botched that command
20:12.12srednaAt0mic_PC: Cool :)
20:12.17At0mic_PCsredna: However artsplay didn't.
20:12.20At0mic_PCI used play instead.
20:12.37srednaAt0mic_PC: I think play is faster than artsplay
20:12.56At0mic_PCsredna: Where is the autostart list?
20:13.09viking81hi i´m johnny knoxville ... welcome to the jackass :)
20:13.12*** mode/#kde [+o PhilRod] by ChanServ
20:13.31lauriviking81: do you use KDE?
20:13.44viking81yes i see KDE
20:13.59laurithought about contributing to the translation teams?
20:14.11viking81but in my language mean KDE....where.... KDE=WHERE
20:14.11*** mode/#kde [-o PhilRod] by PhilRod
20:14.11laurithen you'd have a bunch of other KDE users to chat to in your own language too
20:14.33lauriyes, and in another language it's the name of a mountain, we know
20:14.41Dhraakellianhmm... let's see... to get into KDE 3.4, I'd just change the path to startkde in my .xinitrc, right?
20:14.43lauribut this channel is about the software KDE
20:14.54viking81and where is this mountain ?
20:15.11lauriI forget, actually ('sec while I go grep ktips and find out)
20:15.26srednaDhraakellian: In the principle, yes
20:15.35viking81how software is KDE ?
20:16.13*** join/#kde grivell (
20:16.31viking81uff...its for linux and unix ?
20:16.39lauriyou can go look at
20:16.48viking81heh i have cracked winxp :P
20:17.32viking81heh i hate linux :D
20:17.45laurithen, you probably shouldn't be in this channel
20:17.52viking81why :)
20:17.56viking81this is nice place
20:17.58*** join/#kde astro76 (~james@astro76.user)
20:18.05lauribecause it's a channel about KDE on linux and other unix like operating systems
20:18.14Dhraakellianviking81: more of a BSD person?
20:18.15viking81and ?
20:18.39viking81there is kind poeple :)))
20:18.47lauriand, that's what we talk about, and we obviously do like it, and if you have nothing to talk about with us, you will likely soon be bored, and do annoying things like trying to teach us the alphabet again
20:18.52lauriand then we won't be kind
20:19.08lauriso, you're welcome to be here, but please behave yourself if you stay
20:19.35viking81im "zaskodnik" :)
20:20.35viking81im from microsoft slovakia and i must crush linux rooms :)))
20:22.03cigathere will be no commit to KDE_3_4_0_BETA_1 for some time, right? Is this safe to use HEAD instead? it will be tagged as KDE_3_4_0_BETA_2 in february, right?
20:22.14lauriciga: yes
20:22.28viking81windows is the best ! :)
20:22.34cigalauri: which one to?
20:22.37lauriKDE_3_4_0-BETA_1 is a tag, not a branch, it won't change (it just marks a specific point in the development)
20:22.37viking81windows forever
20:22.44lauriviking81: now you're just being silly
20:22.50Dhraakellianviking81: yeah, but getting KDE to run on cygwin?
20:23.01viking81i dont understand :)
20:23.08DhraakellianI'll stick with *nix, where it's easier for me to run KDE
20:24.30*** join/#kde SuperLag_ (
20:24.42cigalauri: ic. but head is going to be tagged as beta2. so if I use head I'm a little bit closer to beta2, do i?
20:24.59viking81i love bill gates :D
20:25.18cigaviking81: that is your problem.
20:25.33*** join/#kde Alkis (
20:25.38viking81ciga....and your problem is...that you are pièa
20:26.55viking81ciga...are you woman ?
20:26.55Dhraakellianviking81: your problem is that you are an annoying little troll
20:26.56viking81Dhraakellian a ?
20:26.56cigaviking81:  you are nothing more, but one in my ignore list.
20:27.00*** join/#kde robin (
20:27.19viking81ty si taka pièa ¾e to a¾ boli !
20:27.33viking81fuck you all
20:27.53*** mode/#kde [+o lauri] by ChanServ
20:28.10*** mode/#kde [+b *!~peterdrgo@*] by lauri
20:28.11*** kick/#kde [viking81!~lauri@lauri.user] by lauri (User terminated!)
20:28.46lauriheh, konversation's banning buttons need a bit of work
20:29.19PhilRodI need to write an xchat command so I can get ops, ban someone, then deop with one command
20:29.42PhilRod(not that banning is often necessary, but when it is, it'd be nice to be able to do it quickly)
20:29.43lauriyeah, I can't figure out if konversation can take parameters in aliases
20:29.50*** mode/#kde [-o lauri] by lauri
20:30.13*** join/#kde benjamindees (
20:30.18*** join/#kde Hali_303 (
20:30.28Hali_303Hi! after emerging the new KDE, my K3B stopped working :( when i start it, it says "could not find mime type application/octet-stream", it says this a few times and then crashes. does anyone know how to solve this?
20:30.36cigalauri: is it the way I think with tagging?
20:30.42lauriciga: sorry, was distracted
20:30.55aseigoHali_303: did you restart kde since you updated?
20:31.03lauriyes, use HEAD it's what will be beta2, and then after that HEAD will be beta 3 and then after that HEAD will be ... you should be getting the idea here :)
20:31.07Hali_303aseigo, yes!
20:31.32cigalauri: yes, I know the release  plan.
20:31.38Hali_303how can I check the cause of the error?
20:31.46lauriciga: then what is your question?
20:31.49*** part/#kde At0mic_PC (
20:32.22cigalauri: you answered. I was a little confused, but now I am not.
20:32.44aseigoHali_303: ok... so a `kbuildsycoca --noincremental` won't do anything for you most likely... well, the problem is that the mimetype database is broken... do you have `kde-config --prefix`/share/mimelnk/application/octet-stream.desktop ?
20:32.58*** join/#kde siko (
20:34.11Hali_303yes i have such a file
20:34.45aseigoHali_303: you emerged 3.2? =)
20:34.47*** join/#kde Xero (
20:35.01Xerohow can i install kde 3.4
20:35.04Xeroon suse
20:35.51Hali_303this is what I have
20:37.01Xerowell suse installs kde in /opt
20:37.09Xerocan i use konstruct
20:37.40aseigoXero: there are actually suse packages available
20:37.47aseigoXero: of the beta, anyways
20:38.07*** join/#kde illissius (
20:38.12aseigoHali_303:  /usr/kde/3.2 <--- not 3.3?
20:38.26Xeroaseigo: well where can i get them
20:38.27aseigoHali_303: if you run `kde-config --prefix` from a konsole what does it say?
20:38.51PhilRodXero: they're probably linked from the release announcement page on
20:38.52aseigoXero:, pick a mirror, unstable/3.3.91/SuSE/ directory
20:39.13Hali_303it says /usr/kde/3.2
20:39.20BeineriXero: but they likely replace your current KDE installation
20:39.57*** part/#kde siko (
20:40.22aseigoHali_303: crazy. ok.. so it's in the right place then.
20:40.33aseigoBeineri: really? that would be somewhat surprising
20:40.40XeroBeineri: welll thats ok
20:40.52Beineriaseigo: let me donwload random package :-)
20:40.53XeroBeineri: is 3.4 any good?
20:41.01BeineriXero: it will (maybe ;-)
20:41.20Xerois it worth the upgrade
20:41.29Xeroi heard it has alot of new stuf
20:41.35Xeroa lot of new eye candy
20:41.43ciga3.3.91 is the beta one, right?
20:41.48Dhraakellianheh... cool.  plastik is officially the default now?
20:42.22aseigo(to both ciga and Dhraakellian )
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20:42.55Beineriaseigo: actually checking on ktown is faster, it installs to /opt/kde3
20:43.08aseigoreally. that sucks.
20:43.10Hali_303I try to restart KDE again and take a look at the KDE mime database then.. thank you!
20:43.31*** part/#kde Hali_303 (
20:44.06Beinerialso rpm names wouldn't install parallel installation
20:44.28aseigoah, right... yeah, that would be a bit of a difficulty
20:44.36Xeroso when will kde 3.4 become stable
20:44.38Beineris/install/allow/ :-
20:44.40cigarpm based distros does not able to do so
20:45.18cigaXero: not soon.
20:45.32Xerowell thank god i run suse
20:45.35Xeroeasy install
20:45.45Xerorpm -Uhv *.rom
20:47.00Xerohave yall seen crystal-gl
20:47.02Xeroits nice
20:47.16srednaBeineri: Let me know if you figure it out
20:47.42*** join/#kde terra1 (
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20:47.49Beinerisredna: without looking at the config dialog? :-)
20:47.59srednaBeineri: Just use it for a bit
20:48.06Xerowhy is wiki down
20:48.08Beinerisredna: but those files are not "editoed" anymore, I already saved the changes
20:48.23srednaBeineri: It lasts for your session
20:48.25BeineriXero: good question, next question ;-)
20:48.34XeroBeineri: just asking
20:48.37srednaBeineri: Unsaved files has a icon
20:48.57Beinerisredna: the Background shading dialog looks ugly btw
20:49.17Beinerisredna: right aligned, wrong checkbox capitalization style, no colons on labels
20:49.32srednaBeineri: Ok, I'll look at it
20:49.57Beinerior it's a 3 column grid where column 1 is empty?
20:50.26Beinerisredna: and disabling it, doesn't disables the next two lines
20:50.38srednaShould it?
20:51.12Beineriwell, sure. General/Meta-Information does so too :-)
20:51.40Beineriand indentation settings
20:52.06*** join/#kde AgarFu (
20:52.47BeineriXero: wiki will be back some time when it's more secured
20:53.19*** join/#kde sanish (
20:53.26srednaWell, I can see it has problems. Thanks, Beineri should be back also some time
20:54.02sanishcan someone me, im trying to make it so i dont have a virtua desktop bigger than my screen
20:54.14sanishis that done in kde or the xorg.conf
20:54.33srednaI find qt's groupboxes horrific btw. The worst windget in qt
20:56.09*** join/#kde Hali_303 (
20:56.19Hali_303hello! :) restarted KDE
20:56.26Renzesanish: that's done in xorg.conf
20:57.26sanishone more question
20:57.35Hali_303when I open a root terminal in KDE, i can start K3B! :) however, when starting K3B in a user terminal, it still gives the "mime type not found application/octet-stream" error in a dialog, while in the console, it writes "kio (KSycoca): WARNING: Found version 72, expecting version 75 or higher.
20:57.35Hali_303kio (KSycoca): WARNING: Outdated database found"
20:57.48sanishive been a gnom user for a while, but im kinda liking kde, what are the main differences
20:58.12*** join/#kde APunker (
20:58.25srednaHali_303: What is the value of KDEDIR (try 'echo $KDEDIR')?
20:58.27APunkerHello. How do I put a command line after KDE starts?
20:58.30hackeron_for konqueror's spell check functionality, is there any particular reason why you would choose ispell instead of aspell? (provided you have both)
20:58.49laurione's mostly written in C, using the gtk toolkit, by the gnome project -the other is mostly written in C++, using Qt toolkit, by the KDE project
20:59.13*** join/#kde The3_14ed|er (
20:59.16lauriand it just goes on from there (you could as easily ask "what's the difference between mac os and windows"
20:59.23lauriin many ways, nothing, in others, everything
20:59.46lauri(I'm not trying to avoid answering, I'm trying to explain why it's nearly impossible to answer with any degree of objectivity for most of us)
20:59.49*** join/#kde bietch (~gen@
20:59.54hackeron_sanish: gtk is free of charge to use on windows, qt is charged for on windows (free on linux).
20:59.55bietchheya all
21:00.05Hali_303sredna, /usr/kde/3.2
21:00.09laurithe main difference to me, is I like it, and I don't like GNOME :)
21:00.28cigalauri: this is what I wanted to say.
21:00.29sanishhah, i meant more in terms of functionality
21:00.32*** join/#kde The3_14ed|er (
21:00.33sanishsupport et
21:00.44srednaHali_303: There is your problem then. Prior to starting KDE, you should 'export KDEDIR=/usr/kde/3.3'
21:00.52laurithere's like hundreds of megs of sources
21:00.56srednaHali_303: How do you start KDE?
21:01.00laurimaking hundreds of megs of binaries
21:01.10hackeron_sanish: well, can you make your gnome look like this?
21:01.22lauricovering dozens (well over a hundred) entire applications
21:01.37laurieverything from terminal emulators to tea bag timer applets
21:01.41benjamindeesI have a few machines giving me klauncher problems lately... anybody seen this?
21:01.49lauriI can't answer your question, unless you have about 3 months to listen
21:01.58lauriother than "it's entirely different"
21:02.07hackeron_sanish: gnome-terminal doesnt work with irssi and is really unstable from my exprience, konsole absolutely kicks ass in all aspects :)
21:02.10lauriif you're using it, you can see for yourself
21:02.15sanishlauri, i have ime...
21:02.31lauriwell, I don't, unless you'd like to pay me a standard consulting fee :)
21:02.41laurijust.. use it for a while, you'll find the differences
21:02.45laurior ask specific answerable questions
21:02.56hackeron_sanish: nautilus doesnt have tabs :)
21:03.21hackeron_sanish: you also cant re-arrange the toolbars, remove other toolbars or toggle the menubars, scrollbars, etc. KDE is just so much more flexible.
21:03.52hackeron_sanish: Kontact allows you to design your own kaddressbook dialogs so you can remove the fields you dont want and add others. Nothing close to that functionality from evolution
21:04.04hackeron_sanish: there is really a very long list
21:04.26Hali_303sredna, but I'm using kde 3.2 as far as I know..
21:04.45Hali_303sredna, I have kde 3.2-r1 gentoo packages installed
21:05.10sanishwell, it seems like a good idea to give it a try for a bit
21:05.12cigaHali_303: hali :)  kde-config --version ?
21:05.14hackeron_Hali_303: I find kde 3.2 unstable. They pushed quite a bunch of stuff into it without debugging. Definitely update to 3.3
21:05.30*** join/#kde alnr (
21:05.34Hali_303Qt: 3.3.3
21:05.34Hali_303KDE: 3.2.3
21:05.34Hali_303kde-config: 1.0
21:06.22srednaHali_303: I thought you said you updated
21:06.40Hali_303yes, to 3.2 :)
21:06.49*** join/#kde snugglemonkey_ (
21:06.59Hali_303but i've just checked there are 3.3 packages for gentoo, so i'm updating for that now
21:07.12Hali_303I hope that will solve the problems
21:07.40The3_14ed|erthere are even 3.4_beta1 packages
21:07.45alnrin kmail when i send mail, the received-by header in the mail has an unexpected hostname ( where would the be coming from?
21:07.56The3_14ed|erboth the standard monolithic ebuilds and split ebuilds
21:08.18sanishuhh, i checked 'n' about the virtual screen being larger than my desktop but it still loads kds tht way
21:08.21sanishny ideas
21:09.10Hali_303thank you for your help!
21:09.34*** join/#kde mart_k (
21:14.04*** join/#kde Borg^Queen (~Borg^
21:14.20*** join/#kde PhilRod (
21:14.27Borg^QueenHi people. I have a request for an app that can slow down music without changing the pitch. Does such an app exist?
21:14.35Borg^QueenFor Linux that is
21:15.00Renzenoatun has a plugin for that
21:15.11*** join/#kde Frost^ (
21:15.13Borg^QueenNoatun changes the pitch
21:15.20Borg^Queensredna: for music?
21:16.25RenzeBorg^Queen: did you tick the checkbox at the bottom that says "preserve frequencies"?
21:17.24srednaBorg^Queen: It can adjust it in order to syncronize it with the video
21:17.36srednaBorg^Queen: I never tried to use it just for mucis though
21:17.57Borg^QueenRenze: where is this preserve thingy?
21:18.37RenzeBorg^Queen: Noatun, Actions menu, Toggle Speed Slider, bottom of that window
21:19.18Renzeit doesn't do a very good job, though
21:19.33Borg^QueenIt doesn't have it
21:19.55Renzeoh, that's right, you're still in 3.1 - I keep forgetting
21:20.27aseigoBorg^Queen: eventually you're just going to say "aw fuckit" and upgrade
21:20.46The3_14ed|erBorg^Queen is still using 3.1?
21:21.18Borg^Queen`ooops sorry, reflex
21:22.05*** join/#kde FrostByte_ (
21:24.10alnrmy outgoing kmail is getting stamped with Received: (kamil is using that in the HELO) where is it getting in the kmail settings for network I specified mybox.mydomain as the domain
21:24.54APunkerAnyone knows how to run apps. at KDE start time?
21:25.54srednaBeineri: I take it from your comment that using 'edited' is not good english. So I cange that label to 'Changed Documents' -- is that better?
21:26.04Rupert-Gileshow long does it take to compile QT
21:26.22srednaRupert-Giles: Depends on your CPU mainly
21:26.25laurihow long is a piece of string?
21:26.27aseigoRupert-Giles: 10 minutes to a few hours depending on hardware and config options
21:26.33srednaFrom 1 min to 10 hours :o
21:26.38Rupert-Giles1 min
21:26.51Borg^QueenAPunker: How do you mean? An app or a deamon?
21:26.52Beinerisredna: "Changed" could imo be also confused with "unsaved"...
21:26.56aseigolauri: one mm to severa kilometers depending on the size of the ball of string and where you cut it.
21:27.04Rupert-Gileswhat's the latest QT release?
21:27.11BeineriRupert-Giles: QuickTime?
21:27.12srednaBeineri: Hm, yes. Any better suggestion then?
21:27.18aseigosredna: where is this?
21:27.19Borg^QueenSooooo! does anyone know of a good app that plays music slower but doesn't change the pitch?
21:27.22AssociateXwhat is that annoying tool bar on the left side of konqueror called?
21:27.23lauriso aseigo, and what is the difference between a duck?
21:27.27*** join/#kde ponto (
21:27.44aseigoRupert-Giles: latest as in "latest qt3" or latest as in "latest qt4 snapshot"?
21:27.55Borg^QueenAssociateX: The annoying sidebar
21:28.01srednaaseigo: The label? It's for the color for the background shade for documents that was edited within the session in kates file list
21:28.21AssociateXBorg^Queen, yeah that one, what's it called. It has a name.
21:28.26chavoAssociateX, I call it closed.
21:28.29aseigolauri: it's a small bone that is lodged in the exact middle of said species. (ergo the "between" it is often referred to with)
21:28.43aseigosredna: Modified Files?
21:28.45lauriaseigo: no, the correct answer to that is "one of it's legs is both the same"
21:28.49laurimy grandpa told me
21:29.02srednaaseigo: Worse than changed I guess
21:29.03Beineriaseigo: they stay in this other color when you have saved changes
21:29.03aseigook, i bow to your grandpa
21:29.04AssociateXthe one that caused by and
21:29.12lauriI would, he was big and tough and stufff
21:29.27Borg^QueenAssociateX: I think it's called ksidebar
21:29.47srednaaseigo: Hm, or not, maybe
21:29.49aseigoBeineri: sredna: well, i don't think you're going to get a good english phrase for that under 5 words ..
21:29.53srednaI'll buy that
21:30.17srednaI'll put the 5 words in the whatsthis text
21:30.53Borg^QueenAssociateX: I don't know it that's the correct name for it. I think it is but I'm not sure.
21:31.05sarah03The one caused by rellinks? That's the document relations toolbar. It's also the only plugin that I religiously remove from Konqueror.
21:31.53lauriAssociateX: it's the rellinks toolbar
21:32.07laurior yeah, aka document relations
21:32.14AssociateXlauri, that's it I think, thanks
21:32.24sarah03That's the name that comes up on the toolbar when it appears.
21:32.30sarah03And refuses to go away.
21:32.36sarah03And did I mention refuses to go away?
21:32.51Borg^QueenThe guest that wouldn't leave.
21:32.56bietchThis program only works on SMP systems <-- what is does mean ?
21:33.06*** join/#kde benjamindees (
21:33.22aseigobietch: it only works on machines with more than one processor
21:33.31aseigobietch: though that's a very odd claim to make =)
21:34.09bietchthanks a lot aseigo
21:35.44Borg^QueenSymetrically Multi Processor thing
21:35.46*** join/#kde simonsim (
21:35.50simonsimhey all
21:35.58Borg^QueenOh hi
21:38.11Borg^QueenSuuuuWWWEEEET Linus, I've saved another one!
21:38.39Borg^QueenI shall no longer be a crack monkey she said as she feel to her knees and praised the code!
21:39.05bietchhow to compile c files ?
21:39.12bietchgcc -o example.c example ?
21:39.16Borg^QueenAND I put my source code upon her and said YES! You shall parse into the kingdom of stability and freedom!
21:39.23pontobietch:   gcc -o example example.c
21:39.31DhraakellianBorg^Queen: huh?
21:39.31Borg^QueenI've converted another whineDOH!s user to linux
21:39.50Borg^Queen`Hey, I'm a Nix-Vangelist
21:39.53simonsimhehehe..that is fun....more fun to get a Mac user to convert
21:39.54Beineriand now Kate crashed :-|
21:40.06srednaBeineri: Sorry.
21:40.08DhraakellianBorg^Queen: yet you're only on KDE 3.1.x?
21:40.12Borg^QueenMaybe she was tired
21:40.19Borg^QueenAye Dhraakellian and?
21:40.20Beinerisredna: I had everything saved :-)
21:40.27srednaGood :)
21:40.41Beinerisredna: while fast closing several files
21:40.56srednaBeineri: I know when it happens
21:41.12srednaBeineri: I'm trying to fix it
21:41.41Dhraakellianoh well
21:41.49Dhraakellianat least I wasn't ntfs fried
21:42.18Borg^QueenDhraakellian:  is a closet win95 user!
21:42.37*** join/#kde slayerbob (
21:43.09Borg^Queenhi bob
21:43.24slayerbobhiya Borg^Queen
21:44.15slayerboba cookie :P
21:44.41Borg^Queenbut your's isn't laced with poison
21:45.12sarah03I must have missed something between the 2 of you at some point previously.
21:45.19DhraakellianBorg^Queen: LIES!
21:45.36Borg^QueenDhraakellian: shut up man
21:45.47Borg^QueenI need more body parts
21:46.12slayerbobi only use secondary oses
21:46.16slayerbobis much safer that way :)
21:46.31Dhraakellianslayerbob: sounds pretty half-osed
21:46.31aseigoas in, "well, i never!"
21:46.47Borg^QueenWith a face like that, I believe it
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21:46.55slayerbobhiya aaron
21:46.58Borg^Queenhalf osed lol
21:47.19sarah03Hm. I run Windows from time to time. Mostly because I have to actually test web sites in that hunk of junk that gets shipped with it as a web browser.
21:47.19slayerboband Dhraakellian and sarah03
21:47.28slayerboband hi anyone else who might be lurking
21:47.56Borg^QueenBah humbug
21:48.01DhraakellianI only use Windows  when I'm not at my home computer
21:48.04Borg^QueenWhat's wrong with 3.4?
21:48.26Borg^QueenI use whineDOH! all the time, the cds make great coasters
21:48.28DhraakellianBorg^Queen: mainly that I'm just looking at the config stuff
21:48.34slayerbobi only use windows when i am running computer games that do not work in linux
21:48.40DhraakellianI'm pondering actually restarting X with my main user
21:48.57slayerbobyou are pondering restarting X ? :P
21:49.00DhraakellianUnreal Tournament
21:49.07slayerbobyeah ut2k4 is good :P
21:49.08Dhraakellian'sall you need
21:49.14sarah03I've got a Win95 coaster sitting down here, and I've got a Win2k cd here that I use as a coaster from time to time...
21:49.15slayerbobnah need me strategy games
21:49.31slayerboband afail nothing that runs under linux is as nice as rise of nations
21:49.35Dhraakellianslayerbob: yeah. restarting X
21:49.44Borg^Queensarah03: you actually have a win95 cd?
21:49.49Dhraakellianusing kde 3.4 as this user
21:49.53Dhraakelliannot as a test user
21:49.55sarah03Borg^Queen: Yup.
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21:50.23DhraakellianI think my grandma's old laptop has win95 on it
21:50.26sarah03Dhraakellian: I'm using kde3.4b1 as my main user... granted, I've also got ~/.kde3.4 and ~/.qt-kde3.4 which get symlinked before X starts.
21:50.34Borg^QueenI have one because I'm in the business. And get this, the cd is blue.
21:50.44Dhraakelliansarah03: yeah, I'm a gentoo user, and gentoo does that
21:50.48sarah03Oh, I've got one floating around that's blue.
21:51.05Borg^QueenTalk about fore shadowing the future
21:51.06Dhraakellianit's just that I'm not sure if I want to take the penalty in idlerpg
21:51.07sarah03The one I'm referring to is an actual Win95 cd, though.
21:51.08slayerbobi think my win95 upgrade cd is blue
21:51.27JustinSg'day .. My login screen is supposed to have little icons next to the log in areas, but it's just a little gray area about 1/4 inch wide .. Is there something I can do in kde to get that back? (I'm running Gentoo so I may not have emerge'ed something it would need) ..
21:51.29*** part/#kde alnr (
21:51.36sarah03It makes a wonderful coaster. :)
21:51.47DhraakellianI use floppies
21:51.54Dhraakellianwell, no, I don't
21:52.00Dhraakellianthis mug is too big for floppies
21:52.05DhraakellianI use a paper towel
21:52.08slayerbobi use a table
21:52.28sarah03Dhraakellian: BTW, I'm also on Gentoo. It doesn't do anything nice with ~/.qt, but since I'm not using kdm [multiple X server configurations that I change through occasionally].
21:52.28JustinSI use the bottom of my glass ..
21:52.32lauriI usually use a nice cork coaster
21:52.35slayerbobalthough i see it needs cleaning at the moment - looks like our guests split stuff on it :P
21:52.57lauribut today I am using the 10 odd pages of proofreading updates I got handed at work on the way out the door on friday
21:52.59Rupert-Gilesanyone got a readme for installing 3.4
21:53.36lauriand being uncharacteristically clumsy about slopping my coffee on them too (feh on unending rewrites of previously approved text)
21:53.36BeineriRupert-Giles: Konstruct has a README file ;-)
21:53.39Rupert-Gilessarah03 thanks
21:53.41Rupert-Gilesok cool
21:53.42slayerbobit was sitting on two sawhorses
21:53.52slayerbobwas a darned good desk too :P
21:54.08slayerbobeven had a convenient hole for putting the cables through :P
21:54.10Dhraakellianmy dad's desk is a finished door
21:54.23Dhraakellianwell, a door with a finish
21:54.23sarah03My desk is a microwave cart.
21:54.24slayerbobaren't there some humans in the collective Borg^Queen ?
21:54.35DhraakellianI don't think it has the hole for the doorknob
21:54.54Dhraakellianmine does, and it makes it much easier for getting cords up
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21:55.16Borg^Queenslayerbob: no, we tossed them out after that "Beavus and Buttborg" incident
21:55.25srednaBeineri: Are you changing my file while I'm fixing the issues you pointed out to me?!
21:55.45Beinerisredna: mhm, yes
21:55.56slayerbobnow i have a proper desk that i almost never use because canllaith has given me a notebook :)
21:56.07slayerboband installed kde on it for me :)
21:56.15Borg^Queensarah03:  rotfl
21:56.22srednaBeineri: Then it'll take longer
21:56.50Beinerisredna: I don't think that it will conflict in these three lines...
21:56.54slayerbobsay what ?
21:56.57lauriand if i'm not about, please log it for me
21:57.03srednaBeineri: Hopefully not :)
21:57.11slayerbobi *have* said that when she is about :P
21:57.38srednaBut I still need to check once more
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21:58.22Beinerisredna: sorry :-)
21:58.35srednaAck :)
21:59.06slayerbobDhraakellian: you kept that link for 7 years ?
21:59.24Dhraakellianslayerbob: no
21:59.40DhraakellianI just used the storyline dropdown box
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22:03.33Borg^QueenWell I'm off to destroy. BBL
22:04.09*** join/#kde dipesh (
22:04.11dipeshhi all
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22:06.33pankey_im using kde 3.4 beta1 and sound system says it cant find nothing...i have no arts emerged...should i get arts?
22:07.13pankey_wat about multiple streams? use artswrapper?
22:07.14*** part/#kde JustinS (
22:07.32pankey_and sumtin else...artssuid i think
22:10.18PhilRodartswrapper just lets arts get realtime priority
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22:10.53pankey_somebody told me use that for multiple streams at once
22:11.10pankey_i've used no arts and alsa + dmix in the past
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22:19.07srednaBeineri: So, we DID get a conflict
22:19.24srednaBeineri: How am I supposed to make those label, capitalized or not?
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22:19.41srednaBeineri: Becuse it seems that no matter what I do, someone changes it to the other
22:20.07lippellauri: ping
22:20.38slayerboblippel: pong
22:20.46slayerboblooks like a routing problem there
22:23.17sanishXMMS is forzen, how do i kill it/
22:23.19laurilippel: yes?
22:23.41lippellauri: do you know if anybody already started working on an akregator handbook?
22:23.44laurisanish: ctrl-alt-esc, click on it with the xkill cursor (then go check in a konsole that it's really dead)
22:23.45yansanmokillall xmms
22:23.57laurilippel: not that I know of
22:24.27lauriI put a little stub in there, so people know their khelpcenter isn't broken, there really is no doc for it
22:25.10lauriif you want to write a real one, that'd be great (I suggest dropping a note to pmax, to let him know too)
22:26.07lippellauri: nah, i have to fix the bugs in the code first ;-)
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22:26.50lauriyou sredna was there a problem with the in kate recently?
22:26.56laurilike, today sometime
22:28.24srednaI wonder if it wouldn't be more sane for me to find something else to do
22:28.43srednaBut yes, I did get and read themail, and I also committed the missing file
22:29.14srednaSo if you wonder if I knew, I wonder if you didn't notice that it was fixed.
22:29.57lauriheh, sorry, we are going through the build cluster logs, and I didn't understand the error I have at all, and it looked like a build order one, not a missing file
22:30.58DhraakellianI hid the kasbar
22:31.02srednaI just feel unsufficient, depresssed, sick and bad. So I'm the one who's sorry.
22:31.03Dhraakellianand I can't find it anymore
22:31.19laurisredna: nono, don't, you are highly appreciated and most beloved
22:31.33srednaThank you, what worms :)
22:32.01lauriand the only reason i ask you directly, you give me straight answers :)
22:32.06srednaOk :)
22:32.12srednaI can live with that
22:33.57lauriand, you're right here, conveniently (and I really didn't understand this log - to be sure we're talking about the same thing, it's the .upd file that you added today that fixes it?)
22:34.03bietchwhat is OMG UML ? i already google for it..and now i confused :/
22:34.17lauriwell, make needs taking out and being shot sometimes for it's obtuse error messages
22:34.37slayerbobwell omg usually is "oh my god" and uml usually is "universal markup language" or some similar variant
22:34.47*** join/#kde agiofws ( - Unified Modeling Langage
22:34.54Beinerisredna: labels are to be written in sentence capitalization style
22:35.05bietchwhat is different between UML and OMG ?
22:35.16bietchthat things make me confused
22:35.21srednaBeineri: The old guide is unclear, so thank you
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22:35.27slayerboblauri: i am allowed to be wrong :P
22:35.35agiofwscan someone tell me how many hours kdelibs package compilation will take?
22:35.38lauriof course you are :)
22:35.39laurime too
22:35.43slayerbobwhich is just as well really, given how often i am :P
22:35.45lauriI'm just gladder when it's not me :)
22:35.52bietchi thought OMG is Object Management Group
22:35.54StevenRagiofws: depends what your system is
22:35.56lauriOMG is "object management group"
22:35.57Dhraakellianwhere is that kasbar?
22:36.04lauriso I guess it's like saying "W3C HTML"
22:36.09lauribut funnier looking
22:36.12agiofwsStevenR:  300mhz 196mb ram?
22:36.22bietchlauri: so what is different between UML and OMG ?
22:36.29StevenRagiofws: a while..couple of hours maybe
22:36.35laurione's an organization
22:36.38laurione's a markup language
22:36.45yansanmoomg is the organisation, uml a modeling language
22:36.47Dhraakellianis anyone else having trouble with kasbar hiding in 3.4?
22:36.50agiofwsits taking more
22:37.13StevenRagiofws: oh well
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22:38.18bietchso OMG is function over UML ?
22:38.40yansanmoOMG is the organization that made the UML specification<
22:38.42bietchOMG is the software or what ?
22:38.44bietchcrap..i confused now
22:38.48bietch*i am
22:38.53bietchowh ok
22:38.55yansanmoOMG is like IEEE, Microsoft,  W3C..
22:39.27yansanmoISO, IEC, ...
22:39.29bietchyansanmo: where do know about it ? any website can tell me clearly about OMG others than ?
22:39.49yansanmoI already tell you -
22:40.01fred87"OMG is like IEEE, Microsoft,  W3C.." <<< why is microsoft in that list?
22:40.23bietchyansanmo: yeah i already read that site..that is why i told you im confused
22:40.50bietchnah..that is good!
22:40.50yansanmoonly to disting omg from a computer program/langage.. it's more like a company. but it's an organisation
22:40.51bietchthanks a lot
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22:41.16yansanmoconsortium in reallity
22:41.46bietchdoes consortium and organisation is the same thing ?
22:42.04yansanmoconsortium is a group of organisation/company
22:42.35sanishwhat commanhow do i add an item to the task bar
22:42.37srednaThat has b0rk3d web design
22:42.53srednaIt works if I say I'm wget :p
22:43.35bietchhmm okie doki
22:43.38bietchlove u =)
22:44.16Dhraakellianhow do I turn off these confounded tooltip things in kicker?
22:45.03yansanmosredna: work for me with konqueror.. but they have maybe an infinite loop in their scripts
22:45.25srednayansanmo: The getting stardet page simply reloads infinitely
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22:45.39srednayansanmo: They use last century technology :p
22:45.44srednaNot that encouraging
22:45.56Dhraakellianmethinks kicker just doesn't want to cooperatewith me
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22:46.05srednaDhraakellian: Why don't you try look in the config dialog..
22:46.28Dhraakelliansredna: I did
22:46.43Dhraakellianoh, sure. now it decides to not show them
22:47.09srednaSo you found the option?
22:47.15Dhraakellianand it was the icon zooming
22:47.44srednaSvg wallpapers are pretty, but boy is it slow
22:47.58DhraakellianI thought I had disabled both of them earlier too
22:48.06srednaIt would be smart to cache them...
22:48.15yansanmomy god, I opened the Javascript debugger and I can't close it now..
22:49.40Dhraakellianhow does one get the svg wallpapers?
22:49.54sanishis there a graphical place to edit user perms
22:50.25srednaDhraakellian: Download some and select them
22:50.35srednasanish: Kuser
22:50.40srednasanish: The kdeadmin module
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23:00.28Dhraakellianit seems to respond to changes made from context menu > configure panel
23:00.37Dhraakellianbut not from the same thing in kcontrol
23:01.19sanishwhat kind of permissions do  i need to give the user so that its safe to be on the net with and he can read/write him home dir
23:01.56srednasanish: Which system are you running?
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23:03.14srednasanish: If you are using it as a workstation, you shuould stick to it's defaults unless you have a specific reason no to
23:03.36sanishthe defalts are messd up
23:03.36StevenRsanish: defaults are fine for slack 10.
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23:03.55Dhraakellianapplet handles have a border on the left side
23:04.03StevenRsanish: what's screwed up? which permissions?
23:04.07agiofwsdoes kdebase take more time to compile than kdelibs?
23:04.09sanishsomehow i took write away from the user for him home dir
23:04.17sanishso i cant login to X
23:04.20StevenRsanish: well chmod it back then
23:04.22*** part/#kde Beineri (~Beineri@binner.kde)
23:05.23srednasanish: Does the user own his home directory?
23:05.32sanishwhat do you mean
23:05.41StevenRsanish: chmod 711 /home/userdir
23:05.50agiofwsdoes kdebase take more time to compile than kdelibs?
23:06.08sanishwhy 711?
23:06.13StevenRagiofws: heard you the first time. answers is probably
23:06.23srednasanish: If you do 'ls -ld ~/' in a terminal, does it say the correct username and group?
23:06.46sanishthank guys
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23:08.17agiofwsStevenR:  does this work ./configure && make && make install
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23:08.34Rupert-Gilesmaybe it was a bad idea to build all
23:09.04srednaagiofws: Given you have permissions to install in your target directory, it's similar to ./configure && make install
23:09.24srednaMh, it is about similar, and it works if you have permissions
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23:09.39srednaAll of what?
23:10.03agiofwssredna: why do you miss is needed isn't it?
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23:10.44srednaagiofws: Make will build before it installs, it is soooo smat :-)
23:10.54srednaUnlike me...
23:11.22*** join/#kde Dhraakellian (
23:11.34agiofwssredna:  naturally thats why i asked why should you install before you build?
23:12.01agiofwssredna:  naturally thats why i asked why should you install before you build(compile)?
23:12.09srednaagiofws: 'make' will build if nessecary when you issue 'make install'
23:13.29agiofwssredna:  they don't say that when building kde packages
23:13.38Rupert-Gilesxmkmf wtf
23:14.38srednaagiofws: Sorry. I didn't mean to confuse you :)
23:14.42jepel_tailweaverI feel dirty if I do make install by itself
23:14.55jepel_tailweaverit violates the sacred ./configure && make && sudo make install trinity
23:15.07srednaagiofws: './configure && make && make install' is fine. It will only stop when one of the steps fails.
23:15.07Rupert-Gileswhat is xmkmf
23:16.05Rupert-Gileshmmm anyone know where to get it
23:16.38sredna$ man man
23:16.39agiofwssredna:  if i do './configure && make && make install' as root will this affect running new kde as  user?
23:17.12srednaagiofws: Not apart from using resources during the process
23:17.28agiofwssredna: define?
23:17.34srednaagiofws: However, it is common to do the configure and make as a common user, and then su or sudo to install
23:18.14srednaagiofws: Personally, I never got to use sudo, so I'd do './configure && make && su -c "make install"'
23:18.20PhilRodagiofws: you might also like to install your new version of KDE in a different prefix, so that it doesn't interfere with your old KDE version
23:18.32srednaagiofws: Then I'd have to be there to provide a root password for the install
23:18.33PhilRod(./configure --prefix=/some/other/prefix)
23:18.37agiofwssredna:  yeah i know but because cmpiling takes ages on my 300mhz machine i would like to do it all in one  so i build install configure as root is this ok?
23:18.50srednaagiofws: Is't fully ok
23:19.00agiofwshope so :)
23:19.27agiofwsjust wish i could speed up the proccess
23:19.32srednaagiofws: If you want to be able to use your PC during the process, do something like 'nice -n 10 ./configure && amke && amke install'
23:19.39srednaMake, make
23:19.43bietchwhy i cant save the files from linux into mounted windows ? root permission ?
23:20.13agiofwssredna:  i do i just swith to another terminal with alt f keys...right?
23:20.14kikovbietch, ntfs? vfat?
23:20.30srednabietch: Depends on the windows fs in question, and how it was mounted
23:20.39srednaIs it mounted rw?
23:20.59bietchsredna: i dont have any idea about it
23:21.06Rupert-Gilesooo fixe
23:21.22srednabietch: Try 'mount' in a terminal to see
23:21.47Dhraakellianquestion: how many kde apps am I going to have to reinstall to get them to work correctly under 3.4?
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23:22.01bietch/dev/hda1 on /home/genetics/windows1 type vfat (rw)
23:22.02bietch/dev/hda5 on /home/genetics/windows2 type vfat (rw)
23:22.02bietch/dev/hdb1 on /home/genetics/windows3 type vfat (rw)
23:22.02bietch/dev/hdb5 on /home/genetics/windows4 type vfat (rw)
23:22.05Dhraakellian(3.3 and 3.4 are installed to different directories)
23:22.09bietchah sorry about the *pasting*
23:22.11bietchsorry KDE
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23:22.49bietchDhraakellian: make sure you have enough memory to see it :p
23:23.12Dhraakellianbietch: really really long ctcp version reply?
23:23.44bietchDhraakellian: really ?
23:23.52PhilRodbietch: looks like the mount options are OK - can you write to the filesystem as root?
23:23.58Dhraakellianbietch: nm
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23:24.30bietchPhilRod: ok...trying
23:26.12PhilRod*yawn* sleep time
23:26.18bietch[root@owned study]# mv /home/genetics/windows4/Fc3/kde/
23:26.19bietchmv: cannot create regular file `/home/genetics/windows4/Fc3/kde/':Permission denied
23:27.06bietcharr..i cant mv , but i can cp
23:27.33agiofwsbietch:  thats strange
23:27.46agiofwswhat are kde perms?
23:28.00bietchagiofws: asking me sir ?
23:28.15agiofwsyeah you
23:28.16yansanmoyou can move the file if you can remove the file in the current dir...
23:29.40bietchagiofws: i dont what is "perms" there
23:29.42yansanmoor if you have write (4) access to the directory
23:29.44hackeron_after upgrading to KDE3.4 beta1, juk just hangs on startup saying "Items Loaded: 0" - any ideas?
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23:31.11pankey`ok i founds the problem
23:31.14bietcharr..anyway thanks a lot yansanmo / agiofws
23:31.20pankey`if it is in fact a problem...
23:31.58pankey`kde that isnt compiled --with-arts cant set its sound...only goes to 'Auto detect'
23:32.10agiofwsbietch:  permisions
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23:32.17pankey`but if arts is present, and the kde* still isnt compiled with --with-arts, all is well
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23:38.56bietchah..why this button software is not the freeware..
23:38.59bietchduh~ :(
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23:46.09MaxeyPadI have a saitek p220 game controller (usb) how would I go about configuring it in kde (is there a tool for this basically)
23:46.41Dhraakellianokay... I think I'm going to go back to kde 3.3
23:47.01pankey`Dhraakellian, ?
23:47.16DhraakellianI haven't explored much of 3.4, but kicker is annoying me enough that I don't really feel like bothering with it right now
23:47.29pankey`the hovers?
23:47.39pankey`yes those are kinda huge and annoying :s
23:48.03Dhraakellianwell, I disabled those
23:48.05agiofwsDhraakellian:  why is kicker bothering you?
23:48.17pankey`erhm...can that be turned off?
23:48.41Dhraakellianwell, kasbar seems to not want to cooperate
23:48.55Dhraakellian(I can't unhide it, for example)
23:49.44DhraakellianI can't have applet handles visible without having an unsightly white line to the left of each handle
23:49.50Dhraakellian(transparent kicker)
23:50.13Dhraakellianmaybe I'm just overreacting
23:51.00pankey`can it?
23:51.01Dhraakellianeither way, coming back to it when I'm in a better mood might be a good idea
23:51.04pankey`i dont see notin
23:51.17pankey`Renze, heh
23:51.22DhraakellianRenze: because we've been spoiled?
23:51.33Dhraakellianin teh Appearance tab
23:51.33pankey`:P how true
23:51.41Dhraakellian"Enable Icon Zooming"
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23:51.46pankey`i have that
23:51.49pankey`thats it?
23:51.59Dhraakellianbecause I've been running amaroK cvs with mostly good results
23:52.00pankey`before it just used to zoom the icon
23:52.03Dhraakellianand only the occasional crash?
23:52.27RenzeDhraakellian: KDE is ever so slightly larger and more complicated than amaroK :)
23:52.31Dhraakellianit's just htat frame of mind
23:52.39DhraakellianRenze: yes... still
23:52.43pankey`dam...why'd that change :|
23:53.05pankey`maybe it can be configured in final :)
23:53.21Dhraakellianpankey`: yeah
23:53.42pankey`cuz those "zoom in's" are HUGE
23:53.44DhraakellianI haven't actually tested out much other stuff with KDE
23:54.01Dhraakellianpankey`: and distracting
23:54.02pankey`im happy about the gentoo split ebuilds :D:D
23:54.07pankey`Dhraakellian, totally
23:54.17MrGrimwoo juk now supports cover images yay :D
23:54.32pankey`we is like kids ina candy store :P
23:54.36DhraakellianMrGrim: as does amaroK
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23:54.58Dhraakelliana kid in the candy store wondering why the black twizzlers don't taste as good as the red ones
23:55.39MrGrimDhraakellian: I knew amarok does, but I was waiting for the better jukebox program to have them
23:55.41MrGrimand now it does :)
23:55.43Dhraakellianjepel_tailweaver: an audio player in extragear
23:55.59Dhraakellianbah! I say!
23:56.47pankey`have fun :)
23:56.51pankey`im gonna clean my room
23:57.00jepel_tailweaveramaroK looks hardcore
23:57.32jepel_tailweaverJuK is ok
23:58.42Dhraakellianthe only thing that I prefer really prefer about JuK is the multiline comments field in the tag editor
23:59.17pankey`amarok looks nice
23:59.23*** join/#kde ^JM^ (~kvirc@
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23:59.57pankey`bye ^_^
23:59.59^JM^can anyone help me?

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