irclog2html for #kde on 20050105

00:00.34*** join/#kde darkschneider (
00:01.20darkschneiderhi, someone can say me where kde keep user spefici settings, i'm particulary intrested to kmail files, since i just upgraded kde and it lost all my settings (filters and such you now)
00:01.38darkschneideri do not see them in my home dir
00:01.56darkschneiderahh me stupid :)
00:02.10slackd00d= P
00:02.15darkschneidertx, i'll ckeck now, maybe youknwo where kmail specificallt keep them
00:02.30darkschneider(heeh was slack to.. moved to gentoo 2 days agoo)
00:03.04slackd00d/home/user/.kde/share/apps/kmail not sure
00:03.08darkschneidertx tx
00:03.50slackd00dya...thats right
00:03.52darkschneiderit's rigth, tx
00:04.01slackd00dno problemo
00:04.43darkschneidernow i just have to wonder how to merge old conf with new
00:04.54darkschneider:) sad kde do not this automatically...
00:05.26darkschneideri just noted it just renamed my old .kde to .kde.backup.. trashing all settings
00:07.57darkschneiderahh, another question goglee was vague on, witch is the kdm configuration file, and there is a way to use the nice control panel configurator for it outside kde?
00:09.42Renzedarkschneider: $KDEDIR/share/config/kdm/
00:09.46*** join/#kde Viper168 (
00:09.50darkschneiderRenze: tx
00:10.27Viper168hey, I've switched monitors and get a bunch of sigsegvs, any ideas on how I'm supposed to make kde happy?
00:11.57VensonViper168: what are the errors you get and when? paste them on and a link here
00:12.15*** join/#kde FinalStrike (~FinalStri@
00:13.42Viper168well, I'd hsave to try and recreate one
00:13.48Viper168give me a bit
00:13.48Vensondo it
00:16.09Viper168not sure, it just keeps giving me signal 11
00:16.45Vensonwe need *some* information to go on...did you reconfigure X after you changed the monitor?
00:16.58Vensonwhat distro are you using?
00:17.09Viper168yes, I had to of course
00:17.39Viper168could it just be something off a little, like refresh?
00:17.42Vensonok. i don't think this is a kde issue...rather an issue with X. Can you launch other desktops/WMs?
00:17.51Viper168let's see
00:18.41Viper168fluxbox does fine
00:19.06Viper168all of the signal 11s are coming from things starting with k
00:19.16Vensonok...give me atleast one error here
00:19.28Viper168I can recreate it starting up ksysguard, when I close it, it throws it at me then
00:19.52Viper168with backtrace?
00:20.05FinalStrikemaybe pressing the CTRL+ALT+F6, log in as root and do the "xorgconfig" command, saving the changes, return to thee F2 with ALT+F2 and then, pressing the CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE should work.
00:22.42*** join/#kde smelC (
00:22.47darkschneidermm look like i can0t find a way to merge old kmail files with my new kmail, any ideas on how to just move my "identity" from old kde to new
00:23.04*** part/#kde smelC (
00:23.42*** join/#kde doctorwhite (
00:24.50FinalStrikesomeone is testing the kde 3.4 alpha?(a stupid question in the chan.. but hust to know if it is a litte more stable...)
00:26.55qazixFinalStrike: wait 'til later.. there's someone here who uses KDE head regularly. o_O
00:27.11qazixdunno about 3.4 alpha though
00:27.21FinalStrikeman... when i read the roadmap and the resources that will be in the version
00:27.23FinalStrikei fainted
00:27.35FinalStrikeman... it is AWESOME!
00:29.13*** join/#kde guhvies (
00:29.16FinalStrike* qazix googles <<< lol. it is not "*qazix giggles"?
00:29.32qazixno, I actually went to google to search for the kde 3.4 roadmap ;p
00:30.14qazixlooks somewhat exciting, but not that much. maybe I need a condensed version though,
00:31.11TronicMy only wish is a good file dialog.
00:31.30qazixwhat's wrong with the current one? it's far more usable than GNOME's, IMO.
00:31.48TronicYes, but I was talking about a good one. Copy the Microsoft one if you must.
00:32.15Renzemickeysoft's file dialog is terrible
00:32.25darkschneiderok there is way to prevent the conf wizard of remobing your old .kde dir when you start a with a new kde version
00:32.43TronicIt (the W2k version) is not perfect, but it is far better than any of the UNIX variants.
00:32.55darkschneiderremobing/removing (sorry for all my typos... i knowit's ineducated.. but a lil tired)
00:33.18DLightmanI just added a _ton_ of people to my address book, now I go to add them to my buddy list.  I have to type all the contact information in all over again?  Can't it pick up the IM addresses from what I entered in the address book?
00:35.56*** join/#kde dec0ding (~binarian@
00:38.44*** join/#kde Sho__ (
00:40.02*** join/#kde sarah03 (
00:46.58*** join/#kde doctorwhite (
00:47.02*** join/#kde StevenR (
00:47.44aseigoDLightman: are you using Kopete?
00:48.02DLightmannot for IRC, using Konversation here
00:48.22DLightmanI just finished adding all those entries into Kopete by hand just now
00:48.47aseigoDLightman: which app were ou referring to when you said "go to add them to my buddy list"?
00:49.23aseigowhich version?
00:50.46aseigobecause in 3.3 it gained addressbook integration
00:51.02DLightmanyes, there is..  sort of
00:51.06aseigowhen you go to Add A Contact, make sure the "Use the KDE Address Book for this contact" is checked
00:51.13DLightmanyes, I do that
00:51.20aseigothen you select the entry, and it fills in the name...
00:51.28DLightmanbut it won't automatically add their IM addresses from the address book
00:51.35DLightmanI had to do it manually
00:51.43aseigoah ... hrm... let me see if it does that in 3.4 =)
00:53.42*** join/#kde s3phiroth (
00:54.10s3phirothcan anyone tell me if there's a kbd shortcut to change tabs in KDE apps ?!
00:54.53aseigoDLightman: hrm. it doesn't... at least not since my last cvs update, and i'm a bit behind there... let me update and see =)
00:55.41DLightmanyou don't have to go through all that trouble, I was just wondering if I was doing something wrong :P
00:56.02aseigono... i should make sure this gets fixed though =)
01:01.26DLightmanargh..  now that's annoying.  With a tabbed window in Kopete, if I resize the window then switch to another tab, it goes back to the old size
01:02.47RenzeDLightman: that's a known bug, and I suspect it has been fixed
01:03.11sarah03s3phiroth: If it's not already bound globally to "Change desktop", ctrl+tab usually does the job.
01:03.36DLightmanthings are shaping up nicely though, not too long ago, Kopete was much worse off
01:03.44s3phirothsarah03:'s not doing anything (and it's not bound to anything else)
01:04.40s3phirothfound it...
01:05.40*** join/#kde imperito (
01:05.40sarah03I remember Kopete being quite the pain in the ass not all that long ago.
01:06.24aseigoRenze: no, it hasn't
01:06.27*** join/#kde FrostByte (
01:06.32aseigoRenze: i'm discussing it with the developers atm =)
01:06.36DLightmannow it's pretty good :)  I don't know if the problems I'm having with yahoo is yahoo's fault, me not being able to remember my password, or Kopete's fault though
01:06.37Renzeah, ok :)
01:07.59sarah03DLightman: I haven't had many problems with Kopete's yahoo protocol except for the occasional disconnection and the fact that it wants to hork incredibly badly all over anything that gets sent to me with formatting in it.
01:11.02aseigoDLightman: i believe there was an update to the yahoo plugin for 0.9.1 ... it works with 0.9.2 though
01:11.20*** part/#kde s3phiroth (
01:16.05*** join/#kde mathieujobin (
01:16.20*** join/#kde Alethes_ (pennywise@alethes.user)
01:17.16jepel_tailweaverhey Alethes_
01:17.25jepel_tailweaverhey Renze sarah03
01:17.34*** join/#kde Viper168 (
01:17.40Renzehey jt
01:18.20jepel_tailweaverhey jt
01:18.37Viper168when I try to run glxinfo I get "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
01:18.40Viper168Xlib: No protocol specified
01:18.40Viper168Error: unable to open display (null)"
01:18.55*** join/#kde chavo (~chavo@
01:19.31Viper168it's been forever since I've touched that stuff, how do I get it to play nicely again?
01:20.22aseigoViper168: are you running it as a user other than the one logged in?
01:22.35Viper168er... I think so
01:23.51Viper168wait... maybe I forgot... ugh, I'll stab myself if I did
01:23.52*** join/#kde dec0ding (~binarian@
01:24.17Viper168one moment