irclog2html for #kde on 20041028

00:00.28*** join/#kde grahl04 (~jhg@
00:00.39Oleg_I personally think kde is fast and beautiful
00:01.00Oleg_I think kde's only major problem is that it has too many bugs
00:01.30fred87w00t! fixed my rss feed :)
00:01.56kdetestsay my name, say my naaame
00:02.10aseigo_workhahaha.. kdetest! whopp whoop
00:02.59Oleg_oh I forgot one thing to mention
00:03.16Renzekdetest is my beeyotch
00:03.20Oleg_They say kde is slow even on a 1 Ghz machine
00:04.52Oleg_I don't know why it is considered cool to bash kde
00:05.37bryanthey do?
00:05.38annmaOleg_: so why do you still insist on all that?
00:05.46annmawhat do you try to achieve?
00:05.53*** join/#kde RichiH (richih@richih.staff.freenode)
00:05.59annmaif you have a specific problem then state it
00:06.16Renzeit's weird seeing only half a conversation :)
00:07.19Oleg_annma: I'm just not sure how they define slow and fast
00:07.43Oleg_annma: if for them 3 seconds is slow, then kde is slow
00:07.48annmaSTOP it
00:07.55Oleg_annma: but if 3 second is fast, kde is fast
00:08.03annmajust shut up ok
00:08.29illogic-alI guess I missed something somewhere.
00:10.13*** join/#kde [x]illogic-al (~illogic-a@illogic-al.user.konversation)
00:12.38Oleg_If annma permits me to say it, I wanna say that I still get an error while trying to configure xcompmgr
00:12.54annmaOleg_: ask in the correct channel
00:13.01annmais xcompmgr kde?
00:13.20illogic-alannma: how do you load up big modules like kdebase and kdelibs in kdevelop?
00:13.21Oleg_I already said many times that people in #xorg don't know how to help me
00:13.26nmatrix_9is there any possiblity to recover anything in a ext3 filesystem?
00:13.35annmaillogic-al: I don't :>
00:13.51Oleg_and only one person responded me anyway
00:13.52annmaOleg_: please then ask elsewhere but not there
00:13.53fred87oleg_, that doesn't mean "ask in #kde"
00:13.59Renzenmatrix_9: not after you've left the filesystem mounted so long
00:14.10annmanmatrix_9: same for you, you should ask your distro
00:14.24annmaor a general linux channel
00:14.25Oleg_oh my God, I'm getting scared that I will be banned from here
00:14.35annmajust shut up
00:14.36Oleg_I don't wanna be banned
00:14.48*** join/#kde dec0ding (~binarian@
00:15.12annmaillogic-al: I don't know if other devels load it all in kdevelop
00:15.31annmaI use Kate so I can mess the encoding
00:15.36illogic-ali wanna find a way to exclude certain directories
00:15.39Oleg_annma: don't be so hard on me
00:15.44Oleg_annma: please!
00:15.46illogic-allike most of 'em :-)
00:15.52annmaillogic-al: lol
00:16.03annmawhy don't you just use kate+konsole?
00:17.36illogic-ali like being able to move through everything in one window
00:17.50illogic-althat and the integrated grep
00:17.59illogic-alwell, the grep more than anything :-)
00:18.52annmayeah, i am tired of grepping in konsole
00:18.54Oleg_I'm playing ksirtet
00:19.00annmagrep eats some resources
00:19.23annmaalthought grep is the devel Ace of Spades
00:19.43Renzesed is kinda handy too
00:20.44annmaI made my first Perl script yesterday
00:20.52adminkaGrep, sed and awk are your friends.
00:21.01Renzeah yes, awk too
00:21.32Renzebut then perl kinda grew out of sed and awk...
00:21.43Renzebut it's become MUCH bigger and more complex
00:21.53adminkaYou know what is sucky in perl apps?
00:22.12adminkaEverytime I will upgrade perl I have to upgrade ALL PERL APPS!
00:23.03adminkaAnd you have to upgrade perl very offten because it is buggy.
00:24.01*** join/#kde yyc747 (
00:24.14Oleg_aseigo_work: ok, so how do I make move do some action?
00:24.27yyc747is there a way to instruct kde to not use arts?  I use a program that says arts causes problems for it
00:24.40Oleg_aseigo_work: Move is there when I right-click on a taskbar button, but it doesn't do anything
00:25.30Oleg_aseigo_work: I have to write something in { } for void move()?
00:25.41annmayyc747: kilss te arts daemon?
00:25.53annmaI almost wrote kiss!
00:25.57adminkayyc747: killall -9 arts - works fine on my box. ;>
00:25.59yyc747annma: will sound stop working then?
00:26.01annmakiss the art daemon
00:26.20adminkayyc747: No. :D
00:26.24yyc747because I want sound, but with native ALSA instead of arts
00:26.29adminkaYou can turn off sound system in kde like I did.
00:26.30Renzeyyc747: just set arts to timeout after three seconds or so...
00:26.42yyc747adminka: where is that option?
00:26.56adminkaI turned off whole sound system in kde.
00:26.57adminkaIn Control Center of course.
00:27.00adminkaLet me see where exactly.
00:27.28adminkaSound and multimedia --> Sound System
00:27.30annmayyc747: ALSA and arts are not the same thing
00:27.37adminkaThere is checkbox: Use sound system.
00:27.41annmayou usually have both
00:27.43adminkaSo just uncheck it.
00:27.52Oleg_aseigo_work: are you there?
00:27.58Renzethen no KDE app will play sound
00:28.28grahl04Renze: there are workarounds
00:28.54Renzegrahl04: yes, setting arts timeout to 3 seconds worked well when I had a soundcard that didn't mix in hardware.
00:29.12Renzenow it all just doesn't matter :)
00:30.28adminkaRenze: Nope.
00:30.33adminkaAll kde apps works fine.
00:30.44adminkaEven konqueror playes sounds in flash animations.
00:30.48adminkakaboodle etc.
00:30.55aseigo_workOleg_: yeah.. i'm just busy...
00:31.03adminkaIf sound is correctly configured in the system all that stuff should work just fin.
00:31.09aseigo_workOleg_: and yes, you have to write an implementation for move()
00:31.18grahl04grahl04: i meant you could f.e. use external players for system sounds like oogplay etc
00:31.41yyc747annma: I know ALSA and arts aren't the same thing... I was under the impression that arts was created to fix problems with OSS
00:31.43grahl04wups, not mzself, Renze
00:31.50Oleg_aseigo_work: ok
00:32.32adminkaAll what I did is loading a module for my sound card. And all is working = yummie.
00:32.39adminkaWithout alsa etc soft.
00:33.15yyc747will kde-based sound applications not work if arts is disabled?
00:33.34annmayyc747: what kde version do you have?
00:33.51adminkayyc747: It will work!
00:34.02Renzethey don't work in 3.3.0
00:34.03adminkaTell me an example of app which will not work when arts is killed?
00:34.13adminkaEven Konqueror sidebar works wine.
00:34.16Renzewith arts engine
00:34.25adminkaRenze: Yes? Ow.
00:34.27*** join/#kde Arias (~Arias@
00:34.42grahl04amarok has the lovely xine engine..
00:34.46annmamaybe xine and gstreamer were added after 3.3.0
00:34.47Renzeadminka: noatun just starts an artsd itself
00:34.49adminkaWell Renze so I think I will resign from KDE upgrade. :(
00:34.52annmain amarok
00:34.54*** part/#kde Arias (~Arias@
00:35.02annmagrahl04: it's post 3.3.0 I htink
00:35.37adminkaRenze: Hmz. So it is good enought...set arts timeout for 3 sec.
00:35.39aseigo_workOleg_: you'll want to do something like close but using NETRootInfo::moveResizeRequest
00:35.51aseigo_workoops, he's gone. ha
00:35.52Renzeadminka: worked a treat on my old soundblaster
00:36.01yyc747Renze: will the started artsd be used only for noatun?
00:36.15Renzeyyc747: no idea... I keep artsd running
00:36.16grahl04annma: could be, but amarok 1.1.1 is a giant leap anyhow
00:36.18adminkaRenze: Agreed. And also using soundblaster.
00:36.28annmagrahl04: yes
00:36.30adminkaSo you say in kde 3.3 apps are not starting arts but just lay down?
00:36.32*** join/#kde Arias (~Arias@
00:36.36Renzenow with my SBLive which mixes in hardware, none of this matters :)
00:37.06*** part/#kde Arias (~Arias@
00:38.07*** join/#kde illogic-al (~konversat@illogic-al.user.konversation)
00:38.47Renzeso I understand you have a dislike of X, illogic-al
00:38.59illogic-aljust a smidge
00:39.28Renzeand when did you develop this hostile fixation with X?
00:39.32adminkaillogic-al: I hate X too. :D
00:40.00illogic-alshortly after it started freezing on a regular basis
00:40.20Renzehow regular? and which video driver?
00:40.29illogic-alnv video driver
00:40.43adminkaillogic-al: Which problem?
00:40.45RenzeI occasionally experience freezes with the nvidia driver
00:40.58illogic-alyes. freezing
00:41.01adminkaYes. Xorg will not fix the problem.
00:41.05adminkaIt is when X crashes.
00:41.14adminkaCompile in the kernel magisysrq.
00:41.16illogic-ala couple minutes after I fired up kdevelop it just choked
00:41.28illogic-al[20:15:56] <annma> grep eats some resources was the last thing I saw
00:41.35adminkaIt not depends of app you are running.
00:41.36illogic-aladminka: that's what I did
00:42.00adminkascga and X when crashes it is evil. You can only use alt+sysrq+k.
00:42.19*** part/#kde RichiH (richih@richih.staff.freenode)
00:42.28illogic-ali do alt+sysrq+i
00:42.44Renzedoes the magicsysrq key work when the keyboard isn't responding?
00:42.44adminkak kills a prog on console.
00:42.51adminkaIt is preety cool.
00:42.56adminkaRenze: Yes.
00:43.03annmahow do I escape from vi help?
00:43.11yyc747now I don't get any sound... and I have arts running
00:43.15illogic-alannma: :q
00:43.18adminkaunRaw keyboard.
00:43.20Renzeannma: :q
00:43.22adminkaBut usually I don't have to do it.
00:43.33adminkayyc747: Which app you are running?
00:43.41yyc747adminka: noatun
00:43.58adminkaYou are scaring me. I am about to upgrad to 3.3.
00:44.07Renzeannma: :q (with the colon)
00:44.34fred87annma, thanks, loving akregator
00:45.56yyc747now sound is working... apparently alsamixer turned everything down when I said disable sound system
00:47.57illogic-alnow I have to start the glibc build all over again.
00:51.37bryancan you change how small the grid is that the icons align to on the desktop? so theyre closer together?
00:52.20*** join/#kde MajorBuzz (~majorbuzz@majorbuzz.user)
00:52.32adminkaWell I am sucking kde on screen.
00:52.37illogic-alindirectly. i think if you make the name smaller the grid becomes smaller
00:53.20MajorBuzzI am installing kde 3.3.1. every time i get to kdebase it tell me I need to install kdelibe. It has just finished installing kdelibs!
00:53.39MajorBuzzI am using konstruct
00:54.29MajorBuzzWhat do I do?
00:55.00yyc747noatun is now refusing to open... how interesting...
00:55.13*** join/#kde UE_ (
00:55.54adminkaWell I don't want to be accused for trolling again but why you use noatun if xmms is alot faster and better?
00:56.19yyc747adminka: ah, so someone is honest enough to point me in the right direction...
00:56.31yyc747I thought there might be a good reason to use noatun
00:56.37yyc747what would you guys suggest for video?
00:56.49adminkaI am using xmms. It is very good program.
00:56.51aseigo_workxmms' interface is bullocks and their playlist sucks ass
00:56.53adminkaVery handy.
00:57.12adminkaI like their playlist. :P
00:57.16aseigo_workamaroK is nicer for that sort of app IMHO.. but still i prefer the clean "get out of my way!"-ness of juk
00:57.32aseigo_workadminka: do they have an inline search yet?
00:57.34adminkaRenze: So what you are using to listen music if not xmms and noatun?
00:57.42yyc747JuK looks nice
00:57.47Renzeadminka: amarok
00:57.50adminkaaseigo_work: No idea what is that. :P
00:57.50Renzelike I said above
00:58.08aseigo_workadminka: heh.. i've just named two and you ask what else besides xmms and noatun.. hehe
00:58.32aseigo_workadminka: and that was a serious question, actually: does xmms have an inline searchbar in their playlist y et?
00:58.33yyc747I like the look of kaffeine... xine is, IMO, the best media player, and from what I can understand, kaffeine is just a kde frontend to it
00:58.45Renzeyyc747: yes
00:59.24illogic-alaseigo_work: no
00:59.40MajorBuzzdoes anyone know why I'm getting the error that I hevent installed kdelibs while installing kde3.3.1?
01:00.00RenzeMajorBuzz: if nobody has responded, I guess the answer is "no"
01:00.17illogic-alMadkiss: distro?
01:00.39yyc747JuK is really nice..
01:00.51aseigo_workillogic-al: damn. see, that just sucks.
01:01.01illogic-ali don't like juk
01:01.03yyc747I didn't know what I was missing!
01:01.06aseigo_worki refuse to use a media player that forces me to call up another dialog to search
01:01.17aseigo_workillogic-al: are you an amaroKer?
01:01.27illogic-alI can't even resize the tab looking thingies to see the name of my songs
01:01.31Renzethe search-as-you-type in JuK and amarok is just cool
01:01.34illogic-alaseigo_work: aye
01:01.44*** part/#kde MajorBuzz (~majorbuzz@majorbuzz.user)
01:01.48yyc747I just figured out why noatun wouldn't open... it went to the tray!
01:02.05adminkaaseigo_work: Maybe this is because late hour but what the heck is inline searchbar?
01:02.07aseigo_workillogic-al: tabs?
01:02.10aseigo_workillogic-al: oh.. the headers
01:02.10illogic-alI use juK to do mass tagging, fire up amaroK and play to my heart's content
01:06.22yyc747is there any reason why, as kde starts up, it would turn all the mixer settings down to zero?
01:06.26illogic-alI dare not open amarok though
01:06.31illogic-alX might crash
01:06.40Renzeyyc747: because that's where kmix saved them?
01:07.41yyc747Renze: how do I get kmix to resave them?
01:08.27Renzeyyc747: just set them in kmix, and save session (I think)
01:08.54*** join/#kde Romeo730 (
01:08.55*** part/#kde Romeo730 (
01:09.25yyc747Renze: is it just me, or does KDE seem like it wants to control everything on my computer?
01:09.26grepperstartkdeRestore=true in kmixrc
01:09.47grepperI assume, its under settings
01:09.48Renzeit's just you :)
01:09.55yyc747grepper: if that's false, will it not change its settings?
01:10.01Theoryin reality it wants to control *everything*
01:10.26Renzewhat're we gonna do tonight, Brain?"
01:10.28yyc747now, I like KDE because it's the most beautiful desktop environment, but it takes some things too far imo
01:10.34grepperif its like save session, it will save the settings as they are when you save them
01:10.58greppernot sure it means its going to save the settings as they were at logout
01:11.39grepperum, heh, no it must mean at logout
01:11.39Renzeyyc747: not as far as Windows :)
01:11.45grepperwth do I know
01:28.31*** join/#kde Borg^Queen (~Borg^
01:28.46Borg^QueenHey people.
01:29.02Borg^QueenDoes anyone know if there's a KDE frontend for apt?
01:29.17Renzedoesn't kpackage do apt?
01:29.41Borg^QueenHmm ok didn't know about kpackage, thought it was too old for 3.x
01:36.49Borg^QueenIndeed, too old. QT2
01:37.08Renzekpackage is still part of kde
01:37.46Renzewhere it is rather useless
01:38.22RenzeI spoke too soon... it seems to support portage now
01:38.30grepper$ apt-cache policy kpackage
01:38.31grepperInstalled: 4:3.3.0-2
01:38.51Borg^QueenPardon grepper ?
01:39.10Borg^QueenI don't have it
01:39.18grepperthis is debian ?
01:39.28Borg^QueenThis machine is deadrat
01:39.46grepperah, crapt
01:41.16Borg^QueenAh, indeed.
01:45.25Borg^QueenThere's a CL app for installing sound cards right?
01:45.36Borg^QueenDoes anyone know the command?
01:45.40Borg^Queencommmand line
01:45.48Renzefor deadrat?
01:45.58Borg^QueenFor nix in general
01:46.20RenzeI know deadrat had one... I don't think there is one for *nix in general
01:46.21adminkaBorg^Queen: Installing sound card on Linux usually is done using modprobe command.
01:46.35Borg^Queenwhat is it?
01:47.24*** join/#kde overlord (
01:47.57Renzegee, I wonder if overlord uses konversation :)
01:48.19Borg^QueenNope, well maybe,
01:48.22Borg^QueenHard to say
01:48.22overlord...yes i do, are you versioning me?
01:48.42Renzeno... *** overlord has joined this channel. ( <-- dead giveaway
01:48.48overlordoh lol
01:49.10Borg^QueenHmmm, if only there was a clue.....
01:49.24*** part/#kde overlord (
01:49.33Renzethere's one
01:49.33adminkaBorg^Queen: There are no philosophy. You just load a module for your sound card.
01:49.37adminkaThat's all.
01:50.01*** join/#kde overlord (
01:50.02Borg^QueenNo, no, there's a sound card tester command, I've used it before.
01:50.11adminkaI do: modprobe es1371
01:50.20Renzetoo late now, overlord... everybody knows now :)
01:50.21adminkaAnd voila my sound card works.
01:50.29grepperBorg^Queen: sndconfig
01:50.30overlordits not like its a bad thing
01:50.41adminka03:50 [FreeNode] CTCP VERSION reply from overlord: Konversation 0.14 Build 1874 (C)2002-2004 by the Konversation team
01:50.47Renzeoverlord: I know... I use konversation too :)
01:50.57alindeman(20:50:50) CTCP VERSION reply from alindeman: nc 6667 < /dev/urandom
01:51.28overlordis there an aplet or systrey notification application i can use to alert me (preferably with knotify) when a new file is added to a specific directory?
01:51.29adminkaI meant it on status window.=]
01:51.40adminkaEeeek alot of irssis.
01:51.56Renzeoverlord: none that I'm aware of
01:52.06grepperadminka: does matter where you meant it
01:52.10Renzeoverlord: write one :)
01:52.21overlordwell, is there a cli app i can execute to put in a knotify request from my scripts?
01:52.39adminkagrepper: Well some people don't like channel ctcp you know?
01:52.47Renzeoverlord: dcop?
01:52.47overlordi would write one but the only languages i know is php and (eek) basic, and javascript
01:53.12Renzeoverlord: you need to learn shell scripting at least :)
01:53.25overlordyea, sh is important
01:53.39overlordive only been on linux for 6 months, windows broke me
01:53.49adminkaAnyway for 112 people only one mirc. I am starting to think irc is going better.
01:53.50grepperoverlord: probably using fam
01:54.19adminkaI was since...
01:54.28adminkaHm. Like 1996.
01:54.46overlordi didnt even have a comuter in 1996
01:54.58adminkaThat was so long time ago. ;D
01:55.01Renzealthough I'd messed with various flavours of *nix before then
01:55.09adminkaWell I had...p 200?
01:55.19Renzeon sun sparcstations and the like
01:55.21adminkaSomething like that.
01:55.22overlordRenze = old hacker?
01:55.32Renzeold, yes
01:56.10adminkaI don't want to be evil but none hacker asked if he is a hacker will say yes. ;>
01:56.36overlordwhy not?
01:56.47overlordunless hes black hat then theres nothing to hide
01:57.03adminkaWell believe me.
01:57.17adminkaAnd why not - ask some hacker. :))
01:57.41grepperare we to accept the media's use of the word "hacker" then ?
01:57.48Renzethe media is wrong
01:57.55overlordmines kind of grayish with a slight blueishness, philosophically speaking
01:57.57greppera hacker in linux/unix world is a compliment
01:58.09Renzeyes, a hacker is a coder :)
01:58.13adminkaFor these guys from the TV a hacker is a script kiddie who brings down networks.
01:58.17overlordyou can tell im not a hacker by my crappy english lol
01:58.22adminkaAnd breaks into fbi db.
01:58.54overlordim a hacker in the sence of a coder, but i suck at cracking and similar activities
01:58.55adminkaOh god! I can run a sploit! I am so good 31337 h4x00r and hack da planet yay!
01:59.00grepperso lets not encourage that  usage of the word then adminka :)  If you mean "cracker" say cracker
01:59.02adminkaThis is hacker on the tv.
01:59.19adminkagrepper: No I meant script kiddie.
01:59.25Renzen0, 1f y0u'r3 a 5cr1p7 k1dd13, y0u 7a1k l1k3 7h15
01:59.27grepperworse and worse
01:59.44greppernow Linus is a script kiddie
01:59.45hondjeexcept with worse grammer
02:00.00adminkaRenze: Yeah. Anyway in that bloody popular movie "Hackers" they are breaking into FBI from MS word.
02:00.10adminkaAnd guys who made that movie thought no one will notice.
02:00.10Renzeadminka: that movie blows goats
02:00.12overlordyes, a hacker on tv and movies is someone who works with 3d graphics that somehow have something to do with computer systems, and can break in to systems that he hasnt seen before in 60 secconds
02:00.22adminkaYes but people are getting insane.
02:00.29grepperwhile getting a blow job
02:00.35adminkaI got kicked out of the room when my family were watching it.
02:00.56overlordlol, i didnt notice, im not the kind of geek who gets pissed off about details that dont matter
02:00.57adminkaoverlord: Swordfish -
02:01.04adminkaThat movie was sooo 31337.
02:01.25hondjeHalle Berrys boobs were leet
02:01.36overlordi have swardfish on dvd, i realy want that cubic worm authoring program he had :P
02:01.36adminkaThey should read some Eric S. Raymond stuff.
02:01.38Renzemmm... b(oYo)bies
02:02.13adminkaBut no one does it because it is so boring and not sells well to stupid people for who running ms word is hacking. ;)
02:03.08adminkaHacking on the TV is one of things on earth that really can make me mad. ;>
02:03.09hondjeIt'd make a terribly boring movie
02:03.16overlorddont put down word, i got out of many a homeword assignment in school using vbscript!
02:03.36adminkahondje: Well in matrix they use real unix, but there is also that green code and stuff.
02:03.48adminkaSo it is well packed unix.
02:04.02overlordnothing wrong with green code
02:04.12adminkaoverlord: In Poland we have basic and pascal on the UNIVERSITY STUDIES.
02:04.24overlordodd that the networks of the machines would be sending data defining where the streams drop from
02:04.37overlordwe have pascal too here
02:04.50adminkaEhehe. I wonder what for.
02:04.55Renzewe only use Pascal for the speshul programming class for the engineers
02:04.56adminkaIt is completly useless.
02:04.58*** join/#kde oleg_ (~oleg@
02:05.18overlordbut its in high school, universities tend to do c/c++/java
02:05.38adminkaWell. In Poland we have it on univ.
02:05.43adminkaPathetic isn't it?
02:05.56adminkaI will tell you why:
02:06.07Renzecould be worse... they could still be teaching COBOL
02:06.11adminkaWe have teachers who can do pascal. And there is nothing to do with them.
02:06.18adminkaSame like russian lang teachers.
02:06.29adminkaSo program is made that was so they will have a job. ;)
02:06.30overlordor z80 machine op codes
02:06.37Oleg_canllaith: can you tell me the version of your libtool, pkg-config, and automake?
02:06.54Renzehey, don't diss z80... I taught myself assembler on a z80 :)
02:06.55Oleg_canllaith: I'm trying to install xcompmgr
02:07.14adminkaAssembly on A500 =P
02:07.34Oleg_Renze: am I still on your ignore list?
02:07.46Renzeassembly on 48K ZX Spectrum :)
02:08.27adminkaOkay I started from A500.
02:08.40Oleg_illogic-al: can you tell me the version of your libtool?
02:08.46overlordi started from an amiga
02:08.55RenzeI taught myself basic on an Apple II+
02:09.05adminkaSame here - Amiga 500.
02:09.07Oleg_Apple II was pretty
02:09.09adminkaThat was my first comp.
02:09.29Oleg_Amiga? Is it somehow related to Amiga OS?
02:09.34adminkaPink or blue? hehehe.
02:09.35overlordcant remember what model i used, it was in the thousands tho
02:09.51adminkaOleg_: I had Workbench on my A500.
02:10.19Oleg_I feel so upset because I can't install xcompmgr
02:11.04adminkaOleg_: What error you get?
02:11.21*** part/#kde Borg^Queen (~Borg^
02:11.43adminkaBorg - resistance is futile. =]
02:12.19Oleg_./configure: line 3927: syntax error near unexpected token `XCOMPMGR,'
02:12.20Oleg_./configure: line 3927: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XCOMPMGR, xcomposite xfixes xdamage xrender)'
02:13.34adminkaHm. Show me that line in scriptie.
02:13.52Oleg_in the configure script?
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02:15.40Renzebrucehoult: can you do something about the cloud above Wellington? :)
02:15.59brucehoultWhy do you ask?
02:16.13Renzeyou're met service, aren't you? :)
02:16.32Renzeor is that
02:16.58brucehoultI'm metservice. But the forecasters are a floor above me.
02:16.58Renzeah, it's
02:17.09brucehoultI'm in the "Weatherscape" team.
02:17.18Renzeyou mean you guys haven't mastered weather control yet?
02:17.20voltyhi, i had kde-3.14 before, i copied the old .kde folder but this kde-3.2.2 just backups the old one, how can I fix it please?
02:17.48Renzeah, the stuff on TV3 news?
02:17.56brucehoultwe sell our 3D real-time weather viewing program to TV stations
02:18.10Oleg_adminka: #endif
02:18.12adminkaOleg_: I have configured it preety easy. My libtool version is: 1.5.6.
02:18.24brucehoultright, TV3 and TV1.  9 network and Weather Channel in Aus.  WOrking on a contract for the BBC atm
02:18.36*** join/#kde SystemX_ (
02:18.42Oleg_adminka: mine is also 1.5.6
02:18.49Renzebrucehoult: so you're saying you can't get rid of the clouds over Wellington, then? :)
02:18.58adminkaOleg_: Hmz.
02:19.09adminkaI can build you a binary if you want. ;>
02:19.15brucehoultcould maybe get rid of them on tonight's news, if that was important.
02:19.27Oleg_wrong directory
02:19.30Renzebrucehoult: not quite the same, is it? :)
02:19.56voltyhow can I preserve my old configuration from 3.14 to use with 3-2.2 please?
02:20.18Oleg_PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XCOMPMGR, xcomposite xfixes xdamage xrender)
02:20.29Oleg_done is on that line
02:20.30Renzevolty: the stuff in your home directory won't be touched by an install
02:21.30adminkaOleg_: No idea. Hmz.
02:21.41adminkaWhat distro do you use?
02:21.42voltyRenze: it's touched, i just did gentoo install, it renames to .kde.backup and write new .kde.3.2
02:22.02Oleg_adminka: Linux From Scratch
02:22.06Renzevolty: no, .kde-backup is a link
02:22.39adminkaOleg_: :)
02:22.48Renzeyou still have .kde-3.1 and your config will be converted across on next login, or something - at least that's what happened when I moved to 3.3
02:22.52voltyenough to do ln -sf .kde.backup .kde ?
02:23.00Oleg_adminka: what's your version of pkg-config and automake?
02:23.13Renzevolty: there probably won't be a need to do that
02:23.19voltyok, i'll try again, thx renze
02:24.06Oleg_adminka: and autoconf?
02:24.17*** join/#kde Tronic_ (
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02:24.57adminkapkg-config 0.15.0, automake 1.8.5
02:26.30Oleg_adminka: did you install Xorg by following the instructions on that page?
02:27.06Oleg_this page
02:27.50adminkaI have installed xorg using my distro package.
02:29.15Oleg_/usr/X11R6 is where it is installed in your computer?
02:29.20Oleg_I mean xorg
02:30.19*** join/#kde volty (
02:31.38voltyany scripts to launch to convert .kde (3-1.4) to .kde-3.2.2 ?
02:32.08Renzevolty: you could just copy the old stuff to the new directory, but you'll probably hit some issues
02:33.41voltyrenze, btw i'm not a newbie, i test-installed suse-linux, copied over the old and it did it seemlessly, but this stuff from gentoo doesn't do it
02:34.08Renzevolty: you are aware that gentoo is up to KDE 3.3.x now, right?
02:34.18voltynever mind about the issues, i'll check it later
02:34.42voltyyes, but i do not want to loose my life getting & compiling the evercoming new versions :)
02:34.45Renzevolty: I always assume everybody is a newbie until they prove they're not... saves a lot of hassle :)
02:36.07adminkaRenze: I had to remove whole .kde dir because weird things was happening.
02:36.25Renzeadminka: I didn't... I just redid the prefs on the offending apps :)
02:36.32Oleg_adminka: /usr/X11R6 is where Xorg is installed in your computer?
02:36.43Renzebut 3.2 -> 3.3 was completely painless
02:36.54adminkaWell I copied .kde and what I could copied to newly created dir. :P
02:37.10adminkaOleg_: Yes.
02:37.30adminkaRenze: Well see. qt is downloadining now.
02:37.33adminkaAnd it is last package. :D
02:37.37adminkarestart X.
02:37.38*** part/#kde annma (
02:38.55voltyin dialup days we were more productive
02:39.06volty(at least valid for me)
02:39.25RenzeI'm more productive because I'm not waiting for stuff to transfer :)
02:41.24*** join/#kde hjs (
02:41.54voltyi was using xchat, then kvirc, now ksirc, what kde users usually use ?
02:42.10hjsCan anyone tell me if really contains KDE 3.3.1 ? The version #'s say 3.2.2
02:42.56SystemX_xchat or irssi :)
02:43.05hondjeI'd be surprised if it's 3.3.1, because I run sarge and have 3.2.2
02:43.19grepperhjs: yeah, its 3.2.x
02:43.32grepperits for debian woody
02:43.54hjsI wonder why the URL has 3.3.1
02:43.57Oleg_pkg-config inclues some autoconf macros, but if pkg-config and autoconf
02:43.57Oleg_are installed in different prefixes, autoconf won't find the pkg-config
02:43.57Oleg_macro file.
02:44.30grepperhjs: just for "forward compatibility"  :P
02:44.38Oleg_how can I find out in what directories pkg-config and autoconf are installed?
02:44.45*** join/#kde volty_ (
02:44.49adminkaYou know what Oleg_? When I have ran these commands my x server crashed.
02:45.07hjsso there is no way to have KDE 3.3.1 on Woody ?   Without compiling? With compiling?
02:45.10Oleg_adminka: what commands?
02:45.30hondjeWhy, and mind you that I'm not trolling, would you want KDE 3.3.1 on woody?
02:45.31adminkaI mean when I've loaded extension and ran xcompmgr.
02:46.04hjshondje: why would you want to know ?  :)
02:46.07adminkahondje: Look on brutal truth. Debian = old stuff.
02:46.56Oleg_trolling means writing inflammatory or annoying messages?
02:46.57hondjeWell, woody is pretty much only used on servers and the like, where stability really matters, sarge and sid are a bit more desktop friendly
02:46.59canllaithhjs: You could try to download konstruct and see if that works?
02:47.05hondjeOleg_: Or starting a flamewar on purpose
02:47.37adminkaTime to upgrade kde.
02:47.55illogic-alon gentoo
02:48.06Oleg_canllaith: I can't install xcompmgr
02:48.07adminkaTrollking means if someone comes on #slackare and says that Slackware sucks ass and debian rocks.
02:48.07illogic-alwhich i still haven't even successfully gotten to boot
02:48.18adminkaYou know, only talking not to tell what do you think but to raise hell.
02:48.28adminkaThis is trolling.
02:48.43canllaithOleg_: Oh well. I guess you are stuck without transparency then eh?
02:48.45Oleg_adminka: ok
02:48.54illogic-alRenze: my kernel needs special things that i'm not going to do special things to get :-)
02:48.59hjscanllaith: I have  a 30 Kbytes/sec connection. Wouldn't want to waste time. Is there some fundamental reason why there is no KDE3.3.1 on Woody? libc too old ?
02:49.06adminkaOleg_: after I ran xcompmgr X became VERY VERY SLOW.
02:49.13illogic-albasically I need reiser4 support and alsa 1.0.6
02:49.16adminkaThen it crashed when I have opened second console window.
02:49.16voltyillogic-al: what things?
02:49.21adminkaPure evil.
02:49.27Oleg_canllaith: are your pkg-config and autoconf installed in the same prefix?
02:49.30illogic-alw/ emu10k1x support
02:49.51canllaithhjs: uh.. .why don't you go and ask in #debian about that?
02:50.16hjscanllaith: did that. they say anything in is none of their business
02:50.26adminkahjs: I'm not flaming, really, but Debian = old stuff.
02:50.40adminkaIf you want new stuff on debian you have to compile it yourself.
02:51.02adminkaThis is why I personally think debian is the one distro which REALLY SUCKS.
02:51.12hjsadminka: stop trolling
02:51.14adminkaAll others are alot bettr updated.
02:51.19adminkaI am not trolling.
02:51.24hondjeAll the others have a different purpose
02:51.28voltywhat's with xchat, doesn't depend anymore on gtk?
02:51.43adminkaThis is an answer for the question why in debian there are no kde 3.1 and in other distros is even 3.3.1 available.
02:52.07voltymaybe because debian judged kde.3.1 unstable
02:52.15illogic-alvolty: lmao
02:52.17canllaithhjs: How on earth would we know? I have no idea aboutwhat version of glibc you're using
02:52.23Renzeadminka: debian sees stability as more important than keeping up with the versions... some people like that (not me, but...)
02:52.32adminkaWell so compare version on slackware current, and debian.
02:52.37adminkaSo you will see.
02:52.38hjsadminka: *what* is the answer? you made some circular arguments: software in debian is old because it's old
02:52.58canllaithhjs: Debian woody is designed for servers. Tried, true *stable* software.
02:52.59hondjeMaybe old in Woody, Sid has all that stuff
02:53.04adminkaAh damn it is not distro flame war.
02:53.10canllaithDebian's view of 'Stable' is - 'has been stable for the last 5 years'
02:53.17canllaithThat's just the way it is, that is the purpose of it's distro.
02:53.23hjscanllaith: well, kde does provide debian packages specifically for woody, so I figured #kde is actually the right place to ask
02:53.38adminkaWell, stable doesn't mean no upgrades. But they are not even aplying patches.
02:53.39hondjehjs: Actually, there is a #debian-kde too :)
02:53.48hondjeadminka: That's not true
02:53.50canllaithhjs: Actually those are contributed from elsewhere I believe
02:53.53grepperhjs: those packages are not kde packages, they are 3rd party
02:54.02adminkahondje: Well unfortunately this is what I saw.
02:54.17voltyi remember the chief of debian pushing away from kde repeatedly
02:54.19adminkaOf course I had gnome 1.4 and similar old stuff on my comp but always patched.
02:55.20hjsgrepper: 2nd being debian? anyway I've asked some supposedly simple questions in 3 channels (debian, debian-kde, kde). why no answers?
02:55.38canllaithhjs: You would have to ask the people who package for woody. They would be the only ones who know.
02:55.44grepperhjs: ask me a question
02:56.00adminkaYes, what was the question?
02:56.02grepperwoody's kde is 2.2.x
02:56.08grepperthat will not change
02:56.25adminkaI will better shut up. :)
02:56.36grepperit started out as 2.2.x and it is still 2.2.x and will always be 2.2.x
02:56.46grepperthat is the nature of debian "stable"
02:57.02grepperanything you add is a backport by a 3rd party
02:57.11grepperthat is not officially supported
02:57.17adminkakreadconfig: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
02:57.28hjsgrepper: is there a fundamental reason why KDE3.3.1 is not available for woody? is it impossible to compile (incompatibility with libc or something) ? and why packages versioned 3.2.2 are in
02:57.47hondjehjs: Because no one wanted the hastle of making it available
02:58.06hondjeWhy KDE puts stuff in the wrong place is a good question though
02:58.07grepperhjs: no, it can be backported if you want to try
02:58.20grepperbut I would not bother
02:59.02hjsgrepper: so I shouldn't have any problems just compiling from sources on woody?
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02:59.41grepperhjs: if you don't know kde or debian very well, yes, you will have *many* problems
02:59.58grepperI liked the challenge at the time
03:00.14Oleg_ok, this is the only thing that I found on the internet that is related to my configure error of xcompmgr:
03:00.34Oleg_pkg-config inclues some autoconf macros, but if pkg-config and autoconf
03:00.34Oleg_are installed in different prefixes, autoconf won't find the pkg-config
03:00.34Oleg_macro file.
03:00.51adminkahjs: If it has old glibc you will have problems.
03:00.56hjsgrepper: (I'm not talking about backporting - I do NOT know how to package for debian, as a matter of fact). Just compiling from sources (like regular UNIX users). What kind of problems would I encounter ?
03:00.58adminkaI don't remember glibc version in debian.
03:01.28grepperhjs: wrong versions of packages
03:01.31Oleg_so, adminka and canllaith: are your pkg-config and autoconf installed in different prefixes?
03:01.39canllaithOleg_: I don't care. :)
03:01.41adminkaOleg_: No.
03:01.48adminkaAll in /usr/
03:01.52grepperhjs: that is backporting, no matter what you care to call it
03:02.09grepperI had to backport many other packages besides kde, dependancies etc
03:02.38hjsgrepper: I see. thanks
03:02.42adminkaWell usually even if you success to compile software on old glibc you get segfaults and problems.
03:02.50adminkaI know it from my experience.
03:04.00grepperadminka: things worked out ok, but I dont want to repeat the experience, thanks :)
03:04.02canllaithCan always upgrade glibc :)
03:04.07grepperit was time consuming
03:04.21grepperit was fine with my libc6
03:05.02adminkagrepper: As you wish. Mr sarcastic. ;-)
03:05.53adminkaAnyway I have kde 3.3.1 yay!