irclog2html for #kde on 20041013

00:00.33galayanyone here uses kpager2?
00:00.44oleg_termo: thanks
00:01.26Dhraakelliangalay: is that the version of kplayer that replaces the pager applet?
00:01.27AssociateXxI want to make a .desktop icon that runs one command as regular user and a second command as root, how would I do this?
00:01.40galayDhraakellian: ya u use?
00:01.41AssociateXxit can ask for the password too
00:02.38termooleg_: that was actually the first hit of a google search on "enable-fast-malloc", but, you're welcome ;)
00:03.13Dhraakelliangalay: no, but I should probably look into it some time
00:03.22galayDhraakellian:  do you want to try it now?
00:03.42Dhraakellianwell, I'm currently compiling updates and such
00:03.59Dhraakellian(emerge -uv world, not KDE 3.3.1 yet)
00:04.09oleg_termo: ok :)
00:04.41galayDhraakellian: Im having problem just compiling, could u try compiling?
00:05.03Dhraakellianum... I'm in the middle of compiling other things
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00:09.54Sandman1hey guys
00:11.01Sandman1anyone here:)
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00:12.19toyo_schoolwhere is the config file for kcmkrfb
00:18.03Sandman1its late there
00:23.35Sandman1im here
00:23.39Sandman1but I need help with kdebindings
00:23.51Sandman1it wont compile right
00:23.53Sandman1Iveh ad this trouble before
00:23.56Sandman1I just cant remember how to FIX it
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00:24.24toyo_schoolhumm I need to find out where the config file is for kcmshell
00:24.40Sandman1try searching in /opt/kde/
00:24.43toyo_schoolor more specific kcmkrfb
00:25.12toyo_schoolopt/kde dont exist
00:26.24Sandman1what distro
00:26.34Sandman1not sure wheres its at
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00:32.07toyo_schoolkcmkrfb I need to know how to config it
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00:38.40Sandman1I found it!
00:38.50Sandman1lol I had to add -l qt-mt after in the
00:39.00Sandman1I should have read this Makefile before comming here
00:39.41toyo_schoollol I wish I knew how to resolve my problem
00:40.37Sandman1toyo_school, ok
00:40.43Sandman1toyo_school, what are you looking for again, try to find it this way:
00:40.46Sandman1find / -name file
00:41.03toyo_schoolI dont know what the filename is
00:41.10Sandman1toyo_school, what are you looking for again
00:41.55toyo_schoolits part of KDE and the command to execute it is kcmshell kcmkrfb
00:42.22Sandman1watch and learn
00:43.28Sandman1sorry its a litte slow
00:43.30Sandman1im compiling kdebindings:)
00:43.47oleg_Sandman1: kdebindings-3.3.1?
00:43.57Sandman1oleg_, yepa
00:44.07Sandman1oleg_, I came in here asking a problem but I never thought of editing makefile before
00:44.12Sandman1I should have done that before to be exact
00:44.21oleg_Sandman1: yeah
00:44.29Sandman1the qt-mt stuff
00:44.48toyo_schoolls /-aR| grep kcmkrfb???
00:45.21Sandman1gimme a sec
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00:45.58oleg_Sandman1: I'm gonna have a trouble compiling kdebindings-3.3.1 too?
00:46.07Sandman1oleg_, ya might not..
00:46.17Sandman1what distro
00:46.22Sandman1toyo_school, hmm good question
00:46.36toyo_schoolI just did that command and came up empty
00:47.05Sandman1check the html docs
00:47.16Sandman1im not sure toyo_school
00:47.21Sandman1I think in the share dir though
00:47.24oleg_Sandman1: by the way, the -ansi issue of kdemultimedia is still not fixed?
00:47.25Sandman1mine would be /opt/kde/share
00:47.32Sandman1oleg_, haven't gotten that far
00:47.41Sandman1oleg_, I just dove in, lol
00:48.31toyo_schooloh well Sandman1 I will fix it when I get home
00:48.43toyo_schoolthanks for the help though
00:49.09toyo_schoolanyway I gtg
00:49.09toyo_schooltired of school
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00:53.14dec0derhi how do I burn img files with k3b? Is it possible at all?
00:53.26Sandman1img == a regular iso yes?
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00:58.52oleg_If the status of the bug is RESOLVED, that means the bug is fixed?
00:59.36*** part/#kde galay (~gary@
01:00.36oleg_Sandman1: but they didn't provide any additional information on where I can download the fix
01:00.50oleg_absolutely nothing except for word RESOLVED
01:01.09Sandman1prolly in the release
01:02.48*** join/#kde annma (
01:03.38aseigo_workoleg_: it'll be in CVS HEAD for sure, and perhaps backported to the previous stable branch
01:03.49aseigo_workoleg_: it may also have already been fixed.
01:08.26oleg_aseigo_work: the duplicate of the bug has been marked as RESOLVED, but the original one has been marked as UNCOMFIRMED
01:08.33oleg_aseigo_work: why?
01:08.58*** join/#kde marcusU (~marcus@
01:09.11aseigo_workoleg_: because when you mark something as a duplicate, it gets attached to the bugs it duplicates
01:09.19aseigo_workoleg_: BR#?
01:10.11oleg_the bug number?
01:19.16*** join/#kde benklop (
01:22.38Sandman1this takes a while to compile:(
01:22.42Sandman1im still on kdebindings
01:22.45Sandman1amd 2800
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01:28.07aseigo_workoleg_: yeah, what's the Bug Report #?
01:28.39oleg_aseigo_work: 91148
01:30.02aseigo_workoleg_: ah. ok. see, dupe bugs are marked as "resolved" as in "taken care of"
01:30.16aseigo_workoleg_: this is slightly different than Fixed
01:30.32Sandman1kde bindings errored again
01:30.41aseigo_workoleg_: there are other ways bugs can get marked Resolved as well, but in this case it just means it was a dupe bug
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01:31.21Sandman1lets see if I can make the compile do it again I just restarted make
01:31.37oleg_aseigo_work: so we don't know yet if the bug is fixed, right?
01:31.55aseigo_workoleg_: no, we do know. the bug that it was attached to is marked Unconfirmed
01:32.03aseigo_workoleg_: which means no one has confirmed it as an actual bug
01:32.23oleg_aseigo_work: I see.
01:32.26*** join/#kde carles (j2sman@
01:33.08aseigo_workoleg_: given that both of you seem to have compiled X from scratch, it could be you both fucked up... or it could be a new X situation that needs to be taken care of... or it could be a bug that's just never been stumbled upon in KDE's keyboard layout support yet
01:34.10*** join/#kde malaria444 (
01:34.17oleg_aseigo_work: ok
01:35.52oleg_aseigo_work: but he said the list of layouts is taken from xfree86.1st
01:36.04oleg_aseigo_work: but I don't have xfree86.1st
01:36.11oleg_aseigo_work: I have xorg.1st
01:36.44*** join/#kde jorgp (
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01:38.18oleg_aseigo_work: Gnome lists all the layouts I have.
01:39.45*** join/#kde titou (
01:42.00*** join/#kde enginuitor__ (
01:43.26enginuitor__Anybody ever gotten the kdepim stuff to work with a groupware server?
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02:26.27*** join/#kde Bluewolf (
02:28.35grepperwb illogic-al
02:28.42illogic-alty grepper
02:30.05BluewolfYou are all cool
02:30.22illogic-alYeah. We know. :-)
02:30.24BluewolfI've dunk nearly a litre of vodka
02:30.35Bluewolfillogic-al, I feel your name
02:30.53marcusUHi Bluewolf. Wow. You could give me and my livers a run for the money.
02:31.16*** join/#kde benklop (
02:31.16illogic-alsup marcusU
02:31.28marcusU20 oz is my limit.
02:31.47BluewolfI drunk some beer too
02:32.06Dhraakellian!calc drug-free
02:32.08amaroKSorry Dhraakellian, I don't know what 'drug-free' is :-(
02:32.37Dhraakellianthe closest I've come to being drunk is smelling the purell after shaving
02:32.53grepperdon't worry, no sugar, it was diet*
02:34.35Dhraakelliancan you just do make install again, or do you have to recompile?
02:34.46BluewolfDhraakellian, how old are u
02:34.46illogic-ali can do make install
02:35.00grepperillogic-al: that was illogical
02:35.00Bluewolfgrepper, what type
02:35.11grepperBluewolf: just plain
02:35.19Bluewolfillogic-al, me too and I'm fucked
02:35.34Bluewolfgrepper, plain means a lot of things
02:35.55BluewolfI have orange.
02:35.58grepperBluewolf: didn't know there was more than one type
02:35.59Dhraakelliansomewhere around 3*Pi+1
02:36.14illogic-alhurr hurr
02:36.17grepperoh, it was the caffeinated one, not the c-free one
02:36.22illogic-alhe doesn't know how old he is
02:36.44BluewolfI am 22
02:36.52illogic-alUptime: 4 days, 1 hours and 39 minutes
02:37.01illogic-alphear my uptimeness!
02:37.14Bluewolfgrepper, I will be up at 7am drinking coffee
02:37.15illogic-alDhraakellian: you don't count
02:37.36grepperBluewolf: all nighter ?
02:37.52DhraakellianamaroK is now playing: Två Fisk Och En Fläsk - Fortune Plango
02:37.58Bluewolfgrepper, no I just don't sleep
02:37.58grepperBluewolf: get some instead
02:38.00amaroKDhraakellian: Now the only thing worth watching on tv now.
02:38.02oleg_If I install kde 3.3.1 to the same directory I previously installed kde 3.3.0, then kde 3.3.0 will be deleted?
02:38.10illogic-alDhraakellian: damn you! use utf8!
02:38.20Dhraakellianwoah! I'm on TV?
02:38.26grepperoleg_: not a great plan imho
02:38.28DhraakellianIll: I thought I was
02:38.33oleg_grepper: why?
02:38.34illogic-aloleg_: nope. but that's what i'm doing :-)
02:38.55grepperillogic-al: oh, didn't know
02:38.56illogic-aloleg_: because then you get stuff like unresolved symbols popping up
02:38.59oleg_illogic-al: kde 3.3.0 won't be deleted?
02:39.14illogic-aloleg_: negative
02:39.27illogic-aluninstall 3.3.0 first
02:39.47illogic-alyou can uninstall while running 3.3.0
02:39.58illogic-al'that is also what i'm doing :-)
02:39.59oleg_and I'm already compiling kdelibs-3.3.1!
02:40.23grepperoleg_: or choose a different --prefix
02:40.30illogic-alDhraakellian: is teh punk
02:40.35oleg_illogic-al: so I didn't fuck it up yet?
02:40.48illogic-aloleg_: not yet...
02:40.55Dhraakellian"yet" being the operative word?
02:41.03illogic-alyou have to do 'make install' to get that far :-)
02:41.28oleg_illogic-al: I already did make install of arts-1.3.1!
02:41.47illogic-aloleg_: there's no diff to arts 1.3.0
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02:42.54oleg_illogic-al: so how do I get rid of kde 3.3.0?
02:43.10illogic-aloleg_: how did you install it?
02:43.50oleg_illogic-al: ./configure with options, make, and make install
02:44.42illogic-aloleg_: i'd suggest 'make uninstall 'in each directory you install before doing a 'make install'
02:45.13illogic-al./configure, make, make uninstall, make install
02:45.54oleg_illogic-al: but it's ok that I didn't do make uninstall while compiling arts?
02:45.59illogic-alsince you've only installed arts 1.3.1 so far
02:46.15illogic-alreconfigure with a different prefix as suggested by grepper
02:46.42oleg_illogic-al: but kdelibs is already compiling for a long time
02:47.07illogic-aloleg_: I think so. I don't remember seeing a changelog for arts on the 3.3.0 -> 3.3.1 pag3
02:47.31illogic-aloleg_: changing the prefix doesn;t require a long recompile
02:47.47grepperdepends if he used ccache or not
02:48.19illogic-ali just run configure and let it go wild, works for me.
02:48.55oleg_illogic-al: so I should press on CTRL+C to stop the compilation and reconfigure?
02:48.56*** join/#kde MANOWAR^ (~MANOWAR^
02:49.11illogic-aloleg_: If you want.
02:49.17illogic-alI'd let it finish.
02:49.38illogic-alstupid unresolved symbols
02:50.26oleg_illogic-al: after I finish, I should run make uninstall from the kdelibs-3.3.1 directory?
02:51.12illogic-alI'd recommend it. Technically it doesn't really matter.
02:51.50illogic-alThey files get overwritten anyways, and since this is a bugfix release there should be any new/removed files
02:52.25illogic-alBut I do it for my piece of mind :-)
02:52.43oleg_illogic-al: ok
02:52.51Dhraakelliangiving him a piece of your mind, illogic-al?
02:52.59Dhraakellianor did you mean the other homophone?
02:53.19illogic-alI am not a homophobe!
02:57.46illogic-alkhtml that is
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03:29.57aseigo_workbe careful. i'm hacking on kicker. and i've moved to the bits that use raw X events, no less.
03:30.06aseigo_workthat makes me a mean mofo right now ;-)
03:30.35marcusUI need a START button instead of the K button.
03:30.54marcusU``To shut down your computer, first click on the START button...''
03:30.56oleg_aseigo_work: maybe I should download the latest kxkb code from CVS
03:31.15illogic-alaseigo_work: lol
03:31.18aseigo_workoleg_: perhaps .. and then you could provide some additional feedback if it works out
03:31.39aseigo_workmarcusU: hahaha.. burn whatever rag you're reading for the heat energy.
03:38.37oleg_illogic-al: I'm still compiling kdelibs
03:38.51illogic-aljust funnin'
03:38.55illogic-alDon't mind me.