irclog2html for #kde on 20040823

00:00.05jadrianaseigo: ah ok! go on
00:00.07aseigojadrian: dropping a compressed file where?
00:00.23*** join/#kde Unbeliever (
00:00.57jadrianaseigo: anywhere. Say you drag and drop a tgz, besides copy, move, link, you'd have extract here
00:01.50jadrianaseigo: I thought about it because usually usually end up creating a link, then chose extract here, then delete the link
00:01.59Dhraakellianso how would one go about getting true transparency in KDE?
00:02.16aseigojadrian: yeah, that would make sense...
00:03.33seaSceaDan8 cu all...
00:03.40jadrianbye seaSceaDa
00:07.10zrDhraakellian: yes
00:07.36*** part/#kde benjamindees (
00:07.46zrDhraakellian: there's a patch for xorg that gives true trasparency and sox-like shadows
00:08.25Dhraakellianthat I kew
00:08.57DhraakellianI'm just wondering how difficult it is to get true transparency in KDE
00:09.11Dhraakellianif it's just a matter of getting xorg CVS...
00:09.50zrit is
00:10.13Dhraakellianand then?
00:10.19*** part/#kde willix (
00:10.26Dhraakellianhow does one take advantage of it?
00:12.12jadrianI'm not so sure about benifits of transparency though
00:12.18jadrianwhat can you effectivly use it for?
00:12.36cibelooking good?
00:12.48jadrianmaybe some panels like kicker, to minimize what they hide
00:12.59jadriancibe: but where would you use it?
00:13.06jadriancibe: kicker, what else?
00:13.31jadriando you find it usable?
00:13.40MaNIif you set
00:13.44MaNIit to not be too transparent
00:13.48MaNIits usable and looks nice
00:14.11*** join/#kde NamShub (
00:14.14marcusUTranparency is one of those visual effects that looks cute at first but just gets in the way for real use.
00:14.18jadrianI don't know...
00:14.29jadrianI've tried it with fake transparency
00:14.46jadrianand it never looked that good even though it's not completely transparent
00:14.49*** join/#kde onkko (
00:15.04jadrianbut maybe a better implementation will do the trick
00:15.10jadriansame for transparent menus
00:15.11onkkowhen i run k3b in a KOnsole i have got this errors,  kdecore (KIconLoader): WARNING: Icon directory /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ group 48x48/stock/table not valid.
00:15.16DhraakellianI have xchat partially transparent
00:15.25Dhraakellianand I think I have konsole transparent
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00:15.42onkkocan you help me please?
00:16.47jadrianonkko: seems like it's trying to fetch some icons that do not exist
00:17.04jadrianonkko: if that's it, I wouldn't worry to much if it works ok
00:17.12*** join/#kde bolivar (
00:17.25zrDhraakellian: are you on gentoo?
00:17.33onkkojadrian: i have downloaded some icons theme, but i have remove this, and now, when i download some applications, i have this errors
00:17.51jadrianonkko: oh you removed hicolor?
00:18.24jadrianmaybe you removed the default icon theme?
00:18.28*** join/#kde boga (
00:18.41onkkowhen i go to the control center
00:18.48NamShubonkko: debian? its a known problem
00:19.01onkkoNamShub: yes, debian sarge
00:19.02Dhraakellianzr: yeah
00:19.17NamShubonkko: the only workaround I found is to disable the error message heh
00:19.28Dhraakelliana friend already showed me how to get cvs ebuilds of things
00:19.32DhraakellianI haven't yet set it up
00:19.36onkkoNamShub: how you do this please
00:20.07NamShubonkko: run kdebugdialog
00:20.45onkkoyes NamShub
00:21.02NamShubin expert mode
00:21.39onkkokiCconLoader NamShub ?
00:21.41NamShubkdebugdialog --fullmode
00:22.05onkkook NamShub
00:22.16NamShub264: Warning: output to: NONE
00:23.06onkkoit is right
00:23.10onkkothans you NamShub  =)
00:23.29onkkobut i have got two errors when i run k3b
00:23.32onkkok3b: WARNING: KGenericFactory: instance requested but no instance name passed to the constructor!
00:23.32onkkok3b: ERROR: (K3bSongManager) Can't open file /home/onkko/.kde/share/apps/k3b/songlist.xml
00:31.18*** join/#kde sauber (
00:31.35zrDhraakellian: is it safe to delete that aformentioned kde3.2 directory?
00:31.37sauberi have this strange behaviour using align to grid on kde 3.3
00:31.56sauberspace between icons is much larger then in the last versions
00:32.08*** join/#kde KonvIRC (
00:32.14Dhraakellianzr: there may be better ways to do it, but what I did was 'emerge -pv prune'
00:32.20sauberis there a way to configure the spacing or granulary of the grid?
00:32.43*** join/#kde keanne (
00:32.51Dhraakellianthen copied the packagenames that had to do with KDE into the appropriate spot in `emerge -av prune <kde package names>`
00:33.15DhraakellianI do recall the emerge man page advocating caution when using prune
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00:33.53zrDhraakellian: holy sh!t, it's UNMERGING WORLD! HELP!
00:34.25zrno no NO NO!!!
00:34.29zrNO GLIBC
00:34.34Dhraakelliankill it?
00:34.35zrNOT PYTHON OMG!
00:34.37onkkohow can i do to put k3b in FR please
00:34.56Dhraakellian(please tell me this is a cruel joke)
00:36.57*** join/#kde zr (
00:37.38Dhraakellianyou narfing incestual fornicator
00:38.07zrshivers me timbers
00:39.12DhraakellianI would put that up on if I expected the average reader to know what "unmerging world" means
00:39.59zrthey host a counterstrike server
00:40.05zrnuff said about the avarage iq
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00:40.33Dhraakelliannot being too familiar with counterstrike, I'm not sure what you mean by that
00:40.48*** part/#kde onkko (
00:41.20zrnothing, don't mind
00:41.59dleDoes anyone know how KDE relates font preferences to motif/lesstif apps?  Until recently, the fonts on widgets in acroread, gv, and nedit were the same as on K and G apps, but that's broken now.  Don't know why.  Running mdk-linux-10o.
00:43.20*** join/#kde nebyeti (
00:45.10saubersomeone knows if there is a way to adjust kdesktops align to grid behaviour?
00:46.05dlesauber: right-click -> Icons -> Align to Grid
00:46.37sauberdle: no.. i want to change the spacing of the grid
00:46.56sauberi got much more space between icons with align to grid on kde 3.3 than older versions
00:47.04sauberit looks ugly
00:48.48dleah. good question, and I don't know the answer. :)
00:49.34sauberdle: you guys got the same differnent behaviour of the align to grid option?
00:50.06sauberthe space between icons is as large as a icon
00:50.54dlesauber: I'm running 3.2.
00:51.08sauberi see
00:53.10*** join/#kde blackbird (~cabernet@
00:53.13aseigosauber: yeah, that was hardcoded in there =/
00:53.29aseigosauber: there is a bug report or three about it on ... go vote for one of them
00:53.40sauberah ok
00:53.47sauberthanks for the info
00:54.02sauberdamn.. my laptop took 1 day compiling kde 3.3 and now this mess :)
00:54.09dleI'm glad I've heard about this.  I think I'll hold off on an upgrade.
00:55.55Dhraakellianis there an easy way to toggle the preview pane on and off in KMail without going into the settings?
00:59.19grepperdrag it :)
01:01.06*** join/#kde kde (
01:01.50DhraakellianI was thinking something more along the lines of a keystroke, toolbar button, or grippy sort of thing
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01:17.29jeebesI've got a bit of a problem with the new KDE, I can't seem to install all of it
01:17.58jeebesI did an apt-get upgrade to get it, or most of it, it is holding back lots of apps becasue it can't install the newest kdelibs4
01:20.19*** join/#kde lrathbon (
01:20.45lrathbonis it possible to change the shortcut of sending messages in Kopete from ctrl+enter to just enter?
01:20.57aseigolrathbon: yes
01:21.21aseigowould you like to know how as well? ;-)
01:21.28lrathbonaseigo: please
01:21.34aseigoin the chat window,  go under the settings menu and go into the configure shortcuts dialog
01:22.00lrathbonyeah I did that before
01:22.06lrathbonbut shortcut was listed as "none"
01:22.14lrathbonfor Say
01:24.34lrathbonand if I set it as return it still doesn't work
01:25.01lrathbonoh I see, it's Send message
01:27.41*** join/#kde CoolPops (
01:28.41dec0dingwhat is the /decoZzzZzz
01:28.43CoolPopsHas anyone made Kde 3.3's new Window Specific Settings work for Emacs and the Emacs Speedbar? I'm having difficulties making Kde distinguish between the two. Settings for my Emacs window are getting set for  the speedbar as well.
01:30.51*** join/#kde tyreth (
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01:31.10tyrethkget crashes for me with 3.3, how can I set konqueror to use a different app, or to just not use kget?
01:31.12*** join/#kde KonvIRC (
01:31.31aseigotyreth: go into the kget configuration and disable it there
01:31.47tyrethaseigo: If you mean by loading kget, I can't do that: it crashes
01:32.48lrathbonwhy is it that arts always causes problems for me... I really don't like it, I wish I could just get kde programs to use alsa
01:33.32aseigoalsa is not an option
01:33.50aseigofor numerous reasons that are usually not immediately apparent to those not involved with desktop multimedia dev =)
01:33.59aseigothe good news is that aRts is going away in KDE4
01:34.04lrathbonthank god
01:34.47jeebeswhat is to blame for the KDE sound system refusing to let go of the driver for me?
01:34.57*** join/#kde blackbird (~cabernet@
01:35.00aseigojeebes: design.
01:35.06aseigopoor design, to be exact ;-)
01:35.09jeebesI mean is it the sound driver, or kde
01:35.17aseigoit's aRts
01:35.22lrathbonarts messes around with my volumes
01:35.28lrathbonwhich is extremely annoying
01:35.45jeebesI can't seem to get the arts alternatives to work
01:35.54aseigojeebes: what arts alternatives?
01:35.59jeebesWhats it called again
01:36.04aseigojeebes: the only alt right now is gstreamer which only works with juk and amarok
01:36.04jeebesos something
01:36.09aseigooh... oss?
01:36.21lrathbonoss isn't comparable to arts
01:36.31jeebeswhat exactly is arts
01:36.48*** join/#kde CpuID-Work (
01:37.07CpuID-Workhey, someone mind letting me know what the best config setup would be using arts/alsa?
01:37.22jeebesalsa, ins't that the alternative
01:37.25lrathbonarts is at a higher level, originally I think it was made so that people could play more than one sound at a time using OSS which didn't permit that
01:37.33lrathbonbut ALSA does...
01:37.35CpuID-Workit seems a lot of kde likes and wants arts (as it would) yet ive got nice alsa support in my kernel
01:37.44tyrethI've noticed that kde 3.3 sets all my mixer volumes to 0 except for one...which is useless since i need two of them up to hear anything.
01:37.50lrathbonbut then again arts is useful for setting up software midi synthesizing
01:38.47aseigoalsa is not an option
01:38.51aseigofor numerous reasons that are usually not immediately apparent to those not involved with desktop multimedia dev =)
01:38.54aseigothe good news is that aRts is going away in KDE4
01:39.07lrathbonnot immediately apparent, but they're apparent
01:39.33jeebesI can't use my kcontrol thing
01:39.34aseigolrathbon: aRts was orginally designed to be a synth app
01:39.35jeebesAn error occurred during your last KDE upgrade leaving an orphaned control module
01:39.38aseigolrathbon: so.. yeah.. not surprising =)
01:39.46lrathbonaseigo: yeah
01:39.52aseigojeebes: have you logged out of your KDE since upgrading KDE?
01:39.53jeebeshardly anything in the control center will open
01:39.59jeebesI'll try that
01:40.02lrathbonaseigo: the only way I've ever been able to get MIDI working is through Timidity/aRts
01:40.04aseigoyeah. it helps
01:40.05*** join/#kde keanne (
01:40.15aseigoor else just run `kbuildsycoca --noincremental`
01:40.16CpuID-Workso is it best using alsa for my kernel?
01:40.20CpuID-Workand use arts as my mixer etc?
01:40.31aseigoCpuID-Work: you have little choise at this point =)
01:40.43CpuID-Workok coo
01:40.46lrathbonCpuID-Work: definitely
01:40.50CpuID-Workso im guessing arts became due to OSS being so gay?
01:40.54lrathbonCpuID-Work: unless you want to use OSS
01:40.59lrathbonCpuID-Work: basically
01:41.01aseigoCpuID-Work: no. nothing of the sarts.
01:41.02aseigoer, sort
01:41.02CpuID-Workand now that theres alsa its getting phased out?
01:41.08CpuID-Workah k np
01:41.13CpuID-Workjust a theory :)
01:41.17lrathbonoh I read arts as alsa
01:41.38lrathbonalsa was created to deal with the limitations of oss
01:41.46lrathbonand also oss is totally nonfree, ironically
01:41.48CpuID-Workand it has all the kernel drivers etc
01:47.01*** join/#kde BillClint (
01:51.57*** join/#kde jeebes (
01:52.14jeebesok everything seems to work fine after rebooting
01:52.30aseigojeebes: =)
01:52.31jeebesexcept all the minimise and close buttons hava vanished from all my windows
01:52.39aseigowho needs those?
01:53.09aseigojeebes: i was going to say... a bit late to be up isn't it? then i remembered i'm no longer in n. america right now.. hahahaa
01:53.22jeebeswhat time is it there
01:53.27jeebesits only 10 pm where I am
01:54.42jeebeswow ok, the new window decorations widget lets you (ie: forces) you to design your own button config
01:54.58jeebesforced me to at least, if I wanted a little x to click
01:55.05jeebesno worries, everythings cool now :)
01:55.24*** part/#kde CoolPops (
01:57.05jeebesso when you make a custom theme, if I were to upload it somewhere, does it have everything a person needs to use the same theme, or if I have a custom icon set, do they have to have it installed too
01:58.20*** join/#kde Pixxt (
01:59.07aseigojeebes: yes... atm i don't believe it packages up such things
01:59.27CpuID-Workhmm, you wanna know whats weird, should i have an /etc/init.d/arts[d] file on my machine if ive got arts installed? (using gentoo portage)
01:59.33CpuID-Workim pretty sure there was one before
01:59.49jeebesIt would be ideal if it saved lots of stuff, including karamba themes and stuff
02:00.00CpuID-Workmmm karamba
02:00.01jeebesideal in that it would be easy to trade themes
02:00.11jeebesI hope they integrate it into kde soon
02:00.17jeebeskaramba I mean
02:00.32aseigojeebes: well, karamba in its current form probably won't any time soon
02:00.44aseigojeebes: it's too cpu intensive and really ought to be integrated directly into kdesktop so as avoid hackiness
02:00.58aseigojeebes: it's on my "to discuss at akademy for kde 4" list
02:04.02jeebesas long as the wheel is spinning...
02:04.03*** join/#kde Anthony- (
02:04.27jeebesI love superkaramba, has a lot of potential
02:04.46*** join/#kde hyphenated (
02:05.03*** join/#kde doctorwhite (~doctorwhi@deu-74-57.Reshall.Berkeley.EDU)
02:05.05jeebesthough after my upgrade its tranparency isn't working right anymore, it shows a grey background as black
02:05.22hyphenatedhas anyone made 'OBEX File Transfer' work with their cellphone?
02:06.47*** join/#kde Flo2K (
02:07.30Pixxtwoot anybody here got that freebie phone that comes with whatever mobile phone service you use
02:07.44jeebeswhat can you do with it
02:07.55Anthony-Is anyone familiar with the reason that KDE doesn't package its individual software programs in separate packages, instead of lumping them together?
02:08.03aseigoAnthony-: yes
02:08.51jeebeshey whats the deal with the screensaver config listing tons of screensavers but almost none of them work
02:08.55aseigo* pedantically
02:09.07jeebesor is that just me
02:09.11aseigojeebes: your install of xscreensaver is b0rk3d
02:09.14Anthony-aseigo: The multi-word explanation being?
02:09.31greppertoo much damn work ?
02:09.36aseigoAnthony-: it's easier on packagers and developers
02:09.49aseigoAnthony-: and there are relatively sane ways for packagers to split up the metapackages
02:10.00aseigoAnthony-: pretty much everyone is doing it that way these days
02:10.11aseigoAnthony-: if you build from source you can pass flags to configure to skip apps
02:10.12jeebesI'll try to reinstall it
02:10.25hyphenatedPixxt: I got my phone free with the service I signed up for, but that was ages ago, and they gave me a crappy nokia one
02:10.37hyphenatedPixxt: the new one, I had to shell out some $$ for
02:10.48CpuID-Workim never going on a phone contract again
02:10.51Anthony-aseigo: Granted, however that doesn't bypass the fact that I still need to download horribly bloated software packages and manually trim out all the nonsense
02:10.56CpuID-Workive still got spare phones now, from previous contracts, which is good
02:11.05Anthony-It's even worse for a package-based distribution
02:11.08CpuID-Workim just gonna buy phones outright from now on, works out better off anyway
02:11.35CpuID-WorkAnthony-: use gentoo, set some USE flags id say
02:11.39CpuID-Workits pretty sane to do
02:11.40aseigoAnthony-: no it isn't worse for package based dist
02:11.54CpuID-Workmaybe on something like redhat where everyone is so used to rpm -i'ing precompiled packages, that is where its a mess :)
02:12.05aseigoAnthony-: witness suse, for instance
02:12.10Anthony-CpuID-Work: Gentoo USE flags help, though they're nothing compared to DO_NOT_COMPILE, which is painful to use
02:12.18CpuID-Worki guess so
02:12.21jeebessay is there a command that will tell you how long your os has been installed
02:12.34CpuID-Workgentoo portage leaves the freedom to do a lot for any builds that need specific requirements usually
02:12.47CpuID-Workso i guess if it doesnt do it already, can easily submit a patch for something new :)
02:13.49Anthony-CpuID-Work: Which is precisely why I use Gentoo for my systems but being a software developer myself, I'm trying to comprehend the reason they would force users to download needless software when there is a relatively straightforward alternative
02:14.06Anthony-Laziness is not an excuse
02:14.44CpuID-Workwell, i think kde have the right idea
02:14.50CpuID-Workdistribute categories of apps
02:15.00CpuID-Workif maybe you have 5 apps its not too bad to do them separately
02:15.11CpuID-Workbut when you ahve the amount that kde does :)
02:15.51Anthony-I don't argue that there's anything wrong with categorization, but I believe that there is something definitely wrong with rediculous bloating of distributed files
02:15.58DhraakellianI seem to remember from the days when I would install Mozilla every day on the computers at school
02:16.07Anthony-If I needed a windows-level of bloat, I wouldn't be using Linux
02:16.09Dhraakellianthat I could choose which components to install
02:16.21Dhraakellianis there something like that for KDE?
02:16.26lrathbonI like it SIMPLE though -- if I install Xorg, I don't want to have a million different packs to organize, along with devel packs
02:16.31Dhraakellian"Which image viewer do you want?"
02:17.24*** part/#kde owen (
02:17.47lrathbongah I typed that message in the wrong channel :P
02:18.12aseigoAnthony-: then pick a distro that does it right
02:18.19aseigoAnthony-: obviously you are using something braindamaged
02:18.39Anthony-lrathbon: Xorg is a display server that has one single purpose, which is to create an initial GUI environment that can be built upon. KMail has one single purpose, as does KSirc, Konsole and Kopete. There is nothing wrong with having addons to those -independant- programs, but that doesn't mean that all of them need to be distributed together
02:18.56lrathbonAnthony-: I didn't mean to type that here
02:19.19lrathbonbut what I said kind of works in this context, hehe
02:19.26Anthony-It applies to the discussion
02:19.35*** join/#kde illogic-al (
02:20.02DhraakellianI know that Gentoo doesn't provide a kdeextragear package
02:20.18lrathbonbut I don't think it'd be a good idea to separate the kdesktop package from the kwin pack, etc -- I think kdebase should be kept the way it is
02:20.21Dhraakellianbut has separate ebuilds for each app
02:20.22Anthony-aseigo: Granted, Gentoo could break up the packages and distribute them individually. On the other hand, what's wrong with the -developers- of the software taking the time to offer their software in a sane way?
02:20.38aseigoAnthony-: we do offer it in a sane way
02:20.40Anthony-lrathbon: I agree on that, I'm meaning only packages such as kdenetwork
02:20.51aseigoAnthony-: a sane way for the intended consumers. which are sane distributors of binaries
02:20.56lrathbonAnthony-: I heartily agree -- which is what a lot of distros are doing already
02:20.59aseigoAnthony-: gentoo does fall into that category.
02:21.08lrathbonbut that's not how they're packaged by the KDE devels, I know
02:21.11aseigoer, s,does,does not,
02:21.21*** join/#kde illogic-al (
02:21.44Dhraakellianillogic-al == Alpha_and_Omega?
02:22.00Alpha_and_OmegaYes it does.
02:22.04Dhraakellianbe afraid?
02:22.27Anthony-aseigo: I don't dispute that, though I also don't see why it can't be made to be somewhat flexible for people who prefer better control over their software without having to jump through an array of hoops to filter out the unnecessary components
02:22.32blackbirdbegging and the end
02:22.50lrathbonwhoa konqi has a googlebar now?
02:23.11whappdwhat? where?
02:23.13Dhraakelliangood sick or bad sick?
02:23.13lrathbonI might start using it more now
02:23.15whappdi want one :0
02:23.20lrathbongood sick
02:23.25Dhraakellianwhappd: 3.3
02:23.31Dhraakellianwebbrowsing profile
02:23.35whappdscrew that. i'm not updating yet.
02:23.52Anthony-aseigo: For example, while using KMail and clicking on a link in a message, I would rather shoot myself in the foot than have it open in Konqueror or download the file and display it from a local temp file
02:23.54lrathbonwhappd: uh.. ?  hence the "now" in my message :P
02:24.12whappdlrathbon: i wasn't sure if it was a plugin or something...
02:24.19lrathbonwhappd: oh ok
02:24.39lrathbonI still wonder if there's a way to make it so you can single click on the location bar to select the url
02:24.45lrathbonmy family gets soooo confused that way
02:25.24Anthony-I don't disagree that KMail provides excellent functionality (minus the Qt/KDE backend), however there is a point where the extra features become detrimental rather than productive
02:26.22aseigoAnthony-: there are some features in kmail that are largely unecessary, yes..
02:26.27aseigoAnthony-: that's totally unrelated to the topic
02:26.36aseigoAnthony-: and you can set your browser to something other than konqueror in 3.3
02:27.14aseigoAlpha_and_Omega: hm?
02:27.17lrathbonaseigo: you can?  Sick!
02:27.19*** join/#kde renyi|ace (~renyi@
02:27.19Anthony-aseigo: Perhaps then, if the software wasn't distributed in such a bloated fashion with so many inter-dependencies, those detrimental features would not be present
02:27.28lrathbonbut.. I don't think I want to now that I've seen the changes made to Konqi
02:27.32aseigolrathbon: hey... users get what they want =)
02:27.43Alpha_and_Omegaaseigo: "there is a point where the extra features become detrimental rather than productive"
02:27.47lrathbonaseigo: heh
02:27.50aseigolrathbon: well, yeah... we waited until konq rocked to implement that ;-) ... just kidding of cours
02:28.13GeorgeAnthony-: please elaborate as to the bloat of the distribution
02:28.15aseigoAlpha_and_Omega: astounded as in you agree with that statement, or disagree with that statement
02:28.25GeorgeAnthony-: are you referring to the main modules, like kdenetwork, kdebase etc?
02:28.29aseigoAnthony-: well, that has nothing to do with it
02:28.34aseigoAnthony-: do you actually develop software?
02:28.59aseigoAlpha_and_Omega: haha... now we know who you REALLY ARE! ;-)
02:29.02Anthony-George: If you read upwards, you can see what I was meaning by "bloat"
02:29.09Alpha_and_Omegaaseigo: heheh
02:29.19Alpha_and_Omegaaseigo: astounded as in disagree
02:29.20Anthony-George: I was meaning the packaging and high degree if inter-dependency of the software
02:29.34aseigoAlpha_and_Omega: oh. well... he's correct in that there are features that are completely unecessary
02:29.34Anthony-"of", rather than "if"
02:29.50aseigoAlpha_and_Omega: it has nothing to do with our packaging and integration, however
02:29.59GeorgeAnthony-: we would lose a lot of development efficiency if we developed without the module system we have - we'd waste lots of time with the fragmented build system
02:30.06aseigoAlpha_and_Omega: and kmail is actually making progress towards better rather than worse in that category, however
02:30.18Alpha_and_Omegaaseigo: like what? I find that all its features are useful to me
02:30.28Alpha_and_Omegabouncing is especially fun :-)
02:30.37lrathbonone of my favourite KDE extra gear projects is KMPlayer.. I'm surprised no one ever talks about it
02:30.48aseigosure... but having N different filtering mechanisms isn't very useful
02:30.57GeorgeAnthony-: we are not packagers, it's up to the distributions to package our stuff
02:31.01lrathbonit rules
02:31.09Anthony-George: As aseigo pointed out earlier, the software appeals to an audience, though I believe that there's a point where it becomes unreasonable
02:31.40Alpha_and_Omegaaseigo: I dunno about that. It gives people the choice on whether they want to use spamassassin or whatever else there is out there
02:31.48Anthony-If I want a MUA, I don't need another eight megabytes of compressed garbage along with it
02:31.49Alpha_and_Omegacjoice is always a good thing
02:32.12Alpha_and_OmegaAnthony-: that's what mutt's for :-D
02:32.23aseigoAnthony-: then use an OS that packages things properly
02:32.34Anthony-Alpha_and_Omega: I've heard
02:32.47GeorgeAnthony-: to be honest, I'd rather download the module than hunt for 1000s of packages of the individual apps
02:32.55aseigoAlpha_and_Omega: filtering.. not spam killing
02:32.57Alpha_and_OmegaJust heard the tales
02:32.59aseigomutt is pretty cool
02:33.09lrathbonaseigo: well if OSes package it properly.. then shouldn't KDE also do it the "proper" way?  point is, there is no proper way of doing things
02:33.17Anthony-aseigo: It's not the distribution that doesn't package things properly, it's KDE
02:33.20GeorgeAnthony-: and inter dependancy is good, it means we don't reimpliment stuff
02:33.41GeorgeAnthony-: if we didn't have interdependancy, we'd have serious bloat issues
02:33.47lrathbonI mean... if you don't want bloat, why are you using KDE?
02:34.07lrathbonseriously though
02:34.09aseigoAnthony-: oh, we're supposed to spoon feed the distros while making development work less efficient?
02:34.22lrathbonI think Anthony- has a point
02:34.40Anthony-George: A packaging system could handle the main dependency installations, what concerns me is the quite restrictive nature of the packages
02:34.41aseigolrathbon: you're not a software developer or packager either are you? ;-)
02:34.42lrathbonI'm not saying he's right, but he has a point, and it's valid
02:34.51aseigoAnthony-: they aren't restrictive
02:34.53lrathbonaseigo: I know pyQt, stfu!  j/k
02:34.55GeorgeAnthony-: define "restrictive nature"
02:35.06aseigoAnthony-: they are just collections of apps which makes our job that much easier
02:35.11Anthony-George: If only a few of the larger applications were distributed independantly, it would be greatly helpful
02:35.20lrathbonaseigo: I'm not a politician, so I guess that means I have no right to talk about politics?
02:35.37Alpha_and_OmegaAnthony-: I don't know which distro you are using but I don't like the way MDK decided to patch KDE and instead of blaming KDE i just built it from source
02:35.46aseigolrathbon: no. you can talk about politics, but one would hope you have a general grasp of politics
02:35.46lrathbonbtw kolourpaint is sooooooooooooo much better than kpaint
02:35.50Anthony-aseigo: I don't disagree with that, but does making your job easier make it right to make the jobs of countless other users that much more difficult?
02:35.52Alpha_and_OmegaNow I'm happy and MDK is happy and we can all live in peace
02:35.58aseigolrathbon: you think? yeah... kolourpaint rox
02:36.12aseigolrathbon: there is talk of integrating kjsembed to make writing effects plugins ubersimple
02:36.29GeorgeAnthony-: yes, but a lot of the larger applications depend heavily on the smaller ones
02:36.31aseigoAnthony-: the two measurements are orthogonal
02:36.40Anthony-Alpha_and_Omega: That's definitely a solution even if it may not be ideal
02:36.40lrathbonaseigo: I don't think the KDE devels are doing things wrong -- I like the modules -- but certain programs should be split -- I mean we have JuK and Noatun which basically serve the same purpose
02:36.41aseigoAnthony-: and it doesn't make users lives that much more difficult.
02:36.43GeorgeAnthony-: for example, KMail depends on most of the stuff in kdepim
02:36.46aseigoAnthony-: packagers can and do get it right
02:36.49lrathbonthere should be one KDE media player
02:36.53aseigoAnthony-: for those compiling from source, it's not that hard either
02:37.04lrathbonbut as far as KDE pim goes.. you guys are doing it perfectly IMHO
02:37.10aseigolrathbon: the proper comparison would be noatun and amaroK
02:37.19GeorgeAnthony-: as I say, we are the developers, not the packagers. We simply release the source code and it just so happens most packagers package the same way our build system works
02:37.22aseigolrathbon: juk and noatun serve fundamentally different audiences
02:37.35aseigolrathbon: and amarok will hopefully replace noatun in the near future
02:37.43GeorgeAnthony-: as it's more convenient for the packagers and it doesn't make much difference at all
02:37.44lrathbonaseigo: still... I think KDE should have one media player by default.  That's just my opinion.
02:37.44Alpha_and_Omegalrathbon: there is
02:37.57Alpha_and_Omegalrathbon: it's noatun :-)
02:38.11GeorgeAnthony-: it is perfectly possible to package each application separately, and Debian does it this way
02:38.24aseigolrathbon: would be nice but then we underserve one segment or the other
02:38.26Alpha_and_Omegajuk manages music collections
02:38.28aseigolrathbon: nasty that way
02:38.42lrathbonwell then consider this
02:38.44Alpha_and_Omeganoatun is mainly for playing individual files
02:38.52aseigoAlpha_and_Omega: you are thinking of kaboodle i think
02:38.59lrathbonKaboodle and Noatun are both labeled 'Media Player'
02:39.00Anthony-George: Referring to your KMail comment, my disagreement is not that it doesn't work as-is, rather that it works and I would rather not have the extra dependency that I'll never need...
02:39.11lrathbonone of them should be eliminated, or its description should be changed
02:39.22Alpha_and_Omegaaseigo: i was actually thinking of noatun, but i see your point
02:39.24aseigolrathbon: well, that's not really what those descriptions are for... we use them poorly though
02:39.25DhraakellianI actually have a use for both JuK and amaroK
02:39.29*** part/#kde tyreth (
02:39.38GeorgeAnthony-: well, take that up with the KMail people
02:39.48DhraakellianJuK for tagging (the multiline comment field is nifty)
02:39.53Dhraakellianand amarok for everything else
02:39.54aseigoAnthony-: which dependency is that?
02:40.42Anthony-George: For example, I used KDE's menu bar with the FluxBox window manager along side with KMail. It was faster not having to use KWin, though it performed horribly in the long run because of the dependency factor
02:40.46dlejuk could use some improvement.
02:40.48lrathbonand KPDF is useless imho
02:41.01lrathbonI see no advantage to using it over KGhostview
02:41.08Alpha_and_Omegadle: juk got a lot of love for 3.3
02:41.15aseigolrathbon: besides being an order of magnitude faster?
02:41.24GeorgeAnthony-: KDE isn't designed to run with foreign window managers, although it will interoperate with them. As 99% of us are using KWin all the optimizations etc are for KWin (obviously)
02:41.30Alpha_and_Omegalrathbon: kghostview does _not_ work with al pdfs
02:41.31dleAlpha_and_Omega: you mean it's a lot better>
02:41.34aseigolrathbon: there are patches that port kpdf to xpdf 3 which even widens the gap further
02:41.40Alpha_and_Omegadle: yes
02:41.53dleI'm glad to hear that. :)]
02:42.00Anthony-George: I realize that KDE is intended to be an entire desktop environment, it's just frustrating when wanting one program out of twenty and needing such a large number of dependencies
02:42.01DhraakellianI like being able to do a non-left click on a window and have it in focus while still having it underneath things
02:42.09Dhraakellianwithout having to have the mouse over it
02:42.12lrathbonaseigo: I think KDE should have one "document viewer" and KGhostview seems like the one to me
02:42.40aseigoAnthony-: it has nothing to do with kwin
02:42.50aseigoAnthony-: it's the fact that when you don't have kdelibs loaded into ram, things start slower
02:43.04aseigoAnthony-: we have cool hacks like kdeinit and the like that make launching multiple kde apps faster
02:43.11Georgeaseigo: I stand corrected :)
02:43.19Anthony-The point being that I need KDELibs and KDEInit in the first place
02:43.31GeorgeAnthony-: uhm.
02:43.40aseigoAnthony-: just like you needed glibc in the first place
02:43.45Alpha_and_OmegaAnthony-: it's the backbone of kde
02:43.46GeorgeAnthony-: kdelibs is absolutely required.
02:43.54Alpha_and_Omegaog course you'll need kdelibs
02:43.55GeorgeAnthony-: just like gtk is required for anything GNOME
02:44.08GeorgeAnthony-: if we didn't have kdelibs we'd have serious bloat issues
02:44.08aseigoAnthony-: a consistent, coherent, powerful, integrated desktop requires libs that bind things together
02:44.16Anthony-KDELibs I could live with. Having to start KDEInit in a foreign window environment I cannot
02:44.38aseigoAnthony-: you don't have to start kdeinit
02:44.46Georgekdeinit doesn't run when you're not running full KDE
02:45.00Georgekdeinit is run by the startkde script
02:45.04aseigoAnthony-: and kdeinit has nothing to do with the windowing environment, it has to do with launching subsequent kde apps faster =)
02:45.15Anthony-George: When I was using KMail and FluxBox, KDEInit started prior to starting KMail
02:45.23GeorgeAnthony-: I find that highly unlikely
02:45.33aseigoGeorge: depends on how it was in his menu
02:45.48Georgeaseigo: yes, I suppose
02:46.00lrathbonaseigo: how should it have been in his menu?
02:46.11aseigolrathbon: in theory just "kmail|
02:46.14aseigoer, "kmail"
02:46.27Georgewell, $KDEDIR/bin/kmail
02:46.40Georgeas if he was in a foreign environment KDEDIR may not have been set
02:47.04aseigokdedir isn't set anymore. it was depricated in kde2
02:47.05Alpha_and_Omegammm, cheetos
02:47.09aseigo`kde-config --prefix`/bin/kmail
02:47.15aseigoAlpha_and_Omega: oooh.. bring some of that shit over here
02:47.22lrathbonusually when I'm in WMaker (or what have you) and run a program such as "kmail" in an xterm, running ps -A tells me that kdeinit is indeed running
02:47.23*** join/#kde lypanov (
02:47.37aseigoAlpha_and_Omega: thx
02:47.40Anthony-George: I can't recall the exact installation environment it was using, although I certainly remember waiting twenty seconds for the kdeinit server to start, and then watching it start subsequent programs only afterwards
02:47.47Alpha_and_OmegaYou finish it and i kill you
02:47.55aseigolrathbon: hm... i wonder if that's due to kuniqueapp forking and then running kdeinit to avoid double startup overhead
02:48.04aseigoAnthony-: it isn't a server =)
02:48.14GeorgeAnthony-: kdeinit is only a script, and kdeinit runs in about 2-3 seconds here
02:48.17Anthony-aseigo: Daemon, then
02:48.29aseigoAnthony-: it's a silly do-nothing app that just loads the kdelibs into mem so that other apps don't have to =)
02:48.46GeorgeAnthony-: are you referring to kded?
02:48.58lrathbonon a completely unrelated note.. anyone know if KGhostView will have a find feature sometime soon?
02:49.07aseigolrathbon: doubt it =/
02:49.09Alpha_and_Omegawhat the heck does kded do?
02:49.10Georgeaseigo: it's nearly 5am :)
02:49.16aseigoGeorge: only? ;-)
02:49.16lrathbonI'm still using XPDF because of that
02:49.20Georgeaseigo: hehe :)
02:49.39aseigolrathbon: yeah... that's one of the nice things about kpdf is that it should track xpdf from release to release
02:50.05lrathbonaseigo: what's KGhostView's focus going to be for future releases?
02:50.18aseigolrathbon: no idea
02:50.37Anthony-George: At this point there's no reason to be discussing the FluxBox and KMail scenario because it was many months ago
02:50.54Anthony-I honestly can't remember enough about it to discuss it properly
02:50.55GeorgeAnthony-: so what other gripes have you got with KDE?
02:51.00lrathbonlike right now KGhostview is listed as PS/PDF Viewer and KPDF is listed as PDF viewer... so in my eyes there's overlap, and if I were new to KDE I'd think, "hm, what's the point of kpdf if kghostview does both?"
02:51.03Alpha_and_OmegaOne dedicated gs viewer and another dedicated pdf viewer
02:51.23GeorgeKGhostview loads PDF?
02:51.33Alpha_and_OmegaGeorge: It tries
02:51.50lrathbonI've had less problems with KGhostview loading PDFs than I have with KPDF
02:51.50Alpha_and_OmegaAnd most of the times makes a valiant attempt
02:51.53Anthony-George: I'm certain that I could provide you with an expansive list, though in the interest of drawing the line...
02:52.22aseigolrathbon: i generally agree with that... once kpdf has proven itself i'm sure we'll drop pdf support from kghostview
02:52.41lrathbonaseigo: cool
02:52.58aseigono point in code dupe... and we have a general policy of one purpose, one app
02:53.56lrathbonbut I'm glad you have pdf support in kghostview now actually.. because KPDF does a crap job rendering the pdfs
02:55.29lrathbonI'm liking the new sounds in kde btw... a lot less "shocking" than the ones in 3.2
02:55.50Alpha_and_OmegaThe new sounds are awesome.
02:56.23Alpha_and_OmegaFor this alone I'm willing to endure artsd
02:56.25*** part/#kde Anthony- (
02:56.29lrathbonI found the old startup sound endearing... but the new one is better
02:56.49DhraakellianI had the new sounds for a while
02:56.57Dhraakellianthen I turned them off
02:57.05lrathbonDhraakellian: don't like 'em?
02:57.18Dhraakellianthey're okay, but the novelty wore off
02:57.41Dhraakellianthat and the SG-1 eps I was watching required me to turn the volume way up
02:58.04Dhraakellianand then someone IMed me
02:58.20Dhraakellianloud notification sounds
02:59.25Alpha_and_Omegareclaims even
02:59.36lrathbonbrb, need to take dog out :)
03:00.04Alpha_and_OmegaChester Cheetah says: "Lack of cheetos may cause slight brain damage."
03:07.34lrathbongah it's boring in here now
03:07.40lrathbonI want a heated discussion again :(
03:07.50lypanovkde sucks
03:08.26lypanovlots of it
03:08.26lypanova lot
03:08.26lrathbonthen what would that make GNOME in terms of suckiness?
03:08.31lypanovtotal ass sucking bitchcake material
03:08.35Dhraakellianlrathbon: gnome sucks the rest of the donkey?
03:08.41lrathbonDhraakellian: erm... sure.
03:08.57Dhraakellianexcuse me while I go floss my brain
03:09.11lypanovit all sucks ass
03:09.20lrathbonthe ONLY thing I like about GNOME is the "Computer" icon on the desktop
03:09.39lrathbonI made my own for my KDE desktop :P
03:10.09lrathbonI think I'll go stir up some controversy in #gentoo
03:10.48lrathbonDhraakellian: you used DentoTape, I hope
03:11.06Alpha_and_OmegaI think it was NeuroTape
03:11.13Alpha_and_OmegaBrain floss and all...
03:11.48Alpha_and_OmegaIn other news...
03:11.52lrathbonAlpha_and_Omega: what do you use?
03:12.02lrathbonif you say BitchX I'll kill you
03:12.03Alpha_and_Omegalrathbon: Konversation.
03:12.11Dhraakelliankonversation is coming along
03:12.12Alpha_and_Omegalrathbon: lol
03:12.18grepperwe are on to you lypanov - kde developer by day,  evil Troll by night
03:12.29lypanovcaught out
03:12.45DhraakellianI look forward to the day when konversation catches up and passes xchat
03:12.56lrathbonxchat is bloated
03:12.59Alpha_and_OmegaThat day's already here for me :-P
03:13.03lypanovxchat is crud
03:13.16lrathbonKonsole is the best irc client out there
03:13.18*** join/#kde guhvies (
03:13.27Alpha_and_Omegalrathbon: ?
03:13.31lrathbonit gives me antialiased fonts for irssi :)
03:13.35lypanovAlpha_and_Omega: yum. thx
03:13.37Dhraakellianlypanov: don't take this the wrong way, but I believe YOUR MOM is bloated.
03:13.51Alpha_and_Omegalrathbon: so does gnome-terminal...
03:13.55lrathbonDhraakellian: it was me that said xchat was bloated
03:14.01lrathbonAlpha_and_Omega: yeah but gnome-terminal is a pos
03:14.18Dhraakellianlrathbon: still... does the troll not deserve it?
03:14.31Dhraakellianyou two wouldn't happen to be siblings?
03:14.39lrathbonDhraakellian: how did you know!?
03:15.51Alpha_and_Omegawith a cheeto
03:16.04*** join/#kde somekool (
03:16.18The3_14ed|erand points to anyone who can correctly pronounce this nick
03:16.47somekoolhello people .... anyone remember once folders in konqueror was animating on mouse over ? I can't get this option back ? was it a special icon set feature ?
03:16.48Poprocksthe leader?
03:16.59Alpha_and_OmegaThe3_14ed|er: The3_14ed|er
03:17.05Alpha_and_Omegaexactly like that.
03:17.08The3_14ed|erAlpha_and_Omega: harharhar
03:17.18Alpha_and_OmegaGimme my points foo.
03:17.20whappdthee laedler?
03:17.50*** join/#kde bipolar (
03:18.02bipolardoes anyone here use Rekall?
03:18.02lypanovThe3_14ed|er: how did u know my mom was teh bl04t?
03:18.11lypanovrekall is lame
03:18.14The3_14ed|erlypanov: lucky guess
03:18.16Alpha_and_OmegaSo I got the new Xorg w/ transparency support
03:18.24Alpha_and_Omegaand fired up KDE
03:18.31Alpha_and_OmegaIt rocks!
03:18.31PoprocksAlpha_and_Omega: gah!!
03:18.38Alpha_and_OmegaThen it froze...
03:18.43PoprocksAlpha_and_Omega: ;)
03:18.53Poprockstransparency is such a novelty
03:18.53The3_14ed|erhint: The π-ed |er
03:19.02Alpha_and_OmegaSo then I fired it up up again!
03:19.11PoprocksAlpha_and_Omega: all right!
03:19.38Alpha_and_Omegaand was enjoying the sounds as i moused over diff desktops
03:19.50lypanovThe3_14ed|er: :P
03:19.56Poprockswas the translucency not distracting?
03:19.57The3_14ed|erAlpha_and_Omega: you too?
03:20.00*** part/#kde Echo6 (
03:20.12Alpha_and_OmegaSo thenI fired it up again!
03:20.21PoprocksAlpha_and_Omega: tell us more!
03:20.22The3_14ed|erthose desktop switching sounds are slightly addictive
03:20.23Alpha_and_OmegaBut this time i stuck to desktop one
03:20.31The3_14ed|er's one reason I turned off system sounds
03:20.38Alpha_and_OmegaAnd was messing around with the menu
03:20.47Alpha_and_Omegathe menu shadows look weird
03:20.55Alpha_and_Omegabut it didn't freeze
03:21.10Alpha_and_OmegaSo then I was like, Alright! Let's fire up an app!
03:21.16Poprocksoh great
03:21.19*** join/#kde SecretMethod70 (
03:21.31Alpha_and_OmegaAnd I fired up konversation
03:21.40Poprocksand it froze?
03:21.47Alpha_and_Omegaand turned on transparency for the konvi window
03:21.51Alpha_and_Omegaand it was meh
03:21.56Alpha_and_Omega(not that impressive)
03:22.07PoprocksAlpha_and_Omega: how do you "turn on transparency"?
03:22.07Alpha_and_OmegaSo then I turned it off
03:22.15Alpha_and_OmegaPoprocks: transset
03:22.40Alpha_and_OmegaSo _then_ a Konvi OSD display came up!
03:22.41The3_14ed|erpsuedo-transparency, though
03:22.54Alpha_and_OmegaAnd it had the shadows and looked cool!
03:23.02Alpha_and_OmegaBut then X froze again...
03:23.19PoprocksAlpha_and_Omega: doesn't sound worth it to me, yet
03:23.29Alpha_and_OmegaPoprocks: nein.
03:23.45Poprocksand what are these desktop switching sounds you all speak of?
03:23.55The3_14ed|er <-- I'm considering setting that up
03:24.04Alpha_and_OmegaBut I can guarantee the KDE won't look quite right when the new X get's released
03:24.14Alpha_and_OmegaMenu shadows for one
03:24.37Poprockswell I'm sure KDE will adapt to these changes in circumstance...
03:24.45Alpha_and_Omegathey appear arounf the menu instead of below
03:25.02*** join/#kde huhlig (~huhlig@
03:25.18huhligis there anyway for korganizer to sync with something like yahoo calender?
03:25.22Alpha_and_OmegaPoprocks: I dunno bout the 3.3.x release, but I'm sure it will for 3.x
03:25.27Alpha_and_Omegaor 4.x
03:25.41PoprocksAlpha_and_Omega: yeah prolly
03:25.48lypanovwtf happened to #gentoo?
03:25.51lypanovits so lame these days
03:25.58lypanovare the ops even devels?
03:26.05whappdlypanov: doubtful.
03:26.05Alpha_and_Omegalypanov: U R l4m3!
03:26.12lypanovwhappd: yer. thought as much
03:26.13whappd#gentoo does suck, though
03:26.17Alpha_and_OmegaU l4m3R U
03:26.17lypanovcalling me a freeloader
03:26.28whappdoh, this i gotta see
03:26.32lypanovi've written crap loads more code than the 1337 ops in that chan
03:26.39lypanoveven for gen2 probably hehe
03:27.24*** join/#kde lrathbon (
03:27.59lypanovtotal crap anyways
03:29.21Poprocksthat's weird.. I didn't have colour in IRSSI when I was using konsole
03:29.26Poprocksbut I had colour in regular bash
03:29.38*** join/#kde sparkersiaaass (
03:29.50somekoolPoprocks konsole -ls
03:30.10Poprockssomekool: same difference
03:30.13sparkersiaaassi don't don't have system sounds anymore in kde, but aplay blah.wav works fine. can anyone point me in the right direction?
03:30.34Poprockseh whatever I want to try konversation anyway
03:30.48Poprockswhappd: who's using gentoo?
03:30.48The3_14ed|ersparkersiaaass: did you just update to 3.3?
03:30.59Poprocksoh in #gentoo?
03:31.03whappdPoprocks: i am, but i'm laughing at a moron there
03:31.13sparkersiaaassThe3_14ed|er: nope, 3.2.3
03:31.47Poprockswhappd: what's his name
03:32.23whappdit was nightgrave, being slightly idiotic. he's not really a moron, but i'm in a piss-poor mood, so i'm lashing out :P
03:32.29sparkersiaaassThe3_14ed|er: # artsd
03:32.30sparkersiaaassALSA lib pcm_hw.c:549:(snd_pcm_hw_start) SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_START failed: Broken pipe
03:32.35sparkersiaaassany ideas?
03:33.07The3_14ed|ersparkersiaaass: in ~/.kde/share/config rename knotifyrc and knotify.eventsrc
03:34.10The3_14ed|erand they should be replaced the next time you start KDE
03:34.17The3_14ed|erthat might work
03:34.57Alpha_and_Omegasparkersiaaass: ll ~/.kde/share/config/knotify*
03:35.31Alpha_and_OmegaThe3_14ed|er: already pointed out the prob
03:35.58sparkersiaaassso those artsd messages are related to the prob?
03:36.12*** join/#kde AssociateX (
03:36.28The3_14ed|erAlpha_and_Omega: any luck figuring out the pronunciation?
03:36.32Alpha_and_Omegasparkersiaaass: i see them and artsd works
03:36.46sparkersiaaassAlpha_and_Omega: ok
03:37.04The3_14ed|erhint: The π-ed |er
03:37.16Alpha_and_OmegaThe3_14ed|er: The π-ed |er
03:37.44The3_14ed|erspell it out with only letters
03:37.53The3_14ed|erenglish letters
03:37.57whappdthe piedler
03:38.04Alpha_and_Omegathe needler
03:38.09whappdpied piper.
03:38.57whappdehh, you can keep your rocketcash
03:38.59whappdor whatever the hell that is
03:39.01*** join/#kde AssociateX ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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03:39.08whappdplanet points?
03:39.09whappdsomething like that.
03:39.16whappdyay, netsplit
03:39.17The3_14ed|erwell, I said, "and points to anyone who can correctly pronounce this nick"
03:39.45whappdAlpha_and_Omega: 3.14 = ~pi. + ed.
03:39.51The3_14ed|erreally bad math pun
03:40.02Alpha_and_Omegathere is no point...
03:40.22*** join/#kde AssociateX (
03:40.35The3_14ed|erwell, I use the underscore since, afaik, '.' isn't a valid char for IRC nicks
03:40.37sparkersiaaassAlpha_and_Omega: tried what The3_14ed|er suggested and still no system sounds