irclog2html for #kde on 20040606

00:09.50*** join/#kde mxcl (
00:11.31Borg^QueenOk people we got it to call ark but that's as far as it got
00:12.00*** join/#kde guhvies (
00:19.24*** join/#kde CommodoreAttack ([
00:20.33CommodoreAttackAnyone here?
00:21.11CommodoreAttackI am trying to locate a yum deposotory for the latest RPMs for KDE
00:21.11*** join/#kde mxcl (
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00:22.38*** join/#kde squash_ (
00:22.43squash_how do i create a shortcut, so it will execute a command in konsole
00:22.52squash_e.g. like if i wanna start mplayer in konsole
00:22.57squash_desktop icon to execute mplayer
00:23.03squash_in kde with konsole
00:23.48grepperwhy would you start it in konsole ?
00:24.07squash_because mplayer...
00:24.15squash_i wanna use mplayer from command line with no gui
00:24.20squash_as the gui is all... yeah
00:24.38CommodoreAttackWhat is the current version of KDE?  3.2?
00:25.30greppersquash_: then just start konsole and start typing :)
00:26.12squash_i'm lazy
00:26.40squash_as i don't wanna type that everytime
00:27.55grepperwell, presumably you will need to type the name of the file
00:29.51grepperjust starting konsole with "mplayer" will flash konsole on the screen and it will disappear
00:30.23CommodoreAttackDoes anyone know if there is a yum enabled reposotory for KDE rpms?
00:30.23squash_exactly... :-\
00:30.27grepperif you know the name of the file, then you don't need konsole, just mplayer /path/to/file
00:31.04squash_what if i wanna play from a URL ?
00:31.13squash_mplayer http://............ ?
00:34.16grepperwhatever working in a terminal should work in a "desktop file"
00:34.41squash_hmmm not in this case
00:35.31greppergive me a url
00:35.58squash_i don't have one
00:36.20squash_i'll try installing another console
00:36.22squash_like xterm
00:36.40squash_i think
00:37.07grepperyou are a squash player ?
00:38.23squash_what is aterm, eterm or xterm ?
00:38.38grepperlike konsole, but no tabs
00:38.49grepperlighter on resources
00:39.01squash_light resources
00:39.06squash_no tabs etc
00:39.37grepperI see
00:39.44squash_i'll try aterm
00:40.03grepperrxvt is very light
00:40.58squash_i tried with aterm still the same
00:41.48squash_looks like i'll just have the stuff
00:41.48greppersame what ?
00:42.00grepperyes, what ?
00:42.05squash_opens and closes
00:42.16grepperthat's the expected behavior !
00:42.30grepperyou haven't given it anything to do
00:42.43grepperif you type "mplayer" in  a term it does noting
00:42.49squash_aterm -e mplayer
00:42.53*** part/#kde StevenR (
00:42.54squash_konsole -e mplayer
00:43.01grepperthat is expected
00:43.43grepperthis whole thing strikes me as a waste of your time   As you don't really know what you want to do :)
00:50.07*** join/#kde Raster_ (
00:59.15*** part/#kde squash_ (
01:01.38*** join/#kde cmdrfunk (
01:03.52*** join/#kde GillesM (
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01:07.28GillesMI have a question ... how to replace kmix by kamix ? I have compiled kamix and renamed kmix to kamix but I see always kmix in the small icons
01:07.44*** join/#kde fastly (
01:11.20*** join/#kde mxcl (
01:20.30*** join/#kde MrBiggZ (
01:21.19MrBiggZGreetings anybody here upgrade kde to 3.2 on a mandrake 9.2 distro?
01:24.21*** join/#kde guhvies (
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01:30.02*** part/#kde GillesM (
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01:33.02hackeronwhat do you think of this:  ---- something you also find useful? care to vote?
01:34.08*** join/#kde syscrash2k (
01:34.29syscrash2khow do i disable the navigation panel in konqueror?
01:34.38hackeronsyscrash2k: F9?
01:34.40chendoanyone know what dcop command to seet focus to a window?
01:34.55syscrash2khackeron, that hides it, but i want to disable it for good
01:35.10syscrash2khackeron, so that it doesnt show up when i open another konq window
01:35.23hackeronsyscrash2k: I've done it, I think its in settings -> configure profiles
01:36.04syscrash2khackeron, it isnt in there, it must be somewhere else :P
01:36.37hackeronsyscrash2k: yeah, cant remember exactly where, but I've disabled it for good somehow :)
01:36.58hackeronsyscrash2k: check it out, sexy? ftp://public:asd@
01:37.04syscrash2kalso, how can i make it so that i have to double click to open folders, single click to select?
01:37.31hackeronsyscrash2k: somewhere in kcontrol, not sure why you would want that, but its there :)
01:37.42syscrash2khackeron, not to my taste :P
01:37.44hackeronsyscrash2k: I think its under peripherals -> mouse settings if I'm not wrong
01:37.55CommodoreAttackAnyone know how to make a launcher that is on everyone's Desktop or pannel?
01:37.59hackeronsyscrash2k: give it a while longer, thats what I did, I love it :)
01:38.33hackeronCommodoreAttack: errr, /etc/skel?
01:38.35greppersyscrash2k: just save the session
01:38.41*** join/#kde dec0ding (~binarian@
01:38.50syscrash2koh ok grepper
01:39.08hackeronCommodoreAttack: yes, it populates ~ for each user on creation
01:39.17greppersyscrash2k: not the session of kde, of konq
01:39.21CommodoreAttackI dont have that folder
01:39.26syscrash2ki know, grepper :) i got it, thanks
01:39.28CommodoreAttacknever mind just found it
01:39.33hackeronCommodoreAttack: sure you do, lol
01:40.06CommodoreAttackI want the launcher to be either in a group on the menu or on the pannel
01:40.46hackeronCommodoreAttack: well, if you want that for all users, edit it for the current user, then put configuration in /etc/skel and remake users
01:42.22CommodoreAttackSo there is no way to force updates to all user's profiles and such
01:42.30CommodoreAttackbesides eraseing them
01:42.52hackeronCommodoreAttack: well, how exactly, you are editing configuration for only 1 user....
01:43.20hackeronCommodoreAttack: if you login as a different user, it reads ~/.kde which is different in his home folder
01:43.47hackeronCommodoreAttack: you could make a joint home folders, or mount -o bind ~/.kde to /home/.*/.kde using a simple vash script as well
01:44.02hackeronbash script I mean
01:44.26chendoanyone know what dcop command to set focus to a window?
01:44.31CommodoreAttackJust wonder why linux hasnt taken on something MS did.  In windows they have 2 profiles that merge when you login.
01:44.51hackeronCommodoreAttack: thats done with /etc/skel in linux
01:44.54CommodoreAttack1 thats is a community profile which has links and such for everyone then one that has your own personal stuff and links
01:44.58*** join/#kde Sir-Al (
01:45.17hackeronCommodoreAttack: well, does the main profile unset user configuration?
01:45.42hackeronCommodoreAttack: then exactly, if a user doesnt have that panel, it wont suddenly appear unless its the default
01:45.57hackeronCommodoreAttack: since users can configure their panels
01:46.07CommodoreAttackwell in windows if its in the global appears
01:46.11hackeronCommodoreAttack: so /etc/skel is just like the main profile in windows, just far more control
01:46.55hackeronCommodoreAttack: you can also force to change user settings if you like, again a nice simple script
01:47.37CommodoreAttackIs there any documentation on how to use skel?
01:48.28hackeronCommodoreAttack: not much to explain
01:48.36hackeronCommodoreAttack: you have ~/, you know what that is?
01:48.58CommodoreAttack~ = home/username
01:49.22hackeronCommodoreAttack: yes, when you do useradd someone, his home folder is populated with whats it in /etc/skel
01:49.44hackeronCommodoreAttack: so just put /etc/skel/.kde/path-to-config
01:50.04hackeronCommodoreAttack: and when you recreate users, it will put config there, or...
01:50.52hackeronCommodoreAttack: you can do something like for i in $(users); do cp config-file /home/$i/.kde/path-to-config; done
01:50.52CommodoreAttackI never knew about that.
01:51.12hackeronthat will modify config file in place for all users
01:51.19hackeronCommodoreAttack: linux is easy :)
01:52.47CommodoreAttackSo the menus and such are held in config files?
01:52.57hackeronCommodoreAttack: ofcourse, where else :)
01:53.14hackeronCommodoreAttack: also, you may want to force only 1 setting, so sed might be very useful
01:53.18CommodoreAttackIn windows all menus are stored as a folder heirachy
01:53.19hackeronCommodoreAttack: like:
01:53.33CommodoreAttackyou create them as a dir structure
01:53.42CommodoreAttackmoving links arround and such
01:53.47hackeronCommodoreAttack: sed 's/OPTION=.*/OPTION=myopt/' -i path-to-file
01:54.51CommodoreAttackI updated my open office and the launchers it makes by default nolonger work (cause the paths for distro rpms and the ones from openoffice use different paths
01:55.13hackeronCommodoreAttack: so full thing is something like: for user in $(users); do sed 's/OPTION=.*/OPTION=myopt/' -i /home/$user/.kde/path-to-config; done
01:55.34hackeronCommodoreAttack: also, dont use rpm distros as a rule of thumbs ;)
01:56.06CommodoreAttackI compiled openoffice from their installer
01:56.11CommodoreAttack*source I think it was*
01:56.30hackeronCommodoreAttack: installer isnt source, unless it took about 15 hours to install :)
01:56.45CommodoreAttackWell I have a fairly powerful computer here
01:56.50CommodoreAttackDual Atholon 1500 MP
01:56.55CommodoreAttack512 DDR
01:56.56hackeronok, 8 hours
01:57.12CommodoreAttackit didnt...must have been compiled
01:57.14hackeronopenoffice is huge, a lot to compile
01:57.33CommodoreAttackGoing to update to FC2 when I can get the disks
01:57.38hackerontakes all day on my 2500+, takes nearly a week on 400mhz :)
01:57.44hackeronno, dont
01:57.56CommodoreAttackI cannot update my KDE to the newest version because I always get crap corrupt downloads of the files I need for it
01:57.57hackeronjust install a sane distro, either gentoo or something debian based
01:58.04hackerontry xandros 2 if you want something easy
01:58.17CommodoreAttackThey updated to 3.2 with FC2
01:58.26hackeronI'm on 3.3 on gentoo
01:58.34hackeronand debian is getting 3.2.3 soon
01:58.41hackeronso 3.2.0 is VERY out of date :)
01:59.01CommodoreAttacksorry...was trying to copy the url from the topic
01:59.28CommodoreAttackI guess I should download source code version of KDE
02:00.01hackeronhavent tried but there are installers on that will compile everything for you automatically
02:00.03*** join/#kde Markrian (
02:00.41CommodoreAttackWas wondering...whats the url to the KDE yum reposotory
02:02.30thiagoSuSE right?
02:02.48CommodoreAttack*Fedora Core*
02:03.01CommodoreAttackothers use yum as well
02:03.08thiagowell, Red Hat places some of their RPMs in
02:03.13thiagocheck it there, there might be instructions
02:03.28thiagohowever, we don't recommend Red Hat's packages. Try's
02:03.52CommodoreAttackare these any good?
02:04.03CommodoreAttackor are those the Redhat ones
02:04.13thiagolooks like Red Hat's
02:04.27thiagosource code
02:04.42CommodoreAttackthats the non-distro specific source code?
02:04.43thiagoKDE's source code
02:04.56thiagoKDE's source code is never distro-specific
02:05.07thiagothe SRPMS, however, are (they are not released by KDE)
02:05.47CommodoreAttackhow can I get wget to envoke on an http address?
02:05.55thiagowget http-address
02:06.08CommodoreAttackit returns an 404 page not found
02:06.14thiagotry a page that exists
02:06.19CommodoreAttackon the source code url
02:06.24CommodoreAttackI want to download every file
02:06.51CommodoreAttackor are there some source code files I dont need?
02:07.02thiagowell, what *do* you need?
02:07.22thiagoif you want to get many files, I recommend an FTP mirror.
02:07.30thiagodownload by mask: *.tar.bz2
02:07.42CommodoreAttackbasically the full english distrobution of it
02:08.01CommodoreAttack*applicaitons and such included*
02:08.03thiagoevery .tar.bz2 then. Just don't download the kde-i18n subdir
02:08.19CommodoreAttackwhats kde-i18n dir?
02:08.39CommodoreAttackdo I need any files from there at all?
02:08.59thiagoyou don't need i18n if you want everything in English
02:09.23CommodoreAttackwow, you have an mirror at FSU?
02:09.55thiagoI don't have anything :-)
02:10.05CommodoreAttackI ment KDE in general
02:10.11thiagoI don't know
02:10.17thiagocheck our mirrors page on
02:10.19CommodoreAttackI saw one on the page
02:10.30CommodoreAttackI live only about 50 to 60 miles from there
02:10.41CommodoreAttackthat means I shoudl get a decent download speed
02:10.47thiagophysical distance doesn't really equate to network distance
02:11.22thiagoI get better speeds from a certain server in Valencia, Spain (some 9000 km away) than from a server in Curitiba (500 km)
02:11.49CommodoreAttackmy town is on a fiber link with the city FSU is in
02:11.56thiagooh, ok
02:12.01thiagothat should be good then
02:12.20CommodoreAttackbut I am on a dial up to the ISP that is on some connection to the telco which has the fiber links
02:12.52*** join/#kde Ironnads (
02:13.01thiagoget broadband already
02:13.08thiagoanyways, what computer are you on?
02:13.33CommodoreAttackThis is a home built system
02:13.38CommodoreAttackat my house
02:13.46CommodoreAttackthe Dual Atholons
02:13.55*** join/#kde fastly (
02:13.56thiagoI want to estimate how long it should take to compile KDE
02:13.59CommodoreAttackwith 512 MB PC2100 GForce 2 MX 400
02:14.02*** join/#kde |exec| (
02:14.16CommodoreAttackAtholons at about 1.21 Ghz
02:14.24thiagodual athlons?
02:14.26CommodoreAttack*cause they are MP 1500*
02:14.30*** join/#kde PhantomsDad (
02:14.39CommodoreAttackI am running SMP kernal
02:14.44CommodoreAttackwith an SMP board
02:14.59CommodoreAttackTyan Tiger MP
02:15.03thiagoone of those should be able to compile the full KDE 3.2.2 sources on about 11-13 hours (make -j2)
02:15.14CommodoreAttackSB5,1 sound.
02:15.25CommodoreAttackI think the compilers and such are SMP capable
02:15.33thiagomaybe more, thanks to automake
02:15.54CommodoreAttackCant I tie it into both processers and get it done faster
02:16.14chendomake -j3
02:16.21chendogeneral rule is number of CPUs + 1
02:16.46chendoi actually use make -j9
02:16.49thiagoCommodoreAttack: both processors would do that
02:16.58thiagoone single processor would take at least 23 hours
02:17.06CommodoreAttackwill probally leave it on over night (when i get a good non-stormy night).
02:17.09chendomy server does 2 distcc slots, my main box and laptop does 3 each
02:17.20chendothiago: it takes that long?
02:17.28CommodoreAttackdistrobuted computing
02:17.31thiagochendo: aye
02:17.40chendomy KDE compile was under 8 hours, methink
02:17.49chendobut then again, i have a distcc network ;o
02:17.50CommodoreAttackI wonder if I could beowolf my RH9 machine into this
02:18.03CommodoreAttackit only has a 160 mhz processer
02:18.06thiagochendo: I compile with distcc+ccache on an Athlon 1.4 GHz, plus one 550 and one 333 computer
02:18.11thiagoit takes no less than 16 hours
02:18.18chendodon't bother, it'll be a bottleneck
02:18.33CommodoreAttackgot to eat
02:18.39chendothiago: i found that ccache took too much memory for my liking :/
02:18.40thiagodon't add a machine that slow unless you are running icecream and unsermake
02:18.48thiagoinstead of ccache and automake
02:18.48chendomy server's the bottleneck on my distcc network (600mhz)
02:19.19grepperthiago: how is unsermake working for compiling HEAD atm ?
02:19.41grepperI should use unsermake if using distcc ?
02:19.57thiagogrepper: it can't compile kdeedu. The rest works just fine.
02:20.11thiagoyes, you should prefer unsermake, since it does a flat compilation
02:20.17thiagoi.e., it doesn't go into subdirs
02:20.29grepperI think puetzk said the same thing a while back
02:20.38thiagothat way, you don't get bottlenecked by a slow machine finishing its compilation while all the others wait
02:20.58chendoyeah, that's what happens to me
02:21.09chendoso i killed the distcc on my server for the time being
02:21.12grepperit would be nice if linking were distributable
02:21.27grepperkde spends a lot of time doing that, and distcc doesn't help there
02:22.20*** join/#kde siimo (
02:22.46siimohi can anyone tell me how to install extra widgets in kde 3.2.2 >
02:23.00thiagothat wouldn't be wise to do
02:23.05siimoi.e. styles
02:23.07thiagolinking requires libraries to be available throughout
02:23.15thiagoyou'd need NFSed builddir
02:23.32thiagomore than that: homogeneous installation, to get all libraries there
02:23.43greppernot a good solution as I'm running distcc from a 50 meg CD with no HD ;)
02:23.45thiagosiimo: distcc building of KDE
02:23.58thiagogrepper: agreed
02:24.27grepperactually running from ram on a dodgy computer so there is no cd either
02:24.27thiagoyou'd need real clustering like MPI for that to work
02:24.31siimoi have to rebuild kde to get extra styles?
02:24.42thiagosiimo: no
02:24.47thiagoI haven't answered your question.
02:25.17thiagogrepper: if you're compiling KDE from CVS, use unsermake
02:25.34*** join/#kde ardy (
02:25.34grepperthiago: cool, I will as soon as kdelibs finishes
02:25.35thiagoand you can replace distcc with icecream. I hear it can do load balancing.
02:25.37*** join/#kde [3g]SaintDogbert (
02:25.41grepperI tried it once in the past
02:25.54grepperoh, haven't heard of icecream too much
02:26.05ardyhow do I get kdevelop my C/C++ project with specific libs?
02:26.05grepperexcept of course Hagen-Daz
02:26.13*** join/#kde sulkd (
02:26.20ardy*sorry -- 'with'
02:26.20thiagoardy: which ones?
02:26.38ardythiago: gl, glut, glu, m , X11
02:27.17thiagowhat kind of build environment are you using? automake?
02:27.39ardyyeah.. and kdevelop 3.0.3
02:28.03thiagowell, one option is to edit the file
02:28.16thiagobut I think KDevelop has a dialog somewhere that lets you specify which libs to use
02:28.29thiagosorry, I don't use KDevelop
02:28.35ardywhere?.. I've been trying to find it..
02:28.37thiagotry #kdevelop
02:28.48ardyjoin #kdevelop
02:28.55grepperI may try it just for the monitor ;)
02:29.31thiagogrepper: distcc has a monitor too
02:29.33siimocan someone help me please? i have the theme right here just dont know how to put it so control center will show it
02:29.37grepperI wonder how much it will bloat my CD though
02:29.46grepperthiago: yeah, got it running
02:30.09grepperif I need qt etc, may not be a good replacement for my present situation
02:30.28thiagoI think you'd need
02:30.44thiagofor the monitor, at least. The daemon, I'm pretty sure you won't.
02:30.45ardythiago: no one is responding...
02:30.57grepperdistcc: Installed-Size: 344
02:31.12thiagoardy: bad luck, sorry
02:31.30ardythiago: nevermind... someone responded...
02:32.47thiagomoving on to the bed. good night.
02:34.54greppernight thiago
02:35.35*** join/#kde ironfroggy (
02:37.25sulkdanyone read a good application programming tutorial for kde? I don't really feel like using an IDE like kdevelop to do everything..
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02:47.20jcurryIs there any dcop call that will close the active window, not just run xkill (kwin.KWinInterface.killWindow)?
02:49.59teatimesulkd: kdevelop may be nice, but you sure have to do a lot of work yourself ;)
02:51.25*** join/#kde sandy_obrien (
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02:51.41sandy_obriencan someone tell me what my kde prefix is? i'm running fedora
02:51.55grepperkde-config --prefix
02:52.28sandy_obrienoh, no. i have a command that is asking prefix={insertkdeprefix}
02:53.27grepperprefix=$(kde-config --prefix)
02:53.41sandy_obrienok thnks
02:54.03greppermake sure that command gives you some output ;)
03:02.44*** join/#kde Borg^Queen (~Borg^
03:03.25Borg^QueenHi people. I'm having trouble with LimeWire. I'm at a computer that suddenly doesn't allow the use of LimeWire by anyone other than root. So its a perm problem but I can't figure it out.
03:03.53Borg^QueenThe first error it gives me is "java.lang.RuntimeException: settings dir not writable"
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03:04.43ironfroggyBorg^Queen: did it work before?
03:05.13Borg^QueenAye it did. But I had to reprogram the computer. I saved the home dir where it was contained
03:06.03ironfroggytry an ls -l -R | grep root to see if root owns any of the files for some reason?
03:06.30Borg^QueenI checked it doesn't seem to
03:07.02ironfroggyhave you changed something with your JVM?
03:07.46Borg^QueenJust reloaded it
03:08.28ironfroggyi dont know enough about it, sorry. was hoping i could help.
03:08.48Borg^QueenThat's ok.
03:09.28Borg^QueenNot 40 minutes after I reprogrammed it, the jerk who says he's "an expert" started deleting "unneeded file".
03:09.36Borg^QueenSo I have to reprogram it.
03:09.52Borg^QueenThe boss has finally agreed not to give him any of the root pws
03:09.52ironfroggywhat a nice jerk.
03:10.00Borg^QueenNice crack monkey
03:10.05Borg^QueenSIT! SIT!
03:10.24Borg^QueenWhat do you think this means?
03:10.32Borg^Queen"java.lang.RuntimeException: settings dir not writable"
03:10.59ironfroggyno idea what directory it means?
03:11.46Borg^QueenIt's followed by a load of crap
03:11.52Borg^QueenGo to flood
03:12.02Borg^Queenstuff like
03:12.07Borg^Queenat com.limegroup.gnutella.util.CommonUtils.getUserSettingsDir(
03:14.04Borg^QueenI think I found it
03:14.27Borg^QueenThe pus bomb, changed perms in the user directories to him
03:15.10*** join/#kde Borg^Queen (~Borg^
03:15.20Borg^QueenSo that's what that little red button does
03:15.24Borg^QueenAnyway, I fixed it.
03:15.28ironfroggygoodby.. oh, hello again!
03:15.34*** join/#kde gh (~gh@gh.registered)
03:15.34Borg^QueenAnd the boss just fixed it too.
03:15.50Borg^QueenThey just got into a big fight, 4 seconds it was over lol
03:16.36Borg^QueenAnd he's OUTA HERE! Wooo HOOOOO
03:16.45Borg^QueenLife can be good
03:16.49ironfroggycan i put in an application?
03:17.13ironfroggyi dont mind advancing myself through other people's loses. really!
03:17.41Borg^QueenI didn't advance, I just got rid of a headache
03:18.03Borg^QueenFestering bag of luke warm hampster vomite
03:18.12Borg^QueenDid I spell vomite correctly?
03:18.46ironfroggyhmm.. i like that pronounciation of it. it sounds mysticaly, but its really just up-chuck!
03:19.01Borg^Queenah ok
03:25.43*** join/#kde AppleServer (~AppleBoy@appleboy.registered)
03:25.50AssociateXanyone using teamspeak? how do I admin the server that I have started?
03:26.27Borg^QueenSorry don't even know what it is
03:26.36AppleServerI'm trying to get KATE onto gentoo, but i can't seem to find any port under KATE or a download package from the web, so how would i get it?
03:26.54AppleServerAssociateX: best bet is the web interface, forgot the details but checkout
03:27.08AssociateXthank you
03:27.20chendoAppleServer: up, kate is part of the kdebase apps or something
03:28.00chendoroot@lucifer root # qpkg -f /usr/kde/3.2/bin/kate
03:28.02chendokde-base/kdebase *
03:28.05AppleServerchendo: argg
03:28.10AppleServerok, thanks
03:28.15ironfroggydoes 170 sound pricey for a 250 gig SATA?
03:28.38AppleServerironfroggy: not really, but wait for a little while before buying a big HD unless you really need it
03:28.49AppleServerbigger ones are on the way ;)
03:29.01ironfroggyAppleServer: well i already need a bigger drive (stuck with 40 now)
03:29.15ironfroggyand i dont wanna get anything smaller than ill need within the next long time.
03:29.47AppleServerwell, then the 250gb would be ok, but remember that read time is slow as it fills
03:30.10AppleServerand i still can't figure out why i'm using 431mb of ram
03:30.11ironfroggymaybe i should consider a RAID?
03:30.15AppleServerand how to purge it :(
03:30.19ironfroggypffft, thats it?
03:30.22AppleServerironfroggy: what kind of stuff do you do?
03:30.33ironfroggyim using 820 megs.
03:30.46ironfroggywhich reminds me, i need some more RAM, too.
03:30.46AppleServerironfroggy: considering all i have running is firefox, one terminal, xchat, and xfce4 i would say yes, that is a lot
03:31.03AppleServermy laptop runs that on 72mb
03:31.20AppleServermy guess is its from emerging stuff, but i want to know how to purge it :(
03:31.43ironfroggyAppleServer: do lots of graphics work and im in the process of combining all my stock, which totals over 550,000 total images.
03:32.03AppleServerthat could explain it
03:32.28ironfroggyyeah and i plan to double it within a year or two.
03:32.36chendoAppleServer: if it's counting cached ram, don't worry about it
03:33.01AppleServerchendo: not cashed, actual ram
03:33.10AppleServererr, not swap anyways
03:33.13AppleServerif that's what you mean
03:33.20chendocached != swap
03:33.26AppleServerironfroggy: have any extra time to do an image for me?
03:33.29AppleServerchendo: ok
03:33.48ironfroggyAppleServer: what do you need?
03:33.48chendolinux tries to use as much ram as possible to speed up file IO
03:34.02chendomainly by storing previously used files into ram
03:34.15AppleServerI have an internet cafe and need a logo, the title is "Random Voids"
03:34.27ironfroggyany particular style you need?
03:34.31AppleServernot really
03:34.40AppleServernot white bg though
03:34.45ironfroggyPM me an e-mail and ill contact you
03:35.20AppleServeri got too many projects going on
03:39.00AppleServerchendo: i know, but when i want to get rid of old stuff without having to reboot :/
03:39.38chendoyou can't really do that..
03:40.17AppleServeron my server it's not so bad, but on my laptop when i'm done using stuff and i'm on batt i don't want to waste the power
03:40.37*** join/#kde CommodoreAttack ([
03:41.03chendoit's the CPU that mainly chews up power
03:41.07AppleServeri know
03:41.10chendoas i said, linux uses as much ram as possible
03:41.12CommodoreAttackCan someone help me configure kppp to work with a firestarter firewall configuration?
03:41.19AppleServerchendo: i know the reason
03:41.27AppleServeranywho, i'm out
03:41.28chendothen don't complain ;p
03:41.28*** part/#kde AppleServer (~AppleBoy@appleboy.registered)
03:43.52CommodoreAttackDoes anyone know which script kppp executes when dialing?
03:44.14CommodoreAttackI need to change the dial up process so that once it connects it will run a command to execute my firewall and iptables
03:44.57*** join/#kde loading (
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03:47.45CommodoreAttackAnyone here who knows which scripts KPPP uses?
03:50.57AbsTradELicexist a TTS program to kde ?
03:51.21grepperanyone know anything about the "icecream" program ?
03:53.59*** join/#kde r0g3l10 (~rogelio@
03:56.00chendoit's new
03:56.02chendo0.1, IIRC
04:00.50grepperchendo: doesn't want to compile for me
04:02.02grepperobject `foo.$(OBJEXT)' created both with libtool and without
04:02.47greppercan't get past make -f Makefile.cvs
04:10.08*** join/#kde carles (carles@
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05:52.48sandy_obrienhow i set kde as my default window manager
05:52.58sandy_obrieni already selected it at log in
05:53.34Vixtrowhat do you use?
05:53.35*** join/#kde programmer90 (
05:54.16*** join/#kde AbsTradE1ic (~vldmr@
05:54.36programmer90I have a strange problem, all my hardware is configged properly becuase Gnome works fine, but in Debian I cant even start KDE it crashes when it gets to the devices parts an dpripherals
06:00.24Vixtrodid you check the buffer output?
06:06.43*** join/#kde UNIXgod (
06:11.15programmer90no lol
06:11.48Vixtrothat might help
06:14.05*** join/#kde Gujin (~gujin@2001:618:400:dd28:0:0:0:0)
06:14.37Gujinhey I installed a superkaramba theme and it uses the fonts neuropol and nimbus sans, but I don't have them, how can I get them?
06:15.00Vixtroi'll look
06:15.34Gujinarghh it costs money
06:15.59Gujinho thanks
06:16.24Vixtrogod i hate mozilla
06:21.01*** join/#kde chimaera (
06:23.18AbsTradE1icanyone use ksayit
06:24.33Vixtroim still compiling kde
06:24.40Vixtroon freebsd!!
06:25.53AbsTradE1ici'm having problems with mbrola
06:28.54*** join/#kde atomik (
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06:41.10AbsTradE1icanyone here use mbrola ?
06:42.55sandy_obrienhow i set kde as my default window manager
06:42.56sandy_obrieni already selected it at log in
06:46.18Vixtrodo you use xdm or kdm?
06:46.21Vixtroor gdm?
06:51.32*** join/#kde floe (
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06:54.42DuelistMy apologies if this is the wrong place to ask, but I'm having trouble getting part of a KSpread spreadsheet into a KWord document as a table... is there something I am missing here?
06:55.06DuelistOh, and I already asked in #koffice, which appears to be dead
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07:18.57Ariasanyone here good with the kmenu?
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