irclog2html for #kde on 20040530

00:00.16caffetimeanders, what with Larry?
00:00.45anderscaffetime: I think you made a really cool job with larry -- I love the way it is shadowed
00:00.48AssociateXI use gentoo too, what are you guys chatting about?
00:00.52*** join/#kde greatscot (
00:01.37caffetimeAssociateX, bootsplash
00:02.04caffetimeanders, thank u
00:02.09AssociateXI made a lilo splash for my gentoo
00:02.24greatscotHi, I have a weird line in my /var/log/messages file -> May 29 16:36:40 localhost kernel: martian source from, on dev ppp0.   Anyone know what it means?
00:02.26AssociateXgentoo-lilo-splash that is
00:02.29caffetimeAssociateX, how it looks?
00:02.59AssociateXit's just one of the gentoo pics, then I ran it through lilo -E
00:03.08AssociateXit looks cool
00:03.17caffetimewhere it is?
00:03.19AssociateXeveryone that uses lilo on gentoo likes it
00:03.35AssociateXhold on, I find the addy
00:03.46AssociateXdo you use lilo?
00:04.03caffetimeyes, i thing
00:04.17orvillein booots
00:04.17AssociateXgentoo use grub by default
00:04.55caffetimewhat is other on grub
00:05.27caffetimein what?
00:05.43caffetimewhat can u do in grub and in lilo?
00:05.46AssociateXfor a boot loader
00:06.06andersAssociateX: 8001/larry the cow.png
00:06.09AssociateXI dont use grub so I cant do anything. I do use lilo though
00:06.14andersAssociateX: the cow.png
00:06.55andersStupid spaces in the name :<
00:07.07AssociateXgetting it now
00:07.28andersAssociateX: The image is by caffetime -- very cool imo
00:07.36abydosanders: Where I come from we call that "operator error" and laugh at it.
00:07.52andersabydos: He :)
00:08.06AssociateXyeah, that's cool
00:08.23AssociateXmy locate -u is still running
00:08.23abydosThough I must say that Gentoo isn't my favorite distro.
00:08.28orvilleabydos, that nick wouldn't have anything to do with SG-1 would it?
00:08.40caffetimei dont see nothing
00:08.40*** join/#kde SuperLag (
00:08.41abydosorville: Yes, as a matter of fact, it would.
00:08.56abydosorville: I love SG-1.
00:09.13orvillecan't wait for the new series to start
00:09.29abydosI don't get network TV, but I'm going to buy the DVD sets.
00:09.32abydosAs many as I can.
00:11.50AssociateXtook long enough to fing
00:12.45AssociateXyou can just get the bmp to see what it looks like
00:13.03AssociateXthen there are extra fields that show at boot time
00:13.32caffetimeAssociateX, what u think about our bootsplash (under construction)
00:13.41AssociateXI like it
00:13.47AssociateXit looks cool
00:13.57caffetimethank u
00:14.03AssociateXwhat does it run with? grub?
00:14.18caffetimeask to anders
00:15.24andersAssociateX: It is for bootsplash
00:15.40AssociateXI know
00:15.49AssociateXbut for lilo or grub
00:16.05andersFor linux ;)
00:16.08AssociateXor do you mean the framebuffer after boot
00:16.52AssociateXok, that's the frame buffer after boot
00:17.19caffetimeso what is bootsplash?
00:17.21AssociateXI have that set up too. I like it
00:17.34andersThe idea is to add a few grahpics, and create a set of suitable bootsplash backgrounds
00:17.46AssociateXnever mind, you are right, that is bootsplash
00:18.01AssociateXthe other is boot loader splash
00:18.04anderscaffetime: It is a graphical background during boot, instead of the text console
00:18.52AssociateXthere is a splash for the boot loader then there is the boot splash
00:19.00AssociateXtwo different things
00:19.48caffetimeit is possible to have a bootsplash on 640x480? i have server with small screen and i dont know to boot without bootsplash or with 640x480
00:20.25anderscaffetime: You can have it in any size that suits your screen
00:20.31caffetimeanders, i was there
00:21.36*** join/#kde Chaz (
00:22.32caffetimei can look on that again but i dont think that is possible... it is on mdk 9.2 ...i think is not best solution...
00:24.21*** join/#kde tech9iner (
00:24.35tech9inerl o all..
00:25.09tech9inerso howto force konqueror to call evolution versus kmail for 'send file' please.. not finding in help.. thanks
00:27.41*** part/#kde tech9iner (
00:27.59*** join/#kde jose (
00:39.06*** join/#kde mxcl (
00:39.08*** join/#kde X-User (~user@
00:39.42X-Userwhen im using kopete and using icw and when trying to see any user info i get this message: rate to server . any help?
00:40.02X-Userwhen im using kopete and using icq and when trying to see any user info i get this message: rate to server . any help?
00:41.57andersX-User: Try in #kopete
00:43.51caffetimeanders, so i make something with background and i send it to you for correction, ok?
00:45.07anderscaffetime: Yea, that is fine -- then I'll start looking at writing a bootsplash configuration
00:47.15*** part/#kde caffetime (
00:49.03*** join/#kde murl (
00:55.06*** join/#kde Gentix (
00:55.25Gentixis the cvs server of kde down??
00:57.08*** join/#kde grepper (