irclog2html for #kas on 20060929

06:54.46*** join/#kas essy (n=essy@pdpc/supporter/base/SportChick)
06:54.46*** mode/#kas [+v essy] by ChanServ
10:31.54*** join/#kas SportChicky (
15:21.49*** join/#kas CBG (
15:21.49*** mode/#kas [+o CBG] by ChanServ
15:48.17*** join/#kas CBG (
15:48.17*** mode/#kas [+o CBG] by ChanServ
17:11.37*** part/#kas SportChick (n=SportChi@pdpc/supporter/base/SportChick)
17:34.53*** join/#kas CBG (
17:34.54*** mode/#kas [+o CBG] by ChanServ
20:48.42*** join/#kas essy (n=essy@pdpc/supporter/base/SportChick)
20:48.42*** mode/#kas [+v essy] by ChanServ
22:56.40*** join/#kas Theme97 (
22:56.41*** mode/#kas [+v Theme97] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.