irclog2html for #ipaq on 20040209

02:51.25*** join/#ipaq anderson (
04:32.42*** join/#ipaq TsTech (
04:49.20TsTechI have an ipaq
04:49.35TsTechI'll probably put that new Lycoris PocketPC distro on it ;\
06:10.31*** join/#ipaq seb (
06:10.45sebanyone awake ?
06:12.01sebcool, do you have any idea if the WCF12 card is supported by familiar
06:12.14seblinksys WCF12 = wireless card
06:12.57TsTechI have built in wireless
06:13.24sebok... any other way to get my 3870 on the internet ?
06:13.36*** part/#ipaq TsTech (
06:24.37*** join/#ipaq anderson (
08:17.39cetexseb: usb or similar?
08:45.47*** join/#ipaq anderson (
10:46.18*** join/#ipaq anderson (
11:42.19seballo ?
11:59.35*** join/#ipaq seb (
12:54.57*** join/#ipaq anderson (
13:33.02*** join/#ipaq jbot (
13:33.02*** topic/#ipaq is Open Source Operating Systems on the Compaq Ipaq handhelds line. A member of the group. (No, MS never open-sourced PPC. So call them if you have PPC problems that are unrelated to
14:55.35*** join/#ipaq anderson (
15:31.57*** join/#ipaq jg_ (
18:24.22*** join/#ipaq anderson (
19:51.37*** join/#ipaq BBrox (
20:23.15*** join/#ipaq gherdo (
20:23.21gherdohi ppl
20:23.53gherdowhat if pppd closes connection in exactly 1.4 minutes?
20:34.01*** join/#ipaq glm2k (
20:37.22*** join/#ipaq anderson (
22:54.32*** join/#ipaq anderson (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.