irclog2html for #ipaq on 20030829

00:27.45*** join/#ipaq izak (
01:12.15*** join/#ipaq izak (
08:39.43*** join/#ipaq krogh (
09:23.53*** join/#ipaq krogh_ (
10:57.55*** join/#ipaq kerwin (
11:08.03kerwin\nick kerin5
11:11.47*** join/#ipaq JohnnyO (~JohnnyO@
11:12.31JohnnyOanyone here running wireless on their iPAQ ?
11:12.40kerwinmorning :-)
11:12.45JohnnyOHeya kerwin
11:13.23kerwinI do run my 2210 wireless
11:13.48JohnnyOIm looking to purchase an iPAQ that will accept a pmcia card, but I am lost as all hell
11:14.20kerwindoes it have to be pmcia??
11:15.04JohnnyOI want to run a 200mw card with external antenna
11:15.18kerwinhmmm, pity, I get good results with the 2210 and a cf wi-fi card.
11:15.31JohnnyOIm needing about 5mile range
11:15.31kerwinlooks like you will need an ipaq + pcmcia sleeve
11:16.04kerwin5 miles, bl**dy hell, time for the pringles antenna!!!!
11:16.08JohnnyOI think the 3765 accepts pmcia directly, has a sleeve for it built in , but I can find a manual for it anywhere.
11:16.39JohnnyOIm big into wifi, I have a pretty extensive setup here lol
11:17.05JohnnyOI can't find a manual, I joined this channel in hopes ya'll could help me atleast find a manual
11:17.40kerwinlet me look, back in 2
11:17.48JohnnyOthank you very much
11:20.47kerwintyr this|iPAQ+H3700+Series+Pocket+PC
11:21.06kerwinor even try ;-)
11:21.30JohnnyOi've been there, no manual in the search results
11:21.46JohnnyOoh wait
11:21.55JohnnyOthat is different then what I got back as results
11:22.21JohnnyOfeel like an idiot, I never scrolled down past the service notifications
11:22.39kerwinit's a 7.7mb download for the ref. manual
11:22.59kerwinlooks like you still need a sleeve
11:23.55kerwintry this link for the sleeve
11:24.34kerwinyou can get them on ebay, and they have a second battery built in ;-)
11:25.01JohnnyOI found some iPAQs on ebay, and it looked like it had the expansion slot built into it
11:25.07JohnnyOlet me grab you a link of the one I seen
11:25.22kerwinthere is also a pcmcia sleeve for the old hp jornada 568
11:27.24kerwinas far as i am aware all ipaq's need a sleeve of sorts
11:28.39kerwinhere is a link to the only ppc I know with a built in pcmcia slot
11:29.39kerwinthe ipaq and sleeve combo is your best bet, as you get a 2nd battery which is always useful!
11:30.31kerwingot to go for lunch now, good luck in your quest, regards, kerwin.
11:33.45kerwinyup, the 2 bottom pics show the ipaq with the sleeve on
11:33.58kerwingot to dash ttfn.
11:40.08JohnnyOahhh ok
11:40.15JohnnyOthank you much kerwin
11:41.30JohnnyOhave a great day
11:44.09*** join/#ipaq prh ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:44.09*** join/#ipaq cmarqu_ (
11:53.13*** join/#ipaq krogh_ (
14:05.24*** join/#ipaq uv (
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14:39.42*** join/#ipaq jackone (
14:40.10jackonedoes anyone know if you can restore pocketpc throught the cf card?
14:40.54*** part/#ipaq jackone (
14:54.44*** join/#ipaq Zippo_ (
15:43.54*** join/#ipaq Disconnect (~dis@3ffe:bc0:91:1:203:6dff:fe1a:c5b6)
16:55.18*** join/#ipaq livnjak (
16:56.33livnjakcan anybody help me?
17:23.32ajhMy new (surprise) iPAQ has taught me one very important thing.  I suck at solitare (klondike)
17:24.02JohnnyOanyone running ministumbler on their iPAQ ?
17:24.51ajhNot as of yet, but Familiar doesn't run on mine properly yet :(
17:25.45ajhIts quite annoying, but really when a 5550 just 'shows up' on your desk there isn't much you can really complain about :)
17:31.08JohnnyOwhy don't it run on yours properly yet ?
17:36.18ajhThey changed a lot of components for the 54xx and 55xx series.
17:41.10JohnnyOahh there is a FAQ forum for ministumbler that may help you out.
17:41.32JohnnyOI haven't purchased one yet... Im gonig to grab one of the 3765s from ebay for around 120.00 as soon as I can though
18:28.45*** join/#ipaq BBrox (
18:32.50*** join/#ipaq izak (~isaque@
18:51.22*** join/#ipaq pl (
18:52.03*** part/#ipaq pl (
19:07.33ajhSo, PocketPC 'network configuration' is the worst I've ever seen.
19:26.38ajhanyone use SyncE?
20:09.51*** join/#ipaq prh ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:09.51*** join/#ipaq cmarqu_ (

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