irclog2html for #ipaq on 20030211

00:11.55*** join/#ipaq mallum (
00:11.55*** join/#ipaq mr_clark ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:11.55*** join/#ipaq Deathwind (
00:11.55*** join/#ipaq moray (
00:11.55*** join/#ipaq meh__26_m (
00:11.55*** join/#ipaq cmarqu (
00:11.55*** join/#ipaq prh (
00:11.55*** join/#ipaq Curto (
00:11.56*** join/#ipaq eah (
00:13.12*** join/#ipaq mallum (
00:13.12*** join/#ipaq mr_clark ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:13.12*** join/#ipaq Deathwind ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:13.12*** join/#ipaq moray (
00:13.12*** join/#ipaq meh__26_m (
00:13.13*** join/#ipaq cmarqu (
00:13.13*** join/#ipaq prh ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:13.13*** join/#ipaq Curto ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:13.13*** join/#ipaq eah (
00:21.05*** join/#ipaq stromdor (
01:44.32*** join/#ipaq jg (
03:04.09*** join/#ipaq Necrosan (
03:57.02*** join/#ipaq Kyle_S (
03:57.53Kyle_SI was just wondering... whats the smallest filesize anyone has converted a dvd to?  And (big and) where it was still tolerable to watch on the ipaq?
03:58.44Necrosanjust get a massive compact flash card
03:58.48Necrosanthey got 1gb sized ones out
03:59.08Disconnect..or spend 1/4 the cash on 2x the pcmcia hdd ;)
03:59.29Kyle_SNecrosan: bahh, thats no fun.  The encode I just did is sweet.  54megs for Monsters Inc
04:01.33Kyle_SI'm actually gonna re-encode it, see if I can get it to 64megs on the nose... ya know, get slightly better quality.
04:01.56Kyle_SHey =) nothing better than having a pocket full of pornographic full leng..
04:02.06Kyle_SI mean your favorite movies to choose from durring class.
04:03.59Kyle_SI was just wondering if anyone has perfected a way of getting movies & tv eps onto as small cards as possible.
04:55.19*** join/#ipaq Deathwind (~deathwind@
05:24.22*** join/#ipaq __moray (
05:53.20*** join/#ipaq __moray (
06:33.09*** join/#ipaq __moray_ (
09:10.48*** join/#ipaq chri (~chatzilla@
09:43.50*** join/#ipaq DrNO (
11:11.42*** join/#ipaq K_F (
13:27.38*** join/#ipaq __moray (
13:48.28*** join/#ipaq __moray (
15:59.44*** join/#ipaq pattieja (
17:10.40*** join/#ipaq sjohnson (
17:33.17*** join/#ipaq mallum (
18:36.15*** join/#ipaq jg (
19:03.44*** join/#ipaq erwos (
19:44.12*** join/#ipaq sjohnson (
19:47.19*** join/#ipaq BBrox (
21:01.42*** join/#ipaq kinkadius (
22:40.16*** join/#ipaq root (
22:42.32*** join/#ipaq sebadel (
22:43.22sebadelI just crashed my iPaq trying to switch back to Windows Pocket, bouhouhouuuu
22:44.14sebadelis there any solution to interact with it
22:44.20sebadelit doesn't even boot anymore
22:46.36sebadelallo ?
22:49.48sjohnsonsebadel: Try This channel is not being used much.
22:50.13*** part/#ipaq sjohnson (
23:00.25*** join/#ipaq slowhand (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.