irclog2html for ipaq on 2002.03.20

00:05:18bipolar_awayis away: I'm not here... Really....
02:00:19bipolaris back (gone 01:55:00)
02:55:11bipolar_ZzZzZzzzis away: Sleeping....
12:39:39bjornwich one is best? cassiopeia e125 or ipaq 3660 (yes its a bad question)
12:48:18lukewhere do I find a precompiled cross compiler for the arm chip in the iPAQ?
13:08:22cewhat is the correct lines to write in the boot> to get my ipaq ready to install linux?
13:08:50cethe pflash commands..
13:12:33bipolaris back (gone 10:17:19)
13:26:26bipolar_awayis away: traveling to work
13:53:23FeZtBruSanyone here using familiar ?
13:58:06FeZtBruScan you help me get it up with internet ?
13:58:16FeZtBruSor just connect it to my computer ? :D
14:02:23mvip|workFeZtBruS: running with a serial or a usb-cradle?
14:03:00mvip| the ppp-connection running?
14:03:01FeZtBruSI have the qpe up running :)
14:03:15FeZtBruSno, that's what I've troubling with
14:03:32mvip|workok...i could help you if ive had more time =)
14:03:40FeZtBruSI have the craddle connectet to Serial port 1 (probably /dev/ttyS0 in linux)
14:04:02FeZtBruSshouldn't it just be to run minicom ?
14:08:16mvip|worknot to be able to connect to internet...
14:08:48mvip|workyou can connect to the ipaq with minicom (using a configfile)
14:19:49bipolaris back (gone 00:53:22)
14:21:09FeZtBruSmvip|work: you have a configfile example ?
14:21:23FeZtBruSor a short howot connect to internet ? :)
14:21:35FeZtBruSI have internet on the linuxbox I've connectet my ipaq
15:11:11FeZtBruSAnyone know how I can get use of the "light sensors" on my iPaq ? I'm using familiar linux with QPE
15:13:21bjornwich one is best? cassiopeia e125 or ipaq 3660 (yes its a bad question)
15:41:02bjorni am probably going to buy a ipaq 3660, is it usable with linux, as a organizer i mean
15:41:38FeZtBruSI'm using it now
15:41:44FeZtBruSwith the familiar linux
15:41:56FeZtBruSplaying Quake on it :D
15:54:16bjornFeZtBruS thats not EXATCLY organizer stuuf, but its cool thou, is it stable?
16:15:36FeZtBruSbjorn: yes
16:50:03bjornhas anyone tried using cf-wireless networkcard on an 3660?
22:27:15bipolar_awayis away: I'm not here... Really....

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