irclog2html for ipaq on 2002.01.18

01:38:43greenois away: lunch
08:04:06unigeekanyone awake?
08:04:21unigeeki finally got the bootloader on a 3850
08:04:25unigeekbut im stuck now
08:14:21beeblebroxunigeek: where?
08:24:15unigeeku there
08:24:36unigeeksorry i was on another window trying to get this boot loader working
08:25:40beeblebroxunigeek: yea, here now
08:28:05unigeeki have a ?
08:28:18unigeekdo u know anything about familiar?
08:28:54unigeeki am trying to install it for a demo im doing tomorrow
08:29:01unigeekand I can get the bootloader screen
08:29:07unigeekand that is far as I get
08:29:09beeblebroxyou have the 38xx?
08:29:14unigeeki have a 3850
08:29:17beeblebroxit is not fully supported yet.
08:29:25beeblebroxwhich bootloader?
08:29:28unigeeki know but I thought u can at least install
08:29:39unigeekum 2.18
08:29:46unigeekthat is what the screen says
08:29:50unigeeki have a 3600
08:29:56unigeekbut no serial cable for it
08:30:05beeblebrox2.18? now, i didnt know 2.18 was out!
08:30:16beeblebroxok, so what do you get on the console?
08:30:19unigeekum let me look again, the screen says that
08:30:26unigeeki can't connect with hyperterm
08:30:44beeblebroxwhat do you get on the screen?
08:31:05unigeekit is 2.18
08:31:09unigeeki get a penquin
08:31:24unigeekand on hyper term i get nothing since it cant connect
08:31:41beeblebroxwhile you reset, try keeping the action button pressed.
08:32:11unigeekso hold action and hit reset?
08:33:09unigeekit makes the screen brighten up
08:33:12unigeekand then nothing
08:33:16beeblebroxanything on the console
08:33:47unigeeki can't connect at all on the hyperterm
08:33:53unigeeki tried tera term also
08:34:02unigeeki dont know how to use hyperterm really
08:34:43unigeekhyperterm keeps asking for a phone number.
08:34:50unigeekhow do i make it talk to the serial>?
08:35:02beeblebroxdont ou have linux?
08:35:05beeblebroxon the desktop?
08:35:34unigeeki have redhat if i use virtual pc
08:35:37beeblebroxwell, you would need it for completing the installation.
08:35:38unigeekwill that work?
08:35:48unigeekvirtual pc
08:35:52beeblebroxdont know.
08:35:55unigeekit runs redhat in a window
08:36:03unigeekit controls everything like a normal install
08:36:14beeblebroxin hyperterm, just keep cancelling the phone number etc stuff.
08:36:28beeblebroxalso, make sure you have h/w and s/w flow control disabled.
08:36:35beeblebroxjut try to get to a terminal window.
08:37:09unigeekwhat is hw and sw and where
08:37:33beeblebroxhardware and software.
08:37:38beeblebroxdont know.. i dont use hter,
08:37:59beeblebroxmust be in the settings somewhere
08:38:00unigeekok redhat is up
08:38:06unigeekso what do i do in linux?
08:38:22beeblebroxminicom -s
08:38:25beeblebroxas root
08:38:42beeblebroxdoes the serial port work under linux for you?
08:39:07unigeeki dont know
08:39:15unigeeki did the minicom thing and got a menu
08:39:59beeblebroxin Serial port setup
08:40:09beeblebroxmake serial device /dev/ttyS0
08:40:20beeblebroxset hw and sw flow control as No
08:40:31beeblebroxBps/Par/Bits       : 115200 8N1
08:41:33unigeekit says 801
08:41:54unigeeki hit i for 115200 ooOOOO i hit q
08:42:23unigeekgot it
08:43:22unigeekso do I exit?
08:43:25unigeekor um
08:43:36beeblebroxsave and start minicom
08:44:32unigeekhow do u start?
08:44:44unigeeki saved it in a file called ipaq
08:45:20beeblebroxunigeek: just exit
08:46:01unigeeki get Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys
08:46:11unigeekand it is blinking on its own line (cursor)
08:46:41beeblebroxdid you press the action button while booting?
08:47:18unigeekso do i turn it off
08:47:21beeblebroxalso, do save as default in minicom -s
08:47:24unigeekand while it turns on hit it?
08:47:52unigeeksorry im lost, (first time)
08:48:04beeblebroxkeep the action button pressed, and hit the reset thing
08:48:06unigeekhow do i save minicom once im in it
08:48:39beeblebroxok.. do minicom -s. make changes. "save as dfl", exit. then you get out of the config, and into minicom
08:49:31unigeekhow do i get out of minicom though
08:49:36unigeekim in it from the first time
08:49:50beeblebroxCtrl A Z
08:49:54beeblebroxCtrl A Q
08:50:23beeblebroxi doubt it will work though.. dont think virtual pc mimics the serial port for you
08:52:03unigeekok do i do minicom -s or just minicom after i save as dfl
08:53:25unigeekok it is back to the screen
08:53:39unigeekit is just saying the same thing and the cursor is on its own line
08:55:10beeblebroxtry hyperterm, or some windows terminal thing
08:55:22beeblebroxdont think it will work thru virtual pc
08:56:28unigeekdo you have any idea what is wrong?
08:58:07beeblebroxwell, the problem is basically one of getting the serial connection to work.
08:58:25beeblebroxyou _should_ get the boot> prompt before you can do anything
08:58:38unigeekdo u get it on the computer or the ipaq?
08:58:41unigeekor both
08:58:49unigeekis the ipaq on the correct screen
08:59:21beeblebroxyou get it only on the computer.
08:59:43unigeekso the ipaq looks alright u think?
08:59:56beeblebroxthe ipaq should show the splash screen (atleast 2.17 did that).
09:00:25beeblebroxcome to there are many others, and you might get better help there
09:00:46unigeekdo i type join
09:00:54unigeekim new to irc also
09:01:01beeblebrox /join
10:43:03pigeonyo nnnn 3630 is charging battery....
11:20:56geraldeHello ...
11:26:21geraldewho have time? ... I have now installed the v5.2 and have a stowaway keybord but the keyboard does nothing. At first I write in my /boot/params set linuxars "....." then I edit the inittab and delete the vt102 Comandline and I also installed the stowaway modules. At this point nothing works (the module was load correctly). Waht I have to do that I can use the keyboard. What misstake I made??
13:18:37Benderama Does Someone Know How To Restart PPC ???, Please Help Me
13:18:38Benderama Does Someone Know How To Restart PPC ???, Please Help Me
13:18:39Benderama Does Someone Know How To Restart PPC ???, Please Help Me
13:21:33Benderama Does Someone Know How To Restart PPC ???, Please Help Me
13:21:34Benderama Does Someone Know How To Restart PPC ???, Please Help Me
13:21:34Benderama Does Someone Know How To Restart PPC ???, Please Help Me
13:21:34Benderama Does Someone Know How To Restart PPC ???, Please Help Me
13:21:35Benderama Does Someone Know How To Restart PPC ???, Please Help Me
13:25:00BenderamaDoes someone know how to restart the PocketPC device to it's original settings?, Please help me
13:25:01BenderamaDoes someone know how to restart the PocketPC device to it's original settings?, Please help me
13:25:02BenderamaDoes someone know how to restart the PocketPC device to it's original settings?, Please help me
13:39:13Hymieanyone here running an ipaq on evil wince?
15:44:23beeblebroxis away: I'll be back!
17:08:51DaveHis back (gone 36:31:06)
17:09:28DaveHis away: I'm busy
18:21:25b0bggood <appropriate time of day>, everyone. =]
18:21:59x0niieps, has somebody added swing to the ipaq?
18:22:31b0bgI am experiencing technical difficulties setting up a ppp connection to the ipaq, pppd complains that the link is not 8-bit clean
18:23:13b0bgusing the familiar 0.5.1-pre2 flash.
18:24:27b0bgis anyone familiar (no pun intended) with such a problem, who might offer assistance?
21:20:36EGg0is away: I'm reading a book. Do you remember books?
21:45:09EGg0_awayis back (gone 00:24:29)
22:09:52bipolaris away: I'm not here... Really....
23:58:38revare there any WinCE developers here?

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