irclog2html for ipaq on 2001.10.25

00:57:01sgodsellis back (gone 06:33:51)
02:33:46nikos is a little troll
02:33:46sammyibot : nikos ?
02:33:55nikos is a little troll
02:33:55sammyibot : nikos ?
02:34:14Sammy was last seen on #ipaq 0 seconds ago, saying: ibot : seen Sammy ? [Thu Oct 25 03:34:14 2001]
02:34:14sammyibot : seen Sammy ?
02:34:31nikos was last seen on #familiar 3 hours, 28 minutes and 59 seconds ago, saying: Good night everyone [Thu Oct 25 00:05:32 2001]
02:34:31sammyibot : seen nikos ?
02:53:31sgodsellis away: I have got to go!
06:18:51SleepingDragonis away: good night
12:08:07mpakulahates sys admins playing with users gotta go CU later ;o(
14:40:26nikosis away: Errand
15:02:10nikosis back
15:05:17pattiejais away: I'm busy
15:05:37pattiejais back (gone 00:00:02)
16:06:55DocSnyderis away: I'm busy
16:19:02DocSnyderis back (gone 00:12:07)
18:04:05sgodsellis away: I have got to go!
18:10:01pattiejais away: rebooting
18:23:47DocSnyderis away: I'm busy
18:27:35DocSnyderis back (gone 00:03:47)
18:35:28hobuanyone home?
18:37:06mlphello green
18:37:10mlphello nikos
23:26:07DocSnyderis away: :-Q
23:30:56DocSnyderis back (gone 00:04:49)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.