irclog2html for ipaq on 2001.09.24

00:26:42DragonEagleis away: just away
01:08:15sgodsellis back (gone 02:35:13)
02:14:23DragonEagleis back (gone 01:47:41)
03:12:40sgodsellis away: Got to go!
04:01:05DragonEagleis away: just away
08:29:02_Axu_hi folks
09:42:12peter_neubauerhello, does anyone know where to get the source for the migle/familiar-framework?
11:36:27nukewave???: T0:23:respawn:... what meanīs that?; (inittab)
13:12:44nikosHello Marco
13:12:57Marcohoooo, some1
13:13:27MarcoI'm looking for information about Java and the ipaq ... can you help me ?
13:14:01nikosMarco: I would recommend searching the wiki and the mailing lists (which can be searched from the main search).  I'm assuming you mean Java on Linux.
13:14:29MarcoOn Linux or on Windows CE ....
13:14:55nikosMarco: We don't do Windows CE here.
13:15:16MarcoOpen source ;-)
13:15:47Marcoyep, but like for "kaffe" ... I find out a version for the ipaq but not how to install it
13:16:29eff-effhelp with familiar-0.5 and 3c574_cs!
13:17:27MarcoNikos: A thing you might know, the driver for the Lucent wavelan card, is it the same as in the linux kernel 2.4.xx ??
13:23:00nikosMarco: It should be yes.
13:51:03nikossjohnson: When you have a couple of minutes, let me know.
13:53:23sjohnsonnikos: I have time now. GA
13:53:53nikossjohnson: What kernel are you using now on your ipaq?  And can I use 0.1.9 with it?
13:56:40sjohnsonnikos: I'm using 2.4.7 -hh6. But I've also tried it on -hh5.
13:56:53nikossjohnson: So no go with 2.4.9?
13:58:37nikossjohnson: What did you do for the Flash upgrade on the SMC card?
14:00:28sjohnsonnikos: I haven't been able to flash my card yet. I tried getting a PCI WLAN card the weekend, but the d*mned card didn't agree with my Win98 box. :-P
14:00:55nikossjohnson: Is it absolutely necessary to flash it to use the new wlan-ng?
14:01:11sjohnsonnikos: No. Only to use ad_hoc.
14:01:39nukewaveWhoHaveTime: Why doesnīt work ifconifg (command not found) when I open a rxvt; whoami=root
14:01:40nikossjohnson: Ahhhh.  I don't use that, OK.  So does wlan-ng not work with 2.4.9 at all?
14:02:33nikosnukewave: Did you make sure the ifconfig command is there?  Then ldd the ifconfig file and make sure all libraries it is linked to are also installed.
14:02:38sjohnsonnikos: I haven' tested. Yet I just got the kernel compiled. I still have to compile pcmcia-cs and wlan-ng.
14:03:07nikossjohnson: Do you have to compile your own?  There's a 2.4.9 kernel and modules on Lorien.
14:03:58sjohnsonnikos: I use the ipkgs. But wlan-ng is real picking about having all of the headers and the like from a compiled kernel.
14:04:23nikossjohnson: Huh, I thought make config was sufficient.  OK.
14:04:46sjohnsonnikos: Not quite.
14:06:01nukewavenikos: ifconifg works; it doesnīt works when I open a rxvt on the Ipaq;
14:06:46_Axu_bye folks
14:15:39nukewaveWhoHaveTime: stowd; Can't set line discipline: Device or resource busy
14:16:21terryssjohnson: you got a seconds to talk about prism downloads ?
14:16:47sjohnsonterrys: Sure.
14:17:15terrysyou've built 0.1.9 right ?
14:17:23sjohnsonterrys: Yes.
14:17:39nikosnukewave: I'm not sure that makes sense.  At least I can't make sense of it.  The only thing I can think is a different PATH.
14:17:43terrysthat soesn't include the prism2dl.c right ?
14:18:24sjohnsonterrys: Correct. The only versions I found were from 0.1.7. They don't like 0.1.9 code too well.
14:18:59terrysahh ok - do you specifically need to reflash the prism from an iPAQ ?
14:19:35terrysor will any machine do ?
14:20:25sjohnsonterrys: I would like to. My efforts with a Win98 box didnt go well.
14:21:37nikossjohnson: I'm fixing to see if I can try with a Win98 laptop.
14:22:03terrysOK do I understand you to mean you would like to reflash from a Linux box ARM, 386 etc or specifically the iPAQ
14:22:52sjohnsonterrys: I don't have a laptop. The IPAQ is the only machine that I have that has PCMCIA slots.
14:23:13peter_neubauerhello, does anyone know where to get the source for the migle/familiar-framework?
14:23:43nukewavenikos: what mean (inittab); T0:23:respawn:... ?
14:24:19MalFalHey... does anyone know which familiar package hs the ps utility?
14:24:33nikosnukewave: `man inittab`
14:24:35sjohnsonMalFal: procps
14:25:49terryssjohnson: ok understood - I have a 386 binary that might be useful but I'll keep trying for something that works with 0.1.9 on an iPAQ
14:25:50MalFalsjohnson: Thankson
14:29:53sjohnsonhates SPAM.  Message 677 of 81,385 NEW
14:31:05nikossjohnson: I'm about ready to try one of the procmail based systems myself.
14:46:26terryssjohnson: where in 0.1.7 did you find prism2dl ? I just snarfed the tar from absolute.. ultimately I just want to know what the most recent version is...
14:48:54sjohnsonI grabbed it from a cached google page.
14:49:31terryssjohnson: can you blow a copy over this direction :)
14:57:46terryssjohnson: thanks - btw I'm curious what are you're using/will be using for a MAC core image ?
14:59:34sjohnsonterrys: I got the file from, in their support section.
15:01:15nikosOK, where do I find the ROM upgrade?  I've got the card working in a Win98 laptop, but I can't find the ROM on the SMC site.
15:02:25nikosI found it now I think.
15:02:35terryswhere ?
15:03:08nikoserr, no I didn't
15:03:21nikosIt takes me to the download page, and I see nothing in the list that sounds right.
15:04:37terryswhat card are you guys using exactly ?
15:05:27nikosIt's not the Linux patch for adhoc is it?
15:06:00sjohnsonnikos: No.
15:08:00sjohnsonTry their Europe web site.
15:09:20nikosfound it
15:09:28nikosterrys: It's on the smc-europe site.
15:09:38nikosthanks sjohnson
15:10:44terrysnikos: yup thanks I see it
15:11:49MalteseFalconis away: I'm busy
15:13:38nikoscools, its updated now.  Watch it not work with Linux anymore... ;)
15:13:47nikosis away: Errands
15:15:20beeblebroxis away: Away!
15:19:19terryssjohnson: so my next question is how close are you to nikos :)
15:22:15sjohnsonterrys: I actually don't know. I;m in the middle of Arkansas, US.
15:26:06terryssjohnson: ahh thats going to be challenging - isn't he in Tennessee or Pennsylvania somewhere...
16:23:16tlocalhoshas anybody the gps jacket ??
16:44:23nikosis back
16:45:05nikosterrys: KY
16:45:59terrysnikos: oh sorry - I knew it was in around there somewhere :)
16:46:56nikosterrys: Yeah, close enough. ;)
16:47:49terrysnikos: ok so for what its worth - how many provinces are there in Canada ?
16:49:41nikosterrys: Uh, are you testing my geophraphical knowledge? ;)
16:49:56nikosterrys: 5 or 6?  I don't really know.
16:49:58terrysnikos: more like challenging my own :)
16:50:10nikosterrys: You realize I mean Kentucky, USA right?
16:50:26terrysnikos: as opposed to the jelly ?
16:50:43nikosterrys: Just trying to figure out how Canada slipped into the conversation. ;)
16:50:59nikosterrys: Sadly I've had little use for the other in some time now. ;)
16:52:19nikos"Canada is divided into ten provinces and two territories. However this will soon change. In 1992, the people of the Northwest territories decided to
16:52:19nikosdivide their territory into two sections. The eastern section will be known as Nunavut. The western portion may be called the New Western
16:52:19nikosTerritory, although it is commonly referred to as Denendah or Nahendeh. "
16:53:05terrysnikos: wooo - and up to date as well - I'm impressed :)
17:20:45nikossjohnson: It would just be too embarrassing to bring a Windows laptop to ALS.
17:23:15sjohnsonnikos: I've got a couple of friend that I think I can con,um,er, ask to flash my cards.
17:23:29nikossjohnson: :)
17:23:57nikossjohnson: That's more or less what I did.  I just didn't ask. ;)
17:25:37terrysgeez - ye of little faith - I'll get this downloader working yet...
18:03:54sjohnsonis away: BRB
18:11:24sjohnsonis back (gone 00:07:29)
18:13:39terryssjohnson: I now have a prism2dl arm binary you can try or do wanta stick using windoze ?
18:14:04sjohnsonterrys: I'll give it a try.
18:14:57terryssjohnson: so I'm assuming you'll pick apart the SMC zip file for the firmware image...
18:15:53sjohnsonterrys: Yes. It's just a HEX formatted file.
18:16:35terryssjohnson: exactly... good
19:55:50nukewavewhohavetime: cardmgr[83]: executing: './network start eth0' how can I can change that to ae. ./network start eth0
20:22:24nukewaveWhoHaveTime: Iīm looking for the file where this is execute cardmgr[83]: executing: './network start eth0'
20:23:48sjohnsonnukewave: Edit the /etc/pcmcia/network.opts to get interface config.
20:33:39terryssjohnson: when you built 0.1.9 did you use the pcmcia-cs-3.1.29 source tree ?
20:35:29sjohnsonterrys: I'm using 3.1.27, It doesn't really matter the version. You configure it to use kernel pcmcia.
21:18:01DragonEagleis away: bbi10
21:18:59sgodsellis away: bbiaw
22:07:44`pwgen`hello all
22:24:27pattiejais away: have to reboot the server, just a moment...
22:38:36pattiejais away: I'm busy
22:38:54pattiejais back (gone 00:00:03)
22:53:13sgodsellis back (gone 01:34:14)
22:59:35DragonEagleis back (gone 01:41:33)
23:11:22gmkpHello, has anyone tried qpe on mono ipaq?
23:12:41sgodsellis away: Got to go
23:17:52DragonEagleis away: dinner
23:41:00catch23what was the linuxargs fix to solve the "Id "T0" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes" thing?
23:41:32gmkpcatch23: You can try with "init=/bin/sh"
23:42:57catch23trying right now...
23:44:42catch23hmm it works but isn't what I wanted haha...  I'm trying to get intimate working over familiar 0.5
23:44:54catch23with my dual sleeve and wireless cards...
23:45:12catch23I got intimate installed perfectly, just can't seem to pivot_root into it properly...
23:49:55DragonEagleis back (gone 00:32:02)

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