irclog2html for ipaq on 2001.09.12

00:01:47norikoi have a 3670
00:01:56norikoeverything seems to work fine
00:02:17ipasqlyou have access to all 64mb ?
00:02:48norikoas far as i know
00:02:53norikoi have 32 in ramfs
00:02:56norikoand 32 ram
00:03:06ipasqlsounds about right... hehe
00:03:51norikoi imagine it's adjustable
00:04:00norikohaven't had reason to yet
00:04:17ipasqlas soon as I find my serial cable... why's familiar so far behind schedule anyway, sez 0.5 will be released 3 mos. ago...
00:50:28sgodsell_nbis away: bbiaw
02:16:25edwardamis away: bbiab
02:30:41edwardamis back (gone 00:14:16)
02:54:23descenthi!every body.
02:55:01descentI want to use freetype to display fonts in qt-embedded library
02:55:29descentbut I must find a function to display bitmap.
02:55:44descentCan someone help me?
02:56:39mandor_try on
03:03:50descent hi!every body.
03:03:50descentI want to use freetype to display fonts in qt-embedded library, but I must find a function to fraw bitmap.
03:03:50descentCan someone help me?
03:17:15sjohnsonis away: getting sinus medicine.
03:39:02sgodsell_nbis away: bbiaw
03:42:26sjohnsonis back (gone 00:25:11)
03:44:06edwardamZzZzZzZzis away: Night all
03:51:44remmiehas anyone seend this when trying to load the boot loader on an ipag 3150?
03:51:45remmie00018A80 bytes loaded to C0000400
03:51:45remmieimg_size is too large for region: 00000000
03:52:36remmieit wont load......
03:54:02remmiemd5 check sum i riht
05:34:05sjohnson_zzZzis away: need sleep
07:50:00DragonEagleis back (gone 09:10:16)
08:53:39DragonEagleis away: rouchen is nicht verboten da
08:58:24DragonEagleis back (gone 00:04:45)
10:25:20DragonEagleis away: need sleep
12:09:20edwardamZzZzZzZzis back (gone 08:25:14)
14:17:38buzzubHi, can anyone tell me how much of the familiar distribution will fit on my 32MB iPAQ?
14:32:13nikosbuzzub: Can you explain a little better what you mean?
14:34:20buzzubHow much space will I have left if I install the basics  + networking + X given that my iPAQ has 32MB?
14:35:04nikosbuzzub: 32MB of what?  RAM or ROM?
14:40:07nikosbuzzub: In this case then the operative quantity is 16MB of FlashROM.  This is basically the same for most of us, certainly  myself.  I'm not sure about v0.5 as it is still in development, but you have roughly 1-2MB free in FlashROM after installing the complete image or installing most of the task packages.  Depending on your needs packages may be removable providing more free space.
14:40:12BBrox was last seen on 1 days, 19 hours, 7 minutes and 4 seconds ago, saying: should get back to do some bbplay coding (or rather some ASM for FFMpeg :-) ) [Mon Sep 10 20:33:08 2001]
14:40:12MoDibot: seen BBrox
14:49:19buzzubHmmm.... But I thought when you download programs to wince they are stored in RAM. is it not the same for handheld linux?
14:50:19nikosbuzzub: That is not true for the Familiar distribution.  We use the FlashROM much like a hard disk drive.
14:50:46nikosbuzzub: You can install files in RAM also, but by default, packages are not installed in RAM but in FlashROM.  That is configurable by the user however.
15:03:42buzzubAre my socket CF Ethernet card or cabletron PCMCIA 802.11 card likely to be supported on familiar?
15:14:47beeblebroxis away: I'm busy
15:28:57sgodsellWhat does the accelerometer really do?
15:30:15sgodsellI guess I could look at the h3600_backpaq_accel.c code, but I was hoping someone would answer me, and save me looking at the code  ;)
15:31:09nikossgodsell: Can be used to monitor the angular and rotational position of the ipaq and allow changes in it to be detected and used to do things like play a game or move the mouse pointer.
15:31:45sgodsellnikos is that in all dual sleeves?
15:32:08jgsgodsell: No, it is in our magic research expansion packs...
15:32:22sgodsellOh man
15:32:34sgodsellSo noone really has one then  :(
15:32:39jgsgodsell: It gives you the G field reading in two orthogonal axes...
15:32:39sgodsellSo no one really has one then  :(
15:32:44dcsounds cool :)
15:32:48bworthsgodsell: it can also be used to rotate the screen to the "proper" orientation automatically, depending on how you are holding the ipaq
15:33:05sgodsellI want one
15:33:21sgodsellPlease, with sugar on top
15:33:57bworthsgodsell: (which, i might add, Bill Gates was touting a week or two ago as a development from their Microsoft Research lab)
15:34:35sgodsellSo when are these things coming out?
15:35:06sgodsellWill they be in the future sleeves?
15:35:47sgodsellI guess you can see that I am really enthusiastic about it  ;)
15:35:53dchehe :)
15:36:20sgodsellWell dc, wouldn't you like one?
15:36:25bworthsgodsell: palm users have created a "dongle" that plugs into the bottom of a palm device, and sends accel. data through serial port. I have a couple sample chips of the device they used for this and hope to develope a similar device for the ipaq.
15:38:13mandorbworth: why don't you use ip over usb instead?
15:38:28mandoryou can buy an usb cable for 20$ I think
15:38:37mandorand usb is quite fast
15:39:51dcbworth: tell me if you get hold of a driver :) I'm a bit of an electronics dude.
15:42:47sgodselldc there is a driver already in the kernel
15:42:49bworthmandor: ipaq is a usb "slave" device, not "master", and as such, really doesn't support usb "peripheral". The "IC" I'm using can be monitored directly from a serial port without the need for additional electronics that would be necessary to implement usb.
15:44:02dcsgodsell: mmm :)
15:44:21mandorI know this. But what bring your IC? you can't connect any usb slave =)
15:44:53bworthsgodsell: i don't think that i would be able to use the bacpaq driver, though i haven't looked at the source yet. It's my understanding that they use a FPGA in the sleeve to interpret the signals from the "ic" and pass them to the ipaq, though i'm not 100% sure about this. (I don't think they use a serial port to interface)
15:45:48dcnice, I just realised. if you take a sleve apart there's a heap of wasted space, you could stuff a sensor in there :)
15:46:45sgodsellbworth is that what you did?
15:46:55sgodsellstuff it in the wasted space
15:47:09sgodsellOr the dongle
15:50:11bworthi haven't actually built the dongle yet, but i'm planning to have everything in the dongle (just 1 ic, really, and maybe a couple of caps or diodes, are all that's needed)
16:01:55bworthyou could build the device into the sleeve, but i assume you'd have to use a different interface (and i don't know if there's any interface available in the sleeve connector besides the pcmcia input) so it would be more complicated than serial. I hope to be able to provide do-it-yourself instructions and a driver, when I'm finished. If we could generate enough interest (and applications) maybe we could convince compaq to build them into the sleeves, or se
16:03:06mandorbworth: is the ipaq port a "real" serial port? I'd like to have an i/o card plugged here in order to move a small robot (and to make my coffee=) )
16:09:19bworthsgodsell: here's a page describing compaq's "rock 'n' scroll" interface, with links to the video clips i mentioned
16:09:31edwardamnikos: is there an editor in the fam .5 root image ?
16:09:52nikosedwardam: I'm behind, I've made no attempt to load or examine v0.5.  Sorry.
16:09:59DragonEagleis back (gone 05:44:38)
16:12:18bworthoops, i guess i should include the link (duh)
16:14:36dcbworth: rock 'n' scroll?
16:15:01nikosTangent: Hello!  Long time no see.  How are you?
16:15:13Tangentnikos : Hi there
16:15:32TangentJust hopped on breifly to retreive my email via modem... Still don't have my DSL line yet
16:16:22nikosTangent: Like your new home?
16:16:32Tangentnikos : Things are going well... I've finished the construction work on my office now, and got my computers in there
16:16:42nikosTangent: Excellent
16:16:44Tangentnikos : Yeah... new home is cool :)
16:17:08kirmabtw, saw quite nice 3d game demo on ipaq a week ago or so...
16:17:19TangentI'll post some pictures up once I'm moved them from the camera onto a machine
16:17:22kirmafull-screen textured 3d stuff
16:17:27mandorkirma: where?
16:17:36mandorkirma: there's doom by bbrox =)
16:18:10Tangentmandor : Or alternatively, BZFlag got LXDoom running
16:18:10kirmait's a demo by friends' company... dunno more
16:18:36bworthdc: interface developed by compaq wrl (western research lab) for a handheld device with no external input (no buttons, stylus, etc) controlled solely bye tilting and "flicking" the unit. Check out the video links, it's pretty cool.
16:18:37mandorTangent: I didn't know ... what's the difference between the 2 versions?
16:18:40kirmaframerate with a space ship and asteroid looked decent, 10-20 fps
16:19:17Tangentmandor : Virtually nothing... LXDoom seems to run a little better... not faster... just more reliable
16:19:36bworthtangent: welcome back!
16:19:42Tangentbworth : Thanks...
16:20:11TangentAck.. I just looked at the news page for intimate... No new news since 3rd July... I must've been very slack
16:21:16Tangenthas forgotten what it's like to have an internet conection... Ahhh.. the power :)
16:23:00bworthtangent: #intimate has been DEAD while you were away
16:23:20Tangentbworth : Very very sad...
16:23:34Tangentbworth : Have there been any cool developments on the iPAQ in the last month?
16:25:17jgTangent: trying to get familiar .5 put to bed...
16:25:23jgTangent: glad to see you....
16:25:49Tangentjg : Thanks.. it feels nice to be back in touch with the world.
16:25:53jgTangent: Jacques has done alot of work on toolchain and rebuiling Intimate using them while you were MIA....
16:26:09jgTangent: Nervous about going further without your buy in...
16:26:36Tangentjg : Cool.. good to know that progress is going on...
16:27:02Tangentjg : I need to get my ADSL line installed so that I can spend a few days online, sorting out my life there...
16:27:43jgTangent: The basic issue is that bleeding is too bleeding...  You get a new toolchain 2x/week, whether you need them or not, and you get new glibc's at frequent intervals.  The proposal is to back intimate off to stable or testing, and use a known good and tested toolchain....
16:28:36Tangentjg : Testing sounds good to me... stable was too old for compatibility with some of the familiar bits
16:28:55jgFamiliar .5 will have a more up-to-date glibc....
16:29:28jg(or rather, Familiar .5 alpha has a more up to date, and hopefully compatible with Intimate, glibc).
16:30:32jgThe other major issue is that we need to rebuild all our own bits.  The compiler you get from Debian compiles for Arm3; exe's are 15% or so bigger than one built properly for StrongARM.
16:30:54Tangentjg: OK.. you've convinced me.. I've just signed the cheque for my ADSL order, and sealed it in the envelope.
16:31:37mandrakeTangent: I take it you're the intimate maintainer?
16:31:39jgOk, great!  I discovered the toolchain problem when I went to rebuild X native on one of our iPAQ's running Intimate....
16:31:47mandrakeTangent: you should try getting intimate running with 2.4.7 :)
16:32:28jgTangent: So how's the new house?
16:32:29Tangentmandrake : There's a load of things I need to try at the moment... I've been busy buying a house, and building my new office for a couple of months...
16:32:56Tangentjg : I'm just transferring some pictures of my new office from my camera at the moment... I'll upload them as soon as I can
16:33:31mandrakeI had to go through all that when I moved to pittsburgh, too
16:33:32Tangentjg : New house is very cool... but I suddenly find that I have 1001 different things demanding my attention... e.g. wallpaper for the hallway which is currently bare... etc
16:33:47jgComes with the territory....
16:33:48mandrakealthough I'm going to be moving again hopefully next year
16:34:02mandrakeI've decided that instead of a house with lots of rooms, I really want a big loft with only a couple of rooms that are very open
16:34:13mandrakeI have too much computer equipment to fit into a standard house.
16:34:54Tangentmandrake : I just build a machine room inside my office... fitted the aircon in there...
16:35:24Tangentmandrake : Keep all the heat and noise away from me
16:35:34mandrakeTangent: I have a machine room also, with a special AC unit
16:35:39jgTangent: Best thing you can do right now is make Jacques feel he's doing the "right thing", and bless him to continue madly forward....
16:35:56mandrakebut in my actual home office, I have too many displays to fit around a normal desk
16:35:57mandrakelooks for a pic of his current setup
16:36:14Tangentjg : He has my blessing.. If he's online within the next 30 mins or so, I'll tell him myself :)
16:37:14jgTangent: Good.  I'll tell him so when he's on next (and I'm on)....  The remaining question is stable versus testing....
16:38:08Tangentjg : I'm afraid that I'm a version junky...
16:38:29Tangentjg : We should probably go with stable for an easy life... but I always want the latest of everything
16:38:40Tangentjg : My inclination is to say Testing
16:39:33jgTangent: My view is we're trying to push handhelds forward, rather than debian itself...  So unstable is clearly inappropriate.  But I don't know the differences between stable and testing....
16:40:14cworthjg: I think we may hit some of the same problems with testing that we do with unstable...
16:41:24jgWhat we need is the following: 1) a stable build system, and 2) a stable full fledged Linux for those who want/need it for handheld use....
16:41:29TangentHas this question been asked to the mailing list?
16:41:55TangentFor a general concenus of opinion?
16:42:09jgTangent: Not really: we probably should ask....
16:42:46cworthjg: IIUC, stable is a fixed release, so we can depend on it, (only security updates). unstable is chaos. and testing is unstable with a few sanity checks added, (something like it must compile for all platforms, and has been in unstable for some threshold of time with no critical bugs).
16:42:49Tangentjg : Strikes me as the easy (and blameless) solution... see what everyone wants, and go with it :)
16:44:05jgTangent: Last I heard, Jacques was building stable from scratch, with new toolchain.
16:44:45Tangentjg : That's really fantastic... Exactly what we need
16:48:46jgTangent: He was also running the validation tests on a bunch of compiler versions.
16:49:56Tangentjg : He must have some more free time lately.. last time I was around, he was extremely busy with work... Sounds like he's been doing lots and lots of good 'behind-the-scenes' stuff
16:50:26jgTangent: Yup.
16:52:03Tangentwishes that his camera would transfer images faster
16:53:28sjohnsonTangent! Welcome back.
16:53:37Tangentsjohnson : Thanks
16:53:48sjohnsonTangent: Hows the new house?
16:55:13sjohnsonis away: meeting...
16:55:18Tangentsjohnson : I'll show you in just a couple of minutes.... It's nice tho... having a house :)
17:02:39Tangentsjohnson : Here we go... some piccies of the new office being made... (still in progress)...
17:03:03mandrakeactually, that has 3 more machines than it does in that shot, too
17:03:14mandrakeI need to update my pic
17:03:36mandrakeI also really need a place with a workbench
17:03:38Tangentmandrake : Heh.. looks similar to my setup... (Hunts for old pic...)
17:04:23bworthmandrake, Tangent: you guys have the same "U"-shaped desk?
17:04:41mandrakebworth: my desk I built from ikea parts
17:04:42Tangentbworth : Nah.. not the same
17:04:55TangentHeh.. my desk is ikea too :)
17:05:26mandrakeon my desk I have 1 3-headed display, 1 22" flatpanel mac display, 1 10
17:06:03mandrakeon my desk I have 1 3-headed display, 1 22" flatpanel mac display, 1 19" windows display, my laptop/ipaq, and 1 server status display
17:06:18Tangentmandrake : Check out ... That was at my old house
17:06:39mandrakemy desk is kinda cramped
17:06:48mandrakeeven though I built this one to almost completely surround me
17:07:29Tangentmandrake : My desk was kinds cramped.. that's why I made the machine room... moved all the boxes in there... and a couple of screens... and have all the important stuff on the desk.. with none of the clutter
17:07:31mandrakeTangent: are you still copying it up?
17:07:49mandrakeor is this jpg just broken?
17:08:03Tangentmandrake : Just resending it... I think I must've killed the FTP before it finished...
17:08:06mandrakePremature end of JPEG file
17:08:19Tangentmandrake : Try now
17:09:09mandrakeI really need to set up my office at home for optimal working
17:09:23Tangentmandrake : There were another two machines behind me when I took that photo
17:09:37mandrakeI need to transition some boxes to the other side of my room
17:10:00Tangentmandrake : I just wanted an office where I could use the phone without people complaining about the noise
17:10:41mandrake - my server room before I set up machines
17:11:36mandrake - another angle
17:11:57Tangentmandrake : Haha... you are obviously just as sad and obsessive as me ;)
17:12:15dcmandrake: hehe!
17:12:26mandrakeyeah, I've got 3 sparcs I never turn on
17:12:30mandrakean indy I've never even set up
17:12:45mandrakean alpha whose disk I haven't replaced since the power surge fried it
17:12:52mandrakea netwinder (those are fun)
17:13:08TangentAnyhow... I've got to free up this phone line now for a bit, so my GF's mum can phone her... I'll be back online in about four or five hours time...
17:13:17TangentCatch you later if you're still around
17:13:49dcmandrake: is there any easy way to emulate an iPaq on linux..
17:13:59dcjust by running a small res X server?
17:24:04nikosis away: Errand
17:29:26DragonEagleis away: bbi10
17:50:21DragonEagleis back (gone 00:20:55)
17:58:12sjohnsonis back (gone 01:02:59)
18:05:49nikosis back
21:03:54sgodsellis away: bbiaw
21:04:15DragonEagleis away: need food
21:08:42sj_workis away: headed for home. BBIAW
21:13:18pattiejais away: bible study
23:22:23norikoif someone assaults you twice over a period of time, and they're much larger then you, can you use a weapon to defend yourself on the third time?
23:28:38ban_define weapon

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