irclog2html for ipaq on 2001.09.09

00:00:54DragonEagleis back (gone 02:27:39)
00:25:59DragonEagleis away: movie
00:42:02hungerHow do I upload the bootloader into my iPaq? I tried minicom, cu and hyperterminal. None of them worked!
00:57:30sjohnsonis away: I've lost my mind, and I've gone to look for it...
00:57:40sjohnsonis back (gone 00:00:06)
01:11:18DragonEagleis back (gone 00:45:19)
01:40:26norikohow long can an ipaq idle?
01:40:32norikobefore the batteries die
01:44:05DragonEagleis away: just away
01:53:45sjohnsonnoriko: idle as in sleep mode or the ipaq doing nothing powered on?
02:00:53norikowhile the display is off
02:02:05sjohnsonThe screen scan be turned off with screen save, but the process will still be active.
02:02:28norikoit lasts a few days for me
02:02:29sgodsellnoriko you can turn down the cpu
02:02:42sjohnsonBut for sleep, right that varied. Some people can barely get one day other can get upwards of a week.
02:02:57sjohnsonThe kernel still need to be tweaked for the power management.
02:03:02norikodepends what's running in background
02:04:26sgodsellWell for my iPAQ I use the power button,  I turn off the /proc/sys/ts/suspend_button_mode, then I scale the cpu back to its lowest level, and turn off the display.
02:04:40sjohnsonnoriko: When the ipaq is in deep sleep mode. The everything is turned off. There is enough power to keep RAM alive and a couple of regirested and clock in the CPU active.
02:05:05sgodsellActually I do the /proc/sys/ts/syspend_button_mode as boot startup
02:06:06norikoi have trouble with that button
02:06:30norikowon't turn on first hit, second hit it turns on, i touch the screen, it turns off, etc
02:06:38norikoeventualy it turns on for good
02:07:16sgodsellYou sound like you are using the 2.4.3 kernel?
02:07:25norikoi'm not sure
02:08:01norikomy good desktop is being repaired and i haven't compiled anything for it. it has familiar on it now
02:08:19sjohnsonnoriko: The screen behavious after a resume of the screen saver killing in. Just hit any hardware button to top the screen saver.
02:09:23norikoyou're saying when i turn it back on i am seeing the screen saver?
02:09:57sjohnsonWell the screen ususally turned on but when you touch the touch screen is will turn off.
02:10:05sjohnsonThat is the screen saver killing in.
02:10:21norikoi turn it off normaly
02:10:32norikobut if the battery dies it's enabled per default
02:10:37norikoneed to fix that
02:10:39sjohnsonby hitting any button.
02:10:53norikoi'll try that next time
03:16:45sgodsellis away: I need sleep ZzzzZZzzzzzzZZZzzzzZ
09:58:06well, screenshot is at
09:58:06Keroibot, screenshot
10:42:12DragonEagleis back (gone 08:58:05)
10:45:42spinner__my serial ppp connection gets colsed when the ipaq switches of, any ideas?
10:55:21Kerospinner__: host-side (main PC) polls the connection and ends pppd when there is no response.
10:55:35Keroguesses it is possible to turn off the poll.
10:56:08morpheusI am having big trouble with my iPAQ
10:56:10Keroprob: lcp-echo-interval 5
10:56:31morpheusthe only thing I can access now is the parrot :(
10:57:03morpheusThis has been done after trying to revert back to WinCE when loading flash_00c00000.bin file
10:57:12morpheusCan some one help me plz ?
10:57:32morpheusThe xmodem transfer seemed to fail !
10:57:52spinner__Kero: i.e. I should start the connection from the pda?
10:58:03morpheusCan someone dcc me a copy of a parrot export to cf ?
10:58:46morpheussomeone can help ?
10:59:18morpheusI've tried on linux : cat flash*.bin > ce.bin
10:59:32morpheusand then dd if=ce.bin of=/dev/sda
10:59:47morpheussda is my imagemate cf reader connected on the pc
11:00:52Kerospinner__: that won't help, since the client side polls, too, I think.
11:01:53Keromorpheus: there are fewo or none here that have experience with putting WinCE back on.
11:01:59Kero: excuse me?
11:01:59Keroibot: parrot
11:02:24morpheuswell that's too bad...
11:02:28morpheusthx anyway
11:02:48morpheusI'll try and search for another sol !
11:09:49spinner__Kero: so the only thing I can do, is prevent that the ipaq is switching off?
11:16:49Kerospinner__: no, play a bit with lcp-echo-interval an lcp-echo-failure.
11:17:18Keromy man-page does not really tell how to disable them, but you can try to set them to 0 and such.
11:30:26hungerHow can I access the touchscreen in linux?
11:30:57hungerIs there a mouse driver or something like that for it?
11:32:22hungerBBrox: How do I access it? Like a mouse?
11:32:48BBroxhunger: no idea :-) Look at the X server code :-)
11:32:56hungerBBrox: Thanks :-)
11:36:32DragonEagleis away: byebye
11:58:59EGg0is away: (breakfast)
12:17:18EGg0is back (gone 00:18:19)
14:00:20dneuer was last seen on 3 days, 22 hours, 38 minutes and 27 seconds ago, saying: bye [Wed Sep  5 16:21:53 2001]
14:00:20debuggeribot: seen dneuer
14:00:41rumour has it dneuer feed is
14:00:41debuggeribot: dneuer feed
14:02:23hungerHow can I calibrate the iPaqs Pen? I'm not in X/QPE.
14:03:44debuggersorry dude, my countdown to shipment is 10 days today
14:04:17debuggermaybe I am elligible for the PocketPC 2002 free upgrade ;) kidding
14:04:37hungerdebugger: I just borrowed 'mine'.
14:05:58debuggerthe current linux PDA I am using had a calibration tool about 300kB (2MB total ROM) so I never burnt it in and used the file that it generated the first time
14:06:11debuggerso I dont see the use of such a tool
14:07:41hungerdebugger: Well, I don't have such a file:-)
14:08:06hungerdebugger: Such a tool was in the QT environment this iPaq came with, but I deleted that:(
14:08:29hungerNow I have neither X nor QPE, so I'm a bit lost:-)
14:17:46debuggerwhy would you calibrate when you do not have anything to TAP on?
14:18:15hungerdebugger: I'm writting a gii-driver for the touchpad so I can port Berlin to the ipaq.
14:18:56hungerdebugger: I keep getting 65000 as a position and that messes things a bit up for me;-)
14:19:18debuggeri think it might be correct
14:19:42debuggerits not a pixel value
14:19:54debuggerthe touchpad has its own co-ordinates
14:19:57hungerdebugger: I only get those 65000 near the boarder of the screen. Anywhere else I get something between 1 and 320.
14:20:14hungerdebugger: I don't use the raw device.
14:20:19debuggeroh ok
14:20:31debuggerthere is already a layer there
14:21:10debuggervery near to edge or in an area where you think it should be within pixels?
14:21:24debuggerhello nikos :)
14:22:39hungerdebugger: It looks to me as if the 'touchsensitive' area starts a few pixels to far up.
14:23:31hungerhehe... I got the network card to work:-) 100MBit for the iPaq now.
14:23:34nikosHi debugger
14:23:42hungerHi nikos.
14:23:47nikosHello hunger
14:24:13debuggerhunger: is not that too much? I mean for a PDA ;)
14:24:51debuggerI think even USBnet would be enuf for me, and Microsoft stole that idea for new PocketPC 2002 :(
14:25:44hungerdebugger: Got the card together with the iPaq, so that's what I'm going to use;-)
14:26:40hungerdebugger: I didn't buy it, I'll have to return it in a few days:-(
14:26:57hungerItg's a shame... having to return such a nice toy.
14:27:12debuggerI think hardware should be alloted to ppl building cool stuff for it
14:27:33debuggerI won my current PDA like that but the company stoped support for it :(
14:28:23hungerdebugger: I'd really love to get such a thingy, but I just can't find a reason strong enough to make me shell out the money for it.
14:28:25debuggermy kernel is acting crazy, may need a kick on reset :(
14:29:06debuggerI ordered the cheap H3135, enuf to build on it and cheap to shell out
14:40:50_remi_Hi there
14:41:48_remi_I plan to buy an Ipaq H3660 next week. Are there issues (are 64MB supported, ...) ?
14:42:10_remi_... running linux on it, of course...
14:42:11gonzi believe everything works with 64mv
14:43:44_remi_Does it need CF memory or microdrive to run ?
14:44:31gonznope, but you're having more fun with one
14:44:40gonzyou could also use network storage
14:45:48_remi_H660 is sold with an usb craddle only, is there a way to transfer the bootloader and the kernel image with this ?
14:46:19gonzno, you need a serial craddle, serial cable or you could modify your usb craddle to be a dual craddle for serial and usb
14:49:09debuggergonz: are binaries for usbnet desktop side and/or ipaq side available?
14:50:14gonzyes there are .. you only need the modules usb-eth on ipaq side and usbnet on the pc-side ... all you need should be in the std-kernels
14:51:05debuggeri have 2.4.5 on PC
14:51:28gonzi think it will work
14:54:02_remi_usbnet allows to make a network link between the ipaq and the pc ?
14:56:30debuggeryes, via USB cable : after installation of linux
14:56:30debugger14Mbps AFAIR
14:57:09_remi_great! appears in ifconfig as a normal net device ?
14:57:55debuggeryes but do it while the cradle is detached and when it appears attach it
14:58:51it has been said that usbnet is at
14:58:51debuggeribot: usbnet
14:59:13debugger_remi_: take a look at this address
14:59:47_remi_debugger: thanx. I'll have a look.
15:00:59_remi_debugger: I don't have my ipaq yet, but I'll surely want usbnet once I've bought it.
15:02:06debugger_remi_: same here ;)
15:02:18debuggermine is scheduled to land on 20th :)
15:02:39_remi_debugger: what kind ?
15:03:09debuggerH3135: the poor man's walking linux PDA ;)
15:05:20mandorhi remi :) great to see some french people here :)
15:06:18_remi_Hi mandor. Salut la Bourgogne ! (all: excuses for the french ;)
15:06:26debuggerI have a 1GHz Athlon with 17 inch monitor Dolby Sound and GeforceDDR 256MB RAM and 40GB hard drive.. so H3135 is more than enough as a PDA for me
15:07:36_remi_debugger: I've a 486 with 2GB IDE.. So my H3660 PDA will be more than enough too...
15:08:08mandor_remi_: :D
15:08:37mandor's got a lot of machine (including celeron bi-500 and alpha 500 :)), and H3630 isn't enough yet =)
15:09:26_remi_mandor: are there many linux on ipaq users in france ?
15:10:00mandor_remi_: I know at least one =) ... I think there's as many users as in any country (tte proportion respectee ..)
15:10:25_remi_mandor: if any, could be a cool occasion for a dinner...
15:10:52mandor_remi_: maybe, one day ..
15:11:11mandor's very busy at this time and will be a lot busier in the next months :(
15:12:43_remi_mandor: did you own an ipaq ? Did you buy it in France ?
15:12:50mandor_remi_: yep
15:13:38_remi_mandor: I didn't find for less than 5900 F (around $840) for a H3660 in Nantes...
15:13:41mandor_remi_: it's great to read linuxfr and slashdot during the courses ... :)
15:13:55mandor_remi_: check on
15:14:31mandorbut I'm not sure there's xx60
15:14:31_remi_mandor: you have wireless lan access ?
15:14:45mandor_remi_: not at this time .. It's planned.. when I will be rich =)
15:15:13mandor(c un 3630)
15:15:28_remi_mandor: thnx. I look at this...
15:17:26_remi_mandor: cheaper... but it's a 3630...
15:17:54mandor_remi_: I know, but it's a lot cheaper :)
15:18:15mandor_remi_: just to say that I'm sure you can find somewhere a lot cheaper that 5900
15:22:11_remi_H3660 are not that common in France... And there's a big price difference with us.
15:23:52mandoryep.. but why not a 3660 ? add the extension slot and a 340mb hard drive if you need space =)
15:28:19_remi_mandor: I agree that 64MB on a PDA is quite a luxe
15:30:21_remi_mandor: but I currently have 32MB on my PC and I'm tired with its constant swapping...
15:31:04debugger_remi_: do you use linux on that PC?
15:31:05mandor_remi_: there's 32Mb for ram in the 3630
15:31:14_remi_mandor: so maybe I'm psychologically influenced by this...
15:31:28mandor_remi_: 16Mb is for the flash (which is quite small, I agree)
15:31:34_remi_debugger: yes (debian potato upgraded with a 2.4.6 kernel)
15:32:58debuggermakes sense only a two year old windows version would run on that anyways ;)
15:35:06_remi_mandor: 64MB RAM is more because it's difficult (impossible ?) to make a mem upgrade on this
15:35:37mandorI don't know what I could do with 64Mb ram ..
15:35:37_remi_mandor: and what will be the memory requirement to run apps in a few years ?
15:36:13mandor_remi_: if your app require more than 32Mb I'm sure it will not on the flash card (which is only 16/32)
15:36:33_remi_debugger: 486 with 32MB RAM quite ok with potato but don't expect gnome, mozilla and friends to be confortable...
15:39:15debuggeryes I can guess just discarded my AMD 486-DX4 100MHz 16 MB RAM last week
15:39:28_remi_mandor: I agree.. But with a extra CF or microdrive ?
15:39:57mandor_remi_: yep.. but in a few years, a performant pda would not cost the price it costs now
15:41:03_remi_debugger: with a 1GHz Athlon 256 MB RAM I'd do the same :)
15:43:28debuggerhehe, can't work on so much different machines :)
15:43:58_remi_mandor: I'll ask grosbill for the price of a H3660 and if they can't have one for cheaper than 5900 F, I'll probably get a H3630.
15:44:56_remi_debugger: my pda would have more power than my desktop PC...
15:46:16debugger_remi_: you maybe more mobile than I am
15:47:10debuggerinfact if my employer gives me one of those compaq Plug-N-Play mobile PC sort of thing, I dont even need a PDA then
15:48:10_remi_debugger: I need a pda because I work at the university and I'm always from one place to another
15:48:20dciPaq 3630 :)
15:48:29dcI'm just about to get one
15:49:11debugger_remi_: that pretty much explains your need for a nice color unit :)
15:49:23_remi_debugger: and I like debugging in the train
15:49:36_remi_debuggers: and I like gadgets ;)
15:49:46_remi_dc: so do I
15:49:47debuggerI like gadgets too :)
15:50:05dcI reall yhave no need for one, just the pure joy of having protible Linux :)
15:50:18debuggeri just wonder if I can use any IR keyboard with an iPAQ
15:50:24dcalot less heavier that laptops to :)
15:51:04_remi_dc: I used to have linux on a compaq aero 486sx25
15:51:12debuggerdc: I have a PDA runnint linux..... only linux , does not help much though its a linux console rather a PDA now
15:51:25dcwhy only cosole?
15:51:35dc_remi_: nice :) worked good?
15:51:46_remi_dc: 4MB RAM :(
15:52:04dcare you gonna get an iPaq?
15:52:05debuggerdc: it has two different PIM frameworks but no PIM app, it has got sqlite but nothing to access it... and so on
15:52:28dcdebugger: what PDA is it?
15:52:48debuggerits a Vtech Helio, my iPAQ is on its way
15:52:57debuggerand this one is going out of the window
15:52:59_remi_dc: yes. Maybe a H3660 or maybe a H3630 following mandor's advice...
15:53:27debuggerbeware I am on 6th floor
15:53:32dc_remi_: do you live in the US?
15:53:49dcI'm gonna order mine on Monday :)
15:53:54_remi_dc: no. I live in France (Nantes).
15:54:24dc_remi_: I got some here for £270!!
15:55:04_remi_dc: ipaqs are very expensive in France...
15:55:32debugger_remi_: get one imported
15:55:34dcwell, you should get one form UK :) I've found a company that have them refurb for £270 as I saud
15:55:54dcsame stuff...just cheaper :)
15:56:37_remi_dc, debugger: I know, but it's quite tricky to import this kind of devices in France
15:57:01_remi_dc, debugger: (to be on the right side of the legality of course)
15:57:10dcreally, mate..come pick it up form my place! it's only like 5 pounds for the farrey ;)
15:57:39_remi_dc: VAT declaration and so on...
15:57:55dcno, I was serious.
15:58:02debuggeryou both are lucky, I am in Asia the only way to get it is via import :(
15:58:18dc_remi_: where are you in france?
15:58:19_remi_dc: I may take the boat to UK and bring it back with my luggage
15:58:29EGg0is away: Eek! I'm late for a meeting!
15:58:33EGg0is back (gone 00:00:04)
15:58:43_remi_dc: Nantes, in West of France (south of Britanny)
15:58:46EGg0is away: (buying plutonium)
15:59:04EGg0is back (gone 00:00:19)
15:59:13_remi_dc: but I get sick in boats :(
15:59:40dcGeek's do anything for tech.
16:00:04_remi_dc: what's the price for a H3660 in UK ?
16:01:41dcjust cheking.
16:02:59dc£466 retail new.
16:03:35dcI can get 3630 for £270 though.
16:04:32_remi_dc: thnx. Strange price difference between a 3630 and a 3660...
16:05:43_remi_dc: I think I'll get a 3630. H3660 is *too* expensive.
16:06:16dcX runs good on 32Mb
16:06:31dcI used to use a PC of the same spec at work!
16:06:36dcfor a few days...
16:06:44dcbefore I kicked the side in.
16:07:17_remi_dc: I use a PC less than these specs at home.
16:08:23dcwell iPaq is gonna be vey nice :)
16:09:19_remi_dc: I hope so. Will you have CF or PCMCIA ext. ?
16:10:18dcI'm getting CF or 1Gb micro drive at a later date :)
16:10:27dconce I get some more ££
16:10:44_remi_dc: I plan to buy a PCMCIA ext. (I've some pcmcia cards that I used with my old laptop)
16:11:00dcthat'd be very usfull :)
16:11:09dcmodem would be good.
16:11:37dchehe, you could even put in Noxia module card and use it as a phone to :)
16:12:01_remi_dc: I hope that these cards won't be to tricky to support with the arm kernel
16:12:22dcwhat are you planing to use?
16:13:22_remi_dc: modem (psion 56K), ethernet (3com 10/100BT), CF adapter
16:13:55_remi_dc: all of them are supported with intel kernel + pcmcia-cs
16:14:16dcare you gonna have a pop at linux?
16:14:44_remi_dc: I don't know if pcmcia support is different in the arm kernel vs. the intel kernel
16:15:03dcnot sure...
16:15:09gonzit is completely the same afaik
16:15:16_remi_dc: a pop ? (sorry I'm french :(
16:15:24_remi_gonz: good new :))
16:15:53dcyou going to try linux on your iPaq?
16:16:09_remi_dc: of course I will.. I buy the ipaq for that...
16:16:28dcgood, good :)
16:16:52dcI wanna get an IBM micro drive 1GB and try KDE out, haha! :)
16:18:49_remi_dc: I'd like to see :)
16:19:46dcbrb later mate, nice talking :)
16:21:29_remi_dc: bye
17:13:16EGg0is away: (time to actually do some housework)
19:00:33storpikI ma having trouble uploading the bootloader to my iPAQ (familiar linux). Using xmodem
19:17:30Kerostorpik: what's the problem?
19:19:07DragonEagleis back (gone 07:42:34)
19:19:56storpikWell, using minicom on Linux. xmodem fails
19:20:06storpikget NAKs
19:20:45nelsonstorpik: Yup.
19:21:00storpikIs it a config problem?
19:21:57nelsonThe bootloader times out too fast, and once it starts, it never gets back in sync.  Various people including myself have looked at the code and not found any obvious fix.
19:21:58storpikboot> load bootldr  | gets prompt. Then when I try xmoden bootloader-etc. Sending bootldr-0000-2.14.8, 789 blocks: Give your local XMODEM receive command now.
19:23:02storpikSo I should just try to get it running faster?
19:23:17nelsonThat works, or ....
19:23:18KeroWhen you start the upload again, you can type ENTER a few times for the filename. It will reuse the old name.
19:23:37nelsonor ....
19:24:05nelsonPersonally, I don't waste my time with minicom.  This is Unix.  We have scripts.  We are powerful.
19:24:42storpikThanks. A russel Nelson script.
19:24:51storpikI will try that.
19:38:34MoDdoes someone use an irc-client on his ipaq
19:42:04_remi_MoD: I've no ipaq yet. Do you use an irc client on your ipaq ?
19:42:22KeroMoD: xchat has been ported, there may be more clients
19:42:52MoDKero where can i find it?
19:43:01Kero: i'm not following you...
19:43:01Keroibot, xchat
19:43:12Kerodon't use it myself.
19:44:03MoDKero do u know somebody?
19:45:32MoD_remi_ i want to
19:46:06MoDKero from where did u heard of that
19:46:32Keroone of those channels... forgot who... tried the Wiki?
19:46:37Kerothe skiffcluster?
19:48:06MoDthe skiffcluster? don't what this answer stand for
19:49:02DragonEaglemod, you really need to bury yourself in the wiki for a couple of days
19:49:06Kerothere is a wealth of binaries on them.
19:49:06skiffcluster is at
19:49:06DragonEagleibot skiffcluster
19:56:52MoD: i'm not following you...
19:56:52MoDibot x-chat
20:44:56nimAnyone know anything about getting xcopilot to run on an iPAQ?
21:02:44Lemonhi :)
21:22:38EGg0is away: (going to the movies)
23:01:33DragonEagleis away: dinner

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