irclog2html for ipaq on 2001.07.25

00:54:10ds2qduanyone know how should qt/embedded work at pda...??
02:44:40cmarquis away: I'm busy
03:00:40bhimayawns and waves at pkomarek
03:19:54pkomarekwakes up to see bhima waving
03:24:37bhimaabout to go.
03:25:35bhimapko: hey, want to try to get together with dneuer and I at some point?
05:47:46root__anyone know how install qt/embedded at pda...
06:37:58cmarquis back (gone 03:53:17)
06:46:55pkomareksays goodnight
10:26:27mpakulahelp while loading one of few files into ipaq terminal says: transfer cancelled by user and segmentation fault
10:35:05terrysis back (gone 10:37:23)
12:38:47mpakulanikos: nice to see you I got a problem with loading one of a few files into ipaq : terminal says action canceled by user and familiar sefmentation fault, all this happens at the end of transfer ;-((
12:39:32nikosmpakula: What transfer method?  And are you sure you have free space (less than 94% full).
12:40:44mpakulanikos: terminal of win 98 zmodem  and I'm pretty sure I got lots of space free
12:42:24nikosmpakula: I don't know what else to say.  I'm not sure many people use zmodem with windows.
12:43:10mpakulanikos: Thanks anyway I'll keep trying ;o))
12:43:34nikosmpakula: Be sure to check df and make sure you do have space.
13:12:53mpakula HELP after rebooting root/rootme terminal says :PAM_unix[75]:(login)session opened for user root by LOGIN (uid=0) login[75]: u ---and asks for login again ??
13:13:17nikosThis is serial connection?
13:13:28mpakulanikos: yes
13:13:55nikosYou are enterring root, hitting enter, enterring rootme, and hitting enter?
13:14:13nikosmpakula: And you've tried this several times now?
13:14:49mpakulanikos: exackly  and I've done that before with no porblems till now
13:16:29nikosmpakula: Again, I'm at a loss of what to say.  You may have to change your linuxargs to temporarily work around this to figure out what is going on.  First, be absolutely sure that your terminal is working ok and that you are in fact enterring everything correctly.  I've not heard of anyone having such difficulty.
13:21:35mpakulanikos: Terminal settings are ok, looks like problems with authetication. All this started after failed transfer into ipaq
13:21:51nikosmpakula: What were you transferring?
13:22:34mpakulanikos: rat...-ui one of videoconferencing tool files
13:23:08nikosmpakula: Doesn't sound like anything that would affect login.
13:24:24mpakulanikos: There is nothing rely that i cannot load again so if I have to do something drastic no problem
13:25:05nikosmpakula: We could try to diagnose it, but it would probably be easier to reload the root image.
13:27:24mpakulanikos: so do you want to load root from bootldr console ?
13:27:57nikosmpakula: Yes.
13:28:18nikosmpakula: While you are there, check the partitions and the parameters (like linuxargs).
13:28:47mpakulanikos: just as it is on install page starting from boot> load root ?
13:30:20nikosmpakula: Which page are you looking at?
13:31:27nikosmpakula: Can you paste in the linuxargs output of show?  And the results of partition show?
13:32:37nikosmpakula: Just for thoroughness, do:
13:32:40nikosAt the "boot>" prompt, enter: set linuxargs "noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock/3 init=/linuxrc console=ttySA0"
13:32:40nikos      At the "boot>" prompt, enter: set copy_ramdisk 0x0
13:32:40nikos      At the "boot>" prompt, enter: set baudrate 115200
13:32:51nikosAt the "boot>" prompt, enter: params save
13:35:40mpakulanikos: how about partition reset and pflash?
13:36:05nikosmpakula: No, but can you paste in the output of partition show?
13:36:29nikosmpakula: That would reset too much, but we probably should check that you have the correct results already.
13:37:56mpakulanikos: qflash 1 returns 00170017
13:38:16nikosmpakula: Fine
13:38:58mpakulanikos: boot>load root
13:39:31mpakulanikos: or whole kernel ?
13:41:09nikosmpakula: If you want to redo everything, go ahead and start from the beginning of Setting bootldr's Parameters.  But I don't know that that is necessary.  It would be nice to double check your partition definitions at least.
13:43:58mpakulanikos: partition looks ok is loading just a root will help you think ?
13:45:38nikosmpakula: I can't be sure, but I don't see how you could have messed up the kernel.
13:49:29mpakulanikos: loadind task-bootstrap.jffs2 later I will ipkg task-familiar-complete
13:49:52nikosmpakula: OK
17:56:49jamey was last seen on 20 hours, 37 minutes and 58 seconds ago, saying: later [Tue Jul 24 22:18:51 2001]
17:56:49dneueribot: seen jamey?
17:59:52nikos: sorry...
17:59:52nikosibot has been away too long, jamey was on #hh less than 1 hour ago.
18:05:00jamey was last seen on 3 minutes and 48 seconds ago, saying: new devfs kernel packages 2.4.6-rmk1-np2-devfs  in (hh4) [Wed Jul 25 19:01:12 2001]
18:05:00Disconnectibot: seen jamey?
18:08:46nikosis away: Errand
18:52:51nikosis back
18:58:11smokis away: I'm busy
20:34:05RoMobye all
20:41:21nikos: Bowling Green, Bowling Green-Warren County Regional Airport, KY, United States; (KBWG) 37-57-51N 086-25-26W 161M; last updated: Jul 25, 2001 05:17 PM EDT; Dew Point: 73 F (23 C); Pressure (altimeter): 29.9 in. Hg (1012 hPa); Relative Humidity: 70%; Sky conditions: clear; Temperature: 66 F (19 C); Visibility: 7 mile(s); Weather: 84 F (29 C); Wind: from the N (360 degrees) at 9 MPH (8 KT)
20:41:21nikosibot: weather for kbwg
21:13:20sjohnson_workis away: going home
21:23:37scottvenhas a sick ipaq.  it doesn't seem to want to speak usb.  I made usb networking work with my friend's ipaq on my desktop, but mine won't work.  we have the same kernel versions on both of our ipaqs.  am I stuck with a hardware problem?  How do I deal with warrenty people since I'm not running winCE?
21:24:07Bubyou should debug it
21:24:14Bubsee what's going on
21:24:15nikosscottven: Are you using the same kernel/modules on both ipaqs?
21:24:21scottvennikos: yup
21:24:23Bubida know how to sniff a usb port though
21:24:50nikosscottven: That's odd.
21:24:53Bubdoes the puter detect a usb device at all?
21:24:57scottvenhis works fine, mine refuses the device id that my desktop's kernel tries to assign it.
21:25:09nikosscottven: The author is green on, he's in Moscow though and probably asleep right now.
21:25:28scottvennikos: which is why I think it's a hardware problem on mine.  :(  my unit is a refurb.
21:25:37nikosHmm, maybe.
21:25:44Bubcould the craddle be broken?
21:25:58scottvenbub: used the same cradle for both.
21:27:17Bubyou should get diagnostic software for the serial port
21:27:39scottvenbub: elaborate
21:27:56Bubif it was me i'd start with the actual ports
21:28:12Buband make sure they work, and work down from there
21:28:28Bubtry serial
21:28:38Bubtry using a serial cable instead of usb
21:28:47Bubit's like $50 canadian
21:28:53Bub$25 usd
21:29:04scottvenbub: I know the cradle and the usb on my desktop work because they worked with my friend's ipaq.  I can interface just fine to my ipaq over serial, but it's slow.
21:29:32Bubit's sounding more like software now
21:29:38scottventhe only thing that I don't know is the usb on my ipaq
21:29:55scottvenI've got the same version of the kernel and modules on mine as on my friend's.
21:30:00Bubif the serial cable works then the ipaq port is working
21:30:14scottvenbub: the 232 port is working, but not the usb
21:30:28Bubdon't they plug in teh same place?
21:30:57scottventhe same physical connector on the outside, but they're backed up by different electronics on the inside
21:31:20Bubcan you try a usb keyboard?
21:31:31scottvenon what?
21:31:40Bubany device
21:31:48Bubthat you can plug in it
21:32:12Bubin the ipaq serial port
21:32:28Bubit's serial, the usb is just an adapter
21:32:47Bubas far as i know
21:33:01scottvendon't think so.  you can't cram usb over serial
21:33:24Bubthey make usb->serial adapters don't they?
21:33:36scottventhat's putting serial over usb.  other way around.
21:35:53Bubthere must be a way to debug the usb port
21:36:08Bubfrom the ipaq
21:37:02scottvenwell..  I can't think of any thing to do to test it other then what I've already tried...  II'll take any suggestions.
21:37:25Bubi still haven't installed linux on mine, my desktop was hit by lightning and i'm not interested in using this p90 for it atm
21:37:56Bubi should get the desktop back this weekend
21:38:04Bubmotherboard was fried
21:39:06scottvenheads over to to wait for green.

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