irclog2html for ipaq on 2001.07.17

00:18:24Bubit's likely i'll get the 5GB drive
00:18:34Bubi am happy to develop tons of apps
00:18:53Bubgnome for ipaq
00:19:04Buband kde
00:47:49Nermalgnome and kde are bloated :(
00:51:44Bubi personaly don't use them
00:51:55Bubwindowmaker i think i use
00:52:54Bubare their many apps for arm32 ?
00:53:56Bubsome ppl may have storage cards and can run others apps, but don't have enough space to compile them
00:54:15Bubmaybe not kde
00:54:23Bubbut like epic3
00:54:31Bubor something
00:55:36Bubi'd like to run ircd from mine just for kicks
00:56:00Bubi know an ircd coder who can port it if i give him shell
00:56:33Daedelushow would you connect, cradel?
00:57:10Buband wireless modem privite network to my desktop durring mobile
00:57:39DaedelusI bet I could get sirc or ircII working on an agenda pretty quick.  Hehe, but scribble sucks.
01:00:00DaedelusCan you get a telnet with a modem on an ipaq?
01:00:12Bubshould be able to
01:00:19Bubyou get an ip
01:00:36Bubso it should be normal tcp/ip
01:00:39Daedelusthen you should be able to do it
01:00:50Daedelusfrom anywhere, you code?
01:01:09Bubnot much
01:01:43Daedeluswe have visors with modems, but I don't use them, no modem for the agenda, don't use the ipaq much.
01:01:53Bubi have to order the modem, and 5GB disc
01:02:04Daedelus$$$ ?
01:02:15Bubmodem is like $800 canadian
01:02:21Bubdisc is the same price
01:02:27Bubabout $400 usd each
01:02:30Daedelusdiscs are cool, ibm right?
01:02:49Bub5 times more space, same price
01:02:59Daedelusonly ones I've seen have been IBM
01:03:00Bubi just learned about toshiba tonight
01:03:05Bubjust released
01:03:11Bubpcmcia hdd
01:03:13Daedelushehe, cool, I learned something.
01:04:07Daedeluswonder if compaq sells them as peripherals for ipaq?
01:04:13jacqueslots more power usage
01:04:21jacquesmuch less batt life
01:04:25Bubi don't think compaq does, but other compaies do
01:04:26jacquesthat's the trade-off
01:04:33Daedelusno doubt
01:04:34Bubhow much less?
01:04:41Bubfrom 18 hours to what?
01:04:47Bub12 hours?
01:05:17DaedelusI lost my blackberry at the bluesfest, it travelled to Montreal, got it 9 days later, still running.
01:05:59Daedelushehe, but then you can't watch mpegs on it.
01:06:23Bubi can find free power
01:06:29Bubi can recharge anywhere
01:06:56Bubevery train station has free power
01:07:10Bubfree of charge
01:07:18Daedeluswhere are you?
01:07:53Bubthey have power for your car block heater in the parking lot of every train station
01:08:03Bubno charge
01:08:04Daedelusme too, and I take the train, I suppose you could find a plug.  VIA1 has power.
01:08:07DaedelusOh yeah.
01:08:38DaedelusAll you need is free airtime, hehe, you'd be all set.
01:08:48Bubi dout that
01:08:58Bubi think i'll be dialing up my house
01:09:04DaedelusAnd gas, hoser.
01:09:24Bubleaving my desktop running 24/7 and running a answering machine/ppp dialup
01:10:10Daedelusright on, I could call the office, I can do that there.
01:10:53DaedelusI don't have a phone line in my house, I hate bell.
01:11:04Bubphone campanies suck
01:11:40Bubthen they got hit when long distance companies started rerouting
01:11:58Bubbut they still have their monopolies
01:12:04DaedelusI have a cell, not that expensive.  I hope bell sinks like a stone, right after the post office.
01:12:21Bubpower sompany
01:12:25Bubcable company
01:12:29Bubsame probs
01:12:37Bubthey treat us like crap
01:12:40DaedelusHehe, I have to use them, n future in hating them.
01:12:46Bubcause we have little choice
01:13:42Bubcable companies got hit hard
01:13:46Buband good for them
01:14:05Bubthey adapted with @home, pager, and cell phone service
01:14:17Bubsatilite sucks btw
01:14:37DaedelusI use cable modem, don't pay for tv though, it's a rip.
01:14:38Bubit's popular cause it's "satilite", not because it's any good
01:14:51Bubit' uses radio waves!
01:14:56Daedelusyou mean like bellvue?
01:15:28Bubit may work fr tv cable
01:15:31Bubbut not for internet
01:15:33DaedelusOnly satellite dish I ever had was a news feed.  Worked ok, not sure it would handle the traffic now though.
01:16:30Bubcoax is pretty good
01:16:36Bubtoo bad @home uses dhcp
01:16:42Daedelusapparently satellite up is pretty slow.  I's love to live at lands end and have a fast net conn.
01:16:55DaedelusI have dedicated IP
01:17:00Bubwe don't hav ethat technology
01:17:20Bubwe can't send data threw air faster then sound
01:17:29Daedelusit doesn't matter though, with DHCP and 24/7 your IP doesn't change.
01:17:43Bubnot relyably
01:18:00Bubdhcp allows them to change your ip
01:18:15DaedelusTell them you want a dedicated IP.  They won't like it, but they give it to you.
01:18:24Bubnot here
01:18:30Bubi had @home static
01:18:31Daedeluswhere are you?
01:18:48Bubi paid $160 a month for 1 static ip
01:18:49Daedelusahh, I'm in Ottawa
01:19:30Bubi canceled it when they refused to change my reverse dns after i emailed them with 5 internet consultants backing me up
01:19:45Bubi use the $39.95 plan now
01:19:51Daedelusme too
01:20:09Daedeluswhat was the 160 for?
01:20:18Bubtotal waste
01:20:26Bub"permission to run services"
01:20:33Daedelusyeah, my first cell was bell, they soaked me.
01:20:54DaedelusI had a contract, I just stopped paying them.
01:21:04Bubi do exactly the same things now, only diff is now they can change my ip
01:21:06Daedelusf**k bell
01:22:39Bubit's telus here
01:22:47Bubthey're getting better now
01:22:52Bubthey used to be fuck heads
01:23:03Daedelusno bell?  maybe you'll get service then.
01:23:07Bubbetter now cause more competition
01:23:35Daedeluscompetition good, monopoly bad.
01:23:45Bubfor comsumers
01:23:52Bubnot for companies
01:24:00Bubthey thrive from monopoly
01:24:05Bubvery well
01:24:18Bubeveryone is screwed
01:24:25Buband you rake in money
01:24:30Daedelusnot necessarily.  competition breeds innovation.
01:24:42Daedelusyou innovate, you make money
01:24:52Daedelusyou treat customers well, you make money.
01:24:56Bubi can't wait till microsoft starts loosing money
01:25:10DaedelusWahahahahahaha!  Me too.
01:25:22DaedelusDpon't hold your breath
01:25:30Bubwhen the computer industry opens their dam eyes
01:26:12Bubwindows users know microsoft is ripping them off
01:26:16Bubi talk to them
01:26:17Daedeluswhat does the industry have to do with it, it's the public that get's duped.  The industry gets screwed whatever.
01:26:33Bubthey decided they have invested too much to turn back
01:26:47Daedeluswell, that's a good point.
01:26:58Bubthey say will msword work?
01:27:11Bubno, but wordperfect does
01:27:27DaedelusI use vi.
01:27:34Bubat least with mac's they support windows exe's
01:27:56Bubmost software providers include a mac binary
01:28:00Bubbut unix is diff
01:28:10Bubthey're not all binary compatible
01:28:23Bubtoo hard to distribute software for
01:28:27Daedelusno, but the code cross compiles.
01:29:02Daedelusif you can get the code that is.
01:29:10Bubit's the real difference between unix and microsoft
01:29:25Bubcopyrights and source code
01:29:52Bubthe company who makes the software wants to sell it, not give it away
01:30:15Bubthat's fine with me
01:30:25Bubbut microsoft sells garbage
01:30:35Daedelusof course, but if you get a foot in and become the experts, then you can let it go.
01:30:37Buband has so much potential to do better
01:31:13Bubthey have so much money
01:31:25Bubthey can make elite ight ass programs
01:31:27Buband they don't
01:31:48Bubthey just rake it in spending more on marketing then on development
01:32:04Daedelusthey get stuff out that works, and they move on.  One thing they do well is developer software.
01:32:22Bubthey keep up with drivers
01:32:26Bubnew hardware
01:32:43Bubcause they tell hardware developers to release all the specs
01:32:48Bubonly to microsoft
01:33:04Bubso the hardware vedor will break contract releasing the open source
01:33:07DaedelusM$oft visual studio is the best IDE that there is (That doesn't cost $20,000)
01:33:31Bubthat's why i like compaq
01:33:37Bubthey tell ms to fuck off
01:33:44Bubthey make their own drivers
01:34:14Bubthey do as much as they can get away with without pissing off ms
01:34:38Daedeluspissing off ms isn't as dangerous as it was.
01:34:54DaedelusI still wouldn't recommend it though
01:35:02Bubif ms refuses to sell windows to compaq, compaq is in trouble
01:35:17Bubor dell or gateway
01:35:33Bubcompaq owns alpha now
01:35:36Buband true64
01:35:45DaedelusThey do that they look like a monopoly and they risk prosecution, especially now.
01:36:16Daedeluswhat is true64?
01:36:37Bubi think compaq knows what's going on, but still wants to make money, and is holding it's stance for now
01:36:54Bubunix for 64bit cpu's
01:37:10Bubsolaris also has a 64 bit version
01:37:14Buband linux
01:37:33Bubnot windows
01:37:45Bubthat's another thing
01:37:56Bubms holds back cpu developmenty
01:37:59Daedeluslinux has been working on alphas for a long time.
01:38:39Daedeluswhat 64 bit cpu does linux work on?
01:39:06Bubthey tell intel they will not develop windows for a Pentium 128 bit, so intel has too much to loose for developing it
01:39:14Daedeluswahaha! A whois shows you on the marijuana channel.
01:39:30Bubi only know of alpha and sparc 64 bit cpu's, sparc has 128
01:40:30Bubcause it would involve ms recoding teh whole os, and it would not be binary compatible with other versions of windows
01:40:38Bubms is slowly killing itself
01:41:09Bubthe industry is moving faster then microsoft
01:41:15Daedelustarpits waiting
01:42:12Bubbill gates only cares about his life time
01:42:30Buband i have a feeling he won't be though of much when he dies
01:42:48Daedelusor now for that matter, haha
01:42:50Bubby the time he dies the industry would have broken microsoft
01:43:13Bubhe's still rich
01:43:19Bubhe will live long
01:43:50DaedelusI would have quit long ago, gimme a few million, and baby I'm gone!
01:43:52Bubbut he'll be taken over by the opposite of what he believes in
01:44:03Bubhe's a nazi
01:44:10Bubbill gates is a nazi
01:44:22Bubonly cares about himself
01:44:44DaedelusWell, nazis are kinda chummy with other nazis.
01:44:52Daedelusso nazis are better.
01:45:06Bubunless you believe in freedom
01:46:45DaedelusWe were just comparing Nazis to Bill Gates, doesn't matter what I believe.
01:47:55Bubas far as i know they exibit the same behavior
01:48:08Bubtotal control
01:48:12DaedelusBill Gatus of Borg.
01:48:13Bubmasters and slaves
01:49:03Bubi suggest a society of peers
01:49:26Daedeluswhere everyone is equal?
01:49:26Bubthe homeless dude has the same rights as i do
01:49:46Daedeluswho would work?
01:49:54Buband i'll even defend his rights
01:50:10Daedelushehe, not me.
01:50:18Bubhe can be homeless if he wants, i work for a living
01:50:59Daedelusoh, so we're just defending his rights then, not buying him a house, a car and a dog?
01:51:24Bubi don't have to give him anything
01:51:32Bubhe has teh right to liberty
01:51:39Daedelushehe, ok, well then I'll keep working.
01:52:24Bubhe has the right to exist as long as he doesn't refuse other ppls rights
01:52:49Daedelusahh, ok then, so what are we doing to him now that we won't do later?
01:53:23Bubwe should treat ppl how they treat us, inteligently
01:53:51Bubalways give the benifit of thr dout
01:54:10Bubi've been homeless
01:54:12Daedelussounds nice, but it wouldn't work for very long.
01:54:23Bubtook me 4 months to save for rent
01:54:29Daedelusso have I, in cagary for that matter.
01:54:37Bubslept in a tire
01:54:49Bubwith my dog
01:54:57DaedelusI've slept in my truck in the winter, at least I had a truck.
01:55:03Bubi sold corn on the road
01:55:25Bubcause they let me work with my dog
01:55:34Bubcause i had no where to put her
01:55:59Bubonce a week i bought a hotel room for a shower
01:56:15Buband bed
01:56:19Daedelusyou go to a pool for that, cheaper than a hotel room.
01:56:31Bubi want soap
01:56:45Daedelusthey have soap, hehe, and soap doesn't cost much.
01:56:55Bubtoo late now
01:57:01Daedelusyup, next time.
01:57:31Bubmy dog loved the hotel
01:57:40DaedelusI wish I'd known about the hydro at the train station, could have had electric heat in my truck.
01:57:45Bubshe thought it was her new home each time
01:58:12DaedelusMan that would have been a treat.
01:58:19Bubit was a bitch to find a place that accept dogs too
01:58:31DaedelusThis in Calgary?
01:59:24Bubmy dad died and my step mom kicked me out a week after since i didn't pay rent
01:59:29Bubthat's how i got there
01:59:49Bubshe expected me to leave my dog
01:59:53Bubshe even packed a bag for me
02:00:02DaedelusI rode my motorcycle through downtown at 5am full tilt, ignoring all the lights, not a soul around.  Monday morning, calgary, 1978
02:00:18Daedelusstep mom eh?
02:00:18Bubi was born in 1978
02:00:29Daedelussay 57
02:00:41Daedelus1957 that is.
02:01:18Bubhow old does that make you?
02:01:21DaedelusI was born in 1957
02:01:30Daedelus& 1/2
02:02:14Bubi got home and she shoved me off her property after giving me my bag
02:02:20Bubi can't forgive it
02:02:33Bubi would have never don't that to her
02:03:24DaedelusI wouldn't, but do yourself a favor and don't waste a lot of time being bitter about it.  Life goes on and it's only what you make of it.
02:04:31cmarqu[XXX1302]hi all
02:04:49DaedelusOK, be bitter for a little while, hehe.
02:05:02DaedelusHi Cmarqu
02:05:05Bubi have no reason to like her
02:05:23DaedelusNo, I didn't say that.
02:05:56DaedelusI wouldn't forgive her either, ever.
02:06:11Bubi can't wait till i've got my ipaq setup
02:06:22Daedelusthat's better.
02:06:22Bubwireless modem and pcmcia hdd
02:06:46Bubi'm very compeditive
02:07:13DaedelusI'll have to see if I can get a modem for my agenda, I thin you can.  You know what an agenda is?
02:07:14Bubi keep myself the best dude at work, so i make good money and buy good shit
02:07:25Bubno, i don't
02:07:32DaedelusLinux pda.
02:08:05Bubi'm between jobs now
02:08:05Daedelusno where near as powerful as an ipaq, but hey, I love it, it's linux.
02:08:17DaedelusWhat do you do?
02:08:23Bubi said on my resume i am looking for long term employment
02:08:40Bubstone mason
02:08:48Bubtradesman at 22 year ols
02:08:51Bubi love it
02:09:00Bubit makes sence to me
02:09:43Bubi'm stone mason and tile setter
02:09:48Daedelusstonework is cool.  There is a bridge here being repaired and they're doing it the same way it was originally.  Limestone blocks.
02:10:13Bubi preffer larger peices as long as i don't have to lift it
02:10:18DaedelusI'be done some amateur stuff.  Cool trade.
02:11:18Bubi've figured it out
02:11:35DaedelusThese are large, different sizes, but I'd gues that 10"x16"x36" is one of the larger pieces.
02:11:35Bubi understand how stone polishes and how it flakes
02:11:40Buband how it chips
02:12:29Bubsome ppl have more expirence them me and do worse work
02:12:35Daedelusdeep limestone is easier to work with because it's harer.
02:12:55Bubi preffer harder material, it's more consistant
02:13:02Bubdoesn't chip
02:13:16Bubdoesn't scratch
02:13:22Bubdoesn't break
02:13:35Bubblack granite
02:13:50Daedelushehe, make a nice countertop.
02:13:53Bubit's one of teh hardest natural materials
02:14:22Bubfrom africa
02:14:36Bubheat = dence
02:14:41Buband strength
02:15:02Bubblack stone comes from africa
02:15:55Daedelusbed time for me.  Gotta get up early and call sweden.
02:15:56Bubgranite countertops outlive the house
02:16:17Daedelushehe, yeah I bet, and cost as much :)
04:08:15sgodsellBZFlag: did you get my email regarding the tuxscreen
04:10:28BZFlagwith the different mailing address? yes. I think your ipaqs already shipped though... order was like tuesday last week no?
04:11:53sgodsellHmm,  I only set up paypal last week.  Then I had to wait to get a confirmation number this week
04:29:28bhimagrr. I can't connect to efnet.
06:09:06banshee762anyone awake in here?
06:09:52banshee762k, just cruising around here looking for info
06:10:40DragonEaglewhat kind of info?
06:11:15banshee762any chance of a "bash for ipaq"?
06:11:35DragonEagleyes, you want me to just send it to you?
06:11:50banshee762ahh.. as long as you mail order me a ipaq on your credit card before hand
06:12:04banshee762.. gotta get a pda for work, getting info on them before i buy a "win-pda"
06:12:07DragonEaglesorry, won't fit :-)
06:12:34banshee762k.. that was number 1 answered... number 2...    nfsd for ipaq?
06:12:52DragonEagleuse it all the time :-)
06:12:54cmarqu[XXX1302]ipkg install bash :)
06:13:09banshee762k.. number 3...  pvm for ipaq?
06:13:21banshee762parallel virtual machine
06:13:43banshee762e.g. beowulf cluster setup.. use the ipaq as a slap in master node for some quick stuff then get the output and run
06:14:11DragonEaglebanshee762: good question, best I could tell you is try to cross compile the source
06:14:44cmarqu[XXX1302]banshee762: if it is in debian/arm, you could get a udrive and intimate and run just that
06:14:45DragonEaglehere come the bouncers
06:15:02banshee762DragonEagle: duooooddee.. i can barely write a perl script that'll run w/ the -w option
06:15:37banshee762wtf... and split the same time as here
06:16:22DragonEaglebanshee762: that's the best I can tell you, I don't know much about bc's
06:16:26cmarqu[XXX1302]bad times for irc
06:17:10banshee762k, 2 last questions and you guys got me sold on an ipaq over a M$ palm pilot .. (might as well be M$'s)
06:17:33DragonEagleok, throw 'em
06:17:45banshee762damnit.. hate when that happens script just jumps
06:18:43banshee762k, question #4 ..  what OS is the ipaq..  like.. does it use something similiar to a palm pilot OS where you basically have a minimial icon driven shell to navigate into more options in-program.. or can you just slap a vmlinuz in there
06:18:57DragonEagleit ships with windows pocketpc
06:19:18DragonEaglepocketpc is closer to ce2000
06:19:24banshee762..ahhh...  .. anyway to take it off?
06:19:56DragonEaglethere is all kinds of stuff about removing pocketpc and installing linux
06:20:29banshee762k, last question...  hmm.. would be a nice little side project.. rip windows off yet another system here.. w/o major hardware failure b/c of its dependance on win-drivers
06:20:42cmarqu[XXX1302]also for other pdas (ipaq is cool tho)
06:20:54banshee762network config...  cat 5, or classic ttySx?
06:21:21banshee762orrrr... propreitary format setup w/ cables and cradle,etc
06:22:37DragonEaglebanshee762: you lost me
06:22:39cmarqu[XXX1302]there is a usb and serial cradle
06:22:45banshee762usb... ewww
06:22:59cmarqu[XXX1302]also jackets for pcmcia and/or CF
06:23:13banshee762hmmm pcmcia.. slap a ne2k.o in it and good to go
06:24:17cmarqu[XXX1302]there is a CFtoEth for $69
06:24:17cmarqu[XXX1302]see (has a pic of the card)
06:24:17cmarqu[XXX1302]infrared too
06:24:27cmarqu[XXX1302]LED is said to be very powerful
06:24:50banshee762oh yea.. last thing.. in the meantime.. till i liberate it from the corrupted philosopy of the OS it ships with...       win CE2k come with a cmd.exe or
06:25:26cmarqu[XXX1302]not that i know
06:25:51DragonEaglebanshee762: I don't think so, but it takes only about an hour to clean off the wince virus
06:25:56cmarqu[XXX1302]there *might* be a shareware or something
06:26:32cmarqu[XXX1302]still likes to laugh about "wince"
06:29:23cmarqu[XXX1302]that amigo pda looks very interesting too
06:29:30banshee762hey, only windows OS that can't run on ia-32 architecture besides windows 1.0
06:30:52DragonEagleyou know, that says something in favor of linux and it's cousins :-)
06:31:28banshee762yea, considering linux can run on anything practically... slap an eprom in a toaster and get it to print logo.h on the bread
06:31:54DragonEaglehas seen that done
06:33:20banshee762oh yea.. other thing.. think you could fit a smb client setup onto an ipaq?  like.. got enough disk space and ram?
06:33:43DragonEagleit's also already available :-)
06:34:13banshee762hmm.. be funny... get an ipaq.. put linux on it.. and get it to work w/ my printer before i can get this computer to work w/ it
06:34:51banshee762damn.. wonder if there's a BitchX or ircII for ipaq architecture
06:35:40DragonEaglealmost all console programs can be built, but require a consold:-)
06:36:11banshee762hmm what architecture is the ipaq?
06:36:22DragonEagleSA1110 203mhz
06:36:39DragonEagleI could be wrong on the exact mhz tho
06:37:01banshee762203mhz??!!!!   dammmnnnn twice as fast than 3/4th of the computers i have here
06:37:56cmarqu[XXX1302]DragonEagle: i'll forget the exact number when i have it for a while :)
06:38:59banshee762hmm.. any like.. bulk files.. of packages/programs/whatever i can get for it...   i have a habit of d/ling iso's ... too lazy to get package by package
06:43:28DragonEagleI'm gonna have to sign off for the night it's almost 1am here
06:43:33banshee762programs for it OS dependant mainly.. or will run just off of real system calls... or gotta get like a wineCE?
06:44:09DragonEagleIt's Linux
06:44:41banshee762so basically any program for it will run w/ linux on it?
06:45:08DragonEaglepretty much, just need to be built for the arm
06:48:30DragonEagleok gotta go
12:38:06nikosbhima: You around?
12:39:01nikosbhima: Dave Neuer is dneuer in right now if you have any questions about the mono units.
14:14:55nikos: huh?
14:14:55nikosibot: ipaq memory upgrade
14:14:57well, ipaq memory upgrades is at or at
14:14:57nikosibot: ipaq memory upgrades
14:30:00nikosis away: Errands...
15:11:54nikosis back

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