irclog2html for ipaq on 2001.07.11

00:06:01scottvenis having dns problems with the bootstrap familar.  I have a working ppp conneciton and a resolv.conf that should work, but it can't resolve anything
00:06:15scottvenany gotchya's that I might be missing?
00:25:59jacquesmaybe host PC not forwarding packets?
00:36:35scottvenno it is.  I can reach other machines by ip address.
00:36:47scottvenI can even ssh into the nameserver by ip.
00:38:25jacquesscottven: ok, a couple of other ppl had this exact problem
00:38:36jacquesscottven: it was the filtering rules on their host PC
00:40:14scottvenhmm.  that could be it.
00:40:33scottvenchecks his firewall rules
00:45:23jacquesi take it that was the problem
00:45:26scottvenjacques: you rule
00:45:44jacquesscottven: heh, I just hang around here and absorb info  :-)
01:04:19boodleCan anyone help with a corrupt jffs image? Getting a jffs2 error about block 0x0
01:05:25jacquesboodle: dpes it look like this: jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x00000000: 0x008e instead
01:05:57boodlejacques: no, here's the error
01:06:26boodleJFFS2: Erase block at 0x00000000 is not formatted. It will be erased
01:06:26boodleCowardly refusing to erase blocks on filesystem with no valid JFFS2 nodes
01:06:26boodleKernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 1f:00
01:07:08jacquesboodle: :-(
01:07:12boodlejacques: built a 2.4.6-rmk1-np2 kernel.. my partition is more than big enough for kernel.. an earlier build worked ok.. dunno why this one fails
01:07:56boodlejacques: is this basically unrecoverable?
01:08:37jacquesboodle: seem to be a lot of those type problems going around right now
01:08:47jacquesboodle: did you build that kernel?
01:08:59boodlejacques: ah.. yes built it myself.
01:09:28boodlejacques: I'm pretty sure there's still serious config settings issues with the default configs (arm/arch/def-configs)..
01:09:40pkomarekjacques: I think we need a special version of the ipaq with socketed flash ram, or with a bootloader stored on a rom
01:13:58jacquesboodle: I think there are some issues with the new partition parsing configs in the kernel
01:14:22jacquesboodle: now they have CRL partition parsing and Redboot partition parsing and who knows what else
01:14:51jacquesboodle: if you don;t configure CRL partition parsing, if you have a nonstandard kernel partition (for example) you will have problems
01:15:34boodlejacques: yepper I agree.. I saw all the redboot refs too.. I left them in.. will try commenting them out
01:28:30pisymbolTangent:  You around?
01:29:15pisymbolhoping Tangent is not sleeping.....yet.....
01:30:40pisymbolsjohnson:  Flipout got in contact with of the founders/owners called me to appologize...very nice...he is giving me the keyboard case for free
01:31:08pisymbolTangent?  You there...I got a quick setup question....nothing too big...
01:32:24sjohnsonpisymbol: That's great. I think that a bunch of thing went wrong with their move to new quarters. At least their own up to their mistakes and correct them.
01:34:54Tangent was last seen on #intimate 1 hours, 11 minutes and 8 seconds ago, saying: goes to bed... night all [Wed Jul 11 01:23:46 2001]
01:34:54jacquesibot: seen Tangent
01:35:01pisymbolsjohnson:  Yeah
01:35:09pisymbolDamn it...I really need to get this keyboard working before tomorrow
01:35:22pisymbolAnyone setup the Targus with their iPAQ?
01:35:49keithpYeah, it's working fine.  Two things -- gotta run the keyboard app and gotta disable getty
01:35:56pisymbolsjohnson:  They said it was just the fact that they screwed up.  I told them that I want to recommend the case to my friends but I'm not satisfied with the whole process so far...
01:36:11pisymbolkeithp:  How do I setup?
01:36:21pisymbolkeithp:  What do I download?
01:36:31pisymbolsjohson:  I think I mentioned you as a recommendation
01:36:43pisymbolsjohnson:  You should ask for a free case or something....for the hassle....
01:36:44keithppisymbol: I'm running unstable, get stowaway-h3600
01:36:57pisymbolkeithp:  source or package?
01:37:08keithpipkg install stowaway-h3600
01:37:23pisymbolkeith:  ooo...that sounds easy
01:38:03jacqueskeithp: !!!
01:38:08jacquesfaints dead away
01:38:09keithpYeah, kinda scary.  Then load the driver 'modprobe h3600_stowaway'
01:38:20pisymbolGEnan - that is awesome
01:38:35sjohnsonToyKeeper: Ye gads! What is that character on your root window?
01:38:36pisymbolThat's it keithp: I
01:38:38pisymbol'I'm done
01:38:46pisymbolGenan - hold crap that is nice nice nice
01:38:56jacqueskeithp: if you have a minute I need to talk to you
01:38:58keithpis frustrated with the 2.4.3 sound driver - output is going strange when the machine goes idle'
01:39:24keithpjaques: yeah, I've got a minute, especially if anyone around here knows anything about the audio driver...
01:39:49sjohnsonpisymbol: Next have to disable the getty by going to run level 4 - init 4
01:40:12jacqueskeithp: my ability to build Xipaq has been broken since june 29th
01:40:13keithpCool, didn't know there was a special run level.  I hacked inittab.
01:40:34keithpHmm.  Current XFree86 CVS builds OOTB these days.
01:40:49sjohnsonGetty doesn't run at run level 4.
01:40:56jacqueskeithp: I strongly suspsect it has to do with the changes you made to kdrive on that day
01:41:19sjohnsonpisymbol: Fire up the daemon (stowd, i think) and then type away.
01:41:25keithpjacques: that's likely; I probably checked in changes for multiple simultaneous mice.
01:41:32jacqueskeithp: it's looking for a type definition wihch simply does not exist, in any of the kernel source I can find
01:41:46keithpjacques: which type definition would that be?
01:41:56jacqueskeithp: just a sec, I will find it
01:42:04boodlekeithp: idle weirdness a broad problem with 2.4.3
01:42:32keithpboodle: ack.  Any idea if it's better with 2.4.4 or later?  I can't tune my harpsichord this way :-)
01:42:51sjohnsonwonders how the Palm keyboard drivers determines if keyboard is present?
01:43:13boodlekeithp: heh well I'd like to be able to say but I seem to have toasted my root jffs2 image trying 2.4.6 :(
01:43:36keithpboodle: cool.  I assume you made the kernel partition large enough?
01:43:37ToyKeepersjohnson: The background image is Gen-an from Samurai Showdown 2 for Neo-Geo.
01:43:52jacqueskeithp: In file included from kaa.c:25:
01:43:53jacqueskdrive.h:546: parse error before `*'
01:43:53jacqueskdrive.h:597: parse error before `TsFuncs'
01:43:53jacqueskdrive.h:597: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
01:44:05sjohnsonboodle: That's too bad. I just upgraded 2.4.6 and didn't have a problem.
01:44:33boodlekeithp: yepper.. frustrating in that I did have it working (sort of.. complained about a missing module or 2) then I did a cvs update (did one 3 hrs earlier too) and got even newer updates and now toast :(
01:44:48jacqueskeithp: KdTsFuncs is not defined *anywhere*
01:44:52keithpjacques:  Oops.  Looks like it's prety busted.  I'll fix it.
01:44:52boodlesjohnson: how do you setup your .config ? just use stock one for h3600-familiar?
01:45:05jacqueskeithp: thanks, I have been waiting for 11 days
01:45:15jacqueskeithp:  :-D
01:45:21sjohnsonboodle: I used a 3.4.6 binary that Jamey uploaded today.
01:45:32sjohnsonEr, 2.4.6
01:45:45boodlesjohnson: ah.. welp I may as well try that too at this point
01:45:51jacqueskeithp: at first I thought KdTsFuncs was defined in the kernel header files, but it's not
01:46:44keithpjacques: I changed the way input devices work, that type isn't needed anymore.  I'll have it fixed in a couple of minutes.
01:47:09jacqueskeithp: great!!  :-)
01:47:13boodlesjohnson: thanks
01:50:16pisymbolif you disconnect the udrive a crash - can you screw up your kernel?
01:50:28pisymbolI can't seem to boot up now
01:51:13boodleugh.. same jffs2 complaint.. time to load root :(
01:51:43sjohnsonpisymbol: How far do you got?
01:51:52pisymbolhold on....
01:52:01pisymbolI'm waiting for minicom ouput
01:52:02jacquespisymbol: anything's possible for unprotected flash, but it's likely something else
01:52:16pisymbolokay - but fam boots up fine
01:52:46jacqueskeithp: look at it this way, now jg won't have any problems when he builds Xipaq with the screensaver extension
01:53:02jacquespisymbol: are you using reiserfs on your udrive?
01:53:19pisymbolI believe that is what root is
01:53:44jacquespisymbol: hmmm :-( reiserfs is supposed to be more resilient than that... what errors you getting?
01:54:13sjohnsonI found a neat new access accesories. An USB->power adapter cable for the IPAQ. far I get
01:54:39pisymboluncompressing Linux.....done, bootinhg kernel
01:54:41pisymbolAnd then that's it
01:54:46pisymbolThis is so weird - I didn't do anything
01:55:03pisymbolI was trying to put the keyboard in and the expansion slot fell off a little, I plugged it back in and rebooted
01:55:03jacquesthat's really stranbge - it boots fine when udrive is not inserted?
01:55:12pisymbolfamiliar comes up as usual
01:55:46jacquespisymbol: hmm, sleeve usually fits very tight - you sure it's on all the way?
01:55:59pisymbolalirght - but even if it wasn't familliar would boot up - yes?
01:56:36jacquespisymbol: should - you said familia *was* booting fine, riht?
01:57:12pisymbolintimate is not
01:57:38keithpjacques: that seems to work now; you should be able to get bits from XFree86 CVS in a few minutes.
01:57:54jacqueskeithp: thakns a lot!
01:58:06pisymbolhow did I break intimate - all I did was ipkg install stowaway-h3600
01:58:08jacquespisymbol: try mounting the udrive under familiar
01:58:08pisymbolinit 4
01:59:23pisymbolwhat is the udrive under familliar
01:59:37sjohnson /dev/hda1
01:59:43keithpjacques: as an extra bonus, you should be able to use an IR mouse if you can get it to talk PS/2 protocol to /dev/psaux
02:01:03jacqueskeithp: wow! where can I find one of those?
02:01:05pisymbolwell on mine /dev/hda3 is root
02:01:17pisymbolI don't understand why I can't mount it
02:01:23pisymbolIt says I must specify the type
02:01:46jacquespisymbol: mount -t reiserfs /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda (or whatever)
02:01:53sjohnsonreiserfs is not in the /etc/files systems file.
02:02:35pisymbolSegmentation fault?
02:02:52pisymboloooo mannn....what happened
02:02:55pisymbolI didn't do anything
02:03:03jacquespisymbol: cat /proc/apm
02:03:17pisymbol1.13 1.2 0x02 0x01 0xff 0xff 110% 330 sec  
02:03:26jacquesok, that's not it
02:03:31pisymbolmy battery is oka
02:03:44pisymbolthough the yellow light is flashing - I guess its still charging
02:04:02pisymbolmaybe the PCMCIA battery is really really low
02:04:07pisymbolits been plugged in most of the day
02:04:34pisymbolyellow light still flashing - any ideas jacques
02:04:41pisymbolI don't know why intimate is not loading
02:04:45jacquespisymbol: thinking
02:05:05pisymbolAll I get is..... Uncompressing kernel, booting and then that's it....
02:05:11pisymbolDoes hard rebooting take a lot of battery power/
02:05:20jacquespisymbol: no, batt looks fine
02:05:43jacquespisymbol: so mount segfaults on you?
02:06:08pisymbolif battery is fine - why is yellow light flashing
02:06:28jacquespisymbol: it's charging, but you still have plenty of charge
02:06:38awakenedanyone have any luck getting ppp over serial to work with their ipaq?
02:06:43jacquespisymbol: you sure sleeve is on tight?
02:06:55awakenedor usb for that matter
02:07:00jacquespisymbol: mine fits so tight it would never fall off
02:07:15jacquesawakened: I have used both serial and usb
02:07:17sjohnsonawakened: It not that hard.
02:07:19ppp is
02:07:19sjohnsonibot: ppp
02:07:42awakenedsjohnson: I did that how to and its still not working
02:07:45pisymbolit didn't fall off  - it just game off as I was pushing in the keyboard
02:08:02pisymbolawakened:  make sure you have login: screen on the ipaq end
02:08:11sjohnsonawakened: From minicom (or whatever) try loginng is as ppp
02:08:25pisymbolI'm so pissed off right now - what the hell happened to my Intimate install
02:09:11sjohnsonpisymbol: You probably have a corrupted library somewhere. I would start with the reiserfs-module package.
02:09:32awakenedahh I get it
02:09:33jacquessjohnson: ah, good idea
02:09:38pisymbolwhat do I do?
02:09:47sjohnsonipkg install package-name.
02:10:17sjohnsonSomeone else has some similar problems what X, I think.
02:11:01awakenedyes...connected :)
02:11:06pisymbolipkg install reiserfs-module
02:11:13jacquesawakened: what was the problem?
02:11:23pisymbolalready installed
02:11:29pisymbolI can reinstall it I guessl what update?
02:12:04pisymbolawee this sucks so bad
02:12:14pisymbolpanicing - wanted to work on intimate tomorrow
02:13:30pisymbolhow the hell did my complete intimate install get screwed up :-
02:14:08pisymbolDo I have to reinstall initmate all over again?
02:14:11sjohnsonpisymbol: Your disk probably fine. The problem is probably a corruted file under familar.
02:14:21jacquesagrees with sjohnson
02:14:30awakenedjacques: I forgot to log out before I tried it
02:14:40jacquesawakened: ah, that will do it
02:15:00sjohnsonpisymbol: ipkg remove reiserfs-module and then install it again.
02:15:29sjohnsonthen modprobe -r reiserfs and then try to mount the drive again.
02:16:02jacquespisymbol: the fact that it is hanging so early in the boot process almost points to it not being the drive itself, but not sure
02:17:07sjohnsonpisymbol: Try swapon /dev/hda2. if that suceeds, the drive should be fine.
02:19:39scottvenis there a package that contains the usb-eth modules that I can just install rather the building from source?
02:19:49scottvendoesn't want to setup a cross compiler toolchain
02:20:25pisymbolI'm reinsaling resiserfs
02:20:27pisymbolnow what
02:20:27sjohnsonrmmod reiserfs to make sure the module is unloaded from memory then try to mount the drive.
02:20:27jacquespisymbol: you on unstable familiar feed?
02:20:28pisymbolmount still seg faults
02:20:28jacquespisymbol: I heard new reiserfs package was putting module in 2.4.4
02:20:36jacquesscottven: usb-eth modules should already be there
02:20:50jacquesscottven: unless you are talking about PC side in which case you dont need to xcompile
02:21:13pisymbolsjohnson - I tried rmmod reiserfs and I get device busy
02:21:20scottvenjacques: no, I'm talking about on the ipaq.  I didn't find any usb related modules.
02:21:45jacquesscottven: you installed familiar?  which root, complete or bootstrap?
02:22:14scottvenjacques: just bootstrap.  I'm working towards qpe so I didn't want to gobble up space.
02:22:43sjohnsonpisymbol: Is the drive acutally mounted?
02:22:50pisymbolsswapon worked
02:23:08pisymbolmount seg faults but I havn'et been able to rmmod reiserfs
02:23:47jacquesscottven: look in this dir on your ipaq: /lib/modules/2.4.3-rmk2-np1/kernel/arch/arm/mach-sa1100
02:24:05jacquesscottven: I assume you have already tried modprobe usb-eth ?
02:24:07sjohnsonSomehting has the reiserfs module locked. Try rebooting into familiar and trying again.
02:24:33jacquesscottven: t's *possible* that usb-eth modules aren't on the bootstrap image, but I thought they were
02:24:34scottvenjacques:  hmm... it's there, but modprobe didn't find it.  :(
02:24:47scottventries rerunning depmod
02:24:51jacquessjohnson: probably the mount segfault locked it
02:25:14jacquesscottven: uname -a   , depmod -a
02:25:24jacquesscottven: you are on 2.4.3 kernel right?
02:25:28scottvenLinux familiar 2.4.3-rmk2-np1 #2 Mon May 14 12:21:48 PDT 2001 armv4l unknown
02:25:32pisymbol okay - sj
02:25:37pisymbolI'm in - what should I do right now
02:25:44jacquespisymbol: in where?
02:25:52pisymbolfresh reboot
02:25:56pisymbolpppd called and connected
02:25:59pisymbolsshed in as root
02:26:06pisymboludrive put back in pcmcia slot
02:26:13sjohnsonpisymbol: do ipkg info reiserfs-module to see which module you installed.
02:26:18scottvenjacques:  whaddyaknow.  run depmod, and then modprobe works.
02:26:26jacquespisymbol: did you verify that the reiserfs module in the 2.4.3 modules dir was actually the one updated?
02:26:37jacquesscottven: cool
02:26:40awakenedshould ssh start automatically?
02:26:46pisymbolPackage: reiserfs-module
02:26:46pisymbolPriority: optional
02:26:46pisymbolSection: kernel
02:26:46pisymbolInstalled-Size: 249337
02:26:46pisymbolDebian-Maintainer: Nicolás Lichtmaier <>
02:26:47pisymbolMaintainer: Carl Worth <>
02:26:49pisymbolArchitecture: arm
02:26:51pisymbolVersion: 2.4.3-rmk2-np1
02:26:53pisymbolDepends: modutils, kernel-image (= 2.4.3-rmk2-np1)
02:26:55pisymbolFilename: ./reiserfs-module_2.4.3-rmk2-np1_arm.ipk
02:26:57scottvennow if only I had brought my usb cradle home from work.
02:26:57pisymbolSize: 105581
02:26:59pisymbolMD5Sum: 7947c768a934075e7d68ee8eaf5e4295
02:27:01pisymbolDescription: Reiserfs is a journaling filesystem. This is the kernel module for it.
02:27:09pisymbolalright - that looks good
02:27:20jacquesawakened: depends - when you first install, you need to do the postinstall stuff and manually generate the ssh keys before it will run
02:27:23pisymbolnow what....
02:27:31sjohnsonTry mounting it again. And cross your fingers,
02:27:45awakenedjacques: how do you manually generate the keys?
02:27:53sjohnsonpisymbol: ?
02:27:58jacques: huh?
02:27:58jacquesibot: ssh
02:28:04jacques: i'm not following you...
02:28:04jacquesibot: seach for ssh
02:28:06pisymbolSeg Fault
02:28:09pisymbolI so screwed here
02:28:14jacquesibot: search for ssh
02:28:16pisymbolI don't understand what the hell happnened
02:28:19sjohnson: huh?
02:28:19sjohnsonibot: ssh-keygen
02:28:39sshkeys is ssh-keygen -b 512 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key -N ''; ssh-keygen -d -b 512 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -N ''
02:28:39jacquesibot: sshkeys
02:28:40pisymbolssh_keygen -N -b 1024 -f /etc/whatever/ssh_config
02:28:52awakenedcool :)
02:29:07awakenedI can't wait to run gimp on a remote session ;)
02:29:10pisymboldamn it the hell - I have to reinstall Intimate all over again don' tI
02:29:37pisymbolI can't even type coherently I'm so pissed off - how the hell did initmate just get screwed
02:29:59sjohnsonpisymbol: I think your familiar is screwed.
02:30:13pisymbolhuh: familiar works fine
02:30:27jacquesmount shuld not segfault
02:30:38pisymbolthat's true - but what if the mount point is corrupted
02:30:40pisymbollike /dev/hda3
02:30:47pisymbolwhile the mount source that is
02:30:57pisymbolwhat - you think I should reinstall familiar?
02:31:04jacquespisymbol: then that could cause mount to segfault
02:31:30pisymbolso either Intimate '/' is gone for I don't know why or familiar is screwedup
02:31:31sjohnsonpisymbol: I think that if your try to reinstall intimate, you will intot he same problem.
02:31:40jacquespisymbol: you have any other way to test the drive? laptop?
02:31:50pisymbolyeah - I can get access to a labtop
02:31:56pisymbolno linux on it though
02:32:00pisymbolso its kinda of useless
02:32:14pisymbolbrb - I have take a friend home
02:32:28jacquespisymbol: sjohnson is right - if you can't mount the drive you can't install intimate
02:32:43jacquespisymbol: maybe try fdisk and see if it can find the partitions
02:32:47pisymbolyou think if I reinistall familiar and try to boot up again
02:32:51pisymbolfdisk sees all of them
02:33:25sjohnsonpisymbol: Reflashing the task-complete root image should be faster then reinstalling intimate.
02:34:09sjohnsonYou will just lose whatever cutomizing you've done under familiar.
02:36:32scottvenhmms at qpe install direcitons....  I just did an ipkg upgrade but my ipkg.conf is still in the "old" format
02:44:23jacquespisymbol: that's a good sign (fdisk)
02:46:13pisymbolalright - should I reflash famililar task complete?
02:46:26pisymboland then recopy the linuxinitimaterc file
02:46:27pisymboland reboot
02:47:19jacquespisymbol: that's probably what I would try at this point
02:52:24ToyKeeperawakened: ssh-keygen
02:52:33ToyKeeperOops.  I was scrolled up a few pages again.
02:52:46jacquesToyKeeper: heh, I do that all the time
02:53:23ToyKeeperFor some reason, xchat sometimes sticks instead of scrolling.  Really screws with my head.  :)
02:54:20ToyKeeperJust got another fun toy today, though.  An EternaLight.  Its strobe function has been surprisingly effective and amusing.
02:55:26jacquesToyKeeper: got a link?
02:56:42ToyKeeperLemme see...
02:57:12awakenedwhats the mp3 player called that you get when you download tesk-mp3-player?
02:57:24awakenedtask-mp3-player i mean
02:57:56ToyKeeperawakened: madplay
02:59:13ToyKeeperhas an LED fettish
03:01:11sjohnsonI found a neat new power adapter for the IPAQ. It draws power from the USB power.
03:01:13jacquesToyKeeper: that looks really cool
03:10:15awakenedhmmm...linux on the ipaq doesn't seem too usable yet
03:16:21awakenedwell at least as a portable unit
03:16:42jacquesawakened: why not?
03:18:26awakenedmost of the utilities are command line, and the ones that aren't, its hard to get the window to fit on the screen
03:19:05awakenedI am not complaining
03:19:16jacquesawakened: well that's what fscrib and xkbd are for :-)
03:19:39awakenedyah but you know how hard it is to type on these things ;)
03:20:18scottvenis rather impressed with qpe so far
03:21:00awakenedwow remote gimp on the ipaq
03:21:30awakenedis there any way to move a window if it takes up the whole screen?
03:22:12jacquesawakened: yes, if you are on the familiar unstable feed
03:22:39awakenedahh, I am using the stable
03:23:01jacquesawakened: hold the button (calendar?) second from the left and you can use the cursor to drag windows about
03:23:27jacquesawakened: but you need a recent X server - hence unstable (don;t know if it's made it to stable yet)
03:23:34jacquesawakened: you can try it anyway
03:23:49awakenedwell I tried to run gimp and the window was a bit too big (it was over an x session) :)
03:24:33awakenednope its still not in the stable release
03:24:48jacquesawakened: ah :-\
03:25:11awakenedoh well
03:25:18ToyKeeperawakened: usefulness is very subjective.  :)
03:25:51awakenedI am thinking of apps that will fit on the screen of the ipaq that I can run over an xsession
03:25:58awakenedToyKeeper: I know
03:26:11awakenedit definitly is neat though
03:26:19ToyKeeperYou might find QPE more useful, if you don't like the default Familiar setup
03:26:54ToyKeeperQt Pocket Edition (or something like that).
03:27:19ToyKeeperYou remove the X11 stuff from familiar, and install the QPE stuff.  Completely different style to the system.
03:28:07awakenedsounds cool, even though I am a gnome kind of guy ;)
03:28:33ToyKeeperI still haven't found a window manager for the ipaq that I really like...
03:28:57ToyKeeperI use Enlightenment on the desktop, but it's a bit large for the ipaq.  :)
03:29:55awakenedToyKeeper: I know, I used to be really into Enlightenment, the qpe looks like it would work good though, very ce like, which is kind of a good thing, well at least to me
03:29:55ToyKeeperQPE is much like wince.  At least, in interface style and applications provided.
03:30:28awakenedwhere do I find it?
03:30:48ToyKeeperI don't remember.  It should be easy to find at Trolltech, though.
03:30:58awakenedoh ok cool
03:33:16awakenedthanks, it looks cool
03:33:41awakenedI wanted linux on my handheld, but a gui sort of like wince, this looks perfect
03:38:20scottvenjacques:  thanks for all your help tonight.
03:38:43ToyKeeperscottven: Your nick is really messing with my head.  It's my first name, plus an abbreviation of my last...
03:39:03scottvenToyKeeper:  heh.  that's what it is for me too.
03:39:08jacquesscottven: np, my pleasure
03:39:32jacquessings twilight zone theme.
03:44:56awakenedis there anyway to login remote with the bootstrap install?
03:46:05jacquesawakened: you need to do the postinstall procedure and start sshd
03:46:16jacquesawakened: then you can setup ppp over serial and ssh in
03:47:08awakenedoh ok
03:47:26awakenedso it does install sshd cool
04:35:25awakenedthe qpe is awsome
04:36:21jacquesawakened: you installed it?
04:37:54awakenedit was a automated gui installer that shows all the availible packages and automatically downloads the ones you choose
04:38:16awakenedthere is even an mpeg1/2/3 playter
04:38:19jacquesawakened: cool, I wanna try it sometime
04:38:21awakenedplayer rather
04:38:33jacquesawakened: you mean video player?
04:39:04awakenedjacques: its definitely worth a does video and audio, mpeg1 mpeg2 and mp3
04:39:45awakenedjacques: you use familiar as the bootstrap for it and kde does the rest
04:40:07awakenedjacques: very well refined gui too
04:40:20jacquesawakened: coool, i gotta try it
04:41:00awakenedjacques: I am trying out some of the cool games it came with
04:43:38awakenedjacques: I am playing tetris on it :)
04:44:43jacquesawakened: well to be fair, you can play tetris on familiar too
04:44:56jacquesawakened: I hve played with their x86 demo - it's cool
04:46:08awakenedjacques: the embedded one?
04:47:41jacquesawakened: they have a demo of qpe for desktop machines - it runs in a "virtual framebuffer"
04:48:05awakenedjacques: I was never trying to put down familiar, I just didn't really like it too much
04:48:44jacquesawakened: well maybe it just isn't what you're looking for, I think it's a great piece of work and a very nice dist
04:48:55awakenedjacques: cool they are trying to take over linux huh? :) thats a good idea for desktops (that don't need remote access)
04:49:49jacquesawakened: heh, it's just a demo for ppl to play with before loadig it on their ipaqs (and a good way to test apps)
04:49:58awakenedjacques: me too, but more for development, than using it to keep contacts watch movies and play games...the remote X sessions couldreally be nice
04:50:24awakenedjacques: it is a nice gui, even if I hate kde and trolltech ;)
04:50:37jacquesawakened: yeah, just about everyone will admit that pim apps are really weak on familiar right now
04:51:05jacquesawakened: well too bad henzai never did anything
04:51:28ToyKeeperI'm working on something which will handle todo lists.  (well, a hierarchical database program)
04:51:34awakenedbut I am still using familiar to run this, it the backbone you could say
04:51:46awakenedToyKeeper: cool
04:51:53jacquesawakened: true
04:52:13awakenedhow about familiar mysql ;)
04:52:40jacqueswell how much ram does it need?
04:52:56awakenedwhat mysql?
04:53:31jacquesi know it depends on the database
04:53:54jacquesbut I wonder what the minimum is
04:54:08awakenedjacques: what would be a good idea is to make a lightweight version that is compatible with mysql
04:54:14jacqueswonder if anyone has made a gpl micro sql database
04:54:30awakenedits possible
04:54:42awakenedbut how hard would it be too code? :)
04:54:51awakenedI am thinking about this one
04:54:52ToyKeeperThere's a lightweight personal database, but I don't remember what it's called.
04:55:06awakenedToyKeeper: is it sql?
04:57:59awakenedthat would be cool though, a very small, efficient sql database, we could use it for all information storage
04:59:21awakenedand also to sync the records, just plug it and it will replicate the databases with you desktop computer that is either running the same lightweight database or maybe a larger one
05:00:39awakenedI am playing nethack on qpe
05:00:49jacquesawakened: please tell me how that is
05:00:54jacquesawakened: how playable is it?
05:01:27awakenedjacques: other than the fact everything is microsized, great, it the kde version
05:01:49awakenedjacques: also have the astroids game
05:02:11jacquesawakened: is the game fully playable?
05:02:16jacquesawakened: I mean nethack
05:02:20awakenedjacques: but the nethack looks like the full graphical kde version
05:02:57awakenedI think so, it never have really played it before, bit it looks like it is very playable
05:03:30awakenedI just destroyed the goblin with my bare hands ;)
05:03:54jacquesawakened: cool, I want to get the opinion of someone who has played it on a desktop tho - I really want to know how good a job they did of porting it to the small screen
05:04:34awakenedjacques: yup I know what you mean
05:14:30ToyKeeperThat's what it was called.
05:14:54ToyKeeperI *think* it was a minimal sql database, which runs is a library rather than a daemon.
05:16:31jacqueshmmm, 1998 ?
05:16:40jacquesis that eve, like in this millennium?
05:17:43jacquesdang, their mailing list is only spam now
05:17:43ToyKeeperIt sounds pretty nice for Familiar use.
05:17:47awakenedthats cool
05:17:52jacquesis it written in python?
05:17:56ToyKeeperPython-based used-space minimal sql database.
05:18:13ToyKeeperI'm not sure if it's all python, or if it has parts written in C too.
05:18:28ToyKeeperI'd hope parts of it are C, so it would be faster/smaller.
05:19:03awakenedI kind of think a daemon version would be better, but then again I am a sql programmer
05:19:23jacquesToyKeeper: Gadfly is a collection of python modules that provides relational database functionality entirely implemented in Python.
05:19:33ToyKeeper'k.  :)
05:20:00ToyKeeperI'm in the middle of implementing a database in python and xml...
05:20:03ToyKeeperWell, sort of a database.
05:20:42ToyKeeperIt lets the user define arbitrary columns, and add rows.  But it lacks most of the searching and sorting and relational stuff.
05:20:52ToyKeeperDon't really need that for an outliner.  :)
05:22:09awakenedI am thinking about making it, it would save a lot of trouble later and it could be used for all kinds of stuff
05:22:52jacqueswish there was a microsql project or something
05:26:27awakenedlet me check quick ;)
05:27:40awakenedits not there
05:32:47awakenedjacques: the qpe uses almost no memory, very nice
06:00:18awakenedsee yah
06:00:30awakenedneed sleep bad
07:17:12wateranyone around?
07:18:16waterhey, what pim app do you use on your ipaq?
07:18:39jacqueshmm, I don't use any, but ppl seem to like the qpe stuff
07:18:59waterright now i have familiar installed and have been using basic textutils as a pim for the sheer geeky pleasure *grin*
07:19:28waterit seems a bit of a waste to spend $600 on a machine that doesn't have decent pim stuff
07:19:45wateri also use squeak, but the pim apps for it are still in development
07:20:03waterso i just use it to code
07:20:19jacquesi just use mine for fun
07:20:38wateractually the ipaq has been my best incentive to learn how to get around the textutils and such... before i rather avoided shell stuff
07:20:48waterwhat games do you like to play?
07:21:07wateri tried doom... pretty usable. quake's impossible but oh well
07:21:44jacquesby fun I just mean porting apps, helping Tangent develop the intimate distribution, etc
07:22:14waterwhat's different between intimate and familiar?
07:23:20waterok i'll just look at the intimate site :)
07:23:20jacquesintimate requires additional storage, such as microdrive or nfs
07:23:35waternow i remember, yeah it's a full distro
07:23:55jacquesit's mostly debian arm unstable dist
07:24:01waterhm i guess i do prefer tininess
07:24:38waterwhich reminds me, i should get ghostview onto my handheld
07:25:33wateryeah i read a lot of .ps
07:25:51waterwas thrilled to find out about the arm .deb port
07:26:10watermaybe a tiny version of LyX could be made, too *grin*
07:26:19jacqueswhat's that? wysiwym(g) text editor
07:26:53waterthere was a KDE port of it, but i think they stopped maintaining it
07:27:08jacquesah, interesting
07:27:09waterit's a LaTeX editor
07:27:27waterso looks like Word, but not like a typewriter
07:27:48waterer it doesn't work like a typewriter the way most wp's do
07:27:56wateryeah i really recommend it
07:28:03jacqueshmm, I gotta head home - I'll be on from there
07:28:12waterok well it was nice to talk
07:28:25jacquesyeah, talk to you later :-)
07:28:38watersure cya
07:31:22viljowhich's a latex editor? lyx?
07:31:40waterit looks like wysiwyg
07:31:43viljoyou didn't mention the name of lyx.
07:31:47waterword, etc
07:31:51waterum yeah i did
07:32:25waterone second before you /joined :)
10:44:46pisymbolTangent - you there?
10:54:57i heard Tangent was a nutter
10:54:57pisymbolibot Tangent
10:55:06pisymbolthats funny
10:55:27Tangentpisymbol : Yeah.. I'm here.. hovering around my computer and the back garden
11:12:36pisymbolinitmate / familiar got screwed up
11:12:36pisymbolmount seg faulted on me
11:12:36pisymbolwas highly upset last night
11:12:36TangentWhat went wrong?
11:12:36pisymbolsjohnson / jacques though possible familiar was screwy since it wouldn't mount and suggested I reload task-fam-complete
11:12:36pisymboldoing that right now
11:12:36pisymbolI don't know
11:14:04pisymbolWhat had happened is the udrive came out while initmate was running
11:14:05pisymbolObviously this crashed linux - so I reboot and ever since then I have tons of problems
11:14:06pisymbolOn boot up
11:14:06pisymbolI would get
11:14:06pisymbolUncompressing kernel....booting...
11:14:06pisymbolThen when I boot up in familiar
11:14:06pisymbolI try to mount /dev/hda3 and it seg faults
11:14:06pisymbolI reloaded the reiserfs module but that didn't help
11:14:06pisymbolI'm not sure at this point if familiar is done or initmate
11:15:20Tangentpisymbol : If it segfaults when trying to mount the reiserfs partition, it may well be that that's broken
11:15:53pisymbolmount seg faulted in familiar - that shouldn't happen - familiar is the culprit - somehow flash got corrupted when I took out hte udrive?
11:15:53pisymbolmaybe not....
11:15:53pisymbollikes to talk to himself alot
11:17:33pisymbolTangent:  familiar or intimate or mount
11:17:56pisymbolbtw I forgot to make a backup the linux.inimate rc script - where can I grub a copy
11:18:09Tangentpisymbol :
11:18:11pisymboland make the changes - I'm assuming when I reload root - I'm back to original familiar install
11:18:20pisymbolshould I reload familiar kernel
11:18:35Tangentpisymbol : I'm assuming that familiar is probably fine, and that reiser may be broken
11:19:08pisymbolfriggin nice - so what I'm doing know is pointless - alright
11:19:14pisymbolDo I have to reinstall Initimate
11:20:26pisymbolmore importantly do I have to format the udrive
11:20:26pisymboloh crap
11:20:26pisymbolI know what I did
11:20:26pisymbolyou know /dev/hda1
11:20:36pisymbolI wanted to the room so I made it a linux parition
11:20:42pisymboland did mke2fs on it
11:20:54pisymbolcould that screw everything up?
11:21:15Tangentpisymbol : Well. if you're trying to mount is as a reiserfs partition, that wouldn't help
11:21:23Tangentpisymbol : Tho it shouldn't matter otherwise
11:21:33pisymbol'/dev/hda3 is reiserfs' and it can't mount it
11:21:47pisymbolI'm assuming I have to reinstall Intimiate again?
11:23:27Tangentpisymbol : If there's nothing on it, try formatting hda1 as reiserfs and see if that can be mounted
11:23:36Tangentpisymbol : Just in case it is familiar that's broken
11:23:54pisymbolI can omunt /dev/hda1
11:23:57pisymbolno problem
11:24:00pisymbolonly reiserfs
11:24:04pisymbolSeg faults
11:24:20pisymbolwhich really really sucks - cause I figure that means by root filesystem on the udrive is corrupted and I'm done
11:25:20pisymbolwell I'm reflashing familiar root - but I think that is pointless
11:26:16pisymbolI didn't know reiserfs can get corrupted so easily
11:31:17Tangentpisymbol : I've been using it for 6 months, and have never had it go wrong yet
11:31:39pisymbolThen I'm stumped
11:31:42pisymbolAll I did was
11:31:56pisymbolipkg install stowaway-h6000
11:31:58pisymbolinit 4
11:32:09pisymbolthe udrive came out when I drived to attach the keyboard
11:32:18pisymboland then I couldn't reboot
11:32:22TangentHmm.. that shouldn't have killed anything.. That's happened dozens of times to me
11:32:37pisymbolI know it has too .... I didn't do anything
11:32:41TangentYeah.. it doesn't like loosing it's root filesystem (for some reason)
11:50:50pisymbolwell familiar has been reinstalled
11:50:58pisymboland I have to hop to work soon
11:51:11pisymbolI guess I will come back, reconfigure familiar try to mount - if that doesn't work
11:51:19pisymbolthen reinstall initmate?
13:54:28pkomarekwould anyone like to suggest a web browser for the ipaq/linux?
13:55:02sjohnsonpkomarek: People say that dillo is becoming very good.
13:55:56pkomareksjohnson: I saw mention of "chimera" in a wiki doc, but haven't actually found it yet -- is it old?
13:56:16bugger all, i dunno, sjohnson
13:56:16sjohnsonibot: chimera?
13:56:40sjohnsonI like ibot.
13:56:47sjohnsoner, I'm like ibot.
13:58:03pkomareksjohnson: =-)
13:59:43nikosdillo is definitely showing the most promise.
16:43:54nikosis back
17:54:29boodleTangent: Are you available?
21:14:18sjohnson_workis away: headed home
21:26:10willfeEr, how long does it usually take to install QPE with "ipkg install qpe-blah"?
21:26:33willfe(is the "tar xf -" process supposed to chew up five minutes 23 seconds' CPU time? :)
21:28:03ToyKeeperYes, jffs acts strangely when it's almost full.
21:28:15willfeDefine "almost full" :)
21:28:15ToyKeeperI think I dealt with it by doing the following:
21:28:22ToyKeeper - remove a few things
21:28:24ToyKeeper - reboot
21:28:39willfeblinks. Reboot? :)
21:28:44willfeHalfway through the qpe install?
21:28:45ToyKeeperI don't know why, but jffs seems to sometimes not free up space until after a reboot.
21:29:05willfeWho am I kidding? It's just exploding a tarball :)
21:29:09willfeNo harm done... I'll reboot it.
21:29:13willfeWanted to see how it handles that anyway :)
21:29:43ToyKeeperI'm guessing jffs sometimes needs to fsck to free up space, which is odd..
21:30:03nikos_ToyKeeper: If you observe such behaviour it really needs to be reported to dwmw2.
21:30:09ToyKeeperMakes me a bit nervous about jffs.  :)
21:30:28willfeOy! You mean it's fscking now!
21:30:38ToyKeeperI don't know.
21:30:41willfe's staring at the Linux penguin, a blinky cursor, and nothin' else :)
21:30:51ToyKeeperSerial console is your friend.  :)
21:31:04willfeAh. Whew.
21:31:07willfeIt just didn't start X.
21:31:08willfeNo worries :)
21:32:01ToyKeeperI suppose sometime I'll have to try reproducing the odd jffs behaviour you just experienced.  It happened to me once or twice too.
21:32:42ToyKeeperI ended up monitoring space by running an infinite "df -h ; sleep 1".
21:33:03ToyKeeperHow much ROM does your ipaq have?
21:33:23willfe1.5MB free :)
21:33:30ToyKeeperOh, okay.  I thought the 3670 had 32MB ROM.
21:33:43willfethere we go, it seems to have finished this time...
21:33:52ToyKeeperI removed X11 before installing QPE, just so I'd be *sure* to have enough space.  :)
21:34:00willfeThey claim you can run both :)
21:34:09willfeis curious to see if this is true :)
21:34:42ToyKeeperI didn't like QPE.  The text editor, for example, only lets you edit files in one directory.
21:36:33willfeArse! It's complaining :(
21:36:45ToyKeeperArse!  So are you!   :)
21:37:09willfe /opt/QtPalmtop/bin/qpe: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: setDocumentLocator__18QXmlDefaultHandlerP11QXmlLocator
21:37:32willfeHmm! ldconfig says is truncated.
21:37:58ToyKeeperYou might want to reinstall some of those packages...
21:38:18willfestarts over :)
21:39:41ToyKeeperIf you get the same problem again with jffs, um, try to log your serial console.
21:39:48willfehas been :)
21:45:24willfeGot it! Working fine.
21:46:33willfeHeh. Not much room left, and no apps either :)
21:49:17ToyKeeperYeah, you should probably install all the QPE apps...
21:49:47ToyKeeperPlay with them for a while, then decide which ones you like and get rid of the rest.
21:55:06willfevery visually pleasing, though, I must admit.
22:06:38pisymbol_worknick pisymbol
22:06:49pisymbolTangent - you in here
22:06:58Tangentpisymbol ; Yep
22:10:35scottvendoes anyone know what would make my ipaq not accept the new address on the usb?  ifconfig -a shows a usbf interface and I've got usbnet loaded on the host machine.
22:11:15pisymbolTangent - well it looks like Intimate won't boot or mount
22:11:19pisymbolStart all over?
22:11:31Tangentpisymbol : I guess so
22:11:31scottvenit's giving error=-110, if that helps
22:12:41Tangentscottven : What command line are you using? Do you have both sa1100_usb and usb-eth loaded? is the interface listed as 'up'
22:13:15pisymbolTangent:  :-( (crying)
22:13:39Tangentpisymbol : Nod... I feel bad for you.. It's never gone wrong for anyone else
22:13:59pisymbolTangent:  I just WISH I could tell you exactly what I did wrong
22:14:24pisymbolTangent:  Since fdisk sees everything, I guess I can do a plain vanilla install (hda1=root hda2=swap)
22:14:28Tangentpisymbol : Do you have a laptop that you can try mounting the reiserfs partition on?
22:14:31scottvenTangent:  do I have to have the interface up and configured before sticking it into the cradle?  The howto page just seems to say that the module has to be loaded.
22:14:34scottventries that
22:14:50pisymbolTangent:  No I don't - my brother's laptop runs WinME
22:14:54pisymbolTangent: :-(
22:15:39Tangentscottven : 1.) On the iPAQ, load modules and configure interface. 2.) On host, load uhci and usbnet 3.) connect the two together. 4.) ifconfig usb0 on host, and set up routing/masquerading
22:16:36pisymbol: i'm not following you...
22:16:36pisymbolibot ssh
22:16:50pisymbolwhats the exact phrase for generating host keys
22:16:57pisymbolssh-keygen -N -b 1024 -f <file>
22:17:09pisymbolisn't there something else?
22:17:10ToyKeeperscottven: You must get usbf up and configured before putting the ipaq into the usb cradle.  The PC must also have usbnet loaded.
22:17:40ToyKeeperWhen I want to put usbnet up, I do the following:
22:18:34ToyKeeperRemove ipaq from cradle.  Run my "usbnet down" script on the ipaq.  Run my "usbnet up" script on the ipaq.  Insmod usbnet on the PC.  Put ipaq in cradle.  Run my "ipaq up" script on the PC.
22:19:45pisymbol: sorry...
22:19:45pisymbolibot ssh-keygen
22:19:49pisymboldamn it
22:21:35ToyKeeperWhat worked for me is just "ssh-keygen", and I told it interactively to save to /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
22:22:32pisymbolwhat about dsa keys?
22:24:05ToyKeeperI dunno.  I haven't manually set those up before.
22:24:18pisymbolusually its -t dsa but...
22:24:28ToyKeeperI just configured it enough to get usbnet and ssh to work.
22:24:49pisymbolyeah I just noticed that it disables protocol version 2
22:24:52pisymbolsame for you
22:24:58pisymbolI think it was like that last time
22:25:28sshkey is, like, ssh-keygen -b 512 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key -N ''; ssh-keygen -d -b 512 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -N ''
22:25:28Tangentibot sshkey
22:25:29thanks Tangent :)
22:25:29Tangentibot botsnack
22:26:08pisymbolTangent:  Thanks - have a little sympathy - my iPAQ is currently out of action
22:29:50pisymbolOkay now familiar won't load
22:32:52well, sshkey is ssh-keygen -b 512 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key -N ''; ssh-keygen -d -b 512 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -N ''
22:32:52Tangentibot sshkey
22:32:53Tangent: huh?
22:32:53Tangentibot talk to me
22:32:53Tangent: huh?
22:32:53Tangentibot Oi.. say something
22:32:54scottvenwell...  I'm closer now...  usbf is up with an ip address, usbnet is inserted in my host machine, but no usb0 interface
22:33:15scottvenusb.c didn't log anything this time when I put the ipaq in the cradle
22:33:15Tangentscottven : Did the host print a message on the console when you connected the ipaq... should say "Linux Device"
22:33:16scottventanget: nothing in syslog
22:33:16Tangentscottven : Disconnect the iPAQ and try reloading usbnet and uhci on the host
22:35:36Tangentpisymbol : ask ibot about sshkey ... some reason he's not talking to me
22:35:37scottvensighs.  removed usbnet and usb-uhci, re-modprobed them, popped the ipaq back in the cradle, and now it's not accepting a new address again... still error=-110
22:36:27pisymbolyeah - no I'm good
22:36:38pisymbolanyway the internal RAM can get corrupted?
22:36:43pisymbolI can't boot familliar now
22:36:56TangentAh.. now ibot realises... sigh
22:38:03pisymbolTangent  I forgot if you get a RXSTAT error when you flash I can ignore that right
22:39:57Tangentpisymbol : You're not having much luck are you
22:39:57Tangentpisymbol : What's going wrong with familiar now?
22:40:20scottvenooo...  maybe I've got the wrong usbnet module loaded.
22:40:23scottvennope.  that didn't help any.
22:41:11pisymbollooks like I really have to start from scratch
22:41:22Tangentpisymbol : No.. I think that means that the xmodem transfer failed
22:41:22TangentIf it says error...
22:41:38pisymbolit says RXSTAT error but it alsosays verifying done
22:41:47TangentDid it say veryifying...done ?
22:42:06pisymbolI thought from the bootldr instructions RXSTAT error you could ignor
22:42:42pisymbolhow do I check if a kernel is in ram from bootldr?
22:44:03scottvenTanget: any other ideas that I should try?
22:44:03scottvengoes to dig through the mailing list archives
22:45:28TangentYeah.. maybe RXSTAT is just statistics for the transmission ?
22:47:19pisymbolI am reflashing familiar complete and hopefully erase the paritions on the udrive -  run the intimate install again and be up and running by tonight
22:47:22pisymbolthink I got a chance
22:47:27Tangentpisymbol : Sorry.. I don't know
22:47:49pisymbolTangent:  Don't know about what?  RXSTAT?
22:47:58pisymbolTangent:  Or my chances ;-)
22:48:10Tangentpisymbol : Don't know how to check if a kernel is in ram from the bootloader
22:48:12pisymbolthinks, Damn how did this all get screwed up
22:48:25pisymbolTangent:  That's cool - I'm reflashing it anyway
22:48:45pisymbolIs the install still broken?
22:48:59pisymbolI mean where it screws up my screen (wrong major number, remmeber?)
22:49:01pisymbolor is that fixed
22:49:11TangentThat's fixed
22:49:24pisymbolso if I just install, type yes a lot, I should be good
22:50:12TangentLet's hope so :)
22:59:39pisymbolTangent:  After last night - I was in a real bad mood
23:15:39jacques_workpisymbol: are you having any success? find outwhat the problem was?
23:18:15Tangentpisymbol : I'm afraid I'm gonna abandon you and go to sleep...
23:18:32Tangentgoes.. Night all
23:52:27scottven /me gives up on usbnet and goes back to ppp
23:52:40scottvenbut minus that leading space
23:54:27jacques_workscottven: usbnet isn't working for you?
23:55:09scottvenjacques_work: nope.  I dug through 3 months worth of ipaq list archives and can't find anything that I haven't already tried
23:55:24jacques_workscottven: damn :-(
23:55:39jacques_workppl see this:
23:55:42jacques_workI'm about to test a unit with 128 meg of RAM: we'll see if everything
23:55:42jacques_workworks.  The chips are still pretty expensive though: you need 2, and
23:55:42jacques_workthey cost $95 each....
23:55:50jacques_workfrom jim
23:56:05scottvenjacques_work: yea, that was kinda my reaction too.  :/
23:57:33jacques_workscottven: have you tried both usb modules?
23:58:01jacques_workscottven: usb-uhci and the other one?
23:58:39scottvenjacques_work: the other one?
23:59:16scottvenjacques_work: just uhci?

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