irclog2html for ipaq on 2001.07.08

02:38:28pkomarekanyone know a nice way to make the ipaq beep from a console?
02:38:39pkomarekprintf "\007" doesn't seem to work...;-)
02:40:19jacquesZzZzpkomarek: :-(
02:40:26jacquesZzZzpkomarek: might not be implemented yet
02:40:35jacquesZzZzpkomarek: probably nobody needed it
02:40:49pkomarek=-) figures I need something stupid that nobody else did...
02:43:36pkomarekmaybe this is an easier question:  terminal emulators for iPAQ? python is already installed, and I've got part of a terminal emulator already made in python for a different project
02:49:18jacquesZzZzpkomarek: you mean like minicom for ipaq?
02:50:31pkomarekyes -- I want to use the ipaq as a serial console for some headless machines at school
02:51:02jacquesZzZzpkomarek: why not use minicom ?
02:51:39pkomarekis minicom available for the ipaq?  I did a search earlier today for "ipaq terminal emulators", but didn't see anything promising...
02:52:22pkomarekI should admit I've had the ipaq for < 36 hours, so I haven't tried porting anything to it
02:53:39pkomarekOf course I've only slept for 4 of those approx 36 hours, because I'm obsessed ;-)
02:54:28ipaq_fanHey BZFlag,  I saw you $99 systems.   Are they really touch screens.
02:56:10jacquesZzZzpkomarek: you could just extract the binary from the debian arm dist
02:58:24pkomarekIs intimate the Debian arm dist, or is there another one?
03:00:32DWI reloaded CE on to my ipaq, but I can't get it to sync (device thinks it's attached, active sync says contecting...) - any suggestions?
03:06:02jacquesZzZzi think that's a known problem with activesync
03:06:18jacquesZzZzi remember having that problem
03:08:07DWbut how do I fix it? it worked fine before
03:08:36DWI've tried everything I can think of, even reinstalling the device by removing it from enum in the registry
03:28:40DWis getting extremely frustrated
03:37:38jacquesZzZzDW: I don't know. I usually just rebooted my machine - the universal fix for windows problems.
03:39:41jacquesZzZzDW: also, do you have the latest version of activesync?
03:40:30DWrebooted the machine and ipaq multiple times, and reinstalled active sync strait off m$'s site
03:40:49DWI've even tried my second box now, still no luch
03:41:36jacquesZzZzDW: hmmm.  :-(  I am out of ideas
03:41:54jacquesZzZzDW: are you rebooting the machine with ipaq in the cradle?
03:42:08jacquesZzZzDW: did you maybe disable auto connect on the ipaq side?
03:42:53jacquesZzZzDW: I think it's bad for activesync to reboot with ipaq in the cradle
03:43:02DWtried both ways, and no, checked (and it's been hard reset twice)
03:43:46jacquesZzZzDW: so ipaq shows no activity at all when you try to connect from PC?  any way to initiate the connection from ipaq side?
03:45:14DWIt says it is connected on the ipaq side (though obviously not really) and no, because it doesn't have any data, it requires a profile for manual sync
03:48:24jacquesZzZzDW: hmmm, you may be having a differnt problem than I did then
03:51:59DWI am not going to be the least bit happy if my ipaq is toast, that's for sure
03:52:19jacquesZzZzDW: my problem had to do with the OS picking up the ipaq on the usb bus before the driver got loaded, so the os was treating it as an unknown usb device
03:52:54DWyeah, it's not having that problem, it reinstalled the device properly
03:53:14pkomarekDW:  Is your long-term goal to use ActiveSync, or did you want to use ActiveSync to transfer something just once (like an ftp server)?
03:53:35jacquesZzZzI know Tangent recently reinstalled CE and had no problem syncing, so it's not something inherent in the proces
03:55:54ipaq_fanI have went back and forth, between linux and CE a few times.  And I have never had a problem
03:57:27ipaq_fanDW: Did you try a new profile under active sync?  (like Pocket_PC_linux)
03:57:38ipaq_fanDW: or something different?
03:58:04ipaq_fanDW: did active sync ask you for a name?
03:58:20DWno, it never got that
03:59:02DWone other issue, the asset viewer shows the serial and tag as 12345678
03:59:04ipaq_fanDid you modify your cradle?
04:06:15ipaq_fanDW: Which restore method did you use the old (load flash x) or new (
04:07:28DWold, I have no flash card of significant size, or anetworking available for nfs
04:10:08pkomarekDW:  I did a web search -- someone suggested that if you have problems during the "connecting" phase, then you should right-click on the activesync icon in the systray, select connection setting, and disable the USB connection -- then repeat and re-eneable it.
04:11:00pkomarekDW: at any rate, you're not alone -- a lot of people have similar troubles
04:11:32DWtried that, no luck
04:11:56ipaq_fanI notice that your asset viewer is screwed up
04:12:02DWand now I can't seem to get my IR port reenabled on my laptop to even try that :(
04:12:16pkomarekDW:  I should clarify that these people hadn't done anything with linux...
04:12:42pkomarekDW:  You're using usb?
04:13:33DWI have tried usb and serial, same results. two machines, same results -- that seems to point to an issue with the handheld itself, but who knows :)
04:15:04ipaq_fanDW: I am wondering what about using the parot loader and then try this process again?  Like reload the boot loader again, and the flash files again?
04:15:26ipaq_fanpkomarek: Do you agree?
04:18:32pkomarekipaq_fan:  thanks for the vote of confidence -- I've had my ipaq for about 36 hours (at 2am).  I do agree that exploration is more interesting than beating your head against a Window.
04:19:40ipaq_fanpkomarek:  Do you know what I am talking about (parot loader)?
04:19:46pkomarekDW, ipaq_fan:  before reloading a boot loader, I would consider 1) trying to connect via ppp over a serial cable, and 2) verifying your wince md5sums
04:20:05pkomarekipaq_fan:  Nope, no idea. =-(
04:20:21DWI don't  have a way to pp over serial
04:20:44DWand I don't see how I could get md5 sums off that anyway
04:20:51ipaq_fanAll iPAQs shipped with CE have a parot boot loader.  
04:21:07DWand I have certainly been exploring
04:21:21ipaq_fanWhen you initiate the loader you should see a parot on the screen
04:21:36ipaq_fanThis is from a CE iPAQ
04:22:10DWon a related note, the parrot loader I can access, so physically the link is obviously fine
04:22:32pkomarekipaq_fan:  is the parrot loader the default CE loader, then?
04:22:57ipaq_fanUntil you put on the boot loader
04:23:19pkomarekipaq_fan: =^)
04:23:45ipaq_fanRedhat has a boot loader called redboot that works with the parot loader.   They even have a page for the iPAQ
04:24:26pkomarekDW:  If you can find a ppp driver for Windows, I think you can do it:
04:25:20pkomarekDW:  You might also be able to find a floppy-only linux distro with ppp, if you don't have linux running somewhere already (you boot and run from floppies, no risk to your windows partitions)
04:25:24ipaq_fanpkomarek:  The newer windows have ppp drivers
04:26:01pkomarekThat sounds good.  My next suggestion was that I could make a bootable CD with linux (spin-off of yet-another-project) and ppp stuff.
04:26:44pkomarekDW:  Here is another method of connecting to an iPAQ w/out ActiveSync:
04:26:52ipaq_fanSure,  you can do anything with linux.   You have the source and a fine backing
04:27:19pkomarekipaq_fan:  you forgot to mention that you need some time...;-)
04:29:31ipaq_fanNot too much,  nowadays.  Depending on the distribution that you choose.
04:30:43pkomarekDW:  if you could get the osloader on, and have ppp working, you could 1) put an ftp client on the ipaq to help move your data, 2) get copies of the flash to your pc, 3) verify md5sums, 4) call MS and complain that CE is intact but their USB and ActiveSync stuff doesn't work right (for any of the CE handhelds, it appears) ;-)
04:33:52ipaq_fanDW:  I missed the beginning of this session, but you installed intially the osloader, saved your files.  Right.   Now I take it you do not have linux installed anywhere to verify the flash files?
04:34:35ipaq_fanWell I believe there is a md5 program for windows
04:36:16DWI use cygwin, my md5 sums do NOT match on the first and last files w/ what's on the page, but that's not reliable, because there is dynamic data included in there.
04:36:35DWwhat on the restoration page.
04:37:25ipaq_fanAlso I heard someone loaded that same flash file to 2 separate areas on the flash rom.   And CE loaded, but did not fuction correctly.
04:37:33DWbut a checksum check on the ROM from Q-utils checks out fine
04:37:44ipaq_fanI am not sure which location
04:38:06DWce is intact, and I made very sure I picked the right files.
04:38:26ipaq_fanBy the way the sums should match exactly
04:39:06pkomarekDW: You said you fiddle with ActiveSync, have you fiddled with the USB drivers?  Oh, and are you using a hub between the cradle and the host?
04:39:10ipaq_fanWhich iPAQ do you havve and what CE rom version is it.  1.28 or 1.77?
04:41:46ipaq_fanWell I would love to help you more, but it is almost 2 am here, and I am really tired.   DW, I hope you pull through this situation
04:42:05ipaq_fanGood luck guys
04:42:32DWgood night
04:42:36DWthanks for trying
04:42:45ipaq_fansee ya
04:45:24pkomarekDW:  The point of the hub comment was that I'd seen some similar complaints resolved by using a better hub, or no hub at all.  Of course, since serial doesn't work either...
04:46:29pkomarekDW: And you're aware that Compaq's Cambridge labs (IIRC) will help you recover from failures due to flashing CE?
04:48:44DWyes, but that means approximately a month with an ipaq. which is absolutely unacceptable if it can be helped
04:53:07pkomarekDW:  I'm looking for some positive aspects of all of this...;-)
05:01:24DWI am seeing none :(
05:01:31DWir isn't working either
05:03:45DWI can't even do file transfer
05:04:45pkomarekDW: does the IR stuff use ActiveSync, too?
05:09:10DWIR active sync just fails, no connection at all (unlike usb and seial which does one way)
05:12:13DWnow my laptop with the usb, same results
05:12:24DWit's a problem with the ipaq.
05:13:16DWI'm thinking the ID data isn't valid (hence the 1234567890 serial #) so active sync can't verify the connection and estaplish a profile.
05:13:25DWbasically, I'm screwed.
05:17:45DWthe only other thing I could think of is reflashing it, but I would need a clean ROM image, since I'm guessing mine is corrupt
05:19:49DWbut I don't understand why I'm the first person to encounter this problem, unless it's just one of the most unfortunate locations for bit rot ever heard of.
05:20:15DWof course, how many people have been using 3670's yet.
05:21:23pkomarekDW:  My new iPAQ is a 3670 (obviously I'm proud of it!).
05:21:42DW :)
05:22:02DWhave you installed familiar/restored ce yet?
05:23:17pkomarekDW: as for bit rot, I once had an (unknown) hd problem.  downloaded a bios update, wrote it, everything failed.  Got some EE staffers to lend me time on an eprom burner.  bios update still didtn't work.  Turned out the bad hd controller had screwed up the bios update image.  later, the power supply and hd sympathetically died, taking out almost everything (including my keyboard).
05:23:53pkomarekDW:  I haven't reflashed CE.  I played with CE long enough for my wife to come home from work and see it -- then I went to linux.
05:24:42DWdid you get identical md5 sums to what's on the reload instruction page?
05:24:48pkomarekiPAQ arrival:  2:00pm Friday, Linux: 11pm Friday
05:25:06pkomarekDW:  actually, I forgot to check.  Let me do that now:
05:29:28pkomarekDW: the first 12MB (three files) matched, the last one didn't.  We played around with voice recording, tried out handwriting recognition, and set the 'personal info' before I copied the flash -- I'm assuming that explains why the top of the flash doesn't match?
05:33:04DWthe top of the last flash won't match because the contacts ifo gets saved there periodically
05:33:22DWbut your's all match besides that, mine don't :\
05:33:51DWI should have checked earlier, but I phased it out.
05:34:42pkomarekDW: do you have an email address I could write to?
05:35:05DWsec, I'll msg you
05:39:08pkomarekmIRC?  Is that any better than the cmdline irc I'm using in linux?  This is also my first time on IRC. =-)  kvirc crashed on me, I won't touch it now.
05:39:30DWmIRC is crappy windows irc client :)
05:39:40pkomarekDW:  BTW, you've got mail (or soon should, but I see you're an @home customer...)
05:40:12DWxchat is good in linux. I prefer a streamlined bitchx config (which I use for school)
05:41:12DWgot it, thanks
05:42:20catch23xchat has crashed on me too....  now I only stick to terminal based irc clients, less gui-tools that may cause crashes...
05:44:26catch23wow another .edu person....  I thought I was the only one!
05:45:18DWbitchx crashes on me more than xchat has, but I live with it, cause I've written some usefull scripts to allow me to monitor the departmental syslogs and such when working :)
05:45:19jacquesZzZzi use xchat, using 1.7.7. now - it's been up for weeks :-)
05:46:48pkomarekjackquesZzZz:  Thanks for the tip on using debian-arm minicom.  I'm now an expert in debian and ipkg fundamentals ;-), and more importantly have found the binaries that I need.
05:51:11pkomarekDW: got it
05:52:32jacquesZzZzpkomarek: great :-)
05:52:41DWneeds to do something to calm down
05:53:13DWI've been generally gripy all day long, then things actually start going wrong...
05:54:04DWhas anyone figured out a way in familiar to make a key as a moodifier for the mouse? (so you can right click and middle click)
05:54:46catch23the modifiers suck right now...  in fstroke
05:55:07catch23you can do a middle mouse button by doing something like, move left, then move right, then move left
05:55:29catch23in fstroke...  you'll have to consult the user manual for a clearer description :)
05:57:41sjohnsoncatch23: That's the control key modified stroke.
05:59:05pkomarekin fscribe (which I've now compiled for my desktop, to help my sanity while learning grafitti with a stylus), a tap followed by an upstroke gives a middle-click event to wherever the upstroke ends.  (docs say left and write strokes, but I never saw that working)
05:59:36pkomareks/write/right/ (what time did my cuckoo clock just strike?)
05:59:48catch23I actually got that left write junk working....  it was the only way to scroll using xvncviewer
06:01:01pkomarekspeaking of fscribe, I tried mailing the apparent maintainer Ian Walter at, but it bounced.  Anyone have a suggestion?
06:10:48catch23what models out there have 32mb of flash rom?
06:13:09pkomarekcatch23:  I think it was somewhat random?  I thought it was due to a shortage of smaller flash ram chips during a manufacturing run.
06:13:37pkomarekDW:  watch your mail
06:13:50catch23I don't recall...
06:14:00DWpkomarek: k
06:14:18pkomarekcatch23:  what I meant was that it wasn't a model number, so much as part or all of some batch for some particular model
06:14:20DWcatch23: understanding is that it was japaneese models.
06:14:29DWdo to said shortage
06:15:08catch23ah..  I have several ipaqs in front of me now, I didn't see a 32mb flash model today when flashing all of them....
06:16:28jacquesZzZzrumor is that japanes models have 32MB flash because they need it due to bigger japanese wince image
06:16:57jacquesZzZzthere were some US 36[35]0's made with 32MB flash due to a parts shortage - I have one
06:17:17DWlucky bum
06:17:31pkomarekjacquesZzZz:  lucky bas^H^Hum
06:18:13pkomarekof course there is the DIY instructions: and
06:18:43jacquesZzZzpkomarek: heh :-)
06:19:02jacquesZzZzi got my ipaq in september
06:19:11jacquesZzZzthey were nearly impossible to get then
06:22:39pkomarekminicom's NAKs didn't make me blink--but when I saw that I had a regular 16MB flash H3670, my heart sank a little. =-)
06:23:16catch23same here
06:23:35jacquesZzZzi have never heard of a 32MB flash 36[67]0
06:24:06catch23I have a 3650 too, but no 32mb flash there either
06:24:39catch23maybe I should check each and every ipaq my prof owns and keep the 32mb models :)
06:25:05pkomarekhad I known that, I might not have been so disappointed
06:45:48pkomarekDW: let me know if everything's okay (gzip -t to check)
06:47:09DWhaven't gotten anything yet, will check tomorrow. right now, time to sleep :)
06:47:54pkomarekDW: maybe I'll take that as some good advice.
06:59:23pkomarekI just tried running debian's minicom from it's arm branch on my ipaq, but got an error "cannot execute binary".  Running strip returned "Output file cannot represent architecture UNKNOWN!".  Is there something obvious going on here?
06:59:40pkomarek(note, I did already check that my copy was indeed from the arm branch =-)
07:05:23jacquesZzZzpkomarek: dunno what's up with that - intimate is built from debian arm and all those binaries work
08:28:45jacquesZzZzyo BBrox
08:29:23BBrox'lo everybody....
08:30:03jacquesZzZzBBrox: I think "everybody" is me
08:30:17BBroxAh :-)
09:22:06MotseHi guys! How can I reboot my Pocket PC iPAQ without losing all data ?
09:23:22BBroxNo idea, we are using Linux here.... I would just guess that you would need to save the data on a PC
09:26:38MotseThe problem is that I have saved all data on a PC about 600 km away (I am on holliday). And the connection to another PC does not work anymore :-/
09:26:54MotseI can start only a few programs
09:28:07BBroxNo idea then
09:29:36MotseIs the current familiar 0.4 already (more or less) usable for everyday work ?
09:30:56BBroxWell, no :-) There are not really any PIM apps yet
09:35:04robl^BBrox: what about QPE?  
09:35:21Motsewhat apps are working currently ?
09:45:06Kerohey! someone else on both ipaq and ruby-lang :)
09:59:21slideepis idle (auto away after 20 minutes) [sarnus (l/on p/on)]
13:18:00robl^hi e_m_rainey.  were you successful?
13:38:21e_m_raineyno, it's stuck on "Booting Linux image"
13:39:24e_m_raineyrobl^, it's stuck on "Booting Linux image"
15:04:41BBroxUAE is holding the record of compilation time on the iPAQ :-)
15:45:34Leedsanyone awake round here?
15:46:22Leedsbut nothing happening...?
15:46:37nikosIt's Sunday. 8){
15:47:13Leedstrue :-)
16:50:29willfeYeah. Boredom strikes again.
16:58:22Kerobored? would you do me a favour and point a browser to ?
17:04:40willfeHey! I see power management stuff. Cool :)
17:04:47Kerocan follow which ppl look where, how nice.
17:05:25KeroThough I was mainly interested in two IP-addresses that are listed; they are still the same, even from a remote client. Oh, well.
17:06:42willfeGood grief, the iPaq can spin MP3s from a microdrive for *10* hours with the PCMCIA sleeves? Heh. Very nifty.
17:08:15LeedsIt doesn't feel like that to me
17:09:02willfeNo? How long can you coax it to run?
17:09:41Leedswell, I don't like running it down to death, but I wouldn't be happy running for more than 4 or 5 hours away from the mains
17:09:48KeroLeeds: bother Tangent if you want to know how he did it, it's his measurement :)
17:10:06KeroThere is at least a joke with lowered volume involved...
17:11:04LeedsI can't remember if it was tangent, but I know someone a long while ago was talking about 'caching' MP3s rather than real streaming - should save time if the udrive is only spinning for, say, 10 seconds per MP3 rather than constantly
17:12:01willfeThat should work nicely on a 64MB unit...
17:12:43willfeStupid Question of the Day(tm): What's the preferred mp3 player on iPaq linux? mpg123, xmms?
17:13:40willfeHaven't heard of that one. [looks at freshmeat]
17:19:08KeroAnd you are nicely testing my httpd, as well.
17:20:29Leedsmadplay is a nice integer-only player
17:20:50willfeThe StrongARM has no floating point unit, right?
17:21:22Kerogood news is that I wrote that httpd in Ruby, so should run out of the box for my iPAQ, too.
17:21:26willfeSo madplay's faster than the players that use floating ponit?
17:21:28willfeKero: Oh cool!
17:21:39willfe(I was a little curious why your httpd needed testing, but I was assuming "apache' :)
17:23:11Keronope, small, secure, not yet as flexible as it should be, in Ruby.
17:25:04willfeURGH! I really hate how expensive cellphone accessories are.
17:25:40willfeI wanna get a data cable for my Mitsubishi T250 (which will act like a plain modem for things like the iPaq :) ...
17:25:47willfeBut they seem to be at *least* $50 everywhere I look.
17:26:03willfeFor a stupid serial cable with a funky connector on one end...
17:26:51KeroSame here :(
17:26:58GeyzHi all!
17:27:02GeyzI need some help
17:27:44GeyzI'm trying to make a distro for the Linux on Psion project... main feature will be a framebuffer x-type thing, such as Qt/Embedded, but I need a name for it. Any opinions?
17:29:11willfe's terrible with names :)
17:29:31GeyzI want to get started within the hour
17:30:07Keroa name for something on a psion?
17:30:15Kerowrong channel! :)
17:30:24GeyzI know
17:30:28GeyzBut the Linux7k chan is dead
17:30:47GeyzAnd the iPaq project seems to be interlinked with the Linux7k one via tangent
17:31:09Keropws, pronounced ``paws'', the psion widget set
17:31:25GeyzIt's gonna be a full distro
17:31:45Kerooops, misunderstood what you wanted the name for.
17:33:08Geyzanyone got any ideas?
17:34:49willfedraws a blank :(
17:36:51boodleGreetings, can anyone recommend a good,recent kernel version on ipaq in cvs ?
17:37:03KeroGeyz: pld, pronounced ``peeled'', but that's worse than the pws example...
17:37:12Keroboodle: wish I could
17:39:27boodleKero: Tired of 2.4.3 goofiness with power mgmt.. I see 2.4.6-rmk1-np2 out.. dunno if worth trying
17:39:42willfeWoah. Odd. AT&T (my wireless provider) actually sells that data cable for $30(!).
17:40:01willfe's surprised ... usually the service provider sells *expensive* accessories :)
17:42:52Leedshas a phone with an IR modem - no cables needed
17:49:03willfeOooh nice.
17:49:09willfeThe T250 lacks an IR port, regrettably.
17:49:22willfeMy Nokia had one, but getting *that* thing to cooperate with *anything* was a challenge.
17:49:49LeedsMotorola Timeport - tri-band so it works in Europe and US, with built-in IR modem.  Shit interface, decent phone
17:51:59LeedsNot that I've got it working with a recent familiar - but I had it working with an old release, complete with customised 'chat' program to get me into my company dial-up
17:52:22BBroxLeeds: yeah, I agree, shitty interface :-)
17:53:51Leedsbut it *does* work :-)
17:55:11BBroxonly worked on the GPRS phones, so there is no code of mine in this phone :-)
17:55:24Leedsyou * motorola?
17:55:32Leeds<doh> you @ motorola?
17:57:00LeedsThe Timeport was the only phone I could find with both tri-band and IR modem.  Respect to that.  Oh, and the battery lasts pretty well too :-)
17:58:00BBroxWell, knowing that AT&T may switch to GSM in the US, it could be nice to have a tri-band phone :-)
17:58:23LeedsOne nice thing about Europe - a simple GSM phone works *everywhere*
17:58:46BBroxWorks also in China and Taiwan
17:59:08Keroand in the cities of Morocco.
17:59:16Leedshas never been to China, Taiwan or Morocco
17:59:40LeedsIt worked in New York and Palo Alto though, which was nice...
17:59:41Keroheh, since Taiwan is China, officially, I've been to all of them :)
18:00:18KeroHaven't had a chance to test the triband in usa, though.
18:00:59LeedsIt's nice to be able to get off the plane, flick a (software) switch, and SMS my parents to tell them that the plane landed safely.  They worry :-)
18:01:30Leedsparticularly when they're on holiday in Spain at the time :-)
18:20:15BBroxHmpf, the optimization I had in mind for UAE does not work :-)
18:46:46robl^hey nikos!
18:49:51robl^I am VERY impressed with my iPAQ.  The only thing I haven't tried is usb-net.
19:01:25Nermalrobl^: :)
19:01:38robl^hi Nermal
19:01:44Nermallo lo
19:02:05robl^how are you this afternoon?
19:02:32Leedsevening - it's 2109 hours :-)
19:03:19robl^1503 here
19:03:39Leedsyou're in the wrong place :-P
19:04:02BBroxLeeds: well, you are 6 minutes in the future :-)
19:04:15LeedsWhere do you want to go tomorrow?
19:05:09robl^hrmm.  a microsoft clock advertisement?  
19:05:39Leedsnah - I'm in the future.  I guess that joke bombed :-(
20:56:39DWstill no good.
20:57:08DWnow active sync is telling me it doesn't recognise the device -- never got that before
21:01:41d00danyone could point me to documentation about iPAQ cross-compiling?
21:02:01nikosd00d: Look through the wiki HandheldsQuestions
21:09:09sjohnsonis away: food run
21:14:28DWthis is really screwy
21:17:45pkomarekjust got a CF sleeve, and put a CF memory card in, what device do I access?
21:18:30sjohnsonis back (gone 00:09:21)
21:22:37DWresists the temptation to throw the ipaq out the window
21:23:24DWsuch shotty hardware
21:23:51DWor at least shottily put together
21:24:56pkomarekDW: Hi again, sounds like things are going, well, badly?
21:25:30pkomarekDW: Do you have a CF sleeve for your ipaq?
21:25:58DWyes, and a small 8meg flash card, that's how I was able to put the bootldr back on
21:26:09DWusing my old handheld :)
21:26:19pkomarekDW: Are you making progress, then?
21:26:33DWof course, my cf sleeve isn't working quite right.
21:26:44DWno, actually I seem to have not move far at all
21:27:06DWthe alternate rom image is installed, but now I even have less connectivity
21:27:38pkomarekDW: oh.  I have a question--just bought a CF sleeve, cardctl shows my 64MB CF card, but what device do I use for access?
21:27:44DWit doesn't connect via usb -- says the device is not recognised, and the entries for serial connection are missing from the activesync settings on the device
21:28:10pkomarekDW: have you considered going back to linux? ;^)
21:28:29pkomarekDW: you have an H3670, yes?
21:28:36DWno, familiar is two inches short of useless as is, to me at least
21:28:52d00di'm getting lost with that FAQ
21:29:16DWI want familiar for x and mobile ip, but ce serves me well for pda functions and documents
21:29:28pkomarekI understand about familiar being short of a productivity tool -- I've gotten almost nothing socially redeeming done since I got my ipaq!
21:29:28DWor did anyway
21:29:32d00di've downloaded the kernel from CVS, how can i crosscompile it?
21:31:39pkomarekdood:  look at and
21:31:57pkomarekI think you want to look in that order (note I haven't done any of this myself)
21:32:10pkomarekDW:  did you see my question about using CF memory?
21:33:26DWoh, um, not sure, never tried that. I've seen that the microdrive is handled as hda thou, I would assume prbably the same for cf
21:34:02sjohnsonYes, all CF memory cards show up as IDE devices.
21:34:09d00dpkomarek: i've already seen this (the second one).. are you sure it's the *only* way to do it?
21:38:13pkomarekd00d:  as I said, I have no experience.  But if you want to target the arm architecture, you need compiler that targets arm.  Maybe you can find a precompiled toolchain?
21:38:43d00doh hell...
21:38:44pkomarekd00d:  why do you need to recompile the kernel?
21:39:07pkomareksjohnson and DW:  thanks!
21:39:11d00dpkomarek: the custom kernel doesn't work, and i'm told a newer version will
21:39:33pkomarekd00d:  maybe you could bribe someone to provide a newer binary...
21:39:58d00dpkomarek: i hope... have you seen the second URL? it's scaring
21:40:23erikmlooks for BZFlag
21:40:33pkomarekd00d:  I was going to read it later tonight.  I wan't to cut down minicom to the bare essentials.
21:41:29d00dthis will take months
21:41:58pkomareksjohnson:  should I partition my CF card?  I'm guessing no because fdisk isn't part of Familiar...
21:42:02d00danyone here has a newer kernel image and modules for the iPAQ?
21:42:58sjohnsonpkomarek: You CF card is already partitioned and formated with an msdos fs
21:43:40pkomarekDW:  maybe you should feign innocence and see if MS can help you?
21:44:06DWI think it's out of MS's had at this point.
21:44:33pkomarek<sjohnson> is there any advantage to leaving it as a FAT fs? (ext2 being preferred)
21:44:56DWbeing able to read it outside of linux
21:45:07pkomarekDW: there's an outside?
21:45:10sjohnsonpkomarek: It doesn't matter. Choice you own poison. And DW has a good point.
21:52:26pkomarek<sjohnson> When trying to mount -t msdos, I'm told the kernel doesn' support msdos filesystems.  What is the right way to do this?
21:52:43DW-t vfat
21:52:43sjohnsonpkomarek: Try vfat
21:54:23pkomarekI get the wrong fs error, in that case.  I think I'm going to have to look into this more closely myself -- thanks for the help!
22:02:28pkomareksjohnson and DW:  Okay, I'm an idiot.  Because I didn't have to partition the card, I was treating it like a CD -- mounting the device (hda) instead of the partition (hda1).
23:39:19sjohnsonis away: watching television

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