irclog2html for ipaq on 2001.06.29

00:47:55pisymbolalright I'm back up - but I still can't connect via pppd
00:50:52trjpisymbol: what happens?
00:52:01pisymbolPAM_UNIX[106]: CHECK PASS; USER UNKNOWN^M^M
00:52:23pisymbolSERVICE ^M^M
00:52:47trjwhat triggers this?
00:52:58pisymbolpppd call ipaq
00:53:12pisymbolwhat's funny is before I had them connected but the serial settings are wrong
00:53:13trjYeah, that's because there's a serial console running.
00:53:32pisymbolno dude
00:53:34trjYou probably want to kill the getty that's running.
00:53:51jacquespisymbol: were you the one yesterday who tried to log in in all caps?
00:54:02jacquespisymbol: well don't do that
00:54:03pisymbolwell I didn't try
00:54:09pisymbolit just happened
00:55:29pisymbolI havea bunch of /sbin/mingetty running
00:56:15sjohnsonhi pisymbol
00:56:25pisymbolhey sj - tyring to get pppd working
00:56:28pisymbolnot working so far
00:56:40pisymbolfollowed how-to to the letter and no good
00:57:30sjohnsonMaybe I can help. How far have you progressed.
00:57:34jacquespisymbol: the all caps above imply that it obviously thinks you're still trying to log in using all caps
00:58:11pisymbolno I have no CAPS problem
00:58:38pisymboloh wait - you're saying the error messages shouldn't be dumped in cPAs
00:58:59pisymbolsjohnson:  I tried to log in and I get USER UNKOWN: CHECK PASS: AUTHETICATION ERROR from pppd (host)
00:59:25pisymbolipaq is loaded with the correct modules and both options/ipaq (peers) file are setup correctly
01:00:01sjohnsonpisymbol: Try logging into ipaq as ppp in minicom.
01:00:09pisymbolwait that worked
01:00:19pisymbolI just tried it again and it WORKED!
01:00:47sjohnsonpisymbol: You probably has some garbage in the termios buffers. It happends.
01:00:55pisymbolthat had to be it
01:02:11sjohnsonIf your are going to try to do some ipkg install stuff over the net, you will want to add 'defaultroute' to /etc/ppp/options on ipaq.
01:03:46pisymbolyea that's in
01:08:39pisymbolbefore I go - you never power down the unit - its just in internal screensaver mode
06:03:41esalazaranyone use dillo?
09:29:48tpckWhen did the first ipaq come out?
09:32:07jdrowell_june 2000 I think
09:32:58tpckA year ago?
09:33:23tpckI'd like to find one used :)
09:33:31tpckI don't think I can afford a new one :)
09:33:33jdrowell_good luck
09:33:49jdrowell_it was almost impossible to even get one before jan/2001
09:34:13tpckThey seem to be all over the place now though?
09:34:24jdrowell_but now that the 3670 is out, you should be able to get a good price on the 3635/3650
09:34:32jdrowell_y, expect for the 3670
09:34:47tpckWhats the cheapest place to buy one?
09:34:55tpckAnd whats the cheapest model? )
09:35:13jdrowell_the cheapest is the monochrome one. 3630 I think
09:35:21tpckYuck, monocrome
09:35:34jdrowell_dunno the best place, but has the list for mail order places by price
09:39:14tpckI may have to go for a Palm
09:43:11jdrowell_you should find a 3635 for $450 or so somewhere
09:43:50jdrowell_there may be links to cheap places in the wikis at
09:47:27tpckis that american though? :)
09:47:58tpckCuz $450 american is like $1000 Canadian
09:48:26tpckWhich is about 4 times more than I can spend :)
09:48:29jdrowell_y, american
09:49:54jdrowell_well it will be several months still until there are enough apps for it to make it really useful
09:50:01jdrowell_by then the prices will be lower
10:03:01tpckcan't wait that long :)
10:03:11tpckmaybe i'll just steal one :)
13:24:31abhiany one working on the assabet board /ARM processor
13:25:03nikosabhi: You've gotten even more specific now. ;)  I don't think there is going to be anyone here that is not in
13:25:21nikosNone that are not very iPAQ specific anyway.
13:26:12abhi nikos :(...tell me what could be the reason for a page fault that i m getting
13:26:38abhinikos: not for ARM but lets say a general explanation ??
13:27:03nikosabhi: I'm not kernel expert.
13:27:12nikosabhi: got to #kernelnewbies
13:27:37abhinikos: thanks anyway
15:08:48sjohnsonis away: linch
15:35:04nikosis away: Errand and food
16:01:32pabalkaris there anybody here working on assabet . i have some problems
16:04:32pabalkaranybody alive
16:08:32nikosis back
16:25:23sjohnsonis back (gone 01:15:29)
16:39:31nikosNermal: Let's take this over here.
16:39:43nikosNermal: Let me see the output of lsmod
16:40:13Nermallarge paste coming
16:40:15Nermalroot@snoopy:/home/peter/downloads > lsmod
16:40:16NermalModule                  Size  Used by
16:40:16Nermalusbnet                 10064   0  (unused)
16:40:16Nermalppp_async               6256   1  (autoclean)
16:40:16Nermalppp_generic            13360   3  (autoclean) [ppp_async]
16:40:18Nermalslhc                    4992   1  (autoclean) [ppp_generic]
16:40:18NermalNVdriver              626864  12  (autoclean)
16:40:20Nermalhid                    11952   0  (unused)
16:40:22Nermalprinter                 5088   0  (unused)
16:40:24Nermalusb-uhci               21280   0  (unused)
16:40:26Nermalusbcore                48336   1  [usbnet hid printer usb-uhci]
16:40:28Nermalroot@snoopy:/home/peter/downloads >
16:40:30Nermalthats all of them
16:40:38nikosok rmmod usbnet
16:40:56nikosWhere did you get that usbnet?
16:41:08Nermaloff that howto page
16:41:15nikosOK, so you compiled it yourself?
16:41:30nikosLet's start over again.
16:41:44nikosremove the interface and module on the ipaq
16:42:01Nermalok.. I have installed that script that the bloke did
16:42:09Nermalso I'll just do ipaqusb stop
16:42:33nikosMake sure usb-eth is not listed as a current module.
16:43:04nikosReady?  All modules removed?
16:43:06Nermalok.. its gone
16:43:15nikosDisconnect USB
16:43:32nikoson the ipaq: modproble usb-eth
16:43:38nikoserr modprobe
16:43:59nikosconnect usb cable
16:44:21nikoson pc: insmod usbnet
16:44:52nikoson ipaq: ifconfig usbf up <ip> netmask <netmask>
16:45:20nikoson pc: ifconfig usb0 up <ip> netmask <netmask>
16:45:24nikosdifferent ip in each case clearly
16:46:04nikoson ipaq: route add default gw <pc ip>
16:46:53nikosHow's it going?
16:47:56Nermalroot@snoopy:/home/peter/downloads > ifconfig usb0 up netmask
16:47:56Nermalusb0: unknown interface: No such device
16:47:56NermalSIOCSIFADDR: No such device
16:48:21nikosNermal: What version is your kernel?
16:48:51sjohnsonNermal: Try removing USB cradle cable, count 5, plug it in again.
16:48:53nikosifconfig -a on the pc shows no usb* devices?
16:48:57nikossjohnson: You can't do that.
16:49:00Nermalnikos: nope.. none :|
16:49:03nikossjohnson: usbnet loses it on disconnect.
16:49:13nikossjohnson: We already disconnected and reconnected.
16:49:16sjohnsonnikos: I do it all of the time.
16:49:51nikossjohnson: That's interesting.  It totally dies on me if I break and reconnect the connection.  green verifies that this will happen because of the way USB works.
16:49:58sjohnsonI have usbnet loaded on PC and usbf configurated in IPAQ. When I slip iPAQ back in USB crable, usb0 is crated.
16:50:25sjohnsonI do have to ifconfig usb0 again.
16:50:36nikossjohnson: Please write some directions then.  It does not work for me or most other people.
16:51:05sjohnsonWhat is do is
16:51:09nikosNermal: Try whatever sjohnson says, my only other suggestion would be to try rebooting the pc and ipaq and try again.
16:52:00nikossjohnson: If I drop the connection while usbnet is still running, usb spews all over my logs, I already corrupted an ext2 filesystem that way once.
16:52:15nikossjohnson: Generated 6 Gigs of log files in about 20 minutes.
16:52:52sjohnsonnikos: That's neven happened to me. I get about a dozen line in syslog on a disconnect.
16:53:18nikossjohnson: I can send you some examples sometime if you like. ;)
16:53:44sjohnsonnikos: I'll pass. Thanks anyway :)
16:53:53nikossjohnson: I'll shut up now if you want to try your version with Nermal.
16:54:24Nermalwhat I dun understand is that regardless of whether the ipaq is plugged in or not, ifconfig -a on the pc should show usb0 there
16:55:17nikosNermal: I don't think so.  The usbnet module has to be able to communicate with the usb-eth module on the ipaq to work out the connection.
16:55:34nikosNermal: Is it possible that your USB cable is bad?  Do you get any messages on the console on either side?
16:56:44sjohnsonNermal: usb0 will not be created until usbnet find an iPAQ with usb-eth
16:57:28nikosNermal: Also note, that it could be usbn where n is some other digit in some circumstances.
16:57:59Nermalits most likely my usb cradle is bad... given the bitch it was to solder onto the connector :|
16:58:39sjohnsonThese are the usbnet procedure I use.
16:58:48sjohnson1) Have iPAQ removed from USB cradle.
16:58:48sjohnson2) modprobe usb-eth  - on ipaq
16:58:48sjohnson3) ifconfig usbf <ip-addr> netmask <netmask>  - on ipaq
16:58:48sjohnson4) route add default gw <PC-ipaddr)
16:58:48sjohnson4) modprobe usbnet  - on PC
16:58:49sjohnson5) Insert iPAQ into cradle
16:58:51sjohnson6) ifconfig usb0 <PC-ip-addr> netmask <netmask)
16:58:53sjohnson7) Enjou
16:58:55sjohnsonAfterwards - If iPAQ is removed from cradle
16:58:57sjohnson1) ifconfig usb0 <PC-ip-addr> netmask <netmask>
16:58:59sjohnson2) If that doesn't work, try unplugging USB crable cable and then plugging
16:59:01sjohnson   it in again, Then retry step 1 ifconfig
16:59:37nikossjohnson: Where do you plug in in your Afterwards technique?
17:00:07nikossjohnson: Before step 1?
17:01:31sjohnsonnikos: It's totally afterwards. Once usbf is configured on ipAQ and usbnet if loaded on PC. The usb0 interface should be created on PC when IPAQ is inserted into USB crable
17:02:51nikossjohnson: OK, I think I get it.  I will try that sometime this weekend and make sure I can't get the same behaviour.
17:03:03nikossjohnson: That certainly seems like what I tried to do though.
17:03:10sjohnsonMayne the "Afterwards..." line should n"If iPAQ is removed from cradle, all your need to do to reestablish network is:
17:03:10sjohnsone "
17:03:58nikosYou need a step for "reconnect the ipaq." :)
17:04:37WhiteFlagHi guys
17:05:28WhiteFlaganyone here with electical knowledge?
17:06:03TangentWhiteFlag : Yep
17:07:16WhiteFlagTangent: Great, can you tell me if it is ok to charge my 3630 iPAQ with a DC adapter thats 6volts and 800ma, the original adapter is 5volts/2amps
17:07:50WhiteFlagI tried it few times now, seems to works, but not sure if I am asking for trouble
17:07:55sjohnson1) Have iPAQ removed from USB cradle.
17:07:55sjohnson2) modprobe usb-eth  - on ipaq
17:07:55sjohnson3) ifconfig usbf <ip-addr> netmask <netmask>  - on ipaq
17:07:55sjohnson4) route add default gw <PC-ip-addr> (from step 6)
17:07:56sjohnson4) modprobe usbnet  - on PC
17:07:58sjohnson5) Insert iPAQ into cradle
17:08:01sjohnson6) ifconfig usb0 <PC-ip-addr> netmask <netmask)
17:08:01TangentWhiteFlag : I understand from people that the iPAQ is not too fussy about it's input power. Many people have 4x1.5v AA batteries as extra power packs
17:08:02sjohnson7) Enjoy
17:08:04sjohnsonIf iPAQ is removed from cradle, all your need to do to reestablish network is:
17:08:06sjohnson1) Reconnect iPAQ to USB crable/cable, The PC should recognize the IPAQ
17:08:08sjohnson   and create usb0.
17:08:10sjohnson2) ifconfig usb0 <PC-ip-addr> netmask <netmask>
17:08:12sjohnson3) If that doesn't work, try unplugging USB crable cable and then plugging
17:08:14sjohnson   it in again, Then retry the step 2 ifconfig.
17:08:26TangentWhiteFlag : Obviously, I wouldn't recommend it... but I think you should be ok to use a 6V charger...
17:09:40WhiteFlagTangent: Thanks for the input.  Do you any good site that sells iPAQ stuff and has fair prices?
17:09:57nikosWhiteFlag: Try searching on
17:10:10WhiteFlagnikos: thanks
17:11:30WhiteFlaghow do you guys like linux on iPAQ, I just read about it today :)
17:12:33nikosWhiteFlag: Its for hackers and developers right now.
17:12:50nikosWhiteFlag: I like it a lot, but I'm a hacker/developer. ;)
17:13:45WhiteFlagnikos: does it make up more memory the CE?
17:14:21nikosWhiteFlag: That's an unanswerable question.
17:14:26nikosWhiteFlag: There is no IT.
17:14:48nikosWhiteFlag: Linux is only a very minor part of the equation, and the distribution as a whole is very configurable.
17:15:03nikosWhiteFlag: Which means the answer is yes, no, and maybe. ;)
17:15:45WhiteFlagI guess it depends what you install, just like with real linux
17:16:05WhiteFlagnikos: what about finding programs for it?
17:16:15WhiteFlagvery few?
17:16:23nikosWhiteFlag: Well, we have a packaging system, and packages are slowly building.
17:16:41nikosfeel free to browse the Packages files in the repositories
17:16:46stable feed is at
17:16:46nikosibot: stable feed
17:16:49i guess unstable feed is at
17:16:49nikosibot: unstable feed
17:16:53latest familiar is at or at
17:16:53nikosibot: latest familiar
17:17:13nikosreleases are periodic snapshots of the stable feed.
17:17:37WhiteFlagThanks Guys!
18:16:59BZFlagwell 2 more restarts did it.
18:17:13TangentBZFlag : Weird... I'll investigate in a bit...
18:53:02nilsHello all! Just a hopefully little question: Is someone around having a Voyager PCMCIA VGA card running?
18:53:35Nermalsomeone did
18:54:48nikosnils: Check the mailing lists
18:54:58nikosnils: I don't think anyone is on right now that uses it.
18:54:58nilsNermal: Yes, _someone_ ;) I have the Xipaq server for it but this aborts itself without apparent reason...
18:56:21nilsSad... the mailinglist is so far not taht informative. There are just hints that 'something' might work...
18:59:13BZFlag: That's easy to fix, but I can't be bothered.
18:59:13BZFlagibot: excuse
18:59:20BZFlag: DR_SNK rules
18:59:20BZFlagibot: excuse
18:59:21nikosnils: I don't really understand that.  The entire discussion occurred on the mailing list.
18:59:46nikosnils: Including realease of the server and post release discussion.
19:01:49nilsnikos: Hrmpf... I must be blind. I start looking it over again. I wonder why there isn't a how-to in the Wiki ;) (...and yes I know that I could write one as soon as I know how it is done :)
19:02:26nikosnils: The developers don't come here, so asking on the mailing list would probably work better.
19:02:45nikosnils: To people who have used it do come here, but aren't likely to be around for  a few days.
19:03:57nilsnikos: Do you remember on which of the mailinglist this was? Was it the ipaq or handhelds list?
19:04:41nikosnils: No, use the main handhelds.or search engine.
19:16:23nilsHmm... that gets me way too many hits :) I'll take that as last resort. I am currently browsing the archives by thread.
19:46:24timepilot84Anybody actively working with the H3150?
19:47:47nikosdneuer is I think.
19:48:27dneuerI am what?
19:48:31dneueroh, yeah
19:48:59timepilot84I was going to pick one up on e-bay and wanted to know how things were going.
19:49:00dneuertimepilot84: what's your question, just wondering if anyone's working on it?
19:50:25dneuertimepilot84: ah. Well, it's not working completely, but a lot of progress has been made. I just got it working w/ X Windows (finally!) the other day. There are some stability issues, and the blackbox window manager doesn't like the 31xx's at all, but things are moving in the right direction
20:22:14tpckdneuer : I thought it was further along than that
20:23:59sgodsellHello ipaq people ;)
20:24:16Nermalhello :
20:24:18nikostpck: dneuer is doing most of the work, so I think he knows. ;)
20:25:53Nermalnods ;)
23:22:05esalazarI'm confused about the different kinds of expansions.  There are more than one type of cf card and pcmcia?  Would I be able to use an IBM 1GB Microdrive and a Wavelan wireless card at the same time if I got one of the new dual expansion packs?
23:22:17Tangentesalazar : Yes
23:22:33Tangentesalazar : I use microdrive and compaq WL100 wireless card together
23:22:50esalazarTangent: so you have the dual sleeve working then?
23:23:02Tangentesalazar : Sure do...
23:23:45esalazarTangent: I'm going to order those three: sleeve, wireless, and microdrive.  Do you know of a good place to get them reliably and for a good price?
23:24:04Tangentesalazar : I'm in the UK, so it probably wouldn't be suitable for you

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