irclog2html for ipaq on 2001.06.19

02:50:11mwlinuxIs thier an abiword like app for Familiar?  I finally got it installed on my iPaq, I just need a text editor
10:30:01hello, faralla
10:31:26farallaOnyone knows how to flash a german-winCE-update to a device, where an english version is installed?
11:26:02farallaAnyone knows the md5sums of the german build 3.0.9348 ? (Don´t know if that is the right build. I mean the newest german WinCE)
12:05:01farallaI just startet 'run' from bootldr. The IPaq´s screen goes black, but nothing happens in the terminal..#
12:54:07bugger all, i dunno, trj
12:54:07trjibot screen size?
12:54:21nikostrj: Of what?
12:54:39trjk, thanks.
12:55:11trjis trying to write some sdl stuff to work fullscreen.
13:19:42nikosHi mpakula
13:20:24mpakulanikos: Hi nikos lot of ppl do not know that they have to reset iPAQ after bootldr is loaded
13:21:36nikosmpakula: I don't understand that.  There's a whole step in the instructions that say to do that.
13:22:27nikosmpakula: Hopefully we will be able to alleviate the confusion somewhat with the next release which will have complete instructions all together.
13:23:03mpakulanikos: well remember when i was doing that i had the same problem the thing is that not many ppl know how to reset it and on familiar0.4 this step is not so obviously explained
13:24:10nikosmpakula: You confuse me even further.  There is nothing in the familiar v0.4 instructions that would apply here.  It's only with osloader that you can't protect the flash, and there is not mention of that utility in the familiar instructions.
13:27:43mpakulanikos: after load bootldr i had to reset ipaq to protect flash right? reading instructions from 0.4 that is not obvious. Seems to me like you expect ppl to read installation insturctions from 0.2
13:28:28nikosmpakula: The familiar instructions do not have any instructions for loading the bootloader.  They direct you to the v0.20/install.html instructions to do that.  Which clearly state in step 14 or 15 to reboot the ipaq.
13:29:01nikosmpakula: The familiar instructions only tell you how to upgrade the bootloader, which requires you to have a working one already installed.  In which case the pflash command would work.
13:37:24mpakulanikos:could you gve me once more the path to stable releases of software for familiar ?
13:37:43nikos: i'm not following you...
13:37:43nikosibot: current familiar
13:37:52latest familiar is probably at
13:37:52nikosibot: latest familiar
13:38:14nikosmpakula: Do you mean the release or feed?
13:38:18somebody said stable feed was at
13:38:18nikosibot: stable feed
13:38:38okay, nikos.
13:38:38nikosibot: latest familiar is also at
13:38:42latest familiar is probably at or at
13:38:42nikosibot: latest familiar
13:40:17mpakulado you know what has been changed in latest release ? I don't thing there is a need to upgrade from 0.4 ?
13:40:58cworthmpakula: 0.4 *is* the latest release. There are some newer packages in the unstable feed however.
13:42:54nikosmpakula: latest is just a symlink to the current release.  Which remains v0.4.
13:43:56mpakulalots of feeds, is there a place with description of packages,  for example this is  email or mp3 player
13:47:08nikosmpakula: I'm afraid not.
13:48:28mpakulanikos: ;o( how do i install packages ipkg install <path/name> ?
13:48:37nikosmpakula: see ipkg --help
13:48:43ipkg is a work-in-progress package manager for the iPAQ. See
13:48:43nikosibot: ipkg
14:28:06LandSIidewhen was the contest published?
14:29:47LandSIideslashdot has some good exposure for you guys.... is everything getting ramped up now? or still a lot of work to do?
14:30:06nikosLandSIide: What is your desired status?
14:30:17trjMore applications would be nice...
14:30:30nikosLandSIide: It's ready for application developers and hackers.  Not really for most users.
14:30:33LandSIidecommercial release of iPaq with Linux OS.. not ce. ;)
14:30:41LandSIidei see.
14:30:44nikosLandSIide: Not for that no.
14:30:45dneueris away: gotta pretend to work
14:31:14LandSIideyou compaq guys should be selling ipaq's without ce.. or have you still to work out the issues with MSoft/
14:31:21trjMost people don't seem to want a shell based handheld... can't imagine why :)
14:31:29LandSIideyeah that's silly
14:31:30nikosLandSIide: You guys?  We are not Compaq.
14:31:53LandSIideanyway i installed the latest ipaqsoft windowsce update...
14:31:57LandSIidedoes that fix the button problem?
14:32:12LandSIidei saw something mentioned in the readme... but was ambiguous.
14:32:14nikosLandSIide: We only do Open source operating systems here.  Don't know anything about CE.
14:32:20LandSIidebummer ;)
14:32:36trjLandSIide: which "button problem"?
14:32:47nikosLandSIide: How about a URL to that Readme?
14:32:48LandSIidethe holding of 2 buttons at the same time.
14:32:56trjAFAIK that's a hardware limitation.
14:32:59nikosI don't see how that could be fixed with software.
14:33:09LandSIidek.. give me a sec.
14:33:13nikosBut if they claim otherwise, I would really really like to see the claim.
14:33:32LandSIidesomething was fixed with the buttons.
14:33:38LandSIideI only installed the os update tonight...
14:33:45LandSIidetook fscking ages though ;)
14:33:51LandSIideeven though I have a ethernet card.
14:34:33LandSIideby the way compaq's ftp site sucks.. doesn't support PASV (if any of you guys are listening).
14:34:41nikosLandSIide: Which site?
14:34:51LandSIidebut it managed to get through our firewall anyway.
14:35:20LandSIidenote on : Fixed incorrect key sequences that resulted when the "Action" key was pressed.
14:35:25trjLandSIide: this irc channel is for open OSs on the Compaq iPAQ. Nobody here really does CE stuff.
14:35:28nikosLandSIide: No one from that side of the world would be found here.
14:35:42nikosLandSIide: Thanks for the URL.
14:35:49LandSIideno probs.
14:36:04LandSIidewhat about jamey and co.. they're compaqians.
14:36:27LandSIideor have things changed in the last 6 months . hehe
14:36:29nikosLandSIide: They are in research, they don't do anything with CE.
14:36:46nikosLandSIide: Where do you see something about the buttons?
14:36:54LandSIidenote on : Fixed incorrect key sequences that resulted when the "Action" key was pressed.\
14:37:01LandSIidei don't think it's the case.
14:37:09nikosLandSIide: Ah, that's not the multiple button press thing then.
14:37:12LandSIidei just remember browsing it.
14:37:27LandSIideis there a new ipaq on the way?
14:37:43LandSIidei brought 2 this time last year... 3630's.
14:37:51nikosLandSIide: Like what?  Something beyond the 3660/3670s?
14:37:54trjWhy 2?
14:38:03LandSIide1 linux.. 1 ce.
14:38:11trjWell.. nice if you can afford it.
14:38:23LandSIidemanaged to pick them up by fluke at circuit city in Tulsa of all places.
14:38:34LandSIideI'm from Sydney Australia... so that's a damn coincidence.
14:38:44LandSIidecompany pays...
14:38:52trjneeds a company like that.
14:39:44LandSIideyeah I guess they are expensive for home use...
14:40:19LandSIideI have heaps of devices.. like we develop for Casio EG-800's more than iPaq's... they're like $1000 US or something.
14:40:30LandSIidenice screens though.. but not as friendly outdoors.
14:41:30LandSIideWe haven't done any serious work with iPaq's linux yet... I'm just keeping uptodate with the happenings...
14:42:10LandSIideThere will be some great oppertunities soon... I am just curious about get cross-device portability over linux.. and development tools tailored for mobile computing....
14:47:21nikosis away: Errands
14:55:18slowcoderQ: I just installed Fam v0.4 on my iPAQ 3630..  Why is 'df -k' only reporting 15Mb for ramfs ?  
14:55:54trjBecause the RamFS is 16 mb and the rest is used for main memory?
14:56:04trj15 even.
14:56:35slowcoder?  But doesn't ramfs automaticaly resize itself?
14:57:07trjWell, if it does, it probably lies about the amount of free space.
14:57:34slowcodertrj: Seems so...   Well, I'll look into it..
15:08:01sjohnsonis away: Gont to lunch
15:46:12vortex: no idea
15:46:12vorteXibot flash?
15:46:24vortex: i don't know
15:46:24vorteXibot jffs?
15:46:44i haven't a clue, vortex
15:46:44vorteXibot jffs2?
15:47:28trjvorteX: what are you looking for?
15:47:44vorteXi had some errors on a reboot...
15:48:00vorteXproblems reading from the flash, and / was mounted read-only
15:48:15vorteXi rebooted about twice, and the errors persisted
15:48:21trjAsk dwmw2 in, he's the jffs2 guy.
15:48:40vorteXok thanks
16:00:05vorteXtrj tnx i've been helped
16:00:19vorteXwhere's nikos today ?
16:00:55trjDunno, he was about.
16:00:58nikos was last seen on 1 hours, 13 minutes and 37 seconds ago, saying: is away: Errands [Tue Jun 19 15:47:21 2001]
16:00:58trjibot seen nikos
16:01:21vorteXerrands :0
16:02:03vorteXhow much do you know about remapping h/w buttons trj ?
16:03:02vorteXi'm looking for a way to have a button restart X if you press it twice (quickly) or hold it in long ...
16:04:49trjYeah, use xmodmap and bbkeys.
16:05:35vorteXhow will you link xmodmap to a s/w program or event ?
16:06:05vorteXknow xmodmap never headr of bbkeys
16:06:08trjIt's a blackbox addon that runs programs/scripts in response to window manager and X events.
16:06:32vorteXis it dependent on a window manager to be active?
16:06:55trjI don't think so, I think you can run it without blackbox, just on X.
16:06:55vorteX(ideally i would like the h/w button to work if the wmanager dies)
16:07:10trjok, I don't know how to do that.
16:07:14vorteXis this part of familiar though ?
16:07:24trjNo, afaik bbkeys isn't in familiar.
16:07:38vorteXany idea where i can get it from ?
16:08:18trjNo, not really.
16:08:40vorteXok i think i'm on to it
16:10:40i haven't a clue, vortex
16:10:40vorteXibot bbkeys?
16:13:10slowcoderWould it be possible to try out Intimate over PPP over serial ?
16:13:54slowcoder(yes, I've got lots of spare time.. :) )
16:17:18nikosis back
16:18:05slowcoder!?   Is the contents of the RAM cleared when I press the reset-button?
16:18:53nikosslowcoder: Yes
16:19:00vorteXslowcoder: that's why they call it ram isn't it :)
16:19:42slowcoderWell... Pressing it in CE doesn't....
16:20:42nikosslowcoder: I think you might want to test that again.  You will be back to a fresh install with the exception of some contacts saved in flash.
16:21:18nikosslowcoder: With Familiar you are free to use the Flash just like an R/W filesystem and store things with no fear of loss due to power loss.
16:21:52slowcodernikos: Quite sure...  Pressing the reset-button doesn't clear the mem..  The powerswitch will tough...
16:22:00vorteXyes but you can only write 100k times /
16:22:21nikosvorteX: JFFS2 is a journalling filesystem.  You don't really have to worry about that.
16:22:39slowcodernikos: I'm familiar with jffs, but I'd like to store applications and OS related things there...  MP3s should go in RAM...
16:22:43vorteXhow does jffs2 journalling help with that ?
16:22:50nikosslowcoder: Unless something is changed I remember that behaviour quite clearly with CE in the short time that I had it.
16:23:10vorteXwill it write to ram first ?
16:23:28nikosvorteX: The limit is on erasures, not writes.  A journalling filesystem will not erase blocks until there are not enough free ones.
16:24:00vorteXthanks for clarifying that
16:24:37slowcodernikos: I'm 99.99% sure, but I'll check it next time I get the urge to install CE...  *s*
16:24:51nikosslowcoder: I don't say that you are lying. ;)  But your's is the first claim that CE maintains the fileystem over resets that I have ever heard.
16:25:12vorteXslow i think it works a bit differently when you press the small reset button
16:25:39slowcodervorteX: 'small' reset button??   Are there more than one _reset_ button ?
16:25:43nikosWhat button are we talking about?  I"m talking about the "reset" button which is on the bottom.
16:25:57vorteXall applications that were busy (in RAM) are not restored when you reset wince
16:26:03nikosNot the "power" button which is just a button like all the others on the front and can do whatever the software wants.
16:26:03vorteXyea me too
16:26:05slowcodernikos: Me too...   Lower right..
16:26:18nikosslowcoder: Yes.
16:26:23vorteXi have noticed only one difference
16:26:35vorteXwince does not lose the time when you press that button
16:26:53vorteXhow is that possible ?
16:26:57nikosLinux can do that to.  Just needs a little software support.
16:27:22trjYou could write the current time to flash, then knowing how long the system takes to reset, set it on boot *g*
16:27:25vorteXhopefully with the next release ;)
16:27:29trj(or just use the clock)
16:27:38nikostrj: The iPAQ has an RTC.  No need. ;)
16:27:41vorteXguestimating it ?
16:27:57trjnikos: I know, I'm just thinking horrible thoughts :)
16:28:08nikosThe RTC simply has no extra battery.  So complete battery failure will lose the time.
16:28:14vorteXmmm, so who is going to implement this for us ? ;)
16:28:26nikosvorteX: What?
16:28:42vorteXtime retention after shutdown -r
16:28:48nikosvorteX: It's already implemented .  And called hwclock.
16:28:55vorteXhuh ?
16:29:02vorteXmine is lost if i reset
16:29:07nikosvorteX: You just need the system setup to do the right thing automatically.  Which Familiar does not do right now.
16:29:11vorteXam i missing something?
16:29:22nikosvorteX: The utility is already there.  It just isn't being run automatically.
16:29:33nikosvorteX: The utility is called hwclock like on all Linux systems.
16:29:37vorteXsorry i am learning slowly but surely :)
16:30:01vorteXmmm, it's not on mine yet :)
16:30:11nikosIt may not be in v0.4 release.
16:30:20vorteXthat's a fact
16:30:24vorteXi just checked
16:30:35slowcoderHow much is an IBM Microdrive ?
16:30:48slowcoder(Whatever currency)
16:30:54nikosIt has been in past releases.  But there was some fear that it didn't work 100% and there was a desire to try to make v0.4 a complete working release.
16:30:59trjslowcoder: depends where you live... I got my 340mb one for 130 GBP.
16:31:05nikosslowcoder: See
16:31:17nikosslowcoder: For US prices that is.
16:31:18vorteXcan you perhaps point me to it nikos?
16:31:29slowcodertrj: Oki... Thanks..
16:31:29wish i knew, vortex
16:31:29vorteXibot hwclock?
16:32:08slowcoderIs there some way we can "learn" ibot?   Even if you're not a bot-admin..
16:32:37nikosslowcoder: Anyone can tell ibot anything.
16:32:39no idea, trj
16:32:39trjibot slowcoder is a person who wants to teach you.
16:32:46trj: i'm not following you...
16:32:46trjibot slowcoder
16:32:55trj: huh?
16:32:55trjibot fetch!
16:33:06OK, nikos.
16:33:06nikosibot: slowcoder is here
16:33:15hmmm... slowcoder is here
16:33:15nikosibot: slowcoder
16:33:20nikos: I forgot slowcoder
16:33:20nikosibot: forget slowcoder
16:33:24nikosTry with :
16:34:51vorteXnikos, do you know if /proc reports ttySA0 stats ?
16:34:51nikosslowcoder: You could probably steal a copy from a skiffcluster, but I don't think it has been packaged up at this point.
16:34:58sjohnsonis back
16:35:01nikosvorteX: Stats?
16:35:16vorteXyes, as in traffic or connectivity status
16:35:41vorteXi have found my tty to become unresponsive in some situations
16:36:05nikosvorteX: I'm not aware of any /proc entries that contain that information.  But maybe that's just my ignorance.
16:36:06vorteXmaybe i can code something to react on some of the /proc tty stats?
16:36:15OK, slowcoder.
16:36:15slowcoderibot: ibot: jffs is JFFS is the Journaling Flash File System developed by Axis Communications in Sweden, aimed at providing a crash/powerdown-safe filesystem for disk-less embedded devices.
16:36:50BZFlag: I forgot jffs
16:36:50BZFlagibot: forget jffs
16:36:57slowcoderHmm..  How much text can an explanation contain?
16:37:03OK, BZFlag.
16:37:03BZFlagibot: ibot: jffs is <reply> JFFS is the Journaling Flash File System developed by Axis Communications in Sweden, aimed at providing a crash/powerdown-safe filesystem for disk-less embedded devices.
16:37:25BZFlagslowcoder: don't know if there is a hardcoded limit or not.
16:37:42BZFlagprobably just the irc line limit 200 some odd characters?
16:38:52slowcoderShort explanations then...
16:39:01OK, slowcoder.
16:39:01slowcoderibot: flash is Flash memory (sometimes called "flash RAM") is a type of constantly-powered nonvolatile memory that can be erased and reprogrammed in units of memory called blocks.
16:40:20OK, slowcoder.
16:40:20slowcoderibot: hwclock is a tool for accessing the Hardware  Clock. You can  display the current time, set the Hardware Clock to a specified time, set the Hardware Clock to the System Time, and set the System Time from the Hardware Clock.
16:43:09slowcoderWhere can I find the doc in Wiki about building a cross-compiler?
16:44:42vorteXanybody here maybe have bbkeys to dcc to me ?
16:44:47slowcoderFound it..
16:45:38slowcodervorteX: Check out
16:46:34vorteXslowcoder thanx a lot
16:46:53vorteXi really need to get somewhere with assigning functions to h/w buttons
16:47:41nikos: excuse me?
16:47:41nikosibot: cross toolchain
16:47:45nikos: sorry...
16:47:45nikosibot: cross tool chain
16:47:49nikos: huh?
16:47:49nikosibot: cross compiler
16:47:54nikos: excuse me?
16:47:54nikosibot: cross tools
16:47:59nikosibot: search for cross
16:48:40slowcodernikos: I found it....
16:48:54nikosslowcoder: The one on the wiki?
16:49:01slowcodernikos: Yup
16:49:52slowcodernikos: Downloading toolchain as we speak...
16:49:54nikosThe author is on right now. ;)
17:03:55slowcoderHmm...  The ramfs mount is only 15Mb... No more, no less..  Doesn't shrink or grow..  What's this?
17:04:44nikosslowcoder: On what are you basing this?
17:05:04nikosslowcoder: It should be exactly the size of it's contents.  No bigger no larger.
17:05:13nikosslowcoder: You are talking about /mnt/ramfs right?
17:05:29nikosslowcoder: It probably has an upper limit set to 16MB.
17:06:48slowcodernikos: How do I adjust the upper limit then??  I can't see any options i /etc/fstab...   (Yes, talking about /mnt/ramfs)
17:07:42nikosslowcoder: I think it is a compile time setting.
17:08:01slowcodernikos: Okay
17:08:25mwlinuxWhere can I get some pim software for my Familiar 0.4 Distro?
17:26:11slowcoderCan I download the kernel from anything else than CVS ?  CVS here is _slow_
17:36:48nikosslowcoder: Be sure to use -z3 or something with CVS.
17:37:45slowcodernikos: Thanks...   A lot faster now.. :)
17:39:35slowcoderIs the deep-sleep problem fixed??   I.e no more than 8h of standby-time..
17:42:09nikosslowcoder: I get a lot more than that.
17:42:18nikosslowcoder: But it varies.
17:43:09nikosslowcoder: It's not 100% finished I think.  I get anywhere from 3 days to over a week of sleep time.
17:43:25nikosslowcoder: It's complex making sure that all devices are shut down properly.
17:46:41slowcoderOk, so a day or two shouldn't be a problem then...
17:49:37vorteXanyone know of any stylus hacks for windowmaker ?
17:50:58nikosnelson: What do you mean about not turning off the screen and touchscreen?
17:51:26nikosnelson: That was specifically done because otherwise hitting the touchscreen turned the LCD back on.
17:52:21slowcoderipkg_install_file: ERROR unpacking control.tar.gz from //tmp/ipkg/apmd_3.0final-1_arm.ipk
17:52:49nikosslowcoder: Delete that file and try installing that one again.
17:54:10slowcodernikos: Worked better... Thnx.
17:57:25slowcoder[root@familiar:~]$ apm
17:57:26slowcoderAC on-line (0:05)
17:58:05nikosUmm, is that new?  I don't remember a command line apm app.
17:58:20nikos:)  The times are not accurate probably.
17:58:26nikoscat /proc/apm
17:59:06slowcoder1.13 1.2 0x02 0x01 0xff 0xff 110% 330 sec
17:59:16slowcoder330 sec ~= 5min
17:59:30nikosEven then it is a total guess.
17:59:52slowcoderOk, so how can I chech the battery-status?
18:00:07nikosThat's what that is.
18:00:20nikosThe percentage doesn't make sense while you have AC plugged in though.
18:00:42slowcoderOki...  So, the percentage is accurate, but the battery-time isn't?
18:00:48nikosslowcoder: Right.
18:00:53nikosslowcoder: Well, no.
18:01:13nikosslowcoder: It's right at 100% (more or less), but 50% is probably more like 10%.
18:01:23nikosslowcoder: It's highly dependent on what hardware is attached.
18:01:29slowcodernikos: As in CE then...
18:33:35mwlinuxis there any pim software out there?
18:36:58dneueris back (gone 04:06:13)
18:37:01dneueris away: gotta get a cup of coffee
18:39:01dneueris back (gone 00:01:59)
19:06:57mwlinuxIs there a good calendar type application available yet?
19:08:59nikosmwlinux: I would recommend using the wiki and search features.
19:09:07nikosmwlinux: The search will also search the mailing lists.
19:24:32boodleis away: java, no!...NET, no way!... coffee!
21:00:18boodleis back (gone 01:35:46)
21:21:11sjohnsonis away: Quitting time. Headed home
21:57:07nelsonnikos: yes, but that was before we had deep-sleep working.
21:59:22fadis there a package with tcpdump, dsniff, hping, nmap, smbtcpdump?
21:59:31fadfancies warwalking

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