irclog2html for #intimate on 20050817

00:08.10TangentI told you that they made a lot of noise
00:09.51Georgeyou did
00:10.12Georgebut I didn't realise that disks were capable of making that much noise
00:40.20TangentHrm.. I'm not sure if I'm bored or tired
00:41.37Georgecheck out my newly redesigned site :)
00:43.33TangentChecking.. but I can't remember what it used to be like
00:44.26Georgehang on
00:45.19GeorgeTangent: that's what it used to look like
00:48.59TangentDon't you get confused calling both computers and hard disks after elements?
00:49.46GeorgeI have a very good memory
00:49.59GeorgeI call everything that needs a name after elements
00:50.12Georgewireless transmitters... partitions...
00:50.50TangentYou must have a limited set of things that needed names :)
00:51.07Georgemy wir
00:51.13TangentOr can you mix your elements into molecules for the bigger systems?
00:51.18Georgemy windows install has been named "NITROGLYCERIN" for obvioius reasons :D
00:51.29GeorgeI haven't hit molecules yet
00:51.33Georgeexcept nitro glycerin
00:51.52Georgebut yes, the plan is go to molecular when I run out of elements
00:54.27GeorgeI have yet to name a system "1-ethyl,2,2-dibromo,3-butyl,5-oxy-methanoate"
00:56.01Georgenot that that molecule could ever exist
01:09.30TangentAh well.. I'm going to bed... Night night
08:32.10TangentMorning all
09:09.19TangentGeorge, Ready for mail messing today? (once you're awake and all that)
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10:16.13TangentHi univac
12:12.21GeorgeTangent: yeah, give me about 3/4 hour to get ready.. :)
12:12.34GeorgeTangent: do you agree with me? :)
12:45.41TangentPretty-much.. yes
12:46.58TangentI'd say.. "If teaching and learning techniques have improved so much that everyone can get an A... More stuff should be taught for the benefit of the students... and to work out who's the smartest"
12:47.30TangentMaybe the 'A' level paper is just as hard as it was in 1980.. but teaching techniques have vastly improved
12:47.42Tangentin which case.. more stuff should be taught
12:47.56GeorgeTangent: precisely
12:48.03GeorgeTangent: but I don't think it has.. I think they've got easier.
12:49.52TangentI think I told you before.. I did my revision for my A-Level-style Maths exam (the university foundation year of maths) from an 'O' level book
12:50.11Tangent'O' levels used to include differentation, integration and other bits of calculus
12:50.20Tangentby the time I did my GSCEs, it was gone
12:50.35Georgewhat sort of differentiation/integration?
12:50.39Georgejust linear stuff?
12:50.47TangentI dread to think what else they've removed now.... Was long division still in GCSEs when you did them?
12:50.55GeorgeI did calculus in my GCSE year because I took GCSE maths a year early
12:51.03Georgeno, long division doesn't exist anymore
12:51.07GeorgeI don't think.
12:51.09Georgenot sure.
12:51.26Georgebut long division is pretty much obsoleted these days unless it's done algebraically
12:51.31George(which comes up in the additional maths I took last year)
12:52.31Georgeshower time.
12:52.33TangentIt's definitely getting easier then
12:52.42Georgeyeah :)
12:52.51Georgealthough I expect my additional maths is more like the O levels were
12:53.05Georgewe did integration, differentiation, area under curves, area between two curves, linear programming..
12:53.20Georgecircles... equations of... mechanics...
12:53.43TangentYeah.. that sounds like my 'O' level maths book
12:53.57Georgealthough only basic calculus
12:53.59Georgeie - linear stuff
12:54.20Georgenone of the more advanced differentiation/integration which involves things like the chain rule, quotient rule, product rule...
12:54.34Georgeor any strange integration techniques like inspection, parts, partial fractions...
12:54.44George(I did a LOT of maths this year)
13:06.05GeorgeTangent: so what are we going to do today?
13:20.16TangentWell.. first off.. let's get the antivirus messages into the junkmail folder too
13:26.34GeorgeVIRUS (Exploit.HTML.IFrame, Worm.SomeFool.P) IN MAIL TO YOU
13:26.53Georgewhat would be a regexp to filter out all emails with "VIRUS (*) IN MAIL TO YOU" in the subject line?
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13:49.01GeorgeTangent: OK
13:49.05GeorgeTangent: I've written it, now to test :D
13:56.59GeorgeTangent: ok, filtering works
14:06.29GeorgeTangent: YAY!
14:06.32GeorgeTangent: per-user filtering works ;D
14:06.44TangentEven better :D
14:06.47TangentWhat's the deal?
14:07.02Georgewell, at the moment, it checks /home/mail/domain/user/.mailfilter
14:07.12Georgebut that could cause trouble with IMAP...
14:07.19Georgeas . files are seen as mail directories
14:07.23Georgeso I'll see what I can do
14:09.58TangentWe just need to hack up a little code to pull the .mailfilter file from sql each time.. That shouldn't be too hard to knock together...
14:10.08Tangentdoes .mailfilter control spam acceptance level too?
14:10.12Georgeit can
14:10.35TangentThe 'Getting rolling with ruby on rails' shows how easy it can be to make sql-web-apps
14:10.35Georgeit basically does some sort of regexp check on the entire email
14:10.38Georgeso you can filter it on ANYTHING
14:12.24TangentOh.. do you know if the alias facility can support aliases with multiple destinations?
14:12.55Georgeit can in raw postfix
14:13.02GeorgeI dunno about the stuff I've set up
14:13.30TangentThere's only one box in postfix-admin for typing addresses into... but it may be possible that you can seperate with semicolons etc
14:13.38Georgeright, currently my account has a custom filter set up whereby it will filter stuff into the junkmail folder if its subject line contains "FOO"
14:14.16GeorgeTangent: in the normal postfix format, it goes "\user, \user, user"
14:14.21GeorgeTangent: and so on
14:15.12TangentGeorge, BTW.. I have had my .postfixrc in my Maildir for many years and it's never caused imap confusion
14:16.01GeorgeTangent: squirrelmail seems to think it's a folder
14:17.02Georgejust noticed? :)
14:17.16TangentNope.. still don't see the problem with my imps mail
14:17.28Georgego to the "Folders" page
14:17.37Georgeand you'll see it there as an option to subscribe to
14:19.24TangentI lied.. my .procmail is outside my maildir
14:19.45Georgeright, this has caused some complication regarding the filtering
14:19.53Georgenow maildrop no longer delivers if the file isn't present
14:20.08Georgeso time to add my magic "touch" to the script I wrote
14:20.12George(bad pun) :)
14:21.50TangentNod.. script will need endless debugging
14:24.28TangentMark = ukplankton
14:24.37TangentI was showing him how to use the postfix-admin stuff
14:24.41Georgemark in crazy mark?
14:24.43Tangentit can/should be removed
14:24.46Georges/in/as in/
14:24.55TangentCrazy Mark as in the guy who sits next to me? Yes!!
14:25.08Georgeok, that's that done
14:25.11Georgeit seems to be working...
14:26.39GeorgeTangent: anyway, play with it and let me know what you think
14:27.04Tangentshall do
14:27.33GeorgeTangent: you'll want to check out /etc/maildroprc too, as that's the central filtering config
14:27.46GeorgeTangent: what does mark think of the new mail system? :)
14:30.17TangentHe thinks it's ok.. but doesn't really understand why it's better
14:30.22TangentDo quotas work?
14:30.43Georgemainly because afaik, that required a special patch to postfix
14:30.47TangentI can see a lot of junkmail folders filling up on unused accounts
14:30.48Georgeand you don't want custom compiled stuf.
14:30.53TangentIndeed I don't
14:31.09Tangentunless it gets us a web interface for controlling maildrop
14:31.11Georgejunkmail folders on unused accounts?
14:31.25TangentThe undelivered stuff fills up fast
14:31.40TangentWould be nice to have a 60-day retention for junkmail.. or something like that
14:31.49Tangenteasy to do with a cron job
14:32.01Georgemy mouse has run out of battery power... just had to plug in my MX300
14:32.05Tangentnice if the MTA or maildrop handled it for us... but easy with a cron job anyway
14:32.32Georgeit could do
14:32.49GeorgeI haven't explored maildrop much mainly because its documentation STINKS
14:33.40Tangentno arguments from me there
14:34.34GeorgeI personally find quotas a pain in the arse ;)
14:37.24GeorgeI love annoying people who ask silly questions
14:37.37Georgesome guy said "omg I just saw your website... why do you need so much memory on your desktop?"
14:37.50Georgeto which I promptly replied "er. I only have 1GB of memory on my desktop..."
15:04.42TangentWhat do you need 1G of memory for,,,, "Well you see... any unused memory gets used as disk cache... and I have more than 1GB  of files"
15:06.20TangentI'm off to look at House V2 (rc1) an about 90 mins :)
15:06.34TangentRelease Candidate 1
15:06.34Georgerelease candidate 1
15:06.41TangentYeah.. I figure there will be others
15:06.53Tangentabout 5 miles south of here
15:06.59Georgeeven further out
15:07.04Tangent5.1 Miles from door to door
15:07.20Georgewe're moving house next year, apparently
15:07.27Georgemy parents are looking at houses in cambridgehsire
15:07.50TangentHeg.. even further out :)
15:08.32Georgeby that time I hopefully won't be living at home anymore
15:08.43Georgewhen I get to university, I have plans of leaving home :)
15:09.04TangentNod.. It's good to go and stand on your own two feet for a while
15:09.11TangentI never regretted leaving home
15:09.21TangentWhole heap of fun
15:09.39TangentEven if it did involve being utterly skint for four years (whilst at uni)
15:09.45Georgequite frankly, I'm fed up of shifting stuff between school/home
15:09.50Georgeand I'm not going to do it at uni...
15:10.00TangentYou'll still have to do that when you're in halls
15:10.11Georgenot if I'm at cambridge...
15:10.11Tangentbut only at the end of year
15:10.18GeorgeI can pay extra to live there during the holidays
15:10.22GeorgeI have friends who did that
15:10.34TangentAh.. You could do that at Kent too.. but I was too tight
15:11.05Georgebut that all depends on whether I get in or not
15:11.20TangentI'm going back to the old halls for residence for the weekend (this weekend)... Meeting up with old uni mates
15:11.28Tangentwe do it every couple of years... just for a laugh
15:11.37Georgelet me guess, you all go to the pub? :)
15:11.42George"just like old times"
15:12.01Georgehow did I know? :)
15:12.01TangentAnd the Bars in the halls
15:12.17GeorgeI wonder what halls are like
15:13.07TangentThe ones at Kent were designed by the same guy who made 'The Maze' prison
15:13.30TangentThe height of luxury accomodation
15:13.37Georgeone of the houses at Harrow was designed by a prison architect
15:13.49TangentI repeat... The height of luxury accomodation
15:14.10Georgeis the mail filtering OK, btw?
15:14.15TangentThey're never designed by hotel architects
15:14.22TangentI haven't looked yet I'm afraid
15:14.30Georgemy house at school was designed by the first house master.
15:14.38Georgethe first house custom built as a boarding house
16:19.24GeorgeTangent: you around?
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17:49.43Georgehrmm. I wonder when RC1 will be finished.
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21:43.11TangentGeorge, I'm around now
21:43.18Tangentrc1 was a bit of a let-down to be honest
21:48.31GeorgeI'm trying to set up a netinst server on linux
21:48.33Georgefirst problem
21:48.44Georgehow the HELL do I mount an iso image's 2nd slice?
21:49.05TangentNo idea I'm afraid
21:52.45Georgeok, screw that
21:54.42GeorgeI gave my sparc keyboard a good clean with some alcohol :D
21:55.03Georgetook all the keycaps off... vacuumed the inside... cleaned each keycap with alcohol.. then snapped them back onto the keyboard
21:59.29Georgewhile searching around on bbc news... I saw an interesting past article
21:59.52Georgesome girl who got rejected from oxford or cambridge and decided that it was unfair and so "vowed to win the Nobel Prize"
22:16.00GeorgeTangent: know much about partitions then?
22:27.02TangentNot about solaris partitions.. they're weird
22:29.06GeorgeI meant about normal PC partitions
22:29.38Georgecarbon george # fdisk -l ./sol-9-u7-install-sparc.iso
22:29.38GeorgeDisk ./sol-9-u7-install-sparc.iso (Sun disk label): 1 heads, 640 sectors, 2048 cylinders
22:29.41GeorgeUnits = cylinders of 640 * 512 bytes
22:29.46George./sol-9-u7-install-sparc.iso1   r         0         1       320    4  SunOS usr
22:29.50George./sol-9-u7-install-sparc.iso2   r         1      2085    666880    2  SunOS root
22:29.52George./sol-9-u7-install-sparc.iso3          2085      2093      2560    0  Empty
22:29.55George./sol-9-u7-install-sparc.iso4          2093      2101      2560    0  Empty
22:29.57George./sol-9-u7-install-sparc.iso5          2101      2109      2560    0  Empty
22:30.00George./sol-9-u7-install-sparc.iso6          2109      2117      2560    0  Empty
22:30.03Georgethat's an fdisk output for the ISO image
22:30.05Georgehow would I use dd to split off the second partition?
23:11.56Tangentsomething like 'dd if=./sol-9-u7-install-sparc.iso of=part2.iso bs=1024 skip=1 count=666880
23:14.29Georgetoday is results day.
23:15.08TangentA few hours until you find out how many A*(Turbo Ultra II) you managed to get

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