irclog2html for #intimate on 20050624

05:12.52*** join/#intimate foo (~foo@foo.user)
05:13.17fooHmm, I just got an iPAQ Pocket PC ... was thinking about putting intimate debian on it, but how is the compatibility ?
05:13.34fooI mean, if a bunch of things don't work, can I put windows back on?
05:13.39fooI also have a zaurus SL-5600
06:15.56*** join/#intimate Tangent (
08:25.13*** join/#intimate univac (
12:06.42TangentThis is ridiculous... not only is my Internet connection down.. but now I've got no electricity either
13:58.32*** join/#intimate Tangent (
14:24.02*** join/#intimate univac (
17:33.06*** join/#intimate BBrox (
22:11.19*** join/#intimate Tangent (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.