irclog2html for #intimate on 20030512

10:26.00*** join/#intimate WiZDOM__ (~me@
10:26.04WiZDOM__Mornin all
12:23.09TangentWiZDOM__: Morning
12:23.32TangentActually, I'm at work... but that doesn't offset the boredom for today
12:37.28WiZDOM__Lo mate
12:38.08WiZDOM__I'm at the office at the moment. just about to go to lunch - will speak more when i get back
13:12.58*** join/#intimate ibot (ibot@
13:12.58*** topic/#intimate is - Debian on iPAQ.
13:13.18TangentWiZDOM__: What are you doing in the office on a Monday?
13:13.22TangentNon-lazy slacker?
13:39.24TangentOn second thoughts.... > 1 hour for lunch....
13:39.24TangentLazy slacker
14:08.07WiZDOM__hehe... catching up
14:08.28WiZDOM__sales are not as good as they should be so it's noses to the grindstone time
14:15.35TangentNod... same here...
14:15.41Tangentsales are few and far between
14:16.03WiZDOM__tis a difficult time for some atm
14:16.38TangentI'm actually picking up new business etc... but I'm having to work so hard for it, I'm almost inclined not to bother
20:01.59*** join/#intimate BBrox (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.