irclog2html for intimate on 2001.12.02

00:01:15Disconnectbiggest problem is nobody knows how CE organizes flash.
00:01:34Disconnectbut in theory bootblaster could read something as a ramdisk image, using CE filesystem calls, and then go from there.
00:15:19flypipersorry, I was looking for a usb driver for my nat box
00:15:37flypiperlooks like she is a winner..ipkg update finished
00:16:08Disconnectcool :)
00:17:31flypiperyea it do good work
00:19:06flypiperwhat would the address or ID of a wireless card be?
00:19:33Disconnectwireless stuff has a boatload of addys. mac addy, ip addy, station id..
00:20:09flypiperA friend gave me the compaq ipaq home wireless unit..and I just put it in my ipaq..
00:21:00flypipercardmgr[78] product info: compaq, 11mps wirless pc card, ver..
00:21:32flypipermanfid: 0x028a, 0x002 function 6 (network)
00:22:02flypiperlooks like it has been recognized...where can I find config info?
00:22:42flypiperthis would be sweet if I can get it to work
00:37:15flypiperIll figure it out..thanks
00:42:20flypiperwith the params file in /boot ...after you change it to boot intimate....if the HD is not inserted in the ipaq at boot will it boot fam?
00:42:33flypiperor just hang?
00:42:39Disconnectlinuxrc.intimate tries for intimate, then boots fam
00:43:00Disconnectshould know, he wrote it ;)
00:44:30flypiperis configuring familiar....don't know why...
00:44:30flypiperyou got anything else for me?
00:44:48Disconnectjust #Kiss if you are interested in providing feedback
00:45:26flypiperOK ill go there
02:36:23JamieBeckeris anyone around?
02:36:39JamieBeckeri just install qpe on my intimate and now I can't log in via serial or ssh
02:36:44JamieBeckernetworking is working
02:36:56JamieBeckerwhen I log in with serial, it asks for login but not password
02:37:09JamieBeckerdenies login four times but never asked for password
02:37:18JamieBeckerdid installing qpe screw up pam or something?
02:38:13JamieBeckeris anyone there?
02:38:24sgodsellWhat version of QPE?
02:38:51JamieBeckerumm...i'm not sure. i installed ipkg and pointed it at
02:40:02JamieBeckeryep just saw that ok
02:40:09JamieBecker(qpe-base right?)
02:40:16sgodsellHmm, I know it install stuff in lib, etc, actually almost all over
02:40:30sgodsellIt has been a long time since I installed QPE
02:40:45JamieBeckeralthough it doesn't much matter, the add/remove software icon doesn't actually add them to the desktop
02:40:57JamieBeckeri installed it on familiar a while ago. it was cool
02:41:55JamieBeckeri'm writing a knowledge brief for TLG (here in compaq) and present it on monday and talk about how cool it is. :-( bummer
02:42:30JamieBeckerTangent, Disconnect, anyone have any ideas?
02:42:43JamieBeckersounds like my pam setup is hosed, but i don't know
02:43:01JamieBeckertried installing ash, (via the add/remove) but what do i do if i can't even log into it.
02:43:13JamieBeckermaybe i can boot into familiar and mount the drive.
02:43:54JamieBeckerany idea where in the boot sequence i can make it optional to boot intimate? (i.e., so i don't have to have intimate necessarily load if the microdrive isn't handy.)
02:47:16JamieBeckeralrighty i'm going to take a break from this gosh-darned newfangled piece of tomfoolery. ;-)
02:54:16sgodsellJamieBecker: Do you have a CF card or pcmcia drive?  Did you make a backup before hand?
02:55:46DisconnectJamieBecker: what linuxrc.intimate does is try to boot intimate, and fall back to familiar if it fails
02:55:48Disconnectso no issues
03:02:13JamieBeckerno :-) fresh (re)install of intimate, so no loss
03:02:25JamieBeckerDisconnect: cool
03:02:37JamieBeckerso i should boot familiar and then manually mount intimate
03:02:45JamieBeckerand then look at /etc/pam.d?
03:06:35JamieBeckerpam.d -- pluggable authentication modules...
03:07:00Disconnectright. what are you trying to do?
03:07:44JamieBeckersorry...trying to figure out why i can't log in either remotely or via serial. get login: and enter root, but no prompt to enter password before it starts saying login denied
03:08:03JamieBeckerit says that four times (the fourth time says max number of tries) and then drops back to login:
03:08:19Disconnectum. odd. wait. edit /etc/securetty
03:08:23Disconnectadd /dev/ttySA0
03:12:38JamieBeckeralready there
03:13:27JamieBeckeractually i think if it wasn't there, it wouldn't let on to the fact that there was a user name root, it'd prompt for password. no, this is weirder
03:13:44Disconnectalready there.. oddness.
03:13:45Disconnectkicks tangent
03:13:54Disconnecthas no idea..
03:15:17JamieBeckeri think it's in pam.d...bunch of files changed. i think it's trying to authenticate against a non-existent pam
03:32:02jamiesonsh-2.03# chroot /root/hda /usr/sbin/adduser jamie
03:32:02jamiesonAdding user jamie...
03:32:02jamiesonAdding new group jamie (1001).
03:32:02jamiesonAdding new user jamie (1001) with group jamie.
03:32:02jamiesonHome directory /home/jamie already exists.  Not copying from /etc/skel
03:32:02jamiesonpasswd: Module is unknown
03:32:04jamiesonadduser: `passwd jamie' returned error code 10.  Aborting.
03:32:06jamiesonCleaning up.
03:32:08jamiesonRemoving user `jamie'.
03:32:10jamiesonRemoving group `jamie'.
03:32:12jamiesongroupdel: group jamie does not exist
03:32:15Disconnectsounds like you fsckered it but good.
03:32:36jamiesonyeah pretty cool huh
03:32:41jamiesonis proud of himself
03:33:19jamiesongrins sheepishly and looks for something else to break
03:33:46jamiesonlisten: passwd: Module is unknown sounds like a pam problem, do you agree?
03:34:29jamiesoncheck this out...
03:34:52Disconnectis afraid of you ;)
03:34:55jamiesonsh-2.03# ls -al pam.d/
03:34:55jamiesontotal 52
03:34:55jamiesondrwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          360 Dec  2 03:20 .
03:34:55jamiesondrwxr-xr-x   38 root     root         2944 Dec  2 03:29 ..
03:34:55jamieson-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          306 Nov 26 21:50 chfn
03:34:56jamieson-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          509 Nov 26 21:50 chsh
03:34:59jamieson-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          791 Nov 26 22:22 kde
03:35:00jamieson-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          100 Oct 28 17:38 kscreensaver
03:35:02jamieson-rw-rw-r--    1 root     root         4013 Dec  2 03:20 login
03:35:04jamieson-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         4013 Dec  2 03:20 login.bak
03:35:06jamieson-rw-rw-r--    1 root     root         4017 Nov 26 21:50 login.dpkg-old
03:35:09jamieson-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          341 Nov 26 21:50 other
03:35:10jamieson-rw-rw-r--    1 root     root         1242 Nov 26 21:50 passwd
03:35:13jamieson-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          182 Nov 26 21:50 ppp
03:35:15jamieson-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          765 Sep 13 22:04 ssh
03:35:16jamieson-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1388 Nov 26 21:50 su
03:35:21jamiesonain't skeered ;-)
03:35:43jamiesonis a texan now and darned if he ain't skeered of nuttin
03:36:36jamiesonany of those differ from your intimate? (sorry if this is getting personal)
03:36:40sgodsellis away: sick baby
03:50:39jamiesonDisconnect: could you upload your ls -l /etc/pam.d
03:51:31Disconnectroot@intimate:/opt/task-boot/1.0/kiss# ls -l /etc/pam.d/
03:51:32Disconnecttotal 60
03:51:32Disconnect-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          306 Oct 11 13:16 chfn
03:51:32Disconnect-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          509 Oct 11 13:16 chsh
03:51:32Disconnect-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          197 Oct  7 01:05 cron
03:51:32Disconnect-rw-rw-r--    1 root     root         4013 Oct 11 13:16 login
03:51:34Disconnect-rw-rw-r--    1 root     root         4017 Oct 11 13:16 login.dpkg-old
03:51:38Disconnect-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          341 Oct 11 13:16 other
03:51:40Disconnect-rw-rw-r--    1 root     root         1242 Oct 11 13:16 passwd
03:51:43Disconnect-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          182 Oct 11 13:16 ppp
03:51:44Disconnect-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          126 Sep  6 03:24 samba
03:51:48Disconnect-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          126 Oct 30 21:59 samba.dpkg-new
03:51:50Disconnect-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           26 Sep 13 19:47 screen
03:51:52Disconnect-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          765 Sep 13 18:04 ssh
03:51:54Disconnect-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1386 Oct 11 19:13 su
03:51:56Disconnect-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           38 Apr 24  2001 sudo
03:51:58Disconnect-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          105 Nov  1 19:13 xscreensaver.dpkg-new
03:54:03jamiesonmaybe su? all the rest look same length
04:04:12jamiesonDisconnect: could you upload your cat /etc/pam.d/su ? thx!
05:14:06jamiesonDisconnect: could you upload your cat /etc/pam.d/su ? thx!
05:21:13jamiesonthanks!! i think that's it -- # Uncomment this if you want wheel members to be able to
05:21:13jamieson# su without a password.
05:21:13jamiesonauth       sufficient trust
05:21:18jamiesonwas remmed out on mind
05:33:26greenois away: gym
06:12:31TangentDisconnect : Just noticed your kick
06:12:46Tangentis not very responsive tonight
06:16:46greenois back (gone 00:43:20)
06:17:58jamiesonTangent! hi!
06:18:07jamiesonTangent: you have a sec?
07:23:58greenoguys, why do you think I may be having a problem rotating the screen?
08:15:07Tangentprh : Morning
08:15:16Tangentgreeno : Using the old Xfbdev ?
08:16:34Tangentgreeno : Try the bits from here instead...
08:39:43greenoTangent: thx - I'll take a look
09:18:50greenoTangent: should I just copy those files over the old ones... I don't have an Xipaq bin there already
09:21:23prhtangent: what are you doing up now?
09:22:23BBroxDoes one need a newer LILO version for bzImage kernels ?
12:11:51greenoguys - any ideas on how to get python-gtk installed?  Broken deps are borking me atm
13:34:28Tangentprh : I was sleeping/watching TV when you asked
13:34:41Tangentprh : Now I'm thinking about python code again
14:15:09Tangentgoes off to watch TV for a bit
15:05:44Omaryo all
15:57:56EGg0is away: I'm reading a book. Do you remember books?
16:28:01sgodsellis away: bbl
18:59:33sgodsellis back (gone 02:31:32)
20:29:06sgodsellis away: I have got to go!

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