irclog2html for intimate on 2001.09.25

00:11:09catch23what was the fix for that "respawning too fast" problem?  I solved it a long time ago but now I forget....
00:12:29robl_hrmm. I installed intimate.. but X was not started automatically and 'startx' doesn't work
01:39:45catch23eh, the password for fresh installation of intimate is "rootme" is it not?
01:42:17sjohnsoncatch23: YES.
01:47:57catch23strange that it doesn't work... hmm...
01:48:32rumour has it ssh-keygen is '/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -b 1024 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key -N ""' and '/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -d -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -N ""'
01:48:32robl_ibot, ssh-keygen
01:53:04sjohnsoncatch23: Try adding /dev/ttySA0 to the /etc/securetty file
01:53:39catch23ah k...
14:43:15robl^anyone know why an iPAQ would freeze while running mkreiserfs during intimate install?
15:10:32wear2does anybody know where the code for blkmtd is? on intimate site there are only binaries...
17:39:18EGg0_in|outis away: going to teach class- I'll show those little bastards who's boss :)
18:49:07robl^can anyone here give me a few pointers to get around some intimate install glitches?
19:52:55robl^can anyone here give me a few pointers to get around some intimate install glitches?
20:18:14EGg0_in|outis back (gone 02:38:53)
21:39:20tangent was last seen on 10 days, 12 hours, 7 minutes and 41 seconds ago, saying: I'm off to stick some paper to some walls... Catch you all later on... Bye [Sat Sep 15 10:31:39 2001]
21:39:20jacques_goneibot: seen tangent
22:22:54pisymbolanyone successfully build a new toolchain?
22:30:08pisymbolI had to use --disable-shared to get gcc to ld - but of course now I can't execute binaries on my iPAQ
22:55:44robl^"dpkg: error processing libc6 (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1"...  hrmm is that normal during intimate install?
23:27:02pisymbolno, I don't think so
23:27:22pisymbolof course, what is install kernel version - is it still 2.4.3?
23:27:38robl^yeah.  2.4.3   stock familiar 0.4
23:28:49robl^didn't start x...  and ther is an error in the log gile that it couldn't find a map file.
23:29:01robl^er... log file didn't start X that may be because the device touch screen has the wrong major number
23:29:42pisymbolhold on...can you log in?
23:30:01robl^yeah.  I logged in via serail console
23:30:16robl^ugh.  I need typing lessons.
23:31:43pisymbolalright, goto /etc/init.d
23:31:55pisymbol'cat devfs'
23:32:27robl^ok!  what am I looking for?
23:33:32pisymbolit should be script that mknod's your devices --- whats ts? 253?
23:33:49robl^/dev/ts c 254 0  & /dev/tsraw is c 254 1
23:34:48pisymbolls -l /dev/ts*
23:35:11pisymbolwhat's the output?
23:35:14robl^crw-r--r--    1 root     root     254,   0 Jan  1 03:36 /dev/ts
23:35:14robl^crw-r--r--    1 root     root     254,   1 Jan  1 03:36 /dev/tsraw
23:35:40pisymbolthen your what do you see when X starts?
23:35:55robl^it doesn't
23:36:16robl^I still have the little penguin logo in the corner
23:36:40pisymbolwait a minute...ohh...
23:36:48pisymbolwhat does the console say when you boot up
23:39:42robl^hold on.. rebooting
23:40:20pisymbolokay, it may come up now  - the new install has to include a stable newer image
23:41:49robl^hrmmm.  Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent than /lib/modules/2.4.3-rmk2-np1/modules.deps is repeated several times
23:42:26pisymbolokay...what else do you see
23:43:34robl^want me to paste the entire boot sequence?
23:44:09pisymbolno, not yet, what are the error messages do you see?
23:44:30robl^sck: fsck.reiserfs: not found
23:44:30robl^fsck: Error 2 while executing fsck.reiserfs for /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1
23:45:03robl^Warning: /lib/modules/2.4.3-rmk2-np1/kernel/arch/arm/mach-sa1100/apm.apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x02 (Driver version 1.13)
23:45:03robl^o symbol for parameter bounce_interval not found
23:45:22robl^modprobe: Can't locate module *
23:46:19pisymbolis this a fresh install or did you flash a custom kernel?
23:46:33pisymbollog in and do a depmod
23:47:02robl^fresh instal.. I installed familiar 0.4, bootstrap, then did an intimate install
23:47:47robl^depmod did noting mut return me to the prompt
23:47:57robl^mut=but even
23:49:42pisymbolthats fine....what does your /var/log/messages have to say?
23:50:25pisymbolthe Warning is power management, and I'm not entirely sure why you got that
23:50:34robl^kernel: Cannot find map file.
23:50:52robl^kernel: inocache at c1f1ea68  
23:51:02robl^everything else loooks normal
23:51:39pisymbolno wait that's okay
23:51:54robl^this is the same thing it did when I installed yesterday.  I followed the directions to the letter... twice
23:52:10pisymbolno, what od you seeon your screen, the boot up screen?
23:52:20pisymboldid you install on /dev/hda1 <--- that's important
23:53:16pisymbolokay.  what do you see on your screen irght now
23:53:42robl^boot up screen (on iPAQ) just has Tux and "Setting unmounting /boot..."  and "Setting up device nodes..."
23:54:24pisymbolhmm...alright...question, can you do a mount /boot
23:55:14pisymbolare you booting from a microdrive?
23:55:32robl^ok.. it mounted
23:55:44robl^yes.  I have a 340MB microdrive
23:56:25pisymbolcd /boot
23:56:39pisymbollet's take a look at your linuxrc.intimate script
23:56:45pisymbolthat's what starts intimate
23:57:21pisymbolhey sgodsell
23:57:29robl^he sgodsell_nb
23:57:38sgodsell_nbHello everyone  ;)
23:58:09robl^pisymbol: what should I be looking for in the boot script?
23:58:30pisymbolokay...when you boot through this script it should go into the [ -b /dev/hda1] block of code
23:58:39pisymbolAnd then pivot and boot intimate
23:59:07pisymboldoes it get there?
23:59:17pisymbolDo you see the echo statement when you boot up?

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