irclog2html for intimate on 2001.07.29

09:29:19Tangentwakes up.. and isn't happy about being awake
09:29:54BBroxHmm ?
09:31:20TangentIt was around 5am when I went to bed.. I could do with a couple of extra hours, but GF has kicked me out of bed
09:31:55BBroxOuch :-)
09:32:24cjunkyhahahaha same here
09:32:33cjunkywife kicked me out of bed a few hours ago
09:32:59cjunkyi dont see how she should be allowed to lie in but i have to get up
09:33:15Tangentcjunky : Yeah... mine's still lounging around too
09:33:23cjunkymutters about women and double standards.
09:33:35TangentDamn... these women have got us where they want us... (which is apparently using IRC)
09:34:15cjunkyyeh. the worst thing about my wife is shes an admin for the bbc, so she can use irc too
09:34:32cjunkyi have to resort to ytalk now as a refuge
09:35:29cjunkybtw: the ipaq roms seem to write faster if you put your ipaq in a fridge for half an hour or so
09:35:44TangentHaha... IRC is still my only safe communications medium... Work can't reach me.. Family can't reach me... Just friends
09:39:17cjunkyman having an aircon in my computer room rules.
09:39:37cjunkytries to resist the temptation to go to sleep
10:27:41BBroxshould stop web-surfing.... Each time I get new ideas about things to hack on for the iPAQ :-)
11:04:13martinhello, did anyone try xmame on intimate?
11:05:02Tangentmartin : Not yet
11:05:14Tangentor at least, if they did then they didn't tell me
11:05:18martinit doesnt appear to work...
11:05:30TangentWhat does/doesn't it do?
11:05:47martinno errors appear in the terminal window
11:05:54martinan x window is opened
11:06:02martinbut its completely blank
11:06:19TangentDoes it use LibSDL?
11:06:44martinhmmm, not sure.... I think the prob may be related to missing lib...
11:07:00TangentSounds reasonable... ldd xmame
11:08:51martinah got some dependencies up, thanks :)
11:09:17martindidnt know you could do that 8-)
11:09:30TangentNor did I until about three months ago
11:09:43TangentI've learnt so much playing with linux on the iPAQ
11:15:26martinhave some file dependency problem with libm and libc
11:15:40martincant find the libraries....
11:15:51martinwell the files with exact name
11:16:04Tangentapt-cache dump | grep Package | grep libm
11:18:19martinhmmm, what is libm?
11:18:28TangentNot sure
11:19:33BBroxlibm = libmath
11:19:40BBroxCosinus, sinus and all that
11:19:57TangentBBrox : Tangent?
11:20:46BBroxTangent: you are in libm :-)
11:20:56TangentHeh.. cool :)
11:21:58mdjhello :) something internet connection related died .... :(
11:22:13mdjits martin again...
11:22:21TangentI guessed :)
11:22:30mdjim going do do some search for libm.....
11:26:45Tangentmdj  : You probably missed that comment... libm is libmath
11:26:59Tangentmdj : For sine, cosine and of course Tangent :)
11:27:25mdjah !
11:30:30mdji think that libc provides libm....
11:32:29mdji have libc6 installed, but dont appear to have a filename
11:33:19mdjI have too but dont appear to have
11:33:52mdjis libc a newer version on familiar?
11:34:22mdjmaybe if the package was built for familiar there may be some probs running on intimate....
11:34:43mdjdo you know where i can get the source, to re-compile?
11:34:45TangentShould be the same version I think... You could always try copying it over and running ldconfig (remember to back up the existing libc first)
11:34:57Tangentcopying from familiar that is
11:35:05mdjhmmm, okay...
11:36:25mdjthanks for your help tangent :)
11:36:45mdji'll let u know how i get on later...
11:36:52mdjbye for now :)
12:05:42BBroxHmmmmmm, 22 cycles per pixel... Wonder how the Intel engineers did that for the YUV -> RGB conversion....
12:06:17cjunkyhmmm ok is there a way to transfer a package into the ramfs from boot?
12:06:30cjunkyive got 4.4.6 running but no ppp installed
12:06:36cjunkyerr 2.4.6
12:07:02BBroxFrom bootloader ?
12:08:02BBroxWhy not use 'rx' and 'sx' or 'rz' and 'sz' via the serial port once logged in ?
12:08:30cjunkygood thinking batman ;)
12:08:35BBroxIe use minicom :-)
12:25:51cjunkyunder 2.4.6 ramfs comes up as using 0 blocks
12:26:00cjunkybut seems to be working ok
12:34:32Tangentramfs dynamically sizes to fit the contents
12:34:44cjunkyah nice
12:39:35cjunkyok whats the url for the latest itimate installer, and is there anything else i should have installed to familiar before I begin?
12:41:33Tangentcjunky : As long as you've got networking up, you should be ok
12:41:56Tangentcjunky : The installdocs are at
12:42:28TangentThe installer itself is at
12:42:47cjunkytangent: thanks
12:43:24cjunkytangent: i followed the docs the other day, but ended up with an incomplete system, trying to make sure that doesnt happen this time
12:55:12Tangentcjunky : It can be a bit hit and miss depending upon the state of debian unstable
13:00:53cjunkytangent: if the ramfs is dynamically grown in 2.4.6, is there a util to show its status (how much is files, how much is memory, or just how full)?
13:05:45TangentJust how full I think...
13:05:58cjunkywhats it called?
13:11:35Tangentcjunky : df
13:12:15mallumhi Tangent
13:12:37cjunkytangent: no df only shows the rom
13:12:57cjunkyaccording to df ramfs is a filesystem with 0 blocks, and therefore doesnt list it
13:13:18cjunkydf -a just outputs: ramfs                        0         0         0   -  /mnt/ramfs
13:15:31TangentDo you have anything stored on ramfs yet?
13:24:42TangentHi mallum
13:32:33cjunkytangent: yeh i have about 2 meg in there at the moment
13:32:45cjunkytangent df -a still shows ramfs as being 0 blocks
13:33:15TangentWeird.... Not seen that behaviour before
13:33:46cjunkythis is Linux familiar 2.4.6-rmk1-np2-devfs btw
13:33:52pisymbolhow did your ramfs get to be 0 blocks
13:34:15cjunkyits clearly not 0 blocks as I can store files in it without any issues
13:38:41pisymbol_mailbombingI'll see you guys later
17:27:44mallumis away: bbq
18:42:06smokis away: I'm busy, see you tomorrow
19:27:30Willfechuckles as he finishes cleaning up the mess that was KDE's last failed attempt to run.
19:27:34WillfeDoes KDE actually work in Intimate?
19:27:40WillfeI ask 'cause it just exploded colorfully at me :)
20:48:38TangentWillfe : Yep.. KDE works for me
20:48:45TangentTho KDM doesn't
20:49:07WillfeYeah, KDM is bogus for me too.
20:49:17WillfeCan you just fire up the KDE window manager and the panel and stuff?
20:49:45WillfeIt eventually barks "cpu overload -- aborting" and other comical failure messages before it gives up, with dozens of kdeinit processes just sucking up memory :)
20:49:55WillfeI can get individual KDE apps to run, btw.
20:50:11TangentCPU overload... that's an interesting message
20:50:13WillfeI will definitely be frightening folks at work tomorrow by forking a copy of Konqueror on it for them :)
20:50:17WillfeTangent: Yeah :) I laughed when I saw that.
20:50:41WillfeIt for some reason puts the image of Mr. Burns just going that "uggggh.." noise he does, then crumbling onto the floor in a heap.
20:52:10TangentWow... pretty cool error messages you get
20:53:56Willfehmmm... there's a hint of disbelief in Tangent, methinks :)
20:54:22BBroxAs long as you do not have a CPU core meltdown error :-)
20:54:24Willfe(that last bit was better explained as "in my head, it gives me the image of ...")
20:54:49TangentNono.. I believe you... I'm just wondering if it's something new in the latest KDE.. It's been weeks since I've touched my iPAQ
20:55:04Willfe"Startind KDE... cpu overload... please place the iPAQ in a containment vessel and leave the state. NOW."
21:05:50Tangentstruggles with analogue electronic circuits
21:56:33cmarqubash-2.03# mount -t reiserfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1
21:56:33cmarqumount: /dev/hda1: unknown device
21:57:06cmarquthis is qpe over familiar where familar had an intimate installed over it
21:57:27cmarqudoes intimate change everything to devfs?
22:24:09Tangentcmarqu : Yep
22:24:18TangentTho /dev/hda1 should still work
22:24:31Tangentthe device node is created by cardmgr when it starts ide support
22:36:35cmarquhmm, didn't get created somehow. rebooted in the meantime, getting problems there.
23:46:53Tangentcmarqu : Nope.. not tommorow
23:47:07TangentNor any day next week :)
23:47:29cmarquTangent: cool. don't need to get up early tomorrow then?
23:47:54TangentIn fact.. I was still asleep at 7pm today :)
23:48:01cmarqui wish i could say that...
23:48:37cmarquoh, 7pm. i only do that when i had tequila the day before
23:48:37TangentI'm a gentleman of leisure again :)
23:49:18cmarquso are we getting an xbase-clients-tiny package then? :)
23:50:02TangentUnlikely.. I should be getting my new house next week...
23:50:17TangentI've been building the new power and climate control systems to go in there
23:50:41TangentMore fun than repackaging .debs for now
23:50:42cmarquah. so you are moving. do you have cat5 everywhere?
23:51:13Tangent802.11 for some nodes
23:51:37TangentThe huge majority are being stripped of their cases, and being built into my computer closet
23:52:04TangentThere'll probably be only one machine not located in there
23:52:16cmarquyeah, that's cool.
23:52:35cmarquyou mean the ipaq is allowed to sit on your desk?
23:52:56TangentYeah.. sadly, i haven't connected up the iPAQ in about three weeks... It's got power, but that's all
23:53:21TangentAll my serial ports on this machine are full of IO boards at the moment.. and I haven't got around to unpacking my laptop to use that
23:53:59cmarquIO for what?
23:54:18TangentOK.. here's a rundown of the systems for new place...
23:54:31Tangent1. Solar power source.. 106Watts on a sunny day
23:54:44Tangent2. Battery charge circuit
23:54:46Tangent3. Inverter
23:54:59Tangent4. Many lights, fans etc
23:55:32TangentCollection of X10, and custom built stuff to hook up to a computer... been developing the interface for it all
23:55:56cmarquso you have a central control for all that?
23:56:01TangentMy idea is to rewire my office to make use of solar energy if it's available, and to switch over to grid if required
23:56:40TangentYep.. currently it's a load of boxes sitting un my desk.. nicely mixing 12V at pretty much unlimited current (unfused), 220VAC, and my PC
23:57:10TangentYou wouldn't believe how quickly you can fry a zener diode with no current limiting
23:58:24TangentI want to measure solar voltage, solar current, battery voltage, battery current, inverter output, temperature (four locations), light (2 locations), 4xPIR sensor
23:58:27cmarquhehe. tried without any resistor?
23:58:49TangentI had the resistor plugged into a bit of breadboard.. I plugged the zener into the wrong hole
23:59:06Tangentgot hot very very quickly.. nice little white flash in the middle of it
23:59:38cmarquthen you need to write a gkrellm plugin to monitor all that
23:59:48TangentIn total, I want to control 4x12V fans, 4x240V light, 1XAircon and whatever X10 stuff I choose to plug into

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