irclog2html for intimate on 2001.06.16

03:51:07finalfantasydogi work on the intimate distro
03:51:08finalfantasydogdoing web work
07:37:46finalfantasydogwhat's that?
08:21:25Tangentwakes up
08:21:48jacquesTangent: yo. I got freedos booting on my ipaq under bochs
08:22:02TangentCool :)
08:22:10TangentThat's good :)
08:22:24TangentI wonder if we can get LemmingaCGA to run ?
08:22:58jacquesTangent: bochs is incredibly slow
08:23:19Tangentjacques : As long as it can emulate a 4Mhz 8086, then lemmings will run fine
08:23:35jacquesand AFAICT doesn't support any res lower than vga :-(
08:23:43TangentShould be fine... It used to work on my amiga and that only had a 7MHz CPU
08:23:49TangentLemminga only wants CGA
08:24:08Tangentjacques : Screenshot please :)
08:24:13jacquesTangent: bochs is a PC emulator written in C++
08:24:22TangentNod... I knew that
08:24:34jacquesTangent: it runs at about 1MHz on a PII400
08:24:48TangentKinda slower than I expected
08:24:58jacquesno screen shot because I had to build it in terminal mode
08:25:13jacquesbecause I didn't want to deal with the 640x480 window it creates
08:25:33TangentMust be very challenging to emulate an 8086 on an 80x86... Lots of work to do decoding the instructions and putting them in a format that the 80x86 can use ;)
08:25:44jacquesyeah, I'm still trying to figure if I did something wrong to get it to be so slow, but that's what the faq said
08:26:11jacquesTangent: they emulate the whole proc and bios and hard drives, floppied everything
08:26:13TangentMyabe it's hardware level emulation... move this bit from this register to that register etc..
08:26:23jacquesTangent: i think so
08:26:30TangentAck.. no wonder it's slow
08:27:27TangentCool... ffd has the new shots on the site :)
08:28:01TangentHmm.. the thumbs for the portrait piccies are in landsape mode
08:28:41TangentHmm.. none of the shots with the fonts fixed have made it up yet...
08:28:48jacqueshmmm, still the KDE pics with the bad fonts
08:28:53TangentBut still looks better than it was :)
08:29:15Tangentjacques : Did you try out KDE on your iPAQ yet?
08:29:43jacquesTangent: no
08:29:59TangentThe tetris pic is missing too... Just a thumb there... I guess ffd's still uploading stuff as we speak
08:32:19TangentHi finalfantasydog
08:32:28jacquesi think there must be something wrong with my bochs
08:32:40jacquesbecause it is a lot slowedr than it should be
08:32:44Tangentfinalfantasydog : how's it going.. I see you've made some changes... excellent :)
08:32:56finalfantasydogoh yes
08:33:02finalfantasydogi didn't relize there was no screenshots up
08:33:03finalfantasydogon your page
08:33:40Tangentmy page? Which page, which server?
08:33:53finalfantasydogi mean new
08:33:55finalfantasydognot no
08:34:00finalfantasydogi need sleep badly
08:34:01finalfantasydogjust about to
08:34:09finalfantasydogafter i upload this pic
08:34:20TangentNod... I might have a go at the screenshots page whilst you're asleep then...
08:34:49TangentReplace the broken font piccies with working font piccies etc...
08:34:57finalfantasydogokay that's fine
08:35:05finalfantasydogthat will be good
08:35:27TangentOK.. I'll do it then :)
08:36:33finalfantasydogkeep thumbs the same size though
08:37:13TangentNod.. but I'll make the portrait thumbs in portrait... 75x100 instead of 100x75
08:38:16finalfantasydogthat's good
08:54:40jacquesCalibrating delay loop.. ok - 0.82 BogoMIPS
08:55:07TangentNot fast :)
08:55:57jacquesand that's on my PC
08:56:17jacquesCalibrating delay loop... 18.07 BogoMIPS
08:56:23jacquesthat's with a differnt disk image
08:56:29jacquesi think I need to mess with this some more
09:04:52TangentBBIAB.. going to the shops for a bit...
09:06:17jacquesheh, there's just something wrong with the freedos image
09:06:24jacquesbecause the linux images are much faster
10:03:16RichBHet Tangent
10:03:20RichBHey Tangent
10:03:38jacquesRichB: Tangent went to shops - he will be back soon
10:05:38RichBjacques : Thx - will soldier on on my own ;)
10:22:59Tangentcomes back
10:23:11TangentBut RichB's gone now... damn
10:23:19TangentHave these people no patience?
10:24:26jacquesplays with his virtual 486 linux machine running in hi sipaq
10:25:53TangentDude.. You want to install windows2000 on it now ;)
10:26:14jacquesheh :-)
10:26:16TangentShow them microsoft kiddies how it's done ;)
10:26:26jacqueswin2000 does not support 486
10:26:45jacquesthough I could compile bochs to emulate a pentium
10:26:49TangentReally... Never knew that...
10:27:18jacquesyou can choose 386, 486, or pentium
10:28:10jacquesi was running 386 but there were complaints in the logs about math not being properly supported in processors < 4
10:28:16jacquesso I recompiled with 4
10:28:40jacquesfirst i compiled with no FP emulation, but linux images wouldn't boot :-)
10:28:49jacquesright now I'm giving the virtual machine 8MB RAM
10:29:09TangentShould be able to get W95 started on that... just...
10:29:16jacquesi should try the virtual NE2000
10:29:19TangentAs long as it can have some swap space ;)
10:29:49jacquesi really wish it supported EGA
10:29:56jacquesthat would rock because it would fit on the screen
10:30:09TangentYep.. that'd be cool :)
10:31:44jacqueshmm, I'm looking for infocom games
10:32:04jacquesthey are not nearly as easy to find as they used to be
10:39:36Tangentsome of the stuff here might run OK
10:40:16jacquesi just found some
10:40:45TangentHeh... zork would work fine...
10:40:52Tangentand by infocom too :)
10:41:15jacquesTangent: I'm not a warez person at all, but it's nearly impossible to buy these anymore
10:41:22jacquesall the cds are out of production
10:41:30jacquesi feel the same way about arcade roms
10:42:06Tangentjacques : These are legal for download....
10:42:43jacquesTangent: I want the real ones though, sorry I'm being stubborn
10:42:54jacquesi just found hitchiker, planetfall, etc.
10:43:07TangentHmm.. no-chance.... That's why they've become abandonware
11:09:10TangentWell.. in the middle of updating, but here's a bit of the work in progress....
11:09:26jacques>look out window
11:09:27jacquesAs you part your curtains you see that it's a bright morning, the sun is
11:09:27jacquesshining, the birds are singing, the meadows are blooming, and a large yellow
11:09:27jacquesbulldozer is advancing on your home.
11:09:48TangentHeh... bit of douglas adams there :)
11:10:15jacquesnod, it's the hitchiker infocom game
11:10:23jacquesscreens page looks good now
11:10:37TangentI'm gonna make some more shots...
11:10:48TangentThe matrix screensaver has to go on there.. The iPAQ looks cool using that :)
11:11:46jacquesI need to run bochs in a tiny font rxvt and take a shot of that :-)
11:12:08TangentYep... the more shots we get, the better :)
11:16:19jacquesheh, I discovered that wmfishtime segfaults if nwfpe is not loaded
11:16:52TangentNo surprise there... we suspected it used FP for the clock hands
11:17:39jacquesyeah, but the fastfpe stuff is not good enough
11:18:13TangentNod.. I didn't think the FastFPE stuff was good for anything other than letting you boot and load NWFPE
11:18:46jacquesoh, I didn't know it was that bad. imples it's useable
11:21:05TangentI think it's like..... 1.0/2=0.500003274
12:31:16Tangentjacques : Try now...
12:33:21TangentI'll have to do some more blackbox shots now to make up for all the KDE ones :)
12:33:27Tangentor you will :)
12:33:41TangentHow do your fonts look under blackbox with the latest X server?
14:03:06RichB_UKHey Tangent - You around?
17:47:55Tangentibot message for RichB_UK : I should be around from midnight until about 5AM
17:48:02Tangentibot message for RichB : I should be around from midnight until about 5AM
22:40:46I haven't seen 'the', Tangent
22:40:46Tangentspse : Seen the latest shots?
22:41:20Tangent: huh?
22:41:20Tangentibot : I don't believe that anyone was talking to you.. Shut Up!
22:42:09Tangentspse : Yeah.. I need to get some more shots of blackbox in there.
22:43:19spseTangent: could you grab mtdblkdev.c from your vaio and stick it on a server as it has my latest fixes in
22:44:47jacques: huh?
22:44:47jacquesibot: privacy mode
22:46:00Sorry, Tangent, I'll keep my mouth shut.
22:46:00Tangentibot shutup
22:54:27Tangentjacques : You should put up some news on the web pages to say the you got Bochs working :)
22:55:13jacquesTangent: yes, I want to get some screen shots first. :-)
22:55:33Tangentjacques @ Yep.. screenshots are essential of course :)
22:55:45jacquesyep :-)
22:55:59jacquesheh, how about one of freebsd running under bochs on the ipaq?
22:56:10TangentThat'd be cool :)
22:56:39jacquesok, I'll dl the images

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