IRC log for #infobot on 20111228

05:57.48*** join/#infobot DocScrutinizer (~halley@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
18:53.32*** join/#infobot goose (
19:19.56*** join/#infobot goose (
21:09.20*** join/#infobot TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
21:09.20*** mode/#infobot [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
21:31.59CIA-2403timriker * r1915 10/trunk/ (infobot src/IRC/ don't clear channels, minor utf8 tweak
22:24.05*** join/#infobot infobot (
22:24.05*** topic/#infobot is Welcome to the infobot channel || Latest version: 1.5.3 @ || SVN: || The original infobot is no more, it has been replaced by the latest version of blootbot, accompanied by a rename back to infobot || apt/ibot/infobot/purl is now an infobot run by TimRiker
22:24.05*** mode/#infobot [+o infobot] by ChanServ
22:25.00CIA-2403timriker * r1916 10/trunk/src/ DAILY logs in year/ dir. allow for external scripts/processlog
22:53.51*** join/#infobot `ls` (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
22:53.51*** mode/#infobot [+o `ls`] by ChanServ
23:15.21CIA-2403timriker * r1917 10/trunk/scripts/ process * style /me lines too
23:26.19*** join/#infobot `ls` (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
23:26.19*** mode/#infobot [+o `ls`] by ChanServ
23:40.05DocScrutinizer`ls`: while you're hacking: a glance at Celsius<->Fahrenheit couldn't hurt
23:40.30DocScrutinizerI seem to remember there's been something rather odd, esp with negative temperatures
23:43.29DocScrutinizer~convert 0 degC to degF
23:43.55DocScrutinizer~convert 32 degF to degC
23:44.33DocScrutinizer~convert -20 degC to degF
23:45.14DocScrutinizer~convert 20 minus degC to degF
23:46.00DocScrutinizer~convert 20 - degC to degF
23:46.23DocScrutinizer~convert 0 - 20 degC to degF
23:46.46DocScrutinizer~convert 0 degC - 20 degC to degF
23:47.24DocScrutinizera) degF is +32 degrees off
23:48.03DocScrutinizererr missing a corrective offset of +32
23:49.03DocScrutinizerb) negative values are somewhat clumsy to enter

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.