IRC log for #infobot on 20071028

02:53.40*** join/#infobot simonrvn (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:54.38*** join/#infobot simonrvn (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:54.38*** join/#infobot troubled (n=troubled@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/troubled) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:55.37*** join/#infobot FactBot (n=factbot@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/troubled)
02:55.37*** join/#infobot CIA-23 (i=cia@
02:55.38*** join/#infobot ravenbird (i=ravenbir@unaffiliated/simonrvn/bot/ravenbird)
02:55.38*** mode/#infobot [+o FactBot] by
02:56.31*** join/#infobot ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
02:56.32*** mode/#infobot [+o ChanServ] by
02:56.40*** mode/#infobot [+o troubled] by ChanServ
03:16.49*** join/#infobot troubled (n=troubled@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/troubled)
03:16.49*** mode/#infobot [+o troubled] by ChanServ
03:17.41*** mode/#infobot [-o troubled] by troubled
03:19.44*** join/#infobot FactBot (n=factbot@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/troubled)
03:19.45*** mode/#infobot [+o FactBot] by ChanServ
13:29.58*** join/#infobot Avelon (
13:30.31AvelonHullo. Thanks for the help in #freenode. =)
13:30.43troubledtechnically activeperl could run it, but there may be lots of unix specific stuff. let me check it out real quick since i got everything in place to test it
13:31.08Avelon!dice 1d20
13:31.18Avelon!dice 2d6
13:31.50AvelonHmm, do I need an access level?
13:33.18troubledtry ^dice
13:33.26Avelon^dice 1d20
13:33.28ravenbirdrolled 12 = 12
13:33.34troubleddepends what the bots are setup to allow
13:33.38Avelon^dice 3d15
13:33.40ravenbirdrolled 2,2,10 = 14
13:33.49AvelonAwesome, it supports nonstandard ones too. =)
13:34.41troubledwell, first problem i notice is that activeperl would want the filenames to be .pl, but let me try cygwin since it shouldnt require as much for changes
13:36.33AvelonWhat's wrong with .pl? Just that infobot's files aren't .pl by default?
13:37.51troubledno, by default we just use the shebang to decide to call perl
13:38.00troubledso its like: #!/usr/bin/perl
13:38.27troubledactiveperl for windows goes by file extension to decide that. so the main file wont fire unless you rename  it
13:54.39troubledhmmm, probably a no go with active perl since shm isnt in windows
13:54.51AvelonOh well.
13:54.59troubledand i dont see a cygwin libnet just yet
13:55.09troubledvmware is an option of course though
13:55.29AvelonI'll just see what I can manage with supybot, since I've already downloaded it.
13:55.58troublednp. at some point we plan on using POE, which should address the windows port as well it seems since i see poe in active perl
13:56.07AvelonThe example plugin for its tutorial is the RNG I want, and it does have factoids. =P
13:56.26AvelonCool, cool. I'll watch for that.
13:56.33AvelonAre you a developer for infobot?
13:56.38troubledone of em ya
13:56.57AvelonSweet. Then I'm honoured. =P
13:57.43AvelonThanks again for taking the time to test things for me.
13:57.54troublednp, least i know now hehe, cya arund
13:58.02AvelonSee you!
13:58.13*** part/#infobot Avelon (
18:37.31CIA-23infobot: 03djmcgrath * r1595 10/trunk/ (BUGS src/IRC/
18:37.31CIA-23infobot: * Fix NULL chan being created in %channels
18:37.32CIA-23infobot: * Updated BUGS list
18:43.15*** join/#infobot FactBot (n=factbot@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/troubled)
18:43.15*** mode/#infobot [+o FactBot] by ChanServ
18:46.18*** join/#infobot ravenbird (i=ravenbir@unaffiliated/simonrvn/bot/ravenbird)
19:24.51CIA-23infobot: 03djmcgrath * r1596 10/trunk/src/IRC/ * Fix /me actions in console log
19:27.27*** join/#infobot FactBot (n=factbot@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/troubled)
19:27.27*** mode/#infobot [+o FactBot] by ChanServ
19:31.04*** join/#infobot ravenbird (i=ravenbir@unaffiliated/simonrvn/bot/ravenbird)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.