IRC log for #htc-linux on 20130324

00:06.52*** join/#htc-linux ntg-2 (~ntg@
00:45.05*** join/#htc-linux DuperMan (
01:00.46*** join/#htc-linux Ondalf (
01:06.25Cotulladetule, ping
01:07.12Cotullacan u help me to find what this macro is doing? #define foomacro(z,kk,k) ((((z)-~0UL/255*(k))&~(z)&((z)&~0UL/255*127)+~0UL/255*(127-(kk)))&~0UL/255*128)
01:07.15Cotulla#define foomacro(z,kk,k) ((((z)-~0UL/255*(k))&~(z)&((z)&~0UL/255*127)+~0UL/255*(127-(kk)))&~0UL/255*128)
01:45.15*** join/#htc-linux d3tul3 (~detule@unaffiliated/d3tul3)
01:59.26*** part/#htc-linux Cotulla (~myfakemai@
03:57.49*** join/#htc-linux rajkosto (
04:42.51*** join/#htc-linux NEMESIS| (
04:55.04*** join/#htc-linux rajkosto (
07:15.57*** join/#htc-linux stybla (
07:16.27*** join/#htc-linux stybla (
08:33.35*** join/#htc-linux paulk-desktop (
08:47.40*** join/#htc-linux ElFinLazz (~elfinlazz@
08:53.12*** join/#htc-linux eR^zeRa` (
09:14.06*** join/#htc-linux helicopter88 (
09:56.10*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (~fcr@unaffiliated/babelo)
11:05.04*** join/#htc-linux the-leviathan_ (~quassel@2001:470:26:484:6ef0:49ff:fee6:8dca)
11:24.38*** join/#htc-linux Cotulla (~myfakemai@
11:31.17*** join/#htc-linux gauner1986 (
12:36.58*** join/#htc-linux kiozen (
12:56.59*** join/#htc-linux Bry8Star{T2 (~Bry8Star-@gateway/tor-sasl/bry8star-2)
12:57.11*** join/#htc-linux tekzilla (~jon@
13:02.31tekzillawhen trying to boot to the "ubuntu 0.3" image for the leo/hd2 with haret, it gets to "jumping to kernel"
13:02.49tekzillathen the text color changes to green/pink, fades out, and i'm left with a blank (backlit) screen
13:03.33tekzillaany ideas whats going wrong ?
13:20.29*** join/#htc-linux helicopter88 (
13:23.26*** join/#htc-linux gauner1986 (
13:49.22*** join/#htc-linux d3tul3 (~detule@unaffiliated/d3tul3)
13:56.09*** join/#htc-linux gauner1986 (
14:38.46gauner1986fakker: do you have a pouch for your one?
14:40.25helicopter88rm -rf
14:40.29helicopter88duh wrong window
14:44.58tekzillaand missing parameters :)
14:45.33helicopter88tekzilla, I pressed tab some times,but i didn't notice I wasn't in bash
14:48.57tekzilla:) hehe
15:13.17*** join/#htc-linux d3tul3 (~detule@unaffiliated/d3tul3)
15:45.57fakkergauner1986, I got the double flip case or whatever it's called
15:46.01gauner1986ah ok
15:46.34gauner1986i didnt hear that good stuff about it
15:46.47fakkerit's shit at first, as the flap comes open itself
15:46.51gauner1986that it gathers dust in the edges etc
15:47.04fakkerafter being worn in, it closes fine
15:47.14fakkerer, mines clean - mines white so shows dust less
15:47.20fakkeror silver edge
15:48.54gauner1986i ordered a custom tailored alcantara bag at fitbag now
15:49.09fakkercustom tailored.. damn you're upper class :P
15:49.13gauner1986not too pricey
15:49.20gauner198626 € ;)
15:50.14gauner1986did you order an mhl cable?
15:51.24fakkerhad one before
15:51.51fakkerone of my tvs is only HD Ready - so doesn't support 1080p... there's no option on the device to switch output resolution
15:52.34fakkerwhich is a bit shit - i would have liked to have used it if i had to stay in a hotel for work or whatever
15:53.11gauner1986hm.. was it possible on other htc phones before?
15:54.09fakkerwhen it had the notification of hdmi device connected, if you clicked it would let you select output
15:54.12fakkernot on the one
15:54.25fakkerbut from googling, it seems ICS onwards broke this
15:54.36gauner1986guess it's possible hardware wise
15:54.38fakkerand 4.2 for the TF
15:54.49fakkerlot of people bitching how JB broke it
15:56.10gauner1986do you have an otg-cable?
15:56.52gauner1986i'm wondering if it's possible to connect a 2,5" usb hdd to the one
15:57.12gauner1986without separate power supply
15:57.25fakkeri don't have a drive to test for you :(
15:59.20gauner1986hm.. guess i'm ordering a cheap china-cable from amazon
15:59.49gauner1986it's funny enough wondering how these people are earning money
15:59.58fakkermy mhl + otg are cheap china
16:00.03fakkerworked well for years :)
16:00.16gauner19862 € for the cable
16:00.20gauner1986including shipping
16:00.37gauner1986from hong kong
16:01.03fakkermy galaxy nexus is being a cunt
16:01.05gauner1986guess as normal person you'd have to pay at least 50 for the shipping alone
16:01.20fakkertrying to get nude photos of my gf off it
16:01.23fakkerbut it won't detect
16:03.24fakkerit turned off MTP mode with no sim card..
16:19.49*** join/#htc-linux zeusk_ (01178195@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:40.27gauner1986i wonder why they're still building in the old analog fm radio, instead of a digital one
16:43.30zeusk_gauner1986, Most AM/FM channels have ceased to exist here, it's internet radio all the way.
16:44.07fakkerblame UK
16:44.19gauner1986zeusk_: talking about the dab-format
16:44.46gauner1986guess it's only a few years in germany to replace analog am/fm
16:44.52fakkeryeah, here too
16:45.11fakkerstock 4.2.2 on my galaxy nexus no HDMI out
16:45.22fakkerit can see the device, but no output - but it's in signal
16:45.27fakkertime to flash a custom rom
16:45.49zeusk_yeah, google messed up with android after gingerbread. A lot of rushed-up crap.
16:46.12fakkeri see people making fixes, but it seems to be kernel related - i don't wanna touch
16:46.21fakkerwell, on the gnex i don't care
16:46.42fakkeri'll just load TV episodes on that badboy and take it with me wherever
16:47.25fakkeranyone looked at Xposed?
16:49.29zeusk_looks good, but can't really see a good use of it.
16:49.34fakkeri can
16:49.41fakkergoogle wallet for one
16:49.57fakkerenabling it to work outside of US, and get rid of the you are rooted banner
16:54.35gauner1986there are you are rooted banners?
16:58.14gauner1986hm.. is google wallet the only payment method in android store?
16:58.18gauner1986i dont quite remember
16:58.18zeusk_it will be like pandora's box, if wallet can be forced to run with root enabled, what stops some one to mess with the app's memory space and give himself $$$ ?
16:58.59zeusk_gauner1986: you can use Credit/Debit cards in play store, and in wallet too.
16:59.11zeusk_wallet is just the NFC/Online gateway part of the payment.
16:59.21fakkerzeusk_, because it needs data and checks your online account?
16:59.50zeusk_yeah but with root, i can edit network packets too
16:59.56fakkergo for it
17:00.09fakkerif it were that easy, it would have been done - a long time ago
17:00.19fakkeror not easy, but simple
17:00.38zeusk_it isn't, but it is simpler/easier with that patch
17:00.55zeusk_i can override any java method
17:00.57fakkerdo it!
17:01.14zeusk_hire me a lawyer and i will :)
17:01.15fakkeri will give you 10 Rs
17:01.58fakkertalk like that just reminds me of people thinking clearing the data on the app would give them another free $10
17:02.13fakkerinstead it ruined some of their secure element on the NFC
17:02.15fakkerrendering it useless
17:17.34*** join/#htc-linux d3tul3 (~detule@unaffiliated/d3tul3)
17:21.02gauner1986i hope my one arrives next week
17:21.07gauner1986otherwise someone has to die
17:23.08*** join/#htc-linux paulk_ (
17:34.43fakkeri vote zeusk_
17:35.14zeusk_apt kill apt
17:35.14aptACTION shoots a magneto-ionized pseudoelectron gun at apt
18:41.03*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (~fcr@unaffiliated/babelo)
18:50.42*** join/#htc-linux d3tul3 (~detule@unaffiliated/d3tul3)
19:07.15*** join/#htc-linux paulk-desktop (
19:11.49*** join/#htc-linux gauner1986 (
20:21.38*** join/#htc-linux jonpry (~jon@2602:306:c417:8aa0:a416:25af:25ee:61c8)
20:28.14*** join/#htc-linux gauner1986 (
21:35.43*** join/#htc-linux DonRichie (
22:02.07*** join/#htc-linux mastermerlin (
22:55.09*** join/#htc-linux gauner1986 (

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