IRC log for #htc-linux on 20120716

15:10.09*** join/#htc-linux apt (
15:10.09*** topic/#htc-linux is Welcome to the HTC Linux project | Community portal & WiKi | For IRC logs, HaRET & kernel mailing lists etc. see | The project is not affiliated with the HTC Corporation | This channel is for development purposes - Join #htc-linux-chat for offtopic
15:34.01*** join/#htc-linux Bry8Star (~Bry8Star@gateway/tor-sasl/bry8star)
15:38.01*** join/#htc-linux zeusk (77eb3613@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:38.25zeuskmarc1706, you there ?
15:40.17zeuski think i know why ramconsole PTE was crashing us
15:41.26zeuskwe were using 2FFC0000 as the physical and virtual address for mapping, but it should have been MB aligned, 2FF00000, apart from that i think section shift was wrong too
15:48.42*** join/#htc-linux jonpry (
15:49.23*** join/#htc-linux DuperMan (
15:50.35*** join/#htc-linux Alex[sp3dev] (d5551202@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:50.59zeuskjonpry, i just noticed, official caf branch has msm_kexec, that didn't work ootb ?
15:52.03jonprydidn't try
15:52.27jonpryand droid3 is omap4
15:53.24zeuskoh, btw I'm looking for some good c library, nothing too bloated, any suggestions ?
15:53.46jonpryfor the cortex?
15:53.59zeuskyep, A8
15:54.22jonpryoh not the m0?
15:54.38Alex[sp3dev]zeusk: netbsd libc?
15:54.57zeusknope, not yet, I will fix it later for the tiny 8kb ram and thumb only restriction
15:55.22zeuskwill have to disable scheduler and threads in tiny version
15:55.48zeuski tried a few in lk and results are actually awkward
15:56.11zeuskbionic libc was the fastest among them all (with some modifications)
15:56.42Alex[sp3dev]that's no surprise since it has tiny structures and all data is aligned
15:56.56zeuskprobably due to qualcomm's OPTIMISE_SCORPION poop
15:57.24Alex[sp3dev]#ifndef OPTIMIZE_SCORPTION do { msleep(10) } while (0) #endif?
15:57.34zeusklol, no
15:58.11*** join/#htc-linux l0wbra1n (~l0wbra1n@unaffiliated/l0wbra1n)
15:58.36zeuskthey're using Venum unit for memcpy, memset, memmove but my kernel doesn't support fpu registers for context switch, so it crashes sometimes if two threads are doing some heavy data transfer
15:59.26DuperManoh yeah?
15:59.40zeuskhey duperman
15:59.49Alex[sp3dev]time to build some jelly poop. I guess aosp is not so different from cm9 and libsamsung-ipc and samsung-ril will build fine
15:59.59DuperManimma haz nu domain, o.o
16:00.50DuperManit's empty & I'm bored. /stfu again
16:01.29DuperMansrsly-ish, any idea for a good use? it's kiiiiinda shorthand for 'hack site'
16:01.34DuperManpun inteded verily
16:02.39zeuskAlex, but i wouldn't be surprised if qualcomm actually made poop like that, they have closed bits even in the control register
16:03.04DuperManclosed. bits. in. register.
16:03.22DuperManlet's all get intel android phones!
16:03.35zeuskx86 android sucks now
16:03.43zeuskmost games won't work ootb
16:04.06DuperManzeusk: yeah, but srsly nicer architecture, shame - had
16:04.19zeuskyep, better than the ARM mess right now
16:04.35Alex[sp3dev]zeusk: judging by how fast their hardware and the fact that their camera seems fast and using good algos, I think qcom has good engineers and stupid management living in the 70's and knowing nothing about code quality and revision control
16:04.50jonpryx86 phonez?
16:04.52DuperManI'd say something about 'maybe 64bit will be intel's comeback' but I'm not that guilliable
16:05.35DuperManAlex[sp3dev]: congratulations you just established ARM in 198x
16:05.41zeusklol, i was trying to support Cortex-A9MP and A8 using the same startup file, detection would always fail and then i realised qualcomm has changed CPU ID bits to something else...
16:13.53marc1706zeusk: hi
16:14.02marc1706are you talking about the .36+ kernels?
16:16.07marc1706too many addresses to know :P
16:17.12marc1706I'm currently adding the bcmdhd driver to the .35 kernel
16:17.33marc1706if you can get a kernel above .35 booting I'll be happy to join in and get things working
16:18.25zeuskbtw cotulla should join us soon hopefully
16:19.05marc1706I've been missing him in here :D
16:20.22marc1706probably the silence before the storm
16:20.32zeuskyep :)
16:21.21marc1706I'll also see if I can get ion working
16:22.30marc1706I was going to add the bcmdhd driver commit by commit
16:22.38marc1706then I saw that there are over 50 commits :D
16:23.00marc1706so yeah, basically just added the newest code xD
16:23.19zeuskis it any better ?
16:23.42zeuskand does it still preserve globules of memory for network IO ?
16:23.42marc1706haven't tested it yet
16:24.10marc1706you mean if it preallocates a memory buffer?
16:24.28marc1706you can decide yourself
16:24.37marc1706I think it also works without preallocation
16:25.11zeuskcould be better that way for ics and EGL but will hurt burst rate of Wifi
16:29.57marc1706I'm starting to dislike the CAF git ...
16:30.22marc1706there is no msm_rmnet in msm-3.4? O.o
16:37.34zeuskhmm, have you checked desire C sources ?
16:38.09zeuskexcept for qdsp and mddi panel, most of the stuff should work since their base kernel (from qualcomm seems to have 8x50 support)
16:38.26zeuskit's a 3.0.x
16:38.39marc1706yeah, I'm taking most of the stuff from 3.0.x
16:38.49zeuskthough their kgsl is outdated compared to the one in our .32 :D
16:38.52marc1706I just looked at msm-3.4 there seem to be large portions missing O.o
16:39.25zeuskmsm-3.4 is a seperate branch iirc, have you checked in msm-3.0 ?
16:39.32marc1706yeah, it exists there
16:39.45zeuskhmm, it must be wip
16:39.54zeuskor they're abandoning old chips now
16:39.54marc1706I think the msm_rmnet I have in my kernel is a lot more up-to-date than the older versions
16:39.59marc1706I think I ported it from 2.6.38
16:40.11marc1706I think it's WIP
16:40.19marc1706it's a bit weird that large portions are missing
16:40.33marc1706it's not just rmnet
16:40.46zeuskmaybe they started from vanilla this time ?
16:43.00marc1706it's weird that there is no commit removing rmnet though
16:43.20marc1706I'm not sure if rmnet is being used in newer devices though
16:43.29marc1706but rmnet via usb is still there
16:43.34marc1706so I'm pretty sure it should be
16:46.17zeuskthere should be something like post production build flag in linux, all logging code should be removed from that for the sake of performance.. so much of crap log which users never read/understand/make use of.
16:47.49Alex[sp3dev]logging does not hurt performance. at least, not as much as java with gc and constant buffer copying for native code. either way, it should be possible to disable most debug logging by disabling CONFIG_DEBUG
16:48.50Alex[sp3dev]well, you can hack printk.h and disable *all* printk messages :)
16:49.19zeuskthere are more functions which people use like device_debug etc..
16:49.34zeuskthat's worse thing, two functions for the same result..
16:49.51Alex[sp3dev]they all are just wrappers around printk
16:50.16Alex[sp3dev]they are introduced because this allows to tie logging to a device class entry and filter logs
16:51.02zeuskcouldn't they just have made use of the flags like KERNEL_WARNING, like KERNEL_DEVICE_DBG etc ?
16:51.31DuperManzeusk: isn't happy they use teh bits?
16:52.04zeuskthough i would still consider killing java in android before disabling kernel logs for performance.
16:52.41DuperManjust raw dump the bus with a hotwired cable :P
16:52.45Alex[sp3dev]look at the dev_info call. it's first argument is the pointer to struct dev. either way, only info/error logs are printed, debug logs depend on the kernel config. again, if you want, you can edit printk.h and disable the macros you don't like
16:53.13DuperManhotwire the ram!
16:54.56zeuskI'm writing spinlock module right now, but there's a bit of problem, any help regarding the comment in cpu_atomic_spin_set ??
16:55.07DuperManwtf spins in a modern phone?
16:55.36zeuskI'm using ldrex and strex on cortex A8 but M0 doesn't support exclusive load store or swp iirc
16:56.21zeusklol duperman, just realised "atomic spin"
16:56.59Alex[sp3dev]zeusk: just disable the interrupts instead of using swp
16:57.21DuperManzeusk: XD didn't mean that but lol (I think)
16:58.26zeuskalex, I have taken care of that, ISR cannot use spinlocks so no need to disable interrupts, critical section disables context switch
16:58.49zeuskbut what if a context switch occurs before we increment critical section and after we have validated that the lock is available
16:59.27zeuskand if the new thread acquires that lock, when we come back, we lock it again and setting thread owner to ourself, BOOM
17:00.16zeuskdecrement critical section and try from beginning ?
17:01.07*** join/#htc-linux rob_w (~bob@unaffiliated/rob-w/x-1112029)
17:01.44Alex[sp3dev]wait, you should disable the interrupts, check the lock and re-enable them. that's like using compare-and-set instruction. One thing I've learnt about maths and engineering is that good solutions are one-liners. as soon as you start adding magic fixups, you're doomed
17:03.24zeuskhow about this ?
17:03.56zeuskalex, since ISRs won't be using spinlock, i think it is safe to just disable context switches instead of all interrupts in favor of low interrupt latency
17:06.01zeuskthat is what ARM's manual does for LDREX and STREX, keep trying till STREX returns no error
17:07.07jonprybut disabling interrupts is a trivial operation. and to emulate the swp instruction your talking about a total of like 4 instructions. sub microseconds with interrupts disabled.
17:07.58Alex[sp3dev]won't work on smp or preemptive multitasking. if you use swp, compare-and-set and things of the kind and ldrex/strex are instructions. the cpu can lock the bus when it sees them. just loading the value and checking it won't work with preemption
17:10.17zeuskAlex, I think it won't hurt on preemptive tasking if even the write is in disabled interrupt section
17:10.43zeusknot sure about SMP and how others core react if scheduler is disabled and what happens to threads after they run to completion in this state
18:01.00*** join/#htc-linux skodde (~skodde@unaffiliated/skodde)
18:21.43*** join/#htc-linux detule (~detule@unaffiliated/d3tul3)
18:23.09jonpryhi detule
18:25.45detulehi jonpry
18:25.59detulewhere are you guys with the d3
18:26.13jonpryi guess there is some kind of working rom
18:26.19jonpryw/ phonecalls
18:26.28jonprybut no notification sounds or something
18:26.47jonpryjust need sound, HD codec, camera
18:26.55jonprybut camera might be a lost cause
18:27.18jonpryhow's sgs3?
18:27.32jonpryalso need 3.5 kernel :D
18:28.00detulephone is too damn smooth...hard to get motivated to do anything with it - it works so well and the dev community is a bunch of deucebags
18:28.41*** join/#htc-linux leviathan_ (~quassel@2001:470:26:484:6ef0:49ff:fee6:8dca)
18:29.43jonprylike teamdouche?
18:31.58*** join/#htc-linux Alex[sp3dev] (d5551202@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:33.25Willdphh: Do you know where?
18:33.34detulewonder why 3.4 is stuck on .4 for so long
18:33.47detuleups i guess .5
18:35.06detuleonly 50 commits after a month of in-between .4 and .5 .... things are slowing down for those boys
18:35.27Alex[sp3dev]linus is busy trolling around
18:35.39Alex[sp3dev]trolling in the deep
18:35.56jonpryi'd like to get a working d3 kernel before trying to run linux-msm-rhod on it
18:36.00jonprybut maybe it's time
18:37.16Alex[sp3dev]if i compile some jelly bean poop, will it eat out all ram and kill my browser and pdf viewer when linking some huge binary?
18:41.44*** join/#htc-linux DuperMa (
18:42.09*** join/#htc-linux DuperMan (
18:46.14*** join/#htc-linux skodde (~skodde@unaffiliated/skodde)
19:01.11*** join/#htc-linux milaq|off (
19:14.18*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (~fcr@unaffiliated/babelo)
20:32.56*** join/#htc-linux arif-ali (~arif-ali@
21:47.57*** join/#htc-linux eR^Z` (~zzeratul@
22:12.56*** join/#htc-linux jonpry (
22:46.26*** join/#htc-linux ALoGeNo (~alogeno@unaffiliated/alogeno)

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