IRC log for #htc-linux on 20120401

00:03.11jonprydetule did we ever get one of those smd dump in kernel things for a WCDMA event?
00:34.50detulei would be very curious to see what the smd dump has to say when that happens jonpry
00:36.44detuleupdating usb/core will be a pain
00:37.23detulei think we can't use the android stuff from the new google trees because 3.0 and above i think are geared towards ics and they've changed some of the userland interface
00:37.44detuleso we are stuck with their .39 tree which expects a bit backwards usb/core
00:38.47jonpryhowever i ran ics on 39 kernel
00:39.05jonpryand adb was fine. so maybe the userland part is compatible?
00:40.18jonpryi have a suspicion that the ril's text parser is messing something up because these messages use spaces and other strange character
00:40.41jonpryhowever when that is fixed i think the result will be the same
00:41.12jonpryi think its reauthing to the network and refuses to deal with +clcc
00:41.22jonpryand it could take serious time depending on how bad the signal is
00:41.29jonpryor never complete
00:44.38detulewhenever it issues that +clcc command it expects a string coming back starting with "+clcc"...if it doesn't see that i can see it getting stuck waiting
00:48.12jonpryyour hacked ril fixes that right?
01:12.11ahigerdWorks around it
01:12.13ahigerdDoesn't fix it
01:12.31ahigerdAnd only for CLCC, not for the other issues (SMS)
01:16.40jonpryyou verified the sms bug with the autobuild kernel?
01:16.48ahigerdNo, I haven't
01:17.10ahigerdBut I haven't tried.
01:18.04jonprybugs must be continually verified :p
01:19.33ahigerdI know that ^^; But this one is inconsistent enough to make it difficult to know
01:19.56ahigerdNo way to tell if it's fixed or if I just haven't tripped it yet
01:21.58jonpryyeah i understand
01:21.59ahigerdwonders if sending texts to himself would be a valid test
01:22.32jonprydo you have a radio log from the failed sms? i really know nothing about the issue
01:22.55ahigerdHad one a week or so ago but I lost the link to the pastebin
01:23.07ahigerdWell... hmm.
01:23.11ahigerdLet me see if I can find it.
01:23.57jonprywould it be in the irc logs?
01:24.15ahigerdThat's exactly what I was just checking, and the answer appears to be no, so let me check the GBX0B thread
01:29.55ahigerdUgh. Not in the thread either.
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01:33.19jonpryi believe there were two problems. i had the same symptoms as you but never once got a WCDMA
01:33.43jonpryjust lost modem responses
01:35.59ahigerdHmm. I suppose that could possibly be it...
01:45.37jonprymaybe we should just run the window mobile ril
01:48.19ahigerd...we can do that?
01:48.19jonpryalso i have thing that lets you run other htc ril
01:48.43jonpryi've used it to run other windows mobile drivers
01:48.49ahigerdWhat, something like ndiswrapper for Android?
01:49.05jonpryyeah its based on ndiswrapper. but on steroids
01:49.09ahigerdHeh, wow.
01:49.39jonprydoesn't implement the whole wince api so stuff would need to be written to run the ril
01:50.13jonprybig problem is that the ril's exported api is strange. need some kind of adaptor for android
01:50.18ahigerdI don't suppose we can get lucky and this baseband has been used in a phone that DOES natively run Android? >.>
01:50.38jonpryno its a different amss
01:50.56ahigerdOh well. I figure you guys would have tried that a long time ago anyway.
01:51.00jonpryg1 is probably the closest thing
01:51.42jonpryit was done on cdma a long time ago
01:51.57jonprygsm was more recent
02:05.41jonpryhave you considered using a different radio rom?
02:15.06ahigerdI've considered it but don't know where I'd find another one. I know hyc and I have different versions despite having the same phone
02:15.36ahigerdWe both have the problem, too
02:17.44ahigerd(I also don't know how to apply it but I figure the instructions would be easy enough to come up with.)
02:25.20jonpryi think these are old for some reason
02:25.44jonprybut they can be found
02:26.09jonpryi have some crazy chinese radio that is part of unlocking your phone
02:26.34jonpry*BEWARE* don't install radio's without hard-spl
02:29.14ahigerdWhat's hard-spl?
02:30.11ahigerdUh... also is it a problem that I don't run Windows? >.>
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02:33.07ahigerdchecks phone
02:33.13ahigerdOkay, I'm on right now
02:33.22ahigerdhyc's is slightly newer
02:33.23jonpryhard-spl lets certain not properly signed things
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02:33.55jonprythe installers are much easier to use with windows
02:34.36ahigerdEr. Wait. No, hyc's isn't "slightly" newer; it's WAY newer. He's on
02:40.02ahigerdWhich makes me dubious of any of these making a difference >.>
02:40.03jonprycan you extract you rilphone.dll?
02:40.55jonprythe one i'm looking doesn't seem to handle these WCDMA messages
02:40.56ahigerdSure, tell me how and I'll toss it to you
02:41.07jonpryoh i don't remember
02:41.23jonprysome kind of file explorer seemed to work iirc
02:41.44jonpryresco maybe
02:43.27jonprythe ril likes [WCDMA] though
02:44.40ahigerdThis will be in WinMo?
02:46.05ahigerdOkay, I'll reboot and try to track it down
02:53.49ahigerdGot it. How should I get it to you? 557KB
03:00.41ahigerdSo what's your plan here? Disassemble it and see what's different?
03:02.05jonpryi wanted to see if there was something we were supposed to do when confronted with these strange messages
03:02.21ahigerdAh, yeah.
03:02.33jonpryyour rilphone doesn't seem to handle WCDMA either
03:02.41ahigerdIf it helps, this doesn't happen in FRX from what I've heard
03:03.09jonprythat is interesting and i hope its wrong
03:03.39jonpryis that using the same ril and kernel?
03:03.59ahigerdUh... if FRX is using .27 then same kernel. No clue about the ril; you'd have to ask detule or hyc.
03:04.38ahigerdWait. It can't be completely the same kernel because FRX doesn't have prox
03:05.03jonprythat could be libsensors
03:05.20ahigerdSuppose that's possible. I guess I can boot into FRX really quick and find out :P
03:05.37jonpryneed to make sure its using the same ril
03:06.40jonpryand then try to reproduce. i think this is service related
03:07.18jonprylike you have disparate 2g/3g signal strength and it is effectively switching networks
03:07.18ahigerdNo problem, I'll check the kernel version and... um, I suppose I can compare md5sums on the ril? Not quite sure how else to tell if they're the same
03:07.40ahigerdI've been pondering the same thing since I first saw it.
03:07.46ahigerdIt happens more often when I'm traveling than when I'm at home.
03:07.46jonpryyou should be able to boot frx using the 3.2 kernel
03:08.31jonprythen we know its the same. it might even run detules hack
03:09.41ahigerdKernel is
03:12.11jonpryso you've personally done this search for WCDMA events under FRX?
03:13.02ahigerdNo, I haven't, but I also didn't ever have this problem under FRX. hyc's done more concrete research on the matter; this is actually the first time I've been back in Froyo since I updated
03:15.08jonpryi will ask hyc what he has done about it
03:15.48ahigerdAnyway, I can't confirm or deny the rils; they have different datestamps but no telling if they're built from the same source or not
03:15.59jonprybut i'm wondering if maybe they happen but froyo interprets the ril stuff differently so the effects are different
03:16.42jonpryand if you never get phantom calls. who would bother to check radio log
03:17.11ahigerdValid point.
03:19.20ahigerdSo far I've not seen any [WCDMA] WAKEUP messages though
03:20.19jonpryfrom rilphone.dll those are harmless. just means the radio is having verbal diarrhea
03:21.26jonpryyou are a software developer?
03:21.34ahigerd...actually that's not even valid, I don't have data turned on XD
03:21.45ahigerdYeah, C++ mostly
03:22.17jonpryno kernels yet?
03:23.05ahigerdNo Android kernels, but I've done embedded kernel work before -- wrote and debugged a driver with an oscilloscope once :P
03:23.35ahigerdFRX is giving me: 03-31 22:22:55.690 D/RILJ    ( 1418): [0152]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS error: GENERIC_FAILURE
03:23.40ahigerdDon't recall seeing anything like that in GBX
03:24.24jonpryprobably an old ril. is that frx07+?
03:24.27ahigerdDoing it every 60 +/- 10 seconds
03:24.30ahigerd07.1, yeah
03:26.03jonpryi wonder what AT?WCDMA=0 would do
03:28.13ahigerdWhat's it supposed to do, in theory?
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05:29.05detulejonpry, this is what I am talking about, pretty sure gingerbread can't handle this
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05:38.03jonprydetule, what is acm?
05:39.02detuleno idea
05:40.37jonprydoesn't sound too important
05:41.01jonpryprobably can turn on adb with some initrd/rootfs magic
05:41.13detuleif java wasn't so nasty we could bring services/java/com/android/server/usb/ from ics
05:41.32detulenot quite as easy as syncing folders in the kernel
05:42.33jonprymight be
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15:59.57nALLITeThi all, i have problems with adbd in debian port for HTC Wildfire. I tried manual at but PC can't find device.
16:08.01nALLITeTbut adb can't find device*
16:09.00WilldnALLITeT: Is your kernel adb enabled?
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16:12.03WilldYou sure? :)
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16:14.33nALLITeToriginal htc kernel + CONFIG_USB_ANDROID_ADB=y
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16:15.10WilldAnd the adb usb device is visible on the host system?
16:15.46nALLITeThost system mounts device as storage device
16:16.22WilldThere should be more than one device available
16:16.49nALLITeTyeah, there was second device, but i forget its name
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16:22.45nALLITeTdebian started, system detected only one device - HTC Android Phone USB Device
16:24.50WilldYup, which should, in a proper setup, branch out into a few more
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17:27.45simpsonwhat is lk_template in tinboot ?
17:29.36Alex[sp3dev]ehm.. an empty disk image with mbr maybe?
17:29.54simpsonhm, thanks
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19:03.03detulei heart powertop
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21:04.06ahigerdjonpry: Been running FRX since last night, got the [WCDMA] WAKEUP messages now but no spurious WCDMA or GSM messages, and I've been making test calls and test texts
21:04.58jonpryyou have a method for logging everything?
21:05.30ahigerdNo, but I've been keeping a logcat running whenever I'm home
21:05.41ahigerdAnd run GetLogs to a text file periodically when I'm out
21:06.37ahigerdI'm partially tempted to have the radio log running through grep and logging directly to SD, but I'm worried a bit about battery usage
21:06.41jonpryprobably run logcat -b radio > /data/log in a terminal window
21:06.49ahigerd^ what I just said ;)
21:07.14jonpryi wouldn't expect much trouble
21:07.26jonpryif there is radio traffic it will wake the processor anyways
21:07.26ahigerdTrue, if I'm grepping it won't be logging a ton
21:07.46ahigerdBut I'd definitely want to grep because of the REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS error spam
21:09.23jonpryprobably grep for CLCC -A4
21:10.13ahigerdAh, I was going to do egrep -B2 -A2 "(WCDMA|GSM)"
21:11.39ahigerdThough that'll grab a lot of noise now that I think about it, I'll just leave 3G on
21:11.50ahigerdAnd just grep for WCDMA
21:11.56jonprysounds fine
21:14.49ahigerdlogcat -v time -b radio | grep -B2 -A2 "WCDMA" | tee /sdcard/wcdma.log
21:14.54ahigerdAnd I'll just leave that running.
21:15.20jonprysounds excellent
21:16.11simpsonwon't logcat be running till you kill it ? so what if you have a reset ?
21:16.37ahigerdI saved that to a shell script. If I have to reboot my phone I'll relaunch it.
21:16.38simpsonlogcat does not just output log till that time like dmesg but keeps waiting for user to kill it
21:16.46ahigerdYes, that's the point.
21:16.51ahigerdI want it preemptively logging this stuff when it happens.
21:18.07detulenot sure how frx vs gbx would make a difference
21:18.18detuleesp since hyc has said gbx with .27 is smooth sailing
21:22.37ahigerdI'll... have to try it. I can kexec to 3.2 when I need to tether.
21:22.47ahigerdI'll give FRX a couple more days of logging and then switch
21:22.50jonpryyeah that was the other test
21:23.05jonpryso no WCMDA under .27?
21:23.08ahigerdBut I could have sworn I was running .27 when I first saw the problem
21:23.11ahigerdBut maybe I'm wrong
21:28.00jonpryi figure there are only 2 possibilities. 1 this wcdma thing isn't really in the smd channel and there is some kind of corruption. 2 old bug reports are not reliable anymore since either the patch or insufficient logging
21:31.26ahigerdSo test, test, test
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21:33.19jonprycorruption of the channel might be a better point of attack since its really the only hope of resolving the problem
21:34.13jonprynot sure how to go about it though
21:34.39jonpryi can print stuff to dmesg but logging that is difficult
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21:52.31jonprymaybe have a script that waits for WCDMA in logcat and then dumps the good stuff from /dev/mem?
21:52.34jonpryer not sure if that is possible. maybe /dev/mem only works with mmap
21:54.31ahigerdCouldn't you watch /proc/kmsg?
21:54.39ahigerdOr heck, just open another /proc node
22:00.04jonprythe logging has to be triggered from the radio output because we don't know the message even exists on the smd channel
22:00.46jonprythen ideally we would save the entire shared memory segment
22:05.50ahigerdWell, still, a proc node would give you the ability to expose whatever information you want to expose if /dev/mem won't work
22:07.50ahigerdWell, quick research indicates /dev/mem doesn't need mmap, you can seek in it like a normal file if your privileges permit
22:10.19ahigerdOr you could use /dev/kmem if that's easier to find the offset you need
22:20.14jonpryphys=0x1F1C210 size=0x2014
22:21.13jonpryscratch that. size = 0x4028
22:21.23ahigerdWell, I don't know if you can do it from a shell script but it should be pretty straightforward to build a trivial little app
22:22.38jonprycould always try a dd if=/dev/mem bs=1 skip=32621072 count=16424
22:23.16ahigerdThat... would work.
22:23.46jonpryit might anyways. sometimes it throws permission denied
22:24.44jonpryor bus error. gotta love that one
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23:01.57detulewth does make ARCH=arm msm_defconfig not update .config
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23:04.30detulei am curious if on .27 one sees the [WCDMA] wakeup messages
23:04.36ahigerdI'm seeing them in FRX
23:05.40detulehm i can't try .27 with my ext4 partitions
23:06.11ahigerdYay for using a boring fat32 SD card ;)
23:06.42ahigerdCan you not build ext4 for .27? Or is it broken?
23:08.40ahigerdsighs and tries to get code written, but it's a hot Sunday afternoon after a long, tiring Saturday... so hard to focus on code
23:09.19detulei think ,27 has some backwards ext4 predecessor
23:09.29detulepretty sure it doesn't mount my partitions
23:09.45detuleoh and it's not enabled in config
23:09.49ahigerdOh right, I remember that now, I'm running .32 on one of my other machines
23:09.58ahigerdThe disk format was still in development
23:33.19detulejonpry, you using this 3.3 goodness

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