IRC log for #htc-linux on 20111117

00:00.31*** join/#htc-linux riotz (riotz@unaffiliated/riotz)
00:06.12WisTilt2mgross029: did you try booting that kernel again by chance and see if hci0 shows up when you try to enable BT? everything looks like its working but userland doesn't think its enabled still.
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00:56.10d3tul3WisTilt2, i have accel working in GB with .39
00:58.14d3tul3don't tell me that's already working for you somehow
00:59.13WisTilt2ah, nice.  im on my last couple of hairs to pull out with this damn BT. everything appears to be setup and working but userland still thinks it didn't get enabled.
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01:12.09WisTilt2going home and regroup on this BT later.  look forward to the g-sensor's d3tul3 good job.  later all.
01:12.57d3tul3WisTilt2 it was a one-liner in userland, not quite equal to the BT task
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01:27.26arrrghhhd3tul3, that's some fine work there
01:32.59d3tul3arrrghhh, all i see these days is [acl] pinging you somewhere
01:33.17d3tul3nand taking over your life?
01:33.36arrrghhhpretty much man
01:33.47arrrghhhi haven't really been on WinMo/HaRET for a while now
01:34.04arrrghhhi came back to test some things for a day... then back to NAND.
01:34.31arrrghhhjONpRY, lol
01:34.42arrrghhhjust thinking of you. always wonder why you hate it so.
01:34.46arrrghhhall the risk is gone now
01:35.01arrrghhhthe dirty days of mapping are gone
01:35.18jONpRYcruise control
01:35.19arrrghhhwell, at least i think they are.  wistilt2 seems to want to do uboot and completely rid the phone of the winmo bootloader.
01:35.52arrrghhhwhich sounds cool, i just worry about returning to winmo.
01:35.57arrrghhhseems there would be no return to winmo...
01:36.30jONpRYmight be able to boot winmo
01:36.47arrrghhhthe only reason i care?
01:36.51arrrghhhis warranty work
01:37.00arrrghhhi pay $7/mo for that insurance poop
01:37.11jONpRYi'm sure you can flash it back
01:37.14arrrghhhand if i claim it stolen, i gotta shell out $100
01:37.16arrrghhhhow tho?
01:37.26jONpRYspl thingy
01:37.36arrrghhhi thought wistilt2 wanted to rid the phone of that.
01:37.49arrrghhheliminating the whole nbh flasher doohickey
01:37.53jONpRYno i don't think so
01:38.02jONpRYjust getting rid of tinboot
01:38.10arrrghhhmaybe i don't understand it.  quite possible.
01:38.11jONpRYand the msflash that makes it work
01:39.15d3tul3jONpRY, made any progress on QDL?
01:39.24jONpRYmy understanding is that if you could get msflash loaded and running. it will boot anything loaded on the second nbh partition
01:39.27jONpRYdur no
01:41.19arrrghhhi'm not a masochist
01:41.30arrrghhhi just want the ability to jump ship back to stock if the need ever arises
01:41.49arrrghhhdunno what they'd even give me at this point
01:41.51arrrghhhprobably not a TP2
01:41.55jONpRYthere is no need to get rid of spl as phone without radio is lamo
01:42.15arrrghhhoh, yea i forgot about that...
01:42.28arrrghhhwell, now i'm just more confused.  oh well.
01:44.21jONpRYthats android for ya
01:44.39arrrghhhpart of the problem is i'm a simpleton, but that's another story.
01:45.42jONpRYmaybe you need cruise control
02:01.32*** join/#htc-linux riotz (riotz@unaffiliated/riotz)
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02:38.07*** join/#htc-linux WisTilt2 (
02:41.37arrrghhhWisTilt2, how goes it sir
02:42.03WisTilt2hey arrrghhh:) you've been quiet lately.  keeping you busy at work i take it?
02:42.26arrrghhhyea, the call center project has really picked up
02:42.37arrrghhhi've also been on the dark side for... jeez over a month now i think.
02:42.50WisTilt2dark side as in nand?
02:43.26WisTilt2lol.  well ill be there myself when we get everything working with our u-boot setup.  winmo no mo
02:44.38WisTilt2had dinner and some wine so going to take another stab at this pita BT problem
02:45.06arrrghhhyea, i've been reading about the saga
02:46.56WisTilt2so you running nand on your 400 or you get another device?
02:49.19arrrghhhsame old 400
02:50.03arrrghhhso uboot - are you doing that instead of LK/tinboot?  or are you actually replacing the winmo bootloader where you flash nbh's?
02:50.56WisTilt2winmo is totally gone.  with the whole flash unlocked there's a lot of room to stick just about anything in there.
02:51.18arrrghhhcould you revert to winpoo?
02:51.29arrrghhhonly reason i'd want to would be warranty stuff.  i still pay for that :P
02:51.56WisTilt2should be able to flash that all back in.
02:52.13arrrghhhso you want a 400?
02:52.22arrrghhhi saw you might for dumping/testing purposes
02:54.02WisTilt2acl said he already has all that cdma stuff mapped.  dont know what all he has though.  we dumped the gsm flash so we have the full image, just need to identify each boundary but should be all that difficult.
02:54.41arrrghhhit's working quite well with what he's setup
02:54.45arrrghhhwhatever the hekc
02:54.47WisTilt2there's a ton of free space on the flash but as it comes it is locked pretty tight
02:56.07arrrghhhah well, i'm gonna go eat some dinner.  i'll probably be back on later.... good luck with BT!
02:56.41WisTilt2on our device we dev'd we have 4 partitions setup so we are testing with the same way we did that.  so far we booted .39 np but lots to change so it will be awhile im sure.
02:56.59WisTilt2ok, nice talking to you.  we'll be on awhile until BT gets the best of me.
02:57.25arrrghhhyea, ACL said he did change a lot of stuff for .27 to boot...
02:57.34arrrghhhi'm sure you've seen his tree tho
02:57.53WisTilt2nope probably should see what he's done
02:58.20arrrghhhyea he's got prox working well
02:58.29arrrghhhi guess he wrote a new ls driver...
02:58.36arrrghhhchanged a lot of crap in the panel
02:58.37WisTilt2problem we will have is without any winmo, nothing at all gets setup so we have to do it all.
02:58.48arrrghhhno more cheating :P
02:59.13arrrghhhwell checkout his tree for sure
02:59.20arrrghhhshould help, he's done a lot of the dirty work
03:00.07WisTilt2ok don't eat too much or you'll want to just sleep
03:00.14arrrghhhk, i'm out for reals this time
03:04.27WisTilt2d3tule3: before i waste tonight on BT, do you know if they actually have it working on .27 or .35 with GB?  i know it works on .35 with froyo np, i've used alex's .35 acoustic tree and works great but it didn't work at that time on GB.
03:05.14d3tul3WisTilt2, I could be wrong about this mgross029 is the expert on BT w/ 35, but i think emwe has BT working but not doing data transfer perhaps?
03:06.30WisTilt2i just want to make sure someone has it working on GB as far as pairing, which i have verified on .39, and audio working.  data transfers i can deal with later.
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03:06.54d3tul3there's the expert
03:07.15d3tul3(sorry i don't know for a fact one way or another)
03:07.59WisTilt2mgross029 any luck with that kernel after you locked up?  everything looks like it should be working but userland still thinks it is disabled.  frustrating
03:10.18d3tul3jONpRY, ping
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03:10.39d3tul3what do you think ?
03:11.58jONpRYum confused. what is this? a clone?
03:12.14d3tul3yeah i have it up to 3.0.9 locally in my tree
03:12.40jONpRYoic. you applied the incremental patches?
03:13.36jONpRYor cherry picked it somehow?
03:13.41jONpRYdoes it work?
03:13.41d3tul3i couldn't find some of the incremental patches so i git format-patch 3.0 -> 3.01 ; 3.01->3.02
03:13.45d3tul3they all applied cleanly
03:14.02d3tul3compiling now
03:14.10jONpRYyeah that how you have to do the stuff after rc
03:14.24jONpRYyou got the rc to final patches?
03:14.40d3tul3you had the rc to 3.0.0 final
03:14.51d3tul3so i got it current to 3.0.9
03:15.34jONpRYhrm.  then 3.0 final didn't work too good
03:16.15d3tul3hopefully 3.0.9 will be better
03:16.15jONpRYthis is good though. might as well pull in that stuff
03:19.57jONpRYgoing to upgrade 39?
03:22.56d3tul3yeah i guess that's next
03:23.10d3tul3kind of done hacking away at microp* so i need new things to keep me busy
03:24.22jONpRYgetting patches into 3.0 could be good
03:25.32d3tul3btw whatever you and WisTilt2 did to scbs  has improved screen operation back to normal
03:31.41jONpRYi'm having a terrible time with prypad usb atm
03:37.07d3tul3hey these commit messages "sync with .39 tree" how exactly did you do that?
03:37.50jONpRYdifferent methods
03:38.45jONpRYeasiest thing is to take a group of commits that are all to the mach folder and just copy it
03:38.56jONpRYfor other make a patch and try to apply it
03:40.15d3tul3well it finished building
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03:52.48d3tul3it boots fine though it needs some love
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03:58.48jONpRYlike missing patch love?
04:02.43d3tul3actually it's doing well
04:03.02d3tul3i'll format-patch most of the stuff from .39
04:03.07d3tul3and see if it will apply cleanly
04:03.08jONpRYit was ok back in the day, but it would SR once a day or so
04:13.36*** join/#htc-linux bzo (
04:13.42arrrghhhWisTilt2, looks like you never got a response
04:13.49arrrghhh.35 + GB, BT works fine.
04:13.55arrrghhhthere's a bug where you actually have to have it on...
04:14.03arrrghhhsystem won't sleep otherwise, lol
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04:20.00*** join/#htc-linux Bry8Star (~Bry8Star@gateway/tor-sasl/bry8star)
04:21.16WisTilt2thanks arrrghhh.  do audio path works in a call via BT then also?
04:21.26arrrghhhemwe said yes
04:21.30arrrghhhi haven't tested a BT headset
04:21.36arrrghhhboth of us had data xfer issues tho...
04:21.39WisTilt2ok, guess i'll keep digging:)
04:21.50arrrghhhi could pair, but not transfer anything between phones
04:22.10WisTilt2but with a BT headset someone has had audio?
04:22.29arrrghhhemwe has, yes.
04:22.38arrrghhhi can test if you wish, i haz a headset here
04:23.42WisTilt2if emwe has verified it we'll assume it works.  i just wanted to make sure GB wasn't the actual problem before i spend more time in the kernel
04:24.24WisTilt2ive only got pairing working, just no audio either way so im thinking something in acoustic
04:24.49arrrghhh2011-11-09 19:11 emwe using bt headset also ok for me.
04:25.03arrrghhhWisTilt2, that's interesting
04:25.12arrrghhhpeople had hit-or-miss issues with headsets before headsets
04:25.21arrrghhhsome said they worked fine, others would get no audio routing...
04:26.00WisTilt2i dont have an actual bt headset, only bt built into my truck but it works great in winmo and also on alex's .27 acoustic on froyo.
04:26.23arrrghhhdid you try .27 + GB?
04:26.25arrrghhhjust to rule it out
04:26.37WisTilt2no, might need to do that before i continue
04:26.47arrrghhhmight save you some time
04:27.48WisTilt2doesn't .27 have the old acoustic naming in it though so wouldn't work with GB?  alex's .27 has it renamed.
04:28.31arrrghhhyea, i'm not sure if there would be a functional .27 + GB setup
04:28.40arrrghhhlet me see if i can drag something up from mah email, 1 sec
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04:30.21arrrghhhmgross029 i see tested the newest gb build on .27...
04:30.31arrrghhhbut had some issues with audio
04:30.41arrrghhhi don't know what .27 kernel he's using tho
04:31.31WisTilt2i may wait on this until tomorrow and check with emwe.
04:33.22arrrghhhi hear pmem needs some lovin :P
04:34.15WisTilt2yeah something haywire there.  seeing all kinds of overlaps but randomly and seems to be acoustic related.
04:35.04WisTilt2scbs is flying though.  nice to have that puppy back
04:35.08arrrghhhwould that explain a lot of the oddities with acoustic?
04:35.42arrrghhhyea, i miss SCBS.  still trying to get jONpRY on board with NAND.  or maybe I can just con ACL into shoehorning it in :P
04:35.48WisTilt2possibly but dont know if its only happening in .39 since i dont run anything else anymore. been on .39 for months now.
04:36.05arrrghhhnewer than all the native devices, lol
04:36.20WisTilt2scbs is so advanced over anything else imo
04:36.36arrrghhhyea, i don't know what else is thar
04:36.45arrrghhh'cept the broken ass "model" that is used by default
04:37.41jONpRYits not good?
04:37.59arrrghhhno, i'm saying w/o SCBS
04:38.03arrrghhhwhatever camro did with his blackstone
04:38.15arrrghhhi think you said it's basically based on his phone batteries model or some such
04:38.24arrrghhhwhich is obviously broken to begin with
04:38.29WisTilt2he made a good attempt, better than what we had before but scbs is lightyears above it
04:38.37arrrghhhnot to mention no accounting for peripherals.
04:38.38arrrghhhfor sure
04:38.43jONpRYjust sucks power
04:38.56jONpRYwe need to move it to arm9, ;-
04:39.09WisTilt2yeah that's the ticket.
04:40.04WisTilt2jonpry you were right about A1010.  it broke speakerphone mic but still worked with handset mic.
04:40.52jONpRYi think its possible to make it dual mic
04:41.11arrrghhhi thought that was the point in speakerphone
04:41.20arrrghhhone mic helps with noise cancelling, the other is the mic
04:41.52jONpRYsounds right
04:42.10WisTilt2i still dont think both are actually working but the handset mic is sensitive enough in speakerphone mode to pick up nicely.
04:46.34d3tul3oi you guys didn't make it easy with these early patches
04:46.54jONpRYno probably not
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04:50.14jONpRYlots of reverting stuff
04:50.50d3tul3your commits contain all this binaries
04:52.17jONpRYoh yeah. never did figure out how to not do that
04:52.46WisTilt2i finally did- the beauty of .gitignore
04:53.12WisTilt2spent a week playing with git so i didn't have to keep asking how the hell to do things:)
04:53.22jONpRYif your ever wondering why it is that devices never support host mode. its because the silicon is broken, the drivers are broken,  and the cables and devices are broken
04:54.33WisTilt2or its running any form of windows
05:13.03WisTilt2jonpry: re scbs power... it only draws 20ma with the daemon and 18ma without.  thats still not bad for the gain of better battery management
05:13.47jONpRYweren't there ports of says 3 days vs 4 days of life?
05:14.02WisTilt2if you can poll a couple times a minute or even at minute intervals that will be lower
05:14.36jONpRYyeah thats possible
05:14.46jONpRYhave we ever messed with idle collapse?
05:15.44WisTilt2i actually have idle collapse in the kernel now, just not pushed.
05:16.02jONpRYdoes it work?
05:16.25WisTilt2so far it seems to.  been running it since yesterday.
05:16.41jONpRYsaves juice?
05:17.16jONpRYnobody  will ever use 27 again
05:17.32WisTilt2i changed the default modes both to 1 instead of 0 and enabled the idle collapse.  hasn't blown up yet.  i need to do some longer tests to see how much we gained.
05:17.42WisTilt2.27? whats that?
05:17.45jONpRYthis is a game changer :)
05:18.27WisTilt2i love .39 especially since all the fixes lately.  very stable, quick, and everything important is working with not much more to fix.
05:18.39bzoWisTilt2: is that 20ma draw with or without idle collapse?
05:18.56WisTilt2ill measure it tomorrow with it
05:19.07bzowow, that could be nice
05:19.37WisTilt2since ive seen 8ma in winmo i'll bet we'll get down there eventually
05:20.40bzoin theory you can standby for weeks if you turn of the radio
05:21.27WisTilt2idle collapse the radios on though
05:21.41jONpRYnook color has something like that going on 60 days standby
05:22.29WisTilt2i did notice one thing that may or may not be caused by idle collapse.  seems with it, it takes a little longer to wake things up on incoming calls.
05:22.34bzofor a more apples comparison, the vogue reportedly will standby for weeks
05:23.23bzojONpRY: any progress on standby for the touchpad?
05:24.26jONpRYwe can turn on collapse but there are problems with the sound driver
05:25.00bzoare those the issues assigned to you? :P
05:25.12jONpRYi think so :p
05:25.46bzoit feels like standby is not great in webos either
05:25.48jONpRYwe get qdsp6 watchdog bites which result in reboot/death within a few seconds
05:26.42jONpRYthere was some talk of trying to effect a Q6 reboot, but there is no reason q6 should be dying
05:28.02WisTilt2do either of you know what time IDLE_SPIN_TIME is in?  default is 80000 and thats where i left it.
05:29.55jONpRYthe big 20000*** number is 20 seconds
05:30.24WisTilt2ok that makes sense.  20million is big and wondered about that
05:31.47jONpRY8x60 is nutso with collapse. it has this non modem kind of collapse that it will use for sub millisecond sleeps
05:32.00WisTilt2bzo before you disappear.  dont know if you read my comment earlier today but camera started working last night, strangely after i made a call.  i rebooted and tried it again and jpeg crashed like before.  i think these pmem overlaps we keep seeing are the problem.
05:32.33WisTilt2has to be acoustic related somehow
05:32.40bzoWisTilt2: yes read it, acoustic does seem suspect
05:33.24WisTilt2the address are similar that keep overlapping but dont really know how to trace that back easily.
05:34.15bzothe qdsp code seems to track its own pmem allocations, maybe there is a bug in how acoustic is allocating
05:35.20WisTilt2detule told me to disable acoustic.  that fixed the camera totally.  i think you're right, im going to try sticking the camera alloc up in smi2 where i found that 10mb open space.
05:35.39WisTilt2on the 300 anyway, different on the cdma's
05:35.55bzothat was my experience as well in disabling acoustic
05:36.18bzonot sure that it is clashing in the camera pmem block though
05:36.38bzomight be the general pmem region, but I guess that should be easy enough to figure from the clash messages
05:38.22WisTilt2should be fun to figure out
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06:03.43d3tul3git am -3 ftw
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06:08.06jONpRYwhats that do?
06:08.25d3tul3merge resolution
06:10.03jONpRYso its coming along?
06:10.33d3tul3almost there, it just compiled mach-msm with the patches in, stuck on suspend.c something with the last patch or two
06:10.48d3tul3kernel/power/suspend.c:140:2: error: implicit declaration of function 'sysdev_suspend'
06:11.59jONpRYi don't think i added any calls to such a function
06:12.20d3tul3i am looking at your patch and i guess you did
06:13.54d3tul3they droped it 39->3.0
06:13.58d3tul3can you believe that
06:14.18d3tul3find me a substitute function:) or I guess i can revert the scbs patches
06:14.47jONpRYchange to syscore_suspend();
06:15.00jONpRYresume needs a change as well
06:17.21jONpRYchanges definitely need to be made, but sysdev_suspend is still in the kernel
06:17.28jONpRYat least in the 3.0-final i have
06:17.49jONpRYguess i will pull
06:19.48jONpRYd3tul3, nm i was on wrong branch, change both to syscore
06:19.58d3tul3with void arg?
06:21.25d3tul3k, past it, let me see if it will snag somewhere else
06:38.36bzojONpRY: it seems like you guys had to do a little hacking on pmem to get it working back in june
06:39.36jONpRYhmm. link?
06:40.14bzoand I'm seeing in source a check was disabled in pmem_open()
06:41.09bzowhen I re-enable it I get the same error you reported back then
06:41.21bzoso I'm wondering if there is still some problem with the mapping
06:41.56jONpRYyou can't enable that check :p
06:42.30jONpRYall it does is make sure nobody opens a pmem segment twice
06:42.59jONpRYbut the mechanism they use is a hack because 39 fills up the priv_data pointer with something, and it assumes it would normally be null
06:43.37jONpRYunless your really doing something broken though the situation its checking for can't happen
06:43.56bzohmm, perhaps there is some other 39 specific behavior that is screwing pmem somewhere
06:44.05bzowe're getting clashes of overlapping regions
06:44.16jONpRYi don't understand what means
06:44.33jONpRYdon't you specify the start and end for all pmem regions?
06:44.48bzoI mean individual chucks used within a pmem region
06:45.18bzoa chunk A is getting allocated, then another chunk B is getting memory allocated that overlaps with A
06:45.23bzoand failing a sanity check
06:45.34jONpRYlike the virtual addresses are wrong?
06:45.47bzodunno, maybe
06:46.05jONpRYwhat sanity check fails where?
06:46.40bzoit's in the qdsp5 code
06:46.55bzoit has lists of pmem it is using, then cross references with other chunks
06:47.13bzoif you grep "clash" in the qdsp5, you can see where we are observing it
06:47.21jONpRYwell qdsp5 is totally unaware of the virtual mappings created by pmem.c
06:47.32jONpRYas in the pmem driver
06:47.38bzoright, it just takes what is given to it
06:48.00WisTilt2i checked those virtual addresses a dozen times.  something is happening with pmem_access_prot not happening.  i see several pmem_mmap mapping same locations to similar areas.
06:48.45d3tul3that access_prot dmesg spam *could* be unrelated
06:48.48WisTilt2let me paste what im talking about. maybe im chasing nothing here
06:49.28WisTilt2[ 4278.969757] pmem_access_prot: did not set access prot: 0, 1, 0
06:49.28WisTilt2[ 4278.969818] pmem_mmap: mmaping 0x24E00000 x 0x2000000 to: 0x45014000
06:49.28WisTilt2[ 4279.813659] pmem_access_prot: did not set access prot: 0, 1, 0
06:49.28WisTilt2[ 4279.813781] pmem_mmap: mmaping 0x24E00000 x 0x2000000 to: 0x45510000
06:49.28WisTilt2[ 4279.976409] pmem_access_prot: did not set access prot: 0, 1, 0
06:49.29WisTilt2[ 4279.976470] pmem_mmap: mmaping 0x24E00000 x 0x2000000 to: 0x45BC0000
06:49.45WisTilt2mapping same 0x24e00000 to different addresses?
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06:50.16d3tul3could be that happens on .27 as well, we just don't have that printk in place over there
06:50.37jONpRYthere also not seperated enough
06:51.25jONpRYassuming 0x200000 is the size
06:51.49WisTilt2it is from what i can tell
06:52.23WisTilt2this is coming from staging/dream/pmem.c
06:54.09WisTilt2these are causing the clashes down the road when camera or acoustic related things start
06:55.34WisTilt2i have to get out of here for tonight.  let me know if you guys find anything.  btw, with idle collapse im seeing under 1% battery drain per hour over the past several hours.  ill measure actual current tomorrow.  nite fella.
06:59.33jONpRYmaybe check io_remap_pfn_range, the call is all funky because something are PFN and others not. so its possible the length is being >> 13'd or something stupid
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07:01.06jONpRYd3tul3 it working?
07:01.59d3tul3jONpRY, sure
07:02.22d3tul3i'll push these out tomorrow
07:02.25d3tul3to my repo
07:02.31jONpRYas good as 39?
07:02.43d3tul3touch to say,need some time on it
07:03.11bzojONpRY: do you remember why you commented out that stuff in pmem_access_prot() ?
07:04.53jONpRYi had to use different functions to achieve the same effect
07:05.07jONpRYat this point all the different prots are supported
07:06.12jONpRYit used to be a weak symbols kind of thing
07:20.22d3tul3jONpRY, all the patching is done and up in my clone
07:20.26d3tul3i am out for the night later folks
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16:30.50detulewhere does one go for upstream code in "drivers/staging/android" these days?
16:31.11jONpRYdepends on what
16:32.18detuleand mm/ashmem.c
16:33.18detulein 3.0 they've re-written how the slab shrinker interacts with the shrinkers (ashmem, lowmemorykiller)....with the old drivers, the shrinkers don't work
16:33.48detuleit's kind of funny that the problem is in the same place as in .39 though different problem
16:36.28detulei have an idea what the issue is and could try to patch these but i would rather see if google has conformed at this point
16:41.03jONpRYthere is no gitweb that i know of for current android source
16:41.23jONpRYand omapzoom is down
16:41.48jONpRYi think CAF has a 3.0 kernel
16:42.26jONpRYdur it appears to be non android
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16:46.08Cotulla3.0 4.0 lol
16:46.20Cotullathey like big numbers
16:46.51jONpRYme too
16:49.24mgross029WisTilt2: Pulled the latest and still can't enable bt on .39
16:50.22WisTilt2are you seeing hci0 after you try turning it on?  also check interrupts and see if bt_host_wake is firing at all.
16:52.13mgross029Let me check forgot to do that. damn. :p
16:52.43detulejONpRY, thanks that's exactly what i needed
16:52.43jONpRYcan you do hcitool scan and stuff?
16:53.01mgross029arrrghhh: I did test with the .27 kernel that emwe sent out in email, last friday iirc.
16:53.33mgross029jONpRY: I can yes.
16:54.00WisTilt2everything appears to be working but userland doesn't see it as enabled
16:55.29WisTilt2jonpry: you and bzo come up with any more ideas with pmem?
16:58.12mgross029WisTilt2: no hci0 present.  hciconfig is empty too
16:58.18WisTilt2mgross029 when you say you pulled the latest... you mean you dl'd the kernel pack on my local server for testing bt right?
16:58.34WisTilt2git tree has no BT pushed yet
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16:59.23mgross029I will double check but I thought that was the latest yesterday.  Did you update since then?
17:00.44mgross029WisTilt2: g42d1a47 correct?
17:00.45WisTilt2i just uploaded the one im using so try it.  dont know which one you dl'd
17:02.20mgross029Hmm That isn't what I'm seeing out there.  Maybe my browser is caching it.  Let me clear.
17:03.31WisTilt2i dont think the one you have had all the BT stuff in it.  the one i just put up is current and you should see hci0
17:03.33mgross029Still seeing this on the site.  Current Kernel Pack:
17:03.59WisTilt2lol.  you didn't dl from the link i pm'd you?
17:04.16WisTilt2you're pulling off my autobuild not the private server:)
17:04.19jONpRYdetule any crashes yet? iirc i was able to cause crashing by starting and stopping birds a couple of times
17:04.45detulethat's because the shrinkers aren't working it loads up all ram and dies
17:05.02detulebtw, the suspend.c syscore functions are blowing up sleep in 3.0
17:05.41jONpRYit turns out that .39 should have both syscore and sysdev
17:05.56detulehere's the pastebin
17:06.28detulegoogle has already updated lowmemorykiller i am in the process of patching ashmem, we'll see if this makes them engage properly
17:09.33jONpRYthats not a crash, just a WARN()
17:09.56WisTilt2i'm sure this is a dumb question but why do we have pmem_size set to 32mb?  how was that size determined just curious.
17:09.57detuleyeah but it makes sleep a painful affair as in 10second resumes
17:10.09jONpRYin scbs stuffs. it must not like us accessing ktime during sleep or something. probably have to patch ktime
17:10.29detulebooting 3.0 without the scbs daemon running resuming works fine
17:14.54jONpRYjust comment out kernel/time/timekeeping.c line 245
17:15.43detuleyou think it's the printk that's overwhelming resume much like before?
17:18.35jONpRYneeds to be done because we support ktime stuffs during sleep
17:18.47detuleoh yeah it's humming along with the lowmemorykiller + ashmem patch
17:18.52detulecan't bring the available memory down
17:19.17detulemight be time for you to fire up that rhod:)
17:22.33mgross029WisTilt2: same results as ^^^
17:23.30WisTilt2mgross029: after you try to enable it you are not seeing hci0 anywhere?  what about bt host wake irq, still 0?
17:24.08WisTilt2hci0 should be at sys/class/bluetooth for sure
17:25.35WisTilt2im sure you already tried doing a find / -name hci0 on the device?
17:25.45mgross029I will check after I get back to Android.  Ran hciattach and got the bdaddr the 1(special characters) and option enable_hci and the phone locked
17:26.44WisTilt2if you could try enabling it then paste your cat /proc/interrupts so i can take a look
17:26.58mgross029Nothing for hci0 anywhere so far.  Let me get back in and I'll look in sys
17:27.20WisTilt2just do the find, it may be in several places like im seeing also
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17:33.31mgross029WisTilt2: [  284.266815] microp_set_color_led_state: color=GREEN   bluetooth rfkill state ON.  This was in dmesg from last time.  I've never seen this before in any of the kernels
17:33.52mgross029find found nothing for hci0
17:36.07WisTilt2let me build another for you to test if you have the time right now?
17:36.34mgross029Sure.  Just eating lunch. :p
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17:53.36mgross029After testing an incomming call my dmesg is getting blasted with this.
17:54.46WisTilt2what rootfs and system image you using?
17:55.44mgross029The latest.
17:56.20WisTilt2latest from where?  should be emwe's rootfs-unsecure and his latest GB image?
17:58.24mgross029I just built a new gb image after emwe pushed the kexec into the tree.
18:00.01Cotullalol my poor
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18:10.29WisTilt2mgross029: try this kernel pack
18:10.57WisTilt2same link/name
18:11.10mgross029Yep.  Pulling it down now
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18:11.52WisTilt2if you dont get hci0 showing up after enabling BT then im stumped.  i need to see your /proc/interrupts also after you enable if you could.
18:12.25mgross029Ok.  I will post from previous too sec.
18:13.05WisTilt2jonpry you still around?
18:14.08mgross029Interrupts from previous kernel
18:14.33WisTilt2well bt host_wake fired
18:15.02WisTilt2im puzzled why hci0 isn't anywhere.  hopefully this build it will
18:15.25mgross029Yeah it was wierd.  I was refreshing after trying to enable again and it did not increment
18:16.16WisTilt2i think once you try to enable BT the rfkill off never happens again since userland thinks its still disabled so all you see is rfkill on everytime you enable it.
18:16.58WisTilt2but host_wake doesn't fire again since it thinks its already awake i guess
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18:26.36jONpRYhi WisTilt2
18:28.56WisTilt2you and that crazy name you got going on.  you got a minute to take a look at something in pm.c?  i dont think the way this is setup that idle_collapse is actually able to happen.
18:29.54jONpRYcruise control is aWeSoMe
18:30.15WisTilt2if you look starting at line 283, i dont think the msm_arch_idle ever gets called unless we're in apps_sleep
18:30.25WisTilt2and what is cruise control
18:30.38jONpRYcapslock is cruise control for cool
18:31.02jONpRYi was too
18:36.32detulejONpRY, merge 3.0.9 into linux-msm-rhod?
18:38.19jONpRYsounds good
18:39.21jONpRYWisTilt2, does arch_idle need to be called?
18:39.39jONpRYiirc idle collapse was effectively disabled by that 20 second thing in Kconfig
18:39.41WisTilt2yes i believe so.
18:40.17WisTilt2i enabled it in config and set its mode = 1 for power collapse.  it was in suspend by default
18:40.42WisTilt2i just dont see how it does anything without arch_idle ever being called though.
18:40.55jONpRYyeah but that setting has no effect with the timer settings all fubar
18:41.02jONpRYmsm_arch_idle is just WFI
18:41.36jONpRYsee what happens is arch_idle definitely gets called
18:42.49jONpRYthe it checks this: if (sleep_time < msm_pm_idle_sleep_min_time || !allow_sleep) {
18:42.57WisTilt2i stuck a printk in arch_idle and it is definitely getting called from somewhere bigtime.  filled dmesg quickly.  so i guess its working but we need to shorten that 20s time then?
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18:43.31jONpRYbut this is no good: int allow_sleep =
18:43.31jONpRYmsm_pm_idle_sleep_mode < MSM_PM_SLEEP_MODE_WAIT_FOR_INTERRUPT &&
18:44.08jONpRYer i guess COLLAPSE < WFI
18:44.44jONpRYyeah so the idle loop will always have something to do in less than 20 s. so the comparison fails
18:46.04mgross029WisTilt2: I cannot enable bt but I am seeing some information in hciconfig now.  So it looks like the UART is configured bu the BD Address is empty.
18:46.24WisTilt2that should always test true since we're setting sleep mode to 1 though, which is < WFI
18:46.53WisTilt2mgross029: bdaddr should have the BT mac addy?  mine does.  are you seeing hci0 now?
18:46.56mgross029I lost my usb connectivity because of my POS XP workstation so I can't pull logs right now.  Only Term emulator at the moment
18:47.15jONpRYyeah allow sleep is fine. i was confused. byt sleep_min_time needs to be way way smaller
18:47.59WisTilt2yeah im dropping it to 1s for kicks and added printks throughout the logic to see where its going.  this should be interesting
18:48.15jONpRYi don't think thats low enough
18:48.29jONpRYcould potentially need to be sub 10 millisecond
18:48.35mgross029WisTilt2: hciconfig shows 00:00:00:00:00:00.  Just tried hciattach and I'm locked.
18:49.11WisTilt2ill try 5ms
18:50.24WisTilt2mgross029: my hciconfig shows 00:23:76:A5:E5:6A
18:50.53mgross029Yeah I agree.  That is strange
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18:57.24detuledetule pushed 871 commits to linux-msm-rhod/linux-msm-rhod:htc-msm-3.0.0-rc1
18:57.59jONpRYso why didn't 39 crash running angry birds when oom was broke?
18:58.22detulethere's another android shrinker ashmem
18:58.27detuleashmem was also defunct in 3.0
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19:19.29WisTilt2jONpRY: as i look at this, if this time is in ns then 20000000 would be 20ms not 20 seconds
19:22.15jONpRYthats possible
19:30.45detulei have to say, 3.0 is winning me over
19:32.44jONpRYthats good news. would be cool to switch to 3.0 and start a 3.1
19:33.38detulei think you need to get your rhod210 for that, i have  no idea what you two did in the early parts to get it off the ground
19:34.06jONpRYthe 39 port was ugly because we were so far behind
19:34.18jONpRYbut i probably put like a days work into 3.0
19:34.50detuleneed to figure out what you did outside of /mach-msm
19:35.18detulei am sure quite a bit
19:36.47jONpRYmost of it was not a big deal
19:48.01jONpRYjust a lot of hulala to find the one liner needed
20:03.37WisTilt2jONpRY: pm.c line 388 t2 is zero no?  line 404 t1 - t2 will be negative since t2 doesn't get a value until later at line 458.  or am i missing something
20:04.36WisTilt2nm im backwards
20:05.11WisTilt25ms didn't crash anything but i need a way to measure how much time we spent in idle_collapse to know
20:05.57jONpRYit should put some stuff in pm_stats
20:06.33WisTilt2yeah that's where im trying to setup a printk to show the idle time so that sound reasonable to you?
20:07.49jONpRYthe proc entry
20:07.50WisTilt2looks like i can printk the whole stat table
20:07.59jONpRYshould tell you how much time is spent in what sleep state
20:08.06jONpRYand it makes buckets
20:09.01WisTilt2:) guess i should have looked there first
20:09.08WisTilt2yeah that has what i need thanks
20:09.43WisTilt2tons of idle requests but no idle sleeps at all
20:10.07WisTilt2looks to be idle about 95% of the time
20:11.13WisTilt2we dont have an idle collapse stat table
20:15.05mgross029WisTilt2: /sys/class/bluetooth is there but not hci0.  Just an fyi.
20:17.07WisTilt2mgross029: was this after you tried to enable BT from userland?
20:17.15WisTilt2it has to be spawning that
20:17.49mgross029Ah so dynamically created when enabled correct?
20:18.13mgross029Was not able to enable so that was probably why then.
20:18.23WisTilt2you'll see rfkill ON then hci0 appears
20:18.37WisTilt2the check mark wont come on but hci0 should spawn
20:19.14WisTilt2userland still doesn't get notified that we actually turned it on for whatever reason but the bt radio does come up
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20:19.28WisTilt2bdaddr should have your mac also after you do this
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20:20.08mgross029Hmm ok.  I'll try more a little later then if I have some time.  Have to get back to rl. :p
20:20.33WisTilt2ok np, let me know, this is driving me buggy
20:23.58mgross029Same here.  I was seeing bdaddr before now I can't and hciattach keeps killing my phone.  Very strange
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20:32.28dr1337hey is anyone working on msm7k from ICS?
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20:59.36WisTilt2jONpRY i'll have idle stuff working nicely shortly.  problem was static variables were only int so that sleep_min_time always was zero and nothing ever tested true where it needed to.  i have all kinds of things happening now during idle.
21:00.17jONpRYhasn't even blown up yet?
21:00.48WisTilt2nope but im blowing out dmesg with all these printk's in the idle loop so removing all that now.
21:15.54jONpRYall irq's pretty much have to have wake enabled
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21:57.31detuleWisTilt2, when you get a chance can you check on the 3.0 autobuild
21:58.51WisTilt2you mean mine?  is it not building 3.0 correctly?
22:00.22detuleno, didn't you need to change something about the way you/it's build 39
22:00.36detuleperhaps it's running into the same issues with the 3.0 build script
22:00.47WisTilt2yeah the config.  ill fix it hang on
22:02.27WisTilt2ok give it a few mins and it should build it
22:03.31WisTilt2gotta run an errand bbl
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22:29.36jONpRYoh joy
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