IRC log for #htc-linux on 20110724

00:08.16*** join/#htc-linux BHSPitMonkey (~stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey)
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13:00.51Guest4308I found something potentially strange
13:01.27Guest4308my 4329 actually doesn't freeze when reading from higher than 0x40000 freezes at 0x48000
13:02.49Guest4308wait... do you have a 4325?
13:03.03Guest4308hi :)
13:03.16WyrM4329 from a broadcom OEM.
13:03.23WyrMazure wave
13:04.01WyrMso, your firmware is bigger than 256KB?
13:04.09Guest4308well my 4329 is actually bigger
13:04.33WyrMwhat do you have after 0x40000? firmware code?
13:04.41Guest4308by about 32 kb
13:04.59Guest4308judging by the fact that it is directly 'after' 0x40000
13:05.35Guest4308and by the fact that strings produces
13:05.47Guest4308t (c) 19
13:05.48Guest4308Logic In
13:05.48Guest4308c. * Thr
13:05.48Guest4308eadX ATM
13:06.29Guest4308I'm going to say that it is
13:07.02WyrMyeah, looks like it is.
13:07.15Guest4308wait, is .data
13:07.29Guest4308a reference to, say, the start of the data segment
13:07.30WyrMwhich device are you working with? iphone 4?
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13:07.48Guest4308but I'm led to believe that it is the same shit
13:08.29Guest4308okayyyyyy this is good -- now IDA will have the whole thing!
13:08.47Guest4308(before I was getting a very patchy disassembly)
13:10.19Guest4308oh - and I got 3000000 baud
13:10.33WyrMNice. :)
13:12.18WyrMlook for 0x0e0e00 and 0x0e0e2c peripherals
13:14.17Guest4308which peripherals are they?
13:15.29WyrMif its the same in your chip, they are the controls for the pcm port.
13:17.27WyrMtry: 0x0e0e00 = "\x01\x89\x00\x10", 0x0e0e2c = "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
13:18.17WyrMand do whatever you have to do on the processor side to route the pcm port output to your speaker.
13:18.59Guest4308the thing is -- I don't have access to pcm on processor side...
13:19.24WyrMwith this config it will output 8khz 16bit mono, i need help to make it output better audio.
13:19.41Guest4308i want to help you
13:19.50WyrMcan you make a bluetooth sco connection?
13:19.58Guest4308yes that's what I'm trying to do
13:20.00WyrMheadset or handsfree profile?
13:20.22Guest4308the reason I wanted the rom
13:20.26Guest4308was to route audio over hci
13:20.29T-Junkcan i ask an off-topic geographical question? :)
13:20.35Guest4308or sco
13:20.38Guest4308yep go ahead
13:21.03T-Junkhow to call Arabia as a part of the world? middle-east sounds so typical.. imo
13:21.04Guest4308(and then I'll ask an age-related question)
13:21.12T-Junkand Persia is from 1500 years back in time
13:21.30Guest4308I would say middle-east...?
13:21.33Guest4308is that incorrect?
13:21.45T-Junkhmmkay that will not be taken as offensive?
13:21.56T-Junki dont know :)
13:22.02Guest4308I wouldn't think so
13:22.16T-Junktry to found out how much neutral i can describe that part of the world
13:22.26T-Junkmmkay :)
13:22.48Guest4308-- do you mean like it's too broad and paints it with the same brush as the rest of the middle-east?
13:22.55T-Junkyeah you also China is within Asia not within China
13:22.59T-Junkeven it's so big
13:23.19T-Junkyes like
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13:23.40T-Junki have a stock ruu here that is arabic persian languages only
13:23.48Guest4308wikipedia is the king of neutrality
13:23.59T-Junkokay :)
13:24.09T-Junkso i will go with Middle East then :)
13:24.16T-Junkthanks :)
13:25.22Guest4308that's okay :)
13:25.40Guest4308wyrm: I was just trying to route audio over sco/hci
13:25.56Guest4308because I only currently have access to the uart
13:27.04Guest4308the entry point is most definitely 0x00000000 right?
13:27.10WyrMi know how to get packets that look like audio on the hci.
13:27.33Guest4308yeah, I was writing 0x00 to the fm register 0x4d
13:28.11Guest4308and I was getting a constant stream of 0x04 0xff 0x01 0x08 back
13:28.22Guest4308and I basically wanted to reverse the 0x08
13:29.20WyrMyeah, i got the same stream.
13:29.28Guest4308jsut then?
13:29.35WyrMhave you tried to decode it as sco audio?
13:29.46WyrM8khz 13bit mono.
13:29.54Guest4308i think they are hci packets
13:30.00Guest43080x04 - hci event
13:30.06Guest43080xff - vendor specific
13:30.12Guest43080x01 - payload length
13:30.17Guest43080x08 - fucked if I know
13:30.25Guest4308perhaps some error message?
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13:30.40WyrMi have no idea. :)
13:30.44Guest4308sco packets start with 0x03 then a connection handle
13:30.54Guest4308then a length byte or something
13:30.56Guest4308then data
13:31.02WyrMAnyway, i never saw an implementation for these BT BCM chips using audio through HCI.
13:31.22Guest4308sco runs over hci though
13:31.42WyrMsince bcm2035 all i saw was audio through pcm port.
13:32.47WyrMare you sure the pcm port isnt connected to your applications processor?
13:33.32Guest4308I'm not sure about anything to do with pcm
13:33.48Guest4308and I'm this close to cracking it open and soldering a speaker on myself
13:34.14WyrMlol, doesnt it have a speaker already?
13:35.43WyrMa quick google search says that ipad does support sco audio.
13:35.48WyrMfor bt headset.
13:38.20Guest4308yeah it has a speaker but I can't get pcm data off a specific pcm port
13:38.41Guest4308like I am never allowed to see the pcm port I can only 'select microphone'
13:38.46Guest4308then 'get data'
13:38.49WyrMerr, sorry: "Ok. I have been to the Apple store twice in the past two days. Here is what I have discovered. No support for BT mono headsets used for cell phones and such."
13:39.10Guest4308nah they're insane
13:39.14Guest4308it does support sco audio
13:39.50WyrMthen check whatever code does it.
13:40.15WyrMit should contain the answer you are looking for.
13:40.32Guest4308I know what the code does
13:40.38Guest4308it looks for bt devices
13:40.45Guest4308creates an acl connection to them
13:40.56Guest4308(if they are a bt headset)
13:41.03Guest4308then creates an sco connection
13:41.07Guest4308and then streams data
13:41.18WyrMstreams data over what connection?
13:41.36Guest4308oh no, the control is over hci
13:41.45WyrMomg, then it is the only bcm powered device that does it.
13:41.47Guest4308then the data, I'm pretty sure is moved onto pcm
13:41.58Guest4308but this is what I don't know
13:42.27Guest4308I'm pretty sure the sco data is routed over pcm
13:42.37Guest4308that's what the code is telling me
13:42.40WyrMyes, i think it is.
13:42.53WyrMall bcm designs i've seen use pcm, not hci.
13:42.54Guest4308but I just want the route the sco over hci
13:43.02WyrMsince palm zire 72 :)
13:43.47WyrMyep, bcm2035.
13:44.01Guest4308'with integrated digital camera'
13:44.12WyrMall OpenEZX phones uses bcm2035 or bcm2045 too :)
13:46.53Guest4308if you look at the sco packet format
13:46.59Guest4308it says it runs over hci...?
13:47.17WyrMnever saw this with bcm bt chips.
13:47.21WyrMall use pcm.
13:47.40Guest4308so are you saying the bt core recieves the sco packet
13:47.46Guest4308gets the data out
13:47.54Guest4308and discards the header
13:48.02Guest4308and then puts the data onto the pcm port?
13:48.22Guest4308so we can never see the sco header
13:48.32Guest4308we will never get 0x03 over the uart
13:50.08WyrMi think not. at least thats not how it works with the devices i worked with.
13:50.15Guest4308well fuck that. I'm going to patch ram
13:50.19WyrMall use pcm.
13:50.23Guest4308what did you need to do again?
13:50.42WyrMto enable pcm for fmradio?
13:50.58WyrMfor bt headset you dont need to access the audio peripheral directly.
13:51.05WyrMthe firmware does it automatically.
13:51.34WyrMfor fmradio it was the only way i was able to get audio data through the pcm port.
13:52.16Guest4308where was the data coming out before?
13:52.16WyrM0x0e0e00 = "\x01\x89\x00\x10", 0x0e0e2c = "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
13:52.43Guest4308have you tried a brute force 'attack' on the peripheral
13:53.00Guest4308just every combination?
13:53.11WyrMnot every.
13:53.34WyrMbut i know bits to select the timeslot, and padding bits
13:53.38Guest4308reverse the code
13:53.44Guest4308and play on that
13:54.15Guest4308okay so we've established that there are two pcm ports
13:54.23Guest4308bluetooth audio pcm port
13:54.27Guest4308and fm radio pcm port?
13:54.36WyrMits the same port.
13:54.48Guest4308I thought you said before that there were two ports
13:54.53WyrMyou can switch the data stream by writing to a fm register.
13:55.19WyrMyes, I2S port that seems to be connected directly to the fm core, and is NC on my HW.
13:55.35Guest4308so if you have a bt headset you can switch between that audio and fm?
13:55.46WyrMand PCM port, connected to the bluetooth core, that can also output fm audio.
13:55.52Guest4308nc=not connected?
13:55.59WyrMthis one is connected on most hardeware.
13:56.13Guest4308well then we're sweet
13:56.20WyrMyes, i can switch. and yes, nc=not connected.
13:56.38Guest4308well then we're theoretically sweet
13:56.44Guest4308if there are exactly two ports
13:57.02Guest4308and we can get audio out of at least one
13:57.22Guest4308then we can theoretically get fm out of it?
13:57.23WyrMDo you have a bluetooth headset?
13:57.37Guest4308nope haha
13:57.46Guest4308at the same quality of the bt audio
13:57.51WyrMfor a bluetooth headset you dont need any port to be connected to your AP at all.
14:00.17Guest4308ahh yes
14:00.25Guest4308but I think I meant a2dp
14:00.29Guest4308or whatever it is
14:00.51Guest4308that lets you stream audio over bluetooth where our host controller is outputting audio to the speaker
14:01.01WyrMa2dp isnt sco audio.
14:01.03Guest4308no wait, not even,
14:01.06Guest4308if I have sco
14:01.24Guest4308it needs input from the cell tower chip
14:01.28Guest4308to then put that over bt
14:02.03Guest4308so the data comes over the air from the tower, through the baseband chip then into the bt chip (over pcm or an audio port) then over the air to the remote bt device
14:02.11Guest4308so pcm must be connected??
14:02.23Guest4308or at least one audio line must be connected
14:02.41WyrMyou can route sco to a baseband processor too.
14:02.47WyrMthis is the most common use case.
14:03.03Guest4308yes, but over what?
14:03.04WyrMbut it also works with the application processor, for regular audio.
14:03.11Guest4308yeah, but which port
14:03.33WyrMsco audio as far as i know, only works through the pcm port on these chips.
14:03.37Guest4308whether it connects to the apps proc or the baseband proc -- it has to connect over pcm
14:03.59Guest4308yeah, so we are connected and have proof of high quality audio?
14:06.05WyrMhigh quality sco?
14:06.18Guest4308no high quality audio
14:06.21WyrM8khz 13bit mono is far from high quality.
14:06.30WyrMbut it does work. :)
14:07.02Guest4308I guess what i'm trying to say is -- can fm go over anything that isn't sco?
14:07.43WyrMyes, if you have the i2s port connected, most people don't have.
14:07.54WyrMotherwise, it goes through pcm port.
14:08.14Guest4308no i meant encoding
14:08.20WyrMand with the pcm port i was only able to get sco grade quality audio.
14:08.22Guest4308is there any other encoding apart from sco?
14:08.42WyrMsco is raw audio AFAIK.
14:08.58WyrMraw PCM.
14:09.09Guest4308so the data section of an sco packet is pcm?
14:13.16Guest4308is it possible that there are audio quality limits
14:13.21Guest4308on the fm core
14:13.55WyrMaccording to the product brief, its 48khz 16bit stereo.
14:14.16WyrMbut all i could get though the pcm port was 8khz 16bit mono.
14:19.02Guest4308is the uart a good enough transport to have higher quality audio
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14:20.57WyrM48khz * 16 bit * 2(stereo) = 1.536 mb/s.
14:21.10WyrMat 3mb/s it should work.
14:21.24WyrMdepends on header sizes.
14:22.42Guest4308so we just need to find the code in the rom
14:22.53Guest4308that enables hci at arbitrary quality
14:23.10WyrMor pcm with better quality.
14:23.35Guest4308yeah but perhaps there is some sort of sco limit
14:23.36WyrMpcm is better for us because you can route it directly to the audio codec, and put the ap to sleep.
14:27.51Guest4308hmm why does your rom only go for 256kb?
14:28.23WyrMdon't know. different OEM maybe?
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14:30.47fpudcordes_, tmzt_: ping
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16:41.37tmzt_does BT core on the bcm use the same cpu as WiFi core?
16:41.48tmzt_thanks to paulk_ I found some good docs on it
16:42.04Guest4308segregated cores
16:42.09WyrMtmzt_: no.
16:42.22Guest4308there are a bunch of cores inside the bcms
16:42.22WyrMwifi is cortex m3, bt is arm7tdmi.
16:42.38Guest4308god I want the be a bcm customer
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16:42.56tmzt_wifi is cortex?
16:43.08WyrMdocumentation isn't that good anyway.
16:43.49Guest4308which docs?
16:43.53fputmzt_: sorry for the fuss, but my issue with bcm4329, I'm not sure it's related to init
16:44.08WyrMbrcm docs.
16:44.23fpuI think it's magldr issue :-( I loaded ubuntu through it, with wifi definitely working, and I'm getting identical errors as on my debian buil
16:44.27Guest4308no, like public docs or nda docs
16:46.27tmzt_and this, is this cortex
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16:54.26fputmzt_: also, you linked me to androix apk
16:54.31fpudo you have it handy?
16:54.41fpu[dreams of mplayer]
16:57.23tmzt_tell me how well mplayer works :)
16:57.26tmzt_what device do you have
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17:00.31fpumedia players on android are still very very poor
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17:03.48Guest283wyrm - what is the default fm audio out
17:04.06Guest283or is there no default?
17:04.26WyrMdefault is probably i2s.
17:04.57WyrMi have to set a fm register to route to pcm.
17:05.17WyrMand poke the audio peripheral to get audio out.
17:05.44Guest283you have to poke it as well
17:06.19Guest283i cant wait to get to ida tomorrow
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18:07.39fpuexport DISPLAY= ?
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18:15.17fpubasically how to use it
18:15.32fpuI launched it, I have ssh connection to chroot on android, now what?
18:19.15fpuyuppi! :-) xterm works after all
18:19.50fpuand mplayer works too!
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18:31.42fpuit's much better than vnc
18:31.50fputhough still too slow for videos
18:32.26raymonddullfpu: on what phone?
18:33.09fpuit's htc leo
18:33.40raymonddullchroot ubuntu?
18:33.47raymonddulljust boot natively
18:34.08fpumagldr doesn't boot ubuntu well
18:34.13fputouchscreen, wifi doesn't work
18:34.22fpulots of other glitches
18:34.23raymonddullI used that for awhile from sd
18:34.26raymonddullit wasnt bad
18:35.08raymonddullusb host mode was pretty cool
18:35.15raymonddullI had a keyboard and mouse plugged in
18:35.18fpuyes, is sounds pretty cool :-) I was trying to run that myself
18:35.35fpubut it's nonfunctional unless booting from windows mobile
18:35.58arrrghhhfpu, why magldr for ubuntu
18:36.01arrrghhhjust run it from SD
18:36.11raymonddullwhen I had my hd2,nand boot was something that was "coming in september"
18:36.21fpuI have nand android
18:36.28fpuubuntu was booting from SD using magldr
18:36.38fpubut it again didn't work well :-(
18:37.07arrrghhhfpu, winmo
18:37.39fpuyeah but winmo must be on nand
18:37.48fpuI have android in nand
18:37.59fpuand I use it as my main os
18:38.03arrrghhhthen deal
18:38.11arrrghhhyou can boot Android from HaRET as well
18:38.13arrrghhhbut whatever dude
18:38.51arrrghhhyou can't have your cake and eat it too...
18:39.18fpuactually I heard there were ready kernels for ubuntu 0.4 for hd2 release
18:39.23fpuwhich work well with magldr
18:39.30fpustill unreleased thought...
18:39.38raymonddullthen bug them to release
18:39.41arrrghhhi haz no hd2
18:39.47raymonddullI dont either
18:39.54raymonddullI want one,but I haz no $
18:40.31arrrghhhmeh.  no kbd.
18:40.40arrrghhhi guess i could use it as a glorified iPod
18:40.44arrrghhhbut no service, meh.
18:40.56raymonddulloh yeah thats right,you have sprint
18:41.04raymonddullactually using it as a phone is awesome though
18:41.10raymonddullI liked it better than my evo
18:41.52arrrghhhseems like the same phone, but the evo has a kickstand lol
18:42.02arrrghhhand runs Android natively... :P
18:43.33raymonddullyeah,its too boring
18:43.38raymonddullI like semi working stuff
18:43.49raymonddullits fun seeing whats new with each release
18:43.55arrrghhhyea, i know that feeling
18:43.57arrrghhhtesting is fun :D
18:44.02raymonddullnative devices just kinda work and I hate it
18:44.12arrrghhhyou can still break them in fantastic ways
18:44.18raymonddulloh yeah
18:44.19arrrghhhyou just weren't creative enough :P
18:44.19fpuevo 4g is fat
18:44.24raymonddullfpu: yeah it is
18:44.34raymonddullI have had both,and I agree,the evo is a fatty
18:44.39raymonddulland its heavy too,its not just bid
18:44.50fpuit's supposed to be big :p
18:44.53fpu4.3 screen ftw
18:45.02arrrghhhmy buddy got the evo3d
18:45.05arrrghhhthing is a beast
18:45.07fpuI also didn't like capacitive button
18:45.13fpubut I guess I could get used to them
18:45.19arrrghhhfpu, i don't think anyone does
18:45.40fpuhates vlc
18:45.44fpuit doesn't want to run as root
18:45.58fpuI think I should edit wiki page on "root"
18:46.05fpu"user that can do everything except running vlc"
18:46.07raymonddullI cant stand the touch buttons
18:46.16raymonddullthey bug the crap out of me
18:46.46raymonddulland I played around with the e3d,and on the stock rom at least,it sucks. I had better performance on the half working hd2 9 months ago than that thing does
18:47.16fpustock roms suck, almost universally
18:47.17arrrghhhraymonddull, i dunno.  never played with an hd2, but the e3d is freaking ridiculously fast for what it's running
18:47.22arrrghhhall that bloat, and still fast?  :P
18:47.28arrrghhhsense3.0 is bloatybloatbloat
18:47.43raymonddullyeah it is
18:47.54raymonddullI cant wait till it gets perm root and something not sense 3.0
18:48.04raymonddullthough sense 3.0 ran about the same on my evo 4g
18:48.27arrrghhhi like the lock screen on 3.0
18:48.29fpuyou still can't have custom roms on evo3d? lol
18:48.30arrrghhhbut everything else is... bleh
18:48.52raymonddullI sold it,a droid 2 i had as a tester,and my intercept,so now I'm down to an optimus v  and iphone 2g for now till I find something that interests me
18:48.56arrrghhhfpu, they don't have permanent root from HTC yet.  but there's a temp root no?  dunno.  my buddy's too dumb to care about that crap.
18:49.22raymonddullyeah theres temp root on stock rom,but no recovery and no nand unlock
18:49.30fpuahh old iphones
18:49.43fpuMy 3g still works, sits in closet behind me
18:49.45raymonddullyeah,it dual boots iOS and gingerbread
18:49.49fpuit has broken screen thought :p
18:50.01fpuiDroid aye?
18:50.09fpuexperimented with linux on iphone
18:50.15fpubut no power management makes it unusable
18:50.23fpulike, completely unusable
18:50.25raymonddullhere's what works on what:
18:50.35raymonddullit runs for about 2 hours on a brand new full battery
18:51.56arrrghhhiPhone's are pretty useless.
18:52.21raymonddullbut I get like 4 days of pretty heavy texting usage in iOS though
18:52.32raymonddullI havent been able to touch that on any android phone I've had ever
18:52.49raymonddullwinmo comes close
18:53.14fputhere are android phones with good battery life
18:54.42raymonddulllike what? I've had the g1,n1,vibrant,fascinate,hd2,evo,nexus s,optimus v,droid incredible,droid 2,intercept,mytouch 3g slide,cliq,cliq xt,and probably more I cant remember
18:55.03raymonddullnone of which lasted more than a day with my usage
18:55.14arrrghhhyour usage isn't normal
18:55.19raymonddullI know
18:56.04raymonddullmy usage DEFINITELY isnt normal:
18:56.41arrrghhhraymonddull, wth
18:57.00raymonddullyou dont remember that?
18:57.12arrrghhhNo notifications?
18:57.16arrrghhhor the T-Mobile#@ crap
18:57.21arrrghhhthat's whatever their tower is broadcasting
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18:57.34raymonddullno,tmobile on a sprint tp2 running froyo
18:57.45arrrghhhlots of people do that
18:57.58raymonddullI thought i was unique
18:58.00arrrghhhwe have people all over the world with RHOD400/500's on GSM networks
18:58.00raymonddulloh well
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18:58.15arrrghhhthere was this one in Venezula, their carrier used BOTH
18:58.31arrrghhhso they used it on CDMA and GSM, but it was all the same carrier
18:58.33arrrghhhbeat that
18:58.52raymonddulland i'm not even a weirdo for using the iphone on tmobile anymore either because there are over a million of them on tmobile now
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19:01.23raymonddulllmfao,I'm going through my dropbox and I still have a kernel and modules from feburary
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19:03.01raymonddullis this bad?
19:05.00raymonddullevo with sense 3.0
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19:10.35fpuwhat evo?
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19:34.12raymonddulloriginal evo
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19:46.07fpuwell my hd2 has smaller battery and definitely lasts longer
19:46.24fpuUNLESS you're using 4g which from what I heard is real drainer
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20:27.31tmzt_fpu: yeah, video is going to be slow, there is no XV support at all
20:27.58tmzt_I need more people contributing and to get the build system working again, as I have a pull request that fixes a lot of things and no way to test it
20:29.02fpuI'm not a dev but if anything else could be done I'd gladly help
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23:39.42PsychoCheF_Hi, trying to get root acess to my desire (gsm) but unrevoked (3.32) just ends up with "Error: failed to get root. Is your firmware to new?" Any idea what to do?
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