IRC log for #htc-linux on 20110716

00:21.14*** join/#htc-linux mitsutaka (
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01:03.55*** join/#htc-linux ORi| (~ORi@
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01:47.58*** join/#htc-linux WyrM (~WyrM@unaffiliated/wyrm)
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03:43.37*** topic/#htc-linux is Welcome to the HTC Linux project | Community portal & WiKi | For IRC logs, HaRET & kernel mailing lists etc. see | The project is not affiliated with the HTC Corporation | This channel is for development purposes - Join #htc-linux-chat for offtopic
03:47.55*** join/#htc-linux programmer8922 (~Evan@
03:54.20*** join/#htc-linux apt (
03:54.21*** topic/#htc-linux is Welcome to the HTC Linux project | Community portal & WiKi | For IRC logs, HaRET & kernel mailing lists etc. see | The project is not affiliated with the HTC Corporation | This channel is for development purposes - Join #htc-linux-chat for offtopic
03:57.13*** join/#htc-linux Rob2222 (
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08:33.14Guest93111Hi, I'm having problems inserting bcm4329.ko
08:33.49fpuit inserts, but spits out some errors and doesn't bring any network interface
08:34.54fpuI'm wondering if it's because I'm booting from MAGLDR (HTC Leo)
08:35.05fpuI read on xda that it results in some problems
08:40.54*** join/#htc-linux kamil21ita (59e46ba5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:42.21*** join/#htc-linux emwe (
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10:07.34*** join/#htc-linux LordDeath (
10:22.14*** join/#htc-linux Markinus (~Adium@
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10:30.55[acl]emwe: y0
10:36.12emwe[acl]: ahjo.
10:36.35[acl]emwe: whats good..
10:39.49emwe[acl]: hm, that the release is finally out? ;)
10:40.39emwebtw, i really enjoy the 35mm. working good.
10:40.48[acl]emwe: already got some complaints about it
10:40.53[acl]like "why does my mic not work"
10:41.11emwebecause the code is not there, iirc?
10:41.29[acl]they asked for a work around.. i told em write the code.. only workaround i know of
10:41.40emweone thing at a time, really.
10:41.51[acl]but to be fair it shoudnt be that bad to implement. I just need one of those fancy headsets to tackle it
10:41.53emwestill trying to figure one - hopefully last - gps issue.
10:42.04emwei got one here from my gf
10:42.09emweeven some more iirc.
10:42.49[acl]quick question.. sometime ago hyn posted a commit about a clamshell fix. Now sure if this was just ignore or did it cause issues?
10:42.59emwetried to quickly hack in monodie detection for topa on .35 but it doesn't seem to like me readl()'ing that address. dunno if that is yet blocked by mmu?
10:43.32[acl]emwe: not sure
10:43.41emwedunno if it caused issues. just didn't report initial state correctly iirc
10:43.57emweso starting opened it still thought it was initially closed.
10:44.08[acl]hmm so it just inverted it
10:44.21emweit reads out state on probe iirc
10:44.41emwenever tested because rhod runs .35 here. only raph is on .27, still.
10:44.52emweand i need to port that over i think.
10:45.27[acl]ahh ic
10:45.37[acl]im looking at the dll now
10:45.51[acl]should i bother if it works on .35
10:46.39[acl]look into the clamshell issue
10:46.56emwefor .35?
10:47.02[acl]no for .27
10:47.29emwehuh now confused. there's an issue now with the latest three patches?
10:48.21[acl]im just wondering if its worth it to look into the clamshell issue.
10:50.43[acl]nevermind.. hyc just replied. said this was on hold until frx7..
10:51.01emweyap, that got pushed by me yesterday when FRX07 got out
10:51.08emwei had them pending here in a separate branch
10:51.12[acl]ahh ok
10:51.38emwethought you read the commit logs :)
10:51.53[acl]i thought i did too
10:51.57[acl]looks like i missed these
10:51.58[acl]there we go
10:52.06[acl]i see em bad boys now
10:52.45emwestupid gito not showing the origianl author in the activity/overview pages.
10:56.21[acl]hmm .. so this variable back light for kb.. its dependent on auto bl?
10:57.30[acl]oo .. oops missed the first patch.. so its userland
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10:59.15[acl]haha does this mean there is gonna be an auto bl for kb backlight too once light sensor works ? :-p
11:10.18*** join/#htc-linux GNUtoo|laptop (
11:15.06emwewell, auto-bl for panel is also a hack. we'd need to setup these lumen tables in overlay config.xml i think. dunno worth the effort.
11:15.21emwei am happy with that fade. ;)
11:20.30[acl]emwe: lumen tables? hmm
11:21.48phhit just needs a lumen-meter
11:21.53phhi'm sure every has such a thing at home ...
11:21.59phhwell of course on TP2 but it needs to be calibrated :D
11:22.54[acl]phh: calib? so where does the light sensor come into play?
11:23.56[acl]phh: and when are you gonna get me an archos pad ?
11:24.10phherr, first for me -_-'
11:24.43phh[acl]: do you know if droid3 is available now ?
11:24.58[acl]phh: no clue..
11:25.17phhbecause at archos we're wondering
11:25.20phhTI's stuff really doesn't work -_-'
11:26.40[acl]phh: its available here. just saw it
11:26.59[acl]phh: its cheaper than my galaxy s.. how is this posisble
11:27.35phhi'm guessing it's less hype
11:28.03[acl]anyways i need to go .. breakfast time.. so no one knows how light sensor will play a role with autobl and this kb thing ?
11:28.28phhwell for autobl it won't change anything AFAIK since autobl is fully done in hardware
11:29.33[acl]phh: i ask because the mahi mahi code sort ot blends em together. Light sensor and autobl
11:29.50*** join/#htc-linux GNUtoo|laptop (
11:30.10[acl]if LS is enabled looks like auto bl is too
11:30.11emwe[acl]: userland is happy when it gets a fake value
11:30.15emweat leat on gb
11:30.24phhwell, emwe was speaking about userland config
11:30.26emwethat's why i added that fake sensor there. on froyo it seems different
11:30.40phhIIRC mahimahi's driver writes LS values to microp
11:30.47emweanyways, gotta go.
11:30.49phhso indeed it's useful there
11:30.58[acl]emwe: bye dood
11:31.03[acl]remember.. the super clap is out there
11:31.10emwewhatever that is.
11:31.13[acl]google it
11:31.32emwelater then. ;)
11:31.34[acl]phh: ok.. so i shall try to poach that code for LS and see how useful it will be
11:31.45[acl]gots to go myself.. breakfast time.. 7am here :-)
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13:15.40*** join/#htc-linux gauner1986 (
13:15.55WyrManybody working on bcm4329 fm radio?
13:18.54phhi think people here are more interested in 4325 than 4329
13:19.04WyrMsame. :)
13:19.17gauner19864329 ftw
13:19.27WyrMsince bcm2048, its probably the same thing.
13:21.43phhgauner1986: yeah well
13:21.47phhbut not all phones has it
13:22.06phhall phones i have uses this chip ! :p
13:22.10gauner1986WyrM: whats wrong with bcm4329 fm radio anyway?
13:22.11phh(and that makes two phones.)
13:22.32gauner1986only thing i can think of is fm transmitter
13:22.42phhand bcm4325 doesn't have it :p
13:22.44gauner1986but that won't do probably
13:24.00WyrMgauner1986: im working on it.
13:24.47gauner1986i wonder if it's physically connected
13:24.59gauner1986but should be the same antenna that fm receiver uses
13:25.25WyrMgauner1986: it is on my device, im working for a manufacturer :)
13:26.20phhmeeh ?
13:26.26phhpeople are still using bcm4329 nowadays ?
13:27.19WyrMWe are.
13:27.30WyrMbut our device isn't mass-market.
13:28.36phhbroadcom does little number of pieces ?
13:29.00WyrMAnyway, i figured a way to extract its firmware, and also found a way to get fm audio out of the PCM/SCO port.
13:29.34phhyou have bcm4329s but no datasheet ?
13:29.41WyrMi have datasheet.
13:29.51WyrMbut i also signed a NDA.
13:30.01WyrMbut the docs are rubbish anyway.
13:30.17WyrMand brcm support says they dont support it (datasheet say it does).
13:31.58WyrMso i kind of hacked my own way to get fmradio audio working through PCM port.
13:32.51WyrMphh: are you working on fmradio support for this chip? or know someone who is?
13:33.38phhi'm not, i might have worked on it before, i'm not so sure mmm
13:34.15phhi think i worked only on TI's
13:35.01phhWyrM: controlling fm is done through hci commands ?
13:36.08phhyeah no i think we only did TI
13:36.13fpudid anyone here mess with linux on htc leo?
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13:37.38phhyeah, wiki gives only TI info, not bcm
13:37.42WyrMphh: do you have a device with bcm4329?
13:38.16phhonly bcm4325s
14:01.53*** join/#htc-linux Andreyxxl[HD2EU] (Andreyxxl@
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17:18.06tmztWyrM: hey what's up? I did until two days ago
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17:20.05tmztwrong chip though
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23:36.05*** join/#htc-linux Segnale007 (

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