IRC log for #htc-linux on 20110316

00:18.23*** join/#htc-linux Rajko (~Rajko@2001:470:1f0b:728:1e0:d3c8:4b92:36f9)
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01:26.20WisTilt2arrrghhh: you ready for some testing in a bit?  just got home and going to code some changes for that 30s problem.
01:26.40arrrghhhoh yea
01:26.49arrrghhhmusic to my ears sir :D
01:26.56arrrghhhor... eyes as it were.
01:27.13WisTilt2hopefully this fixes it first try
01:27.25WisTilt2but you know how that goes...
01:27.34arrrghhhwhich is why i'm here :D
01:27.57arrrghhhwanted to ask you about changes in the latest public release of your kernel... and if it could effect the device waking for alarms...?
01:28.16WisTilt2you mean like alarm clock?
01:28.23arrrghhhi don't know how that type of wake would be different from a phone call
01:29.18WisTilt2nope, nothing i changed should have anything to do with alarm waking things up.  does it still wake with my earlier kernels that still had fast sleep/wake in it?
01:29.37arrrghhhso i use my phone to wake my ass every morning
01:29.50arrrghhhand monday, i did notice the alarm didn't go off until i woke the phone
01:29.58arrrghhhand i had another user complain, and post a dmesg if you like
01:30.30WisTilt2if its only in this very last kernel it might the way jonpry battery does its mini wake possibly
01:30.40arrrghhhyes it is just this last kernel
01:30.47arrrghhhi never had this problem with any of your previous kernels
01:30.52arrrghhhand... what's odd is it's not right away
01:31.07arrrghhhwhat i mean is i tested it, put the phone to sleep (solid green LED) and it woke just fine
01:31.24arrrghhhi don't know what a long sleep would be different from a short one...
01:33.16WisTilt2shouldnt be any different other than the battery stuff waking every 5secs or whatever.  dont even know if that code runs without being setup to start it though.
01:33.52WisTilt2his logs are meaningless, dont see anything interesting other than it looks like it wasnt going to sleep much
01:34.01arrrghhhi noticed that too
01:34.03arrrghhhoh well.
01:34.17WisTilt2ok ill ping you in a bit when im ready with test #1
01:41.56WisTilt2hey arrrghhh while im doing this can you do the following: boot, wait until you get 3g or whatever data lock, then pm me logcat -b radio
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02:04.17arrrghhhWisTilt2, you got that right?
02:05.06WisTilt2yep thanks
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02:15.13WisTilt2arrrghhh: ril pack ready 13415599221f3be23f8674e2d9a43750 same fn as last time
02:15.48WisTilt2contains rootfs and system.ext2, will work with the 249 kernel
02:15.50arrrghhhi don't have a 100mb cxn back to your office :(
02:16.20arrrghhhbleh that's goin slow too.  weird..
02:17.11WisTilt2that server is only allocated 50mbps and should always have close to that available
02:17.38arrrghhheh might be me.
02:17.43arrrghhhi cap out at 1.5MB/s
02:17.49arrrghhhnot even sure what that is in mb.
02:17.57arrrghhhi wish everything was reported in bytes, not bits :P
02:17.57WisTilt2that is 12mbps
02:18.08WisTilt2oh only 1.5mbps?
02:18.15arrrghhhi'm getting 300k right now
02:18.21arrrghhh1.5 megabytes per sec
02:18.34arrrghhhi dunno what they sell me, 12mbit i think
02:18.38WisTilt21.5 megabytes per sec is 12mbps
02:18.50arrrghhhand here i thought comcast throttling was shitty
02:18.59arrrghhhi guess that's the ridiculous powerboost crap.
02:19.05arrrghhhthat throws off speed tests...
02:19.13fakkerha ha
02:19.16arrrghhhthat's the ONLY reason they do that too.  speed tests look great on their network.
02:19.30WisTilt2yeah i think comcast burst is set around 15-20mb at full speed then throttle down
02:19.40arrrghhhi sometimes clock close to 30
02:19.42WisTilt215mb only takes a few secs to pull
02:19.47arrrghhhnever over the long haul
02:20.18fakkeri remember when america was way ahead with bandwidth speeds
02:20.33arrrghhhyea, now we're way behind.
02:20.38fakkerno shit
02:20.51arrrghhhi guess not way behind compared to the entire world... but the modernized world, we're behind.
02:21.14WisTilt2our speeds we advertise, 20down/10up for example, is always delivered.  the marketing crap some of these providers have really annoys me
02:21.27fakkerWisTilt2, you work for isp?
02:21.45arrrghhhyou didn't know that fakker ?
02:21.50fakkergimme a job
02:21.53arrrghhhWisTilt2, meet fakker.  unemployed UK network guru
02:21.55WisTilt2high speed wireless, over 14 years
02:21.56arrrghhhfakker, cali?  :P <- my last employer
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02:22.13arrrghhhthat small shop?
02:22.15fakkeri wouldn't touch their internet, even if it was given free (it was)
02:22.27fakkervirgin !
02:23.09arrrghhhWisTilt2, yea.  comcast is all flash, but they're the only ones in my neighboorhood i can get 12+mb.  and their freakin lowest tier is 12mb... no body comes close.
02:23.59WisTilt2yeah they really do have great speed for the price.  we only provide rural service and couldn't come close to competing with wired service so we are filling the nitch market
02:24.06fakkergimme a job in cali
02:24.12fakkerim going, going, back to cali, cali
02:24.24arrrghhhmost companies that do wireless do that last-mile niche market.
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02:24.44arrrghhhrural, etc.  you provide a TON of b/w for freakin rural services.
02:24.47WisTilt2yeah but can they deliver 1.5-3ms latency up to 100mbps?
02:24.55arrrghhhhell no
02:25.03arrrghhhso how 'bout me starting that franchise in CO?
02:25.10WisTilt2we do if one wants to pay for that high a service
02:25.12arrrghhhyou would KILL in the castle rock area.
02:25.22fakkeryou can employ me arif-ali
02:25.25arrrghhhlike holy fawk there's a lot of money and not a lot of internet.
02:25.36arrrghhhfakker, lol you really want a job
02:25.44fakkerwhy not
02:25.49fakkermy body clock is fucked up
02:26.12fakkeri gotta wake up this time friday morning to catch my flight
02:26.22arrrghhhwhere are you flying to?
02:26.25arrrghhhand it's... tuesday dude.
02:26.38fakkersoviet russia
02:26.42fakkerit's wednesday here
02:27.14arrrghhhnot close to friday :P
02:27.23fakkerhalf the week has gone
02:30.28WisTilt2arrrghhh we need to create a new data.img any time we change system img correct?
02:30.52arrrghhhbut not always.
02:31.00arrrghhhyou can always try it
02:31.04WisTilt2thats probably why im stuck in the bootani loop
02:31.07arrrghhhif it acts funky, blast it.
02:31.09arrrghhhlol yea.
02:31.16arrrghhhthat would qualify as acting funky :P
02:32.49WisTilt2wouldnt think just changing the ril code would need that but its picky i guess
02:33.21arrrghhhstine said something about the images not being signed
02:33.35arrrghhhand you can move between them if the images are signed... if not, then the data.img needs to be new.
02:34.02WisTilt2makes sense
02:34.14arrrghhhi'm not sure how the signing process works
02:34.27arrrghhhbut that's the best explanation i've gotten ;)
02:34.47arrrghhhdoes your bootani flicker?
02:35.07arrrghhhrpierce99 said his didn't.  mine does at first, then is fine (mostly)
02:35.18arrrghhhnot a big deal, i think it's related something to the graphics libs.
02:35.27WisTilt2yeah on the first pass.  thought that was fixed.  this is the current clone of the source too
02:35.38arrrghhhyea, i think you're missing some of the proprietary libs.
02:35.40arrrghhhdon't sweat it
02:35.44arrrghhhthis is a test build :P
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02:36.02WisTilt2i thought i stuck those libs in but may have missed 1
02:36.02arrrghhhhrm.  i seem to be in a bootani loop with a new data.img.
02:36.26arrrghhhor i'm just impatient.
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02:36.37WisTilt2mine just came up to unlock screen after new data.img finally
02:36.37arrrghhhcrap, gf just got home... wants to go out to dinner.
02:36.46arrrghhhk, probably just me being impatient
02:36.49arrrghhhi'll be back later dude
02:36.51WisTilt2tell her you're working:)
02:36.58WisTilt2ok ill be here a few more hours
02:36.58arrrghhhlol that'll make her happy
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03:40.34WisTilt2hey jonpry
03:41.09jonpryhi WisTilt2
03:41.26WisTilt2about ready to get that boat all sea worthy?
03:41.41jonpryi took it for spin today
03:41.55WisTilt2good or bad?
03:42.14jonpryi fear that the keel bolts need replaced
03:42.36WisTilt2thats not good:( dont want those falling out far from land for sure
03:43.22jonpryyeah i might need a different boat :p
03:43.44jonpryericson 29 looks like winner. integral lead keel
03:44.00WisTilt2so you are in florida now i take it?
03:44.40Entropy512just read up a bit - comcrap = teh suck
03:45.03WisTilt2i wanted to talk cpu voltage with you a bit but im right in the middle of testing this new ril.  maybe catch you later on if you're up awhile or tomorrow night.
03:45.09Entropy512Time Warner isn't much better, but at least my 5 megabits (I really should get my service updated) is solid and never varies.  :)
03:45.18Entropy512heheh new ril = shiny.  :)
03:45.47jonpryWisTilt2, is the frequency ramp on wake actually lowering sod instance?
03:46.20WisTilt2yes but i feel there is some serious voltage issues during different clock rates
03:46.27Entropy512Go figure, I had one radio-related failure today and one likely one, but not in a place/time where I could dmesg and logcat.  :(
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03:48.03WisTilt2let me finish tweaking this ril test and ill pull out the code and point you to what im talking about
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04:01.23rpierce99Hey WisTilt2, any special instructions to go along with the test? I assume the 3/11 test kernel is a good pairing?
04:03.04WisTilt2rpierce99, if you're trying the test ril hold off.  i forgot to enable the cdma stuff:)  had it in gsm only while testing on my phone.  making a couple other changes now so ill put up another one shortly.
04:03.24rpierce99haha ok that would be kind of a pointless test then :)
04:03.39rpierce99sorry i was log reading, should have asked
04:05.17jonprythe sod reports are so messed up now that it is hard to tell if any are happening
04:06.19Entropy512I think there needs to be some clarification of what is an SOD and what is "userland borked"
04:06.38Entropy512e.g. as I understand it, classic SOD = green light with wistilt2's kernels
04:06.48Entropy512"userland borked" = blinkengreen or amber
04:07.13rpierce99sod means was asleep, now can't wake up, but still on (ie didn't die), regardless of led
04:07.19jonprybut people report failed wake as sod too because it is green
04:07.49jonpryand i think some reboots, but maybe not all are actually sod
04:08.07Entropy512OK.  I figure if it's hung in amber or blinkengreen, it's a sign that more likely something is hosed in userland (ril) than kernelspace
04:08.39rpierce99i think led color has more to do with timing of the issue than anything, but i don't know nearly as much about it as jonpry
04:08.47jonprysounds good to me
04:10.04Entropy512ohmygod...  you guys were right...  tiad8's build.prop tweaks are a freaking mess
04:10.08Entropy512so many dupe entries
04:10.08rpierce99jonpry: were you ever able to figure out how long scbs has to run before it's calibration is accurate
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04:10.25Entropy512at least it gives me pointers on options to research.  :)
04:10.33jonpryi think green sod is mostly a processor error. these seem to happen fast enough that amber hasn't happened yet, but there is nothing that really prevent processor error after the light has changed
04:11.49jonpryrpierce99, no i don't have a clue atm. i'm working on a rootfs that will get people up and running. hopefully they can try it out and say what parameters worked for them and how they went about generating the data
04:14.17Entropy512Sounds like some Bluetooth fun is coming our way soon.
04:14.29jonpryrpierce99, i think what it needs is something like start at full charge, discharge 10 minutes, charge 1 min, discharge 10, .... until the battery is dead
04:15.01rpierce99interesting, that will be hard to accomplish :)
04:15.36Entropy512no I will not steal a GPIB power supply for battery testing!  :P
04:15.52Entropy512after four years my GPIB-fu is rusty anyway
04:16.10jonpryrpierce99, if i make scbs able to control charging, i can put in a mode that will do it for you
04:16.27jonprybut seems like it would take a long time to run
04:17.27jonpryi'd like to just use random logs, eventually people will end up doing something just as good
04:17.29rpierce99yeah i would think the 1 minute of charging would almost offset the 10 minutes of drain
04:17.41jonprymaybe 1 to 20 then
04:18.08Entropy512prolly depends on if the CPU is cranking or not
04:18.54jonpryit needs a thing to do multiple logs. right now you can only make parameters from a contiguous log. can't be gaps in time
04:19.38Entropy512hmm...  perl-fu?
04:20.57Entropy512random question - are there any handsets with working proximity sensors that tiad8's releases target?  Or is the proximity stuff in his build.prop complete ignorant pointlessness?
04:21.00jonpryyou can't just concat the things because there is an unknown change in battery state from one log to the next
04:21.25Entropy512ah, so would have to do some sort of statistical averaging over logs?
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04:23.35jonprynot exactly. right now it finds a battery model that minimizes some error parameter over the log, call it e. so i need to rewrite it so that it minimizes the sum of the error of all the logs in questions. ie minimize e1+e2+e3...
04:24.47jonprythe only trouble is that the code is poorly written and doesn't support multiple instances of the error parameter calculator
04:25.21Entropy512hmm, too late tonight to be thinking this hard.  :)
04:25.33Entropy512going to bed, talk to you all later
04:25.40arrrghhhWisTilt2, yo... unfortunately still sleep problem...
04:25.46arrrghhhyou want logs?
04:26.09WisTilt2arrrghhh scratch that pack.  have another one coming in a couple mins
04:26.35arrrghhhWisTilt2, coolio
04:27.03WisTilt2i didnt enable all the cdma stuff while i was testing on gsm only
04:27.24arrrghhhdamned red-headed stepchild CDMA :P
04:27.43WisTilt2let me make sure this boots and ill upload it
04:28.16arrrghhhsomewhat patiently waits ;)
04:28.54WisTilt2is t-mobile gsm?
04:29.23arrrghhhsprint and vz are the only 'large' providers that use CDMA
04:29.36arrrghhhcricket, metro, some other smaller regions.  ussc, etc.
04:29.48arrrghhhs/regions/regional providers/
04:30.08WisTilt2ok, let me ask you this again to refresh my memory... when you make a call, data gets disabled correct, then after call it reconnects data?
04:31.19jonpryhow can you lookup wikipedia articles while on the phone?
04:31.57arrrghhh2 ipads
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04:35.13WisTilt2ok pack is up 62a161a2ca10e746f0da5afb634b9fd0
04:35.55WisTilt2see if sleep is any faster after a call now, wont be instant yet but shouldn't be 30s!
04:36.09arrrghhhi'll be counting the seconds :P
04:42.06arrrghhhgonna try booting with the existing data.img
04:42.16arrrghhhholy cow fsck went nutso
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04:43.23WisTilt2yeah mines been fine with these last new system files after the first new data.img so should work without new data.img.
04:44.22arrrghhhyup, booted
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04:44.37arrrghhhgonna let it shake out the first boot jiffies, then make sure it's sleeping quick
04:44.42arrrghhhthen phone call time
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04:47.27arrrghhhbah stupid market
04:47.32arrrghhhdownloading 15 apps at once.
04:47.50WisTilt2i have it set to 10max:)
04:47.57arrrghhhyea, update went a little nuts
04:48.11arrrghhhwell it wasn't 15 :P
04:48.15arrrghhhit is... 8.
04:49.34rpierce99arrrghhh: good news, i see flashing androids :)
04:50.14arrrghhhrpierce99, told you :P
04:50.20arrrghhhnot sure why they weren't flashin for you before.
04:50.28arrrghhhdamn downloads.
04:50.33arrrghhhi have to now wait for them to finish.
04:53.04arrrghhhok quick sleep
04:53.06arrrghhhphone call time
04:54.09WisTilt2btw arrrghhh, yes that patch i sent for in call audio fixes audio when you have it in silent mode.  i tried it after you mentioned that.
04:54.28arrrghhhWisTilt2, bad news.   phone call... 30s sleep
04:54.31arrrghhhon the dot.
04:54.39WisTilt2huh? wth
04:54.52arrrghhhdmesg and radio i assume?
04:54.53WisTilt2radio logs
04:55.01arrrghhhjust radio?  ok.
04:55.23WisTilt2just radio, powermanagerservice will still be wake lock in dmesg, need to see the radio side
04:56.35WisTilt2got it, looking it over now
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04:59.54WisTilt2arrrghhh did the number you dial end in 5?
05:00.08arrrghhhi dialed myself...
05:00.33WisTilt2ok, trying to trace their mucked up way of id'ing things so i see when the call ended
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05:01.47WisTilt2interesting.  after the call, when data was being set back up the tower sent a ril token that the current code doesnt know what to do with
05:02.25rpierce99E/RILC    ( 1343): RIL_onRequestComplete: invalid RIL_Token
05:03.18WisTilt2lol, there is also a format exception being thrown from userspace on a 32bit value that is defined as an integer
05:03.42WisTilt2in the registration
05:03.49rpierce99i have that same error
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05:04.15WisTilt2see the NumberFormatException also?  that wont work
05:04.28rpierce99yes that's what i'm referring to
05:04.44WisTilt2looks like it gets hung up for this 30s until it times out and moves on
05:06.00WisTilt2can you guys logcat -b radio and grep -i preferrednetwork and see if any pop up
05:06.45arrrghhhnot yet... what would trigger it potentially?
05:06.52rpierce99i don't have preferrednetwork, i do have preferred apn
05:07.34arrrghhhheh me too.  last one says waiting APN set to preferred APN
05:08.02WisTilt2ok try this.  i think its in build.prop not sure but there should be the preferred network or something like that.  default i think is 0, change it to 1 and try it
05:08.56WisTilt2ro.telephony.default_network = 0 in build.prop, change that to 1
05:09.08arrrghhhcan i do it on the fly?
05:09.21WisTilt2dont know, you can try it
05:09.52rpierce99i adb pull/pushed it, i assume i need to reboot?
05:10.12arrrghhhyea you would
05:11.24WisTilt2i think 0 is dual mode and 1 will lock to edge only or whatever cdma calls it
05:11.46rpierce991xRTT/EVDO IIRC
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05:13.05odzcan i help test too?
05:14.52WisTilt2if that works and you're locked to 1xRTT i want to see if that invalid token happens. can you guys tell if your in EVO or the other mode on screen?
05:15.08WisTilt2odz what phone you have?
05:15.17rpierce99it'll say 3g or E depending on the connection
05:15.33WisTilt2hopefully it will say E then now and stay there
05:15.46rpierce99E being the lower of the 2
05:15.55odzWisTilt2: RHOD400
05:16.30arrrghhhso WisTilt2 i want to explain what i see in winmo
05:16.33arrrghhhand what i see in android.
05:16.34WisTilt23 would be EVO then but i'd try this on lower mode
05:16.40arrrghhhin winmo, in a call i go to 1xrtt
05:16.56arrrghhhin android, instead of dropping to E/edge, it disappears
05:17.01arrrghhhand all i see are the signal bars
05:17.15arrrghhhi'm not sure if this is an android thing, or an indication of the RIL dropping something...
05:18.48WisTilt2current code during a call basically disconnects data so icon would go away.  maybe thats what we need to do is switch to 1xRTT then back after the call instead of closing the data altogether
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05:19.45arrrghhhi can't actually use data during a call, but that's what i see in winmo...
05:20.56WisTilt2well see what it does with that set to 1 now, should stay in E all the time except during a call then come right back after
05:21.15arrrghhhshite.  i need to go to sleep.
05:21.35WisTilt2k. pierce will have to take up the slack:)
05:21.45arrrghhhhe can handle it ;)
05:21.55WisTilt2im about to quit also but want to see what happens with this set to 1
05:22.12arrrghhhrpierce99, did you reboot after that change?
05:22.13rpierce99yeah my adb push method didn't work, so I pulled it out into a mount --bind and rebooting now
05:22.28arrrghhhprobably needed to remount rw
05:22.29arrrghhhoh well
05:22.32WisTilt2you in linux or ms
05:22.52rpierce99console though, so more linuxish
05:23.20WisTilt2you could just mount system.ext2 from the phone on the mac and change it
05:23.26arrrghhhit's bsd but bastardized form
05:23.49arrrghhhWisTilt2, the bind mount IMHO is easier
05:23.58arrrghhhthen you have a separate file to fawk with as well.
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05:24.08rpierce99yeah it's set to 1 now according to cat
05:24.14rpierce99i have a 3g icon
05:24.19arrrghhhoh well
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05:24.30arrrghhhbedtime, have fun guys.  ttyl, and thanks again as always WisTilt2
05:24.35WisTilt2hmm, so that isnt even being read
05:24.49rpierce99you want me to grep again
05:25.50WisTilt2yeah see if the invalid token still pops up
05:27.07WisTilt2jonpry: still awake down there?
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05:28.38rpierce99i don't know if it's expected or just because it's a clean build, but it seems like the phone app runs a lot faster
05:29.22rpierce99yeah i still have the invalid ril token line
05:29.32rpierce99after a call
05:29.39WisTilt2none before though?
05:29.50rpierce99no i searched before i made the call and got nothing
05:30.46WisTilt2sounds like i need to setup a capture for the token its sending so we can get code in place to process it
05:31.01rpierce99hm but what is +COLP, it happens before that
05:31.15WisTilt2i dont see that on gsm at all btw, and quick sleep all the time after a call
05:31.19rpierce99i can't tell if it's before, after, or during the call
05:32.02rpierce99nvm, ATD<number> and DIAL seem to be the start
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05:32.15WisTilt2colp is Connected line identification presentation
05:32.24[acl]any good bashing going on ?
05:32.28WisTilt2run everyone, [acl] is here
05:32.42WisTilt2bashing the ril code
05:32.45[acl]ahh man
05:33.02WisTilt2if all networks were gsm it would be much easier
05:33.46rpierce99so it looks like the error is actually during the call
05:34.03rpierce99because i see down further the [MSM] Call End
05:34.53rpierce99i do get it again after the call though
05:34.55WisTilt2probably errors when data should be disconnected or switched to 1xRTT
05:35.39WisTilt2tomorrow ill make another image that will grab that token so we can see what it expects
05:41.29WisTilt2well rpierce99 im off to bed.  catch you tomorrow night.
05:41.37rpierce99sounds good, thanks again
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11:13.51Noisefreakhello i want to ask if i can port android to my htc touch 2
11:14.18Ondalfwell who opposes you? ;)
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11:19.00Noisefreakis there a chance to have android on my htc mega/t3333/touch 2?
11:19.25gauner1986if you port it, probably
11:19.57Noisefreakthe problem is that i dont know how to port it ;P
11:20.10Noisefreakthats why i am asking if someone have port it or can port it
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15:45.38arrrghhh[acl], yo
15:45.49[acl]arrrghhh: sup dood.. i still have my job.. :-)
15:45.56arrrghhhlol that's always good.
15:46.15arrrghhhtiad8 is throwing in the towel and blaming me... again.  oh how i love pissed off noobs.
15:46.35[acl]blaming u for wha?
15:46.37arrrghhhyea.  i don't really care, other than i'm going to get flooded with pissed off PM's
15:46.56arrrghhh[acl], he's lost all respect for me?  i didn't realize he had respect for me.
15:47.29[acl]oo let me get some coffe to enjoy this
15:47.31arrrghhhthere's the trainwreck post.  he ctrl-c'd and ctrl-v'd it EVERYWHERE
15:47.38arrrghhhso i did the same :D
15:48.42[acl]ahh move on bro.. dont get caught up in this
15:48.52[acl]any news about gb from stine?
15:49.00arrrghhhyup, don't care
15:49.04arrrghhhnothin new AFAIK
15:49.18arrrghhhgb for nand?
15:49.26[acl]no in general
15:49.35[acl]we try to use the maiin as much as possible without mods
15:49.39[acl]to stay true to the cause
15:49.46arrrghhhyea.  stine had that update that fixed cam
15:49.51arrrghhhand mostly fixed the soft kbd
15:49.55arrrghhhbut other than that... nothin new.
15:49.59[acl]nothing offical tho right?
15:50.49arrrghhhfor cam & fixed soft kbd?
15:50.53arrrghhhthat image has been released
15:50.59arrrghhhi made a new bundle pack & all ;)
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16:19.42arrrghhhEntropy512, thanks, couldn't have said it better myself.
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16:35.19arrrghhh[acl], what are you up to man?  still workin on recovery?
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17:20.52[acl]arrrghhh: yeah lmiller is testing the latest recovery
17:21.20[acl]there should be a release candidate soon for the public
17:21.23[acl]this week
17:21.30arrrghhhgood news!
17:21.44arrrghhhmore ppls to run out their batteries
17:21.51arrrghhhlol never thought that would be the biggest brick risk..
17:23.51[acl]arrrghhh: i cant replicate it as always
17:24.00[acl]having lmiller try too
17:24.03arrrghhhheh.  i haven't tried.
17:24.04[acl]not sure wtf people are doing
17:24.12arrrghhhreally?  i hear just killing their batteries
17:24.14[acl]i cant recall the last time i actually charged
17:24.17arrrghhhfrom what i understand
17:24.30arrrghhhwell you've gotta be charging it so it'll run :P
17:24.36arrrghhhalthough you don't use yours as a daily driver
17:24.37[acl]but i dont.. i just dev
17:24.58[acl]but deving for months with no charge? there is no way the batt has that kind of capacity
17:25.13[acl]so its getting charged as i dev
17:25.30arrrghhhyou use adb?
17:25.32[acl]ill have to drain it out on purpose i geuss
17:25.34[acl]yeah adb to the bone
17:25.40arrrghhhyea, that's charging it :P
17:25.46arrrghhhthat's how i charge every day
17:25.53arrrghhhi don't really throw it on the charger to charge it anymore either.
17:26.03arrrghhhi tether and adb so much, battery is always topped up lol
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17:28.37[acl]arrrghhh: ill just kill my batt this weekend.. and see whats going on. also i have the recovey which boots for me in so maybe im charging that way too
17:28.39[acl]brb lunch
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18:23.30gauner1986~seen markinus
18:23.40aptmarkinus <~Miranda@> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 1d 2h 14m 32s ago, saying: 'hi'.
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23:18.44Entropy512hmm, did moderators across the globe delete tiad8's goodbye threads?
23:18.55Entropy512*tries to find his last post*
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23:19.11Entropy512lol, I talk about tiad8 and arrrghhh pops in 10 sec later.  :P
23:19.59WilldEntropy512: Chance, I think not!
23:20.13Entropy512arrrghhh: looks like mods on multiple forums deleted tiad8's goodbye posts.  :)
23:20.20Entropy512along with all replies to them
23:21.14arrrghhhEntropy512, yea... i know some mod's, we'll just leave it at that ;)
23:21.57Entropy512Oh, as to the involvement of possible battery voltage drops and SoD - I think that's highly unlikely.  The battery is feeding a regulator, and in at least one case, I had a "blinkengreen" SoD when on the charger, and at least one "screen on, UI frozen" incident, which was probably the same root cause as the weak-signal SODs but with the screen on
23:22.40arrrghhhi've had SoD in almost every state
23:22.45arrrghhhi've had them with screen on
23:22.52arrrghhhorange LED backlight on screen off
23:22.55arrrghhhsolid green led
23:22.58arrrghhhblinking green led
23:23.07arrrghhhit's... random.  i think there's multiple causes TBH
23:23.24Entropy512tbh probably can't call it a SoD when the screen is on and the device never slept, just a good 'ole hang.  :)
23:23.48Entropy512All I can tell you about that one is that the phone was indicating "no signal" before freezing
23:24.14Entropy512unable to see if ADB was operational - whenever anything interesting happens it's always in a place I can't collect logs.  :(
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23:25.24arrrghhhEntropy512, i've never been able to use adb when the device freezes
23:25.50Entropy512wasn't sure if there were any "UI hung, ADB still up" situations possible
23:26.04arrrghhhi haven't hit one yet
23:26.08arrrghhhevery SoD is completely dead
23:26.15arrrghhhsometimes kbd bl still works ironically
23:26.19arrrghhhbut not always
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23:30.57Entropy512If this weren't my primary phone I'd try to find some way to JTAG it.  :P
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23:54.21NeoMatrixJR_MobiHey arrrghhh, I need a quick reminder. What is the location on the file system where I can copy the previous android session's logs from? Had a crash I need to keep logs of.
23:55.33arrrghhhbut if you're on wistilt2's kernel, forget it.
23:56.50NeoMatrixJR_MobiI am on his 3/11
23:57.10arrrghhhklog is disabled :/
23:57.33arrrghhhi don't fully understand the reason, other than he moved the location of the framebuffer
23:57.46arrrghhhand it's causing an issue with where klog is stored
23:57.49arrrghhhor perhaps ramconsole
23:57.54arrrghhhagain, not too clear on that :P
23:58.49arrrghhhi think that's in the first post, i probably need to add it if not..
23:58.58NeoMatrixJR_MobiSeeing many issues w/ that kern?
23:58.58XirXesarrrghhh, is the kernel in your thread wistilt2s latest?
23:59.15arrrghhhXirXes, latest public release :P
23:59.31arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR_Mobi, hit or miss.  had a lot of mixed reviews, but that seems the norm.

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